Worthington Advance, 1908

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Newspaper Articles
from Worthington Advance
 July, 1908

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Friday, July 3, 1908


Mr. Ora A. Oberman, junior member of the firm of a. Oberman & Son, of this city, was married on Wednesday at Anoka, this state, to Miss Minnie Wicklund, a young lady who held a position as head nurse in a hospital at Anoka. Mr. and Mrs. Oberman are expected home today and will be tendered a reception at the home of the groom's father, west of town. The groom is one of Worthington's rising young men, and has a large circle of friends, whom we take pleasure in joining in extending congratulations.


Richard H. Matheson of Elk and Miss Addie V. Ely of Dewald were united in marriage by Rev. G.A. Cahoon at the home of the bride's parents Thursday morning, June 25, 1908, at half-past ten o'clock.

The wedding march was played by Miss Hazel Pepple. Quite a number of friends and relatives witnessed the very pretty ceremony.

After the ceremony an elaborate wedding dinner was served.

The newly wedded pair left on the afternoon train for Iowa points and will shortly be at home to their many friends at the farm home of the groom in Elk.

Mr. and Mrs. Matheson are both well known and popular young people and start out in life with the best wishes of a large circle of friends and acquaintances.


Mr. Arthur Strube of Worthington township and Miss Emma Lahym of Davenport, Iowa, were quietly married in the presence of immediate relatives of the bride at the home of Rev. G.A. Cahoon, Sunday evening, June 28, 1908. Mr. and Mrs. Strube will take up their residence at West Point, Nebraska.

Crowell Bound Over.

Wm. Crowell, the transient arrested for the theft of a couple of harness and M.S. Smith's clarinet, was arraigned before Judge Dow, Monday and waived examination and was held to the Grand Jury. Crowell was inclined to fight the case but when confronted with the evidence in the hands of the County Attorney he changed his mind. The sheriff has recovered one of the harness and is trying to trace where the other harness and clarinet were disposed of.


C. King, the Org merchant, was a county seat visitor Wednesday.

H.G. Kuehne of Elk was in the city last Saturday doing trading.

A.R. Bielkey, the Reading merchant was in the city last Monday.

John Wilson returned yesterday from his trip to Spokane and Seattle.

Miss McCue, of Belle Plaines, has taken a position in Hart and Co's store.

Miss Minnie Kiel, of Chicago is visiting her sister, Mrs. H.G. Kuehne in Elk.

Stewart Hart is making a trip through Iowa buying wool for the Hart Commission Co.

Banker R.J. Jones of Reading transacted business at the county seat between trains, last Monday.

Rev. W.A. Dennis and family of Luverne, arrived the first of the week to go into camp for the Chautauqua.

B.B. Austin, of Des Moines, Ia., is a guest at the Smallwood home. Mr. Austin is a nephew of Mrs. Smallwood.

Mrs. Theo Bahls and daughter, of Round Lake, passed through Worthington, Saturday on their way up to Minneapolis.

F.A. Tripp the Round Lake merchant passed through town Tuesday on his way to St. Paul to attend the state convention.

Mr. Frank W. Hill, Mr. Jack C. Hill and Mrs. R. Mahling were called home on account of the serious illness of their father Mr. G.W. Hill.

There will be a special service in St. John's Episcopal Church Sunday morning at half past nine, Rev. W.A. Dennis and Rev. W.H. Pond will officiate.

Miss Ethel Patterson is clerking in Barber & Keith's store.

W.E. Oxford of Seward was in the city on business yesterday.

Mrs. E.J. Helmick visited in Sioux Falls the first of the week.

W.M. Evans returned Monday from a business trip to Gowrie, Ia.

Ernest Swanson and wife were in from route 5 yesterday doing trading.

Miss Opal Lehrs has returned from a month's visit in Minneapolis.

E.A. Tripp of Round Lake transacted business at the county capitol yesterday.

Col. J.A. Town is at Sherburne this week attending a G.A.R. encampment.

Mrs. Lee Shell entertained a party of lady friends at bridge whist Wednesday afternoon.

Born -- On Monday, June 29, to Mr. and Mrs. P.W. Ledine, of Bigelow township, a daughter.

W.E. Moses of Northfield spent a number of days here this week looking after his hardware business.

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Tilman of Clarion, Iowa, were visitors at the J.C. Williamson home a few days ago.

F.C. Brace is displaying today a new line of the greatest jewelry sensation of the day. Watch his window.

Joe Ullrich, one of the prominent farmers of the town of Worthington was in the city on business Wednesday.

T.H. Creever has accepted a position in Goff & Deen's grocery store, where he will be pleased to greet all his friends.

Mrs. Wm. Barton and daughter Susie of Zion City, Ill., visited a few days at the A.F. Dring home this week.

Rev. C.O. Swan returned Tuesday from Chicago, where he had spent two weeks attending the synod of his church.

G.W. Patterson is on a business trip in the northern part of the state and is expected to be absent until the first of the week.

Will and Ed Ullrich returned on Wednesday from their claims at Haswell, Col., and will remain here until after the threshing season closes.

John Lochmer, wife and son, returned on Wednesday from their visit to Texas, Oklahoma, Illinois and Indiana, and report having had a very pleasant time.

A.M. Hagerman of Loraine township was in the city on business on Wednesday and made this office a pleasant call. Mr. Hagerman says the crops are looking fair in his section of the county considering the weather.

The Revs. C.C. Pollit and W.H. Knowlton will start on their fourth annual missionary journey on July 15th. They will visit Worthington and adjacent points on dates as follows: Fulda, July 20th; Slayton, July 21st; Pipestone, July 22d; Jasper, July 23d; Worthington, July 24th.

Fred Trunk was in town Wednesday doing trading.

Harry B. Lewis has put up a new awning in front of his store.

C.E. Sims was out surveying on L.S. Kenney's farm this week.

The Grand has been closed for six weeks on account of the hot weather.

Mrs. Emma Wills of Round Lake was a Worthington visitor on Tuesday.

Miss Edith Bear is assisting in the telephone central during the chautauqua.

G.C. Borst, of Dalls county, Iowa, is here on a visit at the home of A. Oberman.

For rent -- 5 room cottage, 2� blocks from State Bank. Enquire of Mrs. J.P. Biltgen.

Ernest Sterling went to Minneapolis Wednesday, where he will spend a few days visiting his sister.

Mrs. Hattie C. Thom and daughter Grace, of Omaha, are here on a visit at the home of her brother, E.K. Smith.

G.W. Patterson, R.L. Morland and F.L. Humiston left on Tuesday for St. Paul to attend the state convention.

The Lemon Club met at the home of Miss Emma Geelson, Wednesday evening July first and a very enjoyable time is reported.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred North returned last week from Loraine, Wyoming, where they have resided the past year. Mr. North will seek employment in this section again.

A.T. Latta has decorated the front of his dry goods store with a number of handsome polished brass signs. Mr. Latta is one of the most progressive business hustlers in the county.

J.E. Moberg who was confined at the Worthington hospital for five weeks, with an attack of pneumonia is able to be around town again. He will remain on the invalid call for several weeks yet, however.

Mrs. E.K. Smith on Saturday and Tuesday gave the last two of the series of 11:30 breakfasts which have been the society event of the week. All functions were well attended and proved very enjoyable affairs.

Mayor W.E. Madison and family last week moved into their handsome new residence, which has just been completed. They have a handsome and well appointed home in which to enjoy life, a fact on which their many friend take pleasure in congratulating them.

Peter Johnson of Indian Lake, was in the city on business Thursday.

A. Oberman went to Anoka the first of the week to attend the wedding of his son, Ora.

Harry Hobson and family have been visiting Mrs. Hobson's parents at Round Lake this week.

Dr. and Mrs. W.J. Dodge and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Suddaby spent Sunday with friends at Round Lake.

O.G. Grundsten made a trip to Minneapolis the first of the week to consult a medical specialist.

Dr. J.N. Gould is sporting a robust boil on his left cheek, which greatly mars his Adonis-like countenance.

Chas. Saxon, one of the substantial young hustlers of Indian Lake, was at the county seat on business yesterday.

J.M. Bergland and wife returned to their home in Illinois yesterday, after a visit at the home of Ernest Swanson, on route 5, and other relatives.

Mrs. C.R. Mercer arrived last Saturday from Illinois, to join her husband, the new superintendent of the electric plant. They will live in the W.G. Ramage residence.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Rew returned this week from a visit of several weeks in Iowa. Mrs. Rew had spent several weeks at Colfax Springs, taking the water cure.

Miss Vick will leave the first of the week for Jackson to visit her father for a few weeks before going to Chicago to take a course at a summer school.

Fraternity Lodge No. 101, A.F. & A.M., on Monday evening conferred the 3d degree on J.E. Salstrom of Bigelow and Dr. Massa, of Brewster. The ceremony was followed by a banquet.



Mrs. Roy Neuman is visiting in St. James.

G.W. Roth made a business trip to Sioux City last Monday.

C.A. Cedarblade and wife of Seward, were in the city yesterday.

D.E. and C.W. Hutton, of route 3, were in the city on a trading trip.

Emil Erickson, of Sturgeon Lake, this state, is here on a visit with old friends.

Conrad Johnson of Seward was in the city yesterday closing up a deal for a farm in Sweden.

Misses Nell and Margaret Whitehead of Rochester, are camping at the Chautauqua grounds, as guests of Miss Nell Addington.

Mrs. Ed. Marple of Minneapolis, and A.O. Steffens, of Red Wing, are expected to spend the Fourth with their mother, Mrs. J.P. Biltgen, and other relatives.

Friday, July 10, 1908

Adrian Dentist Weds

Dr. A.N. Rice, of Adrian, and Miss Mary C. Griffin were married at the home of the bride's grandmother in Rochester, Tuesday morning, June 28th, 1908.

After the ceremony, which was witnessed by only a few of the bride's relatives and intimate friends, a sumptuous breakfast was enjoyed, and shortly afterward Dr. and Mrs. Rice left for Minneapolis for a brief visit.

Mrs. Rice is well known and very highly esteemed in Adrian, having taught successfully for the past two years in our public schools. She is an accomplished and refined young woman possessing qualities that have won for her many warm friends.

Dr. Rice, who is one Adrian's best young men, is a son of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Rice. Graduating several years ago from the School of Dentistry at the University of Minnesota, he opened an office here and has succeeded in building up a lucrative practice.

The newly wedded couple will, of course, make Adrian their home, and their many friends wish them the best of everything this life affords. --Adrian Democrat.


The twelve months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wasmund has been quite sick with pneumonia.

Ed. and Will Ulrich have returned from their claims in Colorado, having five months leave of absence.

Mrs. Arnold Johnson and son, Carl, and Miss Vahelda Carlson, Mrs. Johnson's sister, went to Minneapolis last week on a visit.

Quite a number of Dewaldites gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Brinkhouse and spent the 4th and had a very pleasant time.

Route No. Four

Will Tedman came up from Spencer, Iowa, and remained until July 1st. He took in the Woodmen picnic.

Mrs. Sophia Peterson and daughters, Nora and Mabel, were visiting at Mrs. Peterson's aunt, Mrs. Peter Anderson, of Round Lake, the other day.

The Sunshine Club met at Mrs. Herman Lestico's July 1st. A pleasant time was enjoyed by those present, but the rain kept many away. Refreshments were served. The club will meet with Mrs. J. Fitzgerald the first Thursday in August.

On June 24th while Mr. and Mrs. Jess Christenson and family were in Worthington attending the Woodmen picnic an unknown man thoroughly ransacked the house and cellar. He took a gold ring belonging to Mr. Christensen, and the childrens' bank, Evert's shoes and new overalls. The articles mentioned are all that have been missed so far. The miscreant gained entrance to the house by prying off a screen on the pantry window, and spent fully two hours in the house. He was seen by Mrs. Aug. Williamson, Herman Lestico and Bert Schmidt.

Local Intelligence

A.J. Fauskee was down to Lakefield over Sunday.

V.E. Butler, of Heron Lake, was in town on business Monday.

Niel Leverich visited at Mankato with his parents one day last week.

W.G. Myers made a business trip to Britt, Ia., the first of the week.

Myrtle Walters, of Estherville, Iowa, is visiting Nellie Lyons this week.

Miss Stella Gray, of Bigelow, is visiting Worthington friends this week.

Miss Mary Tinnes, of Adrian, visited over Sunday with Mrs. E.K. Smith.

Mrs. Oscar Morse, of Slayton, visited the past week at the Fitch home.

G. Feltan, of Round Lake, was in Worthington on business last Friday.

Miss Holmes, of Mankato, is the guest of Worthington friends this week.

Sheriff Fauskee was over to Adrian on official business Monday afternoon.

Mrs. A.R. Mann of Windom, spent the past week with Worthington relatives.

F.F. Austin went over to Rushmore Monday to visit a few days with relatives.

Ernst Sterling returned Friday afternoon from a visit with relatives in the twin cities.

Miss Florence Lysle, of Pipestone visited the first of the week with Worthington friends.

Miss Lulu Thompson, of Sioux Falls, was the guest of Janette Clark a few days this week.

Miss Trean Clark, of Aplington, Iowa, is visiting this week with her sister, Mrs. Frank Cutler.

Mrs. W.E. Nichols and family, of Lake Park, Iowa, is visiting at the Mann home this week.

E.B. Paul returned last week from a visit of several weeks duration with friends at Madison, Wis.

Miss Anna Johnson returned Tuesday from a visit with friends in Ransom township and at Luverne.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Newman went up to St. James Friday and visited over the Fourth with his parents.

H.E. Wolven, of Ft. Dodge, Iowa, is the new assistant at the Western Implement Co.'s warehouse.

Miss Edna Everett, of Spirit Lake, Iowa, visited this week at the home of her sister, Mrs. L.R. Gohlz.

Dr. Selly was up to St. Paul the first of the week to take the examination before the state veterinary board.

Mr. and Mrs. L.S. Hetland, of Valley Springs, S.D., visited friends in Worthington the first of the week.

D.D. Wood and wife, of Goldfield, Iowa, cousins of J.J. Kies, visited over the Fourth at the Kies home.

Mr. and Mrs. Myron Allen, of Watertown, S.D., came last week for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Allen.

Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Cowing, of Jackson, were guests this week at the home of their daughter, Mrs. A.R. Albertus.

John Mofatt and wife from Washington, formerly of Brewster are visiting this week with John Fitch and family.

I.I. Bargen, editor of the Mountain Lake View, with his family, is spending a few days this week at the Chautauqua.

Miss Mabel Rud returned to her home at Mankato on Monday after a few days visit in this city with Miss Nellie Plotts.

Mrs. F.E. Little, of Tolono, Ill., arrived in Worthington last Saturday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. M.E. Lawton.

Mr. and Mrs. Arsene O. Steffens, of Red Wing, visited this week with his mother, Mrs. J.P. Biltgen, and other relatives.

Mrs. Ed. Donavan, of Estherville, Iowa, is in Worthington this week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Barber.

Misses Nellie and Margaret Whited, of Rochester, are visiting Worthington friends this week and attending the Chautauqua.

Banker J.E. Salstrom and wife, of Bigelow, visited over Sunday with relatives in Worthington and took in the Chautauqua.

Mrs. I.T. Branigan and Inez and Philip, of Rock Rapids, Iowa, visited over Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. E.K. Smith.

A. Thomte has installed another chair in his barber shop, making a four-chair shop. C.W. Oakes is the new man in the shop.

Nels Olson and wife left the first of the week for Fergus Falls, where they will spend a few weeks visiting at the home of a daughter.

Miss Thressa Rauen returned to her home in St. Paul last Sunday, following a visit of several weeks with her sister, Mrs. C.M. Cory.

Dr. and Mrs. J.N. Gould went up to Duluth Tuesday, the doctor to attend the State Veterinary Association, and Mrs. Gould to visit friends.

Dr. DeCoster, formerly of this city, but now of Windom, spent a few days the past week with Worthington friends and took in the Chautauqua.

T.A. McCracken and family left this week for Mahomet, Ill., where they expect to spend some time caring for Mr. McCracken's aged parents.

Miss Nellie Plotts came down from Edgerton last Friday for a short visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Plotts, and to attend the Chautauqua.

Mrs. Hattie C. Thom and daughter, Grace, of Omaha, sister of E.K. Smith, came last Saturday and are visiting at the Smith home and will remain during Chautauqua week.

H. Gettys, formerly a resident of Worthington, but for several years past a resident of St. Paul, is here for the summer and is doing carpenter work with Frank Glasgow.

G.W. Patterson returned Saturday night from a business trip to the northern part of the state, where he went after attending the republican state convention at St. Paul.

Miss Beth Butterfield, of Lincoln, Nebr., and Miss Elsie Whightson, of Lake Crystal, Minn., came down to Worthington last week for a short visit at the J.M. Paine home.

Mrs. Elof Swanson, Mrs. Aug. Swanson and Carl and Ruth Swanson, of Minneapolis, and Miss Swanson of New York, are visiting friends in Worthington and attending the Chautauqua.

Dwight Ludlow, who has a position in the nursery department at the state experiment station at St. Anthony Park, came down last week for a short vacation and to attend the Chautauqua.

Ray Weimerskirch and bride arrived in Worthington, Sunday afternoon and will make this their home in the future. They were married at the home of the bride's parents in Chicago on Tuesday, June 30.

R.B. Beesen, now of Breckenridge, but formerly a resident of Worthington and a large owner of Nobles county land, has been here the past week calling on friends and boosting for northern Minnesota land.

Lost -- On the court house square at Worthington on July 4, one gold bracelet much valued as a family heirloom. Finder please notify Mrs. Emil Peterson Brewster, or leave at this office and receive reward.

Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Clark of Chicago, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P.D. Moore on Monday while on their way home from Luverne, where Mr. Clark had been doing expert work on the Luverne electric light plant.

Mrs. F.R. Coughran and daughter, Josephine, left on Tuesday for Rhinelander, Wis., for a month's visit with Mrs. Coughran's cousin. She has a summer cottage on the lake near Rhinelander and they will enjoy an outing at the lake.

Dan Philips, of Estherville, Iowa, was calling on Worthington friends last Friday. His father, J. Phillips, was one of the early settlers in Round Lake township, Jackson county, and the family have many friends in this section of the county.

Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Austin came down from Mountain Lake last week and will visit here until the close of the Chautauqua, when they will go to Jefferson, Iowa, where Mr. Austin will take charge of his newspaper business at that place.

Geo. Calvet returned last Saturday from a trip to Germany, where he went several weeks ago to attend the probating of his father's estate. Mr. Calvet says he had a pleasant trip, but was glad when he again sat foot on Uncle Sam's domain.

Geo. E. Tryon, who is employed in the grocery store of Goff & Dean, was married Saturday evening, July 4th, to Miss Nellie M. Salstrom, the ceremony being performed at the M.E. parsonage by Rev. G.A. Cahoon. They will reside in Worthington.

Andrew J. Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen of the Lakeview House, and Miss Martha E. Berg, who has been employed as a waitress at the hotel, were quietly married last Saturday evening at the Congregational parsonage, the Rev. Wm. Fletcher officiating.

John Wilson, who went to Spokane, Wash., with the carload of horses for the Ramage Bros., returned to Worthington last week. He says he likes the looks of things in that part of the west which he visited, but that he found nothing to suit him as well as Nobles county.

J.B. Barlow, of Ripon, Wis., arrived in Worthington last Friday for a visit with his daughter, Mrs. H.J. Ludlow. Mr. Barlow is past 90 years of age, but is still hale and hearty for a man of his age and gets around as active as many men several years his junior.

A.J. Schaeffer, of the Adrian Democrat, and Sam Nelson, of Luverne, came to Worthington Sunday afternoon and joined the "Johnson Special" enroute to the Denver convention. Both were ardent Johnson supporters, but had no hopes of their chief winning in the presidential race.

John Hyland arrived in Worthington Friday on a visit with his mother. He has been working for the Great Northern railroad for several years and during that time has grown quite portly and many of his old time friends scarcly knew him when he appeared on the streets of his home town.

D.J. Green, of Bloom township, was brought to Worthington Tuesday and taken before Judge of Probate Cory for examination as to his sanity. Drs. Dolan and Humiston conducted the examination and he was adjudged insane and Sheriff Fauskee took him to the asylum at St. Peter Tuesday night.

Herman Nelson and wife came down from Slayton Monday afternoon and will camp here during the Chautauqua. Mr. Nelson will combine business with pleasure and put in a part of his time making the acquaintance of the voters of Nobles county in the interest of his candidacy for the office of representative from the Nobles-Murray district.

Jas. Coleman, breakman [brakeman] of Nos. 15 and 16 on the Worthington-Sioux Falls branch, visited a few days last week with his parents at St. Paul. While in St. Paul he called on Morris Galvin, who is laid up with a sprained ankle, and found him improving slowing, but says it will be some time before Mr. Galvin will be able to go to work again.

Mr. and Mrs. Svante Kall mourn the loss of their little girl, age two and one-half years old, who died Tuesday about eleven o'clock. Funeral services were held on Wednesday from the Presbyterian church and were conducted by Rev. G.A. Cahoon. The sorrowing parents have the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement.

Frank H. Day, of Minneapolis, in a letter under date of the 7th to a friend here, gives the sad intelligence of the death of Mrs. George J. Day, which occurred on the 6th inst. Mrs. Day will be remembered by the older residents of the community as a woman of fine christian character, devoted to her home, unassuming, generous, sympathetic and hospitable. All who knew her always had the greatest respect for her and the sympathy of all those will go out to the mourning family.

Aged Lady Passes Away.

Mrs. John Sharp, aged 74 years, who has been living with her son on the farm two miles northwest of town died last Friday. Deceased has been an invalid for several years. She was a native of New York but came to this country with her husband in an early day. She is survived by three sons and two daughters, her husband having died several years ago. Funeral services were held from the house Sunday afternoon at two o'clock and were conducted by Rev. G.A. Cahoon, interment being in the Worthington cemetery.

Co. F. 2nd INFANTRY, M.N.G.
Company Order No. 24

Departure Co. F will leave for the annual tour of field duty on the night train on the C., St. P. M. & O. Ry., leaving Worthington Wednesday, July 15-16, 1908, returning July 16th, 1908.

Equipment Each man will be provided by the Quartermaster with uniform, leggins, campaign hat, hat cord, 2 chambray shirts, rifle, bayonet, cartridge belt, canteen, haversack, shelter tent, half blanket, roll straps, blanket and rubber poncho.

Each man should provide himself with 2 white collars, handkerchiefs, toothbrush, soap, towel, comb, needle and thread, extra stockings and underwear. All other baggage is prohibited.

The blue uniform shall be turned into the Quartermaster at once to be packed for shipment.

Duty Company F has by its two years service in the Third Regiment attained a high standard of excellence, and holds an enviable position in the esteem of the officers and men of the guard, and it is the earnest desire of the commanding officer, and should be of every man that, upon this our first tour of duty with the Second Regiment, that standard and position shall be advanced in every department that makes for an efficient fighting organization, especially as regards attendance, marksmanship, and soldierly conduct.

Attendance Orders for camp duty originate with the Commander-in-cheif (sic) and company commanders have no authority to grant furloughs or leaves of absence from that duty. However application for such leave, stating the reason, if any, may be made in writing to the company commander and the same will be forwarded by him through channels, with or without his approval, as the reason stated may seem to warrant.

There are now pending several applications for enlistment and failure to attend the encampment or to make seasonable application as stated will be deemed sufficient ground to discharge the delinquent, especially if his place and equipment be required for the accommodation of recruits, or his record is unsatisfactory.

There are many men in the ranks as capable and worthy of holding warrants as those who now wear the stripes, and it is manifestly unjust that such should attend camp with the rank and pay of privates when their superiors are delinquent. Accordingly notice is given that all non-commissioned officers should attend the full period or resign their offices.

If for any reason a man can attend but five days, he should go the first five if possible and make his application for furlough while in camp.

Marksmanship Much attention is now being given to marksmanship throughout the Union, and Congress has equipped the entire Guard with the new Springfield rifle, the best military arm in the world. Many inducements in the way of medals, decorations, competitions and privileges are offered to enlisted men to perfe[c]t themselves in this regard.

Soldierly Conduct However much the company commander desires a full attendance at camp, yet he prefers to dispense with the presence of any man who does not resolve, and in that resolution persist that during this duty he will faithfully apply himself to the duties of a soldier, and will ever regard the soldier's motto; "OBEY FIRST, COMPLAIN LATER."

Special drills will be held July 13, 14 and 15, in preparation, and should be attended by all, especially the new men.

Let each man retain and refer to this order in procuring his equipment.

S.S. SMITH, Captain Commanding.

Friday, July 17, 1908

Walter White came down from Sioux Falls last Saturday and visited over Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.A. White.

Mrs. J.E. Salstrom was up from Bigelow the first of the week visiting her mother, Mrs. J.P. Biltgen, and other relatives.

Miss Sarah Snyder who visited several days last week with Worthington friends, returned to her home at Slayton on Monday.

Miss Holmes, of Mankato, who has been visiting Worthington friends during the Chautauqua, returned to her home on Monday.

Dwight Ludlow, who has been down from the state experiment station for a ten days vacation, returned to that place on Monday.

Mrs. Albert Washington arrived in Worthington Wednesday from Vermilion, Canada, and is visiting at the John Fitch home.

Miss Evlyn Parry, of Rushmore, visited several days last week in Worthington with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Prideaux.

F.A. Seely returned the latter part of last week from the northern part of the state, where he had been to attend a sale of state land.

Local Intelligence

Walter Snooks visited at Sioux City over Sunday.

S.S. Smith made a business trip to Brewster Monday.

Will Lemm was at Rushmore on business the first of the week.

G.A. Englebretson was at Butterfield on business the first of the week.

Bud Baker has accepted a position as night man at the depot lunch counter.

Ed. Cooper, of Adrian, was in Worthington on business the first of the week.

G.L. Beard, of Fairmont was a business caller in Worthington Wednesday.

Mr. Keck of Rock Rapids, Iowa, was in Worthington Wednesday on business.

M.F. Sullivan of Mankato, was a business caller at Worthington yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rose entertained Mrs. J.C. Cochs, of Kinbrae, last Sunday.

Mrs. H.A. Gould and little daughter are visiting relatives at Windom this week.

Mrs. Fitzgerald, of Jackson, is a guest of Mrs. Wm. Schroeder for a few days.

Jas. Coleman went up to St. Paul, Tuesday to visit a few days with his parents.

Dr. Dodge will go to camp with Co. F. and his office will be closed until July 25th.

Rev. Hailey, of Bigelow, called on Worthington friends the latter part of last week.

Miss Tillie Larson returned on Sunday from an extended visit with friends in Chicago.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hurlbert, on Wednesday morning, July 15, a daughter.

Miss Clara Malmquist, of Rushmore, visited friends in Worthington the first of the week.

Miss O'Connor, of Wilmont, visited friends in Worthington the latter part of last week.

Judge P.E. Brown and daughter, Miss Hazel, of Luverne, were in Worthington Wednesday.

Mrs. D.W. Anthony returned the first of the week from a visit with relatives at Lake Mills, Iowa.

W.R. Grapes of Adrian, lost his valuable pacer "Monte" last week from a lung affection.

H.A. Stricker and wife, of Windom, were guests of Fred Rose and family the first of the week.

Miss Pauline Smith, of Minneapolis, visited this week in Worthington with Miss Gladys Humiston.

Francis Morgan went to Morton, Minn., the first of the week to attend the wedding of a friend.

Orville Tupper arrived from Oregon the latter part of last week for a visit with relatives and friends.

Misses Tillie Strand and Hilma Anderson went to Mapleton Monday for a few days visit with friends.

Miss Jean Albertus went over to Jackson the first of the week to visit several days with her grandparents.

Miss Eva Schrap, of Dodge Center, returned to her home on Monday after a week's visit here with friends.

John Thomte, of Lisbon, N.D., visited a few days last week in Worthington with his brother, A. Thomte.

The Monite colony, located near Wilmont has decided to disband and their land holdings are now for sale.

Mrs. A.O. Steffens, who has been here visiting relatives, returned on Tuesday to her home at Red Wing.

Clifford Oakes, of Sioux Falls, has accepted a position in the Addington barber shop and commenced work Monday.

W.B. Stoutemyer went up to St. Paul Sunday night to attend the national convention of the Mystic Shriners.

Pat O'Connor, landlord of the Commercial house at Wilmont, was in Worthington on business the first of the week.

Mrs. H.B. Lewis and children went up to Preston last Saturday for a visit at the home of Rev. R.B. Tibbetts and family.

C.L. Mann and R.W. Mercer were up to the twin cities the first of the week on business and to look at the shriners.

Mrs. R.B. Tibbetts returned last week to her home at Preston, Minn., after a visit here with her brother, H.B. Lewis.

Mrs. John Webster went down to Sibley, Iowa, Tuesday for a week's visit with relatives.

Will Hawley left Wednesday for the west to look up a location for a moving picture theatre.

Dwight Harden came down from Minneapolis last Sunday for a short visit with his parents.

G.W. Wilson and Martin Levine left Wednesday morning for Colfax, Iowa, to be absent two or three weeks recuperating at the Colfax springs.

Raymond Steffens came over from Luverne, where he is running a moving picture machine for Al. Grant, and spent Sunday with his parents.

Charles Larson, catcher for the Luverne base ball team, who was seriously injured by being struck on the head by a pitched ball, is recovering.

Francis Morgan went to Mankato the first of the week on business with the Singer Sewing Machine Co., for which company he is traveling representative.

Miss Fannie Hartwell, of Magnolia, spent a few hours in Worthington Wednesday on her way home from an extended visit with relatives at Portage, Wis.

Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Kies went up to Minneapolis Monday night to be absent several days. Mrs. Kies will visit friends while Joe is attending to some business matters.

Miss Pauline Smith, who has been the guest of Miss Gladys Humiston for the past two weeks, returned to her home in Minneapolis yesterday morning.

Mrs. Rumsey Chaney and Miss Grace Howard of Dundee, who have been visiting at the home of Albert Howard for the past two weeks, returned home Thursday.

Miss Alida Loveless returned to Wayzata on Sunday after a short visit here with her parents. She has an office position with her uncle, who has a large fleet of boats.

Mrs. Wm. MacFadden of Luverne changed cars here Wednesday en route to Minneapolis, where she will be the guest of friends and relatives for a week or two.

Messrs. A.E. Taff, of Canton, Ill., and James Carey, of Ellsworth, were in Worthington Wednesday on probate business connected with the J.L. Murphy estate.

Dr. and Mrs. Martin, of Newkirk, Oklahoma, were guests on Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Fitch. They were enroute home from a visit with relatives in Sioux Falls.

Fred Rose has just added a new bus to his dray line and announces that he is now prepared to handle picnic parties, base ball teams, or any party desiring the services of such a conveyance.

Mrs. H.C. Thom and daughter, Grace, who had been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.K. Smith during chautauqua, left Monday for Kenneth to visit with the family of Robert Thom.

Misses Mayme and Flora Hogan of LeMars, Iowa, arrived in Worthington Wednesday and will spend a short vacation as the guests of their brother Thomas Hogan, of the Western Implement Co.

George M. DePetit, of Dayton, Ohio, has been secured as reporter-editor of The Advance-Herald. Mr. DePetit is a newspaper man of experience and will devote his energies to the news features of the Advance-Herald.

Mr. A.O. Wensberg of Watertown, S.D., has been spending the past two weeks at the home of Miss Anna Nazerenus and parents at Elk township. He has resigned his position at that place as foreman on the Daily Public Opinion and taken a like position in this office. We understand he is soon to take a partner in life and make this city their home.

The death of W.H. Ingraham, one of the pioneer settlers of Nobles county occurred at his home in Lincoln, Nebraska, on the 24th of June. Mr. Ingraham served with credit in an Iowa regiment during the civil war, and was a resident of that state until 1872, when he moved to Nobles county, settling in Grand Prairie township. He was a public spirited man and took special interest in local politics. During his residence in this community he became a charter member of the United Workman. He carried insurance in that order to the amount of $2000. About 13 years ago he moved to Lincoln, Nebraska, where he resided at the time of his death. He leaves a widow, five sons and two daughters to mourn his loss. --Nobles County Democrat.

Co. F. took the 1:10 train Wednesday night for their annual tour of ten days camp and field duty at Camp Lakeview, Lake City, Minn. The company is fully enlisted to the maximum strength allowed by law, but the harvest prevents many of the boys from the farms attending. About 50 men reported for duty and apt. Smith expects ten more Saturday night. The rifle enthusiasts in the company believe that with the recent addition of David Fauskee, Claude Johnson and others to the team that won the indoor championship of the state last winter that they have a fighting chance for the regimental trophy now held by Co. B. of Faribault. There will be 12 companies in camp at the same time with field staff, band and hospital corps, an estimated strength of 800 men. The Advance-Herald expects good reports from the boys.

Friday, July 24, 1908

Local Intelligence

L.W. Selle, of Mankato, was a Worthington visitor Sunday.

L. Gendler, of Mankato spent Sunday with Worthington friends.

L. Gendler, of Mankato, was a business caller in this city Monday.

C.R. West, of Brewster, was in Worthington Monday on business.

F.H. Tupper, of Chatfield, spent Monday calling on Worthington friends.

Anyone wishing wedding or party cake decorated call on J.P. Biltgen.

Attorney Tierney, of Fulda, was in Worthington Monday on probate matters.

Mrs. Voak went to Brewster Tuesday morning where she will visit friends.

Mr. and Mrs. James Suddaby are entertaining friends from Sioux City, Iowa.

Mr. Sayther, of Goldfield, Iowa, is a guest of Christ Peterson and family this week.

Mrs. Moen removed to Heron Lake this week where she will reside in the future.

Messrs. C.R. West, O.V. Lees, and F.D. Wells, of Brewster, were in Worthington, Monday.

George Gross, of Galesburg, Ill., was looking after business interests in Nobles county last week.

C.E. Bker, of Pender, Neb., returned home Monday after a brief visit with Nobles county friends.

I.L. Noggle, of Sioux Falls, S.D., spent last Friday in Worthington, the guest of E.J. Helmick and family.

Miss Beth Noggle returned to her home in Sioux Falls, S.D., after a pleasant visit at the home of E.J. Helmick.

Mrs. Chas. F. Bell, of Lake Park, Iowa, was the guest of friends in Worthington the early part of the week.

H.G. Hawkins, of Mason City, Iowa, was transacting business in Worthington, Friday.

P.G. Peterson, of Jewell, Iowa, spent Sunday and Monday with Worthington friends.

Dr. F.S. Hough, of Sibley, was in Worthington Tuesday assisting Dr. Weidow in a surgical operation.

Mr. and Mrs. O.F. Blood are rejoicing over the arrival of a ten pound girl at their home last Thursday.

John Salstrom, of Bigelow was in the city Monday afternoon on business connected with the Bigelow bank.

The seven-year old son of R.B. Schulz was taken quite ill Monday with stomach trouble, but is rapidly improving.

Mrs. McIntosh, the courteous librarian, has purchased one of the cottages in the Clary addition known as the Darling cottage and is moving in this week.

A.W. Fagerstrom, cashier of the Worthington National Bank, returned home Wednesday from a week's visit with Iowa friends.

Joe Nazerenus of Elk township had the misfortune of running a spike into his foot last Monday which laid him up a few days.

Miss Goldie Dring returned home last week from an extended visit with relatives and friends at ___erburg and other Iowa ____.

Mrs. W.C. Sands, of Chicago, who has been the guest of her mother, Mrs. A. Bjornstadt, of Org, for the past month, returned to her home on Wednesday afternoon.

J.R. Robson left Tuesday afternoon for an extended visit with relatives at Helena, Mont. His mother will accompany him on the return trip.

Mr. A. Kunz and sister, Misses Minnie and Esther changed cars in Worthington Tuesday enroute from Wentworth, S.D. to their home in St. Paul.

Father Grave, of Lismore, visited with Worthington friends Wednesday between trains, on his way to Windom, where he will visit friends for a few days.

George Marsh, veterinary surgeon of Sibley, Iowa, was in the city for a few hours Wednesday, enroute to Reading where he will spend the balance of the week with relatives and friends.

Ben Hilyard came down from Mankato Sunday morning and spent the day with his parents, leaving that evening for Lake City, where he is in camp with the militia.

Nelson B. Mann of Portland, Me., is the guest of his nephew, L.W. Abbott and family this week. Mr. Mann will go from here to Anoka, Minn., for a visit with relatives before returning home.

Mesdames H.W. Steffens and J.P. Biltgen were visitors at Bigelow Tuesday. It was Mrs. Biltgen's birthday anniversary and a reception was given in her honor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Salstrom, of Bigelow.

Mrs. A.A. Watson of Equinunk, Pa., was in the city the first of the week on business. Mr. Watson represents a proprietory [sic] medicine firm located at LeRoy, N.Y. He is a genial, affable young gentleman and a hustler.

The next time H.S. Myers the druggist attempts to start an electric fan with his hand he won't -- he will probably use a broom or some other long distance weapon. He is now nursing a sore thumb the result of too close proximity to the blades of the aforesaid fan. The injury was received Monday evening.

The Young People's Society of the Swedish Lutheran church will hold a lawn social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Olson next Wednesday eve., June 29. Ice cream and coffee will be served. The Worthington Cornet band will furnish music. All are invited.

The will of Joseph L. Murphy has been probated and the property sold. The estate was valued at $120,000. Of the property sold seven quarter sections of land were located in Nobles county, the major portion of which was situated in Little Rock township. The remainder of the estate was located in Iowa and Illinois.

O.F. Blood, of the Worthington Plumbing Co., returned from Sioux City, Iowa, Tuesday, where he has been in the interests of the company. The company has just completed the plumbing and other work on a large church at Morningside. The Worthington Plumbing Co., has also during the past week completed a large job on the residence of W.C. Thom at Rushmore.

This (Friday) evening, at 8 o'clock Dean C.C. Rollitt, of Red Wing and the Rev. W.H. Knowlton, of St. James will conduct services in St. John's Episcopal church. Dean Rollitt will preach the sermon. The Dean is a vigorous pulpit orator and a man of experience and will certainly deliver a strong sermon.

A document such as is seldom offered for registration in this section of the country of late years was filled with the Register of Deeds on Wednesday of last week. It was a copy of the original patent from the United States government and was originally issued during Grover Cleveland's administration to Morton S. Twitchell. The copy was procured to quiet a title.

Mrs. McIntosh is an extremely busy person these days. She is engaged in classifying and listing the books in the library, preparatory to the publication of a new catalogue which will be issued in the near future. Some idea of the magnitude of the task may be formed when it is known that the library contains something over two thousand volumes, beside the various files of publications, periodicals, etc., which are kept on file. These books must all be classified in alphabetical order and listed in their proper class.

John Sowles returned to Worthington Monday evening from Haswell, Colo., where he went some time ago and took up a homestead. Mr. Sowles proved up on his claim last Saturday and immediately returned to Nobles county. He will remain here until about January 1st and will then take up his abode upon his claim. He reports prospects very bright for a splendid crop in his locality, having had plenty of rain and sunshine. The Nobles county colony are all reported in good health and prosperous.

Mrs. Ray Weimerskirsh left Tuesday afternoon for St. James where she will spend a few days with friends. From St. James Mrs. Weimerskirsh will go to Sibley, Iowa, where she will make her future home. Mr. Weimerskirsh is a travelling salesman for a Chicago firm and finds it more convenient to get into Sibley than Worthington, hence the decision to reside there. They are an estimable couple and during their short stay in Worthington have made many friends who regret their departure. Worthington's loss is Sibley's gain.

Alanson Messer Retires from Omaha After Service of Forty Three Years.

A face which for years has been familiar to the traveling public of Worthington -- that of Alanson Messer, will be seen no more in its accustomed place on the Omaha road, as Mr. Messer has announced his retirement. From point of service, Mr. Messer is the oldest conductor on the road, having been engaged in railroad work since 1865 continuously and all of that time he has been in the employ of what is now the Omaha road. When the road was built it was known as the St. Paul & Pacific, and Mr. Messer was one of the first engineers, and a year later, in 1866 he became conductor, which position he held up [the rest of the article did not get copied.]

Worthington Young Lady Acquits Herself Creditably in Chicago.

Word has been received from Chisago [Chicago?] stating that Mrs. Muriell Addington Schutte had graduated from Illinois College of Music and had carried away the highest honors. Mrs. Schutte will be remembered by Worthington friends as Miss Muriell Addington, daughter of the popular tonsorial artist, James Addington, and is a bright and accomplished young lady. Her many friends in this city will be glad to note her success along musical lines.

Charles Wilkinson Succumbed to Pneumonia last Friday

On Saturday morning occurred the death of Charles Wilkinson at his residence near the fair grounds, death being due to pneumonia. In his demise Nobles county loses one of its pioneers, a noble man and a worthy citizen.

Charles Wilkinson was born in Muskingum county, Ohio, near Zanesville, on the tenth day of July, 1836. His boyhood was spent in the same community. Early in life he married and was for several years engaged in railroad contracting and bridge building in Ohio. In 1872 he removed to Minnesota, coming direct to Nobles county, where he settled on a claim in Seward township, where he resided until a few years ago, when he came to Worthington.

Mr. Wilkinson served in the war of the rebellion as a private in the 195th O.V.I. [Ohio Volunteer Infantry??], and at the time of his death he was a member of the G.A.R. Post of this city.

Mr. Wilkinson had not been in the best of health for some time and on June 24th he was stricken suddenly while at the dinner table and was compelled to take to his bed. All that loving hands and medical skill could accomplish was done but to no avail and on Saturday, surrounded by sorrowing relatives he breathed his last.

The funeral services were conducted under the auspices of the G.A.R., Rev. Cahoon delivering the address.

Besides his wife he leaves to mourn his loss five children, one child, Charles, having preceded him to the grave. The surviving children are: James Ernest Wilkinson, Mrs. Richard Darlington and Mrs. Fred Dahlheim, of Worthington, Mrs. Albert Little who resides on the original Wilkinson homestead, nine miles north of Worthington, and Mrs. William Geswender, Spokane, Wash. All the surviving members of the family were present at the last sad rites, except Mr. Geswender, who was unable to attend. The sympathy of the community is extended to the sorrowing family so bereft of a tender husband and loving father.

Bostrom-Sundberg Nuptials

The home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundberg, of Dewald township, was the scene of a very pretty wedding Friday afternoon, July 17th, at three o'clock, at which time their daughter, Selma, was united in marriage with Mr. Carl F. Boostrom, a former Nobles county boy, now located at Louisburg, Minn. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G.A. Cahoon in the presence of a large company of guests.

The bride, beautifully attired, was escorted to the alter by the groom and was attended by her sister, as bridesmaid. The [groom] was attended by his brother, A.F. Bostrom, as best man.

Mrs. G.A. Loncoln [Lincoln?] presided at the organ and played the strains of the beautiful Swedish wedding march during the service.

An elaborate and bountiful wedding repast was served following the ceremony.

The happy couple will spend a few weeks visiting friends in [the rest of the article did not get copied.]

Local Intelligence

W.H. Nelson and J. Horton of Madelia spent Friday in Worthington.

Herbert Smith of Wilmont spent Sunday with Worthington friends.

W.J. Hass of Triumph spent Sunday as the guest of friends in this city.

H. Anderson of Lake Park was transacting business in Worthington Friday.

Wm. Lowe and Earl Neffeler of Pipestone were Sunday visitors in Worthington.

The infant child of H.M. Bjornstad, of Org, died Saturday and was buried Sunday.

Editor Dovray was called to La Crosse, Wis., Saturday by the serious illness of his mother.

Mrs. R.H. Patterson of Hilton, Iowa, is visiting in Worthington, the guest of her son, R.H. Patterson.

Sheriff Fauskee took A.M. Gregerson to the Stillwater penitentiary Friday, returning home Saturday.

Irving S. Curtiss, local salesman for the Baldwin Piano Co., went to Chicago Sunday in the interests of his firm.

Lloyd Patterson, Miss Blanche Runyon and Miss Ethel Patterson attended a dance at Round Lake Saturday night.

E.W. Norman went to Bigelow Sunday, where he will be engaged for the next few weeks bailing hay for parties in that vicinity.

Frank Gotch, champion heavy weight wrestler of the world and the pride of Iowa, has announced his intention of quitting the mat.

Mrs. John Gilbertson of Madison, S.D., returned home Saturday after a two weeks' visit at the home of County Superintendent L.W. Abbott.

Mrs. Stelle S. Smith has gone to Lake City, Minn., where her husband is in camp with the militia. Mrs. Smith will remain there for some time for the benefit of her health.

C.H. Leichleiter, who made the ascension in the balloon "Chicago" at Chicago on the Fourth of July, formerly resided at Rock Rapids, Iowa, and was engaged in the newspaper business there.

Register of Deeds H.R. Tripp is wearing "the smile that won't come off" these days, the cause being the arrival of a new twelve-pound Republican voter at his house last Friday.

A fourteen-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baal, near Ellsworth, drank some of the poisonous liquid from "daisy" fly paper last week. Emetics promptly administered saved the little child's life.

Rev. L.H. Coon, of Grand Island, Neb., occupied the pulpit at the Baptist church last Sunday morning and evening. Rev. Coon who is editor of one of the leading newspapers at Grand Island, is a brilliant talker and preached a powerful sermon.

Anna Anderson, a domestic living at the home of Lars Nyquist, in Murray county, near Slayton, committed suicide last week by taking Rough-on-Rats. She first denied having taken the poison, but finally admitted it, but gave no cause for the deed.

Samuel Barsh of Ashewa, Minn. was in the city last week the guest of L.W. Abbott and other friends. He went from here to Rushmore. Mr. Barsh is a timber cruiser and was in Nobles county on business connected with St. Louis county timber lands.

John Masgai of Adrian has leased the Leonard residence property on the lake front and will remove his family to Worthington in the near future. He has also purchased the Ramage lot on Hays street and will erect a two-story brick business building upon the premises.

J.A. Albert of Luverne visited Worthington Sunday in an auto. On the return trip he was accompanied by Dr. Brown, whose auto has been in Worthington since the medical meeting last week. The weather at that time not being suitable for automobiling, the doctor left his machine here and went home by train.

Messrs. Suddaby, Harris and Stoutemyer returned home Friday from St. Paul where they attended the meeting of the Shriners. Mr. Stoutemyer was initiated into the mysterious rites of the order. The party are strong in their praise of St. Paul people as hosts and report that the visit was one continual round of pleasure.

R.L. Morland left Sunday afternoon for Minneapolis to attend the quarterly meeting of the state board of pharmacy which is in session in that city this week. Mr. Morland, who is president of the board, will conduct examination for applicants for pharmaceutic licenses, over sixty applications having been received from persons desiring to qualify for the dispensing of drugs.


Rev. Swan spent Wednesday at Dundee.

Pat Carey, of Sibley, was a Worthington visitor yesterday.

C.J. Smallwood returned Wednesday evening from a business trip to Chicago.

The Ladies' Birthday Club was entertained by Mrs. A. Thomte Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. David Strand of Des Moines, are guests at the home of D.W. Anthony.

Ivan Pettit left Sunday for St. Paul where he has secured a position in a meat market.

For Sale -- Rocking chairs, dressers and ice box. Mrs. Pettit, next door to Dr. Moore.

Mrs. Harvey Beckley, of Minneapolis was the guest of Worthington friends Tuesday.

G.F. Bulick and Pat Redmond, of Reading, were visitors at the county seat Wednesday.

John Lamm was in Luverne the past week looking over the field with a view to establishing a cigar factory in that city.

A marriage license was issued this week to Clarence T. McDonald, of Chicago, and Honor M. Cox of Nobles county.

The ladies aid society of the Catholic will hold its next regular meeting on Tuesday afternoon, July 28th, at the home of Mrs. Hyland. All are cordially invited to be present.

Clifford R. Smallwood, of Milwaukee, Wis., has been the guest of his brother, C.J. Smallwood, the past week. Miss Tucker, of Milwaukee, has also been visiting at the Smallwood home.

Wm. Thompson, a carpenter employed in wrecking the Benson elevator, met with a painful though not serious accident Wednesday afternoon about five o'clock. A plank in the scaffold on which he was working broke and precipitated him to the ground, a distance of about ten feet, and in falling his right hand came in contact with a spike, tearing an ugly gash in his wrist. The wound was dressed and it is not expected that it will cause any serious inconvenience.

Paul Ewart, of Pipestone, republican candidate for congress from this district, addressed the voters on the court house lawn Wednesday evening. The meeting was scheduled for the opera house, but after a few had gathered there it became apparent that it was too hot there and the meeting was adjourned to the court house lawn. About one hundred and twenty-five voters of all parties listened faithfully for about two hours. His address consisted merely of outlining his position upon the various topics of the day.

Henry Marhall, a farm hand employed by C.F. Martin, in Elk township, near Reading, was seriously injured Wednesday afternoon by a fall from the hay loft of the barn. Marshall was assisting in unloading hay from a wagon into the loft, when in some manner he became entangled in the hay fork with the result as above stated. Dr. Geyerman was called and it was found upon examination that no bones were broken but that he had sustained severe internal injuries. At this writing he is getting along as well as could be expected.

Mrs. C.M. Holland Deserts Home and Hubby, But Repents.

Stung! This is the expression which probably flitted across the mind of C.M. Holland, a farmer residing in Elk township, when he came in from the field Tuesday evening of last week and found a note from his wife addressed to him in which the lady announced her intention of going away and never returning. Mr. Holland, however, is one of those practical men who never take few inquiries and settled the matter in his own mind that the lady had merely gone to Sioux Falls, where she has relatives, so he accordingly bought a ticket to that point and upon arriving there he found that his surmise had been correct. He found her, talked over matters with her and returned home. To an Advance-Herald representative, who talked with him over the phone, Mr. Holland stated that his wife would probably return home in a few days. Mrs. Holland, in her epistle to her husband did not assign any cause for her strange departure.


City Attorney J.A. Town was a visitor at Luverne Wednesday.

Prof. Seeley will teach next year at Bowden, North Dakota.

Arba Bedford, of Rushmore, visited the county seat Tuesday.

G.L. Beard, of Fairmont, was a business caller at Worthington Monday.

L.A. Solstrom, of Wilmont, was transacting business here Monday.

J.A. Cashel and wife went to Winona Tuesday for a visit with relatives.

John Harsberger was a business visitor at Brewster for a few hours Tuesday.

J.J. Kies was a Sioux Falls visitor Tuesday whither he was called on business.

W.C. Butcher, of Ellsworth, was a business caller at Worthington Tuesday.

A brand new boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Holbrook Tuesday.

Mrs. J.C. Thompson, of Round Lake, was calling on Worthington friends Tuesday.

Mrs. J.D. Williams, of Brewster, was visiting with Worthington friends Monday.

Mrs. M. Harrington and Miss Stella Gray, of Bigelow, were in Worthington Wednesday.

Mrs. Ida Grimes and Miss Florence Dahlberg spent Sunday with friends at Round Lake.

Miss Ella Horton returned Monday from Minneapolis after a pleasant visit with friends.

John Ramberth, of Graham Lakes township was in town Tuesday on probate business.

Wm. Schinckle, of Humbolt, Iowa, was in town this week looking after his property interests.

Mrs. Marie Marple and Mrs. Wm. Devaney were in Bigelow Wednesday, the guests of friends.

Mrs. L.A. White is entertaining her daughter, Mrs. Garren, of Sioux Falls, S.D., this week.

Mrs. Ida Fellows Beckly and son, of Minneapolis are guests of friends in Worthington this week.

Mrs. G.O. Bigelow and children returned to St. James Tuesday after a visit with the family of C.W.W. Dow.

Mrs. A.N. Wetherell and daughter, Miss Pearl, left Wednesday afternoon for a two weeks' visit with Omaha friends.

Miss Mabel Kinsman went to Org Wednesday afternoon and will spend the rest of the week with friends at that place.

J.J. Crowley, of Madelia, who has been in camp at Round Lake, was calling on friends in this city Tuesday on his way home.

Rev. Swan, pastor of the Swedish Lutheran church, will preach at the Wass school house next Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.

John Mars, of Round Lake, was in town Saturday seeking medical aid for a boil on his hand which had become quite troublesome.

G.W. Wilson and Martin Levine returned Tuesday evening from Colfax, Iowa, where they have been spending the past two weeks.

"Heiney" Ehlers was nursing a sore head the early part of the week, the result of coming in contact with a stone while diving in the lake.

Mr. Harshberger, the tailor, will move his family down town soon, having traded his cottage in the northwest part of town to D. Cramer.

Mrs. Herbert Parr, of Hartley, Iowa, who has been the guest of friends at Rushmore, called on Worthington friends between trains Wednesday.

Mrs. C.P. Dolan and daughter, Marie, left Tuesday for Faribault, where they will be the guests of relatives and friends for a few days.

Nelson B. Mann, who has been spending a few weeks with the family of L.W. Abbott, returned to his home in Paris, Me., Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. David Strang, who have been visiting Mrs. Strang's sister, Mrs. David Anthony, returned to their home in Chicago Tuesday.

R.L. Morland returned Sunday from Minneapolis where he had been in attendance at the meeting of the state board of pharmacy, of which he is president.

Mr. D.T. McNamara, of Fulda, spent a few hours in Worthington calling on friends between trains enroute home after a visit with relatives at Monnett and other points in Missouri.

Rev. W.H. Pond, of Wilder, will officiate at St. John's Episcopal church next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock in the absence of the pastor, Rev. R.C. TenBrook.

A ten pound girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knott Monday. Mrs. Curter, a trained nurse from LeMars is looking after the welfare of the mother and new arrival.

Rev. W.J. Robinson, formerly of the M.E. church in this city but now located at Pine Island, accompanied by his brother from Montreal, Canada, is renewing old friendships in Worthington this week.

Mrs. Esther Koser, Mrs. Sarah Meyers and daughter, Rena, of Iowa City, Iowa, are guests of Dr. Henry Weidow and family. Miss Rena Meyers is a successful trained nurse and is here on a vacation.

G.W. Wilson on Wednesday removed from the Wilson Flats, over Latta's store, to his handsome new residence. Dr. Dodge will move into the flat and will have both his office and residence there.

Messrs. Stelle Smith, Robt. Smith and Dr. W.J. Dodge did not return home with Company F., but remained behind to participate in a team shoot, returning home yesterday.

On account of the number of hoboes which have been infesting this section lately it was deemed advisable to place an extra man on police duty Monday night, but no arrests were made.

Edgar Losh, of Clarion, Iowa, spent Monday evening in this city, the guest of his former school mate, Carlson Baker. Mr. Losh left Tuesday morning for Woodstock, Minn., where he will visit relatives.

Ralph Maxwell and sister, Miss Vera, of Morrison, Ill., who have been visiting their aunt, Mrs. G.W. Cale, and uncle, J.H. Maxwell, for a few days, left Saturday morning for Clark, S.D., where they will visit with other friends and relatives.

Rev. Myers, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Beaver Creek, and family arrived in the city Wednesday afternoon, and immediately went into camp at the chautauqua park,. They will probably camp for three or four weeks.

Rev. G.B. Wildea and family returned home Friday from a three weeks vacation, accompanied by Miss Ainsworth, of Council Bluffs, and on Tuesday the party went into camp at the chautauqua grounds, where they will remain for the heated term.

The Advance-Herald will move next week into the office recently vacated by Mr. Dovery, and which has been the home of the Advance for years before it was merged into the Herald. The office is being papered and painted throughout, and when ready for occupancy will be one of the neatest in this section of the county.

Mrs. G.A. Cahoon and son left Saturday for a visit with relatives and friends in the vicinity of St. Paul. Rev. Cahoon will leave to join them Monday and will take a short vacation. During his absence the same combined meeting plan that has been in use during Rev. Wilder's absence will continue, with Rev. Wilder officiating.

Ray Gay, of Vermilion, S.D., was in Worthington Wednesday on educational business. Mr. Gay is an instructor of ability and will probably take the teachers' examination here next week, with view to making application for a position in the schools in this county. He went to Sioux City Wednesday afternoon, where he will spend a few days with relatives and friends.

Ed. Lawton, came home this week from Hibbing, Minn., and will spend the summer with his parents in this city. Ed. has been studying mining engineering at the University of Minnesota and has been at Hibbing working in the mines in order to gain practical experience. He will return to his studies at the university at the opening of the fall term.

The daughter of Matt Hanson, who has been attending school at Mankato, was unfortunate enough to contract typhoid fever during the epidemic now raging in that city and is now ill with the disease at her home here. Her condition however is not critical at this time and it is hoped that no complications will arise and her recovery will be speedy.

The Advance-Herald representative dropped into Mr. Buchan's photo studio Tuesday and found him busy finishing some large group photos of the "Birthday Club." There are eleven members of the club represented and the likeness of each one is perfect. We also saw a fine four generation picture which he had recently made for Mr. Burr Ludlow, of Rushmore, and another four generation photo which he was furnishing for Mr. George Voak, of Brewster.

A jolly party of young folks from Sioux Falls, S.D., are in camp at the chautauqua grounds. The party is composed of Mr. and Mrs. H.C Schlosser, Phillip Schlosser, Misses Maud Scudder and Carrie Black ad Mrs. Grace Austin. They have been spending a two weeks' vacation here but will break camp today and return to Sioux Falls, sounding the praises of Worthington as a summer resort and of beautiful Lake Okabena as an ideal expanse of water near which to camp.

Charles Sowles is quite ill at his home with an attack of blood poisoning. The trouble originated in a carbuncle and has now developed in an infection similar in character to that from which Dow Mitchell is suffering. His condition is not as critical at this time as Mr. Mitchell's as the joint of the knee has not become affected. Dr. Mork, on Monday opened the wound to assist in drainage, and it is now discharging freely, which has a salutary effect, and it is the hope of his many friends that he may speedily regain his usual health.

Mrs. A.J. King, and two children, Myron A. and Miss Nina, Mrs. N.M. Tallman and son, Thorne, and Miss Jeannette Brown, all of Kansas City, Mo., arrived in Worthington Wednesday and will spend the next three or four weeks on the shores of Lake Okabena. They have secured quarters at the home of M.P. Mann. Several of the party have been here before, so when they planned on taking an outing they decided that beautiful Okabena was about the proper spot. There is no reason why Okabena and Worthington should not be made as popular as a summer resort as any of the resorts in the state, as all who come here go away enthusiastically praising both town and lake.

Wensberg-Nazarenus Nuptials.

A pretty home wedding was consummated at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. Nazerenus, in Elk township, last Tuesday evening at seven o'clock, when Rev. Mueller, pastor of the German Lutheran church of Brewster, spoke the words that joined in happy wedlock their daughter, Miss Anna, to Mr. Aaron O. Wensberg, of La Crosse, Wis.

The bride is well known in Worthington and vicinity and is esteemed by all for her many virtues and personal charms, having resided in Nobles county all of her life and at one time lived in Worthington.

Mr. Wensberg is a newcomer to Nobles county, having recently accepted a position as foreman of the Advance-Herald. He comes here from Watertown, S.D., where he held a similar position on the Daily Public Opinion. Although he has been here but a short time he has made many friends by his gentlemanly bearing and upright habits.

A sumptuous wedding supper was participated in by those present, which included only the immediate relatives of the bride.

The happy young couple went at once to housekeeping in their home in this city, which was ready for their occupancy. They start out in life with bright prospects for a happy future and the best wishes of a host of friends. May the sunshine of matrimony never dim and the honeymoon never wane for them.


Frank Austin made a business trip to Bigelow Tuesday.

Vernon Hayden was a business visitor at Sioux City, Tuesday.

H.A. Gould is spending a few days with friends at Windom.

Mrs. W.S. Wyatt is the guest of Sioux City friends this week.

Mrs. I.N. Wilson is the guest of friends at Rushmore this week.

Attorney Flynn was in Ellsworth Tuesday on legal business.

Mrs. Nick Weinandt and children left Tuesday for a visit with friends at Adrian.

Sam thompson, of Sibley, was in Worthington, Tuesday on his way home from a visit with Rushmore friends.

Mrs. Kate Clark returned to her home at Org Tuesday after a visit with Mrs. A.F. Collins and Frank Glasgow and family.

Mrs. George Riss, of Streator, Ill., went to Amboy, Minn., Tuesday after a pleasant visit with John Riss and family.

Miss Alida Bedford, of Rushmore, changed cars here Tuesday on her way to Sioux City, where she will spend a week with friends.

For Sale -- All of my household goods, including a good Cornish organ; also several fine ferns and a lot of chickens. Mrs. G.R. Leonard.

Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Veltum returned home to Minneapolis after a week's visit with Mrs. Veltum's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Goodrich.

L.E. Sandon has resigned his position as superintendent of the Adrian electric light plant, and will go into the plumbing business at Winnebago.

While cutting grass at his home M.P. Mann had the misfortune to inflict a slight wound in his right hand, which while not serious is very inconvenient.

Mrs. H.T. Carney and two sons who have been guests at the home of Jas. Suddaby the past week, returned home to Sioux City, Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs. Jennie Patterson, of Bigelow, accompanied by her cousin, Miss Jessie Rientsman, of Sibley, were calling on Worthington acquaintances, Tuesday.

Mrs. F.L. Humiston returned Monday from an extended visit to Washington, D.C., Boston, the White mountains and other points of interest in the east.

Phil May, manager of May's orchestra, with headquarters at Duluth was in Worthington the first of the week. The orchestra is engaged in lyceum work and Mr. May reports prospects exceedingly bright for the coming season.

James Greig and daughter, Ida, of Rushmore, returned last week from an eight weeks' trip to Scotland and other European countries. Mr. Greig is a native of Scotland and this is his first visit to that country in forty years.

The typhoid epidemic at Mankato is abating. There are a few new cases reported each day but the number is small compared to a week ago. Four deaths have occurred so far which is a remarkable small percentage when the number of cases and the character of the disease is considered. The authorities of the city deserve a considerable measure of credit for the manner which the epidemic has been handled.

Miss Marie Miller, of Lismore, was in the city Tuesday afternoon for a few hours on her way to Minneapolis, where she will see that her younger brother and sister are safely matriculated in boarding school for the coming year.

Vernon Hayden resigned his position at the R.L. Morland pharmacy last Monday. Vernon has been a familiar figure at the drug store for the past five years and it will be difficult for people to accustom themselves to his absence. He has not as yet decided what he will do, but has several propositions under advisement.

Mrs. Alice A. Blood, of Morningside, Sioux City, Iowa, returned home Monday afternoon, after a week's visit with her son, Oscar F. Blood, of the Worthington Plumbing Co. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. A.A. Jones, of Brandon, Vermont, who will spend a short time with her before returning to her home in the Green Mountain state.

On Monday a photograph was taken of Oscar F. Blood, Mrs. A. Blood, Mrs. A.A. Jones and Miss Hattie Blood. To the casual reader this simple announcement does not have much significance, but when it is known that those who posed for the photograph represent four generations of one family and the oldest child of each generation, it becomes a matter of interest. That is exactly what this particular photo means. Mrs. A.A. Blood of Morningside, Sioux City, Iowa, is the mother of Mr. Oscar F. Blood and Mrs. A.A. Jones is his grandmother; Miss Hattie Blood is his eldest daughter. The family is quite proud of the distinction which they enjoy and the photo will doubtless be greatly prized by present and future generations.

Wags Spoil Plans of Chas. Pannell By Advertising

Last Thursday night at 10 o'clock at the home of the groom's parents in this city occurred the marriage of Charles M. Pannell, formerly of Worthington, but who of late years has been making his home te [at?] Drinkwater, Saskatchewan, Canada, and Miss Mabel F. Anderson, of Org. The ceremony was performed by Rev. William Fletcher, pastor of the Congregational church, in the presence of the immediate relatives of the contracting parties.

The groom is well and favorably known in this city where he grew to manhood. A few years ago he went to Saskatchewan, where he engaged in business and has prospered. The bride is one of Worthington township's most estimable young ladies whom we regret to lose.

The marriage took on the nature of an informal affair, if such a term may be applied to a wedding, but the groom was the recipient of an urgent message recalling him to Drinkwater, and so decided to take his bride with him at this time. After the ceremony a bountiful wedding supper was served and the young couple left on the two o'clock train for their Canadian home.

An amusing feature of the wedding and one that upset the plans of the young couple for a quite [quiet] marriage, was the posting of large placards bearing the inscription:

This placard placed in conspicuous places by some wag served to notify their friends of their intention and shortly after the ceremony mysterious gatherings could be seen on the street corners and about eleven o'clock the crowd gathered in front of the residence and gave the happy couple a good old fashioned charivari, the instruments employed in creating the bedlam embracing every known noise-maker from dynamite cans to the vocal organs.

The young couple departed on the two o'clock train for their future home amidst showers of rice and congratulations of their friends. The Advance-Herald joins with the host of friends in wishing them a smooth and pleasant journey over the sea of matrimony.


Miss Myra Watton, formerly of Fulda, and a graduate of the public schools of this place, has been admitted to the bar and is now a practicing attorney at Whittier, Cal.

City Happenings

J.S. Kies is in Eastern Iowa on business this week.

Mrs. R.E. Smith visited her mother in Rushmore this week.

Geo. Doeden, Sr., who has been very ill is reported convalescent.

Fred Tripp of Round Lake, was a Worthington caller Wednesday.

Misses Jennie Beckley and Stella Anderson are visiting in Minneapolis.

Miss Edith Schanks has returned from Mankato where she has been attending normal school for several weeks.

Mrs. John Lawson is entertaining her sister, Miss Jennie Gilligan, of Omaha this week.

Rev. Frank Peterson of Minneapolis, will preach in the Baptist church next Sunday, Aug. 2nd.

Mrs. Eugene Beckley of Blue Earth, Minn., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Beckley.

Sam Schmidt of St. Paul, spent a few days this week with his brother, Rev. G.G. Smith of this city.

Harry and Pearl Mavity of Chicago, returned home Tuesday after a week in Worthington as the guests of J.S. Kies.

Misses Margaret and Bernice Bassett and cousin, Fred Lynd, of Woonsocket, R.I., paid a visit to Worthington friends Wednesday.

C.M. Hamaker of Webster City, Ia., is a new arrival in Worthington, having taken a position with the Worthington Tile and Concrete Co.

Mail Carrier Rippberger has returned from Okaboji, Iowa, where he spent part of his vacation last week, and on Monday resumed his duties on the route.

J.S. Frink went to Minneapolis last week and participated in the shoot with the Minneapolis Gun Club, making the third highest score. A day or two later he went to St. Paul and took part in an informal shoot making third there also, scoring 96 out of 100. He secured second in the amateur class.

Local Intelligence

A.W. Little spent Sunday in Sioux Falls.

George DePetit spent Sunday with friends in Sibley.

D.B. Kumler went to Rushmore Monday on business.

G.W. Roth was transacting business in Brewster Monday.

Miss Ella Horton visited with friends in Sibley Saturday.

R.J. Jones, of Reading, was in town Friday on business.

Walter Snooks was a Luverne visitor one day last week.

Mrs. G.W. Wilson visited friends at Heron Lake last week.

Mrs. G.W. Wilson spent Sunday with friends at Round Lake.

W.B. Boddy was a passenger for the south Monday afternoon.

J.C. Casaretto went to Sioux Falls Monday afternoon on business.

C.A. Ritz attended a shooting tournament at Minneapolis last week.

Company F. returned from camp at Lake City Saturday night.

Earl Barkelew spent Saturday night and Sunday with Sibley friends.

J.M. Addington was in Sibley, Iowa the latter part of last week on business.

Mrs. H.S. Myers left Saturday for a two weeks' visit with relatives at Madison, Wis.

Miss Smedstadt of Heron Lake was the guest of the family of Ole Carlson the past week.

John Webster was transacting business in Sibley and Ocheyedan last Monday and Tuesday.

Miss Emma Seline of Sioux Falls arrived Saturday for a visit with her parents in this city.

Stanley Moore, the genial boniface of the Worthington Hotel, was a twin city visitor last week.

Mrs. J.J. Kies returned home from Minneapolis Saturday, after a visit with her mother.

Miss Davis of Sioux City returned home Monday after a pleasant visit with friends in this city.

Mrs. S. Westby of Bigelow returned home Monday afternoon after a visit at the home of Ole Carlson.

M.E. Fish, who has been employed at Lake Park, Ia., in a barber shop, has returned to Worthington.

James Pepple, train dispatcher on the Omaha at St. James, spent Sunday with his parents in Worthington.

Mrs. Amanda Gadna, returned  to her home in Ottowa, Minn., Monday after a weeks' visit with Mrs. C.H. Hurlbert.

Mrs. A.R. Albertus and little daughter returned Saturday afternoon from a short visit with relatives and friends at Jackson.

Mrs. Zena Lawson, who has been visiting her son, Albert Lawson, for the past week, returned to her home in Mankato Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Hobson and daughter returned Thursday of last week from Lake City, Minn., where they spend a week in camp.

Miss Rosetta Benoit, of Verona, N.D., has been the guest of Miss Rose Pigman the past week, returning to her home Monday morning.

Mrs. John Barbender and daughter, who have been visiting Mrs. Nick Klaras for a few days returned to their home in Adrian Monday.

S.M. Stewart, cashier of the Citizens National bank, was transacting business in Brewster Monday. He was accompanied by his little son.

"King" Roshon left Monday morning for LeMars, Iowa, where he will assume a position with the bridge construction crew on the Omaha railroad.

Miss Winifred Price returned to her home in Spencer, Iowa, Monday, after a week's visit in Worthington, as the guest of Miss Pearl Wetherell.

Mrs. L.C. Davis of Sioux City returned home Monday after a week spent with the family of Rev. William Fletcher and other friends in this city.

Misses Flossie and Mamie Hogan of LeMars returned home Monday after a pleasant two-weeks' visit with relatives and friends in Worthington.

Miss Ruth Saxton, of Belvidere, Ill., was in Worthington Monday for a few hours. She went to Luverne from here where she will spend a few weeks with relatives.

J.S. Randolph, he who moulds public opinion through the medium of the Brewster Tribune, was in the city Thursday last, and made this office a pleasant call.

Mrs. Oscar Ivens left Monday afternoon for Council Bluffs where she will join her husband who has a position in that city. They will make their future home there.

M.A. Mattison editor of the Rushmore Enterprise, was in Worthington Saturday between trains, enroute to Dundee where he spent Sunday with his parents.

Mrs. E.L. McIntosh, librarian at the public library will take a two weeks' well-earned vacation August 1st. Miss Julia Hyland will be in charge during her absence.

J.A. Derome, of Valley Springs, S.D., was a Worthington visitor Monday afternoon. Mr. Derome is an old newspaper man and one of the publishers of the Vidette at Valley Springs.

Mrs. J.F. Dunlap and little son and daughter, who have been the guests of the family of John Montgomery the past week, returned home in Independence, Ia., Monday afternoon.

George Morgan and wife, of Worthington, returned yesterday from a visit with Harris relatives, and are now visiting their children and family, north of town. --Round Lake Graphic.

The condition of Dow Mitchell si reported less critical by his physician. Dow's many friends will be pleased to receive this intelligence, and all hope for his speedy recovery.

Dwight Harden returned to Minneapolis, Sunday night after a couple of weeks' visit with his parents in this city. Dwight has a position as ad-setter on the Minneapolis Journal.

A.W. Luehrs left Monday for Omaha, Neb., where he will resume his position as auditor of the Updyke Grain Co. Mr. Luehrs will spend a few days in Sioux City, before assuming his duties.

Miss Emma Conrad of Omaha is the guest of friends in this city. Miss Conrad, who is a former resident of Worthington, will go to Wilmont from here where she will be the guest of the family of Daniel Chute.

Cliff Oakes, who recently accepted a position at the Addington barber shop, returned to his home in Sioux Falls last Saturday afternoon. He was compelled to resign on account of illness from a severe cold.

Jay Wolven arrived home from Seattle, Wash., Monday afternoon, and will spend his vacation with his parents in this city. Jay has a traveling position in the coast city and will return to work about September 1st.

Editor Flint of the Round Lake Graphic has been peddling around a black eye for the past week, but indignantly denies that it was presented to him by some one who differed with opinions expressed in his paper. He blames his cow.

Mrs. Margaret Murray, of St. Paul, who has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. A.F. Collins, of this city, for the past week, left Monday morning for Fairmont, where she will visit relatives for a short time before returning home.

Miss Edna Shaver, of Sioux Falls, changed cars here Monday enroute for Mankato. Miss Shaver is a graduate nurse and has been summoned to Mankato to assist in caring for the victims of the typhoid epidemic now raging at that place.

H.A. Gould has resigned his position as baker at the Loveless bakery. His place will be take by a Mr. Loveland, of Sac City, Ia. Mr. Gould is at present undecided as to his future, but will probably engage in some business on his own account.

The annual convention of the Corn Belt Editorial association, an organization of editors and newspapers publishers of northwest Iowa, will be held at Sioux City, on Aug. 6th. W.G. Smith, of Rock Rapids, is scheduled for a paper on the subject of "Junior Linotype Composition."

M.P. Carpen, wife and infant child, of Kenosha, Wis., who have been visiting Mrs. Carpen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Sjoholm, southeast of town, went to Sibley Monday where they will spend a few days with Mr. Carpen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Carpen, before returning home.

Elvin Ross, living east of town, went to Heron Lake Monday where he will enter the hospital for treatment. Elvin has been suffering for some time from a lung affection which, while not of a tubercular nature, is of stubborn nature and refuses to yield readily to treatment.

Geo. M. DePetit, who was foreman on the Gazette for some months, has accepted a position as reporter - editor of the Advance-Herald. Mr. DePetit is a capable young man who will render valuable assistance in the issuance of a first class weekly in Worthington. --Sibley, (Ia) Gazette.

Neil Leverich went to St. James last week and while there secured a position as freight brakeman on the main line of the Omaha. Neil has been holding down a position as baggageman on Nos. 15 and 16 on the Worthington and Mitchell line, but will resign and begin work in his new capacity about August 1st.

Irving S. Curtiss, local salesman for the Baldwin Piano Company, left Saturday for Luverne, where he will look after the interests of his company for a short time, after which he will take up his regular road trips. Mr. Curtiss is general salesman for twenty-five counties in the state, and has been off the road conducting the rebus sale of the Baldwin company in this city.

----End Transcription----

Microfilm, Worthington Advance; Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, MN; obtained November, 2007.

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