Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery

The following collections of photos are presented here for viewing in html format.  They may be copied from the linked albums.  If you would like them in another format, please let me know and I will try to provide them.  With the help of others I have tried to identify individuals and date the photos.  I thank all who have contributed these copies and helped to label them.

Note to Dial-Up users:  You may want to find someone with hi-speed (broadband or DSL) access to view these photos otherwise they may not load or will cause you to grow old waiting for them to load.  Try a friend, relative, or your local library.

Photo Albums

1907 - 1929

1910 - 1929
1929 - 2000
1931 - 2003
Joe Keck & Julia Moser Photos
Rudolph Lorenz & Emma Hellenberg Photos
Photographic 3 Generation Family Tree
Sept. 27, 2003 - Decatur, IL

Biographies Home Documentation Family Tree

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