PAT GOODWIN DIES OF GUNSHOT WOUNDS _______ Dallas Shooting. _______ Pat Godwin,
a resident of West Dallas, was shot and almost instantly killed
last night about 10 o'clock within a short distance of his home,
on the Dallas and Eagle Ford road. George Britt, a gardener,
the dead man's brother-in-law, gave himself up to the police
last night and an affidavit was made out against him this morning
charging murder. - o o o - ______ day's Meeting. It is stated
that a feature of the meeting of Sterling Price Camp this afternoon
will be the presentation of memorial resolutions on the death
of R. M. Love, a member of the camp. followed by an address
by Rev. J. Frank Smith. - o o o - |
Joseph Crockett, aged one year, died in West Dallas this morning. The mother of the child died last Sunday. - o o o - _______ Discovered Near Swimming Hole. Inquest Today. Dead, with
his eyes staring wide, with a small stream of blood running from
his nostrils, with a light scratch under his right eye, H. T.
Ingram, aged 74, the watchman at the swimming hole at
Exall Lake, was lying on his back in front of the bench that
sits back up the hill from the edge of the lake. All his possessions
were found on him, and there were no bruises except the scratch
under his eye. - o o o - ______ South, Who Held Many Records and Was Well Known. One of
the best known and most expert pool-players in the South passed
away last Friday, when Sam Barnes died at his home in
Oak Cliff. He had several of the world's records at pool, and
in his day and time, succeeded in defeating some of the world's
greatest experts at this game. - o o o - Samuel
O. Hope, aged eighteen years, died at the corner of Grand
avenue and Rapid Transit railway. - o o o - |
County Clerk Frank R. Shanks' birth and death records for the month of July show that there were 241 births and 111 deaths, with a few more doctors in the county to be heard from. If this report is a fair indication of what the year's totals will be, Dallas county will double its population without seeking immigration. The county clerk is required by law each month to make a report of the number of deaths and births, which is sent to Austin. Owing to the fact that a number of county physicians are late in making their reports, it will be the latter part of this month before the August records are complete. - o o o - J. W. Davis,
aged eighty years, died yesterday at 675 McKinney avenue. - o o o - TO TERRIBLE WOUND. __________ Will Collins,
the negro who was so badly slashed with a knife near the Commerce
street bridge about noon yesterday, mention of which was made
in The Times Herald of yesterday afternoon, died at the city
hospital last night about 7 o'clock. - o o o - News reached the city today of the sudden death of "Uncle Ben" Davis, which is reported to have occurred at his home near Garland yesterday afternoon. Mr. Davis was in his orchard when stricken with heart disease and died almost instantly. Mr. Davis was one of the best known residents of the Garland neighborhood and was respected by all who knew him. He was one of the early settlers of the Duck creek neighborhood. - o o o - ______ Deaths for Month of July. Joseph
J. Strupper, who is in charge of the birth and death records
in County Clerk Frank Shanks' office, has made his first monthly
report of the number of births and deaths in the county since
the vital statistics law was enacted. - o o o - |
IN DALLAS. _______ Arrived Yesterday Evening. ______ Will be Buried with Honors This Afternoon. The Arrangements. The remains
of Dr. S. H. Stout, the well known physician and Confederate
veteran, arrived over the Texas and Pacific last night from Clarendon,
accompanied by the family. The body of the distinguished scholar
met at the train by a delegation from the Dallas County Medical
society, consisting of Drs. Fisher, Swain, Wells, Reeves and
Aronson, and a large number of Confederate veterans from Camp
Sterling Price. The following
resolution were drawn up in honor of the late Dr. Stout by a
committee appointed by the Dallas Medical society for that purpose: The following
resolution were adopted by the Dallas Medical and Surgical society
yesterday: - o o o - |
________ His Home in West Dallas After a Short Illness. John J.
Cabell died at his residence in West Dallas yesterday
morning at 7:30 o'clock. - o o o - CABELL-- John J. Cabell died at his residence in West Dallas yesterday morning at 7:30. Funeral from his residence at 10:30 this morning, reaching the foot of Commerce street at 11 o'clock. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery. - o o o - ________ Night From Atlanta, Ga. Singleton
L. Easley, aged twenty-five years, died at Atlanta, Ga.,
last Wednesday from an operation for appendicitis. Deceased was,
for a number of years, connected with a local wholesale drug
house and had an extensive acquaintance in this city. He was
the son of Captain S. L. Easley of Bowie, Texas. - o o o - Eakins CALLED HOME Dallas,
October 26. 1903 - Mrs. Ophelia EAKINS, one of the oldest
residents of Dallas died at her home, 386 South Harwood Street
at 4:15 o'clock this morning, after a lingering illness of several
weeks. NOTE: John J. EAKINS, son of John and Sarah (KING) EAKIN, early settlers of Henderson, Henderson County, Ky. - o o o - (Submitted by M C Toyer) |
Burgess, 23 years of age, died yesterday morning at the
corner of Bryan and Hall streets. He had resided for some years
in this city at 133 McKinney avenue. - o o o - |
Noah Duff,
killed near Richardson last night; remains interred at that place. - o o o - |