Obituaries, Dallas County, Texas, 1909 (incomplete)

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(Updated July 9, 2003)





Infant of Mr. and Mrs. Brogdon Died
Last Night.



Child's Clothes Ignite While in a Baby
Buggy Near the Kitchen

     After lingering from 6 o'clock yesterday evening until 10:30 o'clock last night, Seaman Brogdon, the one-year-old infant of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brogdon, died from burns. The body was taken in charge by Ed C. Smith & Brothers, undertakers, and will be shipped this afternoon to Bryan, Tex., where the interment is to be made. The burns resulting in the child's death were received yesterday afternoon and were the result of a peculiar accident.

Burns in Baby Buggy.
     The baby was left by the mother seated in a baby buggy near the cook stove. She stepped out into the yard for a minute, and when she returned, the baby's clothes and the buggy was in flames. She ran screaming from the house to summons assistance, and before she and neighbors could rush in and extinguish the blaze, the child had been severely burned. One hand was burned to a crisp and both feet and other parts of the infant's body were also terribly burned. Dr. H. H. Simmons was called in and did all he could in an effort to save the life of the child, but his efforts were fruitless.

Mother Grief-Stricken.
     The mother of the child is terribly stricken at the sad accident, and it was necessary to give her medical attention. A fire alarm box in the neighborhood was pulled by some on and the firemen responded, but the house was not damaged by the blaze.

- February 17, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 2.
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Will Clark, a Young Farmer [Passes]

     Will Clark, a young farmer who has been at the city hospital for the last few days, died there last night from cancer of the stomach. The remains were taken in charge by the Donovan Undertaking company. John D. Minton, believed to be a relative of the deceased, was notified last night and is expected in Dallas today to complete the funeral arrangements.

- April 4, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, Sec. I, p. 4, col. 3.
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Funeral Services This Afternoon
From Presbyterian Church.

     Mrs. Kate Anderson, wife of Z. J. Anderson, died at the family residence, 133 Twelfth street, Oak Cliff, at 10:30 o'clock last night. Mrs. Anderson was born in Carrollton, Miss., Oct. 7, 1849, and came to Freestone county the last year of the war, and moved to Dallas in 1890, where she had resided up to the time of her death.
     She leaves surviving her, her husband, Z. J. Anderson, two sons, Lacy and Asa Anderson of Fort Worth, and daughter, Fay Anderson; two sisters, Mrs. M. E. Bussey and Mrs. Millard Storey, both of Oak Cliff, and three brothers, A. N., H. J. and D. L. Wingfield. Mrs. Anderson was a member of the Oak Cliff Presbyterian church, from which church funeral services will be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon.

- April 4, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, Sec. I, p. 6, col. 4.
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Late C. H. Adams, Prominent in Labor
Circles, Will be Buried Today.

     C. H. Adams, aged 62 years, died last night at his late residence, 155 Cabell street. Funeral services over the deceased will be held this afternoon at Smith's chapel, under the auspices of the Leather Workers' Union, of which the deceased was a member. Interment will be at Oakland. The pallbearers will selected from the members of the Local Union of Leather Workers.
     Adams had resided in Dallas for many years, and was particularly well known in union labor circles. He was secretary and treasurer of the Dallas local No. 28, Leather Workers. The deceased left surviving, a widow, but no children.

- April 4, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, Sec. I, p. 7, col. 2.
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Remains Will Be Sent to Colby, Kan.,
For Interment.

     Mrs. Annie Clark died yesterday afternoon on the Kaufman road. The remains will be sent to Colby, Kan., for interment this afternoon by Undertaker Ed. C. Smith & Bro. Deceased was born in England in 1827, and had lived in Dallas for the last fifteen months.

- April 4, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, Sec. I, p. 7, col. 5.
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Body of John H. Hatcher Found Last



Brother at Gatesville Is Notified and Ex-
pected to Arrive in Dallas

     John H. Hatcher, aged about forty-five years, was found dead at an early hour last night in his room at 497 South Akard street. When found, the gas jet in the room was found turned on and there was a gash across one wrist, as though the man had made an effort to slash the radial artery. When found by other persons in the house, the body was still warm and limp, which indicates that life had not been long extinct.

Will Hold Inquest.
     Persons finding the body notified Undertaker Donovan, who took charge of the remains and will prepare them for burial. Justice of the Peace Corley was notified of the death last night and will view the remains some time today, in preparation for an inquest. Persons living in the house in which the man died stated to the undertakers that he had been in ill health for some time, but no one though of him taking such a rash step.

Brother Is Notified.
     A brother, W. D. Hatcher, said to be in Gatesville, was notified of the death and is expected in Dallas today to complete the funeral arrangements. From al indications, it appeared that a shoe of the deceased had been used to loosen the cap of the gas jet and the room was filled with the gas when others in the house forced their way into the room.

- April 4, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, Sec. I, p. 13, col. 1.
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     C. H. Adams died April 3, 1909. Funeral from Ed C. Smith's chapel at 4 o'clock today. All leather workers are requested to be at their hall at 3 p.m.
                S. E. B
ERRY, President.

- April 4, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, Sec. II, p. 8, col. 5.
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Deceased Had Been Resident of Dal-
las for Many Years.

     William Russell, a resident of Texas since 1879, and a resident of Dallas since 1887, died very suddenly during the night at his home, 434 Fairmount avenue, the immediate cause of his death being indigestion and weakness of the heart region. Born in Somers, Conn., April 17, 1825, he would have been eighty-four years of age on the 17th of the present month. When thirteen years of age, his father moved to Missouri, and in Arcadia Valley, eighty-nine miles south of St. Louis, built a home, raising a family of five sons (William being the youngest of the sons), and four daughters, all of whom married and settled down around the old homestead.
     In the fall of 1879, the deceased moved with his family to Texas, following for several years in Dallas and Ellis counties, the profession of farming. After moving to Dallas in 1887, he was engaged in the real estate business, but of late, only a part of his time, spending the last few months quietly at his home.
     He was one of the charter members of the Westminster Presbyterian church and a ruling elder from its organization. He leaves a wife and five sons, A. W. Russell, P. L. Russell, F. K. Russell, T. G. P. Russell, all of Dallas, and E. L. Russell of Cleveland, O., with three daughters, who are Mrs. Henry Guy of Houston and Misses Jessie and Bertha Russell of Dallas. The funeral will be from the family residence at 10:30 o'clock in the morning, with interment in Greenwood cemetery.

- April 5, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 4.
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Services Were Held Yesterday With In-
terment at Oakland Cemetery.

     Funeral services over the remains of C. H. Adams, who died Saturday night, were held at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the chapel of Ed. C. Smith & Brother, undertakers. The funeral was under the auspices of the leather-workers' union, of which the deceased was a member. Interment was made in the Oakland cemetery.

- April 5, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 9, col. 2.
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Deceased Was Native of Dallas, Being
Born in This City in 1886.

     Everett A. White, a native of Dallas, having been born in this city on January 16, 1886, died last night at 482 Lucille street. The deceased is survived by a widow and other relatives. The remains were shipped this morning by Undertakers Ed C. Smith & Bro. to Memphis, Tenn., for interment.

- April 5, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 9, col. 2.
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Remains Shipped Last Night to Colby,
Kansas, for Interment.

     Mrs. Annie Clark, who was born in England on March 9, 1827, died Saturday night a few miles south of the city. She had resided at the place where she died for the past fifteen months. The remains were shipped last night by Undertakers Ed C. Smith & Bro. to Colby, Kansas, for interment.

- April 5, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 9, col. 1.
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     Lucile, the eleven-months-old daughter of G. W. Taylor, died yesterday at 158 Louise street, the family residence. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon, interment being in Greenwood cemetery.

- April 5, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 9, col. 1.
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Services Will Not be Held Until To-
morrow Afternoon.

     Owing to the fact that a son, Edwin L. Russell, of Indiana, is coming to Dallas to be present at the funeral, the services over the remains of William Russell will not be held until Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. The services will be held at the Westminster Presbyterian church, Rev. Robert Hill officiating. The son is expected to arrive in the city in the morning. Deceased was an old resident of Dallas, and is survived by a number of children.

- April 6, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 4-5.
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Infant Son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hew-
itt Died Last Night.

     Harry Howard Hewitt, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hewitt, died last night at the family home, 495 Second avenue. The funeral services will be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon with interment in the Oakland cemetery.

- April 6, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 5-6.
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Remains Will Be Sent to Orvilla, Tex.,
For Interment.

     L. L. Cooper, a native of Tennessee, and thirty-five years of age, died this morning at the family home in West Dallas. The remains will be shipped by Undertakers Ed C. Smith & Bro. in Orvilla [Ovilla?], Texas, for interment.

- April 6, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 6-7.
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Forty-Fourth District Court.

Hon. E. B. Muse, Judge

     William Rhodes vs. Alice Rhodes, divorce. This cause is dismissed; plaintiff is dead.

County Court.
Hon. J. L. Young, Judge.

     Estate of Marshall Bird, deceased; upon application of Wm. Kidd, he is appointed temporary administrator of estate of Marshall Bird. Upon giving bond in the sum of $8000, and qualifying according to law, letters will issue, and he is empowered and ordered to take possession of all property of deceased and collect all debts due and pay all debts due after same are properly verfied, as required by statute and allowed by court and such further orders as the court shall make.
     Estate of Minnie E. Mansfield, deceased. W. A. Bonner, A. S. Guillot and W. H. Mansfield appointed appraisers of the community estate of Nannie E. Mansfield, deceased, and her husband, A. W. Mansfield.

- April 6, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4-5.
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Remains are Shipped to St. Louis,
Mo., for Interment.

     George Lorenz Dietz, aged eighty-nine years, a well known German-American resident of Dallas, died yesterday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. F. W. Boedecker, 205 Wendelken street. The remains were shipped to-day to St. Louis, where the interment will take place.
     Mr. Dietz was born in Germany and settled in St. Louis in 1854. He came to Dallas eleven years ago. He is survived by five children, Mrs. F. W. Boedeker of Dallas, Mrs. H. Gelhauser of Arlington, Mrs. George Plumhoff of Waxahachie, Mrs. C. H. Boedeker of Bowie, and Charles W. Dietz of St. Louis.

- April 6, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
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Dallas Bar Association Passes Reso-
lutions of Regret Today.



Judge Seay, Hon. Yancey Lewis and Ex-
Judge Philip Lindsley Speak in
Laudating Terms of Deceased.

     Bouquets of praise, fragrant with the odor of real affection for the late Charles Fred Tucker, were heaped around his memory at a meeting of the bar association of Dallas in the Forty-fourth district court room yesterday at 10 o'clock. The attendance was large enough to fill every chair in the apartment. President T. T. Holloway, president and H. C. Jarrell, acted as secretary. While, the resolutions passed were eulogistic of the dead man's worth, ability and ______ as a man, lawyer and judge, it was the aftermath, the echoes from those who knew him intimately in his life, ____, that breathed the real love and esteem in which he was held and showed the niche he had carved for himself in the local hall of fame.

Seay, Lewis, Lindsley, Hexter.
     Judge Seay, Hon. Yancey Lewis, ex-Judge Philip Lindsley and Attorney Victor H. Hexter, all of whom had known Judge Tucker intimately in his useful life, spoke of the resolutions in terms of love, and admiration for the unblemished character of the man who was a credit to the bar and an honor to the bench which he adorned.

The Resolutions Passed.
     The resolutions, which were read by Judge Seay of the criminal district court, follow:
     To Hon. T. T. Holloway, president, and to the members of the Dallas Bar Association.
     Death has again afflicted us and withdrawn from our ranks, a beloved and honored member. On March 16, 1909, Judge Charles Fred Tucker was suddenly stricken, and with shocking quickness, passed from life. Judge Tucker was born of Virginian stock, nobly famed in the country's history, he was reared in Louisiana and was educated in Texas and at the University of Virginia. Gentleness ran in his blood, and all things high came easy to him. In the estimate of his friends, he had every quality that becomes a gentleman, and in the judgment of his brothers at the bar, all the virtues of the true lawyer. He was incapable of trick or falsehood and he scorned undue advantage.

Loved the Law.
     He loved the great, deep principles of the law, discerned them with intuitive appreciation and applied them with delicate discrimination and precision. His nature was warm and genial, and he was deeply loyal to friendship, but when men came before him as judge, he knew neither friend nor enemy, and regarded only the law and duty. He met the obligations of citizenship boldly, sincerely and manfully, though, he was never loud in pretense, as he was never faltering in act. He had an abiding faith in God and in the promises of the Lord Jesus Christ, but in his religion, there was no element of gloom, and in his observance of it, nothing of the Pharisee. In his domestic relations, none were tenderer or more worthy of devotion, and none received it in greater measure.
     Therefore, be it resolved by this association:
     1. That in the death of Judge Charles Fred Tucker, his family has suffered irreparable bereavement and his friends a great loss; that this community and society, in general, have been deprived of a wise, useful and true citizen, and the legal profession of a member who, as a practitioner, was guided by its best traditions and, as a judge, illustrated its learning and vindicated its dignity and love of the right, and thus enlarged its usefulness and maintained its just fame.

Given to the Press.
     2. That these resolutions be given the press for publication, a copy thereof be presented to his family, in token of our condolence and deep sympathy, and a copy be spread upon the minutes of this court, in which he long presided. In perpetual memory of a judge who honored the bench not less than the bench honored him.
R. B. S
M. L. R
     At the conclusion of the talks made above, in seconding the resolutions, motions to amend by requesting that copies of the resolution be spread on the records of both the county and Federal courts in the district, were made by Attorneys W. I. Ford and George Carden and accepted by Judge Seay, the mover of the adoption of the original resolution. Then President T. T. Holloway declared the meeting adjourned.

- April 6, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 7, col. 3.
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     J. Frank Edwards died at his home, 164 Swiss avenue, yesterday afternoon, after an illness of ten days. The funeral services will be conducted at the residence this afternoon at 1 o'clock by Rev. W. C. Latimore, after which the body will be conveyed to the Missouri, Kansas and Texas railway station by Undertaker Loudermilk and sent to Pilot Point for interment. The pallbearers will be J. E. Callahan, C. A. Gardner, C. B. Gillette, Fred Jones, E. P. Turner and E. B. Rebbert.
     Mr. Edwards had been in Dallas six years, coming from Alabama, his native state. He was in the grain brokerage business and had an office in the Slaughter building. He is survived by a family.

- August 17, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
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Are in the Deaths of Ransom Ross
and Tony Fosto.


     Justice of the Peace Corley, acting as coroner, returned verdicts yesterday afternoon in the cases of Ransom Ross and Tony Fosto, both of whom met violent deaths during last week. Ross was the farmer who was shot and killed last Thursday near Alpha, about eight miles north of the city. The verdict in this case was to the effect that "deceased came to his death as the result of gunshot wounds inflicted upon him by Belle Pistole on August 12." Mrs. Belle Pistole was a daughter of the deceased and was arrested on the afternoon following the tragedy. On a habeas corpus hearing on the following Friday, she was released on bond in the sum of $1500 by Judge Seay.
     In the Tony Fosto case, Justice Corley's verdict was to the effect that deceased came to his death as the result of several stab wounds inflicted with some sharp instrument, presumably a two-edged dagger. Fosto is the Italian who was so mysteriously murdered on the night of August 13, while at work in one of the dryer rooms of the Texas Portland Cement company in West Dallas.

- August 21, 1909, Daily Times Herald, p. 10, col. 2.
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Was Well Known in Newspaper Circles
in Texas and Oklahoma.

     C. P. Grafton, a printer, about fifty years of age, who has been working on the Richardson Echo for the past four years, was found dead in a room at the Commercial hotel Sunday morning. His death being caused by heard disease. Mr. Grafton was a native of Tennessee and the son of a Denton county Cumberland Presbyterian minister, Rev. D. R. Grafton. He was raised in the town of Denton, and has been engaged in the newspaper business over Texas and Oklahoma for the past twenty-five years. He established papers at Carrollton, Athens, Burleson, Richardson and other points.
     Sam P. Harben, in whose employ he had been since going to Richardson, was immediately notified, and with a son of Mr. Grafton, came to Dallas and arranged with the Donovan Undertaking company for the sending of the remains today to Denton for interment.
     Mr. Grafton is survived by his mother, a brother and sister, who live at Waxahachie. He also has two brothers who are prominent in state religious work, Rev. N. F. Grafton of Terrell and Rev. Lou Grafton of Hubbard City.

- August 23, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 7, col. 3.
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Man Who Was Found Dead to Be
Buried To-morrow.

     Lester Moss, the colored man who was found dead yesterday afternoon in the rear of 262 Elm street, will be buried to-morrow morning from the undertaking establishment of Crawford & Company. The cause of the man's death was not determined, but is believed to have been from natural causes. He came from Longview and had relatives in Dallas.

- August 25, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2.
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Louis Reichenstein, Deputy
County Clerk, is Dead.



Dead Man in Crowd Awaiting Arrival
of President.



Stomach and Intestines Were Pierced and
Death Came Six Hours After
Wound was Inflicted.

     Louis Reichenstein, assistant county clerk of Dallas county, died at St. Paul's Sanitarium this morning at 1:10 as the result of being run through by a bayonet in the hands of Sergeant J. D. Manley of company E, Third Texas regiment, yesterday evening at 5:25 o'clock at the corner of Kentucky street and Armstrong avenue.
     The remains were taken in charge by Undertaker George W. Loudermilk pending funeral arrangements.

Conscious Almost to the Last.
     It was stated that the best time ever made with a wounded man was made with Mr. Reichenstein from the place where he was wounded to St. Paul's Sanitarium, with the automobile ambulance. Thirty-two minutes after the bayonet had pierced the abdomen of the wounded man, he was on the operating table at the Sanitarium. It was found, however, by the physicians, that he was too weak to permit of an operation even with such quick action. His wife, mother and two brothers, Charles and Jacob, were summoned to his bedside and remained with him to the last. He was conscious almost to the end and realized that he could not live.

Nature of the Wound.
     The bayonet passed through the lower part of the stomach, severing the large and small intestines and passing out to the right of the spine. It was believed by the physicians who attended him that the wound was fatal, but it was thought an operation might be performed with a possible chance of his recovery. It was found, however, impossible to revive the wounded man sufficiently to enable him to stand the chloroform, and nothing could be done.

How He Received the Wound.
     Reichenstein, with several friends, it is said, was standing near the entrance to the Fair Grounds, which was roped off and guarded by Company E of the Third Texas regiment, anticipating the arrival of President Taft. It was not learned whether there were words between Reichenstein and Sergeant Manley, but before his friend knew what had happened, he was lying on the ground, pierced by the bayonet.
     The wounded man was taken immediately into fire station No. 3, at Armstrong avenue and Kentucky street.

Physicians Were Summoned.
     Dr. Anton T. Remer, of 259 Exposition avenue, was called, and at the same time the automobile ambulance was summoned. A moment later, Dr. Sumners appeared, and before the ambulance arrived, Dr. W. W. Samuells arrived from the Fair Grounds emergency hospital.
     The physicians made a hasty examination, and on the arrival of the ambulance, went with Reichenstein to the sanitarium, with the intention of performing a quick operation, if such a thing were possible.

Sergeant Manley Arrested.
     Sergeant Manley was arrested by Mounted Officer Tedford and turned over to Assistant Chief Ryan of the Fair Grounds force. He was later transferred to the sheriff's department and lodged in the county jail. Manley is a resident of Dallas and is employed by the Dallas Rug and Carpet Renovator company as carpet man. He lives at 157 Lincoln street. It was stated that Manley appeared so nervous after the affair, that he could not tell a connected story of the matter and did not appear to know how it happened. Manley was stationed, with other members of the company, at the entrance to the Fair Grounds, for the purpose of keeping the passage-way clear for the presidential party, which arrived at 5:30 o'clock.

Resident of Dallas Many Years.
     Louis Reichenstein was thirty-four years of age and had been a resident of Dallas for many years. He had been a deputy in the office of county Clerk Jack Gaston for the past two years, and was in charge of the vital statistics. He is survived by his widow, four children, mother, Mrs. Genon Reichenstein, three brothers, Charles and Jacob of Dallas and Adolph of Colorado, and a sister, Mrs. Alice Dublin, of Salt Lake City.

- October 24, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 11, col. 1.
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Body of Louis Reichenstein
Laid at Rest.

     Funeral services over the remains of Louis, better known as "Pete" Reichenstein, were held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the residence of his mother, Mrs. L. Reichenstein, 183 Cabell street. From the residence, the body was taken to St. Patrick's church, where Rev. Father Mulloy conducted the services of this church over the body. The interment was made in the Greenwood cemetery. Pallbearers were selected from among close friends of the deceased and were as follows:
     J. W. Gardner, James E. Record, E. L. Underwood, John Leonard, J. W. Cooper, Joseph DeWitt, Walker G. Edwards and Jack M. Gaston.
     A large number of the friends of the deceased attended the funeral and a number of handsome floral designs showed the respect and esteem in which he was held. The deceased was thirty-four years of age at the time of hid death, and practically all of his life, had been spent in this city. He was of a quiet unassuming disposition and well liked by all that knew him. At the time of his death, he was one of the deputy county clerks and in charge of the vital statistics of this office.
     Several years ago, he married Miss Mary Murane, daughter of T. J. Murane of this city. Besides his widow, he is survived by four little children, a mother and a number of brothers and other relatives.

* * *

Murder Complaint Filed.
     Formal complaint charging J. D. Manley with murder was filed this morning by Sheriff Ledbetter in the county attorney's office. The case was docketed in Justice of the Peace Corley's court and the examining trial will probably come up Wednesday. As yet, Manley has secured no attorneys and , of course, the examining trial will not be held at that time if attorneys, which he will secure in the meantime, are not ready. The charge against Manley grows out of the death of Louis Reichenstein, who was run through and through with a bayonet Saturday night, just before the train bearing President Taft arrived at the Fair grounds.

* * *

Member of Company E.
     Manley, who was a sergeant in Company E, Third Infantry Texas National Guard, which is one of the local companies, was on guard duty near where the train was to stop for the presidential party to alight. A large number of people was swarming around the place and the members of the guard and special officers were having considerable trouble in keeping back the throng. Several different stories have been told as to how the trouble leading up to the tragedy started. What seems to be the most plausible, runs about as follows: Reichenstein, in company with J. W. Cooper, had been to the races and they , with the thousands of others, were in the crowd waiting for the president's train to arrive. Deciding to come to the city, it is said that Reichenstein asked permission of Manley to cross from where they were to, to where a car was standing, saying they wanted to catch the car for the city.

* * *

Permission Refused.
     Permission to come within the line was refused and some words passed between the two men. It is claimed that Manley then struck Reichenstein across the shoulder with the butt of his gun. At this, Reichenstein upbraided him and said that he was a nice specimen of a soldier. the next thing that happened, the bayonet was sticking into Reichenstein, the long steel going clear through the body, piercing all of the large intestines and inflicting injuries from which the wounded died several hours later at the sanitarium. Another story is that Manley struck a small boy with his gun and Reichenstein told him that he had no business to do that and this brought on the trouble between the deceased and Manley.

* * *

Refuses to Talk.
     Manley refuses to talk of the affair, except to express sorrow that it occurred. Capt. Harry Kinnard, commander of Company E, expressed great sorrow at the affair this morning and is investigating the matter thoroughly. At the time of the incident, Capt. Kinnard was not in command, he being on detached duty as one of the mounted escort for the president. Lieut. Wells was in command of the company. J. W. Cooper, who was with Reichenstein practically all of Saturday evening, was seen this morning and asked for a statement of how the fatal tragedy occurred. Besides saying it was an entirely unprovoked assault, he would say nothing for publication.

* * *

Made Dying Statement.
     On Saturday night, several hours before death occurred, Reichenstein made a dying statement, which was taken by a notary public. In this statement, he said that he asked permission to cross the reserved space to catch a car and it was refused by Manley, who followed it up by striking him across the shoulder with his gun. He upbraided Manley for this, when the next thing he knew he was attacked by the man with the bayonet. This statement was not in the hands of the county attorney, but the gist of it was told a reporter by a county official that had seen the document.

* * *

Much Indignation.
     A great deal of indignation has been expressed on all sides because of the unfortunate affair. As the troops were on duty at the time, and at the request of the city authorities, and as Manley was carrying out his orders to keep all people back from the cleared space, it is claimed that nothing more than manslaughter can be made out of the case. Local officers of the Texas National Guard are making a rigid investigation into the matter, as it is probably that a report will have to be made to the attorney general in regard to the affair.

- October 25, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 11, col. 3.
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     According to the information obtained by Undertaker J. P. Donovan yesterday and to-day, the body found in the White Rock bottoms Saturday evening was the remains of J. V. Monroe, of Mart, Texas. J. A. Yarbrough, a deputy sheriff of McLennan county, and living at Mart, positively identified the body yesterday as that of J. V. Monroe of Mart. It was also stated that he had an uncle, L. C. Bird, living at Mart.
     Justice Corley viewed the body this morning, but as yet, has made no decision.

- October 25, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 11, col. 6.
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Mrs. Sarah Fryling Dead.

     Mrs. Sarah Fryling, aged sixty-nine years, died yesteday afternoon, 337[?] Young street. She had been a resident of Dalls for thirty-five years and the widow of the late Wiliam Fryling. Mr. Fryling was a native of New York and instructions as to the disposition of the remains are being awaited at Smith Bros.' undertaking establishment.

- October 25, 1909, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 11, col. 6.
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