Mullen/Hughes Biographies


Many of these biographies are off-site, and some are on the same page as biographies for other people. You can use the "find in page" feature of your web browser to search for the surname.

Clicking on the icon will take you to the individual's entry in the family tree.

Coad, John F. II (1842 - 1910)
Coad, John F. III (1871 -1941)
Coad, Paul E. (1887 - 1968)
Coad, Ralph G. (1880 - 1943)
Fox, Franklin A. (1861 - ?)  History of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, 1907
Hughes, Martin D. (1836 - 1920)  Biographical History of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, 1891
Lacy, Patrick (1843 - 1890)  Biographical History of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, 1891
Parsons, Reginald H. (1873 - 1955)
Plummer, Thomas Wilkinson (1839 - ?)
Scanlon, Michael J. (1861-1930)
Wickham, James J. (1837 - 1919)  Biographical History of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, 1891
Wickham, Owen P. (1845 - 1924)  Biographical History of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, 1891
Wickham, Patrick W. and Family (1803 - 1873)

Erica DeCoursey
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