Ezell Family

1692 1961

Christine W. Sheldon

Mary Christine Woodward-Dowdy Sheldon ca 1945

For four generation photo of Christine Sheldon's family, click here

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The name EZEL appears in records for the first time in the Old Testament, First Samuel 20:19. In this chapter, Jonathan warned David that Saul was seeking to slay him and he told David to "remain by the stone EZEL". The word EZEL means the marker of the way.
The only authentic Coat of Arms for the EZEL Family found to date is listed in Reitstap's Armorial General, Vol. I, p. 639, published by Van Goor Zonen. The family to whom it belongs is from Silesia and the name is spelled EZEL.
Owing to conflicting reports about the coming of the first EZELLS to America, Mr. & Mrs. O.E.VanCLEAVE of Chapel Hill, Tennessee, made a trip into the Carolinas and Virginia to search early records of these state so Mrs. VanCLEAVE was before her marriage, Mary Elizabeth EZELL. She is descended from both William EZELL of Union District, South Carolina, and from his brother, Balaam EZELL of Trigg County, Kentucky. William and Balaam were the great grandsons of George EZELL of Colonial Surry, Virginia. While on this trip, Mr. & Mrs. VanCLEAVE established the connecting links between George EZELL of Colonial Surry and his great grandsons, William and Balaam EZELL, From their research and the extensive studies by others of historical and biographical volumes, state, county, and local records - including land grants, lists of tithables, old marriage records, court records, tax lists, census schedules, old parish registers, and early histories, it is an indisputable fact that The EZELL Family is one of The First Families of Virginia.
In the Old Records of Virginia, the name is found spelled in variant ways which seem to include EZEL, EZELL, EZELLE, EZZEL, EZZELL, EZZELLE, EZAL, EZALL, EZALLE, EZZAL, EZZALL, EZZALLE, ESEL, ESSELL, ESSELLE, ISALL, ISRIEL, ISRIELL, ISSUL, OISEL, USEL, USSELLE, UZZEL, UZZELL, UZZELLE, UZZIEL. This does not seem too peculiar when we remember that in those early days very few people could read or write. The spelling of their name meant little or nothing to them. The person recording the name, whether tax enumerator, parish minister, court clerk, or merchant, simply spelled it the way it sounded to him. In his Colonial Surry and 17th Century Isle of Wight County, Virginia, Mr. Boddie reminds that the physical conditions prevailing in Virginia, owing to the plantation system of the 17th century, were not as favorable to education as the conditions prevailing in New England. These plantations were huge and there were no towns. The families were so widely scattered that few children could congregate in a school. Consequently, prior to the Revolution, there were not many schools in Virginian It was the custom for teachers to hold classes in their homes or in the homes of their patrons.
The settlers of Virginia did consider it important for their children to be taught the rudiments of education if possible and some were sent on to college. But the things most highly valued were religious and industrial training. Parents believed it very essential that their children be given instruction in the BIBLE and in religious doctrines. They also believed it quite necessary that each one be thoroughly trained in a trade. It is said that the pioneers who went out from Virginia to the WESTWARD lands went with a BIBLE in one hand and a rifle in the other. To those of us who are descended from these early Virginia pioneers, the above seems a most accurate description. Since that time every generation has had these deep convictions impressed upon it. Virginia became a Royal Colony in 1624 and remained so until 1776 when she announced and declared her independence. The Episcopal Church is the Church of England. It was also the State Church of Virginia. All children, regardless of religious affiliation, were required to be baptized by the ministers of this church, Dates of their baptisms, together with their names, dates of birth, and the names of their parents were recorded in the parish registers. The same information was taken of all marriages and burials. These old parish registers are a wonderful source of information for those seeking vital statistics of those early days,
Mr. BODDIE published Births, Deaths and Sponsors 1717-1778 from the Albemarle Parish Register of

Surry and Sussex Counties, Virginia, in 1958, although he has had the abstracts in his possession for almost 25 years. He states that it is the only complete register for that section of Virginia south of the James River extending from Brunswick to Princess Anne. Mr. BODDIE has very graciously granted the author the privilege of using information found in his books. In giving dates of births taken from the above parish register, the book will be called The Albemarle Parish Register by Boddie.

In Virginia, all persons of property and possessions were required to attend and support the State Church whether they were members of that church or not. The tithables in each parish were listed and taxed. Mr.BODDIE states in Colonial Surry that until after the Revolution, taxes in Virginia were imposed chiefly according to the number of tithables in each county. These tithables consisted of all male natives of the county, and all imported persons above 16. He indicates that this information came from William and Mary Quarterly. He also explains that the title He also explains that the title JUNIOR as used in Colonial and Revolutionary time does not necessarily signify SON OF or that the younger man was always the son of the older man called Senior, Instead, it conveyed the thought that the one called JUNIOR was younger than the one called SENIOR, He indicates that this information came from Tyler's Quarterly.

It is learned from Early Virginia Immigrants, 1623-1666, p. 110, by George Carbell GREER, that Ann EZELL came to Jamestown in 1634, only 35 years after Jamestown was first settled. Nothing is recorded to indicate whether she was single, married, or a widow, or if she had any children.

Mr. BODDIE, in Colonial Surry, relates that Surry was first considered a part of Jamestown settlement and was spoken of as the Surry Side of Jamestown. Later, what is now Surry County, became a part of James City County when that county was formed in 1634. When it was a part of James City County, it was also a part of James City Parish. The records of James City County were totally destroyed in the Richmond fire of 1865. Surry is first mentioned as a county in 1652. Originally, it included the present counties of Surry, Sussex, most of Greenville, Brunswick, Mecklenburg, Halifax, Pittsylvania, Henry, Patrick, Franklin, Bedford, Campbell, Charlotte, and Lunenburg.
The parishes most often met with in the Surry records are Lawnes Creek, Southwark, and Albemarle Parish. Lawnes Creek Parish was the first parish created within the present limits of Colonial Surry County. It was the seat of America's first tax strike when some of its parishioners met there on 12 December 1673 to declare they would not pay their public taxes (Colonial Surry, p. 101).
Lawnes Creek Parish was cut off from James City Parish in January 1639/40. It was originally small and included only the territory between Lower Chippokes and Lawnes Creek, from their respective sources down to the James River and the creek that separates Hog Island from the mainland. In November 1674, new settlers on the south side of James River petitioned 'for a new church and a new parish called Southwark Parish was established. It was named for a parish in London on the south side of Thames
River. It extended from College Run Creek to Upper Chippokes Creek (Hening I, p. 347). It was 20 miles wide and 100 miles long. It was a frontier parish, and in 1724 it had 394 families, one church, and two chapels. It also had a school for the Indians on its borders.

Lawnes Creek Parish grew to be 120 miles long. It and Southward Parish extended into what is now Brunswick , County. When Brunswick County was formed in 1720, a new parish called St. Andrew's Parish was cut off from the Surry County parishes. On 1 January 1738/39, another new parish called Albemarle Parish was erected out of that portion of Surry County lying below Blackwater River. By this same Act, that portion of Surry County lying north of Blackwater River was placed in Southwark Parish. This brought to a close the existence of ancient Lawnes Creek Parish. (Colonial Surry, pp. 148-149).
Among the Surry County Records there are found lists of tithables for that county for the years 1668, 1669, 1670, 1674, 1675, and for each year from 1677 to 1703 inclusive. Each census was taken by four prominent men, usually two from Southwark Parish and two from Lawnes Creek Parish. Each census taken, on or near 10 June. Until the 1668 census was taken, no name even resembling EZELL in any of its numerous spellings is found.
1674 Tithables, Surry County, taken 10 June, Southwark Parish 238, Lawnes Creek Parish 182, Book 1671-1684, pp. 95-98. (Colonial Surry by BODDIE, p. 186).
Lists George ESSELL and Timothy ESSELL.
1678 Tithables, Surry County, Lawnes Creek Parish (white) (Colonial Surry, p. 188)
Lists George ESSELL, Mich. ESSELL, and Tim. ESSELL.

1683 Tithables, Surry County, Lawnes Creek Parish, taken 9 June, Book 1671-1684, pp. 524-528. (Colonial Surry, p. 192).
Lists Tim. ESSELL, Sr., Tim ESSELL, Jr., Mich ESSELL.

1694 Tithables, Surry County, Southwark Parish and Lawnes Creek Parish, taken 10 June, Deed Book 1694-1704, pp.
21-23 (Colonial Surry, p. 195)
Lists George ESSELL, John ESSELL, Mich ESSELL, and Tim ESSELL.

1698 Tithables, Surry County (white) (Colonial Surry, pp. 202-203)
Lists William EZELL, George ISELL, and Mich ISELL (sic).

1702 Tithables, Surry County, Southwark Parish and Lawnes Creek Parish, taken 10 June, Surry Deed Book 1694-1709, pp. 256-259 (Colonial Surry, p. 206)
Lists Mich ESELL and George EZELL (sic.).

William and Mary Quarterly, Vol II, p. 81, listing Surry County Militia in 1687, in listing those reported as qualified in either estate or person to find and maintain a man and horse or to go themselves when the occasion should require, names among those qualified (Colonial Surry, p. 210)
Tim ESSELL, Junr. for horse, Michael ESSELL for foot, and George ESSELL for foot.

William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 24, p. 108, Recommendations and Qualifications of Military and Civil Officers in
Brunswick County, Virginia, March 1777 to October 1782, names William EZELL, Ensign in
the Militia qualified to his commission 28 October 1782.

Although the original schedules for the first census taken of Virginia in 1790 along with those of several other states,
were destroyed when the British burned Washington during the War of 1812, Augusta B. FOTHERGILL and John
Mack NAUGLE compiled and published in 1940, a list of Virginia Tax Payers using the tax assessments of 1782-
1787. The list used in their publication are all found in State Archives of Virginia. This list of 1782 Tax Payers in
Brunswick County, Virginia contains the following men named EZELL:

Benjamin EZELL, Buckner EZELL, Joseph EZELL, William EZELL, William EZELL, and William EZELL.

From Maxwell History and Genealogy, pp. 335-338, it is learned that one, Thomas UZZELL emigrated to America from France as the commander of a ship under General LaFayette during the Revolutionary War. He is said to have settled in Virginia, near Smithfield, where he founded the old UZZELL (UZZIEL) CHURCH which was still standing in 1916. Thomas gave the land on which the church was built. It was a Methodist Church and when Bishop Asbury visited Virginia in 1800, he was entertained by Thomas UZZELL,
This record also states that the UZZELL Family was originally French Huguenot and that they left France to escape religious persecution. Some of them went to England where they became anglicized. It also tells of an old USSEL (sic) CASTLE in the Valley of Aosta which proclaims one branch of the family as prominent in the 13th century.
One of the UZZELLS who became anglicized, emigrated to America in 1635, and settled in the tidewater sections of Virginia. According to several family traditions, there were several brothers who emigrated to Virginia prior to the Revolution. Their names were Thomas, William, John, and Francis. Certain it is that the family became numerous in Virginia. They were wealthy planters and slave-owners. Some of these removed to Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas, Illinois, Arkansas, Missouri, and other points west.
Two brothers of the UZZELL Family, James and Thomas, removed from Isle of Wight County, Virginia, to North Carolina. From Thomas are descended the UZZELLS of Franklin, John, and Wake Counties, North Carolina. John W. UZELL migrated to Tennessee and settled near Columbia. His son, John E. UZZELL went still further westward to Pecan Point, Arkansas.
Another tradition prominent in the families descended from William EZELL of Union District, S.C. and from his brother, Balaam EZELL of Trigg County, Ky, seems to have started about 1912-1913. The story goes that the progenitor of the EZZELLE Family in America was one Mason EZZELLE, who was from Paris, originally from Lyons, France. He is said to have been the father of two sons. Mason Jr, and Louis. All three are said to have been soldiers in the Revolutionary War under General LaFayette. Mason EZZELLE, the father, is said to have been a cousin to General LaFayette. Both Mason, Jr. and Louis were married and had families. Louis is reported to have been a Colonel in the army and to have been slain by the enemy while on leave of absence. The General of this particular group is said to have been General DESSAIX. Many Revolutionary War records have been searched for verification of this tradition, but nothing has been found to substantiate it. It may or may not be true. Tithable lists, tax payers lists, parish records, census schedules, and other Virginia records have been searched but nothing has been found that includes the names Mason EZZELLE, Mason EZZELLE, Jr., or Louis EZZELLE.

There are descendants of Louis EZELL of Kentucky living in Texas in 1960, but this Louis was born too late to have been in the Revolutionary War. It has not been possible to establish a link between Louis and George EZELL of Old Colonial Surry, Virginia.

The Ezell Family in America
Christine Shelton

The plan adopted for this genealogy of The EZELL Family is one in which every name and every fact falls in its proper place with needless repetition being avoided.
The progenitor of the family is the first In line and so designated by number 1. Heads of families and subjects of extended memoirs are designated by serial numbers in Arabic. The line of descent is in parentheses, while the serial number of the first in line is given after his name, and follows on consecutively to each head of the family. No number is given if the person is known to have died in infancy or without issue.

The children of each individual family are numbered with Roman numbers, always beginning with i. The reader is thus enabled to trace the line backwards as well as forward. For instance:
Thomas2 EZELL, 13 (Timothy1, 7, George, 1) if printed, would read: Thomas EZELL, serial number 13, is of the second generation. He was the son of Timothy EZELL, serial number 7. Timothy EZELL, serial number 7, is of the first generation. He was the son of George EZELL,
serial number 1, who is the Progenitor of The EZELL Family in America.
b. - born
bk. - book
ca. - circa- about
Col. Sur. - Colonial Surry, by John Bennett BODDIE
Hist. Sou. Fam. - Historical Southern Families, Vol. 5,
by John B. BODDIE
Isle of Wight. - Seventeenth Century, Isle of Wight,
by John B. BODDIE
d. - died
d.s.p. - died single person
div - divorced
m. - married
p. - page
sic. - as written

1 6 9 2 1 9 6 1
Chapter 1

The History of this branch of the EZELL Family begins with George EZELL (ESSELL) in Old Colonial Surry, Virginia, at the time he made his will, 24 December 1692. It is not known just when he was born, nor where. From the wording of his will in which he gives an idea of the ages of his children, it may be assumed that he was born not later than 1648 o The names of his parents have not been fully established. Mr. John B. BODDIE in his Vol, 5, Historical Southern Families, p. 265, suggests that Timothy EZELL was evidently the first of his name in Surry County. He was a tithable in Surry in 1668 (Col. Sur., po 183), and was evidently the father of Timothy, Jr., George and Michael EZELL
(spelled ESSELL) who are named in the Militia of Surry Co. for the year 1687.*
*From Addendum 2
Timothy ISSELL (EZELL) was in Va. As early as 1652 (Surry Records 1652-1684, p 6 by Davis) “John Jennings by virtue of TIMOTHY ISSELL does give—power for me—for land belonging to me—“ in which he assigned all his rights in 211 acs. Dated 4 Jan 1652.
Mr. Boddie also suggests that Timothy, the father, was probably too old to serve in 1687, this being 21 years after he first appears in the Census of Surry, In the Census of 1683 (Id. p. 192), appear the names of George, Michael, Timothy, Sr., and Timothy, Jr. In 1694 appear the names of George EZELL, Timothy and Michael (Id. p. 198). There is no designation of Junior or Senior after the name, Timothy, so it appears that Timothy EZELL, the ancestor of the family, was the Timothy of Amarodtors whose wife, Mary was Administratrix of his estate on 4/7 of March/July 1696. Nathaniel Harrison and Jeremiah Ellis were her sureties (Book 5, p. 126). On 5 May 1696, the Court of Surry County ordered an appraisal of the Estate of Timothy ESSELL. It was made by John Barker, Thomas Blout, and Thomas Gotten, Attending a Court held for the County of Surry 7 July 1696, this day appeared in Court Mary ESSELL and made oath this was a true and perfect Inventory of the Estate of Timothy ESSELL, deceased, ...............Teste: J. Edwards, Dpt. C1.

George EZELL, the progenitor, may have been the son of Timothy EZELL (ESSELL) of Amarodtors whose will is the earliest EZELL will that has been located to date. All of this old will is not legible. His signature is illegible and the names of only three of his children can be read which seems to indicate there were probably other children whose names have been obliterated by the passage of time. The will is dated 14 July 1677. In it, he calls himself Timothy EZELL of Amarodtors (sic). He bequeathed to Mary BROAD (probably daughter) a cow, calf, one earthen baison, two earthen juggs. To Timothy ISRIELL a sow. To Michael ISRIELL ... goods ..."In token hereof I have set my hand 14 day of July 1677" .. This old will was reported by Mrs. Alice (EZELL) SAMFORD of Alberta, Va., who says that Mary was the name of Timothy's wife and was the Administratrix of his Estate.

Since the will was made in July 1677 and the appraisal of the Estate was made in March or July 1696 (which was probably the final settlement), Timothy died between 1677 and 1696.
However, the relationship between Timothy EZELL of Amarodtors and George EZELL (ESSELL), the progenitor, has not been fully established, so, this history will have its beginning with
GEORGE EZELL, the Progenitor
1, GEORGE EZELL was born about 1648. His will, dated 24 December 1692, is found in Bk. 4, p. 292-293, Surry County Court House, Surry, Virginia, It was proved 11 April 1693 which establishes the time of his death as having been between Dec. 1692 and April 1693. In his will, he names his wife as Elizabeth* whom he named as "my Executrix".
*From Addendum 2
*Elizabeth, wife of George EZELL, was dau of Henry CLARKE who made his will 14 Jan 1676/77- proved 17 Jan 1678, in which he made bequests “to my son Henry CLARKE---- to my dau. Elizabeth EZELL—.“ ”All rest of my estate, my debts being paid first—to my loving wife, Jane—“ (Will Bk Surry Co. Va. 1652-1678, p 195). On 2 May 1693, Henry CLARKE appeared in court with inventory of estate of George EZELL, dec’d., and declared that he as Adm. Of the estate of Geo. EZELL assigned all of his rights and claims. (Will Bk Vol 4, p 296) Id. P 304 Elizabeth EZELL, relict of George EZELL, dec’d., acknowledged she had rec’d. of Henry CLARKE, Adm. Of her dec’d. husband’s estate, her full due & the whole estate due to all the orphans or others—“and do forever discharge him from same---.” Dated 2 May 1693. Signed Elizabeth E. EZELL.

George states in his will that he is sick of body but of perfect sence (sic) and memory. He bequeathed "to my eldest son, George, my land...... lying and being in Charles Citty (sic) County near the head of Upper Chipoakes Creeke...... also one mare..., one yearling horse colt, also one 2 yr. old heyfer all of which to be paid to him when he shall come to one and twenty yeares (sic) old. "...to my eldest daughter, Elizabeth, one good feather bed and furniture, that is, bolster and pillows, jugg, blankets, and sheetes (sic), all good....... also I give her NOW 3 pewter dishes and 3 plates, to be paid when she comes to the age of 16 or married.
".....to my daughter, Mary, one mare of 6 yrs. old and 3 pewter dishes and 3 plates...also, 2 heyfers of 3 yrs. old... which to be paid when she shall come to the age of 16 or married.
"....to my daughter, Lucy, one mare of 5 or 6 yrs, of age, 2 heyfers of 3 yrs, old....also, 3 pewter dishes and 3 plates, to be paid when she shall come to the age of 16 or married.
".....to my daughter, Sarah, one mare of 5 or 6 yrs. old, also 2 heyfers of 3 yrs. old....also 3 pewter dishes and 3 plates, to be paid to her when she shall come to the age of 16 or married.
".....to my son, Timothy, one good feather bed and furniture, that is to say, bolster and rugg (sic), a pair of good blankets and the like of sheetes, to be paid him at the age of 16.
"I do ordain and appoint my loving wife, Elizabeth, to be my Executrix and in full consideration of her third or dower, do give her all the rest and remainder of my Estate after my debts and legacyes (sic) are paid of
what nature property or quality, soever it be. This 24 day of December, 1692. Signed, George EZELL (his mark). Wit; John Pestell (prob. John P. Ezell), and the mark of John JAMES."
The above will proved in Court by the oathes of the witnesses. Court held for the County of Surry 11 April 1693. Test. W. Edwards, Cl. Cur.
From the above will, it is clear that his eldest son was named George and that the son was over 16 but under 21. His eldest daughter was named Elizabeth and she was under 16. All the rest of his children, including Timothy, were under 16. The wording of the will seems to indicate that George named his children according to the order of their births and that Timothy was his youngest child, probably very young. It seems logical to assume that the eldest son, George, was born ca. 1674-1675 and if this be the case, the father, George, may be assumed to have been born not later than 1648, and the mother, Elizabeth, ca. 1652. If George, the father, was born ca. 1648, it is probable that he is the same listed as a tithable in 1674, Surry Co., Va. and was also a member of the Surry Militia in 1687.
ISSUE OF GEORGE EZELL, 1, and his wife Elizabeth

2. i George2 EZELL b. ca. 1674-1675, Virginia
3. ii Elizabeth b. ca. 1678-1680, Virginia
4. iii Mary b. ca. 1681-1682, Virginia
5. iv Lucy b. ca. 1684-1685, Virginia
6. v Sarah b. ca. 1687-1688, Virginia
7. vi Timothy b. ca. 1689-1690, Virginia
Mr. Boddie also gives the following information in his Vol. 5, Hist. Sou. Fam., p. 266: Michael EZELL (suggested as son of Timothy and brother to George EZELL, 1) made his will 6 February 1718-1719 and it was probated 18 December 1719. In it, he bequeathed one half of his estate to his son, William, and the other half to his daughter, Elizabeth, and her husband, John ATKINSON, whom he made Executor. Witnesses: William Hurdle, Samuel Cornwell (bk. 7, p. 83), Surry County, Va. Michael EZELL'S wife was the daughter of Joane BOWMAN, for in Joane's will, dated 5 October 1702, she gave legacies to her daughter, Elizabeth EZELL, Elizabeth's husband, Michael EZELL, and to their son, William EZELL. Joane BOWMAN* was the widow of Thomas BOWMAN, a Quaker, who died in 1699. Id. p. 23.
*From Addendum 2
Joane BOWMAN, step-dau of Wm. RIDLEY, was m (1) William TOOKE, son of Jam,es TOOKE who came to Va. In the George in 1692. Elizabeth EZELL, wife of Michael EZELL, was Joane’s dau by Wm TOOKE.
Chapter 2


2. GEORGE1 EZELL (George, 1), the eldest son of George and Elizabeth EZELL, was born ca. 1674-1675, probably Surry County, Va. His will, written 20 May 1730 and proved in 1738, indicates that he died between 1730 and 1738. The will is recorded in Bk. 8, p. 70, Surry County Court House, Surry, Va. It is in very bad condition and only portions of it can be read. However, the will was presented for probation by William EZELL and Rebecca EZELL.* This indicates the name of his wife was Rebecca. Mr. Boddie in Vol. 5, Hist. Sou. Fam., p. 265, records that Rebecca, wife of George EZELL, was the granddaughter of Roger DELKE who came to Virginia in 1622 on the "Southampton" and was living at Hog Island when the 1624-1625 Census was taken. He was a Burgess from Stanley Hundred in 1631-1632. He died and his widow, Alice, married Nichols Reynolds. Roger DELKE, the Burgess, also had a son named Roger DELKE who married Rebecca....... Roger, the son made his will 1692 and it was probated in 1693. His widow, Rebecca, married John Greene. John Greene asked for a probate of the Estate of Roger, the first husband of Rebecca. Then, John Greene died in 1699, and
George EZELL, having married Rebecca DELKE, granddaughter of the Burgess, asked for a probate of DELKE'S Estate. Roger DELKE in his will, gave to his daughter, Rebecca, a large silver cup, two gold rings, and a silver bodkin (Bk. 4, p. 309).

*From Addendum 2
Rebecca EZELL, wife of #2 Geo. EZELL was daughter of Roger DELKE of Lawnes Creek, grandaughter of Roger DELKE who came to Va. In the Southampton in 1622.
In the beginning of his will, George calls himself, George EZEL (sic). His signature is not legible because the will has been badly mutilated. The names of only five of his children are legible. There may have been more than five. He states in his will that he is of the Parish of Southwark, Surry Co., Va. He bequeathed to his son, William, the land on which George was living when he made the will, and also bequeathed to William his Troopers Arms. He bequeathed to his son, George EZELL, Jr. (sic), the land this son was living on at the time the will was made. He bequeathed to his son, John EZELL, "my tract of land on Meherrin River in Brunswick Co., and one feather bed and furniture". He bequeathed to his son, Edmund EZELL, "my tract of land on Reedy Branch, two cows
and calves". He bequeathed to his daughter, Mary EZELL, a side saddle and bridle. He also made the following bequests:
"All the...... illegible.............................after my just debts and legacies are paid, I desire..illegible..........may be equally divided between my loving wife and the rest of my children that.........illegible...."

ISSUE OF GEORGE1 EZELL,2, and his wife, Rebecca

8, i George2 EZELL b. ca.1700, Prob. Surry Co., Va.
9, ii William b. ca. 1705, Prob. Surry Co., Va.
10, iii John b. ca. 1707, Prob. Surry Co., Va.
11, iv Edmund b. ca. 1710, Prob. Surry Co., Va.

12. v Mary b. ca. 1712, Prob. Surry Co., Va.

7, TIMOTHY1 EZELL (George) the last named child of George EZELL and his wife, Elizabeth, was born ca. 1689-1690, probably Surry Co., Va. According to the wording of his father's will, Timothy must have been a very small child when the will was made,

In his own will, Timothy calls himself Timothy EZELL, Sr. The will is found in Bk. c, p. 175, Sussex Co., Va. It is dated 1759 and was proved 15 August 1760, which indicates his death was between 1759 and August
1760. He states in his will that he lived in Albemarle Parish, Sussex Co., Va. From the number of tracts of land which he gave to his children before he died, Timothy EZELL appears to have been a man of many acres. It also appears that he made a division of his lands before he made his will. The deeds to these gifts of land will be reported later on in the records of the children to whom he gave them. Timothy EZELL, Sr. made his mark. His son, Timothy, Jr. signed his name. It is a simple matter to distinguish between the two. Timothy EZELL, Sr. names his wife as Mary EZELL, and bequeathed to her one half of his estate with the request that after her death, this half be equally divided between his three daughters: Elizabeth GILBERT, Lydia EZELL, and Mary ROSE. He appointed his son, George EZELL, as Executor of the will and bequeathed to him 210 acres, lying and being on a Branch of Poplar Swamp, called and known by the name of Lightwood Branch, in the Co. of Sussex, Va. He bequeathed to his son, Thomas EZELL, "all my Cooper's Tools". This indicates that both Timothy and son, Thomas, followed the Cooper's Trade and made wooden barrels, buckets, bowls, etc. He bequeathed to his daughter, Lydia EZELL, one feather bed and furniture, a chest, weaving loom with all its appurtenances, one spinning wheel and cards, and a leather trunk. He bequeathed to his son, Timothy EZELL, Jr., one large iron pot. He bequeathed to his son, John EZELL, " all my wearing apparel". He also bequeathed to his sons, Thomas and John, and to his son-in-law, John GILBERT, the several debts which each respectively owed to him, and to George EZELL, his son, one halt of his Estate not already bequeathed.

ISSUE OF TIMOTHY EZELL, 7, and his wife Mary

13, i Thomas2 EZELL b. ca.1715-1716, Surry Co., Va.

14, ii Timothy, Jr. b. ca.1717-1718, Surry Co., Va.
15, iii John b. ca.1721-1722, Surry Co., Va.
16, iv Lydia b. ca.1724-1725, Surry Co., Va.
17, v Elizabeth b. ca.1728-1729, Surry Co., Va.
18, vi Mary b. ca.1732-1733, Surry Co., Va.
19, vii George b. ca.1738-1739, Surry Co., Va.

Chapter 3
13, THOMAS2 EZELL (Timothy1, 7; George) the eldest son of Timothy and Mary EZELL, was born ca. 1715-1716, Surry Co., Va. The Albemarle Parish Register by John B. BODDIE, p. 42, records the birth of a son to Thomas and Anne EZELL on 10 Feb. 1742. This would place the date of their marriage ca. 1740-41. It may be assumed from this record that Thomas EZELL was born ca 1715-1716, his wife, Anne, ca 1719-1720.
In 1754, his father, Timothy EZELL, gave him 230 acres of land on which Thomas was then living "on the south side of Mottoway River, with houses, buildings, gardens, orchards, woods, ways, waters, etc., in Albemarle Parish, Sussex Co., Virginia". The deed is dated 8 April 1754 (Bk A, pp 9-10). Thomas evidently sold this land in the following year. Bk A, pp 116-117, records the sale of 230 acres by Thomas EZELL and his wife, Anne EZELL, to Thomas Battle for 30 Lbs. Virginia money. This deed is dated 5 Sept 1755. Thomas EZELL signed his name. His wife, Anne, made her mark*

Thomas calls himself, Thomas EZELL, Sr. in his will which he made 24 October 1780. He died between that date and 18 April 1782, when the will was proved (Bk D, pp 20-21), Sussex Co., Va. From his will and
deeds previously recorded, it appears that Thomas EZELL had made a division of his lands, prior to his will. Recorded deeds in Sussex Co., Va. show that he gave away or sold many hundred acres of land.

Thomas EZELL, Sr. states in his will that he resided in the Parish of Albemarle, Sussex Co., Va. He bequeathed to his son, Abel EZELL, the land and plantation on which he (Thomas) was then living, stipulating that if Abel should die without an heir, this land and plantation was to be sold and the profits divided equally between his two sons, Frederick and Balaam EZELL. He gave to his son, Balaam, one feather bed and furniture. All the rest of his estate, after his debts had been paid, was to go to his beloved wife, Anne EZELL, during her life-time or widow-hood. After her decease, it was to be divided between all his children. He nominated and appointed his two sons, William and Abel EZELL, to be the Executors of his will.

Book F, p 1, Sussex Co., Va., gives an inventory of the Estate of Thomas EZELL by Abel EZELL, his son and Administrator. The inventory amounted to 115 Lbs., 19 s., and 10 p. This does not include the bequests and gifts made to his children previous to his death.

Although Thomas names only four of his children in his will, Abel, Balaam, Frederick, and William, the record of seven children with the dates of their birth and names of their sponsors is found in The Albemarle
Parish Register, p 42, by John B. BODDIE, The birth dates of all the children, except that of his son, Balaam, are taken from this register. Balaam's birth date is taken from his Revolutionary War record on file in Veterans Administration, Washington, D.C. There is a month's difference between the two records. The Albemarle Parish Reg. gives the date as 7 September 1756 and that of his war record gives 7 October 1756.
ISSUE OF THOMAS2 EZELL, 13, and his wife, Anne ROSE

20, i John3 EZELL b. 10 Feb 1742, Surry Co., Va.; Sponsors, John Eaton, Robert Berry, Elizabeth Rose; m. Jane...........
21, ii Thomas b. 20 Jan 1774, Surry Co., Va.; Sponsors, Edmund Ellis, Wr. Rose, Mary Rose; m. Phoebe..........
22, iii Anne b. 29 Jan 1746, Surry Co., Va; Sponsors, John Ellis,..........Rose, Sarah Roberts.
23, iv William b. 21 Feb 1749, Surry Co., Va.; Sponsors, William Rollans, Wm. Barnes, Sarah Rose; m. Eudora LaMotte.
24, v Frederick b. 28 April 1752, Surry Co., Va.; Sponsors, Thomas Adkinson, Jesse Rolland, Faith Rose.
25, vi Balaam b. 7 Oct 1756, Surry Co., Va.; Sponsors, Sam’l. Northington, Agnes Woodland, Wm. Woodland; m. Lydia............
26, vii Abel b. 20 Sept 1758, Surry Co., Va.; Sponsors, William Hill, Thomas Felts, Henrietta Rains.

14, TIMOTHY2 EZELL (Timothy1, 7; George) the second son of Timothy EZELL, Sr., and his wife, Mary, was b. ca. 1717-1718, Surry Co., Va. He was called Timothy EZELL, Jr. He died between making his will 14 December 1762 and 19 May 1768 when it was proved. The will is recorded in bk. B, p 161, Sussex Co., Va. The death of Timothy EZELL as recorded in Albemarle Register p 43 was 11 March 1768. Id. p 42 shows that Timothy EZELL, Jr. and his wife, Anne, had a son bornin April 1743. This indicates that they were married ca. 1741-1742, and that Timothy was b. ca. 1717-1718, his wife Anne, b. ca. 1721.

Deed Bk. 6,p 101, dated 17 July 1750, Surry Co., Va., records the gift of a tract of land to Timothy EZELL, Jr. from his father, Timothy EZELL, Sr. Timothy, Sr. made his mark,

Deed Bk B, p 191, Sussex Co., Va., dated 16 April 1761, records the gift of a tract of land from Timothy EZELL, Jr. "for and in consideration of the natural love and affection I have and bear toward my loving daughter, Mary HORTON, of the same place, both given, granted, and confirmed unto said Mary HORTON and her heirs, a certain piece of land containing about 183 acres". Signed.Timothy EZELL.

Deed Bk B, pp 232-233, Sussex Co., Va., records a deed dated 17 August 1761, given by Timothy EZELL and his wife, Anne. Timothy signed his name, Anne made her mark.

From the above gift of land and the wording of his will, it appears that Timothy EZELL, Jr. made a division of his properties to his children before he made his will, probably about the time they married.

Timothy EZELL, Jr, bequeathed to his son. Timothy EZELL, the land and plantation on which he, himself, was then living, stipulating that if his son, Timothy, should die before he reached 21 or without an heir, the land should go to his son James. Timothy was ca. 12 yrs. of age at the time the will was made.

He bequeathed to his son, James, his land and plantation lying on the lower end of the swamp, commonly called Joan's Hole Swamp, stipulating that if James should die before he reached 21 or without an heir, the land should go to his son, Timothy. James was ca, 10 yrs. of age at the time the will was made.

He bequeathed to his daughter, Anne, a feather bed and furniture, a copper kettle and 15 Lbs. current money. He bequeathed to "my loving and beloved wife, Anne", all the rest of his estate. He appointed his wife, Anne EZELL, the sole Executrix of his will and requested that no appraisal be made of his estate.
The Albemarle Parish Register, p 42, gives the names of six children as having been born to Timothy EZELL, Jr. and his wife, Anne.

ISSUE OF TIMOTHY2 EZELL, 14, and his wife, Anne

27, i Isaac3 EZELL b. 7 April 1743, Surry Co., Va.; Sponsors, none given.
28, ii Mary b. 17 March 1744, Surry Co., Va.; Sponsors, Penelope Green, Elizabeth Ezell.
29, iii Richard b. 5 Aug 1747, Saurry Co., Va.; Sponsors, none given.
iv Ann b. 27 Feb 1748, Surry Co., Va.; Sponsors, William Rose, Mary Ezell, Lucy Peerman. d. Oct 1749
30, v Timothy b. 16 Sept 1750, Surry Co., Va.; Sponsors, John Jenkins, John Bennett, Lucretia Peerman.
31, vi James b. 16 Feb 1752, Surry Co., Va.; Sponsors, Richard Wiggins, Jr., Sam’l. Wiggins, Mary Lee.


19, GEORGE2 EZELL (Timothy1,7, George) the seventh child and fourth son of Timothy and Mary EZELL, was born about 1738-1739, Surry County, Virginia. George is named in his father's will as "my son, George EZELL", and was bequeathed 210 acres of land on Light
wood Branch of Poplar Swamp, Sussex County, Virginia. His father also appointed him as the executor of his will.

George EZELL is later identified by court records as living in Hertford County, Province of North Carolina. Deed Book D, p 304, Sussex County, Virginia, records a lien dated 21 February 1770. The lien is for the Sum 5 Lbs Virginia money and is on 50 acres "said land being a part of the tract conveyed to George EZELL by his father, Timothy EZELL". This lien was given by George EZELL and his wife, Amey EZELL, Hertford County, Province of North Carolina, to Thomas EZELL of Albenarle Parish, Sussex County, Virginia. There is also recorded in Deed Book D, p 469, Sussex County, Virginia, a deed by George EZELL stating that a certain tract of land being sold was a part "of a legacy from ay father, Timothy EZELL, the land bordering that of Thomas EZELL". It would appear from these records that soon after the death of his father, Timothy EZELL, George and Amey EZELL sold their possessions in Virginia and moved to Hertford County, North Carolina.
The Albemarle Parish Register, p 43, records a child born to George and Amey EZELL in March 1766, Sussex County, Virginia. This indicates they were married about 1765, and that George was born about 1738-1739. His wife, Amey, was born about 1744.

ISSUE OF GEORGE2 EZELL, 19, and his wife, Amey

50, i Jesse3 EZELL b. 22 March 1766, Sussex Co., Va.
(There may have been other children No further research has been done on this family).

Chapter 4

20, JOHN3 EZELL (Thomas2,13, Timothy1, George) the first son of Thomas and Anne EZELL was born 10 Feb 1742, Albemarle Parish, Surry Co., Va. Although he is not named as a son in his father's will, Thomas EZELL, Sr., there are several records which prove the relationship, In Deed Bk D, pp 306-308, Sussex Co., Va., there is a deed dated 17 January 1771, "to a tract of land to Thomas Newson"........ in which it is stated thatJohn EZELL, Jr. is the son of Thomas EZELL, Sr. This deed also states that the wife of John EZELL, Jr. is named Jane. Both John and Jane signed their names. On p 42 of The Albemarle Parish Register there is found a list of the children born to Thomas and Anne EZELL. John is their first child and first son listed and gives the date of his birth.

This same register, p. 43, lists three children as having been born to John EZELL, Jr. and his wife, Jane. Their first child was born in September 1763 which indicates they were married ca 1762. There may have been other children.
From records found in Wake County, North Carolina, it seems logical to assume that Jane died and that John next married Asenath. The North Carolina will of John EZELL names as his children Hartwell and Lucy
EZELL, the two children listed as their children in The Albemarle Parish Register, p 43. In addition to Hartwell and Lucy, the following are named also:Fred, John and Polly. The will also names Asenath EZELL as the wife of John EZELL.. The Albemarle Parish Register gives the birthdate of Hartwell EZELL as 28 December 1764. This is the identical date recorded in the Old Bible of Hartwell EZELL which is now in the possession of his descendant, Gibson Greer EZELL of Monticello, Georgia.According to The Albemarle Parish Register and the will of John EZELL in North Carolina, Wake County, records, John EZELL fathered six children.ISSUE OF JOHN3 EZELL, 20 by his first wife, Jane
i Phoebe4 EZELL born 15 Sept 1763, Sussex Co., Va..
51 ii Hartwell born 28 Dec 1764, Sussex Co., Va.
52 iii Lucy born 20 April 1767, Sussex Co., Va.
By his second wife, Asenath
iv Fred
v John
vi Polly

23, WILLIAM3 EZELL (Thomas2, 13,Timothy1, George) the third son and fourth child of Thomas and Anne EZELL, was born 21 February 1749, Albemarle Parish, Surry County, Virginia. The record of his birth is found in The Albemarle Parish Register, p 42. William is named as one of the executors of the will of his father, Thomas EZELL, Sr. The other executor named in the will was his brother, Abel EZELL. Abel was the administrator of the estate of their father, Thomas EZELL.
One report states that William's full name was William Seit (Siet) EZELL, another states his full name was William Piet (Peit) EZELL. All the records found to date in which his name is recorded, give only William
EZELL. No legal record has been found to indicate his middle name was Seit (Siet) or Peit (Piet). He did have a son and a grandson named William Seit (Siet) EZELL.
Dr. William Asa SMITH, great grandson through William's daughter, Miriam, reported that William EZELL was a wealthy planter in Virginia where he owned a large plantation on the south side of James River down
which he floated tobacco to market. After further research of Old Virginia records, it is believed his lands were situated on the Blackwater River, a tributary of James River, instead of on James River itself.
It is not known just when William EZELL moved to Mecklenburg County, Virginia. It is believed that he left Sussex County about five years before his father died. Mrs. B. G. Coggin of Nettleton, Mississippi, descended from William through his son, Timothy EZELL, reports that Timothy was born in Mecklenburg Co., Virginia, 10 March 1775 and that the family continued to live there for several years following the Revolutionary Ware It would seem that William moved to Mecklenburg County some time before1775. He probably left Mecklenburg County about the time he purchased land in Brunswick County, Virginia in 1778. A deed recorded in Book XIII, p 169, Brunswick County, Virginia places him in Mecklenburg County on 12 September 1778. This deed reads in part: This indenture made this 12 September 1778 between Richard STONE of Brunswick County, Virginia, and William EZELL of Mecklenburg County, Virginia... for 190 LBS......for 100 acres in Brunswick County, Virginia........Witnesses: Henry RAWLINGS, William STEVENSON, and John LIGHTFOOT. It has been established that William EZELL was living in Brunswick Co., Virginia in 1797 when his daughter, Susannah, married her double first cousin, Jeremiah EZELL.

Deed records in Union District, South Carolina, indicate that William moved to Union District about 1800. He is not listed in the 1790 Census of South Carolina. Deed Book F, p 296, records a deed dated27 February 1800 to William EZELL from John HENDERSON for 200 acres of land on Brown's Creek, waters of Broad River, District of Union, S.C. for 100 Guineas. This land was surveyed by William GRANT under Lord Greenville MONTAGUE, Gov. Then, 1 April 1800, William EZELL was given a grant of land containing 2 acres, Bundle 58, Plot 151. No reason is given for the grant. Another deed, dated 5 April 1803, is recorded in Book G, p 410, in which William EZELL purchased 140 acres from William MITCHELL for $200.00. This land was bounded on the west by lands already belonging to William EZELL; on the south by lands of George NEWTON; on the east by lands of William WHITLOCK and of Jeremiah LUCAS; and on the north by Mill Pond Creek, it being the dividing line between EZELL and Lucas lands..... except the privilege of building a house and digging of dirt adjoining the Mill Pond or the stream that the Mill is situated on, and not to extend more than one acre distant from the Mill whether up the Mill Pond or down the Mill Stream, Witnesses: Michael EZELL, John PALMER, and Lyza STRIBBLING.
On 12 February 1806, William EZELL purchased from Jeremiah LUCAS 30 acres on Brown's Creek, bounded by EZELL and STRIBBLING lands, for $80.00.
A deed dated 20 March 1830 states that William EZELL for love and affection he had fore his son, Thomas EZELL, gave to Thomas “140 acres on which he now lives on the south side of Brown's Creek, bounded by myself, Mr. MITCHELL, James NEWTON, Dr. HANCOCK, and Widow SHELL"..These land deals indicate that William EZELL ownedvconsiderable acreage in Union District, South Carolina.
The report goes that William EZELL was married four times. He is said to have been married twice in Virginia before moving to South Carolina, and that he married his third wife, Rhoda LYLES soon after arriving in South Carolina. After her death, William married her half-sister, Susannah LYLES. There were no children born of his fourth marriage. Shortly before William died, he bragged that if Susannah should die first, he would marry again even if he knew he had only six months to live. Susannah survived him by 21 years.
William's first wife is said to have been Eudora LaMOTTE of French Huguenot parentage, from Charleston, South Carolina. His second wife is said to have been a Miss WHITLOCK who was a school teacher. Although much research has been done in trying to establish the identity of Eudora LaMOTTE and Miss WHITLOCK, no trace has been found of them. There is only the tradition which has been handed down from generation to generation by word of mouth. However, it is believed that Eudora LaMOTTE was his first wife and the mother of most of his children. Every descendant of his children Timothy, Abel, William, and Elizabeth, claim Eudora LaMOTTE as the mother of their ancestor and the first wife of William EZELL. These descendants are widely scattered throughout the United States and some were unknown to each other until contacted by the author. In this record she is being given first place, although Miss WHITLOCK may have been the first wife.
From Census records in Giles County, Tennessee, it is thought that his sons Thomas and Micajah (Michael) were older than Timothy who was born in 1775. Mrs. B.G. COGGIN, Nettleton, Mississippi, wrote a letter dated 16 October 1955: "The discussion of William KZELL'S wives is varied. I can give you only what I have on it. Our ancestor, William Seit EZELL, married Eudora LaMOTTE of French parentage and they lived in Mecklenburg County, Virginia, in 1775 when their son, Timothy, was born 10 March 1775.....l have the same record of his four wives. His first wife was Eudora LaMOTTE, second a Miss WHITLOCK, and the last two where Rhoda and Susannah LYLES, half-sisters". Mrs. B.B. McGINTY of Dayton, Texas, descended from two of William's children, his son, Timothy, and his daughter Elizabeth, states that their mother was Eudora LaMOTTE. Mrs. W.D. WADE of Sandia, Texas, descended from William's son, William EZELL, wrote in a letter dated 1 May 1960: "In reference to Udora (sic) LaMOTTE. She surely did exist. She was the wife of William Peit (Piet) EZELL. I do not have their birth, death or marriage records, but from the records of my mother and my father, I do know she was my great, great grandmother. Among their children were Timothy and William EZELL (brothers) who married sisters, Elizabeth and Margaret BUCHANAN. I am a descendant of William and Margaret (BUCHANAN) EZELL". There are many other descendants making the same statement. Although no official record has been found to verify her existence or that she was married to William EZELL, it seems logical to accept her as one of his four wives and she is being named as his first wife in this genealogy. It is thought Eudora
(LaMOTTE) ZELL died when they were living in Mecklenburg County, Virginia, because of the birth dates of his children whose descendants claim her. Research is being continued in an effort to find some trace of her and the place where she is buried.

In November 1939, Mr. & Mrs. Foster EZELL of Nesbitt, Mississippi, went to South Carolina in search of information about William EZELL of Union District, and to try to locate his grave. While on this trip, they met Mrs. W.B. POTTER of Spartanburg, S.C. Mrs. POTTER is descended from William's daughter, Miriam EZELL. Mrs. POTTER entertained Mr. & Mrs. EZELL at a dinner party on the evening of 26 November 1939. Other guest were Mrs. F. H. EDWARDS (Frances Pacolet EZELL) and Dr. William Carey EZELL, both descended from James EZELL. James and William were first cousins. From this gathering much was learned of the early history of the EZELL Family. Mrs. POTTER'S brother, Dr. William Asa SMITH had done much research into the early history of his ancestor, William EZELL, He had passed this information on to his sister and to the others and they recounted it verbally for Mr. & Mrs. Foster EZELL. They learned that William EZELL went to Union District, South Carolina from Virginia after the Revolutionary War. That he had been married twice before moving to South Carolina. That his first two wives had died before he left Virginia and are buried somewhere in Virginia. It was also learned that his Family BIBLE and Family Records were destroyed when his home burned during the war. They learned that he married Rhoda LYLES soon after moving to Union District. Mrs. POTTER told them that Miriam EZELL was the last child born to William and that her mother was Rhoda LYLES, William's third wife, She told them that Rhoda died when Miriam was quite young and that William later married her half-sister, Susannah LYLES. Mrs. POTTER told them that she remembered hearing that Miriam had several brothers. She could not remember all the names, only Jeptha, Timothy, and Abel.
Dr. William Carey EZELL took Mr. & Mrs. Foster EZELLto the Macedonia Baptist Church Cemetery and to The Gilead Cemetery near Jonesville, South Carolina. Mrs. EZELL wrote: "At the last named place, we found the grave of Susannah (LYLES) EZELL, and of Miriam (EZELL) LONG. Susannah is buried in the LONG Plot which is surrounded by an iron fence. Her tombstone reads - Sacred to the memory of Susannah EZELL who departed this life 27 May 1853, in her 82nd year of age. She was a member of the Baptist Church upwards of 50 years. This indicates Susannah was born in 1772. Mrs. Boyce Fowler EZELL of Deland, Florida, wrote many years ago in a letter to Mrs. Giles REYNOLDS of Athens, Alabama, that she had learned from Dr, Asa SMITH that William EZELL was a French Huguenot of Quaker Faith, and, that he had joined the Baptist Church after coming to South Carolina. She said he was a member of Duck Pond Church. Mrs. POTTER explains in a letter dated 4 September 1960 that "Duck Pond Baptist Church is on the right side of the highway between Jonesville and Union. The name has been changed to Upper Fair Forest. It was changed many years ago". This church seems to have been located near the lands of William EZELL. Mrs. Boyce Fowler EZELL also wrote that Dr. William Asa SMITH had told her that William EZELL is buried in a family cemetery in Union County, South Carolina, and that his grave is under a big oak tree.

In the course of her correspondence with Mrs. REYNOLDS, Mrs. Boyce Fowler EZELL also wrote that Dr. William Asa SMITH told her that William EZELL lived on Brown's Creek, near Union, South Carolina, on Kelly Road or Union Road, near McKissisk's Place. She also wrote that another cousin, Mrs. F. H. EDWARDS told her that while she was living in New York, a Mr. W.P. EZELL saw her name in the directory and hunted her up. Later, this Mr. W.P. EZELL came to South Carolina and saw her uncle, Samuel Bryson EZELL, and told him that he had early EZELL History, back to George EZELL of Surry County, Virginia, from whom he was descended, Mr. W.P. EZELL also said that he had been to Europe in search of EZELL history and that there were three brothers who came over from France about 1620, during
the Catholic persecution of Protestants. He said they came from EZALLE, France and that they spelled their name the same way, EZALLE. He said they came to America and settled in Virginia. All that is known of Mr. W.P. EZELL is that he came from the pan-handle section of Texas. There is a town in Texas named Panhandle. It is in Carson County between Amarillo and Pampa. It could be he was from this town. Another interesting item garnered from one of Mrs. EZELL's letters to Mrs. REYNOLDS is that most of William's children had Bibical names. She said that he had 14 sons and gave four of them Bibical names - Amasa, Abel, Jeptha, and Timothy, and that these four had moved to Pulaski, Giles County, Tennessee. This is the only record that has been found in which one of William's sons is given the name of Amasa. However, William had a grandson named Amasa. He was the son of Abel EZELL, It could be that Abel named one of his sons Amasa after his brother. In addition to the above named children with Bibical names are the following to whom William also gave Bibical names: Thomas L, Micajah (Michael,Mike), Elizabeth, Sarah (Sally), Adorcas Caroline, and Miriam. There were two other children who were not given Bibical names; William and Susannah.
Mrs. W.D. WADE of Sandia, Texas, wrote that the reason she could identify and place in their proper order the different members of the EZELL Family was because of the wonderful assistance she received from her mother, Margaret Pinkie BUCHANAN-granddaughter of William EZELL and Margaret BUCHANAN. Margaret Pinkie lived with her daughter, Mrs. WADE, in Texas and would verify the information as her daughter received it. She would place the persons named in their proper relationships. Mrs. WADE'S records state that William's daughter, Adorcas Caroline EZELL, married a Mr. PALMER and never left South Carolina. It could be that this Mr. PALMER was named Ellis PALMER although Ellis PALMER is known to have been the husband of Nancy LONG. In William EZELL'S will, he named as the ones to be the executors of his will: Ellis PALMER, William LONG, and James NEWTON. It is known that William LONG and James NEWTON were his sons-in-law and it seems logical to conclude that Ellis PALMER was also a son-in-law. Since William EZELL does not mention his daughter, Adorcas Caroline PALMER or any of her heirs in his will, it would seem that she had died without issue before her father made his will, and that after her death, Ellis PALMER married Nancy LONG. Ellis was a brother to Sarah PALMER, wife of Abel EZELL. Nancy LONG was a sister to William LONG, husband of Miriam EZELL. Abel and Miriam were brother and sister. The exact date of the death of William EZELL is not known. It was sometime between 4 December 1829, when he made his will, and 2 July 1832, when it was recorded in Book B, p 191, Union County Court House, Union, South Carolina. All the papers in connection with the settlement of his estate, which took over 20 years, are filed in package 18, box 17, in the office of the Probate Judge. William's estate could not be settled in full until after the death of his fourth wife, Susannah, who survived him by 21 years. In his will, William names his wife as Susannah to whom he bequeathed "the whole tract of land whereon I now live, exclusive of what I gave to my son, Thomas EZELL". He also bequeathed to her the greater part of his estate "for her use and benefit during her life or widow-hood. At her marriage or death, what she may leave, I desire to be sold and equally divided between all my children and Edmund WEBB and William WEBB, to have their mother's part”.....He made special bequests to the following children: Thomas; his daughter. Sally NEWTON; and to his daughter, Miriam LONG and repeated his desire "that all the rest of my children with Edmund and William WEBB having their mother's part, to be made equal with Thomas EZELL, Sally NEWTON, and Miriam Long".
Although this will of William EZELL does not name all of his children, other court records in Union District, South Carolina and in Giles County, Tennessee, help to establish their identity. Also assisting in ascertaining their identity, are records found in Goodspeed's History of Tennessee, in Early History of Giles County by James McCALLUM who knew the family personally, Old Family BIBLES, Old Letters, and information obtained from his great grandchildren while they were still living who had personal knowledge.
William's children, living in Tennessee at the time of his death, appointed representatives with Power of Attorney to act for them in the settlement of their father's estate in South Carolina. These appointments are recorded in Book W, pp 63-64, Office of Probate Judge, Union, South Carolina, as follows:

1, Abel EZELL of Giles County, Tennessee, appointed his son, Amasa EZELL, also of Giles County, to represent him. The appointment is dated 25 August 1832. It is also recorded in Giles County Court House, Pulaski, Tennessee.
2, Jeremiah EZELL (husband of William's daughter, Susannah EZELL) appointed his son, Collatinus C. EZELL, to represent his interests. Date of appointment, 14 September 1832.
3, Jeptha EZELL of Giles County, Tennessee, appointed his brother, Timothy EZELL, also of Giles County, to represent him. Date of appointment, 17 Sept ember 1832.
4, Robert BUCHANAN (husband of William's daughter, Elizabeth EZELL) appointed his brother-in-law, Timothy EZELL, to represent him. Date of appointment, 22 September 1832.

Micajah EZELL'S will, dated 31 March 1844, and recorded in the Register's Office, Giles County Court House, Pulaski, Tennessee, refers to "the Estate of my father, William EZELL, in South
The first sale was held on 26 October 1832 during which the following purchases were made; Amasa EZELL purchased 3 slaves; Timothy EZELL purchased 2 slaves and 1 mare; Micajah EZELL purchased 1 slave; and C. C. EZELL purchased 3 slaves. The twelve Legatees mentioned in the settlement of the Estate of William EZELL are: Thomas L. EZELL, Sally NEWTON, Miriam LONG, Abel EZELL, Jeptha EZELL, Timothy EZELL, Micajah EZELL (his children), Jeremiah EZELL and Robert BUCHANAN (his sons-in-law), Edmund and William WEBB (his grandsons), and Susannah EZELL, his beloved wife.
In giving the birth dates of the children of William EZELL, the dates have been taken from either their tombstones or Old Family BIBLES. Assumed dates are estimated from the Giles County Census Schedules of 1820 through 1880, in comparison with the known dates of birth of brothers and sisters.

ISSUE OF WILLIAM3 EZELL, 23 by his first wife, Eudora LaMOTTE
53, i Thomas L4 EZELLborn about 1771-1772, Va
54, ii Micajah (Mike) born about 1773, Va
55, iii Timothy born 10 March 1775, Mecklenburg Co., Va.
56, iv Susannah J born 18 Feb 1777, Mecklenburg Co., Va
57, v Abel born 7 Dec 1780, Brunswick Co., Va.
58, vi William born about 1782, Brunswick Co., Va.
59, vii Elizabeth born about 1784, Brunswick Co., Va,

perhaps by his second wife, Miss WHITLOCK
60, viii Martha born about 1789, Va.
61, ix Sarah (Sally) born about 1793, Va.
62, x Jeptha born about 1795, Va.
63, xi Adorcas Caroline born about 1798, Va.
xii Amasa said to have been a son, no data.
64, xiii daughter, name unknown, who married Mr. WEBB and died before 1829, leaving two sons, Edmund and William WEBB.

by his third wife, Rhoda LYLES
xiv Polly born after 1800, Union District,S.C. died in infancy.
xv Polly born after 1800, Union District, S.C. died in infancy.
xvi Polly born after 1800, Union District, S.C. died in infancy.
65, xvii Miriam born 1807-1808, Union District, S.C.

25, BALAAM3 EZELL (Thomas2, 13, Timothy1, George) the sixth child and fifth son of Thomas and Anne EZELL, was born 7 October 1756, Sussex County, Virginia. His pension record on file in The Veterans Adninistration Office, Washington D.C., states in part that Balaaa EZELL was born in Sussex County, Virginia, 7 October 1756. That he enlisted while residing in that county. That he served as a private in Captain Gray JUDKIN'S Company of Virginia Troops..... After the Revolution, he moved to Brunswick County, Virginia, where he lived about 7 years. Then he moved to Mecklenburg County, Virginia, where he lived about 14 years. Thence to Trigg County, Kentucky. He was allowed a pension upon his application executed 17 September 1832, then a resident of Trigg County, Kentucky. Pension Claim #831016. It is recorded in VIRGINIA IN THE REVOLUTION. p 263, that Balaam EZELL received his pension in Kentucky, age 78, Trigg County, Kentucky. His pension amounted to $41.66 per annum. Balaam died in 1844.
Virginia Tax Schedules, 1782-1787, Heads of Families, lists Balaam EZELL as living in Sussex County, Virginia. His family consisted of 5 whites: himself, his wife, and three sons. According to Francis LaFayette EZELL of Nashville, Tennessee, great grandson of Balaam, these three sons were named Jeremiah, Balaam, Jr., and Jephthah. He also states in his EZELL Genealogy dated 15 June 1913, that these three sons migrated to middle Tennessee. Jeremiah settled in Davidson County, Balaam, Jr. settled in Williamson County, and Jephthah settled in Marshall County. Brunswick County, Virginia Deeds, 1791, records a mortgage made on 16 February 1791, by Balaam EZELL to James FRAME, a tract of land containing 162 acres.... Book XV, p 40. Also found in the same Book XV, p 42, dated 26 January 1791, a record showing that Balaam EZELL sold a sorel mare to John WILKS. Another indenture recorded on p 79, same Book XV, was made 23 May 1791 between Balaam EZELL and Benjamin BASS....a deed of trust on his 162 acres. Again in the same Book XV, p 84, is the record of the release of the indenture which is recorded on p 40,Ibid. Brunswick County, Virginia, Book XVI, p 247, there is recorded an indenture made 5 May 1795 between James FRAME, Balaam EZELL and Liddy (sic) EZELL, his wife of Brunswick County, Virginia, to William HARRISON.......for 162 Lbs.........162 acres on Meherin River on James HARRISON line...............down to Aron's Creek....to Meherin River......to the beginning. Witnesses: R. WATSON, Thomas BOOTH, and Robert IANIER. Recorded 25 Jan. 1796. Book XVII, p 445, Brunswick County, Virginia: This indenture made this 29 June 1799 in obedience to the court of Brunswick County, 22 April 1799, we being appointed commissioners to make a sale of the land belonging to the estate of Gary JAMES, deceased.......sell to Balaam EZELL.....the land on the east side of Indion (sic) Head Creek containing 193 acres........ Recorded 23 September 1799. Same Book, p 457: Balaam EZELL and Lidda (sic) EZELL, his wife, sell to James LEDBETTER.... the above described land (p 445)........ The deed is signed by Balaam EZELL and Lidday (sic) EZELL, his wife, made her mark.

Mrs. Rinna (HILL) RAINEY of Nashville, Tennessee- great granddaughter of Jeremiah EZELL and his wife, Susannah EZELL- who knows so much about the EZELL Family, told Mrs. O.E. VanCLEAVE - also descended from Jeremiah and Susannah EZELL- that Jeremiah and I Susannah were double first cousins. Their fathers, Balaam and William EZELL being brothers, and their mothers, Lydia and William's first wife, being sisters. If William's first wife was named Eudora LaMOTTE, and if she was the wife who was the mother of Susannah, then, Jeremiah's mother, Lydia was named Lydia LaMOTTE. This has not been fully established.

Balaam EZELL was both a Primitive Baptist Minister and a farmer. He performed many marriages in Virginia and, later on, in Kentucky. He performed the marriage ceremony that united his son, Jeremiah and Susannah, his niece. Balaam was called Reverend and Elder and Balaam EZELL, Sr.
Liddy died before December 1803 and Rev. Balaam EZELL married his second wife, Elizabeth MAYO on 27 December 1803, Mecklenburg County, Virginia. See Mecklenburg County, Va. Marriage Bonds, p 17. There were children born of this union but neither names nor dates of birth are known. However, in Rev. Balaam EZELL, Sr's will he left everything he owned to his grandson, George H. SIZEMORE. This indicates that he had a daughter who married a Mr. SIZEMORE.

Balaam and Elizabeth (MAYO) EZELL migrated to Trigg County, Ky., as early as 1827. Records of that county prove that he was living there in 1827, and that his wife was named Elizabeth. She died between 16 Apri1 1827 when she signed a deed with Balaam and the 26 September 1833, when Balaam took his third wife, Jane STOWE,* Trigg County, Kentucky, He was 77 years of age when he married the third time. There were no children born of this marriage. Mr. & Mrs. O.E. Van CLEAVE went to Trigg County, Ky. in 1954 and found Balaam EZELL's will. It is dated 1844.*
*From Addendum 2
Jane Stone was changed to Jane Stowe
Rev. Balaam EZELL, Sr. is bur Thomas Cem, Carulean Springs, Twigg Co., Ky.

ISSUE OF BALAAM3 EZELL, Sr., 25 by his first wife, Liddy
66, i Jeremiah4 EZELLborn 27 Sept 1775, Sussex Co.,Va.
67, ii Balaam, Jr. born 11 Apr 1783, Brunswick Co., Va.
68, iii Jephthah born not later than 1784-1785, Va.
(There may have been other children)
by his second wife, Elizabeth MAYO
69, Daughter (name unknown) who married_________SIZEMORE. She died before Balaam made his will in 1844, in which he left what he had to his grandson, George H. SIZEMORE, 134.
31, JAMES3 EZELL (Timothy 2, 14, Timothy1, George) the sixth child and fourth son of Timothy EZELL, Jr. and his wife, Anne, was born 16 Febrary 1752, Albemarle Parish, Virginia. Verification of the relationship is found in The Albemarle Parish Register by John B. BODDIE, p 42. It is known that James EZELL married and had several children. The name of his wife is not known. According to the information contained in The Genealogy of The MARTIN-EZELL Families by D.P.L. MARTIN, 387, descended from James EZELL, Sr., the EZELL and MARTIN Families intermarried to a great extent. He states that James EZELL, Sr. emigrated to South Carolina from Virginia sometime in the latter part of the 18th century, and settled on Pacolet River near Parris Bridge. Mr. MARTIN also states that James, Sr. was of English descent and was a shoemaker by trade. He had 12 children-three sons and nine daughters. The sons were Euphfram, James and Samuel. The namesof his daughter are unknown. This ARTIN-EZELL Genealogy was written by D.P.L. MARTIN in 1941 when Mr. MARTIN was in his 87th year. He had personal knowledge of the families about which he wrote.
James EZELL is not listed in the 1790 census of South Carolina. But, in Deed Bk C, p 351, Union Court House, Union, South Carolina, there is recorded a deed, dated 1791, wherein James EZELL sold a tract of land on Fair Forest, Buffalo Creek....... This indicates he had bought the land either earlier in that year or soon after the 1790 census of South Carolina was taken.
The oldest records of deeds in Spartanburg County, South Carolina, records a deed, dated in 1808, in which James EZELL sold 100 acres of land on Pacolet River to James SCOTT. Dr. Humphrey K. EZKLL of Woodruff, South Carolina, descended from James EZELL, Sr., states that "James had 12 children, three sons and nine daughters. His
youngest son, Samuel, was my great grandfather".


70, i Euphfram4 EZELL b. about 1792 (no dates given)
71, ii James, Jr. b. 13 Feb 1974, So. Carolina.
72, iii Samuel b. about 1796 (no dates given)

Chapter 5

51, Hartwell4 EZELL (John3, 20, Thomas 2, Timothy1, George) the second child and first son of John EZELL, Jr. and his wife, Jane, was born 28 December 1764, Albemarle Parish, Sussex County, Virginia. His old Family BIBLE, now in the possession of his descendant, Gibson Greer EZELL of Monticello, Georgia, giving the date of his birth, is the same date given in The Albemarle Parish Register, p 42.

Among other names found in this BIBLE is that of Henry G. EZELL. Until recently, it was thought that Henry G. was probably the first child born to Hartwell EZELL by a first wife of which there is no record. Of course, it could be that Hartwell was married twice and that Henry G. was his son. The Henry G. listed in the BIBLE was born 15 November 1789, and married Mary DAVIS on 28 November 1816, Jasper County, Georgia. In a letter, dated 19 March 1960, Gibson Greer EZELL wrote he faintly recalls having heard his father speak of a distant cousin named Henry G. EZELL. It is known that Hartwell EZELL had a half-brother named John EZELL. He is now inclined to
believe that Henry G. was the son of John and the nephew of Hartwell, and therefore, is the cousin he remembers hearing his father speak of. Mr. G.G. EZELL further wrote that he had just found a list of slave owners in Burke County, Georgia, dated 1 October 1798, and that this list included the name John EZELL. Since Hartwell EZELL first went to Burke County, Georgia, he now believes the slave owner, John EZELL, was Hartwell's half-brother.

Hartwell EZELL* migrated from Virginia to South Carolina, thence to Georgia, where he first settled in Burke County. Then, in 1793, he moved to Jasper County, Georgia, where he bought land and settled near Monticello. The land records of Jasper County, Jasper County Court House, Monticello, Georgia, verify this information. Hartwell EZELL was one of the earliest settlers and a leading citizen of Jasper County. He was a highly respected and much loved man. He married Sealey LOWREY ca. 1792 or early 1793. She was born 15 March 1767 and died 3 October 1814, Jasper County, Georgia. Kartwell and Sealey (Lowrey) EZELL had a son named Simeon. This seems to indicate that she was the daughter of Simeon Lowrey.

Hartwell EZELL fought for liberty in the Revolutionary War. The Daughters of The American Revolution erected a monument at his grave. He died 17 November 1836 and is buried near Monticello, Jasper County, Georgia. Both he and his wife, Sealey, are buried in the family cemetery located on his farm.

*From Addendum 2
Hartwell Ezell m(1) 25 Nov 1789, Wake Co., N.C., Obedience Murchet Lee. (2) 9 Jan 1793, Wake Co., N.C. Selah (Sealey) Lowrey.
The earliest record of land purchased by Hartwell EZELL in Jasper Co., Ga. is a deed from Levi Spain to Hartwell EZELL for 202 1/2 acres for which Hartwell paid $500.00. This was before the name of that part of the county was changed from Baldwin to Jasper County. The deed is dated 16 May 1809, recorded 9 July 1812 (Bk 5, pp 307-308), Office of Clerk of Superior Court, Jasper Co., Ga. At the time this deed was made, both parties were residents of Burke co., Ga.

In 1827, while a resident of Jasper County, Georgia, Hartwell EZELL was granted land as a Revolutionary Soldier, Memoirs of Georgia, Vol II, p 726, and Georgia'a Roster of the Revolution p 351.

Six generations of Hartwell EZELL'S family have continued to live in Jasper County. Over the years, they have been active in religious life and in public, agricultural, political, and business affairs, At one time four of Hartwell's descendants were in public office in the Jasper County Court House, Monticello, Ga. There have been at least six physicians,
one evangelist, one lawyer, several teachers, and many business men among his descendants. During the War Between the States, four of his grandsons were fighting in The Confederate Army. In every war since,
many of his descendants have been represented in the armed forces.

ISSUE OF HARTWELL4 EZELL, 51, and his wife, Sealey LOWREY

74, i Sarah5 EZELL b. 4 Dec 1793, Jasper Co.,Ga.
75, ii John b. 13 June 1795, Jasper Co.,Ga
76, iii Simeon S. b. 17 March 1797, Jasper Co.,Ga.
77, iv Braxton R. b. 28 Dec 1798, Jasper Co.,Ga.
78, v Candace b. 27 Nov 1801,Jasper Co.,Ga.
79, vi Hartwell H. b. 19 Dec 1806, Jasper Co.,Ga.

52, LUCY4 EZELL (John3, 20;Thomas2, Timothy1, George)—the third child and second daughter of John EZELL, Jr. and his wife, Jane, was born 20 April 1767, Albemarle Parish, Va. She married Thomas DEAN in 1785, by whom there were 11 children, according to the report of one of her descendants, Nannie N. LUNSFORD (Mrs. C. L. GILMORE). Thomas DEAN was born in 1760 and died 1830

ISSUE OF LUCY4 EZELL 52, and her husband, Thomas DEAN

i Wiley5 DEAN
ii Henry
iii John
iv William
v Jane m..........AMBROS
vi Lucy m..........BULAND
vii Sarah m..........WILLIAMS
ix Nancy m..........ALEXANDER
x Elizabeth m... ......ALEXANDER
80, xi Areny m..........DILLARD

54, MICAJAH4 EZELL (William3,23,Thomas2, Timothy1, George) the son of William EZELL and his wife, Eudora LaMOTTE was born about 1773 in Virginiao He was called Michael and Mike but in his will found among the records of Giles County, Tennessee, he signed his name Micajah EZELL. Micajah and his brother, Thomas, were witnesses of the marriage of their sister, Susannah, to Jeremiah EZELL in 1797, Brunswick County, Virginia. In this record his name is spelled Mical EZELL. This record indicates both he and Thomas had reached the age of 21 by 1797. Micajah had a younger brother, Timothy EZELL, whose birthdate is known. Timothy was born in 1775. The 1820 Census of Giles County, Tennessee, lists Micajah (Michael) as being over 45 years of age in 1820. His wife's age is given as being between 26 and 45. This same census schedule shows that Micajah had in his family in addition to himself and his wife: 1 m 26-45; 2 m 18-26; 1 m 16-18; and 2 f under 10. These indicate Micajah was born about 1773. It would also seem logical to assume that his brother Thomas was older than he and that Thomas was born about 1771-1772. Micajah EZELL was in Union District, South Carolina, in 1801. Book G, p 226, dated 20 October 1801. Micajah EZELL, Jeremiah EZELL, and John NEWTON purchased 705 acres from Alexander M. DOUGAL. The said land being a part of a grant to Hillery GUY. Witnesses were Jesse LILES, Timothy EZELL (his mark), and Sam NEWTON. Book H, p 321,dated 10 October 1806, Union District, South Carolina, Micajah EZELL (Michael, Mike) sold 215 acres to Joseph CALDWELL and William HAMMOND. This sale took place about the time Micajah and his brothers, | Timothy and William, migrated to Tennessee with Dr. Gabriel BUMPASS.
Four of the children of William EZELL were part of the migration of South Carolina Families to Giles County, Tennessee. They were Micajah (Michael), Timothy, William EZELL and their sister, Elizabeth (EZELL) BUCHANAN, wife of Robert BUCHANAN. In the same party were William Haynie BUCHANAN and his four sons, Robert, Maximillian Haynie, John and Jesse. Three of William EZELL'S children married three of Wm. Haynie BUCHANAN'S children. Timothy EZELL married Elizabeth BUCHANAN, Elizabeth EZELL married Robert BUCHANAN, and William EZELL married Margaret (Peggy) BUCHANAN. They all settled in Giles County, Tennessee, near Cross Water, now called Sutton's Spring.
In 1806, Dr. Gabriel BUMPASS of Abbeville District, South Carolina, gathered together about 50 of his friends from Abbeville and Union Districts with the intention of settling lands in Tennessee. They set out from South Carolina and reached the vicinity of Nashville in the fall of 1806, where they had to remain for many months because the land they wished to settle had not been ceded by the Indians. The Indians were very hostile to the white men for entering their lands and peaceable possession was impossible. Finally, conditions bettered and the group of settlers set out again for their destination. Many left their wives and children in Nashville until they could clear some land and build homes for them.
The group encountered little difficulty until they reached the vicinity of Columbia, Tennessee. From here on they had to cut their way through heavy cane brake which grew as high as 25 feet in the bottom lands. So, they decided to follow a circuitous route over the ridges where the cane was not quite so high. In cutting the cane, it was necessary to cut it below the surface of the ground, otherwise, the stubs were almost as dangerous to the men and beasts as if they were steel spikes. Thus, this BUMPASS Party opened the first road in Giles County, south of Columbia and it became known as The Bumpass Trail. It was the only road into that section for two or three years. This band of settlers reached their destination in either the summer or early fall of 1807 because they raised corn in 1808, and others who came after them, came in the late tall of 1807, having traveled the Bumpass Trail from Columbia.
Micajah EZELL married Lucy and they had at least four sons and two daughters but none of their names are known. All efforts to contact any of their descendants have failed.

Micajah EZELL was given a grant of land in Tennessee for 170 acres, Grant #7577, from Gov. Willie BLOUNT.This grant was given to him and John NEWTON jointly. The Book of Deeds for 1808, Giles County, Tennessee, records a deed wherein Micajah EZELL purchased land from the State of Tennessee from the Commissioners of Pulaski.

Micajah EZELL’S will was written 31 March 1844 and is recorded in the Office of County Court, Giles County Court House, Pulaski, Tennessee. In it, he provides for his wife, Lucy EZELL, and his heirs; his sister-in-law. Charlotte S. EZELL, and her heirs -Charlotte was the widow of Micajah's brother, Jeptha EZELL-. He also made bequests to L.T. and R. LITERAL (sic) and to Wilkins and Velma (or Melena - hard to read) NEWTON. Since the 1820 census lists two daughters, it is thought one may have married L.T. LITERAL and the other married Wilkins NEWTON. Micajah bequeathed to them "all the interest I have in the estate of my father, William EZELL, in South Carolina". George W. EZELL was appointed by Micajah to be the executor of the will. It is believed George W. was one of Micajah's sons. Since so few names are mentioned in the will and the failure to contact any of his descendants, it is believed most of Micajah's children died young. The will was witnessed by I.P. WESTMORE LAND and Amasa EZELL. Amasa was the son of Micajah's brother, Abel EZKLL. Micajah died about 1844.
ISSUE OF MICAJAH4 EZELL, 54, and his wife, Lucy Four sons and two daughters according to 1820 Census of Giles Co., Tennessee. Since no names are known,* no numbers have been assigned.
*Addendum 1 changed know to known.
55, TIMOTHY4 EZELL (William3, 23,Thomas2, Timothy1, George) the third son of William EZELL and his wife, Eudora* LaMOTTE, was born 10 March 1775, Mecklenburg County, Virginia. He was living in Union District, South Carolina, in October 1801, when he witnessed the purchase of 705 acres of land by his brother, Micajah, his brother-in-law, Jeremiah EZELL, and John NEWTON from Alexander DOUGAL.
*Addendum 1 changed Eufora to Eudora.
Mrs. W.B.POTTER, great granddaughter of William EZELL stated to Mr. & Mrs. Foster EZELL in 1939, that William objected to his son, Timothy's, attentions to a young girl in Union District, and that Timothy left home. He later married Elizabeth BUCHANAN, daughter of William Haynie BUCHANAN and Frances STRIBLING, his wife. Mrs. H. D. BEDON, descended from both Timothy and Elizabeth EZELL records in her history of the EZELL-BUCHANAN Family, that Timothy's wife, Elizabeth (BUCHANAN) was called "Betsy Tim" to differentiate between her and her double sister- in-law, Elizabeth EZELL, who married Robert BUCHANAN, her brother. Elizabeth (EZELL) BUCHANAN was called "Betsy BOB".
Elizabeth BUCHANAN, wife of Timothy EZELL, was born 17 January 1783. Her father gave her a young negro slave named "Ted". Ted was with her when she died, 18 November 1866.

Elizabeth and Timothy EZELL were members of the Bumpass Party who journeyed from South Carolina in 1806 to settle lands in Tennessee. They had to remain in Nashville for a year or more before completing their journey because of trouble with the Indians. The Bumpass party stayed on the east side of Cumberland River about a mile below the bluff. When they finally reached Giles County in 1807, they settled and built their homes several miles northeast of Pulaski, where they raised their family. Soon after settling in their new home, Timothy, had to go back to either Virginia or South Carolina, on account of a law suit, leaving his wife alone with her faithful slave, Ted. Timothy made the journey on horse back and won the suit. This account is found among the records of Mrs. H.D. BEDON.

The EZELLs and BUCHANAMS were Primitive Baptist in their faith. They built the first Baptist Church in Giles County. It was in the neighborhood of Cross Water. The site is now called Sutton Spring. Thereis no Baptist Church there now and has not been for many years. During the time Mildred Field EZELL (Mrs. Giles REYNOLDS) lived on BUCHANAN Creek, a Presbyterian Church was built in this same neighborhood and Mrs. REYNOLDS named it the Sharon Presbyterian Church, by which it goes to this day (1960). Mrs. REYNOLDS was an active member of this church as long as she lived. Timothy EZELL attended the sale of the effects of his deceased father, William EZELL, Union District, South Carolina, which was held 26 October 1832. In addition to himself, he represented- with power of attorney - his brother, Jeptha EZELL, and his brother-in-law, Robert BUCHANAN.

Timothy's wife, Elizabeth, was well educated. She owned a library of good books which she urged her children and grandchildren to read. She was a source of inspiration to her grandson, Edwin M. GARDNER, encouraging him, criticizing and praising his artistic efforts. About 1842-43, Timothy and Elizabeth EZELL migrated to Miss. and settled at Okolona, where they lived out their lives, and are buried in Okolona Cemetery, side byside. This cemetery is near National Cemetery, off highway 45, Ukolona, Miss. His tombstone reads: T. EZELL, b. 10 March 1775, d. 30 November 1858. Her tombstone reads: Elizabeth EZELL, b. 12 January 1783, d. 18 November 1866. Elizabeth (BUCHANAN) EZELL, Margaret (BUCHANAN) EZELL, and their brother, Robert BUCHANAN, were children of William Haynie BUCHANAN and his wife, Frances STRIBLING (b. 1756), dau. of Thomas STRIBLING, Jr. (1734-1819) and his wife. Nancy Ann KINCHELOE (b. ca. 1735, d. 1823). Both Thos. J. and Nancy Ann bur. Pendleton Co.- now Anderson Co.- S.C., but, no one living today has been able to locate their graves. Thos. STRIBLING, Jr. served as a private in Capt. HUGHES' S.C. Militia, Revolutionary War. Reported by Mrs. B.G. COGGIN from records of Eleanor (GARDNER) BEDON. Also recorded in "KINCHELOE, McPHERSON & Related Families", p. 320-321. pub. 1951 by L.D. McPHERSON.

ISSUE OF TIMOTHY4 EZELL, 55, and his wife, Elizabeth BUCHANAN
i Emily5 EZELL b ca 1807, Giles., Co., Tenn. ,. d. an infant
82, ii Lucinda b 25 Oct 1809, Giles Co., Tenn., m Capt.Wm. STONE. Both bur Maxey Cemetery, near Belden, Miss.
83, iii Melissa b 14 Feb 1811, Giles Co., Tenn.
84, iv Caroline Frances b 22 June 1816, Giles Co., Tenn.
85, v Geo. Washington b ca 1818, Giles Co., Tenn.
86, vi Orville Marion b ca 1822-1823, Giles Co. ,Tenn., d1905, Hinsdale, 111., m Emma BENDERMAN, b 22 Mar 1842 Tenn., d 5 Dec 1870, Okolona, Miss., bur Mt. Zion Cem., Pontotoc, Miss.
Issue: 180, John EZELL
181, Frances EZELL
182, Timothy EZELL
183 Orvella EZELL
184, George EZELL.


57, ABEL S.4 EZELL (William3, 23, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of William EZELL and his wife Eudora LaMOTTE, born 7 Dec. 1780, Va., died 9 Sept. 1854, near Elkton, Tenn. and is buried in the EZELL Cemetery, just off highway 31, ca 3 miles SE of Elkton. This cemetery consists of one acre which was set aside for a family graveyard. Five generations are buried here. Beside him lies his wife, Sarah (PALMER) EZELL (called Sally) whom he married ca 1802- 1803, Union Dist., S.C. She was born 15 Oct. 1786, Union Dist., S.C., died 12 Dec. 1868, Giles Co., Tenn. She was the daughter of John PALMER, Revolutionary War soldier, and his first wife, Martha WILLIAMS (called Patsy). His war record is found in Soldiers of the Revolutionary War, South Carolina Historical Commission, Columbia, S.C. He was born 6 Sept. 1752 and died 28 Jan. 1828. Martha (WILLIAMS) PALMER was born 1754 and died 19 Aug. 1813. The birth dates of his 9 children, all born prior to Martha's death, establish her as their mother. John next married Hannah........ who is named as his wife in will (Will recorded in Union Co. Court House, Union, S.C.). Names and dates of birth of his children taken from the PALMER Family Bible, in possession of E. G. EVANS, Pendleton, S.C. at the time Ida (PALMER) WILBURN (D.A.R. #226014) applied and was accepted for membership in D.A.R. Court records in Union Co., S.C. and Giles Co., Tenn. verify Sarah (Sally) PALMER, wife of Abel EZELL, as their daughter. In Aug. 1830, Abel and Sarah EZELL signed a deed to a tract of land “being a part of the estate of John PALMER, her father (deceased)" to Isaac GOINGS, "said land being on Brown's Creek, bounded on the east by lands of William EZELL". (Deed Bk T, p 494, Union Co., S.C., rec. 6 Feb 1831). Another descendant, Mrs. Ottis GREEN, Asheville, N.C., was accepted for membership in D.A.R. (#445288) on the war record of John PALMER through his daughter, Sarah (PALMER) EZELL.
A record found in South Carolina Baptist Historical Collection, Furman University Library, Greenville, S.C., names Abel EZELL as a delegate in 1823 from Upper Fair Forest Church to The Bethel Association (Bethel Association Minutes, 1818-1835). Abel and Sarah moved from Union District, S.C. to Giles Co., Tenn., between 1825 and 1827. Their daughter, Susan, according to 1850 census, was born in 1825, S.C. and their next child, Patty, born ca 1827, Giles Co., Tenn. The list of the children of Abel and Sarah EZELL was compiled by their gr. granddaughter, Lou Ella EZELL (deceased) and has been verified by census records. Birth dates of all the children are not known. Approximate dates were estimated from census schedules in comparison with known dates which were taken from tombstones.

ISSUE OF ABEL4 EZELL, 57, and his wife, Sarah PALMER

87, i Lamech Wilson*.5 EZELL b in 1805, Union Dist., S.C. (K.A. EZELL, grandson)
88, ii Amasa b in 1897, Union Dist, S.C. (James McCALLUM’S Hist)
89, iii Gideon Palmer b 4 May 1810, Union Dist, S.C. (tombstone)
90, iv Elom b 11 Nov 1812, Union Dist., S.C. (tombstone)
91, v Thomas Greer b 25 May 1815, Union Dist., S.C. (tombstone)
92, vi John P. b ca 1819, Union Dist, S.C. (age 41 1860 census)
93, vii William Seit b 28 Dec 1820, Union Dist., S.C. (tombstone)
94, viii Susan b 9 Oct 1825, Union Dist., S.C. (b S.C., 1850 census)
95, ix Patty b ca 1827, Giles Co., Tenn. (census) m Mr. CORPIUS,
232, Mace CORPIUS
233, Birdie CORPIUS
x Sarah b ca 1829, Giles Co., Tenn. (census) d.s.p. and bur near parent.
96, xi Abel, Jr. b ca 1831, Giles Co., Tenn. m Julia A. PERKINS,* 8 Sept 1853*, Giles Co., Tenn b Va. (age 27 in 1860 census)
234, Abel C. EZELL b ca 1855 (age 5 in 1860 census)
235, John H EZELL b ca 1857 (age 3 in 1860 census)
*From Addendum 1
Number 87 Substitute Wilson for W.; Number 96 Substitute Julia A. PERKINS for Julia A.; Number 96 add m 8 Sept 1853, Giles Co., Tenn.

58, WILLIAM SEIT4 EZELL (William3, 23, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of William EZELL and his wife, Eudora LaMOTTE, born ca 1782 in Va. and died 26 Feb 1832, Giles Co., Tenn. The date of his death is recorded in the Bible of his wife, Margaret (BUCHANAN) EZELL, now in the possession of his great granddaughter, LouElla (BUCHANAN) WADE. William is buried in an old family graveyard, located on Buchanan Creek, 5 or 6 mi from Pulaski, Tenn. Evidently this old graveyard has disappeared because no living descendants have been able to find it. His granddaughter, Mildred F. (EZELL) REY NOUDS wrote in a letter to Mrs. WADE ca 1913 that she did not know if it could be found. Adding that it was located on "grandma's Margaret's old home place". Mrs. REYNOLDS also stated that she had been in it as a child.

William Seit EZELL married Margaret BUCHANAN 10 May 1806, Davidson Co., Tenn. The report is that he courted her all the way from South Carolina. They were in the Gabriel BUMPASS party mention before. Margaret was born in 1785, Union Dist., S.C. and died 25 Feb 1874, Lincoln Co., Tenn., near Fayetteville, in the home of her daughter, Araminta Dunreath (EZELL) BUCHANAN. Her remains were brought back to Giles Co., and she is interred beside her husband. She was the daughter of William Haynie BUCHANAN and his wife, Frances STRIBLING (See 55, Timothy4 EZELL)

William and Margaret EZELL settled on a farm ca 3 miles from Crosswater (now called Sutton Spring). Af ter her husband died, she continued to live there with her son, William Madison (called Matt) until he died in 1869. She then sold her farm and went to live with her daughter, Mrs. Milton BUCHANAN, Lincoln Co., Tenn . Information from the "Memoirs" of Mildred Field (EZELL) REYNOLDS, granddaughter, and LouElla (BUCHANAN) WADE, gr. granddaughter.

ISSUE OF WILLIAM SEIT4 EZELL, 58, and his wife, Margaret BUCHANAN

97, i Cecelia 5 EZELL b ca 1807 1808, Tenn.
ii Elizabeth d in infancy, bur near parents, family graveyard
iii Mary Emily d.s.p. 23 Feb 1833, Giles Co., Tenn.
iv Ethelinda M b ca 1814 d.s.p. 5 Apr 1834 Giles Co., Tenn.
98, v Pinkney Harrison b 10 Sept 1816,GilesCo.,Tenn,
99, vi Araminta Dunreath b 18 Jan 1820,Giles Co.,Tenn.
vii William Madison b 5 Nov 1823,Giles Co.,Tenn. (Matt) d.s.p. 30 Apr 1869, Giles Co., Tenn.
viii James (Jason) Monroe b 18 Dec 1825, Giles Co.,Tenn, Was called Cuff. d.s.p. 2 Mar 1847, age 22 yrs. Had just graduated in medicine and begun practice.

59, ELIZABETH4 EZELL (William3, 23, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) daughter of William EZELL and his wife, Eudora LaMOTTE, born ca 1784, Va. (Census schedules ofChickasaw Co., Miss.), married ca 1803, S.C., Robert BUCHANAN, son of William Haynie BUCHANAN and his wife, Frances STRIBLING (See 55, Timothy4 EZELL). Elizabeth (EZELL) BUCHANAN was called "Betsy Bob", to distinguish her from her double sister in law, Elizabeth
(BUCHANAN) EZELL (wife of her brother, Timothy EZELL) called "Betsy Tim". Elizabeth and Robert BUCHANAN came to Giles Co., Tenn. 1806 1807 with the Gabriel BUMPASS party and settled on east side of Buchanan Creek
where he built a grist mill and was grinding corn in 1809 (McCallum's Early History of Giles Co., p 20). Before the 1850 census of Giles Co. was taken, they had moved to Okolona, Chickasaw Co., Miss. where they are listed in the 1850 Census, and he is recorded as a farmer, born in S.C., 1788. Information from records of Eleanor (GARDNER) BEDON and Esma EZELL, reported by Mrs. B.B. McGINTY (descendant). Also found in Kincheloe, McPherson & Related Families, p 322.

ISSUE OF ELIZABETH4 EZELL, 59, and her husband Robert BUCHANAN

100, i Jason 5 BUCHANAN b ca 1804, S.C.
101, ii Kensington A. b ca 1806, Tenn.
102, iii Ezella b ca 1808, Giles Co.,Tenn.
103, iv Clayton b ca 1813, Giles Co.,Tenn.
v P. Boles b ca 1815, Giles Co.,Tenn.
104, vi Mary Eleanor b ca 1818, Giles Co.,Tenn. m 85, Geo. Washington EZELL, her double first cousin.
vii Milton b ca 1820, Giles Co.,Tenn.
viii William F. b ca 1823, Giles Co.,Tenn.
ix Robert, Jr. b ca 1825, Giles Co.,Tenn

60, MARTHA4 EZELL (William3, 23, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) daughter of William EZELL, was born in Va., date of birth unknown. Old records establish her as his daughter, even though she is not mentioned in his will, and show that she married a Mr. Swanson .JOHNSON by whom she had a daughter, Eliza Jane JOHNSON, who was the second wife of her double first cousin, 120, Dr. Lafayette5 EZELL. Reported by Mr. H.P. SCHMECK who received his information from their great granddaughter, Emma Dunn (Hill) WILKERSONN. Also found in Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol. VI.

ISSUE OF MARTHA4 EZELL, 60, and her husband, Swanson JOHNSON
107, i Eliza Jane 5 JOHNSON b 1816, d 1899.

62, JEPTHA4 EZELL (William3, 23, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of William EZELL and his wife, Eudora LaMOTTE, born ca 1795, Va., married Charlotte SMITH. Resided Giles Co., Tenn. in 1830, when that census was taken his age given as 30 40 and that of his wife, 30 40). Only his wife. Charlotte S. EZELL, is listed in the 1840 census. Their great granddaughter. Miss Lucile FERGUSON (now deceased) reported that her grandmother, Sarah Ann EZELL (first child of Jeptha and Charlotte S. EZELL), told her that her parents were living in Manchester, Coffee Co., Tenn. when she was born in 1823, and that they moved to Giles Co., when she was ca 6 yrs. of age. Miss FERGUSON also reported that Jeptha, a wealthy farmer, lost all of his wealth signing notes without good security. This affected his mind and one day he wandered off, never to be heard from again. In 1832, then a resident of Giles Co., he appointed his brother, Timothy, to representhim in the settlement of the estate of their deceased father, William EZELL, lately of Union Dist., S.C. Another of Jeptha's brothers, Micajah EZELL, remembered his sister in law. Charlotte S. EZELL, and her children in his will, dated 31 March 1844. Recorded Giles Co., Court House, Pulaski, Tenn.

ISSUE OF JEPTHA4 EZELL, 62, and his wife Charlotte SMITH
108, i Sarah Ann 5 EZELL, b 20 Jan 1823, Manchester,Tenn.
109, ii Elizabeth Jane b ca 1825, Tenn.
110, iii Clinton b ca 1827, Tenn.
111, iv Almarinda b ca 1831, Giles Co., Tenn. m John J. GREEN
ISSUE: 287, i Cora6 GREEN m Robert BAXENDALE
288, ii Walter
289, iii Eugene
iv Albert Hatcher GREEN m (no issue).
290, v Rose m Thomas MOORE (issue unknown).

65, MIRIAM4 EZELL (William3, 23, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) daughter of William EZELL and his third wife, Rhoda LYLES, was born ca 1807, Union Dist., S.C. and died 8 March 1881, age 74 (tombstone inscription). She is interred in Gilead Cemetery near Jonesville, S.C. beside her husband, William LONG, born 11 June 1793, Pea Ridge, S.C. and died 8 Apr. 1865. An iron fence surrounds their cemetery lot. Their granddaughter and Miriam's name sake, Miriam Caroline (SMITH) POTTER, reported that William and Rhoda had three daughters prior to Miriam's birth who were all named "Polly". All three died in infancy. When the fourth little girl arrived, William wanted to name her Polly also, but Rhoda firmly refused. He then suggested that they open the Bible and if a female name appeard on the opened page, the child would be called by that name. If only male names appeared, she would be named "Polly". The first female name appearing on the opened page was Miriam, so she was named "Miriam". Rhoda died when Miriam (last child born to them) was a small child and her father next married Susanna LYLES| Rhoda's half sister. Miriam resented this marriage and misbehaved at the wedding which displeased her father. Miriam was only 14 yrs. old when she married
William LONG, much against her father's will, and he refused to speak to her for years. Finally, peace was made and he came to appreciate the fine qualities of his daughter's husband. When he made his will, he appointed his son in law, William LONG, as one of the executors. William LONG, son of William LONG, served in the War of 1812 1814. He was made Brevet Captain at New Orleans. After the war ended, he returned to S.C. and married Miriam EZELL ca 1822. He invented the tie for the cotton gin. Reported by their granddaughter, Miriam Caroline (SMITH) POTTER.

ISSUE OF MIRIAM4 EZELL, 65, and her husband William LONG
i William5 LONG, III b 27 June 1823, S.C.,d.s.p. 27 Aug. 1865 of dysentery, contracted while serving in Confederate Army. Bur next to parents, Gilead Cemetery
114, ii John b 23 July 1825, S.C., killed in June 1864, Riddle Shop, Va. Bur Gilead Cemetery.
115 iii Mary m-Mr. WINN, bur Greenville,S.C,
116 iv Nancy m Mr. RAY, bur Greenville,S.C.
v Sally d.s.p., bur Gilead Cemetery
117 vi Amanda m (l), Mr. HAMES.(2) Mr. LITTLE JOHN bur Gilead Cemetery
vii Joseph (Joe) d.s.p. bur Gilead Cemetery
viii Thomas (Tom) d.s.p., Feb 1861 Centerville,
ix Dr. James d.s.p., bur Gilead Cemetery served as Field Surgeon under Fitzhugh Lee,
Confederate Army, for 4 yrs.
x Charles R. d.s.p., bur Gilead Cemetery
118 xi Janie E. m William SMITH
xii An infant, (name, sex unknown) d in infancy

66, JEREMIAH4 EZELL (Balaam, Sr.3, 25,Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of Rev. Balaam EZELL, Sr. and his wife, Liddy, born 27 Sept 1775, Sussex Co., Va., died 18 Feb 1838, Mill Creek, Davidson Co., Term., and is buried, Davidson Co., Tenn. He married his double first cousin, 56, Susannah4 EZELL, daughter of 23, William3 EZELL. Jeremiah and Susannah were married 16 Nov 1797, Brunswick Co., Va., with consent of her father. His father. Rev. Balaam EZELL, Sr. performed the wedding ceremony. Two of her brothers, Mical (sic) and Thomas EZELL, were witnesses (Knorr's Marriages of Brunswick Co., Va., 1750 1810, p 30).

Susannah was born 18 Feb 1779, Mecklenburg Co., Va., died 29 Oct 1862, Davidson Co., Tenn. and is buried near her husband. Jeremiah and Susannah EZELL were living in Union District, S.C. in 1800 when their first child was born. About 1804 1805, they moved to Davidson Co., Tenn. where he purchased land in Davidson Co., 20 Aug 1805, said land close to the present Tenn. Central State Hospital, just outside Nashville. At the time of his death, he owned considerable acreage in Mill Creek, Little Mill Creek, and on Nolensviile Rd., Davidson Co., Tenn. He gave a farm to
each of his five children some of which were given prior to his death.

Jeremiah appointed his oldest son, C.C. EZELL, to represent him in the settlement of the estate of his wife's father, "William EZELL (deceased), late of Union Dist., S.C.". (Bk W, p 84, Union Co. Court House, Union, S.C.). Appointment dated 14 Sept 1832. Jeremiah EZELL was highly esteemed by the courts of Davidson Co. as well as the citizens. He was a man respected tor his integrity, good judgment and business ability.

His will, written 4 8 Jan 1834, recorded 22 Sept 1838, Register's office, Davidson Co, Court House, Nashville, Tenn. names his wife, Susannah EZELL, "my eldest son, Collatinus Cincinnatius........... my second son. Dr. Lafayette........... my third son, Uberto Desaix......my daughter, Minerva MARSHALL.......... my fourth son, Gregor McGregor........." to whom he made bequests. He names his son, Collatinus C. EZELL as his administrator. Reported by Mary Elizabeth (Beth EZELL) VANCLEAVE, gr gr granddaughter.

ISSUE OF JEREMIAH4 EZELL, 66, and his wife, 56, Susannah4 EZELL
119, i Collatinus Cincinnatius 5 EZELL b ca 1800, S.C,| (age 50 in 1850 Census) m (l) Jane GOUDMAN
(2) m 16 July 1840, Rutherford Co., Tenn., Rebecca MAYFIELD. Issue from either marriage unknown, but had descendants living in Texas when his cousin, F.L. EZELL, wrote The EZELL Genealogy . C.C. EZELL moved to Walnut Creek (near Austin), Texas ca 1855, died and is buried there.
120, ii Lafayette, (M.D.) b 11 Nov 1802, S.C.
121, iii Uberto Desaix b ca 1810, Davidson, Co. , Tenn.
122, iv Minerva b ca 1813, Davidson Co., Tenn. m Josiah MARSHALL, resided Christiana, Rutherford Co., Tenn. Issue unknown, but had descendants living Rutherford Co. in 1913.

123. V Gregor McGregor b 9 June 1815, Davidson Co., Tenn.

67, BALAAM4 EZELL, JR. (Balaam, Sr.3, 25, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of Rev. Balaam EZELL, Sr. and
his wife, Liddy, born 11 Apr 1783, Sussex Co., Va., died 21 June 1833, near Chapel Hill, Tenn., and is interred in Flat Creek Cemetery, Williamson Co., Tenn., ca 7 miles from Chapel Hill. He, like his father, was a Primitive Baptist Minister and a farmer. His will, made 1 Jan 1832, is recorded Marshall Co., Court House, Franklin, Tenn. He married 17 July 1805, Williamson Co., Tenn., Keziah TARKINGTON, born 11 Aug 1778, died 2 June 1850, interred near her husband. She was daughter of Zebulon TARKINGTON and his wife, Mary HASSELL, both born in Tyrell Co., N.C. Zebulon was son of Joshua TARKINGTON who was son of John TARKINGTON and his wife. Prudence. John came to Americain 1668 and settled on 1050 acres of land, Cecil Co., Maryland. John made his mark (Land office, Annapolis,
Md. & Clerk s office, Cecil Co., Md.).

Mary (HASSELL) TARKINGTON, mother of Keziah, was dau of Benjamin HASSELL and his wife, Ann SNELL. Mary and Zebulon TARKINGTON were married 29 Oct 1765, Tyrell Co., N.C. They had 9 children. Including Keziah and Joseph. Joseph TARKINGTON, a Methodist Minister, married Maria SLAUSON, and had a son, John Stevenson TARKINGTON, who was the grandfather of Booth TARKINGTON, noted American author. (JOSHUA TARKINGTON from "REMINISCENCES" by Rev. Joseph TARKINGTON McRaven's "LIFE and TIMES of EDWARD SWANSON", p 113, and "THE TARKINGTON FAMILY", id, pp 219 225).

Rev. Balaam EZELL, Jr. and his wife, Keziah, had 12 children. Their son, L.B., died 15 yrs. prior to the time Keziah named the 11 lawful heirs of Balaam EZELL, Jr., in a deed, dated 1841. Reported by Mary Elizabeth (Beth EZELL) VANCLEAVE and Wilbur Foster CREIGHTON, Jr., descendant.

ISSUE OF BALAAM4 EZELL, Jr., 67, and his wife, Keziah TARKINGTON
124, i Mary Saunders 5 EZELL b 8 Nov 1806 m Orren VINCENT, 6 Nov 1828, Williamson Co., lived near Dresden, Tenn.
125, ii Littleberry R b 19 July 1807, Tenn., d 1 June 1850 m , 29 Dec 1836, Martha Holmes SMITH, b 1820, d 1910, both bur EZELL Cem., Eaglesville Rd., near Chapel Hill, Tenn.
iii L. B. b 12 Mar 1809, Tenn., d.s.p. 9 Aug 1826, bur Flat Creek Cemetery.
126, iv Joseph D b 15 Mar 1810, Tenn.
127, v Jephthah (sic) b 16 May 1811, Tenn
128, vi Deborah m Mr. CRAWFORD
129, vii Emeline Elizabeth b 1 Mar 1815, Tenn.
130, viii William b 10 Apr 1816,Tenn.,d 27 Sept. 1877 m Elizabeth A. HOLMES.
131, ix Balaam H m in Feb 1845, Martha BURNS
132, x Nancy E b 24 Sept 1820, Tenn., d 10 July 1904. bur Swanson Cem., Chapel Hill, Term. m 22 Oct 1844, John E. CROCKETT, b 15 May 1823, d 3 July 1871
327, i George Balaam CROCKETT.
xi Burke M b 6 Nov 1821, d.s.p. 23 Aug 1847 bur Flat Creek Cemetery.
133, xii George Washington b 10 Apr 1823, Tenn.

70, EUPHFRAM4 EZELL (James, Sr.3, 31, Timothy2, Timothy1, George) son of James EZELL, Sr., born ca 1792

(Va. or S.C.), married and had three children. Name of wife, unknown. Information from The MARTIN EZELL
GENEALOGY by D.P.L. MARTIN, descendant.

135, i "Big John”5 EZELL
136, ii Levi EZELL, moved to Ga.
137, iii Lundy EZELL m Mr. EZELL (no relation).

71, JAMES4 EZELL, Jr. (James, Sr.3, 31, Timothy2, Timothy1, George) son of James EZELL, Sr., born 13 Feb 1794, S.C., died 4 Feb 1874, married Sarah CANTRELL born 10 July 1795 and died 6 Mar 1875. Both James Jr. and Sarah are interred in Buck Creek Church Cemetery, S.C. Reported by Dr. Humphrey K. EZELL.

ISSUE OF JAMES4 EZELL, Jr., 71, and his wife, Sarah CANTRELL
138, i William 5 EZELL b ca 1818 1820, S.C.
139, ii Lafayette b ca 1820 1825, S.C., m Mahalia TURNER.
343, i Henry EZELL,
344, ii Epps EZELL.
345, iii Scott
346, iv Whitney m Teel McMILIAN
347, v Nannie m William LOWE.
348, vi Beulah m Joseph LOWE.
140, iii Aaron Calhoun b 10 Oct 1829, S.C.
141, iv Zibby b ca 1831, Buck Creek, S.C.
142, v Johnnie Mart b 1 May 1834, S.C.
143, vi Nancy (Nannie) b 3 July 1837, Landrum, S.C.

72, SAMUEL4 EZELL (James, Sr.3, 31, Timothy2, Timothy1, George) son of James EZELL, Sr., born ca 1796 1797, S.C., married Rachel PAIGNE, dau of John PAIGNE, gunsmith, came to S.C. from Surry Co., N.C.. Samuel EZELL was a millwright and a mechanical genius. He was also a Magistrate and dispenser of legal justice in South Carolina. Reported by Dr. Humphrey K. EZELL.

ISSUE OF SAMUEL4 EZELL, 72, and his wife Rachel PAIGNE
144, i James H 5 EZELL b ca 1823, m Artimisia DOBBINS.
145, * ii John Swillivan b 29 Jan 1825, S.C.
146, iii Nancy m Dillard DOBBINS
147, iv Eliza m John DUEBERRY
148, v Lucy *Jane m Humphrey KIMSEY
149, vi Delphie m Capt John MARTIN, son of Jerry MARTIN, grandson of Chadrick MARTIN.
150, vii Timpey m Bulb PAIGNE
151, viii Lucinda (Lucidia) m Myer (Mire) MARTIN, brother of Capt. John (above)
* See Note at 145
Chapter 6

77, BRAXTON ROGERS5 EZELL, Sr. (Hartwell4, 51, John3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of Hartwell EZELL and his wife, Sealey LOWREY, born 28 Dec 1798, Jasper Co., Ga., married 17 Oct 1822, Elizabeth JACKSON, born 9 Apr 1804, Jasper Co., Ga. (Family Bible). Reported by Gibson Greer EZELL.

ISSUE OF BRAXTON ROGERS 5 EZELL, Sr., 77, and his wife, Elizabeth JACKSON
152, i John Hartwell6 EZELL b 10 Sept 1823, Jasper Co., Ga.
ii Emily Caroline b 5 July 1825, Jasper Co., Ga., d 3 Sept 1826, bur Jasper Co., Ga.
153, iii Robert Forsyth b 13 Nov 1827, Jasper Co., Ga.
154, iv Martha Ann b 1 Aug 1830, Jasper Co., Ga.
v Hartwell W b 13 Dec 1836, Jasper Co., Ga., d.s.p. 29 Nov 1842, Jasper Co., Ga.
155, vi Cullen R b 19 Feb 1839, Jasper Co., Ga.
156, vii Braxton Rogers,Jr. b 3 May 1842, Jasper Co.,Ga.
viii William C.P. b 11 Jan 1845, D.S.P.
157 ix Levi Daniel b 15 Jan 1848, Jasper Co., Ga.
80, ARENY5 DEAN (Lucy4 EZELL, 52, John3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) daughter of Lucy EZELL and her husband, Thomas DEAN, born EZELL who obtained information from Nannie N. (LUNSFORD) GILMORE, granddaughter.1817, died 1886, married 5 Sept 1833, John Abner DILLARD, bom 1807, died 29 Sept 1857. Reported by Gibson Greer

ISSUE OF ARENY5 DILLARD DEAN, 80, and her husband, John Abner
158, i Henry6 DILLARD
159, ii George m Miss CUNNARD.
160, iii Thomas m Miss AARON.
161, iv Fannie DILLARD m Mr. JACOBSON
162, v Bettle
163, vi Emma Wilson m R.E. LUNSFORD

83, MELISSA5 EZELL (Timothy4, 55, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) daughter of Timothy EZELL and his
wife, Elizabeth BUCHANAN, born 14 Feb 1811, Giles Co., Tenn., died 14 July 1880, near Bissell, Lee Co., Miss.,
married ca 1826, Giles Co., Tenn., Jesse WESTMORELAND born 6 Aug 1806, Va. son of Reuben WESTMORELAND (Court Minutes of Giles Co., Tenn., 1823 1825, records a report made Monday, 15 May 1825, by Tilmas R. DANIELS, guardian of Jesse WESTMORELAND, Laban WESTMORELAND, and Martha L. WESTMORELAND, orphan children of Reuben WESTMORELAND). Melissa and Jesse WESTMORELAND moved to Miss. between 1839 and 1842, and first settled between Aberdeen and Okolona. After the death of her parents, they
moved to Lee County and settled on a large plantation "near Bissell, ca 7 miles from Tupelo. They donated the land for the Westmoreland Primitive Baptist Church, and for the adjoining Old Westmoreland Cemetery. Jesse died 7 Aug 1874, Lee Co., Miss. and was the first person buried in the cemetery. Melissa is buried beside bin. Reported by Mrs. B. G. COGGIN.

165, i Adeline6 WESTMOREIAND b 3 Mar 1828, Giles Co., Tenn., m her cousin, 267, Telemacus C.
166, ii Milton Jerome (Joe) b 30 Oct 1833, Giles Co., Tenn. m Sally MARKS. While in service
of Confederate Army, he lost a leg at 2nd. Battle of Manassas. Bur Old Westmoreland Cemetery, near parents. Issue unknown.
167, iii Frances Caroline b 26 Oct 1835, Giles Co., Tenn.
168, iv Felix b 16 Dec 1839, Giles Co., Tenn. d 12 Aug 1888, bur Old Westmoreland Cem. m Fannie MARKS. Issue unknown.
V James Polk b 10 Oct 1842, Okolona, Miss. d.s.p. 27 July 1875 near Brinkley, Ark.
when on his way to Texas. Bur Old Westmoreland Cemetery.
169, vi Melissa Augusta b after 1842, Okolona, Miss. bur White Zion Cemetery, Lee Co., Miss.
m Joe MAKRS.
429, i Tom7 MARRS.
430, ii Tobe MARRS.
431, iii Polk MARRS.
170, vii Elizabeth (Betty) b Okolona, Miss. m James FRIERSON. They moved to Albany, Texas. Issue unknown.
171, viii Theodore Mortimer b Okolona, Miss. m Nancy PRIDE. Issue unknown
ix Josey b 22 Apr 1875, d 29 Aug 1876.

84, CAROLINE FRANCES5 EZELL (Timothy4, 55, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) daughter of Timothy EZELL and his wife, Elizabeth BUCHANAN, born 22 June 1816, Pulaski, Tenn., died in Aug 1893, and is interred in
Tupelo Cemetery, Tupelo, Miss. She married 18 Oct 1841, Giles Co., Tenn., George Washington GARDNER, born
1815, Kingston, Tenn., died 16 June 1886, interred beside his wife, Tupelo Cemetery. He was the son of George B. GARDNER and his wife, Mary SADLER, both of York, Pa. George B. GARDNER was originally named George
BAUMGARDNER (BAUMGARTNER). He married Mary SADLER (called Polly) ca 1810 1812, York Pa. who was very proud of the fact that her parents were "high Dutch" from Holland. George and Mary BAUMGARDNER moved from York, Pa. to Tenn. and first settled at Kingston. Later, they moved to Elkton, Term., and while living here, he changed his name to George B. GARDNER. His wife never approved of the change and after his death, again called herself Mary BAUMGARDNER. She died ca 1850, Giles Co., Tenn.

George Washington GARDNER was a farmer and an expert carpenter. He built some of the first houses in Savannah, Tenn. and in Florence, Ala. He and Caroline Frances first lived in Giles Co., Tenn. and moved to Miss. in 1846, settling near her parents at Okolona. Later, they moved to Harrisburg (now a suburb of Tupelo) where he built their home and where they were living during the War Between the States. He was a tall man with high forehead, sandy hair, and kindly blue eyes. Caroline Frances was small of stature with dark hair and blue eyes. She was kind and gentle. Following the death of her husband in 1886, she lived with her brother, Orville Marion EZELL, until her daughter, Eleanor, married in 1887, Joseph SMITH. Then, she lived with them until her death. Caroline Frances and Geo. W. GARDNER are buried side by side in Tupelo Cemetery. No stone marks their grave, but a beautiful magnolia tree shades their resting place. Information from records of Eleanor (GARDNER) BEDON, their granddaughter.

i Eleanor (Ella)6 GARDNER b 1842, Giles Co.,Tenn.m in 1887, Joseph SMITH, b 1840, Memphis,Tenn. killed age 96 in cyclone of 1936, Tupelo,Miss. Issue unknown.
ii Pocahontas b 1844, Giles Co., Tenn.
172, iii Edwin Maxmillian b 12 Oct 1845, Elkton,Tenn.
iv Frances Caroline b 1847, d.s.p. 1880,Miss.
173, v Timothy Ezell b 15 June 1853, Miss. m 6 Nov 1878, Anne Rebecca DICKSON, b 1859,
d 1940. Issue, 10 children.
vi Orvella b 1854, d.s.p. 1878, Miss.
vii George Washington, Jr. b 1856, d.s.p. 1890, Miss.

85, GEORGE WASHINGTON5 EZELL (Timothy4, 55, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of Timothy EZELL and his wife, Elizabeth BUCHANAN, born ca 1818, died Forest City, Ark., married his double cousin, 104, Mary Eleanor5 BUCHANAN, born ca 1818. Giles Co., Tenn., daughter of 59, Elizabeth4 EZELL and her husband, Robert BUCHANAN. Reported by Mrs. B.B. McGINTY from records of her aunt, Miss Ruby BROWN, who obtained them from Miss Esma EZELL.

ISSUE OF GEO. WASHINGTON5 EZELL, 85, and his wife, 104, Mary E.5 BUCHANAN
174, i George6 EZELL
175, ii Barkley Martin EZELL b ca 1845
176, iii Augustus m (l) Miss WRIGHT (2) Sally HOLCOMB (3) Minnie CLARK.
177, iv Van m L. MONROE
447, i Gordon EZELL.
178, v J. Shell m Rosa Lee WARREN
448, i Effie EZELL.
179, vi Timothy m Nannie HAVEN
449, i Noland Wilson EZELL.

87, LAMECH WILSON*5 EZELL (Abel4, 57, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of Abel EZELL and his wife, Sarah PALMER, born 1805, Union District, S. C., was called Mack EZELL. Giles Co., Tenn. Census of 1850, lists him, age 45, as a farmer, and his wife, Lavinia C. EZELL, age 38, born S.C. Before her marriage, she was Lavinia C. HARWELL*. b 13 March 1812, d 4 March 1875, bur. cemetery near New Zion Baptist Church, Giles Co., Tenn. Giles Co. Census of 1860, list Lavina as head of the family and names 10 children. Lamech W. EZELL died ca 1856, near Brick Church, Giles Co., Tenn. A record, dated 1 May 1858, Giles Co. Court House, Pulaski, Tenn., records the appointment of Franklin L. EZELL (their oldest son) as guardian of Adolphus M., John P., Sarah M., Nancy F., and Lavinia Jane EZELL, minor children of L.W. EZELL, deceased. Lavinia died sometime during the 1870s, exact date unknown. Reported by Kelley A. EZELL (grandson). Also in records of Miss LouElla EZELL.

*From Addendum 1 Number 87 Substitute Wilson for initial W.
Number 87, line 7, add b 13 March 1812, d 4 March 1875, bur. cemetery near New Zion Baptist Church, Giles Co., Tenn.

ISSUE OF LAMECH WILSON5 EZELL, 87, and his wife, Lavinia C. HARWELL
185, i Franklin Lafayette6 EZELL b 1832 (age 18, 1850 census)
186, ii Martha (twin) b 1835 (age 14, 1850 census)
187, iii Abel(twin) b 1835 (age 14, 1850 census)
188, iv Cordelia* Josephine b 3 May 1837, Giles Co.,Tenn.
189, v Adolphus M b 10 Nov 1840, Giles Co., Tenn.

190, vi John P b ca 1842 (age 7, 1850 census)
191, vii Sarah A.J. b ca 1844 (age 6, 1850 census) m- W. J. SAMUEL both bur. cem. near New Zion Baptist Ch..*
192, viii Nancy F b 5 Dec 1846, Giles Co.,Tenn.
193, ix Lamech W., Jr. b ca 1849 (age 1, 1850 census)
194, x Lavinia Jane b ca 1852 (age 8, 1860 census)
195, xi James F b ca 1855 (age 5, 1860 census)
196, xii William M.P. b ca 1857 (age 3, 1860 census)

*From Addendum 2 Line 188 change Camelia to Cordelia
*From Addendum 1 Line 191 Add m-W.J. SAMUEL both bur cem. near New Zion Baptist Ch.

88, AMASA5 EZELL (Abel4, 57, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of Abel EZELL and his wife, Sarah PALMER, born ca 1807, Union Dist., S.C. and died 11Aug 1856, Pulaski, Tenn. He married Caroline, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth LONG (so named as mother in law to whom Amasa made a bequest in his will). Mrs. LONG is thought to have been the widow of Benjamin LONG of Elkton, Tenn. Amasa EZELL was elected sheriff of Giles Co. in 1848. He was an active member of the Baptist Church of Pulaski and was a consistent and exemplary Christian (Early History of Giles Co., by James McCALLUM, pp 119 120). He was appointed by his father, Abel EZELL, to represent him in the settlement of the estate of his father, William EZELL, deceased, of Union Dist., S.C. Amasa's will, dated 11 March 1855, acknowledged 28 July 1856, probated July 1867, names as his children: Mace, Addie, Pink (John P.), and Billy. He appointed "my two brothers, Gideon Palmer EZELL and John P. EZELL, and my particular friend, James McCALLUM, as executors of my will".
ISSUE OF AMASA5 EZELL, 88, and his wife, Caroline
197, i William J6 EZELL (Billy) b ca 1833 (age 17,1850 census)
198, ii John P (Pink) b ca 1835 (age 15, 1850 census
199, iii Sarah E b a 1838 (age 12, 1850 census
200, iv Adelaide (Addie) b ca 1840 (age 10, 1850 census)
201, v Ann M b ca 1842 (age 8, 1850 census)
202, vi A.A. (Amasa, called Mace) b ca 1850 (age 1, 1850 census)

89, GIDEON PAIMER5 EZELL (Abel4, 57, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of Abel EZELL and his wife, Sarah PALMER, born 4 May 1810, Union District, S.C., died 8 Sept 1868, Giles Co., Tenn., interred Pulaski Cemetery, Pulaski, Tenn. He was a member of the I.O.O.F. He was a large land owner, planter, and was also a merchant. His granddaughter, Leonora Josephine (EZELL) WOODWARD (mother of the author) tells her daughter that he purchased hundreds of acres of land for $1.00 per acre in Giles Co. and that his plantation was known as "The EZELL Quarters". It required the services of three overseers. This plantation was located between Conway and what is now Ardmore, ca 1 or 2 miles below Elkmont Springs. Leonora was born in their summer home on this land. Her father, Marion Polk EZELL, son of G.P. EZELL, was appointed administrator of his father's estate (Recorded Giles Co. Court House, Pulaski, Tenn.). He married Manerva HARWELL, born 5 Dec 1813, Giles Co., Tenn., died 6 Apr 1876, interred beside husband. She was the daughter of Richard HARWELL and his wife, Nancy OWEN who were married 16 Apr 1805. According to the records of Mrs. Harry B. CALDWELL of LaHabra, Calif, (who has done much research on the HARWELL Family, preparatory to a book she plans to publish in the near future), Richard HARWELL died 1826. He was son of Buckner HARWELL, Sr., who was son of Samuel HARWELL, Jr. and his wife, Abigail JACKSON. Samuel, Jr. was son of Samuel HARWELL, Sr. and his wife, Mary. The HARWELL Family was from Virginia. All of the following children of Richard HARWELL and his wife, Nancy OWEN were born in Giles Co., Tenn., except Susan Eleanor: (1) Susan Eleanor, b Jan 1808, Davidson Co., Tenn., d 10 July 1876, Pulaski, Tenn., m Willis Copeland (Cope) WHITFIELD, 18 Nov 1830, no issue (after her death, he m her niece, Nancy Adel BUTLER, dau of Susan’s sister name unknown and her husband, Memucan Hunt BUTLER). (2) Robert HARWELL, b ca 1810, moved ca 1849, to Ala. where he died. (3) Manerva m Gideon Palmer EZELL (see above). (4) Elizabeth M, b ca 1815, m James ATKINS, moved to Miss. (5) Coleman C, b 1818, moved to Ala. (gr grandfather of Mrs. Harry B. CALDWELL). (6) Abner H, b 1820, d before 1860 census. (7) Rufus Franklin, b 1824, moved to Ala., later returned to Tenn., settled in western Tenn. (8) Daughter who married Memucan Hunt BUTLER.

A deed registered 23 July 1850 (Bk U, p 216, Giles Co. Court House, Pulaski, Tenn.) states that Elizabeth ATKINS, Manerva EZELL and Susan WHITFIEU) were daughters of Richard and Nancy HARWELL.

203, i Julia (A.T.)6 EZELL b 9 Nov 1834, Giles Co., Tenn.

204. ii Benton Rufus b ca 1836 (age 14, 1850 census)
205. iii Marion Polk b 8 July 1839,Giles Co., Tenn.

90, ELON5 EZELL (Abel4, 57, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of Abel EZELL and his wife, Sarah PALMER, born 11 Nov 1812, Union Dist., S.C., died 12 Nov 1884, Okolona, Miss., married 15 May 1849, Pulaski, Tenn., Mary Etta WHEELER, born 23 June 1828, died 21 Oct. 1877, Okolona, Miss., was the daughter of James and Nancy WHEELER. Her obituary records that she was a consecrated Christian, a devoted wife, an affectionate mother, and faithful friend. It states that although she was ill for a number of years, her faith never faltered. Elon EZELL was a merchant in Pulaski, Tenn. before moving to Miss. between 1850 and 1853. Reported by Mary Alleene (BROACH) GREEN, granddaughter, of Asheville, N.C.

ISSUE OF ELON5 EZELL, 90, and his wife, Mary Etta WHEELER
i Edwin6 EZELL b ca 1851, Pulaski, Tenn. (1850 census lists only Elon and Mary Etta
ii Infant son b 1853, d 1853, Okolona, Miss. (tombstone)
iii Infant son b 23 June 1854, d 23 June 1854, (tombstone, Okolona)
iv Thomas b 1855, d Oct 1856, (tombstone, Okolona, Miss.)
206, v Ida (twin) b 6 June 1857, Okolona, Miss.
vi Ada (twin) b 6 June 1857, Okolona, Miss.
vii Medora (sic) b 24 May 1860, d 10 Oct 1862, (tombstone, Okolona)
viii Wesley b 13 Jan 1862, d Sept 1862, (tombstone, Okolona)
207, ix Lula b 18 May 1864, d 16 Oct 1939 bur New Okolona Cemetery, Okolona, Miss. (tombstone), m Mr. SIMMONS. Issue unknown.

91, THOMAS GREER5 EZELL (Abel4, 57, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of Abel EZELL and his wife,
Sarah PALMER, born 25 May 1815, Union District, S.C., died 5 February 1902, Pickensville, Pickens Co., Alabama (tombstone inscription), married 28 December 1836, Giles Co., Tenn., Cynthia HANEY, born January 1818, Union Dist., S.C., died 3 May 1891, Carrollton, Ala. All of their children were born in Giles Co., Tenn., the last born in 1859, according to the report from their descendants. Thomas and Cynthia EZELL moved to Alabama either during or just after the end of the war. Reported by Miriam COBURN (Mrs. M.M.BARRON) who obtained information from an old letter written by Mrs. Rosa PROCTOR (now deceased) of Aliceville, Alabama, and from Albert Lee Love, (family connection) editor of The LOVE Family Historical and Genealogical Society. The children may not be listed chronologically.

ISSUE OF THOMAS GREER5 EZELL, 91, and his wife Cynthia HANEY
208, i William6 EZELL b ca 1833 1838, Giles Co.,Tenn.
209, ii Cynthia (Augusta )* b 16 Feb 1840,.Giles Co.,Tenn., d 23 Sept 1891, m P.T. CHAPMAN, b 13 Mar 1834 , d 25 Feb 1907. Both bur Pickens Co., Ala. Dates from tombstones.*
210, iii Frank b Giles Co.,Tenn.
211, iv Edward Presley b Giles Co.,Tenn.
212, v Amasa b Giles Co.,Tenn.
213, vi John Thomas b ca 1847, Giles Co.,Tenn.
214, vii George Houston b 15 Mar 1859, Giles Co., Tenn.
*From Addendum 2 Line 299 Correct name Augusta Ezell b 16 Feb 1840-d 23 Sept 1891, m -P.T. CHAPMAN b 13 Mar 1834, d 25 Feb 1907. Both bur Pickens Co, Ala. Dates from tombstones.

92, JOHN P5 EZELL (Abel4, 57, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of Abel EZELL and his wife, Sarah PALMER, born ca 1819, Union District, S.C. (age 27, Giles Co. 1850 census, age 40 in 1860 census and wife, Cordelia, age 30, 1860 census), married Cordelia (known to her nieces and nephews as "Aunt D") ca 1855-56. John P. EZELL was a merchant in Pulaski, Tenn. He died prior to 1880 census, as only Cordelia is listed. John P. is named as "my brother" in the will of 88, Amasa5 EZELL (see). From records of Miss Lou Ella EZELL.

ISSUE OF JOHN P.5 EZELL, 92, and his wife, Cordelia

215, i Callie D6 EZELL b ca 1857 (age 13 in 1870 census) Giles Co., Tenn. m- Mr. PALMER before 1880 census was taken.
216, ii Sallie V b ca 1861 (age 9 in 1870 census) Giles Co., Tenn. m- Matt SHERRILL, resided Bryson, Tenn, She died when their only child, 488, Daisy Mae
SHERRILL, was a few days old. Daisy Mae m- Newt KELSO, issue unknown.

93, WILLIAM SEIT5 EZELL (Abel4, 57, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of Abel EZELL and his wife,
Sarah PALMER, born 28 Dec 1820, Union District, S.C., died 14 Jan 1890, Elkton, Tenn., and is interred in Old
EZELLCemetery located on his farm between Elkton and Ardmore, near his parents. He married ca 1838-1839, Giles
Co., Tenn., Nancy Ann KERR, born 4 Dec 1824., Tennessee, daughter of Henry E. KERR (died 1857) and his wife,
Mary FORD (b. ca 1795) (History of Navarro, Henderson, Anderson, Limestone, Freestone, and Leon Counties, Texas,
Lewis Pub. Co., 1893). Mary FORD was the oldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. James FORD (Earl History of Giles Co.,
Tenn., p 83 by James McCALLUM,). Nancy Ann (KERR) EZELL died 3 Feb 1902, Elkton, Tenn., and is buried near
her husband. Wm. S. EZELL was called "Doc" by all who knew him including relatives. Reported by Henry Grady
EZELL (grandson) who states thathis middle initial "S" stood for Seit.

ISSUE OF WILLIAM SEIT5 EZELL 93, and his wife. Nancy Ann KERR
i Mary6 EZELL b. ca 1843, d.s.p.(age 7 in 1850 Census).
217, ii William James b. ca 1845, (age 5 in 1850 Census).
218, iii Annie b. ca 1846 (age 4 in 1850 Census).
iv Elon H. b ca 1848, d.s.p. (age 2 in 1850 Census) bur. Elkton Cemetery, Elkton, Tenn.
219, v John P b July 1850 (age 1/12 in 1850 Census taken in Aug) married, name unknown
489; Etta
490; Johnnie
491; Otis
492; Will
493; Elon
vi Sarah Adaline (Addie) b. ca 1851, d.s.p. (age 8 in 1860 Census).

220, vii Andrew Gideon b. 28 Apr 1853, Giles Co.,Tenn.
221, viii Ida C b. ca 1855 (age 5 in 1860 Census). m- I.K. BURGESS (or BURGIS) of Elizabeth Town, Tenn.
222, ix Abel F b. ca 1858 (age 1 in 1860 Census).
223, x Tazwell Abel b. ca 1860 (age 10 in 1870 Census).
224, xi Mattie b. 23 Feb 1861,Giles Co.,Tenn. m- John David REED b. 6 Oct 1854
xii Medora (Dora) b. 9 Jan 1864, d 3 March 1918, bur near parents, m- W. A. (Bud) GRAHAM of Athens, Ala. No issue.
225, xiii Lura b. 11 Oct 1867, d 27 June 1917, bur Elkton, Tenn. m- Buck HENDERSON of Elkmont Springs, unknown. Tenn. Issue unknown.
226, xiv Bunyan Stevens b. ca 1870 (age 10 in 1880 Census), was a Doctor of Medicine in Texas where he died. Married Ada HAMILTON. Issue unknown.

94, SUSAN5 EZELL (Abel4, 57, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) daughter of Abel EZELL and his wife,
Sarah PALMER, born 9 Oct 1825, Union Dist., S.C., died 27 Dec 1885, Pulaski, Tenn., and is interred be side her
husband, Joseph B. CHILDERS, in Pulaski Cemetery. He was born ca 1816 in Va. (age 34 in 1850 Giles Co., census,
listed as a tanner), died prior to time 1880 census was taken, probably 1879 because Leonora J. (EZELL)
WOODWARD, who was born in 1875, remembers him. His beautiful old home was purchased by Austin Huey who
presented it to the City of Pulaski as a home for elderly ladies, in memory of his mother. Records of only five children
have been established.Leonora J. remembers two, Sam and Edd. Her sister, Miss LouElla EZELL, names three
additional children, Sue, Mattie, and Anna. Sam, a grocer in Pulaski, m (name forgotten) and had a son, Ben
CHILDERS, who was a prominent lawyer there. Ben married but died young, apparently without issue. Efforts to
contact descendants have failed. Edd CHILDLESS was an intimate friend of both Leonora and her husband, M.E.
WOODWARD. He was a successful realtor in Calif, where he died. His remains were returned to Pulaski for burial
near his parents in Pulaski Cemetery. According to 1880 census, Giles Co., Tenn., there may have been 9 children

born to Susan and Joseph B. CHILDlfiraS. However, it is thought the last three named may have been grandchildren,
since he was ca 63 when he died and Susan ca 54 or 55.

ISSUE OF SUSAN5 EZELL, 94, and her husband, Joseph B. CHILDERS
227, i Samuel(Sam)6 CHILDERS b ca 1846(age 4 in 1850 census).
ii Sarah C b ca 1849 (age 1 in 1850 census)
228, iii Susan (Sue) b ca 1851 (Miss LouElla EZELL'S records).229,
229, iv Mattie E b ca 1854 (age 26 in 1880 census).
v Adeline Anna b ca 1859 (age 21 in 1880 census).
230, vi William Edd b ca 1865 (age 15 in 1880 census).
(the following may have been grandchildren who were living in her home when the 1880 census was taken).
vii Henry B b ca 1867 (age 13 in 1880 census).
viii Rosana P b ca 1872 (age 8 in 1880 census). ix Ida M b ca 1873 (age 7 in 1880 census).

97, CECELIA M5 EZELL (William4, 58, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) daughter of William EZELL and
his wife, Margaret BUCHANAN, born ca 1807-1808, died 19 June 1855 (death date from Margaret's old Bible),
married William GARDNER in Pulaski, Tenn. Cecelia died when her children were young and they went to live
with their maternal grandmother, Margaret B. EZELL. Reported by LouElla (BUCHANAN) WADE who has
Margaret's Bible, and by Miss Marguerite VOORHIES, descendant.

ISSUE OF (CECELIA M5 EZELL, 97, and her husband, William GARDNER
236, i Mary Eleanor 6 GARDNER m, Napoleon B. ZUCCARELLO, Giles Co., Tenn
ii Eliza m, Harp HUSBANDS, moved to Arkansas, had 1 son who died in infancy.237,
iii William, Jr. m, Babe McCampbell EDWARDS, moved to Texas, changed name to GARNER.
Issue: Ella GARNER and William GARNER.
iv Charles d.s.p.
v Marcella d.s.p. age 16

vi Augustus (Gus) m/separated, died without issue.
vii Emily E b 18 May 1842, d.s.p. 25 Aug 1862 (Bible Record)
238, viii Margaret (Mag) b 5 Oct 1846, m Mark BUCHANAN (son of Dave and Rebecca (CRAWFORD) BUCHANAN).

98, PINKNEY HARRISON5 EZELL (William4, 58, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of William
EZELL and his wife, Margaret BUCHANAN, born 10 Sept 1816, Giles Co., Tenn., died 8 April 1897, Giles Co.,
Tenn., in home of his daughter, Mildred Field (EZELL) REYNOLDS. He married 11 Nov 1844, Giles Co., Tenn., Mary
Agnes SHIELDS, born 9 May 1827, died 5 Jan 1885, Giles Co., Tenn., the daughter of William Montgomery SHIELDS
(1799 1835) and his wife, Eliza P. MONTGOMERY (1806 1833). Wm. Montgomery SHIELDS was son of Samuel
SHIELDS (b 1764) and his wife, Jane MONTGOMERY (b 1767). Eliza P. (MONTGOMERY) SHIELDS was daughter
of John MONTGOMERY (1769 1863) and his wife. Nancy JOHNSTON. Jane (MONTGOMERY) SHIELDS (paternal
grandmother of Mary Agnes) and John MONTGOMERY (maternal grandfatherof Mary Agnes) were brother and sister,
the children of Samuel MONTGOMERY (1732 1808) and his wife, Elizabeth McELROY. Samuel served in The
Revolutionary Waras a Captain with Penn. Forces. He was the son of Thomas and Mary MONTGOMERY.

Samuel SHIELDS (paternal grandfather of Mary Agnes) was the son of William SHIELDS (b 14 July 1725, Co.of
Armagh, Ireland) came to America in 1737, married Jane WILLIAMS (b 16 Aug 1736, Lancaster Co., Pa.) dau of John
WILLIAMS of Chester Co., Penn.

Eliza P. (MONTGOMERY) SHIELDS, Mary Agnes' mother, died when Mary Agnes and her twin sister, Jane, were
only 9 yrs. old. Their father, Wm. Montgomery SHIELDS, died 2 yrs. later, survived by four daughters. The two older
daughters, Mary Agnes and Jane remained in Giles Co. under the guardianship of their paternal uncle, the Hon.
Ebenezer J. SHIELDS, Representative in Congress. The two younger daughters, Louisa andAmanda, moved to Texas
with their maternal grandparents, John and Nancy (JOHNSTON) MONTGOMERY, where they grew up.

Pinkney Harrison and Mary Agnes (SHIELDS) EZELL had ten children and reared eight to adulthood. Theirs was a
musical family, each having a beautiful melodius voice, and they gave freely of their talents in the churches of Pulaski
and surrounding communities. They sang for the pure joy of singing and for the pleasure of their many friends.

During the War Between the States, Pinkney H. EZELL was a merchant in Pulaski and the family lived there. The
ravages of war so effected his business that he did not merchandise long after it closed. He served as County Court
Clerk of Giles Co., until his health failed. At that time his son was elected Clerk and he served as his son's deputy for
several years.The critical days of reconstruction followed the war. Only those who survived these can understand their
horror. There was no plan of assistance - such as the Marshall Plan- to aid in overcoming the ruin and devastation
throughout the southland. Instead the Southern people learned all about "carpet-baggers" and "scalawags" who took
over the government and made fortunes from graft, and who placed in high office, illiterate negroes who had no idea
of how to enforce law and order. The price of cotton was allowed to drop so low in the world market that the South was
ruined financially. This inhumanity to the Southern people was the forerunner and cause of many of the problems in
segregation facing our nation today. Many of the poor negroes fell under the influence of these unscrupulous carpet
baggers and scalawags who encouraged them to be unruly, to commit crimes, to pillage and destroy property - even to
molest white women and young girls. But not all of the colored people fell victim to these evils, a great number chose
to remain with their former masters (mistresses), refusing to leave them, staying on, protecting and assisting them, until
their deaths.

Since the so-called "law" would do nothing to protect the white families, something had to be done. The white men took
advantage of an organization, the Ku Klux Klan, which had been organized by a group of young men from the leading
families of Pulaski, as a social club, a secret organization similar to a fraternity. They gave it the Greek name for added
mystery and held their meetings in the ruins of an old house that had been destroyed in a cyclone. These ruins sat on
a high windy hill on the outskirts of Pulaski.The superstitious negroes gave it a wide berth claiming it was "haunted".
This organization became the nucleus of the greater Ku Klux Klan which soon spread all over the Southern states. Men
were the Southern states. Men were sent to Pulaski to learn the technique of its operation. They returned to their homes
and organized Klans there. Originally, the men wore flowing red robes, trimmed in white with a large white cross down
the back, and a pointed hood over their heads with slits for eyes, nose and mouth. Their mounts were also shrouded in
white and their feet muffled in white padding which made a swishing sound as the horses marched.

When the disorderly got out of hand (whether white or colored) the Klan would ride, seek out the depredators to
frighten and warn them. There was no actual physical punishment unless some horrible crime had been committed. The
Ku Klux Klan was a necessity during reconstruction days. It restored and maintained order out of chaos. It was the
salvation of the South. When the need for it had passed, the organization was disbanded. However, for many years its
noble name has been used by marauders and imposters to cover acts of violence which the original members would
never have condoned.

Pinkney Harrison EZELL went to live with his daughter, Mildred F. (EZELL) REYNOLDS following the death of his
wife in Jan 1885. Her home was called "Valley Home" and is located on land which had belonged originally to
Pinkney's maternal grandfather, William BUCHANAN. However, this was unknown to either Mildred or Pinkney for
some years. The foregoing narration from the "Memoirs" of *Mildred Field (EZELL) REYNOLDS written when in her
85th year. Both Pinkney Harrison and Mary Agnes (SHIELDS) EZELL are buried in the Pulaski Cemetery, Pulaski,
Tenn. Reported by their gr. granddaughter, Mildred Ezell (WESTMORELAND) SMITH.

239, i Louisa Jane6 EZELL b 26 Oct 1845, Pulaski, Tenn. d 1924, Pulaski, Tenn. Bur Mt. Olivet Cemetery, beside husband, Nashville, Tenn.Married Lt. Tully BROWN, son of Gov. Neil S. BROWN. Issue: Ethel BROWN, died in infanci
240, ii William Shields b 16 Dec 1847, Pulaskl.Tenn.
241, iii James Monroe b 12 Dec 1849, Pulaski,Tenn.
242, iv Eleanor (Ella) b 22 Dec 1851, Pulaski,Tenn.
v Elizabeth b 17 Dec 1853, Pulaski,Tenn.
243, vi Sarah Margaret b 14 Aug 1855, Pulaski,Tenn.
244, vii Mildred Field b 8 Dec 1857, Pulaski,Tenn.
245, viii Pinkney Montgomery b 19 Jan 1860, Pulaski,Tenn.
ix Madison Lindsay b May 1863, d.s.p. July 1864, Pulaski, Tenn.
246, x Mary Myrtle b 14 Aug 1866, Pulaski,Tenn.

99, ARAMINTA DUNREATH5 EZELL (William4, 58, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) daughter of William
EZELL and his wife, Margaret BUCHANAN, born 18 Jan 1820, Giles Co., Tenn., died 24 May 1899, Lincoln Co.,
Tenn., near Fayetteville, was married twice. She first married 26 July 1838, Prof. James Madison BUMPASS, born
23 May (1809, died 2 April 1844 (either son or nephew of Dr. James BUMPASS who was the older brother of Dr.
Gabriel BUMPASS, leader of the group who migrated from South Carolina to Giles Co., Tenn. in 1807 1808. The wife
of Dr. Gabriel BUMPASS was Catherine BUCHANAN, Araminta's maternal aunt). Prof. James BUMPASS was
president of a boys' college in Tenn. Araminta next married Milton BUCHANAM in 1850. She was his second wife,
his first wife, Sinai A. MARKS, died 19 May 1840 without issue. Milton was born 30 Jan 1809, died 12 April 1867,
son of Robert BUCHANAN (1777 1845) and his wife, Sarah HAMPTON (1786 1839).

Robert was son of Moses BUCHANAN who was the son of Samuel BUCHANAN. The children of Robert and Sarah
(HAMPTON) BUCHANAN were (1) Milton, (2) Jackson,d.s.p., (3) Minerva m Andrew CRAWFORD, moved to Ark.
and was murdered by a slave, (4) Pryor m Fannie CRUNK, (5) Jane, d.s.p. (6) Margaret (Mary) m George CRUNK,
(7) Elizabeth m Reubin WOODWARD, (8) Moses, no data.

Only two children of Moses BUCHANAN have been reported: (1) John m Hannah BUCHANAN and (2) Robert m
Sarah HAMPTON (above).

Only one child of John and Hannah BUCHANAM has been reported: Thomas Wylie BUCHANAN m Pheobe T.
CRAWFORD by whom he had several children, among them Sanford McElroy BUCHANAN and Pryor BUCHANAN.
Reported by LouElla (BUCHANAN) WADE, granddaughter of Araminta and Milton BUCHANAN.

ISSUE OF ARAMINTA DUNREATH5 EZELL, 99 and her first husband, James M. BUMPASS
i Sonorus6 BUMPASS b 3 Aug 1839, d 14 Aug 1840, Tenn.
ii Gabriel Pinkney b 31 Oct 1840, d 3 Sept 1844, Tenn.
iii Ethelinda Orphan b 6 Mar 1844, d 26 Oct 1858, Tenn.
and her second husband, Milton BUCHANAM
247, iv Ezella Jane6 BUCHANAN b 4 Sept 1852, Lincoln Co., Tenn.
248, v Robert Madison b 27 Dec 1854, Lincoln Co., Tenn. m Ida SMITH. Issue: five children. Only two reported: 538, Robert Madison BUCHANAN, Jr. and, 539, Edna BUCHANAN.
249, vi Margaret "Pinkie" b 14 Aug 1857, Lincoln Co., Tenn.
vii Marcella Rose b 11 Apr 1860, Lincoln Co., Tenn., d 30 July 1923, without living issue.
m separated, Clay TUCKER. Issue: Ozelle TUCKER, (son), d.s.p.

102, EZELLA5 BUCHANAN (Elizabeth4 EZELL, 59, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) daughter of Elizabeth
EZELL and her husband, Robert BUCHANAN, bom ca 1808, Giles Co., Tenn., married Nathan BROWN, also of Giles
Co., Tenn. Reported by Mrs. B. B. McGINTY, Dayton, Texas, from the records of her aunt, Miss Ruby BROWN
(gr granddau. of Ezella & Nathan).

ISSUE OF EZELLA5 BUCHANAN, 102, and her husband, Nathan BROWN
267, i Telemacus C. (Mack)6 BROWN b ca 1820, Giles Co., Tenn. m his double second cousin, 165

103, CLAYTON5 BUCHANAN (Elizabeth4 EZELL, 59, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of Elizabeth
EZELL and her husband, Robert BUCHANAN, born ca 1813, Giles Co., Tenn., married a widow, Mary H.
(TARPLEY) ABERNATHY(b ca 1818, Giles Co., Tenn.). Tradition says that he was a saddler in Pulaski, Tenn. before
moving on to Okolona, Miss. ca 1842 1844, where he is found listed as a saddler in the 1850 census of Chickasaw Co.,
Miss. He moved still further west to Rome Community, dark Co., Ark. (near Okolona, Ark.) between 1853 1860 and
is fodud listed as a farmer in Clark Co., Ark,, 1860 census. (Census records of Tenn., Miss., and Ark.), Reported in
Kincheloe, McPherson & Related Families, Also by Mrs. B. B. McGIMTY.

268, i Catherine6 BUCHANAN b ca 1839 1840, Giles Co., Tenn.
269, ii Tillman R b ca 1841 1842, Giles Co., Tenn.
270, iii Win. Preston b ca 1843 1844, Miss. m, name unknown. Issue: 553, dau m, J.J. DA VIS, issue
unknown. 554, Docie BUCHANAN m Mr. BILLINGSLEY,
issue unknown, 555, Timothy m Miss BILLINGSLEY, issue unknown,
271, iv John R b ca 1846 1848, Okolona, Miss,
272, v Charles C b ca 1849 1850, Okolona, Miss
273, vi Mary Eldora b 5 Jan 1853, Okolona, Miss, m 546. Elbridge BROWN, son of 267, Telemacus
C. BKOWN and his wife, 165, Adeline WESTMORELAND
274, vii Timothy b (probably Ark.)
275, viii Melissa b (probably Ark.) m Joseph DICKERSON Issue: 556, Thomas DICKERSON and
557. Catherine DICKERSON m Mr. HARDIN.



108, SARAH ANN5 EZELL (Jeptha4, 62, William3, Timothy2 , George) daughter of Jeptha EZELL and his wife,
Charlotte SMITH, born 20 Jan 1823, Manchester, Coffee Co., Tenn., died 24 July 1909, Nashville. Tenn. She married
26 June 1850, Pulaski, Tenn,, Joel Parham HOOD (his second wife). He died 26 Feb 1882, Nashville, Tenn. Reported
by their granddaughter, Lucile FERGUSON (now deceased).

ISSUE OF SARAH ANN5 E7ELL, 108, and her husband, Joel Parham HOOD
276, i Ann Eliza6 HOOD b 25 Jan 1852, Nashvi He ,Tenn.
277, ii Susan Emma b 8 Aug 1853, Nashvilie,Tenn.
278, iii Charles Marion b 1 May 1855, Nashville, Tenn.
279, iv Edward Clinton b 26 Apr 1857, Nashville ,Tenn.
280, v William Pinkney b 8 July 1859, Nashville, Tenn,
vi Mary Elizabeth b 8 Oc t 1863, d 14 Mar 1864, Nashville, Tenn.
vii Robert Lee b 8 May 1865,d.s.p. 4 Aug 1895, Nashville, Tenn.

118, JANIE EZELL5 LONG (Miriam4 EZELL, 65, William3 Timothy2, Timothy1, George) daughter of Miriam
EZELLand her husband, William LONG, married William SMITH. Reported by their daughter, Miriam Caroline

ISSUE OF JANIE EZELL5 LONG, 318, and her husband, William SMITH
i William Asa6 SMITH, M,D. never married.
295, ii Charles Richardson m Colino EDWARDS
296, iii Helen Janie m Howard WILI.IAMS
297, iv Wallace Monroe m Alice COVINGTON
298, v Hayne Perry m Eula QUATTLEBAUM
vi Miriam Caroline (Carrie) m 6 June 1923, Wm. Barnard POTTER, is named for her grandmother, Miriam (EZELL)LONG. Mrs. POTTER re sides Spartanburg, S.C. 1961. No issue.
Mrs. W.B. POTTER is the one who entertained Mr. & Mrs. Foster EZELL at a dinner party in 1938, at which time she showed them many beautiful heirlooms which had come down to her from her grandmother, Miriam EZELL, and gr grandfather, William EZELL.

120, LAFAYETTE5 EZELL, M.D. (Jeremiah4, 66, Balaam, Sr.3, Thomas2, Timothy!, George) second son of Jeremiah
EZELL and his wife, 56, Susannah4 EZELL (Win. 3, Thomas2, Timothy!, George), born 11 Nov 1802, Union Dist.,
S.C., d 12 June 1852, age 29 yrs. 7 mo. l day, and is buried in the old EZELL Cemetery near Central State Hospital,
Nashville, Tenn. He was married twice. He first married 9 Oct 1833, Davldson Co., Tenn., Louvicia (Lucrecy) J.
BAKER (b 18 July 1816, d 1846), dau of Francis D. BAKER and his wife, Jane J. BAKER. Following the death of his
first wife, he next married in 1848, his cousin, 107, Eliza Jane5 JOHNSON (1816 1899), dau of 60, Martha4 EZELL
(Wm.3 Thomas2, , Timothyl, George) and her husband Swanson JOHNSON. Reported by Mary Eliaabeth (EZELL)
VAN CLEAVE (gr. granddaughter, thru 1st wife), Rinna (HILL) RAINEY and her sister, Emma Duncan (HILL)
WILKINSON (gr. granddaughters thru 2nd wife). Also reported in Compendium of American Genealogy, Yol VI.

ISSUE OF DR. LAFAYETTE5 EZELL, 120 and his first wife, Louvicia BAKER
i Ann H6 EZELL b ca 1834, d.s.p.
299, ii Francis Marion b 11 Apr 1835, Davidson Co., Tenn.
300, iii Lafayette b 18 Mar 1842, Davidson Co., Tenn.
301, iv W. Gaski b ca 1844, Davidson Co., Tenn.
and his second wife, Eliza Jane5 JOHNSON, 107
302, v Sarah Henrietta6 b ca 1851,Davidson Co., Tenn.
vi child d in infancy (name, sex unknown).

121, UBERTO DESAIX5 EZELL (Jeremiah4, 66, Balaam, Sr.3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) third son of Jeremiah
EZELL and his wife, 56, Susannah4, EZELL, born 8 Dec 1809, Davidson Co., Tenn., died 1871, Austin, Texas,
married 10 Feb 1829, Isabella MARSHALL, Rutherford Co., Tenn. (b 9 Sept 1811, Rutherford Co., Tenn., died 1900,
Austin, Texas). Reported by Wilbur Foster CREIGHTON, Jr. and Mary Elizabeth (EZELL) VAN CLEAVE. Also
reported in "Fort Worth and The Texas Southwest", pub. 1922.

ISSUE OF UBERTO DESAIX5 EZELL, 121, and his wife, Isabella MARSHALL
303, i John6 EZELL b ca 1830 1831, Davidson Co., Tenn., living 1913, Austin, Texas, where he was a building contractor.
304, ii Jane b ca 1832 1833, Davidson Co., Tenn., m David McFARIAND, living 1913, San
Antonio, Texas.
305, iii Mary Cullistine b ca 1834 1836, Davidson Co.,Tenn., m Pike McFARLAND, living 1913, San
Antonio, Texas.
306, iv Cariolanus b ca 1836 1840, Near Nashville, Tenn.

123, GREGOR McGREGOR5 EZELL (Jeremiah4, 66, Balaam, Sr.3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) fourth son of
Jeremiah EZELL and his wife, 56, Susannah4 EZELL, born 9 June 1815, Davidson Co., Tenn., married Rosanna
BAKER on 28 Oct 1835, Davidson Co., Tenn. She was a cousin to Louvicia BAKER, first wife of Dr. Lafayette
EZELL (Gregor McGregor's older brother). Gregor McGregor EZELL died 17 Nov 1856. Reported by Mrs. O.E.
VANCLEAVE and Wilbur Foster CREIGHTON who obtained information from the EZELL Genealogy by Francis L.
EZELL, son.

ISSUE OF GREGOR McGREGOR5 EZELL, 123, and his wife, Rosanna BAKER
307, i Mariana6 EZELL b 30 June 1837
308, ii William Desaix b 8 Aug 1839
309, iii James McGregor b 3 Dec 1841
310, iv Annie Ellen b 5 Mar 1844
311, v Henry Clay b 5 Jan 1848
312, vi Francis Lafayette b 25 Oct 1850
vii Eliza Jane no data.

126, JOSEPH D5 EZELL (Balaam, Jr.4, 67, Balaam,Sr.3, Thomas2, Timothy!, George) son of Rev. Balaam EZELL,
Jr. and his wife, Keziah TARKINGTON, born 15 March 1810, Tenn., died 8 May 1880, and is buried in theEZELL
Cemetery, Eaglesville Road, Chapel Hill, Tenn. He married ca 1834, Mary C. FULTON (called Granny Polly) who was
born 18 Feb 1817 and died 8 March 1907, at the home of her daughter, Mary Elizabeth (EZELL) BIGGER. Mary C.
(FULTON) EZELL is buried beside her husband. She was the daughter of James C. FULTON (b 1777, N.C., d 1831,
Marshall Co., Tenn.) and his wife, Elizabeth Holloway BRITTAIN (b 1790, N.C., d 1852, Marshall Co., Tenn.)
Elizabeth Holloway BRITTAIN was daughter of Joseph BRITTAIN (b 1756, d, 1823) and his wife, Dorothy HORNER
(dau of George HORNER). Marriage records of North Carolina. War record of Joseph BRITTAIN, Revolutionary War
Soldier found in North Carolina Historical Commission, Bk W #1, p 45. Reported by Mary Elizabeth (EZELL) VAN
CLEAVE and Wilbur Foster CREIGHTON, Jr. Authorities: Cemetery records, the Genealogical Records of Margaret
(FERGUSON) HOPKINS on file with D.A.R., and family records of 322, Mollie6 (EZELL) GLENN (dau of 127
Jephthah5 EZELL and his wife, Elizabeth Holloway FULTON).

ISSUE OF JOSEPH D5 EZELL, 126, and his wife, Mary C. FULTON
i Balaam H6 EZELL b 7 Apr 1836, d 7 July 1861
314, ii Joseph Brittain b 14 July 1838
315, iii Mary Elizabeth b 26 Jan 1841, m twice 1st. 299, Francis Marion EZELL. 2nd. John H. BIGGER
iv Lucinda E. b 27 May 1846, d.s.p. 3 Aug 1857.
316, v Joseph F. R. b 27 Feb 1852, d 22 Mar 1882 m Mary F. MORTON, Marshall Co., Tenn.
Issue unknown.
317, vi Cornelia C. b 21 July 1854, d 1 Mar 1886 m Elisha W. POINDEXTER, 13 Jan 1876, Marshal
Co., Tenn.
318, vii Tennessee (Tennie) m John L. RICKMAN
319, viii. Dorothy m Mr. McGOWAN

127, JEPHTHAH5 EZELL (Balaam, Jr.4, 67, Balaam, Sr.3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of Rev. Balaam EZELL,
Jr. and his wife, Keziah TARKINGTON, bom 16 May 1811, died 10 Feb 1855, married Elizabeth Holloway (Betsy)
FULTON (b 14 July 1819 d 10 Feb 1855), daughter of James C. FULTON and his wife, Elizabeth Holloway
BRITTAIN. Jephthah and his wife died on the same date and are buried, side by side, in the EZELL Cemetery,
Eaglesville Rd., Chapel Hill, Tenn. Their daughter, Elizabeth K. died ca the same date as her parents and is buried
beside them. Their five surviving children were reared by her brother, Joseph Brittain FULTON and his wife, Mary
REYNOLDS. Information from the Family records of their daughter, Mollie A. (EZELL) GLENN.

ISSUE OF JEPHTHAH5 EZELL, 127, and his wife, Elizabeth Holloway FULTON
i Elizabeth K6 EZELL b 1837, d.s.p. 1855
320, ii James Balaam b 15 July 1841
321, iii Frank b 31 Jan 1844, d 19 May 1918 bur Holt Cemetery, on H.F. EZELL farm, Holt Corner, Marshall Co., Tenn., m twice: 1stMary F. McMURRAY. 2nd. Lizzie JOHNSON
iv Tennessee b 4 Sept 1846, d.s.p. 26 Aug 1863.
322, v Mollie A m John A. GLENN, 8 Oct 1873
323, vi Jeptha (sic) moved to Texas, m (name unknown) Issue: 2 sons (names unknown) and
644, Ruby EZELL m Dr. C.O. FOWLER.

129, EMELINE ELIZABETH5 EZELL (Balaam, Jr.4, 67, Balaam, Sr.3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) daughter of
Rev. Balaam EZELL, Jr. and his wife, Keziah TARKINGTON, born 1 March 1815, died 29 Dec 1842, married 6 Nov
1833, Jeremiah STEPHENS, born 14 Jan 1814, died 28 Sept 1884, son of Rev. James STEPHENS and his wife,
Frances. Jeremiah STEPHENS was also a Baptist Minister and a farmer of moderate means. After Emeline died, he next
married Elizabeth GRAHAM by whom he had a daughter, Elizabeth STEPHENS, who married Mr. LOFTIN.
Reported by Wilbur Foster CREIGHTON, Jr. and Mrs. O.E. VAN CLEAVE.

324, i James Balaam6 STEPHENS, M.D. b 13 Oct 1834, Marshall Co., Tenn.
325, ii Rev. John Bunyan (also M.D.) b 5 Feb 1836, Marshall Co., Tenn.
326, iii Rev. Joseph King (also M.D.) b 5 Jan 1838,Marshall Co., Tenn., an ordained Primitive Baptist Minister and also doctor of medicine in Marshall Co., Tenn. After many years of
faithful service, was forced to retire from practice because of blindness brought on from shell shock received at Battle of Johnsonville during his service in Confederate Army as member of Gen. FORREST'S Escort. Although totally blind, he continued to preach and to be active in his church duties until his death, 4 March 1913. He married 1868, Weakley Co., Tenn., Betty Jane LOVEIACE (1850 1945).Issue unknown.

133, GEORGE WASHINGTON5 EZELL (Balaam, Jr.4, 67, Balaam, Sr.3 , Thomas2, Timothy1 , George) son of Rev.
Balaam EZELL, Jr. and his wife, Keziah TARKINGTON, born 10 April 1823, died 9 Jan 1892, and is buried in the Edd
C. EZELL Cemetery, Unionville Rd., Chapel Hill, Tenn. He married Feb 1847, Ann M. WILSON (b 20 April 1829,
d 4 Dec 1862). Next married ca 1865 1866, Nancy RICKMAN (b 3 Oct 1839, d 19 Dec 1923). Reported by Mrs. 0. E.

ISSUE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON5 EZELL, 133 and his first wife, Ann M. WILSON
328, i J. Bunyan6 EZELL b ca 1848
329, ii Rufus L b ca 1850
330, iii Thomas M b 1852, d 1939, bur. Edd C. EZELL Cem.
331, iv Susanna b ca 1853, m B.A. USERY on 15 Feb 1877
332, v Mary M b 14 Aug 1855, d 12 Feb 1935, m Mr. HENLEY
and his second wife. Nancy RICKMAN
333, vi Eugenia b 18 Feb 1867, d 3 Mar 1947 m John Morgan STAMMER. Issue:
648, Bera Farris STAMMER m Amos SMITH, issue unknown.
649, Cully STAMMER m Letha STANFORD, issue unknown.
334, vii Edward C m 1st, Kate MORTON. 2nd Eula KING. 3rd, Sonia EATHERLY. Issue unknown.
335, viii Ella b 1874, m Dr. Chas. H. GUERNEY
336, ix Clary m (name unknown) no data.

138, REV. WILLIAM5 EZELL (James, Jr.4, 71, James, Sr.3, Timothy2, Timothy1, George) son of James EZELL, Jr.
and his wife, Sarah (Sara), born ca 1818 1820, S.C., was both a minister and a school teacher. He was killed at the
Battle of Spottsylvania Court House during the War Between the States. He married Adeline HEAD, daughter of
Philemon HEAD and his wife, Rebecca PRATT.* Reported by Dr. Humphrey K. EZELL, Wm. Bruce EZELL, and Mrs.
J.F. EZELL. Information from MARTIN EZELL Genealogy by D.P.L. MARTIN.
*Note from Addendum 2: Rachel was the daughter of John PAYNE, gunsmith, came to S. C. from Surry Co., N.C.

ISSUE OF REV. WILLIAM5 EZELL, 138, and his wife, Adeline HEAD
338, i John James Calhoun6 EZELL b 17 Feb 1849, Buck Creek, S.C.
339, ii William George Philemon b 21 Dec 1850, Buck Creek, S.C.
340, iii Sally b 16 June 1855, Buck Creek, S.C.
341, iv M. Bonner b Buck Creek,S.C. d Spartanburg, S.C., bur Buck Creek Cem., m Mary (Mollie) CUDD, dau of Wm. CUDD.
Issue: 666, Sally EZELL, b Spartanburg, S.C.
667, Zoe b Spartanburg, S.C.
Luther b Spartanburg, S.C. (deceased)
Boyd b Spartanburg, S.C. (deceased)
668, Eleanor b Spartanburg, S.C.
342, v Vergil Dean b 15 Oct 1860, Buck Creek,S.C.

140, AARON CALHOUN5 EZELL (James, Jr.4, 71, James, Sr.3, Timothy2, Timothy1, George) son of James EZELL,
Jr. and his wife, Sarah (Sara), born 10 Oct 1829, Spartanburg Co., S.C., died 2 June 1896, Spartanburg Co., from blood
poisoning following an operation for removal of a bullet from his hip that he had received when serving in Confederate
Army. Reported by Hattie (EZELL) LAWSON, granddaughter, who attended his funeral. He married Margaret
TURNER ca 1856, Cherokee, Spartan burg Co., S.C., daughter of Jimmie TURNER who was a famous detective
during the Revolutionary War.

ISSUE OF AARON CALHOUN5 EZELL, 140, and his wife, Margaret TURNER
349, i Ella6 EZELL b 6 May 1850, Spartanburg Co., S.C.
350, ii D. Frank b 25 Nov 1861, Spartanburg Co., S.C.
351, iii Whit L. b 30 Aug 1866, Spartanburg Co., S.C. d 14 Dec 1937, bur Arrowood Cemetery, m Nellie McKINNEY.
Issue: 685, Maud EZELL m Mr. GARRETT, issue unknown.
686, Beatrice m Mr. BURNETT, issue unknown.
Gettys living 1960, Spartanburg, S.C., single.
Oscar living 1960, Spartanburg, S.C., single.
352, iv Louvenia b 2 Feb 1869, Spartanburg Co.,S.C.
353, v Delia b 17 Jan 1875, Spartanburg Co.,S.C.

141, ZIBBY5 EZELL (James, Jr.4, 71, James, Sr.3, Timothy2, Timothyl, George) son of James EZELL, Jr. and his
wife, Sarah (Sara), born ca 1830 1832, Buck Creek, Spartanburg Co., S.C., married Elizabeth HAMMITT.
Reported by Hattie (EZELL) LAWSON.
Note from Addendum 2: Zibby (Zabean) EZELL was killed at Williams Port, Mem 13th Reg S. C. Volunteers, Co E.

ISSUE OF ZIBBY5 EZELL, 141, and his wife, Elizabeth HAMMITT.
354, i Emily6 EZELL b Spartanburg Co., S.C. m Milton GOODWIN, issue unknown.
355, ii Addie b Spartanburg Co., S.C. m Will CASH, issue unknown.
356, iii John W. b 28 May 1860, d 24 Feb 1918, Spartanburg Co., S.C. m Hester CROSLEY, issue
357, iv Zib b Spartanburg Co., S.C., m Elias CANTRELL.

142, JOHNNIE MART5 EZELL (James, Jr.4, 71, James, Sr.3,Timothy2, Timothyl, George) son of James EZELL, Jr.
and his wife, Sarah (Sara), bom 1 May 1834, Spartanburg Co., S.C., died 28 April 1905, buried Buck Creek Cemetery,
married twice. His first wife was Quse JARRETT, daughter of Julius JARRETT and his wife, Jane Ann SCRUGGS
(granddaughter of Polly MARTIN who was dau of Martin MARTIN who was son of Chadrick MARTIN). Johnnie
Mart EZELL'S second wife was Emily, born 28 Feb 1845, died 17 May 1930. Information from MARTIN EZELL
Genealogy by D.P.L. MARTIN.
Note from Addendum 2: Johnnie Mart Ezell was a mem of the same reg as Zibby.

ISSUE OF JOHNNIE MART5 EZELL, 142 and his first wife, Quse JARRETT
358, i Emma6 EZELL
359, ii Myra EZELL
360, iii Bartow EZELL
361, iv Julius
362, v John
363, vi James
364, vii Charles EZELL b 24 Jan 1879, bur Buck Creek Cem. and his second wife, Emily
365, viii Burin EZELL

143, NANNIE5 EZELL (James, Jr.4, 71, James, Sr.3, Timothy2, Timothy1, George) daughter of James EZELL,
Jr. and his wife, Sarah (Sara), born 3 July 1837, died 24 Jan 1916, married John H. CANTRELL, 11 Aug 1864.
Reported by Dr. Humphrey K. EZELL.

ISSUE OF NANNIE5 EZELL, 143, and her husband John H. CANTRELL
366, i D.B.6 CANTRELL b 7 Oct 1865, d 18 July 1906
ii J.M. b 5 Nov 1867, d.s.p. 1 Oct 1896
367, iii Effie L. b 17 July 1869, d 14 Aug 1888, m Mr. GAINES.
iv Letitia Texana b 30 Mar 1871, d.s.p. 7 Mar 1887
368, v John F. b 27 Jan 1878

144, JAMES H5 EZELL (Samuel4, 72, James, Sr.3, Timothy2, Timothy1, George) son of Samuel EZELL and his wife,
Rachel PAIGNE, was a merchant near Cowpens Battle Ground, S.C., was at one time, postmaster there. He married
Artimisia DOBBINS. Reported by Wm. Bruce EZELL. Also reported in MARTIN EZELL Genealogy by D.P.L.

ISSUE OF JAMES H5 EZELL, 144, and his wife, Artimisia DOBBINS
369, i Elizabeth6 EZELL m Green MARTIN
370, ii Caroline b 6 Dec 1842, m Willis MARTIN, son of Wm. MARTIN and his wife. Nancy BONNER.
371, iii Tena m Robert MARTIN, Jr.
372, iv Libbie m Fred PARRIS
373, v Wofford m Pink GOODE

145, REV. JOHN SWILLIVAN5 EZELL (Samuel4, 72, James, Sr.3, Timothy2, Timothy1, George) son of Samuel
EZELL and his wife, Rachel PAIGNE, born 29 Jan 1825, northeastern part of Spartanburg Co., near Pacolet River,
He died 3 April 1903, Woodruff, S.C., is buried in Woodruff Cemetery. He was an eminent Baptist Minister of South
Carolina and established Poplar Springs Church among others. (See Sketches of The Broad River and Kings Mountain
Baptist Association 1800 1882, by Deacon John R. LOGAN, p 371, and Landrum's History of Spartanburg Co., S.C.,
p 465). H. P. Griffith wrote a book about his life. Rev. John S. EZELL married 21 July 1842, Margaret Mahala
THOMAS, born 1 June 1824, Spartanburg Co., S.C., died 27 Jan 1910, Woodruff, S.C., buried beside husband. She
was the daughter of Deacon John THOMAS of Macedonia Baptist Church near Cowpens, S.C. One of their sons,
Samuel Bryson EZELL, a prominent business man of Spartanburg, S.C., endowed the EZELL Lectures at First Baptist
Church, Spartanburg, and donated the EZELL Building at the Connie MAXWELL Childrens' Home, Greenville, S.C.
He was most liberal in church and missionary activities, a devoted Christian. Samuel Bryson EZELL married Laura
MAXWELL. He died 31 March 1926 without issue. Reported by Dr. Humphrey K. EZELL.
Note from Addendum 2: Rev John Swillivan EZELL also spelled his middle name as SULLIVAN. Letters signed by him
in poss. Of Mrs. R. E. LITTLEJOHN, Spartanburgm S. C. prove this. He served in Confederate States Army as Captain
and was Chaplain of his company. He was also a leader of the Ku Kluk Klan in S. C.

ISSUE OF REV. JOHN SWILLIVAN EZELL, 145, and his wife, Margaret M. THOMAS
374, i Landrum Cicero6 EZELL b 16 May 1843
ii Felix b ca 1845, bur Macedonia Cem., near Cowpens, S.C.
iii Louella b ca 1846, d age 3 or 4 mo., bur Macedonia Cem., near Cowpens, S. C.
iv Samuel Bryson b 8 Feb 1847 , d 31 Mar 1926
375, v Medora Margaret b 8 Nov 1849, d 1912.
376, vi James Judson b 5 June 1853
377, vii Humphrey Kimsey b 22 May 1856
378, viii Mary Irene b 28 Nov 1864, d 25 Feb 1936

148, LUCY* JANE5 EZELL (Samuel4, 72, James, Sr.3, Timothy2, Timothy1, George) daughter of Samuel EZELL and
his wife, Rachel PAIGNE, married (1) Humphrey KIMSEY, married (2) a Mr. TAYLOR. She died in Ducktown, Tenn.
Information from MARTIN EZELL Genealogy by D.P.L. MARTIN.
Note from Addendum 2: Lucy Jane Ezell was her full name, she m (2) a Mr Taylor. She died in Ducktown, Tenn.

ISSUE OF LUCY JANE EZELL, 148, and her husband, Humphrey KIMSEY
379, i Laura6 KIMSEY
380, ii Alice KIMSEY
381, iii Nora
382, iv Dr. Luther
383, v Dr. Fred

149, DELPHIE5 EZELL (Samuel4, 72, James, Sr.3, Timothy2, Timothy1, George) daughter of Samuel EZELL and his
wife, Rachel PAIGNE, married Captain John MARTIN, son of Jerry MARTIN, grandson of Martin MARTIN and gr.
grandson of Chadrick MARTIN (MARTIN EZELL Genealogy by 387, D.P.L. MARTIN, their son).

ISSUE OF DELPHIE5 EZELL, 149, and her husband, Capt. John MARTIN
384, i Emmila6 MARTIN
385, ii Mary Ann m France LAMB
386, iii Rachel Catherine m 338, John James Calhoun6 EZELL
387, iv D.P.L, m 340, Sallie6 EZELL
388, v Theodosia Charlotte m Loge JARRETT
389, vi Tulula Jane m William ELDER
390, vii John Bogart m (1) Sumpter CASH, (2) Mary ALLISON
Chapter 7

152, JOHN HARTWELL6 EZELL (B. R., Sr.,5, 77, Hartwell4, John3 , Thomas2 , Timothy1, George) son of Braxton
Rogers EZELL, Sr., and his wife, Elizabeth JACKSON, born 10 Sept. 1823, died 29 Aug 1903, married (1) in 1849,
Emily Gonder POWELL, born 14 Feb. 1833, died 24 Jan. 1868. John married (2)Sarah (HEAD) BALDWIN, a widow.
Information from the EZELL Family Bible in possession of Gibson Greer EZELL and from Roberta (MALONE)
JORDAN, granddaughter.

ISSUE OF JOHN HARTWELL EZELL, 152 and his first wife, Emily Gonder POWELL
391, i Evan B7 EZELL m Belle PRUDDEN.

Issue: 754, i Percy8 EZELL.
755, ii Marie Belle EZELL.
392, ii William B EZELL m Grace MERRIWETHER.
Issue: 756, i Thomas Merriwether8 EZELL.
757, ii Win. Dean8 EZELL.
393, iii Robert P EZELL m Frances MARSHALL.
Issue: 758, i Henrietta8 EZELL.
759, ii Powell EZELL.
394, iv Mattie Tinsley EZELL m John Sherrod MALONE.
and his second wife , Sarah (HEAD) BALDWIN
v M. Swanson7 EZELL never married
395, vi Emma m Edd FEARS
vii Lessie m Eugene SIMMONS, no issue.
396, viii Sarah May m Charles A. SANDERS,
Issue: 766 a, Evelyn8 SANDERS.

153, ROBERT FORSYTH6 EZELL (B.R., Sr.5, 77, Hartwell4, John3, Thomas2 , Timothy1, George) son of Braxton
Rogers EZELL, Sr. and his wife, Elizabeth JACKSON, born 31 Oct 1827, died 9 Jan 1920, buried in West View
Cemetery, Monticello, Ga., married Elizabeth Ann HOWARD. Reported by Ruby (EZELL) BENTON.

ISSUE OF ROBERT PORSYTH6 EZELL, 153, and his wife, Elizabeth A. HOWARD
397, i Cullen Thomas7 EZELL b 20 July 1855, m Mary D. HEARN
ii Haran Howard (Buck) died Aug 1914, no issue.
iii Anna b 14 Dec 1864, d 24 Jan 1947 m Edward WYNN (d 1925), no issue.
398, iv Wm. Powell (Willie) b 1867, Moved to Calif. m (1) in June 1884, Julia ROBERTS who d 1885
without issue. m (2) Kate LEE.
Issue: i Paul8 EZELL, d age 4 yrs.
770, ii Julia EZELL.
771, iii Robert EZELL.
399, v Zadie b 11 July 1870, m A.H. JORDAN,June 1904. She died 28, Feb 1958, bur West View Cemetery, Monticello, Ga.
Issue: 772, i Elizabeth8 JORDAN
773, ii Paul JORDAN
774, iii Nannie JORDAN
154, MARTHA ANN6 EZELL (B.R., Sr.5, 77, Hartwell4, John3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) daughter of Braxton
Rogers EZELL, Sr. and his wife, Elizabeth JACKSON, born 9 Aug 1830, Jasper Co., Ga., died 1916, married (1)
Wesley A. DANIEL. Issue unknown. Married (2) James Bird GOOLSBY in 1854, Jasper Co., Ga. Reported by Emmie
(POUND) HOLLAND, granddaughter, from Family Bible records.

ISSUE OF MARTHA ANN6 EZELL, 154, and her husband, James Bird GOOLSBY

400, i Martha Elizabeth7 GOOLSBY b 17 Mar 1856, Jasper Co., Ga.
ii Braxton Ezell b 1 Nov 1856, Jasper Co., Ga.
401, iii Garden Jackson b 16 Dec 1858, Jasper Co., Ga.
iv Mattie b Nov. 1860, Jasper Co.,Ga. d. s. p.
402, v Robert Cullen b 8 Nov 1862, Jasper Co., Ga.
vi Preston Montgomery b 21 May 1864, Jasper Co., Ga. d. s. p.
403, vii Cora Eliza b 29 Dec 1866, Jasper Co., Ga.
viii Sue Lee b 1 Apr 1869, d 25 Jan 1909, m John T MATHIS, No issue
404, ix James Hartwell b 3 Mar 1873, Jasper Co.,Ga.
x Emmie b 13 Sept 1875, Jasper Co., Ga.

155, CULLEN R6 EZELL (B.R., Sr.5, 77, Hartwell4, John3 ,Thomas2 , Timothy1 , George) son of Braxton Rogers
EZELL, Sr. and his wife, Elizabeth JACKSON, burn 19 Feb 1839, Jasper Co., Ga. married Augusta BELL, resided
Putnam Co., Ga, Reported by Gibson Greer EZELL.
ISSUE OF CULLEN R6 EZELL, 155, and his wife, Augusta BELL
405, i Charley P7 EZELL, m Berjta DRISCOLL (widow)
Issue: 797 a, i Cullen8 EZELL.
ii Belle d s.p.
iii Istalene living 1960, single.
iv Eugene living 1960, single, over 70 yrs old.
v Augusta living 1960, single, over 70 yrs old.

106, BRAXTON ROGERS6 EZELL, Jr., (B.R., Sr5, 77, Hartwell4; John3 , Thomas2, Timothy1 , George) son of
Braxton Rogers EZELL, Sr. and his wife, Elizabeth JACKSON, born .1 May 1812, Jasper Co., Ga., died 14 Feb
1923, Macon, Ga , married Sarah HUNT (b 1847, Jones Co., Ga., d 26 Dec l927. Macon, Ga.). Reported by Mattie
Thom (EZELL) HUMPHREYS, daughter

ISSUE OF BRAXTON ROGERS EZELL, Jr . 156, and his wife, Sarah HUNT
406, i Henry Lee7 EZELL b 30 Sept, 1868, Jasper Co., Ga.
ii Katy Elizabeth b 1870, Jasper Co., Ga., d.s.p. 1958
iii Imogene b 1872, Jasper Co , Ga. , living 1960
407, iv Sarah Hamilton b 1871, Japer Co., Ga..
408, v Mattie Thorn b 2 Mar 1884, Jasper Co., Ga.

157, LEVI DANIEL6 EZELL (B.R., Sr5, 77, Hartwell4; John3 , Thomas2, Timothy1 , George) son of Braxton Rogers
EZELL, Sr. and his wife, Elizabeth IACKSON, born 15 Jan 1848, Jasper Co., Ga. , died 25 March 1926, Jasper Co.,
Ga., was an active and devoted member of The Hillsboro Methodist Church for 40 odd years. His grandson, Gibson
Greer EZELL, wrote the history of The Hillsboro Methodist Church for a church celebration and dedicated it to his
grandfather, Levi Daniel EZELL. Levi Daniel m (1) Roberta Hamilton RIDLEY, b 9 Sept 1856, Jones Co., Ga. d 2 Jan
1907, dau of Dr James B. RIDLEY of Ga. and his wife, Mary Jane of Tenn. Dr. Jas. B. RIDLEY, descended from
R.A.T. RIDLEY of N C. who moved to LaGrange, Ga. He married (2) a widow, Mrs. Lorenzo J. HAM. No issue
from his second marriage. Reported by Susan Roberta (ELIZER) MORTON, granddaughter, who has in her possession
The Levi Daniel EZELL Bible. Also reported by Gibson Greer EZELL, grandson.

ISSUE OF LEVI DANIEL6 EZELL, 157, and his first wife, Roberta H. RIDLEY
409, i James Ridley7 EZELL b 27 Feb 1876. Jones Co., Ga.
410, ii Hamilton Braxton b 5 Nov 1877, Jones Co , Ga.
411, iii Rosa Lee b 20 Aug 1882, Jones Co.,Ga.

163, EMMA WILSON6 DILLARD (Areny5 DEAN, 80, Lucy4 EZELL, John3, Thomas2 , Timothy1, George) daughter
of Areny DEAN and her husband, John Abner DILLARD, born 16 April 1854, died Aug 1893, married 3 Jan 1875,
Reubin Edmonds LUNSFORD, born 25 March 1852, died 25 May 1926. Reported by Nannie N. (LUNSFORD)
GILMORE, daughter.

ISSUE OF EMMA WILSON6 DILLARD, 163, and her husband, Reubin E. LUNSPORD
412, i Walter7 LUNSFORD, m Miss PEACOCK
413, ii Izora m PEACOCK
414, iii Clarence m Miss JAMES
415, iv Hattie m Mr. PEACOCK
416, v Nannie N b 8 May 1888, m 20 Aug 1910, Claude L. GILMORE b 11 July 1888.


167, FRANCES CAROLINE6 WESTMORELAND (Melissa5 EZELL, 83, Timothy4, William3 , Thomas2, Timothy1,
George) daughter of Melissa EZELL and her husband, Jesse WESTMORELAND, born 26 Oct 1835, Giles Co., Tenn.,
died 21 Nov 1910, Pontotoc, Miss., buried White Zion Cemetery, off Highway 6, 8 mi from Tupelo toward Pontotoc.
She married 1 April 1852, Tupelo, Miss., Hugh McVay SAMPLE, born 6 Aug 1831, Florence, Alabama, died 20 Nov
1917, near 81Bissell, Miss., and is buried beside his wife. Hugh McVay SAMPLE served in Armstrong's Brigade,
Cavalry Div., Confederate Army. Frances Caroline was only 8 yrs. of age when her parents moved from Pulaski, Tenn.
to Miss. She rode horse back all the way. Reported by Christine McVay (WARD) COGGIN, granddaughter.

422, i James SAMPLE b 26 Jan 1852, Lee Co., Miss , d 1927. Issue unknown m (1) (name unknown).
(2) Sallie S. PHILLIPS (d 28 Jan 1902).
ii Dora b 9 Apr 1855, Lee Co., Miss., d 16 Oct 1887.
423, iii Jesse W. b 20 Dec 1857, Lee Co., Miss., d 26 Aug 1 938. m Charity DAVENPORT (b 3 Nov 1851). Issue unknown.
424, iv Adeline b 2 Mar 1860, Lee Co., Miss., d 30 Sept 1954. m L W. DA VIS. Issue unknown.
v Kennie b 12 Feb 1863, Lee Co., Miss., d 26 Oct 1864.
425, vi Hugh McVay, Jr. b 19 Nov Lee Co., Miss., •no data,
vii Frances (Fannie) b 26 Aug 1868, Lee Co., Miss., d 2 Apr 1879.
426, viii Henry W b 4 July 1871, Lee Co., Miss., no data.
427, ix Alice Augusta (Algus) b 16 Feb 1874, Lee Co., Miss., living 1956. m William Edward WARD.
428, x Mattie (twin) b 13 Oct 1876, Lee Co., Miss., living 1956. m J. M. DIXON. Issue unknown.
xi Elizabeth (twin) b 13 Oct 1876, Lee Co., Miss,, living 1956, single.

172, EDWIN MAXMILLIAN6 GARDNER (C.F.5 EZELL, 84, Timothy4, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George)
son of Caroline Frances EZELL and her husband, George Washington GARDNER, born 12 Oct 1845, Elkton, Tenn.,
died 28 Oct 1935, Nashville, Tenn., married 28 June 1876, Louella Temperance WEST, born 5 Aug 1855, died 31 Aug
1929, dau of John WEST and his wife, Martha ASHCRAFT. Edwin M GARDNER studied art in Brussels, Paris and
Rome He served in the.Confederate Army under Gen. Nathan B. FORREST. Information from records of Eleanor
Elizabeth (GARDNER) BEDON, daughter.

ISSUE OF EDWIN MAXMILLIAN6 GARDNER, 172, and his wife, Louella T. WEST
i Edwin7 GARDNER b 15 Apr 1877, d 7 Nov 1883
ii Helen b 27 Oct 1879, Winchester, Tenn., d 21 June 1880.
432, iii Thomas West b 8 June 1882, was an architect, Nashville, Tenn. m 22 July 1909, Alice RILEY.
Issue: 818, VirginiaS GARDNER b 8 Feb 1916, Nashville, Tenn., m Thomas Massey WAKEFIELD.
Issue: 1250, Virginia Winston9 WAKEFIELD b 17 May 1940.
433, iv Eleanor Elizabeth b 20 Jan 1885, Nashville,Tenn., graduated from Peabody College, Nashville. Prio
to her marriage, she was in the employ of The Baptist Sunday School Board, Nashville, Tenn. She did muchresearch on the EZELL Family and related families and compiled many records on each. These records were loaned
to the author by Mrs. B. G. COGGIN. Efforts to contact Mrs. BEDON failed. She m Hyder Davis BEDON in Dec 1922.
After his retirement from Sou. Bell T & T Co., as equipment engineer, they moved to Fla and resided in Miami.
Issue: 819, Helen Davis8 BEDON b 21 Apr 1925, is a teacher and was doing graduate work at Cornell University, 1951.
434, v Martha Frances b 26 Nov 1887, Nashville, Tenn. m John Howard ANSLEY of Atlanta, Ga., 15 Sept.
1910. In 1951, he was affiliated with Third National Bank of Nashville.
Issue: 820, i John Howard8 ANSLEY, Jr. b 17 June 1911. Nashville, Tenn. m Mildred CLARK. Issue: 1251, John Howard9 ANSLEY, III.
821, ii Martha ANSLEY.
822, iii West ANSLEY.
vi Emma Sayle b 4 Nov 1890, d 18 Sept 1908.

176, AUGUSTUS EZELL (G.W.5, 85, Timothy4, William3,Thomas2 , Timothy1, George) son of George Washington
EZELL and his wife, 104, Mary Eleanor5 BUCHANAN (Elizabeth4 EZELL, 59) was born 1848. He married (1) Miss
WRIGHT, (2) Sally HOLCOMB, and (3) Minnie CLARK. Reported by Mrs. B. B. McGINTY from the records of
Miss Esma Fielding EZELL, daughter.

ISSUE OF AUGUSTUS6 EZELL, 176 and his first wife, Miss WRIGHT
443, i Nellie7 EZELL m N. H. HAMILTON
Issue: 824, i Norman8 HAMILTON
825, ii William
444, ii Clyde A m (name unknown)
Issue: 825 a, George8 EZELL.
and his second wife, Sally HOLCOMB
445, iii George Wilkes7 EZELL
446, iv Esma Fielding7 EZELL

180, JOHN6 EZELL (O.M.5, 86 Timothy4, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of Orville Marion EZELL and
his wife, Emma BENDERMAN, married Belle WOOD. Reported by Mrs. B.G. COGGIN.

ISSUE OF JOHN6 EZELL, 180, and his wife, Belle WOOD
450, i Leonard Wood7 EZELL
451, ii Beulah Belle^ZELL
452, iii Johnnie
iv child (name, sex unknown).

185, FRANKLIN LAFAYETTE6 EZELL(L.W.5, 87, Abel4, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of Lamech
W. EZELL and his wife, Lavinia C. HARWELL, born ca 1832, Giles Co., Tenn. (census records), married Mary
McCRACKEN, also native of Tenn. Franklin L. and Mary EZELL moved to Lincoln co., Tenn., before 1860 census
was taken. Reported by Kelley A. EZELL (nephew) of Leesburg, Fla. Also in records of Miss Lou Ella EZELL.

453, i Lemuel (Lem)7 EZELL m (name unknown) Issue, 4 children.
454, ii Pattie b ca 1860, Lincoln Co., Tenn. m her cousin, 223, Tazwell Abel6 EZELL, M.D.

188, CORNELIA JOSEPHINE (Jo)6 EZELL (L. W.5, 87, Abel4, William3 , Thomas2 , Timothy1, George) daughter
of Lamech W. EZELL and his wife, Lavinia C. HARWELL, born 3 May 1837, Giles Co., Tenn. , died 22 March 1911,
Giles Co., Tenn., buried Bee Spring Cemetery, married Raleigh Brown HARWELL (brother to S. Capers HARWELL,
husband of Jo's sister, Nancy). Reported by Miss Mary W. HARRIS
and Miss Mamie WATSON of Pulaski, Tenn., and Mrs. M. E. WOODWARD (2nd. cousin).


455, i Martha (Pattyt7 HARWELL m Baxter WILLIAMS, resided Pulaski, Tenn.
456, ii Addle m Earl HARWELL
Issue: 826, Eleanor8 Harwell m Toe STONE of Delrose, Tenn.
827, Katherine m Winnie McCRACKEN
828, Elsie m Sam8 Young, 856 (her cousin).
457, iii Calvin No further record
458, iv John Resided Pulaski, Tenn.
458 a, v Bertha m William SMITH, Issue unknown.
459, vi William m, (name and issue unknown) .

189, REV. ADOLPHUS MONROE6* EZELL (L. W.5, 87, Abel4, William3, Thomas2 , Timothy1, George) son o
Lamech W EZELL and his wife, Lavinia C. HARWELL, born 10 Nov 1840, Giles Co,. Tenn,, died 17 Nov 1914
buried Cemetery near New Zion Baptist Church, Giles Co., Tenn.,* married Martha CARTER, born 21 May 1853, died
26 March 1931, daughter of Joseph CARTER and his wife, Mary ANDERSON. Rev. Adolphus M. EZELL was
Pastor of Brick Methodist Church, Brick Community, Giles Co., Tenn. He also taught school there. Reported by Kelley
A. EZELL, son.
Note from Addendum 1: Number 189, Line one Substitute Monroe for initial M. Substitute cemetery near New Zion Baptist Church, Giles Co., Tenn for Brick Church Cemetery, near Diana, Tenn.

ISSUE OF REV. ADOLPHUS M6 EZELL, 189, and his wife, Martha CARTER
i Esther7 EZELL b 20 May 1873, d Nov 1911, without issue. m Judge TINOM, of Tinon, Fla.,near Leesburg.
ii Sue b 22 May 1876, d 30 Aug 1935 without issue, m Richard ESLICK. Resided Pulaski, Tenn. Bur cemetery near New Zion Baptist Church, Giles Co., Tenn.

460, iii Franklin Lafayette b 15 Apr 1880, living 1960.
iv Martha Jane 6 Jan 1883, d.s.p. 17 July 1917.
v Alpheus M b 1 Jan 1885, d.s.p. Oct 1898.
vi Joseph Carter b July 1888, d.s.p. July 1889.
461, vii Kelley A b 4 Dec 1890, living 1960.
462, viii William Samuel* b 13 Jan 1893, living 1960. He is a Minister of ther Gospel at Nixon, Texas, 1962
Note from Addendum 1: Substitute Samuel for initial S and add: He was a Minister of the Gospel at Nixon, Texas,

NANCY F6 EZELL (L. W.5, 87, Abel4, William3, Thomas2 ,Timothy1, George) daughter of Lamech W. EZELL and
his wife, Lavinia C. HARWELL, born 5 Sept 1846, Giles Co., Tenn., died 8 Nov 1924, married Stith Capers (Cape)
HARWELL, bro to Raleigh Brown HARWELL who was husband of Camelia Josephine, Nancy's sister). From the
records of Miss Lou EZELL and her sister, Mrs. M. E. WOODWARD, second cousins and well acquainted with Nancy
and Jo and their husbands, Cape and Raleigh.

ISSUE OF NANCY F6 EZELL, 192, and her husband, Stith Capers HARWELL
i Edna7 HARWELL, oldest child, d.s.p.
463, ii Walter m Josephine BURCH.
464, iii Ada m Walter SMITH.
465, iv Jennie m Arnie YOUNG.

203, JULIA A. T.6 EZELL (G.P.5, 89, Abel4, William3, Thomas2 , Timothy1, George) daughter of Gideon Palmer
EZELL and his wife, Manerva HARWELL, born 9 Nov 1834, Giles Co., Tenn., died 29 Fee 1861, Elkton, Tenn., bur
Pulaski Cemetery, Pulaski, Tenn., married J. A. HEALD, MD., 18 Dec 1851. Information from records of her nieces,
Miss Lou EZELL and Mrs. M. E. WOODWARD, also tombstone inscription and Giles Co. census schedules.

ISSUE OF JULIA A. T.6 EZELL, 203, and her husband, Dr. J. A. HEALD
468, i Mary O7 HEALD b ca 1852, age 8, 1860 census.
469, ii Martha A b ca 1854, age 6, 1860 census.
470, iii John P. (Bud) b ca 1857, age 3, 1860 census. Resided Louisville, Ky. Visited in the WOOD
WARD Home, Decatur, Ala., many times.
iv Susan b 24 June 1861, d 12 July 1862, bur near parents.

204, BENTON RUFUS6 EZELL (G. P.5, 89, Abel4, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of Gideon Palmer
EZELLand his wife, Manerva HARWELL, born ca 1836, age 14 in 1850 census. He married (1) 18 Aug 1,859, Giles
Co., Tenn., Rosana ARTHUR, born 9 Feb 1840 (age 20, 1860 census) died 11 July 1868. She was daughter of W. B.
ARTHUR and his wife, Mahaia (1810 1895). Benton Rufus EZELL married, (2) ca 1869 1870, Elizabeth
ANDERSON , named as his wife in 1870 census, age 21. She was a school teacher. Reported by Pearl (PHELPS)
MINATRA, granddaughter, bur in graveyard on farm once belonged to John TENERY, on Old Stage Rd, Giles Co.,

Notes from Addendum 1: Dates of birth and death and place of burial are from Addendum .

ISSUE OF BENTON RUFUS EZELL, 204 and his first wife, Rosana ARTHUR
473, i Mattie7 EZELL b ca 1865, age 5,1870 census.
474, ii Florence b 8 Dec 1866, Giles Co., Tenn.
and his second wife, Elizabeth ANDERSON
475, iii Thomas Gideon (Gid) b after 1870 census was taken, died 26 Dec 1936, Dallas, Texas, where he was a prosperous trader in cattle, bur Dallas, Tex. He married Zilpha (maiden name unknown). Issue: 867, Richard (Rickey)8 EZELL of Dallas, Texas.

205, MARION POLK6 (Hoose) EZELL (G. P.5, 89, Abel4, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of Gideon
Palmer EZELL and his wife, Manerva HARWELL, born 8 July 1839, Giles Co., Tenn., died 27 Aug 1881, Giles Co.,
Tenn., interred Pulaski Cemetery, Pulaski, Tenn. He was a tall, slender man with fresh complexion, brown hair and grey
eyes, a kind, gentle, accommodating man. At the time of his death, he was a farmer and a Magistrate. In the early
evening of 27 Aug 1881, a young couple (Dr. McKNIGHT and Miss HARGROVE) came to him to be married. Mr.
EZELL did not know that her people ob jected and upon finding they did not have a marriage icense, he drove them to
Pulaski to obtain one. He ad a badly infected hand which made it difficult for im to drive. Dr. McKNIGHT, seeing how
he was suffer ing, changed places with Mr. EZELL so that he could do he driving. This placed Mr. EZELL beside the
bride. When they reached a bridge over the turnpike, near the home of Cope WHITFIELD and his wife, Susan
(HARWELL) WHITFIELD (maternal aunt of Mr. EZELL), Fletcher HARGROVE (brother of the bride) jumped from
under this bridge and shot Mr. EZELL thinking he was shooting Dr.McKNIGHT. Upon learning of the mistake he had
made, he exclaimed, "My God;' I've killed my best friend;" Cousin "D" HARWELL who was staying with the
WHITFIELDS heard the shot and rushed out to see what had happened. He reached his "cousin" in time to hear him
utter his dying words, "Lord, have mercy on his soul". Many years later Fletcher HARGROVE sent word to Mr.
EZELL'S widow asking that he be allowed to return to his old home to live out his few remaining years. Mary
Elizabeth, remembering her husband's dying words, granted his request with the provision that he keep out of her sight.
'This, he did. It rained the night Mr. EZELL was murdered and Cousin D. HARWELL held an umbrella over the body
until the inquest could be held the next morning. Then, his remains were taken into the parlor of the WHITFIELD
Home where his funeral service was held.

Marion Polk EZELL was a Steward In the Conway Methodist Church for many years. He was also a member of the
I.O.O.F. Lodge. He was a member of the original Ku Klux Klan which was first organized in Pulaski, Tenn, (see 98,
P.H.5 EZELL). Marion Polk EZELL enlisted in the Confederate Army, 14 Dec 1861, Co. C, 35th Tenn. Infantry, at
Weekly, Tenn., and was inducted by Col. A. H. ABERNATHY. He served until 25 Nov 1863 when Union soldiers
captured him at his home in Giles Co., where he was recouperating from typhoid fever, having been furloughed home
on sick leave from Ky. prior to the fall of Fort Donelson. His captors took him to Rock Island, Ill, where he remained
a prisoner of war in Rock Island Prison until 12 May 1865 when he was released after signing the Oath of Allegiance.
His service record is recorded in National Archives, Washington, D. C. His widow, Mary Elizabeth EZELL, in 1911,
made application (#1140) for a pension which was granted. These pension records are found recorded in Tenn. State
Library and Archives, Nashville, Tenn.

Marion Polk EZELL married, 16 Dec 1858, Elkton, Tenn. (Rev. James C. STEVENSON officiating), Mary Elizabeth
(Judy) TARPLEY, born 2 Sept. 1841 Giles Co., Tenn., died 30 Aug 1925, Bunker Hill Community, Giles Co., Tenn.,
bur beside husband, Pulaski Cem. She was the only child of Henry TARPLEY (b ca 1815, age 35, 1850 census, death
date unknown) and his first wife, Martha BAUGH who died 9 Sept. 1841, just 7 days after the birth of her daughter.
Henry and Martha were married 28 Nov 1839, Giles Co., Tenn. After the death of her mother, Mary Elizabeth was
cared for by her maternal aunt, Rebecca BAUGH, wife of Dempsey WILLIAMSON. When the Williamson Family
moved to Tuscaloosa, Ala., Henry gave his consent for his daughter to go with them. When the author was a little girl,
she visited the Williamson Family with her grandmother, Mary Elizabeth, and her aunt, Louella EZELL. The family
was still living in the beautiful old home where Mary Elizabeth had been reared, the former "Governor's Mansion"
(home of the Gov. when Tuscaloosa was capital of Ala.).

Henry TARPLEY next married, ca 1846, Lavicia SMITH, dau of Mary Ann SMITH, and sister to "Miss Nancy" and
"Miss Philip" SMITH. Henry and Lavicia had only one child, Philip Neely TARPLEY (b ca 1847, age 3, 1850 census).
Lavicia died before the 1850 census was taken and ne was reared by his maternal aunts, "Miss Nancy" and "Miss
Philip". The author is in possession of the Methodist Hymnal which had belonged to her gr grandfather, Henry
TARPLEY. His name is on the inside of the cover. The hymnal was published 1837. She also has a lovely doll over

130 yrs old, which had belonged to Henry's second wife, Lavicia (SMITH) TARPLEY. Philip Neely TARPLEY made
a bequest in his will to "my beloved sister, Mary Elizabeth EZELL", and gave certain lands to "my grandmother, Mary
Ann SMITH, said land to go to my beloved sister, Mary Elizabeth EZELL, after the death of my grandmother", recorded
Giles Co. Court House, Pulaski, Tenn. (Will book B, Inventories & Settlements, 1869-1896). At the time the 1850
Census was taken, Henry TARPLEY and his two motherless children, Mary Elizabeth and Philip Neely, were living
in the home of his father, Alexander TARPLEY, Giles Co., Tenn. Neither Alexander nor Henry TARPLEY are listed
in the 1860 census which indicates both died between 1850 and 1860. Henry may have died about the time his daughter,
Mary Elizabeth, returned to Conway, Tenn. from Tuscaloosa when she was in her 16th yr. (1857). When she and
Marion Polk EZELL were married, her maternal aunt, Mary Swan (BAUGH) BROOKS (Mrs. Thomas BROOKS) gave
them a wedding supper in her home.

Uncle Dick TARPLEY, Mary Elizabeth's devoted and faithful servant, given to her by her father when she was a baby,
remained with her until he died. He helped her run the farm while her young husband was away serving in the
Confederate rmy and during the time he was held a prisoner of war in Rock Island, Ill. When the war ended and she
told him he was free to go, he refused to leave her, telling her, "No, Miss Judy, I'll never leave you". He lived to be
over 90 yrs. of age. When he became aged and infirm his "Miss Judy" took care of him and nursed him. When he died,
she prepared his body for burial and had his remains placed under "his apple tree" beside his cabin door where he had
always told her he wanted to be buried.

The war and its aftermath impoverished this little family, as it did most Southern Families. However, both Marion Polk
and Mary Elizabeth EZELL were industrious and thrifty. They raised most of their food and had their own cattle, sheep,
hogs, etc. She card and spun the wool and cotton into thread, then wove it into cloth from which she made all their
clothing, every stitch with her fingers. The girls knit the gloves and stockings for the family. In addition to being a
devoted wife, affectionate mother, a good homemaker and an expert fannerette, she was also skilled in the use of herbs,
roots, barks, etc. for medicinal purposes. She was called for miles around to minister to the sick and always responded.
Marion Polk EZELL not only ran his own farm, but rented others and ran them, too. He had a cotton gin which he
operated for years. They reared their children to love and trust God, to have strong religious convictions and high moral
standards. They taught them to be kind and considerate of others. They also taught them to work and to take pride in
a job well done. All of the children were na tural born musicians. Each had a melodious voice and ach played a musical
instrument.ALEXANDER TARPLEY, father of Henry TARPLEY, was b ca 776-1777 in Va. (age 73 in 1850 census,
Giles Co., enn.). He d between 1850-1860 and is bur in the Chas . ABERNATHY Family Graveyard, located on the
ABERNATHY Farm, ca 4 mi east of Pulaski, now belonging to Fred STOVALL whose wife is a descendant. Alexander
married Catherine (called Caty, and Cathy) ABERNATHY b 11 Nov 1781, Va., prob. Brunswick, Co. She d between
1840- 1850, Giles Co., Tenn., and is bur beside her husband. She was the dau of William ABERNATHY and his wife,
Elizabeth CLAYTON. Wm. ABERNATHY b 4 Apr 1742, BristolParish, Va., prob. Prince George Co., son of Charles
ABERNATHY (b 1716, prob. Va.) and his wife, "Ellis" (actually Alice), see P 278, Bristol Parish Register (1720-1792)
of Henrico, Prince George, and Dinwiddie Counties, Va. pub 1961 by John B. BODDIE. Wm. ABERNATHY d 8 Feb
1832, Giles Co., Tenn.

According to the records of Miss Lizzie DUGGER, another descendant, Alexander (Alex) and Catherine (Caty)
TARPLEY had 12 children. Since no birth dates have been established, the children may not be listed chronologically: (1) Elizabeth (Betsy). (2) Virginia. (3) Sarah. (4) Alsie.

(5) Thomas Ira. (6) Clayton. (7) Silas. (8) Henry b ca 1815.
(9) Ezra. (10) Paschal. (11) Wesley. (12) William TARPLEY.

Henry TARPLEY'S maternal grandparents, William and Elizabeth (CLAYTON) ABERNATHY, had 9 children,
according to the records of Louella EZELL:
(1) Clayton b 21 Sep 1769, (2) Alice b 17 Dec 1771, (3) William b 29 July 1774,
(4) Jesse b 3 July 1778, (5) Catherine b 11 Nov 1781 (m Alexander TARPLEY),
(6) Susanna b 20 Mar 1783(m Allen ABERNATHY and they were parents of John C. and Dock
(7) John b 23 Feb 1785 (father of ElizE (ABERNATHY) STEPHENSON),
(8) Elizabeth b 4 Mar 1787 (m Jonathan DRAKE),
(9) Charles Clayton b 27 July 1790, Brunswick Co., Va.
The above ABERNATHY-TARPLEY account from records of Miss Louella EZELL and Mrs. H. B. CALDWELL.

Both Marion Polk and Mary Elizabeth (TARPLEY) EZELL were held in high esteem, respected and loved, by their

neighbors and friends. Their children adored them.

ISSUE OF MARION POLK6 (Hoose) EZELL, 205, and his wife, Mary E. (Judy) TARPLEY
i Martha7 EZELL b ca 1860, age 7 mo in 1860 census d while father was prisoner of war (1863-1865) bur Grubbs Cem., Giles Co., Tenn.
ii Julia b and d during war, and bur Grubbs Cem. Her father never saw her.
476, iii Hattie Madora b 29 Feb 1864 (leap yr.) d 13 Jan 1&42, Bunker Hill, Tenn. m (1) Bass WATSON (1861-1899).
Issue: i Mamie8 WATSON b 28 July 1889, living Pulaski, Tenn., 1961, single. Member of The Methodist Church
ii Hattie m (2) Wm. (Bill) BROWN (1861-1943) of Bunker Hill. Hattie and both husbands bur Indian Creek Baptist Church Cem., Bunker Hill Community, Giles Co., Tenn. No issue by Mr. BROWN.
iv Louella P (Lou) b 9 Apr 1867, d 3 Jan 1931, Pulaski, Tenn., bur Pulaski Cem., m and divorced Chas. VOORIS, renounced his name and was again Miss Louella EZELL. No issue.
v Mary Ida (Mollie)b 7 June 1869, d 7 Dec 1955, Pulaski, Tenn., bur Pulaski Cem., m 17 Feb. 1892, Clyde Gustavus HARRIS (1867 1929, bur Pulaski Cem.), son of Gustavus A. HARRIS (l831 d & bur in Texas) and his wife, Mary Ann NAVE (1835 d Giles Co., Tenn., bur Old NAVE Cem., Bunker Hill).
Issue of Mary Ida (Mollie) EZELL and her husband Clyde HARRIS:
Mary Will8 HARRIS b 5 Jan 1902, Giles Co., Tenn., living 1961, single, Pulaski, Tenn. where she is an active member of Baptist Church.
478, vi John Calvin Palmer b 21 Sept. 1871, Giles Co., Tenn.
479, vii Leonora Josephine (Nonie)b 15 June 1875, Giles Co., Tenn.
viii Edward Franklin (Edd) b 13 June 1879, Giles Co., Tenn. d.s.p. 4 July 1906, Birmingham, Ala., St.Vincent's Hospital. He was a conductor on the L & N R.R. On this day, as he was assisting a friend in uncoupling cars at Boyles Yards (L & N R.R.), he was crushed between two cars and received fatal injuries. He is bur Pulaski Cem.

206, IDA6 EZELL (Elon5, 90, Abel4, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) daughter of Elon EZELL and his wife,
Mary Etta WHEELER, born 6 June 1857, Okolona, Miss., died 30 May 1911, Meridian, Miss., married ca 1878,
Okolona. Miss., William G. BROACH, born ca 1853, Rock Hill, S. C., died in Meridian, Miss., son of Wm. Pierce
BROACH (b 15 June 1804 d 28 Apr 1889, Meridian, Miss.) Add his wife, Mary Young FERGUSON (b 26 Jan 1811,
d 4 Nov 1878). Wm. Pierce BROACH was son of Henry Ferguson BROACH (1783 1806) and his wife, Sarah RIVES
(b 14 May 1785). Reported by Alleene (BROACH) GREEN, daughter.

ISSUE OF IDA6 EZELL, 206, and her husband, William G. BROACH
i Elon Ezell7 BROACH b 30 Nov 1879, d 7 Jan 1914.
480, ii Mary Allene b 26 July 1881, Meridian, Miss.
481, iii William
iv Edwin
482, v Irving living 1961, Asneville, N.C.
483, vi Ida Mae

213, JOHN THOMAS6 EZELL (T. G.5, 91, Abel4, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of Thomas Greer
EZELL and his wife, Cynthia HANEY, born ca 1847, near Pulaski, Tenn., died Winona, Miss., bur Columbus, Miss.,
married ca 1869, Martha Louise SMITH, b ca 1848, Ala. John Tomas ran away from a boys' academy at Mt. Roszell,
Limestone Co,, Ala., when in his teens and joined the Confederate Army, Athens, Ala., at the beginning of the War
Between the States. Between 1870 1880, they moved to Carrollton, Ala., where his beautiful old home is known as the
EZELL Home to this day (1961). Reported bby Miriain Virginia (COBURN) BARRON, granddaughter.

ISSUE OF JOHN THOMAS6 EZELL, 213, and his wife, Martha Louise SMITH
484, i Joseph Gresham7 EZELL
485, ii Thomas Greer EZELL, Jr.
486, iii William Franklin
487, iv Cynthia Augusta, b Carrollton, Ala.

214, GEORGE HOUSTON6 EZELL (Thomas G5, 91, Abel4, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of Thomas
Greer EZELL and his wife, Cynthia HANEY, born 15 March 1859, Giles Co., Tenn., died 11 Sept 1917, Columbus,
Miss., m 27 Dec 1894, Columbus, Miss., Alma BELTON (born 26 Apr 1870, d 13 Apr 1955, Columbus, Miss.), dau
of Hugh Toland BELTON (1830 1901) and his wife, Sarah Melissa LOVE (1831 1880). Both Geo. Houston and Alma
B. EZELL are bur in Columbus, Miss, George Houston EZELL'S parents moved from Tenn. to Pickensville, Pickens
Co., Ala., when he was a young boy. Reported by Albert Lee LOVE, Editor of The LOVE Family Historical and
Genealogical Society Magazine, and Carolyn Reid (Kitty) (EZELL) McKEE, daughter.

i George Houston7 EZELL, Jr. b 9 Nov 1895, Columbus, Miss., d 11 May 1897, Columbus, (miss., bur beside parents.
487 a, ii Carolyn Reid (Kitty) b 19 Nov 1897, Columbus, Miss.
iii Hugh Thomas b 30 Aug 1899, Columbus, Miss., d 17 June 1961, Akron, Ohio, m 8 May 1928, Charlotte BURGESS, who survives him No issue.
iv Louise b 13 Sept 1902, Columbus, Miss., m Robert Hugh HOPKINS, grad. of Colorado School of Mines, taught mathematics at Miss. State University, and at Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Fla. Now retired. Louise is grad. of Miss. State College for Women. They reside in Lakeland, Fla.
(Robert Hugh HOPKINS died 15 March 1964, age 76)
487 b, v Mary Belton b 13 Apr 1906, Columbus, Miss.

220, ANDREW GIDEON6 EZELL (W. S.5, 93, Abel4, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of William Seit
EZELL and his wife. Nancy Ann KERR, born 28 Apr 1853, Giles Co., Tenn., died 19 May 1938, Elkton, Tenn., married
(1) Mattie Farris DUNNAVANT b 6 Dec 1852, Giles Co., Tenn., died 15 June 1911, Elkton, Tenn. He married (2)
Mrs. Lizzie (BAUGH) RIDGWAY, widow of Robert RIDGWAY. He had died when their dau., Elizabeth RIDGWAY,
was 2 yrs. old. Lizzie was born 20 Sept. 1875, died 7 Fob 1949, Elkton, Tenn. No issue from Andrew's second
marriage, Reported by Henry Grady EZELL, son.

ISSUE OF ANDREW GIDEON6 EZELL, 220, and his first wife, Mattie F. DUNNAVANT
494, i Alma Sue7 EZELL b 23 July 1877, Elkton, Tenn.
495, ii Foster b 9 July 1880, Elkton, Tenn.
496, iii Edwin Elwood b 30 Dec 1882, Elkton, Tenn. m Georgia WALKER.
Issue: 877, i Matthis8 EZELL. Issue unknown.
878, ii Estil EZELL m and had issue. No names or dates reported.
497, iv Henry Grady b 1 June 1888, Elkton, Tenn.

223, TAZWELL ABEL6 EZELL, M.D. (W.S.5, 93, Abel4, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) son of William Seit EZELL and his wife. Nancy Ann KERR, born 1859, Giles Co., Tenn., died in Kosse, Limestone Co., Texas. He received his degree in medicine from Vanderbilt University Medical College, and first practiced for 4 years at Prospect, Tenn. Later moved to Texas and settled in Kosse where he became a leading physician.

In 1881, before moving to Kosse, he married his second cousin, 454, Pattie7 EZELL, daughter of Franklin L.6EZELL, 185, and his wife, Mary McCRACKEN, born ca 1860, Lincoln Co., Tenn., died 15 Jan 1892, Kosse, Texas. Reported by H. P. SCHMECK who obtained information from The History of Navarro, Henderson, Anderson, Limestone, Freestone, and Leon Counties, Texas, pub. by Lewis Publishing Co.

ISSUE OF DR. TAZWELL A.6 EZELL, 223, and his wife, Pattie7 EZELL, 454
498, i William F7 EZELL b ca 1882.
499, ii Mary Lou EZELL b ca 1884.
500, iii Harry b ca 1886.
501, iv Bunyan (twin) b ca 1888.
v Bert (twin) b ca 1888, d before 1893
502, vi Tazwell Abel, Jr. b ca 1892, living 1960 in California.
224, MATTIE6 EZELL (Wm. S5, 93, Abel4, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) daughter of William Seit EZELL and his wife, Nancy Ann KERR, born 23 Feb 1861, Giles Co., Tenn., died 17 Dec 1891, Giles Co., Tenn., bur The Ezell Cemetery at foot of Elkmont Springs hill, Tenn. She married John David REED, a sewing machine salesman of Prospect, Tenn., on 25 Feb 1879, Elkton, Tenn. He was son of William REED and his wife, Mary PITTMAN. John David REED d 15 Sept 1924, Nashville, Tenn. Reported by Bobbie (WHITE) WILLIAMS, granddaughter.

ISSUE OF MATTIE6 EZELL, 224, and her husband, John David REED
503, i Daisy Salome7 REED b 11 Nov 1881, Elkmont Springs, Tenn.
ii Alvin Ezell b 15 Aug 1883, Prospect, Tenn. Living 1961, Florence, Ala. No further
504, iii Harry Burgle b 17 June 1885, Prospect, Tenn. is a prominent business man of Nashville, Tenn.
iv Bernard deceased. No data.

236, MARY ELEANOR6 GARDNER (Cecelia5 EZELL, 97, William4, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) daughter of Cecelia EZELL and her husband, William GARDNER, born in Giles Co., Tenn., died 1 Feb 1876, Giles Co., Tenn., married Napoleon Bonaparte ZUCCARELLO, born in Giles Co., Tenn. Reported by Miss Marguerite VOORHIES, granddaughter.

505, i Joseph Jerome7 ZUCCARELLO b 11 Nov 1857, Giles Co., Tenn., d Giles Co., Tenn., m Martha
(Mattie) HOLLINS.
Issue: 884, i Earl8 ZUCCARELLO m Helen MORRIS Issue: unknown
885, ii Felix8 ZUCCARELLO m Lucy TIDWELL
Issue: 1307, i Joe Fry9 ZUCCARELLO
ii William ZUCCARELLO b 15 Nov 1860, Giles Co., Tenn.
506, iii James ZUCCARELLO b 17 Mar 1862, Giles Co., Tenn. d Giles Co., Tenn., m Eba BENNETT.
Issue: Dorothy8, d as infant
886, i James ZUCCARELLO, Jr.
887, ii William
888, iii Jane m J. C. RACKLEY
888-a, iv Frank

507, iv Guy Lee ZUCCARELLO b 28 July 1863, Giles Co., Tenn., d Giles Co., Tenn., m 29 Jan 1896, Ida
Lee MAXWELL, b Maury Co., Tenn., dau of Jesse G. L. MAXWELL & his wife, Saacie Pate VOORHIES (sister to Dr. J. L. VOORHIES and dau of James G. VOORHIES) .
Issue: 889, i Guy Maxwell8ZUCCARELLO b Pulaski, Tenn.
890, ii Elizabeth b Pulaski, Tenn.
508, v Loura Marguerite ZUCCARELLO b 4 Feb 1866, Giles Co., Tenn.
vi George b 28 June 1868, Giles Co., Tenn. d an infant.
vii Charles b 4 Sept 1869, Giles Co., Tenn.
509, viii Minnie (twin) ZUCCARELLO b 22 Aug 1872, Giles Co., Tenn. d Giles Co., Tenn., m Buddy PITTARD.
Issue: i Guy8 PITTARD, living 1960, single.
892, ii Eleanor m Guy CHAMBERS
893 iii Fred PITTARD, living 1960.
894, iv Virginia PITTARD m Clyde SHORES.
ix Madison (Matt) (twin) ZUCCARELLO b 22 Aug 1872, Giles Co., Tenn., d.s.p., accidently shot and killed when ca grown.
x Wallace (twin) b 14 May 1875, Giles Co., Tenn., d an infant
xi Walter (twin) b 14 May 1875, Giles Co., Tenn., d an infant.

238, MARGARET6 GARDNER (Cecelia5 EZELL, 97, William2, William3, Thomas2, Timothy1, George) daughter of Cecelia EZELL and her husband, William GARDNER (called Mag), born 5 Oct 1846, Giles Co., Tenn., near Pulaski, died 1895. She married Mark BUCHANAN, son of David (Dave) BUCHANAN and his wife, Rebecca CRAWPORD. Margaret G. and Mark BUCHANAN moved to Texas after their three children were born. They settled in Hunt Co., near Greenville, where they reared their family. Following her death,Mark married again, name unknown, issue by second wife inknown. Reported by Lou Ella (BUCHANAN) WADE.

ISSUE OF MARGARET6 GARDNER, 238, and her husband. Mark BUCHANAN
510, i Maud Elmo7 BUCHANAN
511, ii Dave Rutledge BUCHANAM
512, iii Ida Mae BUCHANAM

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