Letter 8/27/1898 Dawson City, Canada
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[written in pen rather than pencil]

Dawson N.W.T. Canada
August 27th 1898
Mrs. Everett Barton Mineola Mo
Dear wife and boy:-
I wrote to you a short time ago, soon after receiving the letters of the 8th and 28th of June which is the last I have received from you. However I will not wait till I get another before writing but will write as often as the opportunity presents its self. Lee is working on the Eldorado bench claim and is getting farely good prospects. We bought a half interest of a fellow going out, a bench claim back of No. 8 on Bonanza. [ed.the Hegg photo of #6 below Bonanza was in Everett's belongings, see also photos of No. 8 above and below] the picFrank and I worked two days on same and struck pay the poorest will pay 13¢ to the pan or two shovels full, now if it does not run out on us, we will have a little stake by next summer possibly a good big one, the claim joining is turning out good the fellow was offered 5000.00 but refused and we have a much larger bench then he has probibly 100 ft more. Now this is positively a secret to all others for various reasons not eaven to your folks as they might mention same to some one if you tell them. I only write you this as a comforter to some extent and that you wont run off-- and leave my boy-- There is a small piece joining it and I have been down hear since Friday trying to record same but then was about 200 ahead of me to get claims recorded so it may be several days before I get in. Oh! yes Frank received a picture from Sophia it was a real good one, really better looking than than I thought she was. You said you were going to have some more of yours taken and send me one but when you went to Montgomery suppose you forgot all about pictures. as there was some live photos over there. Well there is a lot of people going out. there was six boats in today at one time. and another has just come in (9 P.M.) the largest crowd gone out yet on one boat, was yesterday. The Youkonen. After this letter you may not hear from me for some time as we intend to run two rockers on our new claim till it freezes then we will drift and pile up in dumps for sluicing when spring comes. Frank and I took up a pack of 45# ea 15 miles when we went. and I am going to take one other up when I go back. I made a pack for my dog Jim today am going to pack about 15 or 20# on him as it is hard enough to walk 15 miles in this country without packing any thing and then I think I have packed enough
Aug 28--98
Well you have been telling of the preaching and the W.C.T.U. meetings. We have in Dawson the Catholic. Presbaterian. Methodist and the Salvation Army. and all I think more of the latter than all the rest (here) I go to hear them once and often twice a week. Just one year from tonight we landed at Deya to commence our inward journey to the Youkon or Klondyke I have kept a Diary ever since mostly to keep run of the time and dates. that little callander is very usefull. must say you were very thoughtfull to send it. Speaking of the different churches will say the Baptist have no business here for when they would do the sousing act (Baptizing) a person would freeze any way in winter. Dont forget and write the political news when writing. also of the Postmaster of Montgomery City and of Middletown if they have made a change yet. So Fanny has a heifer calf? write what they are worth now, and if you think best to keep the calf, etc. Do what you want with Mack as he belongs to you write if horses are a good price and what you think he is worth. there is but four or five of the Purcell gang here now. I have not saw any of them that stayed for some time they are working on Sulpher creek. When you write tell me lots about Jo, also tell Susan to write for she uses such funny expression that it sounds funny. Sept 1st 98. Well I have happened to a little bad luck since writing this letter. some one stold my dog and I also failed to get a claim recorded joining the one we bought, so I am conciderably out of sorts. There are twenty two saloons in Dawson. Tell Laite that this is a great place for Jews and that he should be here. Mr Carter formily Representative of our County stayed with me two nights and had quite a chat over the balls we have met at in Rhineland. he well remembers Lillie Smith. I am going up on the creek tomorrow so will not continue this letter any longer than today. Frank come down and went back Mr Carter went with him. he said they had found a double pay steak on our new claims only hope it will not run out. I am dreading my trip tomorrow as it has been raining and the trail is muddy. it has begun to turn cold here ice is on some of the small streams every morning. Hoping to hear from my Girl & Boy also would like to have their pictures. From Your devoted boy E. Barton