1st Radio Squadron, Mobile, USAFSS

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1ST Radio Squadron, Mobile, USAFSS
Genesis of the 15th RSM

    The 1st Radio Squadron, Mobile, USAFSS, located at Johnson Air Base in Japan, had its Detachment 3, at the Ewha University in Seoul, Korea, from shortly after the invasion by North Korea.
    However, USAFSS Headquarters in San Antonio assigned 1st RSM a new set of missions. Accordingly, USAFSS organized the 15th RSM by Letter Order No. 10, dated 6 June 1951. Detachment 3, all its operation personal and location were transferred intact from the 1st RSM to the new 15th RSM. An operation location at Radar Hill, not far from Seoul, was a part of this transfer.
    The new 15th RSM located its Headquarters in a "tent city" at the end of the USAF air base runway in Ashiya, Japan. Its primary mission, and that of its detachments in Korea was to support combat air operations in Korea by providing air combat control (tactical intelligence) data to the Air Combat Operations Center, located on near by Radar Hill. Detachment 3, 15th RSM was later moved to Osan, Korea, and located in the Chosin girls college there.
