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 Witt at age 12 at wpe3.jpg (40892 bytes) work at Colonial Williamsburg.  I know it looks like he is playing in mud, but he is stomping the clay to make bricks.  They bricks they made that year were used in the foundations for the dependencies at the Peyton Randolph House.

23 October 1999, building the brick kiln to begin firing.

Witt inside the kiln stacking the raw brick to be fired.

The Witter

Witt and crew from the front page the Daily Press, 30 October 1999.


wpe1.jpg (290629 bytes)This is the largest croaker caught off the pier so far this year.  They got the weight wrong.  It was 3 pounds and 8 ounces.  Those 3 ounces are important in the tournament.  This was the happiest I had ever seen Witt.  He will receive a citation and plaque from the State for this one.