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Obituary Index, 1862-1950
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(Updated December 22, 2003)
the missing Herald issues of June 1, August 18 and Dec. 7, 1892, this is the complete listing of the obituaries for 1892) E. J. Clemens died at 2:30 p. m. yesterday of acute congestion. Only four months ago, he married Miss Lizridge [?] of Hartford, Conn. His remains were forwarded to Hartford on the Santa Fe. Funeral services were conducted at the residence of Mrs. F. A. Hay, 182 Commerce street. - o o o - Probate
business was disposed of as follows: - o o o - ______ SUICIDE. ______ Motive for the Very Rash Act. Dr. J.
M. Black, aged about 60 years, who resided at 776 Elm
street, lost a leg last spring and has been in poor health and
despondent since his mishap. - o o o - Telegrams
were received in the city this morning from Col. John F. Elliott,
at present in San Antonio, announcing the death in that city
at 1 o'clock this morning of his wife, Mrs. Ada Stewart Elliott.
Mrs. Elliott was attacked by the grippe last winter and was unable
to shake off its effects. The disease in the spring fastened
upon her lungs and death resulted after about two month's stay
in San Antonio, to which city her devoted husband had taken her
in hope of a change for the better. Mrs. Elliott was one of the
most lovable and noble characters, and during a brief residence
of two or three years in Dallas had warmly endeared herself to
an unusually large circle of friends, who will hear with bitter
regret of her early death. A fond and loving wife, a devoted
mother, a loyal friend, a pure, sweet character in all her domestic
relations, her loss to her husband and home will be irreparable
and to her friends a source of keenest sorrow. - o o o - FEDERAL COURT. Deputy United States Marshall __. T. Luster of Corsicana came in this morning with Jim Curtin, said to be the head and front of the Posten gang of counterfeiters and a very desperate man. Curtin had a brother killed at Farmer's Branch a few years ago. Posten had a brother killed in the Nation. The name of the deputy marshal is Luster -- no Lister nor Foster. He is very proud of his name and his work and he objects to being written up in the newspapers under aliases. - o o o - Mrs. J. B. Butler, the wife of the well known printer, died at her home on Washington avenue Monday. The interment took place yesterday. - o o o - Mrs. T. Y. McCune died yesterday at her home on Peabody avenue. - o o o - Mary Osborne, forgery; indictment quashed on account of death of defendant. - o o o - _______ FIRES WITH COAL OIL ______ by Miss Nevada Roberts of Wolf City. This morning
at the private school of Mrs. Pierce on Greenwood and Floride
streets in East Dallas, a most horrible accident occurred, which
cost a young lady her life. Mr. George
Crutcher, who lives across the way from Mrs. Pierce's little
school house, while at breakfast this morning, heard the report
of the explosion and was among the first to reach the scene of
the accident. He says that on arriving, he found the lifeless
body of Miss Nevada Roberts stretched across the doorway leading
into the building, burned to a crisp, and her neck, arms and
back, charred. It seems that at 8 o'clock, as was her custom,
she went to build a fire before the pupils assembled and had
kindled it in a blaze. After putting on the coal, she attempted
to pour the oil from the can, which ignited and exploded with
fatal results. The can was found melted by the stove and her
death must have occurred from shock of the explosion, as she
was found dead by Mrs. Kidwell. She was about 18 years old and
originally from Wolf City, Texas, and had a flourishing private
school in this city. She was much beloved by her pupils and patrons. - o o o - Dr. O. T. Williams of Oak Cliff, whose father, T. T. Williams, was found dead in Oak Cliff last November, and for whose supposed murder, John Annello is held, says that his father left Whitney Saturday, November 28, spent Saturday night in Cleburne and came on to Dallas, Sunday following. - o o o - ______ AGENT DIES AT HOT SPRINGS. ______ Ohio -- Brief Sketch of the Deceased. "B.
W. McCullough died at 6:10 this morning." B. W. McCullough was a native of Sidney, Ohio, and between 50 and 55 years old. He served with credit in the army of the union, and after the termination of hostilities, began railroading. Seventeen year ago, he came to Texas from the Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad, resigning the position of general passenger agent to accept a like position on the International and Great Northern under H. M. Hoxie. On the consolidation of the Iron Mountain, Texas and Pacific and International and Great Northern railroads, he was appointed general passenger and ticket agent of the consolidated lines. He was also general passenger and ticket agent of the Missouri Pacific when the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railroad was included in the system. Since the International and Great Northern and the other lines passed into other hands, Mr. McCullough has been general passenger and ticket agent of the Texas and Pacific with headquarters in Dallas. He had never married and had no relatives in Texas. Deceased was a mason, an Elk, a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and other secret societies, and the news of his death has caused a profound feeling of sorrow in all circles where he was known. - o o o - ______ AGE DUEL LAST NIGHT ______ counts -- One id Dead and the Other Dying. A sanguinary
battle between two farmers residing in the vicinity of Rowlette,
this county, took place last evening, and the meagre particulars
reached this city to-day. - o o o - ______ DALLAS AMONG THE DEAD. _______ of Indianapolis Burned to the Ground. ______ pled Inmates Burned and Mangled. Southern Afternoon Press. Mr. J. B. Ehrick, manager of the Misfit Clothing Parlor, received a telegram from the proprietors of the Institute, informing him of the death of Mrs. Samuel Lazarus, who died about noon from the effects of injuries. Her daughter, Lottie, is dying. Miss Lottie was there under treatment, a bright little girl of ten, afflicted with spine trouble. Mr. Lazarus is in the east and has not yet been reached. - o o o - ______ day Afternoon. At 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon, the representative railroad men of the several
roads centering here assembled in the office of their deceased
friend and co-laborer. Col. J. M. Steere, assistant general freight
agent of the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe, was elected chairman,
and R. T. G. Matthews, city ticket agent of the Houston &
Texas Central, was elected secretary. G. P. A. M, K. & T., R. R. W. G. WILKINS, Passenger and Ticket Agent G., C. & S. F. R. R. E. W. TOWER, Assistant Auditor T. & P. R. T. G. MATTHEWS, C. T. A., H. & T. C. R. R. OTIS EATON, Attorney Texas Trunk R. R. Committee. Mr. McCullough's
remains will be interred Sunday afternoon at Sidney, Ohio, near
his birthplace. - o o o - Fedora Fetterman, the six-year-old daughter of Dr. Fetterman, died at the family residence on Peabody avenue yesterday. It is said that scarlet fever carried her off. - o o o - Southern Afternoon Press. - o o o - The funeral of George Bradfield took place to-day from the residence of Sam Harrison, 762 Main street. - o o o - Mrs. Sam Lazarus, one of the victims of the terrible holocaust in Indianapolis, was a lady well known in Jewish circles. During her brief residence in Dallas, she had gained the esteem of a host of friends. She was a modest, unassuming lady. Her services the cause of charity were invaluable in the cause of charity were invaluable and many families, poverty stricken and distressed, will lose a devoted friend and helper in Mrs. Lazarus' death. Her high character, warm heart, splendid mind and the courage and unselfishness which marked the discharge of every duty imposed upon her, made her one of the foremost and most highly regarded citizens in the Jewish circle. May she rest in peace. S. BECK. - o o o - Mr. Wilson, who has had charge of the pump station of the Oak Cliff waterworks, died this morning of pneumonia. He was a worthy young man and leaves a wife to mourn his demise. - o o o - _______ Mike Coyle, of Rowlett, who killed Ben Page in a savage duel last week, and was himself slightly wounded, was brought in to-day by a deputy sheriff and jailed. He is charged with murder. - o o o - Mr. J. W. Tucker died of pneumonia at his home, near Kleberg, at 4 o'clock this morning. - o o o - N. B. Anderson, well known as "Uncle Bony" Anderson, one of the pioneers of Dallas county, and a wealthy farmer, died at Cedar Hill last night; aged 65 years. - o o o - Mr. Abraham M. Horn, who was injured by a runaway team Friday night, died yesterday morning. He was about 70 years of age and was twice married, the last time about a month ago. Deceased leaves a valuable estate. - o o o - Sam Robinson, a negro barber of this city, was shot and killed at Tyler by C. E. White, a saloon keeper. - o o o - ______ ty's Oldest Pioneers. County Assessor Witt, this morning, received information of the death of his uncle, Mr. Mid Perry, of Lancaster, one of the few surviving first settlers of Dallas county. Mr. Witt went down to attend the funeral. Mr. Perry was about 70 years of age, and came to Dallas county in 1843 and made a crop in 1844. He was a valuable citizen for the full 49 years of his residence in this county. He was honored and respected by all of his associates, and his death will be generally lamented over the county. After so long and so useful a life, he goes to his reward in the beautiful beyond. - o o o - Mrs. Andrew Reed, February 2nd, at 10 p. m. Funeral will take place from residence, 196 Alamo street, tomorrow at 10:30 a. m. - o o o - COUNTY COURT. Estate of Dr. Hugh Hobson, deceased; report of sale of real estate approved and title ordered made to purchaser upon compliance with terms of sale. - o o o - Mrs. Ernest H. Hahle, a bride of 9 months, died at the family residence, 166 Greenwood street, last evening. - o o o - A little daughter of Mrs. Franklyn, living on the Exall place north of the city, was burned to death while playing near the fire Wednesday. - o o o - A. R. Ostrand, employed at Morgan's stone works on the Texas & Pacific road, near the union depot, was struck on the head the other day by a swinging beam. He recovered consciousness and worked a couple of hours after the accident. He was then attacked with pains and went home, where he died. He was buried yesterday, leaving a dependent family. Deceased was formerly a conductor on the Oak Cliff railway. - o o o - Bob Land was arrested yesterday on charge of assault to murder. It is alleged that two or three weeks ago, Bob struck J. A. Haney on the head with a monkey wrench. Haney is the hostler for Drew, the liveryman. It is said he will die. Bob alleges self-defense. His skull is badly broken. - o o o - Mrs. Mary L. Dickason, wife of James L. Dickason, was on yesterday morning stricken with apoplexy and died at 10 o'clock last night, at the residence of her son-in-law, John P. Gillespie, of Hutchins. Her body will be taken to-morrow morning to the residence of her son-in-law, W. E. Hawkins, on Oak Lawn avenue, and from thence to the Oak Lawn M. E. Church South, where the funeral services will be held at 10 o'clock. Interment will take place immediately afterwards in the Trinity cemetery. Mrs. Dickason has lived in Dallas for many years and has a large circle of friends. - o o o - COUNTY COURT. Estate
of Joseph F. Bethurum; final account of J. W. Bethurum,
guardian, examined and approved and guardian discharged on payment
of costs. - o o o - CITY COUNCIL MEETING The city secretary reported 16 deaths last week. - o o o - Frank Osenbough, who resides on Payne street, died last night. Deceased was superintendent of the glue factory. Yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, he was thrown against a tree by the pony he was riding and received injuries which resulted in death. Osenbough leaves a widow and three children. - o o o - W. H. Clark
vs. James Reid; death of Miss Clark suggested; suit abated. - o o o - A young man known as "Billy, the Englishman," was killed by a Texas & Pacific train at the Live Oak street crossing last night about 9:10. The body, which was first discovered by J. Johnson, was horribly mangled. Interment took place from Linskie's to-day. - o o o - _______ Times-Herald Readers. To the Times-Herald. - o o o - ______ COUNCIL IS NO MORE. _______ City Officers to Prepare For the Funeral. Hon. Sigmond
Loeb died at his home, 293 Wood street, at 2:30 p. m.
yesterday, after a protracted illness. He was surrounded by members
of his family, Rabbi Chapman, Mayor Connor and other intimate
friends and his last moments were peaceful and serene. He was
conscious almost to the last and regretted that he could not
live to be 60 years. At a meeting
of aldermen and city officers, held in the city hall at 9:30
a .m.,, to take suitable action in regard to the death of Alderman
Loeb, Alderman Klein in the chair, stated that it was with regret
he announced the death of Alderman Loeb at 2 p. m. yesterday,
and that the funeral would be at 2 p. m. to-morrow, and that
this meeting was to pass suitable resolutions in respect to his
memory. All members
of Dallas lodge No. 197, I. O. B. B., are hereby notified to
assemble at our lodge room on Tuesday, Feb. 23rd, at 1:30 p.
m., sharp, for the purpose of attending the funeral of our deceased
Brother Sigmund Loeb. Members of Ahavath Sholem lodge and all
visiting B'nai B'rith are requested to attend. Members
of lodge No. 70, K. of P., will meet at their hall to-morrow
at 1 p. m., to attend the funeral of Bro. S. Loeb. All members
of Queen City lodge No. 941 Knights of Honor, are hereby notified
to meet at the lodge room of said lodge at 1 o'clock to-morrow
evening to attend the funeral of Bros. Sigmund Loeb. - o o o - ______ Lovable Woman. Mrs. T. E. Eakins died at her home in the Fifth ward last Saturday night at 9:20 o'clock after a protracted illness. The funeral took place from the family residence Sunday afternoon. Gen. R. M. Gano, who officiated at the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Eakins, thirteen y ears ago, conducted the services. Interment followed in the Trinity cemetery, the funeral cortege being one of the largest ever witnessed in Dallas. Mrs. Eakins was 35 years old and her early demise is sincerely mourned by a large circle of relatives and friends. She leaves a husband and three small children to mourn the loss of a loving wife and indulgent and devoted mother. Mrs. Eakins was a womanly woman, intelligent, thoughtful and considerate, and society lost one of its brightest ornaments when the angel of death leveled his shaft and struck her down. - o o o - PROBATE ORDERS. Estate of Josephine M. Vaughan, deceased, instrument of writing purporting to be her last will and testament proved on the testimony of O. L. Williams and R. G. Williams, subscribing witnesses thereto, and the same is adjudged to be the last will and testament of said Mrs. Josephine M. Vaughan, and it, together with the proof there of, is ordered of record. W. L. Vaughan is appointed executor without bond, as therein directed. W. H. Middleton, F. N. Oliver and E. G. Patton are appointed appraisers. - o o o - ______ Dallas. The funeral
of the late Alderman Sigmund Loeb took place from the
synagogue on Commerce street at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Rabbi
Chapman officiated and his tribute to the dead was most eloquent
and fitting. It was 3 o'clock before the funeral procession moved
and it was a sight never before witnessed in the metropolis.
Thousands of people visited the synagogue. There were representatives
of all classes, creeds and nationalities, Hebrews, Catholics,
Protestants, and liberals gathered to pay the last token of respect
to the memory of one they knew and admired in his lifetime. First
came the mounted police, band, uniform rank of Knights of Pythias,
city officers, hearse and pall bearers, family of the deceased,
civic orders, lodges, etc., citizens. - o o o - ______ mund Loeb. The representatives
of all departments of the city government, yesterday, adopted
the following: - o o o - The last will and testament of the late Sigmund Loeb, alderman from the Fourth ward, was filed for record yesterday. The homestead at 293 Wood street, and all other property belonging to the estate, including life insurance, the estimated value of which is $20,000, is bequeathed to Delia B. and Carrie S., his only surviving children, share and share alike, Jacob Meyer of Chicago and E. M. Kahn of Dallas were appointed executors, and Mr. Kahn was also appointed guardian of the estate and person of Carrie S. Loeb, minor. - o o o - Mrs. James A. Russell died at her home on Highland street yesterday, aged 36 years. - o o o - Dr. G. E. Peters, a prominent physician of this city, died at his residence, 139 Race street, yesterday, of Bright's disease. - o o o - JUDGE TUCKER'S COURT J. I. Recks vs C. H. Davis; death of plaintiff suggested and leave granted to Mary D. Reeks, surviving wife of J. I. Reeks to make herself party plaintiff. - o o o - _____ DALLAS LODGE No.
197, I. O. B. B., Dallas, Feb. 23.-- At a regular meeting of
the above lodge, held on the above date, the following preamble
and resolutions were unanimously adopted: - o o o - W. A. Wayne, a member of the Dallas Painters' Union, died at Austin. - o o o - COUNTY COURT. Estate of Thomas P. Randall, deceased; application of Mrs. S. H. Randall, executrix, filed, asking that the will be sent to record. - o o o - _______ Dies at Garland. Word was received in this city from Garland last night that Henry Noetzli, an aged and respected citizen of Garland, was dead. Thursday, he was thrown from his buggy and sustained injuries which caused his death. Deceased resided for many years in Dallas, and was at one time, a large landowner here, purchasing the property direct from John Grigsby. He was a native of Switzerland and had made all preparations for a visit to the old country in the spring. His nephew, Adolph Frick, of this city, went to Garland last night. - o o o - _____ THIS AFTERNOON. ______ Latter on Ross Avenue and Central Crossing. _____ the Killing as Detailed by Owens. At 4 o'clock
this afternoon, at the crossing of the Houston and Texas Central
railroad and Ross avenue, Isaac Elam, a well known citizen
of Dallas, was shot and killed by Ed Owen, whose father keeps
a feed store at the intersection of the crossing and the street. - o o o - Mr. Henry [Noetzli], an old and respected Swede, and postmaster of Garland, [was] thrown from his buggy Tuesday [and] received injuries, from which, last night, Mr. Noetzli [were fatal]. Arrangements to return to Eur[ope in] the spring. - o o o - Tom Dolan, the harness maker, who was injured by a fall Saturday, died at the hospital this morning. The remains were taken in charge by Undertaker Smith. Dolan was employed by Ed. Lehman, the Elm street saddler. He was 48 years old and is believed to have a family in Indiana. His friends will see that he is given a Christian burial. - o o o - ______ RESTED THIS MORNING. ______ in the Tragedy of Saturday _____ Testimony in the Case To-Morrow. Elam's
friends are probing the case to the bottom and now claim that
Isaac Elam was murdered and that the murder was cold-blooded
and pre-meditated. Elam was not armed. There was no weapon found
on his person after he was killed. He was shot in the side with
a charge of buckshot and the bullet from a 45-calibre gun entered
his back, near the let shoulder blade. This was the fatal bullet
and he was running away from Owen's place when he was killed.
The officers are satisfied that more than one man had a hand
in the killing; they assert that young Owens used the shotgun
and some other party, the revolver, and that earlier in the day
Owens, with his gun on his shoulder, was driving about in search
for Elam. Two, and perhaps, three, men were concerned in the
killing. It is also asserted that the "removal" of
Elam was not caused by the chimney smoking, or any language he
had used in this connection. It is intimated that he had in his
possession, certain facts which he threatened to make public
concerning a fire alleged to have taken place within the past
year. This morning,
Andrew Elam went before Justice Braswell and filed informations
against John W. Owens, Love Owens and G. A., alias "Dock"
Owens, charging them with murder. Warrants were, at once, issued
and Deputy Sheriff Lee Hughes arrested the accused parties. John
W. Owens is the father of J. E. Owens, Love and Cock. The prisoners
were taken to Justice Braswell's court. The inquest was to have
begun at 9 o'clock this morning, but the new complications in
the case forced the justice to continue the inquest until 9 o'clock
to-morrow morning. - o o o - Tom Hooper, the negro, who was stabbed by William and Georgia Dickerson Saturday night, is dying. His assailants are in jail. - o o o - Mrs. Lon
B. Coleman died Saturday afternoon, March 6, 1892, of
consumption, and was buried from her residence, 1201 Commerce
street, Dallas, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Coleman was
born in Smith county, Va., march 20, 1857. She came to Dallas
in 1883, where she was married to Mr. L. B. Coleman in the same
year. She joined the Baptist church when she was fifteen years
of age, since which time she has lived a faithful and consistent
christian life. Her friends and acquaintances bear tender and
cheerful testimony to her many virtues as a friend, wife, mother-christian.
All that a wife and mother could be, she was. In her sufferings,
which were many, extending through three years of sickness, she
was patient, cheerful, hopeful and uncomplaining--her sufferings
seeming to make brighter and more beautiful her christian faith
and hope and life. Many were the friends who came to pay their
last tribute of love to this faithful godly woman who has gone
from us to partake of the higher and sweeter joys of the christian's
home. The bereaved husband and five motherless children have
the love and sympathy of many friends. - o o o - A man supposed to be H. E. Lew, a Union Pacific brakeman from Green River, Wyoming, was run over and killed in the Texas & Pacific yards last night. He was evidently asleep on the track. The body was horribly mangled. Lewis was about __9 years old, 5 feet 7 inches in height and would weigh 140 pounds. He was poorly dressed and penniless. The remains were interred to-day. - o o o - Fred Bredow, who was injured in the Texas & Pacific yards last Monday, died last night. He leaves a family. - o o o - W. J. Burnett
died Saturday at the residence of his son, Rev. R. H. H. Burnett
in Oak Cliff. The funeral will take place at Ennis to-day. - o o o - Mr. J. M. Willis, late of Oak Cliff, died at 457 Commerce street yesterday. His remains await orders from his daughter, Mrs. W. L. Hall, at Mason, Texas, for interment. - o o o - Friends and acquaintances of E. E. Wilcox are requested to attend the funeral of his wife to-morrow at 2 p. m. Services at residence, 432 Browder street at 1 o'clock. - o o o - Katie Giuffre died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Giuffre, 119 Carter street, yesterday. - o o o - Col. F. E. Waller, a wealthy citizen of Oak Cliff, fell dead last night at his handsome home in that city. He passed the greater portion of his life in Texas and came to Oak Cliff from Red Oak a few years ago. He leaves a large estate. - o o o - _______ No More. Col. T.
P. Saunderson, of Oak Cliff, a well known and well-to-do
citizen, died this morning at 8 o'clock. Two months ago, he was
taken down with la grippe. He stated then that he was going to
die and gave orders for his funeral, etc. Col. Saunderson was
a native of Virginia and was 57 years old. He served in the army
of Lee and after the war, located in Kentucky. Fifteen years
ago, he came to Dallas with his family. He leaves a widow, four
sons, Roger, R. T. Tom and John, and a daughter, Mrs. Will Daniels
of White Rock. Deceased had many warm friends in this city and
county who will mourn his death. - o o o - ________ No. 198. Mr. E. P. Dawson, a highly respected mechanic of this city and president of carpenters union No. 198, died yesterday of heart disease and will be buried from his late residence to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock. Deceased was very popular with his craftsmen and well known in the ranks of labor organizations. All friends
of the late E. P. Dawson, deceased, are requested to attend his
funeral, which will take place at the Church of the Incarnation,
corner of McKinney avenue and Harwood street at 9 o'clock, March
17, under the auspices of carpenters' and joiners' union No.
198. M. S. DALTON, - o o o - Mrs. F. A. Haggart died Saturday night. The funeral took place yesterday from the corner of Gano and S. Harwood streets. - o o o - Mrs. Mary Grizzle, wife of H. N. Grizzle, died at 2:10 to-day. Deceased was a sister of Mrs. D. S. Arnold. The funeral will take place to-morrow at 4 p. m. from the late residence, 175 Caddo street. - o o o - ______ Fate This Morning. At 1 o'clock
this morning, at Tenth Street station, Oak Cliff, George Reemer,
who had just alighted from the train, was crushed to death by
the train backing upon him and knocking him down. The remains
were picked up and his friends and Just ice Whittaker notified. - o o o - The 12-year-old son of Mr. H. Wyatt, the dairyman on the Cedar Springs road, fell a distance of twelve feet to-day, breaking his neck. The boy was hunting hens' nests and stuck his head through an aperture in the building. His feet slipped and his neck was broken by the fall. - o o o - Ben Stein, the well known Elm street butcher, died yesterday morning after a short illness. - o o o - PROBATE. Application for letters of administration on the estate of T. P. Saunderson by N. M. Saunderson, his wife. - o o o - _____ Mother to the Grave. V. Sidney J. Ward, for several years with P. P. Martinez, died to-day at his home, corner Gano and South Harwood streets, of consumption. He was 28 years old and highly respected by all who knew him. Ten days ago, his mother died and two years ago, a sister. One sister is the only member left. The funeral will take place from the late residence of deceased at 3 o'clock to-morrow. - o o o - Justice
Lauderdale held the inquest on the body of little Jesse Wynatt,
the five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.. W. C. Wynatt, whose tragic
death was reported in these columns yesterday. - o o o - Mrs. Elizabeth
Wright, wife of John M. Wright, who has been a citizen
of Dallas county for many years, died this morning at her home
on Oak Lawn avenue, after a week's sickness, during which, she
suffered severely with bronchitis. - o o o - Conductor J. C. Reeves, of the Texas and Pacific road, died at his residence , 110 Ardrey street at 4:15 this morning. The funeral will take place to-morrow evening at 4 o'clock. The death of Conductor Reeves was the result of an accident which occurred at Lawrence last Monday. He was an old and well-known railroad man, and his family has the sympathy of a large circle of friends. - o o o - Probate -- Estate of Sallie E. Hodges; will admitted to probate and W. C. Hodges appointed executor. - o o o - Dr. William Lack died this morning at 8:30, after a brief illness. He was a single man, 30 years old and came to Dallas from Germany five or six years ago. The funeral will take place Wednesday. - o o o - Mrs. W.
F. Lynch died yesterday at her residence on Floyd street. - o o o - Robert A. Dealey, of Bolton, Eng., died yesterday at 127 Harwood street, at the residence of his brother-in-law, Rev. A. E. Harrington. - o o o - The Butchers'
Stockmen's and Drovers' Benevolent Association in special meeting
on Sunday, March 27, 1892, assembled to give expression to their
profound grief at the death of Ben Stein. The Butchers'
Stockmen's and Drovers' Benevolent Association desire to record
these sentiments.
- o o o - PROBATE COURT. Estate
of Goodwin E. Peters, deceased; application for letters
of administration filed by Eleanor M. Peters. - o o o - _____ Afternoon. Police Officer Albert G. Pegues, one of the best known and most faithful officers on the force, died at his home in this city, on Grand avenue, yesterday. On the evening of March 26, he was shot by the accidental discharge of his pistol. Blood poisoning set in and death followed, despite all that skilled physicians and careful nursing could do to stay the ravages of disease. He became a member of the police force in August, 1888, and for the past two years, has been one of the detective force under Chief Detective Kirby. He was a conscientious, shrewd and courageous man and very successful in hunting down lawbreakers and crooks. He was a member of the Police Benevolent Association, and under its auspices the funeral took place to-day. Rev. A. M. Sims officiated and delivered a most powerful sermon. The pall-bearers were Officers Charlie Durham, J. S. Gunning, John P. Keehan, R. H. Jordan, J. H. Shipperly and G. W. Garrison. A. G. Pegues was a native of Longview, Tex, where his people, who are influential and highly respected, reside. He lived at Marshall and Galveston before coming to Dallas a number of year sago. A widow and three children mourn the loss of a kind husband and loving father. Deceased was 38 years old. - o o o - COUNTY COURT. Probate
docket- Estate of Henry M. Morris, deceased; Final report
of administrator examined and approved and administrator finally
discharged. - o o o - PROBATE. Estate of Edward J. Clemence, deceased; bond of T. M. Jones, temporary administrator, examined and approved. - o o o - The officers have raised a neat little sum for the family of the late A. G. Pegues, who were left in needy circumstances. The committee will call on other of our citizens who will be given a chance to subscribe. - o o o - _______ tion Adopted the Following. DALLAS,
Texas, April 9.-Whereas death has again invaded our ranks and
stricken down in the prime and vigor of manhood, one whose fidelity
as an officer, and whose virtues as a man had challenged our
confidence and commanded our esteem and, - o o o - Sammy, the 16-year-old son of Dr. Eagon, attending the Christian Brothers' College at St. Louis, is dying. The doctor chartered a special and departed for St. Louis over the Texas and Pacific and Iron Mountain railroads this afternoon. - o o o - Nearly $400 has been subscribed to the Pegues fund by the citizens of Dallas. - o o o - E. S. Jeffrey & Co., vs. Adolph Cohn; death of Sigmund Loeb suggested and case continued to make his legal representatives parties defendant. - o o o - At 119
Pocahontas street, Mrs. L. Woolstein [Wollstein]
on April 19, 1892. (Wednesday) aged 64 years. Funeral Thursday,
the 14?th instant at 2 p. m. - o o o - Sam Eagon, eldest son of Dr. S. Eagon, died at Christian Brothers College, St. Louis, last night. The remains will reach Dallas Friday night. Notice of funeral will be given later. - o o o - Estate of Barbara Bopp, deceased; last will and testament filed and application of Jacob Bopp for letters testamentary filed. Estate valued at $10,000. - o o o - Mrs. L. Wollstein died at her home on Pocahontas street yesterday. - o o o - Faun, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Leachman this morning at 8 o'clock, age six months. Funeral services at residence on Beaumont street Saturday at 10 a. m. Friends of the family invited. - o o o - COUNTY COURT. Estate of Wm. Huffhines; final account of executor examined and approved, and executor ordered to deliver their respective shares in the estate to the heirs and upon so doing, the executor is discharged. - o o o - A week ago last Friday, Frank Tibbs, the colored janitor in Justice Braswell's court, disappeared. This morning, his remains were found under a boarding house on Ross avenue, near the corner of Lamar street. Judging from appearances, he had been dead a week or more and the stench emitted from the body was intolerable. He was a middle-aged man and an old resident. It is believed that he was the victim of foul play and the officers are investigating. - o o o - Special to the Times-Herald. - o o o - The infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Danforth, of Oak Cliff, died
last evening. The funeral took place at 3 o'clock this afternoon. - o o o - Probate. Estate of Geo. D. Harrison, deceased; application for letters of guardianship filed by Jas. P. Harrison. - o o o - Special to the Times-Herald. - o o o - _______ Officer. The city health officer has his annual report about completed. It will be submitted to the city council to-night. Estimating the city's population at 45,000, and the fact that there were 531 deaths or less than twelve to the thousand, shows a rate that will compare favorably with the healthiest cities in the country. There has been treated in the city hospital for the year ending, April 20, 506 patients, out of which there were forty-five deaths, and a number of these were dying when they reached the hospital. His report will show that the service at the hospital has been improved by the employment of a resident physician, which has been done without an increase in the monthly pay roll or expense account. He recommends the building of a new hospital, as the one now used is wholly inadequate in size to the demands that are made for admission of patients, and is illy located and inconveniently constructed. - o o o - JUDGE BURKE'S COURT. Robt. Heppner vs. Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Company; death of plaintiff suggested and case continued to make new parties plaintiff. Estate of Cynthia A. Sullivan, deceased; application of A. C. Ardrey for probate of will and for letters of administration filed. - o o o - ______ This City Yesterday. At 4:10
yesterday afternoon, there died at the residence of her son,
Alex Cockrell, on South Lamar street, Mrs. S. H. Cockrell,
an old landmark of the early settlement of this county, she having
settled near Eagle Ford in 1844. She was the third daughter of
Enoch Horton, a Virginian, and the widow of Alex Cockrell, a
Missourian, who settled in Dallas one year after the time that
the afterward Mrs. Cockrell came to this county. She was an honored
member of the Dallas County Pioneers' Association and was well
known for her good old-time hospitality. Frank M. Cockrell and
Alex Cockrell, both well known and prominent business men of
this city, are her only surviving children, one brother and one
sister having died. Mrs. Cockrell leaves a magnificent estate,
embracing large farms and some of the best business property
in the city. - o o o - The funeral of Mrs. S. H. Cockrell was attended by a large concourse of people, the First Methodist Church being filled to overflowing to pay the last sad rites to one who was well known and loved by all, old and young. The city council and city officers attended in a body. The floral offerings were beautiful and in profusion and the funeral procession was one of the largest ever seen in Dallas. - o o o - ... - o o o - Lula, the little daughter of Mr. G. A. Reynolds, died yesterday. - o o o - Correspondence Times-Herald. - o o o - _____ BED REPENTANCE. ______ St. Louis Saturday Night Leads to Disclosures. _____ fessed That a Torch Had Been Applied to a Building. ______ City, Last Fall, Involving Great Loss of Prop- erty. J. B. Cowan died in St. Louis yesterday morning, and several parties in Dallas received a number of telegrams announcing the demise of this former citizen of Dallas during the day. The remains were shipped to this city for interment and were placed beneath the sod, there to await the final reckoning, this afternoon. J. B. Cowan was 38 or 40 years old, and had, until the destruction of his place of business, on Commerce street, opposite the Windsor Hotel, enjoyed a reputation for personal integrity and upright character second to no man in the city. He left a widow and one child to mourn his loss. Consumption, that scourge of humanity, fastened its fangs upon him a few short months ago and now he is numbered among the innumerable victims of the disease. Last Thursday, the TIMES-HERALD published a story of startling significance. It stated that there were rumors flying about as thick as leaves in Valambrosia, to the effect that a former business man of Dallas, dying in a distant city, had made a confession that cleared away the mystery surrounding a costly fire in this city some months ago. J. B. Cowan was the business man referred to. It was believed that he was at Uvalde, near San Antonio by all but those without the charmed circle. These were mainly rumors, but they spread with amazing rapidity and were the chief topic of conversation in business circles in Dallas. Last night
an to-day, when the news was spread broadcast that Cowan had
passed away, new rumors crushed the old ones aside and the tongues
of gossips began to wag furiously. The TIMES-HERALD emissary
started out to trace the item to its hiding place. The first
man he ran across was a gentleman who was an intimate acquaintance
of the dead man during his lifetime. He was subjected to a rigid
application of the reportorial pump and finally said with a knowing
wink: "Mr.
Carruthers, it is rumored that you can throw light on the alleged
confession of J. B. Cowan," remarked the reporter. "The
like the facts, or alleged facts, in the case." "This
is a most sensational and highly colored narrative," ejaculated
the astounded quill-driver. "What methods were employed
to secure this statement?" According to Mr. Carruthers, a negro porter was connected with the burning of the building. The negro disappeared several months ago, but is now under arrest. He is behind the bars in a secluded spot known only to the detectives--to be sprung when his presence and his alleged evidence is needed. One of the detectives who has been handling the case arrived in Dallas from St. Louis last night and looked over the ground to-day. It is said that the detectives are in the service of the insurance companies, who are fighting in the courts against paying risks on the property destroyed to the amount of $80,000 or $100,000. - o o o - _____ This Evening. At 3:35
o'clock this afternoon, a little girl about 2 years old was run
over and killed on Main street, near the Houston and Texas Central
crossing, south of Union depot. - o o o - Jamie Reeks, the 14-year-old son of Mrs. J. I. Reeks of East Dallas, died Saturday evening from the effects of the terrible clubbing received at the hands of the negro, De Taylor. Taylor is in jail. The people of East Dallas are very bitter towards the prisoner. Mrs. Reeks has lost her father, sister, husband and son in the past year, and her cup of sorrow is filled to overflowing. - o o o - Charlie,
the 22-months old son of Joseph Baumgartner, was run over
and killed by an electric car on Main street last night. Will
Hastings, the motor-man in charge, says the killing was purely
an accident. - o o o - Resolutions
of condolence adopted by the Fireman's Relief Association of
the city of Dallas, upon the death of Mrs. S. H. Cockrell: - o o o - R. L. Prohl, a member of the firm of Prohl Bros., furniture dealers of Milwaukee, died suddenly at the St. George from hemorrhage. His relatives were telegraphed. - o o o - COUNTY COURT. Probate -- Estate of Geo. B. Harrison, deceased; will proved and ordered sent to record, J. P. Harrison appointed guardian and his bond fixed at $5400; C. E. Bird, A. F. Kirkpatrick and J. Oldham appointed appraisers. - o o o - There died at the residence of Mrs. Isaac Fisher, ten miles southwest of Dallas, on last Tuesday, Mrs. Emily Beeman, one of the mothers of Dallas county, she having come to where Dallas now stands just fifty years ago. Mrs. Beeman was born in South Carolina in 1805, hence was 87 years of age. She married in Illinois and came to Bowie county, Texas, in 1840, and to Dallas early in April , 1842, when the only resident was John Neely Bryan, who afterward married her daughter, Margaret. Three sons and three daughters are left to mourn her loss. - o o o - |
of Edward Bank, deceased; final account of administration
examined and approved and administrator discharged. - o o o - PROBATE. Estate
of Mary A. Merrell, deceased--Application of John M. Merrell
for letters of administration filed. - o o o - ______ No More. Henry Deitzel, surviving manager and editor of the Texas Post, died this morning at Galveston. His brother, Oscar, died here scarcely a year ago. Mr. Deitzel was a talented and well known newspaper man, his paper having the largest circulation of any German paper in the state. He leaves a wife and four children. It is likely that his body will be shipped here for interment. - o o o - William Lynch, a lineman in the employ of the Dallas Electric Company, lost his life Saturday evening about 11 o'clock at the intersection of Washington avenue and Worth street. It is supposed that he lost his hold on the pole and caught at the wire. The shock from the wire and the fall killed him. Three weeks ago, Lynch buried his wife. He leaves [two] small children. - o o o - _______ R. G. Kidwell,
baggagemaster of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas, died yesterday
morning from injuries received several nights ago at a house
near the Main street depot of the Oak Cliff railway. At the time
he was injured, it was given out that he had walked out of the
window of his boarding house, but such was not the case, as he
did not board at the place where he was hurt, and the injuries
which he received, it is thought, were not received by a fall
from the window, but from blows with a club. His skull was crushed
in and one leg was broken. Acting Chief of Police Ed Cornwall, who investigated the case, informed a TIMES-HERALD reporter this afternoon that Kidwell's death could not be attributed to foul play. He called on a woman, Florence, that evening. Later, he left the room. On returning, he fell from the stairway, and struck his head on a pile of cement pipes on the ground below. - o o o - _______ NEATH THE SOD. _______ bed in a Row, Died Yester- day Afternoon. Gottlieb
Binder, a man on the shady side of thirty, died yesterday
afternoon from the effects of a knife wound at his boarding house
in this city. - o o o - NEW SUITS FILED. Joseph Bumgartner vs. Dallas Consolidated Traction Railway Company; suit for $10,500 damages for killing Mr. Bumgartner's infant son on May 2. - o o o - The Galveston Evening Tribune says: "Mr. W. M. Crow, for four years a superintendent of public schools in Galveston, and now a prominent lawyer of Dallas, Tex., arrived in town to-day to look after the affairs of the late Herman Dietzel, who was drowned a few days ago. Mrs. R. H. Hayes, delegate at large, and Mr. John Carter, delegate of the local Woman's Christian Temperance Union, went to Dallas last evening to attend the state convention of that worthy organization, which convenes there to-morrow." - o o o - _______ Oak Cliff. Frank E. Stevens, a well-known and popular citizen of Oak Cliff, was buried yesterday from his late residence, a large number of people attending the funeral. Mr. Stevens was a railroad man and for a number of years, ran trains on the Missouri, Kansas & Texas and other Texas railroads. He was caught between cars at LaGrange and badly crushed. The injured man was brought to his home at Oak Cliff. He recognized his wife and babes, kissed them and sank into unconsciousness, dying twenty-four hours after he met with the accident. Mr. Stevens was 38 years of age and grew to manhood in Dallas. He was highly respected by all who knew him. A widow and three little children survive him. Deceased was a staunch member of the O. R. C., and many of his brother members attended the funeral yesterday. - o o o - PROBATE. Estate of T. H. Robinson, deceased; claim of J. R. Hooper & Co., allowed and ordered paid. - o o o - Rev. C. J. Cock, for forty years a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, died this morning. - o o o - _________ CLARED DEFECTIVE. _______ ceedings in Other Courts. Suits Filed, Etc. The indictment charging Michael Coyle with the murder of Benjamin Page was defective, it having the name "Tom" Page. The county attorney nollied the case and filed another affidavit against Coyle, who waived examination before Justice Braswell and was remaned to jail without bail... - o o o - ______ To-Day. The funeral
of the late C. O. Brewer, the gallant police officer shot
down like a dog while in the discharge of his duty, Tuesday night,
took place to-day from the late residence of deceased, on Main
street. - o o o - David Patterson died at his residence on Polk street yesterday morning. - o o o - PROBATE. Estate
of J. P. Newman, deceased -- Final account of Adam Bergman,
administrator, examined and approved and administrator discharged. - o o o - ______ Well-Known Stone-Cutter. David Patterson,
a well-known member of the stone-cutters' union, died in this
city Thursday and his funeral took place yesterday from the Second
Presbyterian Church, Rev. Warren G. Riggs officiating. The funeral
was under the auspices of the stone-cutters' union who paid the
last tribute to the memory of a fallen brother. The pall-bearers
were Dan Morgan, Joseph Mullen, Henry Sheror[?], Harry Adams
and John F. Evans. Deceased was born at Inverness 28 years ago.
He served his time at Edinburgh, and eighteen months ago, came
to America and to Dallas a year ago. Seven weeks ago, Patterson
sent to Scotland for his wife and two little children, who arrived
five weeks ago. Shortly after their arrival in Dallas from bonnie
Scotland, the husband and father was stricken down, and what
was to be a joyful reunion in a new land, was turned into household
bowed down by the shadow of death. - o o o - PROBATE. Estate of Cynthia Sullivan, deceased -- A. C. Ardrey appointed administrator and his bond fixed at $30,000; W. E. Parry, C. F. Bolanz and D. C. Culbreath appointed appraisers. - o o o - WILLS POINT, Tex.,
May 30. -- Louis Rose, a dry goods clerk in the store of W. B.
rose, shot and almost instantly killed J. A. Gugenheim,
a dealer in millinery goods. The killing occurred in the saddlery
store of H. F. Collier, next door to the postoffice. A Smith
& Wesson pistol was used. - o o o - J. A. Gugenheim, who was slain at Wills Point Saturday by Louis Rose, was buried in Trinity cemetery yesterday. Gugenheim was well known in Dallas. Miss Mattie Rose, "the woman in the case," is also well known in this city, having a number of relatives here. Rose was placed under $5000 bond. Public sentiment is said to be on the side of Rose, who is only 22 years old. - o o o - This afternoon, at the Oak Cliff opera house, the G. A. R. Posts, members of the Woman's Relief Corps, and a large crowd of spectators, are listening to speeches by Cols. Stilwell H. Russell, C. H. Edwards and Will H. Atwell. The addresses will close the Decoration Day exercises in this city. The graves of Union soldiers were strewn with flowers this morning. - o o o - |
_____ JURED LAST NIGHT. ______ Both Parties Are Col- ored Men. Foreman
Brown, a negro youth, is lying at the point of death at
the city hospital, the result of a blow on the head administered
by George Nelson, another negro, at 10:30 o'clock last night. - o o o - ______ TINGUISHED LAWYER. _______ in the City -- The Funeral To-Day. Judge Sawnie
Robertson died at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. As
stated in these columns yesterday, his death was not unexpected,
as h is physicians earlier in the day informed him that the hand
of death was upon him, and that his end was near. The news
of Judge [Robertson's] death spread like wild-fire about the
city and the death of no man in recent y ears caused more poignant
sorrow in all classes and ranks. Judge Tucker immediately adjourned
court until Friday. Especially were the members of the bar deeply
grieved, as Judge Robertson was greatly admired and beloved by
his profession and all were his warm and appreciative friends. Judge Rector
opened court this morning at 9:20. Acting Mayor McClellan called the city council together in special session at 2 o'clock, at which time, arrangements were made to attend the funeral at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The Dallas
Bar Association met in Judge Tucker's court room this morning
to arrange for the obsequies of their dead friend and brother,
Judge Sawnie Robertson. Not only was the entire bar of the city
present, but lawyers from other cities and numerous friends,
filling the court room until standing room could hardly be secured.
The deceased lawyer's boyhood friends, Gov. Hogg and ex-Senator
Horace Chilton, with heads bowed in grief at this unexpected
stroke, were present. A largely attended meeting of representative citizens was held at the city hall at 10 o'clock to take action on the death of Judge Robertson. O. P. Bowser was called to the chair. Appropriate speeches were made and it was resolved to attend the funeral in a body. The following gentlemen, with the chairman of the meeting, will meet at the North Texas National Bank at 9 o'clock to-morrow morning to draft suitable resolutions: W. H. Gaston, John N. Simpson, Royal A. Ferris, James Moroney, Alex. Sanger, B. Blankenship, James Aikin, Jot Gunter, E. M. Reardon, R. D. Berry, O. K. Harry, J. S. Armstrong, Wm. Illingsworth, J. P. Murphy, Harry P. Lawther and J. M. Strong. The pall
bearers are Go. J. S. Hogg, Senator A. M. Carter of Fort Worth,
Col. W. W. Leake, Col. Jot Gunter, Judge George N. Aldredge,
Judge Charles Fred Tucker, Mr. John Gaston and Col. W. S. Simkins,
Rev. Drs. Davis and Simms will officiate. - o o o - Mrs. Keever died yesterday at the home of her son, Dr. A. P. Keever, in Oak Cliff. Deceased was 55 years old and a lady highly esteemed by all who knew her. She was also the mother of J. H. Keever, the druggist. The funeral took place to-day. - o o o -
Wm. McAllister, 499 Main street, died at 1:20 o'clock to-day. Mr. McAllister was an old resident of Dallas. - o o o - Marcus Menczer, aged 22 years, died yesterday at the residence of his parents, 836 Bryan street. - o o o - Chas. Pistor, who recently ran a saloon on McKinney avenue near the Dallas branch, suicided yesterday by taking morphine. He leaves a widow and two children. - o o o - Mrs. Webster, the aged and highly esteemed mother of Hon. John H. Webster of the city council, died at the home of her son Sunday morning. Mrs. Webster had been an invalid for a year or more and had been very low for two months preceding her death. The remains were taken to Marshall, the old home of the deceased, for burial. Mrs. J. F. Zang, daughter of the deceased, and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Webster accompanied the remains to Marshall, where interment followed. - o o o - _____ BY CHARLES GROVE. _____ Insulting Proposals to Grove's Wife. Special to the Times-Herald. MESQUITE, July 4. -- Bud Evers died at 10:30 this morning, and arrangements are now being made for the funeral. The killer, as wired at an earlier hour, went to the home of his father at Garland, it is believed, to surrender to the authorities. Sheriff Lewis sent out part of his force this morning to apprehend Grove, but up to going to press, nothing had been heard from them. - o o o - Ed Noble, a boy 17 years of age, was accidentally shot in the head by R. M. Wallace Saturday evening. The boys were playing with a target rifle, snapping it at each other, when it went off, shooting young Noble in the head, from the effects of which, he died Saturday night. - o o o - _____ Through Everts. ______ _______ THE INSULTER. _______ Burke's Court This Forenoon. ______ the Facts Obtainable in the Case. Chas. Grove,
who shot Bud Everts near Mesquite Sunday, was brought
in last night and lodge in jail. He had gone to his father's
place, a mile and half south of Garland, where he was found by
Deputy Sheriff Simpson, to whom he surrendered without a protest. - o o o - This morning, July 9, 1892, from injuries received in a railroad wreck, Mr. B. J. Franks, of Laurens, S. C. Funeral Linskie's, corner Main and Harwood streets, to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock sharp. - o o o - _______ Last Night. In the
freight train wreck which occurred last night, an account of
which appears in another column, B. J. Franks was caught
under the cars, crushing his leg, from the effects of which he
died early this morning. - o o o - The remains of B. J. Franks, the printer who was killed in a wreck near Forney, were sent to Laurens, S. C., last night. - o o o - _____ of A. Tische. _____ _____ DUCTION OF EVIDENCE. _____ Very Strong Against the Prisoner. _____ Its Weary Lengths Along. Other Proceedings. The following
is the jury in the Bouton case: J. R. Smith, John N. Simpson,
W. H. Haley, J. F. Ramsey, C. D. Slaughter, J. M. Kesley, George
Jackson, Charles Orr, J. R. Routh, W. T. Addison, J. A. Brooks,
George W. Merchant. - o o o - Adolph
Noach, the boy who fell about thirty feet while attempting
to catch a bird at Buell & Connelly's mill, died day before
yesterday from injuries sustained in the fall. One peculiar circumstance
about the affair, and one that causes the superstitious to talk,
is the fact that the bird he was attempting to catch, fell dead
on the identical spot where the young man fell. - o o o - ________ of Murder _______ ________ PAGE LAST WINTER. ________ Bouton Case This Morning __________ of Disproving the Circum- stantial Evidence. _______ The witnesses
placed on the stand at yesterday afternoon's session were Henry
Lewis, J. J. Alexander, J. L. Moore, A. I. Sanders?, B. J. Trieller,
J. C. Arnold, J. S. _owns, J. A. Sakaloff, R. D. Morton, D. __
James, Jordon Apperson and Dr. W. T. Baird. Downs is a grocer,
and testified that Bouton owed him some money and paid him Monday
morning after Tiche's disappearance, giving him a $20
gold piece. Dr. Baird testified that there was blood on the lap
robe given him by Lewis and Kirby to examine. There was nothing
else developed in yesterday afternoon's testimony that has not
already been gone over. The jury in the Mike Coyle murder case returned a verdict this morning. They found that the prisoner was guilty of murder in the second degree and assessed his punishment at six years in the penitentiary. Coyle killed Ben Page. Notice that a motion for a new trial would be made was given and court adjourned. - o o o - _______ George F. Bouton. _______ ______ THIS AFTERNOON. ________ Parisian Going to the Grand Opera. Will Lyne,
Dan Cooper, Mrs. Rose A. Simms, D. R. Moberly, Mrs. R. C. Worden
and J. F. Wren were placed on the stand yesterday evening. Will
Lyne testified that he saw Titche in a buggy on the Sunday
preceding the Tuesday on which his body was found, on the extension
of Ervay street after 12 o'clock. There was nothing else important
developed in the remaining testimony further than that Bouton
had told one of the witnesses that he had $100 laid away to pay
for medical treatment. - o o o - |
Mr. Will Carpenter was fatally injured late Saturday evening while in bathing in Gun Club lake with a crowd of young men. In making a plunge under the water, he struck the bottom with such force as to dislocate his neck, and became instantly paralyzed. He was rescued by his comrades and hurried to his home and medical aid summoned. The unfortunate young man died this morning. The Knights of Pythias will meet at 4 o'clock this evening at their hall in Oak Cliff and escort the remains to the H. & T. C. depot for shipment to Mexia, where interment will follow under the auspices of the Knights of Pythias of that city. - o o o - _________ River. ________ Special to the Times-Herald. - o o o - The grand
jury adjourned until Monday after returning some bills, one being
against Charles Grove, charging him with having murdered Bud
Everts. - o o o - |
W. H. Lyne, father of Will Lyne, who was a witness in the Bouton murder case, called at our office this morning to say that Deputy Sheriffs Borlick and Moreland erred in making the statement that Will stated to them that he did not know either Boulton or Titche. It was he and not Will who made the statement. Will stated that he did not know Bouton, but did know Titche. Mr. Lyne ssates that he was present during the entire time that the deputies were at Will's house. This statement is made not for the purpose of casting any reflections on any, but to relieve his son from the awkward position in which the statement places him; Will having testified before the jury that he did know Titche. - o o o - Mrs. C. O. Brewer has received the insurance due her from the death of her husband, who was insured for $2000. - o o o - ________ Placed on Trial. The F. P. Miller case was called this morning. Defendant's application for a continuance overruled; defendant excepts. Bassett, Seay and Muse and Kenneth Foree have been retained to assist prosecution. The selection of jurors from a special venire of one hundred men began at 2 o'clock this evening. - o o o - Benjamin Franklin, aged thirty-four years, member of the Dallas Fire Department for the last three years, died last night at 8:45 of inflammation of the bowels. Mr. Franklin was the driver of the supply wagon, stationed at engine house No. 1. He was a native of Calhoun, Georgia. During his sickness, he has been under the care of the Firemen's Relief Association, who will have his body embalmed and shipped to his father at Plainville, Gordon county, Georgia, to-night. He leaves a wife and two children, who will accompany the remains. - o o o - ________ the Pen. At midnight
Saturday night, the jury in the case of George F. Bouton returned
a verdict, after having been out five hours. - o o o - Several deaths have occurred in West Dallas of late, and in once case, Dr. M. A. Bingley is satisfied that diphtheria was the cause of death. - o o o - _______ the Case To-Day. ________ _______ PUTATIONS GIVEN. ________ Placed in the Witness Box. ______ To-Day-New Suits Filed, Etc. ______ The selection
of a jury in the Miller case was continued this morning. Fifty new
talesmen were summoned yesterday afternoon in the case of the
State vs. F. D. Miller, now on trial the Forty-fourth judicial
district court for the killing of Policeman Brewer, and
out of these two jurymen were obtained when court adjourned,
making eight in all. Following
are the names and occupations of the jurors who are to decide
the fate of F. D. Miller: At the
afternoon session of the court, Ex-Policeman Tom Early, who was
with Policeman Riddle when the latter was killed, was
put on the stand by the state and testified, in part, as follows:
Was until recently an officer on the Dallas police force. He
was a policeman on the 17th day of June. Was acquainted with
W. H. Riddle. Never saw Miller till Monday morning last, to know
him. He had occasion to arrest Miller. Saw his face when he went
to arrest him, but didn't know him. (Witness identified the prisoner
as the man he saw on the 17th of June). He started to arrest
him on the evening of the 16th of June, in company with Riddle.
Had heard of his carrying a pistol. B. L. Wilson, night watchman
at the street car stables, had told him. They went to Conarty's
saloon first, then looked over to Miller's shop and saw that
everything was dark. Concluded to wait till morning, so they
could see in the daylight. Told Riddle they had better have a
pistol, as Miller was a dangerous man. They went back next morning
when the force went on duty. They stopped at the barber shop
and wanted to get witnesses. (Defense raised an objection which
the court overruled). Arrested Miller on information and wanted
to get more information. Went into the barber shop and asked
for a negro who was out. Then went to George Miller, the saloon
keeper. Riddle went in and talked. Didn't know what passed between
them. When Riddle came out he said: "All right, Tom, let's
go together." He told me to get my pistol. I got my pistol
in one hand and a club in the other. We walked on close to the
wall. I stopped in Miller's door and saw Miller sitting on a
low chair near the door. All witness could see was the motion
of defendant's right hand in his (witness') face. When he saw
this, he pulled his pistol. Saw a flash and then fell. Supposed
that he was knocked down by the concussion. Was nearly blind
while falling. After he fell, heard two more shots. He fell on
his hands and knees and his hat fell off. Looked around and saw
Riddle lying on his back. Saw the blood on his eye. When witness
started to get up, he heard several reports of a pistol and saw
Miller shooting at him. Witness shot twice, but didn't know when.
Not a word was spoken before the first shot. Thinks Riddle had
a club in his hand when the first shot was fired. Riddle and
witness were in reaching distance at the time. Had not seen defendant
that morning. Miller held the people off from the house. - o o o - _______ Former Schoolmate. A reporter
for the TIMES-HERALD, who went to school with Bouton, sentenced to
the penitentiary for the killing of Titche, in Mobile
[a] year ago, received a note from the prisoner yesterday afternoon,
and he called at the jail this morning. - o o o - Mike Mokely, a carpenter, dropped dead on Main street last night. Heart disease. He was 62 years old and unmarried. - o o o- ________ MONED JOHN BRASHEAR. _______ the Death of an Old Veteran. John Brashear
was found dead, seated on a hay rake on the farm of W. P. Martin,
one mile north of the fair grounds last evening. Dr. Ewing was
summoned and stated, that in his opinion, a sunstroke had caused
the death of Brashear. - o o o - |
Thos. J. Early, who was the state's first witness, was cross-examined
by the defense yesterday afternoon in the Miller case, now on
trial in the forty-fourth judicial court. Witness saw the shooting and was standing about fifty feet behind Riddle when he was shot. About ten minutes before deceased was shot, saw him in front of his saloon. He called the policeman's attention to the fact that Miller was looking for Riddle on the preceding evening and had a pistol and was threatening to kill them. First shot was fired from inside of shop. Tom Early stumbled back and fell. Is twelve years old, going on thirteen. Had no father or mother. Had known Mark Miller a long time. Heard of the killing of Riddle. Evening before it happened, was at his shop. Heard defendant say he was going to kill that gray-headed Riddle or any other s--n of a b---h that stopped him. Miller was talking to a young man with sandy mustache. The young man told defendant that Riddle said he wanted to get his hands on him. He did not speak of other officers. Defendant had also said he wanted that gray-haired Riddle or any other policeman to step in his gallery. Is a wood dealer, at 203 Main street. Knew defendant and also Riddle, the latter, slightly. Was present when Riddle was killed. Was not in the house, but 25 or 51 feet away, in front of George Miller's saloon, in company with George Miller. Had heard defendant talking of policeman the evening before. Said he would kill them first and then himself, witness said. Defendant said before the killing, when asked about his actions, that he was not sound, but they had bothered him so much that he was crazy. Riddle and Early went into George Miller's saloon and George Miller told them what defendant had said the evening before. Riddle said that was all he wanted to know. They had better take pistols as they might get hurt. Am a night-watchman
for street car company on East Main street, didn't know defendant,
but knew Riddle. Saw the man who is said to have killed him that
evening. Heard him [in] a conversation the eveing before the
killing. He was talking loud and came in with pistol in his hand,
and said that he would kill the first officer that passed his
door. They had been crowding around his place and bothering him
and he wasn't goint to stand it any longer; he was not drunk,
nor crazy, but meant just what he said. Had been
practicing medicine twenty-one years. Result of the wound was
death. Two wounds; one through left arm and the other through
left eye. Left arm was elevated over his head when shot. One
ball just above the left eye, lodging in the back of the head.
Shot in the head killed him. Came near fracturing the skull.
Was in dying condition when I passed. Was driving by in a buggy.
There was a man in the house who saw the shooting. Didn't hear
the shots. Don't know the date. Think it was in the month of
June. Is foreman
of Main street car stables. Knew Riddle. Also knew Miller. Never
saw the difficulty. I was there immediately after. Went in the
house and was talking to Miller. They were pouring a liquid down
Riddle, and Miller said: "They can pour it down him, but
I'll get another s--n of a b---h before they get me." No
other statement was made at that time. A colored woman was in
there. Had seen her in Miller's, but not after. Didn't know what
she was doing there. Was in the room with him and Miller. That
was all. Never saw any bed[?] body[?] inside in particular. A
big crowd gathered about. - o o o - In a dilapidated house on the corner of Hall street and McKinney avenue, reside a family whose wretched condition is such that calls for speedy relief. The family originally consisted of an invalid father, who has been unable to labor for some time, a mother and eight children, the oldest, a girl about 15 years of age. A few nights ago, one of the younger children died, and so poverty-stricken were the parents, that they had not sufficient raiment to put on their little darling's body nor the means to give her Christian burial. The kind-hearted neighbors defrayed all burial expenses, and had the body interred in Trinity cemetery; but the living are still in needy circumstances and should be cared for. - o o o - _______ der Arrest. ______ The scorching arraignment of perjurers by the grand jury, in its report yesterday, created a sensation. The TIMES-HERALD can say that as originally written, the report was indeed a scorcher, but several of the grand jurors were of the opinion that it would be better to go slow and catch flies with honey instead of vinegar. The grand jury devoted considerable time to this branch of the criminal business. As a result, Ben Fleming, a negro, is behind the bars, charged with perjury in the Elam murder case. Ben is a black rascal, whom it is alleged, swore wildly and falsely without the slightest provocation. Last night, another arrest was made on the same charge on an indictment returned by the grand jury. J. W. Owens, father of the Owens boys, who killed J. K. Elam, and who was indicted as an accessory to the killing, was placed under arrest. His bond was fixed at $1000, which he furnished and was released. It is alleged that Owens swore falsely in this own trial and at the trial of his son. Ben Fleming also swore falsely, according to the developments made in the grand jury room. The jurors are the sole judges of the credibility of witnesses. It was in this case that the jury, smarting under the censure of the public, denounced Judge Burke, Col. D. A. Williams, Sheriff Lewis and newspaper reporters. Other interesting developments are expected. - o o o - ______ Suicides. Southern Afternoon Press. - o o o - HOW HART MET HIS DEATH. _______ RIED HIM OFF, IT IS SAID. _______ Before the Chief of Police. R. T. Hart,
a peddler of plated silverware, was found dead in his room at
the Germania Hotel, just east of the Central railroad crossing
on Main street, last night. His wife and a female companion,
Dora Latham, found him dead in his room. The police, a physician
and the coroner were summoned, and the remains were placed in
charge of P. W. Linskie. Hart was a comparative stranger in the city, and the police, regarding circumstances which surrounded his death as being very suspicious, began the work of thoroughly investigating the case. A TIMES-HERALD reporter, late last evening, visited the Germania hotel. All the information that he could obtain was that the man was dead; that he was a commercial traveler and that his wife had disappeared shortly after the undertaker had taken charge of the remains. The reporter also visited the undertaker's where the embalmer was engaged. He stated that Hart was a member of the Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows, and also that the physicians stated that Hart's death was caused by sunstroke. Late last night, the police were informed that Mrs. Hart and a woman named Dora Latham were seen together at Billy Trammell's saloon yesterday and that they were together last night. This morning, they were arrested in a room at a lodging house on Elm street near Hawkins, and taken to the central station, where they were assigned to separate cells. A representative of the TIMES-HERALD called and requested a brief interview with Mrs. Hart. She is a woman of forty, a brunette with gray eyes, and in her youth must have been a handsome woman. She is very intelligent and did not appear to be greatly perturbed by her rather unpleasant surroundings. "My husband was 53 years old. We were married at San Francisco two years ago and have always lived happily together. My husband sold silverware. We came to Dallas three weeks ago from Waxahachie. This was our second trip. We were here a year ago. Yesterday, my husband and myself were down town together. He was drinking. The day before, he said the sun had affected him. He went home in the afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. Hart laid down on the bed and came down town again. At 6 or 7 o'clock, I returned with a friend, Mrs. Latham, and found him dead in the bed. He had disrobed and there was blood on the side of his face. My people live in Indianapolis, and he was my second husband. Mr. Hart also had been married before. He has two daughters living by his first wife. A married one in Chicago, and an unmarried one at Richmond, Ind. We had no trouble, did not want for anything, and my husband was not addicted to the use of morphine or opium. I notified his lodge, the Knights of Pythias, and wish to ship his remains to Indianapolis. I could not stay in the room in which he died and took lodgings elsewhere." Mrs. C.
D. Latham, or Dora, as she calls herself, is a blonde of 22,
and has resided in Dallas since last November. Her husband, she
says, is a street car driver. The couple came from Columbus,
Ga., two years ago, and the family of Mrs. Latham reside in Fort
Worth. She said: After a rigorous cross-questioning by the detectives, Mrs. Hart was released at 11 o'clock, and an order was also made for the discharge of Mrs. Latham. - o o o - Mrs. F. L. Bovey died on Saturday at her residence, 350 North Pearl street, in her 46th year. - o o o - ________ Miller Jury Saturday. The jury
in the case of F. P. Miller, charged with the murder of Policeman
Riddle, brought in a verdict at a few minutes before five
o'clock Saturday afternoon, after being out about an hour. they
found the defendant guilty of murder in the first degree and
assessed his punishment at death. - o o o - All members
of Camp Sterling Price and other Confederate veterans, are requested
to attend the funeral of Comrade F. Waltman, from the
Elk's hall on Main street at 5 p. m., (Tuesday) July 26, 1892.
B. H. KETNER, - o o o - ________ Evening. Major F. Waltman died at Schulenburg last evening. The remains were shipped to this city for interment. Major Waltman was one of the most widely known and popular traveling men in Texas. He was a veteran of the last war and his only living relative is a sister at LaGrange, Mo. He was charitable, brave and generous and did more than any one man in Texas to secure the home for disabled Confederate veterans at Austin. The members of Camp Sterling Price, the local lodge of Elks and other societies, are in mourning to-day for a man who was esteemed by all who knew him in his life time. The funeral will take place this afternoon, conducted by Rev. A. P. Smith at the Elks Hall at 6 o'clock. His many friends are invited. - o o o - At a called
meeting of the Dallas Implement and Vehicle Association the following
preamble and resolution were read and adopted: - o o o - |
Mr. Walton, an old Confederate soldier, died at 588 Ross avenue to-day. He was a lawyer and practiced for a number of years at Nashville, Tenn. The old veterans should take charge of the remains, as the family are poor and have very few friends in Dallas. - o o o - |
McCarter died at this home on Harwood street last night. - o o o - Mrs. M. McCarty, the aged mother of Mr. Eugene McCarty, who died on Harwood last Wednesday, desires to thank the people of Dallas who so kindly contributed to the burial expense of her son. - o o o - ________ TO "DAGO JOHN'S." ________ Had Its Origin in Dice Throwing. _______ by Times-Herald Re- porters. _______ "Shot
through the heart!" - o o o - Mr. Wm. Bodoch received a letter yesterday informing him that on July 27th, near El Paso, his son, Gus, who had left home a month previous, had fallen under a moving train and that his head and one of his legs was severed from his body. The boy had a check on a Dallas bank in his pocket, and this had been sent to the bank, the officials of which, confirmed the sad story. Young Bodoch left this city for California with another boy and it was the latter who wrote the letter announcing the tragic end of the young man. - o o o - _______ WHO DIED RECENTLY. ________ Gentle Birth and Highly Connected. Two weeks
ago, John Brashear was found dead on the farm of W. P.
Martin. He was an employe of Mr. Martin, who kindly gave him
work when the unfortunate man and his family were on the verge
of starvation. John Brashear left a widow and two little children
in destitute circumstances. The TIMES-HERALD made an appeal to the old Confederates, and
not in vain. The following letter is not only interesting, but
pathetic, as well as self-explanatory: - o o o - At a special
meeting of Post E. of the T. P. A., a committee consisting of
F. M. Davis, J. W. Young, Geo. Killian, Jno. A. Kennedy and J.
E. Jackson was appointed to draft resolutions upon the death
of President F. Waltman. the following resolutions were
adopted by the meeting: - o o o - Court... The following
probate orders have been entered: - o o o - _________ the Banks of the River. Lem Lewis, a newsboy, has been missing since Tuesday night. Yesterday, he was found lying on the banks of the Trinity, delirious and his face nearly blistered off by the burning rays of the sun. He was removed to his home and is dying with brain fever. While out of his head, he had wandered to the place where he was found. Lewis, who is the Oak Cliff carrier for the TIMES-HERALD, is an industrious lad. Oak Cliff subscribers missed their papers Wednesday evening on account of the little fellow's condition. - o o o - The following
cases were disposed of at this morning's sitting of Judge Bowers'
court: - o o o - ________ Allen Walker. Frank Alstropp, the bartender, who murdered Allen Walker at the Big Six saloon a few days since, over a row which had its origin in who should pay for a few cents worth of slops, is not pleased with jail life. He has retained Attorney Johnson of Fort Worth and Frank Irvine of this city to fight his case. Yesterday, he waived preliminary examination before Justice Braswell and applied to Judge Charles Fred Tucker for a writ of habeas corpus, his object being to have his bond fixed and to escape durance vile. the case will be decided in a day or two. Alstropp, it is said, considers it an outrage to keep a man behind stone walls and iron doors for a little thing like killing a railroad man. He didn't know it was one of the customs of the country. - o o o - Mrs. H. C. Tennison died at Mineral Wells yesterday. The remains will be shipped to Dallas and the funeral service will take place to-morrow. - o o o - Southern Afternoon Press. - o o o - COLLINS AND HIS KNIFE. _______ TACK ON SADIE NOEL. _______ Night-The Woman in a Dying Condition. A bloody cutting affray occurred on Commerce street, near Ervay street, about 11 o'clock last Saturday night. Mrs. Sadie Noel was the victim of the unprovoked and cowardly assault and the assailant was Bert Collins, her lover. Later in the night, Collins was found flourishing his dagger in the city by an officer. He was arrested and placed in a cell at the central station. Mrs. Noel walked to the residence of a Mrs. Bishop on Commerce street, a block east of the police station, where she was placed on a cot and a physician summoned. Dr. Sherman, the attending surgeon, examined the wounds, six in number, on the neck and breast. One, in the right breast, is very deep and dangerous, and the victim is constantly bleeding internally. Very little hope is entertained of saving her life. She is about 24 years old, and has been employed as a waiter at the National Hotel. Collins is a Missourian, 26 years old, and is a waiter. He, too, worked at the National. A TIMES-HERALD reporter was told that the woman, Collins and one or two others had been drinking beer in a saloon near the corner of Commerce and Akard, and that jealousy prompted the commission of the crime. If the woman dies, Collins will, without difficulty, secure a permanent job at Rusk or Huntsville. - o o o - JUDGE BOWER'S COURT. The following probate order was entered: Last will and testament of Wm. Lack presented and proven. C. J. Green appointed administrator with bond fixed at $7000. Seymour Meyer, D. G. Oppenheim and W. E. Parry appointed appraisers. - o o o - The funeral of the late Mrs. John R. Tennison took place to-day from the residence of her brother, Dr. McDermott. - o o o - T. J. Eades,
of Weatherford, died yesterday evening. His remains will be shipped
to Dallas for interment, and his funeral will take place at 9
a. m. to-morrow from the residence of N. A. Yeargan, 255 Cedar
Springs avenue. - o o o - |
At Mineral Wells, Simon Hurst, in his 38th year. Funeral will take place in Dallas to-morrow, (Friday) at 10 a. m., from the residence of E. M. Kahn, corner Akard and Cadiz streets. Please omit flowers. - o o o - Estate of J. B. Strong, deceased; Barry, Ellison & Etheridge have permission to withdraw papers of the estate temporarily for the purpose of proving the same. - o o o - The funeral
of the late Simon Hurst took place yesterday and was largely
attended. - o o o - One of the laws of the city that is regularly violated, according to Health Officer Armstrong, is the one that makes it necessary for every undertaker or other person who buries a body to first obtain a burial permit from the health officer. One of the instances in which a failure to comply with this ordinance, is in the case of the death of a foreigner, wherein a certificate of death is necessary to prove the heirs' right to property, that they might have in the old country. - o o o - _____ Road. Henry Volkmeyer, a German who lived west of Cedar Hill, was found dead in his bed Saturday morning at his residence at that place. The coroner held an inquest and the verdict was that he came to his death from causes unknown. There were no marks of violence on the old man's person, but a partly emptied morphine box was found in his pocket. His son is in jail here and had expressed the determination to come to town Saturday and arrange his bond. - o o o - ______ the Memory of Col. Lynch. Sterling
Price camp met yesterday to pay the last tribute of respect to
the memory of Col. J. P. Lynch, acting chief of artillery
on the staff of Gen. Leonidas Polk, who died at his residence
in North Dallas last Saturday. In the absence of Adjutant Thompson,
Dr. J. C. Storey was elected adjutant pro tem. - o o o - _______ Last Night. Jack P.
Sharpe, of this city, died at Marshall, his former home,
last night at 7:30 of consumption. He was about 30 years of age
and had resided in the metropolis for a number of years. Deceased
was a member of the late firm of J. B. Cowan & Co., and at
the time of his death, was chairman of the city executive committee
of the Democratic party of Dallas. - o o o - Mrs. Elvira W. Carman died at 163 San Jacinto street Sunday morning. The remains were taken to Texarkana, where interment followed on the morning of the 23d. - o o o - Clara, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jere O'Leary, died at 4 o'clock this morning. The funeral will take place from the family residence, 150 Cabell street, at 11 o'clock to-morrow. Interment will follow at Farmers Branch. - o o o - Louise Leake Travis, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Travis, 139 Holmes street, died yesterday. - o o o - ________ CON PEYTON HOOKER. _______ Hayes' Wife and He Paid the Penalty. _______ Saturday
evening, Joe Hayes walked into the kitchen of the St. George
Hotel and shot Deacon Peyton Hooker twice with a 45-calibre
gun. There were no preliminaries about the event. Joe threw the
gun down on the deacon, saying: "God d----n you, take that,"
and two leaden missiles found their way to vital parts in the
body of the cook Joe walked leisurely out the back entrance to
Commerce street, where his horse was in waiting, mounted the
animal and rode away. - o o o - Richard Hemkrod, a German motorman on the Swiss avenue line, took morphine last night and died early this morning, being attended by physicians during the night. Trouble with his wife, whom he left in New York, is said to be the cause of his death. - o o o - All member
of Dallas lodge No. 44? and Trinity lodge No. 100, are respectfully
requested to meet at Adam Schaub Hall, Elm street, 9:30? o'clock,
Sept. 9, 1892, to attend the funeral of Brother Richard Hemkrod.
N. G. - o o o - THE STATE OF TEXAS. To all persons interested in the administration of the estate of A. Gubler, deceased: Theo Nussbaumer, administrator, has filed in the county court of Dallas county, final account showing the condition of said estate which will be heard at the next term of said court commencing on the fourth Monday in August, 1892, at the court house in the city of Dallas, at which time all person interested in said estate may appear and contest said account if they see proper. - o o o - JUDGE BURKE'S COURT. Elizabeth
Edens vs. W. A. Adams; death of plaintiff suggested and
cause continued to make new parties plaintiff. - o o o - Gov. and Mrs. Barnett Gibbs' baby died this morning; aged four months. - o o o - JUDGE BOWER'S COURT. The following probate order was made in the estate of Carrie B. Loeb, minor. E. M. Kahn, guardian, is authorized to compromise for $750 the claims of said minor, Carrie Loeb, in the insurance policies issued to Sigmund Loeb, deceased, by the order of Knights of Pythias. - o o o - J. C. O'Neal
vs. City of Dallas; death of plaintiff suggested and cause continued
to make his legal representatives parties plaintiff. - o o o - __________ All members of Dallas Lodge No. 197, I. O. B. B., are hereby notified to meet at our lodge room, over Temple Emanu-el, Friday at 9 a. m. sharp, for the purpose of attending the funeral of our deceased brother, N. Frankel, from his late residence, corner Griffin and Gibbs streets. Members of Xhavas Sholom lodge and visiting brethren are requested to attend. Secretary. President. - o o o - JUDGE BURKE'S COURT. The suit of Anna Marshall et al vs. R. C. Storrie for damages in the sum of $28,000, alleged to have been sustained by the death of Charles Marshall while in the employ of defendant in the city of Dallas, is on trial this afternoon. D. E. Greer, administrator estate of A. G. Campbell, deceased, vs. George A. Alexander; debt. - o o o - Will McNally, a shirt ironer at Leachman's, died yesterday, aged 22 years. The employes took up a collection and defrayed the expenses of the funeral, which took place yesterday afternoon. - o o o - Special to the Times-Herald. - o o o - JUDGE BOWER'S COURT. The following
probate orders were made: - o o o - _______ Over the Divide. At the compress Saturday evening, Jim Richardson, a colored man, while mounting a box car, accidentally discharged a revolver in his pocket. The ball tore through his entrails, inflicting a fatal wound. Richardson died at his home near Young and Williams streets yesterday, and was buried to-day. - o o o - Mr. J. A. Duncan died Saturday evening at 8:30 o'clock at his residence, 504[?] Jackson street, aged 66 years. Mr. Duncan was an old citizen of Dallas, he having resided here twenty-three years. He was born in Elizabethtown, Ky., and belonged to an old and highly respected Kentucky family, his people have been associated with the early history of that state. He leaves a wife and three sons, Messrs. S. W. S. Duncan, Jack Duncan and M. Duncan, and three daughters, Mrs. J. A. Kenney, Miss Emma Duncan and Miss Mamie Duncan. - o o o - _______ Heart Disease at Dallas. Southern Afternoon Press. - o o o - |
Tom Scroggins,
a hard character among the negroes for years, is sleeping by
the roadside just outside the city limits now. Not long ago,
he attempted to escape from the road gang and was shot and killed
by the guards. - o o o - Miss _____ --- Miss ____ wife of __. __. _____, an employe of the National Exchange Bank, died this morning at __:15 o'clock, of consumption. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 4 o'clock at the residence of her brother, Mr. J. S. Sharp, on Lawrence and Central avenue, East Dallas. Mrs. Erwin was a lady highly esteemed by a large circle of friends, a devoted wife and mother and earnest christian and her death was typical of her life-_____ and happy. She left a little daughter aged one year. - o o o - Otto Hertze, one of the best-known journeyman barbers in Dallas, died at the hospital to-day. The barbers of Dallas will bury their departed craftsman at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. Hertze leaves no relatives. - o o o - ________ Burned. Prof. Malcolmson's residence at Oak Cliff caught fire at 1 o'clock this afternoon, up-stairs, and was in a big blaze before it was discovered. The fire was extinguished, hoever, by home people and neighbors before the arrival of the fire company. Mrs. Malcolmson was in bed upstairs at the time, and her bed was burning when she was awakened. Her hand and other parts of her body were seriously burned, and her hair nearly all destroyed. Drs. Gilbert and Dupree were called and didwhat they could to ease her pain. It is not known how the fire originated. Prof. Malcolmson was in the city schools teaching at the time. - o o o - JUDGE BURKE'S COURT. Scottish American Mortgage Company vs. G. W. Riley et al; death of T. P. Sanderson suggested and cause continued to make his representative parties defendant. - o o o - ________ Away. The TIMES-HERALD, yesterday afternoon, chronciled a sad accident which occurred at Oak Cliff, the burning of the wife of Prof. Malcolmson, the well-known educator. Mrs. Malcolmson was a most estimable lady, of many rare attributes of heart and mind. Mrs. George Merriwether, of this city, and Messrs. Harry and E. O. Berne, are sister and brothers of the deceased lady. Prof. Malcolmson and their little son, Alfred, aged 11 years, who were in Dallas at the time of the accident, were summoned to the bedside of their loved one. Shortly after their arrival, she expired. - o o o - JUDGE TUCKER'S COURT. The following cases were called up and disposed of to-day: B. J. Mealer vs. W. R. Griffin; Harry Lawther, Esq., suggests the death of defendant. Estate
of Hugh Blakeney, deceased. Appraisers heretofore appointed
having failed to report, J. P. Murphy, Thomas Scurry and W. E.
Parry are appointed appraisers and the administratix is allowed
twenty days time from date of order in which to qualify. S. I. Vincent and wife to M. A. Burton, all property belonging to the estate of J. S. Burton, deceased, $10 and love and affection. - o o o - Col. J. T. Cooper, brother of C. H. Cooper, died this afternoon at 1:45 o'clock, aged 60 years. The funeral will be announced in the morning paper. - o o o - _______ BROTHER DEAD. _______ utation by the Killer, Who Surrenders. At 11:40
to-day, a telephone message was received at the city hall stating
that a negro had been shot and killed near the corner of Swiss
avenue and Goode street, and asking that a policeman be dispatched
to the scene of the tragedy. - o o o - Michael
Hurley, a horse shoer, died at his home on Crockett street
last night. Interment will take place from the church of the
Sacred Heart at 10 o'clock to-morrow. Deceased was run down by
a mule car several months ago and sustained injuries which caused
his death. - o o o - Wiley Tipps, the negro who was struck on the head last Monday night, died yesterday. Information has been filed against W. D. Guthrie, a countryman, charing him with the murder of Tipps, allegeing that he struck him on the head with a singletree. - o o o - JUDGE TUCKER'S COURT. Rudolph
Caruth vs. H. C. Burlew et al; plaintiff suggests the death of
B. Benson, defendant, and has leave to make his personal
representatives defendant. - o o o - Mr. Hugo Jacoby, the commercial traveler who died at Fort Worth yesterday, was well known in this city, where he resided several years. - o o o - Died at
the family residence in Oak Cliff, on Saturday, the 8th instant
at 2:10 p. m., Florence Flynn, wife of Herbert Price. - o o o - Mr. Hugo
Jacoby was buried yesterday in the Jewish cemetery. He
was over 60 years old. - o o o - |
Israel and Tiola Wiley vs. Dallas Consolidated Traction Ry. Co.; death of Israel Wiley suggested and cause continued to make new parties plaintiff. - o o o - B. F. Coffman vs. Michigan Fire and Marine Insurance Company; death of one of plaintiffs, R. S. Willis, suggested and cause continued to make new parties plaintiff. - o o o - _______ Death by Fire. Bates Tomlinson, a farmer living four miles south of Garland, was fatally burned by the explosion of a kerosene lamp night before last. From his statement made before his death, it appears that one of his little boys was sick, and about midnight, he arose to give him some medicine. Upon lighting the lamp, it began to sputter and flare and he ran to the door to throw it outside when it exploded in his hand, scattering the burning oil all over him, burning him in such a manner that he died in 12 hours [later] in terrible agony. He leaves a wife and nine children. - o o o - Thomas Duncan died in a saloon on Elm street yesterday, from congestion of the lungs. The deceased was a native of county Sligo, Ireland, was 45 years old, and had received a theological education at Maynooth College. He was highly cultured and a good book-keeper. - o o o - Peter Brokman, aged about 50 years, a native of Belgium, died in South Dallas Monday. [New Orleans papers please copy.] - o o o - Mr. Ike Panders, of Greenville, brother to Mr. Adolph Panders, of this city, died yesterday, and the body was shipped here to-day and interred in the Jewish cemetery. A large concourse of friends were at the depot to meet the remains, which were accompanied by friends from Greenville, and the funeral cortege was largely attended. - o o o - Robert F. Aspley to Richard Morgan, Jeff Word and S. W. S. Duncan, quit claim deed to lot 2 of 23 1/2 acres set apart to Francis Daniels in the partition of the estate of Francis Daniels, $200. - o o o - In re estate of E. Cravens vs. E. G. Bower, administrator; the application for widow's years allowance showing that it was made more than two years after probating will of deceased is refused; applicant excepts and gives notice of appeal; widow allowed $500 in lieu of exempted property. - o o o - John Wright, a painter and paper hanger, dropped dead on Caroline street yesterday. He was 41 years old and his aged parents reside in the city. - o o o - _______ Night. Mr. John
S. Dickason, of Oak Lawn, this city, died last night at
Hutchins, Texas, at the residence of John P. Gillespie, his son-in-law.
Mr. Dickason had resided in Dallas county about eighteen years,
and was 71 years of age. He lived more than four score and ten
years in usefulness and honor, commanding the confidence and
respect of all, and died triumphant in christian faith. His wife
preceded him only a few months, and since that bereavement, his
health failed rapidly, although he was confined to his bed only
three weeks prior to his death. - o o o - Mrs. Amie Lathrop, wife of Judge A. S. Lathrop, died at the residence, corner of Tenth and Lake streets, Oak Cliff, Saturday morning. The remains were interred in Trinity cemetery yesterday evening at 4 o'clock. - o o o - ______ Word of Warning ______ ______ WRONGED HIS WIFE. ______ tunity He Has Had to Kill Him. _____ Been Committed Twenty- Three Years Ago. The return of glad sunshine has brought with it to many hearts, pangs of sorrow, and this day, glorious with memories of the past to thousands who wore the gray, and looked forward to a happy reunion, has been plunged into one of grief. One veteran sleeps the sleep of death, and another is an inmate of a felon's cell. A tragedy has been enacted that sent a thrill of horror over the state, and in times of peace, the headquarters of Camp Sterling Price is stained with the blood of one who was a gallant soldier, who fought beneath the banner of the illustrious Parsons and was greatly beloved by all his old comrades-in-arms. Better for his reputation had he died in the shock of battle than to have escaped the horrors of war and thirty years after to be shot down like a dog without warning and in the midst of his soldierly and gray-haired friends. At 9:30 this morning, on the general headquarters of Camp Sterling Price, third floor of the Gaston building, Captain W. G. Veal of Fort Worth was shot through the brain by Dr. R. H. Jones of this city. Captain Veal was seated at a table engaged in drafting a series of resolutions to be presented at a business meeting of the Ex-Confederates to-day. Death was instantaneous. The soldierly figure quivered, the hand dropped the pen, the head fell on the table and great streams of blood oozed from the brain and trickled down from the table to the floor. There was a great hole over the left eye where the leaden bullet had ploughed its way through "the palace of the soul[?]," and the scene of human carnage was awful to behold. Men who had marched through hells of shot and shell gathered around their fallen comrade, grief-stricken and many in tears. Gen. Cabell was almost prostrated over the terrible affair, and around him quietly receiving orders, were the officers of his command. There were no outward demonstration whatever. Those present had not recovered from the shock when the TIMES-HERALD representative arrived. A guard of honor composed of twenty-five members was detailed by Gen. Cabell to keep vigil over their remains. Undertaker Smith was summoned, and all that is mortal of Capt. W. G. Veal was prepared for the tomb. He died in his uniform, a Confederate gray, and in the embrace of death, his features were as calm as on the morn of many a grand review. J. N. Worthy
was in one of the rooms writing at a desk when the shooting occurred.
He was facing the open door leading to the quarters of Capt.
Veal and saw all that transpired. He gave the following version
to a TIMES-HERALD reporter: The TIMES-HERALD representative
hurried at-once to the jail and was admitted by Jailer Rhodes.
In the lobby was seated the prisoner. He was not alone. Robert
B. Seay was engaged in conversation with him in low, guarded
tones. After the interview with the lawyer terminated, the reporter
introduced himself and asked for an interview. Dr. Jones was
as cool as Cossack under fire. Upon his left breast, he wore
the badge of honor, showing that he was an ex-Confederate soldier
and a member of Camp Sterling Price. He said: On his
bier, in the headquarters of Camp Sterling Price, lies the body
of the dead, attired in the uniform he loved so well. The guard
of honor this afternoon kept curiosity-seekers from the room
of death. Only a few friends were present when a TIMES-HERALD representative
called and was ushered in. The sad news had been wired his widow
at Fort Worth, and arrangements were being made for the funeral.
Captain Veal, years ago, purchased a lot in Trinity cemetery,
and there he will sleep until resurrection morn. The funeral,
it is understood, will take place tomorrow. There are
a thousand rumors flying about over the cause which led to the
terrible murder to-day. Dr. Jones told several of his friends
that Captain Veal wronged his wife nearly 23 years ago at Sherman,
two years before he married her. She was then a widow with large
property interests and Captain Veal acted as her agent in some
business matters. According to the slayer, the wrong had been
locked in the bosom of his wife for upwards of a quarter of a
century, until a month ago, when she confessed to him, and he
determined to wipe out the wrong with the life's blood of the
alleged perpetrator. It is stated, also, that Sheriff Lewis recently
received a letter from Capt. Veal. Enclosed was a letter from
Jones to Veal, in which the former served notice on the captain
that he would kill him if he dared to show his face in Dallas. Justice Braswell inquested the remains. The witnesses were Gen. Bush and Robert Walker. A verdict as returned in accordance with the facts. HEADQUARTERS TRANS-MISSISSIPPI p. 1, col. 5-6; continued on p. 2, col. 1. - o o o - Alice Waller, a courtesan, committed suicide by poison Saturday night. - o o o - At 4 o'clock a. m., the beloved wife of Dr. J. A. Ewing, corner of Swiss avenue and Washington avenue. Burial at 10 a. m., October 29. - o o o - Lou Jackson, the negro woman who died at the hospital this morning, supposed to be the result of an overdose of morphine, is undergoing a post mortem examination this afternoon at Linskie's undertaker establishment, by order of Justice Lauderdale, who held an inquest over the remains this morning. - o o o - The post mortem examination of the negro woman, Lou Jackson, said to have died under suspicious circumstances, revealed the fact that she died of morphine poison as originally reported. - o o o - JUDGE BURKE'S COURT. State vs. Jack Sharpe; death of defendant suggested and cause dismissed. - o o o - Oka Hanson, a well known Swedish citizen, died yesterday morning. His funeral, which took place at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, was largely attended. - o o o - JUDGE BOWER'S COURT. Will of J. S. Wallace, deceased, presented and proved. Geo. E. Wallace is appointed executor of said will without bond, as in said will directed. W. A. Tinsley, S. Allen and R. F. Lyle appointed appraisers. - o o o - The Woodmen
of the World unveiled a monument over the grave of their deceased
brother, J. T. Cooper, with all the imposing ceremony
of the ritual of that order. Miss Ramsay, a little girl, recited
an appropriate poem, and a quartette, composed of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Seay, Miss Constant and Mr. Frank Cosby, rendered a number
of hymns in good voice. The whole affair was very impressive,
and was finished by an eloquent address by Col. J. P. C. Whitehead. - o o o - G. W. Cameron, a farmer miller, employed at Todd mills, died at Modesto, Cal., October 30, and was buried there. His family lives in Dallas, and he has two children who are, or have been, newsboys. - o o o - Mr. T. O. Montgomery, recently of Corsicana, died yesterday at 175 Burnett street. - o o o - Will Hunstable, died at 11:30 o'clock last evening, after an illness of only four days. Funeral will take place from his late residence on Preston road, North Dallas, to-morrow at 2 o'clock p. m. - o o o - Mrs. J. M. McCoy died yesterday at her residence, 190 North Harwood street. - o o o - _____ liams. George
W. Nairn and Mace Williams, collar-makers employed by
Tennison Bros., quarreled Saturday evening over some trifling
matter. Finally, Williams struck Nairn with a small hammer twice.
The latter wrenched the hammer from Williams and struck him on
the head. The men separated and Williams proceeded to his boarding
house on Pacific avenue. At 8 o'clock Saturday night, he was
a dead man. Nairn was arrested by Officers Beard and Cornwell
and lodged in jail. He is 21 years old, has lived in Dallas eight
year or more, and his mother is a widow. He is a boyish and inoffensive
looking chap and has always borne a good reputation. - o o o - Sid M. McCauley was stabbed to death at a dance at Mr. Vandervort's, near Grand Prairie, the night of the 14th, by Thomas J. Ross. The murderer escaped. - o o o - ______ This Afternoon. ______ _______ AND TWICE ________ Deed Accomplished by the Slayer. _____ Told by Two Well- Known Officers. Corinth street, in South Dallas, was the scene of a frightful and bloody tragedy at 1:30 this afternoon. John Shea was the victim and Walter Billups, the perpetrator of the awful crime. Shea was riddled first with a double-barreled shotgun, and to make sure that not a spark of life was left in him, the humane Billups dropped the shotgun and sent two 45-calibre balls into the body of the dead man. The leaden missiles went clean through the victim and buried themselves in the sidewalk. Deputy Constable Henry Jacoby was riding along at the time of the shooting, and when he ascertained that a murder had been committed, he arrested the perpetrator and proceeded with him to the county jail. A TIMES-HERALD representative called there and requested an interview. Billups emphatically refused to make a statement and no amount of argument or persuasion had any effect upon him. His mother and wife and a friend called and were shown in just as the reporter took his departure. Billups is 23 years old and a Texan by birth. He has resided in Dallas ten years. He is in the grocery business at 787 Corinth street, and also on Flora street. He is of slender build, about 5 feet 7 inches in height and has dark hair and eyes and wears a month's growth of stubby beard. He was as cool as an ice-berg at the jail and appeared to be wholly unconcerned. His friends say he is of a very amiable disposition. Deputy Constable Jacoby said: "I was riding along Corinth and heard the discharge of firearms. I drove up to Shea's butcher shop and saw a man lying at full length and a woman kneeling, weeping piteously. Shea's shop is near Billup's store. The man was the dead body of John Shea, the weeping woman was his wife. I asked her, "Who did this?" and she replied: "Billups killed my husband." I ran to his store. His shotgun was lying upon the counter and his pistols were also there. He stood at the end of the counter, conversing with his wife. He was as cool as a cucumber and was directing his clerks concerning business matters, etc. I took him down town and from a restaurant on Main street to the jail." Officer
Bert Gannaway went out to the scene of the killing immediately
on receipt of the news of the affair. On his return, he said
to a TIMES-HERALD reporter: John Shea was a man of 45 and had resided in Dallas many years. He was a plasterer by trade and was, for several years, engaged in contracting in this city. Until a few months ago, he was employed as foreman by the Consolidated Traction Railway Company. He resigned the job and embarked in the butcher business a few weeks ago. He leaves a widow and a large family of helpless orphans to mourn his tragic death. This morning, in the county court, Shea was found guilty of aggravated assault and battery and fined $7.50 and costs. Billups was the principal witness against him. The coroner inquested the remains and will take testimony in the case to-morrow. No arrangements have been made as yet for the funeral. - o o o - ______ Fellow. Thomas
J. Ross, who carved Sid McCollum nineteen times the other
night at a dance near Grand Prairie has evidently eluded the
officers and escaped from the country. - o o o - _______ SHEA IN THIS CITY. ______ the Friends of the Man Assassinated. The killing
of John Shea by Walter Billups yesterday afternoon is
denounced by those familiar with the facts in the case as one
of the most cold-blooded and premeditated affairs that has ever
taken place in Dallas county. Shea was on his own premises, seated
on the door steps, and did not have even a pocket knife with
which to defend himself, even if he had been given an opportunity.
His friends denounced the killing as a cowardly assassination.
Billups riddled him with buckshot in the presence of his wife
and poor little children and then, in their presence, deliberately
drew his revolver and sent bullet after bullet into the body
of the dead. With a weeping widow and poor helpless little orphans
crying and wringing their hands and praying for their protector
to speak to them, Billups, after carefully ascertaining that
he had butchered his man, coolly walked to his place of business,
calmly kissed his own wife and told her "he would be back
in the evening." John Shea,
November 17, 1892. Husband of Miss Mary Sturack of St. Louis.
Aged 39 years. Funeral will take place to-morrow morning at 10
o'clock from St. Patrick's Church. All friends invited to attend.
St. Louis, Galveston and New Orleans papers please copy. - o o o - _______ The funeral of Bro. John Shea will take place from St. Patrick's church at 10: a. m. tomorrow. All Knights of No. 70 and 678 are cordially invited. E. T. ROLL, Pres't. - o o o - Drury, son of G.[?] D. and V. M. Warren, 107 Kentucky avenue, who died on the 17th, was buried to-day at Rowlett. - o o o - Walter
Miller, a young negro, son of Sam Miller, a well known
colored man, accidentally shot himself Monday. yesterday, he
died from the effects of his injuries. - o o o - In the
estate of M. Roe, deceased, final report was examined
and approved and administrator discharged. - o o o - _______ ARDLY TAKING OFF. ________ of the Housley Tragedy. No Arrests. _______ Sheriff
Henry Lewis has returned from Housley, where he was called to
investigate the Anderson murder Saturday night. William P. Anderson
was the victim. He was a cripple who could scarcely move about,
and he was shot through the brain while lying in bed. So close
was the pistol to the head of Anderson, that the powder burned
the scalp. Sheriff Lewis says that the people are terribly incensed.
Anderson was smashed up in a runaway five years ago. His left
arm and left leg were paralyzed and he had no use of them. He
was about 35 years old, and highly esteemed. It is claimed that
robbery was the motive, and that $60 had been stolen from a bureau
drawer. Sheriff Lewis found considerable cash in the pockets
of Anderson's clothing and $25 in cash in a trunk. Anderson did
not have a known enemy in the country and there is a great mystery
connected with the affair. - o o o - _______ of Dallas County. Special to the Times-Herald. - o o o - Walter Billups, who killed John Shea on Thursday, is the young man who, two years ago, shot some robbers and saved his employer's money, while he was clerking for Mr. Savage's Grange Grocery Company, on Elm street. Mr. Billups has always been regarded as an exemplary young man, having the full confidence of his employers and respect of those who know him. Over a year ago Mr. Savage established a branch grocery house in South Dallas, with Mr. Billups in charge. The business paid Mr. Savage a very handsome profit for the first year, and then Mr. Savage sold it to Mr. Billups, aiding him in his establishment in business. It is said by Mr. Billups' friends that the prime cause of the killing was alleged abuse of Billups' wife and mother by Shea. - o o o - ________ rible Crime. _______ _______ ATIVE INTERVIEWS HIM. _______ at Rose Hill on Saturday Night. _______ trated----He Worked the Farm on Shares. David Nevills
of Rose Hill, Housley postoffice, occupies a cell in "Murderers'
Row" in the county jail to-day. He was arrested yesterday
afternoon by City Marshal Tobe Etheridge of Garland on a warrant
charging him with the murder of W. P. Anderson on the night of
Saturday, November 19. Marshal Etheridge arrived in the city
last evening with his prisoner and placed him in the custody
of Sheriff Lewis. - o o o - The funeral of the late Frank Austin took place at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, under the auspices of the Masonic orders. - o o o - __________ Terrible Murder. _______ ________ OF THE AFFAIR. _________ So That They Could Live Together. ________ Ears So That She Could Nei- ther Hear Nor See." The TIMES-HERALD, yesterday, gave a detailed account of the arrest of David Nevills, charged with the murder of William P. Anderson at Housley last Saturday night. It was intimated in the article that the prisoner and the wife of Anderson were regarded with suspicion by the neighbors and that it was generally believed that they had conspired to remove Anderson so that they could live together. "When you see it in the TIMES-HERALD, it is so." Nevills and the false wife of Anderson conspired to murder the poor cripple. Nevills is in "Murderers' Row" in the county jail and Mrs. Anderson is under arrest in this city. The wife has confessed----confessed to a deed of blood as terrible as perpetrated by the Borgia and one that will send a thrill of horror through the frame of the reader of this shocking narrative. A reputable citizen of Pleasant Valley arrived in the city this morning and gave the story to a representative of the TIMES-HERALD. The relatives and friends of the murdered man suspected that the woman was a party to the killing from the start, and under the overwhelming weight of circumstantial evidence, she broke down. Word was sent to County Attorney David A. Williams and yesterday afternoon, despatched E. Green Williams to Housley to take the evidence of the woman. In the presence of a large number of kinfolk and A. J. Bryant and Jim Lyons, Mrs. Ella Jones Anderson made known the particulars of one of the blackest crimes in the criminal annals of Dallas county. "I first became aware that my husband was to be removed on Monday prior to the killing. Dave Nevills came to our house on Sunday and slept there that night. Monday morning, he asked me not to give him away and he would make a change so that we could live together. He decided to make the change on Saturday night, November 19, between the hours of 9 and 10 o'clock. I was to tie two strings on the gate post if any of the neighbors were in the house. If we were alone, I was only to tie one string on the post. Long before my husband had accused me of being criminally intimate with Dave, and that is the reason I permitted him to talk to me about making the change. Dave told me to put $60 in the sewing machine drawer so that we could say that robbers did it. I placed six $10 bills in the drawer on the Friday before the killing; according to agreement, Dave was to shoot the facing off the door, and I was to tell the neighbors that robbers killed my husband and robbed the house. Saturday, I thought the matter over and thought that I would like to have someone in the house with me that night. I asked George Anderson and his wife to come over. They didn't come. My husband retired about 8 o'clock Saturday night, November 19. I retired at the same hour. There are two beds in the room. My husband slept in one and the two children and myself in the other. Dave came to the house about 9:30. I heard him step on the gallery. I do not believe my husband was asleep. Dave was there about ten minutes before the shooting began. My husband and Dave did not talk before the killing. I covered up my head with the coverings so that I would not see or hear anything that transpired. Three shots were fired. Dave came to my bed and asked me not to give him away for making the change. He told me to run down to Uncle Will Anderson's, a quarter [mile] away, and tell him that robbers had killed my husband and attempted to kill me. Before doing this, he took the $60 from the purse in the sewing machine drawer, ransacked the bureau drawers and opened the trunk of Rollin Jackson (a tenant on the place). I do not know what he took out of the trunk. I then went to Uncle Will Anderson's and told him that robbers had killed my husband. Often before Monday, a week ago, Nevills made threats against my husband and asked me to say nothing, as if he "made the change, we could live together." The Santa Fe train from Rowlette this afternoon brought as passengers, a large number of citizens from Housley, and also Mrs. Anderson, the alleged partner of Nevills in the terrible crime. The grand jury convened in special session this morning, and before that body, Mrs. Anderson will re-tell her story of sin, shame and murder again this evening. The confession of the woman has created a great sensation in the Housley neighborhood and the people are horrified beyond description. Mrs. Anderson is not prepossessing by any means, and her intelligence is not of a high order. She does not appear to realize the enormity of her crime. She has two children, a half-witted girl of 7, and a babe of 2 years. It is alleged in the neighborhood that the physical condition of Anderson for five years before he was murdered precluded the possibility of his being responsible for the appearance of the babe on this mundane sphere. Nevills lived with the Anderson family three years. He and Mrs. Anderson were constantly together. They worked in the field, hauled wood and tended to the stock and this intimacy, it is alleged, was the cause of numerous domestic jars. Nevills was seen at the jail today and was told that Mrs. Anderson had confessed. He received the news with the stoicism of a Sioux Indian and declined to talk. Rose Hill, unlike most of the neighborhoods of this county, is composed of citizens that own their own houses and they and their ancestry have lived in the community since the organization of Dallas county under a Spanish grant. Jim Little of Anderson county was given a league and labor of land. This was located at Rose Hill. Before reaching this county, he died. His sons, Abram, John and Jeff, and their sisters, came on to Dallas and located at Rose Hill. Then came the Myers from Missouri. The Lovings and Lyons from Tennessee and Andersons from Missouri. The children of these pioneers are all honored citizens of that community. The murder of Wm. P. Anderson is the fourth assassination that has occurred in that law-abiding community in the last twenty-five years. Along about 1870, Jas. Loving, the father of W. M., H. D. and W. B. Loving, as he rode up to the gate about dusk, was fired upon and killed. The assassins made good their escape. While suspicion rested on certain parties, to this day, there is a doubt as to who committed the bloody deed. In 1874, Enoch Truss, while sitting at the table eating supper, was shot dead. As to who killed this man has been mere speculation. In 1887 or 1888, the remains of a dead man were found north of Rose Hill, beyond Rowlett creek. Munk and Jump were finally arrested, tried and acquitted of this murder, and who killed this poor fellow, is still unsolved. R. J. Jackson,
George Anderson and other relatives of the murdered man are in
the city. Jackson says his pocket book, containing considerable
cash, was in the tray of his trunk on the night of the murder
and was unmolested. The woman was taken before the grand jury
at 2 o'clock. Jim Lyons and Frank Crush of Garland came in with
the party. - o o o - |
______ Married the Wrong Man. A correspondent
writing from Sowers gives the following particulars of the killing
of Sid McCauley by Tom Ross, and the causes leading to
the tragedy. - o o o - ______ CITY COUNCIL The health
officer reported for the past week, twenty-one deaths and fourteen
births. - o o o - The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawkins died yesterday. - o o o - ______ His Accusers. ______ ______ MAN CAN AND THEIR ______ the Prisoner Charged With the Crime of Murder. ______ The Walter
Billups habeas corpus trial is on this afternoon in Judge Burke's
court. Billups was indicted yesterday and the case fell in the
Forty-fourth judicial district court. The judges consulted at
noon and then Judge Burke announced that the habeas corpus case,
and also the trial of the murder case, would take place in his
court. - o o o - COUNTY COURT. In the
estate of James H. Holloway the will of the deceased was
admitted to probate and W. H. Johnson was appointed executor
upon giving bond in the sum of $6000. - o o o - _______ E. Lodge. Next Sunday, the world over, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will hold memorial services and pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of departed brothers. Dallas lodge will hold memorial services beginning at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, and they will be very beautiful and impressive and free to the public. Several prominent ministers of Dallas will participate as well as the leading members of the choirs of the city churches. Dallas lodge mourns the loss of three worthy members during the past year-- Col. Ben McCullough, Major Pat Waltman and Frank Austin. Rev. Mr. Seasholes, of the First Baptist Church, will deliver the general eulogy on the departed and the members of the order will also deliver tributes to the dead. - o o o - COUNTY COURT. Probate matters: - o o o - Charles Ellinwood died at the county farm Tuesday night at 12 o'clock. He was admitted that day at 5 o'clock. Ellinwood was a veteran of the Mexican war and also an ex-Confederate. He was also a mason. He had no relatives and had lived on this earth 69 years. The old fellow was a sort of a recluse and lived in a forlorn little cabin on the west side of the river for years and years. He does not rest in a pauper's grave. Superintendent Dee Burgess and several others purchased a neat coffin at Lancaster and gave the old hero a Christian burial in the cemetery at Hutchins. - o o o - S. M. Meeks, book-keeper for Norris & Morgan, died last night at the city hospital. He was 55 years old. Paralysis. - o o o - Mrs. M. A. Zimmerman, who died at the residence of her son, E. T. Kelly, Cleburne, Texas, was buried in this city this afternoon. - o o o - Mr. George
C. Byrd, an old newspaper man, is lying at death's door
at his home, 306 Lamar street. He has been in failing health
for a long time, and yesterday afternoon, a stroke came that
will, in a few days, bring him to his end, if that is not already
reached. Dr. Howard, the attending physician, said he might not
live through the night, or he might linger for several days. - o o o - Court-New Suits Filed To-Day. W. H. McKneely
vs. P. H. Norvelle et al; death of plainfiff suggested and leave
granted to make new party plaintiff. - o o o - The Fort
Worth Gazette announces the death of a gentleman who resided
in this city for years: - o o o - At the
last regular meeting of Columbia Lodge No. 160, Knights of Pythias,
the following were elected for the ensuing year: Harry P. Lawther,
P. C.; S. E. Ragsdale, C. C.; E. C. Moore, V. C.; P. Barry Miller,
P.; John A. Wilhite, M. of E.; A. S. Jackson, M. of F.; R. S.
Hawkins, K. of R. and S.; George W. Loudermilk, M. at A.; E.
M. Browder, trustee; John F. Worley, representative. - o o o - COUNTY COURT. Probate
matters: - o o o - Alfred, the 6-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lotts, died Saturday. The funeral took place yesterday. - o o o - Earl, the bright and beautiful little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Guillot, died at an early hour this morning. Interment followed this afternoon. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in the great blow that has fallen upon them. - o o o - ______ HILL COUNTY ______ Cabell Run the Gentle- man Down. A month
or more ago, at a dance near Grand Prairie, Tom Ross stabbed
Sid McCauley to death in a row over his divorced wife,
full particulars of which were published only in the TIMES-HERALD. - o o o - Mrs. A.
D. Fife died at her home, 528 Ross avenue, yesterday afternoon.
Funeral to-morrow from family residence. - o o o - George Durmeyer, at his home, 406 Ross avenue, at 12:30 a. m. Sunday morning, Funeral will take place Tuesday at 10:30 a. m. from the Church of the Incarnation, corner of Harwood street and McKinney avenue. - o o o - ________ What You Know. ________ ________ __________ in Judge Burke's Court To-Day. Just a
month ago to-day, on November 19, William P. Anderson was foully
murdered at his home near Rose Hill. Three days later, his widow
confessed that David Nevills, a young farm hand, "made a
change so that they could live together." The grand jury
returned true bills for murder in the first degree against Nevills
and Mrs. Anderson. The case was called for trial in Judge Burke's
court this morning. Both sides announced ready and the work of
securing a jury began. Nevills and the woman were taken from
the jail to the courtroom by a deputy sheriff. The court room
was jammed and all eyes were turned upon the prisoners when they
walked into the court room. The prosecution showed its hand by
entering a nolle in the case of the state vs. Ella J. Anderson.
She will be used as a witness. At 12:30, the special venire of
sixty jurors and the regular panel had been exhausted and only
five jurors had been secured, as follows: M. K. Rawlins, J. B.
Patterson, R. F. Duncan, R. A. Clanton and I. N. Range A special
venire of sixty men was ordered summoned, to be present at 2:30
o'clock. - o o o - COUNTY COURT. Probate orders: Estate of Dr. Hugh Harbison, deceased, vs. Samuel A. Allen, administrator; probate. - o o o - ______ MAN'S HANDS WITH BLOOD. ______ Near Reinhardt Sunday Morning. John P.
Patton, a reputable young farmer of the Reinhardt neighborhood,
is dead. He was foully murdered by an unknown assassin, and robbery
was the motive that inspired and actuated the slayer. - o o o - _____ Dying Man Obeyed. _____ _____ STATION, LAST NIGHT. _____ an Unknown Negro Ruffian. _____ Killed by the Son of the Old Farmer. At Elam's
station, about seven miles from this city, last night, an unknown
negro, answering the description of Commodore Miller, entered
the farm house of Chas. Kolaczkowski, a German farmer,
for purpose of robbery. Kolaczskowski is an elderly gentleman.
The negro ordered him to "hold up his hands," but the
farmer grappled with the desperado and threw him to the floor.
The latter drew his pistol and shot the farmer in the right side,
inflicting a wound that, it is thought, will result fatally. Deputy Sheriff Sloan Lewis returned from Elam Station this morning and brought complete details of the tragedy, which was far more blood-curdling than at first reported. When the deputy sheriffs arrived at the farm, about a mile from Elam Station, they discovered that Charles Kolaczkowski was dead. He had been shot in the side by the negro desperado and two hours later, with his weeping wife and boys surrounding his bedside, he passed away. He had been shot once and that was fatal. Kolaczkowski was a renter, a hard-working and industrious German and had lived near Elam Station three years. He was 45 years old and his family consists of his wife and four boys. Gus, the oldest, is 17 years old and he is the son who avenged the cowardly murder of his father. Last night, after supper, the farmer drew out the table and sat down to play a game of dominoes with his boys. Just as he was in the act of shuffling the dominoes, the door was pushed open and a negro, with his face partially masked by a cotton handkerchief, sprang into the room. Mr. Kolaczkowski rose up, and at once, grappled with the intruder, throwing him across the bed in one corner of the room. The negro reached around and poked his pistol against the right side of the farmer. To add
to the horrors of the situation, the light was extinguished and
the two men fought furiously in the dark. Three shots were fired
by the negro, and one entered the body of the farmer. The lamp was relighted and a survey of the field was made by the boy. The charge of shot had literally blown the heart of the black scoundrel. His father was lying on the floor with a mortal wound. The neighbors were aroused. Two came to Dallas for the sheriff and another ran for a doctor. Kolaczkowski was beyond human aid. He died two hours afterward. He raised a large crop of cotton this season, and two days before, paid $1000 as part of the purchase price of the farm adjoining. He was a man well liked by his neighbors and the people deeply sympathize with his unfortunate family. The funeral took place this afternoon. The body
of the dead negro, who was a stranger to the people of Elam station,
was searched, but no evidence to establish his identity was disclosed.
A greasy pack of cards and a plug of tobacco, with a 41-calibre
gun completed an inventory of his possessions. Deputy Sheriffs
Sloan Lewis and Bolick examined the negro. The following is a
description of the fellow: - o o o - ________ Startling Story. _________ _______ TLE GIRL IN COURT. _________ Her Lover and He Killed Her Husband. ________ Progress in Judge Burke's Court. The work
of securing a jury in the Nevills murder case was concluded last
evening and the witnesses for the state and defense, eighty in
number, were sworn. Court then adjourned till 9 o'clock this
morning. The court room, as during the morning session, was packed,
many people being present from Rose Hill, Garland, Housley and
other hamlets in that section of the county. Sam Nevills, a brother
of the prisoner, was also in attendance. There was another jam
again this morning. David Nevills sat by his attorneys, Col.
Russell and Bob Seah, and took a deep interest in the trial.
County Attorney Gillespie and his assistants are making a hard
fight. Mrs. Ella J. Anderson is another personage that attracted
considerable attention. She is a blonde with blue eyes, and while
she is far from being handsome, she is not positively ugly. She
is 24 years old and not very bright. Neither is she an idiot.
A little girl babe about 2 years old, who has shared captivity
with the mother, is with her at all times in the court room. - o o o - Estate of Dr. Hugh Harbison vs. Samuel A. Allen, administrator; administrator directed to sell the land as prayed for and report to the court. Estate of O. S. Riggen, deceased; administrator instructed to settle certain claims and to dispose of a note for $3050 due the estate. - o o o - ________ a Murderer? ______ _______ BEHIND THE BARS. _______ Street Saloon Late Satur- day Night. ______ Whisky and Departed. "Murder Will Out." John A.
Gardner was arrested last night and jailed by Sheriff Cabell. - o o o - _______ Gus Kolaczkowski. Deputy
Sheriff John Bolick returned from Elam Station yesterday afternoon
with the body of the negro killed by Gus Kolaczkowski. At Linskie's,
the remains were identified as those of Jim Ephriam, for
several years a driver of a beer wagon for the Anheuser Busch
company. Latterly, he has been working as a barber in the ship
of Joe Turner. Last Saturday night, he resigned his job, saying
to the other employes: - o o o - ______ RIBLE WITNESS ______ For the Murder of John P. Patton. The sheriff
is gathering evidence to be used in the case of the State of
Texas vs. John A. Gardner, who is charged with the murder of
John P. Patton. - o o o - |
_______ Was Disclosed. _________ _________ ILLS MURDER CASE. _______ Fifty Yards Away, But She Recognized Him. _______ Knows and What He Does Not Know of the Killing. The Nevills
trial occupied the time of Judge Burke yesterday afternoon and
last night until 10 o'clock. Mrs. Anderson was on the stand again
during the afternoon. She did not contradict herself in the least,
has a happy faculty of forgetting occurrences that the defense
desired to draw out and was a hard witness to handle. She swore
she ceased to love Dave after he had killed her husband, denied
that her "change of mind" was brought about by the
fact that he had a girl in the Indian Territory. Mrs. Lucy B.
Anderson, Will Anderson, E. A. Stallcop, Eugene Davis, Frank
Walford, Lee Ferrell and Marian Bryant testified last night.
Lucy and Will Anderson were the parties first informed of the
killing. Mrs. Ella Anderson ran to their house in her night robes
and told them that robbers had killed her husband and shot at
her. The other witnesses told of measuring the shoes on Nevills'
horse and the tracks leading to and from the residence of the
murdered man. They fitted exactly. They also told of finding
a pistol in Nevills' trunk and other little incidents of the
famous case published from time to time after the killing. - o o o - |
_______ STATE THIS MORNING. _______ ments Begun-Will Go to the Jury To-Morrow. At the
afternoon session yesterday, the prosecution introduced several
witnesses whose testimony was unimportant. At 3 o'clock, the
prosecution rested and the defense began a fight for the life
of Dave Nevills. It developed early that Col. Russell had made
up his mind to establish an alibi for his client. W. P. Anderson
was murdered at 9:30 on the night of Saturday, Nov. 19. Nevills
claims to have been at the Democratic ratification meeting from
8 o'clock till nearly 10 o'clock on that night. Anderson's residence
is three miles from Rose Hill. To show that Nevills was present
at the "jubilee," the defense introduced as witnesses,
Tom Brandenburg, Thomas Polly, Charles Durrett, Jim Davis, Ben
Davis, Andy Pally, George Saunders, Will Beach and others, all
reputable citizens. One man swore that he saw Nevills at 9:10
o'clock on the grounds, or twenty minutes before the crime was
committed. Omitting Mrs. Ella Anderson's evidence to be true,
Nevills is the guilty party; discard her story and the prosecution
hasn't sufficient evidence to hang a cat. Judge Burke held an
evening session. - o o o - _______ Loose To-Day. _______ _______ HAS NOT BEEN SOLVED. ________ the Indian Territory and Begin Life Anew. _______ On the First Ballot Last Night. The arguments in the Nevills case were limited to four hours and thirty-five minutes for each side. I. R. Oeland, John P. Gillespie and Charles F. Clint made the arguments for the prosecution, and Judge J. C. Muse, Walter Lemmon and Col. S. H. Russell for the defense. At 8:35, Mr. Clint closed and Judge Burke read his charge to the jury. It was agreed by the attorneys present that it was most impartial. The jury returned at 10:25. The court room was packed and the crowd chattered like a colony of South American monkeys. Nevills sat at the lawyers' table and chatted with the lawyers and reporters. He was in excellent spirits; his attorneys, he said, had made a splendid fight for him and he was confident of a verdict in his favor. At 10:45 last night, the jury was locked up till this morning. At 11:55
this morning, the court room was crowded. Nevills and his lawyers
chatted and the reporters practiced on carols for to-morrow.
During the morning hours, much speculation was indulged in. A
"hung jury" was predicted by many. Colonel Russell
said he would stake his reputation on the result---the jury would
return a verdict of acquittal. Finally, it was announced that
a verdict had been arrived at and the deputy sheriff marched
into the court room. Foreman Downey handed the verdict to Clerk
Williams, who read: - o o o - ________ en Missiles. ________ ________ DALLAS. _________ Home With Her Hus- band, Ed. ________ Makes His Escape-Facts in the Case. In a negro
cabin on Central avenue, near Marilla street, in the hollow just
below the residence of Mayor Connor, the Christmas festivities
were ushered in at a very early hour this morning. - o o o - W. D. Sale, a young farmer residing near Sachse, Dallas county, was run down by the cars Saturday night and instantly killed. - o o o - ______ Falls a Victim ______ _______ HIM THREE TIMES. ______ Saloon, Corner Main and Field Streets. ______ What Led To It -- Six Little Orphans. At the
old Elks saloon, corner Main and Field streets, last evening
at 6:40 o'clock, Elwood S. Randall, proprietor of the
Delicatessen restaurant, was shot twice by Major I. G. Randle,
the well-known capitalist and property owner. The wounded man
sank down upon the floor and the perpetrator of the deed walked
excitedly about. The shooting created intense excitement and
a great crowd swarmed into the place. The wounded man was placed
in the police ambulance and taken to his home on Germania street,
near Bryan, where physicians were summoned and a number of his
friends assembled. Major I. G. Randle was arrested by Police
Officer Charlie Durham. The officer found a 41-calibre revolver
in his hip pocket, with three chambers empty. The prisoner was
first taken to the central station and afterwards transferred
to the county, a 41-calibre revolver in his hip pocket, with
three chambers empty. The prisoner was first taken to the central
station and afterwards transferred to the county jail, where
a number of his friends called and announced they wanted to make
a bond for him. At 1:15,
with his friends and physicians surrounding him, E. S. Randall
died. One of the sad incidents connected with the deplorable
tragedy was the fact that the unfortunate wife was unable to
reach the bedside of her husband before he closed his eyes forever.
He died at 1:15. The Santa Fe train was due at that hour, but
was reported four hours late. Mrs. Randall and three of her half-orphaned
little girls are passengers on the delayed train. The Elks have
taken charge of the remains and the funeral will be under the
auspices of that order. The deceased was a member of the Elks
in good standing and every member was his warm and devoted friend.
No arrangements for the funeral have yet been made, nor will
they, until the widow has been consulted. Major Randle
is at the county jail. His callers were numerous to-day. It is
understood he has retained Seth Shepard, R. E. Cowart and W.
L. Crawford to defend him. To a friend, Major Randle said: You will assemble at our hall this (Tuesday) evening at 7:30 sharp. Please be prompt. H. A. CRAYCROFT, E. R. - o o o - _______ AND THE LATTER _______ Body of His Employer, Bates a Tough. George
Bates was the keeper of a restaurant near the crossing
of the Central railroad on Main street at Frank Fletcher's old
place. He is not in the restaurant business now. He is in some
other business. He quit the catering business yesterday. - o o o - A man named Ed. C. LeClaire, supposed to be a resident of Dallas, was killed by the cars at Houston yesterday. He was about 50 years old, quite bald and is thought to have been a traveling man. - o o o - ______ To-Morrow Morning. The funeral of the late E. S. Randall will take place at 10:30 o'clock to-morrow morning from the family residence on Germania street, three doors north of Bryan street. Rev. Mr. Seasholes of the Baptist church will officiate. The funeral will be under the auspices of the Elks and there promises to be a large attendance of the friends of the murdered man. You are
requested to meet at the hall to-morrow morning at 9:30 to attend
the funeral of Brother Edward Randall, which will be held
at 10:30 from his late residence. W. K. WHEELOCK, Sec. - o o o - ______ Speak. Gen. W. L. Cabell made most touching remarks at the grave-side at the Randall funeral, in which he spoke of the many good qualities of the dead and feelingly alluded to the bereaved family. Hunter A. Craycroft, Exalted Ruler of the Elks lodge, also made a few appropriate remarks. Deceased was an Elk, an Odd Fellow and a Red Man, and was held in high esteem by his brother members, as well as the public in general, as evidenced by the great outpouring to-day. - o o o - ______ Funeral. The funeral
of the late E. S. Randall took place to-day at 10 o'clock
from the family residence on Germania street, and was one of
the most imposing funeral demonstrations ever witnessed in Dallas.
Rich and poor, white and black, were there. The Elks, Red Men
and other organizations were largely represented and from all
classes, conditions and nationalities and men to pay the last
mark of respect to a man [who] was ever genial, liberal-hearted
and kindly in his nature, and did not have an enemy in the city
that was known. Rev. Seasholes delivered the funeral sermon.
The pall-bearers were selected from the Elks Lodge. The funeral
cortege was most imposing and final interment following in Trinity
Cemetery. - o o o - |