Obituaries, Dallas County, Texas, 1893 (incomplete)

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(Updated August 3, 2004)


     Died, Saturday, December 31, Lawrence Arnold, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arnold of South Dallas, aged about 6 years.

- January 2, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 4.
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     Mr. H. Hirshfield died at 10:15 last night at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Trexell, on Corsicana street, aged 77. The remains were shipped to Fort Worth for interment.

- January 5, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
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     John H. Farrar, aged 58 years, died at his residence in this city yesterday. The remains were shipped to St. Louis for interment.
     J. N. Jennings, a retired merchant of Connersville, Ind., died at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. H. S. Simpson, on State street, yesterday. The funeral will take place next Sunday.

- January 6, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 1.
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     The funeral of the late Thomas M. Jennings will take place from the Church of the Sacred Heart at 2 o'clock to-morrow.

- January 7, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
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     Camp Sterling Price held a well-attended meeting yesterday. The circular of Gen. George Moorman was endorsed. It was also resolved that the reunion at Birmingham should be held on April 5 and 6. A vote of thanks was extended to Capt. Marshall and Mrs. E. A. Donnelley, the poetess. It was decided to erect a monument to Gen. L. M. Lewis, who is buried in Trinity cemetery. The camp will meet again next Thursday night at 7:30.

- January 9, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2.
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Was It Murder?

Southern Afternoon Press.
ANCASTER, Tex., Jan. 9. -- The inquest over the body found in W. C. White's cotton seed house developed only a few facts. The body was much swollen and discolored. The man must have weighed 175 or 180 pounds, hair light or sandy, mustache and temple hair slightly sprinkled with grey, pants blue ducking, coat and vest black and thin. A air of heavy gloves, shoes and coat were off; coat spread over his breast. A small book, much worn and discolored by having been wet, proved to be a constitution and by-laws of National Hotel and Restaurant Employes' Association of the United States. On the back of this was a certificate of membership with the name of R. C. Guaner, 1337 Seventeenth street, room 17, Denver, Colo., inserted in blank space for member's name and signed by Harry Waters, president, and John C. Holley, recording secretary. There may be a slight mistake in spelling names, as the book is in such bad condition, they are nearly illegible.
     The body was buried in potter's field.

- January 9, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
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Without Provocation On Elm Street Last
Night by a Negro Named Bob Worth-
ington -- The Murderer Arrested At a
Late Hour and Jailed.

     A cold-blooded murder occurred on Elm street at 9:10 last night. It was cowardly, like all killings in Dallas county; cold blooded because it was without provocation. The victim was unarmed; all victims of killers in Dallas county have been unarmed when death has overtaken them. The victim was a peaceable and law-abiding citizen -- an excellent mark for a cowardly man-hunter.
     Joseph Brady was the man murdered; Bob Worthington, a negro, the slayer. At the hour designated, the negro entered the place of business of Isidore Keller, at 386 Elm street, and said he wanted to purchase a pair of trousers. He was shown several garments. He found fault with all and was very insolent. Finally, Isadore Brady suggested that he better go home and return this morning and perhaps he could tell what he wanted. The negro stepped to the sidewalk and Isadore remarked to his brother, Joseph, who had taken no part in the conversation: "That fellow didn't know what he wanted." The negro overheard the remark and growled: "You s----s of b----h's can't come outside and talk." Joseph Brady stepped to the door and ordered the negro to move on. The latter pulled a big gun and shot down the offending clerk. W. E. Murf, who witnessed the shooting, ran across the street, picked up the dying man and carried him into the store. In three minutes, he was dead. Isadore Brady pursued the slayer of his brother three blocks, when the latter turned and, covering him with his revolver, cursed the merchant and ordered him to retrace his steps. the murderer then made a bee line for North Dallas.
     The alarm was quickly given and the police and deputy sheriffs, under command of their chiefs, began to scour the city for the killer. It was ascertained that he was a driver for S. A. Bishop, the grocer, and Bob Worthington by name. Late last night, he was captured and taken to the jail, where he was identified positively by Isidore Brady as the man who had shot down his brother. Brady seized the negro by the throat and would have throttled him, had it not been for the interference of the officers.
     The remains of the dead man were removed to :Linskie's undertaking establishment. Joseph Brady was 45 years old and came to this country 30 years ago. He was unmarried. He was in business at Tyler for many years and afterwards resided, for a time, at Marlin. Deceased was a member of the Knight of Pythias and the funeral will take place under the auspices of that order.
     Bob Worthington, his slayer, is about 24 years old.
     Justice Skelton began holding an inquest to-day. He took the evidence of Isadore H. Brady and Dr. Hall and will hunt up the other witnesses this afternoon.

- January 11, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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     J. E. Calhoun died at 8 o'clock on Tuesday, Jan. 10. Funeral will take place at 3 o'clock Thursday from 166 Swiss avenue. All friends are invited to attend.

Attention Knights of Pythias.

     The Knights of Pythias of Dallas are requested to meet at the Castle Hall, on Main street, to-morrow morning to attend the funeral of Brother Joseph Brady. Procession starts from P. W. Linskie's at 10:30.

Dallas Lodge No. 70.
F. J. B
Acting C. C., Amity Lodge No. 108.

- January 11, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 5.
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And Now He is a Dead Man-The Facts
in the Case.

     Sheriff Cabell returned last night from Reinhard, where he captured one George Miller, an important witness wanted by the grand jury. From the sheriff, the following facts concerning the killing of a negro near Reinhardt were ascertained: George Searcy, a negro was working in the field and Fate Miller and Charles Daugherty, also colored, walked over into the cotton patch and began quarrelling with Searcy. He told them to go away, that he didn't want to fight. They insisted, and Ed Cason, who wanted peace, ran between Miller and George Searcy, and received a bullet in the groin from Miller's pistol. Cason lingered six hours. Miller and Daugherty are still at large, but Sheriff Cabell is confident that he will capture them.

- January 14, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3
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     Irwin C. Keiper died at Georgetown recently. The remains were brought here for interment.
     Earl, the three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Cullum, of Oak Lawn, was burned fatally while playing with matches yesterday. The poor child lingered several hours and suffered untold agony.

- January 14, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3
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Including the Two Millers, Now Under
Death Sentence-the Day in Judge
Tucker's Court-A Hung Jury-Hattie
Martin on Trial-County Court Cases.


     Henry Miller vs. the State, murder; Dallas county. Miller murdered Police Officer O. C. Brewer, was convicted of murder in the first degree and given the death penalty.
     F. P. Miller vs. the State, murder; Dallas county. Miller murdered Police Officer W. H. Riddle, was convicted of murder in the first degree and the death penalty assessed.
     Mike Coyle vs. State, murder, Dallas county. Mike Coyle killed Ben Page and was convicted of murder in the second degree and given a term in the penitentiary.

- January 14, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2.
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And the Work of Securing a Jury Will
Consume a Day or More-Proceedings in
Judge Burke's Court-A Number of
Criminal Cases in Judge Nash's Court.


     The case of of the State of Texas vs. W. C. Murf, charged with the killing of Nathan Greer, a negro blacksmith, was called this morning. Owing to the absence of an important witness, a continuance was taken until 2 o'clock. the work of securing a jury is progressing this afternoon.

- January 16, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 4.
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To the Memory of Miss Teadie Crume.

     Died, on Sunday, January 8, 1893, at the residence of her mother, corner Elm and Houston streets, Dallas, Texas, Miss Teadie Crume, aged 20 years, after a long illness. She bore her affliction with Christian fortitude, having been a member of the Christian Church for five years.
     Tead, as she was called, was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Crume. Her father being absent in New Orleans, it was indeed sad to see her mother bending over her dying child, asking the lord to spare her until the father arrived. Miss Teadie's attending physician was untiring in his efforts to save the life of his patient, but death loves a shining mark, and it was God's will that she should leave this world of sorrow.

"We folded her hands on her quiet breast,
It is all over now, she has gone to rest."

     Rev. Mr. Davis, of the Christian church, conducted the funeral services. He dwelt at great length upon the many womanly virtues of the deceased. The interment took place at Trinity cemetery, and the grave was covered with sweet flowers from the hands of true friends. A FRIEND.

- January 16, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
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Dr. J. E. Scott at New Waverly

     Dr. J. E. Scott, one of the pioneers of Dallas county and for many years, one of its widely known and esteemed citizens, died at New Waverly, Walker county, this morning. Deceased was in his 84th year and was the father of Mrs. E. G. Bower and Cliff Scott of this city. Mrs. Bower will leave for New Waverly to-night to attend the funeral.

- January 19, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 1.
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[No Heading]

     Last night, a laborer, a man 50 years old, was run down by a Texas & Pacific train near the union depot and horribly mangled. The unfortunate was taken to the hospital in an unconscious condition. Dr. Lane, the house surgeon, gave him every attention, but he died without giving his name or place of residence. He was dressed in a suit of dark clothes and wore a blue negligee shirt. Not a scrap of paper was found on the body that would serve to disclose his identity. The remains are at Linskie's, awaiting identification.

- January 21, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 6.
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J. W. Cartwright, Well Known in Dallas,
Fort Worth and the Panhandle Coun-
try, Suicides With Morphine This Morn-

     J. W. Cartwright swallowed ten grains of morphine this forenoon and died at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The facts in the case are as follows: Cartwright met Judge Thomas of Oak Cliff, on the street and requested a small loan, saying he desired to buy medicine. Judge Thomas gave Cartwright the money. The latter proceeded at once to Parchmen's drug store at Oak Cliff and purchased 10 grains of morphine. Two hours later, he was found lying on the platform of the Tenth street station in a dying condition. He had taken 9 grains of the drug. He was removed to a residence near by and despite all efforts to save him, died at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
     Deceased was 45 or 50 years old and well known in Texas. At one time, he published a small daily at Galveston, and he has been engaged at different times on the Austin Statesman and the press of Houston, Waco, San Antonio and Fort Worth. At one time, he was a solicitor on the Mercury, the Farmers Alliance paper published in this city. For several years past, he has been engaged in the life insurance business and resided at Fort Worth. Two weeks ago, he came to Dallas and got on a protracted spree. It was his last. He is dead now, and what might have been a brilliant career, closed in the grave of a suicide. It is understood he has a family at Fort Worth.

- January 23, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
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     Mrs. Anna Jones of Natchez, Miss., died at the Woman's Home Saturday afternoon. The funeral took place yesterday.
     The man run over and killed by the cars near the Union depot Friday night was Joe Zelanka, a Ross avenue shoemaker and G. A. R. veteran. His wife called at Linskie's yesterday and identified the remains.

- January 23, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2-3.
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Capt. Work Dead.

     Capt. J. A. Work died this morning at 10:30, at his residence in Fairland, of lung trouble. Capt. Work was 67 years of age and is an old resident of this city, having come to this county from Tennessee in 1868. He has a host of friends in this city who will be grieved to hear of his death.

- January 23, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
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     Died -- At his residence in Fairland this morning, 10:30, J. A. Work. The funeral will take place from his residence, corner Cole avenue and Lee street, to-morrow, 10:30 a. m. Friends all invited.

- January 23, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
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And Thought a Thousand Demons Pur-
sued Him.

     J. W. Cartwright, who suicided at Oak Cliff yesterday, was of unsound mind, superinduced by a liberal consumption of whisky and morphine. For several days last week, he haunted the TIMES-HERALD office, and upon one occasion, demanded a retraction of an article which he said appeared in the paper reflecting upon him. Not a word had ever been printed concerning him. Saturday evening, he rushed into the police station. Capt. Pat Mullins, the station-keeper, inquired the nature of his business.
     "Lock me up," said he, "for God's sake, lock me up. They are after me. They want to kill me, I tell you. O! they want to kill me!" and the unfortunate man crouched in a corner of the office as if to hide from imaginary foes. Capt. Mullin made Cartwright as comfortable as possible for the night. In the morning, he appeared greatly refreshed and the unearthly glitter had disappeared from his eyes. He thanked the station keeper for his kindness and departed. A few hours later, he committed suicide.

- January 24, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
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     The funeral of Capt. J. A. Work, whose death was announced in these columns yesterday, took place at 3 o'clock this afternoon from the late residence of deceased.
     John Butler, about 10 years old, died yesterday at the Buckner Orphans' Home, from the effects of a fall between the wheels of a water wagon, which caused the bursting of a blood vessel. Ollie Miller, a Dallas boy, about 8 years old, died there last Saturday, of inherited infirmities.

- January 24, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
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J. W. Cartwright and the Old Dallas

     "The last libel suit I had," said Attorney W. L. Hall to-day, "was with J. W. Cartwright, who suicided at Oak Cliff. I was connected with the Dallas Herald then. It was in 1880, I believe. Our correspondent at Austin wired the Herald that Cartwright, who was employed in the business department at the Austin Statesman, had embezzled a considerable sum and had gone to New Orleans. Cartwright returned and brought suit against the Herald for $20,000 damages for defamation of character. I found that it would cost me $150 to take depositions, so I gave that amount to Cartwright and the suit was withdrawn. I could have won the suit, but it was cheaper to settle it in that way."

- January 25, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 2.
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     J. W. Cartwright, who suicided in Oak Cliff a day or two ago, it appears, had financial troubles which ruined him and impoverished his family. He was short $1500, with an insurance company, whose agent he had been, and his devoted wife was endeavoring to straighten out matters.

- January 25, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
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Tribute of Respect.

     The following resolutions on the death of Irwin C. Keiper were adopted by the Sunday school of First M. E. church, south, Jan. 23, 1893:
     Whereas, it has pleased our Heavenly Father to remove from our midst to a better land on high, our beloved young brother, Irwin C. Keiper, be it resolved by the First M. E. church Sunday school, of Dallas, Texas, as follows:
     I. While we kiss the chastening rod that smites us, and say from the depths of sorrowing hearts, "Thy will be done," we deplore the untimely death of a true friend, a faithful worker, and a exemplary christian young man.
     II. That we will emulate his Christian virtues, cultivate the sunshiny disposition, and noble traits of character, so that when called to pass over the mystic river, we may go in peace to join our dear friends and loved ones in that bright world where night shadows never fall, tear stains are wiped from every eye, and sorrow and sighing flee away.
     III. That we tender our sincere condolence to the parents and brother and sisters of our lamented brother in their irreparable loss of an affectionate son and devoted brother.
     IV. That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes, a copy furnished by the secretary to the family of our deceased brother, and copies be sent to the Texas Christian Advocate and T
IMES-HERALD, with request that same be published.
Mmr. J. P. J
J. R. C
W. L. McD

- January 26, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 6.
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     Ed Failon died last night at 2 o'clock. Funeral will take place from residence to-morrow (Friday), at 10 a. m.

- January 26, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 1.
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[No Heading]

     Franklin P. Miller, condemned to death for the killing of Officer W. H. Riddle, according to the death watch, is very tractable and gives them no trouble whatever. He talks considerable of a hereafter, but shows no signs of weakening. He asserts that the first shot was fired by the officers.

- January 26, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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     Sam Dalton, a section laborer, was run over by the cars and killed between this city and Denton yesterday.

- January 26, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2.
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Judge Tucker Rules Out Ellis
County History.





The Day in Judge Burke's Court-A Dar-
key Forges the Name of United States
Judge Rector to an Order for Meals,
Federal and Justice Courts, Etc.

Judge Tucker's Court.

     The prosecution rested yesterday in the Jones case. The State demonstrated that Dr. Jones killed Capt. W. G. Veal by the following witnesses: Major J. G. Przedmojski, Gen. W. N. Bush, Robert Walker, Capt. S. P. Mendez, Jas. F. Van Horn, Gen. W. F. Cabell, L. N. Worthy, R. G. Sims and Maj. Emmett Chockley.  
     The evidence in the main was a repetition of that taken at the inquest and during the habeas corpus trial. Sims was the exception. He swore that he told Dr. Jones long before the kiling that Veal was a gallant soldier, but a rake after women; that he had assaulted three women in Ellis county, and if the truth was known, had assaulted 200 women in that county. Sims resides in Ellis county and was a witness for the State. Col. W. L. Thompson and W. A. Boyce were called by the defense. They told the story of the killing and that was all. Court then adjourned till 9 o'clock this morning.
     Court reconvened at 9:30 this morning. Mr. J. B. Trotman was the first witness called. His testimony was with regard to the facts in the killing and the condition of the mind of Dr. Jones at the time of the homicide.
     Judge Anson G. Rainey, of Waxahachie, was the next witness. He was asked if he knew Mrs. Griffin of Waxahachie. Mrs. Griffin was the lady who alleged that Captain Veal attempted to assault her ten or twelve years ago at Waxahachie. For this offense, he was fined $1000 in the courts and expelled from the church and the Masonic order. The prosecution objected to the injection of this evidence into the case and Judge Tucker sustained the objection.
     Judge Ferris, of Waxahachie, Ellis county, was then called. The Judge said he had known Veal for more than forty years, but what he knew of the Griffin case and the reputation of Capt. Veal as a rake, he did not get a chance to tell. The prosecution objected. Exceptions were taken to the judge's rulings by the defense. At 11:30, after Judge Lewis retired from the witness stand, the attorneys for the prisoner asked for a few minutes for consultation, which the court granted.
     This afternoon, Mrs. Jones, wife of the prisoner, was called by the defense. The court decided that her evidence was admissable and the story told at the habeas corpus trial was repeated.

Court Notes.

     To-morrow will be opinion day inthe court of appeals, and it is believed that Henry Miller, the slayer of Officer Brewer, will take a deep interest in to-morrow's proceedings.

- January 27, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3-4.
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     In the negro settlement on Austin street, where the Rapid Transit curves, there is a cabin occupied by Mrs. Givens, a colored woman, and her son, Walter, better known as "Tobe," lies stark and stiff.  He died last night and Dr. Anderson, the attending physician, says he was drugged to death with opium.
     The facts in the case were reported to Justice Skelton this morning and, accompanied by Deputy Constable Ben Tanner, he visited the Givens' household and investigated the case.
     The mother said to a T
IMES-HERALD reporter, who was present: "My son was twenty-three years old, and worked for Gus Woods on Camp street as a dishwasher. He came home to me yesterday, sick.  He said he had been sick since Wednesday.  Dr. Anderson came here and attended him, but said he could do nothing as Tobe had been drugged to death with poison.
     "Did he have a girl?" was asked.
     "Yes, he had a girl, a dog, and she put opium in his coffee and killed him. She said she gave him whisky and quinine."
     The officers are investigating the case.
     The girl, Sis Gibson, was arrested at noon.

- January 26, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 6.
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Sis Gibson Arrested on the Charge of
Administering Poison.

     Sis Gibson, a young negress, was arrested by Deputy Constable Ben Tanner on the charge of having administered the poison to Givens. The woman says she sent to the drug store for 10 cents worth of quinine, but the clerk gave the boy morphine through mistake. The messenger saw the Gibson woman put some sort of powder in a bottle of whisky and shake the contents. Justice Skelton is holding the inquest this afternoon.

- January 27, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 2.
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The Jones Trial Nearing its
End, it is Believed.






     The usual large attendance is the order of the day in Judge Tucker's court, owing to the very sensational case now on trial. Yesterday afternoon, the testimony was very sensational, and to an outsider, it would appear that Captain W. G. Veal was on trial for reprehensible conduct toward women in this county, as well as Ellis and other counties.  A well-known lawyer remarked to a Times-Herald reporter, "Veal, and not Jones, appears to be on trial this afternoon."
     The testimony of Mrs. R. H. Jones did not differ a particle from her statement at the habeas corpus hearing. Mrs. S. T. Morgan, who stated that she has known Mrs. Jones from childhood, swore that the alleged victim of Veal was "as pure a woman as ever lived," and lady-like and modest in all things. Judge Anson G. Rainey, Judge E. O. Dunlop and Judge Ferris, all of Ellis county, testified that the reputation of Capt. Veal for lincentiousness and lasciviousness towards women was bad, "very notorious," Judge Dunlop put it. This applied, the witness testified, to chaste women, both married and single. Rev. W. S. Gaston of Marble Falls, Vernon county, and Rev. Chas. S. Baker, of Ellis county, testified that they had known Capt. Veal for many years, and that his reputation for improprieties toward chaste women was general and notorious. O. Temple Shugart, of Marble Falls, also gave the dead man a very bad reputation with regard to his conduct toward women.
     During the morning session, a number of witnesses testified that they had known Mrs. Jones from childhood and that she was modest, retiring and chaste as maiden, wife and mother.
     W. T. Lynn and Dr. A. A. Johnson testified with regard to the conduct of the prisoner on the day previous to the killing. Lynn saw him the evening before on the sidewalk opposite the Guild building. Capt. Veal was in the building where the Ex-Confederates and their families were holding a sort of a reception and served supper. Veal was master of ceremonies. Jones walked up and down the sidewalk for an hour or more. Dr. Johnson saw Jones the day before the killing at the fair grounds. Veal was present.

Justice Courts.

     Justice Skelton, last evening, closed the inquest on Tobe, alias Walter Givens, who, it is charged, was poisoned. Sis Gibson was remanded to jail pending investigation by the grand jury. She is the woman who admits that she gave Givens "whisky and quinine."

- January 28, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
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The Case Will Not Go to the Jury Before
Next Week.

     At this evening's session of the court, Sheriff Cabell and other witnesses testified that Dr. Jones was at the fair grounds, at music Hall, on the day previous to the killing. Capt. Veal was a conspicuous figure in the gathering at the same time and place. The case will not go to the jury before next Monday or Tuesday.

- January 28, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 6.
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Deserted by Her Husband, She Died at
the Woman's Home.

     A year ago, a man named Jones, went to Natchez, Miss., and taught a small school. He met in that city, a confiding innocent young woman, an orphan, who had been raised from infancy, as their own, by a kind family residing in that city, and persuaded this unfortunate young woman to link her fate with his greatly to the displeasure, of the adopted parents.
     In November, 1892, this man, Jesse Jones, came to Dallas, and was joined here by this wife of a year. Two weeks after the arrival of Mrs. Jones, her husband stated that he had some difficulty which would cause him to secretly leave this city, and, giving the young wife $20, he bid her goodbye, at the same time stating she might never see him again.
     Long and weary days passed, and no letter came to the anxious wife, and the slender sum of money being spent, she came to the "Woman's Home" for aid, as she expected shortly to become a mother.
     Mrs. Annie Jones was admitted immediately and, on Thursday last, was taken ill. Long and weary hours were spent at her bedside by the kind physicians, Dr. Wilson and Dr. Rawlins, and the little one was at last ushered into this world, but the baby girl's spirit had flown to the "better land," the mother lay breathing away her sad life, and in spite of the unremitting care of Dr. Rawlins and the most careful nursing, on Saturday night last, the heart-broken mother was with her babe in the spirit land.
     A little procession headed by the Rev. Mr. Seasholes and several of the officers of the "Woman's Home," wended their way to the cemetery. A chapter was read, a solemn prayer was offered and all that was mortal of gentle, trusting Annie Jones was laid to rest, and the little group sadly realized that it was hard to die homeless and among strangers, deserted by the man who had proved false to his vows to love and cherish her who had left home and friends for his sake.

- January 28, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 4.
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Letters in the Jones Case Go
to the Jury




     The crush continues and the greatest interest is manifested in the Jones trial. Saturday evening, Mr. C. H. Cooper testified that Mr. Jones visited Veal's office in this city in 1882 on several occasions, and that Jones also rented a residence from the Veal, Hogan & Reynolds firm, and on several occasions, the witness and Veal visited the place to see about repairs. The famous anonymous letters received by Veal during the year 1892 were then produced. Mr. Cooper said that he had found them in Veal's safe after the killing, and they were in the handwriting of Jones. Gen. Cabell, Dr. S. D. Thurston, Judge Burke and others, testified that Jones was out at the fair grounds, where Captain Veal was a conspicuous figures on the day previous to the killing. this morning, Judge Tucker ruled that the letters could go before the jury and Col. Kearby read their contents. Three of the letters and a postal card were anonymous and breathed "threats, revenge and slaughter."      
     The T
IMES-HERALD published their contents during the habeas corpus trial. The fourth letter was written to the firm of Veal, Hogan & Reynolds in October, 1882, by Dr. R. H. Jones, who was then a resident of Mesquite, He notified the firm to offer his farm for sale. There was a foot nonte advising the firm "not to sell the lots," indicating that he had been doing business with Veal, Hogan & Reynolds prior to that time. C. H. Cooper and Tom Lewis identified the handwriting as that of Dr. Jones, the prisoner. Mr. Reuben Ayres, an expert, was also of the opinion that it was the handwriting of the prisoner. After Col. Kearby had presented the contents of the letters to the jury for the second time, court adjourned till 2 o'clock this afternoon. When court adjourned, it was understood that nearly all the evidence was in.

- January 30, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, p. 4.
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The Wife of Capt. Veal Brings Suit
Against Dr. Jones.

     Yesterday evening, Mrs. Ruth A. Veal filed suit in the forty-fourth district court against R. H. Jones and Sarah Florence Jones, claiming $30,000 actual damages and $30,000 exemplary damages for the death of her husband, Captain W. G. Veal. The petition, after alleging the killing, relates: That said W. G. Veal, at the time of his death, was 56 years of age, and was unusually strong, healthy, vigorous and active, and was a man of ripe scholarship, great experience and excellent business qualifications, and was possessed of rare social and domestic qualities, and was well-equipped and capacitiated to conduct business and to make the home of the plaintiff happy; that before the killing of W. G. Veal, as aforesaid, he was, at all times, actively engaged in business and was able to and did earn large amounts of money, to-wit, the sum of $5000 annually, and would have continued to earn a similar amount per annum had it not been for the action aforesaid of defendants, for many years, to-wit, for the period of ten years thereafter. That plaintiff does not posses but little property, not even a homestead; but prior to the killing of her husband, aforesaid, was entirely dependent upon his skill, labor and exertion for food, clothing and maintenance. That his death, caused as aforesaid, has not only deprived plaintiff, who is old and in ill health, of the care, nursing, attention and companionship of her said late husband, but also left her destitute of the necessaries and luxuries of life. That plaintiff is devoid of any trade, profession or business education, and by age and disease, has been rendered, and is wholly unfit, and unable to earn a living or maintain herself by manual labor.
     "That plaintiff's husband, while living, was kind, attentive and indulgent to her; and at all times since their marriage relations began, which had existed for many years, had furnished all the necessaries of life, and could have continued to cheer her aged and decrepit life and furnish her as aforesaid during her natural life had he been permitted by defendant to live."

- January 31, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, p. 3.
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An Old Pioneer Preacher Passes Away.
Special Correspondence Times-Herald.

     Gorbet met with the loss of one of her old pioneers, J. M. Houston, a minister of the gospel for over forty years, died very suddenly last Thursday.   After eating a hearty dinner with his grandson, J. W. Lucus, he walked home, a distance of half a mile, and was a corpse by supper. Mr. Houston moved from Missouri to Dallas county in 1856, where he has preached as a Baptist to many a congregation.  He was between 80 and 90 years old and leaves many friends to mourn his loss, he being a man of large family and many friends.   He was the father-in-law of Jack Lucus, as good a man as Dallas county has, who also has many friends.
                                                                  M. E. S

- January 31, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
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A Funeral Postponed For Weighty

     The funeral of the late Asa J. Whitsell was announced to take place at 10 o'clock this morning from 399 Swiss avenue. Just before the hour named, a friend of deceased called to take a last look at the face of his departed friend. After inspecting the face, the thought struck him that the features and eyes of the supposed corpse did not indicate that Mr. Whitsell was dead. He continued his investigation and finally communicated his suspicion to the family. As a matter of course, there was a flutter of excitement. A detachment of the G. A. R. commanded by Col. Wylie arrived, and the news was imparted to them. Col. Wylie made public announcement that the funeral would be postponed till to-morrow and a messenger was dispatched for Dr. Aldrich and his electric battery. The result of the investigation remains to be written. There is great excitement in the neighborhood and many believe that Mr. [Whitsell] is in a deep trance.

- February 7, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 6.
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     Died at Oak Cliff last night at 12 o'clock, Mrs. J. A. Segar. Funeral will take place to-morrow at 3 p. m. from residence on Eighth street, near the Methodist church.

- February 8, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 1.
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     Mrs. J. A. Segar of Oak Cliff died last night at the family residence on Eighth street, Oak Cliff. She was an old resident of Dallas, having moved here in 1868. She leaves six children, three daughters and three sons, to mourn her loss. The funeral will take place from the residence at 3 p. m. to-morrow.

- February 8, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3.
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     A. J. Whitsell was buried this forenoon from his late residence on Swiss avenue. He was not in a trance. A great many people visited the house yesterday afternoon, including a large number of spiritualists, but the "vital spark had fled from its earthly tenement."

- February 8, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
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He Stepped From a Trestle Near Five
Mile This Morning.

     Conductor Isaac Stevenson, well-known in Dallas, met with an accident which caused his death near Five Mile, a distance nine miles from this city, this morning. His train, a freight, broke in two and Stevenson stepped from the caboose platform to ascertain the cause. The cars were crossing the trestle at the time and the unfortunate man fell a distance of 20 feet. He was picked up and taken to Ferris, where he died. Deceased, who had been in the service of the Houston and Texas Central railroad for several years, resided at Ennis. He was about 30 years old and leaves a widow and two children.

- February 11, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
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Death of Mr. A. J. Hubbard Yesterday

     A. J. Hubbard died at his residence, 312-316 Wood street, yesterday morning at 4 o;'clock. On the preceding evening, he was in excellent spirits, ate a hearty supper and retired at 9 o'clock. A few minutes later, he was stricken down by paralysis and remained in an unconscious condition till he died.
     Deceased was 63 years old and was a native of Baton Rouge, La. He was a wealthy man when the war broke out and enlisted in an Alabama regiment, serving until the close of hostilities. Seventeen years ago, he came to Texas and resided at Jefferson and Austin before coming to Dallas, three years ago. He leaves a widow and a stepdaughter only, Mrs. W. C. Belcher of Rockport.
     The funeral took place from the late residence of deceased at 4 o'clock this afternoon, the pastor of the Baptist church officiating. Interment followed in Trinity cemetery.

- February 13, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
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Death of Mrs. Boles Baker in this City

     Mrs. Ophelia Baker, relict of Dr. Boles Baker, died at the residence of her son-in-law, J. Patterson, at 5 o'clock this morning. She had been a resident of Dallas for many years, and was held in high esteem by a large circle of friends. Three daughters survive her, Mrs. Lewis Wood of Lampasas, Mrs.. J. Patterson of Dallas, and Miss Julia Baker.
     The remains will be taken to Brenham for interment in the family burial ground.

- February 24, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
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Death of Mrs. Barry.

     At the residence of her son, Mr. Thos. P. Barry, 391 South Ervay street, of heart disease yesterday, died Mrs. Margaret C. Barry. Mrs. Barry was nearly 80 years old and was a native of Ireland. Deceased was a noble Christian woman and a most devout Roman Catholic. Seven children, eight grandchildren and three great-grand children survive her. Her children are Thomas. P. Barry, Nick Barry, Mrs. R. E. Miller, Misses Zelia, Willie and Ben Barry and Mrs. Sammons of Decatur.

- February 27, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 6.
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At Least Was Thrown From a Bridge
and Received Injuries That Caused His
Death -- He Died at the City Hospital
This Morning.

     Andre Mauvias died at the city hospital this morning. He was 55 years old and a farmer, residing on the Cedar Springs road, five miles from the city.
     Last Friday night, he was thrown from the Santa Fe trestle to the ground below. His ribs were broken and he had received severe internal injuries.
     He had been drinking at Bailey Talbott's saloon Friday evening and a tough followed Mauvias when he departed for home via the Santa Fe railroad. Mauvias was knocked from the bridge and his cowardly assailant robbed him of $2. More dead than alive, the victim dragged himself from the railroad track to the saloon of Talbott. He was then removed to the hospital, where, despite the best surgical aid and nursing, he died this morning.

- March 2, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3.
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     Mrs. Josie M. Best, wife of R. E. Best, died at her residence, 151 Live Oak street, this morning at 8:30. Funeral to take place from First Congregational church Saturday, March 4, at 3 o'clock.

- March 3, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
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From That Noble Institution, Woman's

     A little group gathered in the parlor of the Woman's Home on Saturday last to pay the last tribute of respect to the baby girl, whose tiny form lay before them in the sleep which knows no waking. Only three weeks had little Nina gladdened the heart of ht young mother, who now sat stunned wit the blow which had taken the babe from her loving embrace.
     Sweet flowers, the gift of Mrs. G. H. Schoellkopf, were resting on the baby['s] breast, and the waxen fingers clasped a sprig of delicate white hyacinths. The beautiful words of the 90th Psalm were most impressively rendered by the Rev. Dr. E. M. Chapman, a few comforting remarks, a fervent prayer, in which the good doctor commended the mother and all present to the care of the Father in Heaven, and all that was mortal of the babe was removed from our view.

- March 7, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
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Mrs. Trezevant Dead.

     Mrs. James H. Trezevant, wife of the well known commercial traveler of that name, and a prominent society lady of this city, died after a week's illness yesterday afternoon. She was a member of an influential family of New Orleans and held in high esteem by all who knew her.

- March 8, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 4.
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J. R. Cox Shot and Mortally Wounded by
Aaron Barton -- The Latter Surrendered
to the Officers -- Particulars of the Affair
as Obtained from Constable Cory.

     This morning, D. L. __. Bohannon of Scyene telephoned Sheriff Cabell that a shooting had taken place at Kleburg, and that his presence was needed there. The sheriff and one of his deputies mounted their horses and started for Kleburg.
     At 10:30 o'clock, Constable M. Cory of Precinct No. 4, arrived in the city having in custody Aaron Barton. The latter was taken to jail and incarcerated. From Constable Cory, a T
IMES-HERALD reporter ascertained the following facts in connection with the shooting:
     "Wednesday, a Miss Barton lost some bed clothes, etc. A search warrant was issued and placed in my hands. Aaron Barton, Cleburne Stanford and Andy Harris assisted me in searching several houses, among the number, the residence of J. R. Cox. We didn't find the stolen articles. Yesterday morning, Cox met Cleburne Stanford and gave him a thrashing. He was wild, because his house had been searched. Miss Barton passed him later in the day and he remarked: "There goes the d---d ------- now." Last evening, Aaron Barton was in Bill Littlepage's saloon. Cox came in and struck Barton, felling him to the floor. Barton pulled his gun and shot Cox, the ball entering just below the navel and coming out in the back. Cox was removed to his home. Dr. Goss, the attending physician, says the wound is mortal and that Cox cannot possibly survive beyond a few hours. Public opinion is largely with Barton."
     Cox is married and is about 40 years old. Barton is 22 years old and unmarried.

- March 10, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
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     Mrs. E. A. McFarland died at her home, 271 Washington avenue, at 5 o'clock last evening of la grippe. The funeral took place at 3 o'clock this afternoon from late residence of deceased. Interment followed in the Trinity cemetery.

- March 10, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
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The Victim of Aaron Barton's Bullet
Passes Away.

     A gentleman from Kleburg called at the TIMES-HERALD office this morning. He said: "J. Wright Cox died at 5 o'clock last evening. It was a hard sight that met the gaze of those who called at the Cox home yesterday. Cox was dying, shot through the bowels. His wife, who is expecting to be confined at any hour, was crying and wringing her hands; the eldest child is a helpless cripple and can scarcely move. Four or five other small children were standing around and there was evidence of dire poverty on all sides. Sheriff Cabell came in, surveyed the sorrowful scene, and walked away to the grocery near by. 'Send those unfortunates $10 or $15 worth of groceries,' said the large-hearted gentleman, 'and send the bill to me.' Now, that's what I call Christianity. Cox will be buried this afternoon."
     Barton is in jail, and it is asserted that he was altogether too hasty in pulling his gun.

- March 11, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
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     Dennis Collins died at his residence, 552 Elm street, at 8:50 this morning. He was 63 years old and left a widow and three children. The funeral will take place to-morrow.

- March 15, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
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Judge Tucker's Court.

     Thomas Hurley et al. vs. L. M. Harrison et al.; plaintiff suggests the death of Michael Hurley, one of the plaintiffs, and leave granted to his personal representatives to make themsleves parties as plaintiff, case continued; leave granted to both parties to amend.

- March 16, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2-3.
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     Marsh Williams, a colored man, was crushed to death by falling earth in a sand bank at Oak Cliff yesterday. The funeral took place from late residence of deceased, on Tenth street, last night.

- March 16, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
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     Edna Linz, the 17-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Linz, died last evening at her parents' residence, 179 Browder street.

-March 17, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
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     Mrs. J. P. Huggins died this morning at the residence of Mrs. M. L. La Moreaux, 204 Evergreen street. The funeral will take place at 5 o'clock this evening from the late residence of deceased. Mrs. Huggins is the wife of the well known commercial traveler of that name, was only 29 years old and a most charming and vivacious lady, whose death will be sincerely mourned by the many friends she has made since her advent in Dallas. She was a member of the Woman's Relief Corps of the G. A. R. and always active in church and social work. She will be remembered by thousands who visited the last State Fair, as the lady who had charge of the Davis exhibit. A husband and little adopted daughter survive her.

- March 21, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
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County Court.

     John Patton vs. Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe railroad; death of the plaintiff suggested and scire facias will be issued to make his heirs parties plaintiffs.

- March 31, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
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     The estate of J. M. Browder, deceased, will probated and Mrs. Ann M. Browder appointed executrix.

- April 10, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
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Judge Tucker's Court.

     J. D. Everhart vs. Geo. E. Felton; death of plaintiff suggested and leave granted Mrs. Sally Everhart to make herself party as plaintiff. Judgment for plaintiff for amount sued for, with foreclosure of vendor's lien, as per agreement filed.

- April 13, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2.
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     The 2-year-old child of H. L. Erwin of Garland drank concentrated lye and died in agony.

- April 17, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
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     Mrs. S. E. Cain, mother of Mrs. J. S. Aldehoff, died at the residence of Mr. Aldehoff, 255 Caruth street, to-day. The funeral will take place from the late residence of the deceased at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning.

- April 18, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 1.
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     Mrs. Rosa Hausman, daughter of J. B. Ahles, died at the residence of W. Dressel, corner Harward [Harwood] and Pacific avenue, yesterday. Mrs. Hausman was, for a long time, and until recently, a trusted employe of Sanger Bros., where she has many friends.

- April 20, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 1.
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     W. C. Mohrman died at 130 San Jacinto street last night after an illness of seventy-three days. The remains were taken to New Orleans for interment by the mother of deceased, who was with him in his last moments. He was 35 years old, and for nearly four years, had been a popular employe of the Texas & Pacific at the general offices.

- April 21, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 4.
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Judge Tucker's Court.

     Thomas Hurley et al. vs. L. M. Harrison et al.; plaintiff dismisses to Geo. D. Harrison, now deceased. Verdict for plaintiffs for land sued for.

- April 21, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
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     Charles M., the 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Winkler, died yesterday.

- April 21, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
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     The little son of Mrs. A. Pigues [Pegues?], on Akard street, died last night.

- April 24, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
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He Was On the Trail of Crocker, and
Found His Man.

     At 5 o'clock Saturday evening, Ed Jones was shot and killed on Camp street, near Doc Chamberlain's saloon, by E. A.. Crocker. both parties are Afro-American. Crocker shot three times and two of the balls perforated the hide of Jones and let daylight through him.
     A woman, it appears, was at the bottom of the trouble. Friday evening, the men quarreled and Saturday, Jones buckled on his gun and went on the war path. In the evening, he found his man on Camp street. Jones reached for his gun and it caught in his waistband. Crocker pulled his weapon and Jones ran, but was easy prey for the bullets that were spit out by Crocker's pistol.
     Jones, who was about thirty years old and unmarried, was buried yesterday. Crocker made his escape after the shooting, and has not been heard of since the killing. He is a barber and a single man.

- April 24, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2.
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     C. H. Patrick, an old and well-known citizen of this county, died at Patrick's School House Sunday last.

- April 25, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
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     Mrs. W. H. Saunderson, a lady highly esteemed by a large circle of friends, died at her home on Lamar street this morning. A husband and two children, one an infant a week old, survive her.

- April 26, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
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     Mrs. Ida Sanderson, wife of W. H. Sanderson, whose death yesterday morning was noted in last evening's TIMES-HERALD, was buried at Oak Cliff cemetery yesterday at 4 p. m. Mrs. Sanderson was a lady of great refinement, a most noble, honest and faithful wife and mother, and of a loving disposition to all with whom she became acquainted. Her sickness was a period of about eight days. She leaves a husband and two small children, one an infant of eight days, a young brother and a host of friends who deeply mourn her death; also, an aged mother and father at Carydon, Ind., who was unable to hear of her sickness in time, as she was not considered dangerous until twelve hours before death.
     Her brother, C. A. Meith, a young man of good standing, also a member of the Christian Church of this place, is sore at heart at the loss of his only beloved sister,. Still, we all mourn her loss, but she is at rest, for she was good, as well as a noble, woman. the friends sympathize with relatives and d friends for the loss of such a good woman from our midst. F

- April 27, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3.
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Will Show Dallas to be a Very Healthy

     Dr. V. P. Armstrong, in his forthcoming report, will say:
     "There are now employed at the city hospital: One assistant surgeon at $25 per month, one female nurse at $20, one day nurse at $18, one night nurse at $20, one cook at $18 and a washerwoman at $15, amounting to a total monthly salary of $116.
     The number of patients admitted during the year was 376, of which number, 30 died. Of the number who died, six died from gunshot, railroad and other violent agencies, leaving a mortality rate of 70 per 1000. When the character of the patients who are admitted to this institution and the facilities for treatment that are afforded are considered, the health officer points with pride to the record.
     "Following the above report is an interesting table showing the causes of mortality, the greatest mortality being in the following order: Consumption 65, premature births, 35, pneumonia, 25, gunshot 20, typhoid fever, 19, malarial fever, 15, valve disease of the heart, 15, cholera infantum 14, cancer 12, apoplexy 11, eutora calitis 11, congestion of the brain 10, inanition 9, membranous croup 8, paralysis 5, diphtheria 5. The remaining deaths were scattering as to diseases.
     "The deaths by months ran: May 40, June 35, July 41, August 39, September 36, October 40, November 41, December 42, January 45, February 28, March 34, April, including part of April, 1892, 37. The greatest mortality was in November, December and January. The mortality from lung diseases aggregated 93, and from febrile diseases 20, indicating that the climate of Dallas is more conducive to northern than southern diseases."

- April 28, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
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Judge Burke's Court.

     John Parker et al. vs. W. A. Adams et al.; death of Elizabeth Eafens and cause continued to make her legal representative parties defendants.

- April 29, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3.
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     F. Mudsenheimer died Saturday night at his residence on Crutchfield street. Interment took place to-day.
     Camp Sterling Price met yesterday and adopted resolutions of respect to the memory of Major Hamilton L. Boone. The death of Calloway H. Patrick was announced to the Camp, and Judge Z. E. Coombes, John Henry Brown and J. Pink Thomas were appointed a committee to prepare suitable resolutions.

- May 1, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
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     Captain Bradfield, an aged and respected citizen of West Dallas, died this morning.

- May 4, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
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     R. McQuaig, proofreader on the News, died at his home in this city this morning, after a brief illness. A widow survives him. Deceased was a well-known union printer and popular with his associates.

- May 4, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 4.
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     J. T. Bradford, ex-postmaster of West Dallas, and for many years a resident of this county, was buried to-day. He was upwards of eighty years old.

- May 5, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
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     William Phelan, an old citizen of this city, died at his home on Ross avenue this morning. He was born in Ireland, was 64 years old and came to Dallas from Illinois many years ago. Two sons, Francis P. and M. R. Phelan survive him.

- May 6, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
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A Dead Daughter and a Father Sick and

     Miss Rena Lemmon died at the family residence on Lemmon avenue Saturday evening of consumption. The funeral took place yesterday. Miss Rena was twenty-two years of age, and before the hand of the dread destroyer came upon her, was a most beautiful and accomplished girl. Death was not unexpected, as she had been ill for a long time.
     An affecting scene took place at the bed side of the dying girl. Her father, Captain W. H. Lemmon, is lying at death's door. He asked to be taken to the room where his daughter was dying. His wish was gratified, and he saw the loved one pass away. It was a death bed scene that will be long remembered by the members of the family who were present. Captain Lemmon is a very sick man, a fact which will cause sincere regret where he is known.

- May 8, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 6.
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     G. Toepfer died at his residence on Lemmon avenue Saturday afternoon. Interment followed yesterday.
     William Phelan, who was buried yesterday in Trinity cemetery, was born in Kilkenny county, Ireland, September 18, 1833, and came to America May 10, 1851, locating at Peoria, Ill. In 1873, he came to Marshall, Texas, and in the same year, moved to Dallas, and has resided here continuously since that time.

- May 8, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
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The Row Was Over the Settlement of an
Account -- The Slayer Gives Himself Up
to the Officers at Hutchins -- Sheriff
Cabell Goes After the Prisoner.

     Robert Coyle, of Hutchins, was shot and killed to-day by Pres Halbert, also of Hutchins. Coyle was a brother of Mike Coyle, awaiting transportation from the county jail to Huntsville, where he goes for twenty years for killing Ben Page.
     After the killing, Halbert hastened to the county farm and surrendered to Superintendent Dee Burgess, saying that the killing was done in self-defense.
     Superintendent Burgess telegraphed sheriff Cabell to come to Hutchins, "we've got the prisoner, but bring the dogs." Sheriff Cabell and Deputy Simpson left immediately on receipt of the telegram. Particulars of the tragedy are meager. It is said that the men quarreled over an account and a resort to firearms followed.
     Coyle was thirty-five years old and leaves a family. Halbert is about the same age, and also a married man.
     At first, it was reported about the city that one of the Lowery boys had killed one of the Chapmans, but this proved to be without foundation.

- May 10, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 1.
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     James Elsby, 270 Annex avenue, died yesterday; aged 73.

- May 10, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
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     Willie Meier, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Meier, died this morning at 2:30 of cholera infantum. Funeral will take place to-morrow at 3 p. m. from family residence, 254 Gano street.

- May 13, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
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County Court.

Probate matters:
     Estate of Wm. Whitchurch, deceased; will probated and Mrs. Mary Whitchurch appointed executrix without bond, according to directions of will. W. H. H. Braley, A. F. Kirkpatrick and M. V. Cole appointed appraisers.
     Estate of T. P. Sanderson, deceased; claim of Ed. S. Lauderdale for $8.69 approved and ordered paid.

- May 15, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 4.
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"Johnnie," a Railroad Man, Found Dead
in His Room.

     Justice J. M. Skelton was called to 585 Elm street this morning to inquest the remains of a railroad man, known as "Johnnie," in railroad circles.
     The justice found that he had perished by his own hand--taken poison with suicidal intent. An empty vial outside of the window told the story.
     Mrs. S. F. Murphy, where "Johnnie" roomed and occasionally ate his meals, knew no other name for the unfortunate. She remonstrated with him on several occasions for drinking. He answered that he had no one to care for him, and if he died, it would not matter.
     He was 38 or 40 years old, of Irish descent, and a genial and inoffensive man, according to all reports. He was 5 feet, 10 inches in height and was well dressed.
     Justice Skelton searched the effects of the suicide. He found a large valise well-filled with clothing, smoking and shaving outfits, etc., but not a scrap of paper or any article that would disclose his identity. In a pocket book was found $4.85. Justice Skelton has determined that "Johnnie" should not sleep in the Potter's field and he appropriate this money toward the purchase of a lot in Trinity Cemetery, where all that is mortal of the dead railroader will be interred.

- May 15, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
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     John C. Erdelmeyer died last evening at his residence, 299 South Akard street. He was a well-known business man.

- May 16, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
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     C. W. Downs died at his home on Greenwood street yesterday.
     The little child of Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Oeland of Oak Cliff died to-day.
     Miss Zola Clyde Burton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Burton, died last evening.

- May 17, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
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DIED -- Ollie Tucker, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker. Funeral from residence, corner Griffin and Collin streets.

- May 19, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3.
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A Pressman's Death.

     The announcement at noon yesterday of the death of Mr. Ollie P. Tucker, was a painful surprise to his many friends. About a week ago, Mr. Tucker was taken suddenly ill, but his condition was not thought dangerous until Thursday, when a change for the worse was perceptible. He passed away at 11:30 yesterday morning at his home on East Front street. Mr. Tucker was one of the best known pressmen in the state, having held that position on nearly all the leading papers of Texas. He was about 30 years old and leaves a wife and one child. The remains were taken to Dallas last night for burial. -- Fort Worth Gazette.

- May 20, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2.
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Death of Michael T. Cone at His Resi-
dence Last Night.

     Michael T. Cone died at his residence in the Sixth ward last night. News of his death created considerable surprise to the outside public, but his relatives and intimate friends, two weeks ago, prepared for the worst. The icy fingers of death had touched him and the end was not far off. For three months past, he had been in failing health, but went about his accustomed duties daily. Eighteen month ago, he was prostrated with an attack of la gripe and the seeds were sown that destroyed a magnificent constitution prepared the way for death. A month ago, he visited Mineral Wells and rapidly grew worse. finally, he told his physician, that if death was coming, he wanted to die at home and he returned to this city. All that medical science could do, proved unavailing. The physicians said Bright's' disease had seized him and death alone would release his sufferings.
     Michael T. Cone was born in Galway, Ireland, thirty-five years ago. When seven years old, his parents emigrated to American and settled in Kentucky. In 1875, he came to Dallas, and has lived here continuously since that time, being associated in business with is brother-in-law, Thomas F. King. "Mike" cone was a rugged, courageous and intelligent man, the soul of honor. His word was as good as his bond, his friendships strong and enduring. He was an uncompromising Democrat and popular with all classes. He represented the Sixth ward four years in the city council and was one of the best men that has ever held a seat in that body. Speaking of him this morning, Alderman G. A. Knight said: "He was one of the noblest fellows I have ever known. What he thought was right, he would do, regardless of consequences or effect upon the public, and in the years of our intimacy in the council, I never knew a more honorable and conscientious man."
     A widow and two children survive him. He was a member of uniformed rank of the Knights of Pythias and held in high esteem by the members of this powerful order.
     Deceased was a communicant of the Roman Catholic Church and will be buried in accordance with the rites of the church. The funeral will move from the family residence, 462 San Jacinto street, at 9:30 and the services will begin at the Sacred Heart Church on Bryan street at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning.
     Hundreds who knew and respected this man with a kindly nature and a generous heart, to whom an appeal of distress was never made in vain, will be present to pay the last token of respect to a dead friend.


     Members and ex-members of the city council and officers are requested to meet at the city hall to-morrow at 9:30 a. m. for the purpose of attending, in a body, the funeral of Mike T. Cone, late member of the city council. W. C. CONNOR, Mayor.

- May 25, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2.
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Funeral of M. T. Cone.

     The funeral of the late Michael T. Cone, took place from the Church of the Sacred Heart at 10 o'clock this morning. The services at the church were very impressive. Rev. Father Blum, assisted by Rev. Father Brickley of St. Patrick's Church officiated. The pallbearers were members of the K. of P. lodge, to which deceased, in his lifetime, belonged. The attendance was very large and included Mayor Connor, Chief of Police Arnold, Chief Wilkinson of the fire department, members and ex-member of the city council, city officials, County Assessor John T. Bolton, Sheriff Cabell and many other well-known men. The funeral cortege was very large. Interment followed in Trinity cemetery.

- May 26, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 4.
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     DIED -- This morning, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Murphy. Funeral from the family residence, corner Masten street and McKinney avenue, at 4 o'clock to-morrow afternoon.

- May 26, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
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     DOOLITTLE -- Henry S., youngest son of Edwin W. and Mary V. Doolittle, aged 22 months. Funeral services Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock from Sacred Heart Church, corner Ervay and Bryan street.

- May 26, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
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Louis Longennetti Slandered
Mrs. Lillian Reeves,





He Was a Bartender, and She a Hard-
Working and Respectable Girl -- Refused
to Marry Him and Then He Traduced
Her Character.

     At 6:45 this morning, Louis Longenetti was shot to death on Griffin street, near the corner of Collin, directly across the street from the residence of Captain J. W. Record. Mrs. Lillian Reeves held the revolver and pulled the trigger. She did her work well. Six shots were fired and six took effect. One ball struck Longenetti in the throat, one in the right arm and another in the back. One gentleman informed a TIMES-HERALD representative that the lady fired five shots, and that five bullets will be found in the body of the dead man. Capt. Record rushed across the street, seized Mrs. Reeves, and disarmed her. The pistol, a 38-calibre Smith & Wesson, is now in his possession. All the chambers are empty. Deputy Sheriff Sloan Lewis happened along and Mrs. Reeves was taken in custody and escorted to the county jail. The neighbors, attracted by the shots, rushed to the scene of the tragedy. Longenetti was taken to the residence of Charles A. Simpson, 207 Griffin street, where he has roomed for two or three weeks past. The body was afterwards remove to Linskie's undertaking establishment, to await telegrams from relatives of deceased.

The Dead Man's Antecedents.

     Louis Longenetti was an Italian, 35 years old and had been in Dallas four months. He was employed as night bar-tender by Geo. A. Loomis & Co., and came from Memphis. He was a bartender at the Peabody Hotel, Memphis, before coming to Dallas, and has a brother in that city. The Longenettis of Texarkana are relatives of the deceased. G. B. Boero, a wealthy fruit dealer of San Antonio, is a brother-in-law. Another brother resides in Denver. Longenetti was small in stature, swarthy complexion with dark hair, dark eyes and dark mustache.

Mrs. Lillian Reeves.

     The woman who sent the soul of Longenetti bounding into eternity, is not yet 20 years old. She is a dark, rather handsome brunette, and fairly intelligent. She is the widow of Conductor Frank Reeves, who met his death while in the service of the Texas and Pacific railroad a year ago last April, and now has a suit for damages pending against that company. She is the daughter of Mrs. James Croney, a car inspector in the Missouri, Kansas and Texas yards. Mrs. Croney and her daughter run a large railroad boarding house at 207 Griffin street. The family have resided in Dallas four years, and are well-known to railroad men. W. F. Luffman said to representative of the TIMES-HERALD: "I have known Mrs. Reeves and her parents for years. They are honest, hard-working and upright people and held in high esteem by all who know them. Mrs. Reeves is a hard-working and excellent young woman." John C. Burns said: "No better people live in the ward." Mrs. Reeves and her parents are given flattering send-offs by others who were interviewed by the reporter.

A Common Slanderer.

     The motive for the killing was easily ascertained. Longenetti roomed at Mrs. Croney's for several weeks and Mrs. Reeves became the object of the marked attentions of the Italian. They were not reciprocated. The lady spurned him. He insulted her and was driven from her home. He then circulated slanderous stories reflecting upon her chastity. He persisted in traducing her character and many people in the neighborhood, it is said, will testify to this fact. "Curley," the flagman at the Texas & Pacific crossing, says that Longenetti, on several occasions in conversation with him, grossly assailed the character of an inoffensive woman. In fact, the talk of Longenetti was so vile, that the flagman would not listen, and walked away. These stories reached the ears of Mrs. Reeves and her relatives. In fact, Longennetti intended that they should. He talked loudly and violently and beastly within hearing distance of the residence of Mrs. Reeves and her parents. This morning, Mrs. Reeves stepped out to the sidewalk to get a pitcher of milk. Longenetti came along on his way from work. He rooms in the building just one door north of the Croney establishment. He insulted Mrs. Reeves again and she promptly avenged her wrongs and her honor by shooting the slanderer to death. This is the story, as detailed by those in possession of the facts, and it may not be out of place to state, that among those who know the parties to the tragedy, the verdict is that Longennetti deserved the punishment meted out to him.

The Inquest.

     Justice Skelton viewed the body of deceased. This afternoon, the justice will take the evidence and return a verdict in accordance with the facts.

The Examining Trial.

     The examining trial of Mrs. Reeves began at 3:30 before Justice Skelton. The county attorney, John P. Gillespie, and the attorneys for the accused; it is understood, agreed upon the size of the bond today, $1,000, and in all probability, Mrs. Reeves will be at liberty this evening. A great many people called on Mrs. Reeves and her family to-day and tendered assistance in making a defense.

Riddled With Bullets.

     Justice Skelton remarked to a TIMES-HERALD reporter: "Longennetti was shot six times. Five bullets lodge in his body and one struck him just under the chin."

The Trial On.

     There is a big crowd present in Justice Skelton's courtroom this afternoon. The preliminary trial of Mrs. Lillian Reeves is in progress. J. W. Record was in the witness chair at 3:40.

- May 27, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2-3.
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     Mrs. S. A. Hayden, wife of Rev. S. A. Hayden, died at Mineral Wells Monday night. Deceased was 43 years old. A husband and five children survive her. The funeral took place at 9:30 this morning from the family residence at Oak Cliff.

- May 31, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
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His Body Recovered by a Searching Party
This Morning -- The Inquest -- The Ante-
cedents of the Unfortunate Mate -- A
Very Valuable Man.

     The steamer Harvey lost one of the best men that every trod her decks last night, or rather at an early hour this morning.
     Theodore Appel, the mate, returned to the steamer at 1 o'clock this morning. The steamer lies at anchor 300 yards below the Commerce street bridge. Mate Appel, in boarding the Harvey, missed his hold and fell into [the] river. The watchman saw him fall, but did not go into the water to render assistance, as he could not swim. He gave the alarm, however, but Appel was drowned before aid could be extended, and his body floated down the stream.
     The captain of the Harvey and S. W. S. Duncan organized a party early this morning and dredged the river. The body was recovered several hundred yards below the steamer. The justice, who inquested the remains, returned a verdict that deceased came to his death by accidental drowning.
     Appel was 35 years old and unmarried. He has lived in Dallas three y ears with a sister. His home was originally at Fort Smith, Ark. He was popular with his associates and a valuable man.

- May 31, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
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     Charles Strauss died at his home in Cedar Hill, Wednesday. The remains were interred in Trinity cemetery this afternoon.

- June 1, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2.
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     Julia F. Franklin, an ancient negress, was found dead in her cabin on Cochran street Sunday.

- June 6, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
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     June 7, Mr. R. D. Martin, father of Mrs. R. Murdock, Mrs. E. Finn[?], Mrs. B. A. Hoyt, Mrs. J. S. [?] Roberts. Funeral from his late residence, corner Junius and Washington avenue, Thursday morning at 10[?] o'clock.
     Cuero and Edna papers please copy.

- June 7, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
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     The health officer reported sixteen patients in the hospital in May, and deaths in the city as follows: White male, 17;. colored male, 16; white female, 7. Total, 40.

- June 7, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2.
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Woman's Home.

     The following extract from the report of the matron is self-explanatory:
     "On Monday, May 8, Mrs. Olivia M. Woods was admitted into the Woman's Home. Physicians and medicines were furnished, and on the 11th, Mrs. Woods was walking about in the hall and in her room, apparently as well as usual. But, when the house was resting in the shadows of the night, and all its inmates were wrapped in slumber, silently and unseen, the angel of death was hovering over the little front room; the eyes so dim and weary, were closed; the free spirit, emancipated from the old, worn-out, pain-stricken temple, in which it had dwelt so long, was carried by the attending angels to the Father, who had, years before, sent it into this world to wait until he called, 'Come home." Gladly did it respond to the call, evidenced from the fact that Mrs. Woods had stated the day before, that she felt like taking her own life. The frightened women, hearing the fall of a heavy body, rushed into Mrs. Wood's room, finding her lying on the floor, life having already departed. The Rev. Mr. Wickens was summoned, and Mrs. Woods was laid away in Trinity cemetery. The beautiful service of the church she so much loved was rendered by her own rector, Rev. Edward M. Wickens. Her funeral expenses were paid out of her own money, placed for that purpose in the hands of the Rev. Mr. Wickens. Thanks for professional services are due Drs. A. A. Johnston, V. P. Armstrong and M. T. Griffin; for donations to Messrs. W. M. McCune, L. D. Busby, Alex Orrleib and George Hughes; Mesdames A. Davis, J. E. Schneider, J. Elasser and Thatcher. To the Ladies' Hebrew Benevolent Association for their kindness in furnishing a room in the Home, and to the Charity Chapter of St. Matthews' Cathedral for a donation of money.
     After an informal discussion, the meeting adjourned till July 4th.

- June 7, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 1.
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The Well-Known Citizen Passed Away
This Morning.

     Col. W. Keller died at his home in this city, 781 Ross avenue, corner Washington, at 3 o'clock this morning. He had been sick for several weeks and death was not unexpected.
     The funeral will take place from the family residence at 11 to-morrow morning, Rev. Spraggins of the First Methodist church will officiate.
     William J. Keller was born at Woodville, Miss., in 1835, was educated in that village and resided there uninterruptedly for 40 years. He began life as a printer and worked his way up by degrees, until he became editor, banker and afterward, assessor of his county, serving long terms in each position.
      In 1873, he came to Dallas. He, and his brother, Dr. C. E. Keller, built the first street car line in this city. He was connected with many enterprises during his residence in Dallas, and was, for several years, president of the Bankers and Merchants' National Bank.
     In 1889, he was elected to the city council, and in 1891, was re-elected. He served on many important committees and filled the position of chairman of the finance committee for two years.
     Eighteen months ago, he was appointed receiver of the North Dallas Electric Railway and has been directing the affairs of that road since his appointment.
     Col. Keller was a broad-minded and public-spirited citizen and enjoyed deserved popularity with all classes.
     Mr. Harry Keller and Mrs. R. B. Harwood are the surviving children of deceased.



     Members and ex-members of the city council and city officers are requested to meet at the city hall to-morrow (Saturday) morning at 9:30 o'clock for the purpose of attending, in a body, the funeral of our late associate, Col. W. J. Keller.
W. C. C
ONNOR, Mayor.

- June 9, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
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     George King, of Dallas, suicided at the home of his father-in-law, E. Kruger, at Kosse, yesterday. His wife died in January, last.

- June 9, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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     The funeral of the late Colonel W. J. Kellar took place at 11:30 to-day, from the late residence of the deceased, and was largely attended.

- June 10, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 6.
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     Mrs. John T. Early, mother of ex-Alderman H. R. Early, of Fort Worth, died at her home in this city at 8:30 last night. The funeral takes place at the First Christian Church at 4 o'clock to-day. Mr. Early's friend in this city will be pained to learn of his affliction. His regard for his mother was very marked, and he has been at her bedside for several weeks, doing everything that filial affection could suggest to alleviate her sufferings. Quite a number of Fort Worth people came to Dallas to attend the funeral this morning.

- June 13, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 1.
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DIED -- The remains of Mrs. Katy Cunningham, who died this morning at 2 o'clock at Van Alstyne, will arrive on the 6 o'clock train this evening. The funeral will take place from the home of her mother, Mrs. Elliott, on San Jacinto street, at 6:30 o'clock and the interment will be made in the Trinity Cemetery.

- June 15, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2-3.
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Commissioners' Court.

     The commissioners are still busy with their work of equalization.
     The commissioners' court adopted the following resolutions on the death of Col. Keller:
     Whereas, the Hon. W. J. Keller departed this life at his home in the city of Dallas on the 9th instant, and
     Whereas, Col. Keller was, for two terms, an honored member of the commissioners' court of Dallas county; therefore
     Be it resolved by the commissioners' court of Dallas county, that it was with the deepest regret we learned of the death of one, who. in life, had ever been a true, loyal citizen and in public and private life, reflected honor upon the country in which he lived, ever lending his energies toward the welfare of its citizens and the advancement of the county's material prosperity.
     Be it further resolved, that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the court, that a copy be furnished the bereaved family, who have our heartfelt sympathy in their great affliction, and that a copy be furnished to the press of the city.

- June 16, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
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     Mrs. Emma R.[?] Wilmut, wife of Charles Wilmut. Funeral service will take place at residence, No. 817 Ross avenue, June 17, 3 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances invited.

- June 16, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 1.
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His Body Was Found in the River Near
Gouldsboro, La., this Morning -- Identi-
fied by an Elks' Card and Letters -- His
Relatives Wired the News.

     Major George W. Turnbull is dead. His body was found in the river, at Goldsboro, near New Orleans this morning.
     An Elks membership card in the Dallas lodge and mail addressed to George W. Turnbull, Dallas, Texas, served identify the remains.
     Dave Webb, secretary of the elks lodger, received a telegram announcing the discovery of the body and Messrs. Hodge and Douglas wired for additional information. the answer came from the coroner of Jefferson parish, La., that the body of George W. Turnbull was in his charge. The gentlemen sent a telegram ordering the coroner to have the body embalmed and to await instructions. His family at Waco were wired the sad news.
     For sixty years, George W. Turnbull lived an upright life, winning the high esteem of all with whom he came in contact. He was the agent of the Kansas and Texas Coal Company; it was claimed he was short in his accounts $8000 four weeks ago, and he disappeared. He plunged into a suicide's grave, evidently preferring death to disgrace, and perhaps 'tis better so. The men who knew and admired him in his better days, deeply regret the tragic close of a career that, for sixty years, contained no blotches.

- June 22, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
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     Jesse M. Fry, a deaf mute, was run down and killed at Tenth Street Station, Oak Cliff, last night. He was 25 years old, an apple peddler, and his home was at Rodgers, Ark. His relatives have been notified.

- June 22, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
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     The funeral of Dr. J. A. Bennett will take place from the family residence, corner Juliet street and Gano avenue, to-morrow at 3 o'clock, interment at Trinity cemetery.

- June 22, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
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Crushed to Death.

     DALLAS, June 22. -- Jesse M. Fry, a deaf mute, was run over by a special train on the Dallas and Oak Cliff elevated railroad and killed. He was walking westward on the track between Tenth street and Eleventh street stations when the special approached him from behind. The whistle on the engine shrieked, but Fry could not hear it, and he walked on, unconscious of his dangerous situation.

- June 22, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
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Drank Carbolic Acid.

HUTCHINS, Tex., June 22.--Minnie, the infant daughter of William and Sallie Nix, drank carbolic acid, from which she died in two hours.

- June 22, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
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     A. C. Blair, a leading farmer of Dallas county, died at his home near Scyene, yesterday.
     The remains of George W. Turnbull have been shipped from Jefferson parish, La., to Waco for interment.

- June 23, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3-5.
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     Peter J. Treiller, of the firm of Ott & Treiller, a well-known business man of this city, died suddenly at his home on Hibernia street this morning.
     E. E. Woodson and Ben Norwood, this morning, found the body of an unknown man, 55 or 60 years of age, in Edwards' pasture, near the long bridge. There were no marks of violence upon the body. The remains are at Linskie's awaiting identification. At first, it was though that old Joe Steele was the unfortunate, but this were merely supposition. Deceased was evidently an Irish laborer, poorly dressed, and had been dead only a short time. A short mustache adorned the upper lip; the remainder of the face was cleanly shaven.

- June 24, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3.
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     John Morehead, an 18-year-old colored boy, went bathing in Exall's lake yesterday and was drowned. The body was recovered.
     C. V. Carrington, a well known young man, died Saturday evening at the residence of Dr. W. R. Wilson. The funeral took place yesterday.
     Frank Rhody died June 14 at his residence on Liberty street in this city. He had been a resident of Dallas sixteen years, was a skilled mechanic and held in high esteem by all who knew him.
     George W. Turnbull committed suicide. He was not murdered, as many surmised. After leaving Dallas, he visited the Agricultural and Mechanical College at Bryan, where his son, a promising lad, is attending school. He embraced the lad for the last time and said: "My son, go home and take care of your mother." He next visited New Orleans, where he packed his valise, put his watch and valuables in the same and shipped them to his wife at Waco. Also, a letter bidding his family farewell and announcing that he had determined to commit suicide. After mailing the letter to his family, he hastened to the river and wiped out the blot upon his hitherto untarnished career by death. Major Turnbull was a stalwart supporter of Geo. Clark for governor. He bet wildly on the election of his favorite, and lost. Politics -- and not women and whisky -- led to his downfall and a suicide's grave.

- June 26, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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     Miss Mollie Curtis, aged about 30 years, died last night at her father's, who lives at New Hope.
     A. Mr. Leath and family camped near Mesquite Saturday night. He was traveling for the benefit of his brother's health. Sunday morning, about 4 o'clock, his brother, John H. Leath, asked for a drink of water, and in less than three minutes, he was a corpse. His remains were buried in Mesquite cemetery. Their home is near Longview.

- June 27, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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     D. Cameron, an Oak Cliff fruit dealer, was killed this morning. His horse ran, throwing him from the wagon and breaking his neck. Deceased was past middle-age. Three months ago, he was thrown from his wagon and had his left arm broken.

- June 28, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 6.
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     Mrs. M. McGlynn died yesterday, aged 62. The funeral took place to-day from St. Patrick's church this morning.

- June 29, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2.
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A Fruit Vendor Dead.

DALLAS, June 29.-- D. Cameron, an Oak Cliff fruit dealer, was killed at that place. His horse ran, throwing him from the wagon and breaking his neck. Deceased was past middle age. Three months ago, he was thrown from his wagon and his left arm broken.

- June 29, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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     Phillip Wurtz, better known as "Uncle Phillip," who runs a butcher shop on Elm street, near Carter's stockyards, was suddenly seized with vertigo this morning and died an hour later.

- June 30, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2.
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     Will Thomas, who killed Will Hunter at Lancaster, was released on $1500 bond. Thomas claims that Hunter alienated the affections of his wife, or at least attempted to perform that act.

- July 17, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 1.
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Resolutions of Respect -- A Sketch of His
Life and Labors.

     The news of the death of Judge E. H. Bassett was received here this morning with surprise and regret. His illness dated back to about six weeks or two months ago, when he had a spell of sickness, on recovering from which he went to Mineral Wells. He returned to Dallas much improved to enter the famous case of Guthrie vs. Gano in the federal court. It required four weeks to try this. When it terminated Judge Bassett went to Austin to meet the faculty of the university. Here he met with an accident which resulted in the breaking of his arm. He took a severe cold and a high fever, pneumonia supervening.
     Judge Bassett's family left on the Santa Fe train this morning for Brenham, where the funeral takes place to-day.
     There was a meeting of the Dallas bar association this evening, to take action on the death of so distinguished a member. The meeting took place in Judge Tucker's room. The following committee was appointed to draft suitable resolutions and report to a meeting at 9 a. m. to-morrow: Seth Shepherd, J. M. Hurt, John L. Henry, A. T. Watts, J. D. Thomas, W. K. Homan and Robert B. Seay.
     The data for the following sketch of Judge Bassett are furnished by Mr. Robt. B. Seay, who, owing to the absence from the city of the members of the family, and his failure to find any of the deceased's old law partners may contain some slight errors.
     Judge Bassett was born in Louisiana about 63 years ago, of Roman Catholic parentage, in which faith he was brought up. He was educated at a Jesuit college, and afterwards graduated from Yale. On reaching his majority, he came to Texas and entered upon the practice of law, forming a partnership with Gen. John Sayles at Brenham, which afterwards became a famous firm, and was not dissolved until about six years ago, when Gen. Sayles and his son went to Abilene, and Judge Bassett formed a partnership with his son-in-law, E. B. Muse, and J. C. Muse, under the firm name of Muse, Bassett & Muse. This firm continued two years, when E. B. Muse went to Cameron, and Judge Bassett and J. C. Muse came to Dallas, where a year later, they effected a partnership with Robert B. Seay, under the name of Bassett, Seay & Muse. This firm continued until Judge Bassett's appointment to the post of law professor in the university.
     Since the war, Judge Bassett has been recognized by the profession as one of the most eminent lawyers in the state. He was a co-laborer with Gen. Sayles in the numerous law books issued by the latter, but his name is connected with but one work, namely, "Texas Pleading and Practice," by Sayles & Bassett.
     While he possessed a mind that stopped not short of the philosophy of the law, Judge Bassett was a modest man, and on receiving the appointment to the professorship of law, he said he was going to Virginia and take the summer course of lectures under the famous Prof. Minor, so that he would be the better prepared to discharge his duties to his class at Austin.
     It was his intention to embody in his lectures, the results of his life's study of the law, and to publish them in book form for the benefit of the legal profession of the state, and his death will be all the greater loss to the profession on this account.
     Judge Bassett was a member of the commission appointed by the governor in 1879 to codify the laws of the state, and the present "Revised Statutes of Texas" is the result of their labors.
     In January, 1878, Judge Bassett joined the Presbyterian church at Brenham, Rev. W. B. Riggs, now pastor of the Second Presbyterian church of Dallas, being pastor. During the remainder of his residence in Brenham, Judge Bassett was an active leader and Sunday school worker. When he removed to Dallas, he found the Rev. Riggs had preceded him, and he again became a member of his old pastor's church.
     Judge Bassett leaves three sons, Louis, a cattle raiser of west Texas, and Benj. H., Jr. and W. U., who are connected with the local banks; and four daughters, Mrs. E. B. Muse, Miss Hope, Miss Lucy and Miss Eulie[?].

- July 17, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
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     J. C. Ellerson died at Waxahachie yesterday morning. The remains were taken to Lancaster for interment.

- July 17, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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     Frank Zimmerman, a native of Baden-Baden, Germany, died yesterday, aged 54 years. The funeral will take place at 4:30 this afternoon, from 474 Main street, under the auspices of the Catholic Knights of America.
     The remains of Major B. H. [E. H.] Bassett arrived at Brenham yesterday on the east bound Central train, where they were met at the depot and carried to St. Peter's Episcopal church. Funeral services were held at the church at 6 p. m. and all that was mortal of one of the most learned lawyers in Texas was consigned to mother earth.

- July 18, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3
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     The funeral of A. W. Brownell, who died at Hot Springs, took place yesterday from 302 Young street.

- July 19, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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     The case of Annie Hurley vs. the Dallas Consolidated Traction Railway company is on trial. Michael Hurley, it is alleged, was run down and killed by a pair of mules pulling a street car. His widow wants $25,000 damages.

- July 19, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
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Suspended on a Telegraph Pole Be-
tween Earth and Heaven-A
Picture of the Dead

     It was Shefiff Cabell's intention to start a man to Springfield, Ill., to-day to make sure that the Bardwell desperado was Commodore Miller. This morning's mail brought a letter from Sheriff Hutson of Bardwell, as well as a photograph of the negro suspended from a pole. The sheriff, his force and the other officials at the court house, S. B. Scott, one of the jurors that tried Commodore and a dozen others identified the picture at once. All agree that it was the Texas desperado. The following is the letter from Sheriff Hutson of Bardwell:
ARDWELL, Ky., July 12,
Mr. B
EN E. CABELL, Sheriff, Dallas, Texas:
     Dear Sir-Yours of the 8th is before me, and you will please pardon me for not answering sooner, for, of course, you know something of my situation.
     Besides, I was sure you kept posted by reading the newspapers. I was interviewed here by a reporter the day I received your letter and Commodore Miller's picture. The reporter wired the Dallas papers that day giving in substance what I had to say. We all know now that the mob here killed the Texas negro. We all know that Commodore Miller, of Texas, and Seay Miller, of Springfield, was the same man. We also know that he was the man who killed the Ray girls near this place, and further know that he is too dead now to commit any more such crimes, and that you can rest easy, so far as he is concerned. The men who killed the negro are citizens of Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky and Tennessee. They formed a mob that could not have resisted in any way.
     Our people here readily recognize the pictures you sent of Commodore Miller as Seay Miller. I send you a picture of Seay Miller, but you must remember that your picture is that of a living negro, and the one I send you is that of a dead negro. Yours truly,
                                                                     J. B. S. H
UTSON, Sheriff.

- July 19, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 2.
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     John A. Gardner, charged with the murder of John P. Patton, will be taken before Judge J. M. Hurt of the circuit court of criminal appeals, on a writ of habeas corpus Saturday. On a trial for the murder of Patton, the jury stood eleven for hanging Gardner and one for hanging the jury.

- July 20, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col.1.
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     Mrs. Annie Hurley obtained a heavy judgment against the Dallas Consolidated Traction Railway yesterday in Judge Burke's court. A year ago, Mike Hurley, her husband, it is alleged, was run down and killed by a mule car. His widow retained Wooten & Kimbrough and brought suit for $25,000 damages. The jury gave the widow $3000, and her two little girls, $3000 each.

- July 21, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3-4.
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     Samuel O. Phillips, a Dallas printer, died at El Paso yesterday.
     Maxwell Milan died at Wheatland yesterday. He was a new comer from Clarksville, Tenn.
     A. Z. Rosenthal died at 4:30 yesterday afternoon. The funeral will take place at 4:30 this afternoon from his late residence, 297 Wood street.
     On July 4th, Jimmy Callus, the little son of Jerome Callus, was accidentally drowned in the lake at City Park. This morning, the father of the dead boy instituted legal proceedings against the city, claiming $5000 damages for the loss of his son. He alleges carelessness and negligence on the part of the city and its agents.

- July 27, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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     Frank Clark, aged 20 years and a negro, died suddenly yesterday at the residence of John Turley on Lamar street. He was a cocaine fiend, as well as a porter for the proprietor of a bagnio. The remains were shipped to Jefferson for interment.

July 31, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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     J. M. McClesky was found dead in a gin on Cochran's ranch yesterday. Heart disease carried him off. He was 50 year old and unmarried.

- August 1, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
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Alfred Miers, His Slayer, in the County
Jail -- There Was Great Excitement
Over the Shooting in the
Sowers Neighborhood.

     Several days ago, Sheriff Cabell received a capias from the Sheriff of Shackelford county for the arrest of Alf Miers on a charge of burglary. The Shackelford officer enclosed a letter, in which he stated that Miers had relatives in the forks of the river in this county. Tuesday, Deputy Sheriffs Bolick and Whit Webb went in search of Miers. Constable Riley Burnett, who lived in the neighborhood, told the officers that Miers had been there, but was temporarily absent, and that he would watch, and either let them know when he returned, or arrest him himself. The officers accordingly left he capias with Burnett and came home.
     At about 6 o'clock yesterday morning, Riley Burnett, accompanied by his brother, A. J. Burnett, went out to round up some mules. In passing the house of the Widow Metkin, who is a sister of Miers, they saw Miers in the horse lot, and Riley arrested him. Miers asked permission to go into the house and get some clothes before going with the officer. Riley, at first, objected, but finally consented and went into the house with Miers, noticing, as he entered, a Winchester just inside the door. Riley got between this and Miers, who fumbled around a little and grabbed a Winchester which was lying on the bed, and which Riley had not seen, and then ran out the back door. As he did so, Riley grabbed the Winchester by the door and ran out the front door. The two men met around the end of the house and fired about the same time. Miers, who shoots left-handed, caught the bullet between the knuckle and wrist of the right hand. Passing out of his hand, the bullet again struck him near the left nipple and glanced around to the back and out, without entering the hollow. Riley was shot through the lungs and expired in a short time. A. J. Burnett, seeing what had happened, ran and got his brother's Winchester and threw it down on Miers, who fell down and said he was dying, whereupon Mr. Burnett declined to shoot. Miers was held in custody until the arrival of Sheriff Cabell and Deputy Whit Webb, and brought to Dallas later in the day.
     When asked why he shot the officer, Miers stated that he did because he was too d---d careless in allowing him to go into the house.
     Miers has a mother in Shackelford county and a sister in Dallas.
     Miers stated last night to an officer that he did not care what became of him, and that if he were not hanged for the shooting of Burnett, he would suicide.
     Riley Burnett was a farmer and stockraiser and did constable work on the outside. He was regarded by everybody that knew him as a first-class man.
     Riley Burnett, who is 35 years old, leaves a wife and children. He had his life insured two months ago for $1000, in the Hartford Life and Annuity Co., represented by Billy Patterson.
     Miers is 23 years old and unmarried. This morning, he complained to Jailer Rhodes that he was suffering from his wounds, and Mr. Rhodes sent for a doctor.
     Warrant was issued from Justice Lauderdale's court this morning against Alf Miers, charging him with the murder of Burnett, and against George W. Metkins as an accessory. Metkin, who is a brother-in-law of Miers, loaded the guns when he saw Burnett arrest Miers. Metkin is also in jail.

- August 3, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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     Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Coffee, of 495 San Jacinto street, lost an infant son yesterday.
     Mrs. J. D. Aldredge died at her residence, 111 Cabell street, at 2:25 this afternoon. Funeral from residence to-morrow.

- August 3, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
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     The funeral of Riley Burnett took place yesterday from the family residence near Sowers. The attendance was large. Sheriff Cabell and a number of Dallasites were present.
ted since.

- August 4, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 6.
- o o o -




Last Evening -- Officers Elected for the
Ensuing Year -- Lancaster Selected
as the Place of Meeting for
Next Year.

Special Correspondence.
ARMERS' BRANCH, Aug. 4. -- The nineteenth annual reunion of the Dallas County Pioneer association began at Farmers' Branch Wednesday morning and closed last evening.
     The following was the programme carried out:
     Announcement of the deaths during the year, by the president.
     The deaths during the year, so far as reported, have been Calaway Patrick, J. I. Statton, Mrs. Caroline Fisher (nee Beeman), George W. Glover; William Flemming, Mrs. Henrietta Tennison (nee McDermitt), and Thomas C. Williams.

- August 4, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1-2.
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     W. H. Sibley, assistant superintendent of construction on the government building, died at his home in this city last night. The remains were shipped to Washington, D. C., for interment. Deceased was on the shady side of life and leaves a family at the national capital, his old home. He had been ill only a short time.

- August 5, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 2.
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     The remains of W. H. Sibley were shipped to Washington yesterday morning. The dead man was a veteran of the Mexican war and a former resident of El Paso, this state.
     Mrs. E. S. Sutton died at her residence on Ross avenue and Summit streets yesterday morning. The funeral took place at 10 o'clock this morning from the church on McKinney and Harwood.

- August 7, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
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     Died August 7, 1893, at the residence of his parents, corner Cadiz and Portland streets, at 11:30 a. m., Bennie N., only and beloved son of B. N. and Mary A. McCarty, aged 22 years. Due notice of funeral will be given.

- August 7, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
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     Sarah Van Hoeser, wife of Adelbert J. Howard, died in Dallas yesterday, aged 29 years. /the deceased has lived in this city since early childhood and her many graces of character and Christian fortitude exhibited during months of suffering has endeared her to many friends. A husband and child are left desolate. -- Fort Worth Gazette.

- August 8, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3-4.
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     Charles Crow died of paralysis at 107 1/2 Central avenue last night.
     Charlie Crow, a well-known character around the Union depot, died this morning at 10:30 o'clock after a short illness. Charlie, though partially paralyzed, was of a self-supporting mind, and asked aid from no one, so long as he could labor. He was about 35 years old and was born near Little Rock, Ark.

- August 9, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 4.
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     The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill, of 211 Germania street, died this forenoon.
     An unknown man was found dead on the Missouri, Kansas and Texas track, four miles south of the city last night. The company furnished an engine and car this morning and Undertaker Linskie went out there. The man had died from natural causes. He was about 55 years old, poorly dressed and had a full beard. A pistol, a knife, a pipe and a small bundle of clothing were found on the person of the deceased. His shoes were broken and no valuables were found upon him. He was evidently a professional wanderer, and fell asleep on the roadside and was awakened in that other country. Undertaker Linskie gave the remains a Christian burial.

- August 10, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1-2.
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     R. Blumberg of Corsicana, died at 125 Ross avenue last night.
     Miss Tillie M. Stewart, formerly of Godfrey, Ill, but more recently of Dallas, died suddenly last Wednesday morning, after a short illness, at the residence of Mrs. D. F. Gay, corner of Crutchfield street and Fishers Lane. The remains were taken to the former home of the deceased for interment. The relatives of the young lady desire to express their gratitude for the many kindnesses of friends.

- August 11, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
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     R. Bloonberg, who died Thursday evening, was buried yesterday evening by the Queen City lodge K. of H. Mr. Bloonberg recently came to Dallas from Corsicana. He leaves a wife.

- August 12, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2
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Sad Termination of a Life That in Youth
Gave Great Promise-Wrecked by
Intemperance-The Facts
in the Case.

     Dr. Glenn A. Fenton is dead. At an early hour this morning, an early visitor to his apartments discovered the lifeless remains of Fenton lying on the floor. Justice James W. Skelton was notified and returned a verdict that death was caused by excessive use of whisky and cocaine. The friends of the dead physician took charge of the body and will arrange for the funeral.
     Dr. Glenn A. Fenton was about 45 years old and a member of a wealthy and influential family of Baltimore. He was educated in the best schools of the United States and Europe and was, for a number of years, a surgeon in the United States navy. He was a man of engaging manners, brilliant address and a fine physician, but whisky was his besetting sin. He came to Dallas eight or ten years ago and when he kept sober, was remarkably successful. For several years past, he has been the abject slave of drink, and at times, it was necessary to deprive him of his liberty to prevent the unfortunate man from sinking into the gutter. He visited Dwight a year ago and took the gold cure. For several months, he was sober and a gentleman. Finally, he broke over again and last night closed his last debauch. Dr. Fenton was his own worst enemy. He never harmed a human being, was of a kindly nature and as generous as a prince. He received regular remittances from his relatives, and all that human power could do to save him from a drunkard's grave proved futile. A life that might have been useful, a career that might have been glorious, closed in the dark. He died alone, and perhaps 'twas better so.

- August 14, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 1
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     The remains of Dr. Glenn A. Fenton will be shipped to Baltimore for interment by order of his brother-in-law, F. Henry Bobbs, a prominent business man of that city.

- August 15, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
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Fell On the Sidewalk and Died Without
a Struggle.

     John Wagner, an old German resident of Dallas, who, for years past, has kept a little repair shop on Swiss avenue, near the Union depot, died suddenly at 8 o'clock this morning on Elm street. John visited a butcher ship in the vicinity of his humble home at 7:30 and obtained something to eat. He also borrowed 20 cents from the proprietor. He left the market and entered a saloon, where he swallowed a mug of beer and then started for his shop. A negro named Jenks was in his rear. The negro says the old man stopped suddenly, pressed his hands to his heart and dropped dead.
     Justice Skelton was notified and inquested the remains. He returned a verdict in accordance with the facts. Heart disease was the cause of his death.
     John Wagner was 65 years old, had been a resident of Dallas 20 years, and was almost alone in the world. If he has relatives in Dallas, a reporter of the T
IMES HERALD was unable to locate them.
     The tools and stock in the little old cabinet shop will be sold to defray the expenses of the funeral.

- August 17, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3-4.
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     The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tanner was buried yesterday at Cochran's chapel.
     The Woodmen of the World will unveil a monument to the late Frank Zimmerman, who was a member of the order, at the Catholic cemetery next Sunday at 3 p. m.

- August 18, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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     The Woodmen of the World of Dallas will unveil a monument erected in memory of their comrade, the late Frank Zimmerman, in the Catholic cemetery to-morrow afternoon. All Woodmen are requested to be in attendance.

- August 19, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3-4.
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A Grand Army Veteran Dies Saturday

     "Old Joe" Steele will be missed from his haunts hereafter. "Old Joe" was an Irishman, a veteran of the late war, having served in the Federal army, and was a Federal pensioner. He was about 60 years old and earned a precarious subsistence by doing odd jobs about the city.
     "Old Joe" and Joe Opishe, a Frenchman, roomed together at William Rayfield's on McKinney avenue. At 8 o'clock Saturday night, "Old Joe" was prostrate by a sudden attack of illness and Joe Opishe ran for a physician. When the messenger and physician returned to the house, the old pensioner was dead. Justice Skelton returned a verdict in accordance with the facts and the Grand Army of the Republic took charge of the remains and gave their dead comrade-in-arms a Christian burial.

- August 21, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
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     Mrs. P. L. Burney died this morning at 8:30 o'clock. Funeral services to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock at residence, west of Eighth ward school house.
     The monument to Frank Zimmerman, in the Catholic cemetery, was unveiled yesterday afternoon by the Woodmen of the World. Frank Zimmerman was for years, a member of the Dallas fire department. He was a Prussian by birth, and for many years of his life, was a sailor.

- August 21, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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     A resident of West Dallas, T. Johnson, died this morning.

- August 22, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1-2.
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     The funeral of Georgie Desmond, the youngest son of Mrs. Belle J. Desmond, will take place from 115 William street at 5 o'clock this afternoon.

- August 24, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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     The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen, 178 Cantegral street, died yesterday. Funeral this evening at 4 o'clock.

- August 26, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 1-2.
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     Mrs. T. G. O'Reilly died suddenly last night at her home on Ross avenue. The funeral took place at 11 o'clock this morning from the Sacred Heart church. A husband and a large family of children mourn the loss of one who was a devoted wife and loving mother.

- August 30, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
- o o o -

[No Heading]

     One of the attendants at the deathbed of Capt. Lemmon last night, speaking of it this morning, said he never saw a more peaceful death in all his life. For some weeks past, death was anticipated, and the great fear on the captain's mind was that he would perhaps choke, as he had suffered several hemorrhages, but when it came, there was not a percepitble tremor, but as an infant falls asleep in its mother's arms, he "folded the drapery of his couch around him and lay down to pleasant dreams."

- September 5, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
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     There will be a special communication of Tannehill lodge No. 52, A. F. & A. M., to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock sharp, for the purpose of attending the burial of our deceased brother, M. M. Leeper.


- September 5, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
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[No Heading]

     M. M. Leeper, and old and well-known conductor on the H. & T. C. railroad, died at Lancaster this morning. He will be buried in the city with Masonic services to-morrow.

- September 5, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 6.
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One of Dallas' Land Marks Laid Away.
His Educational Work.

     The death of Capt. W. H. Lemmon, at his residence on Cole avenue, which took place last night at 8:30 o'clock, closes the career of one of Dallas' most successful and honorable business men. He had suffered from a lingering illness of long duration, and was 53 years and 6 months old. He was a native of Polk county, Mo., and after serving through the war as captain in Price's division, located in Dallas, where he commenced the North Dallas college, which was for a long time under his management, and was a flourishing educational institution, from which Judge Nash, Judge West, and a number of other gentlemen graduated, who have since distinguished themselves in other departments of life. Capt. Lemmon closed his educational efforts in 1870 and accepted a position as traveling agent for D. M. Osborne & Col., his health demanding a change of avocation, and in 1875, he formed a connection with Senator Bowser in the machinery business, changing this in 1885 for the real estate business. He was a faithful, conscientious member of the Christian church, and was ever active in those works which sprung out of a heart filled with love for him who gave his life as a ransom for mercy.
     The funeral will take place from the Central Christian church at 10 a. m. to-morrow and proceed to Trinity cemetery.

- September 5, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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     Mrs. M. J. Wilcox died last evening at her residence, 340 Wood street.

- September 5, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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Burial of Capt. Lemmon.

     The funeral of Capt. W. H. Lemmon took place from the Central Christian church and proceeded to Trinity cemetery.  It was Capt. Lemmon's request that at the grave, the minister announce that if any one present desired to make any remarks, they would be given an opportunity to do so.  The request being carried out by Rev. Mr. Wright, pastor of the church, short eulogistic addresses were made by Gen. Cabell,  Judge Coombes, J. J. Collins, J. M. Howell, Mrs. O. P. Bowser and others. The funeral was largely attended.

- September 6, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
- o o o -

[No Heading]

     Mrs. Loftus, mention of whom was made in the TIMES HERALD on Monday, died Tueday morning at 4 o'clock.

- September 6, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 6.
- o o o -

Funeral of M. M. Leeper.

     Mr. M. M. Leeper, the well known H. and T. C. conductor, who died at Lancaster yesterday morning, was buried here to-day by the Masonic fraternity.

- September 6, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 6.
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     It is gratifying to know that the late Major W. H. Lemmon had a policy for $35,000 on his life and in a company so solid and proverbially prompt as the Equitable Life Assurance society of New York.

- September 8, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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     Mrs. Youngblood of 119 Masten street, died yesterday and was buried this morning. She had been a sufferer from consumption for some time past, and her death was not unexpected.
     An infant son of J. E. Pratn [?], five months old, was buried yesterday.
     The little 10-year-old son of Mrs. Mollie G. Meed of 472 Corinth street, died yesterday and was embalmed and shipped to McGregor for interment this morning.
     J. R. Kirkland died at his residence on Holmes street, in South Dallas, Saturday morning, and was buried the same day at 4 o'clock. Mr. Kirkland is well known in Dallas, having been a citizen here for ten years past, and has many friends who will regret his demise. He was an earnest and faithful man, and will be missed in his family circle, to which he was endeared by many close and binding ties. He was buried by the lodge of the Knights of Honor, of which he was a zealous member.

September 11, 1893, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
- o o o -


     M. D. Gracy appointed administrators of estate of W. P. Pollard, deceased.
     Martin Bolling appointed administrator of the estate of Henry Bultinger, deceased; bond fixed at $10,000.
     Application of Scottish-American Mortgage company for sale of land in the estate of Fred Simon, deceased; granted.
     John J. McMahon was appointed administrator in the estate of Miles McMahon, deceased; bond fixed at $12,000.

- September 11, 1893, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
- o o o -


    Kansas and Texas coal company vs. George W. Turnbull; death of defendant suggested and cause continued to make his legal representatives parties defendant.
     Ben N. Bryant vs. Bower & Lemmon; plaintiff dismisses as to W. H. Lemmon, now dead, and has judgment by default against the firm of Bowser & Lemmon and O. P. Bowser for amount of note sued on.
     A. W. Stearns vs. Bowser & Lemmon; death of W. H. Lemmon suggested and cause continued to make his legal representative parties defendant.

- September 13, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8.
- o o o -



      George E. Wallace, executor of the estate of J. S. Wallace, deceased, vs. N. F. Pace; debt.

- September 14, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
- o o o -


     C. E. Bussey was in the city from Lancaster late yesterday, to secure a coffin for Gracie Ballinger, a little ten-year old girl who died yesterday from diphtheria.
     Mrs. T. Harris, an elderly lady, who resided at 631 Swiss avenue, died this morning from cancer of the stomach, and will be buried to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock.

     Mrs. Frederick Harris died this morning at 6 o'clock. The funeral will take place to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock from the family residence, 631 Swiss avenue. Friends of the family are invited to attend.

- September 15, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1-2.
- o o o -


     Estate of James H. Holloway, deceased; sale of three head of cattle ordered.


     May A. Stephenson et al vs. W. D. Wylie et al.; death of W. J. Kellar suggested and cause continued to make his legal representatives parties.

- September 15, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
- o o o -




A Deadhead Killed, Travel Obstructed
and Some Groceries Mixed Up.
The Inquest Held by
Justice Skelton.

     As stated in the TIMES HERALD yesterday, Justice Skelton went to White Rock creek bridge to inquest the remains of the man who was killed in the wreck of westbound freight No. 15, engine 206, on the Texas and Pacific. In one of the pockets of the deceased was found a certificate of membership in the Knights of Labor, numbered 1196. It gave his name as R. J. Champion of Yantis, Wood county, Texas. The deceased was a tall man, about 38 years old, with a light mustache and dressed rather shabbily. On his person were found papers which would indicate that he was engaged in manufacturing some kind of soap. The justice's verdict was in accordance with the facts, and the remains of the deceased, who was supposed to be stealing a ride when he met his death, were turned over to Undertaker Linskie for interment.
     Engineer M. Gilmer states that the accident resulted from a kink in the track at the approach to the bridge, which cause the fourth car from the engine to jump the track. This car, by dragging on the bridge, which was 100 feet long, tore it to pieces. The engine and the foremost cars passed over safely, but fourteen cars were dumped into the bed of the creek, which was eighteen feet below the level of the bridge. A dozen of the cars were piled on top of one another, filling up the creek. M. Gilmer had his ankle sprained, L. T. Love, one of the brakemen, also suffered a severe sprain of one of his ankles, but the conductor, W. N. Davis, was uninjured. Brakeman Love says he stuck to the train until he saw it piling up in the creek and he then jumped off, in doing which he observed a man falling from the track. The next moment, a car which was laden with lumber, rolled over on the man, crushing the life out of him. The remains of the man had been taken out from under the car by the time Justice Skelton arrived.
     A wrecking train went to work at once clearing away the wrecked cars. It is thought that the bridge will not be rebuilt sufficiently for trains to pass over it before the evening. Until then, it is said that the Texas and Pacific passenger trains will be dispatched over the Missouri, Kansas and Texas via Greenville and Mineola. Among the wrecked cars were a car load of sugar, a car load of soda and a car load of lumber. Most of the cars was destined for Dallas.

- September 16, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
- o o o -




Sherman, Alias "Tick" Lawrence the
Assassin-Something of the Vic-
tim and His Slayer-Law-
rence at Large.


     At 8:30 o'clock last night, the sharp report of a pistol was heard on Trinity street in the neighborhood of Canton. A moment later, a crowd had collected, drawn thither by a crack of the pistol and the excited exclamations of a party of negroes in the weeds which fringe the sidewalk. The first persons to arrive found the dead body of Mason Miller, a white man. He had been shot through the brain and death was instantaneous. The police were summoned and also an undertaker. A negro bystander who was asked who did the shooting, replied:
     "Tick Lawrence, the negro who killed Ed Jackson near the brewery two years ago. His name is Sherman Lawrence, but the colored people call him Tick Lawrence."
     When a T
IMES HERALD representative arrived on the ground, Assistant Chief of Police Cornwell, Sheriff Cabell, and a half dozen police officers had already arrived and set about to apprehend the assassin. On the person of Miller was discovered a pistol. The weapon was taken from an inner pocket and could not have been exposed during the affray. The pistol was turned over to the station-keeper and the body moved to an undertaker's establishment.
     W. D. Black was in the company of Miller when he was slain. At the police station, he gave the following version of the killing to a representative of the T
     "We had been together all day and we went to Mrs. Neachman, from whom he wanted to buy an express wagon. After leaving Mrs. Neachman's, Miller said he wanted to go by Housaman's to find out if he wanted some wood. We were afoot, and I was walking a little ahead of him. When we got there (pointing to where Miller lay), we met two negroes and two negresses. One of the negroes said something. He was talking to both of us, I guessed, and I turned around and looked back. Miller said something in reply to the negro, but I didn't understand it, and then I saw the negro raise his hand right in Miller's face, saying, "This is my record," and fired. After the shot was fire, one of the negroes and the two negresses went in the direction we had come, and the other negro went south toward the brewery."
     Frank Marr, a tall mulatto, who was with Lawrence, appeared voluntarily at police headquarters and made the following statement:
     "Lawrence worked at the brewery (where I also work) unloading cars to-day, and he was going to supper with me. My wife and sister were walking with us. When we met the two gentlemen, the one who was killed said something to Tick, the name we call Lawrence by, and I saw Tick reach for his gun. I dropped a piece of ice I was carrying and tried to get to Tick. I said to him, 'Tick, stop,' but he got his gun out before I could get to him, and as he raised it, I turned away, because I didn't want to see a man killed."
     Marr was questioned by the reporter with regard to the remarks made by Lawrence just prior to the shooting. He said the white man was standing in the weeds and Lawrence was carrying a baby. The white man remarked:
     "Don't be so d---d gay."
     Lawrence dropped the child and pulled his pistol. He gave angry expression to this feelings, but Marr could not catch his exact words.
     Miller was 30 years old and a widower. Two children survive him. He came to Dallas from Tennessee two years ago and had been hauling wood for his brother, who keeps a yard in this city.
     Lawrence is 24 years old, a laborer, and unmarried. He is a coal-black negro, 5 feet, 9 inches tall, will weigh 160 pounds, and as he has two "notches" on the stock of his pistol, may be classed as a "bad man."
     Sheriff Cabell and his deputies and the police officers were on the scout for the killer all night. This morning, a slight clue was obtained as to his whereabouts, it is understood. The officers are out of the city in pursuit of Lawrence, but the chances are that he is in hiding in the brush and will be assisted out of the county by his friends.
     A justice inquested the remains of Miller and returned a verdict in accordance with the facts.

- September 21, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1-2.
- o o o -




Tick Has a Hard Name and a Worse Dis-
position-Miller Killed John Col-
lier, His Brother-in-Law and
Did "Time" For it.

     Sherman, alias "Tick" Lawrence, the negro who killed Mason Miller, a white man, on Trinity street Wednesday night, particulars of which event appeared in yesterday's TIMES HERALD, it appears is a bad man. Police Officer Robert Cornwell to a TIMES HERALD representative, said: "Tick Lawrence is one of the most desperate and treacherous negroes in Texas. He will not say very much in front of you, but will slip behind you and stick a knife in you, or get the drop on you with a pistol. Two years ago, he had a little falling out with Ed Jackson at the brewery over a game of craps, and Jackson went away thinking the trouble was ended, but Tick stealthily slipped up behind him and cut his throat from ear to ear with a razor. Tick's friends swore him out of this. A little later, Tick, without provocation, assaulted a man and his wife on the street in Oak Cliff one dark night, seriously stabbing both of them. He is continually in some sort of trouble of his own making, much of which is perhaps brought on by his drinking habits. A week ago last Sunday, Dick Beard locked him up for drunkenness.
     "Tick's mother, who lives on Commerce street, married a white man, and for all I know to the contrary, is still living with him in violation of the law. I know she did live with him a long time. And, to show what little respect Tick has for the Scriptural injunction to 'honor thy parents' that thy days may be long in the land', etc., I will state that several months ago, he stole a fine gold watch from his pale face stepfather, who came to me and wanted to know if I could not frighten Tick into giving up the time piece. He said he did not with to prosecute him for the sake of the family name. Tick had a weakness for stealing watches and clocks, and it was from this prominent impulse of his character that he derived his nickname.
     Mason Miller, Tick's last victim, had a record himself. Several years ago, he killed John Collier, his brother-in-law, at Eagle Ford, and was sent to the penitentiary for the crime. He has been out of the penitentiary only a short time.
     While Miller had a pistol on him when he was kiled, it does not appear that he even knew his slayer. The facts, so far as they can be ascertained, rather show that Tick was out for a killling, and Miller happened to be the first man he came across after his blood got to the proper degree of heat.

- September 22, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
- o o o -


     Mrs. Fred Apple died at 1 p. m. to-day. Funeral to-morrow evening from her home, 121 Thompson street.

- September 25, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 1.
- o o o -


     Mrs. Maggie Martin, wife of Rev. J. N. Martin, of Mesquite, died at Louisville yesterday. The body was shipped to Mesquite for burial.
     Memorial services were held at the Bethel M. E. church yesterday, in memory of the late F. K. Chase, the colored lawyer and politician. The attendance was large.
     Died, on the 21st inst. at No. 139 Pennsylvania avenue, Dallas, Texas, Roland Adoue Simpson, aged 3 years, 4 months and two days, son of Thomas M. and Clemence Maguon Simpson. New Orleans and Houston papers please notice.

- September 25, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
- o o o -


List of the Persons He Wished to Give
Them to.

     Henry Miller, who was executed in the county jail eight weeks ago, had his photograph taken just before he was hanged, and he requested Sheriff Cabell to see that each of the following persons got one of his pictures. His brother, Sam Miller, his wife and sister, W. A. Shaw, W. F. Tanner, J. H. Tanner, Dick Winfrey, S. A. Rhodes, W. R. Moreland, Ben Cabell and Dave Davis.

- September 26, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3-4.
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Loss of Property Made Him Despondent.
He Killed a Man Years Ago
In Brownwood - Some of
His Antecedents.

     Dan Lindsay is dead. Last night, at the home of William A. J. Mitchell, near Sowers postoffice, he swallowed a large dose of morphine and laid himself down to die. This morning it was discovered that the spirit had deserted its earthly tenement and had taken its flight to that other world during the night.
     Some weeks ago, Lindsey figured in a sensational cutting scrape in this city. He was found in an outhouse, the blood gushing from a ghastly wound in his throat. It was at first surmised that he had been the victim of a garroter, bent on murder and robbery, but later it transpired that in a fit of despondency, superinduced by loss of property and too free indulgence in liquor, he had attempted to commit suicide. The wound was not mortal. Lindsey was taken in charge by friends and it was hoped that he would forget his troubles and reason would resume its sway. A suicidal mania had seized hold of the unfortunate man, however, and he is sleeping in the sleep that knows no awakening, in the grave of a suicide.
     Dan Lindsay came to Dallas in 1870, from Tennessee, and was known to all the older residents of the city. He first drove a milk wagon, afterwards became a trader, and in the course of a few years, became known as a daring trader and heavy stock dealer. He afterwards removed to Brownwood where he accumulated considerable property. During his residence there, he became involved in a row and killed a man. A vexatious trial followed, and when cleared of the charge, he disposed of his property at a great sacrifice and located elsewhere. Two or three months ago, he came to Dallas. Loss of property embittered him and he became morose. From a genial and open-hearted man of the world, he was transformed into a different being. He sought to drown his sorrows in the flowing bowl, and then the grave of the self-slain yawned to receive him.
     Lindsay was about 45 years old and had been twice married. By his second wife, he had one child who, with its mother, survives him.
Robert Selvedge, father-in-law of the suicide, says it could not have been financial troubles that unsettled the mind of Lindsay. He left his widow $4000 in cash and $2000 in secured notes, besides other property.

- September 26, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
- o o o -


Congestion of the Brain the Cause of
His Demise.

     Edgar Wilmans, a well-known printer and bright young reporter, died at the residence of his parents on Caruth street at an early hour this morning. He had been ill for six or eight weeks with a complication of disorders. Congestion of the brain, the attending physicians declare, caused his death. Funeral from the residence of his father, C. I. Wilmans, 166 Caruth street, at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
     Edgar Willmans was born at Olney, Ill., in 1868, and came to Dallas in 1881 with his parents and brothers. His father and brothers are printers, and young Wilmans learned the same trade and was associated with his relatives in the job printing business in this city for several years. He was an active member of Typographical Union No. 173, and was held in high esteem by his craftsmen, as well as a large acquaintance.

- September 28, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 2.
- o o o -


     The funeral of Edgar Wilmans took place at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon and was largely attended.

- September 29, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
- o o o -


A Jury Awards Him $1750 For the Loss
of His Child.

     A year or more ago, the little daughter of Josef Baumgartner, a saloon keeper, doing business at the corner of Main and Preston streets, was run down by an electric car on the Dallas Consolidated Traction railway and instantly killed. The father brought suit for $10,000 damages for the loss of his child, alleging, among other things, culpable negligence on the part of the motorman. A jury in the Fourteenth judicial district court, Judge R. E. Burke, presiding, to-day returned a verdict in favor of Baumgartner and awarded him $1750 for the loss of his child.

- September 29, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 2.
- o o o -


     Minnie Rooney, a well known variety actress, is dying at her home in this city.

- September 30, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 4.
- o o o -


An Old Confederate and ex-City Marshal
in the Poor House.

     T. W. Campbell, a veteran of the Confederate army and marshal of this city in 1872, is dying in the hospital ward at the county farm, and in all probability, will fill a pauper's grave when the breath of life leaves the worn out and aged frame. It is a glorious thing to be a pioneer in a new land, to fight heroically for one's country and, at 84, die a pauper and to fill a pauper's grave.
     Mrs. Campbell, who is 75 years old, is also an inmate of the poor house. She is a helpless paralytic.

- October 2, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 1.
- o o o -




A Telegram Brings the News to Her Hus-
band and Mother, Who Will Go to
Greenville for the Bodies
this Evening.

     Richard Wilcox, a barber employed in the shop at 526 Elm street, received a telegram at noon bearing the intelligence that his wife and 7-year-old son were killed by lightning in Greenville this morning. Mrs. Wilcox and her son were visiting in Greenville. Mr. Wilcox and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Whitley, who is feeble from extreme old age, and who lives upstairs at 592 Elm street, will take the Missouri, Kansas and Texas train this evening for Greenville.

- October 2, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 6.
- o o o -


     Mrs. Marana Straus died at Trenton, Texas, yesterday. She was 78 years old. The remains will be interred here.

- October 3, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
- o o o -




Victim of a Gin Accident -- Planter Ax
Killed by a Cotton Bale Falling
on Him -- Heavy Trade in Cotton.

Special to the TIMES HERALD.
LANO, Texas, Oct. 9. -- There was an affray on the streets Saturday between William Cain and John Miller. Miller got the worst of it. Later in the day, the men met in a saloon and renewed the quarrel. Miller drew his gun and fired threes shots at Cain. No damage done.
     Mr. Coats, who had his arm cut off in a gin at Allen a few days ago, died Saturday night and was buried here yesterday.
     Mr. Ax [Axe?], of Garland, while on his way here with cotton Saturday, had one bale to fall off on him at Spring Creek. When discovered, he was in a dying condition. He was brought to Plano, but lived only a short while.
     Plano pays the highest price for cotton and cotton seed, consequently, the streets are daily crowded with planters' wagons.

- October 9, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
- o o o -

G. W. Campbell Dead.

     G. W. Campbell, a Confederate veteran and ex-city marshal of Dallas, died at the poor farm at Hutchins Saturday, and was buried in Potter's field.

- October 9, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
- o o o -


A Life Insurance Company That Ignores

     The Hartford Life and Annuity Insurance company, one of the oldest companies doing business in Texas, does not contest legitimate claims, but pays them, even though there may be a technical error. The following letter explains itself:
ARTFORD, Conn.., Oct. 9, 1893, -- Mr. W. H. Patterson, State Agent Hartford Life Insurance company, Dallas, Tex.: Dear Sir -- I am, to-day, in receipt of $1000, the amount of policy held by my late husband, William Riley Burnette, for which please accept my thanks; and I wish you also to express my gratitude to your company. He had only paid $8, the first quarterly payment, with three, six and nine months in which to pay the balance. My husband, at the time he met with such a violent death, was serving in the capacity of constable of his precinct, but the office was such a small one, that he did not consider it necessary to mention it to the agent who insured his life, simply giving his occupation as farmer and cattleman. I am please to note that your company will not defeat the claims of a widow on a mere technical point.
     Thanking you for your promptness, I remain, yours very truly,
     If you will call on me or send me your age, I will save you 50 to 60 per cent on the cost of your insurance. Easiest terms given by any company.
          W. H. P
          Trust Building, Dallas, Tex.

- October 10, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
- o o o -




Found Lifeless in Her Room After a
Visit From the Police and a Request to
Be Taken to the Hospital -- Evi--
dence That She Used Cocaine.

     Mrs. Louise Felks was found dead in her bed on Ashland street, between Highland and Caroline, yesterday. She was alone, and had occupied the room only a short time.
     So far, nobody has been found that knows where she came from. She made such a racket in her room, that her neighbors complained to the police, and Officer Bob Cornwell, who went to her house, says he found her with only the most indispensable garment on and talking in a wild and delirious manner. She said she was sick and wanted to go to the hospital.
     The officer says she acted much like she was under the influence of cocaine.
     Justice Skelton viewed the body, but has not yet examined the witnesses. The body was buried by Undertaker Linskie.
     An empty morphine bottle was found in the room of the dead woman.

- October 12, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
- o o o -


     Mrs. Fannie E. Morphis died at 10:40 a. m. to-day at the home of her brother, Ben. H. Brooks, at South Park, Dallas. The funeral will take place at 10 a. m. to-morrow.

- October 13, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
- o o o -




Letters of the Dead Woman Show That
She Had Relatives at Farmer's
Branch -- What the Police Say
About the Case.

     Justice Skelton, to-day, took testimony in the inquest held over the remains of Mrs. Louise Felkel, the unfortunate woman who was found dead in her bed on Ashland street. The principal witness was Mr. Seay, who, while passing the house occupied by the woman on Monday, heard groans and went in to ascertain the cause. He found the woman apparently sick and delirious. She refused to have a doctor, but called for soda pop and ice water, which were provided for her by Mr. Seay and a charitable women who came in to minister to the patient. Mr. Seay endeavored to induce Mrs. Felkel to tell where she was from and something about her people, but without success.
     Judge Skelton says there is no doubt that deceased was a cocaine and morphine fiend, as vials and powders in the room, and her general condition and appearance abundantly demonstrated. She had three letters, all written on one sheet of paper, dated Farmers' Branch, July 16, 1893, and addressed to her at Hot Springs. The first was from J. A. Gentry to "Jennie," the second from Charlie Gilbert to "Dear Mother," and the third from Charles Y. to "Grace."
     Judge Skelton has written to Farmers' Branch, with a view of identifying the dead woman. Her dresses and wearing apparel are in the keeping of Mr. Seay, pending a reply from Farmer's Branch.
     Assistant Chief of Police Ed Cornwell says, that on complaint of the neighbors, Officer Bob Cornwell was sent to investigate the woman's condition. He found the woman full of cocaine, a condition which, according to the testimony of her neighbors, she had been in for several days. She desired the officer to take her to the hospital, but as the hoodlum wagon was in the shop for repairs, and as the officer saw nothing alarming in her symptoms, it being by no means an uncommon sight for him to see women in her condition, he did not regard her request any more than he would regard a similar request from a man drunk on whisky.

- October 13, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
- o o o -


     The 14-months'-old child of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McReynolds of Oak cliff, died this morning at an early hour. Funeral at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Mr. McReynolds is employed at the M., K. and T. freight office.

- October 16, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 2.
- o o o -


He Was a Conductor For 23 Years on
the Central.

     Thomas B. Easton, a former resident of Dallas, and for 23 years, a passenger conductor on the Houston and Texas Central railroad, died at Waco of blood poisoning last night. The body was brought to Dallas to-day, and after services at the Episcopal church on Ervay street, interment followed in Trinity cemetery.
     Easton was 53 years old. A widow and four sons survive him.

- October 19, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
- o o o -


     W. C. Venner, a well-known citizen of Forney, died at the residence of his son-in-law, Robert Vogel yesterday. He came here to attend the fair. The body was shipped to Forney last night for interment.
     Mrs. Priscilla Hearne, wife of H. R. Hearne, died at the home of Judge George N. Aldredge in this city this morning at 8:30.

- October 21, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald,
p. 5, col. 2.
- o o o -


Near His Home in East Dallas
Last Night.





The Friends of the Murdered Man In-
clined to the Former Belief -- Sketch
of Mr. Langdon's Career.
There is No Clew.

     One of the most cowardly murders ever perpetrated in the city took place at 9:30 last night, near the corner of Live Oak and Peak streets, in East Dallas. Young M. Langdon, of the firm of Langdon, Gill & Parish, wholesale lumber dealers, was the victim.
     He was down town during the evening, and at 9:15, boarded a Live Oak street car for home. He alighted from the car at the corner of Live Oak and Peak street and started to walk to his home, a few yards distant.
     He had reached the side gate and was just on the point of entering, when an unknown man confronted him. The stranager had a section of iron gas pipe in his hand, and with this formidable instrument of death, he dealt Langdon a stunning blow on the right side of the head, crushing in the skull as if it had been an eggshell. Langdon reeled and fell into the gutter.
     The assassin then jumped upon the prostrate form of his victim when T. B. Corpenning, a floor walker at Sanger Bros., jumped from the street car, not 50 yards from the scene, and yelled "murder" a the top of his voice. The assassin fled and passengers on the street car and the neighbors, who had been attracted by the alarm sounded by Corpenning, carried the dying man into the house.
    Dr. Letcher was summoned, but Langdon was beyond human aid. He lingered until 8:10 this morning, when he expired.
     Assistant Chief of Police Ed. Cornwell, Officer E. F. Gates and other mounted police, were the first officers to arrive, shortly after the commission of the crime. Sheriff Cabell was notified and requested to come at once with the bloodhounds. Officer Gates and his companions began a close investigation. They covered all the territory, riding through alleys and lanes, and continued the search until an early hour this morning. They had no description of the assassin, beyond the supposition of Mr. Corpenning, that a negro was the guilty party. Sheriff Cabell and his deputies were out all night and a close watch was kept on all outgoing trains.
     Mr. Corpenning was a passenger out on the same car with the dead man. He was standing on the rear platform and saw the man approach Langdon, coming from the west. He saw the iron bar raised and then descend upon the head of Langdon. The gentleman says it sounded like a sharp report of a pistol. He jumped from the car and yelled, "murder," and ran to the rescue of the fallen man. Mr. Corpenning inclines to the theory that the assassin was a negro or a white man with his face blacked.
     The murder has aroused the entire community, and Langdon's friends declare that he was the victim of a well-planned and cold-blooded assassination; that revenge, and not robbery, was the motive, and that a white man, and not a negro, executed the plans of the conspirators. Langdon had been involved in litigation with lumber men in East Texas. Recently, he secured a judgment for $18,000 against parties in Houston and bad blood had been engendered. It is also alleged, that threats had been made against his life. The officers are inclined to accept this theory and are working zealously to obtain a clew. Charles A. Gill and W. G. Parish, the business partners of the murdered man, are active in the search, and no expense will be spared to run the guilty parties to the earth.
     Young M. Langdon was 38 years old, and had lived nearly all his life in Texas. He came to Dallas four or five years ago, and was general manager of the lumber firm of J. H. Bemis & Co., for several years. Afterwards, he conducted the business of the Y. M. Langdon Lumber company. A year ago September, he formed a business partnership with Messrs. Gill and Parish. Before coming to Dallas, he was a member of the firm of M. B. Richardson & Co., grain dealers. He was a keen business man, very unobtrusive and was reputed to be very successful in his business ventures. A widow and two small children survive him. A brother, Dr. Langdon, a leading citizen of Springfield, Ill., has been wired the sad news. Langdon was a member of the Mystic Circle and carried $3000 insurance. He was also insured in the Equitable Life for $10,000
     Assistant Chief of Police Ed Cornwell secured the section of iron pipe with which the death blow was dealt. It is three feet in length and nearly new.
     Justice J. M. Skelton inquested the body this morning, and is taking the evidence of Mr. T. B. Corpenning, the only eye witness, this afternoon. He will return a verdict in accordance with the facts. Mr. Corpenning said to a T
IMES HERALD reporter: "I was unarmed, and it is the only time in my life that I have ever regretted not having a gun. The assassin was a man of medium height and slender build."
     Ex-Sheriff W. H. Lewis is positive that Langdon was killed by a personal enemy, or the hired assassin of a personal enemy.
     Chief of Police Arnold and his men and Sheriff Cabell and his deputies are all at work upon the case this afternoon.

- October 23, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4-5.
- o o o -




Funeral This Afternoon From the Family
Residence -- Queer Stores From East
Texas -- A Receiver's Unenvia-
ble Position.

     The mystery surrounding the tragic death of Young M. Langdon remains unsolved, but the sheriff and the chief of police, assisted by the picked men of their respective forces, are working as they have never worked before to find the motive and then locate the criminal. The robbery theory has been abandoned entirely, and a dozen slight clews are being followed and investigated for all they are worth. The officers are doing their duty and men can do no more.
     As stated in these columns yesterday, Young M. Langdon was involved in endless litigation with parties in East Texas, and it is known that a bitter feud existed between Langdon and parties whose names it is not necessary to mention. A well-known citizen said to-day:
     "Langdon had considerable trouble in East Texas in the lumber districts. He became financially embarrassed and owed considerable money to parties there. He left the workmen behind $2800 in wages, and they were sore against him. Finally, the laborers accepted 40 cents on the dollar for their claims. There are two factions there. Take the Freeman Lumber company. When Judge R. E. Burke appointed W. H. Lewis receiver of the concern, he was warned to stay away, or his life would pay the penalty. The T
IMES HERALD stated yesterday, that Langdon had secured a judgment for $18,000 against parties in Houston. it should have read Houston county, in the lumber districts. Yes, Langdon had enemies; bitter enemies."
     The funeral took place at 4 o'clock this afternoon from the family residence, Live Oak and Peak streets. Rev. Dr. A. P. Smith of the First Presbyterian church officiated. Interment followed in Oakland cemetery.

- October 24, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 6.
- o o o -




Convicted of the Killing of Jim Cason,
Dr. J. W. Goss' Case Called -- Alfred
Miers Will Be Arraigned To-
morrow Morning.

     Fait Miller shot and killed Jim Cason near Reinhardt in a quarrel, which had its origin in a dispute over a small account. He was arraigned yesterday in the criminal district court. R. E. L. Knight defended him.
     The case was given to the jury at 11 o'clock this morning and that body of men made short work of Tait. A verdict of guilty of murder in the second degree was returned and the penalty twenty years penal servitude. Tait is about thirty years old and married.
     At 11:20 o'clock this morning, [the] case of the State of Texas vs. Dr. J. W. Goss, was called. The state announced ready. Dr. Goss is a dentist at Kleburg, and he is charged with assault with intent to murder by shooting, one W. B. Dennis, at Kleburg, July 21, 1890. A bullet from the dentist's gun perforated Dennis' right hand. The defense was given until 2:30 p. m. to announce.
     To-morrow, the case of the state of Texas vs. Alfred Miers, charged with murder, will be called. Miers shot and killed Constable Riley Burnett, of Sowers, two or three months ago and has been in jail since the killing.

- October 24, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
- o o o -




The State Announces Ready at the First
Call -- The Court Room Crowded,
and Great Interest Manifested in
the Trial of the Accused.

     Riley Burnett was one of the most popular men in Sowers neighborhood, as well as constable of that precinct. Three months ago, when Alfred Miers shot him to death, the citizens were infuriated and Sheriff Cabell arrived just in time to interfere with a hanging bee, presided over by the taciturn Judge Lynch, a judge who never listens to a motion for a new trial, and from whose court no appeal has ever been taken.
     Sheriff Cabell wanted Miers for Shackelford county officers, and Constable Riley Burnett found the man at the home of a relative. He had no thought of danger, and when Miers asked permission to enter the house to get his hat, Burnett assented. Two minutes, later, the officer was dying, pierced by a ball from a Winchester.
     In falling, he fired at Miers and winged him. The wound was not serious, however. When Burnett was lying on the ground dying, he groaned and writhed. Miers said, "D--- you, can't you die like a man?" according to witnesses who were present.
     The court room was crowded this morning when the case was called. County Attorney John P Gillespie promptly announced, "The state is ready." The defense asked for time to announce.
     Confinement has told perceptibly upon young Miers. The pallor of the jail is stamped upon his face, and he has lost considerable flesh.
     His wife and mother were in court this morning. Occupying seats in a back row were the widow and four small children of the dead man. There are a large number of witnesses in the case and almost the entire population of Sowers must be in the city to-day.
     At 10:30, the defense announced ready for trial, and at 12 o'clock, when a recess was taken until 2 p.m. for dinner, only three jurors had been obtained.

- October 25, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
- o o o -


Jim Scott, Under a Ten Year's Sentence,
Gives Up the Ghost.

     Jim Scott, colored, died in the county jail last night of consumption. He had been a prisoner for many months. He was convicted of burglary and given a term of ten years in the penitentiary and the court of appeals affirmed the judgment against him a day or two before his death. Scott burglarized the Ames Iron works.

- October 26, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 2.
- o o o -


Horrible Fate of an Old Farmer
and His Son.





Bodies of the Unfortunate Victims Iden-
tified -- Narrow Escape of the Max
Family -- A Leap for Life -- In-
surance on Property.

     A fire, mysterious in its origin and startling in its tragic consequences, broke out last night in the Moss Rose saloon on Jefferson street, opposite the court house. Captain Zunnbrunn, of No. 1 engine house, was the fist to see the flames and turn in the alarm, and in less than five minutes, was before the burning building, only three blocks away. The fire made widespread progress, and before water could be brought to play upon it, dense volumes of black smoke poured from every window and crevice and soon gave way to sheets of fiery flame. Stream upon stream of water was directed against the burning building, but without apparent effect.
     The lower story was stocked with liquors and other inflammable material and burned like a powder magazine. Soon, the flames shot through the ceiling dividing the saloon from the upper floor and rose in a column of fire that swept everything before it, and burst through the roof with a roar that might have been heard blocks away. In vain, the plucky firemen braved the heat and suffocating smoke, the flames held their own, until a hole twenty feet in diameter had been burned through the building from ground floor to roof, leaving nothing behind but walls and charred sections of the second story and roof.


     While the fire was still raging fiercely, a ladder was placed against the front wall and Capt. Ryan, pipe in hand, mounted and entered one of the front windows of the second floor. His first glance into the room revealed a shocking sight. In the middle of the floor lay a man's body, flat on its back, motionless and blackened by heat and smoke. In a corner, between a bed and the wall, was another human form, on its knees in a crouching attitude, as if in prayer.
     The scene told its own story. The men roused by the heat had endeavored to escape by the stairway, but a wall of flame intercepted them. Turning back, they made for the window and fell, suffocated by the smoke and probably died before the flames reached them. Summoning assistance, Capt. Ryan quickly had the bodies lowered to the ground and conveyed to Linskie's undertaking establishment, where thousands have gazed upon them to-day.


     In the second story of the building, immediately north of the Moss Rose saloon, lived W. Max, wife and five children. Mrs. Chas. Pierce also occupied a room on the same floor. The first to notice the fire was Leah Max, a brave little girl of 12. She promptly roused the family and sprang down stairs to the front door, which is always open and unlocked. To her amazement and horror, when she tried the door, she found it locked. Fortunately, it was constructed of wood, with a glass top, beginning 2 1/2 feet from the floor.
     With admirable presence of mind, Leah smashed a hole through the glass and crept through, lacerating her flesh in a dozen places. When she got to the sidewalk, expecting to find the rest of the family behind, she was horrified to find herself alone. She tried to turn back and shout to them to hurry on, but found her way barred by columns of black smoke from the adjoining building and tongues of flame darting out like serpent's fangs. Seeing that there was no hope of escape for her by the front entrance, she ran to Capt. Zumbrum and told him a family were burning up in the building next door to the fire.
     He promptly sent men around to help them out by the rear opening, but found he had been anticipated, and that a rescuing party was already on the ground, composed of Officers Shipley and Willy, Lawyer Misenheimer and W. N. Parks of the saloon, 105 Main street. The rear yard of the last named building is at right angles to the building where Mr. Max's family were imprisoned by the fire, and forms a narrow area twelve feet long by six feed wide. The back gallery of the building is where the Max family were gathered, rending the air with their cries. The distance from the gallery to the ground was about twenty-five feet.
     William Max was the first to drop and landed without injury. His daughter, Florence, 15 years old, followed and fell into her father' arms with such force as to knock him senseless. Officers Shipley and Willey and B. G. Misenheimer caught the others, Ms. Charles Pierce, Mrs. Max and her two boys aged, respectively 10 and 6 years. They escaped without injury, but the women, when the T
IMES HERALD reporter saw them, were still suffering from the nervous shock. The two little boys were laying about as chipper as you please.


connected with the fire, is that only two lodgers had engaged rooms last night on the upper floor. Usually, the place is full. It was run by M. H. Van Deusen, and contained seven rooms, three of them furnished with beds. T. Yantes was on watch when Mr. Brown and his son went to bed. They took the light from the hall about 10 p. m., pulled off their boots and coast and piled in with their clothes on. Yantis came into their room after they were in bed, removed the light and put it out, so that there is no room for the theory that the fire started on the second floor.
     Immediately in front of their door in the hall, is a hole about three feet wide and eight feet long, burnt out of the floor, establishing the fact that the unfortunate men could not have escaped that way had they tried. It is reasonably certain that they did try, were driven back by flame and smoke, and perished from suffocation and heat.


     Sockwell and Rowland estimate their loss at $2500, insured with Groce & Spears for $1750 in the Springfield of Massachusetts for $1000,and Oakland for $750. The building was owned by W. E. Wilkins, an employe of the J. B. Watkins Land company. Loss about $5000, insured with Parks & Shumard, $1600 in German of Freeport, Ill., and $1500 in Northwestern National of Milwaukee.


Lives Lost in the Fire.

     The burning of Sockwell & Roland's saloon this morning was attended with one of those horrors that are of such frequent occurrence in Dallas. When the flames burned through the ceiling, the spectators stood aghast at the spectacle of the charred bodies of two men falling to the first floor.
     The bodies were taken from the flames as soon as possible, but they were so charred and blackened, and their clothing so nearly consumed, that they were beyond the recognition of their most intimate friends. The bodies were taken charge of by Undertaker Linskie, and at his shop, they have been viewed by hundreds of persons during the day.
     Early in the morning, a girl about sweet sixteen called and said she was horribly afraid one of them was a young man who was missing from her mother's boarding house. Mr. Linskie declined to let her see the bodies, at the same time bidding her cheer up, as he had no doubt the young man was all right.
     It was 10 o'clock before any information could be had in reference to the identity of the bodies. Justice Skelton inquested them, and from some papers found on one of them, inferred that his name was T. M. Brown, but this was all. Later on , the mystery was cleared up by the appearance at the undertaker shop of J. R. Lindsay and his wife, who identified the bodies as those of T. M. Brown and his son, W. H. Brown, father and brother of Mrs. Lindsay.
     To a T
IMES HERALD reporter, Mr. Lindsay said: "The two dead men, myself and my wife arrived in Dallas at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon in a wagon, putting up at the Star wagon yard, on West Commerce street. Mr. Brown and his son got lodging over the ill-starred saloon in which they were burned to death. I went with them to the place and saw them register. My wife and I went to East Dallas and stopped with friends. Mr. Brown told me to meet him at the wagon yard early this morning.
     "We all live at Simond's, in the eastern part of the county. We came to Dallas to trade and expected to return home this afternoon.
     "Mr. Brown sold his farm some time ago, and about three months ago, he lost his wife here in Dallas, where he had her under treatment for her eyes. Since her death, the old man has been living with his daughter, Mrs. L. H. Lavels, at Simonds. He was bout 43 or 44 years old, and his son was about 22 years old.
     "The men were not drinking men. The old man only took an occasional toddy. The young one, once in a long time, went on a little spree.
     "The bodies will be interred in Lee cemetery at Simonds, this afternoon or to-morrow."
     There was enough of the charred and blackened garments on the bodies to show that the men were sleeping in their clothes.

- October 29, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1-3.
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He Wandered From His Sick Room and
Was Overcome by the Heat -- He
Was a Dallas Cotton

     John P. Norris, a well-known and popular young cotton buyer, got up from a sick bed in his room at Mrs. Friedlander's on Wood street, between Akard and Ervay, at noon to-day, and in his delirium, walked up Wood street, attired in nothing but his night shirt and trousers.
     A short distance east of Ervay, he began to stagger, and after several efforts to keep on his feet by catching the fence, he fell. Peter Illo, a boy who was close by, went to him and asked him if he was sick, but getting no reply, he noticed the man was dead. The supposition is, that in his weak and fevered condition, the sun shining on his unprotected head was more than he could stand. A crowd gathered and the dead man was identified as John P. Norris.
     Mr. Oscar Perpere, who roomed with Mr. Norris, said that he had been sick in bed since Saturday.
     Norris was 26 or 28 years of age, a cotton buyer by occupation and in the employ of A. L. Wolf.
     He was a bachelor and has a father and mother in Galveston, who were promptly notified by wire of his death.

- October 31, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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And Bleeds Himself
Into Eternity.



Broken From a Pre-
serve Dish.


A Young Lady Friend Sent the
Dish to Parish With Some
Delicacies -- Much Ex-
citement in the

     W. G. Parish, indicted for killing Young M. Langdon, committed suicide in his cell at the county jail about 1:30 p.m.
     He cut his arm with a small piece of glass preserve dish and then cut his throat with the same instrument and bled to death.
     He drew his last breath at 1:45 o'clock this afternoon.
     The mad act was committed immediately after the dinner hour. There was nobody around but Parish and his guard, Bill Niemeyer. While the latter was marching up and down the corridor, not dreaming that Parish meditated another attempt on his life, the latter sat in a chair, apparently eating his dinner. Niemeyer is as deaf as a door post and probably, for that reason, failed to hear Parish smash a glass dish that had contained a delicacy sent him by a young lady. Parish took a fragment of the broken glass and ran it several times across his throat, inflicting a deep gash that severed the windpipe. Not content with that, he cut a gash clean across his left arm, between the wrist and elbow, severing an artery and causing profuse loss of blood.
     The first intimation that Bill Neimeyer had of what was going on, was seeing Parish drop out of his chair to the floor of his cell. The fall was so heavy that the prisoners in the lower tier of cells also heard it and were startled by it. The next minute, they heard Bill Niemeyer's cries for help and joining him in a chorus, they raised an alarm that promptly brought Jailer Rhodes to the scene.
     The sight that met him, caused even that stout heart to quail. On the floor lay Parish, weltering in blood. From his throat, the blood gurgled in a spasmodic stream, while out of his arm, the life stream ebbed slowly, but not less steadily and surely. His undershirt was stained, as if dyed in carmine, not a spot as large as a quarter, but was saturated with the red fluid. His arm and hands, trousers, in fact, everything but the top of his head, was fairly drenched with blood, and the strongest men blanched at the sight.
HE TIMES HERALD reporter was on the spot five minutes after the occurrence, and before the arrival of a physician. Parish lay on the floor speechless, not even a moan escaping his lips to indicate pain. Nearby, sat Bill Niemeyer, both he and Rhodes looking with compassion at the bleeding form before them, which they realized was marked by death. Parish lay almost motionless, and once attempted to rise, but was tenderly urged back to a recumbent position.
     In the meantime, though, two doctors had been sent for, none came. It was fully fifteen minutes between the time when the alarm was given and the arrival of Doctors Sackett and Lee, accompanied by Sheriff Cabell. It being dark, a candle was lighted, Parish was removed from his cell to the corridor, and there, Dr. Sackett knelt over him and examined his wound.
     One glance convinced him there was no hope. The wound in the arm might have been staunched, but the deep hole in the throat was beyond the reach of human skill. His extremities were even then in the chill embrace of death, and 10 minutes after the doctor's arrival, he breathed his last.
     The news spread like wildfire, and in a few minutes, the deceased's brother, E. L. Parish, of Huntsville, arrived at the jail. With considerate thoughtfulness, he was not permitted to see the body until it had been washed and encased in clean garments. The bloody vestments that held the dead man's form during his last hours were quickly removed, and when the loving brother cast his eye on the dead, he was not confronted with the sickening spectacle that had met the eyes of those who preceded him.
     The latter's grief was touching beyond expression, and among the dozen or so, usually impassive men who witnessed it, there were few that withheld a thrill of sympathy.
     The rapidity with which the new was heralded to the extreme limits of the corporate domain is amazing. Before the T
IMES-HERALD could go to press with its Extra (at 1:50 p. m.), the office telephone was besieged with calls asking confirmation of the report. These inquires came from remote points in the suburbs, as well as from the business portion, and prove how quickly the startling intelligence spread.
     The greatest interest was manifested in the occurrence, which formed the absorbing topic of conversation in all circles. business men stopped each other in the street and discussed the affair gravely, while in the resident portion of the city, household duties were set aside for the nonce, and hours devoted to absorbed recitals of details that existed only in the fervid imagination of the narrators.
     The T
IMES-HERALD extra could not be served rapidly enough to satisfy the large demand for them, and by 2:15, hundreds of them had been distributed to willing purchasers.
     Justice Skelton held an inquest and returned a verdict in accordance with the facts set forth above.
     The body was taken charge of by Undertaker Linskie, and as it was carried from the jail to a carriage to be taken to Linskie's chop, several hundred persons, who had assembled in the jail yard, stretched their necks as if they had been made of rubber, in the effort to get a glimpse of the coffin.
     The crowd attracted the attention of a couple of maniacal women in the third story, and the screams and jeers of these poor creatures lent additional horror to the scene.
     A T
IMES-HERALD reporter asked Sheriff Cabell if he desired to say anything in connection with the horror. He said that he did not. That he and the other officer had done nothing but their sworn duty in the case, and that they had turned the case over to the grand jury, and they had no desire that the testimony as developed by them should be given to the public, except upon the trial of the negro, Paris. He said he was aware that Mr. Parish's friends had said many bitter things against the officers, but that he could not help that. "At the present," he continued, "we all have the profoundest sympathy for the family of the deceased, and would spare them all the pangs we can. I assure you that it is anything but an agreeable business for us."
     The body of Mr. Parish was taken to the home of Mrs. W. A. Rodgers, 192 Masten street.

- November 20, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3-5.
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John Maguire Dies Alone from Neglect
and Exposure.

     John Maguire, a carpenter, was found dead in a small building in the rear of the Eureka steam laundry this morning. He was alone and had been dead several hours.
     Justice Skelton held an inquest this morning. The verdict of the jury was that he died from neglect and exposure. He was buried this afternoon at the city's expense.

- November 20, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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He Was a Good Confederate Soldier and
Was Buried by the Catholics.

     An error occurred in yesterday's report of John McGuire's death and funeral. Deceased was not entirely without means, neither was he buried by the city. He died possessed of plenty of money and property to bury him decently. He was a member of the Catholic church, and was buried to-day in the Catholic cemetery.
     John McGuire was a good Confederate soldier and belonged to the Seventeenth Mississippi regiment. He took part in the first battle of Bull Run, and his army record was unblemished. Gen. W. L. Cabell vouches for McGuire and asks that justice be done to the dead man's record.

- November 21, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3.
- o o o -

Leo Walters Dead.

     Leo Walters, a well known German, who has lived in Dallas for twenty years, died suddenly at his home, 417 San Jacinto street, last night.

- November 23, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, 8, col. 1.
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Leo Walter's Funeral.

     The funeral of Leo Walters, one of the oldest residents of this city, took place to-day. He had been a resident of Dallas for more than twenty-two years and was connected with the widely-known family of Nussbaumer.

- November 24, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
- o o o -


$400 Damages for Non-Delivery of a Pre-
paid Telegram.

     An interesting case was tried before the Forty-fourth district court to-day. It is entitled Barney Hale vs. the Western Union Telegraph company and embodied a claim for damages resulting from non-delivery of a telegram.
     It appears that on February 10, 1891, Allen [Hale] lay dying at Cedar Hill. In order to notify his brother, Barney Hall, of the condition of the dying man and summon him to the death bed, a telegram was sent, of which the following is a copy:
     Cedar Hill -- 10 -- 1891. -- To Barney Hale, Grand Rapids. Come at once. Allen is very bad.
     (Signed) SALIMA.
     The telegram, though prepaid, was never delivered, and Allen Hale died and was buried before his brother Barney heard of it.
     The jury, after a brief deliberation, brought in a verdict for plaintiff for $400.

- November 25, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
- o o o -

A Mother in Israel.

     On yesterday, at the home of her son, E. G. Rust, in this city, Mrs. Marinda E. Rust quietly passed away at the age of 85 years. Mrs. Rust was the mother of twelve children, the grandmother of thirty-two children and the great-grandmother of twenty-seven. Among the children surviving her are E. G. Rust, of this city, J. E. Rust, of Arkansas, A. B. Rust of Grand Prairie and Capt. E. G. Rust, of Waco, an attaché of the Baptist Standard. Mrs. Rust came of a sturdy stock, her family dating back beyond the revolution. She was a lovable woman, and her memory will be embalmed in the heat of many sorrowing ones. The funeral will take place at 10:30 to-morrow from the family home, No. 555 Ross avenue.
     "Grandma" Rust had been a widow for about thirty-two years. Her husband died during the first year of the late civil war. She had great love for her country and venerated the old flag. In the great struggle between the States, she contributed three sons to the Union cause -- J. E. rust, who joined the Twentieth Indiana Regiment and was wounded at Cold Harbor in 1864; Capt. E. G. Rust, of the Twenty-first New Jersey Regiment, who was wounded in the battle of Chancellorville; and Don B. Rust, of the Twenty-first Michigan regiment, who died in the service near Vicksburg during the siege of that city. She was an honored member of the George H. Thomas Woman's Relief Corps of this city, and one of the oldest Corps women in the South.

- November 27, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 2-3.
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[No Heading]

     At Waxahachie, Robbie, son of David and Josephine Brin, aged 12 years. Funeral will take place from M., K. and T. depot, in Dallas, at 10:30 a. m., Nov. 28.

- November 27, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
- o o o -

An Old-Timer Dead.

     William Kingon, who has run a tailor shop at 157 Main street for twenty years, died yesterday. He was a native of Ireland and was 75 years old.

- November 28, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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Child Burned to Death.

     The 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Matthews, who reside in Fairland, met with a horrible death yesterday afternoon.
     The child, in merely play, was dusting off the mantel piece in front of a grate where a fire was burning..
     Her clothes became ignited, and before aid could reach her, she was enveloped in flames, and after enduring frightful agony, died a few hours later.

- December 4, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
- o o o -


Mechanic's Lien Enforced in the Four-
teenth District Court.

     An interesting case was decided in Judge Burke's court to-day, after three days' trial. In September, 1891, Samuel Carruthers contracted with J. B. Cowan to build a store house on Commerce street, now known as the Betterton building. The contract price was $11,850, and the building was completed Dec. 21, 1891. Of this amount, Cowan only paid $2660.80, leaving a balance unpaid of $9189.20. Cowan died April 20, 1892. Carruthers brought suit to enforce his mechanic's lien, when the Security Mortgage company intervened and claimed the property under a prior mortgage on a building destroyed by fire. They claimed that insurance policies for $10,000 had been turned over to Carruthers in satisfaction of his claim, but the fact is that Carruthers never got a cent of the insurance.
     The jury, after a brief deliberation, returned a verdict for Carruthers for the full amount claimed with interest and decided that he had a lien on the building.

- December 4, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
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The Court Room Crowded With Women
and Babies -- What the State Expects
to Prove -- The Defendant Not
Ready For Trial.

     In the district criminal court Saturday, the jury in the case of Tom Vaughn, charged with assault to murder Mrs. J. L. Motley, returned a verdict of guilty of aggravated assault and fined defendant $25.
     To-day, the H. L. W. Gilcrease murder trial is on. Defendant is charged with having, on July 29, murdered W. W. Holman. A special venire has been summoned to try the case, and as there are nearly fifteen witnesses on either side, the trial will, doubtless, consume a day or two.
     The witnesses are all from the "rooral" districts, many of them females, with infants in their arms, and the court room, this morning, looked like a nursery. The homicide was committed near Riley station. Major Jerome C. Kearby represents the defendant. J. O. Davis is assisting the state in the prosecution.
     The state expects to prove that the trouble originated out of a law suit. H. L. W. Gilcrease had sued out a writ of ejectment against Pleas. Holman and failed to recover possession. On the day of the homicide, Gilcrease and his wife went to the premises of Mrs. A. Holman, mother of the deceased, and endeavored to take forcible possession. Gilcrease attempted to tear down the gate when Pleas. Holman commanded him to stop and requested his wife to bring him his gun. Pleas. Holman and Gilcrease then exchanged shots and Holman ran off. W. H. Holman, the deceased, was hiding behind a tree. Gilcrease approached him and Holman, who was a half-witted young man about 22 years of age, and unarmed, took to his heels. Gilcrease pursued him and Holman's mother cried out: "For God's sake, don't shoot." Gilcrease fired and seven or eight turkey shot entered the boy's back and he died in a few minutes.
     The case has been tried before, but the jury failed to agree.
     After the names of the witnesses were called this morning, the State announced ready for trial. The defendant announced "not ready."

- December 4, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
- o o o -

Death of Henry Hays.

     Henry Hays, of 104 St. Louis street, died yesterday from the effects of a stroke of paralysis received on last Sunday morning. Mr. Hays came here about three years ago from Louisiana, where he owned extensive landed interests. Two sons and two daughters survive him. He will be buried to-morrow night in the Jewish cemetery.

- December 9, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
- o o o -


     A special meeting will be held to-morrow, Sunday, the 10th inst., at 9 a. m., to attend the funeral of Bro. H. Haas. Prompt attendance solicited. The members of Ahavash Lodge and visiting brothers especially invited.

- December 9, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
- o o o -

Theodore Mosher Dead.

     Theodore Mosher, the foundryman and a pioneer business man of Dallas in his line, died of heart failure and dropsy at 1:15 this morning. The funeral will take place at 10:30 a. m. to-morrow from the Congregational church, corner Bryan and Harwood streets.

- December 11, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 1.
- o o o -


Tragic Mishap to a Small [Boy] Yesterday

     An unknown boy of about 13 years of age, said to reside about ten miles south of the city, while on his way home yesterday afternoon, about sun down, was thrown from his horse and knocked senseless. His companion, another small boy, galloped to town and reported the facts at the police station. The patrol wagon hastened to the scene and the unconscious boy was carried to the hospital, where Dr. Armstrong examined. He found the skull split open and crushed to a jelly. Trepluning was resorted to and pieces of the broken skull removed, but the boy never consciousness and died this morning. His parents had not called for the corpse up to 1 o'clock this morning.

- December 11, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
- o o o -

Mrs. Wewe Dead.

     The body of Mrs. Freney Wewe was shipped here from Fort worth to-day, and was interred in the Catholic cemetery.

- December 12, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
- o o o -

Death of J. K. Fergusson.

     John Knox Fergusson, son of the late Thomas K. Fergusson, died at his home, corner Fairmount avenue and Harwood street, at 10:30 this morning.

- December 12, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
- o o o -


He Killed Patsy Martin Because She Could
Not Fall in Love with Him.

     Charles Rodgers, the wild lover who, a few weeks ago, shot and killed Patsy Martin because she did not reciprocate his love, and then fired two bullets into his own anatomy in an ineffectual effort to suicide, is on trial in the criminal district court. He is a fine looking young negro and rather intelligent in appearance, although his attorney col. Bob Seay, is endeavoring to prove by doctors that when a man falls in love right, he has no sense, and that his acts ought to be passed over as those of a non compos. Col. Bob evidently wants to spoil the romance of the story by proving the negro insane.

- December 12, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
- o o o -

Morgan Swan Dead.

     Morgan Swan, of Oak cliff, died last night. He was about thirty-five years old. A widow and two children survive him. The funeral will take place at Oak Cliff this afternoon.

- December 14, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
- o o o -


Meets to Take Action on the Death of
Judge White.

     The Dallas Bar association met in Judge Burke's room of the court house at 10 a. m. to-day to take suitable action on the death of Judge Alexander White.
     The meeting was called to order by President Gano. In the absence of Secretary Spence, Mr. V. H. Hexter was elected temporary secretary.
     On motion of Judge Burke, a committee of five were appointed to draft suitable resolutions and report the same to a meeting at 10 a. m. to-morrow, as follows: George H. Plowman, Judge R. E. Burke, J. M. McCormick, Judge A. T. Watts and M. L. Dye.
     Mr. R. E. Cowart moved that the bar association, as a body, attend the funeral. Adopted.
     Mr. Plowman moved that six pall bearers be appointed. The motion was adopted, and the following were appointed: John Bookhout, W. L. Williams, R. D. Coughanour, R. E. Cowart, A. S. Lathrop and J. L. Henry.
     Adjourned to 10 a. m. to-morrow.
     The funeral took place at 3 o'clock this afternoon.

- December 14, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
- o o o -



Her Sufferings Ended at 4:30
This Morning






Blood-Flicked Foam With Rattlesnake
Odors -- Patients at the City Hospi-
tal Feel Much Safer Since
Her Death.

     Ada Watson, the unfortunate colored woman who has been lingering for the last two days in the city hospital, suffering from hydrophobia, died this morning at 4:30 o'clock. Her death was the result of terror, agony and exhaustion. The case, in its horrific details, has been fully presented in the TIMES HERALD.
     The symptoms developed from the time the woman was first bitten, removed to the hospital and died, were all identical with the scientific diagnosis given by the best medical authorities on hydrophobia.
     Last night, the patient's wild religious hallucinations continued in a semi-incoherent manner. There were occasional lapses of rationality in her utterances, until about 11 o'clock, when the agony overwhelmed all reason, and the powerful opiates that had been administered, lost their effect with marvelous rapidity, and had to be resorted to more frequently.
     The white foam that appeared on the woman's lips during the latter part of her struggles was flecked with blood and gave forth the odor of a rattlesnake when wounded.
     The whole night was a repetition of the paroxysms, she growing weaker as the hours advanced, until at 4:30, the night watch left her dead.
     For some time after death, the blood-flecked foam continued to exude from her lips.
     Owing probably to the effects of the opiates, the pain of her last hours was apparently somewhat alleviated.
     With the exception of the glassy stare of the eyes, peculiar to the dead and the foam on the lips, the corpse looks quite natural.
     The inmates of the hospital all breathed easier when Ada Watson's death was made known to them.
     Ada, dead, is a horrible looking sight. Her tongue hangs out several inches, and her face is the extreme picture of torture.
     Her husband has a superstitious fear of going near her body and will have nothing to do with her burial.
     The county will bury her in Potter's field. Dr. Armstrong says there is no danger of anybody contracting hydrophobia as a result of her having been in the hospital.

- December 15, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
- o o o -



Love Notes Betrayed a Man,
and His Rival






Mrs. Reeves Does Not Deny Writing Let-
ters to James, but She Complains
of Mistreatment by Her

     E. J. Reeves shot and killed Tom James at a dance at 778 Elm street last night.
     The shooting took place just outside the door. James staggered to the opposite side of the street and fell dead without making a statement. Reeves turned up the street and stepped into the house three doors east of where the dance was in progress, where he was immediately arrested by Police Officer Shipperly, who happened to be in the neighborhood, and was attracted by the reports of the pistol.
     Reeves was taken to the city prison, where he spent the night. He made the following statement:
     "I am a native of Louisiana and am 22 years old. I came to Dallas four years ago. About a year later, I married Ella Brown, who lived with her uncle and aunt. Shortly after this, I went to San Antonio , and from there, to Brownwood, and finally returned to Dallas. While in San Antonio and Brownwood, my wife received letters couched in the most endearing terms from Tom James. When I asked her for an explanation, she answered me that James' amatory epistles were purely gratuitous, as she had never given him any cause to thus address her, and that she had not, and would not, reply to his letters.
     "On my return to Dallas, I went to work at Ed Lanzey's restaurant, , at the Q. T. saloon, and my wife and mother got work in a shirt factory until we could save money enough for me to engage in business, which I shortly did by opening a restaurant on Elm street, near the central railroad.
     "Soon after I came back to Dallas, I met Tom James and asked why he had presumed to write to my wife. He replied that he had a letter from my wife in his coat pocket (patting the same with his hand), which would explain it.
     "I asked my wife about this. She again denied any correspondence with James. Recently, friends began to tell me that my wife was meeting James at Mrs. S. J. Tarlton's, a friend of hers, a short distance up the street. She also denied the truth of this report. Night before last, I dreamed I found a letter in the pocket of her silk dress from her to James, and when I woke up, the dream proved to be true. We had a scuffle over the letter. I got it. She begged me to forgive her and then wrote a letter to James telling him nevermore to write her or come near her, and mailed it to him.
     "Last night, I went to a dance at 778 Elm street by invitation. There, I met Tom James, who said he would kill me if I would come outside the building. I had no gun, but borrowed one and went out. He was waiting for me. I said, "How is this, Tom?" He replied by firing, the bullet going through my left hand. I commenced shooting and he ran. I don't know how many shots I fired. Somebody took the pistol from me."
     Mrs. Reeves, who was found at Mrs. Tarleton's , said she married Reeves, April 30, 1891, after a three-week's acquaintance. Tom James was a friend of hers, but the jealousy of her husband had added all the rest. She said she left her husband on account of mistreatment. She did not write a letter to James telling him not to write to her or come near her again, as her husband had stated. She expected to live with Mrs. Tarleton. She says she is 19 years old.
     Mrs. Tarleton said: "Tom James was a friend of my son, Tom McGuire, who is in jail, and he often came here to see me about him. He was my son's best witness. He was here yesterday morning, evening and night, and went from here to the dance, where he was killed. I told him he had to quit coming here so much, as I didn't want any trouble between him and Ella and Joe Reeves. I have known James for seven years. He was a good boy. He was 19 years old, I would suppose."
     James, whose remains were taken to Linskie's undertaker shop, worked at Buell & Connelly's planing mills.
     Justice Skelton inquested the remains this morning, the jury rendering a verdict in accordance with the facts as herein set forth. The chief witness was Charlie Horn, who said:
     "I went to the dance with James. When we got there, we found Reeves dancing. James spoke to Reeves. When the set was over, Reeves turned to James and said, "'come out here; I want to see you.' Both men went out the door. I followed them. As soon as they were out of the room, Reeves pulled his pistol and fired three times. James ran across the street, screamed once or twice and fell dead. James had no pistol and did not shoot. I know he was not expecting a difficulty."
     William Foss also said that he knew James had no gun. Both of these men say that Reeves must have shot himself in the hand.
     The pistol used by Reeves was a .38-caliber American Bulldog.
     T. P. James and Will James, father and brother, respectively, of Tom James, are in the employ of the city.

- December 15, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3-4.
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Resolutions Adopted by the Bar Associa-
tion in Honor of Judge White.

     A meeting of the bar association of Dallas was held at 10 o'clock this morning in Judge Burke's court room, W. B. Gano presiding and Victor H. Hexter officiating as secretary. About fifty members of the bar were present, including the judges of the various courts.
     The committee on resolutions reported as follows:
     We, the undersigned committee, appointed by the Dallas bar at a meeting held on Dec. 14, 1893, in the courtroom of the fourteenth judicial district, to prepare appropriate resolutions expressing of their sentiments and estimate of the worth and character of Judge Alexander White, who departed this life in Dallas, Texas, on Dec. 13, 1893, respectfully submit the following resolutions:
     1. Resolved, That the bar of Dallas deeply deplores the death of one of its most distinguished members; that our profession has lost a profound lawyer, the state, an eminent citizen, our country , a noted representative of national fame; literature, an intellect rich in the possession of varied and comprehensive learning; and his family, a kind, indulgent and affectionate husband and father.
     2. Resolved, That, as a lawyer, he was devoted to his profession, of untiring industry, earnest, patient, painstaking and zealous, a safe counselor and thoroughly conversant with every principle of jurisdiction. As an advocate, before his late afflictions, he had few equals and no superiors, he was impressive, logical and convincing; as a legislator in the halls of congress, he never failed to command rapt attention when he spoke and was ever recognized as a leader; as chief justice of the territory of Utah, his decisions were models of legal erudition and exact justice; as a writer, he was a master of English diction and his disquisitions ever entertaining, if not brilliant; as a citizen, notwithstanding the burden of years and infirmities, he was ever public spirited, keenly critical and awake and ready to encourage and foster any enterprise that would advance the interest of his home, his adopted city and state.
     In his home, to his family and his children, he was ever so tender, loving, thoughtful and indulgent, that no wish he could grant was ever ungratified.
     Around his hearthstone happiness and hospitality were his Lares and Penates; there shone the sunniest side of his nature and the noblest attributes of his character.
     3. Resolved, That in the life work and achievemnts, in the eminent public service and private virtues of the late Alexander White, we recognize therein, the presence and footprints of a great intellect, an inflexible will and unswerving and enthusiastic devotion to duty and such imperial powers of mind, that he took rank and was classed among the first men of his generation.
     Judge White was a remarkable man, and history will accord him a place in the annals of the most brilliant minds of the age.
     Possessed of a choice and an extensive library, he was ever, even in his declining days, an ardent student, and as was said of Bacon, "he made all knowledge his province." Few men were his equals in the field of thought and in varied researches of learning. His mind seemed a veritable storehouse of interesting facts and general information.
     On every subject, he was equally at home, and whether social, moral, political, religious or scientific, his discussions were ever entertaining and instructive.
     He was ever the friend of the fatherless-- generously giving them of his means, his love and a home.
     The youth and student at law always found in him kindliness of heart, encouragement and even assistance.
     4. Resolved, that we deeply sympathize with the family of the deceased, and in our hearts, share with them, their sorrow.
     5. Resolved, That these resolutions be presented to and spread upon the minutes of the courts of record of Dallas county, and of the supreme and federal courts, and that a copy be furnished the family of the deceased. Respectfully submitted.
R. E. B
A. T. W
M. L. D
J. M. McC

     Eulogies on the life and character and eminent public services of the deceased were then delivered by George H. Plowman, W. T. Strange and M. L. Dye, after which, the resolutions were unanimously adopted.
     On motion, the following gentlemen men were delegated to present the resolutions to the courts named:
     George H. Plowman, Forty-fourth district court.
     John Bookout, Fourteenth district court.
     M. L. Dye, county court.
     R. E. Cowart, court of civil appeals.
     Judge J. L. Henry, federal courts.

- December 18, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1-2.
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Henry S. Moore Dead.

     Henry S. Moore, brother of C. J. Moore, died yesterday at 1:15 p. m., at his home at Oak Cliff. The funeral took place from the Episcopal cathedral at 3:30 to-day.

- December 18, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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She Nursed Him Tenderly and Followed
Him Quickly -- Double Bereave-
ment of an Oak Cliff

     Mrs. Mary E. Moore departed this life at her home in Oak Cliff this morning at fifteen minutes past 1 o'clock, surrounded by loving friends and relatives. Her sister, Louisa, wife of C. J. Moore, and Willie Taylor of Houston, her cousin, were constantly by her side, devoting every care and attention that affection could bestow.
     Mrs. Mary E. Moore suffered the loss of her husband, Henry S. Moore, just thirty-six hours before her own death, he dying on Sunday, Dec. 17, at 1:15 p. m. and she dying on Tuesday, at 1:15 a. m.
     She was a constant attendant at her husband's bedside, and only yielded to her husband's fatal sickness when it was evident that her husband's death was inevitable. The knowledge that her life was soon to end broke down the vital energies of a loving and noble wife and she surrendered, as it were, to death.
     She leaves surviving her besides Mr. C. J. Moore and family, a son aged 30 years, and a daughter, wife of J. B. Boone, a merchant of Waxahachie, all of whom were ministering at the couch of both father and mother at their deaths.
     Funeral services will be held at the Episcopal church, corner Ervay and Canton streets, to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock, the cortege leaving the Oak Cliff home at 9 a. m. The burial will take place at the Oakland cemetery.

- December 19, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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Fate of Two Safe Robbers at
Whitewright, Texas.










Carroll Believed to Be Ed Connors' Alias.
His Wife of a Month Still Lives Here.
Latest Developments in the
Plot and Tragedy.

     The TIMES HERALD, yesterday, contained a special telegram from Whitewright, to the effect that Sunday night, two men, in the attempt to rob the safe of Howard & Lively, were fired upon by officers who had had notice of the proposed robbery, and were lying in wait, and that one of the men fell wounded, while the other escaped. Later telegrams brought the information that the wounded man gave the name of Gustave Carroll, and that his pal, named Doc McMillan, had been arrested.


     Carroll died at 1:30 p. m. yesterday, making the following ante-mortem statement:
     "My name is Gus Carroll; came from Kansas City to Little Rock, then to Marshall, Tex., then to Dallas. I came here Friday night. I met a party at Dallas one week ago in the calaboose; made a plot to come to Whitewright to rob the postoffice Sunday night and the Ida postoffice Tuesday night. I have robbed a good deal from private families in Springfield, Mo., got a $500 and $1000 bill in Pittsburg, Kan., and robbed a jeweler and got two watches. Have one on my person now, the other is in my grip at Dallas, near the Santa Fe depot, in a small frame house on the east corner from the Santa Fe depot. Two women and one girl, 12 years old, occupy the house. Don't know their names or name of street. Have three red leather grips at the woman's house. The house has high steps at the front. I robbed a private house in Hot Springs. Got some stones out of a ring and breast pin. I threw the ring and pin away. I have four stones wrapped and sewed up in the lining of my vest. I also have a saw for use in sawing iron bars. I have two small saws and one diamond file sewed up in my undershirt. Never killed any one, before high heaven."


     Carroll's pal made the following statement:
     "My name is H. A. McMillin. I met Carroll on the train Friday night. I was looking for work. I am a druggist. Carroll wanted me to help him rob the building Sunday night. I told him I would not have anything to do with it. I left him about 10 minutes before the robbing and was about two blocks away when the shooting begun. I wanted to leave on the southbound train at 3:08 a. m. I stopped on Jackson street in Dallas."
     McMillan also stated that he endeavored to prevent Carroll from making the attempt to burglarize the house and said he had left him fully five minutes before he heard the shot. He says he was in the station house at Dallas on the charge of being an idler without visible means of support, when he met Carroll, who, he says, was a Parisian and not a Belgian. He says there was no agreement to rob the postoffice at Whitewright, and to then go to Ida and rob the postoffice there.


     It appears that Carroll and McMillan reached Whitewright direct from Dallas Saturday morning, and took into their confidence, a young man who gave them away to the officers who were watching for them when they entered the store.
     Sheriff Cabell received a telegram from City Marshal W. C. Everheart of Whitewright in regard to the location of the grips. The house answering the description is No. 383 Wood street. Here, the two women and the little girl were found, and also the three red valises, containing files, candles, drills, bottles of chloroform and various other drugs, and some clothing, etc.
     Sheriff Cabell expressed the valises to City Marshal Everheart.


     The police docket of Dec. 3 shows, that on that day, A. J. McMillan was fined $10 for vagrancy, and in default of the money, worked the fine out on the streets. He was arrested by Officers Waller and Gunning, who say that he appeared at the time of the arrest, to be "loaded" on cocaine.
     A well known druggist of the city says he knows McMillan well. Four years ago, he was a partner in the flourishing retail drugstore of McMillan & Vogler, corner Eleventh and Walnut streets, Kansas City. At that time, the firm did a fine business, and had an extensive credit. But, McMillan took to card, wine and women, and the business was soon reduced to ruin. Mr. Vogler is now with the drugstore of Bond at Hillsboro, Texas.
     The gentleman further says that McMillan is a thoroughly educated and accomplished man, and perhaps as fine a chemist and pharmacist as there is in the country. Some years ago, he owned a drugstore in Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. But, prior to locating at Honolulu, he had been pharmacist on a man of war, United States navy. In short, McMillan has been everywhere and has had a world of experience.
     The gentleman says he had not seen McMillan since he left Kansas City, until a few days ago, when he met him on the street in Dallas. McMillan told him he was just out of the Fort Worth jail, where he had been confined for three months, and he wanted a job. The gentleman [sent] up a meal to him, and never saw him again.


     The officers here identify Carroll, the man killed, as Ed Connors, whose wife is a boarder at Mrs. King's, at 283 Wood street. Neither Mrs. King, nor Mrs. Connors knew how the valises had gotten into the house. It was a mystery to both of them. Mrs. King said she had met McMillan, who came to her house with a mutual friend, but she had only a passing acquaintance with him. Mrs. Connors, on being handed a paper containing an account of the killing, remarked:
     "Well, if my husband is killed, it was that McMillan that got him into it, for they went away together."
     But, on reading the account, Mrs. Connors said she did not believe that Carroll was one of her husband's aliases.


     She had heard him say that when he used to be tough, before he married her, he sometimes went by the name of Dixon. She said she married Connors a month ago, and she wished she had never heard of him, and if it had not been for Jack Simmons, the new and fruit butcher on the Texas and Pacific, she would not have married him. This butcher got her to make up with Connors and to go down to Bells, a station on the Missouri, Kansas and Texas, and meet him. This meeting resulted in their marriage, a month ago. They went to Fort Worth for a little while, and then came to Dallas. About the time they came to Dallas, she heard her husband say the officers were after him.
     Mrs. Connors said she knew nothing of the present whereabouts of her husband. She had not seen him since the Waco excursion, about three weeks ago. But, she afterwards heard that he hired a bicycle in Waco and "soaked" it for $20 and was in trouble over it.
     Mrs. Connors said her husband had a cousin in Kansas City named Gus Carroll. She had often heard him speak of this cousin, but she was not aware that he was in Texas.
     Mrs. Connors did not appear to be very much exercised over the death of her husband.


     City Marshal James Maddox of Fort Worth, who is in the city to-day, says McMillan was in jail in Fort Worth for six or eight months for burglarizing a store. He had a host of influential friends, who believe it was on account of whisky he committed the burglary, and it was through their sympathetic efforts that his acquittal was procured. After this, he went to work as prescriptionist for a negro doctor, whom he robbed of $600 and skipped. Mr. Maddox says McMillan is a man of many natural gifts, and is an expert at anything he tackles.
     Sheriff Rodgers, of Johnson county, who brought over some attached witnesses, says the valises found at 383 Wood street, were stolen from T. M. Sanders of Granbury, and that he has been on the lookout for them for some time.

- December 19, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 2-4.
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The Funeral Took Place From St. Pat-
trick's Church at 11 a. m. To-day.

     The funeral of Mrs. A. P. Wozencraft took place from St. Patrick's church on Bryan street to-day and proceeded to the Trinity cemetery. The pall-bearers were: J. M. Pace, J., George C. Goldman, W. C. McKamy, W. M. Alexander, R. C. Porter, Charles C. Cobb, Robert Astin and J. L. Henry, Jr.
     Mrs. Wozencraft who, after a lingering illness, died at the home of Mr. T. P. Barry, 391 Ervay street, on yesterday, was a daughter of ex-Congressman B. L. Wilson of West Virginia, and a niece of Hon. Wm. L. Wilson of that state, chairman of the ways and means committee of the present house of representatives. She was taken to Colorado by her husband a few months ago, in the hope that the climate of that state would have a beneficial effect on her health. But, the hope was not realized, and she continued to get worse after her return to Dallas. Mrs. Wozencraft, by her many attractive qualities and graces of heart and mind, endeared herself to a host of persons, who sincerely mourn her untimely death, and who sympathize with her stricken husband in his bereavement.

- December 23, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 4.
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Other Deaths.

     Gertrude Gandian, 5 years old, granddaughter of Henry Holtcamp, of 395 Bryan street, died yesterday of diphtheria.
     John B. Trotman, father of T. B. Trotman, died last evening of general debility.

- December 23, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 4.
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Death and Accidents From Mob-
Like Celebrations.






An Oak Cliff Baker Loses a Hand.
"Jimmie, de Snipe Shooter," May Not
Go to the Matinee -- Other
Incidents of the Day.

     Christmas, up to date, has a blood-red tinge, is festooned with somber crepe, and has an army of votaries maimed or mangled, hobbling around on crutches, wearing bandages over eyes, carrying arms in slings and the doctors and undertakers are busy with the ghastly features of their professions. This is the result of that relic of barbarism to which the American people cling -- of celebrating Christmas like a mob. The victims of the present holiday, so far as learned by the TIMES HERALD, are:
AMES CANELLIAS, dead, shot through the heart by a celebrator.
     ____ _____, an Oak cliff baker, hand mangled.
IMMY, de SNIPE SHOOTER," eye closed up.
AWRENCE FREEMAN, blown up by powder; may lose his eyes.
WO COMPANIONS of Freeman, slightly injured.
     On Friday last, the chief of police of Sherman issued a proclamation, notifying the boys that they might celebrate with fire crackers and kindred apparatus of revelry until the holiday season is over. In less than two hours' time, two men had hands shot off and another, an eye shot out.
     Had the people of Dallas paid proper heed to Mayor Connor's proclamation prohibiting mob-like use of explosives, Christmas would not furnish so ghastly a record ad is being placed to its account.

A Christmas Tragedy.

     Shortly before six o'clock this morning, Jim Canellias, a young Grecian, and a street vendor of fruits and candies, was shot in his bed, and expired a few minutes afterward.
     Whether his death was the result of a premeditated determination to murder, or the consequence of a reckless discharge of firearms by some drunken brawler, will probably never be known. There are circumstances surrounding the case that render either theory probable.
     The house at 118 Patterson avenue is a one-story frame cottage, built on a low piece of ground about three feet below grade, so that the level of the window is on a line with the sidewalk. Canellias and three others slept in the front room, which fronts on the street. The bed on which he lay in company with Frank Nicholas, occupied the northwest corner of the room. The headboard of the bed completely covered the window, and the wall above it and screened the occupants of the bed. Canellias lay next to the wall, his head touching the angle made by the front and side walls.
     The ball that caused his death pierced the weatherboarding of the side wall, ploughed its way through the thin inner sheathing and wall paper and entered his body on the right side, piercing the lung and causing death from internal hemorrhage.
     There was very little blood on either the bed clothing or the garments worn by the victim of the murderous bullet.
     The other occupants of the room were Frank Nicholas, who lay next to Canellias on the same bed, Nicholas Arthus, who occupied a cot about three feet away, and Jim Arthus, son of Nicholas, who slept on a bed placed at right angles to that occupied by the deceased.
     A T
IMES-HERALD reporter found Frank Nicholas and Nicholas Arthus at the scene of the killing about 9 o'clock this morning. He is a short, stout, ferocious looking Italian of swarthy complexion, fierce moustache, and as sinister looking a personage as ever cut a throat or scuttled a ship. On a table between two beds was a $20 gold piece and a pile of silver, altogether about $45, which Arthus was counting, but whether it was his or the dead man's, he was unable to explain. He speaks indifferent English, but by means of signs and gestures, gave the following account of the killing:
     He was awakened at 5:50 a. m. by a shot and struck a light to see what had happened. He found Canellias groaning piteously and blood gurgling from a wound in his right side. In a few minutes, the groaning ceased and Canellias was dead.
     He immediately notified the police and Officer Durham hastened to the spot and ordered the body conveyed to Linskie's, where it awaits a coroner's inquest.

- December 25, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3-4.
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Died of Old Age.

     A feeble old man named Woodson, who came from San Antonio about ten months ago, died in the city hospital this morning. He was 75 or 80 years old and had no relatives in Dallas. He will be buried at 3 p. m.. to-day by the congregation of the Central Christian church, of which he was a member. Mr. Woodson died of old age and physical exhaustion. He sold books by subscription when he fist came to Dallas. Little is known of his antecedents, but he was a model of goodness and proper deportment.

- December 26, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
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Justice Skelton Inquests the Body and
the County Buries it in Pot-
ter's Field as an Un-

     About 7 o'clock this morning, Alex Green, while walking near the Texas and Pacific track in West Dallas, discovered the body of an unknown colored man, cut in two, with the head mashed into a pulp, and the limbs horribly mangled.
     The body was lying within a few feet of the track, but whether the dead man was the victim of accident or murder, it is impossible to determine.
     Green reported his find to Justice Skelton, who went out to hold an inquest.
     Justice Skelton made the proper investigation, but found nothing upon the body, nor could he, from other sources, obtain information by which it could be identified. The front portion of the skull was mashed, and the mouth and face disfigured. The body was that of a common type of negro, about 18 years old, dressed in ordinary second-hand clothes. The body will be buried by the county in potter's field.

- December 27, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
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Death of Child.

     A 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Woodworth of Bivens, died yesterday at the home of its grandfather, Mr. C. S. Woodworth, on Maple avenue. The body was shipped to Bivens for burial to-day.

- December 27, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
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Theodore Whiteman Dead.

     Theodore Whiteman died to-day at noon in this city. He had been sick for two months. Mr. Whiteman was agent for the Texas and Pacific railroad company at Dallas in 1876 and 1877, then was the New York agent of the Cromwell steamship line in New York, and later was with Mr. R. D. Berry in the freight department of the Houston and Texas Central railway in Dallas. The body will be shipped to Bayou Sara, La., on the 8:10 Texas and Pacific train to-night.

- December 28, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
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Two Deaths.

     Mrs. L. M. Patterson, 65 years old, died yesterday at her home, 668 Commerce street, of cancer, and will be buried this afternoon.
     Mrs. Narde, wife of the manger of the Stowers-Honig furniture company, died at 11 o'clock last night, of hemorrhage of the lungs, at her home on San Jacinto street, near Masten. Funeral ceremonies will be held at 10 a. m. to-morrow at her late home.

- December 28, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
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     The members of George H. Thomas and John A. Dix Posts G. A. R., and of the Ladies' Relief Corps, are requested to meet at 115 Leonard street, at 2:30 p. m. to-morrow, Friday, Dec. 29, to attend the funeral of Comrade Reik.
Dec. 29. A. McW

- December 28, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 5.
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He Was the First Local Freight and Pas-
senger Agent of the Texas and Pa-
cific in Dallas -- His Career
in Traffic Circles.

     The body of the late Theodore Whiteman, who died at his home on Pecan street, at noon yesterday, was shipped last night to Bayou Sara, La., where [it] will be buried in the family burying ground.
     Mr. Whiteman, who was a native of Louisiana, came to Dallas in the early seventies, and was the first local passenger and freight agent of the Texas and Pacific railroad, and with the exception of a period of about six years, during which he was the New York agent of the Cromwell steamship line.
     Mr. Whiteman continued to reside in Dallas to the time of his death.
     His genial, whole-souled manner acquired for him an extensive acquaintance and an equally extensive popularity, not only in the railroad circle, but with all classes.
     For some time prior to his death, Mr. Whiteman was local cashier for the Central railroad.
     He leaves a widow and two sons. Frank, the elder son, is in the auditor's office of the Santa Fe at Galveston, and Robert is in the Central freight office in Dallas.
     The deceased was about 50 years old.

- December 29, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 2.
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The Late Prof. Reik.

     Constance Reik, whose death was printed in the TIMES HERALD yesterday, was an eminent musician, being one of the most proficient clarionetists in the United States. Prof. Reik had resided in this city about eighteen years, though lately he had, together with two of his daughters, been giving concerts on the Pacific slope. Prof. Reik, at one time, was a member of the Missouri legislature and county judge of Gasconade county in that state. He was a Mexican war veteran and also served in the Federal army during the war between the states.

- December 29, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 2.
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