_______ New Bridge Swaying Under the Pressure. HUTCHINS,
Tex., July 5.---The Trinity river is on a regular old-fashioned
high lonesome. Its natural banks are no longer recognized, but
its angry waters are sweeping out over the bottom lands, threatening
destruction to fences, crops and even houses in some places.
- o o o - _______ What Became of It. What has
come over the city? was the question that naturally intruded
itself into the mind of the citizen as he came to his business
this morning and, instead of a pleasant walk down a freshly sprinkled
street with its usual busy scenes, there was a hot, dusty street,
and such a gathering of people all along the sidewalk. A conglomeration
of whites and blacks, and the number of wagons, evidently from
the country, at that early hour made the scene more impressive. About 10
o'clock, the tap of a drum announced what was supposed to be
the parade. The start was at the intersection of Main and Austin
streets. The turnout headed down Main street, and those who looked
out upon it were unable to conclude whether it was the parade
that was announced, or whether it was some enterprising cigar
firm with a band and equipments taking advantage of the event
to get in some advertising. It
turned out to be the sure enough parade that had been announced. - o o o - Gaston
addition is nearly occupied. Eleven new houses are being constructed
in that quarter. - o o o - E. M. Powell and Luther Rees to the First Congregational Church, their church lot on Bryan street, $10. - o o o - E. P. Cowen
offering to sell the city, 250 acres of land at $200 an acre
for park purposes. The land is a part of the Knight survey and
is three miles from the courthouse. Five and ten years time is
offered, the rate being 6 per cent, or city bonds at par; in
either case, the city to spend $5000 annually on the grounds
for a term of ten years. Referred. - o o o - ABOUT THE CITY. There is
a lump of coal displayed in Bryant's show windows on Main street,
which was taken from a mine 11 miles east of the terminus of
the Texas Trunk. - o o o - DALLAS' NEW CITY HALL. _______ Nearly Completed. The city
officials are getting straightened out to housekeeping in good
order. The office furniture and carpets are being placed and
the hall is assuming an air of comfort, which robs a long day's
confinement within its walls of some of the monotony and makes
it a real pleasure. - o o o - The new
road law, providing among other things, that the commissioners
court of each county in the state may appoint not exceeding four
road commissioners to the county, went into effect on the 7th
inst. Will the commissioners court of Dallas county appoints
these commissioners, or, do they think the interests of the people
will be better subserved by remaining in direct charge of the
roads themselves? The court should weigh this matter well and
give the people the most efficient road service possible, if
the compensation of its members is reduced a little. - o o o - The Oliver
Chilled Plow Company asking permission to lay a side track to
their new warehouse on the corner of Broadway and Commerce streets.
Referred. - o o o - W. P. Siler, the proprietor of the well-known Siler's transfer line, has sold the property and business to Ed. C. Smith, who will hereafter control and operate it. Mr. Siler will be connected with the business for some months yet, at the expiration of which time, he will leave for North Carolina. Mr. Smith has purchased eligible grounds on Ervay street near Wood and Jackson, and will soon begin the erection of commodious stables and an office thereon. - o o o - The East Dallas Baptist Church is having plans prepared for a new house of worship. - o o o - _______ BUSINESS PORTION. ______ From Ten Thousand to One Half Million Dollars Each. There is
a vast amount of building under way in Dallas, and it is building
of a substantial and ornate character. There is scarcely a block
in the business portion of the city that one can walk around
without coming in contact with piles of building material and
jostling up against busy workmen. It is surprising; brick and
mortar are on every hand. On the
north side, just west of Akard street, the McLeod hotel, six
stories and basement, brick, with stone front, to have passenger
and baggage elevators, steam heated throughout, fire escapes,
electric lights and all modern conveniences. Basement and first
floor to be used for private offices, hotel office and dining
rooms; the remaining five stories to be used as sleeping apartments,
of which there are 128. Cost $75,000. The
foundations have been laid and frames for the basement windows
are in. Jno. B.
Louckx, three-story iron front brick, 25x80 feet, on the south
side of Elm street, just west of Ervay street, $6000. James Oliver,
four-story brick warehouse, corner of Broadway street, $15,000.
This structure is climbing up towards the third story. - o o o - There is
a large force of men and teams at work on Ross avenue to-day
laying the foundation for pavement, placing the curbing in position
and reconstructing the street car tracks, and soon that thoroughfare
will be one of the best in the city. - o o o - There will be a party on Mr. James Arbuckle's lawn, corner of Young and Browder streets, Friday evening, from 7 to 12 o'clock for the benefit of the Episcopal college. Orchestra, refreshments and pleasant attractions for the little folks. Choice music and recitations later in the evening. The wonder of the age, the Edison phonograph, will be on exhibition for first time in Texas. Don't fail to see it. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Gate admission 10 cents. - o o o - J. J. Moon and wife to R. C. Buckner, 12 1/2 acres of land in the town of Orphan's Home, $990. - o o o - ...At [one]
point, the water has attained the highest mark since 1884, and
the "oldest inhabitant," that that infallible chronicler
and oracle of flood phenomena, declares that it is but a few
inches lower than in 1866, which is a historic year in the legends
of the Trinity. [T]here
is some interruption of transit [on th]e railway system centering
at Dallas ________Oak Cliff railway and the road has been doing
a heavy business, many people taking passage in order to get
a view of the surroundings. The track of the "L" from
the crossing of the Missouri Pacific, south for about half a
mile distant, looks more like a pontoon bridge than a railway.
At one point on this stretch, the water is flowing over the track.
This morning, a force of men were engaged at the iron bridge,
removing all driftwood that floated against it as a preventive
against possible damage or destruction. Rock revetments were
constructed at each abutment of the slough bridge or trestle
to avert the current in order to save that structure. The current
at this point has considerable force and there is some danger,
but the bridge will doubtless stand the trial. The overflow
of the water works at Turtle creek, which resulted in covering
the two giant pumps, upon which the city depends for its water
supply, with between forty and fifty feet of water, has set thinking
heads to planing and devising means whereby a similar disaster,
that is likely to occur at any in the future, may be averted. A cry of distress went up this afternoon from the dusky denizens of Frogtown, that delectable part of the city which infringes upon the dumping ground, and is situated between the ______[ca. 1 paragraph torn/missing]___________________and the population_____ own congregated on the highest point of their island to await relief or their fate. Their precarious situation was observed by those on the outside, and every boat that could be commanded, was brought into life-saving service. About 3 o'clock, a runner appeared at the office of the chief of police to make known the situation, and that official, at once, started out a wagon and force to collect all the boats possible and dispatch them to the scene, where, it is said, there is a miniature Johnstown sensation. - o o o - Work began yesterday on the foundations of the new three-story patrol station that is to be erected on Commerce street adjoining the new city hall. - o o o - The dam
at Spring Lake, Oak Cliff, is to be repaired without delay. - o o o - _______ Prof. C. Reik, a well-known local musician, has organized a Fantasma company, most of the performers having been obtained in this city, and will start out in a short time on a tour of the United States and Europe. The first performance will be given at Toledo, Ohio, on or about August 1 next. - o o o - Arrangements
will soon be completed whereby the patrol wagon will be on duty
during the night. - o o o - ______ North Dallas. A telegram
received here to-day from Hon. Henry ______, stating that he
had closed a sale and received the cash for two tracts of land
just north of this city, as follows: - o o o - _______ Become a Part of the City. On the
first of next January, Dallas will extend her lines to make an
important and valuable acquisition. East Dallas will come in
as two wards. It is a plucky suburb and never yielded to the
advances of the mother city until broad, well-paved avenues,
good sidewalks, waterworks, street cars and other adornments
were secured to make up her importance. She has a fine school
building, and her water system is all that is needed. - o o o - The city
marshal has the dog pound in shape and will begin catching dogs
next Monday. - o o o - ________ the New Hotel. The Oriental
Hotel Company have let the contract and work will begin as soon
as the weather will admit on the excavations for the basement
of the half-million dollar hotel to be erected at the corner
of Commerce, Akard and Jackson streets. - o o o - _______ sas & Texas Railway. The Missouri, Kansas & Texas depot to be erected in this city will, it is said, the finest passenger depot in the state. It will be located on the south half of block 29-28 as shown by the official map of the city. The location is between Market and Jefferson streets, and in point of accessibility, is very desirable. The Missouri, Kansas & Texas does nothing by halves, and it is going to build a depot that will be a lasting ornament to the city and of unmeasured service to the traveling public. - o o o - Dallas,
Texas, July 20th, 1889. - o o o - Where the old Times office used to be north of the courthouse, "The Times" stands out in bold black letters across the building. An enterprising baker occupies the old printing house and adapting himself to the sign already painted on the front, calls his baker "The Times" and his delivery wagon is so labeled. - o o o - The First Baptist Church construction is delayed a few weeks by failure to get their brick, the brick supply being inadequate to the demand. The building will be a beautiful one. The church people are having an engraving made, and it would have appeared in the TIMES-HERALD this evening, but for an unavoidable delay in the engraving. It will, however, be printed in the morning News to-morrow or Monday. Up to this date, the TIMES-HERALD has been first to publish illustrations of public and prominent private buildings; but the News is catching on. - o o o - Col. J. R. Cole, an old and popular educator well known throughout Texas, will establish a select high school on Ross Avenue, with the opening of the coming scholastic year. Col. Cole was for many years president of the Sherman Female College, later president of the State A. A. M. College, and for the past four or five years, superintendent of the Abilene Public Schools, which he systematized and perfected into graded public schools equal to the best in Texas. Col. Cole is a fine scholar; an accomplished gentleman, thorough disciplinarian, and altogether an instructor having few equals. His two accomplished daughters, who are also experienced in teaching, will assist the colonel. Already, about forty pupils have been enrolled, and the school will be full by opening day. As a teacher of boys, Col. Cole has no superiors, while his daughters, with his aid, are thoroughly capable of taking the very best of care of the minds of the girls entrusted to them. Dallas is fortunate in securing a high school with Col. Cole in charge. - o o o - Nearly every city of any consequence is experimenting with the Brown-Sequard discovery. Dallas physicians should maintain the city's reputation for being up with the times in all things, and make a test of the elixir. - o o o - Prof. J. R. Cole will open a select school near Ross avenue, Dallas, about the first of September for boys and girls, limiting the number of pupils. His two daughters will be his assistants, and girls will not be charged extra for music. For information, apply to W. H. Flippen at his bank on Elm street. - o o o - Albert Ulrich, architect, left last night for Kansas City, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago and other prominent cities on business. While away, he will select the passenger elevator, stained glass, copper work and other modern improvements for the C. W. Guild building at present being erected. - o o o - My residence
has been changed to 718 Browder street. Re-opening of instruction
on the piano, September 2. - o o o - Trinity water is clear again and the waterworks superintendent says it will hold its limpid color until the next big rain. - o o o - ALL SOURCES. Work is
progressing on the East Dallas Baptist Church. - o o o - Missouri,
Kansas & Texas Railway Company---Two-story brick passenger
depot on Pacific avenue, between Jefferson and Market streets..............................$15,000 - o o o - The Lemen Bros. opened up an engagement in this city last night on the old compress grounds to a large crowd. The performance was very good and gave general satisfaction. Some of the feats are equal to the best performed in first-class circuses. Another performance will be given to-night. - o o o - For pure air, delightful breezes, good streets, no mud, picturesque scenery and elegant home-sites, the North Side is unsurpassed. - o o o - _______ tude and Importance. In 1880,
Dallas had about five miles of street railway in operation. To-day,
sixteen miles are in operation and five miles will be in operation
before the close of the year, making in all, twenty-one miles. - o o o - It is said
that the temale vendors have formed a trust. - o o o - The Oriental Hotel Company have taken out a permit for the construction of their $500,000 hotel structure. - o o o - ________ Journal. In the last issue of Manufacturers' Record, published at Baltimore, Dallas is represented as follows: Street
Railway--The Dallas & Oak Cliff Railway Company are extending
their line about half a mile. The Central
National Bank, reported last week as organized with capital of
$250,000, will absorb the East Dallas Bank. Maurice E. Lock is
president. Bridge---E. G. Bower, county judge, will receive bids until September 12 for the construction of an iron bridge across the Trinity river at Rock Ford crossing. Particulars on application. W. C. Connor, mayor, wants competitive plans for for the large market-house reported last week. It will be about 100x160 feet, with auditorium above with capacity for seating 4,000 to 5,000 persons. - o o o - _______ Missionary Ridge on Canvas. Messrs.
H. L. S. Kniffin, J. G. Henderson, F. R. Malone, B. S. Wathen,
Henry Exall, B. Blankenship, J. Summerfield and Alex. Sanger
have incorporated the Dallas Cyclorama Company. They have gone
to work and now have erected in Edgewood Park on the Rapid Transit
road in South Dallas, a building which is 400 feet in circumference,
having a side wall of fifty feet. In this building, about the
28th inst., will be spread to view 400 feet of canvas 50 feet
high, giving a vivid illustration of the celebrated battles of
Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain. The painting was done
in Berlin and cost over $40,000. - o o o - The new
Bijou theatre at the city park opens to-night. - o o o - _______ tling a Texas Industry. A gentleman
interested in the brick business in Dallas was heard to remark
to-day that the expense involved in shipping brick from his yards
in Henderson county to Dallas is $10.80 per thousand. He delivers
them in Dallas for $38 a thousand, and he added that if the railroads
would do the fair thing in rates, he could put them in Dallas
for $28. - o o o - _______ OVERFLOW. ________ the Highlands--The Water Sup- ply of the City Again Cut Off. The treacherous
Trinity is reported to be within about two feet as high as it
went in the July rise. The rise was more rapid than it was in
July. People who reside on the low lands in the city have had
their homes flooded and are compelled to seek places of safety
last night. - o o o - This new candidate for public favor in the list of places of amusement, formerly the City Park Pavilion, was opened last evening by the Arnold & Griffin Lyceum Theatre Company with a drama entitled "A Word of Honor." As the drop curtain had not been put in place as well as some other appliances, it was impossible for the company to give a smooth performance. The drama will be repeated to-night, and the manager says everything will be in apple-pie order. The Bijou has a seating capacity of 1000, pretty scenery, a large stage and ample green room accommodations. A large audience was present, and, doubtless, the major portion will attend to-night, when the performers will not be so heavily handicapped. - o o o - Complaint of bicycle riding on the sidewalks continues to come in. - o o o - ________ MOVING MYSTERIOUSLY. _______ fort is Being Made to Get a Branch of the St. Louis Republic. The past
two or three days, rumors have been afloat concerning the establishment
in Dallas of another morning newspaper. The name of the paper
connected with these rumors is the St. Louis Republic, which,
it is said, will set up a branch in Dallas. Probing every source
resulted in a failure to fasten particulars. Nearly every business
man of prominence has heard them; many say that within the past
month, that they have been approached on the proposition, but
they are not prepared to particularize, and in every instance
an evasive answer is given, which is conclusive evidence, that
much is known. - o o o - A German
daily and weekly newspaper will soon be issued from Dallas. - o o o - Work is
progressing on the new First Baptist Church. - o o o - ________ Millions to Dallas. Mayor Connor
has returned from St. Louis. - o o o - Isaac Taylor, of St. Louis, architect for the Field Hotel, arrived in Dallas to-day and will superintend the laying of the foundation. Mr. Taylor was architect for the Southern Hotel at St. Louis. - o o o - The manager of this wonderful exhibition, W. P. Pinkston, is in the city, and has closed a contract with T. L. Marsalis and others for a series of exhibitions of this truly wonderful production. "The Fall of Paris" is a grand and magnificent representation of events as they occurred in and around Paris before, during and after the Franco-Prussian war and requires a stage 400 feet wide and 100 deep, 400 costumed characters, 50 horsemen, 100 soldiers, a battery of artillery, electric lights, etc. There are 9000 square yards of scenery and it is said to be the finest of its kind in the world, showing all the places and public buildings of interest in and around Paris. There will be a grand review of the French armies by Napoleon III, sham battles, marches, drills, etc. The bombardment of Paris and the pyrotechnic display will be a sight magnificent to behold. A visit to "The Fall of Paris" will be a visit to Paris. - o o o - ALL SOURCES. The Lone Star Salt company of Colorado City, will make their headquarters in this city very soon. Satisfactory arrangements have been already made for the removal. - o o o - ALL SOURCES. Workmen
are engaged in laying a cement pavement on the north side and
front of the new Methodist Church on Commerce street to-day. - o o o - ALL SOURCES. Late yesterday evening, while experimenting with the garbage furnace, the upper part of the structure caught fire and came very near burning up. The damage done is very slight. - o o o - The county commissioners court, yesterday evening late, awarded the contract for a new iron bridge to be constructed for a new iron bridge to be constructed at the foot of Commerce street, and to take the place of the old one, to L. S. Leversedge of Dallas for $9000. Oliver & Bros. of Houston, were the successful bidders and secured the contract for a new iron bridge at the Rock crossing on the Trinity river for $8500. A large number of bids were filed and the court experienced no trouble in reaching a conclusion. - o o o - The committeee
on municipal affairs present the following report, which, after
a lengthy discussion, was recorded: - o o o - ________ DALLAS ________ pany Laid Before Them by Mayor Connor at Saturday's Meeting. In response
to a circular note issued by Mayor Connor a few days ago to the
citizens of Dallas requesting their attendance at a meeting to
be held at the mayor's office Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock,
a large number of solid and enterprising gentlemen assembled
at the designated place at the hour named. A majority of them
have been identified intimately with all the great enterprises
of Dallas, and as will be seen, they assembled for business and
entered earnestly into the work that had called them together. - o o o - ALL SOURCES. They have commenced work on the new passenger depot of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad between Jefferson and Market streets on Pacific avenue. - o o o - Prominent
citizens of Terrell, Sherman and McKinney have written letters
to prominent business men in Dallas, endorsing the movement of
Dallas enterprise in the effort to secure the publication in
this city of the above paper. - o o o - Wm. Ernenwein, the decorator for the fair, will erect an arch on Main street which promises to be an ingenious, out of the ordinary and withal a novel attraction. Gas pipe will be used exclusively in its construction. One column will represent the Washington monument, forty feet high, and the other column standing just opposite across the street, will represent the Eiffel tower, fifty feet in height. Spanning the street, there will be an arch twenty-five feet high and sixty feet wide, and in its center, there will be a large Texas star with "Welcome to Dallas the Queen," most exquisitely executed and standing out in bold relief upon its five points. One hundred and twenty-five colored incandescent electric lights will illuminate this magnificently decorated work of art each night during the fair. - o o o - ALL SOURCES. The work of the street sweeper, which is being prosecuted on the various thoroughfares of the city at night, is pronounced by competent judges as first-class. - o o o - ALL SOURCES. The dirt being removed from the excavation for the $500,000 hotel is being used to fill in the lot just north of the hotel across Commerce street. - o o o - Nelson
& Fisher, contractors for the city, are building a one-story
frame cottage at the pest house. - o o o - |
The old wooden structure is being torn away from the lot situated at the junction of Elm and Live Oak streets, and work will begin at once upon the new four-story pressed brick building of the Central National Bank. The new structure will have three fronts, with the main entrance facing Elm street. The two upper stories will be used for offices, the high basement by the Jarvis-Conklin Mortgage and Trust Company and the main floor by the Central National Bank. - o o o - Capt. Tom Field is negotiating for Texas granite to be used in contstructing the first story of the mammoth half million dollar hotel on Akard street. This granite is found in Burnet county on the Coloardo river and it is the same material used in building the state capitol. Its appearance in the hotel building would be a splendid card for the granite company, Dallas and the state. - o o o - The health officer's report recited that 98 patients were admitted to that institution in September, and with the 24 left over from August, the total number of patients was 122. Of this number, 4 died. He asked that the hospital be enlarged to accommodate at least 20 patients more. Referred. - o o o - Sidewalks
are being [laid] around the county courthouse. - o o o - ______ and Inspection System. "Free
meat" has already entered in competition with the product
from the slaughter houses and is being peddle from the streets,
in instances much cheaper than the price fixed by the butchers.
This system has its advantage in offering a long-suffering people
cheaper meat, but a disadvantage exists in the fact that it is
sold indiscriminately and the purchaser runs the risk of being
imposed upon through the offering of a poor quality of product. - o o o - The paint
factory which Col. Wm. Ernenwein proposes to have in operation
by the 10th of November, finds a ready market. About 12,000 gallons
in advance orders have been placed. - o o o - This most extraordinary and wonderful work of art, the greatest battle painting now on exhibition in this country, was opened to-day by the managers to the public at Edgewood place, located on the Dallas Rapid Transit Railroad, midway between the fair grounds and the Grand Windsor hotel. A reporter of the TIMES-HERALD was early upon the ground this morning, anxious and eager to get a look at what he had been told and led to believe was a realistic representation of the most desperately fought battle ever having occurred during America's history. It was grand, it was awful and impressively sublime to stand in the midst of the rush and roar of a battle where you can see the real movements of two powerful armies numbering, respectively, 70,000 and 50,000 human souls engaged in a hand to hand conflict to the death. Here you can see upon this side the face of a soldier wear a smile of triumph, whose cheeks are flushed with victory. Then, turning your gaze, is riveted upon a stern and unrelenting countenance of one who is struggling against fate who would gladly welcome death rather than submit to defeat. To stand and watch the two wings of the federal army closing around the smaller forces of the confederacy and see with what valor and courage the boys in great stand their ground and fight as man never fought before and will never fight again, is a picture worth seeing, and costing as it did, $40,000, and requiring seven months devoted to its execution, it cannot be expected that in a short newspaper article, anything but a mere outline and introduction can be given of its wonder and grandeur. - o o o - ALL SOURCES. The new
McLeod is towering upward at a rapid rate. - o o o - ALL SOURCES. The electric light plant is in position at the fair grounds and the main building will be lighted to-night. Exhibitors who are behind should take advantage of the light and put in some night work. - o o o - ______ ing Charged With Being the Thief. Sanitary Officer Busbee, yesterday, arrested W. B. Fair under the charge of theft of household goods from the pest house. Fair was one of the workmen engaged in building the keeper's house on the grounds, and while there, he reported to the department that tramps were sleeping in the building, and it was supposed that they were the thieves. When the officer told Fair of the great risk he was running in taking the things, and the danger of spreading the disease, his unconcerned reply was that has had the varioloid. - o o o - _______ PLE REFLECTED IN ________ Timely Interest, All Involving De- velopment in Some Way. The question
of the validity of the new forty-fourth judicial district court
is being raised by attorneys of the Dallas bar. Under the peculiar
construction of the act creating the new district and the manner
of selecting its presiding officer, a man may be tried before
a court in whose election he had no voice. To present for adjudication,
the rights of a man before a tribunal, in establishing which
he was not permitted to exercise the suffrage act, and without
his consent, is claimed by several well posted legal minds to
be clearly unconstitutional. Through the operation of the act,
the county is divided into two districts. The people are permitted
to vote only for the candidate coming from their side of the
line. While in one sense, it is a dual court, having concurrent
jurisdiction, the electoral power is not dual. In entering cases
on the docket, they are assigned in the order of their number,
the even numbers go to one court, and the odd to the other. Thus,
it follows that a man will be arraigned before a court in whose
election he took no part nor parcel, which amounts to taking
the man from his own district into another for trial without
due process of law. - o o o - ALL SOURCES. Mr. Murphey, engaged as one of the contractors on the grading of the Dallas, Pacific & Southeastern is in the city and says that the road will be ready for track-laying in a short time, that the work of grading is being vigorously pushed. - o o o - ALL SOURCES. M. D. Garlington is contemplating plans for the erection of a six-story building at the southeast corner of Elm and Lamar streets. - o o o - The Dallas
Cotton and Woolen Mills was established about two years ago.
The cost of the plant is as follows: On this
amount of investment only $150,000 has ever been paid in on account
of capital stock. The indebtedness of the mill is as follows: From which deduct value of cotton and
m'dse on hand The real
estate belonging to the mill is worth $50,000 more than it cost,
and the mill is earning over $1000 net per week, and cannot fill
half the orders for its product. - o o o - The city
engineer recommended that the owners of sprinkling wagons used
on the streets, be required to widen the tires of their wagons
to four inches, and that crane hydrants, whre they get their
supply of water, be retired to unpaved streets. Referred. - o o o - ALL SOURCES. The foundations for the new passenger depot of the M. K. & T. are in position. - o o o - The will of Mrs. Juliette A. Fowler was probated to-day. Among other items she charitably bequeathed for the benefit of indigent women and orphan children, fifteen acres of land to be forever held for that trust and applied to the maintenance of a home for them. For the erection and equipment of the home, she donates seven acres of the Nussbaumer tract, two tracts of land out of the W. H. Overton survey, a lot in East Dallas, one on Juliette street, her stock in the merchants' exchange and the cotton mills and other property, reserving burial expenses. - o o o - The city has a standing bid of $15 a month to any one who will come and occupy the keeper's house at the pest grounds. The cottage is newly finished and has four rooms, and as a further inducement, there are 47 acres of ground, a portion of which is in cultivation. It is on one of the highest points in the city. - o o o - SEVENTY miles of the Dallas and Pacific railroad have been graded and is ready for the iron and ties. It is this fact that has aroused Fort Worth to renewed effort to build the Albuquerque. But that road will supply the requirements of the northwest in the way of transportation for years to come, and people who have money are not so blind as to recognize the fact. The Fort is probably embracing the opportunity to do some advertising. - o o o - The work of laying cement sidewalks around the courthouse is about completed. - o o o - Those who
claim to be informed, say there will be a base ball league in
Texas next season that will finish the season and furnish the
patrons with ball contests worthy of their patronage. - o o o - _______ and Furnished. Services will be held for the first time to-morrow in the auditorium of the First M. E. Church on Commerce street. Owing to the half-completed state of the building, the congregation up to the present time have been worshipping in the Sunday-school room. As finished and furnished, there is not a finer place of worship in the city than the new auditorium, which is 60x80 feet and will seat about 1000 people. - o o o - _______ and Horses Dying. Sanitary
Officer Busbee says the city is as clean as a pin, and its general
sanitary appearance is substantiating evidence of his assertion.
During the fair, he kept his force busy until midnight and the
numerous attractions did not deteriorate any from the efficiency
of the health department in general. - o o o - The roof is on the new freight depot of the M. K. & T. road and the building is receiving its finishing touches. - o o o - Committee
reports were presented as follows: - o o o - _______ Postmaster Witwer has applied for additional help in the office and for an addition to the carrier force with a view of extending the free delivery system. His efforts find encouragement in the fact that the department has promised to send an inspector here to investigate and report on the situation. Mr. Witwer is doing all within his power to secure better facilties for the community, whose demands are increasing along with the business increase which is very rapid. - o o o - The class
of building under way in Dallas now and the amount of money going
into buildings may be seen by the following, which includes the
most prominent public and private structures being erected, and
some nearing completion: - o o o - Capt. Frank M. Robinson of Denison is in the city arranging with Capt. Sydney Smith for the coming of Gilmore's band. This famous band of fifty people will stop here the 28th and 29th on their way from San Francisco to New Orleans and give a series of concerts. - o o o - A building permit has been issued to Geo. Hamm to erect a building for a sausage factory on Leonard street to cost $1000. - o o o - Proceedings
began Saturday night at the regular meeting of the city council
by reading and acting on petitions as follows: - o o o - The McLeod
Hotel has reached the seventh story. - o o o - The bridge over the Trinity at the foot of Commerce is again wearing out under the excessive travel of half or two-thirds of the county. Nothing in Dallas county is needed by city and county people more than three or four bridges over the Trinity on the different roads leading into the city. The county commissioners have contracted for two--one at the foot of Commerce, in place of the small one there now; and, one in the vicinity of the Cotton Mill, and the construction might be hurried up. In the meantime, the court might contract for at least one more, just below the grain elevator. - o o o - It is understood
that Postmaster Witwer has applied to the postal department at
Washington for an addition to the force of letter carriers. At
present, there are sixteen routes, while the population of Dallas
entitles the city to at least eighteen carriers. - o o o - The attention of the readers of the TIMES-HERALD is called to the advertisement of Messrs. Thompson & Co., fancy grocers, at 909 Elm street. These gentlemen started business in Dallas now going on three years, and from a small beginning have increased their business so that, to-day, they rank with the very best houses in the city. They are polite always, careful in filling their orders and absolutely correct in their business methods, and no firm has made more friends than they have during their business career in Dallas. They fully deserve their success in every particular, and the TIMES-HERALD takes pleasure in recommending them to the citizens of Dallas. The senior proprietor, Mr. V. B. Thompson, or, as he is familiarly called, "Tiney," is always to be found at this store, and a more genial, whole-souled, lively little fellow is not to be found in Dallas to-day---always in a good humor and has an anecdote to fit almost every occasion. Call and see "Tiney," get his prices, re-weigh your goods and then see if you don't endorse him as strongly as the TIMES-HERALD does. - o o o - _______ CAPE WITH THEIR LIVES. _______ and Bruised---Supposed Incen- diary---Loss and Insurance. The Capitol
Hotel was a smoking ruin this morning. The interior of the walls
had been glutted during the early morning hours by the fire fiend
and nothing but the bare, smoking stone walls were left to mark
the place where a few hours before, seventy-five comfortable
rooms were filled with guests for the night. The Capitol had
three floors above a basement, and it extended through from Main
to Commerce street, the location being about midway in the block
between Akard and Field streets. The basement was a bar and reading
room. The first floor contained the office fronting Main street,
dining room and billiard and bar room. The two floors above this
were divided into about seventy-five sleeping apartments arranged
in rows on each side of the building, long hallways dividing
them, and these were all filled last night with guests. - o o o - Capt. J. M. Strong was appointed an agent of the court to secure right-of-way through the bottom for approaches to the Rock Ford bridge. In this connection, a proposition was read from T. L. Marsalis offering to donate the right-of-way from the river on the west side to a junction with First street, Oak Cliff. It was accepted by the court. - o o o - Another
serenading company is doing the south side of town. They call
themselves the "Wienerwursts," and are excellent musicians. - o o o - Dr. W.
H. Howell is building a new residence on Masten street close
to the old Catholic convent. - o o o - Dallas is still prosecuting the work of paving her streets as rapidly as the weather and other circumstance will permit. Forces are at work in various portions of the city laying bois d'arc and other kinds of paving material. For some two weeks, a large force of men and teams have been removing the soil on North Lamar street preparatory to constructing bois d'arc pavement. The work extends from Ross avenue to the conjunction with McKinney avenue, a distance of half a mile, more or less. A few more days' work and the layers will be ready to begin work. When this stretch is completed there will be a continuous line of paved streets extending from Lamar at Commerce street northward to McKinney avenue thence east on the avenue for about one mile. - o o o - _______ Cattle Display. A. Nussbaumer
writes from Chicago under date of the 16th inst. "We are
the biggest bugs in Chicago." The inference is that the
writer has made an impression on Chicago and is enjoying its
results. The remainder of the letter shows this to be a correct
conclusion. He says: "The judges in the fat cattle show
yesterday made their awards. J. B. Wilson took every premium
on Texas cattle; also took second premium competing against the
world with thirty-eight entries in the ring. The second grade
of two-year-olds had a very close call, the Williamson county
bunch being only a tail's length behind. The steer that took
the second premium competing against the world was the little
bald face which J. B. calls the "kid;" he also captured
the sweepstakes premium as the best Texas steer of any age. They
judge cattle here by the size of the bone and by the best loin
and back." - o o o - The city
is now operating the new garbage furnace. It is doing splendid
work. - o o o - J. B. Ehrick has opened a cigar establishment opposite the court house. - o o o - ________ tering the Courthouse. The contractors,
to-day, commenced the excavations beneath the county courthouse
floors to place the furnaces for the heating apparatus, which
the commissioners ordered at their last session at a cost of
about $2700. The furnaces will be placed respectively at the
east and west wings of the building. The commissioners meet again
Saturday when they will receive estimates on the cost of heating
apparatus for the county clerks office, which is soon to be enlarged
to double its present size. - o o o - The "Petite
Comedy Co." have decided upon playing "Borrowed Plumes"
at their annual performance in Turnverein Hall. - o o o - ________ _______ Justice. A few days
ago, Webster & Wood opened up the North Park Addition containing
500 beautiful lots. These gentlemen agreed to place on the market,
50 lots at $100 a piece. While maps, etc., were being arranged,
a great many lots were spoken for and verbal promises made that
those who spoke for them should have lots. Within 3 days after
they were put upon the market, the 50 were sold, and still some
of those to whom promises were made are without their lots at
that low price. To carry out their word to all of these parties,
Webster & Wood will offer 75 other lots just as good if not
better. The first who come will be the first served and they
would ask that you call early at their office, 912 Main street,
and select. - o o o - _______ vor and Died for Want of It. The meeting
which was called to devise ways and means to place the public
library on a basis to continue existence, proved an utter failure.
The public spirited citizens who were appealed to, failed
to respond and Dallas is without even the nucleus of a public
library. A number of years ago, leading citizens, among whom
was the late Hon. J. C. McCoy, organized themselves for the establishment
of a public library. They paid rent for rooms and met all the
incidental expenses cheerfully and, the small number of volumes
in the course of time, grew to be upwards of two thousand, comprising
some of the best standard literature of the day. The expense
of keeping up the library and paying rent for a location suitable,
finally became too much for private individuals to carry and
Mr. F. R. Rowley, among others, asked for, and secured, the promise
of a room for the library in the new city hall and proposed that
the city council should take the books free of cost and have
untrammeled control of the library. But, when apartments were
assigned, the library was counted out and the council apparently
deemed the matter of insufficient importance to accord it any
interest. As a last effort, in behalf of an institution which
every city should take pride in sustaining, the appeal to the
citizens was made with the results given above. - o o o - _______ tention Soon. The absence
of a system for numbering buildings in Dallas has been the outgrowth
of endless confusion in departments of business life and the
cause of a great deal of worry and thought upon the part of those
delegated to find a system that would suit everybody. Everybody
is willing to admit that Dallas is a city and the matter complained
of is chargeable only to neglect. The city engineer's office
is besieged almost daily with business men wanting to secure
correct numbers for their buildings. One of the largest firms
in the city have contracted for a two-year's supply of printed
stationery and they are unable to furnish the printers the numbers
of their place of business and the city cannot supply it, which
insures to the firm considerable useless expense or a botch job
in changing numbers on their printed matter. Thus it goes. The
absence of the system confuses the delivery of mails and newspapers. - o o o - Last evening, Mr. Philip Miller sold out his interest in the Live Oak saloon to Mr. Jim Skelton of this city. - o o o - I Sokalosky, has filed a deed of trust on his barroom fixtures and fixtures and furniture in the saloon at the corner of Griffin and Elm streets to secure Freiberg, Klein & Co. and the Dallas Brewing Company in the payment of a note for $1100. A similar instrument has been filed in which J. B. Able conveys his interest in the saloon, corner Swiss avenue and the Central Railroad to secure Chas. Meisterhan in the payment of $100. - o o o - The ordinance regulating the speed of railway trains in the city limits says they shall not run exceeding five miles an hour. A city official suggested this morning that the city limits be denoted on a sign board to be erected on each road, and that officers be stationed on each road to see that the ordinance is not violated. - o o o - The city,
to-day, purchased 9 1/2 cords of wood for the garbage furnace for $30.
The freight was $950. - o o o - Plans are
being prepared for a two-story addition to the city hospital
to have twenty rooms. - o o o - Those of our citizens who are philanthropically inclined cannot fail to recognize the need of a comfortable fire-proof hospital for the city. The matter has been overlooked too long, and it is quite time that something definite should be done. Will anybody come forward in the interests of humanity and donate a lot towards the erection of the building? - o o o - __________ Electric Light Company in the City. A party
of leading citizens and capitalists of Ft. Wayne, Ind., who are
stockholders in the Queen City Electric Light Company, arrived
in the city from the north this morning and registered at the
Windsor. The following gentlemen comprise the party: Brainard
Roverson, I. S. Knight, Joseph P. Smith, W. H. McGroth, R. T.
McDonald and M. M. M. Slattery. - o o o - ________ George--Jos. W. Hill his Successor. On December 1st, B. F. Taylor will retire from the St. George Hotel, and will be succeeded by J. W. Hill, for the past four years the practical manager of that hostelry under the different proprietors. All the papers were drawn up and signed yesterday. Mr. Hill has obtained a lease of the hotel for five years and has also purchased the furniture and fixtures of the same. Mr. Hill became identified with the St. George six years ago, and is a hotel man to the manor born, and is a great favorite with the traveling public. Affable, quick-witted and a Chesterfield in deportment, render his regime, the St. George, is bound to retain its present popularity with the public. - o o o - Yesterday evening, Frank Graves went fishing on the Trinity river where the city sewer empties into the river. Despite the untempting locality and the filthy condition of the water, Mr. Graves caught 42 catfish in a short space of time. The bait used was worm and minnow. - o o o - The attention of a TIMES-HERALD reporter has been repeatedly called to the manner in which the bicycle boys, in certain parts of the city, appropriate to themselves the pavements and public sidewalks, making it uncomfortable and ever perilous for ladies to promenade in the vicinity. It is impossible to use the footpath on certain streets, especially on Sundays, without feeling that you are infringing upon the rights of the young "gent" who requires the space as a sort of tramway for his iron horse. The young autocrat rattles down the pavement and the nervous lady must step on the roadside or risk being run over. Now, the question arises, to whom belongs the use of the sidewalk, or rather, for what species of thoroughfare is it intended? If for the pedestrian, then let him enjoy it exclusively and without impediment. If on the other hand, it is to be looked upon as a highway for vehicles, the less money there is expended on improvements of this kind the better for the city, and for those who are taxed for funds for the building of sidewalks. Why not pass an ordinance prohibiting such irregularity and, by so doing, earn the good will of every lady in the city. - o o o - ________ ager. James C. Parton has brought suit against T. L. Marsalis in the Fourteenth district court, claiming damage in the sum of $7,500 on three counts. He asks $1500 for six weeks time spend in superintending the construction of the pavilion at Oak Cliff, or $250 per week, and the balance for securing dramatic attractions for the theatre, alleging foreclosure to perform alleged contracts existing between himself and the defendant. - o o o - ________ ITY OF BRICK ________ to Meet the Demands and Turn the Building Boom Loose--Cheaper Cement. Mr. C.
A. Gill is good authority on matters pertaining to building and
architecture. He superintended the construction of the new city
hall and that stands to show his qualifications as a master builder.
Mr. Gill stated to a TIMES-HERALD reporter this morning that there is no slack
whatever in the volume of building in Dallas. In fact, he said,
if the brick famine was removed, the amount of building to be
put under way immediately would astonish the natives. Parties
have approached him for estimates on large structures, but have
been forced to defer action for the cause given. - o o o - It is not generally known that Mr. R. S. Munger of this city is operating the largest iron foundry in the state. He makes all the casting for his extensive manufacture of gin machinery and a column recently cast at his works weighed 33,000 pounds. - o o o - _______ and a Basement. A building
permit was issued to-day to Thomas Field to build six stories
and a basement adjoining the Oriental hotel on the east. The
building will be of stone and brick, and it will front 47 feet
on Commerce street, running back 200 feet to Jackson street.
Its cost will be $60,000. - o o o - As noted in the TIMES-HERALD yesterday, Bishop Garrett has purchased for the congregation of St. Matthews (Episcopal) Cathedral, a large lot at the north corner of Ervay and Canton streets. The old Cathedral property on Commerce street sold recently for $60,000. The new property was purchased for $14,000, and it is proposed to erect on it, a cathedral to cost $100,000. The plans include, also, a $5000 rectory to front Canton street. - o o o - In addition to the six-story building to be put up by Thomas Field, two more six-story and basement buildings are to go up on Commerce street soon. - o o o - The walls of the McLeod hotel have reached a height that takes in the seventh story. Every passer-by gazes upward twice to take a good view of the majestic structure. - o o o - ______ Done in the Line of Charity. The Dallas
Police Benevolent Association was organized Sept. 30, 1888, and
it has enjoyed a year of prosperity and healthy development as
will be seen from the annual report of the secretary and treasurer
for the fiscal year just closed. - o o o - Mrs. Thomas'
three-story factory building being erected at the corner of Camp
and Griffin streets is reaching upwards. - o o o - |
Last night,
the city crematory consumed at one charge, nine wagon loads of
swill, seven loads closet matter, nine barrels slaughter house
refuse and the carcasses of three horses and one cow. To meet
the demands of the city, it is found necessary to operate the
furnace only eleven hours out of every twenty-hour at an expense
of $7 per day. The cost is some larger than was required under
the old method of dumping, but the advantages of the new method
from a sanitary point are not to be estimated by dollars and
cents. - o o o - Our city and Wm. H. Garretson, the contractor, may well feel proud of the success of the garbage furnace. Officer Busbee reports it as consuming everything he can throw into it in a most satisfactory manner. We learn from Mr. Webster, Mr. Garretson's business manager, that other cities are investigating it, and even the United States government post at San Antonio is arranging to build one at once. Garretson is a hustler, and his reputation as a builder is well known, and we bespeak for him great success with his Garbage Cremation Furnace. - o o o - A young lady in South Dallas is burning the midnight oil in the production of a novel that will treat of Dallas and Dallas society in the days of the "dug out" and the "prairie schooner." - o o o - Since the
of yesterday, the following have been issued: - o o o - A pair
of hearses with rich silver mountings and far more extravagant
in price than any yet shipped to Dallas have just been received
by P. W. Linskie. - o o o - A survey of the Lambert heirs' claim of forty acres out of the Elizabeth Robertson survey has been completed. - o o o - _______ City to Add to their Investments. Adolph
Busch, A. E. Faust, Carl Conrad and G. Hausman, the noted brewerymen
and St. Louis capitalists, are visiting the city. - o o o - The block book of the city, which is being made by Frank Dormant, is nearly completed. East Dallas is yet to be added. It shows every addition, subdivision, block and lot with the name of the owner. It is indexed so that any piece of property in the city may be readily located and the owner's name ascertained. Eighteen months have been consumed in its preparation. - o o o - A Board
of Trade will be organized this evening by the business men of
the city, in the Gaston building. More than 100 gentlemen have
signed the call. - o o o - The patrol
system spoken of in these columns yesterday, meets with great
favor. In the hands of first class men, the police patrol would
be a great aid to the regular force in protecting life and property
and in driving from the city, objectionable character. - o o o - ______ las Police. Artistically
decorated and brilliantly lighted, the splendid and spacious
City Hall never looked to better advantage than on the occasion
of the second annual ball given by the Dallas police. Twelve
months ago, the members of the force gave their first entertainment
at the Turner building, but last night's ball eclipsed the preceding
event, the committee on arrangements having let nothing undone
that could possibly add to its success. During the past few weeks
some eight or nine hundred tickets had been disposed of, and
of that number, 225 couples appeared upon the floor and did ample
justice to the choice programme supplied by Prof. Day's band.
The music of the first six dances were original arrangements,
entitled, "The Mayor's March," "The Alderman's
Lancers," "Chief Police," "Assistant Chief
Police," "Judge Quadrille" and "Policeman's
Waltz." The spirit with which the dancers responded to these
themes was the best possible warranty of the composer's skill.
Among the ladies present were some whose personal grace
and beauty would have marked them out in any assembly, and there
was an excellent opportunity for the unprejudiced observer to
pass a verdict in favor of the Dallas girls as, being on an average,
more presentable than those of any other city in the state. - o o o - On February
1, Lee Cohn will be found in the finest barbershop in the south
at the McLeod Hotel. Mr. Cohn will expend $8000, he says, in
furnishing his place. - o o o - Contracts have been let covering, with the exception of 75x200 feet, the block on which the Oriental Hotel is to be built with six-story buildings. The vacant lots will soon be provided with handsome buildings and the block will be the finest in the city. - o o o - A scavenger's
wagon team and load went over the approach to the garbage crematory
yesterday. The fall was sixteen feet and it was full of disaster. - o o o - |