Obituaries, Dallas County, Texas, 1894 (incomplete)
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(Updated June 10, 2004)




Sketch of the Life of a Man Who Was
a Picturesque Figure in Dallas, and
Who Adopted Henry Clay as
His Political Idol.

     Judge A. B. Norton died suddenly yesterday morning at his home on Ross avenue. He returned from Austin Saturday night, and while he had been feeling slightly indisposed for a few days, he was, in no sense of the word, a sick man. He arose at the usual hour yesterday morning, ate breakfast and sat down to open his mail. While reading his letters, he turned to his wife, saying, "I am sick; help me to the bed."
     Mrs. Norton went to his assistance, but he died before reaching the bed.
     Judge Anthony Bannon Norton was one of the most remarkable men that ever came to Texas. He was born at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, as nearly as can be ascertained, something over 80 years ago. He was educated at Kenyon College, where he had for fellow students, Rutherford B. Hayes, of presidential memory; David Davis, of Illinois; Edwin M. Stanton, Lincoln's secretary of war; Guy M. Bryan, who, afterwards, came to Texas; Henry Winter Davis, the orator; Stanley Matthews, Gens. McDowell, McCook, Griffin, Granger and a host of others, who, afterward, achieved fame and distinction.
     In 1840, he was admitted to the bar and proceeded to practice law in central Ohio. He early took to politics and became a whig, in the interest of which party, he edited papers at various points in Ohio. He was a delegate to all the whig conventions and was, several times, a presidential elector, and it was in 1844, when he was a candidate for election, that Caleb I. McNulty, Democratic candidate for congress, referred to him as a beardless boy. Under the impulse of the moment, Judge Norton made a vow never to cut his hair or shave his face until Henry Clay should be elected president. Notwithstanding, the rashness of such a vow, Judge Norton kept it, and this accounts for his long flowing hair and beard, which, after it lost its color, gave him the appearance of one of the patriarchs of old. It was during the same campaign that Henry Clay presented him with a walking stick mounted with silver. The stick was cut from the Ashland homestead. Judge Norton carried the stick constantly the rest of his life, a period of about 49 years.
     Judge Norton came to Texas in 1848, and after exploring the state pretty thoroughly, settled at Austin in 1850 and began the publication of the Intelligencer. About this time, he contributed numerous articles to magazines under the nom de plume of "Delhi Reporter."
     In 1857, he was elected to the legislature from the Nineteenth district, and in 1859, he was re-elected, Gen. Houston being elected governor the same year. The secession movement was now on foot. Gov. Houston made Judge Norton his adjutant general. Both men were opposed to secession. When the war came on, Judge Norton withdrew to Ohio, and there remained until the close of the war, when he returned and resumed the Intelligencer at Jefferson. A mob destroyed his office and he only saved his life by flight to the friendly wilderness of Van Zandt. In the meantime, Judge Norton refused the collectorship of the port of Galveston, and also the office of internal revenue collector. In 1867, he came to Dallas, and here resided until the time of his death. He was United States marshal of the northern district of Texas and postmaster of Dallas. But lately, he had devoted himself to the publication of the Intelligencer and the transaction of his private business.
     Up to the time of his death, Judge Norton had the physical vigor and buoyancy of spirit that belong to youth, and his long white beard and hair contrasted strangely with the firmness and elasticity of his step, presenting the appearance of an old head on a youthful body. He manifested a lively interest in the affairs of life, was a great reader and well posted. In fact, he was a walking history of the United States. He was eminently social, and this, combined with a fund of information and a quiet humor in the telling of it, made him a welcome guest or a pleasant companion everywhere, and on all occasions.
     He was a fine representative of that generation of men, whose surroundings in the development of this country, were peculiarly adopted to the cultivation of honor and integrity of character and polished manner in social intercourse.
     Judge Norton's last political activity was at the Minneapolis convention, where he headed the Blaine delegation. When Harrison was renominated, he came away in disgust, remarking to a T
IMES HERALD representative that the Republican party had, by its act of again choosing Harrison, committed political suicide.

- January 1, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
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Judge Norton's Funeral.

     The funeral services to the memory of the late Judge A. B. Norton will be held at the family home, 478 Ross avenue, at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. The ceremonies will be under the direction of the posts of the G. A. R. located in this city.

- January 2, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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James Donnell Dead.

     James Donnell, book-keeper in the office of the Texas Farm and Ranch, died at his boarding house on Wood street this morning. His father-in-law, Dr. Coleman, of Troy, Ohio, will start with the body for that place to-morrow morning.

- January 2, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
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     The health officer reported sixty-eight deaths during December, fifty-three whites and fifteen colored. Patients in the hospital Dec. 1, 31; admitted during December, 48; discharged, 47; deaths, 3; now in hospital, 29.

- January 3, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
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Funeral of Judge Norton.

     The funeral of the late Judge A. B. Norton took place from the Episcopal church at 2:30 this afternoon. There was a large concourse of citizens in attendance.

- January 3, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
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Death of a Tennessee Senator.

     Col. James B. Lamb died in this city last evening.  Col. Lamb was on a visit here to his daughter, Mrs. W. T. Wills, and was one of the best known residents of Tennessee. Col. Lamb had been a member of the senate of that state for a number of years. He was 72 years old. His wife was Miss Lizzie Bonnor, daughter of one of the oldest and best known residents of Tennessee. The body was shipped home last night, Col. Lamb's daughter and two sons accompanying it.

- January 3, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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An Infant Child Dead.

     Mildred Estelle, the infant daughter of M. E. and the late J. M. Shea, died at 6:30 this morning. The funeral will take place from the family home at 9:30 a. m. to-morrow.

- January 3, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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Death of Jesse Belt.

     Jesse Belt, seven years old, eldest son of Mr. J. L. and Mary Belt, died at the family home on Cole avenue on the morning of Jan. 3.

- January 5, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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She Was Mrs. John Shirley, a
Pattern of Piety.






"Aunt" Annie Shirley, an Ex-Slave, Gives
Her Recollections of the Family
History -- Riches Vanished With
Dream-like Suddenness.


     Mrs. Eliza Shirley died yesterday at the home of Mrs. Poiner, 636 Pacific avenue, in the seventy-third year of her age, after a brief illness with grippe and pneumonia.
     Mrs. Shirley was remarkable as being the mother of a family of desperadoes who figured in many of the lurid scenes of the pioneer days in the southwest.
     "Aunt" Annie Shirley, an ex-slave, who belonged to the Mrs. Shirley, lives in a little house of her own near the Central roundhouse.
     To a T
IMES HERALD reporter, she gave the following facts concerning the family:
     Mrs. Shirley's maiden name was Eliza Pennington. She was born in Louisville, Ky.., about 1821. She was married to John Shirley in Greene county, Indiana, in 1837. A certificate of this marriage is in the possession of Mrs. Poiner and was seen by the T
IMES HERALD reporter. Immediately after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Shirley went to Carthage, Mo., where they resided until 1861, when they came to Dallas county. It was at Carthage they bought the colored woman who furnishes this information.
     Upon their arrival in Texas, they located at Grapevine and continued there on a farm until 1866, when they went to Mesquite, but the following year, they finally settled at Scyene. Here, Mr. Shirley died in 1867.
     Six children -- four boys and two girls -- were born of this union and it appears that they thoroughly caught the wild, daring spirit that moved the men of the order, during, and just after, the war. The conditions that made Jameses and Youngers were not without effect on the rising generation of Shirleys.
     The old colored woman says the oldest daughter married a man named Thompson, and settled at Matamoros, Mexico, about 30 years ago. All the rest of the children, with the exception of the youngest son, John Alva, were desperadoes and died with their boots on.
     Ed Shirley, who was a noted horse thief, was shot off his horse in Chamber's creek bottom by a man named Palmer from Collin county, in 1866.
     Manfred was killed in a fight with the officers in Indian Territory, in 1867.
     Allison M., joined the Confederate army and was killed in a guerrilla skirmish in southwestern Missouri, in 1863.
     John Alva, the youngest, has not been seen for years and his mother said he was dead.
     Belle was born in 1850. At the age of 16, she ran away and married a desperado named Jim Reed. A year after their marriage, Reed was killed near Paris in a fight with officers. A few months after his death, the widow laid aside her weeds and became the wife of an Indian named Sam Starr, and went into the desperado business right, and under the name of Belle Starr, made quite a name for herself in the annals of southwestern desperadoism.
     Sam Starr was killed at a dance in the Choctaw nation in 1876.
     After this event, Belle was much in the company of John Starr, brother of her late husband.
     Late one evening, in the fall of 1891, Belle Starr took a horseback ride near Eufaula, Indian territory. As she was riding along alone, admiring the gorgeous sunset, that is nowhere seen to better advantage than in the southwest, a whiff of smoke issued form the branches of a cedar tree in a ravine hardby, the crack of a rifle followed, and Belle Starr, trembling a moment in her saddle, fell to the ground dead. The horse walked back to town, the empty saddle carrying the news. Nobody ever knew who fired the fatal shot.
     The old colored woman says that her master was rich at one time, and left a great deal of property at his death, but that his widow had no money sense, and she soon ran through with what he left. She and her youngest son spent six years in traveling, spending money in regal prodigality.
     For several years before her death, she was in very straightened circumstances, and for the last two, she lived upon the charity of the Floyd Street M. E. church congregation, with some assistance from the First M. E. church.
     The colored woman says she has reason to believe that the wild blood of the children was derived from the Pennington side of the house. At any rate, when her mistress and master had a falling out, he always threw it up to her that the children got their meanness from her.
     The burial of Mrs. Shirley took place at 10 a. m. to-day in Trinity cemetery.

- January 5, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 2-3.
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The Killing is Believed to Have Been
Accidental, as an Enemy Who
Had Made Threats Was in
Bed, Crippled.

     Joe King, who lived on the M. L. Allee place, went out with his gun in a buggy yesterday, and was found this morning near the forks of the Trinity river, dead. He had been shot in the stomach, and supposition is that it was an accident. Officers were sent for from Dallas, this morning, but as yet, none have gone to the place where the dead man was found.
     King's father-in-law came to town this afternoon to procure a coffin. He stated that he believed the death was accidental, but some threats had been made by a man who resides in that neighborhood. This man could not have done the killing, however, as he was in bed, a cripple from a wound King's father-in-law had inflicted on Christmas day.
     The father-in-law was somewhat guarded in his talk and requested the reporter not to make known all he had said.

- January 5, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 5.
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Its Mother Believing the Child Dead
Threw It Where Found.

     The body of a newborn girl babe was found buried in an ash barrel behind the house No. 645 Commerce street, yesterday afternoon. Shortly after 4 o'clock, Officers Rawlins and Cornwell were summoned to the above number by neighbors, who said that the inmates of the house had been acting in a suspicious manner. By the time the officers arrived, the neighbors had taken the body from the ash barrel and placed it in a tub. The little corpse was turned over to Undertaker Linskie, at whose morgue Justice Skelton to-day held an inquest.
     The house back of which this find was made is occupied by three colored women named Ella Davis, Mary Gibson and Martha Biggs, the latter being the mother of the child. She told the officers that the babe was born early Sunday morning and showed no signs of life, whereupon she had her companions place it in the ash pile. The matter will be placed before the grand jury.

- January 8, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
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Death of Mr. John Daugherty.

     Mr. John Daugherty, father of W. F. Daugherty, died last night at the family home on Caroline street. He was about 75 years old. The deceased was a native of Kentucky, but had resided in Texas for more than a quarter of a century.

- January 8, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
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A Land Deed Being Disposed of by the
Heirs of James Hughes.

     Judge Burke, of the Fourteenth district court, to-day disposed of the following cases:
     The case of J. C. Gregory vs. S. J. Martin is on trial to-day.
     This suit involves 37 acres of land in the James Hughes survey, near Cedar Hill. James Hughes, in 1846, on the deathbed of his brother, Mose M. Hughes, received the dying man's signature to a deed conveying this land, which was afterward conveyed to other parties. The heirs of James Hughes bring action to have the deed set aside, as they claim that the dying man did not know what he was doing when he signed the deed.

- January 9, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
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Death of Orvill Gillespie.

     Orvill, the twenty-two-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie, died yesterday of pneumonia. The funeral took place from the home of the family, 582 Live Oak street, at 2 o'clock this afternoon, and proceeded to Trinity cemetery.

- January 10, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
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A Black Woman Who Probably Died of
Heart Disease.

     Fannie Connelly, a negress, was found dead in her bed at her home, 110 Tolbert street, at an early hour this morning. The woman had been sick for some time and Rev. Frazier, also colored, went to the house to see how she was feeling, but found her dead. It is supposed that heart disease caused her death. The body was taken to Linskie's morgue, where Justice Skelton, to-day, viewed it.

- January 10, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
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He Was a Well Known Tax Official and
Postoffice Clerk.

     David L. Richardson died yesterday at his home, 128 Cleveland street, Chestnut Hill, in the 45th year of his age.
     Mr. Richardson was a native of Indiana, and graduated from the university of that state at Bloomington, in the class of 1871. He came to Dallas 20 years ago. He was, for a number of years, deputy collector of taxes for this city and was also money order clerk in the postoffice.
     Mr. R. D. Richardson, judge of the circuit court of Evansville, Ind., a brother of deceased, was with the sick man for several days before his death, as was also a sister from the same place.
     The funeral services will take place at the family home at 10 a. m. to-morrow, Rev. C. I. Scofield officiating.

- January 12, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
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He Was Sitting on the Railing of a Base-
ment Entrance and Tilted Backward
Into the Pit -- Friends Notified
in New Jersey.

     Joe Bunshaw, the night bartender at the Oriental hotel, while sitting on an iron railing outside the hotel on Jackson street, last night, lost his balance and fell backwards into the basement entrance, breaking his neck, crushing his skull and dislocating his right shoulder.
     A passerby saw Bunshaw fall and immediately called Clerk Jack Kelly, who went to the unfortunate man's assistance. The distance of the fall was about fourteen feet, and it is probable that Bunshaw never knew what happened, as he was dead when Mr. Kelley arrived at the place where his body was lying.
     Bunshaw was 42 years old and unmarried. He first came to Texas in 1870 and worked with the surveying corps of the Sunset road, west of San Antonio. He resided in southwestern Texas a number of years, from whence he came to this city in 1876, and after a short time, went to Colorado. Upon the opening of the Oriental hotel last fall, he returned to Dallas from Denver, in which city Manager Alden, now of the Oriental, formerly managed the Brown Palace hotel. Bunshaw, a few days ago, notified Manager Alden that he would resign his position and leave for San Francisco soon.
     The body was taken in charge by Undertaker Linskie, who telegraphed the dead man's sister and father in Hoboken, N. J., for instructions as to what should be done with the corpse. A sister of Bunshaw also lives in Sacramento, Cal.

- January 17, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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A. F. Mitchell's Policy Had Lapsed Be-
fore He Died.

     F. Stout, of the Pythian order of Independence, Iowa, wired the St. George hotel to-day that the $2000 policy held by A. T. Mitchell, who died in the hotel recently, has lapsed because of non-payment of dues. Mitchell's body is still in the hands of Undertaker Linskie, who awaits orders for its disposal.

- January 17, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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To Be Shipped to Hoboken, New Jersey,

     The body of Joe Bunshaw, the bookkeeper at the Oriental hotel, who lost his life by falling into the basement entrance Tuesday night, is to be shipped to Hoboken, N. J., this evening.

- January 18, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 5.
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Furious Storm in the Vicinity
of Dallas Last Night.




Wide Swath of the Cyclone in the
East End.



Work of the Winds in East Dallas and
Other Suburbs.

     The storm was particularly destructive in East Dallas. Beginning at the Central railroad in the vicinity of the old oil mills, its path, about 50 or a 100 yards wide, extended in a northeasterly direction.
     It commenced by demolishing small outhouses and fences, but gathering strength and fury as it proceeded. The vacant building, 758 Commerce street, was lifted off its foundations and a portion of the chimney sent whizzing through the roof of James McDerma's house next door, rudely disturbing the slumbers of the family by the clatter among the dishes.
     A house on the corner of Commerce and Duncan was violently wrenched and divested of the kitchen, which was set down in a neighboring yard.
     With some slight damage to the property en route, the cyclone crossed to Main street. The cottage, 796, occupied by J. T. Mixter, was so twisted, that the timbers collapsed. Andrew, the 12-year-old son of Mr. Mixter, and little Roy Seate, a 6-year-old orphan, whom the family had adopted, were sleeping together. When the debris was removed, the two boys were found pinned down to the bed, with little Roy lying across the breast of the other. The little fellow's neck was broken and skull fractured. Andrew was not hurt.

[Above was extracted from article, located here]

- January 20, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald,
p. 1, col. 3-6; continued on p. 8, col. 1-3.
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Additional Particulars of the Ravages of
the Storm, Together With Inci-
dents! Reference to Two
Former Cyclones.

     The funeral of Roy Seets, the 6-year-old boy who was killed in the wreck of J. T. Mixter's home by the cyclone, Saturday morning, took place from the Nettie street M. E. church at 11 a. m. yesterday, and proceeded to Elam station, on the Texas and Pacific railroad, nine miles east of Dallas, where the little fellow was laid to sleep by the side of h is mother. The remains were followed to their last resting place by Mr. Green Seets, father of deceased, Mr. Mixter's family, and fifteen or twenty persons from the Nettie street M. E. church congregation.
     Mr. Seets was very much affected by the death of his little son, who was the only remaining member of his family.
     The cyclone cut a swath about fifty feet wide through the cedar brakes in the Cockrell addition in South Dallas. The trees were torn up by the roots and twisted into all manner of combinations of wreathes, designs and Christmas trees.
     The home of Tiny Beard in Oak Cliff was wrecked by the cyclone.      The buildings wrecked and demolished by the cyclone on Saturday morning were visited and viewed by thousands of persons on yesterday.

Cyclone Reminiscences.

     City Detective Kirby, in conversation with a TIMES HERALD reporter, to-day, said that on the night of May 26, 1867, when he was a small boy living with his father on White Rock creek, a cyclone visited that vicinity, tearing up by the roots, some of the biggest trees in the creek bottom, and demolishing or carrying before it, everything in its path. Volney Caldwell lived in an old-fashioned double room house with a hall between, and with an ell to the rear. The family consisted of father, mother, seven children and an old negress servant. Two of the children were spending the night at a neighbor's. The cyclone demolished the house and killed everybody in it, except the old colored woman, who, without being inured in the slightest, was left in a posture of prayer to mark the place where the house formerly stood. Two of the children were found a few yards from the place, while the bodies of the father and mother were picked up 500 yards away. The bodies of the other children were found on an adjoining farm. The old negro woman, who believed the judgment day had arrived, continued several hours in the same position, and to pray, shout and sing, alternately.
     In the same neighborhood, Ben Prigmore's house was blown away and his little son killed.
     John Dixon's house was also destroyed.
     The year before the Caldwell cyclone, Cedar Hill experienced a blow almost as memorable. The store that furnished the dry goods, supplies, etc., for all that region, was located at Cedar Hill, and it was in the heavy iron safe in this store that the money, papers and valuables of the population of the country round about were deposited for safe keeping.
     Among a dozen or more buildings that were demolished by the cyclone, was this store, which was carried bodily off some distance. The track of the storm, for twenty miles, was marked by pieces of calico, straw hats, boots and shoes, coats and vests, millinery, gents furnishings and other haberdashery articles, which were identified as portions of the Cedar Hill stock of goods. But, the strangest part of the whole matter was what became of the safe. To this good day, no trace of it has ever been found. The most plausible explanation is that it struck the earth in a soft place somewhere, and by the force of the fall, buried itself out of sight, making itself as hard to find as are La Fitte's buried treasures.
     The history of cyclones in this county shows that they follow a regular path from southwest to northeast, and the cyclone of Saturday morning followed the general trend.

- January 22, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1-2.
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Burial of A. F. Mitchell.

     A. F. Mitchell, who died suddenly on the 15th inst. at the St. George hotel, was buried yesterday afternoon in Trinity cemetery, from the undertaking establishment of P. W. Linskie. Mitchell was a member of the K. of P.'s and the T. P. A., but was buried by relatives of Hoboken, N. J.

- January 23, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
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She Was One of the Oldest and Most
Honored Women of Dallas.

     Last summer, the TIMES HERALD, with much interest and pleasure, chronicled the old folks' reunion beneath the shade of the trees in the city park. The lady whose venerable age gave her the honorable distinction of being the oldest person present, was Mrs. Marietta M. Westgate, and in token of loving remembrance, she was presented with a handsome bouquet. Mrs. Westgate has recently passed away from our midst, at the exceptional age of nearly 89. She was born Aug. 4, 1805, and died Jan. 15, 1894, and to the end preserved the full strength of her mental powers.
     Mrs. Westgate spent her childhood at Hyde Park, Vermont, was educated at the convent in Montreal, Canada, and was married to Lorenzo S. Westgate. After living in many states, she came to Texas in 1854, and for the past twenty-five years, made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Emory Hall, at whose residence she died. From time to time in her early life, Mrs. Westgate taught school and left a large collection of MSS. to testify to her literary ability.

- January 24, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 4.
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Richard Morgan, Jr., Perhaps Fatally
Injured in a Runaway.

     Richard Morgan, Jr., the 17-year-old son of Mr. Richard Morgan, the lawyer, was thrown from a runaway buggy, near the city park yesterday evening, with such violence as to cause concussion of the brain, and he is in a critical condition.

- January 30, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
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Serious Illness of Officer Gunning.

     Police Officer J. S. Gunning, who was taken sick about ten days ago with grippe, has taken pneumonia and is seriously ill at his home, 107 Powhattan street. Dr. Armstrong says the chances are against his recovering.

- January 30, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
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Death of Mrs. George M. Bailey.

     Mrs. George M. Bailey died at the Daniels House last night after a lingering illness.
     The funeral services will take place at the Daniels House at 3:30 this afternoon, Rev. Mr. Davis of the Central Christian church and Rev. Mr. Spraggins of the First Methodist church officiating.
     Mr. Bailey has the sympathy of a wide circle of friends in his bereavement.

- January 31, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 1.
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He Was a Brave Confederate and a Good

     At his home on Powhattan street at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Police Officer J. S. Gunning died of pneumonia. Mr. Gunning was a native of Tennessee. He served in the Confederate army as a private, and was a member of Camp Sterling Price, of this city. Both as a soldier and citizen, he bore an untarnished reputation. He had been a member of the Dallas police force for four years and was always held to be a brave and efficient officer.
Officer Gunning was 48 years old. He was at the battle of Franklin when Cleburne and Granbury were slain, and was a captain when the war closed. After the war, for sixteen years, he was either sheriff or chief deputy of one of the most lawless counties in the mountains of East Tennessee. January, 1880, he went to Colorado and passed several years in that state, Wyoming, Idaho and Montana. He had been desperately wounded in the battles of the Confederacy, and his career was an eventful one. Six years ago, he came to Dallas and four years ago, he was placed on the police force. He was a powerful man, 6 feet 5 inches in his stockings, and a week ago, was the picture of health. He was a member of the Police Benevolent association and the funeral was conducted under its auspices.
     Officer Gunning's old comrades of Camp Sterling Price were many of them also present. The pall bearers were a detail from the police department, consisting of Officer H. W. Waller, W. D. Webb, Robert Cornwell, C. F. Durham, O. M. Rawlins and A. Hughes.
     Mr. Gunning leaves a widow and a son. The latter is a member of the Dallas fire department.

- February 1, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
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Death of Mrs. Lucas.

     Mrs. Narcissa Lucas, 80 years old, died at the home of her son, A. K. Lucas, at Cedar Springs, about three and a half miles northwest of the city, yesterday. She came to Texas and settled at the place she died, in 1853. The burial will take place this evening at Trinity cemetery.

- February 1, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
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Mrs. W. C. Howard Dead.

     At 2 a. m. to-day, Josephine Jewell, wife of W. C. Howard, died at her home on South Ervay street. Funeral from the family home, Sunday, February 4, at 3 p. m. Friends invited. New Orleans papers please copy.

- February 3, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
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Claud Woods, 12 Years Old, Fearfully
Mangled While He and Companions
Were Playfully Chasing Each
Other Across the Tracks.

     Claud Woods, a 12-year-old boy, was run down by an Elm street electric car yesterday afternoon, and so mangled that there is very little hope of his recovery.
     The unfortunate boy was playing with some companions a game that involved the chasing of one another, and he was running across the street, absorbed in the game, when the car struck him, knocking him down and catching him under the wheel. The motorman stopped the car with the front wheels on the boy, and with the assistance of the passengers, lifted the car off.
     The wounded boy was taken to the residence of his mother, corner Elm and St. Paul streets, where he received medical aid. It is reported to-day, that he cannot recover.
     The mother and grandmother of Claud are attending mardi gras in New Orleans.

- February 5, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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Bud Bell, a Young Negro Tough,






But the Good Admonitions were Disre-
garded--Commodore Miller was the
Dead Negro's Cousin--Crime Ran in
the Family for Generations.

     F. Cash, an Italian, has a grocery store on Bryan street, near the Central railroad crossing. His store has been burglarized several times lately. Last night, Mr. Cash watched his store. At about 3 o'clock this morning, a negro entered by a rear window. As soon as the robber was inside the store, Cash, without ceremony, opened fire upon him with a seven shooter. The negro ran out and across the street where he fell. Police Officers Waller and Durham, attracted to the spot by the reports of the pistol, found the negro, who proved to be Bud Bell, sinking very fast from his wounds. They sent for the hoodlum wagon and had him carted off to the hospital, where he died within ten minutes after his arrival. Bell made this ante-mortem statement to Dr. Armstrong:
     "I broke into Cash's store and he killed me before I could get out."
Cash fired seven shots, two of which took effect, one in the groin and the other in the bowels.


     Bud Bell, who was 17 years old, was the son of Jim Bell, a notorious criminal, who is now in the penitentiary for the attempted murder of an old negro preacher. Caroline Bell, his mother, was the sister of Henry Miller, who was hanged last July for the murder of Police Officer Brewer, and the cousin of the famous Commodore, reputed to have been roasted alive by the citizens of Bardwell, Kentucky.
     With such shining examples before him as his father and uncle and cousins, Bud begun, in extreme youth, to tread in their illustrious footsteps. He made such progress in toughness that by the time he was 10 or 12 years old, he was familiar with the inside of the jail and the premises of the poor farm, and when his Uncle Henry was hanged, he had actually done a short term in the penitentiary for burglary.


     The day Henry was executed, he sent for Bud and gave him half an hour's talk on the vanity of this world and the glories of the next. He picture d to his nephew, with all the earnestness of a dying man, the certainty of an evil course having a terrible ending, and the advantages that just as surely accompany and follow a life of rectitude. It was affecting in the extreme to see the two clasped in each other's arms, weeping and moaning and shouting alternately, Bud calling his Maker to witness that he was done with the sin and wickedness of this world.


     But, a sympathetic nature and moral sturdiness are not necessarily always associated. At least they were not in the case of Bud, who the police say made no alterations in his conduct after his visit to his dying uncle. He resumed the companionship of the gang of young toughs that he had grown up with and continued in his old rascality until his course landed him where Henry told him it would land him.


     So far, the officers have not arrested F. Cash. He will come down town when Justice Skelton gets ready to give him an examining trial.

- February 6, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 2-3.
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Death of Mrs. Sledge.

     Mrs. J. B. Sledge, a daughter of Col. M. M. Pointer, of Dallas, and her 2-months old child, died yesterday at Amarillo, in the Panhandle. Their bodies will arrive in this city at 8:10 this evening, via the Texas and Pacific railroad. Notice of the funerals will be given to-morrow. Mrs. Sledge died of consumption.

- February 7, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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He Killed Tom James and is
on Trial for Murder.






Testimony Elicited Before a Jury in the
Criminal Court Shows That Reeves
Knew of His Wife's Wayward-
ness and Condoned It.

     The criminal district court has been engaged the last three days in trying E. J. Reeves for the slaughter of Thomas James at a dance at 778 Elm street, on the night of December 14, 1893.
     Reeves' wife was the cause of the tragedy.
     The testimony taken at the trial shows that Reeves is a native of Louisiana, 22 years of age, and that he was married to Miss Ella Brown in Dallas in 1890; that shortly after their marriage, the couple went to San Antonio, and after a brief stay there, they went to Brownwood, and finally returned to Dallas
     During their absence from Dallas, Mrs. Reeves received many love letters from James. In addition to this, Reeves was informed by a friend that he had seen Mrs. Reeves and James in bed together. But Reeves continued to live with her even after these reports reached his ears.
     Testimony also showed that Reeves arose at 4 o'clock one morning to let his wife in the house, knowing she had been out with a man.
     The day before the killing, a separation occurred between Mr. and Mrs. Reeves, in consequence of a row over a letter she had received from James.
     The prosecution elicited testimony to show that Reeves said he was going to the dance for the purpose of killing the first man that danced with his wife. To another witness, he said he was going to kill James if he were at the dance, whether he danced with Mrs. Reeves or not, and then kill Mrs. Reeves and wind up the work by killing himself.
     It was also brought out that before going to the dance Reeves bought a bull-dog pistol at a second-hand store, and requested the merchant to put three loads in it.
     All the witnesses agree in the statement that only three shots were fired, and that only one pistol was found, and the one bought at the second-hand store.
     Mrs. Tarleton, to whose house Mrs. Reeves went when she left her husband, said:
     "Tom James was a friend of my son, Tom McGuire, who is in jail, and he often came here to see me about him. He was my son's best witness. He was here yesterday morning, evening and night and went from here to the dance where he was killed. I told him he had to quit coming here so much as I didn't want any trouble between him and Ellan and Joe Reeves. I have known James for seven years. He was a good boy."
     Charles Horn said:
     "I went to the dance with James. When we got there, we found Reeves dancing. James spoke to Reeves. When the set was over, Reeves turned to James and said 'come out here;I want to see you.' Both men went out the door. I followed them. As soon as they were out of the room, Reeves pulled his pistol and fired three times. James ran across the street, screamed once or twice and fell dead. James had no pistol and did not shoot. I know he was not expecting a difficulty."
     William Foss also said that he knew James had no gun. Both of these men say that Reeves must have shot himself in the hand.
     The case was given to the jury at 3 o'clock this afternoon, and a verdict is expected this evening or to-night.

- February 7, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4-5.
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     At 7:30 this morning, Mrs. Josie D., wife of Felix H. Cooke. Burial will take place at 2 p. m. to-morrow, from family home, 219 Ross avenue.

- February 7, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
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The Jury Stood Seven For Conviction
and Five For Acquittal.

     The jury in the E. J. Reeves case, after deliberating for 36 hours, failed to agree and were discharged this afternoon. Seven of the jurors were for finding defendant guilty of murder in the second degree, and five were for acquitting him.
     Reeves killed Tom James at a dance in East Dallas on the night of Dec. 15, 1893. A full account of the homicide appeared in the T
IMES HERALD yesterday.

- February 8, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 4.
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He Was Bitten by a Dog and Has Been
Dangerously Violent -- Placed in
Jail Instead of in the

     Another alleged hydrophobia suspect is in the county jail. Green Murray, a Dallas drayman, a full-blooded negro, about 40 years old, was placed there yesterday. To-day, he talks rationally and says he was bitten by a large dog about a month and a half ago. He exhibits a callous scar on his left wrist.
     From rather vague reports, it is learned that he was dangerously violent before taken charge of by the officers yesterday, but a present, he appears to be merely unbalanced in mind. None of the worst symptoms of the rabies are present--such as frothing at the mouth, barking, etc.
     Murray has a wife and two children. The officers are of the opinion that he is suffering from a superfluity of religious fervor rather than hydrophobia, and believe the best plan is to keep him in jail, as the city hospital seems to be a sure hoodoo on all negroes, as they have a horror for hydrophobia that outbalances the skill of the physicians when they once get inside the walls of a hospital. When taken there, they seem to consider their condition as a case of sure death, and real hydrophobia develops every time.
     LATER--Deputy Sheriff Davis will take Murray to the state insane asylum at Terrell to-morrow. His case is regarded by experts as more akin to insanity than to rabies.

- February 13, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
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Secrets of the Gas-Pipe Murder May
Finally be Given to the Public--The
Case Called in the Crimi-
nal Court.

     The celebrated case of the State against John Paris, charged with the assassination of Young M. Langdon, in October last, was called in the criminal district court this morning, but it was continued until 2 p. m., in order to give the attorneys for the defense time in which to talk to their witnesses, many of whom they have hitherto had no opportunity of interviewing.
     The details of the crime upon which the negro, Paris, is about to be arraigned, are so fresh in the public mind that it is unnecessary to enter into them at this time. Suffice it to say, that the officers who worked up the case expect to develop on the trial, a mass of testimony which has not heretofore been made public.
     The court room was crowded even to standing room with spectators when the prisoner entered.

- February 14, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
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They are Both in Court and
John Trembles.






John's Sweetheart in Court -- Witnesses
Telling What They Know About
the Crime -- The Court
Room Crowded.

     The criminal district court, this forenoon, was consumed in the work of securing a jury in the Paris case and when noon arrived, only ten jurors had been obtained. This exhausted the venire and court adjourned until 2 p. m., the sheriff, in the meantime, going to round up thirty more talismen, from whom to make up the jury.
     Public interest in the trial is so great that the court room is crowded all the time, even during the selection of the jury.
     John Parish, brother to the late W. G. Paris, is in the city.
     Mrs. Farrau, the venerable mother-in-law of the victim of John Paris' murderous gas-pipe, is in attendance as a witness, occupying a seat in the county attorney's office.
     Florence, the girl who claims to have carried the notes between John Paris and W. G. Parish, and who gave the officers the first pointers, is in attendance. John's father and sister were also on hand.


     The jury was completed in a short time this afternoon, and it is composed of the following men: D. N. Hunt, J. G. Matthews, D. B. Ely, J. L. Hall, M. A. Ward, H. B. Pointer, J. H. Wilson, J. M. Haley, S. T. Capps, S. Dean, E. Ward, E. Cumby.
     The witnesses were sworn and put under the rule.
     Charles Copening was the first witness placed on the stand. Witness was on the street car that Young M. Langdon went home on on the fatal night. Soon after Langdon got off the car, witness saw him knocked down, and jumping off the car, ran to him. Witness would not identify the negro, but he identified the piece of gas pipe which was handed to him. When the gas pipe was produced, the prisoner fixed his eyes on the floor and would not look up.
     W. P. Cullen was the second witness. He lives diagonally across the street from the Langdon home. On the night of the assassination, he was watering his yard when he was attracted by cries of murder and the screams of women and by Corpenning calling him. On going to Langdon's yard, he found Langdon lying in an insensible condition. Witness remained at Langdon's the greater part of the night, but the wounded man never recovered consciousness.


     County Attorney Gillespie and his assistant, Harry Lawther, and Hon. Jerome C. Kearby are representing the state, and Messrs. P. B. Miller and Green Williams appear for defendant.

- February 15, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
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Green Murray Expires in Terrible Agony
in the County Jail.

     Green Murray, the negro patient, who was confined in the county jail on Sunday last on the supposition that he was suffering from religious hallucinations, developed a pronounced case of hydrophobia on Tuesday night, and on yesterday, died in great agony.
     Murray was bitten by a dog during Christmas week, but the animal gave no evidence of being mad. As a matter of precaution, the dog was killed.
     The wound on Murray's leg caused by the bit soon healed and left a callous scar. Several days ago, it began to itch and discharge a mattery fluid. When first placed in jail, he was violent and considered dangerous, but in a day or two, became calm and rational to a degree that led attending officials to consider his malady a case more proper for the lunatic asylum than the hospital, and it was determined to remove him to the state institution for the insane at Terrell. Rabies developed suddenly, however, and with quick fatal results.
     The body of the dead man was turned over to a brother who lives in this city. Another brother, who lives in Fort Worth, came to Dallas to attend the funeral. The burial took place at the negro cemetery.

- February 15, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
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They Were Sent From Dallas to
John Paris.






The Assassin's Confession to the Grand
Jury Read in Court -- Sheriff Cabell
Testifies -- Other Witnesses Give
Important Testimony.

     The trial of John Paris for the killing of Young M. Langdon has arouse more keen interest than any other case ever tried in the Dallas criminal courts. The court room is constantly packed with an eager throng, among the spectators being prominent men from distant parts of Texas, who were firm friends of W. G. Parish, who committed suicide while in jail under charges of having procured the murder of Langdon through the employment of argument, threats and money to persuade John Parish to commit the crime. Among these prominent men is J. L. Parish, a brother of W. G. Parish, from Huntsville, Texas.
     John Paris, the self-confessed assassin, presents an appearance at the bar in strong contrast to the dull, stoical attitude usual to negro criminals. He gives keen attention to the proceedings on which life or death for him hinges. He exhibits nervousness at times, and is especially interested when gas pipes, letters, and other articles connected with the prosecution of the case are being handled or referred to. He often casts glances toward the friends and relatives of the dead man Parish referred to, and at these intervals, his face is a study. It wears a look of mingle fear and inquiry.


     The following testimony was developed in the John Paris case, at the afternoon session yesterday:
     Dr. J. S. Thruston and Dr. S. D. Letcher testified that the wounds of Langdon must have been inflicted with a heavy concentrated instrument.
     Mrs. Sarah R. Farrar, mother-in-law of the deceased, lived next door to him, and went to his house on hearing the alarm, and found him lying in the year in an insensible condition. Langdon was unconscious to his death. Copening and Cullen carried him into the house.
     Sheriff Cabell testified that he went to Langdon's house a short time after the latter had been assaulted, and found him in an insensible condition. Witness that night secured the gas pipe. Witness first saw defendant at Temple in the custody of Policeman Cornwell and Mr. Furlong. Witness took the gas pipe to local plumbers.
     Fred E. Delis, 306 Bryan street, testified that he is a plumber working at Bulgin's, and that he sold John Paris the gas pipe. Witness accompanied officers to Temple and there identified Paris.
Herman Delfs was present when his brother Fred sold Parish the gas pipe.
     Dan F. Sullivan, an expert plumber, testified as to how a piece of gas pipe could be identified.
     R. L. Cornwell, policeman, testified that he went to Lampasas for defendant and there found him in jail. Knew Paris prior to the fatal blow.
     Will Gaines, colored, of Navasota, a brakeman, testified he saw Paris in San Angelo, and that Paris said he was expecting to get some money from a detective. Witness went to the postoffice at Lampasas next morning with defendant and saw him get a letter with two $50 bills in it. He said it came from a detective. Defendant tore the letter, which was not registered, into small pieces and scattered the pieces on the ground. Witness got one bill changed for defendant, who was immediately afterwards arrested.
     Mr. Carpenter, of Lampasas, was introduced, but witness could not say whether he was the man that changed the bill or not. Witness took an officer to the place where defendant tore up the letter. This officer was Rice King.
     Adjourned until 9 a. m. to-day.


     The taking of testimony was resumed in the Paris case in the criminal district court at 9 o'clock this morning.
     R. L. Cornwell was recalled. Defense objected to witness identifying letters he received from defendant in the Lampasas jail. The objection was overruled and witness identified bits of letters taken from defendant signed "Susan."
     Sheriff Cabell was called as a witness.
     Defense objected to his testifying, as, while witnesses were under the rule, Cabell had been in the court room all the time. Overruled.
     Witness was asked where he got the letters purporting to have been taken from Paris. He said from R. L. Cornwell; Chief of Police Arnold and Detective Furlong were present when the letters were handed him. The letters did not come out of Furlong's valise. Witness had suggested questions to the prosecution to ask witnesses and several of his deputies had been in the courtroom since the suit began.
     L. R. Carpenter, of Lampasas, identified Will Gaines as the negro for whom he changed a $50 bill. Witness was handed two $50 bills and he picked out the one he changed for Gaines, which was No. 85,901, series 1891, silver certificate. He said he changed the bill on November 13, 1893. Never saw defendant.
     Sheriff Wren, of Lampasas, arrested defendant at 9 a. m. on Nov. 14, 1893; took a $50 bill and two $20 gold pieces from defendant, and turned them over to Detective Furlong.
     W. H. Lewis, the next witness, knew defendant. Was foreman of the grand jury at the October term of court. He was asked if defendant made a statement before the jury. The jury and witnesses were told to retire while witness answered. Witness knew defendant was under arrest and was accused of murder. Witness was asked if defendant did not want a written agreement that if he confessed it would mitigate his punishment. He said defendant did ask if a confession wouldn't let him out, but witness told him whatever statement he made would be used against him.
     R. L. Cornwell was recalled by the defense. He said he told Paris it would be better for him if he would tell Cabell the truth and witness would do what he could for him. Witness heard defendant make a confession to Mr. Cabell on the train.
     Sheriff Cabell, being called, said he made no promises to defendant as to the effect on his case of a confession. Defendant said he was desirous of going before the grand jury and making a confession. Witness warned defendant that whatever he said would be used against him.
     Ripley Harwood, secretary of the grand jury, reduced defendant's statement to writing and it was read to him and he then signed it. The grand jury told defendant that the jury could not make any agreement with him; that the county attorney was the only official that could make an agreement not to prosecute him.
     W. H. Lewis -- The grand jury of which witness was foreman returned an indictment against John Paris. Witness warned defendant of the effect of a confession. Defendant said he wanted to tell it anyhow, as it was the truth.
     R. L. Cornwell, being recalled, said he had known defendant five years. When he started from Lampasas with defendant, he told him to tell Cabell the truth about the crime.
     Ripley Harwood, being handed the written statement John Paris made to the grand jury, he identified it as the statement he took down as secretary of the grand jury. The statement was so badly written that nobody could read it, but the witness, who retired with the attorneys and put in half an hour reading it to them. Witness resuming the stand, read Paris' statement to the grand jury as follows:
     John Paris, warned: About one year ago, I met this man, W. G. Parish. I blacked his shoes and cleaned his room, etc., and mother washed for him. One day, he asked me if a man was going to kill him would I help him. About five moneys ago, he said a certain man had swindled him out of $5000 that he put in the firm; I want to ask you to help me get my money back. About two months ago, he told me Mr. Langdon had got his money and he wanted to get the money out of the d--n s--n of a ---- and had nobody to help him out of it but me; I said nobody would help me to get out of this trouble. You won't be in any danger. I will have a man arrested for it, Leggett. I got the pistol from a house where he roomed. Mrs. Parish gave me the pistol at Oak Cliff and I gave the pistol to a boy that worked for Mr. Lett at Oak Cliff. It was during last summer. He, Mr. Parish, gave me another pistol not long before October 24th, as he had to be dead before that, which I soaked at Goldstein's for 50 cents. The first piece of gas pipe, I got from a house that burned where Scruggs' storage house was; the next piece he gave me money, 35 cents, to buy; he told me to get it about two and a half feet long, (then he shows the size of the pipe). Meet me at 7:30 at Masten and San Jacinto; I did so; never seen the pipe any more until the night I killed the man; I drove him out between times; he sent me notes by bootblack at the bank, a light browned skin boy; used Mr. Bartlett's horse; Bartlett on Patterson avenue; The gas pipe was bought Thursday or Friday before the killing on Sunday; he told me to come over to his house on Sunday night; I met him on the dark patch of weeds on the branch at Masten street 7:30 or 8 o'clock; proposed we should take a walk; had his umbrella and overcoat; walked up Ross, San Jacinto and thence to Germania on Bryan to the convent. On Oct. 11th, a man just beyond Mr. Loomis' offered me a job and Mr. Parish said I could not take that job and work for $7 a week and pay him for what he had done for me and pay my board out of it; I told him I thought I could, "for you have not done no million dollars worth for me.": He tapped me on the shoulder, on the corner of the convent, and said: "Here, young man; I am here for business ton-night." Then he opened the umbrella and gave me the piece of gas pipe and said, "That man either dies to-night, or you die, you d--n s--n of a b---h. You have been frauding me out of money long enough," and he drew out his pistol. I proposed to go by myself; he said he would go with me; I said no, somebody might know him; then he changed his hats; he said nobody ever saw him with the hat on ; then he changed hats; he is bound to be on this car and walk back; I struck the man and reached down to pick up the pipe; didn't pick it up, and then ran; caught up with Parish near the convent fence by Mr. Gibb's; caught me by the shoulder and said, "DId you strike him?" I told him "Yes; " he said, "If you have not done a good job, you will have to do it over again;" after we walked a little piece, I told him we had better separate as somebody would see us; somebody saw me hit him and might catch us; Mr. Parish changed hats about the middle of the north side of the convent fence; I ran back to Ross avenue and Mr. Parish ran down Bryan street, (I ran back to Haskell and Ross) did not meet him any more for three or four days when he gave me $100, another time $50; about 5 o'clock Tuesday morning, he gave me $20; he told me it would be advisable for me to take a trip; I told him if ever I was caught, I would keep nothing hid; I left on the 7:30 Santa Fe train;l he said, write to me, you sign your name "Mollie" and I will sign "Susan" and address it to me "W. G. Parish, personal." I went to San Angelo; he wrought that everything was all right; do not send any more notes by women, I am being watched closely; said you have telegraphed me twice and sent many letters; they may catch me through telegraph office; postoffice cannot be watched; said he would send me $20 for each day for five days; telegraphed for money; he wrote me not to telegraph any more; sent me $20 at San Angelo; he told me to leave San Angelo; he sent letter to me at Lampasas with two $50 bills in it; Will Gaines got change for $50 bill; had soaked my watch for a dollar and bought a scarf pin; gave Will Gaines three silver dollars to redeem watch; bought a ring for girl; sheriff arrested me at a jewelry store; said they wanted me at Angelo; was there an hour and a half or two hours before Mr. Cornwall and detective came; Mr. Cornwall did not speak, just said, "hello, John; detective says, "you don't know my name, my name is Furlong;" he said something about pipe; I do not know what they wanted; have seen two boys from whom I bought the pipe with Mr. Ben Cabell at Temple bought the clothes at Sanger's next day or two after killing; it was after Mr. Parish gave me $100; when I bought the gas pipe had on a gray coat, one button cutaway. Mr. Parish said, "you hit him and take his watch and throw it in the Trinity, or anywhere, to make it appear that he was robbed." I had on a brown hat; I recognized a piece of letter shown me as one I got and tore up near the postoffice at Lampasas. He says, "I send you $100; I was afraid to risk it by express; I am at home sick in bed; unless something is don, I will did." Says, "Tear this up quick." I wrote letters from San Angelo; directed letters "W. G. Parrish, personal." He told me to; that is my letter and signature; I marked that "personal;" never marked any personal except those to Parish; Sherman Dudley has seen us together on long bridge near the branch back of Mr. Michel's; Mr. Parish came down and motioned me; I told Dudly what Mr. Parish wanted, and if you do not believe it, follow me, but don't recognize me; he did so; John Warner saw us talking on the branch at Masten street; told three boys, "Sherman Dudley, Johnny Warner and Willie Goodson about what Mr. Parrish and I were doing; Goodson is at Fort Worth; have seen Mr. Parish at his office; know Mr. Gill; have seen him at office (pointed out Mr. Gill); Parish asked me if I would know Mr. Langdon at night; I said I wouldn't' you meet me at 7:30, prayer meeting night; I will wait at Linskie's corner and watch him go in; he said "there is the man I want you to kill, will you know him;" be sure and meet here again; I did so and followed Mr. Godley; it was on Sunday, over a month before I killed him; Mr. Parish picked out other places and I met; I recognize this as the gas pipe with which I hit the man. Mr. Parish had his gun in his hand; it was midway of the vacant lot on Live Oak street; he turned back and looked at his watch and says, "he ought to be on this car; " sent two telegrams from Angelo was all I sent; said he had hat in his trunk for several months.
     Signed, J

     The above confession was taken from the witness by Mr. H. Morris, the stenographer.
     Witness identified several telegrams, letters and fragment of letters signed "Susan," which were acknowledged by defendant before the grand jury to have been received by him from W. E. Parish. Witness also identified the gas pipe as the same that defendant told the grand jury he did the work with.
     The prosecution then offered in testimony the letters found on Paris, as follows:
     Florence, dearest girl: They have me in jail at Lampasas. I don't know why. I will end everything soon. They say it is something about Parish and some say it is about Susan and I will die before I will give her away, for she is a married woman and her husband would kill me. She sent me $100 to-day. Here is a ring. Wear it and always remember one who loved you. May we meet again.
     Signed, J
     Dear Florence -- The time has come for us to part. Before I would place you in irons, I would place you in death. I am going now.
     Signed, J
     Adjourned until 2 p. m.


     At the afternoon session, C. A. Gill, a member of the firm of Langdon, Parish & Gill, and a member of the grand jury that investigated the Langdon murder, was placed on the stand.

- February 16, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 2-5.
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An Arrest Made For a Crime
Eleven Years Old.






Sheriff Cabell In Possession of Important
Testimony, Including the Confession
of an Alleged Eye Witness
to the Old Crime.

     Sheriff Ben Cabell and his subordinates have made an arrest that is considered by himself and others as an unusually important capture and one that may lead to the clearing up of the mystery surrounding an old crime.
     In 1883, Henry Kirk, whose relatives now reside near Forney, was employed on the old Bagley farm near Mesquite. One evening, he left the farm in company with one W. F. Anderson, also a young farm hand.  Anderson returned; Kirk was never seen again. His friends searched high and low for the missing man without success. Time quieted their anxiety and interest in the mysterious disappearance finally died out.  Seven or eight years ago, W. F. Anderson moved away from the Mesquite neighborhood.  Strange as it may seem, Anderson had always managed to divert suspicion from himself, and it was generally believed that Henry Kirk, actuated by some strange impulse, had fled the country.
     A month ago, on the old Bagley farm, in a deep thicket, a skeleton was found. The skull had been perforated by a bullet, and within the skull, the leaden missile was found. It was identified as the skeleton of Henry Kirk, the unfortunate farmer, who had been lured to death ten years ago. Sheriff Cabell took the case in hand and received a telegram from the sheriff of Miller county, Arkansas, saying that M. F.[W. F.] Anderson was in jail in that county and to "come and get him."
     The sheriff has gathered a mass of evidence which he believes fastens the crime upon Anderson. It is claimed that Anderson shot Kirk to death in the thicket on the night they were last seen together in 1883, and the next morning procured a grubbing hoe, excavated a shallow grave in the underbrush and laid away the body of his victim. He afterward made away with Kirk's gold watch and other valuables.
     Deputy Sheriff Bob Ellis was sent to Texarkana for the prisoner, and this morning, arrived in Dallas with Anderson, whom he placed in jail. Anderson is about 40 years old, and has been absent from Dallas county most of the time since Kirk was murdered.
     Among the testimony in Sheriff Cabell's possession is the confession of a man who claims to have witnessed the killing of Kirk by Anderson. Sheriff Cabell declines to divulge for publication the name of this witness, for reasons readily apparent.

- February 17, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
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Of Mrs. Mary Cornelia Pointer Sledge,
Daughter of Col. Marcellus Pointer.

     Deceased was born in Holly Springs, Miss., May 28, 1870. Her parents were of the best families and highest social standing in that community. They removed to Dallas, Texas, in 1876, where Mary grew to womanhood, possessed of those graces that go to make a perfect woman. She was a true wife and devoted daughter. To know her was to love her. In 1898, she returned to the home of her childhood, where on the 14th of February of that year, she was united in marriage to Joe Brown Sledge of Como, Miss., where she resided until the following July, when, owing to ill health, she returned to Dallas. Not finding relief, she went to Amarillo, Tex., but she was destined not to remain with us long. On the 6th day of February, 1894, her pure young spirit took its flight heavenward, bearing in her arms the precious babe so shortly loaned to her back to the God who gave it. Verily, the father is calling his children home. Nothing is more mysterious or more unfathomable than the ways of Providence. It is always harvest time with the great reaper, death. He begins with the little germs just struggling into life. Next, he takes the tender shoot, and reaps on through all stages of development, leaving only a few stalks here and there to mature and become white unto the harvest. Thus, it was with our beloved Mary, cut down just when life seemed sweetest and the world the brightest with the bonds of love multiplying around her. Death is an unwelcome visitor at all times. But, when it takes the young who has just arrived at the age of usefulness and earthly ties are strongest, it is truly incomprehensible. But, why question the wisdom of a merciful God, for truly his ways are past finding out. He has just called her home to occupy the mansion prepared for her, and escape the trials and suffering we find so hard to bear. Just at the close of a beautiful day, God's messenger stood at the bedside of our beloved Mary, and ere those who loved her, realized his presence he had gone, carrying her bright, beautiful spirit so dear to our hearts. Memory is busy in many households recalling her cheery presence and loving words. How her companions of the Sesame will miss her, where her presence was like a sunbeam or a ray of gladness and oftimes shed a tear when they gently breathe her name or see the vacant chair. But, she has gone. So young, so beautiful, so full of hope, so like a beautiful flower that bloomed and passed away, leaving a father, mother, a husband, two sisters and a host of friends to mourn her early demise.
     Yet, she is not dead, but sleepeth.
     For her eternal peace, eternal rest, eternal happiness. For us the toil, the strife, the turmoil of living, but if we faint not some sweet day, the joys that are now hers will be ours.
               For life is real, life is earnest.
               And the grave is not its goal
               Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
               Was not spoken of the soul.

                              A FRIEND.

- February 17, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 7, col. 5.
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Died in the Hospital.

     George Long, a young man, died in the city hospital to-day after a short illness. He is believed to have relatives in Wills Point.

- February 17, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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George Long's Relatives.

     George Long, who died at the city hospital on Saturday last, has a sister named Mrs.. Alice Terry, living in Miles, Milam county, and a brother, Henry Long, living on the Texas Trunk railroad, near Kleburg. Neither of them have yet been heard from.

- February 19, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, Sec. II, p. 16, col. 1.
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Death of A. W. Collins.

     A. W. Collins died last night at the home of his son-in-law, J. D. Thomas, 490 North Pearl street, corner of Thomas avenue. He was 75 years old and had lived in Dallas four years, coming here from Terrell. The funeral will take place from the home of J. D. Thomas at 10 a. m. to-morrow.

- February 21, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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Despondency Over Financial Losses Drive
Him to the Desperate Deed.

     R. G. Stevens, aged 20, died at the home of his brother, Thomas Stevens, at Chestnut Hill last night.
     The young man had just come to Texas from Mississippi, and was despondent over financial troubles. Last night, he purchased twenty-five grains of morphine at the Ervay street drug store and, on retiring, took twenty-three grains of the drug.
     He failed to answer when called to breakfast this morning, and his brother entered his room to find him almost dead. A physician was summoned, but it was too late to do him any good.

- February 22, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 5.
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Death of Mrs. Graves.

     Mrs. A. E. Graves, mother of Mrs. A. R. Billows, died this morning at 9:30, at the Norton building, corner of Elm and Akard streets. The funeral will take place at 3:30 Sunday afternoon from the family home.

- February 24, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 2.
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Death of Mrs. Mary C. McDaniel.

     Mrs. Mary C. McDaniel died at the home of her brother, J. B. Holland, No. 388 Live Oak street, at 2 o'clock this morning. She was a member of the Christian church; also of the Knights and Ladies of Honor. The burial will take place at Trinity cemetery at 11 o'clock to-morrow.

- February 24, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 2.
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Thomas C. Macon Dead.

     Thomas C. Macon died at his home, 479 Bryan street, yesterday.

- March 1, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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Death of an Infant.

     Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mow of Oak Cliff last night lost their infant son. The funeral took place to-day.

- March 1, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 6.
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Mrs. Buer Dead.

     Pauline, wife of William Buer, who has charge of Strother's hotel, died March 2, 1894, aged 22 years. She was a resident of Commerce, Mo. Friends are invited to attend the funeral from the Sacred Heart church to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Chicago newspapers please copy.

- March 2, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
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Receivership Contested.

     Sanger Brothers, to-day entered a protest against the appointment of Robert Wells as receiver of the saloon business of A. Bernhart, who died suddenly Thursday. The case will be heard by Judge Nash Monday. In the meantime, Wells is suspended.

- March 2, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 2.
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Death of Tom Cade.

     Mr. Tom Cade died yesterday at 155 Main St., which building he had owned and occupied up to the day of his death for nearly twenty years. He was a native of London, England, and 60 years old. He arrived in the United States twenty-five years ago and came to Dallas a year later. He was unmarried and he left an estate valued at between $40,000 and 60,000. He had a brother in England and another in Canada.

- March 9, 1894, Dallas Morning News, p. 8, col. 5.
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One Large Venire Exhausted and Another
Ordered -- Sickness in the Family of a
Juryman May Clog the
Court Wheels.

     The first venire of 300 men summoned in the Randle case was exhausted this morning with the result of securing only six jurors. A second special venire of forty men returnable at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, was then ordered by the court.
      At the time of going to press, the lawyers had not commenced on the second installment.
     O. H. Wilson, one of the jurors selected to sit in the case, received notice early this morning that his sister, Mrs. S. A. Ridge, near New Hope, was at the point of death. Judge Clint instructed the sheriff to, at once, appoint a deputy to go with Mr. Wilson to see his sister. Deputy Sheriff G. O. Surber was assigned the duty of accompanying the juror on his sad journey.

- March 10, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 5.
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     Gen. N. B. Pearce, March 8, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. J. T. Choice, after an illness of three weeks, in his 67th year. The remains will be taken to Whitesboro, Texas.

- March 12, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
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     March 12, Saphrona P. McCarstin, 14 years old, inflammation of the bowels. The deceased was a daughter of W. A. and M. E. McCarstin of Oak Cliff.

- March 13, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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Charles F. Carter, Jr.

     The death last night at 2 o'clock of Charlie Carter, of pneumonia, at the home of his father on Ross avenue, is one of the saddest events the TIMES HERALD has ever had to chronicle.
     Charlie Carter was, in all respects, a most lovable character. Gentle, manly, courteous -- this bright and winning boy commanded the affectionate respect and confidence of all.
     It seems peculiarly hard, and so very difficult to understand, that one so tender, true, and noble, whose life was so deeply and lovingly intertwined into that of others, should be rudely wrested from those who wished so deeply that he might live. But, He who makes the clouds his chariot and rides upon the wings of the wind -- He "who doeth all things well" -- has found it best to take home to himself this gentle spirit; and who may question the fiat of Omnipotence, or intimate that it is merciless."
     It would be simple supererogation to say that the bereaved family have our profoundest sympathy.

- March 16, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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     Charles F. Carter, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Carter, died this morning at 2:15. There will be funeral services at the family residence, 403 Ross avenue, to-morrow ('Saturday) afternoon at 3:30. Interment at Trinity cemetery.

- March 16, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 6.
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Death of Annie Minor.

     Annie Minor, daughter of Policeman Minor, 13 years old, died at 12:30 o'clock last night. The funeral will take place from the family home, No. 679 Main street, at 3:30 this afternoon.

- March 20, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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Death of Fred Foster.

     Fred Foster died at his home, corner Preston and Williams streets, last night of consumption of the throat, in the 49th year of his age. The funeral will take place at 3 p. m. t-morrow from the late residence of deceased, under the auspices of the Odd Fellows, the German Knights of honor and the Sons of Hermann, and proceed to Trinity cemetery.
     Mr. Foster came to Dallas twenty years ago, and during his residence here, he won the respect and esteem of all he came in contact with. He leaves a widow and three children.

- March 21, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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Death of Mrs. Scott.

     Mrs. Clifton Scott died last night at the family home, 217 Snodgrass street. The funeral took place at 3 o'clock this afternoon.

- March 21, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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     Gen. N. B. Pearce, March 8, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. J. T. Choice, after an illness of three weeks, in his 67th year. The remains will be taken to Whitesboro, Texas.


[Special Order No. 17.] The following named Confederate Veterans are appointed and requested to serve, to prepare suitable resolutions of respect in reference to the death of our beloved comrade, General Nicholas B. Pearce, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. T. Choice, in the city of Dallas, March 8, 1894, and present the same at the memorial meeting Sunday afternoon, viz: Maj. George R. Fearn, Major John Henry Brown, Col. J. B. Simpson, Col. Cole, Capt. W. F. Morton, committee. By order of
               W. L. C
         Lieut.-Gen. U. C. V., Trans-Mississippi Dept.
               A. T. W
         Adj't. Gen. and Chief of Staff.

- March 22, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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     Mrs. Fred Forster and family desire to return their sincerest thanks to the large number of friends and acquaintances who attended the funeral of their deceased husband and father, and especially to the members of the Odd Fellows Nights of Honor, Sons of Herman, G. A. R. and other societies.

- March 24, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
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All from a Slight Wound With a Butcher's
Knife -- Opinions of Physicians as to
the Causes of Blood Poison.
The Microbes in the Air.

     Paul Hayden Turner, the 7-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Turner, of Oak Cliff, died yesterday of blood poisoning.
     One day last week, the little fellow visited a meat shop near his home, and taking the butcher's knife, proceeded to play with it, and in doing so, he slightly pricked one of his fingers with the knife. The wound was apparently so insignificant, that no attention was paid to it.
     On Sunday, the wounded hand began to swell and to turn black. The best medical skill to be had was called in, but the little fellow grew worse, and expired, as above stated, on yesterday.
     The attending physicians are agreed that the boy died of blood poisoning.
     A T
IMES HERALD reporter interviewed several physicians on the subject of the causes of blood poisoning. Drs. Carter, West and Johnson were found together. They all agreed that the meat that had been cut with the knife from which little Paul received his death wound, must have been either in process of decomposition or from a diseased animal. They did not believe that blood poison could result from flesh, wholesome meat or blood coming in contact with a wound or a human being. Dr. Carter knew a man at Jackson, Miss., who contracted a fatal case of blood poison from holding an autopsy on a cow that had died of some disease. Dr. Johnson said that several years ago, a man near Dallas pricked his finger with a knife with which he was skinning a cow that had died of murrain. Blood poison set in and the man died in a few days.
     Dr. Eagon says the microbes which produce blood poison come from no one knows where. They are liable to get a footing in the most trifling wound and kill the patient, while again, they fail to take hold in a bad and much exposed wound. For this reason, he says, physicians are very particular before undertaking surgical work, to subject their instruments to a high degree of heat and antiseptics. A knife, thus treated, if suspended in the air, is liable, in a few hours, to again have microbes on it, and it would be possible for a person cut with it to have blood poison, though a thousand persons might be wounded with it and none of them have blood poison. The condition of the person exposed to these microbes, he says, perhaps, has something to do with their taking hold.
     It does not follow, from what Dr. Eagon says, that the knife little Paul cut himself with had been used on unhealthy or tainted meat, or, in fact, on any meat at all.

- March 30, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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Death of John Smith.

     County Attorney Gillespie, yesterday, attended the funeral of John Smith, at Letot. Smith, a drayman, at the age of 32 years died of inflammatory rheumatism.

- April 2, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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Death of George Dealey.

     George Dealey, father of Tom and George Dealey, of the Galveston and Dallas News, died in this city, on Saturday night, after a lingering illness. He was a native of Liverpool, England, and was born on Jan. 20, 1829. The funeral was held yesterday at the First Congregational church, Rev. C. I. Schofield officiating, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Carroll. The burial was in Oakland cemetery.

- April 2, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 6.
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George Dealey.

     On the 31st of March, A. D. 1894, at 11:15 p. m., George Dealey passed from life to death, from trouble to rest, was freed from this earthly tenement and clothed in the spotless robes that await every Christian, when the privileged finger of the angel of death beckons them to come. All doubt is ended, all trials are o'er' happiness continued, tears no more. Sorrow is banished, pain is ignored--he stands in the presence of his Savior, God. George Dealey was indeed a remarkable man; true to his profession, true to his duty, true to his God, hence could be false to no man. He was born January 20, 1892, in Liverpool, England, being at the time of his death, 65 years and 2 1/2 months old. When 17 years of age, while in a meeting conducted by Rev. William Falloon, a noted Episcopal clergyman of that city, he was converted and united with the church. From that time, until a few years ago, when he was stricken with the disease, which finally culminated in his death, he was an earnest Christian worker, beginning as a teacher in the "Rugged" schools of Liverpool, and was also a member of a corps of tract distributors in that city. While engaged in these and other services, he was associated with many of the most prominent Christian workers of England, among whom were Dr. Parker, the lecturer, known as the "Bible Defender;" Richard Weaver, the famous "Collier Evangelist;" H. Grattan Guiness, a missionary worker still noted for his fame as a speaker; J. N. Darby, the translator, whose works on the Bible are held in high repute by students of theology; Reginald Ratcliffe, then a prominent lawyer of Liverpool engaged in evangelistic work with Henry Moorhouse, the famous English evangelist, and others well known on both continents. In companionship with such men as these, Mr. Dealey was firmly grounded in spiritual matters, and early became filled with a burning and intense zeal for Christian service, which calling would have been chosen by him as his life work, but he could not take up theological studies for the reason that, at 19 years of age, he was the sole supporter of a widowed mother and several sisters.
     At the age of 41 years, Mr. Dealey came to America, settling at Galveston, Tex. Before leaving the old country, his pastor, Rev. Hobson of Liverpool, held a special farewell service in behalf of the departing family, and remembered them in public prayer each Sunday until their safe arrival was announced from the shores of their adopted land.
     In Galveston, where he resided for nineteen years, he was well known and was universally esteemed as a citizen, and beloved as a Christian worker. There, he began his Christian service by visiting the hospital and jail, and Sunday after Sunday, could be found at those places, reading, praying and distributing tracts and papers to the inmates. In 1878, he founded in Galveston, the Island City Protestant Orphan's Home, renting for the purpose, a two-story dwelling, corner Market and Eleventh streets. This institution grew, until to-day, it is one of the leading philanthropic enterprises of the Island City, now known as the Protestant and Israelitish Orphans' Home and occupying a block of ground on Center street. So quietly and humbly was the work carried on, that very few, to-day, know who as the originator of that great work. For several years, he also conducted a mission Sunday school in East Galveston, on avenue K; it was in this special branch of Christian work that "with the children" he was happiest and most used. Gifted with a remarkable memory and being a close reader, he, without hesitation, could draw from seemingly an inexhaustible fund of anecdotes, always suited to the occasion, making the application with a tenderness and pathos which rarely failed to move all who listened, whether young or old. To the children, he was always "Grandpa Dealey," and to the older ones, "Father Dealey."
     Mr. Dealey's last important Christian work was in West Galveston, where in 1886, he was one of several who organized the West End Baptists church, being elected Senior Deacon and superintendent of the Sunday school, also helping to build what is now a prosperous and well established church.
     In 1889, the family removed to this city, where he passed his last days in quietness and peace, his failing health debarring him from engaging in business of any kind. His life was a living example of an earnest, humble, devout Christian who, amid long years of a useful business career devoted himself to the glory of God as shown by a manly, unflinching Christian life. One of his favorite sayings, and the one which seemed to be the rule of his life, was "a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches," and this choice of his was never regretted. His long and useful life closed with Christian resignation, and that sweet patience amid intense suffering, that only those who have loved and served the Lord, can enjoy.
     His life work is dearly prized by his family and immediate friends, affording a hope that is inspired only by a life-long service of the Master, wholly acceptable to God, affording them an inexpressible satisfaction.
     He leaves a widow and eight children, all Christians. These are Thomas W. Dealey, of Galveston; George B., Charles L. and Samuel D.; Mrs. C. M. Seay and Mrs. John H. Craven of this city; Mrs. Frank W. Boyle, of El Paso, Texas, and Prof. James Q. Dealey, of Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.
     The remains of this Christian gentleman were interred Sunday afternoon in Oakland cemetery after service had been held privately at the family residence on Chestnut Hill and publicly at the First Congregational church. The services at the church, which was packed, were solemn and inspiring and were untied in by the Grand avenue branch and the East Dallas mission Sunday schools. Dr. Scofield preached from the text, "I have fought a good fight," and paid a glowing tribute to the deceased. Deacons Page, Powell and Nason, of the Congregational church, and Brothers Blaylock, Tobey and Geen, old Galveston friends and co-laborers of the deceased, acted as pall bearers. Several beautiful floral offerings were placed on the casket by friends. Mr. Thomas W. Dealey, of Galveston, eldest son of the deceased, was present at the services.
     "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God."

- April 3, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3-4.
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Funeral of Miss Hyman.

     The funeral of Miss Tillie Hyman took place at 11 a. m. to-day.

- April 5, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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The Funeral Took Place at Mount Calvary,
on white Rock, to-day and Was Largely
Attended by the Friends of the Family.

     Mrs. James Moore died at the family home on Ross avenue, Wednesday evening, of blood poison, aged about 65 years. Two or three weeks ago, Mrs. Moore, in handling some kindling wood, broke the skin of the back of her hand with a splinter. In a little while, the hand began to swell and display the symptoms of what the doctors said was blood poison, which resulted in the death of the patient.
     The burial of Mrs. Moore took place at Mount Calvary Baptist church, near the camp meeting grounds, on White Rock creek, this forenoon, and, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, it was attended by a large number of the relatives and friends of the family.
     The deceased was the mother of Mr. A. I. Moore of the district clerk's office.

- April 6, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
- o o o -


John Says He is Striving to Join Him in a
Better Land.

     Jerry Paris, the father of John Paris, who is under sentence to hang for the assassination of Young M. Langdon, died in the city hospital this morning of hospital gangrene, aged 65 years.
     The old man was admitted to the hospital four or five days ago to be treated for a disease of the spine. Dr. Armstrong performed an operation on him, Hospital gangrene set in and he expired as above stated.
     The news of the death of his aged father was received by John with resignation. John says he is striving to meet his father in heaven.

- April 10, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
- o o o -


A Fatal Morphine Case, Said to be Suicide,
Hastily Disposed of.

     A Mrs. Harris, living on San Jacinto, was found dead in her bed yesterday morning. It is reported that she died of an overdose of morphine, but neither of the justices of the peace was notified, if such was the case. The body was shipped to Simons station for interment.

- April 10, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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A Friend of the Deceased Says it Was Not a
Case of Suicide.

     Dr. Reeves, who was called in along with other physicians to see Mrs. Harris, who died on Texas street two days ago, stated to a TIMES HERALD reporter to-day, that the woman died of an overdose of 20 grains of morphine. He could not say with what motive she took the drug.
     It appears that there was no inquest held on Mrs. Harris, as the law directs in such cases.
     Tony Baratini, a friend of the dead woman, wishes a correction made of the statement that she was found dead. He asserts that her death was accidental and not suicidal; that she took morphine to relieve her from the pains of cramps. But, twenty grains of morphine looks like a pretty big dose for the relief of pain.

- April 11, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
- o o o -

Death of a Mr. Grantham.

     S. H. Grantham, a well known lawyer of Grand Prairie, died to-day from the effects of a surgical operation, the success of which was his only hope to live. The funeral will take place this afternoon.

- April 14, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
- o o o -

Death of a Child.

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Smoot, of Colorado City, died at noon to-day at the home of Mrs. Smoot's mother, Mrs. G. M. Figh, whom she is visiting.

- April 14, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
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Death of J. H. Nolan.

     J. H. Nolan died at the family home, Harwood and Trinidad streets, yesterday. He was 65 years old and came to Dallas from Iowa twelve years ago. He was a well known harness maker, and two of his sons are prominent in Dallas business circles as butchers. The funeral will take place at 10 o'clock to-morrow.

- April 16, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
- o o o -

W. R. Jackson Dead.

     W. R. Jackson, of the firm of Jackson Bros., wholesale produce merchants of this city, died at 11:30 this morning, at his home on Masten street, and will be buried to-morrow afternoon. Mr. Jackson was one of the best known young men in Dallas, and himself and brother have accumulated considerable property.

- April 16, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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The Motorman Didn't See Him in Time to
Save His Life -- He Was the Son of Mrs.
Jennie Smith and Only Four
Years Old.

     At 5 o'clock yesterday evening, the four-year-old son of Mrs. Jennie Smith, a widow, living at 715 Elm street, was run over by an electric car in front of the house, and so injured, that he died in a few hours afterward.
     Mr. Hastings, who has the reputation of being a careful motorman, was running the car, and it appears that there was a buggy by the side of the track going in the same direction with the car. The child was playing in the street and suddenly ran around the buggy and in front of the car--so close, that the motorman could not stop the car before it had the child down and the front wheel was on it. the car was backed off the little fellow, who, in a fearfully mangled and faint condition, was carried to his mother's house. Medical attention was summoned, but the doctor could no more than administer opiates to relieve the child's suffering, for there was no hope of saving its life.
     The funeral took place this afternoon.

- April 20, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
- o o o -


A Disgraceful Family row at Oak

     Early yesterday morning in Oak Cliff, Dave Avery shot and seriously wounded his uncle, Pleas Avery, both colored.
     Dave, who was arrested and jailed by Constable Creal, said he went home at 3 o'clock and surprise his uncle in bed with his wife. He got his gun and followed him home and shot him. The wounded man will die, his physician says.

- April 23, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
- o o o -

Mrs. Frank Irvine Very Low.

     Mrs. F. L. Irvine, who has been unconscious since yesterday morning with fever, is not expected to live till night.

- April 25, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
- o o o -

Funeral of Mrs. F. L. Irvine.

     The funeral of Mrs. F. L. Irvine, who died yesterday evening, will take place at 10 o'clock to-morrow.

- April 26, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3.
- o o o -

Sudden Death.

     Raceel Carrol, colored, of South Dallas, ate a hearty breakfast this morning, and in about an hour afterwards, toppled over dead.      Justice Lauderdale held an inquest and could find nothing the matter with her but a sore toe. The verdict ascribed the death to causes unknown to the jury.

- April 26, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 6.
- o o o -


     Mrs. John G. Hunter died yesterday. The funeral will take place from the family residence, 192 Browder street, at 10 a. m. to-morrow.
     B. A. Ramsey, an old settler, died last night on Pacific avenue, just east of the Santa Fe Railroad crossing.

- April 30, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 7.
- o o o -


     B. A. Ramsey died Sunday evening at April 29, at 9 o'clock; will be buried at 10 a. .m Tuesday, May 1; funeral from family home on Pacific avenue, near Fair grounds
     On Monday, April 30, at 8 o'clock a. m., Laura Virginia, wife of John G. Hunter, aged 51 years. The funeral will take place from the family home, 192 Browder street, on Tuesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock; Trinity Cemetery.

- April 30, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
- o o o -

Death of James A. Moore.

     James A. Moore died at the home of his son, I. A. Moore, 808 San Jacinto street, at 7 o'clock this morning, in the 77th year of his age. The burial will take place in Mount Calvary cemetery, near Richardson, to-morrow morning. The wife of deceased died only a few weeks before him. Services will be held at the house at 8 o'clock to-night.

- May 4, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
- o o o -


An Inquest Will Have to Determine the
Cause of a Mysterious Death.

     Yesterday, Judy Ruffin, a colored woman living in South Dallas, went on an excursion and left her seven-months-old baby with Carrie Williams, another colored woman. During the day, the child was taken with spasms, and, after suffering intensely for a short while, died. Justice Skelton viewed the body, but has not yet held an inquest. The Justice informed a TIMES-HERALD reporter that Dr. Stickley says the child died of opium poison.

- May 7, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 1.
- o o o -





The Child Dies Next Morning -- Justice Shel-
ton Calls in a Chemist and Holds an
Inquest -- Mrs. Williams in
Jail for Murder.

     Last Saturday, Justice Skelton was called upon to hold an inquest on a nine-month-old child of India Ruffington, a colored woman living in South Dallas. The testimony developed the fact that the evening before its death, India left her child, which was in perfect health, in the care of Carrie Williams. The child slept through the night and could not be aroused the next morning, and it died early in the day.
     Justice Skelton submitted to a chemist, the milk bottle from which the child took nourishment, who found traces of morphine poison in it. So far as is known, Carrie Williams was the only person that was with the child on the night the poison was administered.
     The testimony showed that there was some little latent animosity existing between Carrie and the mother of the child. Accordingly, Justice Skelton, to-day, issued a warrant for Carrie's arrest on a charge of murder. She was arrested by Constable Morton and placed in jail.

- May 9, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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Run Down by an Engine on the Texas &
Pacific and His Brains Scattered Along
the Rails -- A Young Man Struck
Dead by Lightning.

     This morning, about 10 o'clock, Jules Orenzle, a Mexican candy peddler, was run over by a freight train at the Union depot and crushed into a shapeless mass of broken bones and torn and bleeding flesh.
     As engine No. 217 on the Texas & Pacific road pulled into the depot, going east, with a long line of freight car, Orenzle was observed by Boney Gaston, colored, in an upright position between two boxes, apparently trying to cross between them. In a moment after he was seen, the Mexican fell to the track and the heavy wheels passed over him, crushing, tearing and grinding his body in a most horrible manner. He was dragged thirty or forty feet over the roadbed.
     When taken from the track, Orlenzle's body presented a fearful, sickening sight to the crowd of people who gathered to view it. All semblance of human shape was gone. Nearly every bone in the body was broken, and the skull was ground to atoms. The north rail of the track was coated with blood and brains, and the dreadful of gathering the brains fell upon Mr. Loudermilk, of Linskie's undertaking establishment.
     Justice James Skelton viewed the body. Nothing could be learned, beyond the fact that the victim was a candy peddler and roomed at 570 Alamo street.
     The body was turned over to Undertaker P. W. Linskie.


Killed by Lightning.

     Yesterday evening, during a thunder storm, a young man named Ax was killed by lightning, while plowing in a field, a few miles from Dallas, at a point between Plano and Garlington. An uncle of deceased lives at the corner of Bryan and Texas streets in this city. His brother was killed in Dallas last fall by a bale of cotton falling on him.

- May 10, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 1.
- o o o -

Death of J. M. Millirons.

     J. M. Millirons, a grocer on the south side of the court house, died this morning of dropsy.

- May 15, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 4.
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Death of a Traveling Invalid.

     R. S. Charles, of Providence, R. I., who was traveling in Texas for the benefit of his health, he being a sufferer from consumption, died yesterday evening at No. 266 Live Oak street. The funeral services will be held this evening in the house where Mr. Charles died, at 4:30 o'clock, and will be conducted by Rev. M. M. Davis, pastor of the Central Christian church. The body will be shipped to St. Louis, that being the home of the deceased's widow. Mr. Charles was a brother-in-law to H. B. Kane, of Palestine, vice-president of the International and Great Northern Railway. Mr. Kane arrived in Dallas this morning.

Mrs. Lillian Carter.

    Mrs. Lillian Carter died at Wheatland, Dallas Co., Monday evening, aged 20 years.

- May 16 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
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Mrs. Lillian Carter.

     Wheatland, Dallas Co., Tex., May 14.-- Mrs. Lillian Carter, died here this evening, aged 20 years.

- May 16, 1894, The Dallas Morning News, p. 3, col. 7.
- o o o -


In New Mexico Hailed From Dallas--His
Brother Also Probably Murdered.

     Last Wednesday's News contained a special from Eddy, N. M., which read: "The body of a murdered man was discovered twenty miles south of this place. The man was identified as an Arabian Jew peddler who passed through here a few days ago. He had been shot from ambush and his body hidden in a brush pile. The tracks of horsemen were found near by. The peddler had been rifled of his valuables and robbery was the apparent motive. The sheriff and posse are on the trail of the murderers."
     Postmaster Hill is in receipt of a communication from the postmaster of Pecos City, Tex., inclosing a letter bearing the Dallas postmark and addressed to "Tumas and Allah Allam, Pecos, Tex." There was an Arabic inscription across the envelope. With this letter, the postmaster at Pecos City sent a clipping from the Eddy, N. M., Argus, which went on to say that two Arabian peddlers had passed through Eddy and that afterward "on a lonely trail about thirty-five miles south of Eddy, a Mexican shepherd came upon the body of one of the peddlers, known to be Allah Allam. He had been shot three times, the bullets entering the head, body and an arm. The sheriff was notified and a posse sent out that trailed evident marks made by horsemen for some distance, when they came upon a pool of blood and a number of rifled boxes and packages, where all traces ceased."
     The body of Tumas Allam was supposed to have been thrown into a stream.
     From the Arabians of Dallas nothing could be learned except that the Allams were peddlers residing here who venture away from the railroads into distant parts.

- May 18, 1894, Dallas Morning News, p. 8.
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     At 8:10 this morning, Charles Stewart, infant son of Charles B. & Mamie T. Swindells, aged twenty-two months and five days. Hour for funeral will be announced in morning paper.

- May 19, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
- o o o -





The Baby Had Floated Down to Ervay
Street -- Thrown in the Stream Only
a Few Hours Before. - Turned
Over to the Coroner.

     About 11:30 this forenoon, while a number of newsboys were fishing in Mill Creek, just below the Ervay street crossing, John Crowley, one of them, found the body of a while male child in the water. It had lodged against a sandbar, and the boy, not able to see what it was, poked it with his fishing pole. When he saw what it was, he gave a yell and ran as if the fiends were after him. He was followed by all of his companions, except Tony Savona, who is a sturdy, stout-hearted 10-year-old. He waded out into the stream, picked up the body, bore it ashore and procured a pasteboard cracker box, into which he paced the "find."
     Police Officer Henry Waller arrived a few minutes later and reported the find to Justice Skelton, acting coroner.
     The child was perfectly formed, was about ten inches or a foot in length and would weigh sever pounds. When first taken out of the water, its skin was very clear, but after it had been exposed to the sun for awhile, it began to become discolored. It had several bruised spots on it, as if it had rubbed or struck against something in the water. The color of the head was almost a black purple, but whether this resulted from bruises or the action of the water, would require a physician to tell.
     The body gave forth no odor, and from its appearance, could not have been in the water more than a few hours.
     It had apparently been thrown into Mill creek quite a distance up the stream and floated down to where it was found.
     Justice Skelton viewed the body and turned it over to Undertaker Smith for burial.

- May 22, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
- o o o -

Two Deaths.

     Mrs. E. E. Rayburn, of Oak Cliff, died at the home of her brother, J. W. Ayres, on Exposition avenue, Tuesday, May 22.
     Lillian Fay, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Foreaker, No. 129 First avenue, died Wednesday, May 23.

- May 24, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
- o o o -


He is Run Over and Killed by an Electric

     Bill Hughes, otherwise Pat Lowery, an old man nearly blind, who has been a beggar in the city for several years, was run over by a Main street electric car near Pearl street last night, and died of his injures before he could be gotten to the hospital.
     J. E. Martin, the motorman on the car, says that he could not stop the car, though gave timely warning with his gong for the man to have gotten off the track.
     So far as could be ascertained, Hughes has no relatives in Dallas.
     Dr. Armstrong says he was under the influence of whisky when he was killed. The police say he was sadly addicted to strong drink. A number of lawyers are endeavoring to find out who Hughes' relative are. One of them was heard to remark that the brakes on all the electric cars are worn out and in a dangerous condition. This is taken to mean that they would like to bring suit against he street railway company.
     It is said he would spend every cent he had for whisky, but never had anything to say to any one, no one ever learning anything about him. The police authorities say he is recognized as Bill Hughes, but this is contradicted from apparently reliable sources who say Bill Hughes is altogether another man and still lives. One or two other parties say his name is Pat Loney [Lowery], but nothing reliable has been learned as to who he is. All that was found in his pockets were two or three blank note heads of the Railroad Drug Store, 568 Elm street. The proprietor of the drug store claims to have seen a man in his store answering his description, but knows nothing further. He had no money in his pocket or papers of any kind.
     Undertaker Linskie has charge of the body, which, he [says], will be buried by the Consolidated Street Railway Company at 5 o'clock this evening at the Trinity cemetery.

- May 24, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 6.
- o o o -


He Has no Rich Brother in Kansas

     John C. Davis died in the city hospital Saturday evening of alcoholism and the cocaine habit. Undertaker Linskie, who embalmed the remains, wired to Kansas City, where it was reported the deceased had a brother who was a big merchant, worth $100,000. The answer came back to-day that there was no such merchant, big or little, in that city.

- May 28, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
- o o o -

Death of Willie Tibbetts.

     Willie Tibbetts, 15 years old, died to-day at 12:30, at the home of his mother, No. 181 Ross avenue, of slow fever, after an illness of about six weeks. He will be buried to-morrow from the family home at 9 a. m.; funeral to Trinity Cemetery.

- May 29, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 7.
- o o o -


     The following deaths are reported to-day:
     Infant of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hoener [Horner], 359 Fairmount avenue. Funeral 9:30 a. m. to-morrow.
     Mrs. John W. Eads was buried to-day from the home of D. C. Howard, on Live Oak street.
     Infant of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Dawson, corner McKinney and Highland streets. Funeral to-day.
     A 7-year-old daughter of Mr. W. B. Badger, was buried to-day from the family home, 303 South Harwood street.
     Infant of Mrs. Alice Davis died at 203 Market street.

- May 29, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 4.
- o o o -

     HORNER, infant of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Horner, 359 Fairmount ave. Funeral at 9:30 a.m. to-day from residence.

- May 30, 1894, Dallas Morning News, p. 5, col. 4.
- o o o -


Charles Bachman, 20 Years at the Church
of the Sacred Heart, Passes Away.

     Charles Bachman, who, for so many years. has been organist at the Church of the Sacred Heart, on Bryan street, died Saturday after several days illness, with a complication of troubles, and was buried from that church yesterday afternoon.
     Mr. Bachmann was born at Paderborn, Germany, and came to this country to avoid entering the German army. He was an organist in New York city, and came to Texas with the highest recommendations of two eminent composers.
     For the last twenty years, he has either been sexton, or organist, of the Church of the Sacred Heart, where he has been held in the highest esteem. He was loved and honored by those in charge, as was evidenced by the funeral services yesterday, in which all the clergy of the city, headed by Bishop Dunne, took part.
     The Requiem High Mass was held at the church, and Mrs. Philo Pondrom sang a solo, "Calvary." After the services at the church, the body was interred at the Catholic cemetery.
     The Church of the Sacred Heart has lost a man they can hardly replace.

- June 4, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 6.
- o o o -


     Mr. S. Iralson died this morning at the family, No. 145 Browder street. Funeral notice in to-morrow's News. Omit flowers.

- June 4, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
- o o o -

Death of Mr. M. Iralson.

     Mr. M. Iralson died at his home on Browder street this morning, at an advanced age.
     The funeral will take place from the family home at 9 a. m. to-morrow and proceed to the Jewish cemetery. The deceased leaves two sons and three daughters, Messrs. Benj. and Moses Iralson and Mesdames A. Michaelson, E. Bauman and M. Simpson. The two last reside in Chicago.
     The deceased retired from business some years ago.

- June 4, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
- o o o -


     Foot -- Frederick Norman, infant son of Frederick N. and Nora F. Foot. Funeral from their home, 252[?] Caruth street at 9:30 a.m. to-day. Friends and acquaintances are invited.

- June 4, 1894, The Dallas Morning News[?], p. ?, col. ?
- o o o -





An Eye Witness After Twelve Years Finds
the Secret Too Burdensome for Further
Keeping -- A Strange Case in Judge
Clint's Court.

     A jury was secured yesterday afternoon in the M. F. Anderson case and the taking of testimony proceeded with.
     Joe Badgeley, the paralytic, was the first witness. Badgeley testified that one night twelve years ago, he, the defendant and Henry Kirk went 'possum hunting, near Mesquite; that witness saw Anderson kill Kirk in a thicket, and that the following day, witness and Anderson took a grubbing hoe and covered up the body of Kirk, Anderson telling witness not to say anything about the matter.
     On cross examination, witness said that Anderson lived three years in the neighborhood after the alleged murder, and on several occasions, told persons that he (Anderson) killed Kirk.
     G. W. Berry and his son and daughter were next placed on the witness stand. They testified that they had lived on the farm on which the murder is alleged to have taken place for the last six years, and that they found human bones in the thicket in which Badgeley says Kirk's body was buried.
     W. F. Rhodes, Thomas Edwards, Gus Lindsey and Squire Woodson also testified to the finding of human bones in the thicket in question.
     There are many other witnesses to be examined, but the making out of a case against Anderson, so far, rests entirely upon the testimony of Bageley, who claims to have been an eye witness, whose physical condition will be made the most of by the lawyers for the defense. They will attempt to show that the witness' physical paralysis has affected his mind and made him imagine that he saw Anderson kill Kirk.

- June 5, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
- o o o -

Local Notes.

     W. E. E. Collins, of Hutchins Station, died last Tuesday evening in the city of an overdose of morphine. His remains were taken to Trezevant, Tenn., for interment.

- June 7, 1894, The Dallas Morning News, p. 8, col. 4.
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Drowned in the Trinity.

     John Bowles, 28, native of Kentucky...unmarried...

- June 8, 1894, Dallas Morning News, p. 2, col. 4.
- o o o -





John R. Bowles Came From Kentucky to
Visit Relatives in Dallas, Went on
an Excursion, and was At-
tacked by Vertigo.

     John R. Bowles, who was a passenger on the steamer Dallas, on the excursion yesterday, fell overboard three miles below Dallas on the return trip at 5 p. m. and was drowned.
     He was standing on deck talking to Mack Duncan and others, and without apparent cause, staggered forward and overboard, disappearing under the boat, and did not come to the surface again.
     The river was dragged until late last night, and until noon to-day, before the body was found. It was found by George Treadway a few yards from where he fell overboard.
     Mr. J. D. Bowles, brother of the drowned man, to a T
IMES HERALD reporter, stated that his brother was subject to attacks of vertigo, and that in walking along the streets with him, he had often seen him when an attack would come on him, stagger and almost fall. Mr. Bowles is disposed to believe, that while standing on the deck of the boat, his brother was seized with vertigo, probably brought on by leaning forward, a posture that usually gave rise to the attack, and reeling, fell overboard before he could recover himself. And, this theory is the most probable one.
     The drowned man was 33 years old of age, lived in Louisville, Ky., and has been here on a visit to his mother and two brothers, Messrs. J. D. and F. R. Bowles, who have been residents of Dallas for several years.
     This is the first accident that has occurred to any passenger on the Trinity boats during the year they have been running with the thousands of men, women and children they have carried, and even this seems to have been from a sad infliction of vertigo, to which the unfortunate young man was subject.

- June 8, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 6.
- o o o -

Local Notes.

     Martha, the little daughter of Hon. R. S. Kimbrough, of Mesquite, died at that place yesterday.

- June 9, 1894, Dallas Morning News, p. 2, col. 7.
- o o o -

Funeral Notices.

     BOWLES-The funeral of John Bowles will take place to-day from the residence of his brother, F. R. Bowles, 467? Young street. Interment at the Catholic cemetery.

- June 9, 1894, Dallas Morning News, p. 5, col. 4.
- o o o -

Death of a Child.

     Horace Dean, son of Thomas A. and Carrie L. Jackson, died Saturday, June 9, aged one year and fifteen days, and was buried yesterday at Oakland cemetery.

- June 11, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 4.
- o o o -


     An infant son of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Sammons, 249 Griffin street, died last night. The funeral took place at Trinity cemetery at 2 p. m. to-day.
     Mrs. F. M. Mundon died at 487 Commerce street yesterday after a prolonged illness. The funeral took place at 10 o'clock this forenoon.
     Mrs. J. Owens, the mother of Mrs. B. W. Mosher, died yesterday in room 5, over the Trinity Drug Store, at the advanced age of 80 years.

- June 12, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 4.
- o o o -





Through the Best Intentions Neighbors
Make a Mistake, Which Shocks the
Family and Friends of the

     The TIMES HERALD was asked by several persons to look into the matter of the burial of Valentine Kirkham as a pauper by Undertaker Linskie.
     Mr. Kirkham, aged 52 years, lived with his mother, aged 89, on East Elm street. They were very worthy and once well-to-do English people, but lately, they have been in reduced circumstance. Valentine got sick and died, and the neighbors, knowing the condition of the family, applied to the county to bury him, but it appears without duly considering how paupers are buried.
     Mr. Linskie has an arrangement with the county to bury paupers at $4.50 each, but he neither washes, shaves, nor dresses them. He simply places them in a plain box and buries them in the clothes in which they die.
     Accordingly, when Mr. Linskie got the order from County Judge Nash to bury Mr. Kirkham, he sent his men with a box in a wagon. They placed the body in the box and proceeded to the cemetery.
     It appears that Mrs. Kirkham was under the impression that the body was to be taken to the undertaker's shop, and there prepared for burial and brought back to the house for religious exercises to be held, the family being Episcopalians. The result was that Mrs. Kirkham and her friends and neighbors were very much shocked that the burial should have taken place without religious exercises.
     Mr. Linskie says that he complied with all the requirements of a pauper burial, and after hearing the complaints, he told the friends of the family he would gladly take up the body and give it a better burial, if anybody would pay for it.

- June 14, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
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     Will Moore died to-day of consumption, corner Allen and Cochran streets. The funeral will take place at 10 a. m. to-morrow at the Oak Cliff cemetery.
     Adie Haggart, 18 months old, daughter of W. H. Haggart, died to-day at the family home, No. 20 Greenville street. Funeral to-morrow at 2 p. m.

- June 14, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 7.
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D. R. Cameron's Horse Falls and Frac-
tures the Rider's Skull.

     D. R. Cameron, aged 23 years, a son of Frank Cameron, a well known ranchman on Mountain Creek, met with his death yesterday afternoon. He and one of Ben Brandenberg's sons were chasing [a] yearling, when Cameron's horse stumbled and fell, throwing him over its head and striking his forehead against the point of a white rock, fracturing the skull.
     The accident happened at 10 a. m., and the young man, who never recovered consciousness, died at 2 p. m. The deceased leaves a widow.
     The funeral took place this afternoon.

- June 15, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
- o o o -

Mrs. Fox Dying.

     Mrs. Sarah E. Fox, widow of Frank W. Fox, the late well known candy maker and confectioner, is dying in the city hospital this afternoon. About a week ago, she fell exhausted in her store, 111 Market street, and has constantly grown worse since.

- June 15, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
- o o o -

Death of a Baptist Preacher.

     The Rev. Mr. Stout, a Baptist preacher of North Carolina, died yesterday in this city at the home of George H. Plowman. Mr. Stout was in ill health when he came home to attend the Southern Baptist Convention. He rapidly grew worse, until he was unable to return home with other visitors from his section. The body will be sent to North Carolina.

- June 18, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
- o o o -





He Was a Blacksmith and Placed New
Shoes on the Animal That Proved
Treacherous After He Had
Mounted to Ride Him.

     Charles Gregolet, familiarly known as "Dutch Charlie," a blacksmith on Main street, near the Texas Trunk Railroad crossing, shod a span of mules for the ice factory late yesterday afternoon, and then mounting one of the animals and leading the other, he started to take them to the ice factory. On the way, the mule he was riding got to pitching and threw Mr. Gregolet with such violence on the pavement, as to fracture his skull, from which he died shortly afterwards, being unconscious in the meantime.
     Mr. Gregolet was a native of North Prussia, and unmarried. The funeral will take place from the home of Mr. Ferd Ganzer at 6 o'clock this afternoon.

- June 19, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
- o o o -


He Was Confined in Jail on the Charge
of Insanity.

     Billie Trammell, a well-known tin-smith of early Dallas days, and later a saloon man, who has, for some time, been suffering with both mental and physical debility, died in the county jail yesterday, where he was confined on a charge of lunacy.

- June 25, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
- o o o -


     The burial of Mrs. William Webb, wife of Police Officer Webb, who died last evening, took place this afternoon in the family burying ground in the Merrell neighborhood, north of Cochran's chapel.
     The death of Mrs. F. M. Motley occurred yesterday evening and the funeral to-day.

- June 26, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
- o o o -


     Dr. W. A. Sackett is seriously ill at the home of J. A. Bumpas, on Cole avenue. Dr. Sackett's mother will arrive this evening from New Albany, Ind.

- June 26, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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Death of Dr. W. A. Sackett.

     Dr. W. A. Sackett died at 8 a. m. to-day, at the home of James Bumpas, on Cole avenue, rheumatism of the heart.
     The mother of deceased arrived yesterday evening from New Albany, Ind., whither the remains will be shipped for burial.
     Dr. Sackett, aged 23 years, located in Dallas in April 1893, and made a host of warm friends. He was a close student and had a fine promise of a bright future as a physician.

- June 27, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
- o o o -


WHEATLY -- At 11 o'clock, p. m., June 28, 1894, after a long illness, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Wheatly, wife of Mr. W. S. Wheatly, in the 57th year of her age. Funeral services will be conducted by Right Rev. A. C. Garrett, at the family residence, 513 Live Oak street, this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Friends of the family are invited to attend.

- June 29, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
- o o o -



     An infant son of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Knight, 256 Cochran street, died to-day and will be buried at 10 a. m. to-morrow.
     George Sinclaire died this morning at 114 Thomas avenue, aged 71 years. Deceased was a native of Scotland, and has been a resident of Dallas five years. The funeral will take place from the family home at 10 a. m. to-morrow.
     Mrs. B. E. Julian died this morning, corner Thomas avenue and Leonard street, of consumption, after a lingering illness. Deceased was a sister to Thomas Bros., the real estate men.

- July 2, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2.
- o o o -





The Victim the Driver of an Ice Delivery
Wagon -- He Was Overcome on South
Ervay Street, but Lived Till He
Reached His Home.

     Jeff Plemmons, who drove one of the delivery wagons of the East Dallas Ice Factory, was overcome by the heat near the street car stables on South Ervay street at 2p. m. He was carried to the El Merito drug store, Main and Ervay streets, but there being no physician to be had at once in that locality, he was removed to his home, corner Swiss avenue and Texas street, and died a few minutes after his arrival.
     The doctors pronounced it a case of sunstroke.
     Mr. Plemmons was about 35 year of age, and leaves a wife and three children. He came to Dallas with the Hunstable Bros., when they opened their shoe store seven or eight years ago. He came from McKinney, where, according to the best information, he was raised.
     Mr. Plemmons was a shoemaker by trade, and after quitting the Messrs. Hunstable, he worked at his trade until last spring, when he went with the ice company, under the impression that he needed more active exercise than he was getting on the shoemaker's bench.

- July 3, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 4.
- o o o -


     Dr. Bolling A. Pope died at the McLeod hotel this morning, after a short illness, aged about 65 years.
     Dr. Pope was born in Washington county, Ga., and given a thorough education, literary and medical, in the universities of the country and Europe.
     For years, he was a practitioner in New Orleans, where he rose to great eminence in his profession and grew rich.
     About the close of the war, he married a Mrs. Ayres, of Memphis, Tenn., who died many years ago, and by whom he had a son, B. A. Pope, Jr., whom he educated in Europe, and who is now at the head of the profession in New Orleans.
     Dr. Pope came to Dallas about ten year ago, and made specialties of the eye, ear and throat, and soon built up an enormous practice. He made $100,000 during the real estate boom in Dallas, and lost it in the collapse.
     Dr. Pope was related to Col. William Pope of Marshall.
     A telegram was sent to Dr. Pope's son in New Orleans for directions as to the disposition to be made of the body.

- July 4, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
- o o o -

Buried at McKinney.

     The remains of Jeff Plemmons, who died yesterday of sunstroke, were, this morning, shipped to McKinney and interred in the family burying ground.

- July 4, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
- o o o -





E. R. Roby Staggers to His Room, Bleeding,
and Dies in Fifteen Minutes -- Over-
come While at His Work on
Independence Day.

     The second victim of sunstroke in Dallas for 1894 was placed in the record yesterday. E. R. Roby, working on one of the Texas Ice Company's wagons, was overcome by the heat while at work on his route. About 2:30 p. m., he staggered into his boarding house, at the corner of Main and Pearl streets, and reaching his room, fell on his bed, bleeding profusely from his mouth, nose and ears. He was taken into the hall and a physician sent for, but he died before one could be had.
     Mr. Roby came here from San Antonio two years ago, and engaged in the saloon business. Two weeks ago, he began working for the ice company. He was 35 years old and unmarried. His father was the late Capt. Roby, of Cleburne, where his mother is still living. His brother-in-law, J. R. Johnson, of Seagoville, came up last night and took charge of the body and telegraphed to Cleburne for the mother of deceased.
     Mr. Roby was on his wagon driving up Main street when first affected. He died in fifteen minutes after he reached home. He was a stout, robust man, and in excellent health up to the hour of his death. The funeral will take place at Seagoville this afternoon at 5 o'clock.
     The body was taken charge of by Undertaker P. W. Linskie.
     It was noted as rather a remarkable coincidence that the only fatal cases of sunstroke in Dallas this year were two drivers of ice wagons, and that they were attacked in two successive days, and died at almost the same hour. Jeff Plemmons was the first victim, dying Tuesday afternoon.
     Persons who are familiar with sunstroke say that of all men, those employed about ice factories and ice deliveries should exercise the greatest care in the matter of living, particularly as regards drinking. Many employes indulge in the coldest kind of beer, and then go out into the extreme heat, a practice that is exceedingly hazardous.

- July 5, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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     Mrs. J. P. Robinson died at 2 o'clock this morning, and will be buried at Kleburg at 4 o;clock this afternoon.
     A 2-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McCabe died yesterday evening at their home on Snodgrass street, and was buried in Oakland cemetery at 9 a. m. to-day.

- July 5, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
- o o o -

Funeral of Dr. Pope.

     The funeral of the late Dr. B. A. Pope took place at 10 a. m. to-day from the home of Mr. T. J. Oliver and proceeded to Oakland Cemetery. Bishop Garrett officiated. The pall bearers were: Drs. Foy, Thompson, McJenkin and Ashton, Mayor B. T. Barry, J. F. Caldwell and Mr. Gibson.
     Quite a number of people turned out to pay their last respects to the departed.
     Dr. B. A. Pope, Jr., son of deceased, arrived yesterday evening from New Orleans, and attended the funeral. He was very much gratified at the respect shown his father by the people of Dallas.

- July 6, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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Alderman Lacy Breaks the News to Mrs.
Flanagan -- Deceased Was a Well
Known Dallas Character and
an ex-Alderman of Fort

     Dick Flanagan, a well known character of Dallas, died last night at Mineral Wells, where he has been for the last two weeks on account of ill health. The body will arrive here to-night at 8:10 on the Texas & Pacific train and will probably be embalmed by Undertaker Linskie to-night. Notice of the funeral will be given to-morrow.
     Alderman Lacy broke the news of her husband's death to Mrs. Flanagan, who was deeply affected. She is in the delicate condition of approaching maternity.
     Mr. Flanagan married Miss Julia Hiller, and two sons born to them are living, one 11 years old and the other, 3.
     Mr. Flanagan was a member of the fraternity of the Knights of Pythias, and his life was insured in the endowment fund of the Knights of Honor for $2000.
     "Dick" Flanagan came to Dallas from Cincinnati about seventeen years ago, was well known as a promoter of popular sports and was noted as a musical entertainer. He was a fine performer and a vocalist of exceptional talent. He was, at one time, a resident of Fort Worth, and served several years as alderman in that city. He was about 46 years old.
     Mr. Flanagan was a native of Syracuse, New York, but removed to Cincinnati at an early age, and there resided until he came to Texas in 1877. In Cincinnati, he was in the pork packing business, and for a while, on the police force.

- July 9, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 7.
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Dick Flanagan's Funeral.

     The body of Dick Flanagan, who died Sunday night at Mineral Wells, arrived last night and was embalmed by Undertaker Linskie. The funeral will take place to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock from the family home on Gaston avenue. The burial will be at Oakland cemetery.


Attention, Queen City Lodge No. 941,
K. of H.

     All members are requested to convene at lodge room at 9 o'clock a. m., sharp, on Wednesday, July 11, 1894, to attend the funeral of Bro. Richard Flannagan. All Knights of Honor, are requested to attend. By order of Dictator,
Attest: L. P
T. G. T
ERRY, Reporter.

- July 10, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2.
- o o o -

[No Heading]

     Mr. Edward T. Seay died at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the home of his son, Mr. Benjamin Seay, corner Harwood and Trinidad streets, in the 91st year of his age. His physician said there was nothing in the world the matter with him. He simply died of old age, or the wearing out of his body.
     The deceased was the father of the noted criminal lawyer, Col. Robert B. Seay, Judge Benjamin Seay and Eugene Seay, and the grandfather of the Lauderdale boys. He was a native of Tennessee, and passed most of his life as a farmer near Hartsville in that state, but for a great many years before he retired from business, he was a tobacco merchant, in which business he made and lost a fortune.
     A daughter with whom Mr. Seay had long lived in Tennessee dying last fall, Col. Bob Seay, concluded to bring him to Texas, where he would be with his surviving children.
     The old gentleman enjoyed good health up to the last, eating heartily and sleeping soundly and taking a lively interest in his surroundings. His mind seem to be unimpaired, except as to memory. This faculty had become almost obliterated toward the end.
     The body of Mr. Seay will be buried in Oakland cemetery at 4 o'clock this afternoon.


     The funeral of Richard Flanagan, who died at Mineral Wells Sunday, took place from his late home in East Dallas at 10 a. m., and proceeded to Oakland cemetery. The funeral was conducted by Knights of Pythias Lodge No. 70, and was largely attended.


     Tom Jones' baby girl, Ruth, 13 months old, died last night at the family home, on Keating avenue, in Fairland.


     Mrs. John Olcott died this forenoon at the family home, on Keating avenue, in Fairland.

- July 11, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
- o o o -


SEAY -- E. T. Seay, July 10, 1894, born October 20, 1803. Will be buried at Oakland cemetery, 4 p. m. July 11, 1894. Funeral services at residence of B. T. Seay, 396 North Harwood.

ALCOTT -- The funeral services of Mrs. Alice E.[?] F.[?] Alcott, deceased wife of John Alcott, will take place from the family residence at Fairland to-morrow (Thursday) morning at 10 o'clock.

- July 11, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 6.
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He Was a Traveling Salesman and Was At-
tacked Yesterday With Acute Conges-
tion -- Well Known in Commer-
cial Circles.

     James L. Belt, a traveling salesman for Armstrong & Company, was found dead in his room at the St. James Hotel yesterday at 7:30 p. m.
     Mr. Belt registered at the St. James Wednesday night, and yesterday, at 1 o'clock, went to his room soon after coming to the hotel from out in town.
     Mr. Belt seemed very ill, and called in Drs. Ray and Boyce, who administered a stimulant and sent for Dr. Allen, the sick man's family physician, and Mr. Will White, a friend.
     These men cane in at 3 o'clock and remained until 7:15. Mr. White went to the Santa Fe depot and remained about 15 minutes, and when he returned, he found Mr. Belt dead in his bed.
     Mr. Belt was 35 years old and leaves a widow and two children. His life was not insured. His brother, W. J. Belt, who works for Schneider & Davis, was notified of the death and sent for Undertaker Ed C. Smith to take charge of the body.
     The immediate cause of Mr. Belt's death was acute congestion.
     The funeral will take place from the family home at No. 340 Cole avenue at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon. There was no inquest held on the body, as the cause of death was not considered of a mysterious character.

- July 13, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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A Case of Murder or Suicide -- The Body of
a Strange Young Man Unidentified.
Inquiries Made by a Strange
Young Woman Recalled.

     The body of an unknown man [Ira B. Oliver] was found on the river bank at the mouth of Farmers' Branch, five miles from the town of Farmers' Branch, yesterday, and Justice Skelton inquested it, but without identifying it.
     The deceased was a young man with clean-shaven face, dressed in jeans pants, home-made drawers and socks, partially worn shoes and a common $.50 hat. His hands were tender and evidently not accustomed to recent hard work. There was some wheat chaff in his pockets and thresher dust on his hat and clothes, indicating that he had either been working or sleeping about a threshing machine. But, there was nothing on him by which he could be identified.
     His throat was cut and a Barlow knife with a dirk blade open was found lying on the ground near him.
     One theory is that he suicided and another is that he was murdered.
     Justice Skelton ascertained at Farmers' Branch, that several days ago, a woman from Grapevine came up to that place on one train and went back on the next, making inquiry about her husband.
     Sheriff Cabell, who is making a thorough investigation of the matter, says that, so far, he has discovered nothing pointing to the identity of the man, and he is unprepared to say whether it was a case of suicide or murder.
     Sheriff Cabell said this afternoon that he had reason to believe the dead man's name is Crowell, but could learn nothing else about him.

- July 14, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
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     Heine Schaub, the 16-year-old son of Adam Schaub, died this morning of typhoid fever. The body was taken in charge by Undertaker Linskie and will be buried to-morrow morning from the family home on Cadiz street, near Ervay.


     James, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. William Boyd, of East Dallas, died Sunday night after a prolonged illness. Funeral services held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock; interment at Oakland (new) cemetery.


     The infant son (James) of Mr. William Boyd, electrician of the Rapid Transit railway, died last night and was buried at Oaklawn Cemetery to-day.

- July 16, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
- o o o -





His Body Badly Disfigured by the Electric
Current -- Another Boy Severely In-
jured -- A Network of Wires
Missed by the Flash.

     This morning, at 10 o'clock,, during a violent rainstorm, George Sunderland, a 17-year-old boy, was struck and instantly killed by lightning at his home on Thomas avenue, east of the Central railroad track. He was sitting in an outhouse, and the lightning struck a tree against which the house is built. The electric current ran down the tree, splintered the side of the house, struck, the boy on the head and burned the whole length of his body.
     A young son of Mr. Foree, a neighbor, was standing in the door, and received a shock which knocked him down.
     George Laws, a neighbor of Mr. Sunderland, ran to the boys as soon as he heard the noise, but the Sunderland boy was dead when Mr. Laws reached him.
     Dr. McDermott was summoned and succeeded in resuscitating the Foree boy.
     George Sunderland was the son of James Sunderland, a contractor and builder.
     There are many lightning rods and telegraph wires in the immediate vicinity of the scene of the accident, but the lightning did not touch them.
     The body of the dead boy is terribly disfigured. It will be taken to McKinney, the old home of the family, to-morrow morning, for burial.

- July 16, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 6.
- o o o -











He Slashed and Stabbed Nickless to Instant
Death -- John W. Nickless Received
Probably Mortal Wounds in
Helping His Father -- Bar-
nes Has Several Ghast-
ly Wounds.

     At 7 o'clock this morning, and a few minutes after the cotton factory in South Dallas had started up for the day, H. P. Barnes, the boss weaver of the mills, entered the office of Superintendent A. H. Nickless, on the south side of the building, and with a long-bladed knife, assaulted that official, inflicting deep wounds under and over the left arm, in the left side, in the left groin, and then driving the blade into the heart, severing the lower lobe of that organ. Mr. Nickless staggered to the door, fell on the steps, and died in a few moments without speaking. About the time Barnes got through with the superintendent John W. Nickless, son of the superintendent and engineer of the mils, entered the office, when Barnes assaulted him with the same murderous weapon, inflicting a number of deep wounds, two of which reached the lungs, one on the top of the right shoulder and the other on the right side. Barnes then cut him across the head, in the right arm and in the right leg.
     Barnes came out of the fight pretty badly used up himself. He had a deep wound in his head and another in the lower left arm. He surrendered to Police Officer Charlie Durham and was taken to the county jail.


     As soon as the tragedy occurred, the machinery of the mills was stopped and the factory closed. The greatest excitement prevailed in the settlement and the news was transmitted to the city as rapidly as electricity would admit of, and there was a rush of officers, reporters, doctors and curious people.
     The wounded engineer and the body of the superintendent were taken to the family home across the street from the mils, where Dr. Fort dressed the wounds of the engineer, which he says are not necessarily fatal, and where Undertaker Smith took charge of the body of the superintendent.
     Before their wounds were dressed, the father and son presented a ghastly sight, indeed.


     The only eye-witness to the tragedy was Adam Green, the day watchman. It is part of Green's business to set the office to rights of a morning, and while about this work this morning, he says he overheard Superintendent Nickless tell Barnes to make out his time and gather up his tools, and he would give him his money as soon as the president came down. Green's work then called him out of hearing of what passed between the two men for a few moments, and when he returned, he heard Nickless tell Barnes to put up his knife. He then saw Barnes assault Nickless with a long-bladed knife, Nickless being armed with nothing but the key to the office door and the piece of wood to which it was attached to keep it from being lost. He did not hear either man says a word. He then saw John W. Nickless enter the office with a monkey wrench in his hand and saw Barnes turn and proceed to stab him, the monkey wrench flying out of his hand before he could get to hit Barnes with it. He did not believe that Barnes received any wounds, as neither of the Nicklesses had any weapons with which they could have inflicted any.


     While the body of Superintendent Nickless was lying on the office steps, some harpy managed to take from his pocket, a roll of $300 and successfully get away with it.


     A TIMES-HERALD reporter called at the jail to get a statement from Barnes, who had just braced up from the effects of chloroform, under which Dr. Elmore had put him in order to dress his wounds. He was in the ground-floor room next to the office in the north, and he said he was resting easy. When asked for a statement, he said all there was about it was that two men jumped on him and one of them struck him on the head with something, which so blinded and dazed him, that he had no recollection of what followed. He did not remember to have used a knife himself, nor to have had one used on him. Afterwards, he, however, found that he was cut in the arm and was told that he had cut the other man. In addition to the two wounds on the head and the one in the arm, he received a pretty vigorous blow in the mouth, which he believes Adam Green must have administered, as he was in the office when the two men jumped on him, one of them with a monkey-wrench and the other with a big stick.
     In regard to the origin of the trouble, Barnes would not enter into details, further than to say that there was an agreement between him and Superintendent Nickless when they found the could not get along any longer that he (Barnes) was to be given the usual one week's notice to quit. But, instead of giving him notice, as stipulated, Superintendent Nickless, this morning, undertook to summarily discharge him, telling him to make out his time. Barnes said that this led to the two men assaulting him, but he declined to enter into preliminary details. He also said he worked for Superintendent Nickless three years ago, but quitted his service because they could not get along. But, about a year ago, Mr. Nickless wrote him to come back and go to work. When asked if the trouble between him and Superintendent Nickless arose from the fact that he insisted on discharging Mary Dennis, a woman employed in the mills, while the superintendent who wished to re-instate her, Mr. Barnes said he did not believe that that had anything to do with the trouble.
Mr. Barnes is 30 years old, unmarried, and a native of Columbus, Ga., where his father and several brothers and sisters live.
He explained that he believed it better not to make a full statement to the press.
     Barnes is in no danger of dying, unless blood poison sets in.


     Jim Anderson, an operative in the mills, says that happening to look out the window this morning, he saw John Nickless running, with Barnes with stick in his hand, after him, and saw the former fall and roll over on his back and kick Barnes off, every time he advanced to strike him, and finally, he saw Barnes turn and walk away, and the other get up and go in the direction of the engine room, and then noticed the machinery stop. This was the end of the bloody fight.
Anderson says the greatest excitement prevailed among the female operatives, who were screaming and fainting on all hands at the sight of the two bloody men.


     A. H. Nickless was apparently between 55 and 60 years of age, and his family consisted of a wife and the son, who was wounded in the fight. He came originally from Boston, but lived a number of years at Atlanta, Georgia. He came to Dallas eight or nine years ago, when the cotton mills first started, and has since continued to reside here. Mr. John W. Nickless, his son, aged about 35, is a widower, his wife dying about a y ear ago, leaving him two small children. Both father and son have many warm friends in Dallas, and they have the reputation of being quiet business men.


     One version of the origin of the trouble is that Barnes made himself so disagreeable in his general bearing, that Superintendent Nickless consulted the President of the cotton mills company, who advised him to discharge Barnes, and that Barnes became so enraged at receiving his discharge, that he whipped out his knife and proceeded to stab the superintendent. Another version is that Barnes discharged a woman named Mary Dennis on account of her meddling with the business of other operatives, and Superintendent Nickless insisted on re-instating her. But, in the present state of affairs, there seems to be no way of getting at the truth of the matter.


     Justice Skelton summoned a jury and inquested the remains of A. H. Nickless. Adam Green, the only eye witness, testified that when he entered Superintendent Nickless' office, this morning, he heard Nickless tell Barnes to make out his time. Barnes said he would not quit without a weeks' notice, and if he made out his time, he would charge for a week extra. Nickless replied he would not pay for the extra week. Here, witness left the room, as he did so, overhearing Nickless tell Barnes to put up his knife. Witness then heard a noise as of a slap of the hand and saw John Nickless enter the office, and heard John say: "Pa, if you are going to discharge the man, give him his time." Barnes then said: "John, you have nothing to do with this." Then, old man Nickless and Barnes went together and John stepped in as if to separate them, when the three got mixed up and got out the door. When they reached the steps, old man Nickless staggered and fell in witnesses' arms and immediately died. John ran with Barnes after him, and falling on his back, kicked him off as he came towards him.
     C. A. Langley, another employe in the mills, met Barnes as he reached the end of the building after the fight. He had a bloody knife in his hand and his hands and clothes were bloody. He said: "I have killed the old man and John, too, I believe. You had better go and see about them."
     Langley said to a T
IMES-HERALD reporter: "The trouble was over the discharge of Mary Dennis. Her husband, Francis Dennis, was let out sometime ago by Barnes for drunkenness, and Mary had the living to make. A few days ago, /Barnes also discharged Mary, who appealed to the superintendent, who told her to go tell Barnes to put her to work. Barnes refused to do it. Mary went back to the superintendent, who told her to come back this morning and he would see she went to work. In the meantime, Barnes complained to President W. C. Howard, who told the superintendent to discharge Barnes this morning. Last night, Barnes told Langley that Nickless was going to try to discharge him, adding that Nickless would lose his job first. Some time ago, Barnes reported to the superintendent that a certain woman had been stealing cloth. Nickless paid no attention to the complaint. In commenting on this to Langley, Barnes said: 'That woman will be the cause of his (Nickless') death yet."


     The knife used by Barnes is at the jail. It is an old knife with a much worn blade, recently ground as sharp as a razor.


     At 3:30 p. m., John Nickless is still alive, but he says himself, that he is bleeding internally and cannot recover.


     Nothing has been decided upon as to the funeral of Mr. Nickless. Mrs. Nickless is awaiting the result of her son's wounds. She may ship his body to Boston.

- July 17, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1-4.
- o o o -


     An infant of Mr. and Mrs. A. Jackson, on the north side of the public square, died to-day. The funeral will take place at Sower's school house to-morrow.

- July 18, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
- o o o -





All the Circumstances That Have Come to
Light Tend to Show That Oliver, in a
Fit of Despondency, Commit-
ted Suicide.

     Sheriff Cabell arrived this morning from Fannin county, accompanied by Amos Brewer, the young man who traveled with Ira B. Oliver from Fannin county to Farmers Branch in this county, and there left him a few miles from where the dead body of Oliver was found, with the throat cut, full details of which have already appeared in the TIMES HERALD.
     Brewer is a typical farmer boy, about 19 or 20 years old. He stated that he left Fannin county with Oliver and went to Renner, where they worked with a thresher and stopped with a Mr. Smith. From there, they went to Farmers Branch in search of work, but finding none, they separated, Brewer returning to Fannin, and Oliver going in the direction of Fort Worth, the one first striking work to write the other. This was the last Brewer saw of Oliver.
     Sheriff Cabell produced the hat, shoes, shirt, vest, bandana handkerchief and knife of the dead man. Brewer readily identified them as belonging to Oliver.
     Brewer said that Oliver was usually of a cheerful disposition, but that he had recently taken to drink and this seemed to give him gloomy fits. The day before separating from him, Brewer says Oliver remarked that this thing of being away from home and out of work was distressing, and he would as soon be dead as to be in such a fix. This was all Brewer ever heard him say in regard to being weary of life.
     Sheriff Cabell had the county attorney to take Brewer's statement in writing. It was the desire to thoroughly sift this matter that Mr. Cabell went to the trouble and expense of bringing Brewer to Dallas, and he says the further he investigates the case, the more he is convinced that it was suicide.
     Young Brewer will return home this evening.

- July 18, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
- o o o -


     Mrs. R. J. Stanford, formerly of Dallas, but late of Birmingham, Ala., and mother of Mrs. J. M. Oram, died on July 19. Her body in charge of her grandson, Mr. D. Stanford, will arrive in Dallas via Texas & Pacific railway at 6:30 to-morrow morning and be taken direct from the depot to Trinity cemetery.

- July 20, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
- o o o -





He Had Contracted Habits Which Handi-
capped Him in the Battle of Life, and
Despondency Drove Him to the
Rash Act.

     Sidney Le Gros, a well-known printer holding a type-setting machine on the Morning News, took an overdose of morphine sometime between 3 and 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and died at 2:00 to-day, at his home, 269 Crockett street.
     Mr. H. C. Rawlins, brother-in-law to Mr. Le Gros and also a printer on the News, stated to a T
IMES HERALD reporter that Le Gros left him at the News office at 3 p. m. yesterday saying he was going home and requesting him to come up to supper, and that he went at 6 p. m., taking a watermelon, and Le Gros, who was in bed, got up and came out into the yard and ate a part of it. As Le Gros got up to return to the house, he staggered, and explained that he had just drunk a pint of whisky. He said he would lie down and sleep until 9 o'clock, when Rawlins was to call him, and they would come down town. An hour or so later, as Mr. Rawlins was sitting in the room writing a letter to his wife in Colorado City, Le Gros gave vent to a long moan, which Mr. Rawlins says he knew to be peculiar to persons under the influence of morphine. Rawlins attempted to arouse him, but Le Gros responded no further than to admit that he had taken morphine. After this, he never spoke.
     Rawlins called in two or three doctors, who worked on the suicide all night, but to no effect.
     Le Gros led a wayward life. He was addicted to strong drink and to gambling, which habits very greatly augment the odds against a man in the battle of life, and it was in a fit of despondency, brought on by this unequal combat with life, that he took poison on yesterday. He left a number of letters to his relatives and friends, but the T
IMES HERALD could not secure one of them.
     Le Gros began his career as a printer, as galley boy on the old Herald in 1881, and has ever since followed the trade of a printer, latterly running a machine on the News. In 1886, he was married to Miss Mabel Stokes, of Dallas, and four children were born of the union. His wife and children are now in Colorado City visiting Mr. Rawlins.
     Mrs. Marian Le Gros, the mother of Sidney, stated to a T
IMES-HERALD reporter this morning, that while Sidney was a wayward boy, he was, nevertheless, an obedient son, a kind husband and a loving and indulgent father.
     The men who worked with Le Gros say that for some time, he has been in depressed spirits and has more than once given intimation that he had suicide in contemplation.
     A relative of the dead man called at the T
IMES HERALD office shortly after the death to announce the fact. He said the cause of suicide was simply a case of extravagant habits in the life of dissipation; that Le Gros had gambled and spent money freely and contracted debts by borrowing and on credit, until he seemed to be completely overwhelmed by them, and in his discouragement, he had sought relief by self-destruction.

- July 20, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
- o o o -


It Will Be Conducted by the Typographi-
cal Union To-morrow.

     The funeral of Sidney Le Gros will take place at 10 a. m. to-morrow from his late home, 269 Crockett street, and will be conducted by Dallas Typographical Union 178.
     The widow and children of deceased arrived this morning from Colorado city, where they were visiting when they received the news of his death.

- July 21, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
- o o o -





The Disaster Anticipated by One of the En-
gineers -- How a Conductor's Tele-
gram About the Wreck Sized
Up the Dead List.

     Deputy Sheriff Fon Simpson was a passenger on the northbound train which collided with the southbound at Forest, on the Texas & Pacific, Monday afternoon. He and other were in the "white" department of the smoker, and the train porter was the only person in the colored department in front. The department of the coach occupied by the porter was torn all to pieces and the porter killed, and the wrecked coach with the passengers in it was piled up on the wreck before it and turned over on its side. Mr. Simpson happened to have his knees braced against the seat in front of him and was engaged in reading the TIMES HERALD when the collision occurred. As soon as he felt the train going up, he took hold of the ends of the seat in front , and thus held on until the car stopped on its side. The other passengers, however, were knocked about and some of them considerably bruised, but none seriously hurt.
     He says both engines and all the baggage, express and mail cars and the front end of the northbound smoker were literally knocked to pieces.
     He says there were nine men killed outright and two more mortally injured. Among the killed were a tramp on the blind baggage of each train. He says Fred Marshall never knew what killed him, he was so fearfully mangled. His body was under the engine and was not extricated until next morning.
     The engineer on the north-bound train stated in Mr. Simpson hearing that he was expecting a collision and he therefore held himself in readiness to jump. Mr. Simpson also heard the station agent at Forest say that there came very nearly being a collision of the two trains at that point last week.
     Mr. Simpson volunteered to carry a telegram for the conductor to the nearest station, a distance of six miles. In this telegram, the conductor announced that a collision had occurred and that there were probably two men killed, when Mr. Simpson saw five dead ones before he left.
     Mr. Simpson did not know the names of any of the killed, except that of Fred Marshall.
     Mr. Simpson had the skin knocked off the shin of his right leg and two slight bruises in his right hand.


It Will Take Place at 10 A. M. To-Morrow
in This City.

     The body of Fred Marshall, the express messenger killed in the Teas & Pacific collision at Forrest on Monday, reached Dallas last night on the westbound cannon ball. Charlie Marshall, brother of deceased, who is express messenger between Fort Worth and Texarkana on the Texas & Pacific, accompanied the body home. Gay Marshall, another brother, who is express messenger between Big Springs and El Paso, will arrive to-night.
     The body was taken charge of by Undertaker Linskie.
     The funeral will take place at 10 a. m. to-morrow from the family home, 259 Exposition avenue, and proceed to Trinity cemetery.


     The Pacific Express Company's offices in Dallas will be closed from 9 a. m. until 12 o'clock noon to-morrow out of respect to Fred R. Marshall, the messenger who was killed in the collision on the Texas & Pacific Railway on Monday.

- July 25, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5-6.
- o o o -



     The funeral of Fred Marshall will take place to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock from the family residence, 259 Exposition avenue. Funeral to Trinity cemetery. Friends of family invited.

- July 25, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
- o o o -

Death of Mr. Thomas.

     John A. Thomas, aged 38 years, died at his boarding house, 154 Masten, yesterday. His home was in Fort worth, but he had been at work a short time in Sanger Bros.' store. His body was shipped to Fort Worth this afternoon.

- July 25, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
- o o o -





Her Clothes Ignited While She Was Doing
Washing -- The Funeral of Fred Marshall,
a Victim of the T. & P. Wreck,
Largely Attended.

     Fannie Elliott, a negro girl, while washing clothes on Tuesday of last week at her home, 146 Boll street, stepped too near the fire and her dress became ignited. She was terribly burned.
     The shock produced lockjaw. Physicians were called, but cold not relieve her, and she died night before last in terrible agony. She was buried yesterday afternoon by Undertaker Linskie.

The Funeral of Fred Marshall.

     The body of Fred Marshall, the Pacific Express messenger killed in a wreck on the Texas & Pacific railway Monday, was buried this morning at 10 o'clock from the family home at 229 Exposition avenue, Bishop Garrett officiating.
     The funeral was largely attended, not only by citizens, generally, but the express men, particularly those in the service of the Pacific company at Dallas, Sherman and other points throughout the state, were present in a body.
     The office of the Pacific Express Company in this city closed at 9 a. m. and continued closed until after the funeral, out of respect to the memory of deceased.
     The pall bearers were: W. S. Richardson, J. W. Stalker, F. G. Chace and F. D. Grifling, of the Pacific Express Company; E. L. Edwards, of the Wells-Fargo Company, and Mr. E. C. Anderson.
     The expressmen placed on the grave, a beautiful floral tribute in the design of an anchor.

Death of Mrs. Clyde P. Smith.

     The wife of Mr. Clyde P. Smith, living near Letot, died yesterday evening of typhoid fever, in the 23rd year of her age. The remains were interred in the Smith burial ground this forenoon.

- July 26, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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Death of J. A. Medill.

     The body of Joseph A. Medill, who died at 443 San Jacinto street, yesterday, of consumption, in the 54th year of his age, was, this morning, shipped to Wheeling, W. Va., for burial.

- July 26, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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Death from Cancer.

     Mrs. A. F. Vanderwalk [Vanderwolk] died Wednesday evening at her home at 319 Cochran street, from cancer. The burial took place yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Congregational church.

- July 27, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 1.
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In a Fit of Puerperal Mania a Midlothian
Woman Uses a Pistol.

     Mr. C. B. Gillespie received the sad intelligence Saturday night that his sister, the wife of Prof. Ellis, of Midlothian, had taken her own life by shooting herself in the head.
     Mrs. Ellis gave birth to a premature child three weeks ago, and as often happens in such cases, she was taken with puerperal mania as a consequence. About a week ago, her physician recommended that her husband take her to a new house he had just completed, in the hope that the change and employment of fixing up the house would have a salutary effect upon her mind. But, the doctor's hope was not realized, as she grew worse, and Saturday evening, she picked up a .45 pistol that had long been about the house and shot herself through the head, producing instant death.
     Mrs. Ellis was raised in Dallas and has hundreds of friends and acquaintances here who will regret to hear of her deplorable and untimely death.
     The burial took place yesterday at Trinity cemetery, in this city.

- July 30, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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     Frank Hoffarth, age 32 years. Funeral from 344 Bryan street, to-morrow, at 10 a. m., at the Catholic graveyard.

- July 31, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
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Early Life of an Old Restaurant Waiter
and Bartender.

     Frank Carter, a well-known restaurant waiter and bartender in Dallas and Fort Worth, died at the T. & P. lodging house last night of Bright's disease, in the 51st year of his age.
     Deceased was a native of England, where he was thoroughly educated, and was given a post in the British army in Manitoba towards the end of the '50s. Full of the fire of youth and insubordination, Frank and his superior officers were at loggerheads on many points, so much so, in fact, that Frank concluded to abandon Her Majesty's service and cross over the line into the land of the free and the home of the brave. For the next fifteen or twenty years, he lived on the frontiers of civilization and enjoyed the border excitement. Finally, about seventeen years ago, he drifted into Dallas and went to work as a barkeeper, and he lived out the span of his life here and at Fort Worth as barkeeper and restaurant waiter.
     Frank was a man of well-cultivated mind and had seen the world, and there was but one thing that kept him down, namely, the demon drink.
     The bartenders, cooks and waiters of the city will give him a fitting funeral at 10 a. m. to-morrow. The procession will start from Linskie's and proceed to Trinity cemetery.

- July 31, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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Death of Mr. A. T. Canfield.

     Mr. William McKee received a telegram this afternoon from Jeff N. Miller, general manger of the Pecos Valley railroad, with office at Eddy, New Mexico, that Mr. A. T. Canfield, general passenger and traffic agent of that road died to-day, and that his remains will reach Dallas Friday night. Mr. Canfield was long connected with the Texas & Pacific railroad here, and is well known in the city.

- August 1, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
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He Died at 6:30 Last Evening After an
Illness of Two Weeks.

     Albert H. Blanchard died last evening at 6:30 at his home, No. 116 Hibernia street. He was conscious to the last moment, and recognized his wife and friends who were present as the scenes of his earthly life and the realities of this world were floating from him.
     Mr. Blanchard had been sick about two weeks with malarial fever, but the medical opinion of his physician and the general impression of his most intimate friends, were that he would recover, but about two days previous to his death, his condition became alarmingly worse, and all hopes were given up for his recovery.
     The body was taken charge of by Ed C. Smith & Brother, undertakers, who have prepared the corpse for shipment to Mrs. Blanchard's Eastern home at Biscay, Me. The body will be conveyed to its final resting place by his wife, and a brother of the deceased, who is now en route to Dallas from Boston, Mass. He is expected to arrive Friday and the party will immediately return to the East.
     Mr. Blanchard was 23 years old. He leaves a widow, but no children. He was the Southern manager for the King, Richardson & Co., book publishers, of Springfield, Mass., and came to Dallas some two years ago to take charge of the local house, located in the Guild building, on Elm street.
     Mr. Blanchard was President of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of the First Baptist church of this city. While residing in Dallas, he made many friends by his genteel manner and upright conduct in business and social life. He will be kindly remembered by many, and his widow has the sympathy of a large circle of acquaintances in her dark hour of affliction.

- August 1, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
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     The remains of Miss R. J. Brooks will be buried in Oakland cemetery at 4:30 this afternoon. She will be buried from the family home, 175 South street.
     A 15-months-old infant of Dock Fritz will be buried at Trinity cemetery at 5 o'clock this afternoon, from the family home, 388 Williams street.

- August 1, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
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The Story of Suicide Giving Place to That
of Foul Play -- Brewer Will Have an
Examining Trial To-morrow
or Saturday.

     A few weeks ago, the dead body of Ira B. Oliver, with his throat cut from ear to ear, was found on the river bank at the mouth of Farmers' branch.
     It was generally believed, at the time, that Oliver was a farmer boy in search of work, and had, in a fit of despondency, committed suicide.
     Amos Brewer, a young man who worked with Oliver in Collin county, and who traveled with him until the morning of the day on which he is supposed to have suicided, went back to Fannin county, the place they originally started from.
     Brewer was brought to Dallas by Sheriff Cabell to make a statement, after which he was permitted to return to Fannin county.
     Here lately, new evidence has been discovered, and an affidavit was made before Justice Malone, of Richardson, charging Brewer with the murder of Oliver, and Sheriff Cabell got in with Brewer last night and lodged him in jail. He will have an examining trial to-morrow or Saturday.

- August 2, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 5.
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They are Factors in the Death of Mrs.

     Mrs. C. V. Burlew died at her home, 732 Main street, yesterday evening in the 36th year of her age, and her remains were shipped to Fort Worth to-day for burial.
     It was reported that Mrs. Burlew died of an overdose of morphine taken with suicidal intent, but this statement is denied by her family and friends, who say that she died of hemorrhage of he lungs, and not from morphine, some of which drug was administered in order to relieve her suffering.
     Mrs. Burlew leaves a daughter.

- August 3, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 1.
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She Will This Afternoon Confront the Pris-
oner Before Justice Malone of Car-
rollton and Tell What He
Confided to Her.

     Sheriff Cabell left on the noon train for Carrollton, having in charge, Amos Brewer, who will have an examining trail this afternoon before Justice C. E. Malone of Precinct No. 2, on charge of being the slayer of Ira B. Oliver, whose dead body was found near the mouth of Farmers Branch about a month ago.
     At the time of the inquest, Brewer, who had been a fellow farm hand of Oliver, made a statement regarded as conclusively exculpating him from any hand in the taking off of Oliver. It is not now believed by the officials that Brewer is guilty, but the alleged discovery of new evidence made it necessary to arrest and try him.
     Assistant County Attorney Littleton went to Carrollton to represent the state in the trail.
     Barry Miller and Green Williams go along to defend Brewer.
     Green Williams stated to a T
IMES HERALD reporter that the new testimony discovered is the statement of a Miss Williams, who claims that Brewer told her that he had killed Oliver in the afternoon of the day on which Brewer and Oliver are supposed to have separated at Mr. Connor's house, Brewer to return to Fannin county and Oliver going in the opposite direction. Brewer reached the home of Miss Williams' parents and stopped. Miss Williams says Brewer told her about the murder.
     The testimony against Brewer at the trial this afternoon will be the statement of Miss Williams.

- August 4, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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Death of Mrs. Kiely.

     Mrs. M. M. Kiely died to-day at 1 o'clock. The funeral will take place from the family home at No. 487 Elm street Monday at 3 p. m. Members of Woodmen and Irish American associations will please attend.

- August 4, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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     August 4, 1894, Ferdinand Michel. Funeral from his residence to-morrow (Sunday) morning at 10 o'clock.

- August 4, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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The Death Rate Very High Among the
Colored Population.

     Dr. V. P. Armstrong, health officer, makes the following mortuary report for the month of July, which shows an unusually large number of deaths for one month.
     Deaths in Dallas during July, 1894:
Number of white males ...... 26
Number of white females ... 16
Number of colored males ... 10
Number of colored females ..13

                      Total number... 65

     Following were the causes of the deaths: Typho malaria, 2; inanition, 3; typhoid fever, 3; consumption, 12; premature, 5; heart failure, 2; dysentery, 5; inflammation of brain, 2; infantile convulsions, 1; septicemia, 2; tetanus, 1; old age 1; cancer of stomach, 1; yellow atrophy of liver, 1; sunstroke, 2; diptheritic croup, 1; cystitis, 1; pneumonia, 1; malarial fever, 1; entero-colitis, 5; electric shock, 1; wounds by knife, 1; congestion of stomach, 1; gastro-enteritis, 2; killed by cars, 1; morphine poisoning, 1; peritonitis, 1; nervous exhaustion, 1; exhaustion from burns, 1; laryngitis, 1; abscess of liver, 1; chronic nephritis [number not listed].

- August 6, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 4.
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Jealousy the Apparent Cause of the Crime.
The Investigation Begun Saturday
Before Justice Malone at Carroll-
ton and Adjourned to Dallas.

     The examining trial of Amos Brewer, charged with the murder of Ira B. Oliver, which was commenced before Justice C. E. Malone, of Precinct No. 2, at Carrollton, last Saturday, was adjourned to Dallas to-day, but owing to the absence of some of the witnesses, it was further adjourned to be resumed at Richardson on Wednesday.
     Miss Winnie Williams was the only witness examined Saturday. Miss Williams is 16 years old, and keeps house for her brother on a farm near Carrollton. She testified that Oliver and Brewer stopped at her brother's house and she got acquainted with both of them. At about noon of the day on which the two men had separated in the morning, and on which Oliver is supposed to have met his death, Brewer stopped at her house on his way back to Fannin county and said he had a secret to confide to her. He told her he had killed Oliver, because he had told him a few lies and because she seemed to give Oliver the preference over him. He further said he had killed him for very slight provocation, and if he could recall the deed, he would not do it again.
     Those who heard Miss Williams' testimony say she made a very straightforward statement.
     John W. Oliver, father of the dead man, was here to attend the trial. He lives at Milan, Tennessee. He says his son never knew Brewer until he came to Texas.
     O. M. Thornton, a brother-in-law of the dead man, is also here. He lives in Fannin county. He says Ira B. Oliver helped him make a crop this year, and after it was laid by, he started across the country to visit a friend in the Nation. It was on this journey he fell in with Brewer, who evidently got him to go out of his way, as the route he took will show. He says Oliver was not looking for work, nor hard up for money, as he had a home and an interest in a crop with him, and could, anytime, get any moderate sum of money for the asking, from either him or John W. Oliver.
     Both the father and brother-in-law say Ira was very boyish for his age, which was 19 years, and of a cheerful disposition and enjoyed good health, and that he never suicided. They are satisfied that Brewer killed him.
     Sheriff Cabell says he has no statement to make at the present.

- August 6, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
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     The funeral of the late T. A. Canfield will take place from the Tabernacle M. E. Church at 4 o'clock this afternoon and proceed to Trinity cemetery.


     The funeral of Mr. J. C. Johnson's son took place from the family home, corner Cole avenue and Sneed street, yesterday afternoon.


     Charles Meeks of this city died last night at the Theological Seminary at Russelville, Ky., where he was preparing himself to enter the ministry of the Baptist church. The deceased was a brother to Mr. John C. Meeks, the well known traveling salesman, and also Frank Meeks of the American Express Company.


     The funeral of Mrs. Kiely will take place from 497 Elm street at 3 o'clock this afternoon and proceed to Trinity cemetery.


     The body of a child of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Conley, 681 South Ervay street, was to-day shipped to Wiley [Wylie] for burial.

- August 6, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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Death of Wright L. Roberts.

     Wright L. Roberts died at his home at 132 Nettie street, to-day, of old age. He was a G. A. R., having served in Gen. Street's cavalry during the war. The funeral will be conducted by the G. A. R. to-morrow morning.

- August 7, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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     Mrs. Mary Huffhines, of Richardson, came to Dallas yesterday to be operated on for ovarian tumor, and died under the operation. She will be buried in Mount Calvary cemetery, at Richardson, to-morrow. She was 24 years of age, and leaves two little children.

- August 8, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
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A Bullet Hole in the Back of the Neck That
Escaped the Coroner's Notice -- Law-
yers and Officers Admit That
It is a Mysterious Case.

     The examining trial of Amos Brewer, before Justice Malone, of Precinct No. 2, at Richardson, yesterday, has certainly established the fact that Ira B. Oliver did not commit suicide, but was killed.
     On the first day of the trial at Carrollton last week, Miss Winnie Williams testified that Brewer confessed to her that he murdered Oliver by first shooting him in the back of the neck, and then when he recovered from the shock of the shot and got on his feet, he finished him by cutting his throat.
     The body of Oliver was examined by three doctors, several officers and a number of citizens. They found several old scars on him, but discovered no recent wounds, except that the throat had been cut. But, Miss Williams' story was so straightforward, coherent, and disinterested, that it was deemed worth while to exhume the body for further examination. The disinterment took place last Tuesday, and sure enough, there was a big bullet hole in the back of the neck. The bullet could not be found, but the supposition is that it came out in front and the mark of it was lost in the knife wound.
     The reason the gunshot wound was not found at the inquest was, no doubt, that the body was lying on its back, and the head and neck were covered with clotted blood. And then, the knife wound was sufficient to account for his death. The slayer of Oliver evidently stealthily shot him from behind, and when he was not expecting it, and failing to make a good job of it, then cut his throat.
     The results of the examination of Oliver's body for the gunshot wound, were given in testimony before Justice Malone at Richardson yesterday, and thus, Miss Williams' statement, in regards to Brewers' confession to her, is corroborated in detail.
     The defendant took the stand yesterday, and without betraying the slightest emotion or flinching in the least, substantially repeated the statement which he made to the officers here before he was suspected of the murder, and positively denying that he ever made a confession to Miss Williams or hinted to her that he had killed Oliver.
     Brewer is a gawky and apparently unsophisticated country boy, and by this exterior, impresses one with the idea that he is free from the contamination that comes from familiarity with the depravity of human nature and the world. The result was that when he made his simple and apparently guileless statement in regard to his association with Oliver, and when he last saw that luckless young man, the officers were prepared to believe it and to let him go his way in peace. In court yesterday, he repeated that statement as coolly and deliberately, as at first, and without flinching before the large crowd of spectators.
     Miss Williams is a young lady of such high standing, that those who know her would not question her statement in any particular.
     The examination, though practically completed, will be kept open for any other evidence that may develop on either side of this rather mysterious case, for the officers do not believe that an adequate motive for the murder has yet been made to appear. It is next to certain that Oliver's small amount of money could not have been temptation enough for anybody to kill him. It does not appear that Brewer was so madly in love with Miss Williams, that he would murder his comrade, who was of unknown standing with her. The officers, therefore, believe that Brewer did not divulge to Miss Williams his real motive for the deed.
     Mr. F. D. Cosby, Assistant County Attorney, who represented the state in the examination yesterday, remarked to-day: "The case is one of the strangest I ever had anything to do with. Brewer is the only defendant I ever questioned without being able to find something in his statement or bearing, from which I could form an opinion as to his guilt or innocence. The impression he created on the stand was that he is a gawky, unsophisticated country boy, without the slightest appreciation of the gravity of the situation. Usually, there is a certain defiance in the eye of a guilty man, and he is disposed to assail the motives and break down the reputation of the prosecuting witness. But, Brewer manifested no such defiance, nor did he once attempt to reflect on Miss Williams. He corroborated her in everything she said, except touching his confession of the murder of Oliver. He denied this and simply said he had no idea why the young lady would make such a statement. If Brewer committed that murder, he is one of the most dangerous criminals in this country.
     "The testimony shows that on the morning Oliver and Brewer separated, Oliver left Mrs. Connor's house at 7 o'clock, going west. Two hours later, Brewer left and followed the same road a short distance, and was seen to take the fork leading to the east. At 11 o'clock, while still holding on his easterly course, Brewer fell in with Mr. Frick in a wagon, and rode with him. Mr. Frick says his conversation was that of a country boy. He talked of his home and what kind of work he did. He also spoke of his friend, Oliver, and said he tried to get him to return East with him. Mr. Frick said he was not excited in the least, and did not appear to have anything weighing on his mind.
     "It was late in the afternoon of the same day when Brewer reached Miss Williams' house and, she says, made a confession to her. This was on the 11th. The same evening, Miss Williams told her married sister what Brewer had confided to her. But, neither of the ladies told anybody else, and the body was not found until the 13th, when some persons fishing, discovered it about one and a half miles beyond the home of Mr. Connor, where Oliver was last seen alive. Miss Williams said nothing about the secret she had until last week.
     "We are still working on the case. I am going to Farmer's Branch this evening. I don't know what may come of the case."

- August 9, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1-2.
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He Was Found on the Railroad Track
This Morning.

     Sheriff Cabell received a telegram from Reinhart, a station on the Santa Fe, eight miles north of Dallas, that there was a dead man found on the railroad track this morning.
     Justice Skelton and Deputy Sheriff Crush went up to hold an inquest.

- August 9, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
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Death of Mrs. F. C. Burroughs.

     Mrs. F. C. Burroughs, wife of Frank C. Burroughs, wire chief in the home office of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat telegraph department, died this morning at 2 o'clock, at No. 517 East Commerce street, of cancer. Mr. Burroughs brought his wife to Dallas three weeks ago, that she might spend her last days with relations, and possibly get relief in the treatment of her malady, but fate decreed otherwise. The funeral will be held at the house at 11 a. m. to-morrow; burial at Trinity Cemetery.

- August 9, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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He Was Killed by a Train at Reinhardt
Yesterday Morning.

     Justice Skelton, who went to Reinhardt yesterday to inquest the remains of a man who was found dead on the railroad track at that station yesterday morning, returned last night.
     He said the dead man appeared to be a laborer about 25 years old. He was fearfully mangled by being run over. Nobody knew him, nor was there anything on him pointing to his identity, and he was buried as an unknown.

- August 10, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
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The Body of J. H. Conlon, a Texas & Pacific
Brakeman, Found in East Dallas.

     Saturday evening at 5:30, the body of a dead man was discovered in empty Texas & Pacific box car, No. 76, in the Texas & Pacific yards in East Dallas. The body was identified by G. A. Steward, an employe of the Texas & Pacific, as that of J. H. Conlon, formerly a brakeman.
     Conlon lived in Longview with his mother and sister. He was about 34 years old and unmarried.
     Conlon had been in the employ of the Texas & Pacific about two years. He was injured in the wreck at Grand Saline, and sent to the railroad hospital at Marshall. He left the hospital August 5, and came to Dallas for a settlement with the company on August 6. Mr. Stewart last saw Conlon alive on August 9 about 3 p. m.
     The dead man was a member of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen in good standing. He was insured for $1200 in favor of his mother.
     Justice Skelton held an inquest, but discovered no clew as to how Conlon came to his death.
     The body was shipped to Longview for burial.

- August 13, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
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The Body Identified as That of David Carey,
of No. 535 Commerce Street -- His Death
Shrouded in Mystery -- Statements
of His Family.

     This morning, at 8 o'clock, the dead body of a man, seemingly about 65 years old, was discovered lying at the foot of the western pier of the Commerce street bridge.
     The police department was notified and the body taken to Undertaker Linskie's shop. Justice Skelton viewed the corpse, but found no clew to its identity.
     It is supposed that the man either fell or was thrown from the bridge. His neck was broken and his face and head considerably bruised. The body was not stiff when found, hence, it is reasoned that the man could not have been dead more than three or four hours.
     The dead man was dressed in a suit of plain, dark clothes, such as a workingman might wear. On the tab of his shirt are the initials, D. C. M. or D. C. S. The "S" seems to be written over the "M." The pockets of the clothing contained nothing but a pocket knife and a 5-cent piece.
     Suspicion that the man was murdered is based on the fact that the railing on the bridge its too high to permit of a person falling over by accident. Had it been a case of suicide, the man would, doubtless, have chosen to jump into the river, instead of on the bank.
     The body is lying at the undertaker's awaiting identification.
     The crew of the steamer Harvey, which was lying near the bridge, heard no outcry or unusual noise during the night.


     The body of the dead man was, this afternoon, identified as that of David Cary.
     Mr. Cary lived with his son-in-law, Dudley C. Mitchell, at No. 535 Commerce street, and left home last night at 8:30. He attended the meeting at Bethel Mission and was seen to leave there at 9:30 by Mr. Joel S. Graves, the Superintendent of the Mission. That is the last account of him until his body was discovered this morning. He was 73 years old and has the reputation of being an upright, moral man.
     Mrs. Mitchell says she knows of nothing to impel her father to commit suicide. He seemed in good spirits last night and was in good health. He was a widower and had one other daughter besides Mrs. Mitchell.

- August 16, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
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The Old Story of Monkeying With
Another Man's Wife.

     There was a killing at the colored camp meeting on White Rock Creek last Friday night.
     Robert Marion, a young negro, has been paying attentions to the divorced wife of Will Neal.
     On the night in question, Marion went to camp meeting with the woman in a buggy. Neal followed with a shotgun and filled Marion full of lead as he sat in the buggy with the woman listening to the preaching of the gospel. Marion fell over dead, and Neal took to the brush, where he is still in hiding, but he has sent word to Sheriff Cabell that he will come in and give himself up.

- August 20, 1894, The Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
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A Watermelon and a Bullet End the
Career of Lem Thomas.

     Last night, Joe Johnson, a negro, living near Rowlett, came to town and surrendered himself to Sheriff Cabell, stating that he had shot Lem Thomas, a negro neighbor, as the result of trouble about a watermelon which took place several weeks ago. Thomas died last night.
     The prisoner says that Thomas was his life long friend until this trouble, since which time, Thomas sent him word several times that he intended to kill him.

- August 21, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
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     Pink Barnes....charged with killing Abel H. Nickless, superintendent of the Cotton Mills, before grand jury yesterday....

- August 22, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
- o o o -


Dean Meredith a Victim of Blood-Poi-
soning, and John of Brights Disease.

     Dean Meredith died at his home west of Oak Cliff at 6 o'clock Tuesday evening of blood poison and lock-jaw, the result of sticking a rusty nail in his foot a few days before.
     At 6 o'clock yesterday evening, John Meredith, brother to Dean, died at his home in West Dallas, after a lingering illness with Bright's disease of the kidneys.
     Both men leave families. John Meredith was about 35 years of age, and Dean, about two years younger.
     The Merediths, for many years, have been well known figures in Dallas as managers of the Two Brothers Saloon, and, historically, were to Main and Akard streets, what the late Tom Cade was to Court House Square.

- August 23, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 6.
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B. Flentjen Has an Attack of Conges-
tion and Expires in a Few Hours.

     Mr. B. Flentjen, a butcher on Bryan street, died yesterday afternoon about 6 o'clock of congestion of the stomach. Several days ago, deceased was taken ill, but yesterday morning, feeling better, he went to his place of business. After remaining there awhile, he returned home, and in a short time, suffered a relapse and expired. Mr. Flentjen was 31 years of age, and leaves a widow and two small children. The funeral takes place this afternoon under the auspices of the Sons of Hermann, of which deceased was an honored member.

- August 29, 1894, The Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
- o o o -

Death of Mr. Hendricks.

     ...Benj. F. Hendricks...well-known five miles north of the city...cancer of Merrell Cem. (north of the city).

- September 4, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
- o o o -

Death of Mrs. Richard Morgan.

     Mrs. Morgan, widow of the late Richard Morgan, Sr., died at the home of her son, Richard Morgan, Jr., on Canton street, at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, in the 70th year of her age.
     Mrs. Morgan, about weeks ago, fell down the front door steps and sustained a shock to her nervous system, from which she never rallied, and with the exception of a few short intervals, she never regained consciousness.
     Mrs. Morgan leaves one son and two daughters, Mrs. Richard Morgan, Mrs. J. S. Mayfield and Miss Mirian Morgan.
     The funeral will take place from St. Matthew's Cathedral at 4 o'clock this afternoon and proceed to Trinity Cemetery.

- September 6, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 5.
- o o o -


     June Irvine Cordell, infant daughter of M. L. and Ettie Cordell, died to-day at the family home, No. 295 Swiss avenue. The funeral services will be held at the house at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Burial at the old Masonic cemetery.

- September 10, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
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The Nickel-in-the-Slot Man's Body Still at
the Undertaker's Awaiting Tidings
From His Relatives or Friends
Who Have not Yet Been Found.

     The body of the nickle-in-the-slot man, who was found dead in bed at the St. George Hotel last Monday, is still at Ed C. Smith's undertaking establishment. All efforts to find out who he was have been unsuccessful.
     He had been at the St. George since last May, and was known there and in the city as H. Craigler.
     From the dead man's papers, it appears that the had lived in Chicago, Cincinnati, Kansas City and Hot Springs. In Hot Springs, he went under the name of Reynolds. His Bible and other books and a deed, have the name of Frank Hoffman in them.
     His letter head read: "John Hamilton & Co., general commission merchants, Cincinnati."
     The hotel management wrote to Cincinnati and the Chief of Police replied that the firm had gone out of business and the members of it could not be found.
     Craigher had a number of nickle-in-the slot machines in the city, but his books do not show whether he owned them or had sold them.

- September 10, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
- o o o -


Two Deaths in the Family of W. B. An-

     Two deaths from diptheria have occurred in the family of W. B. Andrews on South Masten street. Little Mildred, who had been sick only a few days, died Monday night, and little Gordon, 5 years old, after only four hours days sickness, died this morning at 8 o'clock.
     Mrs. Hollingsworth, Mrs. Andrew's mother, is suffering from the disease, and a nephew of Mr. Andrew's shows symptoms of having it.

- September 12, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
- o o o -









Miss Brown of Indiana Writes That He
Was Her Friend, Asks That His
Grave be Kept Green and His
Money Sent to Her.

     The man who was poisoned at Bertha Trent's dive in the "reservation," and who was buried as an unknown, has never been officially identified, although the police have never relaxed in their efforts to ascertain who he was.
     This morning, Chief Arnold received the following letter:
NNIS, Tex., Sept. 20 -- Chief of Police, Dear Sir: We see by the Dallas papers that a man was poisoned in the "reservation." I have reason to believe that he was the man I had hired for several months in my wagon yard in Ennis. I paid him off last Friday, and he promised to come back from Dallas Saturday night, but has not done so. I send you his photograph; please return it to me. His name is Charles Seabrook and was raised in Chicago. He was one of the best hands I ever had, a good hearted boy, but "ate" too much whisky at times.
J. C. McK

     A TIMES HERALD reporter borrowed the photo and took it to Undertaker Linskies, but Mr. G. W. Loudermilk, the embalmer, was quite certain that it was not the picture of the dead man. There was no point of resemblance, he said, although the dead man had the initials "C. S.," on his left arm.
     Deputy Chief of Police Ed Cornwell, and other members of the force, are quite sure that the dead man and the Ennis laborer were the same.
     A full description of the dead man will be forwarded to Mr. McKinney today, from which he can very readily settle the matter.
     A full description of the dead man follows:
     About 30 years old, 5 feet, 8 or 9 inches high, weight 155 or 160 pounds; black hair, brown eyes, dark mustache, not very heavy; high forehead, upper front teeth protruded; had india ink star at base of left thumb; had C. S. in india ink on inside of right forearm; first joint of second finger of right hand off; had on gaiter shoes, about No. 7; shoes had marked on inside of rubbers, 4068; brown jeans pants; checked hickory shirt; dark plaid sack coat, scotch goods, made by John F. Reid, Chicago; soft brown slouch hat, raw edge.


     The body of Harry Crigler, the nickle-in-the-slot man, who was found dead in his bed at the St. George hotel two weeks ago, is still at Undertaker Smith's establishment in a fine and life-like state of preservation.
     There seems to be no doubt that Crigler was an assumed name, hence the difficulty in finding his friends. To the numerous letters sent to Indiana, only one reply has been received, and that from a Miss Brown, of the city of Kokone, Ind. She states that Crigler was a friend of hers and requests that his grave be kept green, and that if he has anything left after his funeral expenses are paid, that the same be forwarded to her.


     The body of W. J. O'Neal, who was carved to death last Sunday night by John Morrow for alleged intimacy with Morrow's wife, was shipped to Brookhaven, Miss., last night, where it will be buried in the family graveyard.

- September 21, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
- o o o -





His Business Methods Were Formed on a Spot
Cash and Discount Basis -- Never Did
Merchandising on a Credit -- Na-
than A. Yeargan Dead.

     Moses D. Garlington died at his home on McKinney avenue at 10:30 a. m. Yesterday. He had been sick with malarial fever for several weeks, but his death was sudden and unexpected.
     Born in Franklin county, Mississippi, Jan. 15, 1835, Mr. Garlington was reared on a farm and derived his education from the country schools. On reaching his majority, he became a clerk and book-keeper at Trenton, La., where he spent eighteen years. He entered the war as second lieutenant of company A, seventeenth Louisiana infantry, and came out as regimental quartermaster.
     In 1871, Mr. Garlington removed to Corsicana, Tex., and became a partner of Mr. T. L. Marsalis. With the Central railroad, the firm came up to Dallas in 1872, where he was successively in partnership with Mr. Underwood and Mr. Thomas Field. In 1888, Mr. A. F. Deckman became his partner, and this partnership continued to the time of his death. The firm has branch houses in Fort Worth and Waco.
     Mr. Garlington was reputed to have more ready money at all times than anybody else in town, outside of the banks and regular financiers. He early discovered the omnipotence of money and made it his first business maxim to pay spot cash in all transactions. In all his career, he never did a dollar's worth of business on credit. Every bill of goods that came into his store, he made it a rule to discount on the principle of "so much off for cash."
     Mr. Garlington leaves five children -- William D., in charge of the business at Waco, and Charles Frank, Maurice Moore, Anna Emma and Henry Lee, who are attending school. He was a steward of the Methodist Episcopal church, south, a member of the Masonic order, and at one time, served as an alderman of this city. He was also a member of Sterling Price camp of Confederate [Veterans].
     Mr. Garlington's wealth is estimated at from half a million to a million dollars, much of it being choice real estate in this city.
     A meeting of Sterling Price camp of United Confederate Veterans will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the camp headquarters in the Caven building, on Main street, for the purpose of preparing to attend Mr. Garlington's funeral, which takes place at 4 p. m.


Nathan A. Yeargan.

     Another pioneer figure in Dallas history passed away to-day. Nathan A. Yeargan died at his home, No. 255 Cedar Springs road, at 11:45 a. m., of flux, after an illness of less than a week. Mr. Yeargan was born in Tennessee in 182[1?], and came to Dallas in 1854. A widow and eight children survive him. Three of his sons are in business in this city -- Edward, engaged in the grocery trade; John, a fruit dealer; and Fletcher, a job printer.
     The funeral will take place at the family home at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning.

- September 24, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
- o o o -





It is in the Power of the Grand Jury to
Have the Body Exhumed and Pos-
itively and Officially Passed Upon
by Mr. McKinney.

     From the following letter, it would appear that the man who as "doped" in Bertha Trent's dive in the reservation, and buried by the county as an unknown, was Charles Seabrook.
     Several days ago, the T
IMES HERALD printed a letter from J. C. McKinney, of Ennis, to Chief of Police Arnold in regard to the dad man. Chief Arnold forwarded to him a full description of the deceased. After reading the description, Mr. McKinney writes as follows:
NNIS, Tex., Sept. 25. -- Chief Arnold: Yours of the 22nd inst. to hand this morning. Your description answers to that of Charles Seabrook fully, I was mistaken about when he left here. He left on Thursday instead of Friday, so we are fully satisfied that he was our man. I paid him $1.50 on Wednesday and $11.65 on Thursday, balance on settlement for work. Well, I am sorry, for he was one of the best hands I ever had. He had the marks on his farm and one finger off.
                     J. C. McK
     Unless the Grand Jury considers it worth while to have the body exhumed and fully identified by Mr. McKinney, it appears that it is nobody's business to carry the investigation any further.
     Chief Arnold is satisfied that the dead man was Charles Seabrook.

- September 26, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
- o o o -





The Body Exhumed on a Grand Jury Or-
der -- Seabrook Fell in With an Old
"Bum" Who Started Him on
His Fatal Spree.

     Mr. J. C. McKinney, of Ennis, came to Dallas this morning, at the request of the officers, to see if he could identify the man who was poisoned in a "reservation" dive and buried as an unknown two week's ago.
     The coat and shoes and some papers of deceased, which were kept at police headquarters, were readily identified by Mr. McKinney, who said that the description printed in the T
IMES-HERALD a few days ago suited Charles Seabrook to the smallest detail.
     Mr. McKinney says Seabrook came to his house last January and offered to cut wood for his breakfast. He appeared to be a good hand and willing to work and he employed him regularly in his wagon yard.
     In the summer, he went to Chicago, his old home, where he learned that some property in which he had an interest had been sold by his brother and step--mother. He employed a lawyer to sue for his share. The suit is still pending, and Mr. McKinney does not know the name of the lawyer, or the address of any of Seabrook's relatives.
     A few days before his death, Seabrook fell in with an old bum and got to drinking for the first time since he had been in Ennis. He was so ashamed of himself, that he was about leaving the place, when Mr. McKinney's son told him the old man would forgive him if he would sober up. Seabrook replied that he would come up to Dallas and get good sober, and come back Saturday night sure. This was the last seen of him.
     When the question of exhuming the body, in order to remove all doubt as to the identify of the man was proposed, Mr. McKinney, who is an old man, said that for a number of y ears, he had not been unable to look at a corpse without turning deathly sick, but, that if it was necessary, he would try it.
     Mr. McKinney made his statement to the grand jury and that body ordered the dead man exhumed, which was done at 3:30 p. m.
     The body was in an advanced state of decomposition, and notwithstanding the liberal use of disinfectants by Mr. Loudermilk, the undertaker, the odor was sickening.
     Mr. McKinney fully identified the body as that of Charles Seabrook.

- September 28, 1894, The Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
- o o o -


T. W. Cline, an Old Dallasite, Ends Life
in the Asylum.

     T. W. Cline, an old and well known citizen of Dallas, died in the Terrell asylum yesterday, where he was placed a few days before to be treated for incipient insanity, brought on, his friends say, by bad health and business reverses.
     Mr. Cline was about 40 years old and a native of Tennessee. He came to Dallas in the early 70's and engaged in the blacksmithing and carriage making business.
     The body was brought to Dallas for interment.
     He leaves a family.

- September 28, 1894, The Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
- o o o -









Dennis Was Going to Look in at a Negro
Dance on His Way Home, but the Guid-
ing Star of Misfortune Diverted His
Footsteps Into an Off-Color Resort.

     Dennis Derrett read the TIMES HERALD yesterday evening and learned that the quail-shooting season was on. Dennis determined to take a day off from his Pearl street barber shop and go quail-hunting to-day. He got down his shot gun, laid in a good supply of quail-killing ammunition, made the other necessary arrangements for a good day's sport among the feathered aristocrats on the prairie around Richardson, and about 10:30 last night, started for his home in Stringtown.
     But, Dennis did not go quail-hunting to-day. There is a white man's corpse in Undertaker Linskie's private morgue and a new negro prisoner in a cell at the county jail. His name is Dennis Derrett. It was he who furnished the white corpse for Undertaker Linskie. The details of the tragedy, put in the shape of a news item for the T
IMES HERALD, read as follows:


     At 11 o'clock last night, Dennis Derritt, a colored barber on Elm street, a few doors east of Pearl, with a shotgun, killed Bernard Flannery, white, in front of the latter's saloon, at 307 Juliet street, in Stringtown.
     Derritt stood still with his gun in his hand until the police arrived, when he surrendered to Officer Sheeley.


     Derritt made a statement to the effect that he had his shotgun in his barbershop, expecting to go bird hunting, and when he closed up, he started home with it.
     "There was a ball," he said, "in Stringtown, and I went by to look on a while. As I passed Flannery's saloon, I met a boy who was going in to buy a bottle of beer. I set my gun against the side of the saloon and followed the boy, and asked him to give me a drink. The bar-keeper cursed me and said he allowed nobody to beg drinks in his saloon. I told him I knew the boy and was not begging. He then struck me with is fist and followed me out of the door, where he pulled a six-shooter and stated after me, and was gaining on me. He snapped the pistol at me as he came closer. I thought of my shotgun, and going to it, with him still in pursuit, I picked it up and shot him, and stood still until the police came.
     "I am a barber by trade, have lived in Dallas for years, and never was in any trouble before. I didn't know the man I killed and never dreamed of any trouble when I went to the saloon."
Derritt was placed in jail.


     Dave Murray, the barkeeper on watch when the quarrel and killing took place, says he paid no attention to anything that happened. He remembered that the negro and Flannery had some words; that the negro went out, followed shortly afterward by Flannery, and that the head the report of a shotgun, and ascertained that the negro had killed Flannery.


     The charge of shot struck Flannery just below the shoulder, in front, and on the left side, and evidently when he was stooping, which gave the wound the appearance of having been made with a knife, as the shot did not scatter, but struck in a bunch, tearing a long wound, and apparently passing downward into the heart.
The body of Flannery, who had a pistol in his hand when he died, was turned over to Undertaker Linskie.


     The theory of the officers is that Derritt and Flannery both left the saloon to arm themselves and met outside the salon when they returned, and that Derritt got in the first shot, while Flannery was stooping and peeping around the end of the house for hi, but looking in the wrong direction.


     Flannery's wife, who was just up from a spell of sickness, came very near dying from the nervous shock. A doctor was with her all night.


     Flannery came to Dallas several months ago and took charge of the negro saloon and restaurant in Stringtown. Three or four months ago, his wife came. Last night, Mrs. Flannery asked Deputy Constable Jacoby to telegraph her father, C. M. O'Donovan, 1907 Center street, Omaha, Neb., informing him of the death of her husband, and that she would bring the body to Omaha for burial.


     The officers say Derritt has been here for many years, and the only trouble he was ever in, was for playing craps.


     Officer Sheeley states that he had gone off duty and was going through Stringtown on his way home, when just ahead of him, he saw the flash of 'Derrett's gun. He rode up and dismounted from his horse to arrest Derrett, who still held the shotgun in his hand. At first, he did not want to give up his gun, but on recognizing him, he said;
     "I know you, Mr. Sheeley, and will surrender to you, but I want you to look at the dead man."
     On going to the dead man, Officer Sheeley found Flannery with a pistol in his hand. The negro and the gun and pistol Mr. Sheeley brought to police headquarters.
     Justice Skelton inquested the body of the dead man and returned a verdict in accordance wit the foregoing facts.


     Flannery is about 40 year sold and a native of Ireland. He had lived in Dallas and Galveston as a barkeeper. He came to Texas from Omaha and St. Louis. A brother of the dead man is said to be a Catholic priest in Alpena, Mich.

- October 2, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3-4.
- o o o -


The Widow Accompanies It to Ne-
braska for Burial.

     The body of Bernard Flannery, who was killed Monday night at his saloon in Stringtown by Dennis Derrett, colored, was shipped on the Katy train at 11:50 to-day to Omaha for burial.
     Mrs. Flannery accompanied the body of her husband to Nebraska.


     George Loudermilk, who embalmed Flannery's body, says the charge of shot severed all the big arteries and veins, and so tore up the circulatory system, that it was a big job tying up the veins and arteries so they would the embalming fluids.

- October 3, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
- o o o -

Death of Walter Leake.

     Walter Leake, son of Dr. and Mrs. H. K. Leake, died yesterday evening at 4 o'clock at the family home on Bryan street. The funeral takes place this afternoon at 4 o'clock.

- October 6, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
- o o o -





It Was of White Parentage, but no Clue to
His Cruel Assassins Has Been Dis-
covered -- Officers Working on
the Crime Mystery.

     A negro boy, yesterday morning, found the remains of a white infant in a fence corner, about half a mile south of Caruth Switch, and just outside the city limits. Justice Skelton inquested the remains, which were partly eaten by rats, but without eliciting any information as to the identity of the baby.
     It is certain that the child was a long way from home. The theory of child murder is strongly supported by all surrounding circumstances. The county authorities are at work on the mysteries of the case.

- October 8, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 7.
- o o o -





It is Well Preserved and Perfectly Natural
in Appearance -- Letters of Identification
From Relatives in Indiana -- Too Poor
to Pay Funeral Expenses.

     The body of Harry Kreigler, the nickel-in-the-slot man, who was found dead in his bed at the St. George hotel five weeks ago, to-day, and which has been at Undertaker Smith's shop awaiting identification, has probably been identified at last.
     Mr. Smith is in receipt of a letter from William Van Deupe, of Fowler, Ind., stating that deceased must be Harry Huffman, a brother-in-law of his. Letters were found on the body addressed to Harry Huffman. The father of the dead man, Frank Huffman, also living at Fowler, the letter says, is too old and poor to make a trip to Texas, and he, therefore, request that the body be buried and the grave marked.
     Undertaker Smith said to a T
IMES HERALD representative to-day, that he does not care to part with his dead ward, anyway. In fact, that he is somewhat "stuck on" him, that so long as they get along as well together as they have thus far, he will keep him. Huffman's body is as well preserved and as natural in appearance as on the day of his death. Mr. Smith says he believes he can keep it in this condition an indefinite period of time, and as long as no unpleasant conditions develop, he is willing to give his silent companion good quarters and all needed attention.

- October 8, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
- o o o -













Morrison Came to Dallas Recently From
Tennessee, Touring Through Teas
and Mexico, After Having In-
herited a Small Fortune.

     At about 7 o'clock this morning, T. H. Morrison shot Harry Hodge, perhaps fatally, in the Windsor Hotel Bar.
     Morrison was arrested by Police Officers Sanderson and Dean Arnold and lodged in a cell at police headquarters.
     Officer Sanderson made the following statement regarding the matter to a T
IMES HERALD reporter:
     "When we reached the scene of the shooting, in response to a telephone call, we found the wounded man on the floor, and Morrison in the domino room with a knife in his hand, and threatening to use it on the first man that entered. To Dean Arnold, he remarked:
     " 'Judge, I shot me a man. G--- ---n him, he kept crowding me.'
     "Morrison was very drunk, and as we started to prison with him, he remarked:
     " 'I can give $100,000 bond. You policemen are making capital stock, walking up the street with me.'


     "From what I could gather from the eye witnesses of the shooting," continued Officer Sanderson, "Morrison, Harry Hodge and others were on an all-night spree, and were throwing dice at the bar, in the course of which, Morrison and Hodge fell out, when the former pulled his gun and fired two shots at Hodge. Other members of the party grabbed him and took his gun from him. He then ran behind the bar and got another gun. This, the crowd also took from him, but whether before he had used it or not, I could not learn. Morrison then drew his knife and ran into the domino room, where we found him."


     A TIMES HERALD reporter called at the city prison and interviewed Morrison, who was still very drunk. He said:
     "I had to do it to protect myself. Hodge knocked me down twice for nothing, and then grabbing me around the neck with his left arm, was pounding me in the face with his right. I got my hand on my pistol in my right hand front pocket, and I don't know whether I shot through the pocket or got the muzzle on the outside, but I fired two or three shots as fast as I could, and he wilted. The pistol is a 38-caliber Smith & Wesson, and it's a daisy. I don't remember what the trouble came up over. I live in Waco, and have been in Dallas some time. I registered at the Windsor two weeks ago, and took a room out in town.
     "I am a native of Tennessee, but came to Texas when I was small. I am 28 years old. My parents are dead and I have no relatives here. I have been in no business since I arrived in Dallas.
     "That's all I care to say about the matter."


     As the reporter left, the prisoner ordered breakfast and writing material, and when the latter was brought, he made a "kick," saying: "that's fine paper for a man to write to his friends on!"


     At the Windsor Hotel, no additional particulars could be had. Mr. Williams, the bartender, and a Mr. Kimble, said they witnessed the shooting, but they declined to make any statement in regard to it.


     The wounded man, who is the son of Mr. A. L. Hodge, proprietor of the Windsor, was taken to a room on the third floor, and was pulseless when Dr. Baird arrived.


     Drs. Eagon and Ashton were also summoned, and on making an examination, they found that Hodge was shot twice. One of the bullets went through the bladder and probably cut some of the intestines. The other hit in parts lower down and passed out through the fleshy portion of the thigh. The doctors announced that here was no hope of his recovery.


     Harry Hodge is 22 years old. His parents came originally from Connecticut, but lived for some time in Kansas City before coming to Dallas, where they have been for fifteen or eighteen years.


     Mr. S. B. Hopkins, in response to a note from Morrison, called to see him at police headquarters. Morrison is a nephew of Mrs. Hopkins, and he had been stopping at his aunt's for several days, and was at the theater last night. Mr. Hopkins, who has a great liking for the father of the wounded man, keenly regrets the tragedy.
     He says Morrison lives at Tullahoma, Tenn.; that he came to Dallas about a week ago, and has been waiting for a young man from Tennessee to join him on a trip to Mexico. He say Morrison comes of a good family, and, so far as he knows, was quiet and inoffensive. He recently came in possession of some money from his father's estate.


     A man giving the name of R. T. Oldham, of Brownsville, Tennessee, who was arrested yesterday on suspicion, and who was fined $10 in the City Court this morning and given half an hour to get beyond the city limits, gave Morrison quite a lecture, when the latter was bought to police headquarters, for being so rash as to get himself into such trouble.
     Oldham said Morrison had recently inherited $25,000 from his father.


     At 3 o'clock this afternoon, the doctors say that there is no chance at all for young Hodge, and that his death is a matter of a very short time.

- October 11, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1-2.
- o o o -


She Located in Dallas County Fifty
Years Ago.

     Deputy Sheriff A. L. Simpson, to-day, received a telegram from Richardson, announcing the death of Mrs. Julia Ann Floyd at the advanced age of 87 years.
     Mrs. Floyd, a native of Kentucky, came to Texas and located in Dallas county nearly fifty years ago.
     She has five sons living in the county: D. A. B., J. L., R. H., S. L. and Lindsay, and a score or more of grandchildren, among whom, is Mrs. A. L. Simpson.

- October 11, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
- o o o -





Morrison, His Slayer, Writes a Letter to a
Friend in Tennessee, in Which He
Exhibits Much Coolness Over
the Terrible Tragedy.

     Harry Hodge, who was shot by T. J. Morrison in the Windsor hotel bar at 7 o'clock yesterday morning, died at 11:30 a. m. to-day.
Hodge's vitality was so strong that he survived thirty hours after receiving his terrible wounds.
     The body will be held until Sunday, in order that some of Mrs.[Mr.?] Hodge's family may arrive from Kansas City. The hour of the funeral has not been announced.


     Morrison, the slayer of Hodge, was transferred to the county jail yesterday afternoon. Before leaving the city prison, he wrote the following letter:
ALLAS, Tex., Oct. 11. -- Mr. J. D. Raht, Tullahoma, Tenn. In a difficulty to-night I shot and probably killed man in self-defense. I think I can give bond all o. k. to-morrow if the man does not die. If he does I will have more trouble. I was not to blame for the difficulty. It was forced on me and I protected myself. If I need any assistance from home and you are willing to help me let me know. Will write you full account of trouble to-morrow. Yours truly,
                                                            T. J. M
     Address Windsor hotel.
     P. S. -- Don't say a word to any one. Don't let mother know anything about it.


     A TIMES HERALD reporter called at the jail to-day, and was the first to announce to Morrison that Hodge was dead. Morrison was asleep when the reporter called, but his fellow prisoners aroused him. He came forward, announced that he had no statement to make and retired to his bunk.

- October 12, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3.
- o o o -

Who Stabbed John Smith?

     ...died at Chapman's saloon at Commerce and Market...

- October 12, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
- o o o -





The Religious Services Will Be Those Of The
Universalist church. -- Names of Pall
Bearers -- The Inquest -- Charge
of Murder Against Morrison.

     The funeral of Harry Hodge will take place from the Windsor hotel at 3 p. m. to-morrow and proceed to Trinity cemetery.
     The following young men from among the friends of deceased have been selected as pall bearers; Oden Brooks, Jesse Bright, Ben Taber, Sam Taber, Will Gibson and Henry Meyers.
     The religious services will be those of the Universalist church.


     Yesterday afternoon, Justice Skelton viewed the body of Harry Hodge, the victim of T. J. Morrison's pistol, and summoned the witnesses to the tragedy to testify before a coroner's jury this morning.
     The verdict was in accordance with the facts as published in the T
     Fred Leider, the barkeeper, and W. B . Kimball testified at the coroner's inquest to having been eye-witnesses to the tragedy. Their testimony agrees, in that the trouble between Morrison and Hodge was over a game of dice. The two men came to blows and were separated twice before the shooting occurred. Kimball grabbed Morrison just as he fired the first shot, but could not stop him. Kimball shoved Morrison into the domino room and held him until a policeman arrived. Hodge stepped out on the sidewalk after he was shot, and returning to the saloon, told Leider he was shot, and began to shrink. Leider supported him and helped him to his room.
     After the death of Hodge, Sheriff Cabell made a formal charge of murder against Morrison.

- October 13, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 4.
- o o o -


Undertaker Smith Will Not "Rush"
Harry Hoffman's Funeral.

     Undertaker Smith is in receipt of a letter from William Van Dupe, of Fowler, Ind., a brother-in-law of Harry Hoffman, the nickel-in-the-slot man, who died suddenly at the St. George, and whose body has been in Mr. Smith's shop for six weeks, telling Mr. Smith to go ahead with the burial at the county's expense, as Hoffman's father is too poor to put up for it, and he (Van Dupe) does not deem it his duty to pay for it.
     Mr. Smith has not announced when the funeral will take place. He is very proud of the job he did of embalming Hoffman, and he is in no hurry to put him out of sight.

- October 13, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
- o o o -


     The funeral of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Cole's little daughter, Dulcie, will be preached to-morrow at 11 o'clock at the First Christian church.

- October 13, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
- o o o -





She Says She Will Bear Bear the Expenses of
a Plain Funeral for the Man Who Sold
Nickle-in-the-Slot Machines.
Asks for Keepsakes.

     Undertaker Smith is in receipt of another letter from Miss Mamie Brown, of Kokomo, Ind., to the effect that she will pay the expenses of a plain burying for Harry Hoffman, the nickel-in-the-slot man, who was found dead in his bed at the St. George hotel six weeks ago, and whose body has since been at Mr. Smith's shop.
     Miss Brown, in her letter, expressed a desire to have Hoffman's watch charm and finger ring.

- October 15, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 7.
- o o o -


A Long Procession and a Wealth of

     The funeral of Harry Hodge, who was slain by T. J. Morris last Friday morning, took place yesterday afternoon from the Windsor hotel.
     The body was followed to Trinity cemetery by one of the largest funeral processions ever seen in the city. The floral offerings were profuse.
     The sermon was preached by Rev. M. C. Billups, of Hico, of the Universalist church. He is an old friend of the family.

- October 15, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
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Death of Mrs. Carter.

     Mrs. John T. Carter, wife of the well known former policeman and City Clerk, died suddenly at her home on the corner of Good and Miranda streets, last night. Up to the time of her death, she was apparently in good health. She went driving with her husband Saturday afternoon.
     Mrs. Carter was the daughter of the late W. H. Norton, one of the old settlers of Dallas.
     Mrs. Carter was buried at 2 p. m. in Oakland cemetery.

- October 15, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
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He Was Found Dead in Bed Last Night.
His Name Was Scholem J. Sternes,
of Bacon, Mo. -- Cause of His
Death Unknown.

     Mrs. Etheridge, who conducts a boarding house on the second floor on the northwest corner of Main and St. Paul streets, at 7:30 o'clock yesterday evening, discovered that the occupant of room No. 12 was dead in his bed, and she gave notice of the discovery to the authorities.
     Mrs. Etheridge states that her drummer brought the man to her house late Sunday evening. He asked for a quiet room to himself. On yesterday, the boys who clean up the house were late about getting around, and as a result, no effort was made to enter No. 12, until last night, when she tried the door and found it unlocked. On entering, she found the man in bed, dead. To all appearances, he had carefully got in bed, covered himself up, and then died without a struggle.
     Justice Skelton inquested the body, but failed to find any cause for death, as there were neither marks of violence on it, nor evidences of his having taken poison, and a verdict to this effect, was returned.
     From letters and papers in the dead man's grip, his name was ascertained to be Scholem J. Sternes, a Russian Jew, who naturalized in Jackson county, Mo., October 1, 1888.
     He had a paid-up life insurance policy for $2000 in the Ancient Order of United Workmen, which had been transferred from lodge No. 325 to lodge No. 280 at Bacon, Mo. This policy is payable to Sterne's wife.
     Among his papers was a letter dated Kansas City, and written in Hebrew.
     The deceased was apparently a vigorous man, somewhere between 30 and 35 years old.
     Sternes incidentally stated to Mrs. Etheridge's drummer that he was twelve years a clerk in a Kansas City notion house.
     The business that brought the dead man to Texas is not apparent.
     The body was taken charge of by Undertaker Linskie, and will be held by him until directions can be had from the dead man's relatives as to how to dispose of it.

- October 16, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
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     Mrs. King, wife of D. C. King, died at 3:30 o'clock yesterday morning of typhoid fever.

- October 20, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 5.
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He Was Once Robbed by Commodore Miller.
Mr. Fulton Killed by a Katy Train

     Mr. John Bohne, who, for sometime, has lived alone on a small farm two miles west of the river, was found dead about fifty yards from his house yesterday evening, by his neighbors, who, having missed him for a couple of days, instituted search for him. He had a hammer in his hand and is supposed to have been returning to his house after repairing a fence, when he fell dead.
     Justice Whittaker summoned a jury who inquested the remains and returned a verdict that death resulted from causes to them unknown.
     The deceased, who was between 65 and 70 years old, was the father-in-law of Mr. W. E. Parry.
     Mr. Bohne was a native of Germany, but had resided in Dallas for many years, where, until recently, he followed the business of a musician. For years, he played in Meine Bros.' band and orchestra.


     Mr. Bohne was one of the victims of Commodore and Charlie Miller. These worthies called at his house and robbed him. Mr. Bohne fully identified the two negroes, and this was the only one of the numerous cases against Commodore that could have been made to stick, but the indictment was fatally defective in form, and by this means, the trial was postponed, and his attorneys always managed to keep him from coming to trial a second time on it.


     C. A. Fulton, a one-legged Confederate veteran, well known about town as a wood hauler, was struck by a Katy train at the Lamar street crossing yesterday morning, and sustained a dislocation of the spine, from which he died just as he reached the hospital. When killed, Mr. Fulton was attempting to get some horses out of the way of the train.

- October 22, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
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Zip Bullard Has His Nose Shot Off, While
Will Hammond is Killed -- All Be-
cause the Latter Talked About
the Former's Wife.

     A fatal shooting scrape took place between Will Hammond and Zip Bullard, in John McLean's yard, near Honey Springs, in Dallas county, last Sunday evening.
     Both men used 45's, and they fired five shots each. Hammond received three wounds, one in the right ankle, another in the right leg, above the knee, and a third in the side, the bullet penetrating his abdomen. Bullard escaped with one wound, one of Hammond's shots ripping off a piece of his nose.
     Hammond fell in McLean's back yard and Ballard took to the woods.
Hammond died from the effect of his wounds last night.
     According to the best information that could be obtained, in regard to the origin of the trouble, Ballard heard that Hammond had been making slanderous remarks about his wife, and put a gun in his pocket. Hammond, hearing of this, also armed himself. Hammond, who is also a married man, carries water from his neighbor, McLean's, well, and he had gone there for a bucket of water, when he chanced to meet Ballard, to whom also the meeting was unexpected.
     The participants in the tragedy were both young farmers, with families.
     The officers are still scouring the country in search of Bullard, but so far, they have not succeeded in locating him.

- October 23, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5-6.
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Funeral of John Bowing.

     The funeral of John Bowing, who was found dead near his house, west of the river Monday evening, took place from the home of his son-in-law, Mr. W. E. Parry, No. 299 Cadiz street, at 4 p. m. yesterday, and proceeded to Trinity Cemetery.
     Deceased was a native of Germany, but came to America before the war. He was leader of the band in the Thirtieth Louisiana Regiment in the Confederate army, going from Baton Route, his old home, and where he still has a son in business.

- October 23, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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The Money Makers at the State Fair to
Take a Hand in Placing the Mem-
ber of Their Fraternity in
the Final Slot.

     The Fair brought to the city, all the nickle-in-the-slot men on the continent. There is a law against them here, but they are nevertheless making more money than anybody else, and hearing of the circumstance of the death at the St. George hotel two months ago, of Harry Hoffman, and for the fact that his body is still at Ed. Smith's undertaking shop, on account of a hitch in the arrival of the funds to defray the funeral expenses from the deceased's relatives in Indiana, they have agreed among themselves to chip in and contribute enough money to give him a first-class funeral and all attend in carriages.
     They say they never knew Hoffman, but that they are in the same line of business that he followed, and have a fellow feeling for him on account of similar experience in this vale of tears to those he encountered in his lifetime.
     The $10 forwarded to Mr. Smith by Hoffman's sweetheart, Miss Mamie Browne, of Kokomo, Ind., will be lumped with what the nickel-in-the-slot men contribute, and Mr. Smith's "star boarder" will shortly be dropped into the final slot, which nothing will open but a blast from Gabriel's trumpet.
     As this will be the first nickel-in-the-slot funeral that has ever taken place in the country, the projectors of it will make it worthy of their order. It will be fully equal to the famous funeral of Buck Fanshaw out in the Rocky mountains, under the direction of Scotty Briggs, a full account of which may be found in Mark Twain's "Roughing It."

- October 26, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
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     Dr. O. Sackett, of New Albany, Ind., is in the city. He was the father of Dr. W. A. Sackett, the young man who died here in the spring.

- October 29, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4-5.
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A Well Known News "Ad" Man Sud-
denly Expires.

     James A. Murphy, chief "ad" man in the Morning News composing room, died suddenly at 7:30 o'clock last night of congestion, at his home, corner Canton and Veal streets.
     Mr. Murphy returned home from the Fair Wednesday sick, and did not leave home yesterday. Mrs. Murphy did not consider him very sick until late in the evening, when she telephoned Mr. Harvey Campbell, foreman of the News, to send a doctor. A few minutes after this, Mr. Murphy expired.
     The deceased was 36 years old, and was a native of Kentucky. He came to Texas about 14 years ago and worked on the Houston Post. When the News started in Dallas, he went to work on it and continued with it until his death. He leaves a wife, but no children. He has a father and brother in Louisville, Ky., who were, last night, notified by wire of his death.
     The body will be held by the Typographical Union until to-morrow, in order to hear from the Kentucky relatives as to whether they wish it shipped to Louisville or buried here.

- November 2, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
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He Had Long Been in Bad Health and
Had Recently Left the City Hospital
Where He Had Been Under

     John Cusick, a native of Ireland, aged 50 years, was found dead in his room over his fruit store at the Union depot, last night, and at 11 p.m., Justice Skelton inquested the remains.
     Cusick had long been in bad health, and had recently left the City Hospital, where he had been under treatment. There were no marks of violence on him, nor evidence that he had taken poison, and death, in the opinion of the jury, resulted from emaciation.
     Deceased was unmarried. He owned the building in which he died, the stock of goods in the fruit stand, and he had on his person, $23.75 in money, and a watch and chain.
     The relatives of deceased live in St. Louis.

- November 5, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
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An Old Citizen Passes Away With

     C. G. Gracy died at his home in Lisbon Wednesday, of rheumatism of the heart, and was buried there yesterday. Mr. Gracy was 61 years old, and had been a resident of Dallas county since 1848, and was, therefore, one of the oldest inhabitants.
     Deceased leaves a widow, two sons and three daughters.
     He was brother to Mrs. W. M. C. Hill, of Dallas.

- November 9, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 5.
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Harry Hoffman at Last Placed in the
Cemetery Slot.

     The remains of Harry Hoffman, the nickle-in-the-slot man, who suddenly died at the St. George Hotel, September 3, were finally buried in the Oakland cemetery, yesterday, Miss Mamie Brown, his sweetheart, of Kokomo, Indiana, defraying the funeral expenses.
     Although Undertaker Smith had kept the body for over two months, still, it was in a fine state of preservation; in fact, it appeared to lack nothing but the breath to make it natural and life-like.

- November 9, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
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The Nickel-in-the-Slot Man the Object of
as Much Interest After His
Death as In His Check-
ered Lifetime.

     Undertaker Smith is in receipt of a letter from Daniel Huffman, of Oxford, Ind., father of Frank Huffman, the nickel-in-the-slot man, who died suddenly at the St. George, Sept. 3, and whose body was kept until this week by Undertaker Smith.
     The father of deceased states, that while he is poor and working on a small salary, still, he will pay for the burial of his son. Smith, in reply to the letter, told Mr. Huffman that the bill was $40, but that Miss Brown, of Kokomo, Ind., had paid him $10, so that the balance is $30, and if he wished to pay the entire bill, he would refund to Miss Brown the $10 she had put up.

- November 10, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
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The Late John Meredith's Estate Is
Worth $70,000.

     Among the wills probated in the County Court this morning, was that of the late John P. Meredith, whose estate amounts to $70,000. The widow of deceased was appointed administratrix without bond.
     The will of Margaret H. Lavender was also probated. Her estate amounts to $10,000.

- November 10, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
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While Working in a Store on Sunday He
Became Thirsty and Drank Prussic
Acid From a Jar Which He
Believed Contained Water.

     Henry Wilkins, an old resident and well-known carpenter, died suddenly yesterday from the effects of prussic acid taken by mistake for drinking water.
     Mr. Wilkins was at work repairing shelving in a store on Elm street so that the establishment would not be inconvenienced by the changes being made on a business day. He became thirsty, and drank from a jar, which as he inferred, contained drinking water for the clerks in the store. He died with the space of five minutes' time after taking the poison.
     Mr. Wilkins lived at No. 125 Fairmount avenue.
     The funeral will take place at 4 o'clock this afternoon.

- November 12, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 6.
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Jake Ironhoff Goes Hunting for the
Last Time.

     Jake Ironhoff, aged 20, who clerked in his father's store, 556 Elm street, went hunting with his older brother and a young man who works in the store.
     Six miles west of the city, they got out of the buggy to search for game. Jake took hold of the muzzle of his shotgun to draw it out of the buggy. The gun went off, and the charge of shot, after passing through his hand, entered his body just below the ribs.
     Ironoff died this morning. The funeral took place this afternoon.

- November 12, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 6.
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Death of Mrs. C. H. Lednum.

     Mr. Charles H. Lednum, clerk of the Federal Court, and United States Commissioner, received a telegram yesterday, announcing the death of his wife at Huntsville, Ala. Mr. Lednum left last night for Alabama.

- November 13, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
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     DIED -- Gray, Ida L. Hendricks, beloved wife of E. E. Gray, Nov. 15, 1894. Funeral from family residence, 113 Colby street, Friday, Nov. 16, at 1:30 p. m.

- November 15, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
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Sacred Guardianship of a $20 Gold



Back in the Seventies Andy Was Believed to
Be Dying and His Sister Gave His
Wife the Coin for Burial Ex-
penses, and for No
Other Purpose.

     Undertaker Ed C. Smith was called upon yesterday to bury the remains of Andy Mitchell, an old negro.
     Maggie, the widow of deceased, when she went to pay the funeral expenses, called in Bill Jordan to witness that she used for the purpose, a certain $20 gold piece, which she had been keeping for more than twenty years for that purpose.
     Twenty years ago, the deceased had a hard spell of sickness, from which no one expected he would recover. His sister, living somewhere in South Texas, came to see him, and when she left, she handed Maggie the $20 gold piece and told her to use it to pay for burying her brother.
     But, Andy surprised everybody and got well and was never sick again, until a few days ago.
     There was a streak of superstition in Maggie, which would not allow her to use the money for any other purpose than that for which it had been given her. For fear, therefore, that she might, through mistake, spend it for something else, she asked Bill Jordon to mark it. Bill made a cross on one side of it, and Maggie put it away, and while hard times came and went and she was often hard up, she was never once tempted to break into that funeral fund, because she believed it to be a sacred trust, and that if she proved false to it, she would be tormented the rest of her days on earth, as well as through eternity.
     Bill Jordan, who had not seen the coin in the meantime, readily recognized it, and Maggie seemed to experience a melancholy joy in the feeling that she had faithfully discharged the trust.
     This $20, at compound interest for 20 years, would have grown to $134.50, and if Maggie had so had it at work, at the death of her husband, she could have paid his funeral expenses and had $114.50 left.

- November 17, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3.
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A Poor Cotton Picker Gets Sick and Being
Without Means to Buy Medicine
or Comforts, Dies Leaving
Three Children.

     Thomas Jackson, an old man with two little sons and a little daughter, picked cotton below town and lived under some old blankets stretched over some poles for a house, on Holmes street.
     A few days ago, Mr. Jackson was taken sick, and this morning, he died, more perhaps from exposure and the lack of medical attention than anything else.
     The deceased left his children in destitute circumstances. They not only had no money to defray the funeral expenses of their father, but they are even without food.
     The body was buried by the county.

- November 19, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
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Her Husband Left Her in the City

     Mrs. Arthur Linglett, who was admitted to the city hospital two weeks ago, died last night and her body was taken charge of by Undertaker Linskie.
     The husband of deceased was supposed to have gone to Waco from here, but a telegram sent him by Mr. Linskie was returned with the statement that there was no such man in Waco.

- November 19, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
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Frank Sreenan, of Reinhart, Dies in a
Dallas Boarding House.

     Frank Sreenan, a farmer living near Reinhart, came to Dallas Saturday to do some trading. Yesterday morning, he was taken with an attack of heart disease and died at 7:30 o'clock at Thomas Daly's, corner of Preston and Main streets. His body was taken in charge by Undertaker Linskie. His remains were removed to Reinhart last evening.

- November 19, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
- o o o -


A Dallas Newspaper Man Dies Sud-
denly at Waco.

     J. L. Goode, editor and proprietor of the Dallas Review, died suddenly at Waco this forenoon, while on a business trip to that city.
Deceased was the son-in-law of Rev. Dr. Buckner.
     The body will be brought to Dallas for burial. The time of the funeral has not been announced.

- November 20, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
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Geo. B. Moody Drops Dead at the Age
of 70.

     George B. Moody, aged 70 years, dropped dead in the hall in front of his door in the Mayer's Garden building at noon to-day.
     The deceased has lived in Dallas for many years, but for some time, has been weak mentally, in what is called second childhood. He was a member of the G. A. R., and drew a pension [of] $12 per month. Recently, Major Purnell secured for him, a bounty of $100, which the old gentlemen spent childishly in two days. Mr. Moody was in the First Massachusetts regiment. He will be buried by the G. A. R.

- November 21, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 5-6.
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Funeral of J. L. Goode.

     The funeral of the late J. L. Goode took pace at 3 p. m. to-day from the home of the brother-in-law of deceased, Prof. L. W. Coleman, 558 McKinney avenue, and proceeded to Trinity cemetery.

- November 21, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
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     The mother of Mrs. Fred Fanback, aged 72 years, died yesterday at the family home on North Ervay street. The funeral will take place this afternoon.

- November 26, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 6.
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     I want to thank our friends for their sympathy and kindness and floral offerings to our dear mother.

- November 27, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 6.
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     Died to-day, at her residence, 298 South Harwood street, Mrs. Margaret Crane. Funeral to-morrow. See morning paper for time.

- December 1, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
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Maggie, Aged 3 Years, Was Drowned in a
Pool by the Katy Track and Her
Parents Ask for $20,--
000 Damages.

     M. Dobbins and his wife, C. A. Dobbins, have filed suit in the Forty-fourth Judicial District Court against the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railroad for damages in the aggregate sum of $20,000 for the loss of their 3-year-old daughter, Maggie, by drowning.
     The plaintiffs live at Letot, where, on the 11th day of April, 1894, the little girl, while playing, fell into a hole of water by the side of the said railway company's track, and was drowned.
     Plaintiff claims that the accumulation of water in the fatal hole was the result of the defective drainage which was chargeable to the negligence of the company.
     They aver that they are deprived of the services of Maggie during her minority, which were worth the sum of $10,000 to each parent.

- December 3, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 1.
- o o o -




Two Plain Scraps That End in Bloodshed.
One Man Killed at Letot and An-
other Wounded at Pleasant
Grove Church.

     Two young men, named Pratt and Woods, engaged in a fight at Pleasant Grove church, ten miles southeast of Dallas, between Sunday school and church service, yesterday forenoon.
     In the course of the scrap, Woods sang out that Pratt was doing him with a pair of knuckles, whereupon Elmer Russell pulled his gun and shot at Pratt, the bullet plowing a furrow in his scalp, making only a slight wound.
     Russell went to the friendly shelter of the woods, and could not be found by Sheriff Cabell, who scoured the jungles of that section for him yesterday evening and last night.


     The colored population gave a church festival near Letot station Saturday night, the crowd assembling outside the church.
     Tom Grice and Bill Finn, each aged about 18 or 19 years, met at the festival for the first time since they had a little falling out over a girl, and taking up the difficulty where they had left off, they proceeded to scrap in a very lively manner, finally clinching and falling. When they got on the ground, a pistol shot was heard, and Finn jumped up and ran away, leaving Grice on the ground, bleeding from a wound in his chest, from which he died in a few minutes.
     Finn has, so far, managed to keep out of the way of Sheriff Cabell and his deputies.

- December 3, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 6.
- o o o -




A Former Resident of Dallas Who
Moved to Louisiana.



T. B. Dixon Refused to Pay for Professional
Services, Was Sued and Took Murder-
ous Revenge -- The Victim's
Body in Dallas.

     Dr. Charles Wilcox, a former resident of Dallas, died at Hico, Louisiana, on Sunday last, from the effects of stab wounds inflicted by a man named T. B. Dixon.
     The death of Dr. Wilcox was deplorably tragic and extremely sensational in incident.
     Deceased was well known in Dallas, where, for years, he worked at his trade of a journeyman newspaper printer on the old Dallas Morning Herald, and periodically practiced his profession of physician and surgeon. He was regarded by the fraternity as exceedingly skillful for a young doctor. Several years ago, he removed to Louisiana and devoted himself exclusively to his profession, meeting with flattering success.
     The body of Dr. Wilcox arrived in Dallas this morning on the Texas & Pacific train in charge of his sister, Miss Mary Wilcox, of this city, who had been called by telegraph to the bedside of her wounded brother.
     The facts of his unfortunate taking of [life] are contained [in a letter from his] wife to a relative in Dallas. It appears that Dr. Wilcox was unable to collect a bill from a patient, T. B. Dixon, a farmer living near Hico, and on Tuesday of last week, suit was filed against Dixon. Dr. Wilcox was returning home on horseback, accompanied by Wince Rieves. When within a quarter of a mile of home, Dr. Wilcox saw a man standing in the road and asked Rieves who the man was. Rieves replied that he believed he was Dixon.
     Rieves remarked to Dixon: "I hear the Doctor did you up."
     Dixon turned to Dr. Wilcox and said: "I heard that you said I lied."
     Dr. Wilcox answered: "That is what you did."
     Then, Dixon did the stabbing, first pulling Wilcox partially off his horse, and then plunging the blade of his knife into his victim's back.
     Miss Mary Wilcox arrived at her brother's home, three-quarters of an hour before his death, but he was then unconscious.
     Dr. Wilcox leaves a widow, who remained in Louisiana, owing to illness in her family.
     The funeral will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock, from the home of Miss Mary Wilcox, No. 340 Wood street. The burial will be at Trinity Cemetery.

- December 4, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
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Mrs. Platsky Burned Almost to
a Crisp.



Mr. Wasserman Attempts to Res-
cue and Is Injured.



Mrs. Patsky Was Cooking Dinner on the
Kitchen Utensil that is Coming Into
Common Use When the
Explosion Occurred.

     Davis Patsky, a German-Hebrew, has a second hand clothing and shoe store at 526 Elm street. Patsky peddles goods through the country, while his wife runs the store and lives in the back room.
     When Mrs. Patsky fired up her gasoline store at noon to-day, preparatory to cooking dinner, the stove exploded, throwing gasoline all over her, and setting fire to her clothes in a dozen places, and to the house.
     Mrs. Patsky's first thought was of her two little children, aged one and three years, who were standing near her. But, as soon as she took hold of the baby, the flames were communicated to its clothes, and thus, matters were made worse.


     Mr. M. Wasserman, a dry goods merchant in the neighborhood, happened to be passing, and looking in, saw the situation, and flew to Mrs. Patsky's relief. The woman was enveloped in a solid flame, but Mr. Wasserman quickly tore her clothes off her, and jerking a quilt off the bed, threw it about her, and then stripped the burning clothing from off the baby, burning his hands in a frightful manner in doing so.
     By this time, the flames were running high out of the top of the house and the entire roof of the store was burning, But, the fire department quickly extinguished the blaze.


     Mrs. Patsky was burned from head to foot, a solid blister covering her entire body, limbs and head, her hair being burned off close. But, strange to say, her eyes were not injured, nor did she inhale the flames.
     Dr. Coble was summoned to see the woman, whose suffering was intense,. The doctor administered opiates to ease the pain, but announced that there was no hope of her recovery. Mrs. Patsky's condition is aggravated by the fact that she is about to be confined. She was removed to the city hospital.
     The baby's legs and head were badly burned, but its injuries had not been examined by a doctor, and therefore, the extent of them are not known. But, Mr. Wasserman, who took the little fellow to his house, did not believe he would die.
     The 3-year-old child managed to get out of the house by himself and without injury.
     Mrs. Patsky's 7-year-old child was at school.


     The stock of goods in the store and the household furniture were considerably damaged by fire and water, but in the confusion, it was impossible to ascertain whether the loss was covered by insurance, or not.
     The building, which is owned by Harry Eels and not insured, was gutted, and will have to have a new roof and some internal repairs.

- December 7, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3-4.
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The Poor Woman Lingered Until 6 p. m.
The Little Baby May Recover--Mr.
Patsky Still Ignorant of His
Sad Bereavement.

     Mrs. Davis Patsky, the woman who was so badly burned by the explosion of a gasoline stove at her home, 526 Elm street, at noon yesterday, full particulars of which, appeared in the TIMES-HERALD, died in the City Hospital at 6 o'clock yesterday evening.
     Dr. Armstrong did all he could to relieve her suffering, by administering opiates and covering her body with oil, so as to protect the raw flesh from the air, but the poor woman never recovered from the shock.
     The little baby is very badly injured, but will probably recover.
     Mr. Patsky is somewhere in the country, peddling goods, and the news of the death of his wife has not reached him.

- December 8, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 4.
- o o o -




He Ran to Turn on an Alarm in Oak Cliff
Saturday Night and Fell Dead.
Mr. Sutter's Home
in Ashes.

     Si Perkins, one of the Oak Cliff volunteer firemen, discovered that Mrs. Josie A. Sutter's house was burning Saturday night, and he ran to give the alarm.
     He ran only a few yards, when he dropped dead. A doctor was summoned, but he pronounced life extinct in the fireman.
     The house was totally destroyed. It was valued at $1600 and insured for $1000.

- December 10, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 5.
- o o o -


     Engineer W. B. Jackson, of the Houston & Texas Central railroad, formerly a resident of Dallas, lost a child by death at Houston yesterday. The body was buried in Trinity Cemetery in Dallas, from the train, this morning.

- December 10, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 5.
- o o o -


W. A. Matheson Knocked Off His
Train at East Fork Bridge.

     W. A. Matheson, aged about 22 years, a brakeman on the Santa Fe railroad, was killed on an incoming train at 1:30 a. m. Sunday at the East Fork bridge. As the train was crossing that bridge, Matheson leaned over to look back, when a beam of the bridge struck his head, killing him instantly.
     Justice Skelton inquested the body, which was shipped to Cleburne. Deceased came from Michigan.

- December 10, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 6.
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Charles Chryck Run in for Drunk, but
Proves to Have Been Poisoned -- He is
in a Critical Condition at the
City Hospital.

     Officers Ganoway and Stampley, at 1 o'clock this morning, found a man in an unconscious condition on the railroad track, back of Carter's stockyards, in East Dallas, and they called up the patrol wagon.
     The man was taken to the station at police headquarters and there locked up as a "drunk and down."
     This morning, he was still in the same condition and could not be aroused. He was taken from his cell to the office of the prison, where "sobering" methods were applied, but to no purpose. It then became apparent that the man had been "doped." Dr. Armstrong examined him and considered his condition sufficiently critical to order him taken to the hospital.
     The man was identified as Charles Chryck, who has been a brakeman on the Central railroad for many years, and who is well known in Dallas. He came to Dallas yesterday as a witness in the case of Quigly against the Houston & Teas Central Railroad Company, which is on trial in Judge Burke's Court. Quigly lost a foot while in the employ of the road, and is suing for damages.
     Dr. Armstrong, City Health Officer, this afternoon, says that after a thorough examination of Chryck, he is quite certain that he was sandbagged and struck such a hard blow, that he bled inside the head, and the blood on the brain produced complete paralysis, a condition in which he still continues, with the chances of his ultimate recovery extremely doubtful.
     Chryck's home is in Ennis.
     The theory is that Chryck made a display of some money while making the rounds of the East Dallas saloons, and that somebody followed him and knocked him for it.

- December 11, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
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An Old Brakeman Picket Up in an Uncons-
cious Condition, and He Dies Without
Making a Statement -- Police Try-
ing to Solve the Mystery.

     Charles Schryck, who, in an unconscious condition, was found lying on the railroad track back of Carter's stock yard, in East Dallas, at 1 a. m. yesterday, and who was taken to the city prison, and there booked as a common "drunk and down," and who, failing to recover consciousness, was transferred to the hospital, died yesterday evening.
     At first, Schryck was believed to be suffering from whisky fits, but Dr. Armstrong, after making a thorough examination, discovered that the man had received a blow on the head, evidently from a sandbag, and had bled inside the head, and the blood on the brain had produced paralysis of the muscular system and a profound stupor.
Schryck never rallied, but lived until evening.


     Schryck was about 35 years old, and a native of Sweden. He came to Texas eighteen or twenty years ago, and for the last fifteen years, was a brakeman on the Central railroad. He married a Miss Mitchell of Dallas, and his wife and two children live at Ennis. His mother-in-law, Mrs. Mitchell, is the proprietor of a boarding house on Elm street. Schryck was a thrifty man and left considerable property in Corsicana, Ennis and Dallas.
     The remains, which were taken charge of by Undertaker Linskie, will be forwarded to Ennis for burial.


     Just how the deceased came to receive his death blow on the head is a mystery. As stated in yesterday's TIMES HERALD, he was found by Officers Ganoway and Stampley, back of Carter's stock yards. Schryck never regained consciousness, and therefore, made no statement himself, and so far, nobody has been found that saw him late that night, nor does anybody seem to know what business he had in that quarter of the city.
     Chief Arnold, this morning, detailed two men to make a thorough investigation.

- December 13, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2.
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Joseph Cox, Known as "Pete."

     The TIMES-HERALD, yesterday, received a written notice of the death of a person whose name appeared to be "Pat" Cox, and therefore printed an obituary on Patrick Cox. It seems, however, that the writer of the notice sent to the TIMES HERALD meant to have the name read "Pete" Cox. "Pete" is the nick-name by which Joseph Cox was popularly known among his intimates. He had been connected with the several railroad yards in Dallas in the capacity of yardmaster for the last ten years, and died yesterday afternoon at his mother's home, No. 418 Bryan street, of a complication of diseases, but meningitis was the immediate cause of death. He will be buried from the family home, where services will be held at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. Deceased was employed about a dozen years ago in the composing rooms of the old DALLAS EVENING TIMES, and two brothers are well-known printers -- Jeff Cox, publisher of the Rockwall Success and Jerry Cox, a journey man, of Chicago.

- December 20, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 1.
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Local Notes.

     Joseph Cox died last night...

- December 21, 1894, Dallas Morning News, p. 5, col. 1.
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Bill Williford Objected to Baker Marrying
His Niece, and Baker Demanded an Ex-
planation--The Tragedy is the
Sensation of Pleasant Valley.

     Bill Williford shot and killed John Baker, at the home of the former's mother, near Pleasant Valley, 25 miles northeast of the city yesterday afternoon.
     Williford, after the shooting, at once proceeded to the home of 'Squire Swim and surrendered to him, and the Squire notified Sheriff Cabell, who went out and brought Williford in and placed him in jail.


     A TIMES HERALD reporter interviewed Williford at the jail. The prisoner, who is a single man about 30 years old, says he came from Tennessee to Texas with his mother 20 years ago, and settled in Dallas county, and that John Baker, who is also about 30 years old and single, came from Arkansas several years ago and has since lived in the Pleasant Valley neighborhood.
     All the fall, both men worked at the gin of Williford's brother and boarded with Williford's mother.
     Recently, Baker had been paying attention to Williford's niece. Baker not being the style of man Williford admired as a husband for the girl, he objected to his further aspiring to her hand.
     Two days ago, Baker heard of this objection, and going to Williford, demanded to know why he was trying to prejudice the girl against him.
     Williford told him that all the talking he had done was to his mother, and if he wanted to know what he had said, he would go with him to his mother and there repeat what he had said. The opportunity to go before Mrs. Williford did not present itself until yesterday, when Williford told Baker to come on and he would repeat what he had said.
     Baker drew a knife and rushed at Williford, who drew his pistol and shot him dead.


     The above is Williford's statement of the cause and details of the killing. The other side has not been heard.

- December 22, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1-2.
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He Was Found on the "Katy" Track -- He
Was Seen, Drunk, Near Honey
Springs, With a Woman

     Late yesterday evening, information reached the Sheriff's office that a dead man was on the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railroad track at Overton's cut, five miles south of the city.
     Justice Skelton, Deputy Sheriff John Bolick and Undertaker Loudermilk went down to investigate the case and take charge of the body.
     The dead man had his neck broken. He appeared to be about 60 years old, and was a large man. There was nothing on him by which he could be identified. He had two plugs of tobacco with the red seal on them and a package of Duke's Mixture smoking tobacco.
     The body was taken to Linskie's undertaking establishment, and Judge Skelton is waiting for further testimony before closing the case and rendering a verdict.
     It is not known whether the man's neck was broken by a blow from someone, or whether he was struck by an engine.


     Yesterday, a man answering the description of deceased, in an advanced state of intoxication, was seen near Honey Springs with a woman. They were talking and the woman was steadying the man. Sheriff Cabell believes the couple separated somewhere south of Oak Cliff, and that the woman went to Oak Cliff.

- December 24, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
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Thomas S. Duffy is Dead.

     Thomas S. Duffy, known as "Tom" Duffy, formerly an old Texas Trunk railroad man, and recently in the boarding house business in East Dallas, died to-day from yellow jaundice and a complication of diseases. He was 45 years old and leaves a widow.
     Duffy created a sensation last March, by shooting at, with intent to kill, J. W. Hile, an American Protective Association lecturer from Kansas, in the City Hall. The case was pending against him in the Dallas courts at the time of his death.
     He came to Dallas twenty years ago from Bangor, Maine. Mrs. Duffy has not yet determined whether she will bury his remains in Dallas or Bangor.

- December 26, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
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City News Notes.

     Mrs. Jennie Brooks, mother of Mrs. M. W. Kirby, died yesterday at the home of her daughter, No. 513 San Jacinto street, and was buried at Caruth's Chapel at 3 p. m. to-day.

- December 26, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
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The Insane Rose Hill Mendicant, Who Be-
lieved He Was Governor and Gov.
Hogg Was Only His Deputy,
Takes His Own Life.

     Lisbon Housley, a merchant at Rose Hill, died at the Arlington Hotel in Dallas at 2 o'clock this morning from the effects of an overdose of morphine.
     Mr. Faull, proprietor of the hotel, says Housley, a total stranger to him, entered the hotel at about 4 p. m. December 24, and asked for rates. On being told what it would cost him to put up there, he said: "Thanks; I will be back in a few minutes."
     Half an hour later, he returned and registered.:
     "John Mason, Temple, Texas."
     Before going to his room, he asked to have a pitcher of ice water sent up. Mr. Faull told him the bell boy had stepped out a moment, but the water would shortly follow him; but, before the bell boy came, Housley came down himself and said he would carry the water up.
     This was the last Mr. Faull saw of his new guest, until 5 p. m. yesterday, when he became alarmed about the long sleep the stranger was taking, and the failure of all rattling of the door to arouse him, and broke the door open.


     The presence of an empty morphine bottle on the table explained the situation to Mr. Faull at a glance, and he, at once, sent for two doctors and telegraphed to Temple in the effort to reach the sick man's family.
     The man had a little note book in his pocket which contained a record of some dealings with Mr. P. P. Martinez, the cigar dealer, and Mr. Martinez was asked to come up and identify the man, which he did, stating that his name was not John Mason, but Lisbon Housley of Rose Hill. Mr. Faull then telegraphed Housley's brother at Rose Hill.


     The doctors applied all the known remedies to Housley, and at one time, got him in a kind of semi-conscious state, in which he tried to answer questions, but the poison had been in him too long, and he died as above stated at 2 a. m.


     Housley had been adjudged insane three or four times, and as often, sent to the asylum. On every such occasion, he would, to all appearance, speedily recover his reason, and be liberated as cured, only to relapse in a few days.
     His hallucination was that he was the rightful Governor of the Sate, but that the office was being temporarily held by Governor Hogg, who was ready to turn it over to him on demand. He, accordingly, on several occasions, wrote the Governor that he did not with to push him, but as soon as he could conveniently vacate, he would like for him to do so. He even telegraphed the Governor to the same effect two or three times.
     Lately, however, Housley's malady had taken a melancholy turn, and his mind had been running on suicide.


     Deceased was about 35 years old and he leaves a widow and one or two children at Rose Hill.
     Undertaker Smith took charge of the body, which will be buried in the family burying ground at Rose Hill.

- December 27, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
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