Worthington Advance, 1905

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Newspaper Articles
from Worthington Advance
 October, 1905

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Friday, October 6, 1905

The Gun Was Loaded.

Last Saturday evening as Mr. Evenson the clerk, was removing a number of shells from a shot gun, at M.J. Barber's hardware store, one of the shells was accidently exploded, the charge passing through the center of the front plate glass window. Fortunately no one was in range and no serious results followed. Had the gun been pointed at the floor the charge would have hit a case of dynamite, with consequences impossible to estimate. Mr. Barber says it makes him shudder to think of what might have happened in such an event. The entire block and possibly many adjoining buildings would have been wrecked, entailing the loss of many lives.


A 4 months old son of Jess Coyer and wife of the town of Bloom, died on Wednesday, Sep. 27th, and was buried at Rushmore on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Coyer have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their bereavement.

A 7 years old son of John Grady of Hersey died on Monday, Oct. 2nd, at the hospital at Rochester after an operation for appendicitis. The funeral was held Tuesday, interment being made in the Brewster cemetery.

Southern Minnesota District Conference Concludes its Labors Monday.
St. Paul Gets Next Conference. New Presiding Elder for Marshall District.
Rev. G.A. Cahoon Returns to Worthington for Another Year.

The annual conference of the M.E. Church for the southern district of Minnesota was held at Mankato this year and concluded its labors Monday. The next conference will be held at St. Paul. Former Presiding Elder Rula was transferred to the Winona district, and F.B. Cowgill was appointed presiding elder of this, the Marshall district. The following is a list of appointments of pastors for this district:

F.B. Cowgill, presiding elder, Marshall, Minn; Adrian, C.D. Nickelson; Balaton, S.H. Brown; Bever Creek, N.C. Claflin; Bigelow, G.M. Glick; Brewster and Wilder, J.B. Holman; Canby and Porter, H.M. Hancock; Clarkfield, H.W. Cannon; Edgerton, C.A. Sharp; Ellsworth, W.C. Folemsyee [sic]; Franklin and Fairfax, J.A. Orrocks; Fulda, J.G. Saunders; Hendricks and Ivanhoe, L.L. Tower; Heron Lake, W.C. Sage; Jackson, T.H. Wildensen; Jasper, Joseph Hanna; Jeffers and Amo, T.O. Krause; Lake Benton, Huben Greaves; Lakefield, W.J. Robinson; Lamberton, E.C. Smith; Luverne, E.G. Durham; Lynd, J.W. Stebbins; Marshall, B.C. Gillis; Morton, H.I. Pharo; Mountain Lake, W.C. Hawley; Pipestone, J.F. VanCamp; Redwood Falls, H.V. Givler; Rushmore, W.M. Gillis; Ruthton and Altura, J.R. Hitchcock; Slayton, T.W. Barbour; Tracy, H.D. Seckner; Wabasso, J.A. Hutchins; Walnut Grove, B.C. Sills; Westbrook, F. Frederickson; Windom, S.A. Cook; Wood Lake, W.H. Stone; Worthington, G.A. Cahoon; Woodstock, G.H. Hunter.


Mrs. J.P. Biltgen spent Sunday with relatives at Bigelow.

Mrs. Hattie Bassett of Rushmore was the guest of friends Monday.

Charles Erickson and wife were in from the town of Worthington Tuesday.

Mrs. G.T. Bullick of Reading was in Worthington last Friday on a shopping trip.

A. Idso of Brewster has had charge at Kelley and Co's creamery the past two weeks.

Rev. Roi Tibbitts returned from Sheldon Monday where he has been to attend conference.

Miss Beulah Sain who is teaching at Harris, Iowa, was home over Sunday on a visit to her parents.

County Attorney C.M. Crandall, accompanied by his guest W.E. Bullard of Iowa, made a trip to Slayton Tuesday.

Miss Lottie Hagerman of Brewster has entered Miss Fahy's millinery establishment to learn the millinery trade.

Arvid Sahlbom of Sioux Falls, member of the W.U.T. Cols line crew, was here over Sunday visiting relatives and friends.

Rev. W.H. Knowlton, archdeacon for Southwestern Minnesota, held service at St. John's Episcopal church last Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Robertson and daughter of Wilmont were visiting at the home of Orville Slyfur of Worthington town over Sunday.

Rev. A.E. Driscoll field secretary of McCallister College, of St. Paul, preached a very fine sermon at the Presbyterian church last Sunday morning.

A.N. Douglas of Minneapolis was in Worthington last Friday and Saturday renewing acquaintances and looking after business matters. Mr. Douglas was on his way home from Illinois, where he had been on the sad errand of burying his wife.

An Advance reporter visited the Worthington Bottling Co's. plant last Friday, and found Mr. Nieman and his force busily at work putting up goods. Mr. Nieman is putting up a fine grade of soft drinks and has worked up an extensive business on his goods.

C.A. Steinman was in from Elk Wednesday.

Mrs. Mary Dirks is reported to be seriously ill.

Miss Lena Reynolds of Bigelow was in the city Saturday.

G.E. [or C.F.] Story of Elk was a business visitor in town Wednesday.

Miss Celia McGinnis returned to her home in Currie Saturday.

Misses Lottie and Mable Kunzman returned from Mitchell Saturday.

Miss Rosa Sather who is teaching at Reading spent Sunday with her parents.

Misses Alma and Freda Fagerman of Sioux City visited with Nettie and Mary Fitch last week.

T.H. Thompson on Tuesday made a trip into Elk and Hersey towns canvassing for cream separators.

P.O. Mimnaugh went to Rock Valley last week to look after his restaurant business at that point.

Mrs. G.A. Cahoon attended the Conference at Mankato returning Monday evening with her husband.

Miss Frances Clark who is teaching in Heron Lake came up Friday to spend Sunday with her parents.

Cashier Evans of the Nobles County bank is expected home next Sunday from his trip to the Pacific coast.

The Misses Ehlers of Adrian passed through the city Saturday on their way to Brewster to visit their sister.

Rev. G.M. Walker has been afflicted with a carbuncle on one of his hands the past week, causing him considerable pain and annoyance.

Frank Wells and his mother of Bristol, Iowa, arrived the first of the week for a visit with his sister Mrs. G.M. Walker. Mrs. Wells will remain here for some time.

Many Worthington people will be interested in the following birth notice clipped from a Hastings paper -- "Born in Hasting, Sept. 25, to Supt. and Mrs. E.L. Porter a daughter."

Fred Debor the clerk in Moses hardware store, is at St. James this week attending court, being a witness in the case against the parties who burglarized a hardware store here last spring.

C.T. Tupper of the Citizens Bank returned on Monday from a business trip to Thornton and Clarion, Iowa. Mr. Tupper found times much improved in that section and farm lands on the advance. The corn crop there was a bumper.

Mr. and Mrs. Nels Erickson and son Arthur of Sterling Illinois, are here on a visit to their sons, Charles and John Erickson of Worthington township. Mr. Erickson has also been looking up farm lands and will buy a place if he finds one to suit him.

The Worthington Globe has been leased to Albert Smalley, of Luverne, who will take charge in a week or so. Mr. Smelley is an old newspaper man, but has, we understand, been engaged in the hardware business at Luverne for some time past.

Mrs. G.C. Hyde and two daughters left Friday for Sleepy Eye to take charge of the depot lunch counter. Mrs. Hyde has had charge of the lunch counter at the Omaha depot here for some months, giving good satisfaction. Fred Slaker, the day operator, will take her place here.

E.F. Buchan met with a very painful accident one evening this week while taking a flash light photograph at the residence of Dr. Wiedow. In lighting the powder to produce the flash-light he got his hand too close, and sustained a severe burn that will incapacitate him for business for several days.

Stanley Swanburg while returning from a bicycle trip to Oychedan lake Sunday evening of last week found a pocket book containing a sum of money. He brought it to the Advance office to be advertised, and the owner, C.S. Morton of Rushmore, claimed the property Tuesday.

Walter Ager of Wilmont visited relatives here Saturday.

Dr. Humiston returned Saturday from a two week trip in Dakota.

Conductor Horton's family are entertaining friends from abroad.

Rudolph Geyerman and Leon Morris of Brewster were in town on business Monday.

E.L. Nance has a fine new delivery wagon, bought from the Smith Implement Co.

C.J. Anderson of the town of Round Lake was in Worthington on business last Saturday.

L.L. McCartney, the popular baggageman at the Omaha depot was on the sick list a few days the first of the week.

P.A. Christenson, a former resident of Worthington, passed through town Tuesday, on his way home from Luverne to Hinckley.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moore returned the first of the week from their trip to New York City. They visited many points of interest on their tour and report a very enjoyable trip.

Mrs. Lizzie Brant of Welcome stopped here on her way home from a visit in Sheldon, Iowa, to visit Grandma Brant. Mrs. Brant leaves the last of this month to spend the winter in New York.

W.E. Jones is home from Denver on a visit to his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones. The young man is engaged in the mining business and holds a responsible position as mining engineer with large mining company. He will return to his work the first of the week.

The dredging company, which is constructing the large drainage ditch northwest of the city has moved its camp from Chas. Erickson's place in town of Worthington  to Mr. Jones' place in the town of Dewald. Work on the big ditch is progressing rapidly.

Rev. Frank Johnson an Evangelist from Kilron, Iowa, planned for a series of meeting here in Worthington and at Round Lake from the 11th to the 15th inclusive, the time and place will be definitely published in our next issue. These meetings may be held in English or Swedish as the congregations desire as the speaker commands the two languages he formerly being a political stump speaker but now follows the vocation of farming.

For Sale: -- A large part of my household furniture including, beds, stoves, baby carriage, lamp, rocking chairs, and spring jumper, one Edison Phonograph complete with 53 records, and many other articles. Call at my residence. Edwin C. Wilson.


(From the Leader)

C.A. Manning turned over the keys of the drug store to Wm. _entler Wednesday, and commenced __king his household good preparatory to leaving Lismore. Mr. Manning intends to go from here to Minneapolis, where he will remain for the present, but is uncertain as to whether his stay there will be permanent.

Nick Bach is nursing a broken forearm as the result of a runaway last Friday evening.

(From the Tribune.)

T.E. Bly and wife arrived home the first of the week from Lake Co. Fair at Madison, S.D., and this will probably be the last exhibiting that Mr. B. will do this season. At Madison he gathered in three first prizes and four seconds on swine and also captured the first prize on honey.

Miss Margaret Meyer, who has been acting as book keeper at the Big Store for several months, will close her engagement with the firm at the end of this week, and later she and her sister Elizabeth will go to Mankato to attend the commercial college.

E.V. Voak, George W. Patterson, M.E. Lawton and other prominent Worthington residents were in town this week. None of them are politicians, but simply came on business.

Albert Idso went down to Worthington Monday to take charge of the butter making at the Kelley creamery for a few days, as the regular man had suddenly departed, leaving the institution in a tight spot. Albert has been employed in the Brewster creamery for some time, and can handle the work in good shape.

J.F. Plot exhibited an apple of the Wolf River variety this week that measured just fourteen inches in circumference and weighed exactly a pound. J.B. Williams also showed some apples that were about the same size, and were perfect in shape and color. In many places through this section orchards are loaded and apples are rotting on the ground. In a few years more Minnesota will be shipping apples to Michigan, New York and Missouri.

Ellsworth News: This community was greatly shocked to learn of the sudden death of John Butler, which occurred at Mankato last Thursday, the result of a stroke of apoplexy. John Butler was born in Kilkenney, Ireland, fifty eight years ago, and came with his parents to America when he was two years old. It was about the year 1883, that he started the town of Ellsworth, and from that time on he was one of the most active men in the place. He has been connected with many enterprises here, and was always ready to aid any ______nt that benefitted the town. The first business house Ellsworth erected was John Butler's, and ___ ombination of a grocery, a ____ds and furnishings, a drug ____dware store on the corner occupied by Keedick and Rood.

Round Lake.
(From the Graphic.)

____ Tripp was down from the county seat last Saturday and sold ____ Poland China sows to a ____tendorf of Ocheyedan.

____ey Morgan is attending the ____on at Portland, Oregon. Be___  __arning he expects to look at ___ _ontana land.

___ce Hurlbert, who was in charge of R.W. Abbott's threshing machine as seperator tender, met with a frightful accident at the Renberg farm, about 5 miles southwest of here Monday. He stepped on a defective board over the cylinder while the machine was in [motion?] and his right heel was caught and so badly mangled that it was found necessary to amputate ___.

Theo. Bahls has a force of carpenters and masons at work on his residence enlarging and improving the house and surroundings.

Julius Palm, of Worthington, and assistants are now engaged at erecting a barn on the Brockmann farm in Round Lake township. This is the farm Walter Walker occupies.

John Nienaber, of Round Lake township, is contemplating the erection of a commodious dwelling on his farm this fall. The structure will be two full stories high, 16x32 feet in size, with a wing two stories high, 16x20 feet. A basement under the entire building is part of the plan figured on.

Chas. Horton's oldest boy met with a very painful accident last Friday. His father was handling lumber in the Round Lake grain and Lumber Co's yard and just as he pulled out a board with considerable force the little fellow stepped to the side of his father and was hit across the bridge of the nose and knocked insensible. His father pressed his nose into shape immediately and the little fellow is getting along nicely.

Friday, October 13, 1905

Little Vernon Wilson Meets With Painful Accident.

While playing about the barn at his home last Saturday little Vernon Wilson, son of John Wilson, in jumping to the ground struck a stick, which penetrated his abdomen for several inches. Dr. Walker was called to attend him and found it necessary to make a cut seven inches long in order to remove the stick. After the operation the little fellow rested as comfortable as could be expected. The stick entered the abdomen very low and penetrated upward about seven inches. It had a nail in the end, which stuck out like the barb of a fish hook, and it was owing to this that it was proved necessary to cut it out, as any attempt to pull it out would have been attended with fatal results. The nail would have perforated the intestines in several places. The point of the nail pointed downwards and did not cause any trouble until an attempt was made to remove the stick. The accident is very painful and will lay the little fellow up for some time, but no unfavorable results are looked for.

Miss Lackey and Chas. Lewis Discovered in Omaha Last Week.
Lewis Lodged in Jail Charged With Kidnapping.

Chas. Lewis and Miss Nora Lackey, the young people who last week were supposed to have eloped, were discovered last Saturday in Omaha, and were brought here Sunday.

Miss Lackey was in charge of her father and Lewis in custody of Sheriff Fauskee. He is charged with kidnapping and his preliminary hearing has been set for Oct. 19 but is possible the grand jury, which sits next week, will reach the case before that time.

The young people say they are not married, and that they had both secured work at different places in Omaha. They give no further explanation of their escapade.


Mrs. Sarah Halvorson of Loraine died at her home in that town of tumor of the throat, on Sunday, Oct. 8, and was buried on Tuesday.

Mrs. Halvorson was an old resident of Nobles county. She was a widow, but leaves several grown up sons and daughters.


Mabel, the 3 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.C. Pierce of Bigelow, died last Friday after a brief illness. The funeral was held on Saturday.


Mrs. J.W. Simmers died at her home at Estherville, Iowa, Oct. 8 of typhoid fever, aged 40 years. The remains were brought here and interred in the Worthington cemetery on Wednesday. Mrs. Simmers was a former resident of Nobles county, having lived with her husband on a farm near Bigelow for many years. She leaves a husband one son and one daughter to mourn the loss of wife and mother. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of their many friends here in their sorrow.

Marriage Licenses.

The following marriage licenses had been issued by Clerk of Court Humiston since our last report:

J.C. Miller of Murray county to Miss Emma Fillman of Nobles.

A.E. Gillman to Mary Koonnan, both of Nobles county.

Christ Holvorson to Mary Kuntz, both of Nobles.

Arthur L. de'Autremont, Lewiston, Idaho, to Mary Eppers of Adrian.

Daniel Harrington to Maude M. Hayes, of Wilmont.


Mr. Daniel Harrington and Miss Maude M. Hayes of Wilmont were married on Wednesday Oct. 11, at the Methodist parsonage by the Rev. G.A. Cahoon. The contracting parties are well known and highly esteemed young people of Wilmont.

Cook Stove Explosion.

The family of John Boberg, the lumberman, had a rather exciting experience last Monday morning, when the water front in the range exploded. The range was entirely wrecked as was the dining table near by. Pieces of iron flew in all direction, but fortunately none of the family were hit. The explosion was caused by the expansion tank in the cellar filling up with water.

Local News

Fred Riedesel was in from Indian Lake Tuesday marketing grain.

Grant Morrison the genial agent for the Omaha line, made a business trip to St. Paul last Tuesday.

B.B. Morris left on Monday for Grant county, where he spent several days looking after farming interests.

Dr. E.E. Stover of Bigelow, was a visitor in Worthington Monday.

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Brace was seriously ill a couple of days the first of the week.

Miss Martha Kindlund began a term of school in the Moberg district south of town Monday.

W.H. Hertriter of Sheldon, Iowa, was in town Thursday on his way to Round Lake to look after his farming interests.

Christ Hanson one of the operators in Prof. Addington's tonsorial parlors, is on the sick list, being threatened with typhoid fever.

Dr. and Mrs. Cowgill of Redwood Falls were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Cahoon on Tuesday. Dr. Cowgill is the new presiding elder of this district.

Ramiel Nance entertained a large company of young friends yesterday afternoon at a birthday party. Games of various kinds were played and refreshments were served.

The ladies Aid Society of the Congregational church will give their monthly tea at the home of Mrs. J.D. Matteson Oct. 20th. A cordial invitation is extended to all.

John Mackay, a brother of James Mackay, the furniture dealer, was married at Hinckley on Thursday of last week, to a Miss Anderson. Cards received here announce they will be at home to their friends in St. Paul, where they will make their home.

E.J. Helmick, traveling representative for the Nance Provision Co., was called in Monday from his trip through Iowa and Nebraska. Mr. Helmick had taken orders it will take the company some time to fill and he will remain at home until they catch up.

List of Jurors.

List of names of persons drawn to serve as Pettit Jurors at the October 1905 General Term of the District Court for Nobles County.

Duncan Sutherland Round Lake Village.
C.M. Osborn Lorain Township.
Wm. Knuth, Lorain Township.
S. Muck Kinbrae Village.
Harvey R. Bemis Bloom Township.
John O'Connor Leota township.
John DeBoer Leota Township.
Manuel Cross Westside Township.
Joseph Benda Dewald Township.
John Black Dewald Township.
Wm. A. Saxon Worthington Village.
P.G. Johnson Worthington Village.
I. Barnes Indian Lake Township.
A.L. Wells Brewster Village.
H.A. Crosby Dundee Village.
Henry Westrip Seward Township.
Theodore Duvenhoegger Wilmont Township.
R.H. O'Day Adrian Village.
Wm. Marr Adrian Village.
John Voss Larkin.
N.M. Seroem Bigelow Village.
P.C. Anderson Bigelow Township.
David C. Bear Worthington Village.
Chas. King Org Village

List of Grand Jurors

A.F. Diehn Round Lake Village.
F.L. Hagerman Brewster Village.
Fred Bultman Bloom Township.
O.B. Bradiger Lismore Village.
F.A. Durfee Summit Lake Township.
Fred Thompson Dewald Township.
J.W. Hamilton Dewald Township.
B. Esser Adrian Village.
Matt Pelzer Jr Adrian Village
Matt Pitz Adrian Village
E Cooper Adrian Village
Robert Foelschow Worthington Township
A.M. Hagerman Lorain Township
M.P. Jones Dundee Village
J.F. Britt Leota Township
Balthauser Heinrich Wilmont Township
Frank Bickness Elk Township
D.J. Patterson Little Rock Township
E.E. Marr Little Rock Township
C.J. Smallwood Worthington Village
F.A. Torrance Worthington Village
G.E. Cunningham Worthington Village
I.T. Branigan Worthington Village.


Lester Wade of Wilmont was a county seat visitor Tuesday.

Born -- On Saturday, Oct. 7 to Mr. and Mrs. E.F. Ballard, a son.

The Chatauqua will meet next Tuesday with Mrs. Geo. O. Moore.

Mrs. A.B. Young of Round Lake did shopping in Worthington Wednesday.

Mrs. E.J. Jones is visiting relatives at Madison and Ridgeway, Wisconsin.

Dr. P.H. Nichols of Hot Springs, S.D., was here Sunday on a professional trip.

Born -- On Sunday, Oct. 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilke Coster, of Round Lake, a daughter.

Miss Maude Gregerson came up from Round Lake Saturday for a visit with friends.

Born -- On Wednesday Oct. 11, to Ed Olson and wife of the town of Worthington, a son.

Mrs. Anderson who lives out on McMillan street was on the sick list the first of the week.

Wm. Daniels of Sioux Falls visited Sunday with his parents near Bigelow, he also visited friends in this city.

Miss Wagner, who had spent a few days here visiting her sister Mrs. Dolan, returned home on Monday.

Miss Zuroff of Sioux Falls, who was recently operated on for appendicitis by local doctors, returned home last Monday.

Wm. Schraeder returned on Tuesday from a trip to Stevens county, where he spent three weeks looking after real estate interests.

A team belonging to a farmer named Larson indulged in a spirited runaway on the streets near the depot. No serious damage resulted.

Congregational church services at Maccabee Hall Sunday morning and evening at usual hours. Preaching by Dr. Geo. R. Merrill of Minneapolis.

Mr. and Mrs. T.H. Prideaux and son of Rushmore came over last Sunday to spend the day with Miss Prideaux, our popular deputy county auditor.

H.S. Potson the real estate hustler was at Sheldon last week on a real estate deal. He endeavored while there to interest investors in Nobles county soil.

Miss Ethel Sorem of Adrian was operated on for rupture last Monday. Two of the doctors from this place assisted in the operation, which was declared a success.

John James of the Douglas Elevator Co., of Minneapolis, was in the city Tuesday, being on his way home from a tour of inspection of the companys elevators in the western part of the county.

Miss Ethel Patterson visited over Sunday with friends in Rushmore.

Oscar Blood has moved into town from his farm in Bigelow township.

Dave Fauskee went to Lakefield Saturday for a visit with his brother.

Mrs. Stonesifer went to Rushmore and visited over Sunday with relatives.

Mrs. Wm. Hawkins left last week for a visit with her parents in Paulina Iowa.

Dow Mitchell moved his family to his farm in Loraine township one day last week.

Fred Knapp is enjoying a visit from his father and sister and the latter's husband.

P. Geyerman and wife of Brewster were guests of their son, Dr. Geyerman, Friday.

J.J. Madden of Adrian was in the city a few hours Monday on his way to Minneapolis.

Chas. Hamstreet, editor of the Rushmore Enterprise, was in the city a few hours Monday.

Miss Alida Bedford who is attending school here spent Sunday with her parents in Rushmore.

Miss Kuntz of Clinton, Iowa returned to her home Saturday after a weeks visit with her cousin Mrs. Joe Martin.

Drs. Walker and Geyerman made a professional trip to Adrian Monday, where they assisted in a surgical operation.

Donald, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Wilson, sustained a severe scalp wound in a fall while at play one day the first of the week.

Mrs. Forbes returned home Saturday night from an extended visit with relatives and friends on Wisconsin and Minneapolis. She reports a good time.

Mrs. Frank Pingenot and children returned to their home in Mason City Monday after a two weeks visit with her parents near Rushmore and relatives in the city.

Mr. and Mrs. Whitney and daughter arrived from Washington Friday night for a visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. Whitney was quite sick on the trip.

Banker C.T. Tupper made a business trip to Wilmont on Tuesday. He found the corn crop in that vicinity below the standard of this section, but the crop of small grain was fully as good.

Mrs. G.D. Dayton and Mrs. H.N. Douglas of Minneapolis came down Wednesday to take in the monthly tea given by the ladies of the Presbyterian church. They spent several days here visiting their many friends.

J.L. Murphy of Canton, Ill. was here the first of the week looking after property interests. Mr. Murphy was an early investor in Nobles county soil, having made his first purchase in 1868. He has made a great deal of money on his investment.

Mrs. M.E. Lawton and her mother, Mrs. F.E. Little, returned last week from their trip to Portland. They went over the Northern route and up through British Columbia and returned through Salt Lake City and Colorado points. They report a very pleasant trip.

Rev. Frank Johnson the evangelist from Kiron, Iowa, will hold a series of meetings in this city in the old Methodist church. Two of the meetings will be in the Swedish language, and three in English. The first meeting will be held this Friday evening. All are welcome.

Banker Evans who returned last Saturday from the Pacific coast says he learned from a Spokane paper that a Wm. McCarthy had shot and killed a man at Los Vegas, Nev. This is supposed to be the same McCarthy who some years ago spent considerable time in this section trading horses.

Mrs. Fred Slaker went to St. James Tuesday.

Ira Fox is entertaining his father from New York this week.

For rent - 8 room house. Enquire of Robt. Smith.

Miss Margaret Bassett of Rushmore was in the city a few hours last Saturday.

Mrs. A. Montgomery returned Tuesday from a visit with her parents at Brewster.

Harry Wilbern of Sibley spent Sunday with his sisters, Mrs. Hickman and Mrs. Fox.

Mrs. Wilbern of Sibley is the guest of her daughters Mrs. Fox and Mrs. Hickman.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gregerson of Round Lake are guests of their son Martin and family this week.

Guy Smith proprietor of the 11st (sic) street feed barn left Thursday of last week for Magnolia for a visit.

Dr. Williams of Wauwatosa, Wis., visited relatives and friends here and at Brewster the first of the week.

Rve. Muelhausen of the German Lutheran church, is at Blue Earth this week attending the Synod of his church.

T.L. Mitchell is having his residence, on 10th Ave. and 8th street, painted inside and out. J.J. Kannal is doing the work.

Bob Smith last week sold to H.D. Woodford the dwelling occupied by L.E. Fitch. The latter has moved into the Congregational parsonage.

Tom Sheeley, engineer on train No. 9, on the Sioux Falls branch, returned to work Wednesday after a weeks visit with his parents at Elma, Iowa.

Mrs. Marz and Mrs. Mangelson of Round Lake were the guests of Martin Gregerson and family, between trains Tuesday, being on their way to Sioux Falls.

John R. Scott of Bigelow township transacted business in Worthington last Saturday. Mr. Scott called at the Advance office and cashed up for another year.

E.J. Wolven last Saturday bought windmill for his farm near town. Mr. Wolven says there is enough wind on his farm to run several windmills, but one is all he has use for at present.

Walter Paine returned Friday night from an extended trip through Colorado, Oregon and Washington. He saw a great deal of Western country and reports a pleasant and profitable trip.

Sibley Gazette: Frank W. Barron, who has been ill for the past six months with a complication of Brights disease and diabetes, passed away last Thursday evening at Excelsior Springs, Missouri, at 11:30 o'clock.

Fred Slaker, the operator at the Omaha depot, left last Sunday for St. James, where he enters the dispatcher's office. His place here is taken by Chas. Fairfield the night operator, and the latter's place is taken by Herman Radtke of Alton, Iowa.

Chester Harding, the clerk in Goff and Gibson's grocery store, was taken ill last Sunday with a hemorrage of the lungs, and was critically ill for a number of days. At last report he was improving and the prospects of his ultimate recovery are favorable.

For Sale: - A large part of my household furniture including, beds, stoves, baby carriage, lamp, rocking chairs, and spring jumper, one Edison Phonograph complete with 53 records, and many other articles. Call at my residence. Edwin C. Wilson.

Rev. Bronson, pastor of the Baptist church, went to Duluth last Monday to attend the Baptist state convention held there. He was accompanied by Mrs. Bronson and their daughter, Miss Helen, and by Mrs. J.P. Anderson, who go as lay delegates. Mrs. Anderson was accompanied by her children and will spend some time in the Zenith city visiting relatives.

Fred Mohl of Adrian was in the city on Thursday.

Alfred Jacobson was in from Bigelow yesterday on business.

For Rent - Furnished rooms at Mrs. Meyers. No. 1311 3nd (sic) Ave.

Attorney M.E. Foley of Fulda has legal business in Worthington on Tuesday.

The Euchre club will hold a meeting next Monday at the home of Mrs. Albertus.

Barney Esser and Frank McLane of Adrian were visitors in Worthington Tuesday.

Edwin Brickson, Wilmont real estate man, was in the city on business last Saturday.

A.H. Segerstrom, the hustling clothing dealer has moved his family into rooms in the John Peterson house.

Clerk of Court F.L. Humiston was in the country Wednesday looking after some of his farming interests.

Miss Mabel Anderson stepped on a rusty nail one day the week and for a time was threatened with blood poison.

Editor Smalley of the Globe moved his family here last week and on Saturday moved into a house in the Clary addition.

Photographer Buchan, who had his hand severely burned last week, is again abel to attend to business. The injured member is healing nicely.

The Tourist Club held its first meeting of the season last week at the home of Mrs. Clark. The club meets again next Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Crane.

Mr. Overby the professional piano tuner who has been making this town for four years will be here Monday to do his seasons tuning. Kindly leave orders at Palmer's music store or Hotel Worthington.

Judge Quinn of Fairmont, who presides over the 17th circuit, will hold court here next week in the place of Judge Brown of Luverne, the latter being unable to attend to his judicial duties on account of ill health.



I learn that John Shweep, who was a resident of this town for several years, was rather badly hurt the other day, caused by a kick from a vicious horse. Dr. Stover was called to render what professional service was required.

Mrs. Bird of Bigelow township raised 1500 bushels of potatoes this season. The Bird family are the greatest potato raisers in this neighborhood.

Martin Scott who has spent the summer on the Pacific coast is at home again, and he seems to think more favorably of Nobles county after seeing some of the much advertised country elsewhere. Every country has its worse features as well as its better ones; the country where gold grows on bushes has not been discovered yet.

All the schools in Ransom, I believe, are now in session. Mr. Joul is teaching in the Larsen district, Miss Yates in the Runkel district, Miss Cain in the Graves district, Miss Ethel Black in the Center district, and Miss Sadie Downs in the Guernsey district.

Mr. and Mrs. Peterson of Grundy county Illinois, friends of the Sorem family, were here on a visit last week. They have a number of relatives here in the west that they intend to call on before they return home. We think that fifty dollars an acre is a pretty good price for land, but Mr. Peterson tells me that where he lives, about sixty miles from Chicago, land sells from $130 to $150 an acre. We do not wonder that men of limited means should strike out for the newer countries where land can be had for a third of the money, or even much less than that.


School began in Dist. 99 Monday of last week, Emma E. Gebrke as teacher.

Otto Bailey was on the sick list the other day. Marlie Barton took his place hauling water.

Mr. and Mrs. Otis Hankins entertained some relatives from Iowa last week.

Mrs. W.L. Pigman returned from a visit with her aunt, Mrs. E. Whipkey, of Rushmore.

Mrs. Uden and two daughters from Flannagan, Ill., are guests at the Henry Uden home.

A number of our people attended the funeral of J.G. Grady's young son.

Mrs. Hattie Barton left for Triumph, to spend a few days with her brother, Silas Pope, who is very ill.

Mrs. Ed White, of Montevideo, arrived here last week and is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Spafford.

There was a harvest home festival at the Pigman home on Friday evening for the benefit of the C.E. Society. Everyone had a good time.


O.F. Johnson drove to Worthington on business Tuesday.

C.A. Lutner was a business visitor to the county seat Monday.

The sale of C.L. Rowley was held Monday and passed off to the satisfaction of all concerned. Stock of all kinds brought good prices. W.H. Brown did the talking.

The departure of H.W. Fleming and family for their new home in Kansas has been delayed on account of their not having been able to secure a car. At this writing they are still waiting for one.

J.S. Kies, of Worthington, was looking after real estate matters in this section Tuesday.

The Hewitt Bridge Co., of Minneapolis have a force at work putting in a steel bridge near the farm of D.W. Chute, in Summit Lake township.

G.W. Smith has disposed of his farm and we understand, will move farther north in this state. We dislike to see Mr. Smith and his family leave this part as they are good citizens. However, we wish them the best of luck in their new home.

John Sharp has been confined to his home for some time with kidney trouble.

A letter received from John Hertel indicates his intention of leaving the realm of King Edward and returning to the states. John says there is too great a scarcity of good looking girls in Canada to suit him. (There's plenty round here.)

R.H. Loafman has purchased a share in the telephone company and now has a 'phone installed in his residence.

A. and Henry Rust and L.G. Uphoff were business visitor to the county seat Monday.

G.T. Bulick is building an addition to the granary on the farm occupied by Jas. Baird.


Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Watters of Hudson, Iowa, arrived Tuesday to visit with Mrs. J. Bedford, who is a sister of Mrs. Watters.

W.C. Thom is building a new barn on his residence property.

Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Ludlow of Worthington visited friends and relatives in Rushmore Tuesday.

Henry Ivers has just completed his new barn which is one of the best erected in the county.

On Wednesday the family of Rev. F.E. Leazer departed for their new home in Iowa. Mr. Leazer has been in the District Conference work the past year and has done much good in the places where he has held meetings. On account of being away from his family so much of the time in his present work Mr. Leazer asked for a regular charge.

Mrs. J.C. Thom and Mrs. C.E. Boddy departed Tuesday as delegates to a missionary conference in St. Paul.

Dayton Staubus is running the lunch counter at the Omaha depot.

Friday, October 20, 1905

Grinds Out Justice for Nobles County Litigants.

The October term of the District court for Nobles county convened on Monday morning at 10 o'clock, with Judge Quinn of the 17th district presiding in place of Judge Brown, who is confined to his home by ill health. Sheriff Fauskee and Clerk of Court Humiston were in their respective places.

The calendar contained 57 cases, five of which were criminal cases and 52 pertained to civil matters.

The Grand Jury was in session two days and returned two indictments, as follows: Geo. Vickerman, for assault in the second degree. The assault was committed at Ellsworth last spring, the victim being his own father. Attorney E.C. Wilson was appointed by the court to defend him. He plead not guilty and the case has been set for trial the 24th.

Charlie Lewis was indicted for abduction. This is the outcome of the socalled elopment. Lewis plead not guilty and the case was set for next week. Town and Jones will defend him.

Of the civil cases the following have been disposed of in the manner noted.

C. Swanson vs Omaha Ry Co., dismissed.

Henry Agne vs Douglas Elevator Co., continued.

The Law Mfg. Co. vs Sanders Phinney and Nelson dismissed.

State Bank of Worthington vs J.E. Darling dismissed.

Patterson Merc. Co. vs Sanders Phinney and Co. dismissed.

C.L. Rowley vs August Eichmeier.

Kroner Hardware Co. vs Sanders, Phinney and Nelson, dismissed.

LaCrosse Boot and Shoe Co. vs W. C. Grant, continued.

Martha E. Davis vs Aug. Johnson dismissed.

Citizen papers have been granted to the following parties:

J. P. Biltgen, Yge Rinses Mulder, Carl A. Dalin, John Larson, P. Maris, Henry Brockhouse, Ray Brockhouse.


P. G. Johnson and Miss Annie Larson were married at the residence of Mr. Johnson Thursday evening, Oct. 12, Rev. Anderson, of Avoca officiating.

Mr. Johnson is the manager of the Colman Lumber Co's here, and has been identified with the business interest of Worthington for a number of years. Miss Larson has been his housekeeper for some time. The Advance joins the many friends of the contracting parties in extending congratulations.


Mrs. W.H. Harrington, a former resident of Worthington, died on Oct. 8th at her home at Farmington, New Mexico, after an illness of only a week, aged 41 years. Mr. Harrington was formerly engaged in the shoe business here, and he and his wife were well known and estimable people.

Mrs. Henry James, an old resident of this city, died at her home on west 10th avenue last Monday morning at the advanced age of 4 years. The funeral was held on Wednesday from the M.E. Church, Rev. G.A. Cahoon conducting the service. Mrs. James was born in England and was married there to Mr. James in 1853. They came to America in 1862, and located in Worthington in 1884. She was a member of the Primitive Baptist church, and continued her life in that faith. She leaves a husband and a family of grown up children.


(From the Democrat.)

Jas. H. Faragher died at his home in Adrian Thursday morning, Oct. 12th, at the age of 49 years and 6 months. The cause of his death was cancer of the stomach. Mr. Faragher had been a resident of Nobles county for twenty eight years, had been a successful farmer and was highly esteemed by all who knew him.

George Epper has sold his residence property in Adrian to Peter Lentz, and will seek a new home on the Pacific coast next spring.

A petition has been circulated asking that the post office be removed from it present location to the Gullick building.

Sheriff Fauskee was over from Worthington Tuesday on official business.

Round Lake.
(From the Graphic.)

At a special meeting of the village council Wednesday evening P.F. Connelly was awarded a contract for the consrtuction of a cement crossings and approaches at 17 � c a square foot.

J.M. Dodge has gone to Wisconsin on a land seeking tour.

N.H. Austin was down from Worthington Tuesday.

Saturday was Ivy Nienaber's tenth birthday anniversary and after school several of her school mates were invited to help her celebrate the event.

E.W. Cutler of Worthington has as his force of men here this week building about 100 feet of cement sidewalk for Chas. Nienaber on Second Street and putting in a concrete cellar bottom under the house occupied by M.N. Reistroffer and wife.

Mrs. Wm. Lyons and children, of Estherville, Iowa, arrived here last Thursday evening on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gregerson, and at the John Marz home; also at the home of Martin Gregerson, her brother, in Worthington, and her brother, Nels, and family, northwest of town.

(From the Tribune.)

Mrs. Frank Miner and little son arrived here Wednesday from their home in Mason City, Iowa, to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Blue, southwest of Brewster.

Mr. and Mrs. O.P. Norland announced the arrival of a daughter at their home in Lorain Township, on Wednesday of this week.

J.E. Giessel expects to leave about November 1st on a trip to his birthplace near Vienna, Austria, and will be absent from home for about six weeks. He goes for the purpose of securing his share of his grandfather's estate, and will spend a few days at various places which he knew in former years.

A.L. Wells sold his famous Haverford Herd of Hereford cattle this week to Andrew Tow, of Norway, Iowa, an uncle of Sam Tow of this place. The latter had previously secured the bull, Prosecutor, which has headed Mr. Wells' herd for three years, and this animal will remain here, but the others, consisting of nine cows and heifers and two young bulls, were shipped to the elder Tow's farm at Norway. The price received by Mr. Wells for his cattle averaged nearly a hundred dollars a head, which proves that it pays to raise good stock.

(From the Enterprise.)

A series of union revival meetings has been arranged to commence next Sunday evening and continue for three weeks at least. Rev. I.E. Honneywell, of Harvey, Ill.

Tuesday, Oct. 10, was the twenty fifth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. S.B. Bedford and in the evening about thirty of their friends gathered at their home to help them celebrate the event. The gathering was in the nature of a surprise, and so successfully was it carried out that the recipients knew nothing of it until the guests commenced to arrive. The guests were heartily welcomed and spent a very pleasant evening.

Rev. H. Wehrenberg and his bride arrived home Wednesday afternoon and in the evening a reception was tendered them at the parsonage where a large number of the members of the German Lutheran church, of which Rev. Wehrenberg is pastor, gathered to extend congratulations to the newly married couple.

Drs. Walker and Geyerman, of Worthington, were down, in Ransom township Monday afternoon and operated upon the adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Sorem. The operation was for hernia and was very successful and the patient is doing nicely.

(From the Leader)

Christ H. Holvorson, one of our prominent and highly esteemed citizens was married at Little Rock, Iowa, on the 7th inst., to Miss Mary Kientetz.

Rev. Father Grave, late pastor at Woodstock, has been transferred to the pastorate of St. Anthony's church at this place. He will also have charge of the church at Wilmont.

Mark Graves and family moved to Worthington this week. It is understood that they have done so to provide a home for their son, James, who is attending school there and will probably return here after school is out.

Jacob Vail, living north of town had occasion to go to Worthington one day last week, and came to this place to board the train. It appears that he was late in getting his ticket and when he was ready to purchase the train was in and Agent West was busy checking out freight. When that work was completed the train started, but Mr. Vail decided not to be left anyway and grabbed the handrail at the front of the coach. He would have boarded the train safely had not his foot slipped, letting him down between the car and platform, where he hung by his hands until the train had gone far enough to release him from his perilous situation. A less athletic man would probably have been unable to keep his hold, and a slip would have insured his being ground to death under the wheels.

(From the Signal)

One of Dr. E.E. Stovers little twin daughters has been causing him much anxiety. She has had several spells in which she seemed to entirely stop breathing. The worst was last Friday morning. The doctor worked with her for over six hours as for a drowning baby, also with medicines on cloths to be inhaled. Again Saturday morning for about two hours he was compelled to work with her. She is at present much better. The doctor's friends sincerely hope she will remain so.

The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.C. Pierce, who had been sick with diphtheria at the home of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Harrington, passed away on Friday morning at about six o'clock. The little one was reported as getting better and all expected her speedy recovery. On Thursday night the disease took a change for the worst with the above result.

From the News.

Bishop Cotter will visit this place Wednesday, October 18th at which time he will hold confirmation services. The class to be confirmed numbers nearly sixty.

Attorney John Flynn was over from Worthington, Thursday.

George Holiday, a brother in law of Charles Carlson, was in town a short time, Friday, while on his way to Canada from Rock Rapids.

Indian Lake.

Wallace Saxon is batching again.

Gust Rudquist is now a licensed engineer and is running the threshing engine for the Nystrom Thresher Co.

Miss Jennie Saxon returned last Tuesday from a few days visit with relatives at Worthington.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. G. Larson last Thursday.

Miss Alma Larson left last week for Worthington where she will work at the dress makers trade.


Lee Shell Sundayed with friends in Minneapolis.

I.F. Kelley spent the week in Chicago on business.

W.F. Moss of Summit Lake town was in town last Saturday on business.

For Rent: Small cottage adjoining my residence. Edwin C. Wilson.

John Katus of Brewster transacted business in Worthington on Tuesday.

Peter Reinken of Indian Lake was a business visitor in Worthington last Saturday.

H.H. Read a pioneer settler of Reading was in town Tuesday transacted business.

Louis Lear and Frank Kaynor were Rushmore visitors Saturday afternoon and evening.

Mrs. Nichols returned from Heron Lake, where she had been sojourning from some months.

Ray Jones, the postmaster and hardware merchant at Reading, was in town Tuesday on business.

Wanted: thoroughly experienced dry pick poultry dressers, bench work. Apply R.E. Cobb, St. Paul Minn.

John Frink returned last Saturday from Emmettsburg, Iowa, where he had been for some months working at the plumbers trade.

F.H. Thompson of Rushmore was in town the first of the week attending court as a juror. He made the Advance office a pleasant call.

Register of Deeds Hawley has been drawn as a petit juror for the October term of the U.S. court which convenes at Mankato on the 24th.

John Hogan and wife of San Francisco, Cal., were here over Sunday on a visit with his uncle, Christ Hogan. They were on their way to turtle Lake, Wis., to visit Mr. Hogan's parents.

Miss Goldie Crever returned last Friday from St. Paul. She went there in September to attend state university, but within a week was operated on at a St. Paul hospital.

N. Segerstrom of Oakland, Cal., arrived here last Saturday for a visit with his son A.H. Segerstrom, the clothier. Mr. Segerstrom came by the Canadian Pacific route, and stopped at Panoka, Canada, to visit his son Charles, who is in business there.

Worthington has a number of representatives at the State University and other institutions of advanced learning. Harry Hawley is taking his last year in the engineering department; Jett Smallwood is taking his second year in the medical department, and Roy Lewis, formerly of this city, but now living at Wilmont, is taking his last year in the law school. Miss Mae Toller and Miss Helen Ludlow are students at Carlton College, Northfield, and Miss Avis Voak is taking a course at the Minneapolis Business college.

John Croncross has been quite sick the past week.

Mrs. Roy Radcliff is at Luverne visiting a sister who is reported to be quite ill.

Editor Chas. Hamstreet of Rushmore was a business visitor at the court house Tuesday.

John Vickerman and wife of Ellsworth, were here this week attending court as witnesses.

Geo. Goodrich was in from Bigelow Wednesday making arrangements for an auction next Thursday.

Mrs. Jas. Gibson and child left last Friday for Hinckley, where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Geo. Mackay.

Rev. G.R. Merrill, of Minneapolis, preached to the congregational church of this city last Sunday morning and evening.

Rev. C.F. Bronson and family returned on Wednesday from Duluth, where they had been attending the Baptist state convention.

J.W. Wolven and wife of Pecatonica, Ill., who spent a week here visiting at the home of their son, E.J. Wovlen, left on Tuesday for their home. they had visited other children in this state and Iowa and had been away from home several months.

H.W. Fleming and family of Reading left on Tuesday for Stockton, Kansas, where they will make their future home. Mr. Fleming and family have been residents of Reading for three years. They return to Kansas on account of Mr. Flemings health.

At the meeting of the council held last Friday evening resolutions were offered and accepted guaranteeing a suitable drill hall for a militia Co. if organized. The president was also instructed to appoint an auditing committee to audit the books of the village up to Oct. 1st, 1905. The chair appointed as that committee Will Fagerstrom and Ira Fox.

The Advance takes pleasure in announcing that it has secured the services of Mr. G.A. Fairfield, who will take charge of the job department. Mr. Fairfield is not only a first class and up-to-date job printer but is also an experienced newspaper man, having published a paper in this section for many years. With his assistance this paper will be improved in all departments.

Joseph Kies was a visitor with Mankato friends this week.

W.C. Wyatt of Bigelow transacted business at the county seat Tuesday of this week.

E.J. Wolven left on Tuesday for Kansas to look after several tracts of land he owns there.

John Bebensee, who has spent the past summer in Germany, is expected home this week.

Robert Black of Dewald was in the city on business Tuesday and made this office a pleasant call.

Sam Bede and Pat Barry of Ellsworth, attended court this week, being witnesses before the grand jury.

A.L. Wells of Brewster who was here this week attending court as a juror, made the Advance office a pleasant call.

Service will be held at the Congregational church next Sunday morning and evening. Sermon by Dr. Crawford of Excelsior.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geissel, of Spirit Lake, Iowa, visited at the homes of Nick Anderson and William Borst during the past week.

Mrs. Frank Johnston, of Pipestone, Minn., was a guest at the homes of Calvin Moen and A.V. Hamlin, the early part of the week.

John McCord of Graceville is taking Christ Hanson's place in Addington's barber shop during Mr. Hanson's tussel with typhoid fever.

N.M. Sorem and E.A. Paine of Bigelow were in the city this week attending court. Mr. Sorem is one of the leading merchants of Bigelow.

Otis Bowers, of the Bowers Minstrel Company which appeared at the opera house here during the county fair, was arrested at Soo Falls last week on an attachment proceeding.

The Swedish Mission church services at the Swedish Mission Tabernacle Sunday morning and evening at usual hours. Rev. Albert Holm of Salem S.D., will conduct the evening service.

Rev. W.J. Robinson of Lakefield drove over Tuesday, and in the evening he and Rev. G.A. Cahoon drove to Rushmore to hear Evangelists Honeywell and Williams, who are conducting a series of special meetings in the opera house there.

Prof. Edwards and the teachers of the high school and upper grades last Friday evening gave a reception to their scholars in the high school room. After a short program of music and recitations several hours were spent in social intercourse.

The Southern Minnesota Teachers' association meets at Mankato Oct. 26, 27 and 28. Miss Hyland of the 8th grade of the Worthington school, will have a paper on the "Grammar School Section" at the forenoon session on the 28th. Several of the teachers from here will attend the meeting.

Friday, October 27, 1905


----End Transcription----


Microfilm, Worthington Advance; Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, MN; obtained March, 2008.

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