Obituaries, Dallas County, Texas, 1895 (incomplete)
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(Updated August 5, 2004)


Death of L. D. Simpson.

     Mr. L. D. Simpson, aged 78 years, living at Richardson, died Tuesday night. Mr. Simpson was in town two days ago looking stout and hearty, and on the evening before his death, he fed his cattle and housed them as usual, and was apparently well and in good spirits. When Mrs. Simpson went to arouse him next morning, she discovered he was dead.
     Mr. Simpson was a native of Missouri, but came to Texas at an early day and settled at Richardson.
     Mr. Simpson was the father of Deputy Sheriff A. L. Simpson.
     The funeral took place at noon to-day.

- January 3, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
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Funeral Notice.

     Mrs. C. U. Buehrke died at 10:30 last night and will be buried at 2:30 to-morrow, January 8, from her late residence, 146 Reagan avenue, near Kelly avenue. All friends are invited to attend the funeral.

- January 7, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 7.
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[Note: J. C. Patton is the name of
the man injured, per the article below -- not Thomas Crow]




He Is 75 Years Old and Was Run Over
by a Santa Fe Switch Engine.
His Death Considered

     Thomas E. Crow, aged 75 years, living on Browder street, was run over by a switch engine on the Santa Fe railroad, near his home, yesterday evening, and had his left leg cut off above the ankle, and his right leg at the knee.
     The old man was removed to his home, where his limbs were amputated. He is still alive, but there is very little hope of his recovery, owing to his great age.
     The men on the engine say they rang the bell and blew the whistle, and had every reason to believe Mr. Crow would get off the track before the engine reached him, and when they discovered he either did not hear or did not wish to get out of the way, it was too late to save him, although, the engineer did all he could to save him by reversing the engine.

- January 9, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
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     Mr. John A. Johnston, a contractor and builder, died at his home, No. 365 Cochran street, Monday night, of abscess of the liver. The deceased, a native of Scotland, was an old resident of Dallas, and in his life, amassed considerable property.

- January 9, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3-4.
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Frank Wallace Re-Arrested and Jailed to
Await the Result of His Victim's
Wound -- It Was All on Account
of the Sunday Sun.

     At midnight last night, Dr. Falkner telephoned to the Sheriff's office, in response to Sheriff Cabell, that there was no chance for H. G. Quarrells to recover from the knife wound in his neck, inflicted in a Nettie street corner grocery by Frank Wallace on Tuesday night.
     Wallace, who was locked up soon after the affray, on a charge of aggravated assault, and who was admitted to bond in the sum of $250 late yesterday evening, was re-arrested on the doctor's statement last night, and committed to await the result of Quarrells' wound.
     As stated in yesterday's T
IMES HERALD, Wallace had been written up in the Sunday Sun, and he satisfied himself that Quarrells was the man who did it, and this was the foundation of the trouble.


     Sunday Sun correspondents have been traveling a particularly "rocky" road lately. Within the last month, four of them have been shot to death, and three of this number in the state of Kentucky, where, from the days of Boone and Kenton, they have always been ready to shoot on the slightest provocation.


     At 3 p. m., Mr. Quarrells is reported still alive, but sinking rapidly.

- January 10, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
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     Mr. Clark Kendall, an old citizen of Dallas, who has been an invalid and paralytic for many years, died this morning at the home of his mother, Mrs. Julia A. Kendall, corner Commerce and Kendall streets, in the 46th year of his age.

- January 10, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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Long an Invalid as a Result of the Grip,
in a Moment of Mental Aberra-
tion She Shoots Herself
in the Temple

     Late yesterday evening, Mrs. Thomas T. Holloway, of 241 North Harwood street, who has been an invalid for some time, shot herself through the head with suicidal intent, the act producing instantaneous death. Her husband and her mother, Mrs. Trower, of Shelbyville, Ill., who were in an adjoining room, did not hear the shot, and Mrs. Holloway had been dead several minutes before they returned to the room and found her a corpse.
     Dr. Leake, the attending physician, states that Mrs. Holloway was subject to spells of mental depression, as a result of the grip, and for some time, it has been considered better not to leave her alone. Her mother came all the way from Illinois to be with her during her illness, and yesterday evening, left the room for only a few minutes to bring in a lunch to her daughter. During her mother's absence, Mrs. Holloway took her own life. The family had taken every precaution to remove from the room, everything that she could injure herself with, and while the pistol she used belonged in the house, no one knew that it was in the room. She must have had it concealed in the bed-clothing for some time before her death.


     The death of Mrs. Holloway was a great shock to her many friends in this city. Although, for some time, her health had been impaired, no one but her immediate family realized her condition; and, they had taken, as they believed, every precaution to prevent the tragedy that has happened.
     Mrs. Holloway, before her marriage, which took place about nine year ago, was Miss Edith Trower, daughter of W. A. Trower, of Shelbyville, Ill., for many years the editor and publisher of the Shelby County Leader.
     Coming to Dallas immediately after her marriage, she acquired a large circle of friends, and was, for years, a member of the Standard Club of this city.
     The funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon from the family home, at No. 241 North Harwood street, and the burial will be in Trinity cemetery.

- January 10, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 6.
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Deceased Was a Report Operator, a Dan-
gerous Penman and a Quarrelsome
Person. -- His Letter to Senator Mills.
Indicted 38 Times for Forgery.

     H. G. Quarles died last night at his home on Nettie street, from a knife wound in the neck inflicted by Frank Wallace on Monday night.
Wallace had been written up in the Sunday Sun and, satisfying himself that Quarles did it, he went in search of him, finding him in a grocery on Nettie street, near his home.
     Before his death, Mr. Quarles stated, in the presence of several of his neighbors and friends who assembled at his home, that he was not the correspondent of the Sunday Sun and never wrote but one letter to that paper; that was to correct something that had appeared in the paper, and he signed his name in full to that letter and it was so published.
     Mr. Quarles' friends say that eyewitnesses state that Wallace, in a drunken condition, entered the grocery store, and began to curse the Sun correspondent,, looking at Quarles all the time, until the latter asked:
     "Do you mean me?"
     Wallace responded by striking him in the neck with his knife. Quarles then knocked him down twice, and did not know that he was cut until his attention was called to the blood spurting from the wound, which reached into the hollow.
     Queen City Lodge No. 941, K. of H., of which Quarles was a member, hearing of his death last night, appointed Thomas Bolton and J. B. Lauderdale to attend to the details of the funeral, which will take place in Dallas to-morrow or Sunday.
     The deceased had $2000 insurance in the Knights of Honor lodge, which he requested to be divided equally between his wife and little daughter.


     Mr. Quarles' neighbors, friends and fraternal brethren say that he is the innocent victim of the knife of an irresponsible, drunken brawler, who had a grievance against somebody and was trying to get even by striking out blindly without knowing what he was doing.


     Quarles was a native of Anderson county, Texas, and was about 35 years old. His family, as well as his wife's family, live at McKinney. He was a telegraph operator and, according to what other operators say, he must have been one of the most expert in the world. He was also unequaled as a penman, using the pen with equal skill in both hands.
     With a pen in each hand, he could simultaneously write any name or word backwards, forwards or upside down and make of it, an exact reproduction of the handwriting of the word he copied.
     He worked in the Western Union in Dallas several years ago, but he preferred railroad to commercial work and was, most of the time, train dispatcher. Western Union men here say he was overbearing and quarrelsome and never worked long at a place, as he would, on the slightest provocation, "cuss out" everybody from the general superintendent, down to the office boy and throw up his job. He was a great hand at setting things to rights. On one occasion, he is said to have addressed a letter to Roger Quarles Mills, when he was in the Lower House of Congress, telling him if he meant to persist in a certain course, that he wished he would drop the word "Quarles" from his name, as he did not intend to see the family name disgraced by such a man carrying it.


     About a year ago, the Grand Jury of Grayson county returned thirty-eight indictments against Quarles for forgery, and he was in jail several months.
     It appears that the local tickets of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railroad are, or were, at that time, printed with a blank place for the agent selling the ticket to insert the name of the destination station of the purchaser. Some clever person took advantage of this and would have pals to buy tickets from Denison to the nearest stations, and then erase the name of the station written by the agent and substitute the name of such distant station as was desired, thus doing a species of crooked scalping business. In checking up the business at the stations, the fraud was soon detected and Quarles was indicted as the forger. He beat all the cases, and he often said it cost the State $50,000 to try him. Quarles claimed that in this matter, he was a victim of a conspiracy, because he was a non-union operator. He later joined the Telegraphers' Brotherhood.
     For some time before his death, Quarles had been unemployed. Last winter, he went West and did railroad work in Arizona and old Mexico, but he was brought back to Dallas as an attached witness in the Reeves murder case, and never returned to the West.

- January 11, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
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     Mr. J. C. Patton, the old man who was run over by a Santa Fe switch engine, died from his injuries at the home of his son-in-law, Mr. T. E. Crow.

- January 11, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 6.
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Examining Trial of Frank Wallace Before
Justice Skelton -- Testimony of an
Eye-Witness and of the At-
tending Physician.

     The funeral of the late H. G. Quarles took place at 10 a. m. to-day, and was conducted by the Knights of Honor.


     Frank Wallace is having an examining trial before Justice Skelton.
     Two witnesses have been examined, Dr. Fulcher, who testified as to the character of the wound, from which Quarles died, and R. S. Connor, in whose grocery, at the corner of Nettie and Dawson streets, the wound was inflicted.
     Mr. Connor, in substance, testified that he and Mr. Quarles had been in the back room of the store to witness a contract for Mr. Kent and were coming out, when Wallace, drunk, entered and asked for a plug of tobacco. As Wallace was being waited on, Quarles started to leave the store.
     When near the door, Wallace said: "There goes that s -- of a b---- of a Sun man now."
     Quarles, hearing the man, turned and asked if he meant him and raised his hand as if to strike, when he (Connor) told him not to do so, as the man was drunk. In the meantime, Wallace asked two or three times, "Are you the Sun man?" and struck Quarles the blow in the neck that finally killed him. Quarles then knocked him down.

- January 12, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 2.
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John C. Pincombe, Taken Suddenly Away
by Heart Disease -- He Was the Times-
Herald's Telegraph Operator -- His
Body to Be Buried in Canada.

     John C. Pincombe, a Western Union telegraph operator in charge of the private wire in the TIMES HERALD editorial department, was found dead in bed in Mrs. Matilda Dinsmore's lodging house, corner Main and Akard streets, at 3:30 p. m. yesterday.
     W. F. Schwandt, who roomed with Pincombe, makes the following statement:
     "I got out of bed at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Before arising, I conversed with Pincombe. He was laughing and joking, and s I left the room to go to dinner, he asked me to call him at 2 o'clock. I returned at 2 o'clock, and he then told me that he would get up in a few minutes."
     The physician who examined the body was unable to discover anything indicating the cause of death, nor did the inquest held by Justice Skelton, acting as Coroner, elicit any evidence of anything but a natural death.
     Deceased was 34 years old, and a native of St. Thomas, Ontario, where his body will be shipped by Undertakers Loudermilk & Miller, who are embalming the body.
     Mr. Schwandt will leave with the body for Ontario this evening, over the Texas & Pacific, which road and connections furnish Mr. Schwandt transportation, and the Pacific Express Company carries the body.
     The mother of the dead man telegraphed to Mr. Schwandt from St. Thomas to draw on her for money to cover expenses of removing the body to her home, but the dead man's friends in the telegraphers' fraternity of Dallas contributed $100 toward the funeral fund.

- January 14, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 7.
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     Died, at 4 p. m., on Sunday, Mr. L. G. Smith. Funeral from 101 Sumpter street at 2:30 p.m., on Tuesday. Friends are requested to attend.

- January 14, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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He Represented the Anheuser-Busch Brew-
ing Company and Was Held in High Es-
teem by His Employers -- One of the
Most Charitable Men in Dallas.

     Louis Reichenstein died at his home on Cabell street at 4:30 p. m. Saturday, of rheumatism of the heart and kindred complications.
     Mr. Richenstein was born at Baden, Germany, in 1844, and came to America about thirty years ago, first locating in Denison, but in a short time, coming to Dallas, where he has since resided, and been one of the most successful business men and useful citizens. He had the reputation of dispensing more charity and helping a greater number of needy and struggling persons than any other man in town, and he did it without ostentation, not letting his left hand know what his right did.
     Mr. Reichenstein was the North Texas agent of the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association, and a highly eulogistic telegram was received by Mr. Arthur Stevens, Mr. Reichenstein's bookkeeper, Saturday evening.
     The telegram came from Mr. Adolphus Busch, in St. Louis, saying the Anheuser-Busch Company was shocked beyond expression to learn of Mr. Reichinstein's death; that they regarded him as one of their ablest, most faithful and energetic representatives; that they knew of no one who could represent them as satisfactorily at Dallas as he had. The telegram also conveyed the condolence of the Anheuser-Busch Company to Mrs. Reichenstein, with the assurance that the senders stood ready at any time to practically demonstrate to her and her family, the esteem in which they held her dead husband. Mr. Busch said in this telegram that the Anheuser-Busch Company would be represented at the funeral, and that were it possible, he would personally attend, but as there was sickness in his family, the chances were not favorable.
     Mr. Reichenstein had great confidence in the future of Dallas, and it was on his judgment that the investments of the Anheuser-Busch Association in this city were made.
     Mr. Reichenstein leaves a widow and four children, three sons and a daughter. The latter, who was at school in Nashville, started home on receipt of news of the serious illness of her father, and arrived yesterday.
     Mr. Arthur Stevens has been intimately associated with Mr. Reichenstein, as his book-keeper and confidential friend and adviser, for more than twenty years, and is now in charge of the office.
     The funeral will take place from the family home on Cabell street at 1:30 p. m. to-morrow and proceed to Trinity cemetery.
     Mr. Louis Illmer, general agent of the Anheuser-Busch Association in South Texas, with office in Houston, has come up to attend the funeral.

- January 14, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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Bad Treatment of a Poor Little Black

     Claud Smith, a white boy, while exploring the bed of the creek above the Queen City Railway powerhouse, yesterday evening, discovered in a ledge of rock on the bank of the creek, a dead negro baby, which its family had evidently "exposed" after the manner of the Spartans.
     Young Smith notified the police and Officers Durham and Magee went and got the body and turned it over to Justice Skelton, who held an inquest, which developed no information pointing to the maternity of the infant.

- January 15, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4-5.
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The Popular "Katy" Conductor Passes

     Thomas Henley, the well-known "Katy" conductor, died last night at his boarding house on South Ervay street.
     Mr. Henley was one of the oldest Texas conductors, and was very popular, both with the railroad fraternity and the public, and the news of his death will be heard with sorrow by hundreds of persons.
     Deceased was born in Buffalo, N. Y., about 38 or 40 years ago, and early became a railroader and drifted to the Southwest.
     About a year ago, his train was held up near Belton, and in the fusillade the robbers kept up to terrify the crew and passengers, Conductor Henley ventured on the platform and was shot through the arm.
     About two weeks ago, he was called to the deathbed of his aged mother in Buffalo. He came home sick and never got up.
     He leaves a widow and step child.
     Dan Henley, a conductor on the Cotton Belt, is here to attend the funeral of his brother.
     The body will be shipped to Denison this evening for burial.

- January 15, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 2.
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     In the death of Louis Reichenstein, whose remains were laid to rest yesterday, the oft-quoted saying, "Death loves a shining mark," has found another true exemplification.
     Louis Reichenstein acted in the capacity of general agent for North Texas for the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association for nearly a quarter of a century, and was not only dear to the heart of Mr. Adolphus Busch as a successful business man, but also as an intimate personal friend. His loss is keenly felt by the Anheuser-Busch Association and his thousands of friends, and his successor, whoever he may be, will have a difficult task to maintain the high standard of efficiency established by him. Years ago, Mr. Adolphus Busch offered, in consideration of valuable services rendered, to pension him for life with full salary, in case his health, which was, latterly, never of the best, should not allow him to stand the strain of his responsible position any longer, but like a proud Roman warrior, he point blank refused, and up to the last moment, his thoughts were divided between his family and the firm in whose interested he had worked so faithfully.
     Mr. Reichenstein leaves a wife and five children, four boys and one girl, in comfortable circumstances, the latter having arrived from college at Nashville to attend the last sad rites.
     It was the intention and sincere desire of Mr. Adolphus Busch and sons to be present at the funeral of their lamented friend, but owing to sickness in Mr. Busch's family, he was unable to do so, and under the circumstances, was represented by Messrs. Phillip Carl, of San Antonio, Louis Illmer, of Houston, and W. U. Merry, of St. Louis.
     Among the hundreds of floral tributes were conspicuous those presented by Mr. Busch and family, the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association, the Lone Star Brewing Company of San Antonio, and the American Brewing Association of Houston, thus indicating the high esteem, in which deceased was held.
     Mr. Reichenstein was one of the best known men in Texas, and one of the pioneers of the State, having lived here for thirty-three years, and his loss will be deeply felt.
     He was a kind husband and loving father, and his benevolence can be attested by many who have needed a helping hand and his memory will not soon be forgotten.
     He was a man of wonderful executive ability, and untiring in his efforts to promote the welfare of Texas and the interests he represented.
     The duties of the responsible position of general agent of the Anheuser-Busch Association for North Texas are temporarily assumed by Mr. A. T. Stevens, the life-long friend and assistant of deceased.

- January 16, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 7.
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     We hereby wish to express our heartfelt thanks to all friends and acquaintances that attended the funeral of our dear child, and will always dearly remember the many tokens of sympathy extended to us in our bereavement.
     Many thanks, also, to Rev. Hoyer for his words of consolation, so feelingly rendered. The mourning parents,
                     Dallas, January 15, 1895.

- January 16, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
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Surrounded by a Posse, He Fought



The Desperate Encounter Took Place in
Ellis County -- The Dead Man's body
in Dallas, and His Parents Notified.

     Deputy Sheriff John Bolick and Jim Lewis arrived at 1:45 p. m., on the delayed Houston and Texas Central train, with the dead body of Charles Shook, which was turned over to Undertaker Linskie.
     At daylight yesterday morning, Deputy Sheriff Bolick, assisted by Deputy Sheriff R. H. Haynes, and Constable J. P. Darder, of Ellis county, and a farmer named Lon Neal, surrounded Shook in the river bottom, sixteen miles east of Ennis.
     Shook opened up on the officers with a couple of long-barrel Colt's 45's. The officers returned the fire and Shook fell, shot through. (sic)
Mr. Bolick says they sent for a doctor three miles off, who extracted the bullet and said it would be safe to move him, and they then hauled him in a wagon to Ennis, where three of the best doctors in town were called in, and they said it would be safe to bring him to Dallas.


     When they boarded the train, Shook, who had been cursing the officers ever since he fell into their hands, kept up his abuse of them and told them they would never have the satisfaction of getting to Dallas with him, as he would die on the way. At Wilmer, he said he would not live to reach Hutchins and, true to what he said, he died before that station was reached, defiant to the last.


     Shook's parents live over in the forks of the river, and as soon as Sheriff Cabell heard he was dead, he dispatched a messenger to inform them of the fact, and that the body was at their disposal.


     Charles Shook and his brother, Andy, are wanted in a number of places for horse theft and other offenses. There are affidavits against Charles in this county for horse theft and for carrying a pistol. Sheriff Cabell has capiases for the two brothers from Kaufman and Jack Counties for horse theft, and Charles was wanted in Kaufman for assault to kill.


     Charles, who was the younger of [the] brothers, was between twenty-five and thirty years old and married.


     Three days ago, the farmers of the neighborhood had the Shook boys and a third party, with a number of stolen horses in their possession, surrounded in the bottom near Wilmer, and wired Sheriff Cabell to come to their assistance. But, before the Sheriff could come to their relief, the Shooks managed to escape. Deputy Sheriff Bolick was detailed to follow them down the river. He did so, and assisted by the Ellis county officers, rounded up Charles yesterday morning, as above stated, with one stolen mule in his possession.

- January 18, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
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She Lived in New York and Was on a Visit
to Her Daughter, Mrs. E. T.
Roessler -- No Cause Known
for the Suicide.

     Mrs. Garfield, of New York, who was on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. F. E. Roessler, on Beaumont street, took laudanum last night, apparently with suicidal intent, and without any assignable reason.
     Although Mrs. Garfield was 59 years old, she was vigorous and in the enjoyment of good health, and to all outward appearance, spending a life that might well be envied by most old women.
     Before taking the drug, Mrs. Garfield laid out the clothing she wished to be buried in and, calling her little grandson to her bed, she gave him an elegant watch.
     Mrs. Garfield's son-in-law, Mr. F. E. Roessler, is in the employ of the Texas & Pacific railroad at Eddy, N. M., and he has been wired to come home.
     Mrs. Garfield lingered until 1 p. m. today, but never regained consciousness.
     The body was inquested by Justice Skelton, acting as Coroner, and taken charge of by Undertaker Smith.

- January 19, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
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The Body Placed in a Farm Wagon and
Carried to the Family Burying
Ground in the Forks of
the River.

     Mr. A. J. Shook and his 17-year-old son, Dick, father and brother of Charles Shook, who was killed by the officers Thursday morning, came for the body this morning.
     They purchased a burial outfit at Davis' store, on the square, and had Undertaker Linskie to place the body in a coffin, which they put in a farm wagon, and, turning their team down Commerce street, mournfully drove across the bridge, and out the pike, in the direction of their home in the forks of the river.
     Mr. Shook, who is a very old man, said it was hard for a man of his advanced age to have to undergo such an experience.
     The father and brother of the dead man did no talking at the undertaker's establishment. The old gentleman seemed to be too deeply stricken with grief to give expression to his thoughts.
     The dead man has a sister living in Dallas, a Mrs. Kerr, who called at Mr. Linskie's last night to take a last look at her brother. She dropped a silent tear and made no remarks.
     Justice Skelton, as ex-officio Coroner, viewed the remains, but has not yet taken the testimony.

- January 19, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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Death of Father Moore.

     Rev. John Moore, Chaplain of the Catholic Orphanage at Oak Cliff, died yesterday of heart failure in the 61st year of his age.


Mrs. Marietta Garfield.

     Died, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. F. E. Roessler, 195 Beaumont street, at 9 a. m. on Saturday, Mrs. Marietta Garfield, aged 59 years. Burial from the above residence at 3:30 p. m. Sunday.

- January 19, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald,
p. 6, col. 4.
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His Skull Was Crushed, His Neck Broken,
and He Was Otherwise Injured -- He
Was a Lancaster Farmer, Jour-
neying Homeward.

     Lucius Plew, a farmer living near Lancaster, yesterday fell through the trestle of the Oak Cliff railroad over the Trinity river at Trinity Tank, and died of his injuries, two hours later, in the City Hospital.
     He fell a distance of about forty feet, crushing his skull, breaking his neck and otherwise injuring himself.
     The body was taken charge of by Undertakers Laudermilk & Miller, who prepared it for shipment to Lancaster this afternoon.

- January 19, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 6.
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     Mr. W. A. Babcock, of the firm of Babcock & Foot, died at his home on Texas street last night of pneumonia.


     Mrs. B. S. Wathen died last night at the family home on Burr lane, South Dallas.


     Mrs. Augusta Porter died last night at her home on Latimer street.


     Mr. T. P. Thomas died yesterday afternoon of cancer and was buried to-day. Deceased was a plaster contractor and had lived in Dallas about twenty years.

- January 21, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
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     Charles Shook, the young man killed by the officers last Thursday morning, was well known in East Dallas. He was an excellent violin player, and for a long time, he and his brother, Andy, made music for the dances in that quarter of the city. Last winter, they were on hand with their fiddles at nearly all the frolics.

- January 22, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 5.
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Death of T. P. Thomas.

     Last Friday evening, at 3 o'clock T. P. Thomas, a resident of this city for over twenty years, died from the effects of a cancer, from which he suffered intensely the last five years of his life. Mr. Thomas was well and favorably known among the architects and builders of Dallas, as he was one of the leading contractors in plastering and cement work, from 1874 up to about two years ago, when he was forced to retire on account of his affliction. He was a member of the Washington Avenue Baptist church, and was loved by all who knew him. The funeral services were conducted at his home, 118 Hays street, by the pastor.

- January 22, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
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He Left a Pathetic Note to His Wife Ex-
plaining What Impelled Him to the
Deed and Telling His Family

     At 1 p. m. to-day, Joseph S. Ross, of 434 Commerce street, shot himself through the head and will die.
     Mr. Ross is a barkeeper by occupation, and has been in Dallas about ten years. He came from Tennessee. He leaves a wife and three children.
     For some time, they have been keeping lodgers.
     Mr. Ross has been out of employment for many months, and of late, has been in very low spirits.
     He left the following pathetic note, addressed to his wife:
     My Dear Wife and Little Ones: Good bye. My life has been one of continued misfortune and disappointment, so I have made up my mind to go to the "unknown land," wherever that may be. May happiness follow you throughout all your lives, obey your mother and be good children and grow to be honored ladies. "Mamma," goodbye. May heaven smile on you and the children, and do not condemn me for my act. Let me be put away as I am now, in a wooden box, at the least cost, where I will soon be forgotten. Let the grass grow upon my grave so that it soon may not be recognized. I am bankrupt financially and no hope to recover, so I made up my mind to go. I am now 49[?] years and 11 days old. I have no friends and a sad heart. Dear wife and children, good-bye. Yours,

January 23, 1895.

- January 23, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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     The funeral of Rev. John Moore, chaplain of the Catholic Orphanage at Oak Cliff, took place from the Church of the Sacred Heart yesterday, where Pontifical Grand Requiem Mass was held for him.

- January 23, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 6.
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    Mrs. Kamp, is dangerously ill at the home of Mrs. R. D. Strother, her daughter, on Worth street. Her son, P. G., and daughter, Miss Cora, from Louisville, Ky., are at her bedside.
     A five-months old child of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Lacy, living on Canton street, died yesterday. The funeral took place at 3 o'clock this afternoon.

- January 24, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
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It Will be Conducted by the Knight's
of Honor.

     Joseph S. Ross, who committed suicide by shooting himself through the head at his home, 434 Commerce street, yesterday afternoon, will be buried by the Knights of Honor and a meeting of the lodge for the purpose of arranging for the funeral will be held at 3:30 this afternoon. Deceased had $2000 insurance in the Knights of Honor.

- January 24, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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     Mrs. Ellen Kamp, mother of Mrs. R. D. Strother, died last night at 12 o'clock. The remains will be shipped to Louisville, Ky., to-morrow morning for interment.

- January 25, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
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His Gun, Which He Believed to Be Un-
loaded, Had Been Charged by His
Son, and it Went Off While
Being Handled.

     Dr. Williams, this morning, went out to Mr. Rowe Beard's home, three miles west of the river, to amputate his right arm at the shoulder.
     As stated in the T
IMES HERALD yesterday, Mr. Beard was shot in the biceps muscle by the accidental discharge of shotgun two days ago.      Mr. Beard took the gun to the field with him. It was unloaded when he last handled it, but his son loaded the weapon when his father was not observing, and when Mr. Beard took hold of it by the muzzle to handle it as he would an unloaded gun, it went off, the charge of shot tearing away almost the entire muscle of the right arm.
     The attending surgeon, at first, wished to amputate the arm, but Mr. Beard would not consent to the operation. Yesterday, mortification set in.
     Mr. Beard is 45 years old, and has been a resident of Dallas for twenty or more years.

- January 25, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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Rowe Beard Dies From the Effect of
His Accidental Wound.

     Rowe Beard, the farmer living west of the river, who accidentally shot himself in the biceps muscle of the right arm, in pulling his shotgun out of his wagon by the muzzle last week, died yesterday.
     The arm was amputated at the shoulder, but the operation was delayed too long, as mortification had already set in above that point.
     Mr. Beard believed that he would die under the operation, and he had it postponed until some of his relatives, whom he wished to tell goodbye, could reach him, and the delay was fatal.
     Mr. Beard was 46 years old and had lived in Dallas county for upwards of twenty years.

- January 30, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 6.
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He Had Recently Been Pardoned Out of
the Penitentiary, but Could Get no
Work as a Telegraph Operator
and Was Out of Money.

     Saturday night, a man registering as William J. Coglan, engaged a room at the Phoenix hotel, and was not particularly noticeable in any respect, until yesterday morning, when he did not leave his room after repeated attempts to arouse him.
     At 6 o'clock last evening, Mr. W. L. Robinson, proprietor of the hotel, heard him breathing heavily, as if under the influence of morphine, and after breaking open the door, found the inmate of the room unconscious. A doctor was sent for, and every effort made to save him. The man died at 8:30 o'clock last night. A careful examination of the body and the room failed to establish any clue to an identity. The deceased was neatly dressed; his pockets contained two knives, 30 cents in silver and a map of the International & Great Northern railroad. A bottle that had contained a drachm [dram] of morphine, with about twenty grains of the drug left in it, was found concealed in the mattress.
     Justice Ed S. Lauderdale, after viewing the body at 10 o'clock last night, certified that the deceased came to his death by means of morphine administered by his own hand. The body was taken to Linskie's undertaking establishment.
     Subsequent developments established the fact that William J. Coglan was the right name of the deceased, and his former home was in Terrell. He was a telegraph operator and several years ago, was employed in that capacity at the Dallas Union depot, going afterward to Goldthwaite, Tex., where, for some offense not developed here, he was sent to the penitentiary for a term of two years. After serving one year and a half, he was pardoned and liberated several weeks ago, and coming to Dallas, it is supposed that the want of money and employment had produced the despondency that resulted in death by his own hand.

- January 31, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
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     Frank O'Bryan, a Dallas man, died at Sanger, Denton county, yesterday.

- January 31, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 5.
- o o o -

Major R. V. Tompkins Dead.

     DENVER, Feb. 1. -- Major R. V. Tompkins, president of the Tompkins Implement company of Dallas, Tex., died at the Gilsey House in this city last night. He was here on mining business, and had only been ill a few days. Major Tompkins was one of the most prominent citizens of north Texas.


     The body of Major Tompkins will be shipped to Dallas for burial.

- February 1, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
- o o o -


     At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, a man was found dead in the husk stalls of the Trinity Cotton Seed Oil Company's mills. From papers in his pocket, it was learned that his name was W. J. Johnson. He had in his possession, $2.50 in money and a check for $28. He had on a pair of overalls and presented the appearance of a laborer. Justice Skelton, acting Coroner, viewed the body, which was taken in charge by Undertaker Linskie.

- February 1, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4-5.
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Ben Hammond Enticed His Wife Away
From Home -- Tragedy Among Negroes
on White Rock Creek -- Bell
Is in Jail.

     Bill Bell shot and killed Ben Hammond on White Rock creek yesterday afternoon.
     The trouble was about Bell's wife, who, it appears, had about as much affection for Hammond as she did for her awful husband, and even left the latter to go and live with the former.
     Yesterday, Bell got down his shotgun and went to the house they were occupying. He found the pair in a room together and he emptied the contents of his shotgun into Hammond, who died last night.
     Bell was arrested by Deputy Sheriffs Winfrey and Crush and lodged in jail.
     All the parties to the tragedy are negroes.

- February 1, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
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     The wife of Deputy Sheriff Whit Webb died this forenoon, of consumption. Mr. Webb is Bailiff of the Criminal District Court, and Judge Clint adjourned court out of respect for the dead.

- February 2, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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They Are Being Held at Undertaker
Linskie's Morgue.

     The body of W. J. Coglin, who committed suicide at the Phoenix Hotel, is still at Linskie's private morgue awaiting instructions from relatives in New York as to the disposition of it.


     The body of the man who was found dead in the cotton seed pen on Thursday morning, where he had presumably frozen to death, is also at Linskie's. From a receipt in the dead man's pocket, Mr. Linskie infers that his name was August Kaiser, but he has been unable to find any of the German-American's of Dallas who know who the corpse was in life.


     The two bodies have been embalmed and will keep indefinitely.

- February 2, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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John Collins Kicks Dan Pittman to Death
in a Fight Over the Ownership of a
Rank Old Cob Pipe -- What
They Were in For.

     Dan Pittman, a negro prisoner in the county jail, died last night from the effect of a kick in the stomach by John Collins, a one-armed negro fellow prisoner at midnight last Thursday.
     Jailer Rhodes says that he heard a racket among the prisoners at the hour above named, and went to ascertain the cause of the commotion. He found Pittman doubled up and holding his stomach in his hands and complaining that Collins had kicked him., Collins said that Pittman h ad stolen his pipe and tobacco and, on being charged with the theft, he ran at him, and he (Collins), who is a one-armed man, put up his knee by way of defense and Pittman ran against it and hurt himself.
     Pittman, who was not believed to be much hurt at first, grew worse and died last night. The kick or blow broke Pittman's bladder.
     Collins, who was in jail for failure to give bond to keep the peace toward Jim Williams, who he had threatened to kill for making himself fresh with his (Collin's) wife, was liberated from jail the next morning after the kicking, and when Pittman got worse Saturday night, Sheriff Cabell dispatched a deputy to arrest Collins, who was found dancing on the head set [sic] at a frolic two miles north of the city.
     Dan Pittman was in jail to await trial on five indictments, charging him with stealing cattle from Starke Bros., of Richardson.
     Sallie Pittman, Dan's sister, who lives at 690 Commerce street, will have the body of her brother shipped to Longview, their old home, for burial.

- February 4, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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     Mrs. Helen Powell, nee Miss Helen Brownlee, died Saturday night at 11 o'clock at her home on Worth street. Funeral took place at 10 o'clock this morning from the family residence.

- February 4, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
- o o o -





He Was a Gallant Soldier, a Business Gen-
ius and a Man of Honor -- His
Funeral To-day -- Men
Who Remember Him.

     The funeral of Major R. V. Tompkins, who died of pneumonia in Denver Thursday night last, took place from the First Methodist church at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, and was largely attended.


     Major Tompkins was a native of New York State and came to Texas when but a boy, towards the end of the '50's, and located in Houston, where he became connected with a transportation line between Galveston and Houston on the bayou.
     When the war between the States broke out, Major Tompkins sided with the sentiments of the State of his adoption and joined the Confederate army as a member of the Second Texas regiment, and was a fellow-soldier with the late Col. James H. Britton, George Quinlan, and many other well-known men in Texas in post-bellum days.
     Major Tompkins soon achieved the reputation of a gallant soldier and cool, deliberate marksman, and when the Confederate Government purchased of England, at great cost, 250 of the famous Whitworth guns, which began to be manufactured about that time, Major Tompkins was selected as a member of the corps of scouts and sharpshooters who were armed with these long-distance weapons. In this band, Major Tompkins was known as "Texas."


     After the war, Major Tompkins returned to Texas and devoted himself to business with the same energy and determination that he had addressed himself to in war, and his achievements in this line were no less pronounced than in that. For the first few years after the war, he was at the head of the Brazos Navigation Company, but when the work on the extension of the Houston & Texas Central railroad began, he engaged in the commission business and came north with that road. When the road reached Dallas, he came with what was known as the "Corsicana crowd," which included Sanger Bros., Schneider & Davis, W. G. Randall & Son, Block, Jett & Co., Adams & Leonard.
     At Dallas, Major Tompkins engaged in the commission business on the Flippen, Adoue & Lobitt corner, at Elm and Poydras streets, and made money, hand over fist, and from this time, he rapidly came to the front as a business man. He afterwards engaged in the implement and machinery business and became very wealthy. But, the business crash of five years ago, which left so many wrecks in the financial world, also ruined Major Tompkins and left him where he started.
     To retrieve his broken fortunes, Major Tompkins went to the gold mines of Colorado, and it was there that he was taken ill with pneumonia and died.
     Major Tompkins was a man of great abilities and worth, and his superiority was apparent to all. He was a born leader of men, and would have shone in politics had he desired to enter that arena. He was, at one time, prominently spoke of in connection with the Governorship of the State.

- February 4, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
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     All that is mortal of Col. R. V. Tompkins is being borne this afternoon to its final resting lace in Trinity Cemetery. Rarely has had a progressive city a more progressive citizen, the social circle a brighter, better member, or the domestic hearthstone, a finer character. In the very forefront of the public-spirited when Dallas needed such spirits in her sharp competitive race for supremacy with rival towns, he inaugurated and carried out successful schemes, and so has left behind him, monuments to attest his superlative activities, and memories to treasure his many merits. Like so many other conspicuous leaders in the chances of battle or in the fields of financial and commercial ventures, he was more recently burdened down with much of that embarrassment, which, in periods of severe depression, shipwreck so many of us when patriotic pride sinks all selfishness to such secondary considerations, that tears lie very close to smiles. His splendid physique seemed destined for a longer stay, and his irrepressible energies and broad capacities were ever in demand to fertilize and fructify those great enterprises that build up cities to prosperity and wide repute, too little, considering in the march whether the possessor be victor or victim in the victory. Dallas mourns this loss.

- February 4, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3-4.
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Expired Suddenly at His Oak Cliff Home.
James M. Phillips, a Well-Known
Railroad Man Passes Away -- Tommy
Gee Found Dead in Bed.

     Judge A. M. Thomason died suddenly at his home in Oak Cliff last night.
     Deceased was a native of Tennessee, and came to Texas about ten years ago, locating at Gainesvile, and beginning the practice of the law, for which he was well prepared, not only by a thorough literary and legal education in the colleges of the East, but also by inheritance and absorption, as his father, who is still living, and at the top of the Tennessee bar, is said to have brought him up with a view of the law as a profession.
     About four years ago, Judge Thomason came to Dallas and opened an office, and by his abilities and extraordinary energies, he soon built up a large practice.
     Judge Thomason had his life insured for $10,000.


James M. Phillips.

     Col. James M. Phillips, a well-known railroad man, died at the Windsor hotel at 8:30 a. m. to-day of pneumonia, aged about 55 years.
     Col. Phillips, a native of Indiana, came to Texas about 1884, and became General Superintendent of the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe railroad, with which he was connected until about four years ago, when he resigned to become General Superintendent of the Kentucky Union railroad, with headquarters at Lexington, Ky.
     A month ago, Col. Phillips, who had, for some time, been in bad health, came to Texas. accompanied by Mrs. Phillips, in the hope that the trip would do him good. At Dallas, he fond the weather about as disagreeable as it was in Kentucky, and stopped at the Windsor to remain until the norther was over. But, he grew worse and finally took pneumonia, which resulted in his death.
     The body will be shipped to Jeffersonville, Indiana, his old home, for burial.
     Col. Phillips was a member of the Louisville, Ky., Commandery No. 1, Knights Templars, and of Syrian, Temple of Cincinnati and a member of the Elks of Dallas. Ante-burial services will be held at the Elks and Masonic halls this evening at 7 o'clock sharp, after which, the remains will be escorted by those orders to the Texas & Pacific depot.


Thomas Gee.

     Thomas Gee was found dead in bed this morning at his home on the corner of Annex avenue and Bryan street.
     Justice Skelton inquested the remains, and the jury returned a verdict that the cause of death was unknown.
     The deceased was about 32 years old and had lived in Dallas for many years, supporting his mother and sister. He was a member of the old Lamar Rifles, and had many friends.
     Deceased was a well-known saloon man, but latterly, had been engaged in the wood business.
     About a year ago, he broke his leg in getting off an electric car, and the limb never got completely well.

- February 4, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
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     The Dallas Bar Association will meet in Judge Burke's court room at 3:00[?] this afternoon to take suitable action on the death of Judge A. M. Thomason, and made arrangements to attend the funeral.
     Dallas Lodge No. 44, I. O. O. F. will meet at 7:15 a. m. to-morrow to escort the body of the late Thomas Gee to the train, to be shipped to Plano for burial.

- February 5, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 5.
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     All members of Dallas Lodge No. 44, I. O. O. F., are requested to assemble at the lodge room at 7:30 a. m. Wednesday, the 6th inst., for the purpose of escorting the body of our late brother, T. A. Gee, to the train. Visiting brothers invited to attend.
                                  T. A. W
           J. E. J

- February 5, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
- o o o -




Judge Thomason's Diamond Ring
Stolen and Returned.



Detectives Working on Clues to the Thief.
An Innocent Suspect Released -- Judge
Thomason's Funeral Held
This Afternoon.

     Sometime between the death of Judge A. M. Thomason on Sunday night and the next morning, some person stole a $1000 ring from his finger. When he was laid out, the ring could not be taken off on account of the inflamed and swollen condition of the finger.
     Just after 8 o'clock last night, the door-bell rang at Judge Thomason's, and the colored woman went to the door, and there stood a man with his neck and face covered by a large overcoat and a slouch hat pulled over his face, so as to almost completely conceal his features. He asked:
     "Does Judge Thomason live here?"
     Being answered in the affirmative, he proceeded:
     "Is Mrs. Thomason at home?"
     "She is," replied the servant. The man then said:
     "Will you please deliver to her this package," saying which, he handed the servant a small package, and, quickly turning, moved out of the yard.
     The package contained the ring.
     The Sheriff and Chief of Police, who were notified of the theft Monday morning, made an arrest this morning, but the person arrested quickly proved his innocence and was liberated.
     The officers have their eyes on another party, whom they will, no doubt, arrest this evening.


     What induced the thief to return the ring is a matter of speculation. It is hardly probable that a person so devoid of feeling as to steal the ring under the circumstances, would become conscience-stricken. It is, therefore, more likely that the thief was moved by fear of detection in restoring the property.


     The body of Judge A. M. Thomason was buried from Laudermilk & Miller's undertaking shop at 2 o'clock this afternoon by the Elks and Dallas Bar Association. The funeral was largely attended.
     Mr. Charles Thomason, of Paris, Tennessee, a brother of deceased, arrived last night and was present at the funeral.
     The Bar Association met yesterday afternoon, and the Order of Elks, last night, and passed resolutions of respect to the memory of Judge Thomason, who was a prominent figure in both those bodies.

- February 6, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
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Engine Company No. 2 Provides Clothing
for the Decker Orphans, and Mrs.
Ballinger Has Secured Homes
for Them.

     The cold weather hangs on with a grip that makes the boomers of old time cold snaps admit that it is more than a mere cool zephyr. Last night was not so cold as either of the immediately preceding nights, but in accordance with the prognostications of Rev. Irl[?] Hicks, the temperature this forenoon suddenly dropped several degrees and practically restored the frigidity of yesterday. And, the worst of it is, that Rev. Hicks says the temperature will continue about where it now is, or a little lower, until the 13th instant.
     The cold spell is already the longest one experienced here in many years, and should Rev. Hicks' prediction be verified, it will be the longest and most severe that there is any record or recollection of.


     The action of the county, city and citizens in concentrating their effort to relieve the distress of the poor during the severe weather, was, in view of the above, most timely. Mr. L. D. Busby, who is in charge of the combined charity work, with office at police headquarters, says that since he took charge at noon yesterday, about a dozen new applications have been made to him, and many more are expected to-day. He says he finds that fuel and clothing are needed more than provisions, for most persons are more ready to donate something to eat than fuel or clothing, and he, therefore, requests people, generally, to , at once, give whatever they have in the way of old clothing, whether for men, boys, women, girls or children, as he can find a lace for all they can provide whim with. A large amount of clothing and old bed clothes had been received up to this morning, and when Mr. Busby sorted it out in Pat Mullen's office, the place looked like a second-hand clothing store.
     Mr. Busby says that the six little children left on the city by the death of their mother, Mrs. Decker, last Tuesday, have been provided for. The boys of Engine Company No. 2 rigged them out in new clothes and shoes, and Mrs. Ballinger reports that she has secured homes for them.


     The Trinity river is frozen over, and the ice is as thick as that turned out by the ice factory. This is the second time this winter the river has been frozen over.

- February 9, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3.
- o o o -


     Mr. S. H. Foree, the father of City Judge Kenneth Foree, died yesterday at his home, corner Oak street and Swiss avenue, aged 65 years.

- February 11, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 6.
- o o o -


     FISHER, Tex., Feb. 10, 1895. -- To our friends and neighbors, one and all, of this community, who assisted us in the taking care of our beloved daughter during her sickness and death, we extend our sincerest thanks.



Born February 8, 1878; died February 8, 1895.

A precious one from us has gone,
A voice we loved is stilled;
A place is vacant in our home
Which never can be filled.
God, in His wisdom, has recalled
The boon His love has given;
And though the body moulders here
The soul is safe in Heaven.

Call not back the dear departed,
Anchored safe where storms are o'er;
On the border land we left her
Soon to meet and part no more.
When we leave this world of changes,
When we leave this world of care,
We shall find out missing loved one
In our Father's mansion there.

To be engraved on head-stone:

Like the dove to the Ark.
Thou hast flown to thy rest.
From the wild sea of strife
To the home of the lest.


- February 11, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
- o o o -


     George R. King, yesterday evening, received the news of the death of his father at McCommas' Bluff.
     Undertaker Linskie still has in charge, the body of W. J. Coglan, the man who committed suicide at the Phoenix hotel about three weeks ago. Friends have not yet made arrangements for the burial, but Mr. Linskie considers that the body is in a condition that will justify an indefinite postponement of the funeral.
     Mrs. Wilkins, the youngest daughter of Mrs. Millirons, died of heart disease at 10 a. m. to-day at the home of her grandmother, on the square, leaving a child a few days old.
     The funeral of Mr. S. H. Foree took place yesterday afternoon. Deceased came from Kentucky thirty-four years ago and located near Reinhardt, in this county.
     He leaves three children, Kenneth, Judge of the City Court of Dallas, Ernest, an attorney in Rockwall, Lillian, who lives with her mother and brother, Ernest. Deceased was in this 69th year and hale and hearty up to within a few days of his death. He was a member of Camp Sterling, Ex-Confederate Veterans, and was, at one time, Public Weigher of Dallas.

- February 12, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 4-5.
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Concealed in a Hedge Near the Fair

     Late yesterday afternoon, the body of a fully developed negro baby boy was found in a pine box under the hedge on the Hoppe road, north of the old Fair Grounds.
     Justice Skelton inquested the boy, but found nothing pointing to the cause of he death of the infant, or to the identity of its mother. There were no marks of violence on the body, which was turned over to Undertaker Linskie.

- February 12, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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Ambrosa Delgado, For 10 Years Official
Thrower of the Lariat, Found Dead
With His Head Crushed -- To be
Buried in This City.

     Ambrosa Delgado, who has filled the post of official dog-catcher of Dallas for the last ten years, was killed at Terrell Sunday night. The particulars of the murder have not reached Dallas, further than that Delgado was found knocked in the head, and was lying near the railroad water tank, and that a man named Thomas House is under arrest for the murder.
     Delgado came to Dallas about twenty years ago, and put in the first decade at any sort of work he could get, four years of the time as knock-about man in the old Morning Herald office, and he always had the greatest respect for newspaper men, looking upon them as a little more high-toned than other mortals.
     Delgado was an honest and reliable Mexican and enjoyed the confidence of all that knew him. As above stated, he was ten years ago advanced to the responsible position of city dog catcher, and in that capacity, he is perhaps still fresh in the memory of the people, as well as in that of the dogs. Delgado caught dogs so long, that a horror of him became an instinct with the later generations of canines.
     Delgado often left the city, between seasons, and engaged in running cattle or some other congenial pursuit, but he never failed to turn up in Dallas just before the festive dog-catching season, for the delight of his life was to go forth with his lariat and spread consternation among the dogs.
     Mrs. Delgado went to Terrell last night and she will bring her husband's body to Dallas for burial.

- February 13, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
- o o o -




His Skull Was Fractured and He Was Sent
to the Dallas City Hospital, But Died
Before an Operation Could
be Performed.

     H. T. Heister, a photographer at Lewisville, Denton county, in crossing a street in that town, yesterday afternoon, was run over by a runaway team and had his skull fractured and spine injured.
     He was brought to Dallas on the afternoon Missouri, Kansas & Texas train and taken to the City Hospital and placed under Dr. Armstrong's care.
     Mr. Heister never rallied sufficiently from the shock to justify Dr. Armstrong in attempting an operation on his fractured skull, and early last night, he died.
     Mr. Heister, who leaves a widow, will be buried in this city.

- February 15, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 6.
- o o o -




While Witnessing the Waters-Pierce Ware-
House Burn -- A Young Man from
Dayton, Ohio, Meets with
a Strange Accident.

     S. H. Etter, the young man who, while watching the burning of the Waters-Pierce oil warehouse Friday night, was mashed between two cars on the "Katy" railroad, and sent to the hospital by the railroad people, died.
     The bumpers of the cars caught him in the waist and ruptured his stomach and the bowels.
     Etter was about 28 years old and lived at Dayton, Ohio. He gave the address of his father, Jacob Etter, Dayton. He wore a K of P badge, and evidences of membership in a number of labor organizations.
The remains are in charge of Undertaker Linskie, who is awaiting instructions from Dayton as to the disposition to be made of them.


     Etter was in such agony, that he did very little talking, further than to give the address of his father, and it is not known how long he had been in Dallas, or what brought him here.

- February 18, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
- o o o -




He Missed His Hand Hold and His Feet
Caught and His Skull Was Broken
on the Ends of the

     A. B. Gerlach, a farmer of Aubrey, Denton county, in attempting to board a T. & P. train, as it moved away from the Union depot at 6 o'clock yesterday evening, failed to get a hold with his hands, but got his foot caught in the step and had his skull beaten in against the end of the ties.
     Gerlach was a native of Germany, and about 40 years old, and he leaves a widow and seven or eight children, who were notified of the fatal accident. The body was taken charge of by Laudermilk & Miller.
     Justice Skelton inquested the remains.

- February 19, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 7.
- o o o -


     A five months old child of a colored woman named Sallie Thomas, on Homes street, while apparently in good health, was seized with a fit of coughing yesterday evening, which ended in convulsions and death. Justice Skelton held an inquest.
     W. E. Pilkington, P. W. Linskie's assistant undertaker, died this morning at 9 o'clock. His body will be shipped to Searcy, Ark., to-morrow morning at 7:30. Friends are invited to attend.

- February 19, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
- o o o -


     D. J. Sutherland, who died yesterday at 2:30 o'clock a. m., was buried this morning in Oakland Cemetery. He was born in New York, July 20, 1831. At an early age, he, with his family, moved to Indiana. In 1844, he went to Minnesota, where he married Miss O. E. Ruggles. In 1867, he moved to Kansas, residing there until last fall, when he came to Texas on a visit to his son, G. A. Sutherland, a city circulator on the Times Herald.

- February 22, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2 col. 5.
- o o o -


     Justice Skelton held an inquest Saturday evening on the body of the white baby found at the corner of Allen and State streets, wrapped in a piece of a sheet. The inquest threw no light on the parentage of the child, which was buried as an unknown.

- February 25, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
- o o o -




The Police Find a Dying Victim of
Foul Play.



Aaron Bracken, Supposed to Have Been
"Worked Off" with Morphine, Found to
Have Been Filled with Small Shot.
No Clew to the Murderers.

     At 6 o'clock this morning, Police Officers Tanner and Rawlins, on duty in the "reservation," found a man in an unconscious condition on the bank of the branch near the Dolly Varden saloon and dance hall.
The officers called for the patrol wagon and had the man taken to the police headquarters.
     Dr. Elmore, who was called in, announced that the man was suffering from either morphine or laudanum poison, and that he was beyond the reach of antidotes.
The man died at 9:30 a. m.


     From letters found on him, it appears that the name of the deceased was Aaron Bracken. He had one letter from a brother at India, Ellis county, Texas, and another from a cousin at Jeffersonville, Illinois. A book in his pocket showed that he had been hauling cotton to a gin at Lancaster, and in the back of the book, the name "Sam Bracken, Lancaster, Texas," was written.


     Justice Skelton inquested the remains, which were turned over to Undertaker Linskie, who has wired the relatives of deceased as to directions for disposing of the body.


     Bracken was apparently between 25 and 30 years old, and dressed as a farm laborer.


     When Undertaker Linskie went to dress the body, he discovered that a charge of small shot had taken effect in the chest and stomach of Bracken. Death evidently resulted from this wound, instead of from poison.
     Detective Bob Cornwell, who has been working on the case to-day, says he finds that a man answering the description of Bracken was circulating around in the "reservation last night, but he finds nobody that knew the deceased, or could throw any light on his taking off.


     At 3:30 this afternoon, Dr. Elmore stated to a TIMES HERALD reporter that Bracken positively did die from poison; that what the undertakers took to be small shot wounds were perforations made by a hypodermic syringe in injecting fluid to get up circulation.

- February 26, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3.
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Adjudged Not to Have Shot Ira B. Oliver in
the Back and Cut His Head Nearly
From the Shoulders -- Farmers
Branch Mystery Unsolved.

     The jury in the Amos Brewer murder case were out just ten minutes, when they brought in a verdict of acquittal.


     Brewer was indicted for the murder of Ira B. Oliver near Farmers Branch last July, with the details, of which TIMES HERALD readers are familiar.
     Brewer and Oliver had been working together, and on the day of the death of Oliver, they separated, near where the body was found, Brewer to return to his home near Paris, and Oliver to go to Fannin county in search of work.
     Every one of the State's witnesses corroborated Brewer's statement in detail, except Miss Minnie Williams, who testified that Brewer told her he killed Oliver. At the inquest, the only wound found on Oliver was where his throat had been cut. But, Miss Williams testified on the examining trial of Brewer that Brewer told her he first shot Oliver in the back of the head and then cut his throat. The body of Oliver was then exhumed and a bullet hole found in the back of his head.


     The State failed to prove any motive for the murder.


     Brewer, a mere boy, was cool in deportment and straightforward and perfectly consistent in his statements throughout, by which he made a most favorable impression on the court and jury and spectators.
     Yet, the mysterious part of the matter to everybody is how Miss Williams knew about the bullet hole in the back of Oliver's head. Somebody that knew must have told her about it.

- February 26, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
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     The body of Aaron Bracken, who was found at 6 a. m. Tuesday in a dying condition, from the effects of morphine, in the rear of the Dolly Varden dance hall, and who expired a few hours later, was shipped to Lancaster for burial this morning.

- March 1, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 5.
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She Was Studying Music in Dallas and Re-
tired Saturday Evening in Cheerful
Spirits, and Went to Sleep
Never to Wake.

     Miss Carr, aged 18 years, daughter of Mr. Henry Carr of Duncanville, was found dead in her bed yesterday morning at the home of Mr. Benjamin Hill, 118 Ophelia street, where she was boarding.
     Miss Carr had been complaining for a few days of a headache, but was unusually cheerful and in apparent good health Saturday evening, and was in good spirits when she retired.
     When she was called for breakfast yesterday morning, she did not respond, and when her room was entered, she was found dead in bed. Heart failure is supposed to have been the cause of death.
Miss Carr was here studying music at the conservatory. Her body will be interred in the family burying ground at Duncanville.

- March 11, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
- o o o -



Julius Byer Commits Suicide Under
Sensational Circumstances.

     Mr. Julius Byer, the husband of "Madam Hogue," a well known spiritualist medium, committed suicide yesterday morning at 10 o'clock at his home, 401[?] Washington Avenue, by cutting his throat with a razor.
     At the inquest held by Justice Skelton, Madam Hogue stated that she believed her husband to be under the control of a spirit who advised him to liberate himself from his worn-out body. She also stated that her spirit guides urged him to await a natural dissolution, which would take place soon.
     Madam Hogue and her servant had been watching the deceased closely for some time in anticipation of his making an attempt upon his life. Yesterday morning, in the absence of the servant, and while his wife was engaged in another part of the house, Mr. Byer went upstairs into his bedroom, and being attracted by the noise of his fall, he was found a few minutes afterwards by his wife with his throat cut.
     A large number of Spiritualists visited the home of the deceased yesterday afternoon. The funeral will be held to-morrow under the auspices of the Spiritualists. An address, at the request of Mr. Byer, previous to his death, will be delivered by Dr. Taber.

- March 11, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
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     Charley Stellbaum, at his home on Hawkins street, at 9:30 this morning. Funeral from residence tomorrow at 3 p. m. All friends are requested to attend. Deceased was born in Holstein, Dec. 16, 1840.

- March 12, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 5.
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     Charles Stellbaum, a prominent German-American citizen, died yesterday at his home, 149 Montezuma street.
     Mrs. Stewart, mother of Mr. W. H. Stewart, died yesterday on Highland street, aged 74 years.

- March 13, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 5.
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One of the Oldest Residents of Dallas County.
Incorruptibly Honest and a
Stranger to Fear -- How He
Thwarted Two Mobs.

     Marion Moon, one of the oldest settlers of Dallas county, died Saturday of Bright's disease, and was buried from the First Methodist church at 3 p. m. yesterday, the Masonic and Odd Fellows' fraternities, of which he was an honored member, attending the funeral in a body.
     Mr. Moon was born in Missouri, March 18, 1830, and consequently would have been 65 years old to-day, had he lived. He came to Texas with his parents in 1841, and located near Cochran's chapel, on what is known as Moon's branch, the stream taking its name from the family.
     Marion worked on the farm until the death of his parents, when he came to Dallas and clerked in the store of Gold & Donaldson, meantime supporting his younger brothers and sisters. After quitting the service of this firm, he formed one near Nynus' Lake, and, then returning to Dallas, opened a big blacksmith shop, in which he hired a number of men and did the blacksmithing for all the country round. He ran this shop until the war came on, when he joined Greer's regiment and was a solider until the surrender.
     Returning from the war, Mr. Moon married Mrs. Jane Knight and located on her farm, four miles north of Dallas, and lived there until he was elected sheriff about 1874, succeeding Jere Brown. He was re-elected in 1876, but resigned just before the expiration of his term and Ben Jones was appointed by the Commissioners' Court to fill the unexpired term.

     Mr. Moon had the highest sense of honor and was simply without the sentiment of fear, and could, therefore, neither be corrupted, nor intimidated.
     In 1876, Sheriff Moon had probably the most exciting incident of his official career. A negro named Jim Blake, one Saturday night, attempted to murder Policeman John Carter, who had been called on to stop a riot at a negro dance. Carter had a prisoner in custody and was taking him to the old calaboose. Jim Blake waylaid the officer and assaulted him with a piece of scantling, crushing his skull. Everybody believed Carter would die, his surgeons even declaring it was an impossibility for a man to recover from such injuries as he had received. It was several days before Carter recovered consciousness, and his fate hung between life and death several months. He finally recovered and is still living. He finally recovered and is still living. The assault on Carter so incensed the community, that little else was talked of, the day following the commission. All Sunday afternoon, little knots of men could be seen congregating in different places in the business part of town. They were organizing a lynching party. Sheriff Moon got wind of what was contemplated and set about to thwart the unlawful act. The old county jail was not the most secure prison in the world at the time. Sheriff Moon assembled all his deputies and pressed into service, a large number of specials. He placed most of his men in the corridors, and on the roof of the building. All were armed with double-barrel shotguns, loaded with buckshot. He took up position, personally, on the roof of the small jail-office building, nearer to Jefferson street than the main structure. Just after dark, a mob, of probably from 2000 to 3000 men, organized at the old compress building, near the present Sam Jones Tabernacle. All were armed with six-shooters and wore masks. They marched in a solid body up Lamar street, to Main, out Main to Jefferson, down Jefferson, to within a block of the jail, where they were halted by Judge George N. Aldredge and other prominent men, who pleaded with them not to attempt to storm the jail, as Sheriff Moon had made such preparations that, in the event of a clash, many lives would be lost. A portion of the mob made up a plan to kidnap Sheriff Moon, the intention being to get him to come into the streets for a countfeit title the intention being to get him to come into the streets for a conference or parley with the mob, who would then disarm him, force him to the front, and as his own men would not be likely to shoot where there was a certainty of killing the Sheriff, the capture of the jail, it was reasoned, would be an easy matter. A committee of three went to the front of the jail office and invited Sheriff Moon to come down off the roof into the street to discuss the situation. This, he finally consented to do, but he had divined the ruse involved in the mob's invitation. As he came to the front, he made the delegation this kind of a speech: "I know every one of you men on this committee, and I know exactly what your scheme is. You believe you can lynch this prisoner by kidnapping me. But, if you kidnap me, it will do you no good, for I have given positive orders, which, I assure you, will be obeyed; that at the first move that shall be made in this direction, every man under my command shall fire into the men making it, even though they kill me with the men who are violating the law. I presume I am personally acquainted with nearly every man in that mob. I know that nearly every one of them voted for me for Sheriff. When they did so, they voted for me to enforce and to uphold the law. Do they wish me now to violate the law and my oath of office? If they do, I am ashamed of their having voted for me. No matter what it costs, or who gets killed, these men under me must defend that jail and the prisoner you are trying to lynch." Then, turning to his men, he renewed the order about firing if an attempt were made to kidnap him, and proceeded toward the mob for a conference. The mob, seeing how determined Sheriff Moon was, had no use for a conference then, and slowly and sullenly melted away.

     In 1878 or 1879, Sheriff Moon had another sensational experience that showed his spirit of determination to keep the Law supreme in the face of organized opposition. Several years previous, Bill Thompson, a notorious border desperado, and a brother of Ben Thompson, equally well-known in the tragic annals of Texas, had, with a number of other lawless characters, engaged in a riot and killed Sheriff Whitney, Cad Pierce, a Texas cattle man; "Brocky Jack," a policeman; and several other men at Ellsworth, Kansas. He was captured on the Mexican border in the vicinity of Laredo. On his way north, it was learned that a plan had been arranged at Denison to rescue Thompson from the officers while being transferred from the Houston & Texas Central train to the train on the Missouri, Kansas & Texas road. Consequently, the officer having Thompson in custody, stopped off at Dallas and placed his prisoner in the county jail, rather than run the risk of a surprise at Denison, in the night. Sheriff Moon volunteered to see the officer and his prisoner out of Texas, or else, have some dead men at Denison. In order to be prepared for all emergencies, he called out a squad of the Dallas militia to guard the Dallas jail during the night, so that no rescue could be made at this place, if a quiet plan to do so should be matured by Thompson's Dallas friends and others who might come down from Denison. The next morning, Sheriff Moon took charge of Thompson, and he and the South Texas officer and two Dallas deputies took a northbound train. At Denison, an immense crowd of men had assembled at the depot. Thompson was securely handcuffed. Sheriff Moon and the three officers surrounded Thompson--one man in front of him, one behind him, and one on either side of him. Each carried a double-barrel shotgun loaded with buckshot at an arm's port style, ready to throw the weapon to the shoulder. As the party was leaving the train, Sheriff Moon said: "If any shooting has to be done here, Bill Thompson will be the first man killed. His friends will please take notice."
     The big crowd split apart and made a wide avenue for Sheriff Moon and his party to march through to reach the Missouri, Kansas & Texas train. The mob had been quietly surprised and overawed, and no attempt was made to rescue Thompson.

- March 18, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5-6.
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Ada Powers Swallowed Three Pints of Re-
ervation Whiskey and 15 Cents Worth of
Morphine -- She Will Wake Up Stag-
gering on Resurrection Morning.

     Ada Powers, an old time colored inhabitant of the "Reservation," holding forth at 176 Young street, has taken her own life.
Justice Skelton held an inquest on her body yesterday. From the testimony taken, the facts came to light that Ada had had a big disgust on her for some time, and that in a fit of desperation, she sent out and got three pint bottles of whisky and 15 cents worth of morphine and put herself on the outside of all of it.
     It was "Reservation" whisky, and the doctors says it will make Ada stagger when she gets up on the morning of the resurrection.

- March 19, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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An Eccentric and Picturesque Char-
acter of Dallas.

     Col. C. G. Payne, an old time picturesque character in Dallas, died in the city hospital last night of Bright's disease, in the 69th year of his age.
     His body will be shipped to Corsicana by Undertakers Laudermilk & Miller this evening.
     Col. Payne was a native of Tennessee, and came to Texas in the '50s and located in Fort Worth, where he lived until the war, when he became a soldier, serving as a captain. After the war, he returned to Dallas and began the practice of law, and in the course of a few years, amassed considerable property. But, for many years before his death, he neglected business and lost what he had.

- March 20, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
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     The funeral of Mrs. J. P. Furlow, the mother of Mrs. W. H. Gaston, took place yesterday afternoon. Deceased had reached her 83d year.

- March 20, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 5-6.
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     The funeral of Mrs. C. S. Alexander took place at 10 a. m. from the family home, 270 San Jacinto street.

- March 21, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 4.
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     Westley Orr, a workman in the Rapid Transit shops at the power-house in South Dallas, died yesterday at 1:30 at his home on Peabody avenue, from the effects of injuries sustained in his work two weeks ago. Mr. Orr leaves a father, mother, three sisters and a brother.

- March 22, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 2-3.
- o o o -




The Northbound Passenger and a south-
bound Gravel Train Met on the Curve
North of Fisher With Disas-
trous Results.

     The northbound passenger train, No. 34, on the "Katy," and a southbound gravel train on the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railroad, collided on the curve one mile north of Fisher, and about five miles north of Dallas at about 11 o'clock last night.
     John Orr, the head brakeman on the gravel train, was killed outright, and Conductor Bolts, of the same train, received a scalp wound and several other slight injuries.
     The engineers and firemen saved themselves by jumping from the engines.
     Other members of the two crews and the passengers on the northbound escaped with a slight shaking up.
     The two engines were battered up and disabled.
     A fresh locomotive from Dallas took the passengers north after a short delay.
     John Orr, or "Pete," as he was called, had been a brakeman north of Denison, and had only recently taken the run south of Denison. He had made arrangements to move his family from Sedalia, Mo., to Dallas, and they are due here this evening. They will not hear of the death of Mr. Orr until they arrive. They do not know that they are coming to his funeral.
     The body of Mr. Orr was inquested by Justice Skelton and turned over to Undertaker Linskie.
     It is said the collision was the result of Conductor Bolt's watch being wrong.

- March 22, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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     Jeff. Burford, aged 20 years, son of Judge Nat M. Burford, of Dallas, died yesterday evening in St. Mary's Infirmary, Papan street, St. Louis, of pneumonia, after a three weeks' illness.
     Mr. R. H. Laws, of Dallas, who was with the young man during his illness, arrived home last night.
     The deceased was a stenographer in the Baltimore and Ohio railroad offices in St. Louis. He will buried in Dallas, beside his mother.

- March 25, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
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     Mr. Hesekiah Grisham died at 8 o'clock this morning a the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. S. N. House, 220 Annex avenue. Funeral from residence at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning.

- March 25, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
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     Davella, the 9-year-old daughter and only child of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. A. Thomas, who died of pneumonia, was buried to-day in Oakland cemetery.

- March 28, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 6-7.
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He Formerly Managed the St. George
Hotel in Dallas.

     Capt. B. F. Taylor died in Monterey, Mexico, last night. His body will arrive in Dallas in a few days.
     Capt. Taylor was a well-known ex-resident of Dallas. He formerly owned and managed the St. George Hotel on Main street.

- March 30, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 4.
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     Robert Burford, son of Judge N. M. Burford, died at 2 o'clock this morning of pneumonia, aged 26 years.
     The deceased went to St. Louis several days ago to bring home the remains of his younger brother, Jeff, who died in that city of la grippe and pneumonia, and on the trip, he took cold and went to bed soon after he reached home, and grew worse until his death occurred.

- April 2, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
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With Her Clothes and Hair a Solid Flame
She Throws Herself into the Rain
Barrel -- No Chance for
Her Recovery.

     As Mrs. Rylander, of 309 Griffin street, touched a match to the gasolene to generate the gas in her stove, preparatory to cooking supper at about 8 o'clock yesterday evening, the blaze ran up higher than usual, and set her dress on fire.
     In a moment, her clothing and hair were a solid flame. But, her presence of mind did not forsake her. She ran out and around the house, feeling the way by touching the wall with her hand, as she could not see, until she reached a large rain barrel, full of water, into which she threw herself.
     Mrs. Rylander's screams for help attracted the neighbors, who arrived soon after she jumped into the rain barrel, and took her out in time to prevent her from drowning.
     She was a solid blister, from head to foot. While the water extinguished the fire, it, at the same time, made the hot clothing adhere more closely to her flesh and produced deeper burns.
     Mrs. Rylander lost consciousness when she jumped into the barrel, and had not recovered it up to to-day. The physician attending her is reported as saying there is very little chance for her recovery.

- April 3, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
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An Old-Time Colored Waiter
Passes Away.

     Dave Wooten, a colored waiter at Mrs. Fleischman's boarding-house, was found dead in bed in One-legged Brown's room, on Camp street this morning, Brown being a great friend of Dave's.
     No marks of violence were found on deceased, nor were there any indication s of his having taken poison, and the verdict of Justice Skelton, acting coroner, was that death resulted from unknown causes. The body was turned over to Undertakers Laudermilk & Miller, who wrote the family of deceased, living at Simons, on the Trunk road.
     For years and years, Dave was a waiter at the various private boarding houses of the city, and all the old-time bachelors have "tipped" him hundreds of times.

- April 6, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3-4.
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Death of Mrs. Robson.

     Mrs. F. L. Robson, who died Thursday morning, was a sister of Mrs. Metzler and a lady of refinement. She was a teacher of art for several years. She left a host of friends in Ohio, California, Texas and other states, in which she resided. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. C. L. Seasholes of the First Baptist Church.

- April 6, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
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They Are the Victims -- Dr. Armstrong Says
the Other Patients Will Get Well.
Management of the Pest-
house Criticized.

     Mrs. Reed, the old lady of 78 years, who, at her own request, was taken to the pesthouse with her son, who developed a case of smallpox on Polk street last week, has died.
     Mr. Parker, the man who was taken from the Atlanta house, has also died.
     Dr. Armstrong says that these are the only deaths that have occurred at the pesthouse, notwithstanding rumors to the contrary. The doctor says that no new cases have developed in the last week, and all the patients now in the pesthouse will get well.
     A number of persons have made complaint to the T
IMES HERALD that the patients at the pesthouse do not have the attention they should have; that a physician should be employed by the city to stay there all the time, and the person sent to that place not left in the charge of a couple of sleepy-headed, irresponsible negroes. These complaints are here given for what they are worth.

- April 8, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
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     The child of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Crutcher, born on the 2nd instant, died this morning at 1 o'clock, and was buried to-day by the side of its mother, who was buried four days ago.

- April 12, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 6.
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     Mr. J. B. Tanner died Wednesday and was buried yesterday in the family burying ground at Caruth's Chapel.
     Mr. Tanner was born in McLean county, Kentucky, in 1822, where he lived until 1866, when he removed to Illinois. After a residence of four years in the latter State, he came to Texas, locating in Dallas county, where he lived until his death.
     Mr. Tanner was a strong man up to a year ago, when he took the grippe and never recovered.

- April 12, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
- o o o -


     Mr. Henry Taylor died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. B. P[?]. Wyatt, at Chestnut Hill, yesterday afternoon.
     Mr. Taylor was 92 or 93 years old and death resulted from old age. There was neither sickness preceding, nor pain attending his demise. On the contrary, he died joking about his garden and with a smile on his face.
     Mr. Taylor was born in Virginia, but lived in Texas the last twenty-five years of his life.
     His remains were buried in Oakland cemetery this afternoon.

- April 13, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 5-6.
- o o o -


     Died -- Jake Reeb, at the residence of his brother, Charles Reeb, 261 Lake avenue, at 1 o'clock to-day, of consumption. Funeral to-morrow at 3 o'clock, from residence to Trinity cemetery.

- April 17, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
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     Edward L. Hamilton died last night at the home of his mother, Mrs. N. C. Hamilton, on Bryan street, after a prolonged illness. The funeral will take place at 4 o'clock this afternoon, proceeding to Trinity Cemetery.

- April 22, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
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C. D. Nester, of Sherman, Gets Stupid at
the Buckhorn, and Can Not be Roused.
The Police Trying to Find Where
He Got the Poison

     At about 2 o'clock this morning, Police Officer Ganaway was called to the Buckhorn saloon, to take charge of a man who appeared to need medical attention.
     The man was lying on the floor and could not be roused. The bartender and others in the saloon stated that he entered the saloon and drank a couple of glasses of cold beer, took a seat, nodded and fell on the floor.
     Officer Ganaway called up the ambulance and had the man taken to the city hospital, where he died an hour later. Dr. Armstrong, in charge of the hospital, says the man died of an overdose of morphine.
     The dead man had on him, some papers from which his name is believed to be C. D. Nester, a railroad man from Sherman. He was about 30 years old.
     Undertakers Laudermilk & Miller, who took charge of the body, have wired to Sherman in the effort to reach his relatives or friends.
     The police are trying to ascertain under what circumstances Nester took the poison.

- April 26, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
- o o o -



After a Month's Suffering Death Re-
leases Her.

     Mrs. Charles Rylander, of 311 Griffin street, died last night from the effects of a gasoline stove explosion a month ago.
     Her clothing caught from the explosion and she was soon enveloped in flames. In this condition, she ran into the yard and threw herself into a large barrel of rainwater. The water extinguished the flames, but Mrs. Rylander was horribly burned from head to foot, and the pain she endured was intense. In this condition, she lingered until last night.
     The unfortunate woman was the wife of Mr. Charles Rylander, connected with the Schneider-Davis Company.

- April 26, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5-6.
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A Member of One of the Oldest Dry Goods
Firms in Dallas Dies of Heart
Failure -- He Was in Good
Health Last Night.

     John B. Thompson, a member of the mercantile firm of Thompson Bros., 240-242 Elm street, was, this morning, found dead in bed in his room on the second floor of the building occupied by the store.
     David Thompson occupied the next room. He arose at 7 a. m. and went into his brother's room and found him dead. The body was still warm, making it evident that life had only been extinct a short time.
The doctor pronounced his death the result of heart failure, and it was therefore sudden.
     Mr. Thompson had been under treatment for heart disease for some time, but he was not believed to be in particular bad health. He called at his brother William's on Bryan street. He was cheerful and apparently in good health.
     Deceased was a bachelor, 35 years old, and the youngest of the four Thompson brothers.


     The five Thompson brothers (James, the oldest, now deceased) were natives of Harrodsburg, Ky. About twenty-five years ago, they removed to Winterset, Iowa, where they opened a store, and were in business about seven years. They then came to Dallas, seventeen years ago, and have since been in business here.

- April 27, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
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     Mrs. Rochester died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John T. Gano. The funeral will take place at 10 a. m.
     Dr. James W. Gurley, the dentist, died this morning of pneumonia. The funeral will take place at 10 a. m. to-morrow.
     John Foster, aged 28 years, died yesterday of consumption. His remains will be shipped to Whitman, Mass.

- April 29, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
- o o o -




Ernest Sanderman Snaps the Pistol and
Peter Bentz, Bartender, Exclaims, "My
God, I'm Killed," and Expires.
Both Men Were Germans.

     Peter Bentz, bartender of Bismarck's Roundhouse saloon in East Dallas, last night exhibited two pistols to Henry Jumper and others. One of them was a big 45-calibre, and the other, an American 38-calibre.
     Ernest Sanderman, a section hand, entered the saloon, and after taking a beer, protested against the handling of the guns. Bentz remarked that there was no danger, as the pistols were not loaded. Thus reassured, Sanderman picked up the smaller weapon and proceeded to draw beads on different objects in the room and to snap the pistol.
     Finally, he pointed it at Bentz, and, to the horror of all present, the pistol exploded. Bentz clapped both hands to his head,, and exclaiming, "My God, I am killed!" fell over on his face, and was dead.


     Police Officers Daniel and O'Reilly, on duty at the Union depot, were notified of the killing and were at the saloon in a few moments. They found Sanderman a short distance from the saloon.
     The killing was witnessed by L. A. Reynolds, Henry Jumper and Herman Hereford, proprietor of the saloon, and they all concur the statement that it was purely an accident.
     Sanderman, who was locked up, is a German 49 years old and single. He has been in this country twenty-four years, and has been a section hand on the Central for the last two years.
     Bentz was about 45 years old, and a native of Germany. He had no family or relatives in the country.

- April 29, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
- o o o -


     Mrs. T. A. Myers, wife of the Assistant Chief of the Fire Department, died at her home, 135 Texas street, this morning, of pneumonia, following measles. The funeral will take place from the Congregational church at 3 p. m. The Firemen's Association will meet this afternoon to take suitable action on the death of Mrs. Myers.
     The funeral of Mrs. Emma Smith, wife of Mr. H. B. Smith, took place from the Congregational Church yesterday. Mrs. Smith died of measles.

- April 30, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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     Rathbone Sisters, you are requested to attend the funeral of Sister T. A. Myers from the Congregational church, to-morrow, May 1, at 3:30 p. m.

- April 30, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
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Resolutions of Condolence.

     Resolutions of condolence adopted by the members of the Dallas Fire Department, and the Firemen's Relief Association, on the death of Mrs. Sallie Myers, the beloved wife of T. A. Myers, Assistant Chief of the Dallas Fire Department:
     Whereas, The All-wise Creator, in his infinite wisdom, has decreed to remove from this earthly sphere, Mrs. T. A. Myers, who died on April the 30th, 1895, at her home in this city; and
     Whereas, In the death of Mrs. T. A. Myers, the members of the Dallas Fire Department and Fireman's Relief Association, lose one of their staunchest friends, one, who by her works and deeds has ever been ready to assist the sick and disabled; now, therefore be it
     Resolved, That we extend to the husband and family of the late deceased, our heartfelt sympathies in this, their ...
[remainder not copied]

- May 1, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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     Mrs. George Mellersh died last night after a lingering illness. The funeral will take place at 4 o'clock this afternoon from the family home in Oak Lawn and proceed to Trinity Cemetery.
     Harwood, 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Critcher, of West Dallas, died last Friday night and was buried Saturday.

- May 6, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3-4.
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     Rev. A. P. Smith, the reverend and revered follower of his Savior, has been personally severed by death from his people's hearts, but the memory of his good and useful life will long live in this community and wherever else he was known. No man here could leave a wider vacancy a deeper loss, a sweeter remembrance. Not only in his church and his special field as preacher, pastor and friend, but in the social circle, his life will remain forever bright for the services he did, for the affections he secured. His attachments were fervent and his friendship unfaltering, for though of "various, versatile and vigorous mind" his literary attainments, his unsullied soldierly record, and his genial manners, made his companionship always coveted. May we not hope that the lips once so vocal in the holy teachings as at so many funeral biers he prayed "the Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away," and that the lips that so earnestly urged to love and duty at the altar and at the hearthstone, may now become more potent than ever on the other shore, for his people here, so that when they come to cross the chasm of death and darkness, there will be a silken bridge and hymnal joy to light the way?
  "Peace to his ashes, let him rest,
          We mourn his loss, but God knows best."


     Rev. Andrew Pickens Smith, for twenty-two years pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of this city, was well known in the ministry of Texas and the South. He was born in Alabama and was related to old and well-known families of South Carolina, where he married and held a pastorate for several years. In 1862, he entered the Confederate army as Chaplain of the Second South Carolina regiment and served in that capacity throughout the war.

- May 11, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 5.
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     Miss Annie E. Fay died of consumption at the residence of Mrs. Turney, corner Akard and Jackson streets, this morning at 9:45. The body will be shipped to Kansas City. Miss Reba Fay, a Morning News stenographer, will accompany the corpse to Kansas City.
     Hood Ferguson, 26 years old, died at the home of his parents, 333 Griffin street, this morning of meningitis of the brain. He will be buried at Oakland Cemetery to-morrow at 10 o'clock.

- May 13, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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     Mrs. Skelton, aged 73 years, died last night at the home of her son, W. S. Skelton, on Junius street. The deceased was the mother of Justice James Skelton.

- May 14, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1-3.
- o o o -

Death of Mr. Turpin.

An Old Settler.

He Was a Pattern Farmer and Stock

     Mr. J. T. Turpin, an old settler, died Sunday at his home six miles north of town, and his body was buried in the family cemetery on the farm yesterday.
     Mr. Turpin, a native of Tennessee, came to Texas in 1860, and located in Dallas County, and here lived until his death, which occurred in his 77th year. Up to within three weeks of his death, Mr. Turpin enjoyed good health and strength enough to make a hand on the farm. He was not only a farmer, but a stock raiser, and he demonstrated that North Texas can beat the world raising mules.      One of his mules, which is 19
1/2 hands high, is now netting its owner a fortune as a freak on nature. This mule has been exhibited at all the fairs in the country.

- May 14, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
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     Mrs. T. F. Duffy died yesterday at 2 p. m. The body is being embalmed and will be sent to Bangor, Maine, for interment. She leaves three children, who will also go to Bangor, and will be adopted into the family of her late husband, Frank Duffy, a well known resident of Dallas.

- May 15, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5-7.
- o o o -


     The Health Officer's monthly report was as follows: Mortuary report, April, 1895 -- Apoplexy, 2; consumption, 6; consumption and old age, 1; convulsions, 1; chloroform narcosis, 1; continued fever, 1; burn, 1; endocarditis, chronic, 1; hepatitis, acute, 1; inflammation of bowels, 1; inflammatory rheumatism and complications, 1; inanition, 1; measles, 3; measles and miscarriage, 1; measles and pneumonia, 1; pneumonia, 4; premature births, 3; pistol shot accidents, 2; valvular disease of heart, 1; whooping cough, 1; typhoid fever, 1; septic peritonitis, 1; senile marasmus, 1; uterine cancer, 1; palpitation of heart, 1; total, 30. White males, 19; white females, 13; colored males, 3; colored females, 4; total 39.
     Number of patients admitted to hospital from March 15 to April 30: White males, 19; colored makes, 6; white females, 8; colored females, 1; total 34. Discharged 33, deaths 6, remaining, 14.

- May 15, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1-4.
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     Mrs. J. B. Hart died last night at the home of her son, Dr. C. A. Hart, Haskell avenue and Simpson street.

- May 18, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4-5.
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     Eliz. R. Hart, widow of J. B. Hart, 54, buried in Trinity Cem., her residence, 231 Simpson st.

- May 18, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
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     Sister Mary Ella Dyer, wife of Mr. David Dyer, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Fortune, after a long and severe illness of several months, on Saturday night, May 18, 1895, surrendered her body to the conquering hands of death, and throwing the mantle of the Savior's blood around her dear spirit, mounted the firey chariot, rode up to Heaven, took her place amid the shouts of welcome by the redeemed and blood-stained.
     Sister Dyer was a devoted Christian and a member of the Central Christian church, and always had a kind word for everyone. The writer was with her a great deal this year. She casted all her care upon the Savior and gave her husband, mother, father and all loved ones and friends every assurance that her preparations were fully made, and in peaceful resignation awaited God's call. She was conscious to the last, calling her mother to her, she asked her to get her Bible and read to her some of her favorite passages of scripture, also asking them not to weep for her. Her parting with her husband, children, parents and loved ones was most touching. She had no fear of death, and her last moments were spent glorifying the God she loved; and amid the tears and prayers of her loved ones and friends, she peacefully slept on until the unseen chariot of God came by, and she was not, for Good took her.
     As they took her body to the cemetery, where it now has its final resting place, it was followed by a host of friends, which showed a great friend to humanity and religion had fallen. There were appropriate burial services held at the house of her brother on Preston street. The husband, two children, parents, together with a host of relatives and friends, now mourn their loss. May God bless them all, and may we all meet her again some sweet day, bye and bye.
     Sister Dyer was born July, 1870; died May 18, 1895; age 24 years and 10 months.

A precious friend form us has gone,
A voice we loved is stilled,
A place is vacant in our homes
Which never can be filled.

- May 21, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
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She Puts Up a Poor Job to Make Mr.
Julius Schneider Dig Up $1,000 -- Par-
ticulars of the Scheme, Together
With Her Past History.

     A sensational item, which the police had been at work on for several days, received the finishing touches for the press last night.
     Mrs. Sarah Jane Hansen, better known to fame as Mrs. W. P. Siler, and one Emma Bluhme, attempted by dire threats to make Mr. Jules Schneider dig up $1000 in the manner following. On the 7th instant, Mr. Schneider received through the mail, this letter:
ALLAS, Tex., 6th May, 1895. -- Mr. Jules E. Schneider, 269 Ross Ave., Dallas, Tex. -- You are requested by the society, known among themselves as the Elixirs or the Doomed to Death, to make a contribution of one thousand dollars in this wise: Place the money in a small box, the bills being large, go and enter the Trinity cemetery from McKinney avenue, bury the box in a hole in the first grave on the left hand side of the road as you enter the cemetery. It is the grave of a German who died in Cedar Hill, Texas -- one end of the marble slab rests on the grave and leans back, resting against the head board. The hole is directly under the large slab. Cover the box securely with dirt. Now, heed our law; we never call on a man but one time, we know just what you are work and you and yours will never miss this small amount. We will, and can, do more good with it than you can. It will help put bread into the mouths of many who are starving. You are as safe in going and making this deposit for us [as] you would be in walking to one of your city banks. We give you ample time, and that is one week from the date of this note. Should you fail to comply with our request, make this demand known to the public, or cause the one who goes to get your deposit molested, in any manner, shape or form -- Woe be unto you and YOURS, as that person is, and will be, as innocent as yourself, knowing nothing about how the money came to be deposited. They are simply told to go at a certain time and to a certain place. We are the Elixirs. They are the Doomed to Deaths; that is, if they fail to do what they are told to do. ELIXIRS.


     Mr. Schneider, at once, consulted with Chief of Police Arnold. Chief Arnold detailed Officers Durham and Bob Cornwell to shadow Mr. Schneider to and from his place of business and to keep an eye on his home until the family retired at night.
     Officer Bill Sheeley was instructed to get a make-up like that of the grave digger in Hamlet, and watch the grave of the departed German in the day, and officers Wilson and Massey, who do not believe in ghosts, kept the night watch.
     As the day of reckoning with the Elixir folks drew near, Chief Arnold decided it better for Mr. Schneider to place a box in the place designated by the grave. Accordingly, Mr. Schneider arranged a package and deposited with it, the following note:
ALLAS, Tex., May 11. -- Well, boys, the joke you are trying to play on me is a good one. Hardly think you will ever call for this note. In case you do, let me know who the poor are you want to relieve, and if worthy, would rather dispense my charity in my own way. JULES E. SCHNEIDER."
     In the meantime, an extra guard, in the person of officer Frank Magee, was detailed to look after members of Mr. Schneider's family when they left home.
     Promptly at noon, on the last day of grace for the draft on Mr. Schneider, Bill Sheeley observed a woman approach the grave of the German. She appeared to be rattled, and afraid to take hold of the package. Finally, a little negro boy came along. The woman called him and told him there was, in the hole, a box containing $1000, but she was afraid there was dynamite attached to it. This let the boy out, who said, "Good evening!" with the accent on the "good," and took to his heels.
     Here, Officer Sheeley approached, and the woman repeated what the officer had overheard her say to the little negro. Officer Sheeley detained the woman until Officer Durham, dressed in citizen's clothes, came up. She asked Officer Durham to get the money out. In answer to questions put by Officer Durham, she said Mr. Schneider had deposited the money there, in response to a threatening letter she had written him, at the instigation of Emma Bluhme, a fortune-teller, who came to her house and placed her under a spell to do her bidding.
     The officers conducted the woman, who gave the name of Mrs. Sarah Jane Hansen, to the City Hall. The same officers were detailed to watch Emma Bluhme.


     Last night, Mrs. Hansen sent for Chief Arnold, and stated, that owing to the lack of a suitable instrument, she had failed to commit suicide, and she was ready to make a clean breast. She said she had tried, but failed to reach her heart with a hairpin, and had also made a failure in the effort to open a vein in her arm. She said that she and Emma Bluhme, wishing to start a hotel, concluded to tap Mr. Schneider for the money, as he could give up $1000 and not miss it. She, however, admitted that her home is plastered with a $3,800 mortgage, which is about due. She said she is not addicted to the use of morphine, cocaine or other drug. Here, she fell to quoting scripture, saying, "the wages of sin is death." This was the first time Chief Arnold had heard the quotation, since he saw it in a school grammar as an example of false syntax. "Lordy, me," continued Mrs. Hansen, "the Devil has been after me ever since I ran away from the convent. On the way to the cemetery, I lost my Catholic charm, which I have always carried, and that was the reason I was afraid to take hold of the box. I also wrote a threatening letter to another party in the city." She, here, gave the name of a well known woman connected with philanthropic work, who, on being applied to by a TIMES HERALD reporter, declined to give the letter, which is in the hands of Chief Arnold, for publication.
     She said: "No, I must positively decline to have that letter published. It would, no doubt, make a sensational item, but you know me well enough to know that sensationalism and notoriety are the least of my desires."
     "Mrs. Siler," said Chief Arnold, "years ago, you inveigled a certain banker, who has since left the city, to your house. Your husband, burning with indignation and flourishing a six-shooter, broke into the room, and after demanding blood, by your entreaties, wound up by saying $1,000 would go in place of the blood."
     "I liked that banker, but he had a nice family, and he had no business being caught in such a scrape," said Mrs. Hansen.
     "You and your husband also attempted to put up a similar job on another rich man of the city, but it didn't work."
     "We were accused of making such an attempt, but there was no truth in it."
     Mrs. Siler, here stated that her mother lives at Commerce, Tex., and that as soon as she gets out of her present entanglements, she will go to her.
     One morning, about ten years ago, Mrs. Siler created a sensation at the Texas and Pacific depot by firing a couple of shots from a revolver at her liege lord, the red-headed transfer man.


     Mrs. Siler's last husband, O. Hansen, is now on the poor farm, working out a heavy fine imposed on him for committing an aggravated assault on her, in which he is said to have given her a beating that she will always remember. As the negroes say, he "done her scandalous."


     Emma Bluhme was arrested last night, and she and Mrs. Siler were, to-day, transferred to the county jail. The State will get them for attempting to levy blackmail, and the Federal Government will get them for violation of the postal laws.


     Mr. C. F. Alterman, editor of the Nord Texas Presse, said: "The German buried in the grave which figures in this sensation was Curt von Wittzleben, a German count, who came here for his health, and who died in December, 1890, of flux, at the home of a German farmer at Cedar Hill. His family in Germany sent the slanting marble slab that marks his tomb, which, on account of its odd appearance, attracts particular notice in the cemetery. Emma Bluhme claims to have gone to school with the deceased count's brother in Germany, and also to have known the count. It was, perhaps, on account of her acquaintance with the count's family, and also on account of prominence of the slab, that the count's tomb was selected by the woman."

- May 21, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3-4.
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He Accidentally Shot Himself Three
Weeks Ago.

     J. C. Love, aged 19 years, son of United States Marshal R. M. Love, of the Northern District of Texas, died last night at his father's home in Oak Cliff, from the effects of a wound inflicted by the accidental discharge of a pistol three weeks ago last Sunday.
     The deceased, who was a deputy under his father, in unpacking a grip in his room, came across his pistol which he carelessly took by the barrel and threw under the bed. The weapon struck some object under the bed and exploded, the bullet ripped up his arm and entered his body, striking the spinal cord, as paralysis below the waist followed.
     The body was, this morning, shipped to Tehuacana for burial in the family cemetery.

- May 22, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 1.
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     DIED -- May 23, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Philpin, age 11 months, 2_ days. Will be buried from residence, 431[?] Commerce street, at 4 o'clock p. m. this evening.

- May 23, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
- o o o -


     Mrs. M. E. Scruggs, of Mineola, died Tuesday night at the home of her brother-in-law, Mr. John L. Neal, 264 Bryan street. She was here for treatment for cancer. Her body was shipped to Cleburne to-day for burial.

- May 23, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
- o o o -


     The following deaths are reported:
     A child of Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Lambert, corner Allen and Cochran streets.
     An infant of Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Hayden, Oak Cliff.
     The mother of Dr. Ayres, in the country.

- May 25, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
- o o o -



For What Most Men Would Have a
Jubilee Over.

     Henry Love, colored, at 222 Crowdus street, committed suicide last night by swallowing morphine.
     About ten days ago, Love's wife quite him and went to Marshall. After this, there seemed to be no sunshine left for him, and he moped and languished, until yesterday evening, when he reached the suicide point, in his desperation.

- May 25, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
- o o o -



He Was Hurt While Practicing for
the Charity Circus.

     Willie, the fifteen-year-old son of Joseph W. Strauss, died at 4 a. m. to-day, of brain fever.
     The deceased sustained an injury to his hip several days ago while training to take part as an acrobat in the Charity Circus. The injury was, at first, regarded as of no consequence, and the boy, to all appearance, was rapidly recovering for several days, but Saturday, fever set in and continued to get higher, until death occurred.

- May 27, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
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     Louis Newman, the 12-year-old son of Mrs. A. Newman, who accidentally shot himself Monday evening, died from his wound yesterday. His remains were shipped to New Orleans for interment.

- May 29, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1-2.
- o o o -


     Mr. R. H. Fisher, a well known farmer of Dallas county, is reported to be dying at his home at Calhoun.
     The choir minstrel entertainment to be given by the choristers of St. Matthew's Cathedral, has been postponed until Thursday, June 6, owing to the death of Willie Strauss, a member of the choir.

- May 30, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4-5.
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     All persons interested in the estate of A. M. Thomason, deceased, are hereby notified that the undersigned has been by the honorable County Court of Dallas county, State of Texas, appointed administrator of the estate of said A. M. Thomason, deceased, on the 13th day of May, A. D., 1895, and all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same within the time and manner prescribed by law. My postoffice address is 300 Main street, Cockrell building, Dallas, Texas. (Signed)
                                                               J. R. T
     Adm'r Estate of A. M. Thomason, deceased.

- May 30, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 6.
- o o o -


     Carl Broda, aged 50 years, died in the city hospital last night. The funeral will be conducted by Columbia Lodge No. 66, Sons of Herman. Deceased had lived in Dallas a number of years, but his children are in Hamburg, Germany.

- May 31, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 7.
- o o o -


     Members of Dallas Lodge No. 44, I. O. O. F., are requested to meet at their hall Saturday morning, 9 o'clock, to attend the funeral of Brother Charles Schoberle.
                      T. A. W
                      J. E. J

- May 31, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
- o o o -



After Six Months Suffering With
Broken Leg.

     Chas. Schoeberle, proprietor of the French Market saloon, died this morning from the effects of a broken leg.
     During the severe cold spell last winter, Mr. Schoeberle left his saloon at midnight and started down Elm street to go home. On the south side of the street, a short distance west of Ervay, he fell on the ice, fracturing the bones of his lower leg. Some weeks later, the limb was amputated below the knee. But, the wound failed to heal, and Mr. Schoeberle lingered until last night.
     The funeral, under the auspices of the Odd Fellows, will take place at 10 a. m. to-morrow.

- May 31, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
- o o o -


     The remains of Major John Henry Brown were escorted from his residence to the Cathedral by the members of Sterling Price Camp, returning in a body to their headquarters. The following committee was appointed to present resolutions on the death of Major Brown at the regular meeting next Sunday. Col. James B. Simpson, Judge R. E. Burke, Col. J. R. Cole and E. G. Bower.

- June 3, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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But Only One Could Serve at the Funeral
Yesterday -- Three Dead, One Blind and
Another So Feeble That He
Totters as He Walks.

     All Texas mourns the loss of her esteemed veteran and historian, John Henry Brown, whose remains were laid to rest in Oakland Cemetery at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Never passed through the streets of Dallas, a more impressive funeral than that of this venerable sage. There marched in slow and measured tread, aged veterans who, by his side in the heat of battle, had marked his deeds of valor. Practically all the old Confederate soldiers of Dallas, and many from neighboring towns, were present to do homage to the dead. None who saw that funeral but doffed his hat and bowed in deep respect. Every door on either side [of] the streets through which the procession took its course was closed, for all knew whose the funeral was, and not a one, however lowly, of the vast number that participated in or beheld the solemn rites, but felt deep down in his heart, a sadness and regret. They looked upon the funeral much as children would upon that of a devoted parent.
     The magnificent casket in which the body was held was placed in the sitting room of the family home, where the old patriot was wont to spend his leisure hours during the closing days of his life. There were flowers in abundance from everywhere and of every appropriate design, one of the most beautiful being a large Roman cross made of cape jasmines, a tribute from Sterling Price Camp of Confederate Veterans.
     Rev. Warner B. Riggs, of the Second Presbyterian Church, conducted the services at the house, during which, he spoke on the noble life of Major Brown and upheld it as an example and lesson to future generations.
     Camp Sterling Price Confederate Veterans attended in a body, and when the casket was taken from the house, they formed into open ranks across the street with a furled Confederate battle flag draped in mourning. The funeral cortege formed and proceeded to St. Matthew's Cathedral. At the hearse, the casket was met by Rt. Rev. Bishop Alexander C. Garrett and the Rev. Hudson Stuck, rector of St. Matthews, and the choristers of the church.
     After the services at the church, the procession formed again and proceeded to the cemetery. The ceremony was concluded according to the ritual of the Episcopal church, and the grave was covered with flowers.
     The pall bearers were G. A. Knight, Judge A. T. Watts, R. S. Coughanour, J. M. McCoy, W. J. Townsend and Col. A. J. Houston.


     Major John Henry Brown selected his pall bearers years ago. Only one of those in attendance as such yesterday was of the original number. That one was G. A. Knight. All but three are dead -- Henry Boll, Nat M. Burford and G. A. Knight. Henry Boll is blind, and, of course, could not serve; Judge Burford is physically unable to do more than barely move about the streets. On yesterday, at St. Matthew's Cathedral, he silently tottered to where the casket lay, gazed on the lifeless form of his old comrade, and sadly, though without a word, turned away. The spectacle was witnessed with silence and sadness by all present.


     The original pall-bearers selected by Major Brown were: Frank Austin (dead), Henry Boll, G. A. Knight, N. M. Burford, Marion Moon (dead), and one other, the identity of whom, Major Brown's family could not recall for the TIMES HERALD to-day. Old acquaintances of Major Brown were in doubt as to whether the missing member of the chosen band was Col. John C. McCoy, Judge A. B. Norton or Wallace Peak, all of whom are dead.

- June 3, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
- o o o -
[Note: the issue of the Dallas Herald, presumably containing
a more extensive obituary of John Henry Brown, is missing from
the microfilm; I have not checked the Morning News for his obit]


     Another of Dallas' old citizens passed away to-day. Mr. L. A. Bryan, who, since the city's infancy, has been identified with its upbuilding, died at 9 o'clock a. m., at 310 San Jacinto street. Deceased was a member of the family of Bryans, of which the late John Neely Bryan, the founder of Dallas, was the head. He married about fifteen or eighteen years ago, a Miss Keating, who was one of the belles of this city. Mr. Bryan's funeral will take place to-morrow.


A. F. and A. M. Funeral Notice.

     The officers and member of Tannehill Lodge, No. 52, A. F. and A. M., are requested to meet at the lodge room Wednesday the 5th instant, at 2 p. m. for the purpose of attending the funeral of our deceased brother, L. A. Bryan. Full arrangements will be published to-morrow.
               W. L. L
YLES, Secy.
               W. S. S

- June 4, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 2.
- o o o -


     The friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Houghton are requested to attend the funeral of the former, from their residence, 691 McKinney ave., to-morrow, Wednesday, June 19, at 11 o'clock, a. m.

- June 18, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
- o o o -



Henry Downs Loses His Life While

     Henry Downs, son of lawyer James D. Downs, was drowned at 11 o'clock this morning while in swimming with some other boys at Exall's lake.
     According to reports received at the T
IMES HERALD Office at 2 p. m., the boys with him were Hugh Lynch and Henry Dean. They pulled him from the water with all the haste they could exercise and summoned a physician immediately, but all efforts to restore his vitality proved fruitless.
     Henry Downs was seventeen years old, and was employed as a carrier on the T

- June 5, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3.
- o o o -



The Stone Burst and Pieces Hit
George Hall.

     An emery wheel at the Mosher Manufacturing Company's shops, burst this afternoon, the pieces flying with the force of cannon shots in all directions.
     One of the flying fragments struck George Hall, and perhaps fatally wounded him. He was still alive at 3 o'clock, but there was no hope for him, as his skull is fractured.
     Hall is about 35 years old and has a wife and children in Hutchins. He was a laborer in the factory.

- June 5, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3.
- o o o -


     The TIMES HERALD was unable to certainly ascertain the name of one of the pall bearers selected by Major John Henry Brown. It now transpires that Dr. A. A. Johnson was the man. For many years, Major Brown, Dr. Johnson, Frank Austin, Henry Boll and Judge Burford took birthday dinners with one another, so that they assembled for such purposes five times a year, and it was at one of their diners that Major Brown requested that the other four act as pall bearers at his funeral.

- June 5, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
- o o o -


     The funeral services of Henry Downs, the young man who was drowned in Exall's lake yesterday, were held at the family home, on Ross avenue, at 9:30 a. m. to-day. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Stuck, of St. Matthew's Cathedral, and Rev. Mr. Wickens, of the Church of the Incarnation. Many boys who had been friends and schoolmates of the deceased were present. The floral offerings were many and beautiful. The burial was in Trinity cemetery.

- June 6, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 2-3.
- o o o -



The New Safety Device Couldn't
Hold it Together.

     George Hall, the mechanic who was fatally injured yesterday at 2 o'clock at Mosher's foundry, died last evening at 5 o'clock.
     The cause of the accident, as stated in the T
IMES HERALD yesterday, was the bursting of an emory wheel, that seems to be an object of special danger in all foundries. This particular wheel made the remarkable speed of 1500 revolutions in a minute and the management supposed every precaution had been taken against accident.
     Not long ago, a patent safety arrangement, composed of a frame work of 14-inch flanges, which almost covered the 18-inch wheel, was procured and used for the fist time yesterday. It was in operation only 40 minutes, during which time, Mr. Hall was explaining to another person what a safety guard the new arrangement was, when the flanges opened and the accident occurred, the operator becoming the victim.
     No one connected with the foundry has any ideas as to what caused the wheel to burst. It seemed to make its flange casings spread apart, jump from its environments, and fly to pieces in the most murderous fashion.

- June 6, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
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He Killed R. B. Thomas in a Quarrel
Over a Watermelon.

     The jury in the Joe Johnson case returned a verdict of acquittal late yesterday evening.
     Johnson was tried for killing R. B. [Lem] Thomas, both colored, on Rowlett creek last summer [1894].
     A watermelon was at the bottom of the matter. Thomas accused Johnson of stealing a fine melon which he had hidden in a cool place. Johnson used a squirrel rifle in the fight.

- June 6, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
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     A large number of persons will regret to hear of the death of Mrs. Evantha Scurry, who passed away yesterday evening at 6:20 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Kate Scurry-Terrell, 256 Cadiz street.
     Mrs. Scurry was among the few left who were a part of the life of old Texas. Her husband, Richard Scurry, was an eminent lawyer under the Republic, and she had resided in this State for more than fifty years. She was also the mother of Capt. Tom Scurry and Richardson Scurry.
     The funeral takes place from the residence of Mrs. Terrell this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock.

- June 6, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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     Bert Wright, a well known musician, died last night at 9:45, after a short illness. Deceased leaves many friends to mourn his death. His remains will be shipped to his former home in Illinois to-morrow morning at 7:20 o'clock. He was a member of the National League of Musicians. The Dallas Union Band will escort the remains to the train to-morrow.

- June 7, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1-2.
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Under the Auspices of the Musicians'

     Albert Wright, aged 29 years, died of pneumonia last night at 313 Elm street. Deceased was a clarionet player, and for the last two years, was a member of the Dallas Union band. His remains were shipped this afternoon on the Santa Fe train to Ancona, Ill., his old home, for interment.
     The Members of the Musicians' Union turned out to the funeral, and a band of thirty-five pieces escorted the remains to the depot playing with muffled drums, as it marched through the streets, the solemn dirges of "Ravenswood" and "Flee As a Bird." As the coffin was being transferred from the hearse to the train, the band played "Nearer, My God, to Thee."

- June 8, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
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     Mrs. Monta Beach died of consumption Saturday night at the home of her mother, corner Beaumont and Snodgrass street, and the remains were interred in Trinity Cemetery Sunday afternoon.

- June 12, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 2-3.
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An Old Saloon Porter Drowned Near
the Brewery.

     Dick Duke, a colored porter in the employ of Mr. Tom Ord, was drowned in the river opposite the brewery at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Duke, accompanied by his wife, went up the river for a stroll, and Duke took a notion to go in swimming, against the advice of his wife, who reminded him that somebody was drowned at the particular place every year.
     It is not known whether Duke was seized with cramps, or could not swim and got beyond his depth. At all events, he sank as soon as he jumped in and never rose to the surface.
     At 3 p. m., the body has not been recovered.

- June 13, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 6.
- o o o -



Who Is Willing to Invest in a Death

     The body of Dick Duke, the colored man who was drowned in the river opposite the brewery at noon yesterday, is reported to have been recovered this afternoon.
     The colored people were slow about dredging for the body. They assembled on the banks of the river in great numbers and waited, Constable Cornwell says, for the white people to pay them for dredging.
     For the last fifteen years, there has been an average of about one person a year drowned at this particular bend in the river. Any person wishing to do a good turn for humanity could not make a better investment than to erect a sign in big letters over this fatal bend, calling attention to the danger and giving a list of the names of those drowned there.

- June 14, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
- o o o -


     Laurence, the infant of F. N. Deremeaux and wife, aged 4 months and 4 days, died at the family home, on Dawson avenue, near Merrill street, on Wednesday last, and was buried Thursday afternoon in the Catholic cemetery.

- June 15, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1-2.
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___ to an Unbalanced Mind and a Dose
of Morphine -- His Army Record was
That of a Brave Officer -- To Be
Buried at San Antonio.

     Lieut. George B. Backus, First lieutenant in the First Cavalry, U. S. A., died in the City Hospital last night of gangrene of the lungs, following pneumonia.


     For several months preceding his death, deceased had been away from his regiment on an indefinite sick leave. Domestic troubles, it is said, drove him to dissipating and dissipation wrecked his health to such an extent, as to render him unfit for service. Finally, he displayed symptoms of mental derangement, and in this condition, he came to Dallas a few weeks ago, where he was looked after by officers of the army.
     Several days after his arrival in Dallas, he wrote a note to one of the officers that he could be found the next day by the side of a path, leading from the Oak Cliff bridge into the river bottom.
     He was found precisely as the note said he could be, and in an unconscious condition, conveyed to the city hospital, where he developed a case of pneumonia.
     It is supposed that in a fit of melancholy, he attempted to commit suicide by swallowing morphine.
     During his illness at the hospital, Lieut. Backus' mother, who lives in Colorado, was with him.


     The remains of the officer will be interred in the national cemetery at San Antonio with military honors. Capt. C. H. Heyle, of the Twenty-third Infantry, will accompany the body, which will be shipped to San Antonio to-night.


     Lieut. Backus was born in Pennsylvania about the year 1851, and was consequently 44 years of age. In September, 1871, he was admitted to the West Point Military Academy from Colorado. In June, 1875, he was appointed Second Lieutenant of the First cavalry. He was promoted to the Senior First-Leiutenantcy, January 12, 1880, and had he lived, would shortly have been advanced to the rank of Captain.
     Lieut. Backus was an accomplished scholar, an elegant gentlemen and a courageous soldier, which latter was abundantly demonstrated in the prolonged border warfare in which he was engaged from the early 70's downward. He was in the hottest campaigns against the Sioux, the Nez Perces and other northwestern tribes, and finally, against the Apaches in New Mexico, Arizona and Northern Mexico.

- June 15, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
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Quincy Rhodes Fatally Shocked While
Adjusting an Arc Lamp.

     Quincy Rhodes, aged 20 years, in the employ of the electric light company, was fatally injured yesterday evening while placing a new carbon in the arc lamp at the corner of Main and St. Paul streets.
     The wires were crossed and he came in contact with them in the proper way to get a violent shock, which precipitated him to the ground a distance of twenty-five feet.
     His body was so charged with electricity, that his shoes emitted sparks.
     The young man's left thigh and his skull were fractured by the fall. He was placed in the ambulance and conveyed to the city hospital. To-day, he is still alive, but has not regained consciousness, and there is no hope for his recovery.
     Capt. Rhodes, father of the young man, lives at Wichita Falls, but happened to be on a visit to his son when the accident happened, and he is at his bedside in the city hospital.

- June 15, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
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Because Her Lover Cools Off Towards

     Effie Pearson, an unfortunate woman of the "Reservation," died yesterday evening from the effects of an overdose of morphine, taken with the usual "Reservation" intent.
     The reason assigned for the rash act, is that Effie's lover had, for some time, been undergoing a cooling process towards her.

- June 15, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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     Mrs. F. D. Bennett, of East Dallas, died last night in childbirth. The remains of mother and child will be shipped to Iowa for interment.

- June 17, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2-3.
- o o o -



He Received an Electric Shock Fri-
day Night.

     Quincy Rhodes, the young man who, while cleaning an arc lamp at the corner of Main and St. Paul streets, Friday night, received an electric shock which precipitated him to the ground, the fall fracturing the left thigh and skull, died Saturday night at the Parkland hospital.
     Capt. Rhodes, of Wichita Falls, father of the deceased, was at the bedside of his son when he died.
     The body was shipped to Wichita Falls for interment.

- June 17, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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     Mr. John R. Figh died at Colorado City last night, and his remains will reach here to-night and be interred to-morrow.

- June 18, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1-2.
- o o o -


     Mrs. Berger and family extend sincere thanks to those kind and sympathetic friends who came so readily to her in her late affliction.

- August 6, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1
- o o o -


     Miss Lizzie Bennett died at her home, 433 Wood street, at 1 o'clock this morning, of spinal meningitis, after a week's illness. She was a sister to Johnny Bennett, the newsboy, cadet at the A. and M. college. The funeral will take place at 3 o'clock this afternoon at the Presbyterian church, Harwood and Wood streets.

- August 6, 1895, The Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
- o o o -


Another Old Resident of Dallas Gone -- A
Good Man Who Had Many Friends.

     Mr. B. W. Harper, 70 years old, died at his home in West Dallas at 2 o'clock this morning. His death was not altogether unexpected, for he had been ill for some time.
     Mr. Harper was an old resident of Dallas. He was born in Tennessee in 1825. He came to Texas in 1879, shortly after which he moved to Dallas, and had since made this city his home. He was a staunch member of the Baptist church, and by his death, that denomination loses one of its most zealous workers.
     Among those who most deeply mourn the death of Mr. Harper are the following children: Mrs. John Bolick, Mrs. J. D. Cullum, Mrs. W. H. Cullum, Benjamin N. Harper, Jr., and Miss Daisy Harper.
     No resident of Dallas was more highly esteemed and respected by those who knew him, than Mr. Harper.
     The funeral services will take place at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon.

- August 7, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
- o o o -

Alas, Poor Remus!

     Remus, the boy baby who was given away by the Woman's Home, which kind institution had cared for him in his helplessness, when cast on the world, lies dead out in potter's field. A little pauper grave contains all that was mortal of poor little Remus, who, unlike Galatea, was born in a tent and was laid on the ground to perish, while Galatea was born in a mansion and rode in a carriage. Undertaker Loudermilk buried little Remus three days ago.

- August 8, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
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     Mrs. Margaret Ramsey, aged 66, died yesterday of paralysis. Her remains were shipped to McKinney.

- August 9, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
- o o o -



Dallas Shocked By a Most
Fiendish Murder.




Outraged and Slain In Her Home by Un-
known Hands -- Her Body Found in
a Creek -- A Negro Shoots His
Intended Bride at the
Altar Because She
Refuses to
Marry Him.

     The most intense excitement prevails among the people five miles south of the city, over the finding in a small creek this morning of the dead and outraged body of the young and beautiful wife of William Durham, a farmer.
     Mr. Durham, having occasion to make a trip to Cedar Hill yesterday, departed early in the morning, leaving his wife with his mother, Mrs. Hortie Durham, who lives about one mile from his home. In the middle of the forenoon, Mrs. William Durham returned to her home to make preparation to visit in the afternoon, her brother-in-law, Thomas Allen, half a mile distant. She was expected at Mr. Allen's and when the day began to wane, and she had not put in an appearance, the family sent a messenger to ascertain why she had disappointed them. The messenger, returning, reported her not at home, whereupon the neighbors were aroused and search instituted. The search was prosecuted all evening and all night, and at about daylight this morning, Mr. Allen, one of the most active members of the party, discovered Mrs. Durham's body in the creek with a log across it to sink it. She was lying on her back, and the body exhibited unmistakable signs of having been outraged. After the discovery of the body, it was plainly to be seen where the murderer had dragged the body through the weeds from the house to the creek.


     Sam Bouton and Walter Brant came to town to notify the Sheriff's office of the matter, and to sent out Undertaker Ed C. Smith to take charge of the body.
     Sheriff Cabell and several deputies and a large posse of citizens with bloodhounds at once repaired to the scene of the crime.
     Mrs. Durham was 18 years old, and would have celebrated the first anniversary of her marriage on the 23d instant, had she lived. She had no children.


     Mr. E. A. Gracey, who lives near the scene of the murder, and who was a member of the searching party, this morning, gave the TIMES HERALD reporter the following account:
     "The only bruise that could be found on the body was in the right temple. This appeared to have been produced by a stone in the hand of her assailant, and I infer that the blow did not kill her and the log was thrown across her breast in order to make sure of her death by drowning. She was evidently hulling peas in the cook room when assaulted, as the peas and hulls were scattered all over the room. There was a little blood on the door sill of the east door. The stream in which she was thrown is known as Coon creek, and the place at which she was thrown in is only about 40 steps from the house. The weeds were mashed down where the fiend dragged her body. The Drs. Keever are making a post mortem examination, the result of which, I have not heard. They were going to remove a portion of the skull in order to ascertain if the blow in the temple was sufficient to cause death.
     "The people of the neighborhood," continued Mr. Gracy, "are putting their heads together to find the perpetrator of this crime, and if they get their hands on him, he will not have a minute to live. Suspicion points to a left-handed negro living in the neighborhood. The fact that Mrs. Durham was struck in the right temple would indicate that he blow was struck by a left-handed person. But, the negro will not be molested unless corroborative evidence can be obtained.
     "Mrs. Durham was a Miss Cavaner. Her father is a farmer near Cedar Hill."


     It is reported that soon after the enraged citizens began to assemble at the home of Mr. Durham, the left-handed negro took to the woods and it became a race between the Sheriff and his deputies on the one side and the citizens on the other, to see which shall get to the negro first.
     From the circumstance that Sheriff Cabell stole across the river at about noon and got some fresh horses at the jail stables, it is believed at the courthouse that his men have the negro, and that they intend to make the effort to spirit him off in the direction of the Ellis county jail. But, unless they got a long start of the citizens, the latter will give them a lively chase before they reach Waxahachie.


     Mr. Durham reached home this morning a few minutes after the discovery of the body of his wife.
     Mrs. Durham was in a delicate condition, and within a few weeks of being confined.

- August 10, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3-4.
- o o o -



He Was Dressed as a Sec-
tion Hand.


Dr. Florence Is of Opinion Morphine
Killed Him -- Had No Papers on
Him -- Undertaker Loudermilk
Took Charge of the Body.

     At noon to-day, an old man in a speechless condition was discovered lying under the shade of a small bush between the railroad track and Russy's brickyard and a few years south of the east end of the Commerce street bridge.
     Sheriff Cabell, to whom the old man's condition was reported, summoned Dr. Florence, who pronounced the sufferer beyond the reach of medical skill, as he was then dying from morphine or cocaine poison, as the doctor believed. Some powders, resembling morphine, were taken by the doctor for examination.
     Justice Lauderdale inquested the remains, but found nothing in the dead man's pockets but an old knife and a wad-cutter for a muzzle-loading shotgun. Deceased was of medium height, weighed perhaps 160 pounds, had blue eyes and black hair, streaked with gray, smooth shaven, and wore a shirt and pants like those worn by section hands. He was Irish. Nobody appeared that knew him, and there was nothing on him by which he could be identified. Justice Lauderdale will withhold his verdict until he hears from Dr. Florence.
     The body was turned over to Undertaker Loudermilk.
     A watchman at the railroad tracks near the Commerce street bridge says he observed the old man for the last two days, walking up and down the tracks at intervals, and appearing to be in dejected spirits.

- August 20, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 1-2.
- o o o -


Undertaker Loudermilk Still Holding it,
An Unknown Buried.

     Undertaker Loudermilk is still holding the body of R. M. Johnson, the aged detective who was run over and killed by a "Katy" train near the brewery, ten days ago.


     The body of the man who was found dying near Russy's brickyard Monday, and who expired shortly after the arrival of the doctor, was buried as an unknown by Undertaker Loudermilk this morning.
The unknown man, to all appearance, had attempted to brace himself from a violent spree by means of morphine, and took too much. He was dressed as a laborer or section hand.

- August 22, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3.
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The Old Man Found Dead Last
Monday Identified.


He Was a Tenant on F. M. Harris' Farm
at Grand Prairie -- He Sold His
Potatoes and Went on
a Fatal Spree.

     The old man found in a dying condition down by Russey's brick yard last Monday, and buried on Wednesday as an unknown, it now transpires was Mr. Fenix, of Grand Prairie.
     Mr. F. M. Harris, a farmer, of Grand Prairie, came to town to-day to look for Fenix, who came to Dallas last Friday. To a T
IMES HERALD reporter, Mr. Harris said:
     "I am confident the dead man was Mr. Fenix, who was a tenant on my farm. I never heard his first name. He was cultivating some of my land on the halves, and had lived on my place since March. Last Friday, he brought a load of twenty-nine bushels of potatoes to Dallas and sold them for 52
1/2 cents per bushel. He put the money in his pocket and told Honeysucker, the boy who drove the wagon, to take the wagon home and he would come on the train in the evening.
     "Some of the neighbors were in Dallas Saturday, and they reported they saw Fenix here drunk. I then learned that whenever he got the money, he went on a spree and continued on it until his money gave out or he got locked up. We were all very busy and hoped he would get locked up early in the action.
     "To-day, we came to see about him. We found he had not been locked up, and then hearing about the unknown dead man, I went to Justice Lauderdale, who held the inquest on his body, and while the only article that was not buried with him was a wad-cutter for a shotgun, I am quite certain that that unknown man was Fenix. The descriptions given of him by Justice Lauderdale and by Undertaker Loudermilk suit Fenix to a nicety, and he carried in his pocket, just such a wad-cutter, which he used for punching holes in the ears of his hogs to mark them.
     "Fenix was a widower about 60 years old. He came from Ohio to Texas three years ago, and was a carpenter by trade. He came to our neighborhood two years ago. Last winter, he built four houses on Mr. Morris' farm, and in March he pitched a crop on my farm. He has two children in Ohio, but I do not know their address."

- August 24, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
- o o o -


     Dr. W. R. Spencer, a veterinary surgeon, died on Friday night last. He was over 70 years old. Dr. Spencer was a veteran of the Mexican war and an old resident of Dallas.
     George Cook died Friday night of consumption.

- August 26, 1895, The Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 4.
- o o o -





His Slayer Believed to be a



An Eagle Ford Merchant Had Been Robbed
and Came to Dallas to Report the
Crime Last Night-Sheriff Cab-
ell on the Trail.


     Yesterday scored two tragedies in Dallas constabulary circles. The excitement resulting from the shooting of Jim Foster, colored, by Deputy Constable Ed Black at noon, was still uppermost when Deputy Sheriff Ad Pate was shot to death at 10:30 p.m. by a man he was attempting to arrest at the east end of the Commerce street bridge.


     Joe Meeks, a merchant doing business at Eagle Ford, reported at the Sheriff's office at 9:30 last night that just after dark, two men entered his store, and at the point of the pistol, held him up for his gold watch and what ready cash there was in the establishment, amounting to about $35.
     Sheriff Cabell and a deputy went to watch the Texas & Pacific railroad bridge, and Mr. Meeks and Deputy Sheriff Pate went to the Commerce street bridge to stop the robbers, as Mr. Meeks had driven around them on his way here, and knew they were heading for Dallas. Deputy Sheriff Pate was leading Sheriff Cabell's horse. Just as he and Mr. Meeks reached the east end of the bridge, they met two men, whom Mr. Meeks recognized as the robbers, and he so informed Pate, who said: "Well, you hold the horse and I will turn back and arrest them."


     As soon as the men saw Pate advancing, and before he had said a word, they opened fire. Mr. Meeks does not remember how many shots were fired, but he saw Pate fall and the men run down the hill and saw them running by the brick yard and heard them rustling through the high weeds and brush.

     Bob Laws says he heard the shooting and ran to the spot. When he got there, the two men on the one side, and Pate on the other, were firing rapidly. Pate's pistol shows that he fired five shots, and Bob believes his assailants must have fired five or six shots each. Bob saw Pate fall and the two men run.
     Miss Nellie Doughig, who lives with her mother at the east end of the bridge, was a witness of the tragedy. She says she saw Pate leave the house with Meeks and overtake the two men who turned back with him and walked a few steps, when the two men fired at Pate and ran.
     Nannie Lloyd, colored, heard the shots, and heard two men running and talking as they ran.


     Pate received two wounds. One bullet passed through the right side of his chest, and the other tore away two fingers of his right hand and a part of the handle of the pistol which he held in that hand. The end of the little finger of the left hand was also shot off. Pate never spoke after he fell, and he survived only a few minutes.
     Sheriff Cabell, accompanied by William Bradshaw, of Eagle Ford, who came to the city with Mr. Meeks, met two men at the east end of the Texas & Pacific bridge, and Sheriff Cabell, after questioning them, told Mr. Bradshaw he would hold them if he would step down to the other bridge and tell Mr. Meeks to come up and take a look at them. Just as Mr. Bradshaw started on this mission, the firing began. Sheriff Cabell, knowing what was up, ran to Pate's assistance as fast as he could, but he got there too late, as Pate was dead when he arrived.

     The body was conveyed to the jail and placed on a cot in the office.
     Sheriff Cabell sent for his hounds, which were at the convict camp four miles east of the city, but the dogs could or would not find the trail.
     The police department co-operated with the Sheriff and the officers in the towns within a radius of 100 miles were communicated with by wire and given descriptions of the men.
     One of the men is described as tall and wearing dark clothes and a dark hat; the other as small and wearing a light suit and light hat.


     Ad. Pate was about 35 years old, and one of the quietest and most retiring of men. He said nothing about himself and no more about other persons than was absolutely necessary. But, he had a way of making a friend of every person he came in contact with, for he had a big heart in him and was overflowing with the milk of human kindness. In appearance, he was tall---a little over six feet-rather muscular, and florid in color. His hair and mustache were sandy. He was a native of Delta county, and came to Dallas a number of years ago. He had been connected with the Sheriff's department, and mostly on duty at the jail, but always ready to take the place of any other deputy in more active service when occasion required.
     The funeral will take place at 10 a.m. to-morrow.


     Early this morning, the following telegrams were received at the Sheriff's office:
ERRELL, Sept. 10.-Send man on first train to identify two men.
OE KELLER, City Marshal.
LEBURNE, Sept. 10.--Two men got off freight. Tall one got away. Have the small one. C. L. LONG,
Deputy Sheriff.


     Sheriff Cabell requested the conductors on all outgoing freights to look out for the two men. The conductor on a southbound freight on the Santa Fe noticed two men suiting the description of the robbers board his train as it climbed the grade south of Oak Cliff. The conductor telegraphed Sheriff Stewart at Cleburne, and made a run to that point. Sheriff Stewart and several of his deputies were on hand to meet the train. The two men crawled out of a box car, the small one surrendered, but the tall one pulled two pistols and proceeded to run fast and to shoot fast. He made his escape, but the Johnson county officers were in hot pursuit of him at last accounts this forenoon.
     Sheriff Cabell and Mr. Meeks will go to Cleburne on the train this afternoon.


     After the shooting last night, a long dirk knife was found on the spot where the robbers stood. The dirk was identified by Mr. Meeks as the same instrument with which the tall robber cut his pockets open instead of inserting his hand in them in search of money when robbing his store last evening.

     One of the robbers swam the river about 300 yards below the Commerce street bridge. He pulled his boots and left them on this side of the river, and the bank is so slippery that he lost his footing and slid into the stream. His tracks on the opposite bank show that one foot was bare and the other had a sock on it. There is a bullet hole through one of his boot legs, and from the position of it, the bullet must have passed through the calf of his leg.


     This afternoon, Police Officer Massey arrested a man who had brought his trunk to the Santa Fe depot on his shoulder.
     The prisoner gave the name of James C. Osborne, and said he arrived in Dallas from Virginia last Saturday. He claims to be a farmer. John Dindenger identified Osborne as a man who had been loafing around his wagon yard for a week or ten days, and who disappeared yesterday.
     Mr. Marks looked at Osborne and said he was about the size of the smaller of the two men that robbed him, but he would not say that he resembled the freebooter in any detail.
     Osborne carried in his pocket a pair of brass knuckles and a
slungshot, and in his trunk were a pair of old pants, some underclothes and socks, all wet as if some one had swam the river with them on. The pair of boots mentioned above were brought and Osborne was requested to pull them on, which he easily did, as they were about two numbers too large for him.
     Osborne is being held for carrying the slungshot and knuckles, but he is not believed to be one of Pate's slayers.

- September 10, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1.
- o o o -



With Small Chances of Ever
Catching Him.


The Men Arrested at Terrell and Cle-
burne Certainly Not the Right Par-
ties--The Funeral of the Dead
Officer Largely Attended.


     The funeral services over the remains of Addison C. Pate took place at the home of Charles Pate, brother of the deceased, in West Dallas at 10 a.m.
     The entire force from the Sheriff's office, six men from the police department, Constable Cornwell and his four deputies, Judge Clint of the Criminal District Court, Judge Burke of the Fourteenth Judicial District Court, Judge Nash of the County Court, the members of the Commissioner's Court, and representatives from all the other county and municipal offices, paid their respects to the memory of the deceased who died while courageously discharging his duty as a conservator of the peace, by attending the funeral.
     After the services at the home of the brother of the deceased, which were conducted by Gen. R. M. Gano, the remains were followed by the family, fellow officers and friends to Oakland cemetery, where the interment took place. A long procession of vehicles followed the remains to the cemetery.
     Sheriff Cabell and Mr. Meeks returned from Cleburne at 11:30 last night. Mr. Meeks was unable to identify the man held there as one of the men who held him up and killed Deputy Sheriff Ad Pate.
     The Fort Worth officers are of the opinion that the two men were seen at Saginaw, a station on the Fort Worth & Denver railroad, a few miles north of the Fort yesterday morning, but the suspects succeeded in eluding the pursuit of the Fort Worth officers.
     Mr. Meeks admits that it is exceedingly doubtful if he could recognize the two men if he should see them. He says he was in a state of such intense excitement during the brief interview that he failed to note their features or, in fact, any details which made a lasting impression on him.  His recollection of the occurrence is an impression of terror and a vision of the merest outlines of two men with considerable disparity in size.

     Therefore, if the men are ever brought to justice, circumstantial evidence will have to be relied upon for the most part. It is even possible that the two men that shot Pate are not the same that held up Mr. Meek's store.
     The theory has been advanced that the taller of the two men who killed Pate was Bud Pickler, who recently made his escape from the Mobile, Ala., jail a few days before he was to have been hanged for murder. Pickler is known to have a woman in the "reservation," and under the circumstances, he would not, of course, submit to arrest. Whether guilty of the Eagle Ford robbery or not, Bud Pickler, if confronted by an officer, would, in all probability, have behaved precisely as the two men did when accosted by Deputy Sheriff Pate. The police, however, do not believe that Bud Pickler would, under the circumstances, venture to return to Dallas.

- September 11, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6.
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     Police Officers Hall, Magee and Tanner, Deputy Sheriffs Winfrey and Rhodes, Deputy Constable Sanderson, County Convict Guard Bradford and Penitentiary Agent McCullough, on yesterday, made a thorough drive of the jungles above Eagle Ford in search of the murderers of Deputy Sheriff Ad Pate. The men left their horses on account of the wire fences and made a brush-beating drive clear up to Horse Shoe lake and Fish Trap crossing. The fugitives were supposed to be secreted in the fastnesses of the river bottom, but the officers were not rewarded by a single trace of them.

- September 13, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6.
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     The body of Samuel F. Wilson was yesterday buried in Trinity Cemetery by Undertaker Smith. The body of Katie Carter is still being held, but it is very probable that it will be laid to rest Monday in the City Cemetery, or possibly in Oak Hill Cemetery. John B. Carter, of 3400 Rutger street, St. Louis, the father of the woman, has remitted the undertaker $20 toward defraying the burial expenses. Wilson's body was put away in a respectable manner, and the only apparent chance Undertaker Smith has of remuneration is from the sale of Wilson's personal effects.

- September 28, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
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     On the 15th inst, Miss Anna White, daughter of Mrs. Virginia White, 180 Cochran street. The deceased, a dutiful daughter, had been a generous contributor to the support of her widowed mother, as well as providing for herself. She was upon the eve of being married and the wedding arrangements were all perfected for the ceremony and a joyous hour, but the groom not presenting himself, she fell into a state of melancholy that, in a short time, found its relief in death by her own administration of the drug that brings eternal rest. Both mother and daughter have the profound sympathy of neighbors and

- October 19, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6?, col. 6?.
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The friends and acquaintances of Hugh L. and Sara A. Phares are invited to attend the funeral of their son, Stephen T. Casey, from St. Patrick's church, Harwood street, at 10 o'clock to-morrow (Thursday) morning.

- October 31, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 5.
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     H. P. Buell, aged 56 years; born at Utica, N. Y.
     Funeral sermon will be held at late residence, 160 Cochran street at 10 o'clock to-morrow (Friday) morning. Friends of the family are invited to attend.

- December 12, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 5.
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     Mrs. C. W. Helm, of this city, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. R. B. Sinex, 139 Lear street, at 4:05 a. m. to-day. Funeral services at Central Christian church, Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 2:30 p.m.

- December 16, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 4.
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She was the Widow of the Late Maj. C. W.

     Mrs. C. W. Helm died this morning at her son-in-law's residence, 139 Lear street, from paralysis. The funeral will take place from the Central Christian Church, Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock.
     The deceased was the widow of the late Maj. C. W. Helm, a gallant Confederate officer, able jurist, and besides newspaper writer, well-known locally and throughout the state in his life.

- December 16, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
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Who Accidentally Shot His Step-
son Jimmie Landis.


Was Going to Fire a Gun to See the
Boy Jump, But Stubbed His
Toe and Shot Him

     Scott Jesse, colored, living on Central avenue near the old brewery, got out his shotgun at about 9 o'clock last night in order to join in the Christmas fusillade. His step-son, Jimmy Landis, a ten-year-old boy, was chopping wood in the back yard by the sheen of the electric light. Scott thought it would be fun to run around the house and discharge the gun near the boy and see him jump. He called his wife's attention to what he was going to do so she could laugh, too.
     Cocking his gun, Jesse made a rush for the backyard. Just as he rounded the corner of the house, he stubbed his toe against a stake and fell. The gun exploded as he fell, and the charge of shot took effect in the boys' side near his heart.
     The little fellow dropped his axe, and, looking at his horrified step-father, exclaimed; "Papa, you shot me," and sank down dead.
     Jesse ran to the boy and was almost crazed with grief when he found he had killed him, for he loved the boy as his own son.
     Jesse went to the sheriff's office and, explaining the accident to Sheriff Cabell, surrendered himself. Sheriff Cabell made an investigation, and, satisfying himself that the death of the boy was the result of an accident, did not commit Jesse to jail.
     Jesse works at Jackson & Steere's grocery.

- December 25, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 2.
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