Jack London (

Jack London (1876 - 1916) the well known American writer was greatly influenced by his experiences in the Yukon, 1897 and 1898. During that time my great grandfather Everett Barton became acquainted with him and corresponded briefly in 1913, just a few years before London's death. The originals of the letters written by Everett to Jack London are now located in the Huntington Library, however the Huntington had no copy of the reply written by Jack. While the original letter from London no longer exists, fortunately Everett had retained a copy of a letter to a Miss Voit written in 1917 that included the text of all three letters including London's reply. We forwarded a copy of London's letter to the Huntington in 1992 to complete the series in their files. Included below are images of the copies retained by Everett Barton along with the copy of the letter to Miss Voit. They give some first hand and unique insight into that Yukon experience! Note in the last letter Everett mentioning his run in with Soapy Smith in Skagway and his eventual demise!

Please note, these are relatively large images, approx. 220K, so download will be slow but easily readable.

Miss Voit letter July 18, 1917 page 1 page 2

Letter to Jack London, May 14, 1913 page 1 page 2 page 3

Reply to Everett Barton, August 1, 1913 page 1

Letter to Jack London, September 17, 1913 page 1 page 2

A few other links to Jack London web sites;
The Jack London Collection (DL SunSITE)
Jack London, his life and books (Jack London State Historic Park)
Jack London Followed his Muse into the Wild
Jack London Foundation
Jack London International
Jack London Writes of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire

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