Worthington Advance, 1905

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Newspaper Articles
from Worthington Advance
 December, 1905

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Friday, December 1, 1905

Mustered In.

Co. F. 3d Regiment, M.N.G. The Official Title of our Militia Company.

The local company of infantry after a month of preparation was officially mustered into the military service of the State of Minnesota on Tuesday evening last, Nov. 28, 1905, by Col. Chas. A. Van Duzee, commanding the 3d Rgt., Minnesota National Guard.

There were in attendance, General Fred B. Wood, adjutant general and representative of the Commander in Chief, the general and Col. Wm. Gerlack U.S.A. representative of that Federal Government.

The night was forbidding and the weather inclement yet there were 56 men in line at the roll call, and who took the oath of enlistment.

Following the muster an election of officers was held by Col. Van Duzee resulting in the following selection: For Captain Anton Schaefer; 1st Lieut. S.S. Smith, 2nd Lieut. Chas. B. Ward.

An oyster supper was served in the dining room of the Western Hotel of which the whole company and visiting officers partook.

There were appropriate remarks and speeches by Col. Gerlack, Col. Van Duzee and Captain Schaefer and company F. was thus auspiciously embarked upon its progress to First position in the Guard.

Company Order No. 1 Official.

Armory or Co. F. 3 Inf. M.N.G. Worthington, Minn. Nov. 29, 1905

Company drills will be held on second and fourth Monday of each month, and upon Tuesdays following every other Monday. Commencing at 8:15 p.m. sharp. First drill Tuesday Dec. 5, 1905.
By order of A. Schaefer, Captain.


Geo. Butcher of Bloom township was here Saturday doing trading.

C. Borst and wife of Org were in town Saturday on a trading trip.

E. Miller of Worthington township was in on business Friday last.

Berthold Wellner a young man employed in Hickman's drug store for some time, left last Sunday night for Red Wing, where he will spend Thanksgiving with his parents. From there he goes to Pierre, S.D., where he has accepted a position in a drug store.

B.F. Young was down from Reading Saturday on his weekly trading trip.

Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Jones of Reading came down Sunday to hear the lectures by Dr. Koehne.

Miss Margarette Biltgen returned this week from Chicago, where she had been visiting for some time.

A sister of Alfred Jacobson arrived last Saturday from Sweden and went out to relatives in the town of Worthington.

Geo. Wheeler of Rushmore spent Sunday with friends here.

Herman Radtke ate Thanksgiving turkey with relatives at St. James.

D.J. Sullivan of Wilmont was a guest at the Western hotel Tuesday.

Miss Eva Fairfield spent Thanksgiving with her brother Ord, at Mankato.

Miss Pratt, a former teacher in our schools, is here on a visit at the home of Mrs. Chaney.

Misses Ella and Lena Peterson, of Heron Lake, were guests of Miss Eva Fairfield, Monday.

Mrs. Keegan came up from Sioux City to spend Thanksgiving with her daughter, Mrs. Washington.

Father Holper, Andrew Henning and Mrs. John Henning of St. Killian were in the city Monday on business before the probate court.

Miss Smith, who had been employed as trimmer in Miss Fahy's millinery store, left last Saturday for her home at Flandreau, S.D.

Mrs. I.R. Svennes of Heron Lake was the guest of Mrs. Calvin Moen and other Worthington friends, Friday and Saturday last.

Misses Bessie Tripp and Claudie Washburn, of Round Lake, were visiting friends in this city last Saturday.

Miss Florence Barber departed for Prairie du Chien, Wis., last Monday. She will attend St. Mary's academy in that city.
Mrs. Calvin Moen and children went to the old home at Heron Lake, yesterday, to spend Thanksgiving with her parents.

Capt. and Mrs. A. Schaffer of Rushmore came over Tuesday to attend the mustering in of the militia company and the banquet following.

Postmaster F.R. Coughran went to Sioux Falls on Tuesday to take leave of his mother, who left on that day for California, where she will spend the winter.

The ball given last Friday evening by the Dancing Club was well attended and enjoyable social event. Music was furnished by the Luverne orchestra.

Mrs. Chas. Alvord and children of Wilmont passed through Worthington Tuesday on their way to Ellendale, N.D., to join Mr. Alvord, who has located there.

The annual ball of the Worthington fire department will be held Dec. 6th. This is always an important social event and a large attendance is looked for.

Stray - One two year old Hereford steer came to my place, one and one half miles north of Worthington, about Oct. 24th. Owner can secure the same by proving property and paying costs. Gerald Sharp.

James M. Mann and Miss Florence Lyons of this city were quietly married at the home of the groom's uncle, A.R. Mann of Windom, last Sunday Nov. 26. They are both well known and popular young people and their marriage came as a surprise to their many friends, who nevertheless join in extending most hearty congratulations.

Dr. F.E. Walker returned last Saturday from Hot Springs, S.D., where he spent ten days on professional business. He performed thirteen surgical operations while there, and of the number lost only one case the thirteenth. Dr. Walkers fame as a surgeon is rapidly growing, and he is in demand by physicians all over this section to take charge of difficult surgical cases.

Miss Mary Fitch is home from her school near Rushmore to spend Thanksgiving.

Harry Stowell went to St. Paul yesterday to spend Thanksgiving with his daughter Miss Myrtle.

Assistant Cashier I.P. Fox of the Citizens bank transacted business at Rushmore last Saturday.

M.A. Adams of Loraine, was at the county seat Saturday on business. He favored this office with a call.

E.J. Helmick who is traveling for the Sioux City house of Booth and Co., spent the past week with his family here.

Miss Ethel Bloom and Miss Stella Anderson, who are teaching near Adrian, came home to spend Thanksgiving.

Morris Ronan came down from Reading Saturday to visit his brother William, who is laid up with a rupture.

W.J. Benson of Heron Lake was in the city Saturday looking after the business of the local branch of the Western Implement Co.

Earl Aupperle of Salem, Oregon, was a guest of his friend C.B. Fairfield, night operator at the Omaha depot last Friday and Saturday.

Rev. G.A. Cahoon and family left on Wednesday for Blue Earth, where they spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Cahoon's parents.

According to rumor a young lady of Brewster last Friday made a second unsuccessful attempt at suicide. The first attempt was made a week ago.

Engineer Abe Hamlin has been reinstated as an engineer on the Omaha after a lay-off of over a year. This will be pleasant news to his numerous friends.

Wm. Ronan, the cattle dealer, was taken seriously ill last Friday and when an examination was made it was found he had sustained a rupture. He will be laid up for some time.

Mrs. W.M. Evans entertained the members of the Euchre club and their husbands, Monday evening, and a very pleasant time is reported despite the unfavorable weather conditions which prevailed.

The Luverne Journal is authority for the statement that Judge P.E. Brown who last week returned from the hospital where he has been under treatment for several weeks is seriously contemplating resigning his position as judge on account of his failing health. The Advance hopes that such will not be the case, as the loss of Judge Brown from the bench would be deeply regretted by all.

Judge Quinn on Saturday dug celery from his garden. It was as crisp and juicy as the famous Kalamazoo brand. His young onions are still doing service on the table and November is almost come under the wire. - Fairmont Independent.

Born - On Tuesday, Nov. 28, 1905 to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Potter, a daughter.

The auction sale of C.C. Erwin is again postponed and will be held Thursday, Dec. 7.

The Heron Lake flour mill, owned by Mr. Phelps, was totally destroyed by a fire which was first discovered about one o'clock Tuesday morning.
The mill was an old structure but was fitted throughout with the latest improved machinery, so that the loss will be quite heavy.

School Notes.

The reorganization of the Lowell Literary society was perfected last Tuesday, and the following officers were elected: Pres. Marjorie Shell; V. Pres., Edward Lawton; Sec., Arba Bedford; Sgt. at Arms, Virgil Fellows and Charles Haggard; Division Leaders, Alida Bedford and Jessie Ager; Pianist, Alice Pannell; and Critic, Miss Hermann. Summary by classes give Seniors three officers, the Juniors, one, the Sophomores two, and the Freshman, two.

Ed and Sterling Lawton took in the Windom-Luverne game at Luverne last Saturday. Luverne won the game, and now claim the championship of Southwestern Minn.

Miss Jane McCoy of Winona, was a visitor at the H.S. Tuesday afternoon.

Hunters Return.

Jas. Mackay and Dave Herline returned last Friday from their hunting trip to the Northern part of the state. They got their full quota of deer, and brought home one a piece. They report a fine time.

Mayor J.N. Gould returned on Saturday and brought a fine buck with him. He also got his two deer. He got shots at a couple of moose, but failed to bring either down although he hit both of them several times. The mayor was camped in the wilderness northeast of Duluth, and regards this as a fine hunting ground although somewhat inaccessible.



Born to Mr. and Mrs. Nels Scott on Monday the 20th, a daughter.

Aultman Sietsema, we are told, has gone to try his hand in the lumber camps in the northern part of the state. It will be quite a new experience for Aultman as he has spent about all his life on the open prairie.

Miss Carrie Sorem is teaching school in Little Rock township this winter. Ransom is never without its representatives in the schoolroom though at present we do not have as m__ as we have had sometimes in th__ __t.


Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller spent Thanksgiving with a daughter at Slayton.

Mrs. R.J. Jones visited relatives at Ocheyedan this week.

Mrs. O.F. Johnson was a county seat visitor Tuesday.

A.I. Rothschild made a business trip to the hub Wednesday.

A.R. Beilke was in Worthington Sunday consulting a physician in regard to his little son's broken arm.


F.D. Wells has disposed of his farm implement business to N.A. Arvidson of Pipestone. We are pleased to state that Mr. Wells retains his other business interests in Brewster and will continue to make this place his home.

Dr. N.J. Ness made a visit to Heron Lake on Thursday last.

Editor and Mrs. Randolph are entertaining a handsome young daughter who arrived at their home on Thursday of last week. We extend congratulations.

John Hodgdon and wife of Paullina, Iowa were guests of the John G. Henderson family the past week.

Mrs. Herman Gruver and children have returned from an extended visit with relatives near Sheldon.

Round Lake

E.H. Wellhauson was a Sunday visitor at Worthington.

A.L. Getman and wife visited relatives at Larchwood, Iowa, last week.

H.M. Jones, of Worthington was a caller on friends in our village last week Wednesday.

A.F. Diehn was at Winona last week serving as a member of the U.S. grand jury.

Mrs. Chris Schmidt is enjoying a visit from her sister, Mrs. Ed Kelly and children of Minneapolis.

John Marz and family were the guests of their brother Martin Gregerson, at Worthington several days last week.

Mrs. Colbin Sall is nursing a very sore hand, the result of a burn from spilling hot grease upon it.

F.M. Williams, miller at Hornick, Iowa, was the guest of his nephew A.L. Getman the early part of the week.


Miss Carrie Hanson, was a guest of her sister at Worthington last week.

Mrs. Ivie Baird visited at Edgerton several days last week.

Mrs. J.G. Mitchell, of Worthington was a visitor here last week.

David Thompson is seriously sick with a complication of Bright's disease and dropsy. As he is 82 years of age his recovery is doubtful.

The seven year old son of R.L. Dougherty has been seriously sick with inflamatory rheumatism and at one time it was feared death would result. He is improving at this writing and we trust may soon be completely restored to health.


Dr. Deckman has purchased and installed an X-Ray machine.

E.L. Dobell, of Worthington, was circulating among our business men one day last week.

Michael Gilfoy and wife arrived here from North Dakota the early part of the week for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gilfoy.

Supt. of School L.W. Abbott, of Worthington, visited the schools of this place and vicinity the latter part of last week.

Nick Hendel has moved into town and taken possession of the saloon formerly run by Joseph Budde.

Rev. Father Graeve was a visitor at Adrian the early part of last week.


Henry Nelson is preparing to build a new cement side walk in front of his residence in the south part of town.

Mrs. William Bird was on the sick list several days last week.

M. Holleran made a business trip to Pipestone one day last week.

James Condon is at home from a two months visit at Boston, Mass., and other eastern points.

Miss Fannie Walker was the guest of friends at Luverne one day last week.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Bendt, who reside southeast of town, on the 18th.

A.A. Burns and family have removed to Clear Lake, S.D., where they will operate the farm of Mr. Burn's father.

James Porter, of Reinbeck, was in the village several days last week looking after his business interest. He is president of the First National Bank, and owner of the Porter lumber yard at this place.


Miss Winnie Gray was at Worthington last week, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. P.H. Brown.

Miss Laura Cain, Mrs. N.M. Sorem and Miss Minnie Westby, were Worthington visitors last week.

Editor Clower was at Winona last week serving as a juror in the United States court.

Rev. G.M. Glick went to Lake Crystal last week for a visit with his son Harvey, but was disappointed as the young man had been removed to Brandon, S.D., by the railroad company by whom he is employed as telegraph operator.

School Supt. Abbott was a visitor here one day last week.

Our new landlord, Nicholas Foken was married at Sibley, on the 18th to Miss Minnie Henning, of Chicago. The newly married couple are now "at home" in Bigelow and are receiving the congratulations of our citizens.

Friday, December 8, 1905

Worthington Young People Embark on the Matrimonial Sea.

The marriage of Mr. Lee M. Shell, of this city, and Miss Helen A. Herms took place Thanksgiving day at the home of the bride's parents in Minneapolis. The service was read by Rev. Alexander Patterson in the presence of the immediate relatives of the young people, and was followed by a dainty wedding banquet. The young people left on a wedding trip of ten days and will arrive in Worthington next week. They will take up their residence in the S.M. Stewart house, where they will be at home to their friends after Jan. 15th.

The bride is a charming and accomplished young lady of estimable character, and was held in high esteem by a large circle of friends in her home city.

The groom is the son of Senator Dan. Shell, and is one of Worthington's promising and popular young men. The Advance joins the many friends of the young people in extending congratulations.

Mr. Wm. Nissen and Miss Lucile Bryan of this city were married on Thanksgiving day. They are well known and popular young people and have a large circle of friends whom the Advance joins in extending congratulations.

Jess T. Pierce, a 12 year old boy who has been practically abandoned by his parents, was committed to the state school at Owatonna Tuesday by Judge Cory. The boy was taken to the school by county commissioner O'Brien of Ellsworth.


Issued during November by Clerk of Court Humiston: H.V. Willey of Rock county, to Emma Michaelson, Chas R. Saxon to Lucy E. Larson, Wm. Schissel to Barbara Duclos, Geo. Marsh, Osceola, Ia., to Grace Rinus, Edw. Kunsweiller to Lena Chapa, Wm. Nissen to Lucile Bryan.


Mrs. Brant is reported as being seriously ill this week.

F.H. Lyons of Elk was in the city on business last Friday.

G.V. Pettit spent a few days with friends at Avoca, returning on Monday.

Miss Myrtle Stowell returned on Monday from a sojourn of several week in St. Paul.

Geo. Wyckoff who is working in St. James spent Thanksgiving with his parents here.

A.N. Douglass of Minneapolis was here this week looking after property interests.

Thos. Prideaux of Rushmore was a business visitor at the county capital on Monday.

Miss Mary Fronk, who is teaching near Adrian, spent Thanksgiving with relatives here.

Harry Stowell returned Monday from St. Paul where he spent Thanksgiving with friends.

Mrs. Bert McKee left Monday for Omaha, after a two weeks visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Kendlen.

Rev. Hammerberg, a student from St. Peter, is filling the pulpit at the Swedish Lutheran church until the congregation secures a permanent pastor.

Miss Stella Taylor of Minneapolis was a guest of Miss Kercher, the stenographer in the county attorney's office, over Thanksgiving, returning home Monday.

S.C. Kenney and wife of Lodi, Ill., were guests of Mr. Kenney's brother, who lives near Rushmore, over Thanksgiving day. Mr. Kenney came up to look after his farm near Worthington.

Wm. Kirk an old settler of the town of Elk has been critically ill for some time and owing to his advanced age, he being 81 years old, doubts of his recovery are entertained. Chas Kirk, of Chicago, and W.H. Kirk of Auburn, Ill., arrived last Friday for a short visit with their father.


Recorded During the Month of November.

R.B. Beeson to George E. Kizer w 1/2 of se 1/4 sec 19 Bigelow, $2400.

Harm Meester to Thomas Sweney lot 3 blk 3 Butlers ad Ellsworth, $1000.

Felix C Lias to Bernard Niggemier lot 3 blk 7 St. Kilian, $240.

Fred Knapp to Fred W Knapp w 1/2 of se 1/4 sec 18 Lorain, $4800.

W.B. Norman part lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 blk 6 Bigelow, $1000.

James Montgomery to Annie Gerber lot 3 blk 1 Bremer ad Wilmont, $1000.

Minn Loan and Inv Co lot 14 blk 1 Anderson's sub div Worthington $1800.

L.S. Johnson to Harry S. Hobson lot 2 blk 18 Worthington, $2300.

P.E. Berg to John Ridner nw 1/4 sec 13 Lorain, $6000.

A. Lindgren to First Nat Bank Adrian lot 10 blk 2 Adrian, $1.

Ella Martens to James H. Engle n 1/2 of sw 1/4 23 Grand Prairie $1.

S Wold to L Wold int ne 1/4 sec 6 Westside, $2301.60.

Charles Fitzl to Herman B. Nelson lot 4 blk 1 Berreaus [Berreans?] ad Brewster, $800.

Wm V. Vest to Charles Benesh nw 1/4 sec 8 Summit Lake, $7200.

Henry C. Erdwins to E. Behrens w 1/4 sec 34 Worthington $8800.

Erland Heselroth to Anna N. Rose sn [se?] 1/2 of se 1/4 sec 34 Graham Lakes $1.

W.R. Farragher to N.J. Enger lot 7 blk 3 Adrian, $1350.

Mark Graves to Mary Loes lot 8 and 9 blk 17 Adrian, $1200.

Emil Paulsen to Joseph Voss lots 10 and 11 blk 2, 2nd ad Wilmont, $1100.

P G Johnson to Adolph Amondson e 1/2 of se 1/4 sec 26 Dewald, $3600.

D Shell to Lee M Shell ne 1/4 sec 14 Summit Lake, $5000.

Bertha H Roll to John Reifenberger lot 1 blk 10 Adrian, $625.

Glenn M Baker to Bertha Bahls lots 3 and 4 blk 15 and lots 1 and 2 blk 16 Tripps ad Round Lake, $100.

Mark Graves to John M Glovka east 150 ft blk J Graves 2nd ad and south 50 ft 1st ad Vil Lismore, $3000.

Charles E Libaire to C M Larson Lots 12 and 13 blk 5 Jones ad Adrian, $600.

May G Campbell to George Eppers west lots 10, 11 and 12 blk 3 Porter and Mohls ad Adrian, $1200.

R J Beaton to J L McKonkey lot 2 blk 16 Beaton's sub div Brewster, $50.

Karl VonKonynenberg to Michael Plump 1/2 interest east 85 ft lots 16, 17 and 18 blk 7 Vil Lismore, $200.

Kate E McLean to Mary Becker lot 17 blk 3 Adrian, $500.

Mary Becker to Henry A Becker ne 1/4 and e 1/2 of nw 1/4 sec 31 Olney, $12240.

E A Tripp to W M Evans sw 1/4 of se 1/4 sec 26 Indian Lake, $600.

John Specketer to Joseph Steger s 1/2 of se 1/4 and se 1/4 of sw 1/4 sec 10 Westside, $7320.

Jos Rudde to Hamm Brewing Co lot 12 blk 2 Vil Lismore, $2000.

Ann O'Hearn to Jos O'Hearn ne 1/4 of sw 1/4 sec 26 Grand Prairie, $2000.

Sallie F Rogers to Frank Hedrich ne 1/4 sec 35 Graham Lakes, $5200.

P H Brown to F L Applegate sw 1/4 sec 4 Seward, $9000.

R Bos Jr to John Kallemeyn [Kallemeyer?] lot 3 blk 2 Leota, $100.

Harry J Thom to J Burr Lundlow [Ludlow?] lot 8 blk 10 Rushmore, $1600.


Round Lake

A. Peterson, who removed from Round Lake to near Palouse, Wash., last spring has been having more than his share of bad luck. All of his seven children and his wife have been suffering from typhoid fever, one daughter, Hilda, aged 16, having died.

The combination of a lighted match and some gasoline poured into a slop pail nearly created a conflagration in the rooms occupied by Miss Anna Pigman, on the evening of the 25th. The incipient blaze was smothered before it reached the woodwork, but not until considerable excitement had been created.

Sheriff Fauskee made an official visit to our village last Wednesday.

J.P. Hoffman was at Worthington to hear Dr. Koehne speak.

J.P. Hoffman, principal of our school, treated the eighth grade pupils to an oyster supper last week Monday evening.

H.C. Carstensen has been granted a license to sell liquor in the village of Round Lake.

Emily Flint observed the thirteenth anniversary of her birth by entertaining a number of her girl classmates last Wednesday.

John Murphy has moved into the village from Sioux Valley township.


Judge Ladd, of DesMoines was a Bigelow visitor a day or two last week.

Frank Green is again able to be about after a short spell of sickness.

Misses Lena Reynolds and Margaret Bird visited at Worthington a day or two recently.

Ed Brown and wife are rejoicing over the advent of a baby boy into their home.

Mrs. R.H. Wicks is enjoying the pleasure of a visit from her father and mother, who will remain with her during the winter.

Mrs. J.G. Marshall is reported as seriously sick.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Sorem were Sunday visitors with the parents of Mrs. S., Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Scott, of Worthington.

Our hotel is again open under the new management. The house has been put in first class condition by Landlord Foken.

D.T. Cain was at Worthington last Tuesday on legal matters.

Editor Clower was at home from his duties as U.S. Juror at Winona last week Wednesday but was obliged to return on Friday as the court had not yet completed its work.


John Dorenkamper was at St. Augusta, Stearns county recently having been called there by the serious sickness of his father, who died November 19th.

A state veterinary surgeon has quarantined the farm of Mr. Cowberg in the town on account of the prevalence of hog cholera.

Dr. C.C. May is at home from an extended business trip to the northern part of the state.

Henry Rowe is enjoying a visit from his aged father and mother who arrived from Dodgeville, Wis., last week.

John McCord transacted business with the probate office at Worthington last week Wednesday.

W.E. Timmons has gone to Walla Walla, Washington to take charge of the erection of a new store building for his brother. He will be absent all winter.

Rev. J.H. Hanson, pastor of the Lutheran church has gone to Douglass county for a visit with his mother and to take a needed rest. His health has been failing for some time past and it became necessary for him to take a vacation.


S.H. Loveland, operator at the Ellsworth telephone exchange was married at Sibley, Nov. 23rd to Mrs. S.S. Chandler, late of Cortland, Ohio.

Mr. and Mrs. P.F. Levins entertained a number of friends at progressive cinch on Monday evening of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hutt are entertaining a sweet baby daughter born to them November 25th.

J.H. McRobert was at Worthington on a business trip last week Monday.

V.H. Dressen was down from Ward, S.D., last week to eat turkey with Ellsworth friends.

Lawrence Finnerty has gone to Manning, Iowa, to look after business interests there. He will be absent about two weeks.


Miss Clara Ehlers visited her parents at Adrian last week.

Drs. P.T. Geyerman and F.E. Walker, of Worthington ate their Thanksgiving dinner at the Geyerman home in this place.

Paul Kruemling and family are here from Revillo, S.D., and will reside in our village.

Mrs. Morris and daughter of your [our?] city, were guests at the McConkey home a day or so last week.

Miss Laura Bingham, of Worthington has contracted to teach the Gilomen school, north of this village.


Received too late for last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin who have been visiting for some time at the home of Mrs. Martin's parents Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cruit, returned to their home in Minneapolis Thursday.

Ed. Flanders who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Pierce for a few days left Thursday for his home in Delevan, Wis.

W. Brown of Adrian was again seen on our streets Monday and Tuesday.

Wm. Cleveland of Heron Lake and Enoch Anderson of Slayton transacted business here Thursday and Friday.

Peter Lebens who has been in the Western States for the past five years returned home Saturday in order to attend the wedding of his brother Joseph.

Jack Carey who has been working for Mr. Renn as manager of his meat market here resigned his position and left Tuesday for Lismore where he will work for Mr. Higgins.

Jos Lebens and Miss Anna Didier were married at St. Killian Catholic church Nov. 22nd, by Rev. Father Holper. The ceremony was followed by a reception. The contracting parties are well known and popular young people of Wilmont township.

Another wedding took place at the same church on Nov. 21st, when Henry Stuntebeck and Miss Lizzie Petersbus were joined in wedlock by Rev. Holper. We join the friends of both young couples in extending congratulations.


Mrs. Connie Whipkey of Worthington has been visiting at the home of her mother Mrs. Cordes for some time.

Chris Huffmiester is the proud and happy father of another boy which arrived at this [his?] home last week.

A Thanksgiving dance was held at Walt Pigman's last Thursday night. Quite a large crowd attended.

Terry McCall of Brewster was advertising Geyerman's big seven days sale thro this part of the country last week.

A.F. Dring's family from Lorain at Thanksgiving dinner at the Barton home. Miss Beulah Dring stayed until Saturday in order to take part in the debate Friday night.


Nick Hendel has been granted a liquor license by our village council.

Chris Nieman, of Worthington transacted business in the village one day last week.

John Carey, late of Wilmont has purchased a half interest in the Lismore meat market and livery and has removed to this place.

O.T. Bratager was notified of the death of his step mother, which occurred at her home near Jackson, on Monday of last week. Owing to poor train connections he was unable to attend the funeral.

Miss Dora Wheeler is visiting at her home in Slayton, this week.

A.M. Vail is at home again, having spent the summer in the vicinity of Worthington.

T.J. Meighen, of Forestville, this state, visited relatives and friends in this locality last week.

Frank McVenes and wife visited friends at Edgerton a day or two last week.

Wanted - Farm lands, in exchange for town property. Will give somebody a good deal. Enquire of J.D. Matteson.


Geo. Hart of Elk was in the city last Saturday on business.

J.J. Yoder held a largely attended auction sale on Tuesday.

J.W. Pepple was down from St. James Sunday to visit his parents.

Miss Grace Dickerman is a new clerk in W.W. Loveless' store.

Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins of Bigelow were business visitors at the county seat Tuesday.

Born - On Dec. 6, 1905, to Mr. and Mrs. Erick Anderson an 11 lb. girl. The mother and child are doing fine.

Miss McCoy last week enjoyed a visit from her sister Miss Jennie McCoy of Osage, Iowa, and Miss Pratt, of Elkton, S.D.

Rev. G.A. Cahoon went to Stewart, Minn., on Monday, where he spent three days assisting in a series of special meetings.

E.L. Nance was called to Randolph, Neb., last Friday to attend the funeral of his father, who died suddenly from heart failure.

Ole Ellingson of the town of Worthington returned last week from a visit of a month in Wisconsin. He was accompanied by his sister, who will keep house for him.

For Sale - 100 good breeding ewes about 40 of them are registered Oxford, balance Shropshire breed. Prices from $5 upward according to number and selection. P.D. Van Horsen, rural free delivery Reading Minn.

For rent - Two good furnished and heated sleeping rooms, with closet. One block southeast of Omaha depot. Mrs. Stark.

Stray - One two year old Hereford steer came to my place, one and one half miles north of Worthington, about Oct. 24th.  Owner can secure the same by proving property and paying costs. Gerald Sharp.

Mrs. Fred Kuhl is on the sick list and is in a serious condition.

Miss Lord of Faribault is visiting at the home of her uncle, H. Veeder.

Robt. Erickson of Brewster was a business visitor in the city Wednesday.

Geo. O. Moore & Son have thorobred Poland China boars and sows for sale.

Ben Olson left on Tuesday for Sweden, where he will spend the winter with relatives.

Miss Ida Farrington of Redwood Falls, was a guest of Mrs. Roy Williamson this week.

Mrs. Fred Green has gone to Madison, S.D., to visit her grandmother and other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Moehler of Lakeview, Iowa, were guests at the home of M.E. Lawton Thanksgiving day.

Mrs. Veeder of Sauk Centre, Minn., is visiting at her brother's H. Veeder who lives near Worthington.

Robt. Erickson and Albert Leistico each shipped a car of horses to the Chicago market Wednesday.

Peter Thompson returned on Tuesday from Sheridan, Wis., where eh spent a week visiting a sister, who is seriously ill.

G.W. Patterson returned last week from Chicago, where he attended a meeting of the American Percheron Association.

J.C. Casareto has a fine line of candies, nuts, fruits and Christmas tree decorations for the holiday trade. Give him a call.

I shall be glad to care for any cattle shipped to Chicago over the Rock Island next Monday, phone me between 8 and 9 p.m. G.F. Moore.

Senator and Mrs. Daniel Shell and daughter Marjorie went to Minneapolis last week to attend the marriage of their son Lee M. Shell to Miss Helen A. Herms.

Chas. Anderson was arrested Wednesday for using obscene language in the waiting room of the Omaha depot. He was arraigned before Judge Dow and pleaded guilty, and was given his choice of paying a fine of $20 and costs or spending 30 days in the county jail. At last report he was making an effort to raise the amount of the fine.

Mr. and Mrs. S.M. Stewart left here last Saturday for Copenhagen the beautiful capital of Denmark, where they will spend the winter and a portion of next summer for the benefit of Mrs. Stewart's health, who is to take treatments at the famous Finsen Institute for lupus or tuberculosis of the face. They propose to remain long enough this time to insure Mrs. Stewart's absolute cure. Mrs. Stewart has made several trips, to Denmark to take this treatment, and each time has been greatly benefitted, but without being permanently cured, although on her last trip it was declared, by the director of the Institute the cure was complete. Her many friends here hope that when they return next summer she will be permanently freed from this disagreeable malady.

Jackson Republic: Mrs. A.R. Albertus and daughter, Jean, came over from Worthington, Tuesday to spend Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Cowing.

By a gash from a scythe into which he ran, William White, fourteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. A.H. White, managers of the Central hotel, come within one of losing his life. He was at the Bickel Produce buildings Thursday when the accident occurred. The big posterior tibial artery of the ankle was severed from which his life blood gushed in a heavy stream. Little could be done for some time by his attendants till the arrival of the physician who after a hard battle succeeded in checking the flow. Young White by this time was greatly weakened by the loss of blood. He is resting, however, well today. Mason City, Ia., Globe.

Friday, December 15, 1905

President of Adrian National Bank and Former County Auditor A.G. Lindgren Dies Suddenly.

The Angel of Death visited Adrian last Saturday and summoned one of its most prominent citizens in the person of A.G. Lindgren, president of the First National Bank of that city, and a former auditor of Nobles County. His sudden death came as a shock to that community and in fact to the entire county, and his family have the sympathy of all in their bereavement.

During his residence of six years in Worthington Mr. Lindgren gained the esteem and friendship of all our citizens. He was a man of exemplary character and upright in all his transactions. He was a member of the Masonic lodge at Adrian and was buried with Masonic honors, the funeral was largely attended, there being nearly a hundred carriages in line besides an escort of about fifty Masons on foot. The following gentlemen from this city attended: Jas. Mackay, A.T. Latta, Dan'l Shell, F.L. Humiston, H. Hawley, W.G. Ramage, A.J. Kannal, Arthur Firth, S.S. Smith, E.A. Tripp, C.M. Crandall, E.J. Jones, Gust Swanberg, Newton Fauskee, E.B. Paul, R. Prideaux, E.K. Smith, W.E. Bloom, W.M. Evans, E.E. Pannell, Harris Darling Howard Durfee.

Happy Event Celebrated at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Biltgen Tuesday Evening.

The home of Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Biltgen was the scene of a happy and auspicious event on Tuesday evening, when Mr. Wm. Devaney was united in wedlock to their daughter, Margaret. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Lanham of the Presbyterian church, and was witnessed by a company of relatives and intimate friends of the young people. After congratulations a dainty wedding banquet was partaken of by the assembled guests.

The young people have for some time been conducting a restaurant in this city under the firm name of Biltgen & Devaney. They are an estimable couple and have a host of friends, whom the Advance joins in extending congratulations.

Mr. and Mrs. Devaney left on Wednesday on a short wedding trip.

Baby Party.

Mrs. Jas. Gibson last Friday afternoon gave a Baby Party, which was attended by sixteen little tots, ranging in age from a few weeks to three years. The little ones were accompanied by their mammas, and enjoyed themselves to the limit.

Dainty refreshments were served.

Eastern Star Installation.

Ransford Chapter No. 43 Order of the Eastern Star held their annual installation of officers Wednesday evening. Mrs. Hawley acting as installing officer and Mrs. Pannell Marshall, Miss Webb organist.

W.M., Mr. Evans; W.P., S.S. Smith; Con., Mrs. Gould; A.M., Mrs. Lincoln; Asst. Con., Miss Town; Ada, Miss Luehrs; Ruth, Mrs. Dunbar; Esther, Mrs. S.S. Smith; Martha, Mrs. Ager; Electa, Mrs. Darling; Sect., Mrs. STanton; T., Mr. Evans; Chaplin, Mrs. Shell; Warder, Mr. Dunbar; Sentinal, Mr. Kannal.

After the installation ceremony the following program under the supervision of Mrs. Lincoln was rendered:

Instrumental Trio -
  Winnefred and Florence Webb
  Mary Stanton
Piano Solo - Leslie Luehrs
Recitation - How Jimmie Tended Baby - Leslie Luehrs.
Vocal Solo - Mrs. S.S. Smith
After the program refreshments were served, enjoyed by members of the Order and their families.


At a recent meeting of the Woman's Relief Corps the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President - Miss Prue Town, S.V. Pres., - Mrs. Lucy Dow, J.V. Pres. - Mrs. Emeline Hurlbert, Treasurer - Mrs. Frances Nichols, Conductor - Mrs. Anna Wilson, Guard - Mrs. Josephine Forbes, Chaplin - Mrs. G.R. Leonard.

Local News

Mrs. F.E. Slaker, of St. James, visited friends in this city over Sunday.

Agen Morrison, of the Omaha, was at Minneapolis over Sunday, on business matters.

Miss Lulu Lamb and Mollie Prideaux, of Adrian, were over Sunday visitors in this city.

H.G. Stumm, day operator for the Omaha at Heron Lake visited Adrian friends at this place Sunday evening.

C.H. Hurlbert who is in the employ of the Omaha road at Savage, Minn., spent Sunday with his mother in this city.

Frank Lewis, the traveling representative of the state school for dependant children at Owatonna was here Sunday. He placed a child with a family near this city.

Dennis W. Taylor, who was a resident of the town of Seward for a number of years, died at his home in the village of Fulda, December 1st at the age of 55 years. He located in Seward in 1873, and was one of the pioneer settlers in that town.

Editor J.S. Randolph of the Brewster Tribune was in the city Saturday, presumably to note whether his "blasts" had killed off any of the city editors. All were alive and well however and he returned after telling several how he had roasted the editors of Worthington. Poor Randolph, he doesn't realize how small he really is.

J.A. Town left last week for Elpaso, Texas, where he will spend a few weeks to avoid the rigors of a Minnesota winter. He was accompanied by Judge Brown of Luverne, who goes there for the benefit of his health.



Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Read visited the county seat Monday.

Poppe Ommen shipped a car of hogs to Sioux City Monday. He accompanied them.

Rev. Lanham delivered a missionary sermon last Sunday. At the close of the sermon the offering was taken, amounting to $18.

Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Fancher spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Worthington.

Mrs. R.J. Jones and sister, Miss Woodworth were Worthington visitors Tuesday.

G.T. Bullick and daughter, Effie drove to Rushmore Wednesday.

Supt. Abbott visited our school Tuesday.


S.T. Wood departed Wednesday to attend the convention of retail implement dealers association at Sioux Falls.

George Innes transacted business at Reinbeck last week.

H.G. Cromwell was at Winona several days last week.

Mrs. Cross has shipped her stock of millinery goods to Valley Springs, S.D., where she will open a millinery store.

Miss Lelia Bassett, who has been suffering from tuberculosis of the glands of her neck is at Rochester for treatment and an operation.

J.W. Lawrence is preparing to move to Oregon in hopes that a change of climate will be beneficial to his wife who has been in poor health for more than a year.

Mrs. T.H. Prideaux was the guest of relatives at Kinbrae last week.


Mrs. Mary Underwood of Egan, S.D., is visiting her mother Mrs. S.E. Barton this week.

Misses Mary and Susie Katus and brother George spent last Sunday with relatives in Lakefield.

Mrs. H.L. Barton and son Will made a business trip to Jackson last Monday.

Robt. Brown of Magnolia came down last week to look after his real estate here and will stay a few days and pick corn.

Mrs. Paulson formerly of this place but now of South Dakota spent several days visiting her daughter Mrs. George Larson.

It has just become known to his friends that Pete Henderson had given them the slip and several weeks ago taken unto himself a wife in the person of Miss Mabel Knudson, of Round Lake. Altho they all agree that was a mean way for Pete to treat them, yet if he will do the white thing the next time we see him we will all join together in wishing himself and better half a happy and prosperous life.

Leonard Houston went to Rushmore last Tuesday to pick corn for Wm. Buckhart.

Charlie Gebrke has a new phonograph to help him wile away the long winter evenings.


Sheriff Fauskee was up from Worthington one day last week.

Albert Baumgart and wife were Heron Lake visitors the early part of last week.

E.L. Kelley, who was the founder of the Tribune at this place, but who is now employed in a job office at Minneapolis, accompanied by his wife and children visited friends and relatives here last week.

T.K. Olson and family entertained friends from Heron Lake last week.

Miss Clara Seely was down from Dundee for a short visit with friends here last week.


Mrs. F.H. Lord, was the guest of Worthington friends on Wednesday last.

Miss Emma Klessig made a brief visit to Worthington Tuesday of last week.

Mrs. Charles Milliard and daughters have returned from a visit with relatives at Davenport Iowa.

Dr. Cran, of Sheldon, was in our village one day last week in consultation with Dr. Neil in the case of Mrs. J.G. Marshall who is seriously sick.


Mrs. M.E. Carrigan was visiting friends at Worthington last Thursday.

Misses Bertha and Wilhelmina Becker are at home after an extended trip to the Pacific coast states.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Faragher entertained about thirty friends in royal style Thanksgiving day.

Theo Bulerman has purchased the Brabender residence property and will shortly move into the village.

Hans Dahl has removed from his farm south of town and become a resident of Adrian. His son, J.H. Dahl and family are also expected to locate here, having sold his property in Murray county.

W.E. Timmons has resigned as a member of the village council as he is about to leave for Washington. His successor has not been chosen as yet.

Mrs. C.A. Sand is at home after a two weeks visit with her mother at Des Moines.

Fulda Free Press: The baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. John Coffitt of Kinbrae died yesterday at the age of 5 months and 8 days. We sympathize with the parents.... Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bultman of Bloom township, Nobles county, twin babies a boy and girl Friday, Nov. 24th, 1905. The parents are very proud of the little new comers.... Married: Ed. Kunzweiler and Lena Chapa, both of Nobles county were married Tuesday Nov. 28th 1905, at the Catholic church at Fulda by Rev. Father Bartholome. The young people are well known and respected in their community and have a host of friends who wish them a happy and prosperous future to which the Free Press wishes to add congratulations.

Local News.

Mrs. Albert Leistico visited friends at Brewster over Sunday.

C.M. Denny of Sioux Falls was in the city Tuesday on business.

W.M. Thompson of Lorain was a visitor in Worthington Monday.

C.W. Wade of Bloom township was in the city last Monday doing trading.

The Whist Club will meet with Mrs. R.M. West next Saturday evening at 8.

The infant of Robt. Reed and wife died Dec. 7. The funeral was held last Friday.

Mrs. Jacob Bizang, who is afflicted with consumption, is reported to be very low.

Druggist Moorland entertained a friend, T.M. Parish of Chicago, over Sunday.

Ralph Beckley has returned from Round Lake where he has been working in a meat market.

S.B. Miller and W.A. Wright of Luverne were business visitors at Worthington last Saturday.

Miss Maud Howes of Pipestone was a visitor at the H.S. Monday as a guest of Ethlyn Patterson.

J.P. Biltgen left last Saturday for St. Paul where he will visit during the greater part of the winter.

Miss Edith Pritchard of Thief River Falls, Minn., is a guest at the home of Dr. Gholz for a week. She arrived last Saturday.

Mrs. Malcolm Weikel, of Marshall, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. A.R. Albertus, and many Worthington friends, the past week.

E.L. Nance returned last week from Randolph, Neb., where he had been called to attend the funeral of his father.

Rev. Muehlhusen was called to Wilmont last Saturday to conduct the funeral of Mrs. Levina Geisel, who died Dec. 6th.

Will Bartlett made a business trip to Adrian, Wilmont, Lismore and Magnolia last Friday. He reports taking a fine bunch of orders.

W.S. Lewis returned last Saturday from a visit to Mable, Minn., where he spent a week visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs. LeRoi Tibbits.

The Lucky Thirteen Euchre club met with Mrs. L.R. Gholz Monday afternoon. Mrs. Dodge won the head prize and Mrs. J.J. Kies the consolation honors.

Dr. A.H. Clark returned last week from a trip to St. Joseph, Mo., where he attended the annual meeting of the Rock Island R.R. Surgeon's Association.

Chas. Gholz, who has been here on a visit to his son Dr. Gholz, left this week for his home in California. He recently disposed of his farm in Goodhue county. He had also visited a son at Hibbing, Minn.

Friday, December 22, 1905

Mrs. Jas. Mann Died Suddenly of Double Pneumonia Thursday Morning.
Wm. Kirk, an Elk Pioneer, Passes Away at an Advanced Age.

The people of this city were painfully shocked yesterday forenoon by the announcement that Mrs. Jas. Mann was dead. It was not known that she was indisposed and the announcement of her death came as a complete surprise. She had been suffering with an attack of grippe about a week, and on Wednesday Dr. Manson was called. He found her suffering with double pneumonia. On Thursday morning he called a consultation, attended by three other doctors, but the disease had made such progress that nothing could be done, and she died at 10:30 in the forenoon. Mrs. Mann, who had been married only a few weeks, was born and raised in Worthington and was a young woman of many excellent qualities. Her sudden death leaves the husband and other relatives grief stricken. They have the sympathy of all in their sore bereavement.

The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Presbyterian church.


Wm. Kirk, a pioneer resident of the town of Elk, died at his home six miles north of Worthington on Wednesday at the advanced age of 81 years, after an illness of several weeks. He leaves a widow and several grown up children. The funeral will be held from the residence on Friday and interment will be made at Reading. The deceased was born in England. He came to Nobles county about 20 years ago. He was a man of high character, was well known throughout the county and highly esteemed by all who knew him.

Prominent Landlord Dead.

B.W. Ashley for many years land lord of the Ashley House at Jackson, died very suddenly on Tuesday evening of apoplexy. He was well known throughout this part of the state and had numerous friends who will regret to learn of his demise.


Sam McCall a former officer in the Salvation Army and J.G. Stewart, of Minneapolis, were here this week in the interest of O.K. shocker, recently invented by Mr. Stewart.


Mr. Theo. Mitchell Jr., and Miss Marjory Cunning were married on Wednesday evening, Dec. 20., the Rev. Mr. W.H. Knowlton of St. James officiating. The ceremony took place at the rooms of the bride, over the Mitchell store on 2nd Ave., and was witnessed by a small company of relatives and friends.


Miss M.J. Fahy has received for the holiday trade a fine line of statuary and fancy china which she is offering at marvelously low prices. You should see these goods before buying all your holiday gifts.

Local News.

W.L.O. Bartlett made a trip to Adrian Monday.

Born - On Saturday, Dec. 16, 1905, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Swanson, a son.

For Sale - Loose Prairie hay delivered in town. Phone K4. Alex Wilson.

Cashier C.R. West of Brewster State Bank was in the city last Saturday on business.

Mrs. Harry E.W. Allen of Iowa Falls, Ia., was here this week visiting relatives and friends.

Miss Mary Robinson returned from Waseca Thursday where she has been working in a hotel.

J.L. Jones of Mitchell was in the city Monday on his regular run and made this office a pleasant call.

Miss Edna Klasey came home from Minot, N.D. Saturday night on account of the serious illness of her mother.

Christ Peterson a brakeman on the Sioux Falls branch, had the misfortune to break three ribs, Tuesday. The rain was doing some switching at Luverne and in running ahead Peterson stumbled and fell heavily across the rail.  He came to Worthington with the train and after having the fractured ribs set went to his home at Heron Lake to take a rest.

The following Nobles County bankers were in the city Monday to put in their bids to the county commissioners for county depositors: President Chas. Mylius of the Adrian State Bank, Vice President Faragher, of First National of Adrian, R.J. Jones of the Reading State Bank, C.A. Bird, of the First National Bank and F.M. Stanton of the German State bank of Ellsworth, Cashier W.C. Thom of First National and Cashier S.B. Bedford of the State Bank of Rushmore.

Local News.

Mrs. Bly of Brewster was in town shopping Tuesday.

Wm. McKinney spent Sunday with friends in Windom.

Russell Moberly departed for Oklahoma Monday night.

Andy and Max Paulson of Wilmont were in the city Monday.

John Saxon was up from Indian Lake Monday marketing grain.

Frank Turner came home from Canada Monday, where he has a claim.

Miss Nell Lyons is employed in Brace's Jewelry store during the holidays.

Mrs. J.P. Biltgen leaves next wee for an extended visit with her son in California.

A.M. Renner of the Western Implement Co., transacted business in Worthington Tuesday.

J.C. Thompson a hardware merchant of Round Lake was a business visitor at the capitol Monday.

O.P. Anderson a resident of Jackson county was in this city Monday doing his holiday trading.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Humiston and daughter Lillian returned from an extended visit at Minneapolis, Tuesday morning.

C.T. shier, agent of the Omaha at Prairie Junction, accompanied by his wife visited our city last Sunday afternoon.

Louis Tillman and family, who live near Fulda, were in the city Monday doing their holiday shopping at Hart's emporium.

Miss Gearda Tweed who has been employed in the depot lunch counter for several months left Tuesday for her home in St. James.

James Hogan, who is working in the depot lunch counter nights, is on the sick list this week. Robt. Town charge of the counter during his illness.

For sale - Several thorough bred cockerels, barred plymouth rocks, white leghorns and light brahmas. Fine stock. O.H. Nystrom, Route 2, Worthington.

W.C. Phillips of Heron Lake was a Worthington visitor Monday. Mr. Phillips recently lost his flour mill by fire, and he says he will not rebuild at present.

Rev. M. Graves of Lismore registered at the Worthington last Monday.

J.R. Selby of Hersey was in the city Wednesday doing holiday shopping.

J.A. Albinson of Minneapolis visited friends and relatives here Wednesday.

Fred Tripp has gone to Mitchell, South Dakota, where he expects to remain for some time.

J.F. Robinson, and Oswald Cass of Pipestone were guests at the Worthington Monday.

John Nelson was in from the town of Worthington Wednesday buying holiday goods.

Mrs. Wilbern of Sibley is the guest of her daughters Mrs. Hickman and Mrs. Fox this week.

For Sale - A thoroughbred Poland China Boar sixteen months old. Phone K.4. Alex Wilson.

Albert Washington went to Bertram, Minn., Tuesday where he will attend the wedding of a sister.

Frank Scott, proprietor of the Round Lake meat market, was in Worthington Tuesday on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bock visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meier. Mrs. Bock and Mrs. Meier are cousins.

D. Jones one of the prosperous farmers of Lorain township was a welcome caller at the Advance office Wednesday.

Nels Langseth of Indian Lake on Monday marketed a load of 7-year old wheat at the roller mills, for which he was paid a fancy price.

G.N. Stark of Grundy Center, Iowa, stopped off here Monday on his way to Heron Lake to look after a couple of farms he owns in that locality.

Maj. B.V. Thurber of Wilmont came down last Friday and spent a few days here renewing old acquaintances. He was formerly a resident of this city but now owns one of the best farms near Wilmont.

Mr. and Mrs. Jens Christensen and children leave Saturday morning for Tilden, Nebr., to visit her parents, and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Christensen lived there nine years of her girlhood. They anticipate a pleasant time.

Robt. Erickson, the Brewster cattle buyer, had business here Monday.

Emil Nance gave a skating party Wednesday evening by a number of his young friends. Refreshments were served.

Clerk of Court F.L. Humiston went out to his farm Wednesday to arrange for the pressing of a large quantity of hay.

Clark Pannell returned last Thursday from Western Canada where he has been farming the past year. He will remain here most of the winter.

E.F. Clower, editor of the Bigelow Signal, was a business visitor at the county seat Tuesday. This office acknowledges a pleasant fraternal call.

Round Lake Graphic: Herman Peterson, of Worthington, put the finishing touches on Robert Heath's new residence in Round Lake township, yesterday and returned home last night accompanied by his wife.

A. Fauskee the hustling proprietor of the Worthington Bottling Works made a business trip to Lismore and Adrian on Tuesday. He made the trip by team and found it a full days work.

Mrs. Gustafson met with a peculiar accident Wednesday. She found a stick of wood in the yard, which she proceeded to cut up. One end flew up and hit her on the forehead, cutting a gash it required several stitches to close up.

Windom Reporter - Windom is getting somewhat of a reputation for surgical work, and Dr. DeCoster is getting the reputation for doing it successfully. Last week, assisted by Doctors Walker & Geyerman of Worthington, Dr. DeCoster removed a large abdominal tumor from Mrs. R.F. Marsh, of Great Bend township, at the home of Mrs. Berg, east of the track. Dr. Walker accommodated Dr. DeCoster by bringing his head nurse from Worthington to take care of Mrs. Marsh during the early part of the sickness.



Wilson Ager, of Worthington, was among those who transacted business in our village last week.

Mrs. George Thompson and Miss Emma Nelson were at Worthington one day the early part of last week.

Miss Emma Schroeder is at home from Sioux City where she has been receiving medical treatment.

N. Bassett, who formerly resided here but now a resident of Macoun, Canada, is visiting his mother and old friends in this neighborhood.

Henry Thompson was a business visitor to Worthington the early part of last week.

S.B. Bedford has arranged with a lyceum bureau for the appearance of the Cleveland Ladies' Orchestra at this place on the evening of January 2nd.


John Koebbe, a carpenter, is suffering from blood poisoning in his hand.

Will and Chas. Abbott of Adrian furnished music for the Woodman dance at Kenneth the other evening.

Born Dec. 2, to A.M. Feather and wife, a son.

C.N. Sawyer of the Hull, Iowa, Index, was here last week to foreclose a mortgage on the Leader plant.

Dr. Dickman has installed a new X-ray outfit.

Rev. Jas. VandeHeide of LeMars, Iowa, held services in the school house last Sunday.


L. Sower is the new night operator at this place. He arrived last week.

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Salstrom attended the Devaney-Biltgen wedding at Worthington Thursday last. Mrs. S., is a sister of the bride.

Herman Hanson, from over the line in Jackson county, killed two full grown wolves near this place last week.

D. Flock, for the past year night operator for the Omaha at this place, has been transferred to Sheldon, Iowa.

Ernie son of Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Brown had his right arm broken one evening last week, by falling from a bridge near the school house. He was playing with some of the other boys and was accidentally pushed off. He is getting along nicely however, and will soon be "on earth again."


Nick Thill has recovered from a long siege of typhoid fever and has gone for an extended visit with relatives at Remsen, Iowa.

Miss Sue Kilpatrick has gone to Colorado to make her home with a sister, Mrs. G.O. Gilbert.

Lawyer Knox transacted professional business at Worthington, Thursday last.

Mrs. James R. Jones was at Worthington last week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Jones.

Mrs. tower was called to Litchfield, Minn., on last Wednesday by a telegram announcing the death of her sister, Miss Effie Louisberry.

D.J. Tinnes, former proprietor of the defunct Guardian, was the guest of relatives here last week. He is now employed as agent of the G.N. railroad at Ledgerwood, N.D.

Miss Agnes Mulroy is at home from Heron Lake, where she has been assisting the family of her sister Mrs. Henry TerHaar, during the severe sickness of the latter.

Clifford Owen went to Rochester, last week for treatment for appendicitis.


Miss Emma Klessig left last week for an extended visit with relatives in Wisconsin. She has relatives there almost without number, on the side of both father and mother, and can spend the winter among them very pleasantly. They live in the neighborhood of Sheboygan, in a flourishing community of dairymen and cheese factories. If Emma should have as pleasant a visit as her friends hope, she will have a pleasant visit indeed.

Harm Sietsema sold a horse last week to Mr. Hurd of Worthington. Mr. Hurd has bought quite a few horses in this neighborhood at different times, and farmers find quite a convenience to be able to dispose of a horse at almost any time they wish, and yet the cash for it. The time has been when if a man had a horse more than he had any use for, he might have to wait for months for a buyer, if, indeed he could sell it all for the cash. Mr. Hurd is the kind of middleman that we should be sorry to do without.


Mrs. J.I. Deihl was a county seat visitor Tuesday.

W.J. Bulick made a flying trip to Worthington after repairs for his hay press.

W.H. Hendry, of Primghar was looking after his real estate interests in this locality the fore part of the week.

The farmers in this vicinity have a lot of fat lambs ready for market and this week left an order with agent Shaffenberg, of the Rock Island, for twelve stock cars in which to ship. The stock will all go together making quite a train load from here. Among the shippers will be F.A. Durfee, B.F. Young, J.F. Cass and others. They will accompany the stock to Chicago.

R.J. Jones and E.A. Post made a trip to Fulda Wednesday in the interest of the telephone line. A movement is on foot to get through wire from Fulda to this point. Such a line would be welcomed by the business men as they do not wish to have so much publicity given to their affairs as is done when they use a rural line.

John Baird was at Worthington Saturday, in response to a call from the civil service commission.

J.F. Cass sold a car of cattle to Ronan Bros. Tuesday, and D.H. Sisson marketed a fine lot of hogs.

Mrs. Frank Raker interviewed friends at the county metropolis Friday, of last week.

On Saturday evening, a fine social affair took place at the home of W.M. Cline, northwest of town. In view of the fact that Mrs. A. Hovey, of Wilmont, an old resident of this community, was about to leave for the south, she was invited to spend the evening at the place mentioned. Imagine her complete surprise when about forty of her old friends and neighbors arrived ladened with things good to eat. The evening was spent in pleasant social intercourse and after wishing Mrs. H. Godspeed the guests departed with a feeling that "it was good to have been there."

Miss Alice Pope, of Triumph, Minn., has been visiting old friends in this locality during the past week.

A pleasant party was held at the invitation of Miss Pearl Hawkins, at her home, Saturday evening. A verdict of a general good time was reported.

Miss Alice Hulser spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents.

W C and F D Hulser are enjoying a visit from their brother, Frank, of Sutherland Iowa.


Pete and Charlie Johnson departed last week for their home in Wisconsin.

Will Madison and A. Oberman both stock buyers of Worthington were doing business in this town last Monday.

Tom Palmer, the hustling music dealer of Worthington delivered a piano at Chris Larson's home last Tuesday.

The social and literary last Friday night was attended by a large crowd after a short program the debate took place. Subject: Resolved that children should not be allowed to read daily newspapers, affirmative, Mrs. Emma Gehrke, Ed Baumann, and Will Barton. Negative Perry Atwood, Orvie Anderson and Charles Murphy. The decision was given to the affirmative. The sale of the boxes enriched the school treasury over $14.

Friday, December 29, 1905


Mr. Fred W. Schaffenberg and Miss Lola Stubbs were united in marriage Sunday morning at nine o'clock by Rev. G.A. Cahoon.

Mr. Schaffenberg has been for about a year the agent of the Rock Island at Reading and is favorably known to a number our citizens. The bride who is an accomplished young lady has recently resided in Nebraska but is not unacquainted with Nobles county having visited here last summer.

The Advance extends congratulations and best wishes.

Rev. Bronson Resigns.

At the evening service at the Baptist church last Sunday Rev. F.C. Bronson the pastor, tendered his resignation, to take effect on Feb. 1st. The step came as a surprise to many, and is deeply regretted by all, both in and out of his church, as all esteem him very highly for his many excellent qualities. Mr. Bronson has accepted a call from the Baptist church at Aberdeen, S.D., and will move there after the first of February.

Wooden Wedding.

A large party of relatives and friends of Dr. and Mrs. W.A. Saxon, remembering the fifth or wooden anniversary of the wedding of that worthy couple, organized a very successful surprise party and invaded their home on Tuesday evening to help them celebrate the event. The evening was very pleasantly spent in social intercourse. Full justice was done to the dainty refreshments provided by the guests. Dr. and Mrs. Saxon received several beautiful wooden mementos by which to keep the occasion in remembrance.


Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Moore returned on Wednesday from Chicago, where they spent a week at the International Stock Show. Mr. Moore was highly pleased with his trip. The Advance is indebted to him for an account of the stock show.


John Milton, an employe at the city power house, died suddenly Tuesday night after a day's illness, aged 38 years. The cause of death was hemorage of the bowels. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon from the .E. Church.

The deceased leaves a wife and four children. He was a member of the Yoeman lodge, in which order he had an insurance of $1000. He was for many years a resident of the town of Ransom, where his parents still reside. About three years ago he came to Worthington and took an interest in Pettit's meat market. He retired from business about two years ago and has for some time past been employed at the city power house.


Mrs. J.S. Anderson died at her home in this city last Saturday after a lingering illness, aged 67 years. The funeral was held on Tuesday from the house and was largely attended. Rev. Moberg conducted the service.

The deceased had been a resident of Worthington many years, and was held in high esteem by all who knew her. She leaves a husband and several grown up children.

Masons Install New Officers.

At the festival communication of the Masonic lodge of this city in the evening of Sts. John Day, Dec. 27th, the following new officers were installed:
W M - W E Bloom
S W - C M Crandall
J W - S S Smith
Treas - R Prideaux
Sec - W M Evans
S D - Jas Mackay
J D - O concross
Chaplin - W W Kannal
Stewards - W G Ramage, Walter Dunbar.


The funeral of Mrs. Jas. Mann was held last Saturday afternoon from the Presbyterian church and was very largely attended. The service was conducted by Rev. Edwin W. Lanham, to whom the Advance is indebted for the following obituary of the deceased: Florence Iole, was born April 27th, 1886. Her whole life has been spent in your midst, and she is much better known to you than to me. But little could be added, if anything could be, by what I can say, to your present knowledge, affection and esteem for her.

In my brief acquaintances with her, I learned of those traits of character which endeared her to all who knew her; her sunny disposition, her frank, honest confiding and trustful nature; her tender sympathy for the feelings of others, made her life as a beam of sunshine, and an enobling influence in the lives of her friends. But a few short years were alloted to her for her work. May we not say that she used them in the service of Him who has called her home. She was married to Mr. James Mann, Nov. 26th, of this year, just 25 days prior to her death. He[r] illness was of short duration. A week before her death a heavy cold overtook her; seemingly not serious, but suddenly double pneumonia developed, and in a few hours the message came to come up higher; and on Thursday morning, Dec. 21st, the plumed soul took its flight.

"When the sun in all his state,
Illumed the eastern skies,
She passed through Glory's morning gate,
And walked in Paradise."


Local News.

Clyde Walbern was at Sibley over Christmas.

John W. Pepple, was down from St. James Sunday.

Mrs. Albert Washington is reported as being on the sick list this week.

Mrs. Biltgen left on Tuesday for California, where she will spend the winter.

George Fagerman, of Sioux City, is a guest at the home of John Fitch this week.

Miss Grace Butler, of Heron Lake, is the guest of G.A. Fairfield family this week.

Mrs. F.E. Slaker, of St. James, was calling on friends in this city last Friday.

William Moriarity of Heron Lake was transacted business in our city last Friday.

Miss Nettie Fitch, of the Advance force, spent Christmas with friends at Sioux City.

Miss Ethel Dunlap, of Heron Lake, was guest of her sister, Mrs. Calvin Moen, this week.

John Mosher and wife of Minneapolis were guests of Worthington relatives over Christmas.

Miss Rose Perry, of Adrian, spent Christmas in our city, the guest of Milton Mann's family.

Miss Anderson has returned from Jackson, Minn., where she has been employed for several weeks past.

P.O. Mimnaugh came up from Rock Valley, Iowa, to look after his business at the Ideal restaurant.

Joseph Devlin, who has been in the employ of the Telephone Co., at this place, has gone to Mankato.

Thomas Ronan and wife, of Elk Point, S.D., spent Christmas with their sons John and William at this place.

Mrs. A.M. Gregerson left for Ellsworth, Wis., in response to a telegram announcing the death of brother.

Capt. Steffens, of Red Wing, was shaking hands with his many Worthington friends the early part of the week.

James Murphy, of the Ideal restaurant spent Christmas with the "old folks at home" in Rock Valley, Iowa.

Miss Gilfoy, one of the efficient assistants at Latta's store spent Christmas with relatives and friends in Lismore.

H.F. Rockwell and wife are the happy parents of a handsome young daughter, who arrived at their home last Saturday.

Miss Laura Pepple came home from Duluth Saturday night, where she is attending school, to spend the holidays with her parents.

The Board of Audit, composed of the chairman of the board of county commissioners, Gus. Swanberg, County Auditor Pannell and Clerk of Court Humiston, is in session at the court house, auditing the books of the various county officers.

For sale - Several thorough bred cockerels, barred plymouth rocks, white leghorns and light brahmas. Fine stock. O.H. Nystrom, Route 2, Worthington.

Art Seinhaus spent Christmas with relatives at Richmond.

Attorney E.J. Jones had legal business at Mankato on Tuesday.

Loren Clark, the shoeman, spent Christmas with friends at Mankato.

John McCarvel was in from Brewster Wednesday on a business trip.

A.N. Douglas was down from Minneapolis several days this week visiting among old friends.

Miss Thresa Rauen, of St. Paul is visiting at the residence of Judge Cory during the holiday vacation.

Lynn Fancher, of Reading, was a welcome guest at the home of A.A. Putnam, the latter part of last week.

Mrs. M.T. Weikle returned to her home at Marshall last Friday after a visit of a few days at the home of A.R. Albertus.

Clarence Stubbs, of Omaha, was in the city Sunday attending the marriage of his sister Lola to F.W. Schaffenberg, of Reading.

Walter Smalley, who has been employed at the Globe office for several weeks past, left on Wednesday for Rock Rapids, Iowa.

Miss Alice Kerscher, the stenographer in the County Attorney's office, is spending her holiday vacation with relatives in Minneapolis.

Dr. Geo. R. Merrill, of Minneapolis, will preach at the Congregational church next Sunday morning and evening. All are cordially invited.

Prof. H.D. Kies, who is in charge of the schools at Dow City, Iowa, is spending the holiday vacation with his parents and friends in this city.

Ray Hawley, who is now employed in one of the large job printing offices of Minneapolis arrived last Saturday morning to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hawley.

We are pleased to learn that Judge P.E. Brown has been rapidly regaining his health and strength and announces that he will be able to preside at the January term of court in Pipestone county.

Alvin and Esther Smith, children of G.A. Smith, a former resident of his township came down from Clara City, Ia., Saturday for a visit with relatives and friends. The Advance acknowledges a welcome call.

The editor and family spent Christmas at the old home in Barron, Wis. He returned to his duties on Tuesday but Mrs. Dovery and the children will prolong the visit during the holiday and vacation.

There will be a meeting of the Improvement League, Thursday afternoon Jan. 4, at 3 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Evans. Very important business is to be transacted and all members are requested to be present.

J.W. Speelman, of Buena Vista, Minn., was the guest of his niece, Mrs. Geo. W. Patterson, a day or two last week, and while in the city favored the Advance with a friendly visit. Mr. S., is proprietor of Hotel Summit, located in a delightful summer resort of Buena Vista Park.

The home of G.A. Fairfield had a narrow escape from fire Wednesday evening. One of the family had lighted a lamp in the library and shortly afterwards the draperies were discovered in a blaze. The fire was extinguished before any great amount of damage had been done, but the draperies, etc., were a complete wreck. It is supposed that a spark from the head of the parlor match used was responsible for the fire.



W.C. and F.D. Hulser and families, L.H. Hawkins, H.H. Read, G.T. Bulick, and W.H. Baker made pilgrimages to the county seat Friday, of last week.

Geo Klessig and crew, who have been pressing hay on Mud lake section, came in Friday to spend Christmas.

Henry Dilly has invested in a new buggy. A certain school ma'am will now get more than her share of buggy rides.

Maurice Ronan was at Worthington Friday, between trains.

John Whelan shipped a car of hogs, of his own raising, to Sioux City the fore part of the week.

M. Ronan spent Christmas at home.

Miss Lillian Yates was entertained Monday at the L.D. Fancher home.

Mrs. F.A. Durfee left Tuesday for a week's visit with relatives at Sheldon, Iowa.

Ask Will Bulick how he likes trapping skunks.

G.T. Bulick was a county seat visitor Friday and Saturday.

R.J. Jones has taken the agency for one of the leading cream separators and will be pleased to place the same with any one who is interested in a machine of this kind.

A very pleasant surprise was perpetrated on the community Sunday by the genial agent of the Rock Island returning from Worthington with a bride. He was quietly married Sunday, at Worthington to Miss Lola Stubbs, of Lincoln, Nebraska. The newly wedded pair will go to housekeeping at once and will be at home to their friends at the depot.


Albert Dolheim and family from Wilmont spent the day, Christmas, with Thos. Hagge and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilkinson spent last Tuesday with A.E. Little and family of this town.

Mrs. G.C. Fellows of this town visited a few days with her father, J.B. Green, of Worthington.

County Superintendent Abbott visited the schools in this town last week.

Last Tuesday Henry Apel was hauling some fat hogs to town when two of them became so heated that he had to dump them out on the ground to save their lives. At last reports they were getting along all right.

Indian Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Saxon left last Thursday for Elon, Iowa, to spend the holidays with friends and relatives.

Miss Esther Peterson left last Saturday for a two weeks visit at her home at Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Albert Olund returned last week from Minneapolis where he is attending the Bethel academy.

Rev. N. Nelson of Wisconsin is spending Christmas vacation with friends and relatives of Indian Lake.

Nels Langseth and Oliver Thompson have been taking orders among the farmers for prison twine and will send for a car load this week.

The Misses Mary Sunman and Mamie Saxon of Worthington spent Christmas with the John A. Saxon family.

The Christmas entertainment given by the Saxon school last Friday evening was without a doubt one of the best ever held in the district. The teacher Miss Peterson had taken extra pains in preparing a program of rare selections such as recitations, dialogues, singing, music, reading, tableaux and best of all was the singing by the Indian Lake ladies quartette which was organized in 1903 and is composed of the following members: Misses Esther Peterson, Adelia Hactor, Nellie Johnson and Violet Saxon.

Miss Mary Anstrom of St. Paul is spending a few days with relatives this week.


Miss Elva Ober is spending her vacation with relatives at Primghar, Iowa.

Mr. Hurd of Worthington was out buying horses through here last week.

The following families ate dinner away from home Christmas day, Ole Anderson and family ate Turkey with Mr. and Mrs. D. Pigman, Mr. and Mrs. Gehrke and Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Spafford and family visited Robt. Davis and wife near Worthington, Mr. Abe Anderson and family with Chas. Murphy and family dined with Otis Hankins and wife, Mrs. Barton and family spent the day with A.F. Drings in Lorain.

Local News.

John T. Hayes of Luverne was here Tuesday on business.

Mayor and Mrs. Gould spent Christmas with relatives at Jackson.

Miss McDermitt, of Canton, S.D., is here on a visit with old friends.

O.A. Stewart of St. James was a business visitor in Worthington Wednesday.

K.G. Kies and wife of Lake Park were guests at the Worthington last Saturday.

E.W. Lanham returned last Friday from his visit to St. Louis and Kentucky.

Miss Carrie Hanson of Rushmore is the guest of relatives and friends here this week.

W.W. Stayman of Minneapolis is a guest of Harry B. Lear at the Hotel Worthington.

Lewis and Grace Lear went to Sioux Falls to spend Christmas, returning on Thursday.

Harry Wilbern was up from Sibley to spend Sunday with his sisters, Mmes. Fox and Hickman.

Geo. Beacon, a prominent resident of the town of Olney, was in the city on business Wednesday.

Phil E. Plotts, who is in the employ of the telephone company at Grand Forks, N.D., is home for the holidays.

Chas. Pannell returned the latter part of last week from Canada, to spend Christmas under the parental roof.

G.W. Lear and daughter Miss Georgia, will leave next week for California, where they will spend the winter.

Mrs. Walter L. Clement of Minneapolis is here on a visit at the home of her parents, Senator and Mrs. Dan Shell.

Rev. Edwin W. Lanham was called to Estherville on Wednesday to perform the marriage ceremony for a couple of prominent young people of that city.

Dr. and Mrs. Dolan went to New Richland to spend Christmas with relatives and friends. The Doctor returned on Wednesday, while Mrs. Dolan will remain a few days longer.


Geo. Meader and sons returned from Iowa on Tuesday.

Maj. B.F. Thurber went to Worthington to attend the installation of the Masonic officers.

Roy Lewis had business at the county seat the first of the week.

V.H. Dressen was at the county seat on business Tuesday.


O. Nordquist and wife were in from Indian Lake yesterday on a shopping trip.


----End Transcription----

Microfilm, Worthington Advance; Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, MN; obtained March, 2008.

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