Worthington Advance, 1909

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Newspaper Articles
from Worthington Advance
 December, 1909

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Friday, December 3, 1909

Meet Often for Study of Drama or Other Phase of Human Activity

Among the social circles of Worthington are three very interesting clubs, namely: The Birthday club, the Twentieth Century club, and the Tourist club.

The Birthday club is an organization of twelve ladies, who are Mesdames L.W. Abbott, Wm. DeVaney, Arthur Dickens, J.S. Frink, Ned Jones, Newton Fauskee, J.B. Morton, Leslie Holbrook, A.M. Renner, Howard Durfee, and J.S. Kies, president.

Each member of the club entertains the members and as many others as she cares to invite, twice a year, once at some day near her birthday and one other time. These meetings prove to be very enjoyable ones.

The Twentieth Century club as an organization started in 1897, which united with the state federation in 1899, have their object expressed in their motto, "We Have Made a Vow to Study." This club consists of seventeen active members as follows: Misses Bachtle, Bernard and Cruikshank and Mesdames L.B. Bloxham, A.H. Clark, C.P. Dolan, J.D. Humiston, Ray Humiston, W.M. Jennings, G.R. Lawrence, F.M. Manson, R.L. Morland, Geo. O. Moore, W.R. Rogers, C.H. Sibley, E.V. Voak and S.V. Wyckhoff besides Mrs. G.A. Lincoln, Mrs. M.P. Mann and Mrs. Thos. Palmer, associate members.

This club meets every two weeks at the home of one of the members and they take up the study of books and dramas.

The last of the above named organizations, the Tourist club comprises the following fifteen members: Mesdames A.R. Albertus, M.C. Carr, A.H. Clark, Louise Crane, J.D. Humiston, W.M. Jennings, E.J. Jones, F.M. Manson, J.M. Messer, Stanley Moore, G.W. Roth, Daniel Shell, Lee Shell, E.K. Smith and Geo. W. Wilson.

This club makes a study of art and architecture on Monday afternoon of every other week. This organization was federated with the state organization in 1900.

The officers are Mrs. Lee M. Shell, president; Mrs. Geo. W. Wilson, vice-president; Mrs. A.R. Albertus, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. G.W. Roth, librarian.

Besides these clubs there are the Embroidery, Sunshine and number of other similar clubs in the social circles of Worthington.

Lee T. Shatto of Worthington and Miss Lena M. Evans of Lind, Minn.

Lee T. Shatto and Miss Lena M. Evans were quietly married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis D. Brown, two miles east of this city, Thursday, Nov. 25, at 10 o'clock in the morning by Dr. G.A. Cahoon.

The ceremony was a very simple one, the bride and groom being unattended, and only a few of the immediate relatives witnessed the affair.

The rooms were very prettily decorated for the occasion in green and white. A bountiful wedding dinner was served. The newly wedded couple were the recipients of many very beautiful gifts.

Mr. Shatto is a very capable and well-known young man of Worthington and the bride is a popular young lady of Lind, Minn. They expect to make their home on a farm near Worthington. May all the joys and pleasures of married life be theirs, is the wish of the Advance-Herald and their numerous friends.


Mrs. J.S. Cochs, a former nurse at the Manson hospital, has just returned from taking a three months' post graduate course at the Hillcrest Surgical Hospital, Pittsfield, Mass. Before returning home she visited relatives in New York, Columbus and Chicago.

Local Intelligence

Mark Boyle of Adrian was seen upon the streets of the city Saturday.

Born -- A boy to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Enfield, Worthington.

Cole Guernsey transacted business at Rushmore Wednesday.

J.D. Rippberger, the veteran mail carrier, has sold his Pillager land to his brother of Elgin, Ill.

Axel Wass, a prosperous farmer on route 2, has just completed a large building to shelter his threshing outfit.

O.M. Soren and sister, Miss Carrie at Rushmore, were in the county seat Monday doing some trading.

Mr. and Mrs. Orvie Anderson went to Rushmore Monday to visit with relatives for a few days.

Mrs. John Harden, a former Worthingtonian, but now of Minneapolis, is reported as being seriously ill, there being but little hope of her recovery.

Misses Viva and Florence Stickney of Sioux Falls, were guests at the W.F. Phillips home over Sunday.

Miss Julia Tietenberg spent Sunday with her parents at Wilmont, returning to Worthington Monday morning.

Mrs. Roy Anderson of Indian Lake returned home Monday from Sioux Falls, where she had been in attendance of the funeral of her father.

Miss Mollie Kraft, accompanied by her sister, Miss Sophia, were in Worthington, Monday, the former being on her way to Paullina, Iowa, where she has employment.

Messrs. Lloyd and Floyd Moothart, twins, of Culbretson, Montana, who were called to Worthington several weeks ago to attend the funeral of their grand-father, E. Moothart, left Tuesday for Brewster to visit with their friend, Theodore West for a few days. Mr. West and the two Moothart boys were schoolmates in Primghar, Iowa, their old home.

A.H. Nystrom made a business trip to Bigelow Tuesday.

Alvin Anderson of Indian Lake has accepted a position as clerk with the Hub Mercantile store.

Miss Julia Chapa of Kinbrae was the guest of her sister, Miss Anna Chapa, who has been staying in Worthington for some time.

Rev. George D. Stowe, pastor of the Methodist church at Bigelow and wife visited here between trains Monday with Rev. Ralph Carleton.

L. Sherman and Lew Peterson of Royal, Iowa, departed Tuesday for Windom, after spending a week in Worthington with the latter's cousin, Peter Anderson.

James Kain departed Monday for Cherokee, Iowa, where he will spend a few days transacting business, after which he will leave for Pressure, S.D., to look over the country in that vicinity.

Albert Jebsen and wife of Mitchell, S.D. passed through the city Monday on their way to Texas to spend the winter. They visited over Sunday with his uncle, Alix Hale. Mr. Jebsen, when married a number of years ago, secured his marriage license in Worthington and was married here.

Miss Ellen Anderson, who was confined to her bed last week with what was thought to be diptheria, was able to attend school Wednesday. The family were released from quarantine Saturday. Upon further examination of the disease it was found that the case was not diptheria, although the resemblance was close.

W.H. Buchan of Sacred Heart, Minn., was in Worthington over Sunday visiting with his daughter, Mrs. J.E. Wolven and brother, E.F. Buchan. Mr. Buchan left here about a year ago for Custer, Wash., at which place his family are yet located. Mr. Buchan has charge of a hardware store at Sacred Heart, in which he and his brother are interested.

WANTED -- Young woman for companion. Mrs. Sullwold.

The W.C.T.U. will meet with Mrs. James Montgomery, Friday, Dec. 10 at 3 o'clock p.m.

Remember the supper by the Women's Relief Corps in the G.A.R. hall this evening, Friday.

E.F. Buchan went to Estherville, Iowa, Tuesday for a few days visit with relatives.

Mrs. E.L. Gillette went to the twin cities Friday where she visited relatives for a few days.

Mesdames J.G. Murphy and T.J. Hendricks came over from Adrian Monday for a few days' visit with Mrs. Nick Klaras.

Armory Opens This Evening, Dec. 3 with Inspection and Ball.

C.A. Tortat of Sissenex Park [??], Ill., stopped here for a few days' visit with his brother-in-law, J.H. Staubus, while on his return home from Nebraska, where he had been looking after land interests.

This office is in receipt of cards announcing the birth of a son in the home of the recent editor of this paper, Chas. Hamstreet, now located at Clear Lake, Iowa.

J.N. Dodge, father of Dr. W.J. Dodge, has disposed of his farm on the east shore of Round Lake and will retire from farming.

Ex-sheriff J.C. Thom of Rushmore, was in the city Monday between trains while on his way home from St. Paul, where he had been to visit his son, Harry, who is instructor in blacksmithing at the state school of agriculture. The latter had the misfortune to receive a fracture of the skull, from a board which fell upon his head, while he was in a well. He is now rapidly improving.

Importance of a hospital in our home town was demonstrated, Sunday, when George Christensen, aged 17 years son of the operator at the Omaha depot, was suddenly attacked with a serious case of appendicitis. His condition was so critical that an immediate operation was necessarily performed at the Manson hospital and he will now recover. But had it been necessary to take him out of the city for an operation if would no doubt have cost the lad his life as the time element was a very essential one in this instance.

Wesley Rippberger came over from Valley Springs, S.D. to spend Thanksgiving at home.

Mrs. Ralph Carleton is confined to her bed this week being under the weather.

Mrs. H.E. Stafford of Eau Claire, Wis. is visiting with her sister, Mrs. George Stark in this city.

Mrs. G.W. Giroux has returned to her home in Chicago, Ill., after a six weeks' pleasant visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Rippberger.

Mrs. F.E. Hintgen, who has been the guest of Mrs. A.C. Dickens since Saturday, returned Wednesday morning to her home at St. James.

Mrs. W.J. Parry and son, Sidney returned Saturday to their home at Aberdeen, S.D., after spending two weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Prideaux in this city.

Miss Alma Olson of Adrian, who has been the guest of Miss Carrie Hansen for several days, went to Rushmore Tuesday accompanied by the latter, where they visited friends.

Mrs. Sarah Humiston and daughter, Olive of Heron Lake, were down Sunday to be present at the celebration of the wedding anniversary of the former's son, A.C. Dickens and wife, which was commemorated Sunday.

Mrs. P.H. McCall and three children, who have been visiting in Worthington with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan since Thanksgiving day, returned Wednesday to their home at Brewster, accompanied by her mother, who will visit there for a few days.

Theodore Hendricks, who for some time has resided in Elk township, this week moved his household goods to Worthington, preparatory to shipping the same to Santiago, Cal., where they are in the hopes that Mr. Hendricks will regain his lost health. They expected to leave Saturday for the west, but owing to the fact that he was physically unable, they will remain until next Sunday.

Mrs. M.N. Reistroffer and two children of Brewster, were in the city Monday between trains, while returning home from Round Lake where they had been visiting since Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. J.B. Bliedom [Biledom?], who accompanied them as far as Worthington, where she secured treatment for her eyes from an eye specialist.

G.W. Brammer of Alta, Iowa, transacted business in Worthington Monday.

Miss Floy Seely left Wednesday for Palmyra, Wis. for a three months visit with her grand-mother.

Harvey Henton went to St. Paul Sunday to attend the funeral of his father, who died there last week.

Miss Gertrude Brabender of Adrian visited from Saturday until Monday at the home of Mrs. Nick Klaras in this city.

Mr. and Mrs. John James returned Thursday from Sioux Falls, S.D., where they have been visiting with friends for several weeks past.

Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Shelquist of Wilmont, who were married here last Saturday left Monday for their home at Hanska, this state, where the groom has purchased a butcher shop.

Misses Marjorie and Natalie Parker of Sioux Falls, who have been spending the Thanksgiving holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Thompson, returned Monday to their home.

Miss Amy Darling, who has been spending the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents in this city, returned Monday to LeSueur, Minn., to resume her duties as teacher in the schools at that place.

E.H. Reynolds and two brothers of Lake Wilson stopped off here Monday for a visit with the formers friend T.H. Osborne, employed at the Sunnyside store. They were on their way home from a visit with relatives at Sibley, Iowa.

Ed. Adolphson of Wilmont passed through the city Monday on his way to Sioux City for a visit with friends.

Harry Wheeler of Wilmont was in the city Monday, while on his way home from Spirit Lake, where he had been visiting friends and relatives for several days.

Harry Cramer, who left several months ago to accept a position as foreman of a tile factory at Tekamah, Nebraska, returned home Saturday for a few weeks' visit with his parents, after which he will leave for Missouri, where he has secured a similar position.

Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Smith came down from Browns Valley, this state, to spend Thanksgiving with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Smith and will remain here for an extended visit of two weeks.


The regular annual meeting of the Congregational church for the election of officers and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before it, will be held in the church, Thursday, Dec. 9th at 8 o'clock p.m. Geo. O. Moore, clerk.


J.W. Peters was over from Rushmore Tuesday on business.

Rev. A.D. Maes of Lakeland, an evangelist, is holding meetings with Rev. M.J. Aschim at Kenneth.

Robert Reed went to Adrian on business connected with his office as state inspector of oil.

A.E. Dahlheim went to Brewster Tuesday on business returning home in the afternoon.

Miss Ethel Carlson returned Monday from Paullina, Iowa, where she had been since Wednesday, having gone home for Thanksgiving.

Frank Crosby of Kilkenny, Minn., was the guest of Emmett Dodge at Round Lake from Saturday until Sunday, when he returned home.

Mr. and Mrs. Silas Palmer of Lake Park, Iowa, visited with his brother, T.A. Palmer and family and his sister, Mrs. Ira Mishler.

Silas Palmer of Chicago, uncle of T.A. Palmer and Mrs. Ira Mishler, was in the city visiting from Saturday until Monday of this week.

Miss Eva Baker returned Tuesday to Mankato to resume her studies in the normal, after spending an enjoyable three weeks vacation with her parents north of this city.

Miss Alice Rairdon, who has been visiting at the homes of T.C. Ager and E.S. Terry in this city for the past week, returned Tuesday to her home at Adison Lake, Minn.

Miss Ilma Cale, who has been spending Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cale, north of this city, left Tuesday for Minneapolis, where she has employment.

Mrs. Ed Rathlisberger came down from Iona Friday for a couple of days visit with her mother, Mrs. Henry Apel, who returned to Iona with her daughter on Sunday afternoon, where she will spend a couple of weeks visiting.

Don't ask. Write, telephone, or look in the paper for the bill of fare you will get in the dining room of the Western Hotel. Barkers and railroad men are requested to pay in advance. $1.50 and upwards. C.B. Ward, Prop., and Mgr.

Mrs. E.C. Meredith returned Thursday of last week from Sully, Iowa, where she has been staying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Willock, recuperating. She has gained much in health in the two months during her stay at Sully.

Mrs. Marvin Nichols and Mrs. Mary Fillenworth, who have been visiting for the past three weeks at the home of the former's brother and the latter's uncle, J.E. Smith, left Wednesday morning for Cresco, Iowa for a visit with other relatives before returning to their home at Monona, Iowa.

Mrs. J.J. Carey of Wilmont visited with friends in Worthington Monday.

Mrs. Roy Lewis went to Mankato, Monday, where she will enter the normal school.

Nels Olson left Tuesday for Chicago for a two weeks' visit with relatives and friends.

Mrs. Chas. Pannell visited with her father, Vic Anderson, at Org on Monday.

Alfred Lundell and wife arrived Monday from Chicago, Ill., for a visit with his sister, Mrs. Oscar Sterling.

Mrs. Mattie Thornberg of Dell Rapids, S.D., who has been visiting with Mrs. Alice James in this city for a week, left Monday for her home.

Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Hart left Monday afternoon for Minneapolis, where they will spend a few days on a pleasure trip.

Mr. and Mrs. Moyer of Delevan [Delavan], Wis., arrived last Thursday and are spending the week with Mrs. Moyer's brother, Henry Cramer and family in this city.

Mrs. R.L. Daugherty of Rushmore, who has been visiting several days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ager in this city, returned home Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Newton of Carrington, N.D., who have been visiting the past week with her cousin, Mrs. A.W. Earl in this city, left Monday for their home.

Miss Kitty Chaney, who went to her home at Dundee Wednesday, to spend Thanksgiving, returned to Worthington Monday to resume her studies in the high school here.

APPLES I have one car load good winter apples in basement of Corner meat market for sale for the present at $1.00 per bushel.  F.C. Turner.

Miss Almira Mead of Wilmont was the guest of Miss Winnie O'Connor several days the fore part of this week.

Friday, December 10, 1909

Uniforms of Members of Guard Add Color to Scene on The Ball Room Floor

With an inspection of the company by Major John Buschers of New Ulm and followed by a dance, the new armory was formally dedicated last Friday evening. The crowd was large, including a number of spectators from many of the neighboring towns.

Under the active work of the committee of Harry S. Hobson, W.B. Stoutemeyer and Dr. Gholz the affair was a success in every particular.

The large hall on the second floor was seated at one end and around the sides, where the spectators were accomodated, and was decorated with small American flags.

The company under command of Capt. S.S. Smith was put through the manual while Maj. Bushers looked on. He also examined members of the company and looked over the equipment. The full enlistment of 76 men was on the floor and made a good showing.

Dancing began at the close of the inspection, about 9:30 and continued until the wee sma' hours.

The armory will be maintained by an appropriation of $250 a year from the state and $250 a year from the city. It will be a notable addition to the public buildings of the city and will doubtless be the scene of many pleasant gatherings.

Cory Performs Two Marriages, Total of Ninety Since Entering Office

Joseph Rogers and Miss Almeda Minich of Palo Alto county, Iowa, were united in marriage at the probate office Tuesday afternoon by Judge Cory.

Monday evening at the Worthington hotel, Judge Cory pronounced the words, which made Joseph A. Enbody of Jackson county, Miss Julia A. Baker of Buffalo county, Wis., man and wife.

Mr. Cory states that with these two marriages, he has performed ninety since entering office seventeen years ago, and about seventy-five per cent of the contracting parties were of Nobles county. Out of that number he has recollection of but two divorces.

Son of Ole Ellingson Dies Friday Afternoon at the Age of 22 Years.

Oscar Ellingson of Indian Lake aged twenty-two years, succumbed Friday afternoon to a complication of diseases after an illness of but a few days.

Funeral services were conducted from the Union Congregational church Monday afternoon, Dr. L.L. Sowles officiating. Nearly two hundred people attended the services.

Among surviving relatives are three sisters, Miss Anna of Indian Lake, Mrs. Frank Johnson of Minneapolis, Mrs. Axel Wass of Indian Lake, a fourth sister, who resides in South Dakota, and a brother, Oliver, who lived on the farm with him.

Real Estate Transfers
(Nov. 25 to Dec. 8th)

John A. Boberg to Nick Klaras, lt 5, blk 29, Worthington; $2000.

Martha Bauer and husband to Johanna F. Hoffman, ne � of se � 35-101-39; $3200.

August Peschon to Ignas Peschon, nw � of n � 2-102-43; $6510.

John Anderson to Chas. Grau, lt 6, blk 28, Worthington; $150.

John R. Jones to Michael Fixmer, lt 7, blk 7, Jones add., Adrian; $50.

Fred Humiston to Willis I. Humiston, � int sw � 24-103-40, � int. sw � 16-102-34; $1.

Sybella E. Wigham and husband to Susie A. Large, sw � of lt 5, blk 4, Adrian; $75.

C.E. Horton to Andrew S Johnson, lts, 1, 2, 3, 4, blk 21, Tripp's 2nd add to Round Lk.; $1000.

Andrew S. Johnson to Oscar O. Anderson, lts above named; $1000.

James H. Maxwell to W.G. Myers, lt 10, blk 26, Worthington; $1000.

J.H. Maxwell to W.G. Myers lt 12, blk 14, Moulton's re-survey and sub div., Clary's add, Worthington; $1200.

Gerd Dieckman and others to Alva Kelso, lts 9, 10, blk 4, Worthington; $1400.

Chas Wood to G.W. Patterson sw � 34-104-40; $3300.

Oscar A. Morse to J.P. Marx, n � of nw � 34-101-44; $17230.

Ellsworth Land & Town Lot Co to Henry & Jake Freyborg, lt 9, blk 4, Ellsworth; $25.

Peter Harder to Frank S. Warley, ne � 4-101-42;
Wilson S. Lewis to Mary J. Glasgow, lt �, blk 25, Worthington; $1500.


Miss Carrie McCune, who has a claim at Minot, N.D., and who for a number of months has been traveling throughout the state of North Dakota, directing home talent entertainments, has returned to Worthington and will spend part of the winter with her sister, Miss Hattie McCune. She came here from Valley City, N.D., where she put on an entertainment, which met with great success.

High School Notes

The girls' sewing class has now taken up advanced work, their first undertaking being the making of an apron. Heretofore they have been making only models.

The advanced manual training class are this week busying themselves making inlaid hat and clothes racks and sleds, both of which articles are substantially constructed and useful.

Tuesday evening a boys' glee club was formed by fourteen members of the high school with H.L. Brereton as director. These boys have excellent voices and with such an able leader as Mr. Brereton, the outcome ought to be an excellent chorus.

Mrs. J.J. Kies has been engaged to teach the third room and Miss Bernice Weidman to teach the second room, during the absence of the Misses Minnie and Ida Nelson, who were called home Tuesday to attend the funeral of their father who died that morning at his home in Kasota, this state.

Saturday the girls' basket ball team will go to Madelia to compete with the high school there. This is the first game of the season for this team and most of the members have never played in the first team before, but have been practising hard for a number of weeks. Since the cold weather the hall in the building has been used as a temporary drill hall. It is hoped that the armory may be secured for practise hereafter. The line-up of the team, which goes to Madelia Saturday follows: forwards, Iva Lyon, Edith Glasgow; guards, Mildred Lewis, Eloy Seely; centers, Jennie Strom, Josephine Sibley.

Local Intelligence

Wm. DeVaney and wife spent Sunday with relatives at Bigelow.

Miss Lillian Thom of Rushmore was a Worthington visitor Friday.

Spencer and Levi Sandquist of Org were in Worthington between trains Saturday.

J.H. Bryden of Rushmore was a business visitor to the county seat on Friday.

Mrs. M. Way and daughter, Miss Alice were in Worthington between trains Saturday.

S. Kindlund made a business trip to Windom Wednesday, returning the same day.

H.P. Lewis, proprietor of a general store at Wilmont, was in the city Friday between trains.

D.A. Smith and wife went on a pleasure trip to Rushmore Friday where they have relatives.

Mrs. J.A. Ludtke and daughter Miss Olga of Rushmore were in the city Friday shopping.

Mrs. John Black, who has been spending a few days with her son, J.M. Black in this city, returned to her home at Rushmore Friday.

Daniel Scott and Lester, Juniors in high school in Worthington, spent Sunday under the parental roof at Rushmore from Friday until Monday morning.

F.H. Nuebel, contractor for the cornice work on the new school house and two workmen, F.A. Bienapfle and Frances J. Heenesey, who have been employed for the past three weeks in placing the trimmings on the building here left Saturday for their homes at Mankato, having completed the job.

Thursday evening the home of E.L. Schwartz was the scene of a very enjoyable entertainment given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Early of New Richmond, Wis., with the latter's brother, Tom Hogan, as host. About sixteen friends of the guests of honor were in attendance and the game of five hundred was the chief source of amusement, after which a bountiful repast was served by the host, who in person acted as waiter. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Early left Friday for their home.

Howard Myers went to Pipestone Friday to transact business.

G. Schaefer of Tripp, S.D., was here this week looking after elevator interests.

Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Ostrom of Bigelow were visitors to the city Wednesday between trains.

B.A. Eakin arrived in the city Wednesday to accept a position as porter at the Worthington Hotel.

Jas. H. Sipes, formerly of Adrian, now located at Minneapolis, was in Worthington this week on business.

Attorney M.P. Thornton made a professional business trip to Adrian Tuesday.

Harry Whipke of Rushmore spent part of Saturday with friends in this city.

Mrs. Ida Cox, who has been visiting for nearly a week with her sister, Mrs. Frank Eastman in this city, returned Saturday to her home at Windom.

Miss Ella Gray of Beaver Creek visited with friends in Worthington between trains Saturday.

Mrs. Z.M. Thompson and Mrs. E. West and daughter, Miss Grace, of Rushmore, were visitors to the city Saturday.

W.R. Masel of Cherokee, Iowa, was here for a few hours Tuesday, while on his way to Adrian, where he has business interests.

Mrs. L.R. Aldrich came from Rushmore Tuesday to meet her sister, Mrs. Emmett McDermett, who arrived that afternoon from Milwaukee, Wis.

Mrs. Elmer Jones, who has been visiting for nearly a week with relatives at Dundee and Kinbrae, returned home Friday.

Misses Marie Royart and Margaret Ostrom came up from Bigelow Saturday for a visit with the latter's aunt, Mrs. E. Smith.

Henry Anderson of Brewster passed through this city Saturday enroute to Luverne, where he will spend a few days visiting with a lady friend.

Theodore West came down from Brewster Friday on business and in the evening incidentally took in the military ball given at the armory.

Robert Carlstrom, foreman of the crew of men employed at the new school building and John Norman, workman, went to Mankato Wednesday for a few days visit at their homes.

Miss Ida Clark, who has been absent from her home in this city for nearly a month, during which time she has been visiting friends and relatives in Mankato and the twin cities, returned home Tuesday.

W.T. hayes conductor on the Omaha on freights, nos. 25 and 26, between St. James and here, is this week enjoying a vacation. Saturday, he in company with his wife and two children left for Mankato to visit his brother for a week. His father, D.P. Hayes, of Butte, Mont., whom he has not seen for a number of years, will be in Mankato this week also.

Dr. B.O. Mork was called to Luverne Tuesday for consultation with a physician at that place.

E.A. Berry of Brewster transacted business in Worthington Tuesday afternoon.

C.W. Gilmore, attorney at Pipestone, transacted business in Worthington Saturday.

E.A. Geyerman came over from Brewster Monday afternoon on business.

J.C. Casareto visited with relatives at Sioux Falls from Friday until Saturday.

Mrs. W.A. Pearce, who for several months has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller, near Org, left Tuesday afternoon for her home at Glasgow, Mont.

Mrs. Burr Ludlow and sister, Miss Alida Bedford of Rushmore were here between trains Tuesday, while on their way to Sioux City for a visit with relatives.

Roy Hammond of Brewster accompanied his aunt, Mrs. F. Grampp, as far as Worthington Monday, the latter being on her way to her home at Joliet, Ill., after spending an enjoyable two weeks visit with relatives at Brewster.

Gust Sjoholm arrived here Tuesday from Livingstone, Mont., where he has been for several months railroading. He will visit for a short time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sjoholm, south of town.

John F. Flynn, who has been visiting for several weeks in this community left this week for Vale Ore., where he is now located, having large land holdings in that portion of the state. His trip to Worthington this time was the ninth round trip, which he has made this year.

Misses Ida and Minnie Nelson, employed as teachers in the grades of the Worthington public schools, received a telegram Tuesday afternoon from Kasota announcing the death of their father, which occurred that morning. He had been in poor health for some time, suffering from heart trouble, which was thought to be the cause of his death. They left that afternoon for their home at Kasota.

Rev. Garrett Smith Perry of Edwardsville, Ala., was in Worthington several days the past week working in the interests of an Industrial school at that place, which is conducted for the benefit of the poor white children of the south. While in the city Mr. Perry was the guest of Rev. Ralph Carleton and on Sunday evening lectured in the Methodist church to a very attentive audience. About seventeen years ago Rev. Smith was pastor of a church at Windom, and for twenty years previous to accepting the position with the school, he occupied several charges throughout Minnesota.

Mrs. Fred Rose returned Tuesday from Windom, where she has been visiting relatives for nearly a week.

Miss Mabel Mattison came down from Dundee Saturday for an over Sunday visit with her sister, Mrs. Elmer Jones.

Miss Margaret Barron of Rushmore was shopping in the county metropolis Saturday.

Orvie Anderson and wife went to Heron Lake Saturday to visit with her uncle, Jesse Alexander, who is very sick with typhoid-pneumonia.

Mrs. D.S. Thonstad, wife of the station agent at Miloma, was shopping in Worthington between trains Saturday.

Pat Murphy, who resides west of town, returned Saturday from Sibley, where he has been visiting with relatives for nearly a week.

Eugene Smith, who is employed as glazier for the Omaha road, went to Mitchell, S.D., Tuesday to replace broken window lights in the depot and round house at that place.

C.F. Pierce, grain buyer for the Skewis Elevator company at Org, was in the city Monday on his way home from Rock Rapids, Iowa, where he had been on business.

C.B. Lutner of Reading was in Worthington Monday to receive treatment from a physician for a weak back with which he has been troubled for a number of years.

Mrs. A. Barns of Lake Park, and Mrs. W.A. Freeman of Cherokee, Ia., arrived Saturday for a visit with the former's brother, S.C. Freeman, who resides south of this city.

Rev. J.H. Hanson of the Norwegian Lutheran church at Adrian passed through the city Saturday enroute to Round Lake, where he conducted services on Sunday.

Tuesday morning a telegram was received by the local Omaha station to accept all freight for the twin cities except live stock which has for its destination, South St. Paul.

A mitten social will be held at the Malcolm school house Thursday evening December 16. A short program will be rendered. All are cordially invited to attend.

E. Small, who has been working in the vicinity of Reading for the past week in the interests of the Modern Woodmen America lodge, of which he is district deputy, passed through this city Tuesday, enroute to New Ulm, his headquarters. He states that he expects to return to Worthington in a short time to canvass for that fraternity.

Arthur Hildyard visited with friends at Fulda Monday of this week.

Mrs. J. Carey came up from Ellsworth Tuesday for a visit with her brother, J.A. Cashel.

Mrs. August Beerman and daughter came over from Rushmore Friday for a visit with Mrs. L.K. Stevens. Saturday they in company with the latter went to Bigelow to visit with Mrs. Stevens' brother, Frank Austin.

Rev. I. Hustvedt of Luverne was in the city Saturday between trains, while on his way to Windom, where he preached in the Norwegian Lutheran church, with which denomination he is connected at Luverne.

Messrs. Walter Ross, Peter Moliter, and Ray VanTassel of Adrian visited with friends in Worthington between trains Saturday. The latter expects to remain in Worthington for the winter if he is able to secure employment.

J.S. McChord of Rushmore was among others who attended the dance in the armory Friday evening, but he was the only one to miss the early morning train back to Rushmore.

C.W.T. Schmidt and wife, who stopped off here from Thursday until Saturday for a visit with her son, H.W. Schmidt, returned to their home at Cedar Falls, Iowa on Saturday. They were on their way to their home from Minneapolis, where they had gone to visit with other relatives.

C. Anthony, who for some time been located at Cherokee, Iowa where he was engaged in farming, came to Worthington Friday for a visit with the C. Dessem family, distant relatives of the former. Mr. Anthony left Saturday for his old home at Chambersburg, Penna.

Miss Anna McCue, who for nearly a year and a half has been employed as clerk in Hart's general store, has been compelled to give up her position on account of poor health. Monday she left for her home at Belle Plaine, this state. Miss McCue has many friends in this community who regret her departure, but who wish her a speedy recovery from her sickness.

The W.C.T.U. will meet at Mrs. James Montgomery's, Friday, Dec. 10th, at 3 o'clock.

G.P. Wilson is enjoying a visit from his brother from Joplin, Mo.

Mrs. P.T. Geyerman was a guest of relatives at Brewster Tuesday between trains.

Nels N. Nelson and Brunett Edstrom went to Jackson Tuesday for a couple days visit with the former's parents.

Miss Jennie Nelson of St. Paul, arrived in Worthington Monday for a visit with her uncle, John Nelson, who resides south of town.

Chas. Nelson of Rock Rapids and Wm. Anson of Luverne were in Worthington Monday, negotiating for the purchase of a splendid black percheron stallion of Patterson & Erickson. The deal was closed that afternoon and the animal was shipped to Luverne Tuesday.

Adolph Amondson accompanied his little daughter, Helen, to St. Paul Monday, where the plaster paris casts, in which her hips have been cased for a number of months will be examined by doctors. Because of the dislocation of both hips, the casts are a necessity. It is hoped that her limbs in the meantime have become strong enough that she may be able to walk without the use of the casts.

Wm. A. Poole, district manager of the Yeomen lodge, was in the city between trains Saturday on his way from Beaver Creek, where he assisted in the initiation of a class of fifteen into the camp at that place. He was then on his way to Mountain Lake, at which place he organized a lodge on Monday evening of this week. Mr. Poole was intending to be present at the regular meeting of the Worthington camp Monday evening, but owing to the organization of the lodge at Mountain Lake he was unable to attend.


T.D. Dunn and W.S. Ward who have made their home here for several years returned to their homes in England Sunday.

The election of officers of the Degree of Honor will be held at the next regular meeting, Saturday evening of this week.

Mrs. R.C. Thom of Rushmore was in Worthington Monday having some dental work done. She was accompanied by Mrs. R.F. Kerr.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peterson, who for several days have been the guests of the Peter Anderson family, returned Monday to their home at Rushmore.

Mr. and Mrs. Anton Lodde, who have been visiting since Friday at the home of his brother-in-law, E. Miller west of this city, returned Monday to their home at Davis, S.D.

Ben Hildyard, who spent Thanksgiving with his parents, returned Saturday to Des Moines, Iowa, to resume his studies of the teacher's commercial course in a college at that place.

K.J. Sims and wife arrived in Worthington Tuesday from Lincoln, Ill., for a visit with their son, Chas. E. Sims. Mr. Sim's parents have never been to this city before and intend to spend several weeks here.

Misses Marie and Helen Schaeffer and Miss Lamm of Adrian attended the military dance given at the armory Friday evening. Miss Helen Schaeffer and Miss Lamm returned home Saturday, while Miss Marie Schaeffer remained over Sunday as the guest of Miss Gertrude Mishler.

Miss Letha Eide of Rushmore, employed at the home of Stelle S. Smith, made a mistake last Thursday evening, which came near proving fatal. Instead of securing a bottle of cough medicine she procured some very powerful medicine, a portion of which she drank. Prompt attention of a physician brought almost immediate relief and she is again able to be about.

The Rev. W.A. Dennis will hold services and preach at St. John's Episcopal Church, Thursday evening, December the 16, at 7:30 o'clock, everyone is invited.

Mrs. Frank McVenes of Madison, S.D., visited with the L. Dow family in this city from Tuesday until Wednesday. She was accompanied home by Mr. Dow's six year old son, Donalds who will make his home with Mr. McVenes indefinitely.

Fred Mitchell went to Brewster Monday on a business trip. He was intending shipping his household goods to Oregon about two weeks ago, but was unable to get a car and will leave this week. His wife in the meantime is visiting her mother, Mrs. C.C. McCure at Faribault.

Semi-annual election was held by the Odd Fellows lodge Tuesday evening when the following were elected: Noble Grand, C.C. Erwin; Vice Grand, John W. Baker; Secretary, Oscar Kunzman; Treasurer, L.B. Leonard. Peter Heuermann was initiated into the first degree of the lodge and Ed Ulrich, was admitted to the third degree, the same evening.

Victor Talking Machines on easy payments at Morland's.

Mr. and Mrs. Morrill Ramage held their sale on the Schinckel farm west of town Wednesday. They will spend a few months with Mrs. Ramage's mother, Mrs. E.W. Stanton, before moving to Oregon.

Wednesday evening the Easter Star elected officers as follows: Mrs. J.A. Suddaby, Worthy Matron; Walter Dunbar, Worthy Patron; Mrs. F.C. Brace, Associated Matron; Mrs. E.W. Stanton, secretary; W.M. Evans, treasurer; Mrs. E.J. Jones, conductress; Mrs. Walter Dunbar, associated conductress. The installation of these officers will be held December 27th in connection with that of the Masonic lodge.

Frank Saxon and wife left Wednesday for Houston, Texas, where they will spend the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Wyatt were called to Sioux City Saturday by the death of a distant relative of Mrs. Wyatt's.

Friday, December 17, 1909

Local Intelligence

Mrs. R.E. Smith visited relatives at Rushmore over Sunday.

E.R. Richardson of Cherokee, Iowa, was in Worthington Tuesday purchasing hay from some of the local dealers.

A.E. Dahlberg made a business trip to Heron Lake Tuesday morning returning in the afternoon.

Mrs. E.V. Voak visited with friends and relatives at Brewster Tuesday between trains.

Messrs. Elmer Lundgren and Lonnie Langseth returned Friday evening from Madelia, where they have been working for the past six weeks.

James Mitchell, of Adrian, state boiler inspector, and assistant, Thomas Newell, both of Adrian, were in the city Monday making a test of the boiler in the new school house, which they report in excellent condition.

Miss Eva Baker, who has been attending normal at Mankato for the past two weeks, was forced to give up her studies there on account of severe headaches with which she was afflicted. She returned Monday to her home north of Reading.

Miss Jessie Rabenberg of Org was trading in Worthington Monday.

W.D. Boddy spent Friday with relatives at Rushmore.

Wm. Boeden visited with friends at Brewster from Thursday until Friday.

Mrs. F.J. Vollman of Round Lake visited Friday with friends at Rushmore.

Miss Louise Habeck of Round Lake is this week visiting with friends in this city.

Miss Blanche Carr went to Pipestone Friday, where she will be the guest of friends until Christmas.

A. Seetsema left Monday for Eagle Grove, Iowa, where he will visit relatives until the first of the year.

Sheriff Fauskee returned Friday from Dundee, where he had been on business connected with his office.

Wm. Mitchell of Rushmore was here a couple of days the past week, assisting his brother, Fred, in loading his car of goods, which the latter accompanied Saturday to Oregon, his future home. William Mitchell returned to his home Saturday afternoon.

S.L. Block of Ocheyedan brought a horse of his to the Gould veterinary hospital Monday of this week, the animal being afflicted with spavins. R.T. Clark of Indian Lake, who has been visiting Mr. Block at Ocheyedan for the past week, returned to Worthington with the former Monday.

S. Kindlund was a passenger for Adrian Monday, where he transacted business.

Mesdames H. Bjornstad and Fred Johnson of Org were in Worthington Monday doing their Christmas shopping.

Glen Richards returned Saturday from Pipestone, where he has been the guest of friends for several days.

Harry Lewis keeps good candy. Try it for Christmas.

Mrs. C.B. Ward went to Sioux Falls Monday, where she will visit for a week with her sister, Mrs. Frances Anderson.

Mrs. W.C. Thom and Miss Ida Gregg of Rushmore were shoppers in Worthington Saturday.

Miss Alma Olson, who has been visiting for several weeks with her cousin, Miss carrie Hansen, returned Friday to her home at Adrian.

J.H. Sipes of Minneapolis transacted business at the probate office in this city Monday. From here he went to Magnolia, where he has business interests and from which place he moved but a short time ago.

Dr. J.N. Gould was called to Rushmore Saturday to assist in raising a horse, which had slipped and fallen and was unable to regain its footing. It was thought that the horse had perhaps sprained its leg.

Harry Gray, a graduate of the Worthington high school, now employed in the State bank at Bigelow, came up from Bigelow Friday on business connected with that institution.

J. and W. Simmons and R.C. Riddell of Pilot Mound, Manitoba, Canada, were in Worthington Thursday and Friday looking at the thoroughbred Percheron horses of which Patterson and Erickson are the owners. They state these are some of the prettiest and best horses of this breed that they have ever seen and they expect to purchase a few of them later to take to Canada with them.

Prof. C.S. Jones of the Dundee schools brought his wife to the Worthington hospital Saturday, she being troubled with tumor of the brain. He returned home Monday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. James Lawrence visited from Thursday until Tuesday with their son, G.R. Lawrence in this city, when they left for their home at Marshall, Minn.

Mrs. James Mott, who has been visiting for several days with friends at LeMars, Iowa, returned home Tuesday.

Mrs. Jas. Deacon of Alexandria, S.D., and Arthur Bede of Rushville, Neb., arrived in the city Monday for a visit with the L.W. Abbott family. The latter is a brother of Mrs. Abbott.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hansberger Home from Wedding Tour.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hansberger returned Saturday from Keota, Iowa, where they have been visiting relatives of Mrs. Hansberger, formerly Miss Myrtle Turner, whose marriage took place at noon Thanksgiving day at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.C. Turner, in this city, Dr. G.A. Cahoon, assisted by Rev. Ralph Carlton officiating. Miss Ruth Lindeaur of Keota, Iowa, a cousin of the bride's, acted as bridesmaid and Lloyd P. Helmick was best man at the ceremony. The newly wedded couple will make their home on the farm of the groom's parents, four miles east of town, and Mr. and Mrs. Hansberger will be at home to their friends after January 10. Mr. and Mrs. John Hansberger, parents of Clyde, left Tuesday for Baltimore, Ohio, for the winter. Their daughter, Mrs. Ed Wilson, and husband and family, who went to New Mexico some years ago, are now located at Baltimore, Ohio, also.

Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Rogers left Tuesday afternoon for Mapleton, Iowa, where they will visit relatives of his for several days.

Harry S. Hobson transacted business at St. Paul from Thursday until Tuesday.

Misses Jessie and Hazel Cain and Frank Wagner and sister, Miss Minnie, of Bigelow were shopping in Worthington Saturday between trains.

Misses Clara Malmquist and Emma Knudson of Rushmore were visiting friends in Worthington between brains Saturday.

Mrs. Andrew Collins returned Saturday from St. Paul, where he has been visiting relatives for the past two weeks.

Misses Virginia and Ivadell Smith went to Bigelow Saturday afternoon where they visited until Sunday, with their aunt, Mrs. G. Ostrom.

Miss Maude Horswill, teacher in the public schools here, enjoyed an over-Sunday visit from her sister, Miss Hallia Horswill, who has a position in the schools at Windom.

Miss Mary Nelson and uncle, John Benson, arrived Saturday from Jackson for a few days visit with the former's brother, Nels Nelson. Mr. Benson resides at Lisbon, N.D., and was on his way home.

Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Ober, who reside east of town, were called to Primghar, Iowa, on Saturday to the bedside of the former's sister, Mrs. J.B. See, who was suddenly stricken with paralysis and is in a rather critical condition.

Miss Emma Teitenberg, of Wilmont, who has been attending the Mankato Business college, is employed by Hart & Company to assist as clerk in the store during the holiday rush.

Mr. and Mrs. O.A. Leistico, who have been visiting the past week with his mother, Mrs. C. Leistico in this city, returned Monday to their home at Dundee.

Mrs. Gust Peterson and daughter, Mrs. J.A. Jensen of Sioux Falls, visited here between trains with the latter's sister, Mrs. Roy Anderson of Indian Lake. They were on their way to St. Paul, where Mrs. Peterson will enter a hospital for treatment, her health being poor.

Bennett Johnson, who has been working in South Dakota, since last July, returned Sunday to Worthington, where he will spend the winter with his parents, south of town. Mr. Johnson came here from Chicago, he having gone to that city from Conde, S.D., his former location.

Joe Budde, formerly of Lismore, now located at Mankato, where he has a beat on the police force, passed through this city Tuesday enroute to his home from Lismore, where he has been visiting friends for several days.

Wilfred Lawrence of Kermit, N.D., who has been visiting for the past two weeks at the home of his brother, A.H. Kermit, near Reading, went to Rushmore Saturday afternoon, where he will visit other relatives until after Christmas. Mr. Lawrence resided in Worthington about eight years ago with his parents, who now also reside on a farm near Kermit, N.D.

Mrs. Fred. Knapp entertained the ladies of the Sunshine Club Saturday afternoon, December 4. The occasion being a surprise party in honor of Mrs. Jno. and Miss Luella Hansberger, who will leave for Ohio in the near future. Light refreshments were served and a very enjoyable afternoon was spent by all present.

Grant Morrison, the Omaha agent, and family left Monday afternoon for Riverside, Cal., where his family will spend the winter. Mr. Morrison expects to return to Worthington in about two weeks. During his absence, J.E. Pepple of St. Ignace, Mich., is occupying the position as station agent here. Mr. Pepple was employed as agent there by the Duluth South Shore Atlantic line, until severing his connection with that road about a month ago, when it was his intention to go west. Mrs. Pepple will arrive the latter part of this week and they will spend the winter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.F. Pepple in this city and in the spring they intend to leave for Seattle, Wash.

J.J. Kies went to Heron Lake Monday on real estate business.

Miss Chloe Anderson of Org was the guest of Miss Mabel Kunzman over Sunday.

Vic Anderson of Org went to Hawarden, Iowa, Saturday for an over Sunday visit with friends at that place.

John Hansberger, wife and daughter left this week for Baltimore, Fairfield county, Ohio, to visit his son-in-law, E.C. Wilson for the winter.

Dr. and Mrs. P.T. Geyerman went to Brewster Monday morning, where they visited until afternoon with his father, P. Geyerman.

Misses Alma Olson and Edith Wighame came over from Adrian Monday for a few days visit with their friend, Miss Carrie Hansen.

E.A. Paine, who moved from his farm near Worthington last spring to Edgemont, S.D., but who has been working here for several months, left Monday for his home in South Dakota.

E. Hall of Blue Earth City arrived in the city Friday for a visit of ten days with his daughter, Miss Edith Hall, proprietress of the Variety store.

J. Rasmussen and wife and family departed Monday for Anoka, Minn., near which place they will make them home on a farm. The family formerly resided on a farm near Spafford.

Mesdames F.J. Pingel, A. Klessig, A.F. Johnson, Miss Emma Ruprecht and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Peters of Bigelow were in Worthington Tuesday between trains.

Misses Minnie and Ida Nelson returned Monday from Kasota, to which place they were called Tuesday of last week to attend the funeral of their father who died there that morning.

Miss Emma Nelson, who has been visiting with her brother, Nels N. in this city, returned Sunday to her home at Jackson, where she will visit until after the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hahn and daughter, who have been visiting for nearly a week with Mrs. Hahn's brother, O.S. Ogg, in this city, left Monday morning for their home at Preston, Minn.

R.H. Mathison, has disposed of his farm north of town and last week left for Fairmount, N.D., where he will reside in the future. Mrs. Mathison left Monday morning of this week for that place.

STRAYED -- A small fox terrior pup, with collar on. Finder please notify Ernest Foelschow and receive a reward.

Mrs. Lilly King of Sibley, who has been visiting friends in this city for several weeks, returned home Friday accompanied by her mother Mrs. John Montgomery, who came up from Sibley Thursday.

Misses Emma and Mabel Schadt of Lismore passed through this city Friday on their way to their home at Hartley, Iowa, where they will visit until after the Christmas holidays. The former is employed as clerk in a general store at Lismore.

Mrs. J.E. Dahlberg of Rushmore was in Worthington between trains Monday receiving treatment from one of the local physicians.

Real Estate Transfers

Jas. J. Madden to Joseph Midboe, lt 7, blk 1, Campbell's add. Adrian; $1.00.

Anna L. Madden and husband to Joseph Midboe, lts 5, 6, 7, 9, blk 2, Campbell's East side add Adrian; $400.00.

Victor M. Watkins to Trustees The Amherst Wilder Charity Co., n � of sw � 29-104-39, n � of nw � 27-104-40, e � of ne � 29-103-41, ne � 21-103-42, ne � 7-104-42, se � 7-104-42, s � of se � 15-103-41, except R.R. right of way, s � of ne � 31-104-41, n � of se � 31-104-41; $1.00.

John J. Back, etux to Dan Harrington, lt 9, blk; $700.00.

William Marr, etux, to Allie Reese, lts 7, 8, blk 14, vill. Adrian; $1100.00.

Fred Mohl to Sybella Wigham lt 9, blk 4, Adrian; $50.00.

Vincent Nimmerfroh to Mrs. Tillie Nimmerfroh, lt 9, blk F, Kinbrae; $30.00.

Solomon Heldin to Peter J. Fredrickson, lt 12, blk, E, Kinbrae; $140.00.

Tony B. Fehring e � of sw � 1-163-43; $4992.00.

Jas. McCrea to John Breit, nw � 15-104-40; $7580.00.

More Locals
Henry Poppen and son, Herman, of Reading were in Worthington Thursday and paid this office a call.

Mrs. Lee Shell and son, Burton, went to Minneapolis Wednesday afternoon, where she will spend the holidays with her parents.

Miss Inez Branigan entertained a number of her friends Tuesday evening at the home of her sister, Mrs. E.K. Smith.

Miss Judith Holmberg came up from Round Lake Saturday and will spend the week with her sister, Mrs. P.J. Nystrom.

Miss Blanche Cramer went to Sioux City Wednesday where she will visit with her sister, Mrs. F.A. Dow until after the holidays.

Mrs. Chas. Malmquist and children were in Worthington between trains Tuesday, enroute to Clifton, Kan., which place they will make their future home. Mr. Malmquist preceded them to that place about a week ago.

Henry Bassett of Macoun, Sask., Can., visited from Tuesday until Wednesday with his sister, Mrs. R.E. Smith in Worthington, while on his way to Rushmore for a visit with his mother, Mrs. H.A. Bassett. This is his first trip home in three years.

S.P. Walgren, who has been visiting since Sunday with the P.G. Anderson family in this city, returned Tuesday afternoon to his home at Rushmore. He expects to move to Worthington after the first of the year and will then follow his trade as carpenter.

Will Boddy went to Minneapolis Wednesday to meet Mrs. Arthur Boddy, who was coming from Canada to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ely, who reside west of town. Little did she think that she was coming to attend the funeral of her sister, Miss Irma Ely, aged sixteen years, who died Wednesday morning after but two days sickness with diabetis.

George Powell passed through this city Tuesday on his way to his home at Meridan, Iowa, from Rushmore, where he has been spending several days with his son, Wm. H. Powell.

John Larson of Mankato arrived in the city Tuesday to begin the work of painting the new school house, for which he has the contract.

Fred Darling is this week erecting a large addition to his home near the fair grounds in this city.

Mr. and Mrs. O.H. Stenzel of Rushmore were in Worthington between trains Tuesday afternoon on a shopping expedition.

Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Sims of Lincoln, Ill., who have been visiting for the past week with their son, C.E. Sims in this city, departed Tuesday afternoon for their home.

Mrs. Sam Rathlisberger went to Iona Wednesday for a visit with her son at that place.

Herbert Jones of Adrian, cousin of county attorney E.J. Jones, was married Tuesday to Miss Jennie Mosteller at the latter's home at Doon, Iowa. Miss Mosteller formerly resided at Adrian and is a young lady of good qualities. Mr. Jones is at present employed as clerk in a store at Adrian, at which place they will make their home.

Friday, December 24, 1909

Mrs. Eliza Shore Dies on Old Homestead Near Rushmore

Mrs. Eliza Shore, one of the pioneers of Nobles county died last Saturday and was buried in Ransom cemetery beside her husband Tuesday. He died Dec. 27 1908. She suffered many years from rheumatism and was 81 years old and is survived by five sons and one daughter. The only daughter is Mrs. Cole Guernsey of this city.

Miss Elizabeth Greenhalgh was born in Lancashire Eng., and married there in 1850. They came to America seven years later, settling in Benton, Wis. They came to Ransom township in 1873 and have lived there ever since on the original homestead.

All her life she was a devout Methodist, and her influence has been great for good during the many years she has lived in this county.

Miss Williams Marries Dr. Galbraith at Elk River

The marriage of Miss Myrtle E. Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Williams of Worthington, to Dr. Logan B. Galbraith, occurred at the M.E. Parsonage Elk River, Minn., Dec. 15th, 1909. Rev. T. Geo. Galbraith, brother of the groom, officiating. Miss Williams has made her home with her aunt Mrs. Wm. Gardner of Cass Lake, for the past two years and has made many friends in the social circle in which she moved. Dr. Galbraith is a graduate of the Northwestern Dental College of Chicago, Ill., class of '08. He is now a resident dentist of Cass Lake, Minn. Dr. and Mrs. Galbraith are on an extended wedding trip and will spend a few days visiting relatives and friends in Worthington. They will be at home to their friends at Cass Lake after Jan. 15th, 1910.

Earl Boetcher and Miss Bessie Reynolds are the Parties

Earl Boetcher and Miss Bessie Reynolds, both popular young people of Bigelow were married Monday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Reynolds, in the presence of the immediate relatives only. Rev. Geo. Stowe, pastor of the Bigelow church, officiated. W.D. Lusk of Bigelow, a friend of the groom, acted as best man and Miss Lena Reynolds, sister of the bride, was the bridesmaid.

The newly wedded couple intent to leave in the spring for the southwestern part of South Dakota, where he has a claim on which they will reside.

Mrs. Mary Stone, Aged 74 Years, Dies Monday at the W.H. Heckert Home

Mrs. Mary E. Stone, aged 74 years, died Monday morning of paralysis at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W.H. Heckert, north of this city. the paralytic stroke was rather sudden and the woman, being aged and feeble, was not able to withstand the shock.

Mrs. Stone is also mother of Mrs. N. Lahmon, who resides north of Worthington.

Funeral services were conducted Thursday afternoon from the Reading church by Dr. L.L. Sowles of the Congregational church of this city. Interment was made in the Reading cemetery.

After Short Illness Young Life Passes Away

Irma Louise Ely was born Feb. 2, 1893. She died Tuesday morning of last week at the early age of 16 years, 10 months and 13 days after an illness of two weeks.

The funeral service was held at the family residence 7 miles west of Worthington Saturday at 10:30, Rev. Ralph Carleton officiating. Interment was made at the Rushmore cemetery.

Irma lived an exceptionally beautiful life. She was always kindly, thoughtful and considerate of others. She loved the flowers, her animal pets, and God's great out of doors. Such a life naturally blossomed into the fragrance of Christian graces.

Darling Irma thou hast left us,
How we miss thy happy face,
With no one in this whole wide world
To fill the vacant place.

For you, the Saviour has a mission
In your home beyond the sky,
and we know that thou art happy,
Where they never say, 'Good-bye.'

Card of Thanks

We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy tendered us during our late bereavement; also for the beautiful floral offerings. --Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Ely and family.


Born -- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moberly of Sioux Falls, formerly of Worthington, a son Dec. 14th.

The club O. Ten met at the home of Mrs. Ross Dec. 15 ad a pleasant time was enjoyed.

Vallie Gerber of near Reading, departed Monday for Wisner, Neb., to attend the wedding of his cousin, which takes place this week.

Mrs. A. Pratt visited from Monday until Wednesday with her brother, A.C. Fields at Bigelow.

Four families near Reading, namely: W.H. Heckert, C.P. Taylor, N. Lahmon and Mr. Burkhart's, intend soon to leave for Wyoming, where they will take up claims.

Russel Moberly of Sioux Falls was in the city Wednesday, while on his way home from St. James, where he passed examination for way freight conductor. His run will be between Sioux Falls and Mitchell, which run he formerly made as brakeman.

Arthur Calvin, the twelve-year old son of Vincent Calvin, who has been at the Worthington hospital for several days suffering from appendicitis, is now recovering after a successful operation.

After Illness of Two Years From Cancer, Mrs. Harden Dies at St Paul

Mrs. John Harden of St. Paul, formerly of this city, who has been suffering for nearly two years with cancer of the stomach, was finally relieved of great suffering Friday by death.

The funeral services were conducted at the home in St. Paul and the remains were taken to Wyoming, Ill., her old home, for burial.

Mr. and Mrs. Harden were among earliest settlers of Nobles county, for a number of years residing on a farm east of town and later moving to Worthington. Here Mr. Harden and sons conducted a harness shop for several years prior to moving to St. Paul.

The many friends of the family will regret to hear of the great suffering and sad death of the loving wife and mother.


Wm. Joseph of New Orleans, stopped here between trains Monday, while on his way home from Sioux Falls, to which place he had delivered a carload of bananas from his home state. He does not think much of the northern climate and was anxious to return to the south at the earliest possible moment.

Miss Emma Mueller came up from Sibley Tuesday on a shopping expedition.

L.R. Shaw came up from Bigelow Tuesday morning and transacted business here until the afternoon train.

C.L. Sorenson, manager of the Heron Lake creamery was in Worthington Monday transacting business in the interests of that concern.

Miss Frances Hafer came down from Brewster Monday and will assist in Nels N. Nelson's restaurant during the holiday rush.

Local Intelligence

Dr. A.R. Schmid will spend Christmas at his home returning Tuesday.

Mrs. George Thompson of Rushmore was shopping in Worthington Monday.

George Lutz of Bigelow transacted business in Worthington between trains Saturday.

Miss Emma Herman of Sheldon, Iowa, was calling on friends in this city Saturday.

Thos. Bristol of Sioux Rapids, Iowa, was in the city Saturday looking after farm interests in this vicinity.

Miss Kittie Chaney went to Dundee Saturday, where she will spend the holidays with her parents,

Miss Daisy Vail went to Owatonna Saturday to spend the Christmas vacation with her aunt, Mrs. L.F. Tesky.

Miss Christina Wick is spending the holidays with her parents at Jackson, she having gone to that place Saturday.

Frank Austin, teacher in the Bigelow schools, was at the anti-tuberculosis meetings held at the court house Saturday.

Mrs. Sam Rathlisberger returned Saturday from Iona, where she has been visiting three of her sons for several days.

Mrs. Nels Sorem and Miss Lena Reynolds of Bigelow and Miss Anna Thompson of Sibley were shoppers in the city Saturday.

Miss Jennie Holm, teacher near Brewster was among others who attended the meetings held here Friday and Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olson, who have been visiting for the past month at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hiller in Elk, left Saturday for their home at Reveire, Minn.

Miss Sarah Downes of Bigelow was among others from that place, who attended anti-tuberculosis meetings at the court house Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Foelschow returned home Saturday from Britt and Cherokee, Iowa, where they have been visiting relatives for several days.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller went to Adrian Monday, where they will visit several days with their daughter, Mrs. H. Dibble, whose husband is employed at the Democrat office.

Mrs. N. Scheckel of Alton, Iowa, passed through here Saturday on her way to Adrian to attend the funeral of her uncle, N. Forrett, who died at the latter place on Friday.

Miss Rose McCall came over from Brewster Friday and visited until the following day with her sister, Miss Bridget McCall, whom she accompanied home the following day.

Mrs. Max Lenz of Adrian passed through this city Saturday, enroute to her home at Adrian from Sioux City, to which place she had accompanied her son to the hospital. After a successful operation for appendicitis he is now on the road to recovery.

Miss Laura Pepple, who is teaching at Grand Marais, Minn., arrived in Worthington Monday and will spend her Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.F. Pepple.

Miss Effie Stillwell of Spirit Lake, Iowa, visited from Monday until Tuesday morning with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Fish, when she left for St. Paul and Duluth, where she will spend the holidays with relatives.

Tuesday Will Humiston shipped ten Duroc Jersey hogs, nine of which were billed to N.P. Nelson at Windom, and one to Henry Smith at Windom. This makes a total of 16 hogs of this breed, which Mr. Nelson has purchased from Mr. Humiston in the past two weeks.

Saturday a number of the teachers in the public schools here left for their homes to spend the two weeks Christmas vacation. Among them were Miss Carrie Bachtle, who goes to Delevan and Chaska to visit relatives and friends; Miss Melita Roberts, whose home is at Stannon; Miss Elizabeth Thompson, who went to Spencer; Miss Mary Ash, who will visit at Mankato and the Misses Ida and Minnie Nelson, who will spend the holidays at their home at Kasota.

Mr. and Mrs. F.C. Hand, who have been visiting for several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.N. Wilson, went to Bigelow Monday for a visit of a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hand.

Claude Ames and Mr. and Mrs. J. Westfield arrived in the city Monday for a few days visit with the former's uncle, J.A. Smith and family. The latter couple are on their honeymoon trip, they having been married last Saturday at her home in Pipestone.

C.S. Jones, professor of the Dundee schools came down Friday to attend the meetings at the court house. He returned home Monday accompanied by his wife, who has been in the hospital for the past week, where she was operated upon for tumor of the breast. An error in last week's paper spoke of the operation being for tumor of the brain.

Born -- Twin girls to Mr. and Mrs. Will Lundgren on Friday evening.

L.E. Johnson and Emil Anderson of Org were shoppers in this city Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Thom of Rushmore were here between trains Tuesday.

J.E. Salstrom of Bigelow transacted business in the county metropolis Monday.

Miss Ella Olson went to Bigelow Tuesday to visit her brother, Emil Olson.

George Bents of Rushmore was transacting business in the county seat Monday.

Mrs. C.S. Smith went to Graham, Iowa Thursday to spend the holidays with her mother.

R.J. Jones correspondent for the Advance-Herald at Reading was in Worthington Wednesday.

Dwight Ludlow is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Ludlow in this city.

F.S. Fosberg of Bigelow transacted legal business at the probate office Tuesday and Wednesday.

Miss Esther Sundberg went to Vinton Iowa, Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs. Samuel Bostrom during the holidays.

Karl Kent Smith and Archie Darling were passengers for Rushmore Tuesday, where they visited between trains.

Everett Christensen returned home this week from Round Lake, where he has been visiting his friend, Alfred Jensen.

Marriage licenses were this week issued to George Bents and Etge Hendricks; James Glovke and Miss Leta Sage of Adrian.

Mrs. A.E. Jones and two children arrived Tuesday from Minneapolis for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Humiston.

Bevins Austin arrived Thursday from Des Moines, Iowa and will vistit until after the holidays with his aunt Mrs. C.J. Smallwood.

Mrs. W.J. Dodge and Miss Marie Schaeffer came over from Adrian Tuesday to attend the dance giving by the militia that evening.

Miss Ada Rowe of Rushmore, who has been visiting for a week with her sister, Mrs. Orvie Anderson, returned to her home Tuesday.

Clarence Brown of St. Paul is visiting this week with friends in this city. Clarence and his parents moved but a few years ago from this city to St. Paul.

H.H. Collard moved his family to Mitchell, S.D., Tuesday. He will take the day run on the branch in place of T.W. Edwards, who must leave for a milder climate on account of poor health.

Mrs. E.H. Canfield of Luverne stopped off here between trains Saturday for a visit with her son, A.L. Canfield, while on her way home from Minneapolis, where she has been visiting relatives for some time.

Miss Elfreida A.M. Jones and Martin L. Loafman of Reading were married Wednesday noon at the residence of George Lawrence by Dr. Jennings of the Presbyterian church. They will live at Reading this winter.

Mrs. Kate Graf and daughter, Mrs. Mary Myers and children returned home Monday from Mayville Wis., where they have been visiting relatives for nearly two weeks. Mr. Myers, who was likewise at that place, returned home last Friday.

Misses Florence Hill, Vera Tollerson, Ora Dixon, Ida Michaelson and Vera Drake of Brewster, attended the anti-tuberculosis meetings at the court house Friday, returning home the following day. The latter three are teachers in the schools at Brewster.

J. Chermack and F.J. McCabe, living north of town cashed in their turkeys with the Worthington Creamery Co. this week. One received $84 and the other $51 for his birds. They were picked and shipped to New York, along with hundreds of other fowls.

 Local News

Walter Thore of Brewster was a business visitor to the city Monday.

Mrs. Wm. DeVaney was the guest of relatives at Bigelow from Tuesday until Wednesday.

H. Johnson of Little Rock, Iowa, was the guest of friends in this city from Friday until Monday.

Oscar Olson is spending the holidays with relatives at Slayton, to which place he went on Tuesday of this week.

A. Schinkle went to Sioux City, Iowa on Tuesday, where he will visit relatives for a couple months.

Mr. and Mrs. George H. Allen and two children arrived in the city Saturday afternoon for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Allen.

O. Sjoholm left Tuesday via Chicago, for Cuba, where he will look over the country with the expectation of locating there.

Fred Schinkel of Akron, Col., who has been the guest of his brother, A. Schinkel, for the past two weeks, departed Tuesday for his home.

Misses Gertrude and Edith Reynolds arrived Tuesday from Ocheyedan, Iowa to visit their aunt, Mrs. A.J. Osborne. Miss Gertrude Reynolds expects to remain with her aunt during the winter.

Eugene Wilson came up from Hawarden, Iowa, Tuesday and will visit until Friday with his sister, Mrs. A.K. Albright, who will at that time accompany him home, where she will spend the holidays.

Oscar Long, a practising optician at Frankfort, S.D., came Tuesday to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Long, who reside in the Julius Palm house on the lake shore. Mr. and Mrs. Long moved to town last week.

Mrs. John Montgomery of Sibley visited with friends in Worthington between trains Tuesday.

Bigelow visitors to the city Saturday were: Mrs. D.T. Cain, N.M. Soren and wife and Mrs. F. Grapes, among others.

Attorney Manly P. Thornton returned Saturday from one of his regular weekly trips to Adrian, where he has a branch office.

Mrs. M. Hagberg, who has been visiting friends at Reading for several days returned Saturday afternoon to her home at Minneapolis.

J. DeVries of Sibley, Iowa, who has been the guest of friends near Reading for a couple of days, left Saturday for his home.

Misses Estella and Ethel Carlson and Mrs. E. Bjorkland went to their home at Paullina, Iowa, on Saturday, where they will visit until after New Year's.

F.C. Crowe, superintendent of the public schools at Ellsworth, attended the meetings at the court house Saturday between trains while on his way to his home at Jackson to visit with his parents.

F.H. Schoneman and two children of Round Lake, passed through this city Saturday on their way to Sioux City, where they will visit for a week with relatives. Mr. Schoneman is a section hand at Round Lake.

F.S. Seely came down from Floodwood, Minn., at which place he has the position as superintendent of the public schools. He will spend the holidays with his family in this place. Saturday while returning home he was suddenly taken ill on the train, but at present has about fully recovered.

Misses Anna and Mary Garvey, Nettie Rowe, Pearl Forrett, Anna Galvin and Miss Pearl Billington were among those from Adrian, who attended the meetings here Saturday. Miss Pearl Billington was a guest of the Manly Thornton family over Sunday, when she returned to Brewster, near which place she is teaching school.

H. Larson who has been living in Minneapolis has returned to Org where he will farm.

Miss Cora Dow, instructor in the public schools at Heron Lake visited over Sunday with her parents in this city.

Martin Johnson, fireman on the branch on the Omaha, spent Friday and Saturday with relatives at Heron Lake.

Mrs. M. Donovan came down from her home at Slayton Saturday for an over Sunday visit with her son, J.F. Donovan.

Mr. and Mrs. F.C. Hand and three children arrived Saturday afternoon from Hatfield, for a few weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.N. Wilson.

Mr. and Mrs. L.F. McCartney and daughter went to St. Paul Saturday where they will visit during the holidays with Mrs. McCartney's mother, Mrs. McCarthy.

Miss Anna Chapa, who has been staying in this community for several months, returned to her home in Kinbrae, where she will spend the holidays with her parents.

Sunday evening the Catholic Order of Forresters elected officers for the ensuing year as follows: Dr. C.P. Dolan, Chief Ranger; W.J. Kane, Vice Chief Ranger; Ed. Murray, Passed Chief Ranger; Peter Netter, Financial Secretary; Eugene Smith, Treasurer; A.M. Renner, Recording Secretary.

Otto Kall arrived in the city Wednesday for a visit with his brothers, Svante and Alfred, whom he has not seen for several years, he having been in Larve, Sweden for the past three years. He states that he landed in New York about ten days ago and from here he expects to go west in a few weeks.

Leslie Luehrs, a high school senior, deserves especial mention for the translation of a German poem, which characterizes Peter, the Bible character, while he is in prison and he is tempted by his friends to escape, but by a vision is shown his duty to return to prison, which he does.

Among others who attended the anti-tuberculosis meetings here Friday and Saturday were: W.R. McLeod, Wm. Lindemann, H.E. Thom, Chas. Kuhl, Nels Ellingson of Rushmore, J. Peterson, Albert Jensen, Albert Brandt, A.Johnson, Barney Bullerman, Henry Honnerman of Adrian, N. Pfinnigan of Lismore, Frank C. Clapp of Bigelow.

Real Estate Transfers

Byron G. LaGrange to Grace E. LaGrange, portions of sec. 24 & 25-102-40; $1.00.

Hinian Hislop to Andrew F. Collins, lts 18 & 19, blk 6, Anderson's sub div, blk 1, 6, Clary's add Worthington; $1050.00

Geo. W. Young to E.T. Courson, � int of e � 14-101-41; $7525.00.

W.W. Courson to E.T. Courson, ⅔ int of n � 23-101-41; $16746.00.

W.P. Soash to Joseph J. Kies, se � of se � 1-103-40; $1.00.

R.F. Kerr to Lebs Geuken, lts 6 & 7, blk 13, Rushmore; $1100.00.

Arthur G. Thom to Wm. C. Thom, � int in se � 11-102-42; $3400.00.

John F. Murphy to Johnson Bros., lts 13 & 14, blk 4, Round Lake; $1000.00.

Loretta M. Guernsey to Alfred M. Feathers, lts 8 & 9, blk 12, Rushmore; $1450.00.

Sophia Barclay, widow, to Jas. H. Barclay, ⅓ int of sw � 102-43; $1.00.

August Hayes to John F. Murphy, lt 14, blk 4, Round Lake; $45.00.

Friday, December 31, 1909

Card of Thanks

To the neighbors and friends who sympathized with, and encouraged us in our late bereavement, we herewith express our sincere thanks. --Mrs. Margretta Grelson and family.

Dr. J.T. Smallwood Engages Rooms In Citizen's Bank

Dr. J.T. Smallwood has decided to begin practice in Worthington and has engaged a suite of rooms in the second story of the Citizen's National bank. The furnishings for the three rooms, which consist of a reception room, office and consultation room and a large well equipped laboratory.

Among many other modern medical devices is a luceodescest [??] lamp, which will be found in the laboratory. This lamp has current from the local electric plant and sends forth 500 watt rays, which when diffused through various colored glass plates is considered to be without an equal for its curative properties of all skin diseases. This equipment is being installed under the supervision of J.E. McElligott, electrician.

Mr. and Mrs. August Anderson Celebrate Fortieth Wedding Anniversary

Friday evening, Christmas eve, Mr. and Mrs. August Anderson of Indian Lake were pleasantly surprized by their six children in a family re-union, held in commemoration of their parents fortieth anniversary. All the children were present, who are Mrs. Peter Norberg of Sioux Falls, Mrs. N. Nelson of Minneapolis, David, who has interest in the Hub Mercantile store and Alvin, who is employed in the same store, and Frank and Roy, who reside with their parents in Indian Lake. Mrs. Noberg left Monday afternoon for her home at Sioux Falls, but Mrs. Nelson will remain for several months with her parents.

Succumbs at The Age of 77 Years After Two Years of Sickness

Nels Grelson died at his home in this city Tuesday, December 28th, at the advanced age of 77 years. For nearly two years he has been suffering from kidney trouble, during which time he has for the most part been confined to his bed, suffering intense pain.

Funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon at the Swedish Mission church, Rev. C.M. Johnson assisted by Rev. G.G. Schmid, officiating. Interment was made in the Worthington cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Hildyard Receive Many Beautiful Presents

Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Hildyard celebrated their twenty-fifth anniversary or silver wedding, at which time they were presented with many beautiful and costly silver presents.

Among many other presents was a cabinet of silverware presented by relatives of the couple, the presentation of which was made by Mrs. Eliza Austin, mother of Mrs. Hildyard. After which an oyster supper was served and a general good time had.

The out of town invited guests were: J.C. Nodgress and family of Currie, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. John Marriage of Mullenville, Kan., Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Austin of Protection, Kan., N.H. Austin and wife of Eagle Grove, Iowa, J.N. Austin of Montrose, Colo. Besides these there were three sons, Ben, Arthur and Joseph, and Mr. Hildyard's brother, F.R. Hildyard, C.J. Williamson, E.L. Williamson, J.C. Williamson and family, Mrs. Eliza Austin and L.M. Austin and wife.

Members of Band Give Leader, Wilson Abbott, a Christmas Present

In appreciation of the efficient services rendered by their highly respected leader, Wilson Abbott, the band boys presented him with a solid gold watch for a Christmas present. On the inside case in the back of the watch are engraved in Old English, the letters W.C.B., which stand for the Worthington Concert Band, and below these are Mr. Abbott's initials, W.A. This token bespeaks but a portion of the gratitude which not only the members of the band but a host of others have for Mr. Abbott for so successfully organizing a band in Worthington which can now truthfully speak of its band as among the best if not the best in Southwestern Minnesota.

Mrs. N.N. Langseth visited her daughter, Mrs. N. Stephens at Rushmore a few days the fore part of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. N. Long of Luverne came over Friday to spend Christmas with their son, E.R. Long, who resides near Reading. They returned home Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Boddy of Rushmore partook of Christmas dinner at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Boddy in this city. Mr. Boddy returned home Sunday, but Mrs. Boddy visited until Monday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C.W.W. Dow.

Edward Stedman of Ellsworth Committed to Jail for 30 Days

Last Thursday Edward Stedman of Ellsworth was brought to Worthington in custody, he having been arrested at the former place on a charge of intoxication, complaint being made by Theo. Becker, constable at Ellsworth.

He was found guilty in a hearing given him before Justice Dow and was fined $30, in default of which, he was committed to the county jail to serve a term of 30 days.


Miss Carrie Hansen went to Sherman, S.D. Monday for a visit with her brother O.J. Hansen.

George Blakely was operated upon Monday at the Worthington hospital for throat trouble.

George Fulwiler of Round Lake submitted to an operation at the Worthington hospital Tuesday of last week for appendicitis.

Mrs. E.L. Schwartz and sister-in-law, Mrs. C.J. Schwartz of Amboy, who is visiting here, went to Brewster Tuesday for a visit with friends.

Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Wilson and children returned Monday to their home at Little Rock after spending Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.N. Wilson.

Misses Lizzie and Mary Dorenkamper of Kenneth visited here between trains Monday at the Eugene Smith home, while on their way to Adrian for a visit with relatives.

P.L. Kraft and sister, Miss Mollie of Paullina, Iowa, who have been visiting since Friday with relatives here, left Monday for their home.

Local Intelligence

Sheriff Fauskee made a business trip to Kinbrae Tuesday.

Tom Hogan was the guest of friends at Luverne Christmas.

Mrs. M. Mathison was a shopper in Worthington Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Sullivan spent Christmas with friends at Northfield.

Dr. Ray Humiston made a professional business trip to Heron Lake Monday.

E.L. Schwartz visited with his father and other relatives at Amboy over Christmas.

W.M. Evans and family are spending the holidays with relatives and friends at Cowrie, Iowa.

Harold Oakes spent Sunday with friends at Bigelow, returning home Monday morning.

George Olund returned Tuesday from Bigelow, where he has been visiting relatives for several days.

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bloxham were the guests of his parents at Sheldon from Friday until Monday.

Mrs. Carl Schwartz and children of Amboy are visiting this week at home of E.L. Schwartz in this city.

Mrs. C.F. Malcomb arrived Tuesday afternoon from Sioux Falls for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Sullwold.

J. Koch returned Tuesday from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where he has been spending Christmas with his parents.

Grace and Jeddy Smith were the guests of their aunt, Mrs. G.E. Ostrom at Bigelow several days the fore part of this week.

Mrs. W.A. Hawley was operated upon last week for appendicitis at the Worthington hospital and is again able to be about.

Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Johnson of Reading returned home Monday from Ellsworth, where they had been the guests of friends over Christmas. They visited with the Daniel Rowley family until Monday afternoon.

Ronald Beerman of Rushmore accompanied his two cousins, Misses Lucile and Leola Stephens, who have been visiting there for a few days, to their home in this city, Tuesday. He will visit here until Friday.

Miss Maude Anderson came over from Adrian Tuesday afternoon and visited until the following day with her sister, Mrs. Ivan Erickson. From here she went to St. Ansger, Iowa, where she will be the guest of relatives for several days.

Dr. J.N. Gould had the misfortune about ten days ago, while operating, to get some puss germs into a scratch which he had upon the third finger of his right hand, which a few days ago developed into blood poisoning. As yet the poisoning has not spread and seems to be improving.

The militia company will give a dance in the Armory New Year eve.

Miss Minnie Karsten of Reading is this week a patient at the Worthington hospital.

Mrs. R.R. Manuel of Brewster spent Sunday with her father, N.P. Salstrom in this city.

Van Day of Sioux City arrived in the city Monday for a visit with his aunt, Mrs. A.W. Earle.

Dr. W.A. Saxon returned to Fairmont Monday after spending the Christmas with his family in this city.

Miss Myrtle Selby went to Brewster Monday, where she will visit this week with her grandfather, T.W. Selby.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rathlisberger, who have been spending Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Apel, returned Monday to their home at Iona.

Miss Dotha Hiller left Monday for her home at Reveire, Minn., after spending an enjoyable two weeks' visit with the Frank Eggleston family.

Rev. J.E. Shipp is now able to be about again, having fully recovered from his affliction of taenia and blood poisoning with which he has been troubled for some time.

W.G. Myers returned Monday to Annandale, this state, at which place he is conducting a general merchandise store. He has been visiting with his family in this city since Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. C.H. McGowan and two children left Tuesday morning for Alta Mont, S.D., where they go to visit Mrs. McGowan's mother, Mrs. W.M. Oestrich, who is quite seriously ill.

S.C. Freeman and Miss Mary Hines, both of Indian Lake were married Wednesday of last week at the home of WM. Wick at Wilmont by Rev. G.G. Schmid of the German Evangelical church of Worthington.

Miss Emma Teitenberg, who has been assisting at Hart's store during the holiday trade, left Saturday for her home at Wilmont, to spend Christmas with her parents. She intends to leave in a few days for Mankato to attend school.

Miss Lena Gerdes returned to her home at Brewster after spending the week with her father, J.F. Gerdes, who has been confined in the Worthington hospital suffering from blood poisoning. He is fast recovering and expects to return home Friday.

Dr. Logan B. Galbraith and wife departed Monday afternoon for St. Paul, where they will visit friends for a short time before going to Cass Lake, their future home. The couple were but recently married at Elk River, the bride being formerly Miss Myrtle Williams of this city. They have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Williams, here for the past two weeks.

Mrs. Harry S. Hobson entertained at cards Tuesday evening.

John Miller visited over Sunday with his sister, Mrs. H.E. Dibble at Adrian.

Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Black visited with relatives at Rushmore over Sunday.

Mrs. Robert Thom visited several days the fore part of the week with Mrs. N. Klaras.

Mrs. A.C. Dickens spent Christmas with her parents at Heron Lake, returning home Tuesday afternoon.

Miss Mary Brabender came over from Adrian Saturday and will visit for a few days with Mrs. N. Klaras.

Mrs. Ivan Erickson and son, Lester, was the guest of her parents at Adrian Christmas, returning home Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Canfield and family spent Christmas with his parents at Luverne, returning home Monday afternoon.

Dr. A. Sullwold left Tuesday for Davenport, Iowa, where he will visit the chiropractic school at that place until Thursday of this week.

Mrs. A.H. Clark and daughter, Miss Edith, returned Tuesday from Heron Lake, where they have been visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. E.H. Poppitz, since Christmas.

Arthur Grant and Anna E. Grant, both of Wilmont were married at the Baptist parsonage Wednesday afternoon by Rev. Alvord. They took a trip to Sioux City.

Delbert and Ernest Humphery and sister, Miss Blanche, passed through this city Monday on their way home at Adrian from Lake Park, where they have been visiting relatives for several days.

Carl Lindstrom who is taking a course in veterinary surgery was in Worthington for Christmas. He called at this office to see if his paper couldn't be sent still earlier, as he is always anxious to get it.

Mrs. A.A. Blood and two children, Walter and Miss Alta came up from Sioux City Friday for a visit with the latter's brother, Oscar and family. Walter Blood returned home Tuesday afternoon, but Mrs. Blood and daughter will remain until tomorrow.

E.D. Bedford, who for the past month has been visiting his brother, S.B. Bedford at Rushmore, returned Tuesday afternoon to his home at Provo, Utah. Mr. Bedford formerly resided in Worthington, having left this city about ten years ago to take up his home in the west.

Clarence C. Dinehart, state treasurer and aspirant for congressional honors was in the city Tuesday and called on the editor of this paper. He is saying little about his prospects for nomination, but his friends who urged him to attempt the contest will see that he is in the lead when the primaries occur.

Mrs. J.E. Forbes is reported to be quite ill.

E.J. Jones went to Adrian Tuesday on legal business.

Chas. Reiter was up from Lake Park, Iowa, to spend Christmas with his sister, Mrs. E.C. Pannell and family in this city.

Fred Zbornik left Tuesday for Hadley, where he will dispose of the crop from his farm, which is not far from that village.

Mrs. Phil Faragher and Misses Anna Rowe and Verda Polkinghorn of Adrian were shopping in this city Tuesday between trains.

Mrs. W.H. Prideaux came over Friday from Adrian and visited until Tuesday of this week with her daughter, Mrs. John James.

Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Olund were in the city Wednesday on their way to Wilmont, to which place they are moving from Bigelow.

Mr. and Mrs. R.N. James came up from Little Rock, Iowa, on Wednesday to spend the remainder of the week with their son, John James in this city.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson who reside south of town were the recipients of a baby boy for a Christmas present, which arrived in the home that morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. DeVaney left Monday evening for Los Angeles, Calif, they having received a telegram from that place stating that the latter's mother, Mrs. J.P. Biltgen is quite seriously ill.

Miss Mabel Nichlas, who is a student at the Stout Institute at Menominee, Wis., is spending her vacation with friends in this city. Tuesday she went to Bigelow to visit her friend, Miss Anna Graves this week.

A.W. Lawrence, who moved from Worthington to Alberta, Canada, in 1903, passed through this city Tuesday on his way to Rushmore for a visit with his son, Allen H. Lawrence, who resides on a farm near that place.

Mrs. C.J. Wichstrom returned home Tuesday from Insanta [Isanti??], Minn., to which place she was called about three weeks ago to the bedside of her mother, who was then dying. She arrived in that city just four hours after the death of her mother.

Edward Brickson, cashier of the Adrian State bank, passed through this city Monday on his way to Fort Dodge, Iowa, to which place he was taking the corpse of his wife for burial, who died at Adrian Saturday. Last week Mrs. Brickson submitted to a successful operation for acute appendicitis, but on Thursday a relapse set in, from which time she failed continually until her death which occurred Saturday morning.

Earnest Sterling went to Minneapolis Monday on a pleasure trip.

Clayton Bedford of Rushmore was in the city between trains Monday of this week.

Mrs. Frank Glasgow went to St. Paul Tuesday for a couple days to visit with relatives.

S.S. Toles of Luverne transacted business in Worthington Monday of this week.

Messrs. Christ Peterson and John Brandt of Rushmore were in the county seat Monday on business.

Clyde Crane and wife of Storden, Minn., spent Christmas at the Charles McCaskie home in this city.

M.L. Holbrook and wife and Mrs. W.J. Dodge attended the masquerade ball at Rushmore Monday evening.

Misses Kathryn Bisanz and Elizabeth Cree were passengers for Sioux Falls, Monday, where they will visit friends for a few days.

F.H. Thompson and son, William, F.H. Black and Chas. Kuhl of Rushmore were business visitors to this city Monday between trains.

John Larson of Sioux City, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Oscar Larson in this city over Christmas, returned home Monday.

Misses Anna Peters and Mary Wilson arrived home Tuesday from Hatfield, this state, where they were the guests of friends on Christmas.

Mesdames W.M. and T.M. Barnard came up from Little Rock, Iowa, Saturday to spend the day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.N. Wilson.

Mrs. Fred Tripp came up from Round Lake Saturday and visited until Monday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Paterson. Monday afternoon she departed for Sioux City, where she will visit relatives for a few days.

Mrs. L. Dow of Marathon, Iowa, visited here from Monday until Tuesday at the L. Dow home, while on her way to Windom to attend a "Holiness Convention", which will be in session from Tuesday until Sunday of this week.

Mrs. Fred Dietrich and four children returned Tuesday morning to their home at Lake Crystal, after spending Christmas with her three sons, Albert, Gus and Walter and her daughter, Miss E__n Dietrich, who is keeping house for the boys.

Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Flemming, who have been visiting since Monday with her sister, Mrs. G.H. Miller in this city, departed Monday for Maxbass, N.D., where they will visit friends for a short time before returning to their home at Sac City, Minn.

Dr. and Mrs. G.R. Curran and daughter, Miss Doris, came down from Minneapolis Friday to spend Christmas with Mrs. Curran's brother, Dr. P.M. Mansen and family. Dr. Curran returned to his home Monday and Mrs. Curran and daughter remained until Tuesday morning.

Art Sellman of Fulda transacted legal business in this city between trains Tuesday.

Mrs. Roy Newman returned Monday from St. James, where she has been the guest of friends for several days.

Charles Dean went to Pipestone Tuesday morning, where he will spend a week with his step-father, who resides there.

W.D. Mattews came up from Doon, Iowa on Friday and will visit for a few days with his daughter, Mrs. G.N. Miller.

Mrs. George Weidman and two children went to Pipestone Wednesday, where they will visit for a few days with relatives.

John Eggleston returned Wednesday from Sioux city and Omaha, at which place he has been to take the examinations for fireman.

Mrs. Emil Leistico left Wednesday for her home at Stewart, Minn., after spending nearly seven weeks with relatives in this city.

Rev. P.J. Grammes of Virginia, who has been spending Christmas with Rev. M.J. Aschim, departed Tuesday for his home to Virginia, Minn.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Mormon who have been the guests of George Pfarrer and family for several days, returned Wednesday to their home at Iona.

----End Transcription----

Microfilm, Worthington Advance; Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, MN; obtained November, 2007.

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