Obituaries, Dallas County, Texas, 1900 (incomplete)
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(Updated March 23, 2001)




     The funeral services of Pauline Jones, six months old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Jones (nee Jettie Anderson), will take place Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the residence of S. G. Anderson, 250 Cadiz street.

- January 5, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 7 col. 3
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     The following deaths are reported by the local undertakers:
     Homer Johnson, Jan. 5, No. 157 Dexter avenue, aged two weeks.
     Miss Lena Wiegand, Jan. 5, No. 469 Live Oak street; pneumonia.
     John Adger, Jan. 4, corner Bryan and Pavilion street, aged 38 years.
     Homer McAfee, Jan. 4, No. 194 Belleview street, 21 years old.

- January 5, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 7 col. 3.
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     John Weems, colored, aged 84 years, died suddenly yesterday afternoon at No. 314 Williams street, of heart failure.

- January 5, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 7 col. 3.
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Resolutions of Respect on the
Death of Mr. Harrell.

     The adjourned meeting of the Dallas Bar association to receive the report of the committee appointed at a former meeting to prepare suitable resolutions on the life and character of E. O. Harrell, met yesterday morning in the forty-fourth judicial district court room. In the absence of President Gano, Col. Whitehead, acting secretary, called the meeting to order and M. L. Robertson was elected to preside.
     The committee then submitted the following, which was unanimously adopted:
     To Hon. W. B. Gano, president local bar association: We, your committee, appointed to draft resolutions on the death of E. O. Harrell, beg leave to report the following resolutions, and recommend their adoption.
                    HARRY L. SEAY,
                    R. H. CAPERS,
                    GEORGE A. CARDEN,
     Resolved, 1. That in the death of E. O. Harrell, the bar of this city has lost an able and honorable member and the community at large, a useful and upright citizen.
     Resolved, 2. That we deeply sympathize with his bereaved family in the loss of a generous and devoted husband and father.
     Resolved, 3. That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Bar association, that a copy be presented to each of the following courts: The court of civil appeals, the fourteenth and forty-fourth judicial district courts, the criminal district court, and the county court, and that the chair appoint from the members of the association, one member to present these resolutions to each of said courts with the request that they be spread on their minutes and made a part of their records; that a copy be furnished to the press of the city with the request that they publish the same, and one to the family of the deceased.
     The chair appointed the following to present the resolutions to the different courts as follows: To the court of civil appeals, Dudley G. Wooten; to the fourteenth district court, A. E. Firman; to the forty-fourth district court, J. P. C. Whitehead, and to the county court, R. H. Capers; and to the criminal district court, Harry L. Seay.
     On motion of W. T. Strange, the association adjourned, to meet next Saturday for the purpose of electing officers and for the transaction of such other business for the good of the profession as may come before it.

- January 7, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3-4.
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     Ernest John, aged 17 months, died last night at No. 131 Payne street.

- January 7, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5 col. 3.
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     Tucker Paul, colored, aged 27 years, died at the city hospital yesterday afternoon.
     Laura Norman, colored, aged 32 years, died at No. 415 Preston street this morning, of dropsy.
     Mrs. Sidney Potter died this morning at the family home, No. 147 Cedar Springs road. She was 36 years old, and a native of Illinois, but had lived in Texas twenty years.

- January 7, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
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     Died--This morning, at her home, on Cedar Springs avenue, Mrs. Sidney J. Potter (nee Annie Spencer). Funeral to-morrow, Jan. 9, from her late residence, at 10 o'clock a. m. Funeral services at the Catholic Pro-cathedral.

- January 7, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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     Ellen Thompson, a 17-year-old girl, whose parents live at No. 153 Nettie street, died yesterday from the effects of burns received the day before. She and her mother, it seems, were quilting and the girl was standing with her back to an open stove, when her clothing caught fire, and before the flames could be extinguished, she was so terribly burned, that her death followed several hours later. She retained consciousness until the last.

- January 7, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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     The following deaths are reported by the local undertakers for the week ending yesterday:
     Tucker Paul, colored, January 7, city hospital, aged 27 years; consumption.
     Harry Burdge, January 9, 58 years old; consumption.
     Laura Norman, colored, January 7, No. 415 Preston street, 32 years old; cardial dropsy.
     William McDonald, January 11, Parkland hospital, 47 years old; chronic bronchitis.
     W. L. Muckleroy, colored, January 10, No. 163 Hawkins street, 11 months old; cause not given.
     Tennessy Gattis, January 9, No. 759 Commerce street, 48 years old; cause not given.
     Mrs. Phillipine Kahn, January 13, corner St. Louis and Mulberry streets, 57 years old; heart failure.
     Mrs. Augusta Mayer, January 7, Thomas avenue, 70 years old.
     Mrs. S. J. Potter, January 8, No. 147 Cedar Springs road, 36 years old; [cause not given].
     Earl Johnson, January 10, No. 210 Snodgrass street, 21 years old; [cause not given].
     Eunice M. Ellis, January 11, No. 167 Holmes street, 66 years old; [cause not given].
     W. F. Lee, January 11, Fairland, 30 years old; [cause not given].
     Ernest Payton Tennison, January 12, No. 148 Reagan street, four months old; [cause not given].
     Mrs. Francis Morton, January 13, No. 1023 Elm street, 74 years old.

- January 14, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 2-3.
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     The following deaths are reported by the local undertakers for the week ending yesterday:
     Henry Luitzer, Jan. 15, Burford street, 103 years old; old age.
     Lottie Johnson, Jan. 14, Fisher Lane, 34 years old; consumption.
     Charles Shawhan, Jan. 15, city hospital, 47 years old; consumption.
     Mrs. Bell Conely, colored, Jan. 19, Jefferson and Columbia, 23 years old; tuberculosis of the bowels.
     Levona Jackson, Jan. 17, No. 662 Commerce street, 23 years old; hemorrhage of the lungs.
     Mrs. Anne Andrews, colored, Jan. 15, No. 122 Abbott street, 38 years old; heart disease.
     Annie Campice, Jan. 16, No. 521 Central avenue, 16 years old; consumption.
     R. E. Owens, Jan. 20, No. 261 Goode street, 45 years old; pneumonia.
     George Condrotta, Jan. 20, No. 570 Ross avenue, 1 year old; bowel trouble.
     J. W. Strauss, Jan. 14, No. 129 Crockett street, age and cause not given.
     J. H. Slankard, Jan. 16, 176 South Harwood street, 46 years old; cause not given.
     W. Hugh Hunter, Jan. 17, No. 270 Annex avenue, 53 years old; disease of heart.
     Infant of John Schaffner, Jan. 14, No. 624 Flora street, eight days old; inanition.

- January 21, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, Sec. II, p. 5, col. 5-6.
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     The following deaths are reported by the local undertakers for the week ending yesterday:
     Martha Merrifield, January 21, city hospital, 26 years old; tuberculosis.
     Bettie White, colored, January 24, city hospital, 60 years old; cause not given.
     John M. Dison, January 27, city hospital, 55 years old; lead colic.
     Fannie Roberts, colored, January 21, corner Forest and Vina, 41 years old; Bright's disease.
     Lucy Pope, colored, January 22, Germania street, 33 years old; heart disease.
     William Alexander, colored, January 25, No. 191 Central avenue, 51 years old; heart disease.
     Infant of Katie Plakes, colored, January 23, No. 375 Swiss avenue, 14 days old; inanition.
     Emma Jefferson, colored, January 26, No. 213 Juliett, 1 year old; cause not given.
     A. H. Howard, January 22, No. 213 Cochran street, 65 years old; cause not given.
     Mrs. J. C. Heitman, January 23, College Hill, 31 years old.
     John H. Snell, January 25, No. 196 McKinney, 58 years old.
     Mrs. L. A. Dickinson, January 24, No. 152 Good street, 60 years old.
     Infant of William Westbrook, January 24, No. 116 Allen street, six weeks old.

- January 28, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 7, col. 1.
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     The following deaths are reported by the local undertakers for the week ending yesterday:
     Hugh Everitt Massie, Jan. 28, No. 428 Fairmount, age 3 years; cause not given.
     Mary Atchison, No. 355 Cochran street, age 64 years; cause of death, erysipelas.
     Dela Langly, on Hutchins road, age 43 years; cause not given.
     William Luther Crenshaw, Jan. 30, No. 165 Dexter avenue, age 3 months; cause not given.
     Infant of J. S. Carter, Jan. 30, age 2 weeks; cause not given.
     Mrs. Lillie Blackburn, Jan. 30, No. 970 Elm street, age 32 years; cause not given.
     Daisy R. Work, Jan. 31, No. 148 Bookhout street, age 21 years; cause not given.
     Beatrice Shope, Jan. 31, Fairland, age 14 months; cause not given.
     Julian P. Walker, Feb. 1, age 57 years; [cause not given].
     Alliene Connel Vardell, February 1, No. 439 Swiss avenue, age 3 years; [cause not given].
     P. M. Hawkins, February 2, roomed [at] corner of Commerce and Murphy streets, 35 years; cause, pneumonia.

- February 4, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 7, col. 2.
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     For the week just ended, the local undertakers report the following deaths:
     Mrs. Winnefred Kelley died February 4th, at 955 Main street. She was born in Ireland and lived in Dallas 20 years. Age 62 years.
     Pauline Owens died February 4th, at 212 Annex avenue. Age 1 year; cause not given.
     Miss Nettie Walton died February 5, at 668 Washington avenue. Age 39 years. She was born in Canada and had been a resident of Dallas 9 years. Cause of death not given.
     Lillia Wilson, colored, died at 210 Alamo street, February 6th. Age 1 year and 2 months. Cause of death, bronchitis.
     W. W. Gadberry, colored, died February 6th, in West Dallas. Age 88 years. He had been a resident of Dallas county for 45 years. Cause of death, old age.
     Infant of W. D. Bates, residence 271 McKinney avenue, Still-born.
     Robert Melton, colored, infant, died February 9th, at 821 Main street. Supposed cause, bronchitis.
     Infant of W. M. Jannett died February 10, at 101 Pierce street. Cause of death not given.
     William C. Mitchell, son of John G. Mitchell of Louisville, Ky., died February 10th, at 4 p. m., at Dr. Patton's residence, 143 Ewing avenue, Oak Cliff. Age 17 years. Cause of death, consumption.

- February 11, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 6-7.
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     The local undertakers report the following deaths for the week ending yesterday:
     Maggie Harris, February 12, at Parkland hospital, age 32 years. Cause of death not given.
     J. A. Beal, February 12, home in Oak Lawn, age 37 years.
     Mattie Sanders, colored, February 12, at 131 Ashland street. Cause of death not given.
     Mrs. E. D. Fuller, February 12, home on Hawkins street; age 30 years. Cause not given.
     Pete Meyer, February 12, at city hospital; age 46 years. Cause of death, tuberculosis.
     G. A. McKoy, February 12, at 749 Commerce street; age 40 years. Cause of death, la grippe, followed by chronic pneumonia.
     Mrs. Annie A. O'Connor, February 12, home [at] corner of Hall and Bryan streets; age 50 years. Cause of death, pulmonary tuberculosis.
     Mrs. Adams, February 12, home on Floyd street. Cause of death not given.
     J. N. Ryant, February 12, at 176 S. Harwood; age 66 years.
     Will Lampkin, colored, February 14, at Parkland hospital; age 22 years.
     Mrs. Mary D. Collins, February 14, resident of Dallas, died in Houston, remains interred in Dallas. Cause of death, tuberculosis.
     Violet Cavorovia, February 15, West Dallas; age 18 years. Cause of death not given.
     Tom Wilson, February 15, in the Phillippine saloon; age 63 years.
     G. W. Grissom, February 15, 182 Cochran street; age 46 years. Cause of death, apoplexy.
     S. S. Kingsberry, February 15, 132 Caruth street; age 66 years. He was born in Canada and had been a resident of Dallas 28 years.
     Mrs. Mary S. Dee, February 16, 576 N. Masten; aged 62 years. Cause of death, pneumonia.
     William E. Conway, February 16, 116 Louise street; age 9 months.
     Fred Van Brunt, colored, February 17, 537 Elm street; age 32 years. Cause of death, heart disease.
     William H. Taggart, February 17, home on Elm street; age 57 years. Cause of death not given.

- February 18, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
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Shocking Death of Tom Tate
in the Trinity Bottom.

     Last Monday, Tom Tate of Lisbon, Tex., met an untimely death. He was in the Trinity bottom hunting duck with an old single-barrel, muzzle-loading shotgun. On one of the lakes in the bottom, he came upon a number of ducks, and fired, or rather attempted to fire, at them, the gun exploding and the barrel plunged back, piercing through his head, having entered between the eye and nose. Some people living in the vicinity of the lake saw the explosion and rushed to the unfortunate young man's assistance, but he had passed beyond all human aid.
     Chief Cornwell went out to the scene of the fatal occurrence, and yesterday accompanied the young man's remains to Lisbon, where they were interred. It is thought that the explosion was the result of the gun's muzzle becoming clogged with mud, by placing it muzzle downward on the ground.

- February 21, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 7, col. 1.
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A Postmaster for Twenty Years
Died Last Night.

Special to the Times Herald:
     Mesquite, Tex., Feb. 21.--Uncle Arch Lanier, postmaster at Lawson, a country postoffice south of Mesquite, died last night. He came to Texas in 1844, was justice of the peace for sixteen years and postmaster for twenty-five years. He was eighty years old and was loved by every one who knew him.

- February 21, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 7, col. 3.
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     Gabriel Randolph died yesterday at 132 Hall street, aged 59 years. He was a union veteran. The funeral will be held to-morrow at 10 o'clock.
     Miss Mamie Williams, aged 13 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Williams, died this morning at 180 Cabell street, of pneumonia. Funeral services from home at 2 o'clock to-morrow, conducted by Rev. O. C. Fontaine. Members of Floyd street church are requested to attend; also other friends and acquaintances invited.

- February 22, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 7.
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     Mrs. H. R. Webster died last night on Bryan street, age 35 years. The remains will be shipped by Loudermilk this evening to Texarkana.
     Mrs. M. A. Kennedy, age 42[?] years, died yesterday in West Dallas on the Eagle Ford road. Cause of death, tuberculosis.
     Mrs. Mattie P. Burten died yesterday evening at 176 South Harwood, age 59 years.
     B. E. Andreds [Andrews?] died this morning at 258 Exposition avenue, aged 46 years.

- February 23, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
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Special to the Times Herald:
     Lancaster, Tex., Feb. 22. Claim Agent McCauley, of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas railroad, has been in town a day or two endeavoring to obtain statements from the parties who witnessed the killing of Mrs. Haney by a freight train here last week.

- February 23, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 4-6.
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Mortuary Matters.

     Following are the deaths reported for yesterday by the city undertakers:
     B. E. Anderson, [February 24], 43 years old, place of death and cause not given.
     Mrs. E. J. Hill, 37?/87? years old, died at St. Paul's Sanitarium; cause of death not stated.
     William White, [February 24], 60 years old, died of dropsy at 108 Alamo street.
     Miss Nettie Luck died [February 24] on Bryan street of neurasthenia, aged 60 years.
     William Chester, [February 24], 53 years of age, died of meningitis at 375 Swiss avenue.

- February 25, 1900, Dallas Morning News, p. 5, col. 2.
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     For the week ending yesterday, The local undertakers report the following deaths:
     William Chester, Feb. 25, 375 Swiss avenue, age 33 years. Cause of death, meningitis.
     Fanny Bruce, Feb. 25, 192 Houston street, age 25 years. Cause of death, consumption.
     William Rainwater, Feb. 26, 135 Clark street, age 29 years. Cause of death not given.
     Norwood Vaughan, Feb. 26, 111 Mulberry street. [Age not given]. Cause of death not given.
     Carrie Hamilton, colored, Feb. 26, 265 Juliet street, age 15 years. Cause of death, tuberculosis.
     Hattie Atkinson, Feb. 26, 114 Glad-Clark street[?], age 29 years. Cause of death, broncho-pneumonia.
     Ernest M. Burns, Feb. 26, 426 Junius street, age 1 month.
     J. F. Warren, Feb. 26, home on Grand avenue, age 63 years. Cause of death, apoplexy.
     John Hock, February 27, 940 Main street, age 38 years.
     Carrie Keatts, colored, Feb. 28, 113 Burford street. Cause of death, consumption.
     Edith Jackson, Feb. 28, on Grand avenue, 23 years. Cause of death, consumption.
     R. E. Cox, Feb. 28, age 28[?] years. Cause of death, a pistol shot.
     Michael Fallon, March 1, on Bryan street, age 18. Cause of death, tuberculosis.
     Carrie Dice, March 1, in Oak Lawn, age 39 years. Cause of death, pneumonia.
     Mom. Hodges, colored, March 1, Tenth and Greenwood, Oak Cliff, age 31 years. Cause of death, consumption.
     T. P. West, home in West, Texas, died at the Sanitarium; age 35 years. Cause of death, pneumonia.
     Mrs. B. H. Johnston, March 2, 786 South Ervay, age 42 years. Cause of death, appendicitis.
     Mrs. J. O. Davis, March 2, 150 Bryan street, age 32 years. Cause of death, consumption.
     Elsabat F. Schwarz, March 3, at 56__ Commerce street, age 2 years.
     Esther Martin Goldman, March 3, 151 South Akard, age 8 months.

- March 4, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 6-7.
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     After four days of investigation, Justice Skelton late yesterday afternoon, returned the inquest verdict in the case of Robert E. Cox, who was found early last Wednesday morning weltering in his own blood in a lodging house flat on Camp and Griffin streets. The finding of the inquest was that Cox came to his "death from gunshot wounds in hands of a party unknown." The grand jury have investigated the case several days, and it made its returns to Justice Skelton yesterday. It found for no indictments.

- March 4, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 6.
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     For the week ending yesterday, The local undertakers report the following deaths:
     William Pleasant, colored, March 4, at Parkland Hospital, age 30 years. Cause of death, suppurative orchitis.
     Charles Wyley, March 4, age 21, [place of death not given], uraemic poisoning.
     Rose Memint, March 4, 331 Griffin street, age 6 months.
     Mrs. Matilda Dinsmore, March 4, Main and Akard streets, age 43, Heart failure.
     Mrs. W. C. Brigham, March 6, 130 Simpson street, age 45 years.
     John L. Neel, March 7, 473 Haskell, age 72 years; heart failure.
     Thomas O'Leary, March 7, Forest avenue, age 75 years.
     Lee B. Cannon, colored, March 8, 373 Hall street, 1-year-old; inanition.
     A. M. Moss, March 10, age 30 years; heart failure.
     T. H. Reddock, [date not given], age 32 years, Parkland Hospital; heart failure.
     Mrs. E. F. Davis, March 10, 165 Leonard street, age 23 years.

- March 11, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
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     Tave Moore died to-day at 281 Williams street, age 23 years.
     Infant of Henry Hansom died this morning, corner of Good and Gaston.
     J. P. Alsbrook, age 41 years, died this morning on South Lamar.

- March 14, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
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     The infant of J. E. Bell died this morning at 130 Campbell street.
     Richard Denton died yesterday on Villa street, aged 27 years.
     Lucile Thomas, colored, infant, died this morning at 715 Commerce street.
     Peter Plummer, aged 77 years, died yesterday at 92 Hughes street, Oak Cliff.
     J. H. McCormick died at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the Capitol hotel on Pacific avenue. He was 28 years of age and his home was in Milton, Penn., where, it is said, he has influential relatives. They have been telegraphed, and the remains are being held at J. E. Dunn & Co.'s morgue for instructions as to their disposal.

- March 15, 1900, Dallas Morning News, p. 5, col. 5.
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     The infant of C. M. McGee died this morning at 755 Elm street.
     Infant of Amantha Chance died this morning at 676 Elm street.
     Harriett Harris, colored, died this morning in the county jail, age 30 years. She was of unsound mind. Inquest was held by Justice Skelton.

- March 16, 1900, Dallas Morning News, p. 6, col. 4.
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     Lucy Moseley, aged 17 years, died yesterday at 402 Jackson street.
     Fay Gladys Cecil, the little 14-months-old daughter of Mr. Jerry Cecil, died last night at 398 Wood street from the effects of a burn received last Wednesday.

- March 17, 1900, Dallas Morning News, p. 5, col. 2.
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Mortuary Matters.

     Fay Cecil, aged 1 year, died yesterday [March 17] at 398 Wood street.
     Margaret Travis died yesterday [March 17] at 139 Holmes street, aged 2 years.
     The remains of J. H. McCormick, the telegraph operator who died Wednesday night [March 14] at 194 Pacific avenue, were interred at Oakland Cemetery yesterday afternoon in accordance with instructions received from relatives in Pennsylvania.

- March 18, 1900, Dallas Morning News, p. 24, col. 3.
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     The local undertakers report the following deaths for the week ending yesterday:
     Prue McGee, March 18, aged 7 years, 108 Florence street; cause of death not given.
     Mrs. Rapy Gale Works, March 18, aged 45 years, Fairland.
     Lawler Hanford, colored, March 18, aged 72 years, Parkland hospital; senility.
     Ella Birdwell, colored, March 18, aged 36 years, 156 Cabell street; [cause of death not listed].
     Cora Burry, March 20, age 16 years, 437 Elm street; consumption.
     Mrs. Viva Girard, March 20, aged 23 years, 114 Cedar street; consumption.
     Edward Moss, March 20, aged 22 years, 354 N. Masten; pneumonia.
     Mabel Lane, colored, March 20, aged 8 years, 217 Junius street; inflammation of the brain.
     Infant of Ed Bunson, colored, March 22, 539 Juliette street; inanition.
     George King, March 23, aged 49 years, corner of Pacific avenue and Masten street; internal injuries. Home at Hutchins, Tex.
     Andrew Skelton, March 23, infant, 295 Gaston avenue.

- March 25, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 5-6.
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     For the week ending yesterday, the following deaths are reported by the local undertakers:
     Milton Young Jenkins, March 25, 276 Forest avenue, aged 6 years and 4 months.
     J. T. Johnson, March 25, 103 Beaumont street, aged 65 years.
     W. A. Work, March 25, 637 North Masten street, 16 months.
     Robert Johnson, colored, March 25, 677 Cochran, aged 30 years; congestion of the lungs.
     E. C. Storey, March 25, [age not given], 12 miles west of Dallas; congestion.
     Infant of Eliza Jenkins, colored, March 25, Guillot street; inanition.
     Clara Graham, colored, March 25, 266 South Lamar street, aged 25 years; consumption.
     M. Miller, colored, March 25, Live Oak and Central, aged 21 years; consumption.
     Ellen Mishaw, March 25, 653 Commerce street, aged 5 years.
     S. A. Williams, March 26, 159 Canton street, aged 48 years; inflammation of liver and kidneys.
     Mrs. Mary Duncan, March 27, corner Bryan and Hall streets; consumption.
     Mr. and Mrs. Wiggington, March 28, near Miller's Ferry bridge, in the county; both died of pneumonia within an hour of each other.
     Elizabeth Hart, March 28, home on Rockwall road, aged 70 years; heart trouble.
     Clarence W. Hodges, March 29, 607 Browder street, 1 year and 6 months.
     Mrs. Mary Rosson, colored, March 29, 217 Hawkins street, aged 30 years; consumption.
     Mrs. Emma Gray, March 29, 264 Second avenue; [age and cause of death not given]
     Joseph M. Cunningham, March 29, near corner Marilla and Akard streets, aged 36 years; pneumonia.
     Zealotus Bartlett, March 30, 115 Cabell street; aged 63 years; pneumonia.
     Julia Griffin, March 30, [age not given], 433 Flora street; consumption.
     Louis Berwald, March 30, 280 Canton street, 38 years; pneumonia.
     Mrs. Annie Williams, March 30, 131 Nussbaumer street, aged 51 years; la grippe.
     Mrs. C. F. Ewing, March 30, 775 Live Oak street, aged 35 years.
     Mrs. Mary P. Chambers, March 31, 204 Ewing avenue, Oak Cliff, aged 70 years.
     C. C. Traw, March 31, 114 Smith street, aged 46 years; pneumonia. The body was shipped to Richland, Mo., for interment.

- April 1, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3-4.
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     The local undertakers report for the week ending yesterday, the following deaths:
     F. M. Nash, April 1, age 51 years, at 597 South Lamar; congestion.
     Delmore Chadwick, April 1, age 8 months, Ewing avenue.
     Mrs. Mary S. Owens, April 1, aged 52 years, 262 Good street; cancer of the breast.
     Ranson Topsy, colored, April 1, age 14 years, 609 Washington avenue; tuberculosis.
     Infant of Will Thomas, colored, April 1, 266 South Lamar; spasms.
     Mrs. Francis Burk, April 3, age 45 years, at 57 Cockrell street; consumption.
     Carl W. Carlson, April 3, age 1 year and nine months, 338 Gaston avenue; congestion of the bowels.
     Infant of C. A. Downey, April 3, age one year, 201 Park avenue; bronchitis.
     Lottie Myers, colored, April 4, age 62 years, corner Cochran and Hall streets, pneumonia.
     H. W. Kennedy, April 6, age 20 years, at 379 Commerce street; contact with a live wire.
     John A. Ruff, April 6, age 60 years, at intersection of Wood and Austin; struck by a car.
     Bula Retter, April 6, age 5 years, corner of Gano and Second avenue.
     Miss Adela Roberts, April 7, age 16 years, corner of Polk and Preston.
     The remains of John S. Adams, who died in Butte, Montana, March 29, were brought to Dallas and interred last Wednesday.

- April 8, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
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     The following deaths are reported by the local undertakers for the week ending yesterday:
     A. H. Field, April 10, 215 Crutcher street, aged 69 years.
     William Albert Childress, Jr., April 11, 534 Ervay street, aged 16 years.
     Claude Vaughn, April 12, 247 Snodgrass street, aged 7 months.
     Infant of Paul Walsh, April 12, at the Sanitarium; [age and cause of death not given].
     William L. Campbell, April 13, 504 McKinney avenue, aged 6 years and 6 months.
     Miss Lula Rainwater, April 14, 152 Cockrell avenue, aged 26 years; consumption.

- April 15, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2.
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     For the week ending April 21, the local undertakers report the following deaths:
     Mrs. Mary McDowell Clark, April 15, aged 68 years, 467 Bryan street.
     Emma E. Watkins, April 15, aged 13 years, 323 Germania street.
     John Tolley, April 15, aged 50 years, on the Eagle Ford road; consumption.
     Infant of Henry Lee, April 15, aged 1 month, 273 South Lamar.
     Martina Burciaga, April 15, aged 22 years, 715 Houston street.
     Medora Cleveland, April 16, aged 1 year, 488 Ross avenue.
     Mrs. Amanda McCabe, April 16, aged 37 years, 219 Santa Fe avenue; pneumonia.
     Chas. S. Taylor, April 16, aged 65 years, Elm street; hemorrhage of the lungs.
     Infant of Rena Dickson, April 17, 227 Carroll avenue.
     John Foggins, April 17, West Dallas, aged 55 years; pneumonia.
     Infant of Mose Clark, colored, April 18, West Dallas, aged 4 months.
     Letha Stewart, April 18, aged 4 years, 516 Jackson street; anginose scarlet fever.
     Mary F. Mayo, April 19, 119 Cochran street, aged 50 years; consumption.
     William Williams, April 20, city hospital, aged 27 years; appendicitis.
     William S. Davis, April 20, aged 31 years, St. Paul's Sanitarium; uremic poisoning.
     Green Fullenweider, April 21, aged 38 years, city hospital; syphilitic paresis.

- April 22, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
- o o o -


     The local undertakers report the following deaths for the week ending yesterday:
     Robert Holloway, April 21, 351 San Jacinto street, age 9 years.
     Harry B. Bowquin, April 22, 305 Flora street, age 14 months.
     Henry Despain, April 22, 243 Crockett street, age 2 years and 3 months.
     Allen Warren, April 22, 144 Henning avenue, age 50 years.
     Infant of Charlie Pruell, [date of death not given], 151 Nettie street.
     Howell R. Bailey, Jr., April 26, 772 Live Oak street, age 15 months.
     Andrew Clarence Vance, April 27, 437 South Central avenue, age 9 months.
     Sam Bosley, colored, April 28, corner Duncan and Indiana streets, age 38 years.

- April 29, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2.
- o o o -


     The local undertakers report the following deaths for the week ending yesterday:
     Richard Daly, April 29, aged 38 years, corner of Bryan and Pavilion streets; pneumonia.
     H. A. Clark, April 29, aged 56 years; [location and cause of death not given].
     Albert Vogt, April 30, aged 60 years, lived in West Dallas; accidental drowning.
     Infant of William Hollis, colored, May 3, on Peak alley; [colitis?].
     Charles Taylor, colored, May 3, 32 years, 1029 Gladstone street; pneumonia.
     May Richardson, May 3, aged 24 years, city hospital; heart failure from acute alcoholism.
     Infant of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wagstaff, May 4, died in Belton and interred in Dallas.
     G. Asavado, May 4, aged 19 years, 375 Wood street; consumption.
     Mrs. J. E. McClain, May 4, aged 40 years, died near Lisbon; blood poisoning.
     Minnie Morgan, colored, May 4, aged 32, 240 Exposition avenue; tuberculosis.
     Infant of Ed Stamfield, May 5, 100 North Jefferson street; [age or cause of death not given].
     William Ryan, May 5, aged 30 years, 159 Crowdus street; consumption.
     Christoph Lingenfelder, May 5, 424 Main street; [age not given]; pneumonia.

- May 6, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 7.
- o o o -


     The following deaths are reported by the local undertakers for the week ending yesterday:
     S. M. Fechenbach, May 5, aged 49 years, St. Louis and interred in Dallas; cause of death, Bright's disease.
     Mary Finney, May 7, age 80 years, 430 Flora street.
     William B. Jones, May 8, age 15 months, 498 Browder street.
     Albert Williams, May 10, age 38 years, typhoid malarial fever.
     Infant of Arthur Simon, May 10, 238 Juliette street.
     Miss Dee Davis, age 42 years, city hospital; paralysis.
     Infant of James Wimberly, colored, May 11, near the Fair Grounds; teething.
     Henry Boyer, May 11, age 24 years, corner Bryan and Hall streets.
     F. J. Porter, May 12, age 51 years; 1041 South Central street.
     Geo. W. Dean, May 12, age 42 years, 140 Cochran street.

- May 13, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 7, col. 5.
- o o o -


     For the week ending yesterday, the local undertakers report the following deaths:
     Sam Reele, May 13, age 46 years, 162 Griffin street.
     Michael Gleason, May 13, age 35 years. Died at the Santa Fe crossing.
     Mrs. Jennie Skinner, May 15, age 48, on Pennsylvania avenue.
     Albert W. Hatzenbuehler, May 15, age 7 months, 228 Texas street.
     Charles Spear, colored, May 17 age about 100 years, 274 Juliett street. He was born in Kentucky and had been a resident of Dallas about six months.
     Lucy E. Jones, colored, May 17, age 19 years, 145 Trinidad street.
     Mrs. C. B. Smith, May 18, age 30 years, 250 Haskell avenue.
     Infant of Mrs. M. Walsh, [date of death not given], age 2 months, Bryan street.

- May 20, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 7, col. 4-5.
- o o o -


W. M. Hurt at the Residence of
His Sister.

     Mr. W. M. Hurt died of Bright's disease at the residence of his sister, Mrs. J. Q. Holman, 255 Kentucky street, at 12:15 a. m. yesterday. The funeral will be conducted by Rev. I. T. Underwood at the Central Baptist church to-day at 11 a. m. Mr. Hurt was a member of the firm of Holman & Hurt, lumbermen, and one of the deacons of the Central Baptist church. All friends and brethren are invited to be at the services.

- May 27, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 7.
- o o o -


     The local undertakers report the following deaths For the week ending yesterday:
     Laura Lewis, May 20, age 27 years, 169 Cedar street.
     J. T. McAnnary, May 20, age 40 years, Parkland hospital.
     Unknown man, May 22, shot at Richardson, Tex.
     Infant of Lucy and Robert Robinson, colored, May 23, 115 Sam Cross street.
     Mrs. Minnie C. Tedford, May 24, age 29 years, No. 16 Betterton Circle; heart disease.
     Infant of A. Dalton, May 25, 1011 Commerce street.
     Mary Johnson, colored, May 25, age 46 years, 222 Griffin street; nephritis.
     Caroline Bell, colored, May 25, age 42 years, 377 Bryan street; dropsy.
     Infant of Ollie Cary, May 26, age 4 months, 183 Ross.
     Thomas Reynolds, colored, May 26, age 26 years, 171 Houston street; heart failure.
     Johnnie Courtney, May 26, age 1 year, 401 Washington avenue and Live Oak; interocolitis.
     Rebecca Powell, colored, May 26, age 38 years, 130 Boll street; died from burns received from the explosion of a kerosene lamp.
     William Hurt, May 26, age 40 years, 251 Kentucky street.

- May 27, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 7.
- o o o -


     For the week ending yesterday, the local undertakers report the following deaths:
     Hermonio Fay Oliver, May 27, age 8 months, 333 Live Oak street.
     J. W. Pahl, May 28, age 3 months, 217 Exposition avenue.
     Infant of T. P. Jordan, May 28, 572 Commerce street.
     Infant of H. W. Fooes, May 29, age 10 days, 114 Hodges street.
     Minnie Brown, May 29, age 11 months, Birmingham.
     Geo. Tucker, May 30, age 2 years, near Calhoun; measles.
     Victor E. Lanfranconi, May 31, age 28 years, 325 Thomas avenue.
     Chas. Leonard Vardell, May 31, age 9 months, 724 Live Oak street; [cause of death not given].
     Dud Williams, colored, June 1, age 62 years, 133 Henry street; typhoid fever.
     G. W. Raike, June 1, age 32 years, 189 San Jacinto street.
     Infant of Mrs. E. L. Shafer, June 2, [age not given], 304 Ross avenue; inanition.

- June 3, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
- o o o -


     For the week ending yesterday, the local undertakers report the following deaths:
     Sallie Cochran, colored, June 3, aged 33 years, 128 Patterson avenue.
     Nannie E. Reeves, June 5, aged 31 years, 616 Commerce street; pneumonia.
     S. F. Corn, June 4, aged 44 years, Parkland hospital; consumption.
     Dick Sherrell, June 7, aged 56 years, Jackson and Ervay streets.
     Lottie Clay, colored, June 7, aged 22 years, corner Betterton and Greenwood streets, Oak Cliff.
     George Frederick Ehrhardt, infant, June 7, 218 South Harwood street; cholera infantum.
     Infant of Annie Hahl, Carroll avenue, June 8.
     Ella Johnson, colored, June 8, aged 1 year, 253 Boll street; inanition.

- June 10, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
- o o o -


     At a special meeting of Dallas cigar makers' union, No. 262, the following resolution of respect were unanimously adopted:
     "Whereas, it has pleased an Almighty Providence to remove from our midst, our brother, Victor Lanfranconi; therefore, be it
     Resolved, that Cigar Makers' union, No. 262, hereby extend their sympathy to the bereaved family in their hour of affliction; that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the union and a copy be furnished to the bereaved family, and also to the press, and that the charter be draped in mourning for thirty days.

- June 10, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 4.
- o o o -


     All members of the order of the Eastern Star are requested to attend the funeral of Mr. J. J. Chandler, from the Tabernacle Methodist church, Monday morning at 9 o'clock, by order of the worthy matron.

- June 17, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 5.
- o o o -


     For the week ending yesterday, the local undertakers report the following deaths:
     Infant of Effie Williams, June 10, 203 Griffin street.
     W. B. Hawley, June 10, age 55 years, Parkland hospital; convulsions.
     Unknown white man, June 10, age about 52 years, in the Santa Fe yards.
     Mrs. Jane Simpson, June 11, age 78 years, 445 Fairmount; general debility.
     John Paul, two-year-old child of, June 12, [place and cause of death not given].
     Lulu May Reeves, June 12, age 16 days, Annex avenue.
     Lillian B. Sweet, [date not given], age 6 weeks, 213 Griffin street.
     Alice [Witte], two-year-old daughter of R. E. Witte, June 14, 376 North Harwood.
     Vivian Fleenor, infant, June 15, age two years, 209 Camp street; diphtheria.
     J. J. Chandler, June 15, age 34 years, 309 Powhattan street.

- June 17, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 6-7.
- o o o -


     The local undertakers report the following deaths for the week ending yesterday:
     Carrie Armstrong, colored, June 18, aged 2 years, 568 San Jacinto street.
     Abe Heddick, June 19, aged about 50 years.
     Sophie Davis, colored, June 20, aged 26 years, Parkland hospital.
     Frank Edwin Mitchell, June 20, aged 18 months, 531 North Central avenue.
     Infant of L. D. Simon, colored, June 21, 238 Juliette street; whooping cough.
     Mary Emory, colored, June 21, 113 Gibson street; cholera infantum.
     Infant of Lot Thomas, colored, June 21, 281 Williams street.
     Ed Brown, colored, June 21, [address not given], aged 34 years; consumption.
     Willie Mitchell, colored, June 22, aged 17 years, Parkland hospital.
     Napoleon Wiggins, colored, June 22, aged 35 years, Parkland hospital.
     Willie Brooks, June 22, aged 1 year, 229 Snodgrass street.
     Willie K. Reed, June 22, aged 18 months, 178 Cochran street.
     Bertie Lee King, June 23, aged 18 months, 720 South Lamar.

- June 24, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2-3.
- o o o -



     For the week ending yesterday, The local undertakers report the following deaths:
     Napoleon Wiggins, colored, June 23, aged 35 years, Parkland hospital.
     Ike Rubestein, June 25, aged 7 years, Lamar and Ross.
     Annie Davis, colored, June 25, aged 25 years, near 5th street, Oak Cliff.
     Infant of L. D. Jobe, June 25, aged 10 days, 264 Crockett street.
     Mr. Johnson, June 26, aged 50 years, six miles north of the city.
     Mariah Reed, colored, June 27, aged 60 years, 204 Caroline street.
     Francis M. Clark, June 27, aged 26, 125 Fairmount street.
     Earnest Dixon, colored, June 27, aged 7 months, 121 Peak alley.
     Sallie Worthington, colored, June 28, aged 87 years, 180 Fuqua.
     Manay Clark, colored, June 28, aged 52 years, 262 Lover's Lane.
     Paterson Steward, colored, June 28, aged 1 year and 5 months, corner Guillot and Boll.
     Mrs. Molly West, June 29, aged 50 years, 767 Ross avenue.
     George Blankenship, colored, June 29, aged 1 year, 359 Hall street.
     Anna Bellow, June 29, aged 13 years, Parkland hospital.
     J. F. Spann, June 29, aged 49 years, 325 South Preston street.
     Miss Effie King Muller, June 29, aged 33 years, 300 Carlisle street.

- July 1, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
- o o o -


     The local undertakers report the following deaths for the week ending yesterday:
     Anise Greffon, July 1, aged 59 years, corner Elm and Hill.
     Clara Wilson, colored, July 1, aged 36 years, 206 Calm [Elm?] street.
     Infant of Dr. J. G. Poe, July 1, age 4 days, corner Annex and Bryan streets.
     Camelia Hopper, July 1, aged 2 years and 15 days, 213 Cockrell.
     M. S. Noyen, July 2, aged 62 years, Oak Cliff.
     Lillian Frazier, July 2, aged 3?/8? months, 599 S. Lamar street.
     Jesse E. Coffman, July 3, aged one year and 4 months, 585 Commerce.
     S. B. Cunningham, July 3, aged 33 years and 6 months, Peabody avenue.
     Edward L. Dowtherd, colored, July 3, aged 10 months, San Jacinto and Fairmount street.
     Henry Schneider, July 3, aged one year and 3 months, 140 Highland street.
     Sallie Jacobs, colored, July 4, aged 4 years, 541 Flora street.
     Chas. Ford, July 4, aged 25 years, 130 Convent street.
     F. F. Sarzedas, July 4, aged 34 years, 151 Floyd street.
     Geo. O'Lear, July 5, aged 63 years, 277 Simpson street.
     Julia Roberson, colored, July 6, aged 25 years, Parkland hospital.
     Luis Morgan Maas, July 6, aged 8 months, Windsor hotel.
     Henry Tyree, Jr., July 6, aged 11 weeks, 136 Montgomery street.
     Infant of Dr. E. T. Cox, July 6, corner Second and Parry avenue.
     Luther Hendricks, July 7, aged 17 years, two miles south of town.
     Sophia Braxton, colored, July 7, aged 13 years, 173 Merlin street.
     Leon Dewey King, colored, July 7, aged 2 years, 316 Hawkins street.

- July 8, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
- o o o -


     Ada Bush, colored, aged 27[?] years, died yesterday at 276 McCoy street.
     James Cannon, colored, aged 26 years, died yesterday afternoon at 656 N. Central avenue.

- July 9, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
- o o o -


Forty-fourth district court:
     Eliza J. Hendricks vs. Catherine Hendricks et al; death of Catherine Hendricks suggested and case continued to make parties.

- July 10, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 4.
- o o o -


     Fred Herzog died yesterday at St. Paul's sanitarium. His age and the cause of his death were not given.
     Mrs. Ettie Baird, aged 35 years, died last night at the corner of Hall and Pavilion street. The body was shopped by G. W. Loudermilk to Cleburne this morning.
     William Dorris, aged 40 years, died yesterday at the corner of Bryan and Pavilion streets.
     Robt. W. Gary, aged 1 month, died this morning at 710 Washington avenue.

- July 11, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 6.
- o o o -


     John G. Jeffreys, colored, aged 7 months, died at 210 Snodgrass street, this morning.
     Bulah Fay Foraker, aged 8 months, died this morning at 115 Alamo street.

- July 12, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
- o o o -


Forty-fourth District Court.
     T. E. Conn vs. J. W. Manly, of the estate of Ann B. Cunningham, deceased; defendant has leave to amend.

- July 13, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
- o o o -


     Raphael Simon, colored, aged 21 years, died this morning at 244 Juliette street.
     Infant of Mr. Green, colored, aged 7 months, died at Cochran's Chapel this morning.

- July 13, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 5.
- o o o -


     Clapp--Martin Vernon, 5-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Clapp, died July 14th, 5 a. m. Funeral from residence, 495 S. Harwood St., 10:30 a. m. to-morrow. Interment Catholic cemetery.

- July 14, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
- o o o -


     Hans Nelson, aged 38 years, died yesterday afternoon at the city hospital. He was a native of Denmark and had been in Dallas five years.
     Medie Emma Alexander, 3 years and 6 months old, died yesterday afternoon at 6 o'clock at 237 Wall street. The cause of death was not given.
     Martin V. Clapp, aged 5 months, died this morning at 495 South Harwood street.

- July 14, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
- o o o -

Old Settler Dead.

Special to The Times Herald.
     Mesquite, July 14.--Mr. A. P. Summers, aged 60 years, died at the family residence at this place this afternoon. The cause of his death was heart failure.
     He was an old settler and had lived here about thirty-five years.

- July 15, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
- o o o -


     For the week ending yesterday, the local undertakers report the following deaths:
     Freda Tranger, July 15, aged 27 years, 242 Ross avenue; peritonitis, superinduced by accidental injuries.
     Clara Scandary, July 16, 15 years, 131 Orange.
     Etta Well Mantaux, July 16, age 22 years, 146 Seegar.
     Joe B. Walker, July 16, 2 years, 298 Ewing street.
     Mrs. Ellen E. Brewer, July 18, age 70 years, 132 Noble street.
     Scott Foster, July 18, age 16 years, 294 Beaumont street.
     Annie Laura Camp, July 18, aged 11 years, 415 North Harwood street.
     Maude Stockton, July 18, age 1 year; died near Kit, in the county.
     Tom Keys, Jr., July 19, age 3 years, near Caruth, in the county; measles.
     Mrs. Beverly Harris, July 19, age 22 years, 631 Swiss avenue; gastroenteritis.
     Benjamin Staab, July 20, age 32 years, 121 Carter street.
     Anna J. Robert, July 20, age 4 hours, 207 Swiss avenue.
     Ernest J. Robert, July 20, age 4 hour, 407 Swiss avenue.
     C. F. Argie[?], July 20, age 50 years, 192 Hawkins street; cirrhosis of liver.

- July 22, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 7.
- o o o -


     For the week ending yesterday, the local undertakers report the following deaths:
     Martha H. English, July 22, aged 60 years, cause of death not given.
     Lasione E. J. Love, July 23, aged 37 years, Bryan and Pavilion streets; cause of death not given.
     Leony Stone, colored, July 23, aged 3 years, 399 Jackson street; bronchitis and malarial fever.
     Carrie Johnson, colored, July 23, aged 1 year, 113 Guillot street.
     Mrs. J. N. Oliver, July 24, aged 42 years, corner of Oakland and Burlington streets; malarial fever.
     Mrs. Dollie Norris, July 24, aged 31 years, corner Bryan and Pavilion streets; apoplexy.
     Elmo Wright, colored, July 25, aged 5 years, 387 San Jacinto street.
     Mrs. N. E. Brown, July 26, aged 37 years, 141 Lincoln street; cause of death not given.
     Angus Cox, July 26, aged 10 years, 136 Ross avenue.
     Lewis Rosenberg, July 28, aged 56 years, 926 Browser street; tuberculosis of the bowels.
     Mildred Mitchell, July 28, aged 2 years, Parkland hospital; entero colitis.
     W. P. Hastings, July 28, aged about 60 years, on Main street.

- July 29, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 5.
- o o o -


William P. Hastings Puts a
Period to His Life.



Left A Pathetic Note Saying He
Was Sick, Despondent,
and Miserable.

     Yesterday morning between 7 and 8 o'clock, the landlady of a boarding house at 529 Main street was attracted by unusual sounds issuing from the room directly below her own. This room was occupied by William P. Hastings as lodger.
     The landlady, on hearing the noises, descended to the floor on which was the room occupied by Hastings and found his door open and he in his bed, covered with the bed clothes and emitting sounds as if he were strangling.
     Thinking to give him relief, she ran and got some water and threw it in his face, but it failed to help the man.
     The landlady then ran for Dr. S. K. Lidstone, who lived near by. The doctor responded immediately and applied restoratives as quickly as possible, and worked with the man, but his best efforts were unavailing, and despite all that could be done for him, Hastings died shortly after the arrival of the physician.
     Judge Skelton was informed at once, and he came and viewed the remains between 8 and 9 o'clock. During the inquest, a bottle marked "carbolic acid," and about half full, was found on the bed beside the dead man.
     There was also a wallet, well worn and frayed, lying alongside of the bottle. In the wallet were several blank applications from a book firm in Philadelphia. There was also another paper which showed the deceased to have lived until recently for many years in or near Duncan, Indian Territory, and that he had been a school teacher during that time. The paper read as follows:
     "Duncan, I.T., June 22, 1900.--This is to certify that we, the undersigned, citizens of Duncan, I. T., have known W. P. Hastings A.B.T.C.D. ten years, during which time he taught school here and its vicinity; that he is a man of integrity, truth, morality and sobriety, and a law abiding citizen.
President of the School Board;
United States Commissioner."
     There are about a dozen more names, in addition to the above, signed to the letter of introduction.
     On the back of the above document is written the following pathetic confession of a broken-spirited old man, the last words, perhaps, he ever penned:
     "Sickness and despondency have rendered my life miserable, which I put an end to by my own hands, and may God have mercy on me through Jesus Christ. Let none be blamed. I have no money.
     After Judge Skelton had viewed the remains and taken the testimony and the evidence, he returned a verdict of suicide. The body was removed to the morgue of J. E. Dunn & Co., where it is being held awaiting instructions from the dead man's relatives, who are thought to be living somewhere in the Indian Territory. Hasting[s] was apparently about 60 years old, and his hair was very fine and white. His features indicated him to be a man of more than ordinary intelligence, of one who had been reared to see much of the pleasant side of life.

- July 29, 1900, The Sunday [Dallas] Herald, Sec. II, p. 8.
- o o o -


     John Thomas, aged 1 day, died this morning at 229 Carroll avenue.
     Katie Thompson, aged 13 months, died yesterday at 758 Commerce street.
     Johnnie McKenzie, aged 5 months, died yesterday morning at 168 Porter street; inanition.
     Mrs. H. B. Fife died yesterday morning at the corner of Hall and Bryan streets. She was 37 years of age and had been in this city two years.
     Thos. D. Anderson, aged 72 years, died yesterday afternoon at 580 Ross avenue. Death was caused by paralysis and other complications. Deceased was born in Kentucky and had been in Dallas seven years.
     Willie Dower, aged 2 years and 4 months, died yesterday at 563 Central avenue of whooping cough.
     W. D. Webber died Saturday evening at the corner of Routh and Howell streets, aged 34 years. He was a telegraph operator. The body will be shipped to-day to Ozark, Mo., for interment.
     Ed King, colored, died yesterday morning at 11:30 o'clock at 504 Flora street, aged 25 years. The remains will be shipped to-day to Marshall, Tex.

- July 30, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
- o o o -

City News Notes.

     Mrs. Laurine E. Johnsen Lugg died July 23 in this city. She was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, 1863, and was the wife of William W. M. Lugg. San Francisco and San Diego papers are requested to copy.

- July 30, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 5.
- o o o-


     Thos. D. Anderson, aged 74 years, died at the residence of his son, on Ross avenue, at 3:30 p. m. Sunday, January 29, 1900, after suffering the brief period of one week with malarial fever. He leaves a large family to mourn his loss. He was a native of Nelson county, Kentucky, but had resided in Texas for about seven years. His funeral will take place this afternoon at 4 o'clock, after which, his remains will be removed to Oakland cemetery and interred.

- July 30, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
- o o o -


     Mesquite, Tex., July 30.--Mr. T. J. Hass died last week after a languishing illness. He was one of our most successful young business men. The K. of P. lodge conducted the burial services.

- July 30, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
- o o o -



Met His Death While Bathing
in Exall's Lake.

     H. T. Blair, son of Geo. W. Blair, clerk of the court of civil appeals, was drowned while bathing in Exall's lake yesterday afternoon.
Mr. Blair was unmarried and about 23 years of age, living with his father at 341 Routh street. His body was taken to Bonham for interment, over the Santa Fe, at 8:25 this morning. Judge Anson Rainey and other friends accompanied the body, which was taken to the train by the local lodge of the Order of Eagles, of which the deceased was secretary. His untimely death has proven a shock to all his numerous friends. He was well known and deservedly popular.

- July 31, 1900, Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
- o o o -


Dunlap Sinclair of Dallas Passed
Away at Temple.

     Dunlap Sinclair, a carpenter who is well known in Dallas, having resided here a number of years, died suddenly at Temple yesterday of apoplexy. The body was brought to Dallas this morning and taken to the residence of the deceased's mother at No. 114 Thomas avenue.
     He was a son of the late Geo. Sinclair of this city, and when at home, lived with his mother and sister of Thomas avenue. He went to Temple in the employe of Theo. Beilharz and was working at the Temple ice factory when he died suddenly.

- July 31, 1900, Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
- o o o -


A Chicago Drummer Dies of
Self Inflicted Wounds.



But one Show Was Fired and That
Was Over the Heart--Testimony
at the Inquest.

     William G. Laing, a traveling man, whose home was in Chicago, met death last evening at 6:30 o'clock by receiving a shot from an ivory-handled six-shooter of 44 caliber, which took effect directly over the heart. The body was found in the rear end of Felix Tanco's saloon, at the corner of Commerce and Akard street. Blood has spurted from the wound until the entire surroundings were covered with it, making a gory spectacle. When the door of the room was broken open, the air was filled [with] smoke and the weapon used lay upon the floor with one chamber empty.
     Justice Edwards viewed the remains, and this morning, took evidence in the inquest proceedings, after which, he rendered the verdict that deceased met his death from self-inflicted gunshot wounds.
     Felix Tanco, proprietor of the saloon, testified as follows at the inquest:
     "Laing came into my place early yesterday morning. He said that he was sick and that for some time, his stomach had been so weak, it could not retain anything. He gladly accepted my invitation to take breakfast with me, and I prepared some poached eggs on toast for him. We ate together. Then, he said he wanted a drink, and I suggested that it would be best for him not to take anything for awhile. He agreed, and lighting a cigarette, he left with a friend.
     "He came back again about noon and said that he was still feeling far from well, and together we partook of some vegetable soup and a few other light articles of food. During the meal, I expressed my horror at the assassination of King Humbert."
     " 'The poor fellow is out of his trouble now,' said Mr. Laing. 'If I knew that lightning would strike and kill me the moment I went out of that door, I would be the happiest man in the world.'
     "We cheered him up as best we could and he left, and I saw no more of him until a few minutes before he died, when he came in with a number of friends and took a drink. Then, he excused himself and went into a back room.
     "A few seconds later, we heard a pistol shot, and rushing back, tried to open the door to the room he had entered, but there seemed to be some sort of a weight against it and we did not succeed until Police Officers Stampley and Tanner arrived. Then, it was we found that the weight was Laing's inanimate body.
     "The room was filled with power smoke and the walls and floor were spattered and smeared with blood that was spurting from a bullet hole in the body just above the heart. Nearby lay an ivory-handled, 44-caliber, double-action six-shooter, of Colt's make. It had one empty chamber.
     "In firing the shot, the coat had been pulled back, so that only the shirt had been powder burned. The sight was an awful one."
     Other witnesses corroborated the above testimony.
     After the shooting, the body was taken to the undertaking establishment of J. E. Dun & Co., where many people viewed it.
     Deceased was a young man under 25 years of age. He came to Dallas and registered at the Oriental hotel on July 25. He traveled for a big Chicago lumber firm, of which his father is president. Last night, the latter was notified by telegraph of his son's death. This morning, a reply was received which instructed that the body be prepared for interment and shipped to Chicago. The relatives of the dead man are wealthy and well known residents of that city.
     No farewell messages were found about the person of the deceased.

- July 31, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
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City News Notes.

     Casar Abundio, a Mexican farmer, aged 32 years, died to-day of dysentery at the city hospital.

- August 1, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
- o o o-

Card of Thanks.

     Mrs. Lanfranconi, who lives at 325 Thomas avenue, and whose husband died some time ago, is going to Lawrence, Kansas, and wishes to thank all of her friends for kindness shown her in her time of trouble.
Mrs. V. Lanfranconi

- August 2, 1900, Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
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Man Who Suicided Last Satur-
day Interred To-day.

     The body of W. P. Hastings, the aged man who committed suicide by drinking carbolic acid last Saturday morning, was interred in Greenwood cemetery to-day at 2:30, in a lot given by the local King's Daughters. The body has been lying at the undertaker's and has not been claimed. It is believed that Hastings has no relatives in this coun[t]ry.

- August 2, 1900, Daily Times Herald, p. 8.
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City News Notes.

     Elizabeth Johnson, a colored woman, age unknown, died to-day on Belleview street.

- August 2, 1900, Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 5.
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     The local undertakers report the following deaths for the week ending yesterday:
     Katie Thompson, aged 13 months, died Sunday [July 29] at 758 Commerce street.
     Johnnie McKenzie, aged 5 months, died Sunday morning [July 29] at 168 Porter street; inanition.
     Mrs. H. B. Fife, died last Sunday morning [July 29], corner Hall and Bryan streets.
     Thos. D. Anderson, aged 72 years, died Sunday afternoon [July 29] at 580 Ross avenue; paralysis and other complications.
     Willie Dower, aged 2 years, died Sunday [July 29] at 563 Central avenue; whooping cough.
     Ed King, colored, died Sunday morning [July 29] at 504 Flora street, aged 25 years.
     H. T. Blair, aged 23 years, was drowned in Exall's lake Monday afternoon [July 30].
     William G. Laing, aged 25 years, died at the corner of Commerce and Akard streets Monday evening [July 30]; suicide.
     Fred Allen, aged 1 week, died Monday [July 30] at 229 Carroll avenue.
     Casar Abundio, aged 32 years, died Wednesday [August 1] at the city hospital; dysentery.
     Elizabeth Johnson, colored, age unknown, died Thursday [August 2] on Belleview street.
     Mrs. Martha H. Shaw, aged 41 years, died Thursday [August 2] at 238 Caroline street.
     Mrs. Sallie W. Murray, age unknown, died Thursday [August 2] at 622 South Harwood street.
     Hermann Schreiber, aged 43 years, died Thursday evening [August 2] at 950 Elm street; diabetes and catarrh of stomach.
     Infant of Edmond Edwards, colored, died of whooping cough Friday [August 3] at 116 Watkins avenue, aged 1 month.
     Mary Welch, aged 11 years, died Saturday [August 4]; corner of Birmingham and Myrtle streets.
     Mrs. Lilly Joyce, aged 34 years, died Saturday [August 4] in this city.

- August 5, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
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     The local undertakers report the following deaths for the past week:
     Carrie Simon, colored, age 18, died Sunday [August 5] at 238 Juliett street.
     Mrs. G. W. Sewal, aged 48, died Sunday [August 5] at the corner of Collins and Magnolia streets.
     Mrs. G. W. Sewal, aged 48, died Sunday [August 5] at 277 Snodgrass street.
     F. T. Lape, aged 29 years, died Sunday [August 5] at 345 Flora street.
     Dan Power, aged 19, died Monday [August 6] at the city hospital of phtisis fulmalonis.
     Col. W. W. Lang, aged 72, died Monday [August 6] at 165 Tenth street, Oak Cliff, of typhoid fever.
     Cecil Slaughter, [August 7], aged one year, in West Dallas of congestion of the brain and meningitis.
     Infant Remie Scarborough, aged 16 months, died at the adventist camp Thursday [August 9] of malarial fever.
     Jesse Adams, aged 33 years, died Thursday [August 9] at 358 Williams street.
     Mrs. Dreury, aged about 45 years, died Friday [August 10] at Parkland hospital of meningitis.
     Ethel May Williams, aged two years, died Saturday [August 11] at 593 Live Oak street.
     Mrs. A. H. Bennett, died Saturday [August 11] at 110 Crockett street, aged 21 years.
     The two-year-old infant of M. Sanders, of Elam station, died yesterday [August 11] of summer complaint.

- August 12, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
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     Died: Mrs. Annie Bennett, at her father's residence, at 3 o'clock yesterday morning. Funeral services will take place at the residence, 110 Crockett street. Burial at Greenwood cemetery at 4 p. m. All friends of the deceased are respectfully invited to attend.

- August 12, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 6.
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     The local undertakers report the following deaths for last week:
     Mrs. Carolina L. Chase, aged 72 years, died of consumption, Monday evening [August 13] at 180 Ninth street, Oak Cliff.
     Infant of Cordia Lewis, colored, died at the corner of Harwood and Cockrell streets Monday [August 13], aged one month.
     Lillie Sherman, aged 19 years, died Tuesday [August 14] on Austin street of consumption.
     Barber Drake, colored, died Wednesday [August 15] at 276 Live Oak street, aged 17 years.
     James O'Leary, aged six years, died Wednesday [August 15] at Miller's switch.
     Mrs. C. S. Smith, aged 27 years, died Thursday [August 16] at 177 Jefferson street, Oak Cliff.
     Mrs. Lee Nanny, aged 36 years, died Thursday [August 16] at Elam's station.
     Alice McKinney, aged three years, died Thursday [August 16] in West Dallas.

- August 19, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
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     Berlina Brewer, colored, died to-day of typhoid fever on Queen City street, aged 9 years.

- August 21, 1900, Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 5.
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City News Notes.

     There will be memorial services in honor of Mrs. Ann Browder Cunningham at the Mission Home Wednesday at 3:30 o'clock, at No. 229 Carroll avenue. All are invited.

- August 21, 1900, Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 5.
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     J. B. Ledbetter, aged 50 years, died yesterday at the city hospital, of abcess of the liver. He had been a resident of Dallas for 16 years.
Etta Franklin, colored, aged four years, died to-day at 119 Good street.

- August 22, 1900, Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 4.
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Lady Died From Effects of
Kerosene Explosion.


     Miss Mary Operly, a lady residing at 614 Ross avenue, was fatally burned yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock, by the explosion of a can of kerosene.
     She died about 11 o'clock last night, after enduring terrible agony.
The funeral took place to-day at 4 o'clock from the Sacred Heart cathedral, interment at the Catholic cemetery.
     She was thirty-eight years of age, and had been a resident of Dallas nearly all her life.

- August 23, 1900, Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 2-3.
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     Frank Cisco, a Mexican farmer, aged 35 years, died at the city hospital this morning, of intestinal tuberculosis. He had been a resident of this county for two years. It is not known that he has any relatives or friends here.
     W. H. Davis of No. 229 North Pearl street, received a message announcing the death of his grandson, Harry Mason, of Shreveport, La. Deceased was well known in Dallas.

- August 23, 1900, Daily Times Herald, p. ??, col. 3.
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     The local undertakers report the following deaths during the past week:
     William Simpson, aged 40 years, died Sunday [August 19] at 445 Fairmount avenue, of general debility, resulting from throat trouble.
     The infant of James McGuffey died Sunday [August 19] at 281 Snodgrass street, aged one hour.
     Berlina Brewer, colored, died Tuesday [August 21], on Queen City street, aged 9 years.
     J. B. Ledbetter, aged 50 years, died Tuesday [August 21] at the city hospital, of abscess on the liver.
     Etta Franklin, aged 35 years, died at the city hospital Wednesday [August 22], of intestinal tuberculosis.
     The infant of W. A. Traw died Thursday [August 23], corner Meyers and Peabody streets, aged three weeks.
     Mrs. W. B. Brown, aged 45 years, died Friday [August 24], at 516 Live Oak street.
     Mrs. Minnie Logan, aged 33 years, died Saturday [ August 25], at 274 Young street.

- August 26, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 6.
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     The local undertakers report the following deaths this week:
     James B. Lovelace, aged 28 years, died Sunday [August 26] at 130 Kentucky street.
     Conrad J. Selden, aged 13 years, died Sunday [August 26] at 192 Allen street.
     John Aebert, aged about 45 years, died Sunday [August 26] near the M. K. and T. depot.
     Gus Robel, aged about 50, died Sunday [August 26] at the corner of Lamar and Camp streets.
     Easter Coleman, colored, died in Queen City Tuesday [August 28], age unknown.
     Joseph Lee Stoak, aged 6 years, died Wednesday night [August 29] at 113 Pauline street.
     Frankie Mitchell, aged 24 years, died Wednesday night [August 29] at 145 Market street.
     Tom Goodier, age unknown, died Wednesday [August 29] at St. Paul's Sanitarium.
     V. Doma Conely, colored, died Wednesday [August 29] at 175 South Akard street, aged 21 days.
     Tom West, aged 45, died Thursday night [August 30] at the corner of Young and Austin streets.
     Infant of B. Franklin, aged 10 days, died Friday [August 31] at 127 Alamo street.
     Otto A. Burton, aged 31 years, died Saturday morning [September 1] at the city hospital.

- September 2, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 5.
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     The local undertakers report the following deaths during the past week:
     Thomas Rye, Jr., died Sunday [September 2] at 225 Camp street, aged 29 years.
     Alberta Terry, colored, aged 27 years, died Sunday [September 2] at 176 State street.
     Isadore Blum, aged 80 years, died Monday [September 3] at 179 Browder street.
     H. Secker, aged 50 years, died Thursday night [September 6] at the Lion hotel, corner Pearl street and Pacific avenue.
     Lillie B. Collins, colored, died Saturday [September 8] at 114 Motley street, aged 6 years.
     Mary Ethel Wilcox, aged two months, died Friday [September 7] at 100 Motley avenue.
     Lize Dennis, colored, aged 40 years, died Thursday [September 6] at Trinity Park.
     Clarence Crews, aged 5 years, died Saturday [September 8] at Bryan street.
     Mrs. J. H. Evans, aged 76[?] years, died Saturday at the home of her son-in-law, Robert Hurt, six miles south of Dallas. The body will be shipped this morning to Cisco, Texas, and there interred.

- September 9, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 6-7.
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     Louis Jacoby, a well known resident of Dallas county, died last night at 8 o'clock at his home, 46 Cliff street, Oak Cliff.
     He was 48 years of age, having been born in Paris, Bourbon county, Kentucky, in 1852, and had been in Texas since 1878, when he lived on a farm for several years. He afterward moved to Dallas and was, at one time, deputy sheriff, and at other times, elected constable and tax collector.
     At the time of his death, he was the proprietor of the Dallas Feed Mill company, of Oak Cliff.
     He was a brother to Henry Jacoby, at present constable of precinct No. 1.
     The funeral will be held at 4 o'clock to-morrow afternoon from the residence, 46 Cliff street, Oak Cliff. Interment at Oak Cliff cemetery.

- September 16, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
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     The local undertakers report the following deaths this week:
     William Schroeter, aged 54 years, died Sunday [September 9] at 110 Flora street, of paralysis.
     Mrs. Lou Stone, aged 24 years, died Monday morning [September 10] at the city hospital, of phthisis pulmanolis.
     Charlie Clark, aged 40 years, died Monday [September 10] at the city hospital of insulation.
     South Jones, aged 64 years, died Wednesday [September 12] at 105 Willow street.
     Mary Mullins, aged 13 months, died Thursday [September 13] at 737 Elm street of entero colitis.
     Melinda Jones, colored, died Saturday [September 15] at the city hospital of paralysis, aged 30 years.

- September 16, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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     The local undertakers report the following deaths during the past week:
     Thomas Brown, aged 54 years, died Sunday [September 16] at the city hospital of phthisis.
     Fannie Pullen, colored, died Sunday [September 16] at 463 Flora street, aged 66 years, of dysentery.
     Leslie Le Fevre, aged 11 months, died Sunday [September 16] at 107 Highland street of meningitis.
     Mrs. Elizabeth McAllister, aged 70 years, died Sunday [September 16] at 115 Dawson street.
     Ellis Laster, colored, died Monday night [September 17] at 488 Wall street.
     Mrs. W. T. C. Newman, aged 41 years, died Monday [September 17] in South Dallas, of heart failure.
     Infant of Albert King, colored, died Tuesday night [September 18] at 200 Park street.
     Bettie Reeves, aged 7 years, died Tuesday night [September 18] at Kit station, of diphtheria.
     George Souter, of 200 McKinney avenue, died Wednesday [September 19] at Manitou, Colo.
     Wash Lively, colored, died Wednesday [September 19] at corner of Jackson street and Santa Fe railway, aged 24 years.
     Harry Bailey, aged 34 years, died Friday night [September 21] at 216 Caroline street.
     Rodie Newton, colored, aged 50 years, died Thursday [September 20] at 177 South Jefferson street, of entero-colitis.
     W. A. Boren, Jr., aged one month, died Saturday [September 22] at 475 McKinney avenue.

- September 23, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 2.
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Charles Fendrich Takes His
Life With a Razor.

     Charles Fendrich, a German, was found dead in the yard back of No. 147 Montezuma street with a great gash in his throat last evening, about 5:30 o'clock. A razor lying beside him pointed out the manner of his death.
     Fendrich was a saloon keeper, and lived at 228 Hawkins street, close to his saloon, which stands on the corner of Montezuma and Hawkins street. The reason for the suicide is not known, as Fendrich has been in fairly good health and was this morning in a very good humor. It is said that Fendrich was down town most of the day, and came back to his saloon about 5 o'clock. He told his bartender to wait on some customers while he went over to his house to shave.
     About half an hour later, Fendrich's father-in-law, an elderly man and unable to speak English, went out in the yard back of the saloon, and there found Fendrich's body lying in a pool of blood, with the razor beside him. As soon as was possible, Justice J. M. Skelton was called, and viewed the remains, but has not yet rendered a verdict.
     Fendrich was a man of about 45 years of age, and leaves a wife and two children, one of them only a few weeks old. It is supposed that the suicide was caused by despondency, but no particular reason for such a state of mind is known by any of his friends or neighbors.

- September 30, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3-4.
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     The local undertakers report the following deaths during the past week:
     Willie Ford, colored, aged 17 years, died Sunday [September 23] at 136 Harwood street, of hemorrhage of the lungs.
     Martin James, aged 20 years, died Sunday [September 23] at Cedar Creek, Oak Cliff, of yellow jaundice.
     The two-year-old infant of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reeves of 222 Griffin street, died Monday morning [September 24] of throat trouble.
     Mrs. Jane Buchanan, aged 64 years, died Sunday night [September 23] at the corner of Bryan and Hall streets, of neurasthenia of old age.
     Julius Paetzli, aged 38 years, died Monday [September 24] on Bryan street of blood poisoning.
     J. C. Bigger, aged 56 years, died Monday [September 24] at 750 Ross avenue.
     Louis Hammond, colored, aged 18 years, died Monday [September 24] at Parkland hospital.
     The five-weeks-old infant of Stan Crues died Wednesday morning [September 26], near Calhoun street, of inanition.
     Miss Bessie D. Faucett, aged 20 years, died Wednesday [September 26] at corner of Tyler and Jefferson streets, Oak Cliff, of acute Bright's disease.
     Pat McHugh, aged 60 years, died Thursday [September 27] at the city hospital of tuberculosis.
     M. P. Rawlins, aged 54 years, died Thursday [September 27] at the city hospital of cerebral softening.
     Thelma Noma Stafford, aged 18 years, died yesterday morning [September 29] on Forest avenue.
     Maggie English, aged 1 year, died at Lisbon yesterday afternoon [September 29].

- September 30, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 4-5.
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     The local undertakers report the following deaths during the past week:
     Edna Johnson, colored, aged 38 years, died Monday [October 1] on Columbia street.
     The infant of Will Davis, colored, died Tuesday [October 2] at 169 Cochran street, aged four days.
     The infant of Charlie Brown, colored, died Wednesday [October 3] at White Chapel, Oak Cliff, aged six weeks.
     Lucile Randolph, aged 2 years and four months, died Wednesday [October 3] at 613 Commerce street.
     Mrs. Dillie Cook, aged 35 years, died Wednesday [October 3] at 120 White street.
     Mrs. W. W. Hendricks died Wednesday [October 3], corner Corinth and Cockrell streets.
     Jean Smith, aged 6 years, died Thursday [October 4] on Hutchins road.
     Thomas K. Osborne, aged 69 years, died Thursday [October 4] at 1019 Elm street.
     Jim Williams, colored, aged 50 years, died Thursday [October 4] back of 483 Commerce street.
     Minnie Brown, aged 22 years, died Thursday [October 4] west of Oak Cliff.
     Dave Smith, colored, aged 37 years, died Thursday [October 4] at 186 Cockrell street.
     Frank Flanakin, aged 50 years, died Saturday morning [October 6] at the city hospital;
     Mrs. Ira Coit, colored, aged 95 years, died Friday [October 5] near Alpha.
     Rev. Samuel Townsend, aged 57 years, died Saturday night [October 6] at 1007 Cliff street, Oak Cliff. He was born in Missouri and had been in Dallas county 20 years. The remains will be shipped to Sherman to-day.

- October 7, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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     The undertakers report the following deaths during the week:
     John Lance, aged about 60 years, died Tuesday [October 9] at the city hospital of mitral insufficiency.
     The infant of O. Record, aged 4 days, died 12 miles west of Dallas, Tuesday [October 9], of inanition.
     Mrs. Elizabeth Schmitt, aged 65 years, died Wednesday [October 10] at 107 Beaumont street.
     Bryan Logan, son of M. H. Thomas, died Wednesday [October 10] at 214 North Pearl street, aged 18 months.
     The infant of Mrs. Roler, aged 3 years, died Thursday [October 11] at 144 Polk street.
     George P. Summers, aged 28 years, died Thursday [October 11] at 125 Orange street, of pernicious malarial fever.
     Eugene A. Kingsley, aged 2 years and 5 months, died Thursday [October 11] at 453 Gaston avenue.
     P. B. Walker, son of T. B. Walker, died Friday [October 12] near Sowers postoffice, aged 13 years, of malarial fever.
     Mrs. J. K. Matthews, aged 63 years, died Saturday [October 13] at 384 North Pearl street.
     Henry McGrier, aged 5 years and 6 months, died Saturday [October 13] on the Hutchins road, of congestion of the stomach.

- October 14, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
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Decided Upon Monument for
His Own Grave.

     Capt. S. P. Emerson, who was laid to rest in the Confederate lot at Greenwood cemetery yesterday, was a man who never reconciled himself to the success of the Union forces and endeavored to keep green the memory of the lost cause. Over three years ago, he described the ceremony he wished at his funeral and told of the monument he desired to be placed over his final resting place. The person whom he confided these matters to was Mrs. Kate Cabell Currie, president of the Daughters of the Confederacy in this city. When requested to relate Capt. Emerson's wishes in regard to his own funeral, she said:
     "Capt. Emerson was a life-long friend of our family and used to spend days with us and occasionally would grow confidential with Gen. Cabell and myself, but refused to relate his experiences while others were around.
     "The day the Confederate monument was unveiled at the City Park, he accompanied us home and that evening, told me that when he died, he desired that I take charge of his funeral, which was to be conducted in a manner befitting an ex-Confederate who loved the cause for which he struggled. He stated that he wanted his coffin covered with a Confederate flag while lying in state, and it was not to be removed until the grave was reached and the body lowered therein. He wanted a monument, around the shaft of which, should appear a likeness of a Confederate flag, and standing guard on top, the figure of a Confederate soldier, perfect of form and dressed as the youths of the Southland were when they first left home to endure four years of privation and hardships, while battling for what they considered a just and holy cause. On the monument he wanted inscribed the following:
     " 'Here lies one who was true to the teachings and traditions of the Old South.'
     "In explaining his desire for such a monument, he said that it was his desire that the youths of future and far distant days should behold a true Confederate grave and understand that the youth of Dixie was the noblest type of humanity.
     "Capt. Emerson's wishes will be carried out to the most minute detail. The Confederate ritual, which is most impressive, was observed at the grave. It consists of ex-Confederates forming a circle around the grave as the body is lowered and quoting, each in turn, the Lord's Prayer, followed by one of their own as bunches of white roses are passed around. When the body has been lowered, these flowers are thrown in, one by one, until the top of the coffin is hid from view; then, the circle is broken and all ex-Confederates present, drop dust upon the bed of roses.
     "Capt. Emerson fought through the war and endured many hardships, both on the field, and in prison. He never married, giving his reason for not doing so, that his heart perished when the stars and bars were lowered at Appomatox."

- October 21, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 1-2.
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Fell in the Reservoir at the

     Yesterday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, a negro boy named Fuller fell into the east reservoir at the Turtle creek pumping station and was drowned. All efforts to find the body have, so far, been futile.
     The boy was about 12 or 13 years of age, and lived in the city. He was playing with some other boys at the edge of the reservoir, near the pumphouse, and it is said that he was stricken with an epileptic fit, and before the boys could get him away, he fell into the water. The water is being pumped out of the reservoir, which it will probably take until nearly noon to empty. The water in the other reservoir is being used in the city, in the meantime.

- October 21, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
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     The local undertakers report the following deaths during last week:
     Mrs. J. M. Johnson, aged 36 years, died Sunday [October 14] at 205 Floyd street.
     George Quisenbury, aged 38 years, died Sunday [October 14] at the Union Depot hotel of pernicious fever.
     Alice Woods, colored, aged 101 years, died Tuesday [October 16] on Maple avenue of senility.
     L. J. Bartlett, aged 61 years, died Tuesday [October 16] in Oak Cliff.
     Harriette Bess, aged about 50 years, died Tuesday [October 16] at 138 Allen street.
     Will Thomas, colored, aged 24 years, died Tuesday [October 16] on Holmes street; cause unknown.
     ------ Bridges, aged about 30 years, died Wednesday [October 17] at the city hospital of insolation.
     Philip Slade Frey, aged eight months, died Wednesday [October 17] at 358 Masten street.
     Maria Miller, aged about 45 years, died Wednesday [October 17] on South Lamar street; cause unknown.
     Annie Barclay, aged 15 years, died Wednesday [October 17] on Watkins street of malarial fever.
     Robert Parsons, aged 52 years, died Wednesday [October 17] at 234 Caroline street of bronchitis.
     Robert Fisher, aged 64 years, died Thursday [October 18] on Main street, West Dallas.
     Mrs. Mary W. Young, aged 67 years, died Thursday [October 18] at 258 San Jacinto street.
     The infant of R. T. Joyce died Thursday [October 18] at the corner of San Jacinto and Peak streets, aged 18 months.
     The infant of J. W. Chenoweth, aged three years, died Friday [October 19] at 39 Twelfth street, Oak Cliff.
     William Kersey, aged 47 years, died yesterday [October 20] at 524 South Akard of general peritonitis.
     Henry Hendrickson, aged 60 years, died yesterday [October 20] at 104 Corinth street.
     Mattie McDonald, aged 4 years, died yesterday [October 20] near Lisbon.
     George Laird, the 3 months [old] infant of Prof. A. S. Laird, died last evening [October 20] at the corner of Ninth and Lancaster avenue, Oak Cliff. The cause of death was given as heart failure.

- October 21, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
- o o o -


     J. P. Smith, aged 41 years, died this morning at 273 North Lamar street. He was well known in Dallas, having lived here a good many years. He was born in Jefferson, Texas.

- October 24, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 4.
- o o o -


     Black. Fred Black, aged fifteen years, died at 9 a. m. to-day. Funeral from Loudermilk's undertaking parlors at 11 a. m. to-morrow. Interment in Greenwood cemetery.

- October 24, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 4.
- o o o -


     Mrs. Victoria Lighthall, aged 38 years, died yesterday at 107 Collin street, of pernicious malarial fever. She was born in Springfield, Ill., and had lived in Dallas seven years.

- October 25, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 5.
- o o o -


     The local undertakers report the following deaths last week:
     Louvenia Brooks, colored, died Sunday morning [October 21] at 396 Cottage Lane, aged 34 years.
     Infant of Cordelia Johnson, colored, aged two months, died Sunday [October 21] at 111 Paris street.
     Willie Beggs, aged 2 years and 6 months, died Monday [October 22] at 123 Fairmount street, of diphtheria.
     Emma Arnold, colored, aged 24 years, died Monday [October 22] at 777 Pacific avenue, of consumption.
     Will Allen, colored, aged 26 years, died Tuesday [October 23] at the city hospital.
     Ruth Page, aged 4 years and 6 months, died Tuesday [October 23] at 117 Alamo street, of diphtheria.
     Martha Johnson, colored, aged 50 years, died Tuesday [October 23] on Washington avenue, of general dropsy.
     J. P. Smith, aged 41 years, died Wednesday [October 24] at 273 North Lamar street.
     Fred Black, aged 15 years, died Wednesday [October 24] at 146 Commerce street of consumption.
     Mrs. Victoria Lighthall, aged 38 years, died Wednesday [October 24] at 107 Collin street, of pernicious malarial fever.
     Mrs. Carrie Hamm, died Wednesday [October 24] at 115 Louise street, of heart failure.
     Nora Julia Tarpley, aged 2 years and 5 months, died Wednesday night [October 24] at 501 Jackson street, of diphtheria.
     May Ellen Linskey, aged 21 years, died Friday morning [October 26] at 591 South Akard street.
     Alexander Souter Wood, aged 15 months, son of A. G. Wood, died Thursday night [October 25] at 224 Canton street.
     Bill Ingram, colored, aged 35 years, died Friday [October 26] at 622 Pacific avenue, of burns.

- October 28, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 7.
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     The local undertakers report the following deaths during last week:
     Evalena Thomas, colored, aged 23 years, died Sunday [October 28] at 262 Lover's Lane, of tuberculosis.
     Nancy Brown, colored, aged about 30 years, died Sunday [October 28] at 56 Betterton Circle, Oak Cliff, of pneumonia.
     Marie Adele Armand, aged 3 years and 6 months, died Sunday [October 28] at 227 Young street.
     Abram Burton, colored, aged 26 years, died Monday [October 29] at 628 Cochran street, of consumption.
     J. L. Finney, aged 68 years, died Monday [October 29] at 751 Elm street.
     William Cannon, aged 33 years, died Tuesday [October 30] at 191 Bryan street.
      Mrs. Helen J. Ritchie, aged 47 years, died Tuesday [October 30] at 134 Willow street.
     W. A. Turner, aged 46 years, died Tuesday [October 30] at 380 Hickory street.
     Miss Mollie Reddock, aged 40 years, died Tuesday [October 30] at 284 Holmes street of pneumonia.
     Randolph Cunningham, colored, aged 42 years, died Wednesday [October 31] at 389 Corinth street.
     Mrs. E. O. McGrew, colored, aged 48 years, died Wednesday [October 31] at Montezuma street.
     Infant of J. T. Breedlove, aged 2 months, died Thursday [November 1] at 128 Allen street.
     Squire Babbett, colored, aged 78 years, died Thursday [November 1] at 105 Peak alley.
     Mrs. Mary Gleason, aged 68 years, died Thursday [November 1] at 215 Sutton street of heart disease.
     Ellen Thompson, aged 60 years, died Thursday [November 1] at 150 Cabell street.
     Infant of J. S. Bradfield, aged 15 days, died Thursday [November 1] at 335 Thomas avenue.
     Purnia E. Kidwell, aged 35 years, died Thursday [November 1] at 113 Bullington street.
     H. E. Burns, aged 39 years, died Friday [November 2] on Chestnut street of tetanus.
     Lena Knox, aged 29 years, died Friday [November 2] at 945 Main street.
     Lulu Flag, colored, died Saturday [November 3] at 188 Cockrell avenue of pneumonia, aged 52 years.
     William R. Phipps, died at 351 North Pearl street Saturday [November 3] of inflammatory rheumatism.
     Jessie Cecil Scott, colored, aged 1 year and 10 months, died Saturday [November 3] at 136 North Harwood street.
     Infant of C. L. Nichol, aged 1 day, died Saturday [November 3] of inanition at 169 Magnolia street.

- November 4, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 2-3.
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     The local undertakers report the following deaths during last week:
     Ellis Johnson, colored, aged 8 months, died Sunday morning [November 4] at 148 Houston street.
     Infant of Mrs. M. E. Rice, aged 9 days, died Sunday [November 4] at 169 First avenue.
     John B. Cain, colored, aged 33 years, died Sunday [November 4] at 104 Indiana street, of kidney trouble.
     John McConnell, aged 40 years, died Monday [November 5] at the city hospital.
      Ray Sunderland, aged 5 years, died Monday [November 5] at 120 Hibernia street.
     Thomas Smith, colored, aged about 60 years, died Tuesday [November 6] at 658 Main street.
     Infant of Thomas Powell, colored, aged 6 hours, died Tuesday [November 6] at 673 Main street.
     Mrs. Mary Humbert, aged 65 years, died Tuesday [November 6] near Calhoun of heart disease.
     W. O. Edwards, aged 33 years, died Wednesday [November 7] at 118 Cedar street.
     George Schaeffer, aged 56 years, died Wednesday [November 7] at St. Paul's Sanitarium.
     Infant of J. W. Spake, aged one hour, died Wednesday [November 7] at 132 State street.
     Charles Renisch, aged 63 years, died Thursday morning [November 8] at Parkland hospital of pneumonia.
     L. C. Cotton, aged 31 years, died Friday [November 9] at 400 Jackson street.
     Arthur Cain, aged 45 years, died Friday morning [November 9] on Columbia street.
     Mrs. Bessie Barnes, aged 26 years, died Thursday [November 8] at 229 Collins street of consumption.
     Mrs. Ellen Fullbright, colored, aged 45 years, died Thursday [November 8] on North Harwood street.
     Myrtle A. Johnson, aged 19 months, died Friday [November 9] at 113 Cora street.
     Will Jackson, colored, aged 24 years, died Friday [November 9] at 105 Young street.
     Mrs. M. C. Mollard, aged 77 years, died Friday [November 9] at 526 South Akard street.
     Stephen Lewis Allen, aged 5 years and 10 months, died yesterday [November 10] at 132 Lear street.
     Henry Boudine, aged 2 years, died yesterday [November 10] at Union Bower.

- November 11, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 5.
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     Deaths reported by the local undertakers for the past week, follow:
     Stephen Lewis Allen died Nov. 10 at No. 122 Lear street, aged 6 years; cause of death not given.
     Mrs. M. A. Hall died Nov. 13 at No. 359 San Jacinto street, age 45 years; cause death, meningitis.
     Philip Barth died Nov. 15 at No. 308 Forest avenue, age 57 years; cause of death not given.
     Ruby V. Boren died Nov. 16 at No. 475 McKinney avenue, age 5 years, 8 months; cause of death not given.
     Mrs. J. S. Sharp died Nov. 17 at No. 119 Annex avenue, age 34 years; cause of death not given.
     W. C. Howard, died Nov. 17 at No. 237 Ross avenue, age 60 years; cause of death, Bright's disease.
     Mary Smith died Nov. 17 in East Dallas, age and cause of death not given.
     Will Jackson (colored), died Nov. 10 at 105 Young street, age 30 years; cause of death, consumption.
     Mrs. M. C. Mollard died Nov. 10 at No. 526 Akard street, age 77 years; cause of death, old age.
     Aaron Friedman died Nov. 11 at No. 340 North Harwood, age 50 years; cause of death not given.
     Willie Scott died Nov. 12 at No. 121 Paris street, age 8 years; cause of death, railroad accident.
     Mollie Young died Nov. 10, at No. 179 Jefferson street, age 23 years; cause of death; consumption.
     Infant F. M. Bates died Nov. 17 near Calhoun, age 4 days; cause of death not given.
     Mrs. G. M. Goddard died Nov. 14 at the corner of Twelfth street and Lancaster avenue, age 30 years; cause of death, septic fever.
     Harry Ford (colored), died Nov. 15 at No. 136 North Harwood street, age 15 years; cause of death, consumption.
     Richard Amon died Nov. 14 at Catholic orphanage in Oak Cliff, age 4 years; cause of death, pyaemia.
     Mrs. E. V. Brownlow died Nov. 15 at Alpha, age 74 years; cause of death, old age.
     Johnnie Duree died Nov. 16 at No. 385 Pacific avenue, age 1 month, 8 days; cause of death; inanition.

- November 18, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
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     Died: Mrs. J. S. Sharp, Nov. 17, at No. 119 Annex avenue. Funeral from 119 Annex avenue at 10 a. m. to-day.

- November 18, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 5.
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     The local undertakers report the following deaths during the last week:
     Mrs. Ida Crober, age 17 years, died Monday night [November 19] at 636 Elm street.
     The infant of B. W. Bartlett, aged 4 days, died Wednesday [November 21] at Sowers' station.
     Geo. Mathews, aged 21 years, died Wednesday night [November 21] at the corner of Bryan and Hall streets.
     Annie Adams, aged 4 years, died Wednesday [November 21] at the corner of Gaston and College avenues.
     Willie Connelly, aged 10 years, died Thursday [November 22] at St. Joseph's orphanage.
     Mrs. Mary A. May, aged 77 years, died Thursday [November 22] at 411 Swiss avenue.
     The one-year-old infant of Tom Nelson, colored, died Thursday [November 22] at 227 Hill [Hall?] avenue of spasmodic croup.
     The seven-year-old daughter of John Kellar died Friday [November 23] south of St. Joseph's orphanage.
     Scott Allen Winn, aged two years and six months, died Friday [November 23] at Dickinson avenue, Oak Lawn.

- November 25, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
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     The local undertakers report the following deaths during last week:
     Infant of C. B. Baker, colored, aged two days, died Monday [November 26] at 277 South Pearl street.
     Infant of E. W. Swinnie, aged 4 months, died Monday [November 26] at 181 North Houston street, of cholera infantum.
     Mrs. F. E. Van Etten, aged about 45 years, died Monday afternoon [November 26] at 487 Elm street.
     Ernest Lee Tracey, aged 3 months, died Thursday [November 29] morning about two miles northeast of Dallas.
     Jordan H. Burnsed, aged 53 years, died Wednesday afternoon [November 28] at the city hospital.
     Archie Hamm, aged 4 months, died Thursday night [November 29] at 163 Parker street.
     George Futts, aged about 30 years, died Friday morning [November 30] at 248 Allen street.
     Catherine Virginia Rodgers, aged 3 months, died Friday [November 30] at 531 Ross avenue.
     Jim Hanes, colored, aged 90 years, died yesterday [December 1] at 140 Cabell street.
     J. C. B. Dunn, aged 39 years, died yesterday [December 1] at 107 Veal street.

- December 2, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1-3.
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     The local undertakers report the following deaths during the past week:
     J. W. Stalling, aged 30 years, died Sunday [December 2] at 891 Main street, of pneumonia.
     Ethel Williams, aged four years and eight months, died Sunday [December 2] at 381 Williams street.
     Thomas Bowles, aged about 78 years, died Sunday [November 2] at 466 Gaston avenue.
     Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, aged 67 years, died Sunday [December 2] at 201 Crutcher street.
     Laura P. Simmons, aged 81 years, died Sunday [December 2] at 261 Washington avenue.
     H. C. Heath, aged 43 years, died Sunday [December 2] at the corner of Bryan and Hall streets, of pneumonia.
     Pate Bain, aged about 40 years, died Monday morning [December 3] at the city hospital as the result of burns.
     Erin Neadham, aged one year and six months, died Monday [December 3] near Farmers Branch, of membranous croup.
     Miss Lizzie Sugg, aged 27 years, died Tuesday night [December 4] at 207 Grand avenue, Oak Cliff, of consumption.
     Daniel W. Buckmaster, aged 75 years, died Tuesday night [December 4] at 1161 Pacific avenue.
     Major A. R. Andrews, aged 70 years, died Thursday morning [December 6] at 199 Grand avenue, Oak Cliff.
     Mrs. M. A. Goodnight, aged 65 years, died Wednesday [December 5] four miles south of Dallas.
     F. R. Place, aged 47 years, died Friday morning [December 7] at 107 Cadiz street.
     H. K. Gum, aged 30 years, died Thursday [December 6] at 426 Wood street, of tuberculosis of the lungs.
     C. M. Guinn, aged 25 years, died Friday night [December 7] from exhaustion as the result of a malignant condition involving the rectum and bowels.

- December 9, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 7, col. 3-4.
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     All members of Dallas Lodge No. 44, I. O. O. F., (and other lodges) are requested to meet at the hall this evening at 2:30 o'clock for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother, Homer T. Rawlins.
                                                               H. H. W
                                                               Noble Grand.
AN DWYER, Secretary.

- December 9, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 7, col. 6.
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     Attention, Woodmen: You are requested to meet at Woodman hall at 2 o'clock p. m. Sunday, Dec. 9th, to attend funeral of Sov. H. T. Rawlins.

- December 9, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 7, col. 6.
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     The local undertakers report the following deaths during last week:
     D. P. Rossom, aged 68 years, died Sunday [December 9] at 296 Caroline street.
     Jane Collins, colored, aged 65 years, died Sunday [December 9] at 1078 Jackson street, of pneumonia.
     Floyd Payne, aged 3 years, died Monday [December 10] nine miles east of Dallas, of flux.
     Bill Weaver, colored, aged 55 years, died Monday [December 10] at the city hospital of abscess of the lungs.
     Lillie Terry, aged about 20 years, died Tuesday morning [December 11] at 496 Cochran street.
     Burtie Culp, aged 20 years, died Monday [December 10] at 14 Betterton Circle, Oak Cliff.
     Mrs. Isabella I. Jones, aged 38 years, died Wednesday morning [December 12] at 177 Caruth street.
     Viola Minnie Wilkins, aged 4 years and 9 months, died Tuesday [December 11] at 232 Sutton street.
     Mrs. Sophronia Reed, aged 27 years, died Wednesday morning [December 12] on Ewing avenue, Oak Cliff.
     Five months old child of George McGee died Wednesday [December 12] at 181 Hall street.
     Mrs. Celine Buisson, aged 55 years, died Thursday night [December 13] at 150 South Market street, of malarial fever.
     Charles Henry Stiff, aged 2 years, died Saturday [December 15] at the corner of Vine street and Forest avenue.
     Miss Eunice Carpenter, aged 33 years, died Saturday [December 15] at 112 Veal street.
     J. M. Kennedy, aged 70 years, died Friday night [December 14] at Farmers Branch.

- December 16, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 7.
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     The local undertakers report the following deaths during the past week:
     Matelle Lemmon, aged 10 years and 7 months, died Monday [December 17] at 261 Cole avenue.
     Lawrence Morgan, aged 2 years, died Sunday [December 16] at 888 Elm street.
     Mary A. Work, aged 19 years, died Sunday [December 16] at 351 San Jacinto street.
     Lloyd Melone, aged 31 years, died Sunday [December 16] on the Jack Miller farm from a gunshot wound.
     Hiram Morrison, aged 66 years, died Tuesday afternoon [December 18] at 349 Ross avenue, of apoplexy.
     Clayton Spencer, colored, aged 75 years, died Wednesday [December 19] at 398 Williams street.
     Virgie Gooden, aged 8 years, died Wednesday [December 19] at 229 Ashland street.
     Mrs. Adeline Anderson, colored, aged 60 years, died Thursday [December 20] in East Dallas, of paralysis.
     Mattie Smith, colored, aged 29 years, died Friday [December 21] at 667 Commerce street.
     Turner Posten, aged 19 years, died Thursday [December 20] on South Central avenue, of pneumonia.
     Francis D. Brennan, aged 23 months, died Thursday night [December 20] from drinking concentrated lye.

- December 23, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
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     The local undertakers report the following deaths during the week:
     Nora Callous, aged 40 years, died Sunday [December 23] at the city hospital of acute hepatitis.
     Louella Nelson, colored, aged 24 years Sunday [December 23] at 227 Hill avenue.
     William Yeager, aged two months, died Monday night [December 24] at 205 North Akard street, of congestion.
     The two-months-old infant of Henry Thomas, colored, died Monday [December 24] at 139 Boll [?] street.
     Allie May Cochran, aged three years and six months, died Tuesday afternoon [December 25] at 216 Griffin street, from swallowing carbolic acid.
     John Glascoe, colored, aged 16 years, died Tuesday [December 25] on Betterton Circle, Oak Cliff, of pneumonia.
     Mrs. Willie Fisher, aged 22 years, died Wednesday [December 26] at 636 Pacific avenue.
     Annis Thornton, aged 6 years, died Thursday [December 27] at 243 Kentucky street, of congestion of the liver and bowels.
     Lonnie Daugherty, aged 6 years, died Thursday [December 27] at 162 Ferris street, of pneumonia and la grippe.
     J. H. Burns, aged 20 years, died Friday [December 28] at 316 Flora street.
     J. R. Stammer, aged 55 years, died Friday [December 28] at Riley [Rylie], Texas, of liver complaint.
     Fred Hollopeter, aged 39 years, died Friday night [December 28] at 114 Colby street.

- December 30, 1900, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8 col. 6.
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     The local undertakers report the following death during the past week:
     Mrs. Mollie Allen, aged 43 years, died Monday afternoon [December 31] at 197 Third avenue.

- January 6, 1901, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3 col. 2-3.
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