Worthington Advance, 1906
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Newspaper Articles
from Worthington Advance
 February, 1906

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Friday, February 2, 1906

Surprise Party.

Last Monday afternoon was the occasion of a real surprise on Mr. and Mrs. E.P. Johnson at their home by their friends and neighbors. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Thompson, Mrs. Josie Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Aug Anderson, Mrs. Rev. Nielson, Mrs. Frank Anderson. The afternoon was spent in social intercourse and a pleasant time was had. The visiting ladies brought with them coffee, cake, fruit of all kinds, and spread fine table with a valuable new set of dishes of fancy design, and when all was ready Mrs. Johnson was informed that the dishes was a present to her as a memorial from her friends. the occasion will be a lasting memory and herewith Mr. and Mrs. E.P. Johnson express their sincere thanks.


Mr. Ernest Borst and Miss Josephine May Shallers were united in marriage by Rev. G.A. Cahoon at ten o'clock Tuesday morning at the  home of Mr. and Mrs. Cahoon. These young people are both well known and have the best wishes of a circle of friends. They will reside at Odebolt, Iowa, where the groom has a position. Mr. and Mrs. Borst left on the afternoon train for Iowa points. We would rather see our young people settle in Nobles county but extend congratulations just the same.


Rev. F.C. Schmidt, for three years pastor of the German Evangelical church of this city, died on Wednesday at his home in Blue Earth, at the age of 62 years, of heart failure. The funeral will be held on Friday. He leaves a widow and five children, one of his sons being Robt. Schmidt, a fireman on the Omaha road, residing here.

Rev. Schmidt was well known and highly respected by Worthington people, having lived here for three years up till four years ago, when he moved to Bellingham, Minn. Two years ago failing health caused him to retire from the ministry when he moved to Blue Earth. He was an old soldier having served through the civil war in a Minnesota regiment.



The east half of section 9 has been rented for the coming season to L.T. Eide and Wm. Molms. Mr. Eide renting the south east quarter and Mr. Molms the northeast quarter. Knute Knudson, the present occupant, will move over into Dewald township.

Indian Lake.

Edwin Edwards of Rushmore was visiting Indian Lake friends last week.

Rev. Johnson of Sioux City occupied the pulpit of the Baptist church last Sunday afternoon and evening.

Enoch Johnson trapped a wolf in one his mink traps one day last week.

Andrew Johnson has joined the gun club and will be initiated to full membership at their next shoot Feb. 27th.

Albert Gustafson who has been suffering from blood poison in his hand caused by a slight scratch from a barb wire has about recovered.

Miss Lillian Saxon expects to leave the last of the week for an indefinite stay at Denver Colorado.


Frank Pope and sister Mildred from Monterey, Minn., have been visiting here the past week with relatives.

Mrs. H.L. Barton and daughter Susie visited relatives at Triumph, Minn., last week returning Monday accompanied by Arthur Pope who will spend sometime here visiting his cousins.

Albert Leistico the horse buyer, from Worthington has been scouring this country the past week looking for good horses which he will ship to the Chicago market. He bought 16 head last Thursday and Friday.

John Kallem went to Brewster last Monday to meet a couple of young ladies who will spend some time visiting with his parents.

Dr. and Mrs. W.J. Dodge were calling upon old friends here last Sunday.

J.A. Mace left last Saturday for Brookings, S.D., where he will visit friends for some time, but will return next month to dispose of his personal property.

Milton Ludlow surprised friends here last Saturday by dropping in upon them for a short visit. Milton was a frequent visitor here a few years ago but has been too busy making money the past few years to spend any time visiting, but his smiling face and ready joke are always welcome.


Mr. and Mrs. O.F. Johnson returned to their home in Reading after spending Sunday with their parents in Org.

H. Pfiel gave a flinch party to the young people Monday evening. A fine time was enjoyed by all.

Hans Marcus gave a dance last Saturday evening at his residence just south of Org the Hand orchestra of Bigelow furnished the music. Light refreshments were served and a general good time was enjoyed. the Orchestra had to wait for No. 3 Sunday to get home.

Mr. Borst and August Wass were shelling corn the last of last week but it has been too warm since and the shelling has and [had?] to be postponed for colder weather.

The Omaha R.R. Co., have a great stack of coal at Org with Fred Johnson as night watch.

A. Oberman shipped three cars of cattle from Org Tuesday evening to Chicago, he having bought four cars of Anderson, and Borst and E.L. Johnson taking the fourth car out to his fine farm near here.

Mr. Ashbaugh from Rushmore gave us a pleasant call Monday while here on business. Mr. Ashbaugh is a prosperous farmer and knows a good thing when he sees it. He is investing in the Duroc hogs, having bought a start last fall from Chas. King and Wm. Malcolm. Was here to get more from Chas. King who has some fine ones of the best strain of that stock.

The ladies aid met with Mrs. Borst last Saturday and a pleasant visit.

P.C. Anderson has just received another car of tile which he will use on his farm. This will give him a very good drainage and make good land out of what now at times is waste.


Mrs. William Bird delightfully entertained a number of lady friends on Monday evening of last week.

Ice is being shipped from Spirit Lake to Ellsworth.

Chas. Dillehay, late of Little Rock, has purchased the interest of William Bird in the saloon of Bird and Klinkhamer.

A barn on the premises of Herman Voss, near Little Rock, was totally destroyed by fire Monday evening, together with horses, cattle and hay. It is a very severe loss for Mr. Voss who is young and just starting for himself.

Mrs. John Reiter, living five miles south of this village, was thrown from her buggy by a runaway team last week Tuesday evening, and one of her arms was broken.

M. Reiter was a Worthington visitor one day last week.

P.F. Levins and family expect to remove to Rock Rapids, Iowa, this week, where Mr. L. will again engage in the newspaper business.

Commissioner Bryan was at the county seat one day last week.


It is reported that W.A. Lackey and family are shortly to remove to Marshalltown, Iowa. We shall regret to lose them from this neighborhood.

John Rinden has traded his farm to C.R. West, and will move to his land near Dundee.

The ladies' aid society of the M.E. church is to give a social on Friday afternoon and evening of this week at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kistner.

Wyman Bros., have sold their farm implements and live stock, and are shortly to move to Nebraska where they have leased a farm. They have the best wishes of many friends for success in the new home.


Word was received last week of the death of Mrs. J.P. Roerig, formerly of Wilmont, which occurred in Florida January 18th.

James Pembroke transacted business at Worthington one day last week.

Edwin Brickson has removed to this place from Wilmont and is now actively engaged in the work at the Adrian State Bank, of which he is vice president.

Anton Kruse, one armed hobo, made himself obnoxious to good citizens about town one day last week and finally landed in the village bastile. He was given a chance to leave town and never come back, and he took the chance in preference to lingering in jail where liquor is not obtainable.


Rev. G.M. Glick was a Worthington visitor last week Tuesday.

Mrs. Moore, of Worthington was the guest of Bigelow friends one day last week.

Cashier Jones, of the State Bank of Worthington, and Brickson, of the Bank of Wilmont, were business visitor at this place one day recently.

W.b. Widman was treated to a surprise party one evening recently. That is a number of his friends visited his home for that purpose but Will was absent and did not return until after the visitors had departed. However Mrs. Widman entertained them royally and all report a good time.

Mrs. D. Cosgrove was on the sick list several days the past week.

Round Lake.

John M. Work, of DesMoines, Iowa, delivered a Socialist lecture at this place Tuesday evening.

The residence of E.D. Tripp was considerably damaged by fire on Wednesday of last week. An overheated stove set fire to a box of kindling during the absence of the family.

Charles Nienaber transacted business at Lake Park one day last week.

John Koster, residing two miles south, injured his back by a fall on Wednesday of last week, and was unable to be about for several days.

F.J. Pfenning, of Fonda, Iowa, has been in the village for several days past, looking after improvements being made on his farm near here.

Hans Voss, of Sioux Valley township, recently sold fifty one eight months old hogs, which averaged near 278 pounds each and netted him $708.00. He believes that it pays to raise good stock.


Mrs. P.A. Nelson returned Friday from a weeks visit with her parents at Luverne.

The Unity Circle was entertained at lunch at the home of Mrs. C.B. Swanman Jan. 26th.

Nelson and Swanman are having a cash clearance sale on all fleece and woolen goods.

Timothy Haid spent Sunday with his parents at Luverne.

Attorney Jones was over on legal business Tuesday.

C.A. Sands has assumed his duties as president of the First National Bank.

Mr. Brickman, formerly of the Wilmont, Bank has begun his work as Vice President of the State Bank.

Mr. Shepay the baker at Peterson's Cafe, is confined to his room with a touch of pneumonia.

Route One.

E.O. Fields left Monday for Rushmore to visit relatives and friends, returning home Wednesday.

E.E. Fields left Monday for Rochester in regard to his health.

One of Mr. Craft's teams indulged in a lively runaway last Monday but no serious damage was done.


W.M. O'Conner, of Bloom, was a caller last Saturday.

J.S. Kies made a business trip to Brewster last Monday.

J.E. Erickson of Bigelow was a business caller yesterday.

Lewis Lear left for Omaha on Tuesday for a few days visit.

Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Hart returned Wednesday from their visit to St. Louis.

J. Burr Ludlow the Rushmore banker was in the city Monday on business.

Born - On Saturday, Jan. 27, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hayes, a daughter.

Peter Reinken of Worthington township was in the city Wednesday marketing stock.

Theo. Bohls and Jas. Bixley of Bigelow were registered at the Worthington Monday.

Nels Olson left last Saturday for Chicago, where he will spend some time visiting relatives.

Mrs. Charlie Kilbern of Doon, Iowa, was the guest of Mrs. A.E. Washington, Monday.

The ladies' aid of the Evangelical church meets at the home of Mrs. J.H. Schuck on Thursday.

Phil. McCarvel, a farmer living near Brewster, was a business visitor at the county seat Tuesday.

Wm. Chaney went to St. Paul Monday to attend the convention of the State Undertakers' Association.

Mrs. Thomas Edwards, of Round Lake, was the guest of her sister Mrs. Walter Smalley the latter part of last week.

Gilbert Gutterson of Lake Crystal, inspector rural free delivery routes, was here this week inspecting a proposed new route.

Mrs. W.M. Evans last Saturday afternoon entertained a party of ladies at an afternoon tea. A pleasant time is reported.

Rev. Frank Peterson of Minneapolis will occupy the pulpit in the Baptist church on Sunday evening Feb. 4th. No preaching service in the morning.

G.M. Baily returned last Monday from a campaign in Cottonwood county. He left on Thursday for Rushmore, where he will conduct a series of special meetings.

John Montgomery of Brewster was a business visitor at the county seat Wednesday. Mr. Montgomery is getting up a petition for a county ditch in Jackson county, where he owns a fine farm.

Mrs. Wm. Chaney last Friday evening gave a birthday party in honor of Miss Herman, one of the teachers in the public schools, the occasion being the young lady's birthday. A very enjoyable time was had by all present.

The Advance is in receipt of a letter from P.C. Pratt, of Modesto, Cal., in which he says, among other things, that he was recently visited by H.J. Ruprecht of Bigelow, and Mrs. J.P. Biltgen of Worthington.

The temperance lecture delivered here Monday forenoon by Oliver W. Stewart was fairly well attended and was much enjoyed by all who heard him. Mr. Stewart is an eloquent and forceful speaker and handled his subject in a tactful manner.

S. Carmain of Hersey was in town Saturday.

C.P. Taylor was in from Elk Monday doing trading.

O.E. Slifer of Worthington town was in the city Tuesday on business.

A.F. Eshelman of Elk transacted business at the county seat last Saturday.

Henry Kunze a prominent farmer of Hersey, was in the city Saturday doing trading.

Maj. B.F. Thurber came down from Wilmont last Friday to look after interests here.

P.C. McCann of Sioux Falls was here this week to arrange for the renting of his farm.

Born - On Friday, Jan. 26, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Mecklenberg of Dewald a daughter.

Rev. Eckstrom returned last Friday from his missionary tour in the northern part of the state.

Mrs. Evans delightfully entertained a small party of lady friends at tea Wednesday evening.

Vic Anderson and A. Obermann went to Chicago Tuesday night with three car loads of cattle.

A.J. Kanal has turned out some handsome signs recently. As a sign writer he has few equals.

Albert Gustafson of Indian Lake township is laid up with an attack of blood poisoning in his left hand.

Stanley Moore has been at the Worthington home this week, suffering from a severe attack of quinsy.

Mrs. C.B. Cristler, of Lake Park, Iowa, stopped off here Wednesday, on her way home from St. Paul, to visit her sister Mrs. I.F. Kelley.

Rev. J.H. Muehlhausen left for Blue Earth on Thursday to attend the funeral of Rev. F.C. Schmidt which takes place at that place on Friday.

There has been another shift of the telegraphers at the Omaha depot. C.B. Fairfield is now doing the day work while Herman Radtke takes the night trick.

Mrs. M.E. Stowell and daughter Myrtle left on Tuesday for Pierre, S.D., to look after their claims. They will also visit a brother of Mrs. Stowell, who live at Pierre.

S.M. Stewart and wife, who went to Denmark several weeks ago to secure treatment for Mrs. S., are on their way home, having arrived in New York last Friday. Letters received by friends here state that the trip has proved very beneficial to Mrs. Stewart and that she is returning greatly improved in health.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Humiston, who are sojourning in California this winter, had an experience in a railroad wreck recently that was quite a shock to the old couple. The train on which they were riding was run into by another train and the coach in which they were at the time was telescoped by the engine of the other train. They fortunately escaped with only a severe shaking up.

Married: Herman Gottmer and Miss Tena Onken both of Bloom township, Nobles county, were married Saturday Jan. 20th 1906, at St. Kilian. The bride is a daughter of Henry Onken one of Bloom's substantial farmer, and she is a most popular young lady. Mr. Gottmer is a progressive young farmer. The Free Press congratulates and wishes them a happy and prosperous journey through life. -Fulda Free Press.

Elsewhere in this issue appears the advertisement of the Western Implement Co., successors to S.M. Stewart. The business is under the management of A.M. Renner late of Heron Lake, and T.H. Thompson, who is well known to our people. Mr. Renner, the new resident manager has been a citizen of Heron Lake for several years past and is highly esteemed by all, enjoys a reputation of being strictly honorable in business and private affairs, and a "jolly good fellow."

Harry Wilbern of Sibley was here Sunday visiting relatives.

G.W. Dealand of Org was a business visitor in the city Monday.

Mrs. H.C. Fanck [Franck?] made a brief visit to Sioux Falls last Sunday.

Born - On Jan. 24, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Maxwell, a daughter.

John Reily and F. Shelquist of Wilmont were business visitors in town Tuesday.

Chas. Segerstrom returned last week from Iowa,  where he has spent several weeks visiting old friends.

O.H. Hawkins of Reading was in the city Monday. He bought a fine set of driving harness at Stitser's harness shop.

A.H. Segerstrom left last week for North Dakota, where he is looking up a new location in the mercantile business.

Mr. Jas Mackay entertained a number of gentlemen friends last Friday evening at a stagg party. All present report a pleasant time.

The attention of our farmer readers is called to the adv. of F.C. Stitser, which appears elsewhere. Mr. Stitser is turning out some excellent work in heavy harness, and deserves a liberal patronage.

The Rev. W.H. Knowlton, Archdeacon for Southwestern Minnesota, will hold service and preach in St. Johns church Worthington, Sunday Feb. 4th, at 7:30 p.m. Bishop's visit for confirmation appointed for Sunday, March 18th. Everyone is cordially invited.

A mask social will be given Feb. 10, 1906, at the Fitzgerald school house Dist. No. 106. Every lady bring her own head mask also supper for two. Every body come.
Fannie Hinricks.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Devaney entertained a few friends Wednesday evening at a cinch party. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Sahlstrom and Mrs. Fialka of Bigelow were among the guests.

J.S. Toverson returned this week from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and is assisting Banker Tupper in his work as chairman of the Time Lock Committee of the Minnesota Bankers Association.

The following Worthington people took dinner at the Worthington Hotel last Sunday, R.K. Petit, F.M. Hickman and wife, I.P. Fox and wife, H. Hawley and wife, C.R. Bishop and family, H. Hobson and family, L.R. Gholz and wife.

Probate Court Proceedings.

The following is a synopsis of transactions in the Probate Court during the month of January.

 In the estate of Margaret Thornton, decree of descent made.

License granted to sell real estate in matter of guardianship of Ed Heuerman.

In the estate of Andrew G. Lingren; Laura O. Lingren and Mark Graves appointed administrators.

In the estate of Mary Quinn, application made for determination of descent.

In the estate of John T. Milton, application for letters of administration.

In the matter of insanity of Aug. Danielson, examination and order for commitment.

In the estate of Jas. H. Farahger, date for hearing proof of will adjourned.

Judge Cory, acting for Judge Webber of Rock county, this week made an order allowing final account and final decree in the estate of LeRoy B. McCollum, deceased. This was an estate in which the wife of Judge Webber was interested, consequently the estate was probated in this county.

Marriage Licenses.

Issued during the month of January.

J.C. Grey, Montana, to Clara Olson, of Hersey.

Fred P. Eich, Sioux County Iowa, to Julia Wallace, Nobles county.

Ernest B. Borst to Josephine M. Schallers.

Peter Henley to Julia Berberger, both of McCook county S.D.

Iver Brown of Cavalier county, North Dakota, at [and?] Lizie Haibak.


The Humiston building on the corner of 4th avenue and 10 street, occupied by the Western Implement Co. and Oliver & Madison, is being raised and a stone foundation put under it. W.H. Bloom is doing the work.


E.S. Wemple and Hans Smith transacted business at Worthington one day last week.

W.E. James enjoyed a visit from his brother John of Minneapolis, last week.

A.N. Peterson has returned from an extended visit with relatives at Dodgeville, Wis.

Warner Malmquist has removed to this place from Lester, Iowa, where he has been employed in a grain elevator.

Rushmore ice houses are being filled with ice from Okabena lake, Worthington. There are now three good ice houses in our village.

Friday, February 9, 1906

Skating Party.

Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Palmer entertained a large party of friends Tuesday evening at a skating party at the roller rink. Several hours were spent in fascinating enjoyment on rollers.


Miss Martha E. Bear died at the home of her brother, David C. Bear, in this city Wednesday forenoon of heart failure caused by an attack of the grippe. She was sick only a few days, being taken ill last Saturday.

The funeral was held Thursday afternoon from the Bear residence the service being conducted by Rev. G.A. Cahoon.

Miss Bear was born in Rootstown, Ohio, on May 21st, 1854. She was the daughter of Rev. Wm. M. Bear, who moved to Nobles county with his family in 1872 and preached for many years at several points in the county. Miss Bear had been an invalid for many years, but bore her affliction with patient resignation. She was an earnest Christian, having united with the M.E. Church at an early age.


The Hoffman residence in the village of Round Lake was the scene of a very pretty home wedding on Thursday, Feb. 8th, when Miss Lydia Hoffman was married to Mr. Frank Morgan, also of that village. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Edwin W. Lanham of Worthington, and was witnessed by a large company of relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Morgan are well and favorably known young people of Round Lake and have a large circle of friends whom we join in extending congratulations.

Surprise Party.

About 60 young people of the Y.P.S. of the Swedish Lutheran church gave a very successful and enjoyable surprise party last Friday evening on their president, Mr. Carl Anderson, who has held that office for several years. The evening was pleasantly spent in social intercourse and games. After refreshments had been served the visitors departed, all claiming they had had a very pleasant time. Mr. Anderson was presented with a purse of money as a token of the high esteem in which he is held by the members of teh society.

Hired Ma Sent to Market Grain Pockets Proceeds and Disappears.

Last Friday Louis Larson of Indian Lake township sent his hired man to Worthington with load of corn to be delivered to the Worthington Roller Mills. He drew the money for the same, by signing his employers name to the back of the check given in payment, put the team in a livery barn and then disappeared, and now the sheriff is looking for him.

The man, who gave his name as Will Burgsen, was a stranger in this section and had been working for Mr. Larson about a month. He is about 36 years of age, of medium height and weight. He has blue eyes, light hair and complexion. Sheriff Fauskee has notified the officers over this and adjoining states to be on the lookout for him.

Banker Tupper Takes a Vacation.

Cashier C.T. Tupper, of the Citizen's National Bank, left on Sunday night on a trip to the Pacific coast. He goes out over the Northern Pacific and will return by a southern route. The trip is taken for the purpose of rest and recreation, and he will visit relatives and friends on the coast. Mr. Tupper is a hard worker and is entitled to this vacation. He will be absent about a month.



A.B. Cheadle and Sheriff Dunn of Jackson were calling on a few of the voters in this town this week in the interests of Jackson for the county seat.

Sam McCall has been visiting at the Barton home for a few days this week.

Married: Wednesday forenoon, Feb. 7, at the German Lutheran church, Miss Linda Uden and Emil Wills were married in the Holy bonds of matrimony, Rev. Stiepe saying the mystic words that made them man and wife. The bride is the oldest daughter of Henry Uden of this place and is respected by all who know her. The groom has grown up in our midst and has a large circle of friends. The happy couple departed Wednesday afternoon for a three weeks trip visiting relatives in Illinois after which they will go to keeping house on the Mrs. Davis place now occupied by Mr. Cowles.

Orville Tupper of Worthington made a business trip to this place last Wednesday.

H. Christoffer departed for Illinois last Saturday evening.

Mrs. Barton has out bills for her public sale which will be held Feb. 21st, 1906.

Anton Cordes went to Illinois last Wednesday for the purpose of getting a large Belgium Stallion which he will keep at his farm here.

We neglected to state last week that Mr. and Mrs. Wal't Pigman are the proud and happy parents of another son born Jan. 27th.


Mr. Warren moved from their cottage to the depot last Tuesday.

Reca Johnson was home for a few days the first of the week.

The Doeden boys are at Cas. Kings shelling corn for Hubbard and Palmer Co.

Mrs. Dealand went to Kenneth last Saturday for a short visit with her brother W.B. Royse.

Mr. and Mrs. Borst, Mr. Pfiel, Mr. Schuck, Mr. P.C. Anderson, and E.L. Johnson started from Org last Tuesday afternoon on the land-seekers excursion. They will go to Chicago then to some of the western states.

Reca Johnson returned to Mr. Ager's last Tuesday morning. She has been staying there for the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. K. Deuth went to austin, Iowa, last week to visit with their son Joe Deuth.


Some of our young folks enjoyed a dance last Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kestner.

Rudolph Geyerman is suffering with the gout this week.

Mrs. George Mercer of Hatfield visited here this week with her parents.

A daughter is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zorr south of town. We understand that there is also an increase in the family of E.Y. Wilson, but have not learned the sex.

A.R. Nelson, a former resident of this neighborhood, was recently arrested by Constable Weinandt, on charge of forgery committed in Illinois. He placed his prisoner in the village bastile, but one bright morning he was found to be missing, having broken the frail structure and departed. A sheriff from Illinois came to get him but was obliged to return empty handed.

Philip McCarvel and wife were visitors at Worthington last week Wednesday.

W.G. Calderwood, secretary of the state Prohibition committee, delivered a prohibition address at this place on Monday evening of last week. A large audience was in attendance.

E.A. Tripp, of Worthington, transacted business in our village one day last week.

Mrs. P.J. Silver and children visited her parents at Worthington a day or two last week.


Robt. Free of this vicinity left Friday afternoon for Sanborne, Iowa, to visit his grandson Robt. Allen Siegmiller.

Rev. J.J. Filburn left Saturday for Ireton, Iowa, to preach at that place on Sunday.

Miss Adde Ely, who teaches the Elk Center school, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents near Rushmore.

Arnold Schulz has been suffering from an attack of the Lagrippe the past week.

Joshua Schechter's are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl at their home.

W.J. Klessig was an Elk Center visitor Friday evening.

The school boys are enjoying skating since the ponds froze over again. John Hagge and Earl Tompson seem to wish it would stay winter all summer.

Miss Alma Schulz is staying with Mrs. J. Schechter.

Geo Hackor and family who are visiting at Peoria, Illinois, are expected home this week.

Roscoe Eshleman and wife left the first of last week for Kansas City, where they will make their future home.

Joshua Schechter while cutting wood at Chas. Sundberg's run a stick in his ear which is causing him quite a bit of trouble. The doctors think they can bring him out alright.

The Mission Band meets with Mrs. Paul Schulz this week on Thursday the 8th. Everybody is invited to attend.

Round Lake.

J.C. Thomsen and Jacob Gregerson and wife were visitors at Worthington, the early part of last week.

Mrs. A.L. Getman visited relatives at Graettinger, Iowa, several days last week.

H.C. Carstensen has gone to Rochester, where he will undergo an operation for appendicitis, from which he has been a frequent sufferer.

We understand that Ben Denkman of Lake Park, Iowa, has purchased an interest in our bank and that it will shortly be reorganized as a state bank.

Will Koster, who has been learning telegraphy in the depot at this place has been assigned to the position of helper at Rock Rapids, Iowa.

Indian Lake.

Emery Hactor left last Monday for a visit with relatives in Allamakee County, Iowa.

The Misses Adelia Ahlstrom and Ada Hactor left last Monday for their home at Elon, Iowa.

Martin Langseth who has been seriously ill for a few days last week is well enough to be considered out of danger.

P.a. Johnson, A.G. Anderson and A.A. Abbott were among those who marketed fat cattle last week.

C.R. and Walter Saxon delivered a carload of hogs at Worthington last Wednesday getting the fancy price $5.25.


Attorney E.J. Jones was over from Worthington on legal business Friday.

Transfer was made last Saturday in which Mrs. Clara B. Swanman becomes full owner of the store formerly owned in company with Mrs. Inga Nelson.

Mr. Shippy who was quite sick is again able to attend to duties at the Peterson bakery.

Louis Johnson of Lismore transacted business in Adrian Monday.

Mr. Bratager, the Lismore merchant, was in Adrian on business Monday.

Mrs. Clara B. Swanman intends to move her stock and fixtures into the Gullick Building about March 1st.

Lou Mohl, of Sioux City, was an Adrian caller Tuesday.

Miss Lena Hanson, whose home is south of Adrian, died at a St. Paul hospital Tuesday morning of consumption. The body will be brought here for interment.

The bans for the marriages of James Brazel and Miss Grace Hallisey, and Fredrick Eich and Julia Walles were announced in the St. Adrian church Sunday.

Mrs. John Graves, of Watertown, South Dakota, visited Mrs. A.G. Lindgren Monday.

Mrs. Cady and daughter of Magnolia visited the Boyce family here Monday.

Rev. Hanson conducted services in Round Lake last week.

Ole Hanson of Magnolia visited friends in Adrian Saturday.

L.H. Mulhall of Sioux City was in Adrian Saturday.

F.J. Nelson went to Crookston, Minn, Monday to visit relatives.

Andrew Johnson and Sam Iverson went to Round Lake Monday.

Misses Ruth Cooper, Ida Roll, Iva Grapes and Messrs Everett Mohl and Renard Becker attended a dance in Worthington Friday, all report a good time.

John Engbart went to Racine, Wis., Saturday to attend the funeral of his father.

Chas Stroemer returned Saturday to his home in Norway, Iowa, after a weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Becker.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Kellen went to Lemars, Iowa to attend the funeral of a relative, Monday.

Henry Roll of Ellsworth Sundayed in Adrian.

Alva Grapes, Ed Grapes and O T Reesec went to Chicago Saturday with a couple carloads of horses, belonging to D Weinberg & Co.

Mrs Campbell and daughter Mrs Marr visited Supt. and Mrs. Abbott in Worthington Friday.

Timothy Haid is confined to home with a severe cold.

Nick Lenz has gone to Canada to join his brothers Mike and Tom, who have taken homesteads there, and will make his home with them.

Attorney E.J. Jones was over from Worthington the early part of last week looking after business matters.

Mrs. M. Wolles was a Worthington visitor on Tuesday of last week.

Miss Mildred Jones was the guest of Worthington relatives the early part of last week.


The firm of Metter and Milliards dissolved partnership last week.

Sheriff Fauskee was in the village on official business last week.

S.M. Sorem has traded his land in Clay county, Iowa, for a quarter section of land in Ransom township.

William Cosgrove, who has been visiting relatives here for several weeks past, has returned to his duties as night operator for the C. and G.W. railroad at Esmond, Ill.

Mrs. Abbie Lord, who dislocated her left elbow last December, had the misfortune to again dislocate the same joint one day last week. The injured member has been treated by Worthington physicians and it is hoped she will soon recover complete use of the arm.

Earl Sowers is now night operator for the Omaha at Windom, having been transferred from this place last week.


Jay Wolven, of Worthington, visited several days the past week with friends in Rushmore.

Miss Mary Damon of Worthington came over Friday last for a short visit, and while here assisted in the musical program given at the National Guard Social.

Louis Bassett came down from St Anthony Park Wednesday, making a short business stop.

Wm Parry, living south of Rushmore, shipped two cars of stock Tuesday to Chicago. Mr Parry is becoming one of the largest feeders and buyers of cattle in the county.

J W Royer returned Tuesday from Chicago, having marketed two cars of fat cattle of his own feeding. Nobles county is beginning to see that the money is in the stock not in the grain and elevator business.

The auction sale of Thos Walsh, living two miles south east of Rushmore, held Tuesday, was well attended and goods were well sold. Milch cows ranged in price from $28 to $30. Mr Walsh expects to leave soon for Traverse County, where he has a farm.


Mr. and Mrs. M. Reiter entertained a number of friends at their farm home north of town a week ago Saturday, the occasion being the fifteenth anniversary of their marriage.

N.H. Peterson last week sold his 160 acre farm west of town to John Wagner, the consideration being $8000.00. We understand that Mr. Peterson expects shortly to move to Washington.

John Neyens has removed to Louisville, Kentucky, departing for that place on Monday of last week.

Mrs. James Burke, who has been at the Luverne hospital for some time has been taken to St. Paul for treatment.

Alex Wright who formerly resided east of this place, came down from White, S.D., last week, to visit among his old neighbors and friends.

J H Bryden and Son are making the people, especially the farmers believe spring is here. They received a car of spring implements have set same up and already made several sales. But a short time before the seed will begin to be sown.

Walter Barron is in a critical condition the cause being pneumonia. A few days ago Mr Barron fell from the haymow striking on the shovel of a scoop handle. The bruise was very painful but he thought nothing farther of it until two days ago when the serious lung trouble set in and now the fever is taking its course. It is hoped by all that there will be a speedy recovery.

C E Boddy is proud of the fact that a pen of his Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerels were awarded first prize in the poultry show recently held at Minneapolis.

Mr. and Mrs. T.H. Prideaux were recent visitors with the parents of Mr. P., at Worthington.

J.W. Royer recently shipped two car loads of hogs, all of his own raising, to Chicago. He is one of the largest stock feeders in this part of the country.

Burr Ludlow and wife were guests of Worthington relatives several days last week.

H.C. Hanson, of Worthington, visited relatives and friends in our village one day last week.

E A Burdick of Fairmont, Minn, was in Rushmore Tuesday and has made plans for erecting an excellent barn on his farm now occupied by Jos Frey. The farm will be occupied next year by Rudolph Manning. Better buildings is what the country needs. Such improvements are noticed.


Miss Elizabeth Homan of Luverne visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Homan in Lismore over Sunday.

Frank Kohn visited relatives in Primghar Iowa Friday.

Joe Dries, of Ashton, Iowa, visited Peter Lenz here Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Ader returned Thursday from a busines trip to Breckenridge this state.

Mrs. C.B. Swanman leaves tonight for the twin cities to buy new goods for the millinery and furnishing store.


Henry Apel was in from Elk township last Friday.

C.F. Martin of Elk township had business in Worthington last Friday.

Mrs. Barton of Spafford did shopping in Worthington last Saturday.

Ole Ellingson of Indian Lake was in the city Saturday on a trading trip.

P.E. Erickson of Reading transacted business at the county capital Saturday.

W.A. Barton, of Spafford was in Worthington last Saturday on a trading trip.

E.L. Dougherty, one of the substantial and progressive farmers of Dewald, was a caller last Saturday.

F.R. Geyerman, the Brewster merchant, was in the city Monday on a visit to his brother, Dr. Geyerman.

Nels M. Langseth, a prominent and well to do farmer of Indian Lake township, was a pleasant caller last Saturday.

S.J. Anderson, a prominent farmer and official of Elk township, was in the city last Saturday on business.

Ben Voss, of Elk, brought his 13 year old boy to Worthington one day last week for treatment for a fractured leg.

Geo. D. Dayton came down from Minneapolis Tuesday night and remained over Wednesday to look after business matters.

Miss Mabel Shell, of Sheldon, Iowa, was here last week on a visit at the homes of her uncle, Senator Shell, and her cousin, Lee Shell.

Druggist R.L. Morland has been at Minneapolis this week, attending a meeting of the State Board of Pharmacy, of which he is president.

John Hacken and Ole Sorem of Bigelow were injured in a runaway last Friday. Mr. Hacken had an elbow crushed and Mr. Sorem sustained a fracture of the skull.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Fixmer of Reading were in the city last Saturday doing trading and transacting other business. They have retired from farming and now reside in the village of Reading.

E.D. Elafson, who has spent a month here visiting his mother and sister and numerous friends, left on Tuesday for his home at Panoka, Canada. He was accompanied by Ole Landberg, who goes there to wind up the estate of his brother, who died there recently.

Harry Lear visited at Sioux Falls last Friday and Saturday.

E.C. Pannell made a business trip to Lake Park last Saturday.

John Sahlberg was in from the town of Worthington Wednesday.

A.G. Fink of Worthington township was in the city Friday on a trading trip.

G.H. McGinty, of Heron Lake, was a Worthington visitor last Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Geo. Lear entertained the Euchre club at the Hotel Worthington Monday afternoon.

Frank Winkler, of Heron Lake was a guest of his friend C.B. Fairfield, Sunday afternoon.

Miss Maude Conrad, of our teaching corps, spent Sunday with relatives and friends at Heron Lake.

Sam Swanson has established his carpenter shop in a new building in the corner of Colman's Lumber Co's. yard.

Rev. S.J. Rogers is supplying the congregational church of this village for a few weeks. Services each Lord's day at Maccabee Hall morning and evening.

C.L. Maxwell, the elevator man, has erected a new building adjoining his elevator, in which he will install a feed mill as soon as the machinery arrives.

J. Amandus Anderson and family arrived last week from Omaha, and has rented the old Luehrs farm, from Albinson and Boberg, which he will operate the coming two years.

Mrs. G.E. Brown of Denver, Col., was here the first of the week to close up a deal for the sale of her building occupied by the Moses hardware store. She returned to Denver Monday night.

N. Moberg, of Bigelow, was in the city Monday arranging for advertising matter for an auction to be held at his place Feb. 20th. For full particulars regarding the auction see his adv. elsewhere.

R.H. Dieckhoff was in the city the latter part of last week for a visit with his family. Mr. Dieckhoff was formerly engaged in the hardware business here, but is now on the road for the manufactures of the Quick Meal range and reports a fine business.

W.H. Buchhan, of Worthington, who is the electrical engineer at that place, passed through here Saturday enroute for Ash Creek, where he spent Sunday at the home of a brother-in-law, I.W. Brown. On his return he stopped off here between trains and called at the power house while in town. -Luverne Journal.

J.E. Erickson will hold an auction on February 15th, at his farm on Section 14 in the town of Bigelow, five miles southwest of Worthington, where he will dispose of 5 horses, 11 head of cattle and a lot of farm machinery. Usual terms. Sale begins at 10 a.m.

Rev. W.H. Knowlton, came down from St. James last Sunday afternoon to hold service in St. John's Episcopal church in the evening. Mr. Knowlton announced that he will in the future hold two services a month here. The Bishop's visit for confirmation was announced for March 18th.

Druggist F.M. Hickman received the sad intelligence by telephone on Monday evening that his father had just died at his home in Red Wing, this state. The old gentleman had been in his usual health until Monday noon, when he ate an unusually hearty meal. This did not seem to agree with him, and he failed rapidly until death ensued, about 6 o'clock. Mr. Hickman left for Red Wing Monday night to attend the funeral.

H.A. Eversole of Elk Township was a caller Tuesday.

C W Fredrickson of Slayton was a Worthington visitor Tuesday.

Mrs. Hattie Bassett of Rushmore was a visitor in the city Wednesday.

John E Faragher of Adrian transacted business at the county seat Tuesday.

Herman Haack of Sibley was in Worthington Wednesday on legal business.

Burney Becker and Archie Scott of Adrian were Worthington visitors Wednesday.

Fred Mohl, the Adrian nursery man, was in the city the first of the week on business.

L B Bassett from the Agricultural school, at St Paul was in the city on business, Wednesday.

The ladies Mite society of the M.E. church met with Mrs. E J Helmick Thursday afternoon.

Julius Palm is building a new residence of large dimensions on the corner of tenth street and sixth avenue.

John E Peterson, a pioneer of Bigelow township, transacted business at the county capitol. He made the Advance office a pleasant call.

Miss Mattie Hastings, who is employed in the First National Bank of Adrian,  was called home Saturday by the serious illness of her mother.

A basket social will be given at the school house in District No 16, Friday evening, February 16th. All are cordially invited. Clara Main, Teacher.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Anderson, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Borst, departed on Monday for a trip into Arkansas. They went by the way of Chicago and expect to be absent about ten days.

Born - To Mr. and Mrs. John Bass, one day last week, a son.

T K Olson of Jackson county was in the city Wednesday on business.

Herman Timm of Lake Park was a business visitor in Worthington Tuesday.

F L Humiston left Saturday for South Dakota on business connected with a land deal.

Mrs. H C Franck took their little son to Sioux Falls on Wednesday to have his eyes treated.

Geo Monsen, a Lismore business man, passed through town Monday on his way home from a visit in Iowa.

Supervisor W C Reshaw of Dewald was in the city Tuesday, having business before the county commissioners.

Gus Mecklenburg held his auction sale Wednesday, and it was one of the largest in the matter of attendance held for a long time.

Supervisors Nichols Kain and H W Shore of Ransom appeared before the county commissioners Tuesday in the matter of county ditch No 7.

Adam Olson of Org was in the city Tuesday on business before the county commissioners.

Everett Mohl, of Adrian, passed through Worthington last Saturday on his way home from a visit down in Iowa.

Mrs G E Brown of Denver this week disposed of her business block, occupied by the Moses hardware store, to J D and W I Humiston.

Mrs Wm Devaney gave an at home Wednesday afternoon to about a dozen of her lady friends. A very pleasant afternoon was spent.

Elmer Carlson, who drives the delivery wagon for Goff and Gibson, met with a painful accident Tuesday afternoon while trying to load a cake of ice on his wagon at the lake. He slipped and fell backward, and the cake of ice dropped off the wagon and struck his arm above the elbow, crushing the member. He is now carrying it in a sling.

Mrs Wm Devaney is visiting at Bigelow today.

E V Voak made a trip to Heron Lake Wednesday on business.

Geo. Fullweiler of Round Lake was a business visitor Tuesday.

C F Modiset of Bigelow had business at the county seat Tuesday.

Mrs J P Biltgen, who is in California, writes that she will return to Worthington in about a month.

Maj B F Thurber of Wilmont came down Wednesday to attend the funeral of his sister-in-law, Miss Bear, which was held yesterday.

Mrs Geo Weidman gave a birthday party Thursday afternoon in honor of the 6th birthday of her daughter Ursula. A large company of young folks were present and enjoyed themselves immensely.

Names of Those Who Will Serve on the Petit Jury.

Below is a list of names of the Petit Jurors drawn on Monday, Jan. 29th, to serve at teh February term of district court, which convenes on the 19th.
Ole Langseth... Indian Lake Twp
George Hoffmeister...Lorain Twp
O W Berreau...Hersey Twp
I S Swan...Kinbrae Village
Fred Schmitz...Wilmont Twp
John Bathon...Bloom Twp
A R Beilke...Summit Lake Twp
Guy C Fellows...Elk Twp
George Hacker...Elk Twp
Henry Klessig...Ransom Twp
Anton Grode...Little Rock Twp
Al Faragher...Grand Prairie Twp
Rudolph Lenz...Grand Prairie Twp
Wm Hitchens...Adrian Village
Frank Prideaux...Adrian Village
A M Feathers...Larkin Twp
Ferdinand Lenz...Westside Twp
Frank Brown...Lismore Twp
Wm Boettcher...Lismore Twp
N H Cook...Leota Twp
James Greig...Olney Twp
John Herber...Olney Twp
Victor Anderson...Worthington Vll
C C Dessem... Worthington  Vill.
Grand jurors have not yet been drawn.

Real Estate Transfers for the Month of January.

Sophia S Owen to Mary A Cox, lot 18, blk 15 Adrian, consideration...$1050.

W H Bedford to Barbara Glovka, nw 1/4, sec 12, T104 R43...$4500.

K G Kaips to Robert Sell, s 1/2, sw 1/4, 25-104-53...$3600.

Bert Van Rockel to State Bank Lismore e 1/2, nw 1/4, 14-101 -34...$2566.

S H McMaster to Chas Hunt, und 1/2 lot 9 and 10, blk E, Kinbrae...$400.

J D Humiston to W I Humiston, und 1/2 nw 1/4, 20-102-39, and und 1/2 lots 1 and 2, and ne 1/4 nw 1/4 and w 1/3 nw 1/4, 16-101-40...$6577.

W I Humiston to J D Humiston, und 1/2 of s 1/2, 31-102-39 and und 1/2 of 96.64 a sw 1/4, 6-102-39...$7285.40.

Henry Hintz to Edw A Muhs, se 1/4 se 1/4 and lot 1, 2, 3, sec 4-101-39...$9200.

Wilmont Town lot Co to L A Sahlstrom, lot 13, blk 18, 1st Ry ad village of Wilmont...$125.

R B Beeson to Peter D Van Horsen, fr sw 1/4, 6-103-41...$3751.50.

W L Clement to Dan Shell se 1/4, 1-101-41...$1.00

Moses K Backman to U Konnegeisr, ne 1/4, 17-102-41...$4000.

Wilber McDonald to G E Brown, lot 4, blk 8, Worthington...$1.00.

Etta M Johnson to Celia King, lots 1, 2, 13, 14 blk 1, Org...$500.

Wm Thom to Anilt Lupkes, se 1/4, 1-102-42...$5660.

Ernest Eastman to E A Post, s 1/2 nw 1/4, 25-104-40...$1050.

G W Snow to Luella C Lawton, lots 8 and 9, blk 5, Vil Bigelow...$700.

E J Jones, trustee for J E Darling in bankruptcy, to H Roll, lots 2 and 3, blk 44, lots, 5, 6, and 7 blk 16, e 1/2 nw 1/4 sec 18-103-39, lot 5 blk 1, Paulsons add to Vil of Worthington...$4510.

Bank of Canby to G W Allen w1/2 se1/4 and w1/2, sec 11-104-39 and lots 1, 2, 25, 26, Blk A, Kinbrae...$2000.

A S Meacham to Fuller Johnson Mfg Co, 2/3a ne1/4, 1-102-43...$200.

Luella C Lawton to M J Hubbard, lots 9 and 19, blk 5, Bigelow...$1000.

Friday, February 16, 1906

Masonic Blowout.

The Royal Arch Masons held an interesting session last evening when the Royal Arch degree was conferred on a class of three candidates. The ceremonies were followed by a banquet. Among the distinguished out of town Masons in attendance were: Chas. Babcock of Beaver Dam, Wis., Fred bloom of Woodstock, Grand High Priest, of the State Chapter, I.N. Hart of Pipestone, Past Grand High Priest.

Drank Stock Medicine.

While Mrs. Jens Christenson was cleaning the pantry last Friday her little 2 year old son Arthur got hold of a bottle of lump jaw medicine and drank part of it. Mrs. Christenson's attention was attracted by the little fellows distress and immediately caused him to vomit by putting her finger down his throat, and applied such other remedies as were at hand. Medical assistance was summoned and the little fellow brought out danger though he was very sick for a few days.

Wisconsin Pioneer Passes Away.

Register of Deeds H. Hawley returned from Hammond, Wisconsin, Wednesday, where he was called last week to attend the funeral of his father, W.C. Hawley, who died last Friday from pneumonia aged 71 years. Mr. Hawley was a pioneer of Hammond township, St. Croix county, having settled there in 1860. He was well known and highly esteemed by those who knew him. He leaves a wife and two sons.

Breaks Arm.

Last Monday afternoon W.G. Ramage, our popular drayman, tempted fate by essaying to enjoy himself for a few moments on roller skates. It was twenty years since he had indulged in the fascinating sport, and in an unguarded moment the skates sought to run away, and precipitated him to the floor with such force that he broke both bones in his left arm just above the wrist. the fracture was promptly attended to and he is now carrying his arm in a sling and will do his roller skating by proxy, for a while at least.

Small Calendar For The February Term Of The District Court.

Unless something develops between now and the opening of the February term of the District Court no grand jury will be summoned. This will be the first time in many years that this body has failed to convene in Nobles county.

At the October term of Court a special grand jury was summoned near the end of the session to investigate a case that came up during the sitting of the court.

The calendar at this term consists of the following civil cases.

Civil Calendar - Jury Cases.

Henry Agne vs Douglas Elevator Co. To recover on landlord's lien.

Lewis H. Mulhall vs Patrick Collinan. For accounting.

Martha E. Davis vs August Johnson. To recover for services as nurse.

Dieckhoff Bros vs Bernard Voss. To recover account.

State of Minnesota vs Armond Joche. Bastardy.

J.J. Parsons vs George W. Wilson. To recover money lost gaming.

Arnold Fischenich vs F.R. Pielhop et al. To recover on landlord's lien.

H.S. Greig et al, vs Carl Mortwedt et al. to recover on lien.

L.D. Kight [Knight?] et al vs N.H. Austin. To recover on partnership account.

Edwin J. Wolven vs Peter Ryan. To recover on landlord's lien.

Stelle S. Smith vs Newton Fauskee. In conversion.

Industrial Chemical Institute vs Consumers Brewing Company. To recover on account.

Ben Voss vs Sievert Poppen. To recover rent.

Civil Calendar - Court Cases.

Marie C. Dierks vs Frederick Dierks. Divorce.

Charles Liden vs Eva Charlotte Liden. Divorce.

Cornelius Grandia vs Newton Fauskee. Appeal from justice court.

In the matter of the Estate of Peter Lenz, deceased, appealed from Probate Court.

Sadie Wagner vs Charles A. Wagner. Divorce.

Victor Anderson vs Hubbard & Palmer Company. To recover on thresher's lien.

Louis P. Crevier vs Joseph E. Thwing et ux. To recover commission on sale of real estate.

Thomas B. Dewees vs Daniel Gerber et al. Forclosure proceedings.

Criminal Calendar.

State of Minnesota vs Charles Merkle. Murder.

State of Minnesota vs John Adams. 3 cases.

State of Minnesota vs August Paulson. Appeal from Justice court.

Michael Hickman Dies of Heart Disease at His Home on Eighth Street.

Michael Hickman, one of the pioneers of Red Wing, died of heart disease at his home on Eighth street last evening, being in his 78th year. He was suddenly taken ill shortly after one o'clock, his condition rapidly growing worse until he breathed his last at 6:19 o'clock. Death was as sudden as it was unexpected.

Mr. Hickman was born in Alsace, France, Sept. 5, 1828. His parents emigrated to the United States in his infancy, locating in Erie county, N.Y. There were eight boys in the family, all of whom attained manhood and prospered. In his youth Mr. Hickman followed various vocations. In 1855 he went into business in Painesville, Ohio, but shortly after returned to his New York home. About this time the growing fame of Minnesota reached him, and he decided to cast his fortunes with the then rapidly filling territory, arriving in Red Wing April 15, 1856. He has consequently resided here only a few months short of half a century.

Mr. Hickman has been identified with various business enterprises in this city, the last of which was the Commercial hotel, from which he retired in 1888. He was the owner at one time and another of a good deal of property, and he has added not a few buildings to the city.

In his younger days he was one of Red Wing's progressive citizens and has always had the confidence and respect of all.

Mr. Hickman married Sophia Wallauer Aug. 9, 1857. His wife and three children and two brothers survive him. The children are Mrs. Geo. C. Wellner and Mrs. John Hartnagel of this city and Frank M. Hickman of Worthington, Minn. --Red Wing Republican.


Norman Enger has bought the Schaeffer cottage in the west part of town and will occupy same in about a month.

Mrs. M.E. Carrigan entertained her lady friends at her home Thursday afternoon. The time was spent playing cards.

The Eastern Star initiated Miss Winifred Jones into their order Wednesday night.

Dr. A. Rice and M.E. Carrigan were Ellsworth callers Wednesday.

Local News

Arthur Boddy was in from Elk last Saturday.

H.R. Veeder, a prominent farmer of Loraine township, was a pleasant caller last Saturday.



The funeral of Miss Lena Hanson took place from the home of C.C. Hanson Monday at 2 o'clock p.m. Rev. Rogver of Luverne officiating.

21 below zero was reported Friday morning and 25 below Saturday.

Rev. H.Z. Hvib of Luverne stopped off here to call on relatives on his way home from Chicago Friday, after a months visit with a sister there.

J. Myllo canvassed our city Saturday in the interest of H.E. Bucklen Co. and Their, "Kings New Discovery."

Mrs. C.B. Swanman departed Friday night for the Twin Cities to get the latest in millinery and also to purchase new goods for the spring opening.

Rev. Hanson returned from Round Lake Friday.

Dr. Thompson accompanied a carload of horses to Chicago Friday.

Miss Lottie Grapes is in charge of Mrs. Swanman's store during the latters absence in the cities.

Mrs. Nutting of Luverne made a business call in Adrian Saturday.

Postmaster McKinzie left a week ago Tuesday for Louisiana to look after his large lumber interests there.

Miss Herman of Worthington visited with Adrian friends Saturday.

Mrs. M. Pietz returned Thursday from a visit with relatives in Winona and Wabasha counties, Minn.

Professor Louis Anderson gave a splendid lecture on Abraham Lincoln at the M.E. church last Sunday morning.

Lou Engen of Lismore township transacted business in Adrian Monday.

Nels Stangeland of Lismore was in our city Monday.

Miss Alva Marr departed Friday night for St. Paul for a 3 weeks stay to obtain the latest in the art of hat decorating.

Miss Louise Halverson of Lismore called on Adrian friends Monday.

Timothy Hvid who has been on the sick list for the past week is again in his usual place at the big store.

T.J. Farkenbrock of Lismore transacted business in Adrian Tuesday.

Mr. Bratager of Lismore took the initiative degree in Odd Fellowship at Adrian Tuesday night. The Wilmont delegation handled the goat to perfection. Mr. Bratager still survives, however, at this writing. Refreshments were served at the usual hour.


Prof. Hicks seems to be giving us quite a spell of weather just now.

Misses Anna and Rosie Pigman came up from Round Lake Friday afternoon to spend Sunday with their parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Buel Pope and Mr. and Mrs. Lilo Pope of Triumph have been visiting their sister Mrs. Hattie L. Barton this week.

A number from here attended Miss Fannie Hendrick's social last Saturday night. A good time was reported.

J.A. Spafford has been filling his ice house with frozen water from Round Lake this week.

A number of the young people spent a very pleasant evening last Thursday at the home of Chris Larson.

Last Monday a large number of friends gave Mrs. H.L. Barton and Grandma Barton a farewell surprise, there being over 60 present. In the evening the young people gathered to the number of forty five or more and spent the time until the wee small hours of the morning in games etc.

Chas Gehrke and Mrs. Cordes each had the misfortune to lose a horse last week as the result of being kicked by another horse.

Indian Lake.

Rev. Oberg is expected Friday to take charge of the Baptist church.

Emil Larson and family are expected this week from Kenosha, Wis., to take charge of the George Johnson farm, Section 32.

Miss Esther Peterson spent Sunday with friends in Worthington.

Albert Olund arrived from Minneapolis last Saturday for a few weeks, having recently had a slight touch of typhoid fever.


Misses Pearl Luehrs and Rose Sather went down from Reading on Saturday to spend Sunday with their parents in Worthington.

Miss Della Eikenberry who is here visiting from Greene, Iowa, visited this week with the Misses Schulz.

Robt. Free returned last Wednesday from Sanborne, Iowa, after a pleasant visit with relatives and friends.

Frank Williams and wife spent Sunday with Paul Schulz and family.

Quite a few from this vicinity attended the mask social at the Fitzgerald school house, given by Fannie Hendricks and all report a good time.

Rev. J.J. Filburn left on Saturday for Ireton, to fill the appointment at that place on Sunday.

Peter Brubaker from Minneapolis was here on a business trip last week.

Ralph Eikenberry and family spent Sunday with his brother Maurice of this vicinity.

Russel Fowler has been suffering with a bad cold the past week.

H.C. Robbins is visiting with relatives in Iowa.

Mr. Wade and family moved from Wilmont on the old Schunhoven place in our neighborhood.

Mrs. John Deihl of Reading had the misfortune of falling the first of the week and spraining her ankle.

Mrs. Chas Sundberg and daughter Selma visited at the home of Joshua Schechter one day last week.

Misses Della Eikenberry, Emma and Lelsa Schulz were Reading visitors Monday.


Jas. Harrington returned on Thursday from a trip into Iowa.

Alfred Shelquist drove to the county seat on business Thursday.

Local News.

E.J. Helmick spent last Sunday here with his family.

P.H. Brown and wife visited relatives at Bigelow, Sunday.

E.L. Nance made a business trip to Sioux City the first of the week.

G.C. Cowin of Reading was a business visitor in Worthington last Saturday.

John Metters a prominent business man of Bigelow, died last Friday from a stroke of appoplexy.

A.M. Renner, local manager for the Western Implement Co., spent Sunday with friends at Heron Lake.

Miss Minnie Ecklund was called to Chicago the latter part of last week by the serious sickness of a sister.

Miss Minnie Gray, who has been a guest at the P.H. Brown home departed for her home at Bigelow, Sunday afternoon.

Engineer Carl Bishop, of the Omaha, was called to St. Paul the early part of the week by the serious sickness of relatives.

Rev. G.M. Bailey last week closed a series of religious meetings at Org. At the close of the meetings a large bible class was organized.

Miss flora Hoban entertained a number of her young friends at a Lincoln party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hogan, Monday afternoon.

There was a most enjoyable surprise party at the home of P. Martin, Monday evening. Mrs. Martin was the victim, but the self invited guests were royally entertained.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dean entertained the Epworth league last Monday evening. After a short business session the balance of the evening was spent in a social way. Flinch was the principal amusement.

D.F. McCarvel of Slayton was a guest at the home of Pat Martin one day last week. Mr. McCarvel  was on his way home from Iowa, where he had attended the funeral of a relative.

Mrs. Hawley, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Dodge, went to St. Paul last Saturday.


Will Durner of Lake Park was in the city Tuesday.

L.C. Harris of Valley Springs was a Worthington visitor Tuesday.

John Shanahan returned Monday from a business trip to Chicago and points in Iowa.

Mrs. J. Marty of Edgerton is here this week the guest of her mother Mrs. T. Klasey.

Miss Nell Plotts is employed in Miss Fahy's millinery store during the latters absence.

J.C. McManus of Sibley has accepted the night clerkship at the Worthington hotel.

Harry Lear and Lee Forbes made a trip to Sioux Falls on Saturday last returning home Monday.

Dr. H.M. Marks and bride of Sioux Falls were guests at the Worthington hotel last Sunday.

Ernest Sterling returned last week from a visit to the Twin cities, and has resumed his place in Latta's store.

Luther Babcock, who had held a position as night clerk at the Worthington Hotel for some months, returned to his home at Spencer, Ia., last week.

A.W. Schweppe of St. James, president of the Worthington Creamery Co., was in the city the latter part of last week looking after his business interests here.

Miss M.J. Fahy went to St. Paul on Monday to spend a couple of weeks to study the new styles in spring millinery. She will bring home a large stock for the spring trade.

Senator Daniel Shell went to Minneapolis last Saturday for a short visit. On Monday evening he attended the Hamony Dinner given at the West Hotel by the Republican Club of Hennepin county.

W.C. Wyatt will hold a public sale at his farm three miles south of Org on Monday Feb. 19th, in which he offers all his personal property at your own price; 14 sows, 14 calves, 34 two year old steers, 50 hogs and all kinds of horses and a full outfit of farm machinery. Mr. Wyatt has rented his farm and will move back to Bigelow.

"Jet" Smallwood was at home from the State University over Sunday.

John Pepple of St. James was the guest of his parents the first of the week.

Miss Luella Hansberger has gone to Minneapolis for a months to visit friends.

Ray C. Wise of Council Bluffs was here Saturday and Sunday visiting friends.

Carl Toren, a prominent farmer of Hersey, transacted business in Worthington last Saturday.

Misses Frear and Conrad of our corps of teachers were Heron Lake visitors Saturday until Monday.

C.A. Cedarblade of Seward township came in yesterday to pay his taxes and transact other business.

Alfred Shelquist, a prominent farmer living near Wilmont, had business at the county seat yesterday.

We learn that Bert Thurber of this place is sick at Asbury hospital, Minneapolis, suffering from an attack of typhoid fever.

E.J. Wolven received a telegram yesterday announcing the sudden death of his father at Pecatonica, Ill. He left for that place at once.

P.H. Brown was up from Corwith, Iowa, over Sunday, just to get acquainted with his family. He returned to Iowa the early part of the week.

John Boberg, of the Albinson-Boberg Lumber Co., left Wednesday on a trip to the Pacific coast, where he will spend a couple of months looking after property interests.

H.E. Bunger of Hardwick was in Worthington on business Tuesday.

A.F. Dean, a prominent business man of Round Lake, was at the county capital on business yesterday.

The Los Angeles News of a recent date contains an account of a birthday surprise party given Perry Miller on the occasion of his 21st birthday. Perry is a son of A.P. Miller, the founder of the Advance, and was born in this city.

Engineer T.F. Sheeley, who runs on the Sioux Falls branch of the Omaha was called to Sioux City, Friday by a telegram announcing the death of his aged father. He has the sympathy of many friends in the affliction that has come to him.

Miss Edna Klasey has been on the sick list the past week.

John Flynn made a trip to Ellsworth Saturday on legal business.

N. Assett of Rushmore was the guest of friends in this city, Monday.

Paul Benson, of Heron Lake, was the guest of Worthington friends Tuesday.

G.W. Patterson last week sold nine thoroughbred Percheron stallions to a horse dealer at Albert Lea.

The Five Hundred club was entertained by Mrs. E. Stanton last Friday evening. Refreshments were served.

Mrs. Chas Jones of Ponca, Neb., is here on a visit at the homes of her sisters, Mrs. Jas. Gibson and Mrs. E.L. Nance.

Charlie Won, the laundryman, returned last Saturday from a sojourn at Hot Springs, Ark. He is much improved in health.

Vern Hayden was at Minneapolis last week taking an examination before the State Board of Pharmacy, and is now a full fledged pill mixer.

Last Saturday afternoon Mrs. J.S. Kies entertained a number of ladies at a Thimble Bee. Light refreshments were served and a very entertaining afternoon reported by those present.

The family of Peter Heinl who had been under quarantine for small pox for a month were set free last Monday by the raising of the quarantine. A daughter of Mrs. Heinl had contracted the disease. The health authorities are to be commended for their prompt and effective measure in this case which prevented the spread of the disease.

Friday, February 23, 1906

Convened on Tuesday. Short Calender of Unimportant Cases.
Term Will be Short as Many Cases are Dismissed or Continued.

The February term of the District Court convened on Tuesday with Judge P.E. Brown on the bench and the other officers of the court in their respective places. The following jurymen answered roll call:
Ole Langseth...Indian Lake Twp
George Hoffmenister...Lorain Twp
O W Berreau...Hersey Twp
I S Swan...Kinbrae Village
Fred Schmitz...Wilmont Twp
John Bathern...Bloom Twp
A R Beilke...Summit Lake Twp
Guy C Fellows...Elk Twp
George Hacker...Elk Twp
Henry Klessig...Ransom Twp
Anton Grote...Little Rock Twp
Al Faragher...Grand Prairie Twp
Rudolph Lenz...Grand Prairie Twp
Wm Hitchins...Adrian Village
Frank Prideaux...Adrian Village
A M Feathers...Larkin Twp
Ferdinand Lenz...Westside Twp
Frank Brown...Lismore Twp
Wm Boetcher...Lismore Twp
N H Cook...Leota Twp
John Heiber...Olney Twp
Victor Anderson...Worthington Vill
C C Dessem...Worthington Vill

Up to 5 p.m. Thursday only two jury cases had been disposed of. They were that of L.M. Mulhall vs Patrick Cullinan, in which the jury, at this writing, is still out; and that of Dieckhoff Bros. vs Bernard Voss. In the latter the jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff in the sum of $150.41.

The following other cases have been disposed of in the manner noted:

Henry Agne vs Douglas Elevator Co., continued.

J.J. Parsons vs Geo. Wilson, dismissed.

L.D. Knight vs N.H. Austin, dismissed.

Industrial Chemical Co., vs Consumers Brewing Co., continued.

Chas. Liden vs Eva C. Liden, continued.

Victor Anderson vs Hubbard and Palmer Co., demurrer to complaint sustained.

State vs Chas. Merkel, for murder, continued.

The three criminal cases against John Adams were dismissed.

State vs Aug. Paulson, on appeal from justice court; judgment of lower court affirmed and defendant paid fine and costs.


On Tuesday, February 20th, Justice C.W.W. Dow united in marriage Mr. James Brown, of Dickinson county, Iowa, and Miss Edith Holbrook of this county. Immediately after the wedding the young people departed for their future home in Dickinson county where Mr. Brown is a successful farmer.

Arrested For Assault.

Monday Sheriff Fauskee arrested Peter Ryan, upon charge of assault upon one Fred Kesten, of Worthington township. The prisoner was arraigned before Justice Dow and entered a plea of not guilty, giving bonds for appearance for a hearing March 12th.

On Tuesday Scott Johnson was arrested and arraigned before Justice Dow, charged with an assault upon the person of Mrs. Julia Kesten, of Worthington township. He plead not guilty and gave bonds for appearance for hearing March 12th.

C.M. Crandall, county attorney, appeared for the state in both cases and Geo. W. Wilson & Son for the defendants.


Route One.

William Shanks of Seward township was a pleasant caller at the home of H.D. Pratt one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shanks returned home last Friday after a pleasant weeks visit at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Pratt of Benson, Minn.

Mr. E.E. Fields returned to his home last Monday after visiting relatives and friends here.

Charley Glovke of Wilmont moved into the Mrs. H.D. Pratt's house last Monday.


Mrs. Stangeland of Lismore township has been visiting with her parents and other members of the family here during the past week. She came more particularly to see her brother Ole, who was hurt in a runaway some three weeks ago. Ole is much better, and it is thought he will soon be all right and Ole's many friends are just as pleased to know it as is Ole himself.

Wm. Morgan sold a horse the other day for $140. Mr. Gill the liveryman of Sibley, Iowa, was the buyer.

Invitations are out announcing the marriage on Wednesday of this week of Miss Minnie Ling of Ocheydan, Iowa, and Mr. Louis Comstock of Little Rock, Iowa. Miss Ling has taught several terms of school here in Ransom and her many friends here will be pleased to hear of the happy event and will sincerely wish her all good fortune and happiness in her new relation in life. Miss Ling has many warm friends here in Ransom and she is worthy of them.


Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilkinson of Worthington visited their daughter Mrs. A.E. Little of this town last Sunday.

Charley Schafer of Hersey township was buying hogs in this town last week.

It seems that chicken thieves have been making raids on several hen roosts lately. Ben Voss lost about 20. Mr. Oxford of Seward lost about that number. Anyone that will steal chickens ought to be making twine up at Stillwater.

Born at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Little last week a boy. Call on Albert for the cigars.

Geo. Hacker and G.C. Fellows are attending court this week on the petit jury.

Thos Hagge was circulating a petition last week getting signers for a telephone through this town.

Julia Fellows gave a birthday party last Monday evening to a few of her friends. they all report having a good time.

A valentine party was held last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Apel about 50 invited guests were present. After playing games till about midnight a bountiful oyster supper was served after which the valentines were distributed and the company dispersed, having spent a very pleasant and enjoyable evening.


Orin and George Essman have returned from a trip to Colorado, where they looked over lands. We understand that they did not invest in any real estate although they were well pleased with the country.

C.A. Bird and F.A. Fink transacted business at Rock Rapids, Iowa, one day last week.

Mrs. Robert Hickman and children have returned from an extended visit with relatives at Ashton, Iowa.


Mrs. S.D. Warren went to Blue Earth last Saturday to visit her father and mother for a short time.

Mrs. C. King returned from Reading last Wednesday.

Mrs. Burnham went to Sibley, Iowa, Tuesday for a short visit with friends.

The young peoples bible study class met at H. Mitchell's. This is a good movement and should be helped along.

C. King bought a team of mares from C.F. Motisett last Saturday.

It will soon be time to start your incubator. If you have not got it yet go to C. King and get one that is all O.K. he sells the sure hatch and sells them right.

Henning Grand is busy collecting farm machinery, horses and household furniture preparatory to farming as he has rented the Shell and Mann place now occupied by T. Olson. It looks as though there might be a woman in the case.

Elk Center.

Mrs. Deihl's sister arrived from Iowa last week to make her a visit.

Fannie Henricks who is teaching in Hersey township spent Sunday with her parents in this vicinity.

Geo. Hacker and family returned from points in Illinois one day last week.

Mrs. A.G. Finchk has been suffering from an attack of the grippe.

Miss Nellie Eggleston has been employed by Mrs. Deihl during her illness.

H.J. Ludlow the old reliable nursery man has been in this vicinity selling orchards. A number of the farmers who do not have orchards have invested. When you get an orchard from Mr. Ludlow you can depend you are getting one. We can talk from experience.

Mrs. J. Boberg and Mrs. S. Kall drove out to Elk Center on Sunday to visit their sister Mrs. J. Schechter.

A number of the young people of this vicinity took dinner with Mr. Mark and Miss Venus Eshleman Sunday, and report a very enjoyable time.

The Mission Band of the Brethren church met at the home of Mrs. J.J. Filburn on Thursday. Everybody is cordially invited to attend.

If Charly Cowans comes up missing some of these days you could perhaps find him calling on a seamstress in our locality.

Mrs. J. Deihl of Reading wishes to invite all her lady friends to attend a quilting at her home on Tuesday Feb. 27, also in the evening will be given an oyster supper. Don't forget the date.

Miss Amy Darling spent Sunday with Mr. Hinricks folks.


Sheriff Fauskee was over from the county seat Thursday.

Dr. Gould of Worthington was in Adrian on professional business Thursday.

Frank Prideaux, Wm. Hitchins and Al Faragher left for Worthington Tuesday morning to serve as petit jurors.

Ole Hanson of Magnolia was in Adrian on business Saturday.

James Madden spent Sunday with his family in Adrian.

Attorney E.J. Jones was in Adrian Saturday.

Rev. Johnson from Wisconsin together with the home pastor Rev. Hanson conducted services in the Lutheran church Sunday at 3 o'clock.

Mr. and Mrs. James Flanegan of Omaha Neb., is here visiting with parents and also to attend the Brazel-Hallisey wedding.

Clyde Hyke, of Sioux Falls came over for a couple days visit, Wednesday.

The tourist club was nicely entertained at the home of Mrs. James R. Jones Monday evening.

The citizens band is booked for open air concerts every Friday evening when the weather permits. The boys are doing fine under the able and industrious leadership of Wilson Abbott.

Mr. Abbott, our popular band instructor was voted a salary of $50 per month at the last business meeting.

Wednesday morning at the St. Adrian church occurred the marriage of John Brazel of Mitchell, S.D., to Miss Grace Hallisey of Adrian. Rev. Father Schels officiating. The happy couple left on the 4:18 p.m. train for their future home at Mitchell, S.D. The citizens band gave the couple a fine serenade at their departure as a token of the high esteem in which the bride was held at home. Congratulations and best wishes.

A Great Social Gathering at Spofford.

On Monday last, friends and neighbors from far and near, bringing with them an abundance of choicest provisions and gallons of the finest ice cream gathered at the home of Mrs. W.C. Barton, tendering them a complete and cheerful surprise.

Mrs. Barton was equal to the occasion and her generous nature responded nobly in giving to each and every one a hearty welcome. As friends and neighbors we respectfully regarded the occasion with more than usual interest, since they who once owned it are now about to depart from among us.

In the year 1873, Peter Barton came west with his wife and family from his Wisconsin home and began the building of a home on these sparsely settled prairies. Mr. and Mrs. Barton possessed the characteristics common to the early pioneers viz: that energy of youth, that integrity of purpose, and that in firm and resolute daring to battle against the hardships of pioneer life.

In those days the farming was done almost entirely with oxen, so the settlers labored long and hard to maintain a livelihood; yet so wisely did they plan and so diligently did they devote themselves to the pursuits of farming and stock raising, that they soon surrounded themselves with such evidences of thrift as fertile fields and lowing herds. Mr. Barton suffered as did the other settlers from the grasshopper plague, but like many others obtained ready and convenient relief and support from his herds. He worked on, cheerfully improving his surroundings, planting trees and increasing his fields and herds, but scarcely had he enjoyed the fruits of his industry ere the Master called him to his rest. Mr. Barton was a devoted christian, a kind father and a peace-loving man. We feel assured that he builded well.

The duties of the farm now devolved upon the wife and six children. The manual labor of the farm was now performed by her sons, F.A. and W.C. Barton and they conducted the farming in this way for a space of two years after the father's death, or until the year 1880. Mrs. Barton continued to live upon the old homestead where she now resides, with the exceptions of a visit to Tacoma, Washington for a year and a half and some other visits to Illinois, Wisconsin and South Dakota, she has lived there continually. She has always lived a true christian, and has been a remarkable influence for good both far and near and her peaceful and loving nature has endeared her to the hearts of many until the name, Grandma Barton is spoken with praise and admiration by all who know her.

In the year 1880, W.C. Barton, the younger of the two sons, married Miss Hattie Pope of Martin Co., and located upon the old homestead, began life together. They greatly improved the homestead by planting a beautiful orchard, and other trees for adornment and protection, by adding new and convenient buildings, by adding a large and beautiful herd of sheep, and by increasing their herd of cattle. Mr. Barton believed in raising stock, and was especially given to raising good horses. Mr. and Mrs. Barton prospered in farming the old place and did so well that in a few year they purchased the quarter section adjoining them on the west, thus making them a beautiful half section farm. Mr. W.C. Barton died about five years ago, and his sons have carried on the farming since then under the direction of his son Will. Mr. and Mrs. Barton's family consisted of three sons and two daughters all of whom are at home except Oscar who resides at Zion City. These young people are all highly respected in our community and will be greatly missed in all our social and religious functions. Miss Ethel is a young lady of rare attainments, and her winsome manners have won for her a host of friends. She has presided as church organist for a number of years and certainly filled the position well. Mrs. W.C. Barton is a kind christian woman and her zeal for the advancement of christianity never flagged and in caring for the sick she never wearied, and in and out of the community her conduct stands unimpeachable.

The above is but a fragmentary account of this Godfearing, peace loving home. The event will long be remembered as one of the grandest occasions of its kind yet occurring in the town of Ewington. It was a beautiful expression of good will and sympathy toward these good people, and the tender loving farewells are stamped indellibly upon our minds. These people are going to settle in Zion City, Ill. They have chosen that place as their home because of the excellent religious training and the fine facilities for education found there.

Below are the names of those who attended the party. Mr. and Mrs. abe Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Pope, Mr. and Mrs. B.W. Pope, Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Spafford, Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. John Kallem, Mr. and Mrs. O.P. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Hankin, Mrs. Helen Pigman, Mrs. Emma E. Gehrke, Mrs. Cordes, Mrs. Elizabeth Knuth, Mrs. Andrew Gorrie, Mr. M. Baumann,  Mrs. John Katus, Williard Murphy, Clara Katus, F.A. Spafford, Agnes C. Murphy, Mary Gunther, Susie Barton, Anna Kallem; Martie Barton, Emma Katus, Lena Mittlestadt, Abbe Kallem, Edna Anderson, Will A. Barton, Walter Spafford, Vera Murphy, Irene Smith, Jennie Smith, Lela Murphy, Paul Smith, Ella Kallem, Clarence Smith, Mildred Smith, Rosy Pigman, Orvie Anderson, Hazel Anderson, Gladys Anderson, Arthur Pope, Luman Barton, Ethel M. Barton.


Thomas Ladden, lay down on the railroad tracks near Duluth to sleep off the effects of a spree, and was killed by a passing train.

Local News.

E. Swanson of Reading was in the city on business Friday.

H.B. Keller of Wilmont was a county seat visitor Tuesday.

For sale a few Barred Rock Cockerels. Mrs. J.M. Messer.

H.F. Zimmerman of Wilmont was a business visitor Tuesday.

G.W. Patterson made a business trip to Burlington, Wis., this week.

S.I. Swan of Kinbrae was transacting business at the county capital Monday.

William C. Hawley, Old Resident of Hammond, Wis.

Friday morning, Feb. 9th, this community was stirred to its depth when the sad news was passed around that our much respected citizen William C. Hawley had departed this life.

Only a few of the near by neighbors knew that he was ailing and none realized that he was in a dangerous condition.

He was taken with pneumonia the previous Monday evening but despite the abled medical care of Dr. Boothby and all that kind hands could administer, he passed peacefully away in the presence of his devoted wife and affectionate son, Orastus K.

Word had been sent to his son Harvey at Worthington, Minn., but he arrived just to late to see him alive. Deceased was born in Ashtabula county, Ohio, May 12th, 1835. He went to Waukesha, Wis., in 1857, where he married Hannah M. Moulton in 1860.

During the same year they moved to Hammond and located on a farm three miles northwest of the village where with marked industry and strict economy they prospered.

In 1892 they retired from the farm and moved into the village where they have since resided. While a citizen of the village he has been useful as a member of the council.

He leaves a wife and two sons Harvey, Register of Deeds at Worthington, Minn., and Orastus K., editor and publisher of the Baldwin Bulletin, and a host of friends to mourn for him.

During his forty six years residence in Hammond he won the highest respect of all who became acquainted with him.

He was a man of a quiet disposition, industrious habits, and strong integrity. When he would not say a good word for any one he would say nothing.

The funeral was held Sunday afternoon. After a short service at the home at two o'clock, the remains were bourn to the M.E. church where a large concourse of friends gathered to pay their last respects and listened to a very able and impressive sermon by the pastor Rev. Paul Hull, who took to this text, I John 3:2. "We shall be like him for we shall see him as he is."

Tokens of love in the form of most beautiful flower adorned the casket.

After viewing the remains the funeral cortege wended its way to the cemetery where the remains were at rest, thus closing the earthly career of a noble life.

The funeral was in charge of his old time friend and neighbor C.B. Noris. The pall bearers were: P.C. Anderson, Wm. Monroe, Thos. Wilford, E.C. Anderson, Henry Knipfel, and W.H. Egbert.

Mr. and Mrs. Moulton of Minneapolis, brother of Mrs. Hawley were present. The entire community extends its deepest sympathy to the bereaved ones. -Hammond News.


Roy Smith of Wilmont was in the city on business Monday.

Foster Moore has cream that is cream. Deliveries to order.

Clarence Bass of Round Lake was a business caller here Monday.

N. Moberg of Bigelow township was in on business last Friday.

A.O. Dieson, of St. Paul, made a business trip to this place Friday last.

C. Mullen returned Monday morning from an extended visit in California.

Miss Rose Perry, of Adrian, was the guest of Miss Ethel Dean a day or two last week.

John Sickler of Fairmont is here on a visit at the home of his son-in-law, C.R. Bishop.

Lester Franck who is working on the Doon branch of the Omaha spent Sunday with his parents.

E.J. Palmer, of Renwick, Iowa, arrived here Monday for a visit with his sister, Mrs. I.S. Mishler.

Mr. J.P. Biltgen came home from California Monday morning. She reports a very pleasant time.

Wanted - Man and wife to work on farm for one year. Apply to Wm. Malcolm Rt 1, Bigelow, Minn.

Mrs. H. Anstrom of Bigelow township left last week for a visit with relatives and friends at Boone and DesMoines, Iowa.

There is rejoicing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Little, Elk township, over the advent of a son, who dates from February 15th.

Erick Toren of Bigelow township entertained a party of young people Wednesday of last week. A pleasant time was had by all present.

Lewis Colson, of this township made the Advance a pleasant call Monday. He informs us that he is shortly to remove to Clara city, Minn.

N. Bassett, from near Rushmore, was in this city Thursday of last week on his way to look after his real estate interests in North Dakota.

Rev. Albert Olund of Minneapolis s making an extended visit at the home of H. Nystrom of Bigelow while recuperating after a siege of typhoid fever.

Jas. Selby of Brewster was in the city Monday.

Ben Voss and wife were in from Elk this week on business.

Mrs. F.E. Slaker of St. James visited friends here Tuesday.

C.C. Bird of Ellsworth was a Worthington visitor Monday.

Blackleg has appeared among the cattle of John Hote, in Westside.

W.G. Meyers spent several days in Minneapolis on business this week.

W.A. Lackey prominent Hersey farmer was in the city on business Tuesday.

Mrs. Bassett, of Rushmore, was the guest of Worthington friends, Tuesday.

Harry B. Lewis has a fine display of Naphtha soap in one of his show windows.

Miss Morton, of Rushmore, visited friends at this place Friday and Saturday.

Ben Swarting of Round Lake broke several ribs last Saturday in a fall down stairs.

Otto Berreau, of Brewster, was in town this week, serving as a member of the petit jury.

Dr. Wiedow made a professional trip to Round Lake last Tuesday and again on Wednesday.

Attorney T.J. Knox, of Jackson, transacted business before the District court Thursday.

Mrs. J.B. Tennyson of Adrian was a guest at the home of P.J. Martin over Sunday.

Mrs. J.E. Salstrom of Bigelow was a guest at the home of Wm. Devaney Wednesday.

Richard Burr of Morland, Ia., a few days here this week visiting at the home of P.J. Martin.

Mrs. Carl Meyer, of St. Paul, was the guest of Worthington friends Tuesday, while on her way home from a visit with her parents at Hardwick.

Magnolia Advance: - Mr. and Mrs. Guy Smith drove over from Worthington, Monday, for a brief visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Trowbridge.

Rev. G.A. Cahoon was at Adrian the early part of the week and occupied the pulpit of the M.E. church at that place Monday and Tuesday evenings.

Otto Leabeck broke an arm last Saturday at the roller rink, while skating. The injury was promptly attended to and he will carry his arm in a sling for a few weeks.

Judge P.E. Brown came over from Adrian Monday afternoon to be on hand for the opening of the February term of court Tuesday. The judge has recovered his strength in a large measure and discharges his duties with old time vigor.

The following Worthington people took dinner at the Western Hotel last Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Wilson, J.H. Blume, Will Loveless, E.B. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Gibson, L.H. Franck and family, Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Jones, R.R. Petit, G. Borz, L.L. Johnson.

A.H. Segerstrom the clothier has packed his stock of goods and will ship them to a town in western North Dakota, where he will embark in business. During his stay in Worthington Mr. Segerstrom has acquired a host of friends, who, while regretting his departure, wish him and his estimable wife every success in their new home.

Mrs. J.P. Biltgen made a trip to Bigelow Wednesday.

J.M. Messer has been slightly under the weather the past week.

E.W. Reese and J.B. Scheivr [Scheiver?] of Adrian are here attending court.

Mrs. G.T. Bullick of Reading was in the city Tuesday on a trading trip.

J.H. Lambert of Rushmore registered at the Western hotel Sunday.

F.J. Prideaux came over from Adrian Tuesday to attend court as a juror.

Editor J.S. Randolph of Brewster was a Worthington visitor last Saturday.

Wm. Walcolm of Bigelow township transacted business in Worthington last Saturday.

J.W. Lambert, a real estate from Aberdeen, S. Dak., was here this week on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aagaard of Brandon, Manitoba, are here on a visit with old friends.

Geo. Voak, of the firm of Stewart and Voak of Brewster was in the city last Saturday on business.

Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Washington went to Slayton Saturday for a visit with Mrs. Washington's parents.

Albert Leistico returned on Wednesday from Chicago, where he disposed of three carloads of horses at a good profit.

A. Nazarenus of Elk township was a business visitor in Worthington last Saturday. The Advance was favored with a pleasant call.

Mr. and Mrs. S.M. Stewart returned last Friday from their European trip. They report a very pleasant trip and that Mrs. Stewart's health is greatly improved.

R.H. Sain and family will leave next week for Chickasha, Indian Ter., to make their future home. The move is made in the interest of Mrs. Sain's health, which has been poorly for some time. Mr. Sain returned a few days ago from a prospecting trip and was well impressed with the country.

----End Transcription----


Microfilm, Worthington Advance; Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, MN; obtained March, 2008.

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