Worthington Advance, 1908

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Newspaper Articles
from Worthington Advance
 December, 1908

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Friday, December 4, 1908

Wooden Wedding Celebrated by Stanley Moore and Wife Monday Night

November 30th was the fifth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moore, of Worthington hotel, and accordingly the popular boniface and his estimable wife celebrated the event by a "Wooden Wedding," given at the hotel, and attended by about one hundred invited guests.

An elaborate fourt-course supper was served in the spacious dining room, the tables being arranged in the shape of the letter "T" and beautifully decorated with cut flowers. While the guests were enjoying the repast to the fullest extent, Addington's orchestra furnished music, and after the supper the tables were cleared away and those who desired "tripped the light fantastic toe" until about eleven-thirty. Mrs. F.H. Millard of Minneapolis, added to the evening's pleasure by the rendition of a recitation.

Mr. and Mrs. Moore received a number of handsome presents, and shortly before the midnight hour the guests departed each expressing the wish that the host and hostess be spared to celebrate many more marriage anniversaries and be the recipients of all that was best in life.

Third Anniversary

Co. F, M.N.G., has been organized three years and the event was celebrated last Friday night by a banquet at the Western Hotel. Of the original company there were 26, whose term of enlistment expired, and most of these re-enlisted, which taken in conjunction with the new recruits brought the number of enlistments up to 30. Capt. S.S. Smith now has a full company of 76 men with four recruits upon the reserve list.

The banquet was served at the Western hotel and was thoroughly enjoyed not only by the members of the company, but by the invited guests. The long tables were loaded to capacity with good things to eat, to which all did ample justice, the happy gathering dispersing at about the midnight hour. The personnel of Co. F is far above that of the average military company, care being exercised by the officers to select only men of good habits and those who will prove a credit to the organization.

Scalded Hand

Miss Florence Wickman met with a painful accident last Saturday afternoon. She was engaged in ironing come clothes, and one of the irons becoming too hot, she attempted to cool it in a pan of water, with the result that her right hand was badly scalded by the steam. A physician was called who dressed the injury and rendered the necessary medical attention for the relief of the painful hurt.

Death of a Child.

Cora Lucille, the six-year-old daughter of Walter H. Paine, died at the home of her parents in Hersey township Monday morning last. The immediate cause of her demise was heart trouble, but the child has been afflicted for some time with a peculiar malady which baffled the skill of physicians, as it partook of the nature of a number of diseases. Although sorely afflicted and suffering intensely at times, still she was a patient sufferer, bearing her burden of ill-health with a fortitude, well worthy of emulation by older persons.

The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from the Methodist church and was attended by one of the largest concourses of friends that have attended a funeral in this city for some time. She was a child beloved by all who come in contact with her and all join in extending sympathy to the afflicted family.


Harry S. Hobson has removed his Real Estate and Insurance office to more suitable rooms. From now on he can be found upstairs over Sterling Brothers' clothing store.

John Dahlheim is improving rapidly from his recent serious illness.

Nic Casereto, of Sibley, called upon his brother J. Casereto, Wednesday.

FOR SALE -- Buff Rock hens. Inquire of Henry Lestico.

Peter Johnson and Bertha Thompson went to Windom Tuesday to attend the funeral of an aunt.

D.O. Merrill, of Lake City, Minn., has accepted a position with the Advance-Herald force.

Mr. and Mrs. I.L. Noggle, of Sioux Falls were guests last week of E.J. Helmick and family.

Charles Rowley sold his half section near Reading this week and has purchased a farm in Canada.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nazerenns [Nazerenus?] spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives and friends in Sheldon, Ia.

Karl Kent Smith of the Advance-Herald force, spent several days last week with Omaha relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman of Dewald township, returned Monday from a visit with relatives in Sheldon, Ia.

Thos. Roseau, W. McMurtry and J.B. Wagner, of Lakefield, were business visitors to Worthington Wednesday.

The W.C.T.U. will meet with Mrs. E.J. Helmick, Friday, Dec. 11th, at 3 p.m. All ladies invited to be present.

LOST -- About Nov. 8 a gold headed hat pin with initial M. Finder return to Addington's barber shop and receive reward.

Mr. and Mrs. James Chermack are rejoicing over the arrival of a brand new boy who took possession of their home on Monday last.

Miss Amy Forbes who is teaching at Woodstock, Minn., spent her Thanksgiving vacation with relatives and friends in Worthington.

T.R. Hilyard, of Currie, spent several days this week with his brother, G.B. Hilyard. He left Monday afternoon for Dows, Iowa, for a visit with relatives.

If you want to see Attorney Cashel smile the smile of satisfaction just call him "Papa."  A bright little baby boy came early Wednesday morning to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cashel and John is the happiest man in town these days.

There will be services at the Presbyterian church next Sunday at the usual hours. J.A. Olund will occupy the pulpit at the morning service and Rev. G.G. Schmidt, of the Evangelical church, will preach in the evening. All will be welcome.

There will be a lecture at the Swedish Tabernacle next Monday, Dec. 7th, by Rev. H.E. Ander. Subject, "Thibet, India and China." Rev. Andre is a missionary who spent sixteen years in these countries and his address will be worth hearing. Admission is free and all are invited.

J.J. Stafford, of Minneapolis, state agent for the London and Lancashire insurance company was in the city Monday adjusting the fire loss on the city hall for his company and the Westchester. The loss was paid in full in less than a half hour after viewing the damage with the city officials and local agents Hobson and Messer.

A.A. Cohrs, of Dovroy, Minn., was in the city Monday. Mr. Cohrs recently lost a couple of horses, either by theft or estray and his visit to this city was for the purpose of trying to secure some trace of them. They are described as a black mare, 12 years old, weight about 900, and a bay mare 7 years old, weight about 1,000.

Hand Mangled.

A.E. Breffle, foreman at the Concrete works, met with a peculiar and painful accident at the factory Wednesday afternoon. He was engaged in wiping off the engine while it was in operation and in some manner his left hand became entangled with the piston rod, and quicker than a flash was securely wedged between the rod and jacket of the engine, nearly severing one finger and bruising and mangling the others. He was brought to town where the injuries were dressed, but is still suffering a great deal of pain.

Local Intelligence

Vic Stromm spent Sunday in the Twin Cities.

Tom Hogan spent Thanksgiving with twin city friends.

M.J. Barber is recovering from an attack of kidney trouble.

Mrs. G.V. Pettit is the guest of Rushmore friends this week.

George Bonde, of Reading, was in the city on business Tuesday.

George Slade, of Adrian, was in the city on business Tuesday.

Wm. Betters, of Windom, was a Saturday visitor to this city.

J. Davis, of Adrian, made a business trip to Worthington Saturday.

M. Schreiber, of Sibley, spent Saturday in Worthington upon business.

Rev. J.D. Gibb of Rushmore, was calling on Worthington friends Monday.

T.W. Ruckerby, of Austin, made a business pilgrimage to this city Friday.

Alfred Morton, of Sibley, was a business caller in Worthington Monday.

T.J. Kendrick, of Wilmont, was in the city Monday on a business errand.

Wm. Burchard of the Creamery made a business trip to Sioux City Monday.

R.W. Mercer was on the sick list a few days this week from lung trouble.

Levi Shell and wife, of Sibley, Ia., spent Monday with Daniel Shell and family.

Wm. McEwing, of Adrian, was transacting business in Worthington Saturday.

H.H. Buttschau, of Bigelow, came up Sunday for a visit with friends in this city.

Mrs. Fred Parker, of Sioux Falls, is visiting her parents, Peter Thompson and wife.

Harvey Dickson, of Stuart, Iowa, was a business visitor to Worthington Tuesday.

Art Rose has moved into the Dr. Saxon property on Straight street in Clary addition.

F. Miller and wife came over from Luverne Saturday for a short visit with friends.

I.F. Kelley left this week for an extended trip to New York and other eastern points.

Mrs. C.I. Shannon, of Wallace, S.D., was the guest of friends in this city Sunday.

Miss Millie Zorn went to Windom to spend Thanksgiving with her parents, returning home Monday.

John F. Flynn and James Addington left Tuesday afternoon on a business trip to Vale, Oregon.

H.A. Nelson and A.P. Dahlberg, of Rushmore, were business visitor to the county seat Saturday.

For Sale -- Some choice Duroc Jersey boar pigs, cheap to close out. Wm. Malcolm.

C.T. Fuller, of Burlington, Iowa, was in the city Saturday looking after business interests.

Dr. W.C. Brock, of Sheldon, was in the city between trains Tuesday, on his way home from Luverne.

Bert Forbes and wife of Altoona, Wis., have been the guests of Mr. Forbes' mother for the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Nazerenus and son Alfred, spent Saturday and Sunday in the city with Mr. and Mrs. Wensberg.

Chas. Nienaber, of Round Lake, was in the city Tuesday advertising a sale to be held near his home town.

Harris Darling, who has been ill with typhoid fever, has recovered sufficiently to be able to get down town again.

Beth and Helen Humiston returned home Monday from a Thanksgiving visit with their grandmother at Mankato.

William Shell and H.J. Farnum and wife, of Prairie Du Sac, Wis., were guests this week at the home of Daniel Shell.

Miss Amy Forbes returned to her school duties at Woodstock, Minn., Monday after a pleasant visit with her mother in this city.

Mrs. J. Wickman, accompanied by her daughter, Syble, and son, Ernest, spent several days this week with Minneapolis relatives.

Otto Burk, who was employed at Morland's drug store during the illness of Will Eckstrom, returned to his home in New Ulm last week.

Remember Dec. 1 is the date when the winter term at the Estherville Business College begins. Come Monday if you can.

Miss Marjorie Hollister of Clear Lake, Iowa, who has been visiting her aunt, Miss Blanche Donahue, returned home Monday afternoon.

Misses Grace McKinnon and Fannie Wright, of Sioux Falls, spent several days this week in Worthington, the guests of Miss Ella Horton.

A.V. Fellows left Monday for Alton, Iowa, where he has accepted a position as brakeman on the railroad, with headquarters in the latter place.

For Sale -- White and Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels. Will exchange for good, sound corn. Mrs. Henry James.

Gus. Engelbretson has resigned his position with the Herbert drug store and will become a "knight of the grip" after the first of the year.

H. Krull, of Sibley, was the guest of Worthington friends over Sunday.

Will Boddy and James Mott were visitors to the Twin cities Sunday.

Mrs. Margaret Robson of Jewell, Iowa, is spending a few days with her son, J.r. Robson, of this city, previous to her going to Seattle, Wash., for an extended visit.

Miss Amy Darling who has been visiting her parents in this city during the Thanksgiving vacation, returned to her school work at Le Seuer Center, Minn., Monday morning.

Mrs. Dr. Dodge left last week for Minneapolis, where she will visit with friends for a short time, after which she will go to Pecatonnica, Ill., for an extended visit with relatives.

C.B. Crysler and wife, and Mrs. Joseph Cass, of Sioux Falls, were in the city Tuesday, en route home from Lake Park, where they have been spending a few days with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, of St. Paul, are guests of C.L. Mann. Mr. Taylor is the erecting engineer who has charge of the installation of the new electric generator at the municipal plant.

Mrs. W.J. MacDonald, of Spencer, Iowa, spent several days this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.N. Wetherall. She left Tuesday for a visit with relatives at Omaha, before returning home.

George Marsh, of Sheldon, was in the city between trains Tuesday, on his way to Reading. Mr. Marsh's mother, who resides at Reading has not been in good health lately and she returned with him to Sheldon, where she will spend the winter.

Rev. Carl O. Swan, of the Swedish Lutheran church held services at Dundee last Sunday and informs the Advance-Herald that there were nine catechums. The Swedish Lutherans at Dundee have recently renovated and painted their edifice and it now presents a very neat appearance.

Mrs. E.T. Redmon, of Corning, Iowa, and Adam Becker, of New Auburn, Wis., were called to this city by the death of their father, Matt Becker, and went with the family to Hartford, S.D., to attend the funeral. Mrs. Redmon returned home Tuesday afternoon, but Mr. Becker will remain a few weeks.

Rev. Carl O. Swan has resigned his pastorate here with the Swedish Lutheran church, and will move with his family to St. Paul about February 1st, having received a call from that city. Rev. Swan has made a number of friends in this city both in and outside of his congregation, who will be sorry to learn of his intention to leave Worthington.

Frank Duster, who has been in charge of the Globe for a couple of years or more under the ownership of Peter Thompson, stepped down and out from his position at the close of the month of November, Mr. John S. Randolph, who recently purchased the plant, taking possession Tuesday morning. Frank will spend a few days with relatives and friends at Sioux City and Remsen, Iowa, after which he will return to Worthington, having accepted a position with A.P. Rose, to assist with his history publication and delivery. Frank is a capable newspaper man and congenial personality and it will be a pleasure to his many friends to know that he will still be among us for a time at least.

Local Intelligence

Mrs. Boddy, of Rushmore, arrived Tuesday to attend the funeral of her niece.

Miss Ella Guernsey returned Monday from a visit with her sister in Ransom.

I am now prepared to do carpet weaving. All work first-class. -Mrs. M.O. Lahym.

Mrs. Wick, of Jackson, spent Thanksgiving with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Schrader.

G.W. Patterson and daughter, Miss Helen, are attending the stock show in Chicago this week.

Mrs. Fred Knapp entertained the Sunshine club at her home on Thursday afternoon, December 3.

Mrs. James Gibson is at the hospital and is rapidly recovering from an operation performed last week.

Mrs. Ed. Wilson and children, of Alamo Gordo, New Mexico, are visiting at the John Hansberger home.

Miss Cora Dow came down from Heron Lake to spend the Thanksgiving vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.W.W. Dow.

Fred Goff is wearing the "smile that won't come off," and is still celebrating Thanksgiving. Cause: A young son that arrived at his house Thanksgiving day.

George Voak has been visiting at the parental home this week.

Miss Mabel Nicklas came up from Bigelow Thursday for a few days' visit with friends.

Mrs. Frank Dean entertained the young men of her Sunday school class at supper last Friday evening. A delicious repast and a good time were enjoyed by all present.

Leonard Spencer, of St. James, has accepted the position at the Herbert drug store, made vacant by the resignation of Gus. Engelbretsen. He is a pleasant appearing young man and will no doubt become quite popular.

Mrs. Geo. W. Hill left last week for Alton, Ia., where she will make her home with her daughter, Mrs. R. Mahling.

Friday, December 11, 1908

Father of Worthington Lady Dies at Tilden, Nebraska.

The following obituary notice, from one of the Tilden, Neb., papers will be of interest to our readers, inasmuch as the subject off the sketch was the father of Mrs. Jens Christensen, of this city:

"Christen H. Petersen died at his residence, seven miles south of Tilden, on November 12th, 1908, aged 62 years, 8 months and 26 days.

Christen Hansen Petersen was born in Denmark, Europe, February 15th, 1846. He was baptized and confirmed in the Evangelical Lutheran church and after attending the public school to the age of fourteen years, left the parental roof to engage in ordinary farm work near his birthplace. At the age of twenty-two years he emigrated to the United States, first taking up his residence in Wisconsin where he again found employment on the farm. It was in that state that he was united in marriage to Miss Sophia Christianson, in the year of 1867. To this union were born five children, namely: Mrs. Petra Christensen, residing in Worthington, Minn.; Mrs. Mary Hanson, of Tilden, William Petersen, of Breckenridge, Missouri; and Emma and Lizzie, who departed this life in innocent youth and will welcome their beloved father on the shore of Everlasting Peace and Joy. Their much beloved mother joined her angel girls in 1885.

In the year 1886 Christen H. Petersen and Mrs. Anna O. Sergant were married and to them six children were born -- Arthur, August, Earl and Ruth, who live to mourn the loss of a kind and loving father -- and a son, James, who died at Plattsmouth fourteen years ago, at the age of five years.

The subject of this sketch located on a homestead near what is now Tilden, in 1874, and with the exception of twelve years during which he was engaged in business at Plattsmouth, this has been his continuous home.

In the death of Mr. Petersen, his wife has lost a true and faithful husband; his children a kind and loving father, and the community an honored and respected citizen. To know him was to love him, for, with his genial and straightforward deportment, he made a host of true friends, and only words of highest praise and true regard can be expressed of this noble and true man.

While he did not take an active part in church work, he was always ready to assist in the promotion of the Kingdom of God upon earth, and fully demonstrated by his patience during his many years of suffering, his willingness to bear the cross which God in His wisdom had placed upon him, and though affected with darkness and doubt which sometimes surrounds us all and apparently seems unjust, he overcame such gloomy forebodings and to the end professed the faith and hope in Life Eternal through our blessed Redeemer and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The funeral was held at the United Brethern church on November 15th the service being conducted by the Rev. Clifton, of Meadow Grove, who with words of love and encouragement consoled the sorrowing family and sympathizing friends. The choir sang with feeling expression the following hymns: "Lead, Kindly Light," "Nearer, My God, to Thee," "Sweet are the Promises," and "Some Glad Morn Not Far Away."

The pall bearers were Herman Wohlfeil, Frank Eichberg, Wm. Brogan, Charles Hanks, Jack Smith and Wiley Grubb.

A large concourse of friends accompanied the remains to the McCoy cemetery, where the mortal part of their esteemed friend and neighbor was deposited in the family lot. Peace to his ashes.

Those attending the funeral from abroad were Mrs. James Christensen, of Worthington, Minnesota; William Petersen, of Breckenridge, Missouri; P.C. Petersen, J. Chas. Petersen and L.H. Petersen, of Plattsmouth; Mr. and Mrs. Frank McEwen, of Spencer, and H. Nilsen, of Elkhorn, Nebraska.

Skating Accident.

A young man named Ralph Weller while skating upon Lake Okabena last Tuesday night, fell and sustained a fracture of the left arm, just above the wrist joint. The young man sought the services of a physician the next morning, but it was necessary to secure an X-ray photo of the arm before the fracture could be reduced.

Weller is employed with the bridge crew on the Omaha railroad, but will be compelled to lay off for some time, owing to the peculiar position of the fracture.

Alva W. Holland.

Alva W. Holland was born October 3, 1826, at Hebron, West Virginia. He was married April 11, 1850, to Elizabeth Moats, of Harrisville. Mr. and Mrs. Holland came to Iowa in 1856 and has ever since resided in Des Moines and Henry counties. To this union was born twelve children, nine of whom survive and were with him in his last illness. His companion preceded him sixteen years ago. At an early age he united with the Protestant Methodist church and has ever since lived a consistent life. Mr. Holland departed this life Nov. 19, 1908, at the age of 82 years, one month and 16 days.

Funeral services from Trinity church Friday at 11 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Hannawalt, of Mt. Pleasant. Interment at Trinity cemetery.

The subject of the above sketch was the father of D.M. Holland, of this city, and Mrs. B.F. Holland, of Kinbrae.


G. Flora was a visitor from Sibley Friday.

L.A. Sweet came over from Fairmont Friday on a business mission.

William Suter, of Welcome, was calling on Worthington friends Friday.

Will Stoutemeyer attended the Shriner's meeting at St. Paul last week.

H.G. Hawkins, of Mason City, Ia., was transacting business in this city Friday.

A.H. Winkler, of Glenwood, Iowa, was a business visitor to Worthington Friday.

Miss Mae Tupper, of Winnipeg, Man., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Robert Smith.

Enoch Johnson of route 2 has spent the summer in South Dakota but is now at home again.

Mrs. F.W. Austin, of Conway, Mo., formerly of this city, is here visiting relatives and friends.

Mrs. Gus Engelbretsen returned home Friday night from a visit with friends in the Twin cities.

Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Wolven will leave next week for southern California and Mexico, where they will spend the winter months.

The Indian Lake band will give an oyster supper at the Indian Lake Baptist church next Tuesday evening to which everybody is invited.

O.W. Johnson a traveling salesman for Thomas Hayton, of Chicago is spending a pleasant vacation with his father at home on route 2.

Rev. Grant B. Wilder and family left Saturday for Fairmont, where Rev. Wilder has accepted a call from the Congregational church.

John D. Rippberger the veteran mail carrier on route 2 informs the Advance-Herald that not in six years has the roads been in such condition as they have been the last ten days.

Rev. Swan, of the Presbyterian church of Jackson, will preach in the Presbyterian church in this city next Sunday morning and evening. All are invited to attend these services.

J.H. Hamstreet and wife, father and mother of ye editor, who have been visiting with the latter's family for the past two weeks, returned home to Clear Lake, Iowa, Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. John Corncross underwent a successful operation Tuesday for the removal of a small tumor on the face. He is recovering rapidly from the effects of the operation and will soon be able to be about again.

About twenty five young folks, friends of Miss Effie Erwin tendered her a surprise party last Saturday evening, the occassion being her birthday anniversary. The event was thoroughly enjoyed by all present and the young lady was the recipient of many handsome presents. Her parents served a dainty luncheon, and after an evening spent in social enjoyment the guests departed wishing the young lady many happy returns of the day.

Double Wedding.

Wednesday evening at six o'clock at the home of the parents of the brides, Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Free in Elk township, occurred a double wedding. At that time and place Rev. Schecter, Jr., joined in the holy bonds of matrimony Miss Jessie Free and Charles E. Wolff, and Miss Bessie Free and A.I. Standofer. Owing to the lack of space this week it is impossible to give a full account of the event, but it will appear next week.

Elect Officers.

The ladies of the W.R.C. met last Saturday afternoon for the purpose of electing officers and transacting other business. The following officers were elected:

President - Mrs. Hattie Bassett; senior vice president, Mrs. I.N. Wilson; junior vice-president, Mrs. John Fitch; treasurer, Mrs. Francis Nichols; Chaplin, Mrs. Yohn; conductor, Mrs. John Wilson; guard, Mrs. Josephine Forbes. Mrs. Lee Leonard was elected delegate and Mrs. Wm. DeVaney alternate to the department convention which meets in St. Paul in June.

Surprise Party.

Last Friday afternoon about twelve of the friends and neighbors of Mrs. S. Kall swooped down upon that lady and took possession of her home for the afternoon. It was the anniversary of Mrs. Kall's birth, and the friends presented her with a beautiful knit scarf as a slight token of their esteem. They were also in possession of well-filled baskets, from the recesses of which they brought forth viands for an elaborate supper, after partaking of which the guests departed wishing Mrs. Kall many more anniversaries of her natal day.

Lutheran Church Noter.

Mr. Frank Erikson a theological student from G.A.C. St. Peter will spend his Christmas vacation with Rev. Swan.

The Sunday school is preparing for the Christmas program which will be given in the church Dec. 26th.

The ladies aid society, west, will meet next Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson Rushmore.

Advertised Letters.

Mrs. J.A. Murray, G.F. Hilstrom, Oliver Heaffle, Lee Snyder, A.J. Smith, Mrs. Fenton Evans (2), Mrs. H.T. Ward, Miss Alice Moe, J.W. Burkhart, Miss R. Belle Webb. Parties calling for the above will please say "advertised."

Local Intelligence

Joe Kies was a business visitor to Heron Lake Monday.

J.R. Robson made a business trip to Minneapolis Tuesday.

L.H. Gray was a business visitor to Bigelow Wednesday morning.

Mrs. W.S. Wyatt was the guest of Minneapolis friends last week.

John Riley, of Wilmont, was a business visitor to Worthington Monday.

FOR SALE - A few good Poland China boars. Milton Ludlow.

M. Cruit, of Wilmont, was in the city Friday on a business mission.

John Webster was a business visitor to Sheldon Tuesday afternoon.

W.H. Sievert, of Wilmont, was calling on Worthington friends Friday.

A.F. Kieth, of Reading was calling upon old friends in the city Wednesday.

Karl Kent Smith, of the Advance-Herald force is in Brewster this week.

F.J. Kilpatrick, of Adrian, was a business caller at the county seat Friday.

J.W. True, of the Mankato Free Press, was in the city on business Monday.

Mrs. John Salstrom, of Bigelow, was the guest of Worthington relatives Tuesday.

A.G. Gibson, of Jacksonville, Ill., was a business caller in Worthington Saturday.

FOR SALE - Buff Rock hens. Inquire of Henry Lestico.

C.S. Ertz and wife, of St. Paul, spent Sunday with William Burchard and family.

W.C. Wyatt and daughter, of Bigelow, were calling on Worthington friends Monday.

Mrs. S.M. Stewart entertained a number of friends at cards last Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs. Fred Tripp, of Round Lake, spent Sunday and Monday with her parents in this city.

Rev. Heathcote and wife, of Brewster were calling on Worthington friends Tuesday afternoon.

Dr. C.P. Dolan returned home last week from a hunting trip to the northern part of the state.

P.D. Moore made a business trip to Brewster Monday in the interest of the Nobles County history.

Miss Anna Walker, one of the nurses at the Worthington hospital, spent Sunday at her home in Pipestone.

Pat O'Connor, Wm. Kline and Fred Hartwig, of Wilmont, were business visitors to the county seat Monday.

Mrs. James Gibson, who recently moved from Worthington to Sheldon, was in the city calling on old friends Friday.

Vic Anderson and son, Ralph, were guests the first of the week of Mrs. Roy Newman, on their way home from Chicago.

H.L. Blake, of Slayton, late Prohibition candidate for the legislature on the Prohibition ticket, was in the city Monday.

Mrs. Anna L. Darling, wife of Richard Darling, of Elk township, was adjusted [adjudged?] insane and taken to the hospital at St. Peter Friday.

The bridge crew under Andrew Collins went to Currie Monday to assist the crew on the Currie & Bingham Lake branch this week.

Otto and Henry Lestico, who were called here by the tragic death of their brother, Albert Leistico, returned to Norwood, Minn., Friday.

Mrs. Charles Fairfield, of St. James, was in the city Monday between trains on her way home from a visit with relatives at Rock Rapids.

Ralph Joncas, who has been employed for some time by the Village, in the waterworks department, left for his home at Kansas City Monday.

Mrs. Daniel Shell and daughter, Margie, left Tuesday afternoon for Minneapolis, where they will visit with relatives and friends for a few days.

J.D. Humiston and C.M. Crandall, of this city, and P.A. Falgatter, of Wilmont, were initiated into the mysteries of the Mystic Shriners at St. Paul last week.

James Mann, who has been employed at Luverne by the Omaha railroad, where he was in charge of the pumping station, has been transferred to a similar position at Fulton S.D.

Thos. H. Bloxham, of Sheldon, has accepted a position with G.W. Patterson, succeeding Mr. Wm. Schroeder, who will probably go into business upon his own account if he can find a suitable location.

A. Oberman, the stock buyer, shipped two car loads of cattle from Rushmore last Monday and a car load of cattle and a car of hogs from this place on the same day, accompanying the shipment as far as Sioux City.

A.J. Nelson, of the Gray-Nelson hardware company, arrived in the city last week with his family and has entered actively into the conduct of the firm's business. He has moved into the Albinson house on the lake front.

Marriage licenses were issued during the past week to Willie M. Dahlberg and Auria D. Albers, George J. Angermeier and Lena Buss, Klass Wibbens and Henderkje Veld, Charles Wolff and Jessie B. Free, A.I. Standofer and Bessie L. Free.

E.V. Voak gave a stag party last Monday night in honor of W.H. Buchan, who is to leave this week for Chicago, where he will receive surgical treatment for an injury to his foot. Supper and social intercourse was the program for the evening.

M.J. ("Maj.") O'Connor has given up his orchestra work for the present and has entered mercantile life at Lismore. "Maj." says it is impossible to get competent musicians and as he would not employ any but first-class people he prefers to remain off the road.

J.M. Addington has leased his barber shop for a term of years to D.W. Anthony, who has been employed at the shop for some time. Mr. Addington will take a much-needed rest before making any definite plans. He is now in Oregon looking after land interests.

Fred Rose has built a neat two room office building for his use. The house was built at his residence and moved onto the lot next to Van Duba's restaurant. It is covered with tin in imitation of brick and presents a neat appearance, and is a cozy place for the headquarters of his transfer business.

The local Masonic lodge elected the following officers at its meeting last Monday night: S.S. Smith, W.M.; James Mackay, S.W.; Walter Dunbar, J.W.; L.M. Shell, Treas.; J.J. Kies, Sec.

Mrs. David Jones left Monday for Rochester, where she will undergo surgical treatment for an injured knee. Last summer Mrs. Jones had the misfortune to receive a fall which injured her knee and she has been under medical treatment ever since, but has not made the improvement expected. As the lady is over seventy years of age the injury was more serious than it otherwise would have been. She was accompanied to Rochester by her son, Daniel, and daughter Lizzie.

Vic Gustafson, living south of town met with a serious accident one day last week. He was cutting kindling with a sharp knife, when it slipped and cut a deep gash in his hand and nearly severed his thumb. The sharp blade cut an artery, but Vic had presence of mind enough to place ligature above the wound, thus stopping the hemorrhage. A Worthington physician was called who rendered the necessary surgical attention and he is now getting along as well as any man with one hand.

Boddy & Mott, the enterprising proprietors of the Grand have made some extensive improvements in the operating room of the theatre, and have now an absolute protection against danger from fire. The entire room has been covered with asbestos, and as a double safe guard, the floor is covered with Russia Sheet steel on top of asbestos. A new fire proof take-up attachment has been added to the machine, so that there is no danger from fire attacking the films used on the machine. The action is entirely voluntary upon the part of Boddy & Mott, and they are to be commended for their forethought.

O.E. Sill and family left the latter part of the week for Worthington for the purpose of placing their little son, Scott, in a hospital where he will have his thumb taken off. An account of the accident of which the little fellow was the victim appeared in last week's Herald and at that time it was hoped the injured member might be saved but this was found to be impossible. Mr. Sill returned home Tuesday evening and stated that the little boy stood the amputation all right but would remain at Worthington a few days with his mother. --Ceylon Herald.

The Sunshine club met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Fred Knapp, and the usual good time enjoyed by those present. An elaborate dinner was served and the guests all did ample justice to this feature, having succeeded in working up a very good appetite by driving over the extremely rough roads.  The club will meet January 7, 1909, with Mrs. S.W. Sprouse, at which time the ladies will serve an oyster supper to their husbands and children. As the weather man is usually very considerate of the welfare of the Sunshine club it is anticipated that good weather will prevail.

Last Friday night a woman giving the name of Mrs. Bird and carrying a small child in her arms, was in Beaver Creek soliciting aid to recover possession of her children, who, she said, had been taking from her by the Children's Home authorities at Sioux Falls. This is a new graft, but will probably not be very remunerative, as this action by the Home officials tends to throw a cloud over the reputation of the mother. If the woman's cause had been a just one, she would not have had to leave her own state for necessary aid. State lines do not mark limits of generous hearts. --Beaver Creek Banner.

The woman in question was in Worthington Thursday and succeeded in separating several citizens from sums of from five cents to a dollar each. She left on the afternoon train south, and will probably work south into Iowa with her tale of woe.

Friday, December 18, 1908

Elk Township Home is Scene of Happy Marriage Ceremony.

Sometime ago cards came out announcing the marriage of Alonzo V. Standafer to Bessie Free and Charles E. Wolff to Jessie Free, and on the evening of December 9 the numerous invitations met a gratifying response in the presence of a number of friends and tokens from absent ones, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. C. Free in Elk. Promptly at six o'clock the bi-couple brides in rich cream and grooms in plain black, was escorted into the presence of the waiting guests and the wedding ceremony was performed by J. Schechtu, Jr., and was followed by congratulations. A handsome and liberal supper was then served, after which some time was spent in social conversation. The following presents were received: Silver sugar shell, Mr. and Mrs. D. Sisson; silver meat fork, Grandma Sisson; silver butter knife and sugar shell, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Free; set silver tea spoons, Paul Schulz and family; set of silver tea spoons, Mr. and Mrs. T. Leslie; toothpick holder, Emmet Williams; sugar bowl and creamer, Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Mattheson; berry dish and cake stand, Mrs. Wells, Hiram and Lawrence; cake plate, Myrtle Standafer; salad dish, Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Studebaker; salad dish, Goff and Dean; bedspread, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hagge; aluminum frying pan, dipper and spoon, F.A. Mattheson; cut glass tumblers, Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Ramer; lace curtains, Herbert Steinman and Emma Schulz; berry dish and sauce dishes, Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Williams; carving knife and fork, Geo. Klessig; bread plate, Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Hilary; pair pillow cases and sofa pillow, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Seegmiller; dinner set, A.F. Eshleman and family, D.F. Schulter and Mr. and Mrs. Schechter; cake plate, A.F. Eshleman and family; $5, Mr. and Mrs. Chapin. Mr. and Mrs. Standafer took the 4:20 train Thursday morning for Hancock, this state, where they will visit a sister of his. From there they will go to Morrill to stay over Christmas with his parents and thus pleasantly  spend their honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wolff chose to spend their honeymoon in acquainting themselves with the initiatives of housekeeping and at once took up their work on the John Nelson farm just west of Geo. Hackess, where Messrs. Wolff and Standafer are to engage in farming. These young people are well and favorably known in this community and enjoy the well wishes of their many friends, and while for them the bells will soon cease their ringing methinks they will still tinkle. -David P. Schechter.


E.A. Tripp was a caller from Round Lake Tuesday.

C. Guernsey has moved into his new home in the Clary addition.

Neal Stock company -- greeted with crowded houses everywhere.

A.M. Becker, of Adrian, was in the city between trains Tuesday.

Mrs. R. Dryden, of Lemon, S.D., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Barber.

M.J. Martin was confined to his home the first of the week by an attack of pleurisy.

Frank Scharfe, of Lucan, Minn., was a business visitor to Worthington Tuesday.

M.J. Hubbard, the Bigelow merchant was a business visitor to this village Saturday.

Will Shanks, of Elk township shipped seventy-two fine hogs to the Chicago market Tuesday.

Peter Wallace, of Adrian, was in the city Tuesday between trains, en route to the Twin cities.

Mrs. G.W. Roth left Tuesday for Bennington, Wis., where she will spend the holiday season with her parents.

B. Klatt, of Sibley, was in the city on business relating to the recent purchase of some Nobles county land.

Rev. A.H. Utzingen, of Mankato, will preach in the Evangelical church Sunday next, both morning and evening.

Herman Althoff and Joe Henning, of Adrian, left Tuesday for Wyoming, where they will remain for the winter.

Mrs. Frank Anderson, who has been the guest of Mrs. M.C. Carr for the past week, returned to her home in Sioux City Tuesday.

P. McCarvel, who has been employed upon the bridgecrew of the Omaha left Monday for Montana, where he will remain for some time.

Messrs. E.V. Voak, G.W. Roth, F.L. Humiston, Wm. Schroeder and G.W. Patterson left Tuesday for Texas and points in the southwest.

J.M. Addington returned home Monday from Vale, Ore., where he went a couple of weeks ago in company with Attorney John Flynn to look at some fruit land.

Fred Rule, advance agent of the Neal Stock Co., was in the city Monday and Tuesday arranging for the appearance of that company at the opera house the first three days of next week.

A clipping from the Seattle Post Intelligence, states that Bernard Bliss, a former Worthington boy was selected as right tackle in the Inter scholastic foot ball game recently in the city of Washington. Bernard took his first lessons here in Worthington.

Mrs. R.L. Morland gave two very pleasant at home parties last week, the first one being given on Wednesday at five o'clock and the other on Friday at the same hour. About twenty-five guests were present on each occasion and a very pleasant time was had by all.

Theo. Rasmussen, who has been ill for some time with typhoid fever, has fully recovered and returned to his work with a bridge construction company of Illinois Tuesday, reporting for duty at Blue Earth where the company is constructing a bridge.

Albert Little returned home Monday afternoon from New Orleans where he has been for some time. He states that the weather there at present is very similar to spring in Minnesota, but that it did not seem natural and he is not anxious to return.

A.N. Sears and Dave Flint, who have many friends in this city made during their many visits as members of O'Connor's orchestra, were in the city a short time Tuesday. They are now with Howe's orchestra and were en route from Sioux Falls to Windom to play for a dance.

Local Intelligence

Robt. Black of Rushmore paid a visit to the county seat Monday.

Oscar Kunzman was the guest of friends in St. James Friday.

Sheriff Fauskee was in Brewster Monday for a visit with friends.

Peter Lentz, of Adrian was in the city on a business mission  Monday.

Miss Blanche Vollmer went to Brewster Monday for a visit with friends.

D.E. Harvey, of Brewster, was transacting business in the city Monday.

D.M. Holland left Monday for Cuba, where he will sojourn during the winter.

F.L. Janes, of Pipestone, was in the city Monday on business with the probate court.

Ivan Pettit spent several days this week with friends in St. Paul, returning home Monday.

Rev. C.M. Johnson will preach in the Wass school house Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock.

Mrs. J.S. Frink, who has been visiting relatives in Geneseo, Ill., returned home Saturday of last week.

Mrs. S.B. Bedford, of Rushmore was in the city between trains on Tuesday last on a shopping excursion.

Miss Bertha Thompson went to Windom Monday where she will visit with her parents until after Christmas.

Mrs. D.W. Chute came down from Wilmont Tuesday on a business and shopping trip, returning Wednesday.

A.J. Breffle, who was injured at the tile factory a couple of weeks ago has recovered sufficiently to return to his duties at the plant.

Lou Bassett of St. Paul visited friends and relatives in the city for a few hours this week. It was a fleeting visit, a new boy having arrived at his home Dec. 5th asserting loud claims upon his attention. Lou found it somewhat hard to keep his feet upon terra firma, but otherwise bore himself as well as could be expected under the new dignity.

A.R. Dyck has been suffering from a queer ailment this week. He purchased a fur-coat last winter and when he began to wear it this fall, the fur collar touching the skin of his face caused it to swell and erysiplas setting in confined him to the house. It is thought that the animal from which the fur was taken was diseased. --Mountain Lake View.

Local Intelligence

Rev. Cahoon was a Windom visitor Monday.

C. Korslund, of Luverne, was a business visitor Friday.

Dr. P.T. Geyerman spent Sunday with relatives in Brewster.

C.A. Cedarblade was a business visitor to St. James Saturday.

W.G. Meyers and wife went to St. James Sunday for a visit with friends.

John Schreiber, of Menasha, Wis., was transacting business in the city Friday.

Hugh Smith, of Howard, S.D., was calling on friends in a business way Friday.

Daniel shell went to Minneapolis Friday for a short visit with relatives and friends.

A.C. Todd, of Booge, S.D., was renewing acquaintances in Worthington this week.

Rev. W.H. Pond, of Wilder, occupied the pulpit of the Episcopal church Sunday evening.

Miss Grace Geyerman, of Brewster, spent Friday with her brother, Dr. P.T. Geyerman.

"Butch" Zollman, of Adrian, was visiting with old friends in Worthington Saturday.

Master David Lees, of Brewster, spent Friday with his grandmother, Mrs. John Meyers.

Miss Jeannette Carleton has been confined to the house the past week with a severe cold.

M.F. Miller, of Hull, Iowa, was looking after business interests in Worthington Friday.

Miss Lillian Saxon, who has been employed at the depot lunch counter has resigned her position.

H.C. Gunther, of LeMars, Iowa, was calling on Worthington friends Friday and Saturday.

Miss M.E. Duggan, of Chicago, spent several days in this city the past week, calling on friends.

John Salstrom and wife, of Bigelow, were calling on Worthington friends and relatives Saturday.

Peter Anderson, Sr., of Indian Lake township was taken ill with pneumonia last week, but is recovering.

Master David Lees, of Brewster, was the guest of his grandmother, Mrs. John Meyers, a few days last week.

Miss Clara Cunningham, who has been visiting with friends in this city, returned to her home in Brewster Sunday.

C.R. West and the Misses Mickelson Tollson and Dickson, of Brewster, attended the pupils' contest and convention Saturday.

Miss Benedictal Larson left Saturday for Kandiyohi, Minn., where she will be the guest of her sister for a couple of weeks.

Wm. Dwyer, of Lorain township, is confined to his home with theumatism. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery.

Mrs. Hattie Bassett, of Rushmore, clerk of district No. 9, was in attendance at the teachers' meeting and pupils' contest Saturday.

J.H. West left last week for Hartley, Iowa, where he has accepted a position as superintendent of the electric light plant at that place.

Mesdames Morland, S.M. Stewart, J.D. Humiston and Mrs. W.M. Evans and two children went down to Sioux City Monday to attend a performance.

Richard Noren returned home from Hanley, Saskatchewan, Can., Saturday and will remain in Worthington during the winter, returning to Canada in the spring.

Will H. Buchan left Monday for St. Paul, where he will visit with friends for a few days before going to Chicago, where he will seek surgical attention for his foot.

Joe Budde, of Lismore, was in the city Saturday. He was on his way to St. Paul and took advantage of the time between trains to call on a few friends.

Joe Pasa, of Wilmont, was in the city Saturday between trains on his way to Wisner, Neb., where he assumes a position in a bank and real estate business.

Rev. W.F. Ripley, of Pueblo, Colo., who has been the guest the past week, of W.B. Stoutemyer and other relatives, left Tuesday for Omaha, where he is a delegate to a convention.

To Exchange -- Farm in Ewington township, Jackson county, Minn., for Worthington property. Must be on north side of Omaha railroad. M. Baumann, Heron Lake, Minn.

H.A. Gould went to Sibley Monday where he will take charge of the City bakery for a few days, until the new new proprietor can get things into shape. Mr. Gould has been quite sick for two or three weeks, but has fully recovered.

Gilbert Evans, who has been employed as switchman at the Omaha yards in this city during the absence of one of the regular employes, returned to his home at St. James Friday, where he will resume his duties in the yards.

Mr. and Mrs. Pettig and Mr. John Pettig, of Carroll, Iowa, returned home Monday after a visit with Peter Sparks of Wilmont. Mr. Sparks came as far as Worthington with them and saw them safely started on their return journey.

Mrs. W.L. Bly, of San Francisco, who has been the guest of friends in Worthington the past week, left Monday morning for Albert Lea, Minn., for a visit with relatives. Miss Lillian Saxon accompanied her as far as Miloma.

M. Baumann, of Heron Lake, was in the city on business Friday and the Advance-Herald acknowledges a pleasant call. Mr. Baumann contemplates moving his family to Worthington if he can secure a suitable residence.

J.W. McBride will leave the latter part of the month for Mason City, Ia., where he recently purchased the Becker cafe. The cafe is conceded to be the best place of the kind in the city and Mac will no doubt prove a popular boniface.

Miss Jeannette Carleton has organized a class in music at Rushmore and will make weekly visits to that village hereafter. Miss Carleton is thoroughly proficient in her profession and we can recommend her to the citizens of Rushmore.

R.T. Clark, who has been employed for several years by Saxon Bros., of Indian Lake township, will leave next week for Ocheyedan, Ia., where he will assume charge of the stock farm of Sam Block, while the owner is away on an extended trip.

Ralph Weller, the young man who had the misfortune to break his arm last week while skating, left Saturday for his home at Melrose, Iowa, where he will remain until he recovers sufficiently to return to his work on the bridge crew of the Omaha.

A.C. Hedberg, formerly in the real estate business in this city, but now of Mankato, came down Tuesday on business in Worthington and other points in the county, returning home Saturday. He was not too busy however, to look up old friends and shake hands.

Taylor Johnson, one of Bigelow township's most substantial farmers was in the city Friday and took home with him a four-horse power gasoline engine for use upon his farm. The engine is similar to the one used in this office for furnishing power and was purchased from the Western Implement Co.

Glen King, of Org, was in Worthington Saturday seeking medical attendance [attention?] for a bone affection. About four years ago an ulcer on the bone of his right arm made its appearance but under medical care it apparently healed but last week broke out afresh  and is causing the young man considerable pain and annoyance.

Dan Montgomery had the misfortune to fall down the cellar stairs at the residence of M.P. Mann Friday evening. He struck on something sharp and cut a gash in his head which bled profusely. He went to a physician where the wound was dressed and aside from the inconvenience occasioned he is getting along all right.

Cleve Mullen, a freight brakeman on the Sioux Falls line was knocked from the top of a box car at Rushmore Saturday and considerably bruised about the head. The accident was caused by the violent bumping of the cars upon which he was standing. He came to Worthington where he took the train for Minneapolis to have his injuries attended to by the railroad physician.

The depot restaurant has again changed hands and is now in charge of John S. Parker, of Chicago. "Bud" Baker, who has been in charge of the place for some months severed his connection last Thursday, but is as yet undecided as to what he will do in the future. "Bud" is a congenial, pleasant fellow and his many friends will be sorry to learn that he is not to be seen in his accustomed place in the future. Lyle Thurber will continue as night man.

Finger Crushed.

Ivan Pettit, while at work at the tile factory, had the misfortune to get his left hand into the cogs of the pump crushing one of them so badly that it was necessary to visit a physician and have the nail removed. The accident happened last Thursday and will lay him up for some time.

Friday, December 25, 1908

Local Intelligence

T. Jacobson, of Jewell, was in the city on business Friday.

Chas R. Hildred, was calling upon Worthington friends Monday.

E.J. Butler, of Adrian, was calling on Worthington friends Friday.

Dr. Dodge is spending Christmas with his parents at Round Lake.

Mrs. George Thompson, of Rushmore, was a Worthington visitor Monday.

Mrs. Frank Glasgow and daughter, Edith, spent Monday in Sioux City.

Miss Elizabeth Thompson is spending the holidays with Minneapolis friends.

Mrs. Elizabeth Moberg, of Bigelow township, is quite low with pneumonia.

Charles A. Taylor was looking after interests in Nobles county Wednesday.

Mrs. Rev. Gibb, of Rushmore, was calling on friends in Worthington Monday.

E.S. Tiebig, of Sheldon, Iowa, was a business visitor to this village Tuesday.

E.R. Martin, of Primghar, Iowa, was transacting business in this city Friday.

G.S. Mitchell of Rushmore was in the city for a few hours Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs. Otto Orlonske came over from Rushmore Monday and spent the day with friends.

Miss Almino Willock is assisting at the Brace Jewelry store during the holiday rush.

Mrs. Rev. babcock, of Rushmore, spent Monday afternoon with Worthington friends.

Mrs. A.F. Dring left on Tuesday for Wisconsin to visit over the holidays with her parents.

Miss Jeanette Carleton left Tuesday for Minneapolis to spend the holidays with her parents.

J.H. Kuntz, of Ocheydan, Iowa, was a business visitor to Worthington Friday and Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Veltum, of Minneapolis are Xmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Goodrich.

Miss Emily Plotts entertained the Candy club in a most enjoyable manner last Wednesday night.

Will Snodgress, of Currie, Minn., is visiting with G.B. Hildyard and family during the holidays.

W.C. Thom of Rushmore, was in the city Wednesday and paid a pleasant visit to this office.

Miss Gladys Humbert of Webster City, Iowa is visiting her sister, Mrs. A.C. Dickens this week.

John Young and Charles Wood, of Traer, Iowa, were business callers in Worthington Tuesday.

Mrs. G.E. Cunningham and son, Charles, of Brewster, were visitors to Worthington Monday.

Mrs. Joseph Beach, of Mankato, is spending the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. W.T. Hayes.

Theo. Bahls, the Round Lake merchant, came down to Worthington Friday on a business mission.

E.J. Wolven and wife left last week for a tour of California where they will sojourn for the winter.

Mrs. W. MacDonald, of Chamberlain, S.D., is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.N. Wetherall.

W.C. Wyatt and Pete Peters, of Bigelow, were in the city Monday attending to business matters.

W. Moriarity, the Heron Lake Insurance man, was in the city Monday and Tuesday writing policies.

J.D. Giberson, of Farmington, Minn., was in the city Saturday looking after business interests.

W.E. Roberts, the Rushmore real estate dealer, was a business visitor to the county seat Wednesday.

Mrs. Fred Meier and children have gone to Hampton, Iowa, to visit her parents and spend the holidays.

Miss Alice Bloom left Monday for Woodstock, Minn., where she will spend Christmas with her grandparents.

Mrs. Burr Ludlow came down from Rushmore Wednesday for a visit with relatives and friends in this city.

Attorney John F. Flynn returned home Wednesday afternoon from a four week's business trip to Vale, Ore.

Miss Larina Dow of Ashbury Hospital, Minneapolis, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.W.W. Dow.

Miss Emma Ferguson, a teacher in the schools of Tracy, Minn., is visiting her parents in this city during the holidays.

A. Obermann and wife left Monday night for El Reno, Okla., where they will visit for a couple of weeks with friends.

Miss Cora Dow, who is teaching at Heron Lake, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.W.W. Dow.

Mrs. Aaron Wensberg left Tuesday afternoon for Mankato, where she will join her husband, who is employed in that city.

James Gibson, a former resident of this city, but now located at Sioux City, was calling on old friends in the village Saturday.

Mrs. W.F. Scott and family went down to Traer, Iowa, Wednesday [missing words] Mrs. Scott's mother.

P.W. Bladent, of Dundern, Sask., Can., was in the city Wednesday calling on friends and extolling the virtues of the Canadian country.

Carl Carlson, of Sibley, was in the city Monday. Carl is a brakeman on the Currie branch and was on his way home to spend Christmas.

Miss Pearl Luehrs came down from Minneapolis Tuesday to spend the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Leuhrs.

Rev. C.M. Johnson will preach in the Robertson school house next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Everybody is cordially invited to attend.

Mrs. E.R. Humiston left Monday for Minneapolis where she will remain until after the holidays as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Jones.

Mrs. Chas. Hamstreet and the children left on Tuesday for Clear Lake, Iowa, for an over-Christmas visit with Grandpa and Grandma Hamstreet.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schlatter, of Lawler, Iowa, who have been guests of D.M. Anthony and wife for the past week, left for their home Monday afternoon.

George Wyckoff, who is attending the University of Minnesota, is at home for the Christmas vacation, the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.V. Wyckoff.

W.C. Davey, of Estherville, is acting as brakeman on the Rock Island between here and Lake Park, while one of the regular employes is enjoying a holiday vacation.

J.D. Ely, one of the good farmers of Dewald township, dropped into our office Tuesday and advanced his subscription to Feb. 1910. Says he wants his paper regularly.

Fremont Dow, who is employed at the government experiment station at St. Paul, came home Wednesday to spend the holidays with his parents, C.W.W. Dow and wife.

Mrs. Roy Newman went to Org Wednesday for a visit with her father until Thursday morning when she left for St. James for a visit with Mr. Newman's parents during the holidays.

George Stewart, of Kansas City, Mo., and H.M. Goodrich, of Burwell, Neb., are visiting at the home of A.A. Goodrich and family during the holidays.

H.D. Wendt, of Welcome, was calling on friends in this city Friday. Mr. Wendt was formerly manager of the creamery at Sibley, but has recently accepted a similar position at Welcome.

Mrs. J.S. Cocks, of Kinbrae, was the guest of Mrs. Frank Eastman Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cocks are moving this week from Kinbrae to Windom, where they will reside in the future.

John E. Johnson, of Org, who has been out in Washington for a couple of years returned home last week. Mr. Johnson has not been in good health of late and is at present under the care of a physician.

L.T. Eide, one of our Ransom township subscribers, was in town Tuesday doing some Christmas shopping and favored this office with a pleasant call and renewed his subscription to the Advance-Herald.

The Sunshine Club of Lorain township met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. D. Jones, sr. Refreshments were served and a royal good time reported. The next meeting of the club will be at the home of Mrs. Wm. Sprouse.

M.L. Holbrook was a business visitor to Spirit Lake Monday. Mr. Holbrook is arranging with a number of nearby towns to handle their dry cleaning and his visit to Spirit Lake was for the purpose of appointing an agent at that place.

Mrs. E.L. Wemple and granddaughter, Miss Lillian Wemple, of Rushmore, were in the city Wednesday between trains, enroute to St. Paul, where they will spend the holiday season with Mrs. Wemple's daughter, Mrs. Anton Schaffer.

Judge C.W.W. Dow received a letter this week from his son Don Carlos announcing the fact that he had been elected to the position of city attorney of Pullman, Wash. Don's many friends will be glad to note that he is meeting with success in his western home.

Dan Nystrom went to Brewster last Wednesday morning returning in the afternoon with a fine buggy team which he purchased from Dr. N.J. Nessa of that place. They are certainly beautiful specimens of horse flesh and Dan has every reason to be proud of them.

Marriage licenses have been issued this week to Chris Carl Jeppesen and Minnie Ziener, William Lusbey, of Cottonwood county and Lydia Stromberg, of Cook county, Ill. and Harold Stearns and Frances Wilson. Harold is but a trifle over 20 years of age, so the license was issued by the consent of his father, Charles E. Stearns.

Leonard Fisher, living eight miles west of town leased his farm for a term of years and will sell his stock and machinery at auction, sometime in February. This will be an exceptionally large farm sale and Col. Holbrook, of this city, has been engaged to cry it, which will make the sixth sale Col. Holbrook has cried in the Fisher family.

Five Generations

A unique Christmas dinner will occur in Worthington today, when at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Stanton five generations will gather around the family table. Those representing the five generations are: Mrs. P.M. Harding, Mrs. N.E. Bitner, of Clinton, Iowa, Mrs. Stanton, Mrs. L.M. Ramage, of Bigelow, and Wilbur Webb Ramage.


Dr. P. Geyerman spent Sunday with Brewster relatives.

F.P. Duster spent Sunday with Sioux City friends.

Sheriff Fauskee went to Brewster Monday on official business.

Mrs. Dr. P.T. Geyerman was a caller on Brewster Monday.

Miss Beth Ames left Saturday for a visit with her parents at Traer, Iowa.

Mrs. G. Sellars and Miss Alice Duba were guests of Sioux City friends Friday.

Miss Freda Otto is spending the holiday vacation at her home in Red Wing.

Charles Ashbaugh, of Rushmore, spent Sunday with Worthington friends.

Earl Barkelew went to Sibley Monday afternoon for a brief call on friends.

Mrs. Alma Peterson is assisting at the Variety Store during the holiday season.

J.L. Seeley and J.L. Johnson were business visitor from Round Lake Saturday.

Miss Carrie Bachtle is spending her Xmas vacation with relatives at Delevan, Minn.

Miss Mildred Powers is the Yuletide guest of relatives at Emmettsburg, Iowa.

Miss Margaret Dieckhoff is clerking at the Herbert Drug Co. during the holiday rush.

Miss Ada Ainsworth is visiting with relatives in Council Bluffs during the Xmas vacation.

Will Rippberger, of Rock Rapids, is the guest of his parents, J.D. Rippberger and wife.

John Salstrom, of Bigelow, was a business caller on Worthington friends Monday afternoon.

Miss Anna Barnard is spending her Christmas vacation with relatives at Montezuma, Minn.

Miss Blanche Donahue went to her home in Clear Lake, Iowa, to spend her Xmas vacation.

Mrs. Philip Anton was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Otto Schmusser, at Lake Park last week.

Miss Martha Wick, of the Worthington schools, is spending the holidays at her home at Jackson.

Arba Bedford, who is attending school here is spending the holidays with his parents at Rushmore.

Ernest Sterling, who is traveling for a Minneapolis firm, is spending the holidays with his parents in this city.

Sterling Lawton, who has been attending Morningside college at Sioux City, is home for the holiday vacation.

Clark Pannell is home from Drinkwater, Canada, for a visit with his parents.

C.A. Cedarblade, of Route 1, went to St. Paul Saturday, where he is the guest of a sister.

I.F. Kelly returned home the latter part of last week from a business trip to New York.

Bennet Joul, of Brewster, was in the city Saturday and paid the Advance-Herald a pleasant call.

Miss Amy Forbes, one of the teachers at Woodstock, Minn., is spending the holiday vacation with relatives in this city.

Miss Margaret Ashe, one of the teachers in the Worthington schools is spending the holiday vacation at her home in Mankato.

Misses Minnie and Ida Nelson are forgetting school affairs during the Xmas vacation by a visit with relatives at Heron Lake.

Neal Leverich spent Sunday with friends in this city. Neal is now making his headquarters at Sioux Falls instead of Mitchell as formerly.

Mrs. Hensel and daughter left Saturday for Milwaukee where they will be the guests of relatives until the expiration of the holiday vacation.

Fred Joben left Monday afternoon for his home at Lodi, Ill., where he will spend the holiday season and visit with relatives for a couple of weeks.

Miss Rosetta McNerney, of Sibley, was the guest Monday of Miss Helen Doeden. Miss Doeden accompanied her to Sibley and will remain until after the holidays.

Stanley Swanberg, who is attending school at St. Paul, is visiting his parents during the holidays. He was accompanied by his school mate, Paul Behm, of Waupaca, Wis., who remained over Sunday, leaving Monday morning for his home.

Rev. W.M. Jennings, of Battle Creek, Iowa, occupied the pulpit at the Presbyterian church Sunday and was well received. Mr. Jennings is a fine man to meet personally and his sermons were considered by those who heard them as excellent efforts.

Mrs. David Jones and her daughter, Lizzie of Lorain sent out invitations that they wished the Sunshine club to meet at their home Tuesday for dinner, to which they responded, and presented Mrs. Jones a fine fruit dish as a Christmas present. The club should have met there last September but Mrs. Jones had received an injury to her knee at that time so had to give it up. Miss Lizzie Jones prepared an elaborate spread, to which all did ample justice. Every one present had a fine time.

Mrs. F.H. Millard, who directed the home talent production of "Prairie Rose," went to Rushmore Saturday for a visit with friends. She left Tuesday for her home in Minneapolis where she will remain until after Christmas. Her next appointment is at White Bear, where she will present "The Mountain Girl," with amateur talent.

F.L. Kieth, formerly a clerk in the employ of M.J. Barber, of this city, and afterwards with a Reading concern, has purchased the fixtures of the Adrian Mercantile company, at Reading and will open a grocery at that place. He will also conduct a hotel in connection. Frank is a good fellow and we wish him every success in his new venture.

A roller skating rink will furnish amusement and entertainment for the citizens of Worthington this winter. Messrs. A. & G. Borst have opened a rink in the room next to the village hall and are meeting with deservedly good patronage. They are Worthington boys and should be encouraged as it is their intention to conduct the place in a strictly first-class manner.

W.J. McBride left Thursday for Mason City, Iowa, to assume possession of the cafe recently purchased in that city. Mac is a genial, wholesouled fellow and should prove a popular caterer. Here's wishing him all manner of success in his new venture. Dayton Staubus, who will assist him in the cafe, left last week and has been busy making preliminary arrangements for the new manager.

Mr. and Mrs. J.H. James left yesterday afternoon for Little Rock, Iowa, to spend Christmas with Mr. James' parents and to attend a family reunion. Mr. and Mrs. R.T. James are the parents of ten children and arrangements have been made that they all be at home on Christmas day. All of the children excepting one are married and have children of their own and all of the grand children and great grand children will be present and the reunion will be a notable one in the history of northern Iowa.

----End Transcription----

Microfilm, Worthington Advance; Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, MN; obtained November, 2007.

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