Aaron Shelton, 63 years old, 618 First avenue, died Friday evening at a local sanitarium. Surviving are two sons, N. L. Shelton of Dallas and M. A. Shelton of Ocean Beach, Cal. Funeral services were held at 11 o'clock Saturday monring at the Brewer Funeral home. The body was sent to Big Spring cemetery, near Plano, for burial. Mrs. Carrie Reamer, 77 years old, 2218 Alamo street, died Friday at her home. The body is at the chapel of the Ed C. Smith & Brother Undertaking company, pending funeral arrangements. Surviving are two sons and two daughters. Funeral services for Mrs. T. W. Norsworthy, 74 years old, mother of C. L. Norsworthy of Dallas, who died Tuesday at the home of her son, T. W. Norsworthy, Jr., in Charlotte, N. C., will be held at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon at Huntsville, her former home. Surviving are three sons. Funeral services for Miss Mary Sheaner, 19 years old, 1630 Garden drive, who died Friday at a local hospital, will be held at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the residence. Burial will be in Grove Hill cemetery. Active pallbearers will be Homer Ogburn, Frank Ogburn, Morris Rosen, F. K. Vasen, Dave Stern, W. R. Rothermel and L. M. Kar. Funeral services for Mrs. Lee Yates, 77 years old, 2922 Lake avenue, who died Friday night at her home, were held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the family residence. Burial was in Pleasant Mound cemetery. Surviving are four sons and four daughters. Mrs. A. Wicker, mother of E. T. and A. H. Wicker, died Friday night at Waxahachie, accordingn to advice received in Dallas. Funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the residence. Sunday afternoon at the residence. Burial will be in Waxahachie cemetery. - o o o - |
Saturday night, claimed one of the first settlers of Vickery
at the age of 75 years. - o o o - |
BURIED THURSDAY Funeral services for Samuel R. Shepherd, 79 years old, Confederate veteran and a resident of Dallas for nineteen years, who died Wednesday at his home, 715 Lipscomb street, were held at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the residence. Burial was in Oakland cemetery. Active pallbearers were J. K. Parker, John Childress, B. T. Price, E. F. Halliburton, R. O. Cornwall and Sam Thompson. - o o o - AT 94 YEARS OF AGE John F. Williams, 94 years old, a resident of Dallas for fifteen years, died Friday morning at his home, 2109 Wall street. Surviving are his wife, three daughters--Mrs. Mae Farmer, Mrs. W. H. Abbott and Miss Myrtle Williams of Dallas. Funeral services will be held at 10 o'clock Saturday morning at the residence. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. - o o o - |
Kirby, 35 years old, who made a fortune in the pig stand
business, is dead. - o o o - |
Will Be Held Monday Funeral
services for W. H. Abrams, 83 years old, early-day railroad
builder of Texas, who died Friday at his apartment at Stoneleigh
Court, will be conducted at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon at the
Church of the Incarnation, Harwood street and McKinney avenue.
Bishop Harry T. Moore and the Rev. C. E. Snowden will officiate.
Burial will be in Oakland Cemetery. -o o o - Rail Builder, Buried Funeral
services for W. H. Abrams, 83 years old, who died Friday
in his apartment at Stoneleigh Court, were held Monday afternoon
in the Church of the Incarnation. Bishop Harry T. Moore and the
Rev. C. E. Snowden, rector of the church, had charge of the services,
which were followed by burial in Oakland Cemetery. - o o o - |
services for Tom W. Burns, 50 years old, a well known
insurance man, who died at his home in Hot Springs, Ark., Wednesday,
were held at the home of his mother, Mrs. Rhoda Burns, 2100 Park
avenue, Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Dr. C. W. Snowden, rector
of the Church of the Incarnation, officiated at the services.
Burial was in Grove Hill cemetery, where the Elks had charge
of the service. He left Dallas only a few years ago to enter
the insurance business in Arkansas. - o o o - Buries Baby Beside Mother A plain
casket, the tiniest size made, a few children, shivering in their
thin clothing, "ashes to ashes, dust to dust," and
Baby Clara, who had lived only three months and died on
Christmas day, was laid in her little grave Monday morning. - o o o - |
services for L. R. Terry, 75 years old, retired real estate
man and a pioneer resident of Dallas, who died at his home, 4315
Live Oak street, Monday night, will be held at the East Dallas
Christian church Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Rev. L.
N. D. Wells, pastor, will officiate at the services. Burial will
be in Grove Hill cemetery. - o o o - |