Worthington Advance, 1907
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Newspaper Articles
from Worthington Advance
 September, 1907

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Friday, September 6, 1907

Mrs. Lotta Brayton, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Barber, this City, Shot be Rejected Lover.
[NOTE: If you would like more info on this article, please email me.]
People named in this article:
William Walsh
Bert C. Brayton
Clary Addition.
Mrs. Milton has had an addition built to her house. While working on it J.H. Maxwell fell and injured his leg and foot. The hurt seemed but slight at first, but in five or six days it developed such bad symptoms that he had to go to bed and send for a doctor. He is still under the doctor's care and confined to the house, but is improving.
Frank Grey, a Farm Hand, Falls Off Horse and is Dead When Found.
Peculiar Accident Which Occurred last Sunday in Clary Addition.
[NOTE: If you would like more info on this article, please email me.]
People named in this article:
Jas. Mackay
Aug. Grey
Mrs. Asmaun [Asmann?]
Nathan Barnes, a Pioneer of Nobles County, Died Wednesday.
Nathan Barnes, a pioneer of Nobles county and for many years a familiar figure on the streets of Worthington, died suddenly from an attack of heartfailure, on Wednesday night, at his residence on Fifth avenue and 11th street. While Mr. Barnes had been in feeble health for several years, his death as entirely unexpected and came as a great shock to his many friends.
Arrangements for the funeral are being made at this writing, but the date will not be set until the arrival of his children, who were expected last night.
L.W. Abbot returned on Wednesday from his trip to Duluth.
Mrs. F.L. Humiston went to Akron O., Wednesday in response to a telegram announcing the death of her brother, Grant Philleo. He leaves a wife and one son.
From the Tribune:
Last Friday forenoon Will Frenz got mixed up in an accident, the result of which was a broken leg for him and also considerable damage to his wagon.
The lightning Monday morning struck and burned a stack of hay belonging to Hermon Gruver and also one at John Beyerkohler's.
Y.E. Wiley threshed over four thousand bushels of oats last week, as a part of this season's crop on the Fiddler farm on Section 4, Hersey.
C. Synkerson's crew of painters from Worthington is putting a coat of white onto the outside of the Park Hotel this week, and at the conclusion of this job will proceed to whitewash the landlord. Some small jobs of carpenter work are also in progress which will put the property into excellent condition.
From the Tribune:
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ager and little daughter visited last Sunday at the R.L. Dougherty home near Rushmore.
Ross Meader of Sibley, Iowa, has been in these parts for several days the past week looking after his farm north of town.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. William Lentz died Tuesday morning after a brief life of only a few days. The funeral was held Wednesday and the burial took place in the St. Kilian cemetery.
From the Enterprise:
Mrs. H.C. Constable and Ernest went up to St. Paul last Saturday for a couple weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Willinger. Mr. Constable will go up next week to take in the state fair.
G.W. Hunt returned Friday morning from Rochester, where he had been to consult the physicians at the Mayo hospital. They advised him to consult a specialist in spinal diseases either at St. Paul or Minneapolis, and felt confident that he could get relief by taking their treatment.
J.F. Harris, who owns the southwest quarter of section one and the northwest quarter of section twelve in Little Rock township, has been here from Canada looking after his property and making some improvements on the place. John Visker has been the tenant the past year and has just signed a contract for another year.
Round Lake.
From the Graphic:
Miss Lea Walker, of Worthington, was a Round Lake visitor last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pigman, of Ewington township, mourn the loss of their little son, who died last Friday of cholera infantum. He was about 18 months old.
Mrs. W.E. Proper and little son, of Reading, returned home Tuesday after a few day's visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Abbott who reside 3 miles west of town.
Ed. Denkmann, of Walcott, Ia., a former Round Lake business man, was here the latter part of last week visiting at the home of his brother, Ben. Tuesday afternoon he passed thru here on his way home from Minneapolis.
R.J. Grant, special agent for the Rock Island railroad, was here this week and had the boys make a settlement for the breaking of the railroad pumps last Saturday night and the repairing of the same. It cost the boys $12 for their fun.
The Misses Sofia Paulson and Bertha Thomsen, of Holsten, Ia., who are visiting at the J.C. Thomsen home, spent yesterday at Lake Okoboji, accompanied by W.H. Thomsen cousin and brother of the young ladies. It is their intention to return home today on the 6:30 p.m. by train.
From the Democrat:
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lindgren of Marshall, Minn., visited at the home of Mrs. A.G. Lindgren several days during the past week.
George Slade threshed his oat crop the latter part of last week. The yield was 52 bushels per acre and sold at 40c a bushel from the machine.
Postmaster Cowin has rearranged the fixtures in the postoffice, making the lobby much larger and adding generally to the convenience of the public.
C.A. Sands and Joseph Cowin have bought 320 acres of land in Murray county, just north of the Wilmont township line.
Mrs. W.R. Faragher and Miss Anna Rowe went to Sibley, Wednesday, where they will visit relatives a few days. They will also spend a day or two at Worthington.
Local News.
J. Fitzgerald, of Lorain, was in the city Monday.
Henry Kunze, of elk, was in the city in the city Monday doing trading.
C.O. Sawyer, of the Lismore Leader, was in the city Monday.
Miss Mary Luehrs has resumed her position in A.T. Latta's store.
S. Solomonson of Indian Lake was in the city Monday doing trading.
C.D. Bedford of Rushmore, registered at the Worthington Saturday.
A.M. Renner spent a number of days at the state fair the first of the week.
S.R. Thompson, of Elk, marketed a load of fine flax in the city Monday.
Miss Pearl Luehrs left last week on a visit with relatives at Marathon, Ia.
Mrs. J.G. Mitchell and children visited relatives at Rushmore over Sunday.
J.H. and Hattie D. Jones of Luverne, were guests at the Worthington last Sunday.
Editor J.S. Randolph, of Brewster, was a Worthington visitor the first of the week.
Miss Opal Luehrs went to Luverne, where she is to teach in the 6th and 7th grades.
Mr. and Mrs. W.I Carpenter left for the twin cities on Monday to take in the state fair.
Mrs. J.G. Hellen, of Lakefield, was a guest of Mrs. A.H. Clark a number of days last week.
A 12-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Loehmer, who live near Org, died on Wednesday evening.
Miss Lillian Luehrs left on Friday last for Princeton, where she will history in the High School.
Geo. Bloom went to Hamline Monday to take in the state fair. He will also visit relatives at White Bear.
Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Kies are spending the week in Minneapolis, visiting her parents and taking in the state fair.
C.D. Soper, of Hastings, Neb., visited his brother-in-law, H.D. Woodford.
G.A. Fairfield, editor of the Northwestern Printer, of St. Paul, spent Sunday and Monday with his family here.
Gillett and Dempsey will hold their fall millinery opening on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week.
Miss Anna Wright, who had been visiting at the Luehrs residence for several weeks returned to her home in Chicago last Friday.
Georgia, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rockwell, broke her shoulder blade one day last week, while the family were visiting at Luverne. The accident was not discovered for a day or two after its occurrence and it is not known how it happened.
O.R. Oberman, of this city, and John McChord, of Rushmore, members of Co. F, are serving on the police force at the state fair this week. The police force there is composed of two members of each militia company over the state.
W.G. Meyers came home Wednesday from a visit to the twin cities.
D. Behers went to Hamline to spend a few days at the state fair.
J.F. Flynn spent several days at the state fair the first of the week.
A.J. Olund will preach at the Congregational church next Sunday morning.
Miss Kindlund, has engaged a competent trimmer for the coming season and will therefore be prepared to take care of all her old patrons.
John Theobalt and Miss Annabelle Pigmen [Pigman] were married on Aug. 29 at the home of the bride's parents in Ewington township, Jackson county. The contracting parties are teachers in the Round Lake schools.
The many Worthington friends of Mr. and Mrs. I.P. Fox, of Verdi, Minn., will be pleased to know that a daughter was born to them Sept. 3. The event occured at Sibley, where Mrs. Fox was visiting.
Mrs. E.J. Helmick and son returned last Friday from their visit with relatives and friends in Michigan. They were accompanied by Miss Lulu Parks, of Greenville, Mich., a niece of Mr. Helmick, who will make her home with them and attend school here.
W.A. Cloud attended the state fair.
Fred Knapp and wife are taking in the state fair this week.
H.J. Ludlow's new house on the lake shore is nearing completion.
Louis Meyer, of Bigelow, was in the city marketing grain Tuesday.
Dr. and Mrs. W.J. Dodge are camping at Round Lake for a few days.
W.S. Lewis left Tuesday night for the twin cities to take in the state fair.
Mr. and Mrs. John Carncross left on Wednesday to visit friends in southern Iowa.
Miss Alma Jelly, of Mitchell, was a guest of Blanch and Gertrude McGowan over Sunday.
L.B. Leonard and Fred Dolheim left on Tuesday for Hamline to attend the state fair.
Ex-Mayor Madison is having a basement constructed under his residence, on 3rd avenue.
J.C. Williamson and wife, of Lorain, left for the twin cities Monday to attend in the state fair.
Joe Ullrich, of Worthington township, joined the crowds headed for the state fair, last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Mitchell went to the twin cities Sunday afternoon and will spend several days at the fair.
L.H. Beckley went to Minneapolis Monday night to visit his son Harvey and take in the state pumpkin show.
Misses Edith Glasgow and Anna Marie Horrigan went to Mankato on Tuesday to visit an aunt of the former.
Dr. J.N. Gould went to Hamline Sunday night to assume his duties as official veterinary for the horse department at the state fair.
Misses Prue and Julia and Mr. Robert Town are spending the week in Minneapolis visiting relatives and taking in the state fair.
Miss Mattie Hastings was tendered a pleasant surprise party by her Sunday School class at the home of Miss Florence Wood, Friday evening. Watermellons were the refreshments.
W.T. Parker and wife, of Omaha, visited at the home of his grandparents here, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Thompson, this week. Mr. Parker is a son of one of the oldest conductors on the Omaha line who runs between Eau Claire and Duluth.
Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Cahoon, of Blue Earth, the parents of Rev. G.A. Cahoon, visited at the M.E. parsonage the first of the week. Mr. Cahoon is nearing his 80th year, but is quite well for a man of his age. This is the first time they have visited Worthington and they took the family by surprise. Mr. and Mrs. Cahoon were accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. M.A. Willey, of Kimball, S.D.
G.W. Deland, of Org, was in town on business Wednesday.
W.E. Proper, of Reading, was in the city on business Tuesday.
Ed. Baxter on Monday joined the crowd headed for the state fair.
Mr. and Mrs. F.C. Brace attended the Chautauqua at Luverne last Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. L.R. Gholz took in the Chautauqua at Luverne last Sunday.
Mrs. H. Peter Lewis, of Wilmont, visited in Worthington the later part of last week.
Banker W.M. Evans spent a number of days in the country this week, on business.
Mmes. Stanton, Brace and Chaney give a series of at-homes on Thursday and Friday of this week.
W.J. Davidson, former agent for the Singer Sewing Machine Co. at this place, was in town on business this week.
Landlord and Mrs. Ostrom, of Bigelow, came up on Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lotta Brayton.
Court Commissioner Frank Stevens is spending the week in Minneapolis visiting and taking in the state fair.
H. Peter Lewis, manager of the Benson-Cabot Mer. Co's. store at Wilmont, was at the county seat on business Tuesday.
T.A. Palmer, secretary of the Worthington fair, was in Rock Rapids Wednesday looking up entries for the races next week.
The Misses Jennie and Mabel Clark took in the Luverne Chautauqua Sunday. They report that the day's program was of great merit.
Rev. H.M. Hancock, of Adrian, came over Tuesday to take an examination before Rev. G.A. Cahoon in studies connected with his calling.
Mr. Snyder, of the firm of Schmid and Snyder, went to the twin cities Sunday afternoon, where he spent several days taking in the state fair and buying goods for the fall trade.
S. Kindlund and family are settled in their new home. Mr. Kindlund says he finds the house just as convenient as he could wish for without the slightest remodelling.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knapp and Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Williamson, of Lorain, left Tuesday morning for the twin cities where they will spend a few days visiting the state fair and other attractions.
Rev. G.M. Bailey and family left on Tuesday for Hoover, Wash., where they will take up their residence. The Advance was misinformed last week as to Mr. Bailey's intended work. He will take a rest for some months, after which he expects to again take up the work for the American Sunday School Union having the state of Washington for territory.
Miss Alice Duba is visiting at Dundee.
A. Kirk of Elk went up to see the state fair.
Oscar Larson is taking in the state fair this week.
Geo. Hackett, of Bigelow, was in the city Wednesday.
Mayor E.A. Tripp took in the state fair this week.
Wm. Devaney went up to Hamlin to see the state fair, Sunday.
Dr. E.E. Stover of Bigelow was a county seat visitor last Saturday.
Mrs. A.J. Collins went to St. Paul Tuesday to attend the state fair.
Ed. Cheaham is showing several head of hogs at the state fair this year.
W.E. Oliver took several head of his thoroughbred sheep and hogs to the state fair.
Mrs. Colvin of Adrian has been the guest of Mrs. Jennie Cowin for a few days.
Ralph Beckley is home from Bigelow, the meat market there having been closed.
Con. Synkerson joined the pilgrimage to the state fair the first of the week.
Miss Edit Cowin returned from Adrian Monday where she had been visiting friends.
G.T. Bulick headed a delegation of Readingites, bound for the state fair on Tuesday evening.
Miss Myrtle Griggs of Wilmont was a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Allen, at the Allen house, this week.
J.D. Matteson of Minneapolis, was shaking hands with Worthington friends the first of the week.
Mrs. J.P. Biltgen and Miss Minnie Matheson went to Minneapolis Sunday afternoon to attend the state fair.
Miss Ella Cloud came down from Minneapolis Saturday night to spend a couple of days with her parents.
Mrs. L.H. Beckley, who had been visiting her son Harvey at Minneapolis, and Eugene at New Prague, returned home last Saturday.
Miss Jennie Beckley returned home last Saturday from Kalamazoo, Mich., where she had been spending the summer with relatives.
A. Oberman wants the people of Nobles county to know that he is still buying live stock and paying the highest prices. You'll find him at the old stand.
Wm. Malcom [Malcolm?], the well known Bigelow stockman, is an exhibitor at the state fair this year. His main exhibit being from his herd of Duroc-Jersey swine.
Mrs. E.M. Wheeler, who has spent the summer in Minneapolis, returned last Saturday. Her daughter, Mabel, who will teach in the high school, arrived this week.
Robert Erickson returned the latter part of last week with his string of horses shown at the Iowa state fair. Mr. Erickson says they captured twelve ribbons. Two firsts and the rest second and third prizes. Many of the exhibitors were ringers who entered two and three year olds for yearlings, and it was impossible to get a fair deal where such practices are tolerated.
Born -- On Saturday, Aug. 31st, 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. Jess Enfield, a son.
Ed. Moberg left last Saturday on a visit to his brother at West Duluth. Returning, he spent a few days at the state fair at Hamline.
Woman Killed for Refusing to Wed Insistent Suitor.
Mrs. William Brayton, a widow, was shot and instantly killed at Worthington by William Walsh because she refused to marry him. Walsh then turned the revolver upon himself and blew out his brains. The couple had been on intimate terms for a long time and her final rejection of his attentions brought on the tragedy.
Ole Sorem, his sister Carrie, a cousin from Jewell Junction, Ia., and Annie Thompson, all went up to Minneapolis this week to take in the state fair. They will doubtless have a "good time."
This week Mr. Clower and family of Bigelow left for their location and new work at Fairmont, Neb., where Mr. Clower will have charge of an extensive telephone system at that place. Mr. Clower's mother accompanied them. They leave with the best wishes of a host of friends.
Mrs. R.J. Jones was at Worthington between trains Tuesday.
Mr. Thompson returned from Esterville Tuesday, where he had been visiting his daughter for a few days.
Mrs. S.T. Fair is visiting at Pipestone this week.
Mr. Barnard drove to Lismore Sunday morning and came back Monday forenoon.
While C.B. Lutner is away attending the state fair, F.E. Eggleston is mail boy.
Miss d'Argent arrived in Reading Monday evening and is now housekeeper for her father, the Reverend.
A.R. Beilke spent Saturday and Monday in the Twin cities buying his stock of fall and winter goods.
D.H. Sisson has been suffering with blood poison but at the present writing is better.
Jno. Kingsley, auditor for C.L. Colman Lbr. Co., was here last Friday, accompanied by his son Nathan.
L.G. Hess transferred his station (cash, books and all) to Mr. Bixby of Worthington, Tuesday afternoon, and now Mr. Bixby will be our agent for a while. Mr. Hess went to Minneapolis Tuesday night.
Mell Loofman is at Sioux Falls attending business College.
Indian Lake.
The Misses Esther and Nellie Johnson left Monday for the twin cities to take in the state fair.
John A. Saxon marketed sheep at Worthington last Tuesday.
Philathea met with Mamie and Jennie Saxon on Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Brink was quite badly injured in a runaway last Sunday. The horse after running about thirty rods was stopped by George Robertson, the four year old son of Will Robertson, who thought his mother would have to walk otherwise.
Miss Violet Saxon of Worthington will teach the Langseth school this winter.
Charlie Toener arrived from Sioux Falls last Saturday for a week's visit with his uncles, C. and S. Solomonson.
Martin Langseth who was seriously injured in a runaway about two weeks ago, is slowly recovering.
Mr. Edgar Youngquist, who has been visiting his uncle, A.L. Swenson, for some time, returned to his home in St. Paul last week.
Mrs. A.J. Lemke and three children went to Mankato last week. She expected to leave Ina to go to school there.
Lynn King left on Monday for the cities to take in the state fair.
Two of the Johnson children, who have been visiting at the home of their uncle, H. Sandquist, left last week for their home at Bell Plaine.
G.W. Dealand and wife left last Wednesday evening for St. Paul to see the sights.
Herbert Johnson was on the sick list Monday.
George King commenced work for G.W. Dealand last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. P.C. Anderson and two boys were visiting at the home of Mr. Peterson last Sunday.
Miss Tracy Loehmer, who has been very sick with inflamation of the bowels, passed away to that beautiful home on high where sorrow is never known, last Wednesday night. The parents and relatives have the sympathy of the entire community in their time of sorrow.
Mr. J.T. Hellar's car of household goods arrived here last Tuesday. They are just about settled in their new home now.
Miss Lottie Kunzman took up her school duties in district 28 last Tuesday.
Geo. King was on the sick list Tuesday.
Mike Hand has moved in the house vacated by Mr. Clower, and Mrs. Hand will be hello girl in the central office of the Bigelow telephone Co.
Mrs. Chas. Foot is quite sick at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Yates, with nervous prostration and heart trouble.
Mrs. James Harrington and daughter Lena came home from the Chautauqua at Sibley, Saturday night.
Our school began on Tuesday with Miss Erie as principal, and Miss Snyder as primary teacher.
Mrs. Frank Eastman came to our town on Monday to visit her sister Mrs. J.S. Cocks.
Mrs. F.P. Wilson has gone to Rushmore for a few weeks visit to her daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Holland entertained their daughter and her family on Sunday last.
Mrs. I.H. Swan is expected home in a day or so from Albert Lea where she has been visiting her daughter.

Friday, September 13, 1907

Friday, September 20, 1907

Tin Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Kirk of Elk invited a large number of friends to assist them in celebrating their tin wedding. About 75 people were present and had a lovely time. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk prove fine entertainers, and served dainty refreshments. They received a large number of appropriate reminders of the occasion.
Mr. John Whalen, of Wilmont, and Miss Pearl Anderson, of Bloom township, were united in marriage on Thursday evening of last week, Sept. 12th, by Rev. G.A. Cahoon, at the Methodist church study. The young people will make their home in Wilmont, where the groom conducts a hardware store. They are well known and popular young people of that part of the county.
P.G. Johnson, local manager for the Colman Lumber Co., is at Herman, Minn., this week looking after farming interests there.
W.M. Evans spent a number of days at Gowril, Ia., on business this week.
L.D. Veltum, of Minneapolis, Married to Miss Goodrich, of this City.
The residence of Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Goodrich, of this city, was the scene of a pleasant and auspicious event on Tuesday. The occasion was the marriage of their daughter, Miss Thula Goodrich to Mr. L.D. Veltum, of Minneapolis. The ceremony was performed at 11 o'clock in the forenoon by the Rev. Dr. Lanman, of St. James. After congratulations the wedding party sat down to a sumptuous luncheon. The bride and groom took the 1:30 train for a wedding trip to Denver, Colorado Springs, and Pikes Peak, and other western points. They will make their home in Minneapolis, where Mr. Veltum has a position with the Rock Island road.
Among the out of town people present at the wedding were the following: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Veltum, parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Veltum a brother of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Wetmore, uncle and aunt of the bride, Miss Grace Fuller, all of St. James; Mrs. Susa Shortly, of Minneapolis, and Miss Marjorie Shell, of Worthington.
Sam Lemen, of Reading, was a caller on Monday.
Sam Plank, of Ocheyedan, was at the fair last week.
G.T. Bulick was down from Reading yesterday.
Mrs. W.C. Wyatt visited in Sioux City the first of the week.
Mrs. A.G. Lindgren, of ad, had business in probate court here Tuesday.
Mrs. A.J. Gillette made a trip to Heron Lake yesterday with a stock of millinery.
Nels Larson, of Indian Lake, bought a spreader of the Western Implement Co. this week.
Mark Graves was over from Adrian on business Tuesday, having business in the probate court.
Jas. Shanks, of Seward, was a Worthington visitor last Saturday and made this office a pleasant call.
D.C. May and wife, of Lake Park, were guests of A.J. Snyder's family last week and attended the fair here.
Vanda Duba last week again bought his old restaurant on 2nd avenue, which he last spring sold to Chas. Murphy.
Miss A.P. TenBroeck, of Faribault, spent a few days here this week, visiting her brother, Rev. C.R. TenBroeck.
Herb Noreen, a clerk in Torrance and Son's store, while out hunting the first of the week, was shot in the hand by the accidental discharge of his gun.
The Congregation of the Baptist church at a meeting held last week by a unanimous vote declined to accept the resignation of the pastor, Rev. L.H. Darnell.
Mrs. E.G. Blackett, of Spirit Lake, and Harvey Abbott, of Milford, Ia., were guests of Dr. and Mrs. L.R. Gholz last week, and also attended the fair.
Guy C. Fellows, of Elk, was in Worthington Monday. He said he had a mare injured so badly in a wire fence, the other day, that he fears he will lose her.
Otis Bigelow left last week for his old home in Connecticut, where he will spend several weeks visiting a brother and other relatives and numerous friends and acquaintances.
Kenneth Pettit came up from Storm Lake Saturday to visit his parents and numerous friends over Sunday. Kenneth is now chief clerk of the leading hotel at Storm Lake, which is owned by his uncle, and he likes his position quite well.
Pearl Hunt entertained a number of her young playmates last Saturday in honor of her 10th birthday. The young folks had a pleasant time and remembered their hostess with numerous mementoes of the occasion. Refreshments were served.
Miss Clara Prideaux, assistant county auditor, accompanied by her niece, Miss Clara Feathers, of Lismore, left last Sunday for a visit to Do_ville Wis., Miss Prideaux's native town. They went by way of Lemars, where they will visit Miss Prideaux's sister, Mrs. W.J. Perry. Miss Prideaux has for several years been a most faithful servant of Nobles county being always at her post and always courteous and obliging. Her [several words unreadable] and her many friends hope she will have a pleasant visit at her old home.
Attorney J.F. Flynn made a trip to Mankato Tuesday.
Father Sherman and Pat Martin drove to Fulda Thursday.
Henry Apel, of Elk, lost a valuable colt one day last week.
T.A. McCracken returned on Tuesday from a trip to Montana.
W.T. Judd of Rushmore, was a Worthington visitor last Sunday.
Sheriff Fauskee made a trip to Dundee on official business Monday.
Miss Mabel Judd, of Rushmore, was a Worthington visitor Monday.
A.R. Albertus and family moved into the Stanley Moore residence on 3rd avenue.
Miss Lillian Garuman, of Westbrook, is the night operator at the telephone central.
Postmaster C.W. Becker, of Wilmont, was a guest at the Worthington Saturday.
C.T. Tupper is spending a few days here visiting friends and looking after business affairs.
Miss Pearl Snyder, of Fulda, was here over Sunday visiting her cousin, Miss Ethel Bloom.
Rev. C.O. Swan spent several days at Tracy, the first of the week, conducting missionary meetings.
Miss Anna Johnson, of the Martin mercantile store, spent Sunday with her parents, near Lake Ocheeda.
Jas. F. Edwards, of Minot, N.D., has succeeded A.J. Brennan as manager of the depot lunch counter.
The Lutz Bros., of Bigelow township, bought a corn binder of the Western Implement Company last Saturday.
Henry Onken, Bloom township, took out a spreader from the Western Implement Co. Monday afternoon.
Jack Cashell, who has been touring the west the past six weeks, is expected home the latter part of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Veltum, and Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Veltum, of St. James, registered at the Worthington last Monday.
Rev. G.G. Schmidt left the first of the week for Redwood Falls to attend the annual conference of the German Evangelical church.
E.F. Prideaux, of Elgin, Ill., was a guest of his uncle, Richard, a few days the first of the week. Mr. Prideaux was on his way to Omaha.
E.F. Prideaux, of Elgin, Ill., was a guest of his uncle, Richard, a few days the first of the week. Mr. Prideaux was on his way to Omaha.
Ivan Erickson returned last Saturday from his trip to the Pacific Coast. He visited several coast points and reports a pleasant trip.
Will Schraeder has bought the P.H. Brown residence on 3rd avenue. Will evidently believes in the adage "Get the cage and the bird will come to it."
Alma Connor, of the telephone central office is taking a vacation this week, and Miss Fairfield and Miss Mitchell are doing the day turn.
Mrs. G.W. Wilson returned last Saturday from a visit with relatives and friends in St. Paul, Boscobelle and Janesville, Wis. She reports a very enjoyable trip.
M.T. Rosenberg, of Wilmont, passed through Worthington last Sunday on his way to Peola, N.D., to make some improvements on his claim there, preparatory to moving on the same.
Fred Dring was in from Lorain Tuesday.
C.W. Johnson, of Org, was in town Tuesday.
Wm. Dwyer, of Lorain, was in the city on business Tuesday.
Chas. Haggard has entered the State University this year.
A.E. Hyde, of Bigelow, was in the city on business Saturday.
Rev. d'Argent, of Reading, was a Worthington visitor Saturday.
Pat Boyle took three horses over to the Adrian races the first of the week.
Frank Bulick, of Reading, was registered at the Allen House last Sunday.
Christ Peterson and wife, of Wilmont, were in the city Tuesday doing trading.
Mrs. W.B. Connelly, from Bristol, Ia., visited Henry Stevens and family this week.
J.M. Scriven, of Seward, and J.R. Tipton, of Elk, took in the races at Adrian Wednesday and Thursday.
Sam and Wm. Shaw, of Little Rock, were at the county seat Monday, having business in the probate court.
Ed. Lawton went to Adrian Wednesday to take in the races. From there he went to Minneapolis to enter the State U.
Lt. Stelle S. Smith went to Duluth Sunday afternoon to attend a business meeting of the State National Guard Association.
Jet Smallwood went to Minneapolis Monday to resume his studies in the dental college at the State University.
Ned Jones, of the State Bank, went to Humbolt, Ia., last Saturday, where he spent a few days visiting his parents.
O.W. Tupper, son of C.T. Tupper, has entered the State University at Minneapolis, to take a course in mining engineering.
Albert Schmidt and family and E.M. Schwartz and family attended a mission fest at the German Lutheran church at Brewster Sunday.
Floyd Matheson sent one of his four threshing rigs to Heron Lake on Tuesday to assist in finishing up the threshing in that neighborhood.
Rev. and Mrs. J.E. Evans returned last week from northern Wisconsin, where they spent Mr. Evans' vacation very pleasantly, visiting old friends and scenes.
Court Reporter J.W. Harper passed through town Tuesday on his way from his home at Minneapolis to Luverne to attend the fall term of court. Mr. Harpe was a guest of F.L. Humiston several hours between trains.
The following Worthington people took in the races at Adrian Wednesday afternoon: J.A. Town, C.M. Crandall, E.J. Jones, J.F. Flynn, Jas. Mackay, C.M. Cory, H.R. Tripp, F.L. Humiston, T.A. Palmer, Dr. J.N. Gould, Ivan Erickson, Albert Levine, Albert Dietrich, I.F. Kelley, J.W. McBride, Ira Mishler, C.W.W. Dow, A.R. Alberts, Thos. Dovery, Jos. Loveless, Will Boddy, David Tripp.
M.T. Rosenberg, of Wilmont, passed through Worthington last Sunday on his way to Peola, N.D., to make some improvements on his claim there, preparatory to moving on the same.
Will Bartlett drove down to Ocheyedan Tuesday.
W.L.O. Bartlett, the cigar man, made a trip to Ellsworth and other points last Saturday returned on Monday.
Geo. Messer, of the Ramage transfer crew, has been laid up several days by an injury to his back, caused by a strain while at work.
Mr. Ostrom and family returned to Bigelow Saturday.
Mrs. Lane has in a nice new lot of postal cards. Call and see them at the post office.
P.C. Ross, our enterprising Hanford Produce company's man, is getting industrious these days. He was out making hay Saturday.
Miss Agnes Westby returned to school at Worthington Sunday.
Mr. Pete Peters is "shining" around here with a new rubber tired buggy.
R.H. Wiks returned home last Friday.
Redmond Cosgrove is home on a visit. It seems good to have Redmond here once more.
P.C. Ross spent a day at the Worthington fair. He enjoyed the races immensely.
Miss Lenora Klessig of Worthington was a Bigelow visitor Saturday.
Mrs. Durfee and son of Sibley were Bigelow callers last Friday.
Miss Ada Detrich of Sibley was a Bigelow caller Saturday.
Misses Annabel and Mae Rhuprecht and Stella Grey visited in Worthington last Saturday.
The Misses Ethel and Ada Black of Rushmore are guests at the Cain home.
Mrs. B.C. Pierce and baby of Fargo, N.D., daughter of J. Harrington, is visiting the parental home in Bigelow.
Mr. Charles Settle was a Sibley caller yesterday.
Mrs. Gus Shreiber left Tuesday for Milwaukee to visit relatives for a while.
Messrs. Lewis and Conrad of Minneapolis are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. M.F. Smith this week.
Messrs. Fiddler and Hollister of Iowa, have been looking after their farm interests in this section of the country for a week.
It is a current report that Albert Souis, the village blacksmith has sold out his residence property in this place to G.W. Allen of Canby, Minn.
Our friend, Geo. Berger, living south of town, has disposed of his farming interests in this neighborhood, and in the near future expects to make his home in the state of Washington.
Wm. Fury has accepted a position as fireman on the Milwaukee road, and left for Austin Monday to begin work.
A number of the ladies gathered and made a surprise party at the Swan home in honor of Mrs. Fritz, of Albert Lea.
Miss Edna Grosscup went to Albert Lea Monday, to resume her studies at McAlister College, which she attended last winter.
Mrs. Davis, Violet and Davis borrowed a team and drove to Wilmont Sunday, where they enjoyed an excellent feed at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Shelquist, returning in the afternoon to this bailiwick. They were treated so well that they will likely go again soon.
Mr. G.C. Winchell and family, and Mr. Ed. Bletner and family had a pleasant outing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Shrieber.
Round Lake.
From the Graphic:
O.E. Larson, of Round Lake township, come whirling into town Monday in his automobile, which he purchased in Minneapolis while at the state fair. He came down from there in it and reached home Sunday.
Geo. Bass has rented his residence property to R.J. Hessler, who will occupy the same with his family; possibly next month. Mr. Bass expects to go to Montana, where his son, Clarence, or one of his daughters, if not both, will go there to take a claim.
Miss Eunice Hall, for a year past a clerk in Hart & Co's. store, left yesterday for her home in Missouri.
C.A. Lutner has begun the construction of his new set of buildings.
P.H. Ackerman and Mrs. Hauenstein are doing some improving in the way of building.
E.A. Bowersocks is still quite sick and some of his folks have been up to see him. While he is unable to attend to duty at the yard, the wants of the people are supplied by R.J. Jones and Jno. Eggleston.
From the Democrat:
Dr. Sullivan left Monday for Chicago, where he will buy a automobile to use in his practice. It is his intention to run the machine from Chicago to Adrian and thus acquire a rich fund of knowledge and a job lot os experience that will enable him to handle a benzine buggy with sangfroid, whatever that is. He expects to be home when he gets here.
Dick Davis, who has been in Saskatchewan since last April helping John T. Lasher and Albert Pieper on their farms near Taylorboro, returned home last Sunday. He brought with him some samples of wheat, flax and oats grown on Mr. Lasher's farm. The grain is fine, notwithstanding the late sowing.
The two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Furey, of Grand Prairie township, died last Monday after an illness of about four weeks.
Everett Mohl and Harold Lindgren who are playing with the Adrian Concert Band at Sioux City this week, leave there Saturday evening for Minneapolis, where they will enter the State University.
Ollie Thompson left Thursday afternoon for Pekin, Ill., where he has secured employment in a sugar factory.
From the Tribune:
John Silver came back Sunday from the vicinity of Winnipeg, Canada, where he had been to look after his farm.
Dr. Geyerman, of Worthington, was here Sunday on a brief visit with his people.
Craig Hagler left Monday morning for South Dakota, and will file on a homestead west of Pierre.
Ellen Wicklund was taken very ill last week, and is said to be suffering from appendicitis.
From the Enterprise:
The Smith Bros., Dell and Ralph, have traded their half-section farm two miles north of town, for land in Roberts county, S.D. Possession is to be given next spring. In the transaction they get $52.50 per acre for the farm.
From the Tribune:
J. Hansberger of Worthington, was transacting business in Wilmont the fore part of the week.
Mrs. Nels Martin of Worthington came Friday evening for a few days visit with friends here and at St. Kilian.
A fine baby girl came to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Bemis, of Pfingston, Sunday morning. Congratulations.
Miss Mildred Lewis left Monday morning to resume her studies at the Worthington high school.
Local News.
The school in the Firth district began last Monday with Miss Mary Fitch as teacher.
Mrs. A.E. Hart and Mrs. A.N. Wetherall visited Mrs. H.P. Lewis at Wilmont Wednesday.
A.M. Berry received word from his wife that her mother died last Saturday morning. Mrs. Berry went down there last week.
Mrs. H. Rew left the first of the week for Mitchell, S.D., to attend the Corn Palace exposition. Mr. Rew expects to go there the end of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. G.R. Leonard returned the first of the week from their trip to the Pacific coast. They visited many coast and intermediary points, encountered many former Nobles county people, and altogether had a very pleasant trip. Mr. Leonard is greatly taken up with the coast country and contemplates moving there as soon as he can dispose of his interests here.
Mrs. J. Jorgenson, of Org, leaves next Monday for North Dakota where the Jorgenson's will make their future home. Mr. Jorgenson and the boys will follow later.

Friday, September 27, 1907

Death of an Old Pioneer
Swan Carlson, who lived on the Luverne road, died last Monday morning of serosis of the liver, after a short illness. The funeral was held on Wednesday from the Swedish Lutheran church of this city, the service being conducted by the pastor, Rev. C.O. Swan. The deceased was an old settler of Nobles county, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and four children, one son Carl, who lives on the old farm, and three daughters, Mrs. Erick Anderson. Mrs. Emil Johnson and Miss Hildur Carlson, who is at home.
Jury Lists.
List of Grand Jurors to serve at the October 1907, general term of the District Court for Nobles county:
Samuel Spangler, Graham Lake
Charles Brinkhous, Dewald
W.C. Renshaw, Dewald
Fred Schinkel, Elk
B.E. Young, Elk
Thomas Hebig, Wilmont township
Frank Kilpatrick, Adrian
Nick Eppers, Grand Prairie
James Naylon, Grand Prairie
Geo. W. Dealand, Worthington township
W.H. Wahl, Summit Lake
R.H. Loafman, Bloom
August Schafer, Bloom
W.H. Booth, Seward
Albert Brooks, Westside
Henery Slater, Larkins
L.W. Johnson, Leota
James Baird, Ransom
J.W. Ashbaugh, Ransom
J.W. Royer, Little Rock
G.V. Pettit, Worthington Village
Geo. W. Patterson, Worthington Village
P.G. Johnson, Worthington Village
J.L. Seeley, Round Lake Village
J.L. Mangleson, Round Lake Village
Matt Brayton, Indian Lake
Nick Kaufman, Brewster
C.J. Paine, Hersey
P.H. Ackerman, Dewald
C.B. Andrews, Rushmore Village
Geo. Butcher, Bloom
Jno. R. Jones, Adrian
Thos. Robinson, Adrian
S.A. Jacobson, Olney
L.T. Engen, Lismore
J. DeBoer, Leota
Casper Becker, Larkin
Wm. Martins, Ellsworth
Martin Calvin, Little Rock
Christ Hanson, Little Rock
Chas. Barnard, Little Rock
Ernest Eastman, Seward
C.P. Taylor, Elk
H.W. Shore, Ransom
Fred Kuhl, Worthington Village
Wilson Ager, Worthington Village
J.J. Bingham, Worthington Village.
Olund-Nystrom Nuptials
The pleasant farm residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. Nystrom of Bigelow township, was the scene of a pleasant event on Wednesday afternoon of this week, when their daughter, Hannah was married to Mr. Albert Olund, of Indian Lake. The service was attended by several hundred guests, who participated in the festivities followed. The contracting parties are estimable young people, who are well and favorably known in their home circles.
Misses Hyland and Maine Entertain.
A very pleasant evening party was given last Saturday evening by the Misses Hyland and Maine, of the teaching force, at the home of the former, which was attended by the public school teachers and a few other friends. Dainty refreshments were served, and a very enjoyable time is reported.
Dr. Lanham Married
The many friends of the Rev. Dr. Lanham will be interested in the fact that he was married in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Tuesday to a Miss Ferguson, a traveling representative for the Columbia Lyceum Bureau, of Chicago, under whose auspices Dr. Lanham is lecturing.
Miss Peterson, a friend of the Sorem's, from Illinois, is here visiting friends. She was here two years ago, and enjoyed her outing so well that she concluded to come again.
J.J. Williams sold three horses a few days ago to a horse buyer from Sibley. He received for them the snug sum of $600.
Two young people, a nephew and niece of our neighbor, L.T. Eide, are having a pleasant time visiting with the Eide family. The young man has just finished the course of study in medicine and he expects to make the practice of medicine his life work.
Miss Sarah Eikenberry, who has been visiting her brothers and sisters at this place, returned to her home at Barnum, Minn., last week.
D.H. Keller, of Winona, is visiting relatives here and looking after the interests of his farm.
The Misses Schulz were pleasantly entertained at the home of Charles Erickson last Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. A.M. Wells and Mrs. Roy Fowler visited at Eli Ogg's last Wednesday.
The Sisters Mission Band will meet with Mrs. Paul Schulz next Thursday.
J. Schechter bought a disc gang of the Smith Imp. Co. last week.
R.C.S. Hilary has been on the sick list for the last few days.
From the Tribune:
Mr. A.P. Rose of Worthington, was in this city Wednesday. He is at present occupied in writing a history of Nobles county.
A. Shelquist went to St. Paul, Saturday to attend the meeting of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows that is being held there this week.
Fred Schmitz living near St. Kilian had a setting of grain struck by lightning last Sunday, which was saved from burning by the prompt action of his sons.
Construction foreman, F.A. Spencer, for the Joliet Bridge and Iron Company, is putting in a large steel bridge across the creek between sections 6 and 7, in the north part of Bloom township this week.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. E.N. Brown Monday, a baby girl. Ed walks around with his head up, and won't notice anybody, he feels so big. Mother and child are doing well.
Miss Lena Harrington, who has been suffering from tonsilitis, is better at this writing.
F.L. Lane is a full fledged postmaster now, having received his commission. The postoffice will be removed to more comodious quarters.
Miss Laura Cain is getting along fine with her school in Bigelow.
Word was received from the St. Peter Hospital that Mrs. Bellfoot must undergo an operation before she can become well.
Mr. John Scott, of Worthington, visited with his daughter, Mrs. Michael Sorem this week.
Guy Ostrom managed the creamery for P.C. Ross, while he was gone.
The hotel is closed, and Mr. Ostrom packing his household goods, preparing to move away.
James H. Harrington is back from his trip thru Iowa, and commenced carrying the mail again Tuesday.
Thos. McNeil has traded off his farm for another close to Sibley, and intends to move there in the near future. We are sorry to loose so good a family from our midst.
From the Democrat:
R.H. Doe and C.A. Kinsey and families made a trip in their automobiles to the Palisades in South Dakota last Sunday. The long run was made without any mishaps.
George Slade returned home Saturday from Pembina county, N.D. where he superintended the threshing on his land. He sold one thousand bushels of barley at from 80 to 85 cents, shipping the grain direct to St. Paul brewers. The crop in Pembina county is fair, and with the prevailing high prices, farmers will received good returns. While he was there about five inches of snow fell in the grain fields in parts of western Canada, and the temperature was 12 degrees below freezing.
From the Tribune:
F.R. Geyerman left Saturday evening for Chicago on a variety of business missions.
Mrs. Clyde Williams and children of Worthington township, spent Sunday with relatives here. They were accompanied home by Miss Alice Williams.
Clyde McConkey left Friday for the cities to enter the University.
John Rinden and [no word here] arrived home Friday from their prospecting and sight-seeing trip to Colorado.
Miss Myrtle Stowell Married
The Emporia, Kansas, Daily Gazette contains the following account of the marriage of Miss Myrtle Stowell of Sioux Falls, formerly of this city:
Miss Myrtle D. Stowell and Howard D. Shaw, both of Sioux Falls, S.D., were married at 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon by Rev. Mize's home. Mr. Shaw is a commercial man and since this is his busy season, he did not have time to go to Dakota, so Miss Stowell met him in Emporia.
Local News.
Manager Clint Mann informs us that he has secured a first class show for next Wednesday evening.
A.C. Dickens went to St. Paul last week where he entered St. Luke's hospital to have his foot treated, it being injured some weeks ago.
Luverne Herald: C.T. Tupper, formerly of Worthington but now of Spokane, Wash., was in Luverne Monday looking after business matters and visiting with old-time friends.
Rev. Badger, of Mankato, minister at large for the Presbyterian Church, held services at Westminster church in this city last Sunday morning and evening.
Messrs. A.T. Latta and F.J. Goff left on Wednesday for Marshall, to attend the annual convention of the M.E. Church. They are the lay delegates from the local congregation.
P.H. Brown and family leave next week for St. Paul, where they expect to make their home for some time, while the boys attend school. The Browns have been residents of Worthington for many years, and have a host of friends who, while deeply regretting their departure, wish them happiness and prosperity in their new home.
Bert Thurber now presides over one of Ramage's dray rigs.
Ben Voss, of Elk township, was a Worthington visitor Monday.
A.M. Renner spent Sunday with his parents at Comfrey, Minn.
H.C. Wasmund, of Dewald, was a pleasant caller last Friday.
J.L. Dickerson, of Rushmore, was a caller at this office Wednesday.
J.O. Larson, of Indian Lake, was in the city Friday doing trading.
Wilson Ager went to Wilmont on Tuesday to visit his two sons living there.
S.M. Stewart made a business trip to Sioux City Saturday, returning Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Chaney spent Sunday visiting his brother at Dundee.
John Sather was operated on for appendicitis Tuesday morning, at the city hospital.
Henry James left yesterday for Hampton, Ia., where he will spend a few days with friends.
Mrs. E.R. Coss, of Luverne, visited her mother, Mrs. Mott, a couple of days last week.
Theo. Reemtsma, of Reading, was operated on for appendicitis at the Worthington hospital on Thursday of last week.
Rev. S. Anderson, of St. Paul, was here the first of the week visiting old friends and looking after farming interests.
A.J. Bostrom, on Sec. 26, Summit Lake township, will sell at public auction on Wednesday, Oct. 2nd, all of his horses, cattle and machinery. The sale will commence at ten o'clock. Free lunch at noon.
Fred Grayson, of Wheeling, West Virginia, Dick Culp and wife, father and mother of Mrs. J.E. Stonesifer, of O'Brien Co., Ia., and Mr. and Mrs. John Culp, an uncle and aunt, from Benton Co., Ia., visited several days at the Stonesifer home the first of the week.
Harry Lewis was on the sick list several days the first of the week.
Mrs. Lisher, of Luverne, spent a few days here the first of the week visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. J.S. Frink.
Bruce Yale returned on Monday from Jefferson, Ia., where he had placed his daughter in school for the coming year.
Mrs. Dan Maloney returned last week from Seattle, where she had spent the last three months with friends and relatives.
W.H. Bloom left last Friday for Excelsior Springs, Mo., where he will sojourn a while, taking the benefits of the mineral water.
Ernest Dewey, who last spring had a siege of diphtheria, is having another run of hard luck, and is now down with typhoid fever.
Oscar Olson returned the latter part of last week from a trip through the west, and left for Spencer, Ia., where he has a position.
Miss Emma Robinson, of Wilmont, submitted to an operation for an ailment of the throat at the Worthington hospital Wednesday morning.
A. Obermann left last Saturday for Anoka county, where he will spend a few weeks getting the camp ready to winter operations on his timber land.
Mrs. W.N. Shanks returned from Rochester, Wednesday, where she had been for two weeks with their little girl, having her hip treated at the hospital.
F.C. Stitser, of Kansas City, is here for a ten days visit with friends. Fred is looking well and say she [sic] has been enjoying himself since he became a Missourian.
Fred Moll appeared before his honor Judge Dow on Monday and plead guilty to an old charge of being drunk, and paid a fine and costs amounting to $18.75.
Lyle Thurber, of Wilmont, has accepted a position in Loveless' store.
Oscar Barton, of Zion City, was in Worthington the first of the week.
Mrs. Chas. Erickson, of Route 5, was in the city Monday doing trading.
Ernest Sterling has been working in G.D. Dayton's dry goods store a couple of weeks.
Mrs. Calvin Moen was in Heron Lake last week attending a reunion of her mother's family.
J.B. Ludlow, assistant cashier of the State Bank at Rushmore, was in the city on business Wednesday.
Otto Leabeck, who had been at work at Ocheyedan for some time, returned to Worthington on Sunday.
O.W. Dieckhoff went up to Grant county the first of the week to look after the threshing of his crop there.
Mrs. W.J. Dodge went to Minneapolis last Friday where she spent several days visiting friends and doing shopping.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Herline, of Dewald, were in the city Tuesday doing trading. Mr. Herline is one of the bonanza farmers of Nobles county.
W.E. Moses, the proprietor of the hardware store managed by O.W. Dieckhoff, spent a few days here this week looking after business interests.

----End Transcription----

Microfilm, Worthington Advance; Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, MN; obtained March, 2008.

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