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To Marriage/Divorce Index,
(Updated March 16, 2004)
L. T. Watters brought suit in the district court for divorce from John Watters, to whom she was married in Dallas county, Feb. 1, 1878. Mrs. Watters alleges desertion Oct. 5, '91, and gross cruelty prior to that time. She asks for the custody of her children, Lillie R., aged 13, and William J. 11. - o o o - _______ Moody and Miss Cathey. Judge Nash made another couple happy in the county clerk's office to-day. The contracting parties were Mr. J. A. Moody and Miss Cora E. Cathey. The groom was clad in his every day clothes. The bride, however, was a marvel of blushing beauty. She wore a dove colored gown, with Bernhardt gloves to match, and a white hat was gracefully perched on her shapely head. A goodly crowd was present when the knot was tied. - o o o - _____ Money for Whiskey. Mrs. Maud Shackleton has brought suit in the district court for divorce from J. A. Shackleton. In her complaint, she alleges that he is a common drunkard, and so far from making an effort to support her or himself, is in the habit of taking the money she earns by sewing and spending it for liquor. They were married in Faulkner county, Ark., November 10, 1873, and for years, she was content to clothe and support him rather than submit to the humiliation of bringing her troubles before the public, but when he began making a practice of taking her hard earnings to buy whiskey and get drunk and abuse her, her patience gave out and forced her to sue for a divorce. - o o o - J. A. Chapman vs. Ada Chapman is the style of a divorce suit filed to-day. Chapman charges his wife with unfaithfulness to her marriage vows. - o o o - John Redmond
and Mary Ryan. - o o o - A. S. Richardson
has filed suit for a divorce from his wife, Cordie, alleging
adultery. - o o o - ________ Colony in Dallas. County
Clerk Hughes, Saturday evening, issued a marriage license to
Mustapha Mahamad Elhage and Miss Mary Harah Hassan. - o o o - |
_______ west. Mrs. C.
G. Harwood, to-day, filed suit in the district court against
her husband, C. G. Harwood, for divorce. She sets forth
in her petition to the court that she was married to defendant
in Wallawalla, Washington, Nov. 15, 1893, and lived with him
until Nov. 18, 1893, when she discovered that there existed such
an incompatibility in their temperaments as to render their living
together insupportable, and she forthwith quitted his bed and
board and returned to her Texas home. - o o o - Jeff Wilkes, who beat his wife with a six-shooter, threw his children out the door and then set fire to his own house, at Miller's Ferry Christmas day, was fined $500 and sentenced to two years in the county jail, by a jury in the county court to-day. - o o o - Scynthia Emmett vs. William Emmett is the style of a divorce suit filed to-day. - o o o - H. M. Carpenter of Franklin and Miss Sallie Van Orten of Terrell, got license to marry at the county clerk's office to-day. - o o o - Dora L. Ross has sued Thos. J. Ross for an absolute divorce, charging abusive language, desertion and non-support. - o o o - |
Nora Belle Rodgers has filed a divorce suit against her husband, P. C. Rogers, upon the grounds of cruel treatment. - o o o - George Nairn was to-day tried by a jury in Justice Lauderdale's court on the charge of cursing and abusing his wife, and fined $20, which, added to the costs, footed up about $40. - o o o- Lizzie Moseley has filed a divorce suit against Albert Moseley upon the grounds of abandonment. - o o o- L. G. Winter vs. R. P. Winters; Ruth Merrifield vs. S. B. Merrifield; Allen Mason vs. Emma Mason are the latest divorce suits filed. - o o o - - o o o - A. L. Ledbetter and Mrs. Bertha Myers were married yesterday afternoon at the home of the bride's father, Squire Myers, at Jimtown. The marriage was celebrated in old fashioned style, all the country round about being in attendance. - o o o - Sally Sellers has filed suit for divorce against her husband, W. H. Sellers, charging him with abandonment and adultery. - o o o - Ben Schwartz and Miss R. L. Lyle were married to-day by Rev. W. F. Barcus, at his news stand on the court house square. The couple then took a hack for the Windsor hotel. - o o o - - o o o - ______ stacles in a Unique Manner. Murt R.
Phelon, the wag who runs the courthouse elevator, and
who makes a friend of everybody that rides with him, got married
yesterday evening, under what would have been great difficulties
to most young men, but which were trifling with Phelon. - o o o - |
E. Sellers has filed suit for divorce against Will Sellers. - o o o- Mandy Williams, to-day, filed suit against James Williams for divorce on the ground of abandonment. - o o o- F. R. Coffin, Jr., has filed suit for divorce against his wife, Mollie Coffin. - o o o- _____ Gives Her Reasons. Lydia Lemann
has filed suit for divorce against her husband, Fred Lemann.
In her original petition just filed, her allegations are of a
most peculiar and sensational character. - o o o - Mrs. Anna Mitchell, to-day, filed suit for a divorce from her husband, W. D. Mitchell. - o o o - The following
petitions for divorce were filed in the district clerk's office
to-day: - o o o - |
AND DIVORCES. ______ THEY ARE OF LEGAL AGE. ______ sons Who Figure in the Divorce Courts of the Land. B. F. McAdams,
a beardless boy, got license yesterday evening to marry Miss
Lizzie Powell, who was also under age. McAdams produced
a written permit from his parents and also from Miss Powell's. A gentleman who has had excellent opportunities to observe the workings of the divorce courts, said to a TIMES HERALD reporter to-day: "When persons institute suit for divorce, in nine cases out of a possible ten, they have already made all the arrangements to marry again, and when the applicant is a woman, it is not infrequent that her intended assists in getting a lawyer and seeing about the divorce. Yes, applicants for divorces, instead of looking sad, as many would naturally suppose they would look, are quite as chipper as if they were getting a marriage license. Come to think of it, why should persons blow in their good money these hard times for something they have no immediate use for? And, of all useless things, I fancy that to a person who had no notion or prospect of marrying, a decree of divorce would be the most useless, and at the same time, cheerless thing in the world." - o o o - Yesterday, Justice Ed. S. Lauderdale joined Mr. Geo. Smith and Miss Katie Perkins in wedlock, and Judge T. F. Nash performed a like service for Mr. A. Kalklosh and Miss Theodrine Dumain. - o o o - Charles Lockley and Miss Ora Thomas, of Arlington, were married in the county clerk's office to-day by County Judge Nash. - o o o - |
_____ O'Keefe's Wedding. Mr. Pat O'Keefe, who will be married to Miss Ahles in the Bryan Street Catholic church at 7 o'clock to-morrow evening, says that it was his intention to invite everybody, but it is probable, that in the confusion incident to such a crisis in a man's life, he has overlooked a few, and he does not wish anybody to remain away on account of not receiving an invitation. On the contrary, he wishes everybody to come and load the church down to the guards. - o o o - John Logan and Miss Georgia Wadkins were married in the County Clerk's office by Rev. W. H. Hughes. - o o o - ______ Were Coming Smoothly. Mrs. Mary
A. Miller, yesterday, filed suit for divorce from J. W.
Miller, setting forth that they were married in Kaufman
county, October 25, 1891, and lived together until June 15, 1894.
She had four half-grown children by a former marriage when she
married Miller, shortly after which, they came to Dallas county,
and went on a farm near Haut's [Haught's] store. - o o o - _______ Parental Authority. Love once more defied parental authority in the old fashioned style yesterday evening, when Mr. G. E. La Baume and Miss Carrie Hanaway were married. Miss Hanaway has been the gust of her sister, Mrs. John Morris on Akard street, and was expected to leave last evening for her home in San Antonio, but instead, was driven in a buggy by Mr. La Baume to the church of the Incarnation and married by Rev. E. E. Wickens. The couple were attended by Mr. Will Noguira and Miss Jimmie Butler, who followed in a buggy. After the ceremony, the party drove to the residence of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. V. La Baume, 127 South Harwood, where they were met by Dr. Rosser and wife and a pleasant evening enjoyed. - o o o - At Plymouth Congregational church (colored) Monday evening, June 25, Joshua S. Smith and Willie Tanner, Rev. E. E. Sims officiating. - o o o - Mary Williams vs. Horace Williams; divorce. - o o o - _____ Their Husbands. Mary Williams,
to-day, filed suit against Horace Williams for divorce.
They were married Aug. 15, 1890, and Horace withdrew from the
union in the following February. - o o o - |
- o o o - Lizzie Allen, yesterday, filed suit for divorce from Edward Allen. She sets forth in her petition that they were married in Dallas in October, 1890, and separated in 1892; that the trouble was that Edward was a worthless drunkard, and not only failed to provide for her, but beat and kicked her like a dog. - o o o - Last evening, the Daniels House was the scene of a quiet wedding, when Mrs. Ella Wallace and Mr. C. L. Davis, of Weatherford, accompanied by their immediate friends, got the better of the worry and trouble attending nuptial fetes, came to Dallas and were married by Rev. E. L. Spraggins. - o o o - Richard Schweickhardt vs. Saledad Schweickhardt; divorce. - o o o - SUES FOR DIVORCE. ______ ERNABLE TEMPER. ______ ment of Him and Makes Unfounded Charges -- He Prays the Court to Give Him Custody of their Child. Richard
Schweickhardt has filed suit in the District Court, praying
for divorce from his wife, Soledad Schweichardt. - o o o - A SHABBY PRIZE. ______ THE CONNUBIAL GRAB-BAG. ______ Attributed to Cupid, but Really Pro- ceeding from the Prince of Darkness. Mrs. Elsie
Gibson has applied to the Court of the Forty-fourth Judicial
District for a divorce from John Gibson, with whom she
cast her fortunes for better or for worse in July, 1891. And,
according to her story, as related in the petition, very few
women in the history of the marriage institution ever ran their
arms into the connubial grab-bag and pulled out a more thoroughly
worthless husband. - o o o - - o o o - |
- o o o - _____ He Had the Rheumatism. The TIMES HERALD has
lighted upon some additional particulars in the elopement which
took place in Italian circles night before last. - o o o - _____ perience for One Year. Sallie
Woodruff has filed suit in the district court for divorce
from C. G. Woodruff. She says they were married in Dallas
in June, 1893, and went to live near Eagle Ford. - o o o - Cynthia Bryan vs. Charles Bryan; divorce. - o o o - Cynthia
Bryant vs. Charles Bryant. Plaintiff and defendant
were married in Hopkins county, Texas, in 1887, and lived together
as man and wife until June, 1890. - o o o - Suits in District Court. L. L. Sharp vs. C. E. Sharp; divorce. - o o o- ______ er's Marriage License. Ed Templeton,
of Garland, yesterday sent word to John Sanders, of Dallas, to
get him [a] license to marry Miss Ida Fletcher. - o o o- Cal Johnson and Hattie McCullough, negroes, were married on Caroline street Tuesday night. Rev. Taylor, of the African Baptist church, officiating. - o o o - T. H. Hass vs. J. F. Hass; divorce. - o o o- Mr. J. K. Yates and Miss Flora M[__] Bragdon, living in the southern part of the county, came to town yesterday and were married by Justice Skelton. - o o o - |
TWO HUSBANDS. ______ WAS LOST FOR THIRTY YEARS. _____ Tries to Hold the Family Property, But is Dispossessed by the Sheriff. He Will Try the Law. The newspapers,
a few days ago, gave the details of a very complicated matrimonial
affair, wherein Mrs. Ann M. Richardson was called upon
to decide for this world, a question the Savior settled for the
next. - o o o - OF MR. FISHER. ______ LEFT HIM IN FORT WORTH. ______ With Everything She Desired, and She Says He Was Cruel and That She Will Sue for Divorce. On the
28th of September last, Miss Julia Higgins, of this city,
was married to R. E. Fisher, a machinist and plumber.
The bride's family being in competent circumstances, and having
made life easy for their daughter, opposed the marriage to Mr.
Fisher, but love, as usual, carried the point and the young couple
were married. - o o o - - o o o - Mr. Lucien Huffmaster and Miss Anna Tenison will be married to-morrow evening at 5:30 o'clock at the First Presbyterian church. No cards. - o o o - ______ nial Venture. Thomas
Quales filed suit in the District court to-day, praying
for divorce from Mollie Quales. - o o o - - o o o - Suits in District Court. - o o o - Suits in District Court. J. B. Tingle vs. M. J. Tingle; divorce. N. J. Drumheller vs. Maggie B. Drumheller; divorce. - o o o - ______ cense to Marry Again. Last spring,
Judge Gray, of the District Court, granted a decree severing
the matrimonial bonds between David Beattie and Caroline
Ann Beattie. - o o o - Mr. J. B. Butler, of the editorial staff of the Texas Sandwich, and Miss May Smith will be married this evening. - o o o - ______ tial Knot-tying. Judge I.
R. Oeland, special County Judge during the illness of Judge Nash,
came down this morning with his mustache cleared off his face,
and had a surprise sprung on him by the boys in the courthouse. - o o o - |
______ Home This Afternoon. The marriage
of Miss Sallie Haynes Gibbs, daughter of ex-Governor and
Mrs. Barnett Gibbs, to Dr. Samuel E. Milliken, of New
York city, will take place this afternoon at 5 o'clock, at the
family home on Live Oak street. - o o o - Hattie Neal, to-day, filed suit in the Fourteenth District court for divorce from Christopher Neal, alleging that they were married in Arkansas, Oct. 1, 1874, and that he abandoned her in 1889, and has since lived apart from her. - o o o - ______ Matrimonial World. Mr. Henry
Jones, deputy clerk of the District court, has just hunted up
the divorce statistics of the county for the year 1893, and he
reports that the total number of divorces granted was seventy-one. - o o o - |
______ From Rose. John Norton,
to-day, filed a petition in the 14th judicial District court,
asking for a divorce from Rose Norton. - o o o - ______ Richard Porter. Alcy Porter,
yesterday, filed suit in the District Court for divorce from
Richard Porter. - o o o - WAS A FAILURE. _______ ______ Other Men, and Spit in His Face and Struck Him With a Buggy Whip. Arthur
F. Moeller has filed a petition in the Forty-Fourth Judicial
District Court for divorce from Ella Moeller. - o o o - _____ His Wife. R. Y. Clem
brings action in the Forty-fourth Judicial District court for
divorce from his wife. - o o o - AND TENDER WOMEN. ______ ______ Up to Expectations -- Two ex-Husbands Get Strong "Roastings" From Their Former Connubial Partners. Jennie McDaniel has filed suit for divorce from Floyd McDaniel. She states in her petition that they were married in Dallas, July 27, 1892, and lived together until Oct. 16, 1894. She says the honey-moon lasted only three weeks, at the end of which time, he cursed her out and charged her with want of chastity, and that when the baby was born, he went to Waco and was absent ten days. Moreover, she avers that he is a man of high temper, and on the slightest provocation, would throw the chairs across the room and even into the yard, and that his money was invariably squandered at the gaming table, while she wore her mother's old dresses. On the day of their final separation, he cursed and abused her in the hearing of neighbors. She says she submitted to all this cruel treatment with great humility in the hope that he would, in time, see the injustice of it and change to a milder course of conduct, but it was all of no use. Virgie B. Hall also wishes divorce from Walter H. Hall. She informed the court that they were married in Kaufman, April 11, 1892, and lived together until August 11, 1894. Instead of the kind, tender and indulgent husband that love's young dream had imagined he would be, she says he was just about as tough as they make them. Shortly after their marriage, he began towards her a course of slow torture, which he ended by beating her up, kicking her black and leaving her. During all this, she treated him with the utmost kindness, but she found him like the only animal that cannot be tamed -- the grizzly bear. - o o o - GETS THE CHILD. ______ ______ tody of His Child, But Judge Clint Turns it Over to its Mother, and Gives His Opinion of the Sun. Judge Clint
held a session of court last night to hear the habeas corpus
case brought by Floyd McDaniel to recover possession of
his child, which was in the keeping of his wife, whose suit for
divorce from him was mentioned in the TIMES HERALD yesterday.
She set up as grounds for divorce that her husband not only blew
in his money at gaming and failed to provide for her so that
she had to wear her mother's old dresses, but he abused and mistreated
her in a most shameless manner, charging her with a want of chastity,
etc. - o o o - HOW McCARTY GOT MARRIED. _______ ______ Was Willing to Help Him Through. "Old Grizzly" Piloted Him to Justice Lauderdale. Mr. E.
K. McCarty, a young man from Cedar Hill, met Mrs. Rosa
McGaughey, of Decatur, in Dallas last night for the purpose
of marrying her. Mr. McCarty
soon interested the sympathies and hearty co-operation of the
whole party. Mr. McCarty stated that he was afflicted in two
ways, -- first, with an ignorance of where a preacher could be
found, and second, with a stringency of finances. The TIMES HERALD representative,
unwilling to have a hackdriver outdo him in generosity, then
tendered Mr. McCarty his room , just across the street, for a
bridal chamber. Mr. Tim
Hawpe, a farmer living four miles east of the city, came to town
yesterday to proceed against Mr. Rice, a neighbor young man who
ran away with his 15-year-old daughter last Saturday. He said
on his way to Dallas, he came by Mr. Rice's house and the young
man told him he had married his daughter in East Dallas, and
she was then his wife. - o o o - WITH J. C. HAVEN. ______ _____ Takes Up With a Dude -- The Guilty Pair Gone to Grow Up With a New Country. D. Lamkin
filed suit in the Fourteenth Judicial District Court to-day for
divorce from Sue F. Lamkin. He says they were married
in Atlanta, Texas, Aug. 29, 1875, and lived together until April
19, 1893, when she eloped with one J. C. Haven and went to Australia,
where he learns that they have since lived as husband and wife. - o o o - |
_______ Two Names. Susan English,
yesterday, filed suit for divorce from Spencer English,
alias Spencer Jones. - o o o - TURNS LOCHINVAR. _____ ______ Drowns Out an Ennis Rival -- Successful Elopement with Miss Laura Brant- ley -- Married in Dallas Yesterday. A heroic
affair, in every sense of the word, occurred yesterday evening
in the dormitory of fire station No. 4, and event that proved
that romance is still alive, and the modern Lochinvar still comes
out of the West. - o o o - Mrs. Fred Duebler was granted a divorce in Judge Burke's court to-day. - o o o - HUSBAND'S BROTHER. ______ Proceedings. Albert
Smith has filed his petition in the Forty-fourth District
Court for divorce from Nannie Smith. - o o o - Amanda A. Bolinger filed suit to-day for divorce from John Bolinger. They were married in Missouri in 1888 and lived together until 1891, when her husband left her and has since lived in adultery with one Della Brown, of Temple. - o o o - John B. Warren, who travels for the McCormick harvester, was married Tuesday night to Miss Maggie Deane, of Wills Point. - o o o - Dr. R.
L. Rawlins and Mr. T. Marvin Cullum met in the
County Clerk's office this morning on the same business. They
wished marriage licenses. The former got license to marry Miss
Cora L. Stemmons, and the latter to marry Miss May Lemmon.
Both marriages will take place this evening, the former at Miss
Stemmons' mother's home in Oak Cliff, and the latter in the Central
Christian church. - o o o - |