Obituaries, Dallas County, Texas, 1903 (June - December; incomplete)
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(Updated July 9, 2003)




Brother-in-Law is Held for West
Dallas Shooting.


    Pat Godwin, a resident of West Dallas, was shot and almost instantly killed last night about 10 o'clock within a short distance of his home, on the Dallas and Eagle Ford road. George Britt, a gardener, the dead man's brother-in-law, gave himself up to the police last night and an affidavit was made out against him this morning charging murder.
    Godwin's death was evidently due to a gun shot wound in his left side, discharged at short range. An examination of the body showed that eight shot had taken effect in his side.
    Soon after the shooting, Chief Deputy Jack Witt was on the scene and, with Dr. Stovall, an examination was made of the dead man. An inquest was held today by Just of the Peace Long of Oak Cliff.
    Godwin had been a resident of Dallas but for a short time, and was employed at the cement works. He was twenty-five years old and unmarried. He boarded with his sister at the home of a family by the name of Bryan, on the Eagle Ford road.

- June 1, 1903, The Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 7, col. 5.
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Important Matters to Come Up at To-
day's Meeting.

     It is stated that a feature of the meeting of Sterling Price Camp this afternoon will be the presentation of memorial resolutions on the death of R. M. Love, a member of the camp. followed by an address by Rev. J. Frank Smith.
     The camp will also nominate, for reference to the convention which meets in Sherman on July 15, H. W. Graber for election as Brigadier General of the Fourth Brigade. Mr. Graber, it is stated, is an active member of the camp and is well known throughout the State as a leading ex-Confederate.

- July 12, 1903, Dallas Morning News, p. 36, col. 2.
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     Joseph Crockett, aged one year, died in West Dallas this morning. The mother of the child died last Sunday.

- July 23, 1903, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 6.
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Lifeless Body of Watchman Ingram Is
Discovered Near Swimming Hole.
Inquest Today.

     Dead, with his eyes staring wide, with a small stream of blood running from his nostrils, with a light scratch under his right eye, H. T. Ingram, aged 74, the watchman at the swimming hole at Exall Lake, was lying on his back in front of the bench that sits back up the hill from the edge of the lake. All his possessions were found on him, and there were no bruises except the scratch under his eye.
     Mr. Ingram had been watchman at the lake for about a month. He lived with his son, a farmer on the Exall place. He leaves a wife and five grown sons.
     Between 8 and 9 o'clock, two boys, who live at Hunt's dairy, went to the swimming hole to go in bathing. They found the body of the old man, and hurried to town, informing Sheriff Johnson of what they had found. Mr. Johnson went out to the place immediately.
     Meanwhile, Joseph Baratini, 217 McCoy street, went by himself to the swimming hole at 10 o'clock.
     "I saw a body lying face upward, with his eyes staring and shining in the moonlight," said Mr. Baratini last night. "I felt the old man. He was not sleeping. His heart was still. I felt for his pulse, and there was no pulse there."
     Mr. Baratini hurried back to the lake pavilion, and the son of Mr. Ingram was summoned. when he reached the place, he found an undertaker's wagon there. Sheriff Johnson and the two boys who had first found the body. The remains were brought to town. An inquest will be held this morning.
     Mr. Ingram was last seen alive, about dark on the upper bridge at Exall Lake by T. B. Lester, the keeper of the boats.
     "How's business?" asked he.
     "There's none at all. Maybe some tonight!" came back the answer.
     The body was found lying face upward at the foot of the bench, which sits back a good distance from the lake's edge. The land slopes down from the bench, and is rocky. His son believes that he was stricken with heat failure, falling on the rocky ground, scratching his face, and later turning over on his back in the throes of death.
     Mr. Ingram came to Dallas about two years ago from Waco, to which place he had moved from McGregor. The old gentleman served in the Confederate ranks under Gen. Cabell.

- August 2, 1903, Dallas Morning News, p. 7, col. 8.
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Sam Barnes, the Champion of the
South, Who Held Many Records
and Was Well Known.

     One of the best known and most expert pool-players in the South passed away last Friday, when Sam Barnes died at his home in Oak Cliff. He had several of the world's records at pool, and in his day and time, succeeded in defeating some of the world's greatest experts at this game.
     Mr. Barnes was born in San Antonio and had been a resident of Dallas for about ten years. At the time of his death, he held the title of champion pool player of the South. He was also an expert billiardist.
     The funeral will take place this afternoon. He leaves a wife and four children.

- August 2, 1903, Dallas Morning News, p. 7, col. 8.
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     Samuel O. Hope, aged eighteen years, died at the corner of Grand avenue and Rapid Transit railway.
     Georgia May Elliott, aged 24 years, died at 1_2 Nettie street.
     Claudie May Smith, aged 1 month, died at 130 Jackson street.
     Mrs. L. A. Cahn, aged __ years, died last night at 111 Pocahontas street. Deceased had resided in Dallas twenty years.

- August 8, 1903, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
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[No Heading]

     County Clerk Frank R. Shanks' birth and death records for the month of July show that there were 241 births and 111 deaths, with a few more doctors in the county to be heard from. If this report is a fair indication of what the year's totals will be, Dallas county will double its population without seeking immigration. The county clerk is required by law each month to make a report of the number of deaths and births, which is sent to Austin. Owing to the fact that a number of county physicians are late in making their reports, it will be the latter part of this month before the August records are complete.

- August 17, 1903, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 5.
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     J. W. Davis, aged eighty years, died yesterday at 675 McKinney avenue.
     Willie Mae Burgess, aged fifteen months, died this morning at the corner of Gould street and Grand avenue.
     Dovie Bertram, aged twenty years, died this morning, corner Maple avenue and Oak Lawn.
     V. M. Hill died yesterday from carbolic acid poisoning at 103 Lawrence street.
     Tony Provenzono, aged thirteen, died at 730 Elm street.
     Mrs. James Stafford, aged seventy-nine years, died this morning at 301 South Ervay.

August 17, 1903, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 6.
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Will Collins Died at the City Hospital.

     Will Collins, the negro who was so badly slashed with a knife near the Commerce street bridge about noon yesterday, mention of which was made in The Times Herald of yesterday afternoon, died at the city hospital last night about 7 o'clock.
     Collins was employed as a laborer at the cement works. He is said to have relatives residing at Carthage.

- August 18, 1903, Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 2.
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Sudden Death at Garland.

     News reached the city today of the sudden death of "Uncle Ben" Davis, which is reported to have occurred at his home near Garland yesterday afternoon. Mr. Davis was in his orchard when stricken with heart disease and died almost instantly. Mr. Davis was one of the best known residents of the Garland neighborhood and was respected by all who knew him. He was one of the early settlers of the Duck creek neighborhood.

- August 19, 1903, Daily Times Herald, p. 7, col. 6.
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County Clerk's Record of Births and
Deaths for Month of July.

     Joseph J. Strupper, who is in charge of the birth and death records in County Clerk Frank Shanks' office, has made his first monthly report of the number of births and deaths in the county since the vital statistics law was enacted.
     The report shows that there were 113 deaths in the county for the month of July. Of these, there were males, 60, females, 53; white 74, colored, 39; aliens, 3; citizens, 110; in Dallas, 78; in the county, 35.
     Of births, there were 247 recorded thus: Male, 143; female, 104[?]; white, 223; colored, 24; alien parentage, 11; citizen parentage, 236; still born, 14; illegitimate, 8; white and 2 colored, others living, 223; born in Dallas, 115; in county, 132; twins, in each case a boy and a girl, in Dallas, 1; in the county, 2.

- August 21, 1903, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
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Remains of Dr. S. H. Stout
Arrived Yesterday


Body of Distinguished Surgeon
Will be Buried with Honors
This Afternoon. The

     The remains of Dr. S. H. Stout, the well known physician and Confederate veteran, arrived over the Texas and Pacific last night from Clarendon, accompanied by the family. The body of the distinguished scholar met at the train by a delegation from the Dallas County Medical society, consisting of Drs. Fisher, Swain, Wells, Reeves and Aronson, and a large number of Confederate veterans from Camp Sterling Price.
     The remains were taken to Loudermilk's chapel, to be watched there by a guard of honor from Camp Sterling Price until the funeral services today. The funeral will be at 3 o'clock from the First Presbyterian church, Rev. W. O. Reavis officiating. Addresses of eulogy will be made by Dr. C. M. Rosser, representing the profession, and Rev. Lowrance of Camp Sterling Price.
     The interment will be made at Greenwood cemetery. The active pall bearers are: Drs. Rosser, Pace, Thruston, Elmore, Shelmire, Eagon, Graham and Cary and the honorary pall bearers, representing the Confederate veterans are: Capt. W. H. Gaston, J. H. Matthews, J. J. Conroy, F. P. Gillespie, Tom Bailey, T. G. T. Kendall, T. J. Pulliam, Gen. W. L. Cabell, S. H. McElreath and Oliver Steele.
     The following is self-explanatory:
     Headquarters Trans-Mississippi department, General order, No. 65. The lieutenant general commanding the Trans-Mississippi department of United Confederate veterans announces with great sorrow, the death of Dr. Samuel H. Stout, who died in Clarendon, Tex., yesterday in his eighty-first year, surrounded by his family and friends.
     Dr. Stout, during the war between the states, was chief surgeon and medical director of the hospital of the Confederate states in the army of Tennessee. He was a man of great learning, and during his life, he was professor of a number of medical colleges in the south. He was an ardent Confederate, a member o Camp Sterling Price and surgeon general on the staff of Lieutenant General W. L. Cabell. He loved the south, was proud of the Confederate army, and whenever he heard of the illness of an old Confederate soldier, he would visit him at once and give him proper medical attention, free of charge. No Confederate knew him but to honor and admire him. When the roll of fame for the south is completed, this grand old Confederate, this noble son of the south, will be found high in the roll of fame. I, therefore, respectfully request every division and brigade commander throughout the Trans-Mississippi department to have this order read to the camps and to take such action as they may deem proper.
     "By order of
     W. I. C
ILTON PARK, Adjutant General, Lieutenant General of U. C. Veterans,
     Trans-Mississippi Department."
     A special meeting of Camp Sterling Price was called yesterday to take appropriate action in regard to the death of Dr. Stout. Commander T. J. Pulliam presided and Adjutant O. Steele kept the minutes.
     On motion of Milton Park, the honorary pall bearers, mentioned above, were appointed.
     Gen. W. L. Cabell moved that a guard of honor, consisting of four veterans, be appointed to guard the remains. The guard of honor follows: Capt. S. H. McElreath, captain of the guard; J. G. Browning, W. J. Betterton and Joseph Ingram. Capt. McElreath was instructed to appoint as many others as he thought necessary.
     The following memorial committee was named: Gen. W. L. Cabell, chairman; J. B. Simpson, J. R. Cole, Milton Park, S. D. Thruston, Dr. H. A. Moseley and W. J. Betterton.
     Dr. Lowrance was selected to deliver an address at the church. All members of the camp were instructed to be at the headquarters with their badges at 2 o'clock this afternoon and to march from there to the church.
     The family of the late Dr. Stout are stopping with Mrs. W. H. Cave, of 181 Thomas avenue. Rev. E. L. Story of Clarendon, is also here.


     The following resolution were drawn up in honor of the late Dr. Stout by a committee appointed by the Dallas Medical society for that purpose:
     "Whereas, Death, that mysterious something whose phantom forever shuttles through the loom of thought, has entered unbidden the ranks of the medical profession, has, folded the tired hands, curtained the eyes and stilled the generous, kindly heart of Dr. S. H. Stout, the most cultivated scholar that has ornamented medical teachings or medical practice in the South during the last fifty years.
     "Philosophy, however brave, is routed from the presence of cold, senseless clay for death 'on the wept of knowledge leaves no figure woven,' the first death and the last death alike, but marks an end. He was, and is now,
Therefore, be it
     "Resolved, that in the departure of Dr. Stout, the profession of Texas has sustained a great loss. His death marks the severing of another thread that binds the unhappy commercial spirit of present medical practice to the ethical, cultivated, studious and dignified profession of forty years ago, as we can enjoy his delightful presence no more on earth. We rejoice that he has rejoined those choice spirits, Chilton, Carter, Wilson, Thomson, Hadra, Letcher, Elliott and a host of others where, undisturbed, he will rest till the labors and troubles of earth shall become a dim memory.
                               V. P. A
                              W. M. Y
                              W. J. L

     The following resolution were adopted by the Dallas Medical and Surgical society yesterday:
     "Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God to remove from our midst, our esteemed associate and co-worker, Dr. S. H. Stout, who was a brave and efficient surgeon in the medical department of the Confederacy, an eminent scholar, medical writer and teacher;
     "And, whereas, he has long been an active member of our profession and a zealous supporter of its honor and integrity; be it
     "Resolved, that it is the sense of the Dallas Medical and Surgical Association that in the death of Dr. Stout, we have lost a good friend, a dear brother and an able physician. Be it further
     "Resolved that we extend to the bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy in the loss of a kind father and a loving husband. And, be it further
     "Resolved, that these resolution be spread upon the minutes of the association and a copy be sent to the family of the deceased.
                              "W. E. C
ROW, M. D.,
                              "B. K
                              "H. F. T
ERRY, M. D.,
     At a meeting of the Dallas Medical and Surgical association the following honorary pall bearers were appointed: Drs. Leake, Reeves, Crow, Dunlap, Shelmire and Smoot.

- September 20, 1903, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 9, col. 1.
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Death of J. J. Cabell.

Well-Known Citizen Passes Away at
His Home in West Dallas After
a Short Illness.

     John J. Cabell died at his residence in West Dallas yesterday morning at 7:30 o'clock.
     John J. Cabell was the son of Gen. W. L. Cabell and brother of Ben E. Cabell, mayor of the city. He died after a brief illness at his home west of the city. He was born in Fort Smith, Ark. in 1869 and moved with his parents to this city in 1872. During his boyhood, he began to learn the printer's trade, but this work was too confining for his disposition, and much of his early life was spent in the frontier country of this State. He served for some time in the Ranger service under Capt. McMurray and was afterward a Deputy under Sheriff L. H. Hughes. He was married some ten years ago and leaves a widow and one daughter about 5 years of age. Jack Cabell, as he was familiarly known, enjoyed an extensive acquaintance throughout Texas.
     As pall bearers, were chosen: Judge Charles F. Clint, Judge Richard Morgan, Frank Irvine, L. H. Hughes, Charles M. Miller and Charles T. Morris. Honorary pall bearers will be J. Sloan Lewis, W. A. Work, R. L. Winfrey, A. L. Simpson, S. A. Rhodes, A. L. Ledbetter and Thomas A. Donahue. The pall bearers will leave the City hall at 9 o'clock.
     Judge Richard Morgan authorizes the statement that there will be no session of the Forty-Fourth District Court today until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. This action is taken to allow the officers of the court to attend the funeral of John J. Cabell.

- October 9, 1903, Dallas Morning News, p. 4, col. 6.
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Funeral Notice.

     CABELL-- John J. Cabell died at his residence in West Dallas yesterday morning at 7:30. Funeral from his residence at 10:30 this morning, reaching the foot of Commerce street at 11 o'clock. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery.

- October 9, 1903, Dallas Morning News, p. 8, col. 1.
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The Remains Were Received Last
Night From Atlanta, Ga.

     Singleton L. Easley, aged twenty-five years, died at Atlanta, Ga., last Wednesday from an operation for appendicitis. Deceased was, for a number of years, connected with a local wholesale drug house and had an extensive acquaintance in this city. He was the son of Captain S. L. Easley of Bowie, Texas.
     The remains arrived at Dallas last evening, and the funeral will take place from the residence of Dr. Thurston, corner McKinney avenue and Routh street, Monday morning at 10 o'clock.

- October 11, 1903, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
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One of Earliest Settlers in Dallas

Died After a Lingering Illness

     Dallas, October 26. 1903 - Mrs. Ophelia EAKINS, one of the oldest residents of Dallas died at her home, 386 South Harwood Street at 4:15 o'clock this morning, after a lingering illness of several weeks.
     Mrs. EAKINS, who was the widow of John J. EAKINS, who was born in Louisville, Ky., January 11, 1831. Her maiden name was Ophelia CRUTCHFIELD, her father being familiarly known as Major CRUTCHFIELD. With her family she removed to Texas in 1842, settling in Dallas, where she resided up to the time of her death. Her father erected one of the first hotels ever built in Dallas, which was known as Crutchfield House.
     She was married to Major John J. EAKINS in 1850 and their union was blessed with eight children, only one of whom, T. E. EAKINS, is now living.
     They purchased a claim of 640 acres located in what is now the southern part of the city, the present residency being near the center of it. When the question of establishing a city park was negotiated later on, Mr. EAKINS donated two acres of land for what is now known as EAKINS Park- the former name being City Park.
     Their first residence was located on the site of the present courthouse square, and it was here she and her husband were married.
     It is said that members of the family were on the first railroad train that ever pulled into Dallas and were on the trial run of the first street car ever run in Dallas. Mrs. EAKINS and her husband were charter members of the first Christian Church ever established in the city, and she has been a life long member of that denomination.
     Her brother-in-law, J. W. Swindells, was editor of the old Morning Herald from 1852-1875.
     She had resided alone in her neat little cottage at 386 South Harwood Street since the death of her husband in 1887. Her niece, Mrs. Albert EAKINS, has been at her bedside during her entire illness. Her brother, James O. CRUTCHFIELD of Tioga, has been wired for and will be in the city this afternoon. Her sister in Chicago was also sent for, but unable to come.
     The funeral will take place tomorrow at 10 a.m. from the late residence. Interment will probably be made in the old Mason Cemetery.

NOTE: John J. EAKINS, son of John and Sarah (KING) EAKIN, early settlers of Henderson, Henderson County, Ky.

Fort Worth Record, Friday Morning, October 27, 1903
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(Submitted by M C Toyer)



Mortuary Matters.

     Carrol Burgess, 23 years of age, died yesterday morning at the corner of Bryan and Hall streets. He had resided for some years in this city at 133 McKinney avenue.
     James Gott, 53 years of age, died yesterday morning at 102 Caruth street. He was born in Canada, but has been in Dallas for some time.
     Lillian Birdie, 4 years old, daughter of H. K. and Elizabeth Arche, died yesterday morning at 430 North Pearl street.
     Otto Fitches, aged about 22 years, died late Friday night at the corner of Maple and Oak Lawn avenues. Pending advice from relatives in San Antonio or elsewhere, the body will be held here. He has been in Dallas for some six months and resided at 113 Paul street.

- November 8, 1903, Dallas Morning News, p. 40, col. 4.
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     Noah Duff, killed near Richardson last night; remains interred at that place.
     W. H. Hulse, who was born April 13, 1850, in Ohio, died Saturday afternoon at 187 Chestnut street.

- December 6, 1903, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 12, col. 2.
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