Obituaries, Dallas County, Texas, 1896 (incomplete)
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(Updated June 16, 2004)



     Hutchins, Dallas Co., Tex., Dec. 31. -- George Littlefield, a white man, 36 years of age, to-day, took between twenty and thirty grains of morphine. Medical aid was summoned, but too late to counteract the deadly effects of the drug.

- January 1, 1896, The Dallas Morning News, p. 9, col. 2.
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New Year Pranks -- The Status of the Cotton

     Lancaster, Tex., Jan. 3. -- This evening at 5 o'clock, M. J. Moore, better known as Long Moore, was found dead in bed at Bartholome's restaurant with a two-ounce empty bottle on a table beside him, which had contained laudanum. He was a carpenter by trade and had a family. He had been drinking for several days, and yesterday evening, he went to the restaurant and asked for a bed. He was called for dinner, but remarked that he did not want any. About 7 [4?] o'clock this evening, he was breathing hard, but no notice was taken of it, and at 5 o'clock, he was dead. Mayor E. T. King held an inquest with a jury and returned a verdict of suicide.
     New Year's eve, while the boys were shooting anvils and ringing the bells for the New Yera, some one threw a stick of dynamite in front of the postoffice, tearing up the porch and the front glass, and damaging two or three other buildings by breaking glass doors and windows.
     Cotton is about all ginned. Total shipments this seasion, 3645 bales, last season, 11,800. There is none in the hands of farmers or merchants to amount to anything.

- January 3, 1896, The Dallas Morning News, p. 5, col. 4.
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Charley Morehead Shot and Killed and Lee
Shirley Arrested.

     Thursday night, at 11:15, a difficulty occurred between Lee Shirley and Charlie Morehead, both colored, in which the latter was shot through the heart and killed instantly. The trouble originated over a woman that Morehead had brought from Tyler some time ago, and whose affections Shirley had gained. The trouble commenced at the bridge on Nussbaumer's branch and the men continued quarreling down Pacific avenue until Good street was reached, where the quarrel terminated by Morehead being shot and instantly killed. There were but few witnesses to the killing, and they could not tell how the trouble started. Shirley was arrested yesterday morning, charged with the homicide by Police Officers Stampley and Rawlins.
     Tom Gather, a colored expressman, who was a witness to the killing, said to a News reporter last nigh: "My clock is out of fix and I could not tell just what time of night it was, but it was not earlier than 11 o'clock, and not later than 12. I was getting ready for bed when I heard some one call out, 'Don't! Don't', and at the same time, I heard a pistol shot. I looked out of the window and saw two men standing on the railroad about two feet apart, and at that moment, one of them threw up a revolver and fired another shot. The other man had not said a word from the time the first shot was fired, but when the second shot was fired, he threw his hands upon his breast and turned about half way round and fell. After falling to the ground, I heard him groan three or four times, and that was the end of it. I could not tell from my house who the men were, and did not hear any quarreling before the fellow called out, 'Don't! Don't!' Ass soon as he fell, the man who did the shooting, started north up Good street, and as he was crossing the railroad, he stumbled and fell, but got up again and ran along up Good street. I wanted to go to the man who had been shot, but my wife was afraid that I would get shot if I went near, so I stayed away. The body lay there for about fifteen minutes before any one touched it, and when the officers searched the body, I was there. There were no kind of weapons found upon the body of Morehead when he was found."
     William Glasgow, a flagman of the Pacific avenue and Good street crossing, said that the men had been quarreling for some time and that he heard Shirley tell Morehead that if he (Morehead) followed him, he would shoot him. He saw both shots fired and the man fall.
     When Shirley was seen at the jail yesterday afternoon, he said that he had nothing to say for publication, or anything else.
     Police Officer Brandenburg said that he and Police Officer Gannaway had arrested Shirley about three months ago for an aggravated assault upon the woman in question, and that they had left town to keep from appearing against him when the trial came up. The difficulty had been going on between the negroes from that time, until it terminated in the death of Morehead. The remains of Morehead were taken to Loudermilk's undertaking rooms and are being held, with a view of relatives coming here from Tyler to take them there for interment.
     Police Officers Stampley and Rawlins say that when the arrested Shirley, he admitted that he had shot Morehead in self-defense, and that he had thrown the pistol away.

- January 4, 1896, The Dallas Morning News, p. 9, col. 6.
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     Thursday night, about 7 o'clock, John T. Givens went to the Alta house, at the corner of Main and Akard streets, and engaged a room and paid for a night's lodging, telling the proprietor that he might sleep late in the morning. At 10 o'clock yesterday morning, as he had not yet got up, Mrs. Fletcher knocked on the door, but received no answer. At 12 o'clock, Givens had not yet arisen and Chief of Police Arnold was sent for. The chief forced his way into the room and found Givens dead in his bed. There was nothing in the room that would indicate that the deceased had committed suicide, as there was no poison of any kind to be seen. In the slop jar was some paper that had been torn to pieces, that may have contained a deadly drug, but that was all that could be found that would indicate the possibility of self-destruction. Mrs. Fletcher said the deceased was in an exceedingly cheerful mood when he came to the hotel, and did not appear to be in trouble of any kind. On his body was found a certificate of membership in the Woodmen of the World lodge No. 13, which is located in the state of Florida, whose whereabouts Mr. Loudermilk is trying to ascertain. When his body was turned over, blood ran out of his nose, indicating that probably he had died from a hemorrhage.

- January 4, 1896, The Dallas Morning News, p. 9, col. 6.
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     J. E. Thompson, who died at the McLeod hotel Monday night of morphine poisoning, was known in sporting circles as "Jimmy Denver." He has worked in sporting houses throughout the west. Up to last night, no word had been received from his friends as to what disposition should be made of the remains.

- January 8, 1896, The Dallas Morning News, p. 4, col. 7.
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     SEAY, Little Dot, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. B. Seay, aged 14 months, died yesterday morning at 8 o'clock.
Services will be held this morning at 449 Cole avenue. Buried at the Odd Fellows cemetery.

- January 8, 1896, The Dallas Morning News, p. 5, col. 4.
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     On account of the death of Mrs. A. T. Howard, Mrs. Burnette will not entertain the Shakespeare club this afternoon. There will be no meeting of the club this week.

- January 10, 1896, The Dallas Morning News, p. 3, col. 5.
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Sudden Death.

     Garland, Dallas Co., Tex., Jan. 9. -- Yesterday evening, a man, some 40 years of age, called at the residence of Mr. C. P. Metcalf and asked for a drink of water. He complained of being sick, and after sitting upon the porch a few minutes, he was taken very ill and was placed upon a bed, where he expired about 10 o'clock p. m., after suffering intensely. He was seen to take a white powder. He stated just before his death, that his name was Shepherd, and that he had a brother-in-law at Mesquite named Moore.

- January 10, 1896, The Dallas Morning News, p. 5, col. 1-2.
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     HOWARD -- Died, yesterday at 4 p. m., Mrs. J. T. Howard.
Funeral from residence of W. C. Howard, Ervay street, at 4 o'clock this afternoon.

- January 10, 1896, The Dallas Morning News, p. 5, col. 4.
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Death of Mrs. J. T. Howard.

     Mrs. J. T. Howard, after a brief illness, died yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, at the residence of W. C. Howard, 742 South Ervay.

- January 10, 1896, The Dallas Morning News, p. 8, col. 7.
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In Memory of Harry Cohen.

     At a meeting of the Dallas Clerks' union No. 135, on Jan. 8, the following resolutions were adopted:
     Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God to take from our midst our beloved brother, Harry Cohen, and,
     Whereas, the untimely death of said brother is deeply deplored by all who knew him; therefore, be it
     Resolved, by Dallas Clerks' union No. 135 in regular session assembled, to extend their heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family of our late brother, and, be it further
     Resolved, that the charter be draped in mourning for thirty days.
     Resolved, that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes and that a copy be sent to the family of the late brother, also to The Dallas news and the Retail Clerks National Advocate for publication.
                                   B. F. G
                                   J. Q
                                   J. F

- January 12, 1896, The Dallas Morning News, p. 20, col. 5.
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     Mrs. O. J. Howland died yesterday and the funeral will take place from the family residence to-day. A husband and little son survive her.

- April 19, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 3, col. 1.
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Sad Fate of a Little 6-Year-Old Boy,
an Inmate of Buckner's Home.

     On the evening of the 14th instant, Joseph Chavedo, an inmate of Buckner Orphans' Home, met his death by accidental drowning in a tank within sight of the building and only about 200 yards in front of a neighbor's residence. Many of the children, including his two older brothers, had gone into the school rooms with their teachers for the afternoon session, others had gone about their various kinds of work and numerous little ones were playing about the lawns. The unfortunate boy and four others had asked for the privilege of going into the tank, but were forbidden. Taking a convenient opportunity, when all were variously engaged, they left unobserved. Soon, two came running back and two went to the near neighbor, all telling excitedly that "Joseph was drowned,." A youth on the ____ road near by was first to get the news and, hastening to the place, waded in, stooped and felt the body under the water and had but reached the bank when the farmer, Mr. McKnight, with some larger boys, arrived at the place. Then came Dr. Buckner and two of the matrons, also Mr. Beard and his wife, who lived hard by, and in a short time, almost incredibly, Dr. L. T. Bohannon. From the time the body was recovered, till all grounds of hope were gone, everything possible was done to restore the child. It would have melted the heart of any human to see the haste with which little orphan boys threw off their coats to make a pallet for their dead comrade, how tender the expressions of sympathy for the surviving brothers and younger sister. There lay the little 6-year-old so life-like and yet dead! It is supposed that the, in wading in, had struck his feet against the root of a willow growing in the water, and whose pendant branches and green foliage threw their shadow over the spot where the body was found. No hearse was available, but gently, in a wagon, on a bed made of orphan boys' coats and an extra blanket, and with an orphan boy for a driver, the corpse was conveyed to the hospital building, passing hundreds of girls and boys, who, with tender sympathy, were standing in groups. Among the larger ones are always volunteer watchers who care not for the stillness of the night as they wait by the side of a dead comrade. These same boys sat as watchers that night, and on yesterday, the day following the death, the schools adjourned, work was suspended, and teachers, matrons and hundreds of children went in procession to the orphans' cemetery, where appropriate services were held and the little boy was laid away to await the general resurrection.
     The father of this child was drowned last year at Uvalde in a swollen stream, from which he was endeavoring to rescue others. He was caught in a drift and never seen again. The mother died in San Antonio last January and it was, by her request, it is said, repeated often on her deathbed that her children were sent to the Buckner home. They were received on March, 5, 1896, and Dr. Buckner says because of their neatness, intelligence and kindness, have already become general favorites.

- April 16, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 12, col. 7.
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Tribute From His Stewards.

     The following are the resolutions of the board of stewards of the First Methodist Episcopal church south, of Dallas. upon the death of Rev. E. L. Spragins:
     Our beloved pastor, Rev. E. L. Spragins, has been called by his Master to the church triumphant to receive his reward, severing by his death his sacred relation to our church, and in parting with him, we would bear testimony to his good name and works.
     Brother Spragins had entered upon the fourth year of his ministry to our church when he was stricken by disease and removed by the hand of death. As his official board, we have been thrown into the most intimate relationship to him and have had the fullest opportunity to realize his true character and merits, and it is our pleasure to briefly speak of them.
     As a man, we found Brother Spragins strong, manly, noble, genial and true to every relation in life. As a pastor, he was gentle, sympathetic, devoted and earnestly active in his work. No pastor has secured a more universal confidence and affectionate esteem from the membership of his charge. As a preacher, he was consumed with his mission, the salvation of men. He preached the gospel with vigor and unction of spirit, in expression adorned by the beauties of culture and literature. He drew people to him and inspired them to high purposes and holy lives. In his death, our church has sustained a great loss and each member of this board has given up a friend. To his dear wife and little children, our hearts go out in tenders sympathy.
                             W. W
                             J. H. T
                             L. B
                             N. W. F

- April 22, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 12, col. 2.
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     Michael Holtzmann, an old Frenchman and a market gardener, died at his home near the fair grounds Thursday of heart trouble.

- April 25, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 3, col. 5.
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Claud Salisbury Pistols Joe McKinney
in a Row Over a Woman.

     Sunday night, just after the midnight hour on a the Hi Morrison farm, in Devil's Neck, near the Ellis county line, Claud Salisbury and Joe McKinney, two negroes, quarreled over a woman. Salisbury, finally pulled a gun and shot McKinney four times, killing him almost instantly. Then, the slayer fled and is still at large, although the officers are on his trail. McKinney was 25 years old and unmarried. Salisbury is 19 years old, will weight 138 pounds, is 5 feet 7 inches in height and is a dark mulatto, with long face and pop eyes. He wore a slouch hat, black pants and a sack coat. There is a warrant out for the fugitive.

- April 28, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 6, col. 5.
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Well-Known German Citizen of Kauf-
man County No More.

     Andrew Hermann, a German farmer living near Terrell, fell from an electric car on Live Oak street about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, striking his head upon a stone and fracturing his skull. The car was running at a fair rate of speed, and it is not really known whether Hermann jumped from the car or fell off. He had just left some friends down near the courthouse and was going out to see another who lives on Cantegral street.
     He was picked up unconscious and carried to the hospital, where he died within an hour. He came to Dallas Sunday night and was at the Katy depot when the singers left for San Antonio. He had been talking to August Mueller just a short while previous to the accident and announced to Mueller his intention to go out the Live Oak line.
     Hermann was 55 years old and leaves a wife and four children. His family were apprised of the accident by wire. The remains will be shipped to his home.

- April 28, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 6, col. 5.
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     The remains of W. C. Corey, who died Saturday night, will be shipped to Farwood, Neb., to-day for interment.
     William Carr, a well known commercial traveler, died at Parkland hospital Sunday. The remains were shipped to Kansas City for interment.

- April 28, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 8, col. 7.
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     Mrs. H. R. Smith died yesterday at 178 Cockrell street.
     The funeral of Clifford Giraud, Jr., who died Monday, took place from the Sacred Heart church yesterday afternoon.
     Mrs. Mary A. Dye, wife of Capt. Amos Dye, passed away suddenly at 2 a. m. Sunday, the 26th instant. The funeral and interment at Long Branch cemetery, near Mesquite, followed at 6 p. m. on the same day.
     David E. Carr, a well known commercial traveler, formerly of Kansas City, died at Parkland hospital Sunday last. The remains were interred Monday in Trinity cemetery. A widow and one daughter survive him.

- April 29, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 8, col. 2.
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Funeral of the Actor-Musician, De-
Witt Mancell, Yesterday

     The funeral of DeWitt Mancell, the musician actor, who died Tuesday night, took place yesterday. The remains were interred in Trinity cemetery. The funeral was conducted by the Dallas Musical association, of which Mancell was a promoter and charter member. There were a number of floral offerings. The Dallas Musicians' Protective union band headed the procession and the pall bearers were selected from the Grand Army posts of this city as follows: Department Commander G. W. McCormick, ex-Commander M. W. Mann, Capt. Ayres, Capt. John W. Parks, Col. W. D. Wylie and Col. J. W. Rockwell. The Actors' Protective association attended in a body. The services at the cemetery were by Rev. Father H. D. Brickley of St. Patrick's church, the spiritual adviser of Mancell in his last moments. Deceased was very popular with his associates and had many friends in the city. The funeral was largely attended.

- April 30, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 8, col. 6.
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     Michael Butler of Austin, who was called to Dallas by the death of his brother, Patrick J. Butler, returned to the state capital last night.

- May 6, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 3, col. 4.
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Joseph Hey, a Well-Known Cook,
Found Dead in His Bed.

     Joseph Hey, a well-known cook and restaurant man, was found dead in his bed at 609 Commerce street by his housekeeper, a colored woman, between 3 and 4 o'clock yesterday morning. Hey had not been well lately, and was complaining before he retired. During the night, he called to his housekeeper to go out and get him some whisky. He drank the liquor and lay down again. Hearing nothing from him for some time, the woman went to his room and found him dead. Officer Waller was notified by the woman. The officers turned the body over to an undertaker. Justice Skelton viewed the remains and will examine witnesses, probably to-day.
     Hey was an Englishman and had lived here fifteen or sixteen years. He had accumulated considerable property.

- May 8, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 10, col. 4.
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     William Jesse, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Edwards, died at 265 Ninth street, Oak Cliff, at 11 o'clock last night.

- May 9, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 12, col. 2.
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A Light Mortuary List for the
Week Ending To-day.

    Up to noon to-day, the following deaths had been reported as occurring during the week just ended:
    Christianson, Miss Annie, residence of J. Logan, 122 McKinney avenue, June 27; heart trouble.
    Hunter, ______, six-months-old child of Dr. J. A. Hunter, 313-35 Main street, June 30; inanition.
    Wollman, Franz, 66[?] years, 343 Commerce street, July 1; malarial fever.
    Hill, Mollie, colored, 25 years, Parkland Hospital, July 1, consumption.
    Bush, infant of George, two days, 109 Caruth street, July 2; cause unknown.
    Abram, A., colored, 27 years, intersection of Runnels and South Pearl street, July 3; cause unknown.
    Fain, L. H., eleven days old, 158 Bookhout street, July 3; inanition.
    Smith, William, 35 years, Parkland Hospital, July 4; cause unknown.

- July 4, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
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Report for the Week Ending To-day
Shows a Remarkable
Falling Off.

    During the past week, a remarkably small number of deaths occurred within the city.
    Up to 3 o'clock, the following had been reported for the week ending to-day:
    Ashley, Edward S., 19 years, corner Wall and Corinth streets, July 6; typhoid fever.
    Moxley, W. H., child of 6 months, 448 Jackson street, July 7; cholera infantum.
    Winn, Maude, colored, 19 years, 172 Alamo street; overdose of morphine.

- July 11, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
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Manheimer-at 10 o'clock Monday, July 13...Katherine Hughes, wife of A. Manheimer.  Funeral will take place in St. Louis, Mo., Thursday morning.

- July 14, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 5, col. 4.
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Local Notes.

     Mrs. A. Manheimer died at the residence of Dr. Swaim yesterday...the remains were taken to St. Louis for interment.
     Mrs. John Malloy died at her home in this city Sunday. The funeral took place from the Bryan Street Catholic church yesterday morning.

- July 14, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 8, col. 4.
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Record of Deaths in the City Dur-
ing the Week Just Ended.

    Up to 3 o'clock, the following deaths had been reported as occurring in the city for the week ending to-day:
    Burns, George, 1 years, 152 Snodgrass street, July 11; pneumonia.
    Manheimer, Mrs. Katherine, 30 years, 545 Swiss Avenue, July 11; septicaemia.
    Martyn, Mrs. H. J., 34[?] years, 219 Sanger Avenue, July 11; general debility.
    Malloy, Mrs. John, 45 years, 191 Polk street, July 12[?], peritonitis.
    Williams, infant of John Williams, 167 Montezuma street, July 13; hives.
    Moody, Helen, infant, colored, S. Lamar street, July 13; inanition.
    Hill, infant of Ira, colored, 314 Floyd street, July 15; premature birth.
    Wells, Mamie, 1 year, 10 months, 234 Caroline street, July 16; pernicious malarial fever.
    Burch, John A., 20 years, Young street, July 17; typhoid malaria.
    Bedford, Ruby, infant of T. F., 1 month, 3 days, 504 Elm street, July 17; dysentery.
    Meyers, Frances Lee, 3 years, 6 months, 554 Cedar Springs road, July 17; inanition.

- July 18, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4-5.
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Mortuary List for the Week Just

    Up to 3 o'clock, the following deaths had been reported for the week ending to-day:
    Myers, infant of D. R., 4 years, Oak Lawn, July 18; diphtheria.
    Boren, Richard L., 35 years, 235 Browder street, July 18; abscess of the spleen.
    Waters, Charles B., 18 years, 184 Cochran street, July 19; morphine poisoning.
    Channie, Mrs. Ella, 79 years, South Lamar street, July 21; old age.
    Christopher, Andrew, 49 years, Parkland hospital, July 2; fever.
    Kerner, Emma Marie, 42 years, 108 Sumpter street, July 21; septicaemia.
    Kanaday, Mattie E., 3 years, 4 months, corner Pearl street and Cottage Lane, July 21; malarial fever.
    Hickerson, infant of Allen H., 7 days, 239 North Ervay street, July 22; inanition.
    Noscordi, Philip, 45 years, Italian, 159 North Akard street, July 22; morphine poisoning.
    Hubbard, infant of Neil, 5 months, 125 Watkins street, July 23; pernicious malarial fever.
    Mayes, infant of Robert, colored, 4 months, Beaumont street, July 23; inanition.
    Robinson, Mrs. W. L., 33 years, corner Main and St. Paul streets, July 23; cancer.
    Kavanaugh, Mamie, 21 years, 577 South Ervay street, July 24; typhoid fever.
    Weil, Mrs. C. A., 32 years, 425 Ross avenue, July 25; general debility.

- July 25, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 6.
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Deaths That Occurred in the City
During the Week.

    Up to 3 o'clock, the following deaths had been reported for the week ending to-day:
    Harrell, Harmon E., 20 years, 102 Noble street, July 25; consumption.
    Mills, infant of Edward, three days, 226 Germania street, July 25; minisgitis [meningitis?]
    William, Luella, colored, 17 years, 76 Fuqua street, July 26; consumption.
    Cloud, child of James, 2 years, South Sutton street, July 26; spinal injury.
    Russey, Mrs. O. A., 36 years, 104 Commerce street, July 28; malarial fever.
    Gray, L. T., 79 years, 484 Jackson street, July 28; old age.
    Miller, William, five months, 156 Cockrell street, July 29; inanition.
    Cole, Mrs. M. J., 246 North Pearl street, July 31; consumption.

- August 1, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
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Deaths for the Week.

    The following deaths occurred in the city during the week:
    Williams, Mrs. Kate, colored, 51[?] years, corner Cochran and Leonard streets; paresis.
    Bennett, F. T., 366 Canton street, Aug. 2; malarial fever.
    Richardson, Henry, colored, 50 years, 113 Paris street, Aug. 2; cancer of the throat and stomach.
    Claridiotta, infant of Michael, Italian, 8 days, 113 Burford street; inanition.
    Wood, Allen, 1 year, 3 months, 598 Elm street, Aug. 3; cholera infantum.
    Burlew, Ethel, 5 months, 433 Bryan street, Aug. 3; inanition.
    Sellier, Fred, 36 years, corner McKinney avenue and Alamo street, Aug. 3; hemorrhage of the lungs.
    Purnell, W. I., 55 years, Parkland hospital, Aug. 4; sun stroke.
    Fielding, Hester, 8 years, next [to] the corner of Alexander and South Lamar streets, Aug. 4; tumor on the lungs.
    Knott, Thos. E., Jr., 2 years, 195 Dawson street, Aug. 6; pernicious malarial fever.
    Castle, Matilda, colored, 65 years, South Lamar street, Aug. 6; old age.
    Watson, infant of Sarah, 1 day, 190 Market street, Aug. 9; inanition.

- August 8, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 5-6.
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Thirteen People Died During the
Week Ending To-day.

    The following deaths have occurred in the city during the week:
    Keating, infant of Emma, 2 months, 286 Flora street, Aug. 8; mordsusus.
    Lewis, Robert, colored, 14 years, 273 Austin street, Aug. 8; gunshot wound.
    Harrison, Samuel, 42 years, corner Main and Akard streets, Aug. 8; rheumatism of the heart.
    Perry, Williebell, 17 years, 477 Browder street, Aug. 8, result of a surgical operation.
    Pondram, infant of Mr. and Mrs. J. A., one day, Harwood street, Aug. 9; inanition.
    Pfeiffer, Mrs. Minnie, 34 years, corner Bryan and Germania streets, Aug. 9; death by suffocation.
    Fontaine, H. B., 59 years, 471 Browder street, Aug. 9; certificate not in.
    Baumert, Edward, 61 years, 482 North Masten street, Aug. 9; general debility.
    Doyle, John, 57 years, Aug. 10; debility.
    Riggs, Ruth Warner, 13 months, 12 days, residence on Wood street, Aug. 12; general causes.
    Cornett, Inez, 6 days, Oak Grove street, South Dallas, Aug. 11; inanition.
    Gow Choyi, Chinaman, 43 years, 185 Ross avenue, Aug. 13; chronic nephritis.
    Moss, Mina, 3 years, 2 months, 164 Porter street, Aug. 15; pernicious fever.

- August 15, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
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M. J. McNally, a School Teacher,
Expires in a Barroom.


He Had Just Drunk a Glass of
Water -- Apoplexy Seized
Him in a Chair.

     M. J. McNally expired suddenly in James Kettle's barroom, 634 Elm street, about 10 o'clock Saturday night, supposedly from apoplexy.
     He was a school teacher and a friend of the proprietor.
     He dropped into the saloon early in the evening and asked for a glass of water. After drinking it, he sat down at a table, and a short time afterward, the proprietor was shocked to find him dead in his chair. He did not drink.
     The body was removed to Loudermilk's undertaking rooms, where it was viewed by Justice Skelton.
     The funeral took place at 3 o'clock p. m., and was attended by members of the Irish-American Benevolent Association. The interment was at the Catholic cemetery.
     The deceased was 48 years old and a native Irishman.
     He came here about a week ago from Montana to secure a position as a teacher.
     Through the efforts of Father Brickley, he got the promise of a school near McKinney, and was to have begun teaching as soon as the school opened. He leaves a wife.

- August 17, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 6.
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Balloonist Borson, or Borreson,
Died Suspended in a Tree


His Neck Was Dislocated.

He Had Just Made a Successful
Ascension From Oak
Cliff Park.



Little Known of the Dead Aero-
naut -- Chief Arnold Receives
Wire from the Dead
Man's Brother.

     A balloon ascension resulting in a tragedy occurred yesterday evening, about 6 o'clock, in the pretty suburb of Oak Cliff.
     Guy Borson, professional aeronaut, mid air athlete and parachute jumper, met his death in a manner as strange as it was unexpected.
     A balloon ascension extensively advertised, was to have taken place in Oak Cliff park yesterday at 3:40 p.m.
     Borson was to make the ascent.
     He made it, but met death in mid air.
     A large crowd from both Dallas and the Cliff assembled in the park at the hour advertised for the ascension.
     Borson was on hand promptly.
     He had made many ascents and laughed at the fears expressed by several spectators.
     Owing to delay in inflating the huge canvas the balloon was not cast loose until nearly two hours after the stipulated time.
     Perhaps a thousand persons watched the big aerial vehicle as it shot swiftly and majestically up into the blue sky.
     A light breeze was prevailing and it carried the huge car with its human pendant toward the south and west.
     At a height of perhaps 1500 feet the man cast himself from the car supported by his parachute [and] fell swiftly earthward.
     The trend of the balloon had carried him up over the Oak Cliff College and his descent was made almost within the grounds. As he came down it was seen that he would miss the road, his objective point, by perhaps two feet.
     The wind veered when man and parachute were within 60 feet of the earth and careened the parachute to one side. Borson was seen to release one hand and swing his weight to the other side. Directly beneath him was one of the large cedar poles on which Superintendent Carlton is going to hang electric wires. Into the fork of this crashed man and parachute.
     The man's body came in contact with the stout pole with sickening force, only to rebound as quickly and catch in a small elm close by.
Borson had never lost his hold for a moment, but as he felt the branches brushing his face, he dropped, evidently expecting to catch a limb.
     He was doubtless somewhat dazed by the heavy blow on his back and his nerveless fingers failed to grasp the unfriendly branches. He crashed feet first through the tree and his head became imprisoned in a natural fork of the tree and his fall was arrested with all the fatal celerity of a hangman's rope as the noose tightens in response to the drop.
     He was hanged by nature's own contrivance.
     His neck was dislocated by the shock.
     He breathed feebly, but died under the hands of the doctors that were as quickly summoned. He was removed from the unique death trap to the nearest drug store, where Justice J. H. Whitaker viewed the body as it lay in its gay costume. Undertaker Loudermilk removed the body to his undertaking rooms in Dallas.
     This morning, Chief of Police Arnold received the following telegram, evidently from the man's brother:
     "St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 17. -- Chief of Police, Dallas, Tex.: Ship body of Gustave Borson at once. Has mermaid mark on left arm.
"J. G. B
     The body bears such a mark as described.
     The telegram was turned over to Undertaker Loudermilk, who immediately wired the address as to what disposition to make of the body.
     Up to 3 o'clock, he had received no reply.
     From the telegram, it would seem that the deceased man's name was not Borson, but Borreson.
     Some say his brother is a preacher in St. Louis.
     He was singularly uncommunicative about himself and nothing of his history could be learned at Day's Hotel, his boarding house. He came here from the City of Mexico. He had been in Dallas before, having made an ascent here last year, at which time, singularly enough, his balloon caught in a tree. He was 30 years old.

- August 17, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1-2.
- o o o -


Peculiar Case of the Dead
Aeronaut Gustave


His Brother Heard From

And a Dallas Minister Who
Knows Nothing of the Case
Put in Charge of Remains



The Undertaker Still Has Charge
of the Body -- Rev. Borreson's
Queer Telegrams -- Burial
May Devolve on County.

     It is likely that the real history of Gustave Borson or Borreson, the unfortunate aeronaut who met death in a strange and unexpected manner last Sunday afternoon, will never be revealed. His dead body still lies at the undertaking rooms of G. W. Loudermilk awaiting burial.
     It has been definitely learned that the dead man's brother is Rev. J. G. Borreson of St. Louis, a minister in the Southern Methodist Church at that place. This brother over the wire has sent several messages.
     The first one was received yesterday by Chief of Police Arnold. It merely identified the dead man.
     The next requested that the burial of the deceased take place in Dallas but not in the potter's field.
     Early this morning Capt. Arnold received the following:
St. Louis, Aug. 17, '96.
     Chief of Police, Dallas.
     Rev. R. W. Thompson will take charge of remains.
J. G. B
     Rev. R. W. Thompson is a Methodist minister living at 391 South Ervay street. When seen he was unable to throw any light on the case. He had never known the dead man and never heard of his brother and could not understand why he should be entrusted with the disposal of the remains.
     It is thought that Rev. Borreson obtained the address of Rev. Thompson by chance, preferring to have a minister of his own denomination take charge of his brother's body rather than an utter stranger. This is the only explanation that can be vouchsafed.
     Rev. Thompson is neither willing nor able to pay the expenses of burying an utter stranger and he told Undertaker Loudermilk so.
     After receiving the message, however, he telegraphed his willingness to act for Rev. Borreson if the latter would send him the necessary funds.
     No reply has yet been received.
     In the meantime the body will remain where it is until all prospect of burial by relatives has ceased, when it will be interred at the county's expense.

- August 18, 1896, The Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
- o o o -


Rest the Remains of Aeronaut


Funeral Took Place this Afternoon.
His Brother, Rev. J. G. Borreson,
Arrived Last Night.


     The funeral of Gustave Borreson, the unfortunate balloonist who met death last Sunday at Oak Cliff while making his descent in a parachute, took place at 2 o'clock p.m. from Loudermilk's undertaking rooms, where the body has been since Sunday.
     The interment was in Greenwood.
     Rev. J. G. Borreson, the dead aeronaut's brother, arrived last night from St. Louis to make the necessary arrangements for the funeral.
     He called on the undertaker this morning and received his brother's remains. He showed very little emotion at sight of the body.
     After leaving the necessary instructions with the undertaker he left for Oak Cliff where he called upon Justice Whitaker who inquested the remains of Borreson and obtained the dead man's letters and effects.
     Rev. Borreson could not be seen this morning.
     He is the guest of Rev. R. W. Thompson, to whom it will be remembered was sent the telegram asking that he take charge of the funeral arrangements of Borreson.
     Rev. Borreson very much resembles his brother in appearance.
He appears to be about 25 years of age. He is a local preacher in the Southern Methodist church in St. Louis, but has no regular charge.

- August 20, 1896, The Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
- o o o -


Record of Deaths That Occurred in
the City During the Week
Ending To-day.

    The following deaths occurred in the city during the week:
    McNally, ______, 48 years, 634 Elm street, Aug. 15; apoplexy.
    Powell, Thomas, 40 years, North Dallas, Aug. 15[?], death due to heat and exposure.
    Epps[?], Frank, 74 years, 625 Main street, Aug. 16; consumption.
    McCoy, daughter of Allen McCoy, 14 years, 209 Porter street, East Dallas, Aug. 17; fever.
    Elam, son of Mrs. Andy Elam, 4 years, East Main street, Aug. 17; debility.
    Thermeaux[?], day-old infant of Frank and Mary, 174 Porter street, Aug. 18; heart trouble.
    Shepheard, Ellis, colored, 30 years, Central avenue, Aug. 18; consumption.
    Jennings, Sidney, colored, 34 years, 111[?] Watkins street, Aug. 19; consumption.
    Calhoun, Mrs. S. J., 72 years, 166 Swiss avenue, Aug. 20; chlorosis of the liver.
    Seaforth, Mrs. John, 28 years, 119 Cora street, Aug. 20; pernicious fever.
    Overbeck, Carl, 42 years, Parkland hospital, Aug. 20; heat and prostration.
Oak Cliff.
    Sorreson, Gustave, 25 years, Park station, Oak Cliff, Aug. 16; death as the result of a fall from a balloon.

- August 22, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
- o o o -

Memorial Service
At the Tabernacle Methodist Episcopal
Church Tomorrow.

     Mr. J. W. Shuck, died in the mission fields of Africa.

- August 29, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 12, col. 3.
- o o o -


Special Services will be Held Sunday
at the Tabernacle M. E. Church.

    Dr. A. P. Morrison, pastor of the Tabernacle M. E. church, will hold a memorial service to-morrow morning at the church for Mr. J. W. Shuck, who died while engaged in missionary work in darkest Africa.
    Interesting letters will be read from former pastors of the church and a number of speakers will make appropriate talks.
    On account of the memorial services, there will be no morning services held at either the Corinth or Hope Methodist Episcopal churches. At [___?] p. m., however, Rev. George W. Lee will preach at Corinth church and Rev. W. Hunt at Hope church.

- August 29, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
- o o o -

Local Notes.

     Mrs. G. K. Chapman died at 193 Leonard street Wednesday.  Remains were shipped to Russellville, Ky., for interment.
     Leo Bogen died at Bryan & Texas streets Wednesday....buried in Oakland cemetery by the Sons of Hermann.
     Mrs. Jennie C. Prevaux died at Parkland hospital Thursday morning while awaiting an operation. Remains were shipped to Cisco for interment.
     City chemist, L. Myers Connor, yesterday, concluded his examination of the stomach of the late Christian Luck. He found no trace of poison..."death resulted from natural causes." Christian Luck died suddenly at his home near Dallas about ten days ago...were rumors in circulation that he had been poisoned...

- August 29, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 12, col. 3.
- o o o -

Local Notes.

     Mr. B. T. Humphreys died at 11:30 last night at his home in this city, corner of Florence and Good streets. Deceased was 59 years old and had been a citizen of Dallas for the last 20 years.   A widow, five sons and two daughters survive him.
     William Selby, working in the M. K. & T. Texas sand pit five miles south of the city, was buried in the pit...yesterday afternoon and instantly killed...body was brought to the city...Ed C. Smith, undertakers...was 24 years old and unmarried. His father lives near Longview and a brother is a resident of Fort Worth.

- August 30, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 20, col. 2.
- o o o -


The Official Death List for the Past Week.

    Dr. V. P. Armstrong, city health officer, reports the following deaths for the week ending Aug. 29:
    Osborn, Mrs. Henry, colored, 40 years, corner Hall and Fuqua streets, Aug. 22; female complaint.
    Orr, week-old infant of Charles, colored, East Dallas, Aug. 22; stomach trouble.
    Meagher, Matt, 24 years, Pacific avenue, Aug. 23, overdose of morphine.
    Johnson, Mary, colored, 63 years, corner Central avenue and Bowles street, Aug. 23; heart trouble. [see Mary Johnson below]
    Marder, Mrs. Leo, 62 years, corner Grand and Central avenues, Aug. 23; general debility.
    Brown, J. O., 55 years, Payne street, between North Harwood and McKinney streets, Aug. 24; debility.
    Cully, Joe, 16 months, 212 Cockrell avenue, Aug. 24; inanition.
    Slough, Gertrude, infant, 482 South Browder street, Aug. 25; inanition.
    McDougall, J. B., 37 years, 193 San Jacinto street, Aug. 23; hemorrhage of lungs.
    Bogen, Leo, 43 years, corner Bryan and Texas streets, Aug. 26; fever.
    Scott, two days, infant of J. G. Scott, 197 Pocahontas street, Aug. 26; inanition.
    Chapman, Mrs. G. K., 36 years, 193 Leonard street, Aug. 26, congestion of the bowels.
    Prevaux, Mrs. Jennie C., 45 years, Parkland hospital, Aug. 27, hyperaemia of the brain.
    Harris, _______, 55 years, Parkland hospital, Aug. 27; general debility.
    Brickner, infant of Mary, [last name not given], 1 day, 277 Ross avenue, Aug. 22, premature birth.
    Johnson, Mary, colored, 63 years, 319 Central avenue, Aug. 23; hemorrhage. [see Mary Johnson above]
    Armstrong, Mrs. Celia, 27 years, Pacific avenue, Aug. 25; consumption.
    Shelby, William, 24 years, south of town, Aug. 29; broken neck.
    Humphries, B. T., age 59, Florence and Good streets; Aug. 29.
    Grant, Roscoe, 53 years, Oak Cliff, Aug. 23; typhoid fever.
    Dempsey, Margaret, 56 years, St. Joseph's Orphanage, Oak Cliff, Aug. 23; fever.

- August 30, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 4, col. 2.
- o o o -

A Tribute of Love
Services at the Tabernacle M. E. Church
in memory of John W. Shuett.

- August 31, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 8, col. 3-5.
- o o o -


Deaths That Occurred During the
Week Aug. 29--Sept. 5.

    The following deaths occurred in the city during the past week:
    Humphreys, B. T., 59 years, corner Florence and Good streets, Aug. 29; general debility.
    Bush, Mattie, 4 months, 109 Caruth street, Aug. 30; teething.
    Conerty, Barney, 37 years, 905 Main street, Aug. 31; abscess of liver.
    Jackson, Cecil, 5 months, 369 Pacific avenue, Aug. 31; inanition.
    Wilder, child of Edward Wilder, 4 months, corner Commerce and Dove streets, Aug. 31, cholera infantum.
    Bennett, Pauline, 9 months, infant of P. E., corner South Harwood and Santa Fe Railroad, Sept. 2; typhoid fever.
    Humphrey, Mrs. Mary, 89 years, Sept. 4, corner Alexander and Cockrell avenues; old age.

- September 5, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 7, col. 2.
- o o o -


Death List for Dallas for the Week
Ending September 5-12.

    The following deaths occurred in the city the past week:
    Kircher, Henry, 71 years, corner Jefferson and Young streets, Sept. 5; heart trouble.
    Fendrich, Odelia, 5 months, corner Hawkins and Montezuma streets, Sept. 5; congestion of the brain.
    Hummel, 2 days old infant of Mr. Thomas Hummel and wife, 218 Swiss avenue, Sept. 6; inanition.
    McDermott, Thomas, 35 years, corner Bryan and Ervay streets, Sept. 6; peritonitis.
    Kendall, Mrs. Julia A., 76 years, 280 Commerce street, Sept. 7; general debility.
    Wall, Gertrude, 9 months, 383 Corinth street, Sept. 7; broncho pneumonia.
    Keiper, D. B., 59 years, 363 North Pearl street, Sept. 8; senile debility.
    Laffton, Alberta, colored, 1 year, 391 Cottage Lane, Sept. 10; marasmus.
    Howard, Early, colored, 10 months, 124 Williams street, Sept. 10; cholera infantum.
    Byland, Maude, 15 years, 190 Flora street, Sept. 11, slow fever.
    Dato, Mrs. Paul, 26 years, 130 Crowdus street, Sept. 11; phthisis.
    Miller, John, 16 years, 609 San Jacinto street, Sept. 11; consumption.

- September 12, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 1.
- o o o -


     Burney Moore (formerly with Henry Hamilton), at San Marcos, Tex., Sept. 17. Funeral will take place from the Union Depot to-day at 6 p. m.

- September 18, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 4.
- o o o -


For the Week From Sept. 12-
Sept. 19.

    The mortality in the city during the week just ended was very light. The following deaths were reported by the local undertakers:
    Deering, Mrs. L. J., 62 years, 554 Swiss avenue, Sept. 13; gastro-intestinal catarrh.
    Scheffler, Clarence, 4 months, 1135 Commerce street, Sept. 1__; entinities.
    Harris, J. L., 76 years, 423 South Harwood street, Sept. 14; old age.
    Hatton, day-old infant of Leslie Hatton, 391 Cottage Lane, Sept. 14; stillborn.

- September 19, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
- o o o -


Deaths That Occurred in the City
the Past Week.

    The following deaths occurred in the city during the past week:
    Brown, Jennie, colored, 17 years, 274 Paris street, Sept. 19; consumption.
    Miller, J., colored, 17 years, East Dallas, Sept. 19; consumption.
    Walters, day-old infant of Minnie, 202 Austin street, Sept. 20; premature birth.
    Worthington, Carrie, colored, 21 years, Fuqua street, Sept. 21; puerperal eclampsia.
    Shropshire, Charley T., colored, 30 years, Patterson avenue, Sept. 22; knife and gunshot wounds.
    Clemmons, Lucy, colored, 57 years, 106 Gibson street, Sept. 22; female trouble.
    Slaughter, Donie, 23 years, 531 Elm street, Sept. 23; fever and complications.
    Davidson, Samuel, 83 years, 101 Ferris street, Sept. 23; general debility.
    Alvey, Daniel, 64 years, 1180 Pacific avenue, Sept. 23; concussion of the brain.
    Alcorn, W. C., 68 years, corner Elm and Jefferson streets, Sept. 24; death as the result of a fall.
    Peoples, three-days-old infant of Charles Peoples, 127 Marilla street, Sept. 24; inanition.
    Church, infant of Judge, colored, 3 days, corner Boll and Peak streets, Sept. 24; croup.

- September 26, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 4.
- o o o -


Mrs. Nancy C. Alcorn Sues
a Local firm.


An Elevator Accident Resulting
in Her Husband's Death
the Cause.

     Mr. Nancy C. Alcorn Saturday filed suit in the district court against the Parlin & Orendorff Company in behalf of herself and daughter for $15,000.
     The plaintiffs are the wife and daughter of Wm. C. Alcorn, who received injuries resulting in his death while riding in the defendant company's elevator in September of last year.
     The plaintiffs allege negligence on the part of the company in the operation and use of the elevator without railings or safety guards for the protection of passengers using the same. The firm's agent in this city is William M. Robinson.

- February 7, 1897, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 12, col. 2.
- o o o -


For the Week Ending Octo-
ber 3.

    The following deaths were reported as occurring in the city during the week just ended:
    Conkling, Annie, 15 months, 297 Flora street, Sept. 26; convulsions.
    Waggoner, child of James, 6 months, corner Sanger and Parnell streets, Sept. 26; inanition.
    Tankey, infant of H. A., 6 weeks, Kentucky street, Sept. 26; inanition.
    Kelty, Mary Ethel, 17 years, Young and Lacy streets, Sept. 29; general debility.
    Barker, Mrs. Nancy, 52 years, North Dallas, Sept. 30; general debility.
    Baird, W. T., 79 years, Bryan street and Haskell avenue, Oct. 2; general debility incidental to old age.
    Pulaski, B., 60 years, 305 Young street, Oct. 2; apoplexy.
    Roach, Maggie, colored, 41 years, 293 South Lamar street, Oct. 3; heart disease.

- October 3, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 2.
- o o o -


A Colored Woman Passes Away Un-
attended--Heart Disease Likely.

    Maggie Roach, a colored woman aged 41 years, died suddenly this morning at her home, 293 South Lamar St.
    She died unattended and her death is believed to be due to heart disease, attacks of which she had experienced several times before.
    She was up and around and appeared perfectly well yesterday attending to her household duties as usual.
    Justice Skelton viewed the remains this afternoon and then turned the body over to Undertaker Loudermilk for burial.

- October 3, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
- o o o -

Apoplexy Causes Death.

     B. Pulaski, an old citizen, died yesterday at his home, 305 Young street. He was 60 years old and the direct cause of his death was apoplexy.
The deceased was stricken Thursday evening on the street and was at once removed to his home. His end was hastened by the breaking of a blood vessel and the consequent rush of blood to the brain.
The funeral will take place to-morrow.

- October 3, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
- o o o -


For the Week Ending To-day,
Oct 3 to 10 Inclusive.

    The mortality in the city for the week ending to-day, as reported by the local undertakers, is as follows:
    Dr. W. B. Brooks, 60 years, Ervay street, near Corinth, Oct. 4; congestion of the lungs.
    Nellie Greeley, 33 years, colored, 117 Floyd street, Oct. 5; consumption.
    Lee Williams, 54 years, Cochran street, near Washington avenue, Oct. 6; debility.
    Lillian Coby, 15 months, 103 Young street, Oct. 9; teething.
    Worthington, infant of Peter, 3 weeks old, 127 Fuqua street, Oct. 9; inanition.
    R. H. Ware, 37 years, 157 North Broadway, Oct. 9; morphine poisoning.

- October 10, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
- o o o -

Deaths for the Week.

   The following deaths have occurred in the city this week:
    Banon, Irene, 26 years, 133 Young street, Oct. 11; chronic liver complaint.
    Gott, James, 4 months infant, 154 Cochran street, Oct. 11; inanition.
    Larkin, J. N., 40 years, 120 State street, Oct. 12; pneumonia.
    Galbraith, Helen H., 11 months, corner Cole avenue and Payne, Oct. 13; teething.
    Selby, Mrs. Barbara, 88 years, North Dallas, Oct. 13; old age and general debility.
    Soles, Willie V., 13 years, 154 Cabell street, Oct. 14th; cerebrites.
    Wilson, Margaret, colored, infant, 118 Cora street, Oct. 15th; cholera infantum.
    Gatliker, infant of Casper, 177 Texas street, Oct. 16th; spasms.

- October 17, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
- o o o -


Deaths Occurring in the City the
Past Week.

    The following deaths occurred in the city this week:

    Rimes, Thomas W., 55 years, 215 College avenue, Oct. 18th; liver trouble.
    Holden, J. C., 35 years, North Dallas, Oct 18th; heart disease.
    Reed, Sallie, colored, 28 years, 293 S. Lamar street, Oct 18th; exhaustion from tedious labor.
    Meigher, Mrs. Jas., 38 years, 656 Main street, Oct. 19th; apoplexy.
    Jackson, Earl, 14 months, 193 Central avenue, Oct. 20th; congestive chill.
    Smalley, William, 32 years, Main street, Oct. 20th; physical failure.
    Humphrey, David, colored, 2 weeks, 191 Juliette street, Oct. 20th; lock jaw.
    Brooks, Mrs. M., 66 years, Oak Lawn, Oct. 20th; consumption.
    Fisher, S. F., 78 years, North Masten street, Oct. 21st; old age.
    Ardinger, Horace W., Jr., 18 years, 415 North Harwood street, Oct. 21; typhoid fever.
    Wilson, H. S., 52 years, North Dallas, Oct. 21st; general debility.
    Carans, Thomas, 65 years, Parkland Hospital, Oct. 21st; dysentery.
    Cook, Mrs. Alta Jane, 53 years; 319 Williams street, Oct. 21st; chronic inflammation of the liver and bowels.

- October 24, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
- o o o -


Mortality During the Week Oct.
27 - Oct. 31

The following deaths occurred this week:

    Jones, Rev. Allen H., 44 years, Crockett street, Oct. 24; fracture.
    Sherman, J. C., 16 days, 262 Lover's Lane, Oct. 25; inanition.
    Howard, Josephus, colored, 363 Colby street, Oct. 25; consumption.
    Brazzel, infant of L. W., 1 years, 318 Fisher Lane, Oct. 25; inanition.
    Cecil, Mary, colored, 23 years, 508 Central avenue, near State street, Oct. 25; cardiac dilation.
    Wolfarth, Arthur, 3 months, infant, Windsor hotel, Oct. 26; croup.
    Black, son of A. P., 8 years, 583 South Akard street, Oct. 26; internal hemorrhage.
    Jennings, Henry, 6 years, 9 months, 111 Watkins avenue, Oct. 26, pneumonia.
    Bennett, infant of George, colored, 3 months, 270 Good street, Oct. 27; inanition.
    Trimble, Mrs. Leicester E., 57 years, 259 Junius street, Oct. 29; paralysis.
    Rains, Elihu, colored, 1 year, 7 months, 108 Miranda street, Oct. 30; spasms.
    Moore, Ed., colored, 32 years, Oak Cliff, Oct. 30; fever.
   Johnson, Mrs., colored, 59 years, Oak Cliff, Oct. 27; general debility.

- October 31, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
- o o o -


For the First Seven Days of November.

    The following deaths occurred in the city during the week:
    Cecil, Murray, colored; 4 months; 131 Watkins avenue; Oct. 31; inanition.
    Rice, Montie M., 14 months; 471 Live Oak street; Nov. 1; blood poisoning.
    Levy, H., 57 years; Akard street; Nov. 1; heart trouble.
    Webster, Dora, colored; 17 years; Cochran street; Nov. 2; general debility.
    Thomas, Mattie; 750 Elm street; Nov. 2; premature birth.
    Barber, A., 4 days; South Market street; Nov. 3; inanition.
    Lester, Charles; 16 years; 460 Ross avenue; Nov. 4; lockjaw.
    Haynes, G. L.; 27 years; near Houston and Wood streets; Nov. 5; continuous fever.
    Owens, Mary, colored; 7 days; 294 Bryan street; Nov. 5; cerebro-spinal disease.
    McKnight, Carolina P.; 64 years; 307 Pacific avenue; Nov. 6; general debility.


    Edwards, Bessie; 13 years; Highland street, near Jackson; Nov. 2; burns.
    Farley, Mrs. S. T. , 53 years; Seventh and Greenwood streets; Nov. 3; blood poison.
    Quinn, Patrick; 84 years; Nov. 5; general debility.


    Geisert, Rudolph; 20 years; 115 Wellborn street; Nov. 4; gunshot wound.


    Lynch, John; 10 years; Nov. 2; pneumonia.

- November 7, 1896, Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 5.
- o o o -


Awarded by Agreement to a Widow

Who Brought Suit Against the T. P.
for the Loss of Her Husband.

     Elizabeth Nolan, in behalf of herself and children, filed suit in the forty-fourth district court this morning against the Texas and Pacifc Railway Company for damages for the death of her husband, who was klled in a railroad accident some time ago.
     Ten minutes after the suit was entered on the file book, Judge Gray awarded the plaintiff $3000 for herself and $500 for each of the children.
     The judgement was the result of a previous agreement between the parties to the action, and no arguments were submitted to the court.

- November 9, 1896, Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
- o o o -


     The 8-months-old infant of Leigh Moore died Sunday at the home of Mr. Moore's father-in-law, F. M. Tackitt, on Bookhoust street.
     The funeral of T. M. Becker of Commerce street, who died last week of peritonitis, took place Saturday afternoon, the interment being at Oakland.
     Mrs. Carrie Mackin died yesterday morning at her home, 317 Elm street. The funeral will take place at 3:30 p.m. to-day from the late residence.
     The funeral of Mrs. Sarah A. Dixon, of East Dallas, who died Satruday evening, took place yesterday afternoon. Deceased was 70 years old, and the wife of Rev. Thomas F. Dixon.
     Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett, the mother-in-law of Geo. W. Donaldson, died this morning at the Caruth farm, just north of the city.  The old lady had been in feeble health for some time. She was 71 years old. The funeral took place this afternoon.
     The father of Mrs. J. S. Groce of this city, died yesterday at Terrell.  The remains will arrive here this evening and be shipped to-night to Waco for interment.
     Mr. Sig Wulff died Saturday night at 166 Snodgrass street.

- November 9, 1896, Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3-4
- o o o -


For the Week November 7 to No-
vember 14.

The following were the deaths in the city during the week:
(Compiled by local undertakers.)

    Wulff, Sigmund, 28 years, 166 Snodgrass street, Nov. 7; morphine poisoning.
    Bickham, T. M., 26 years, 518 Commerce, Nov. 7; peritonitis.
    Dixon, Sarah A., 70 years, 105 New street, East Dallas, Nov. 7; old age.
    Mackin, Mrs. Carrie, 25 years, 317 Elm street, Nov. 8; typhoid fever.
    Moore, Ethel D., child of Ligh, 8 months, Bookhout street, Nov. 8; summer complaint.
    Penering, infant of Ella, 246 Columbia street, Nov. 8; premature birth.
    Davis, James, colored, 41 years, 111 Flora street, Nov. 9; cancer of the bowels.
    Bennett, Mrs. Elizabeth, 71 years, Caruth farm, Nov. 9; general debility.
    Williams, Kate, 30 years, corner Hawkins and Cottage Lane, Nov. 11; decline.
    Ralston, James, 41 years, 111 Corsicana street, Nov. 11; heart trouble.
    Burns, J. G., 54 years, corner Williams and Crowdus streets, Nov. 12; consumption.
    Infant child of Ella Whitney, 2 weeks, 300 Peabody avenue, Nov. 12; inanition.
    Potter, Miss Myra, 47 years, 300 San Jacinto street, Nov. 14; cancer.
    Hall, infant of C. W., 7 days, 110 Motley street, Nov. 14; inanition.


    Muckleroy, Mary, 26 years, corner First street and Rapid transit railroad, Nov. 10; consumption.

- November 14, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 1-2.
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For the Week from November 14 to
November 21.

    The following deaths occurred during the week, as compiled from the records of the local undertakers:
    Duncan, Simon Edward, 4 months; 498 Jackson street, Nov. 14; inanition.
    Edwards, infant of Minnie, 431 Commerce street, Nov. 14; premature birth.
    Hall, infant child of C. W., 8 days, 110 Motley avenue, Nov. 15; inanition.
    Scheibler, infant of Arnold, corner Crutchfield and White streets, Nov. 16; premature birth.
    Johnson, Louise Oline, 2 1/2 months, 130 Race street, Nov. 18; spinal deformity and spasms.
    Watts, Nelly, 19 years, North Dallas, Nov. 18; typhoid fever.
    Mittenthal, H. S., 31 years, 336 Masten street, Nov. 18; consumption.
    Stokes, child of J. C., 2 1/2 years, 325 Juliette street, Nov. 20; dropsy.


    Meyers, Charles, 17 years, Nov. 15; gunshot wound.

- November 21, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
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Record of Mortality Within the
City This Week.


    The following deaths were reported to the local undertakers during the week:
    Jamerson, infant of J. C. ---------, 2 1/2 months, Caruth street and Santa Fe Railway, Nov. 22; inanition.
    Jackson, Delia, colored, 40 years, 347 Central avenue, Nov. 22; consumption.
    Bostwick, Mrs. R. R., 37 years, Peabody avenue, Nov. 22; inflammation of liver and stomach.
    Cox, infant of S. P., San Jacinto street, Nov. 22; inanition.
    La Baume, M. A., 27 years, 211 Porter street, Nov. 23; typhoid fever.
    Clark, Trilby, 1 year, 323 Wall street, Nov. 23; inanition.
    Hirschhorn, Bessie May, 6 months, Young street, Nov. 23; teething.
    Connor, child of Tim, 2 days, 164 Cabell street, Nov. 23, premature birth.
    Owen, infant of Dock, 6 months, corner Hays street and Washington avenue, Nov. 24; meningitis.
    Cole, Mrs. Harry, 22 years, 554 Elm street, Nov. 27; pneumonia.

- November 28, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
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    The following deaths took place in the city the past week as reported to the local undertakers:
    Mueller[?], 28 years, Parkland hospital, Nov. 28[?]; debility.
    ___ Seals[?], 17 years old, colored, 648 Main street, Nov. 29; consumption.
    Child of J. Bowman, 4 months, South Ervay street, Nov. 29; inanition.
    Dr. J. S. Letcher, 46 years, Live Oak street, Nov. 29; appendicitis.
    Caroline Culberson, colored, 16 years, corner Commerce and Dora streets, Nov. 20; consumption.
    Henry D. Warnack, 28 years, 135 Crockett street, Nov. 30; congestive chill.
    George Boykin, colored, 4 months, Fairland; Nov. 30; hives.
    Melvina Hines, 62 years, 967 Elm street, Dec. 1; heart failure.
    James Johnson, colored, 75 years, 129 Elm street, Dec. 1; spinal injury.
    George Deans, 82 years, Alexander avenue, Dec. 1; death by hanging.
    J. C. Frazier, 67 years,161 McKinnon street, Dec. 2; congestion of the brain.
    Ethel Reese, 23 years, corner of Live Oak and Central avenue, Dec. 3; pulmonary tuberculosis.

- December 6, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 15, col. 4-5.
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Deaths that Occurred Between De-
cember 5 and December 12.

    Below is given the list of deaths reported by the local undertakers as occurring in the city the past week. The list shows a decrease in numbers as compared with other weeks, the mortality being confined mostly to infants. The list is as follows:
    Josh Connard, colored, 40 years, 876 Commerce street, December 5; tuberculosis.
    Ida Duncan, 26 years, Harwood street, December 6; tuberculosis.
    Mrs. W. H. Jenkins, 40 years, Maple avenue, December 6, tumor.
    Samuel French, 13 months, 197 Cedar Springs road, December 7; congestion of the lungs.
    Infant of T. W. and Katie Hendra, one week, 740 McKinney avenue,, December 7; inanition.
    Mrs. F. M. Biggs, 7 years, 165 South Akard street, December 9; septicemia and other troubles.
    Infant of J. O'Neill, 4 days, South Akard street, December 9; unknown causes.
    Infant of J. H. Fortine, 3 days, 102 Smith street, December 11; inanition.

- December 13, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 13, col. 2.
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     The friends and acquaintances of Mrs. Agnes G. Welch are respectfully invited to attend her funeral to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon at 4 o'clock, from the Church of the Incarnation.

- December 18, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3.
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Mrs. Turner is Dead.
Former Dallas Lady Expires in Kansas City
From Effects of Poison.

    Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 19.- Mrs. Lillian Calhoun Turner, daughter of a former Dallas (Tex.) divine, died at thie city hospital this morning from the effects of poison.

- December 20, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 4, col. 4.
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Death List for the Week Ending
December 19.


    Golay, infant of V. H., Holmes street, South Dallas, Dec. 14; still born.
    Dixon, Henry, 30 years, 253 Harwood street, Dec. 15; consumption.
    Steirer, Mrs. W. Y., 24 years, 165 Beaumont street, Dec. 16; consumption.
    Goodwin, infant of T. M., 4 months, West Dallas, Dec. 16; inanition.
    Ferguson, Myrtle, 15 months, 165 Alexander avenue, Dec. 18; infantile trouble.
    Welch, Mrs. Darius, 40 years, Germania street, Dec. 18; paralysis.
    Tobin, John, 42 years, Maple avenue, Dec. 18; general debility.

- December 20, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 12, col. 4.
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A Former Dallasite Dies in Bloom-
ington, Ill.

     Word was received in this city late yesterday afternoon of the sudden death at Bloomington, Ill., of Frank Adams. Mr. Adams was, for a long time, in the employ of Geo. Robinson, city bill poster, leaving this city some three years ago. He had numerous friends and acquaintances in this city and was universally liked by everybody.

- December 20, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 16, col. 3.
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The Death List of the City for the
Week Just Closed.

     The following is the mortuary report for the city of Dallas for the week ending Saturday, Dec. 19:
     Dec. 12, Mary E. Williams, colored, 162 Marilla street, 16 years old; ceptercuenun and intersusceptum.
     Dec. 15, Henry D. Dixon, 253 North Harwood, 38 years old, tuberculosis.
     Dec. 16, Mrs. W. G. Steirer, 165 Beaumont, 24 years old, consumption.
     Dec. 18, J. Tobin, Maple avenue, 42 years old, cause of death not stated.
     Dec. 18, Mrs. Darius Welch, Germania street, 40 years old, general debility.
     Dec. 18, daughter of D. B. Ferguson, 165 Alexander avenue, 15 months old, cause of death not stated.

- December 20, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 28, col. 2.
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The Slaughter of Wm. McDuff by
Homer Stone.

     The officers are still looking out for Homer Stone, charged with killing William McDuff, both colored, Friday night. They also have a warrant for James Barclay, Stone's half brother, who was along with him at the time of the homicide, and who held his gun on the crowd that assembled until Homer could get out of the neighborhood.
     All of the prominent colored citizens speak in the highest terms of McDuff. Homer Stone is a son of Alf Stone, who has lived her for years, and who stand well with both black and white. The colored people, therefore, sympathize with both families.

- December 27, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
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For Dallas and Oak Cliff From Dec.
19 to Dec. 26.

    The following comprise the list of deaths occurring within the city last week, as compiled by the undertakers:

     Marshall, Frank, Dec. 21, 20 years old, Maple avenue; cause of death not stated.
     Price, Mrs. Mollie, 23 years, 318 Williams street, Dec. 21; consumption.
    Clark, Patsy, 6 years, 168 Sumpter street, Dec. 22; typhoid fever.
    Doss/Daws, John J., 50 years, 143 South Ervay street and Sanger avenue, Dec. 22; heart trouble/failure.
    Laular, Chanie, colored, 85 years, 535 Elm street, Dec. 25; old age.
    Boatwright, Nancy E., 50 years, 312 Cottage Lane, Dec. 25; la grippe.
    Bennet/Barnett, W. B., 49 years, North Dallas, Dec. 25; morphine poisoning.
    McDuff, William, 50 years, corner Juliett and Boll, Dec. 25; gun shot wound.


    York, J. S./J. P., 68 years, Lancaster avenue, Dec. 20; paralysis.
    Carlton, David, 9 years, 183 Ninth street, Dec. 21; pneumonia.
    Whittaker, Mrs. Eli H., Oak Cliff, 57 years, Dec. 26; heart trouble.

- December 27, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 13, col. 6, & December 27, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 18, col. 2.
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    The remains of W. W. Williams, a prominent business man of San Antonio, who died in that city on the 21st inst., arrived here Friday morning and were taken in charge by Undertaker Loudermilk, who transferred them to the Houston & Texas Central train for McKinney, where the interment will take place in accordance with the wishes of two brothers of the two deceased who live in that city.

- December 27, 1896, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 13, col. 6.
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Tradition Has It That She Was One
Hundred Years Old.

    Chamie Laulor, an old colored "aunty," died in this city yesterday afternoon. The death certificate places her age at 85 years, but it is stated on good authority that she was considerably more than 100 years old. She came here from Hudson county, Tennessee, ten years ago. "Aunt Chamie," as she was familiarly called, was well and familiarly known by a great number in this city.

- December 27, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. 18, col. 2.
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Local Notes.

    Mrs. E. H. Whitaker died at her home in Oak Cliff yesterday. She was an old resident of Dallas county and it is said she was between 55 and 60 years of age.
     Mrs. Nancy E. Boatwright died at her home, 312 Cottage Lane, yesterday. She was 50 years old, a widow, and leaves 4 children. Death was the result of an attack of the la grippe.

- December 27?, 1896, Dallas Morning News, p. ?, col. ?
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Record of Mortality in Dallas and
Oak Cliff from Dec. 26
to Jan. 2.

   Below is given the week's mortuary statistics of Dallas for the week Dec. 26 to Jan. 2, as compiled by the local undertakers:
    The majority of the deaths noted are either from pulmonary disease, or had their origin in the variable weather conditions lately prevailing, which have been active agents in the spread of la grippe and pneumonia.
    The list follows:
    Tatum, Mary, colored, 75 years, 114 Williams street, Dec. 28; la grippe and pneumonia.
    McFadden, W. H., 33 years, 131 Cedar street, Dec. 29; la grippe.
    Duty, Eddie, 1 year, 235 Caroline street, Dec. 29; congestion of the brain.
    Miller, Alfred, 6 days, corner Masonic and Horton streets, Dec. 29; lockjaw.
    Lucky, Mrs. Winnie, colored, 29 years, 150 Runnels street, Dec. 30; pulmonary congestion.
    Bennett, Sarah, colored, 37 years, Good street, Dec. 27; tuberculosis.
    Register, H. O., 38 years, Maple avenue, Dec. 30; tuberculosis.
    Thompson, Mrs. Anna, 60 years, 721 Live Oak street, Dec. 30; pneumonia.
    Davis, Mrs. _______, colored, [age, place or date of death, or cause of death, not given]


    Atwood, Maria, 42 years, between Grand and Forest avenues, Dec. 29; pneumonia.

- January 3, 1897, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4-6
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