Kinsearching January 2, 2011




Marleta Childs
P. O. Box 6825
LUBBOCK, TX 79493-6825
[email protected]

     To start off the new year, here are some selected verbatim items from the 9 June 1917 (Vol. 22, No. 23) issue of The Haskell Free Press, published in Haskell, TX. Notice how many people came to town to shop on Saturday. Since numerous stores are open (sometimes for twenty-four hours) every day in the twenty-first century, many people do not realize that shopping on Saturdays used to be an important event that individuals looked forward to throughout the week. In the not-too-distant past, a large segment of the population still lived in the country. Going to town to purchase supplies was a social occasion because it gave rural residents the opportunity to visit with friends they did not see on a daily basis. (In the data, surnames are capitalized for emphasis; if necessary, some punctuation and capitalization of places have been added for clarity.)

     “Earl. G. HAMMOCK of Knox City visited his brother, L. D. HAMMOCK, of this city last week.

     C. D. HEATH and son Elmer of Nabors were in the city Monday.

     Born to Mr. and Mrs. Perry HUFF of the Whit community, a 13-pound boy, Wednesday June 6th.

     Mr. and Mrs. J. M. IVEY and son and wife R. D. IVEY of Jud were in the city Saturday shopping.

     Mrs. H. H. LANGFORD and children are visiting Mrs. Langford’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee FISER of Falls County....

     Mr. and Mrs. T. A. LEONARD of Kirkdale were shopping in the city Saturday.

     Mr. and Mrs. R. M. LIVENGOOD of Post were shopping in the city Saturday.

     Mr. and Mrs. W. M. MASK spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. Mask’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. MASK of Derrin.

     Jno. R. MAULDIN was summoned to the bedside of his brother, J. H. of Munday, who is reported very sick. Mrs. MAULDIN and the children were already at Munday, when Jno. R. received the word of his brother’s illness.

     Mrs. John R. MAULDIN left Monday for Munday where she was called to the bedside of her father who is very ill.

     Mr. and Mrs. Curtis McDONNOLD (sic) of Howard were shopping in the city Saturday.

     Mrs. W. J. MEDFORD and children were in the city Saturday shopping.

     Mr. and Mrs. D. R. NICHOLSON of Cottonwood were in the city Saturday shopping.

     Master J. L. ODELL Jr., returned Wednesday from a week’s visit with his sister, Mrs. B. F. BARNES at Petrolla.

     W. K. SLADE of Marion, La., is in the city, looking after his lands in Haskell County.

     County Judge A. J. SMITH and daughter, Miss Vivian, left Wednesday afternoon for Dallas and Fort Worth.

     C. C. WALDEN has accepted a position with the Haskell Bottling Works and began work at the fountain Wednesday.

     Mrs. D. C. WALKER and children and Miss Myrtle BROWN of Foster were shopping in the city Saturday.

     Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank UNDERWOOD of Howard, a fine boy, Monday, May the 21st.”

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