Pleasant Mound, Dallas County, Texas

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                                                  Orphans Home, September 29, 1897.

To the Dallas Times Herald:
     The farmers meeting announced to take place at Pleasant Mound Wednesday night, materialized to a most gratifying extent. About two hundred of them from this end of the county were present. The meeting was promptly convened by Chairman Jones. After disposing of the routine business necessary, reports were asked from the committee appointed to attend the meeting of the Commercial club on Tuesday evening. The committee reported that arrangements had been made by the club and business men of Dallas by which the farmer would be enabled to store cotton if desired until February 1, 1898, free of cost of storage, insurance and weighing, and that it would be unloaded on a vacant lot adjoining the G. H. Schoelkopff building. That a warehouse certificate would be issued to the owners of cotton so stored upon which the banks will advance a loan to within $5 per bale of the value of said cotton on day loan was asked. they further agree to place upon the streets, a buyer in addition to Mr. Williams, who is, at present, buying, and a man of known integrity, who shall see that the farmers shall be properly posted as to the markets whenever he may desire.
     Lengthy discussion of the plan followed, after which, the following resolutions were unanimously and enthusiastically adopted:
     "We, the citizens of Pleasant Mound, in mass meeting assembled, desire to thank the merchants and business men of Dallas for their prompt action for the relief of the cotton growers of the county, by providing for them a more satisfactory arrangement for the marketing of their cotton upon the streets of Dallas.
     That the arrangements as made by the Commercial Club as set forth in the reports of our committee satisfactory so long as they are faithfully carried out, and that the following representative farmers of the community are appointed as a committee of ways and means to act in concert with a like committee of citizens club of Dallas, to confer together as to the best means of continuing such satisfactory arrangements as shall be to the best interests of the farmers and the city of Dallas as a cotton market: A. S. Holifield, J. M. Hughes, J. D. Bruton, F. R. Jones, Neely Markham, H. P. Poynter, G. C. Petty, J. C. Fisher and J. R. Murphress.
     "We further ask that the Commercial club committee furnish the Dallas Daily Times Herald with a list of the merchants and business men who materially assisted in perfecting the plan for remedying the defects in the Dallas cotton market complained of, with our request that it be published at as early a date as possible. We desire to thank the Times Herald for accurate reports of our actions and its advocacy of our cause.
     "We reiterate our antipathy to the buyers who infested the so-called cotton market of Dallas in the past, by deciding to decline to allow them to handle our cotton in future."
     The best of feeling prevailed throughout the meeting, an organization was perfected with an extensive roll of membership to perpetuate, if possible, an association of the cotton growers of the county. The meeting was adjourned upon motion to be reconvened upon the call of the chair.
EO. F. DASCH, Secretary.

- October 3, 1897, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2-3.
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     The annual "old folk' day" will be held at the Pleasant Mound Methodist church Sunday, June 10. G. Raymond Jones will be master of ceremonies for the services before the noon hour. The Rev. T. M. Kirk of Dallas will deliver the address of the morning. According to custom, dinner will be served on the grounds. After dinner, a program of varied features will be given.
     The Pleasant Mound church is located at the intersection of Buckner boulevard and Scyene road. Its history dates back more than half a century, even to the early beginnings of the Pleasant Mound community. The history of the church and the community are linked together in an inseparable manner There are many people now living in various parts of the state who formerly lived in the community and worshipped in the church. The committee in charge is very anxious that all who formerly lived in the community, and those who belonged to the church, return this year, so that this homecoming may be the best that was ever held.

- June 3, 1934, Dallas Daily Times Herald, Sec. I, p. 7, col. 4.
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