15th Radio Squadron, Mobile Detachments/Detachment 2

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15th Radio Squadron, Mobile Detachments
Detachment 2

    Detachment 2, was on the island of Cho-do located in the Yellow Sea and about 40 miles north of the 38th parallel.

    Tactical communications developments in September 1952 forced the addition of a fleet of specially- equipped C-47 aircraft, renamed RC-47, to further augment the Radar Hill/Ewha University operations. Technical considerations made it necessary for the aircraft to operate along the battle line and up the west coast of Korea, which mission route in turn made it necessary to establish another ground-based operating location. The location selected was the island of Cho-do, an island off the west coast of Korea, and above the DMZ. Its primary mission was to support the special RC-47 aircraft missions, and ex-pedite delivery to the detachment at Ewha University and on to Radar Hill.

    After the cease fire the Cho-do operations were moved south below the DMZ to the island of Paengnyong-do.

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