Worthington Advance, 1905

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Newspaper Articles
from Worthington Advance
 May, 1905

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Friday, May 5, 1905


At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin on Straight street Sunday, April 30, Mr. Roscoe O.B. Eshleman and Miss Emily Asman.

The ceremony was performed by Rev. G.A. Cahoon. Mr. and Mrs. Eshleman will reside about six miles north of Worthington.


Mr. Burchard made a trip to Brewster Friday.

E.L. Nance made a trip to Brewster last week to buy wool.

Miss Mabel Bedford of Rushmore spent Sunday here with friends.

L.O. Button, of Sheldon, spent Sunday here with Misses Pratt and McCoy.

Jeff Scott left Wednesday to attend a meeting of bankers Thursday at Jackson.

Miss Dot Mott left Sunday for a trip to Oregon, where she will stay for some time.

A.C. Hedberg and family left Tuesday afternoon for their new home in Mankato.

Lightning stuck and killed three of Mr. Borst's fine horses Monday on his farm near Org.

Frank Gibson arrived Wednesday from Chicago to visit with his brother Jim for a week.

Alumni please notice that there will be a meeting Saturday night at Miss Prue Town's at 8 o'clock.

It is reported that C.H. Alford, a former resident of Worthington but now of Cedar Rapids, is seriously ill.

Mesdames Evans, Gould, Wilson and Manson left Wednesday to attend a women's club meeting at Fulda.

Clifford Loveless left Wednesday for Minneapolis where he has accepted a position with the National Biscuit Co.

John Bass has moved out of the rooms over Dillman's pool hall and is now occupying the Thurber house on 3rd avenue.

Mrs.. Charles Luther, of Reading, went to Wisconsin last week to attend a re-union of her family in honor of her mother's 82nd birthday.

C.T. Tupper, and daughter, Ora, left Wednesday to attend a meeting of the Southwestern Minnesota Banker's Association held at Jackson Thursday.

The Second District Minnesota Bankers Association will meet May 4th at Jackson. C.T. Tupper is president of this society and he will take part on the program.

The Rev. W.H. Knowlton, Archdeacon for southwestern Minnesota, will hold services and preach in St. John's church, Worthington, Sunday evening May 7th, at 8 o'clock. Everyone is cordially invited.

T.A. Palmer drove to Reading Wednesday.

E.L. Nance made a business trip to Sioux City Monday.

Mrs. Lammers of Heron Lake, visited with Mrs. G.W. Wilson last week.

J.N. Gould made a business trip to Harris and Ocheyedan Iowa this week.

Elmer Albertson and wife are visiting this week with T.A. Palmer.

Miss Amanda Anderson left Thursday morning for Minneapolis where she will visit for a while.

Frank Elberts left this week for Elkton S.D., where he will relieve Chas. Loveless who will return.

Swanson and Anderson are erecting a fine monument from Le Mars for Mrs. John Peterson in her lot at the cemetery.

Miss Juniata L. Sheppard, instructor of home economics in the school of agriculture at St. Anthony Park, is willing to come to Worthington for two days to give free lessons in cooking. All ladies who are interested in this will please meet at Maccabee Hall, Saturday afternoon, May 6th at 3 o'clock.
Miss Clara Gutzler
Mrs. H.J. Ludlow.

 The ladies of the Tourist Club held their third and last social meeting at the commodious rooms of Mrs. G.W. Wilson Friday evening. The evening was very pleasantly spent in social intercourse, vocal and instrumental music. An elaborate spread was served in several courses and toasts were given by Mrs. A.H. Clark, Geo. W. Wilson, Stelle S. Smith and Dr. Clark. The occasion was pronounced a most enjoyable one and the gentlemen were unanimous in the opinion that the social feature of the club work would be enjoyed at any time.



Our old friend, F.A. Graves of Minneapolis, made a short visit to Ransom last week. I did not have the [??] of meeting him, but am told that he is quite well and is satisfied and pleased with his work at Minneapolis. Fred has many friends here who cherish the remembrance of the many happy hours they spent with him in the days gone by.

Indian Lake

Mrs. Chas. Saxon expects to leave next week for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. S.C. Anderson, of Elon Iowa.

The Misses Betty Edin and Ebba Grelon, of Worthington spent Sunday with friends of this vicinity.

Emil Larson, Gust Larson, Dave Fauskee and Wallace Saxon had a narrow escape from the cyclone at Round Lake last Tuesday evening, being within about a block and in full view of the path of the storm.

Rev. Sandvall, of Minneapolis, has been holding meetings at the Baptist church and the magic lantern slides which were to be shown last Tuesday evening were not shown on account of the rain.


Miss Ethel Wood of Lake Wilson is visiting her sister Mrs. Maurice Eikenberry, and other relatives at this place.

The Sister Mission Band met at the home of Mrs. Eikenberry last Thursday and the following officers were elected:
Pres. - Mrs. R.E. Eikenberry.
Vice Pres. - Mrs. J. Schechter.
Sec. - Miss May Kimmel.
Treas. - Lelea Schultz.
The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Frank Williams, May 4th.

Roy Fowler is shearing sheep for J.J. Filburn this week.

Friday, May 12, 1905


Will Schraeder and Grace Mitchell. Mr. Schraeder is a son of Andrew Schraeder of Rushmore and Miss Mitchell is a daughter of J.G. Mitchell of this city. The Lohengrin wedding march was played by Miss Eunice Constable of Rushmore and Rev. Lanham united the couple at 4:30. Supper was served from 5 to 10 o'clock, 130 people being served. The young couple will make their home on a farm two miles from Rushmore.

Whist Club

The Saturday night whist club met for its last game last Saturday night at the home of Dr. Dodge. Bob Smith won head prize and Miss Carrie Allen the consolation prize. A three course supper was served and most of the members responded to toasts with Harry Hobson as toastmaster.


Miss Cowing, of Jackson, arrived Monday to visit with her sister Mrs. A.R. Albertus.

Miss Blanche Matteson has finished her term as teacher in the school in Bloom township.

Clyde Walburn left Wednesday on a wool buying trip north in the interest of Hart and Co.

Clifford Loveless is now singing in the Gethsemane Episcopal church choir in Minneapolis.

C.T. Tupper and wife and Ira Fox left Tuesday to attend a banker convention held at Sheldon Wednesday.

Foster Moore made a trip to Des Moines Monday where he sold some of his blooded stock and shipped them to Chicago.

G.M. Daity [Dalty?], working for the American Sunday School Union organized schools at Fitzgeralds, Central, Selby and Elk Center school houses.

BORN - In this city April 30th, to Prof. and Mrs. C.H. Ager, of St. Louis, at the home of her parents, W.W. Stuart and wife, a daughter.

Prof. E.L. Porter was elected superintendent of the Hastings high school at $1,300. Mr. Porter will conduct the summer school at Dodge Center.

Mrs. Sahlstrom and son, visited here several days the past week with her mother Mrs. Biltgen. She returned to her home in Bigelow Wednesday.

Miss Laura Lewis visited here over Sunday with Will Stoutemyer and wife. Miss Lewis is a former resident of this city and is quite well known among our people.

Art Lundgren is now employed with A.E. Hart.

J.M. Milton's child is seriously ill with pneumonia.

Jim Wood left for Minneapolis Tuesday morning.

Ethel Dean spent Sunday with friends in Brewster.

Millet seed for sale of teh best kind. Geo. Hacker.

Jay Wolven is now working for G.H. Luehr in his hardware store.

Miss Gene Albertus left Saturday to visit with relatives at Jackson.

Miss Jones, of Adrian, visited here over Sunday with Miss Prue Town.

Robt. Jacke, of Mankato, was tuning pianos in town here last week.

Mrs. Fred Goff returned from a visit in the cities Wednesday afternoon.

The Woodmen picnic will be held in Adrian this year some time in June.

Art Stinehaus left Friday for a business trip to Dakota, returning here Monday.

Andrew Anderson, of Chicago, who formerly resided here, arrived last week for a visit.

The house on 10th st. formerly occupied by Rev. Bronson is being shingled and repaired.

R.H. Dieckhoff expects to go travelling in the near future in the interest of a range company.

Mrs. Phillips, of Sioux Falls visited with Mrs. Lawton last week. Mr. Phillips arrived Tuesday night.

Lee M. Shell has been appointed Asst. Supt. to Geo. W. Patterson in the equine department of the state fair.

Mrs. James Ramage and daughter, Jerrine, left Friday for Minneapolis where they will visit with the Douglass family.

Lesley Phillips, of Chetek, Wis., visited with Mrs. James Ramage last week. He went to Sheldon from here to visit with Ray Sims.

Miss Delia Johnson left Monday for Dundee after staying here a couple of weeks in Johnson and Kindlund's millinery store.

Miss Mamie Smallwood left Wednesday morning for a visit with friends and relatives in Chicago and Milwaukee. She will return to Minneapolis in time to be present at Jet Smallwood's graduation from the U. of M. Mrs. Smallwood accompanied her as far as Minneapolis.

Albinson and Boberg will move to Minneapolis in the near future to engage in their present line of business, Mr. Sahlbom remaining to look after their interests here. Our citizens will regret very much to lose two such citizens from this place.

John Edwards, the fireman on the Doon branch who was injured in the wreck on the Omaha line near Worthington last February, came up from his home at Doon Saturday and spent the day in Luverne. Mr. Edwards' health shows the effects of his injuries in a marked degree and it will be a long time before he will be able to resume his work. His many friends in Luverne were very glad to see him and are thankful that he is able to be around even tho his condition is not as satisfactory as might be wished. Herald Luverne.

Miss Lillian Webb left Tuesday morning for a visit with friends in Minneapolis.

Mrs. Anna Davis has traded her residence property on second ave for J.J. Parson's residence on 3rd ave.

The lecture by Rev. C.H. McIntosh of the Congregational church Sunday was very largely attended and enjoyed.

Miss Ethlyn Conway is among the young ladies that graduate in the Marshall high school this year.

Miss Greig, of Olney is now employed as stenographer in the office of County Attorney Crandall.

Three inches and a quarter of water fell, from Monday morning until Tuesday at midnight according to J.H. Maxwell's measurement.

Mrs. H. Hawley went to Minneapolis Tuesday to attend the O.E.S. grand lodge. She will visit at her home in Hastings before returning.

The many friends of Rev. Muelhausen as well as his congregation will be pleased to learn that he has been re-appointed to this place for another year.

Fire destroyed Will Lundgen's barn on north tenth street Monday morning. The blaze was started by some children with matches. Loss $200 uninsured.

The rubbish is being cleaned away from the ruins of the Congregational church. The bell was uncovered and was found to be allright and without a crack. The casting support was broken.

The ladies aid society of the Congregational church will give their monthly tea at the home of Mrs. E.A. Pannell Friday afternoon May 19, from three to six. A cordial invitation will be extended to all.

The bankers of northwestern Iowa held a convention at Sheldon Wednesday. Mr. Tupper was secretary of this association for four years and chairman one. A banquet was held in the Arlington Hotel.

While R.W. Abbott of Round Lake was in his barn tending to his stock lightning entered and killed two of his best horses. He was standing beside them at the time and it is supposed that he would have been killed if he had not been wearing rubber boots.


Indian Lake

Mrs. Chas. Saxon left last Wednesday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. S.C. Anderson at Elon Iowa.

Mrs. Ecklund arrived from Chicago last Wednesday and will keep house for A.G. Anderson this summer.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nyberg last Saturday.

P.A. Johnson is making preparation for the erection of a handsome new residence this summer.

Mrs. Nelson, of Ashland, Wis. arrived last Saturday for a few weeks visit with her parents Aug. Anderson and wife.

Dr. Saxon and family of Worthington visited at the C. Saxon homestead last Sunday.

Peter Grelson, of Minneapolis, a former resident of Indian Lake Bay was calling on friends and old schoolmates last week.

Rev. Palmberg who has faithfully served the Baptist people as their pastor for the past four years surprised his congregation last Sunday by announcing his resignation and expects to leave for Canada where he will be a traveling missionary.

Friday, May 19, 1905

Stole a Baby Go-Cart

Inez Eagleston, aged 14 years, was brought before C.W.W. Dow Monday accused of stealing a baby go-cart, value $2.50, last March, the buggy belonging to Mrs. Maud Foote.

The girl confessed and was fined $10 and costs or five days in jail. The fine was paid by her father, Wilbur Eagleston. Costs amounted to $7.82. The theft occurred at night which makes the crime grand larceny in the second degree.


Miss Myrtle Stowell returned home Wednesday.

Mrs. Franck and son, Paul, left Wednesday for a visit at St. James.

Samuel Allen is in Canada this week looking after his farm interests.

Miss Eunice constable arrived Wednesday from Rushmore to visit here a few days.

Miss Margaret Mackay visited her friend Miss Mildred Lewis in Wilmont Saturday.

Mr. Bennett, of Mason City, was in town this week looking after his farming interests in Ransom.

Married -- Harvey Wilson and Clara Mindon, of Osceola county, Iowa, by C.W.W. Dow, Tuesday. The groom is a son of I.N. Wilson of this place.

The ladies of W.C.T.U. will hold their meeting on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Oakes. All the ladies are cordially invited to attend.

Harry Allen, of Iowa Falls has been spending the week here with relatives on his way home from Sioux City where he attended the mail carrier convention. He was elected a member of the executive committee of that organization.

The Tourist Club held their last meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. G.W. Wilson Tuesday evening, the following officers were elected for the coming year: Mrs. Geo. Lincoln, pres; Mrs. A. Clark, vice-pres; Mrs. Moore, sec and treas; Mrs. Fox, critic; Mrs. Chaney, asst. critic. The club voted to present their books and magazines for the past years work to the Carnegie library. The Netherlands will be studied next year.

The business men of our town met Wednesday evening in J.J. Kies office and decided to celebrate the 4th this year. S.S. Smith was elected chairman and Ira Fox secretary. Another meeting will be held next Thursday evening and all committees will report. The following is the list of committees and their chairmen: committee on speaker, S.S. Smith; music, Ira Fox; finance, A.R. Alpertus [Albertus?]; program and advertising, J.J. Kies; sports and races, W.I. Carpenter; decorating, Jim Mackay; fireworks, Jim Gibson. It is thought that Judge Jaggard of the supreme court will be the speaker.

Wanted -- Hired girl. Mrs. H.J. Ludlow.

Jack Frink made a business trip to Sibley Monday.

Miss Bush, of Sibley, visited her sister here last week.

Bert Thurber visited a few days this week in Canton S.D.

Miss Lucker left last Friday to spend Sunday in St. Peter.

Mrs. H. Peter Lewis from Wilmont is visiting her many friends.

Dr. Hard sustained a hundred dollar loss by fire at Marshall the other night.

Miss Amanda Anderson returned last Saturday from a visit in Minneapolis.

Mrs. C.W.W. Dow is visiting with relatives this week in Magnolia and Rushmore.

Chas. Harrison of Weeping Water Nebr., is visiting now with his cousin, E.L. Nance.

Geo. Wilson went to Redfield S.D. last week to take charge of a case being tried there.

Miss Blanch Matteson left Wednesday to visit several weeks with friends in Minneapolis.

Jet Smallwood and Carlos Dow graduate from the academic department of the State University next month.

Mrs. Shell and daughter Marjorie left Thursday of last week for a visit with relatives. Miss Shell returned Sunday afternoon.

The Pannell boys write from Canada that they are having nice rains there and the prospect are very promising for big crops this year.

Tom Palmer, Loren Clark, Dr. Clark, E.K. Smith, E.E. Beckley and M.E. Lawton went to Lake Park last week to help organize a K.P. lodge.

Rev. Sherman of the Catholic church has been selected to preach the baccalaureate sermon in the Presbyterian church Sunday May 28.

Bartlett, the cigar man, intends to put a new brand of cigar on the market by the name "Middle West" and it will be the popular panatelas shape.

Dr. Heetland of Sibley, was here last week and purchased Dr. Walker's x-ray machine. Dr. Walker intends to get a new and improved machine.

John Riley, operator on the Rock [Is]land received word Tuesday evening that his mother had died of heart trouble at her home in Livermore Iowa. He left for that place Wednesday morning.

Mrs. Hickman and Mrs. Fox went to Cherokee last week to be present on their grandfather's 96th birthday. They were joined at Sibley by Mrs. Wilbern and Harry.

The funeral of S.S. Gibson was held at Porterville, Cal., Sunday, April 30. He was the husband of Ora Kelley, a niece of H.M. Palm's and lived here with them some eight years and will probably be remembered by a number of our citizens.

Friday, May 26, 1905


May A. Chute, mother of Dan and Frank Chute, died last Thursday being afflicted with apoplexy. Deceased was 88 years old and was a widow at the time of her death.

Card of Thanks.

We wish to express our sincere thanks to all those who so kindly assisted us in the death of our mother, also to children and others for flowers.
D.W. Chute and wife.
B.F. Chute and sons, Henry and Harvey.


W.M. Evans went to St. Paul Monday.

G.H. Luehr is fitting eavespouts on J.J. Parson's, Will Oliver's and Will Madison's houses this week.

B.F. Chute wishes to state that his sons, Henry and Harvey are now of age, and he will not be liable for their debts.

Mrs. Burr Ludlow, of Rushmore, passed through here Tuesday on her way to Washington, D.C. where she will join her husband.

Dr. M.D. Silver of Sioux City, will have charge of Dr. Walker's practice while the later is in Chicago. Mr. Silver comes highly recommended.

John Albinson left last week for Minneapolis with a car of household goods, wagons and horses. His family will follow in a short time.

John Boberg left last week for Minneapolis to assist in the opening of a lumber yard. He will probably not move his family until this fall.

Mrs. C.F. Sahlbom is erecting a residence on her lot adjacent to her son's property on the lake street. When the building is completed she will move into town.

The Annual Alumni Picnic will be held Monday, June 5th, at John Diehn's farm at Round Lake. The Alumni and friends are cordially invited to come and bring their own lunch.

Rev. Edwin Lanham will deliver the address of the day at Windom May 30, under the auspices of the Sons and Daughters of the Rebellion, and the Grand Army of the Republic.

Dr. Walker went to Chicago Sunday night.

Lee Shell left Sunday night for Minneapolis.

John Flynn and John Cashel spent Sunday in Ellsworth.

E.J. Helmick and Manning Plotts left Monday for a trip to Sheldon.

Rev. Leazer of Rushmore, passed through here last week on his way home.

Doc Riley passed through here Tuesday enroute to his home in Lakefield.

Mrs. Joe Thomas of Windom, spent Sunday here with Mrs. John Fitch.

Mrs. Stowell of Sioux Falls arrived Monday for a visit with her daughter, Myrtle.

Will Levine left last week for a month visit in Chicago and points in Wisconsin.

Miss Prideaux and Miss Owen, of Adrian spent Sunday here with Dr. and Mrs. Dodge.

John Moore and wife, of Sioux City, are now visiting with their aunt, Mrs. G.W. Lear.

The Improvement League will meet with Mrs. Evans Thursday, June 1st at 3 o'clock.

Biltgen's restaurant is being refloored and otherwise repaired. Bob Reed is doing the work.

Nels Olson left Sunday night for North Dakota and Fergus Falls where he will visit for some time.

G.H. Luehrs is moving onto the Albinson property on 6th avenue, which he purchased a short time ago.

The ladies aid society of the Methodist church will meet at the home of Mrs. Fred Knapp Wednesday afternoon June 7. All the ladies are invited.

Mr. Besanz is painting his house.

Fred Mason was in town last week.

J.P. Biltgen left Monday for LeSeuer.

Olaf Swanson is having his house repainted.

Mrs. Biltgen spent Sunday with her daughter in Bigelow.

E.L. Nance made a business trip to Sioux City Monday to purchase cattle.

R.H. Torrance and Ivan Erickson have returned from their trip in Arkansas.

R.E. Davis, formerly postmaster in Spafford, has been appointed rural mail carrier on route 5, Ole Langley as substitute.

Samuel Allen has returned from Canada and he reports Nobles county people happy and prosperous with indications of a big crop this year.

The council of Rushmore paid $50 damages to A. Reifenberger, of Adrian, who drove into an open place in the streets left unprotected.

Fred Rehr, charged with assault on his wife, was fined this week in Judge Dow's court, the total costs amounting to $85, which were paid and the couple made up and returned home.

The friends of Charlie Tinnes will be glad to hear that since his return from St. Paul he has been slowly getting better, and there is reason to hope that the improvement in his condition will continue. --Democrat, Adrian.


Last Friday evening about fifty young people of this neighborhood sprung a real surprise on Miss Bendicta Larson who resides in Bigelow township during her residence of about a year among the young people of this vicinity, and won the esteem of a host of friends enjoyed the occassion immensely and the hours passed all to soon. All present enjoyed a very pleasant evening.

Albert Olund had the misfortune to be kicked by a horse last Wednesday and it is hoped he will soon be around again.

Miss Ella Larson, of Worthington, is spending a few days with her brother, Charles this week.

Rob Abbott had the misfortune to have his best team killed by lightning last week.

A.G. Anderson, who has been making his home in Chicago the past three years, spent a few days at his former home last week.

----End Transcription----


Microfilm, Worthington Advance; Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, MN; obtained March, 2008.

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