Brian's Family Photo Album

Brian's Family Photo Album

Each main family name will have its own page of photos. A description of each photo will be listed on the individual pages
and on this page below next to the family name. The pages will be slow to load, so be prepared.
If anyone is mislabeled or a date is listed wrong,
let me know and I will change it.

Unless otherwise indicated, all photos posted are from the personal collection of Brian and Julie (Wollard) Trout.
These photos have been inherited from relatives after searches through many dusty attics, damp basements and
boxes and boxes stashed in drawers, under beds and in various and sundry places :-) The relatives all say,
"Take them. What am I going to do with them? Might as well take up space in your house instead of mine."
So my hope is to preserve them for future generations.

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Copyright 1999-2015 by Julie Wollard Trout. Last revised: November 15, 2013.