Missing Data Missing Data

Please e-mail me if you can provide any answers. Thank you.

I am looking for photographs of or information about anyone listed in these pages, obviously. I would also like to find current and/or historical photographs and information on several farms or regions that have figured prominently in this history:


Framigarden Krogstad, B�rsa, S-T
Nedre Rian, B�rsa, S-T
Einroenningen, B�rsa, S-T (Could this be one of the farms at R�nningen? I haven't found it anywhere in my research.)
Hofs�ren, �rkedal, S-T
Nedre H�l, Rennebu, S-T
Buan, Rennebu, S-T (I realize there is probably more than one farm here, and at some others, but this is all the information I have)
Vangsgraven, Rennebu, S-T
Nordgard �mot, Meldal, S-T
Oppstuggu Rokkones, Rennebu, S-T
Havdalsrabben, Rennebu, S-T
Norra Rustad, Elverum, Hedemark
Norda �a, Tandanaset, Trysil, Hedemark
Skjarberget, Trysil, Hedemark
East Satre, Trysil, Hedemark
Rotberget, Grue, Hedemark


Heden, H�ljes, Norra Finnskoga
Aspberget, Norra Finnskoga
Uggelheden, Norra Finnskoga
Nainsh�jd, Nain, Gustav Adolf
Hakkarsberg, Nain, Gustav Adolf
Mackartjarn, Sodra Finnskoga



I am at a dead end with the following people. Any information on their ancestors would be greatly appreciated.

Gurru Jonsdotter Einroenningen, born about 1752 at Einroenningen (see note above), B�rsa, S-T, married Anders Evensen Ner-Rian (1754-1807) in 1778 in B�rsa, died 1815 at Nygarden Ner-Rian, B�rsa, S-T. I have her parents listed as Jon and Siri, but have no more information on them.

Peder Jonson Havdal, born 1691 at Havdalsrabben, Rennebu, S-T, married Brynhild Havdal (1692-1786), died 1767.

Peter Larson, married Martha Johnsdotter, died before 1865. At the time of the 1865 census, Martha and her son Gulbrand (born 1850) were living at Rindalsengen, F�berg, Oppland. Martha was born in 1823. Gulbrand emigrated to the USA, I don't know if Martha accompanied him.

Kersti Johansdotter, born 14 July 1897 at Norda �a, Tandanaset, Trysil, married Mats Persson from Juslatt, Lima, Sweden in 1837, died at Tandanaset 28 March 1889.

Please e-mail me if you can provide any answers. Thank you.

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