Worthington Advance, 1909

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Newspaper Articles
from Worthington Advance
 January, 1909

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Friday, January 1, 1909

Hubert Pass.
Hubert Pass, of Wilmont, died Sunday night after an extended illness, lasting the greater part of a year. He was one of the pioneers of the county, having come to Nobles county with his father in 1877 and has resided here continuously ever since. At the time of his death, Mr. Pass was but a trifle over 49 years of age, having passed the 49th milestone on the 11th of December. For a number of years he conducted a saloon in St. Killian, and in the spring of 1908 removed to Wilmont, where he engaged in similar business. The funeral was held Tuesday, and interment in St. Killian cemetery.


Rev. d'Argent was a visitor to the county seat Friday.

R.J. Conner, of Superior, spent the holidays with relatives here.

Miss France d'Argent spent Christmas with friends at Worthington.

W.L. Minor, of Minneapolis, spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of H.H. Read.

Mrs. S.T. Fair has been engaged to complete the winter term of school in the Good district.

Wm. Dilly and family, of Clenham, S.D. spent the holiday with relatives in this locality.

The Sunday School in the Young school house observed the Christmas season with a fine program and tree.

The relatives of G.T. Bulick left Saturday morning for their home in Pennsylvania after a ten days' stay here.

The sale at C.L. Rowley's Monday was largely attended and the property, a[nd] rule? brought good prices.

The ladies' aid society will meet with Mrs. G.T. Bulick on January 7th, at 10 o'clock. A fall attendance is desired, as this is the annual election of officers.

Before this issue reaches its readers, the marriage of Miss Esther Good and W.J. Bulick will have occured, the same taking place on Thursday evening. A full account will be given next week.

Mrs. O.F. Johnson visited at the home of James T. Heller last Tuesday.

E.L. Johnson shipped a car load of cattle to Sioux City the first of the week.

Henry Thueson and sister, Ida, were passengers for Worthington last Tuesday.

V.E. Anderson went to Pennock, Minn., to spend Christmas with his brothers.

Mrs. A.L. Swenson entertained a few of the neighbors at her home last Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce returned to their home in Minneapolis last Saturday after a few days' visit with Mrs. Bruce's brother O.B. Thueson and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weatherwax went to Ocheyedan, Iowa, Thursday on their way home to Shellsburg, Iowa, after a short visit with Chas. King and family.

Miss Nyberg, of Murray county, is visiting with the Gust Nystrom family this week.

N.M. Nelson has completed one of the most up-to-date horse barns in the township.

Rev. P.G. Nilson is holding a series of revival meetings at the Baptist church this week.

More wolves and foxes have been seen in this neighborhood recently than for many years.

Jens Langseth returned last week from Chicago, where he marketed three cars of sheep.

Lew Christensen was laid up a couple of days this week, the result of being kicked by a horse.

Henry Haggard returned last Thursday from Chicago, where he marketed four carloads of fat cattle.

Rev. Edstron, of Duluth, has accepted the pastorate of the Baptist church and will take charge March 1st.

Ensel and Ernest Thompson, who are attending school at Mankato and St. Paul, are spending their vacation at home.


Warner Hubbard, of Bigelow, was a Worthington visitor Wednesday.

Mrs. Roy Newman returned Tuesday from a visit with relatives at St. James.

W.W. Loveless and daughter, Mildred, spent Wednesday with friends in Heron Lake.

Mrs. C. Olson, of Heron Lake, was the guest the first of the week of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Nelson.

Mrs. E.W. Langer left Wednesday for a two weeks' visit with friends in Minneapolis and Madison, Wis.

Misses Lucy and Odelia Lenz, of Adrian, visited during the holidays at the home of John Masgai and family.

Miss Marion Dieckhoff went to Heron Lake Wednesday to spend the balance of her school vacation with friends.

Rev. Calvin G. Butler, of Sanborn, Iowa, will preach in the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning. No services in the evening.

The Milhouse Harp Orchestra, of Luverne, transferred here Wednesday, enroute Rock Valley, Iowa, where they furnished music for a dance last night.

George Calvet and family, former residents of Worthington, but now residing in Mitchell, S.D., were visiting at the home of Ross Nelson this week.

J.H. Bryden, of Rushmore, on Thursday purchased the stock and good will of the M.J. Barber general store, and immediately entered into business. It is impossible to learn the particulars at this time owing to the fact that this paper goes to press on Thursday afternoon.

Rev. D.D. Day and wife, of Pipestone, were holiday guests of their daughter, Mrs. Rev. Ira Alvord. Rev. Day was also accompanied by his father, Ditus Day, who although 91 years of age is still sprightly and gives promise of being present at many more Christmas reunions.

Married in Worthington

William Lusbey, of Windom, and Mill [Miss?] Elida Stromberg, of Chicago, Ill., were quiet[l]y married at the parsonage of the Methodist church last Saturday afternoon, Rev Cahoon performing the ceremony. The young couple will reside in Windom for which place they left immediately after the ceremony.

Special Meetings

A series of special meetings are now in progress at the German Evangelical church, conducted by the pastor, Rev. G.G. Schmid. Services are being held each evening except Saturday and will be continued for two weeks. The services are held in English and all are cordially invited to attend.

Local Intelligence

Storage for household goods. W.W. Loveless.

E.V. Voak made a business trip to Heron Lake Monday.

Oysters in all styles at Steffins' City Restaurant.

P.C. Ross was a business visitor from Bigelow Saturday.

Miss Amy Forbes paid a visit to Fulda friends Tuesday.

J.S. Frink and wife spent Sunday with Luverne relatives.

Will Loveless spent a part of Xmas day with Sibley friends.

Wilmer Conklin, of Round Lake, spent Monday in Worthington.

Harry Goodwin, of Luverne, was a Sunday visitor to Worthington.

Miss Kate Lode, of Davis, S.D., is a guest of E. Miller and family.

E.L. Schwartz was the guest of his brother at Fairmont over Sunday.

Fred Mohl, ex-mayor of Adrian, was in the city between trains Monday.

G.B. Dring left Tuesday for a visit with friends in Parkersburg, Iowa.

C. Ashbaugh, of Rushmore, was in the city on a business mission Monday.

C.E. Boddy, of Rushmore, was calling on Worthington relatives Christmas day.

T.J. Helmick, of Wilmont, made a business visit to the county seat Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Matt Bryan visited relatives in Luverne the first of this week.

Ed Wendt and wife, of Tea, S.D., are the gusts of his sister, Mrs. A.W. Little.

Miss Nellie Plotts of Edgerton, spent the holidays with her father, R.B. Plotts.

FOR RENT OR SALE - A house in Clary Addition. Enquire of Dr. W.A. Saxon.

James Mann, of Hartford, S.D., spent the Yuletide with his parents in this city.

L. Mankelow, of Red Wing, was calling on friends in Worthington last Saturday.

C.E. Abbott and family were guests of Ash Creek friends the latter part of last week.

Dr. Dieckhoff went to Cherokee, Iowa, Friday for a holiday visit with relatives.

Lloyd Comer returned to his duties in the law department of the U. of M. Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Lusby, of Windom, were guests of Worthington friends Saturday.

D. Sutherland, of Heron Lake, was transacting business in Worthington Saturday.

Miss L.C. Davis, of Sioux City, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Carr.

L.F. Kelley left Monday for a business trip to points in Kentucky and Tennessee.

M.L. Patterson, of Edgerton, Minn., was the guest of Worthington friends for Christmas.

George Thomte, of Luverne, was the guest of his brother "Duff" for several days this week.

Carl Bramel has been on the sick list for the past week, but is able to be up and around again.

Rev. W.A. Putnam and wife, of Luverne, spent Christmas with A.A. Putnam and wife.

John W. Smith, of Brewster, was in the city Monday calling on friends and transacting business.

Mrs. A.C. Dickens and sister, Miss Gladys Humbert, spent Xmas day with Heron Lake friends.

Mr. and Mrs. John Salstrom, of Bigelow, spent Sunday in Worthington, the guests of relatives.

Clayton Bedford, of Rushmore, was in the city Monday between trains, enroute to Hudson, Iowa.

H.S. Meyers, of Sauk Center, Minn., was calling on relatives and friends in Worthington over Sunday.

Miss Dorothy Sibley, of Des Moines, Iowa, is spending her vacation with her aunt, Mrs. C.H. Sibley.

Mrs. T.H. Prideaux, of Rushmore, spent a few hours Tuesday with relatives and friends in this city.

Mrs. H.O.K. Smith, of Omaha, Neb., mother of county treasurer, E.K. Smith, is the guest of her son.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grelson, of Minneapolis, were Christmas guests of Worthington friends and relatives.

Miss Grace Parry returned to her home in Rushmore Monday after a short visit with R. Prideaux and family.

Mrs. G.V. Pettit, and son, Ivan, spent Christmas with Kenneth Pettit at Pipestone, returning home Monday.

Will Rippberger returned to his work at Rock Rapids Monday after a few days visit with his parents in this city.

Mrs. Minnie Schmidtch, spent the holidays with her mother and sister, Mrs. A. Lestico and Mrs. Vanda Duba.

T.H. Prideaux and family, of Rushmore, were guests of Mr. Prideaux's father, R. Prideaux, and family Christmas.

For Rent: One half of the Maccabee hall; will partition off to suit tenant. Address F.C. Stitser, Dorris, Cali.

If you want the best prices see me before securing an auctioneer. Farm sales cried for 1% - Col. J.N. Holbrook.

Miss Margaret Bird returned to her home in Bigelow Monday after a few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomte.

Leonard Spencer, of the Herbert Drug Co., spent the holiday season with his parents in Truman, returning Monday.

Gus Engelbretson, who recently accepted a position as a traveling salesman, came home for a holiday visit with his wife.

Arba Bedford and sister, Alida, passed through the city Monday on their way from Rushmore to Sioux City, Iowa, for a visit.

Senator S.B. Bedford and J.B. Ludlow and families, of Rushmore, were Xmas visitors at the home of H.J. Ludlow and family.

J.W. Beckett, who has been employed by the Omaha railroad at this place, returned to his home in Sibley Monday afternoon.

Sen. S.B. Bedford was shaking hands with Worthington friends Monday between trains, on his way to Round Lake on a business visit.

FOR SALE - Registered Aberdeen Angus bull; two years old. Inquire of G.F. Hastings, R.F.D. 1, two miles north of Worthington.

Miss Arlouine Loveless returned to her home in Minneapolis Sunday after a holiday visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Loveless.

Rev. W.A. Pond, of Wilder, occupied the pulpit at St. John's Episcopal church last Sunday night, in the absence of Rev. TenBroeck.

James Hogan, of Rouleau, Sask., Can., is spending a few days in Worthington, the guest of his brother, Tom Hogan, of the Western Implement Co.

A.C. Todd, who formerly resided in Worthington, but has of late been making his residence in Bogge, S.D., has returned to Worthington with his family.

For Rent - Half section, 2 miles north of Worthington; well tiled; 75 acres plowed, 90 acres of corn stalk; 30 acres pasture, hog tight. Apply to M.P. Mann, Worthington.

Ernest Sterling left Tuesday morning for Montana, where he will resume his position as traveling salesman for a Minneapolis firm, after a holiday visit with his parents in this city.

Mr. Jury, traveling freight agent of the New York Central railroad, with headquarters in New York city, was in this city the first of the week calling on commission men and shippers in Worthington and vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Helmick left Monday for a visit to Sioux Falls friends and while in that city were guests at the annual banquet given by the Manchester Biscuit Co., to their employes and their families.

George Lawson is the new editor of the Globe. He got out his first issue last week and it reflected credit upon the new pencil pusher. George is a bright young man and will no doubt receive the support he merits.

Mr. and Mrs. B.T. Leverich and daughter, Rae, of Mankato, were guests at the home of M.P. Mann and family Monday. They went from here to Mitchell, S.D., where they will visit for a time with their son, Neal.

The incumbents of the various officials in the court house gladdened the heart of Svante Kall, the janitor, on Xmas day by presenting him with a purse of $8 in recognition of his efficient services in and around the building.

Freda Lees, Gertrude Geyerman, May Heathcote, Bridget McCall, Fred Casper and Joe and Grace Hagerman came home from Worthington, where they are attending school, Friday and will spend the Christmas vacation with their parents. - Brewster Tribune.

Rev. Badger, pastor at large for the Mankato Presbytery, occupied the pulpit at the Presbyterian church last Sunday morning and evening. Rev. Badger during his stay here succeeded in raising a trifle over $100 in the church for the home missionary fund.

Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman, of Faribault, who have been the guests of Dr. and Mrs. C.P. Dolan for the holidays returned home Monday morning. Mrs. Dolan went to Faribault with them and will visit with relatives and friends in that city for a few days.

M. Johnson will hold a public sale on the premises, section 1, Worthington township, 3� miles north of Worthington and one mile east of the Fulda road, commencing at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, January 13th, at which time he will dispose of a lot of livestock, farming implements, etc.

J.C. Fejfar and P.W. Gard, formerly with "Maj." O'Connor's orchestra, and afterwards with Hand's orchestra, of Sheldon, are now running an orchestra of their own to be known as Fejfar & Gard's orchestra, and successor to Hand's. The personnel of the organization is as follows: P.W. Gard, harpist; J.C. Fejfar, clarinetist; A.J. Hand, violinist and A.H. Kalbrener, cornetist.

A young man giving the name of Carl Bender is under arrest at Mankato charged with attempting to pass a forged check. His methods are the same as those employed by the fellow who swindled the Sterling clothing store in this city a few weeks ago, and it may be possible that he is the same party. He tells a pathetic story about being unable to secure employment and forced to crime through hunger.

Mr. A.P. Rose, of Worthington, is in this community delivering the history of Nobles county. Mr. Rose has spent the past two years in the work and has as complete a history of the doings of the county and its people as could possibly be given. It is a large book, handsomely bound in leather, and is well worth the money he is asking for it. Mr. Frank Duster is helping in the delivery of the book. -Wilmont Tribune.

Friday last, following the snow storm, A.C. Wilson and J.A. Swett started in the country on a hunting trip. As they were driving along the road the chirp of a striped gopher was heard. The little fellow was discovered sitting upon a bank of snow and looking as chipper as in the "good old summer time." Mr. Swett (who does not belong to the gun club) took a shot at the little innocent and luckily missed him about two feet. The little fellow saluted them with his summer time chirp and disappeared in the snow bank. An occurrence of this kind is somewhat remarkable for this time of year and the weather conditions prevailing at the time. -Lake Park News.

Friday, January 8, 1909


At the home of the bride's parents in this city, on Wednesday evening, December 30th, 1908, occurred the marriage of Miss Hilma Olson to Mr. Emil Larson. The wedding was a quiet one, witnessed by relatives and a few friends.

To the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march, played by the bride's sister, Miss Ellen Olson, the bridal party entered and took their places beneath a white canopy, tastefully entwined with smilax.

The attendants, Miss Anna Olson, sister of the bride, and Mr. Alfred Larson, brother of the groom, came first, then the bride and groom. The bride was attired in white silk and carried bride's roses. The bridesmaid wore light blue and carried carnations.

Rev. C.O. Swan, of the Swedish Lutheran church, performed the ceremony.

iss Emma Kindlund favored the company with a solo, after which a bountiful supper of several courses was served and a social good time enjoyed.

Many beautiful and useful presents were received by the happy couple.

The bride is one of the most esteemed young ladies of the city, an earnest church worker, teacher of the Junior Bible class, member of the choir and at one time organist of the Swedish Lutheran church. She has always taken an active part in the Young People's society.

The groom is one of Indian Lake's most popular young men, member of the Indian Lake band, and an active member of his church.

Mr. and Mrs. Larson will leave soon for Fergus Falls for an extended visit with relatives and friends.

The best wishes of their friends go with them wherever they may be.

Married Sunday

Monday's Minneapolis Journal contains the following, which will be of interest to Worthington and Nobles county readers in general inasmuch as the bride was a granddaughter of Gen. Thomas, who was formerly in business in Worthington:

Miss Zona Campbell and Harry Betman Nelson, of Redwood Falls, were married last evening at 6:30 o'clock at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. M. Thomas Campbell, 1536 Nicollett avenue. Rev. Alfred Reed Hill, of All Saints' Episcopal church, read the service in the presence of a group of thirty relatives. During the ceremony the young couple stood beneath a large red Christmas bell suspended from an archway in the Living room. Miss Caro Campbell was her sister's bridesmaid and Ernest Tatem was the best man. The bride wore her traveling suit of dark green broadcloth and held a bouquet of bride roses. Her sister wore a street suit of navy blue.

After the vows were exchanged a wedding supper was served in the dining room, where a mound of pink roses centered the table and ropes of smilax were festooned from the chandelier to the four corners. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson left on a late train for Redwood Falls, where they will receive in their new home after Jan.


Frank Brown, of Adrian, was in the city on probate business Monday.

Miss Stella Anderson returned to her school work near Ellsworth last Saturday.

Mrs. Joseph Cowan, of Adrian, was the guest of Miss Mattie Hastings last week.

John Reiley, of Wilmont, was in the city on a business mission Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs. D.J. Green, of Wilmont, was in the city Monday on business with the probate court.

N.O. Langseth, of Round Lake, was a business caller on Worthington friends Tuesday.

Miss Edith Schanck began her school work near Rushmore Monday, after a two weeks holiday vacation.

Miss Lida Loveless returned to the twin cities Sunday after spending the holidays with her parents.

Major B.F. Thurber, of Wilmont, came down Monday and is spending the week with friends in this city.

The Degree of Honor will have installation Saturday, January 9th, at 8:30, open to D. of H. members and their families.

For Rent - Half section, 2 miles north of Worthington; well tiled; 75 acres plowed, 90 acres of corn stalk; 30 acres pasture, hog tight. Apply to M.P. Mann, Worthington.

Dr. Manson has been appointed local surgeon for the Rock Island railroad, and the Worthington Hospital has contracted to care for employes of the road who receive injury.

Dr. Clark, a returned missionary from Congo, will lecture in the Baptist church on Tuesday evening, January 12. The lecture will be in the interest of the great layman's convention which is to be held in Minneapolis, Feb. 4 to 7.

B.C. Denckman and wife, of Round Lake, will hereafter associate New Years day with a very happy event which occurred at their home on January 1st, 1909, when a brand new girl arrived to wish them all the joys of the season.

J.M. Addington, record keeper for the Knights of the Maccabees received a draft this week for the payment of the insurance carried by Sir Knight C.J. Smallwood. This is the first loss by death in the local tent and they are to be congratulated on the prompt settlement of the claim.

The Brotherhood of American Yeomen installed their officers for the ensuring year on Monday evening, Jan. 4, 1909: Foreman, L.W. Abbott; Master of Ceremonies, W.H. Barklew; Correspondent, Mattie M. Hastings; Master of Accounts, E.C. Pannell; Chaplain, Mrs. Elizabeth Sullivan; Overseer, Mrs. A.F. Collins; Watchman, Adolph Amundson; Sentinel, J.E. Norris; Guard, George Lyon; Lady Rebecca, Mrs. J.M. Addington; Lady Rowena, Mrs. E.C. Pannell. After install ceremonies a social time and refreshments were enjoyed. On Jan. 18, the Yeomen will initiate a large class and the state officers will be present.

Local Intelligence

Hub. Pass, of Adrian, was in the city on business Friday.

Mrs. Frank Glasgow spent Sunday with Sioux City friends.

C.E. Comer was a business visitor from Round Lake Saturday.

Fred Parker, of Sioux Falls, spent Sunday with Peter Thompson.

J.S. Cox, of Adrian, was in the city Saturday on a business mission.

J.H. Sipes, of Luverne, was calling on Worthington friends Friday.

Mrs. Edith Palmer Putnam spent Sunday with Rushmore friends.

Miss Mabel Wesby, of Bigelow, was in the city Saturday calling on friends.

Mrs. C.E. Boddy, of Rushmore, was visiting with friends in this city Saturday.

Miss Ethel Black, of Rushmore, was the guest of Worthington friends Saturday.

Miss Alice Bloom returned home Saturday from a visit with relatives at Woodstock.

H. and A. Kreimer, of Kenneth, Minn., were business callers at Worthington Friday.

Mrs. S.B. Bedford, of Rushmore, was calling on Worthington friends Saturday afternoon.

Miss Luella Burton, of Ashton, Iowa, was the New Years day guest of D.B. Kumler and family.

G.B. Hildyard, wife and daughter, went to Windom Saturday and spent Sunday with friends.

Adolph Amondson returned Friday from Montana where he went to settle up the estate of a relative.

Mrs. Charles Olson returned to her home in Heron Lake Saturday after a visit with Ross Nelson and family.

Misses Ida Roll and Lexie McKinzie, of Adrian, were guests the first of the week of A.M. Renner and wife.

Carl Graf returned Wednesday afternoon from a three weeks' visit with friends in Aitkin and Crow Wing counties.

Miss Mildred Jones, of Adrian, was in the city Saturday between trains enroute to Hendricks, Minn., where she is teaching.

Ed. Schraan, of the Brewster creamery, accompanied by his wife, were guests over Sunday of Wm. Burchard and family.

F. Kieth, who has just opened up a grocery store at Reading, will also act as agent for the Worthington creamery at that place.

Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Wyatt returned home Saturday from Charleston, W.Va., where they visited with relatives for a couple of weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thom, of Rushmore, were in the city a short time Saturday on their way home from a visit with relatives in Iowa.

The carrier on Route 1 thanks E.A. Malenke for the fine dressed goose for New Years and Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Lundeen for a nice dressed duck.

Frank Tipple, of Sibley, was in the city Saturday passing out advertising matter for a big sale to be held by one of the merchants of that place.

C.B. Ward, O.F. Blood and S.S. Smith are in St. Paul this week attending the state convention of the officers of the Minnesota National Guard.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Lundeen Monday Jan. 4th, a fine big girl. Mother and babe doing nicely, and Fred is wearing the smile you can't rub off.

Mr. and Mrs. C.P. DeLattre, of Minneapolis, after a few days spent in visiting with Rev. Fletcher and family, left Monday for Faribault, where they will visit before returning home.

J.F. Flynn was a business visitor to Ellsworth Monday.

Neal Leverich, of Sioux Falls, was in the city between trains Monday.

C.B. Ward was a business visitor to the twin cities, the first of this week.

Miss May Cashel, of Winona, was the guest of her brother, J.A. Cashel, Monday.

Attorney G.W. Wilson was over to Jackson this week on professional business.

Pete Peters, the Bigelow auctioneer, was a business caller in Worthington Monday.

Gust Shelquist, of Wilmont, was in the city Monday on his way through to the twin cities.

Miss Chloe Anderson, of Org, was the guest of Miss Mable Kunzman the first of the week.

Ira Snook, of Luverne, spent a few days this week with his brother, Walter, of this city.

Master Edwin Ulveling returned to his home in Adrian Monday after a pleasant visit with Mrs. Anna Davis.

The infant girl of C.E. Sims and wife has been quite ill this week with bronchitis, but is recovering.

Bruce Yale returned home Monday night from a pleasant two weeks' visit with relatives at Jefferson and Yale, Iowa.

H. Fiscus and wife, of Luverne, were in the city Monday, on their way home from a visit with Wilmont friends.

Miss Amy Forbes returned to her duties in the schools at Woodstock Monday after a two weeks' vacation spent with Worthington relatives.

Miss Emma Ferguson returned to her duties as teacher at Tracy, Minn., Saturday after a two weeks' vvacation spent with relatives and friends in this city.

Miss Clara Ackerman, of Rushmore, was in the city Monday calling on friends between trains. She was enroute to Winona where she is attending school.

W.E. Larimore left this week for Colorado and other western points to look over the country with a view of investing in some land if he likes the country.

Miss Laura Ross spent Monday night and Tuesday with Worthington friends on her way from Sibley where she has been employed for some time, to her home in Adrian.

Sterling Lawton left Saturday for Sioux Falls, where he spent a couple of days with friends before returning to Sioux City, where he is attending Morningside college.

The Widsor hotel, Sibley, has been sold, Winzer & Daly retiring. The traveling public will be sorry to part with these congenial gentlemen, who have so long given Sibley a first-class hotel.

Master Peter Geyerman and brother, George, and cousin, John Lees, of Brewster, returned hom Tuesday after a holiday vacation spent with their grandmother, Mrs. John Meyers, of this city.

The Nobles county Ministrial meeting was held this week at the home of Rev. C.M. Johnson, pastor of the Swedish Mission church. Rev. Fletcher read a fine paper on "The Sub-Conscious Mind."

Dorothy Sibley, why (sic) has been spending the holidays at the home of her aunt, Mrs. C.H. Sibley, returned to her school duties Tuesday.  She is a member of the senior class of the North High School at Des Moines, Iowa.

The ladies of the Twentieth Century and Tourist clubs entertained the teachers of the Worthington schools Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Vosk, in honor of Cora Mel Patten, who charmed them with an informal talk upon the modern drama.

Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Woodford returned on Monday from a trip to Old Mexico. They went down there last fall in hopes that a change of climate would be beneficial to Mrs. Woodford's health, and they were not disappointed. She gained wonderfully and is now much better than she has been for a long time.

W.E. Larimore closed a deal this week with John and James Montgomery whereby he sold his half section farm on section 18, Worthington township, the consideration being $14,185. Mr. Larimore will hold a public sale on Tuesday, Jan. 26th, at which time he will dispose of his personal property and will probably seek a location in a milder climate. Col. J.N. Holbrook will cry the sale.

Friday, January 15, 1909

Arm Injured.
Clifton Christianson, an employe of the tile factory met with a painful accident while at work at the factory Monday afternoon. He was carrying a heavy tile and slipped, falling on the ground in such a manner that the entire weight of the heavy concrete block came down upon his arm. He came to town and sought the services of a physician and upon first examination it was thought that the arm was broken, but the physician was unable to locate a fracture, so an X-ray examination was made. The X-ray failed to develop any broken bone, so the injury is being treated as a severe bruise and is yeilding nicely to the treatment and he will soon be able to resume work.

Business Change.
The firm of Anderson & Benson, furniture dealers and undertakers was dissolved on the first day of the month, Mr. Anderson disposing of his interests to Mr. Gust. A. Benson, a brother of John E. Benson, who has been one of the firm since its inception. The new firm will continue the business at the old stand under the firm name of Benson & Benson. Mr. Anderson has not as yet made any plans for the future, but will remain in Worthington for a time at least, as there are some business matters demanding his attention.

Lutheran Church Notes.
At the annual meeting held January 5 the following officers were re-elected: Sec., Ole Swanson; Deacons, P.C. Anderson and Oscar Sterling; Trustees, L.E. Johnson and P.G. Johnson; Sunday School Supt., Carl A. Anderson; Organist, Miss Ella Olson; Sexton, P.G. Anderson, Rev. Swan, who is about to leave for St. Paul, was elected vice-pastor during the vacancy.


J.S. Frink was a business visitor to Heron Lake Wednesday.

Ed Flanagan, of Heron Lake, paid a visit to Worthington friends Wednesday.

FOR RENT OR SALE - A house in Clary Addition. Enquire of Dr. W.A. Saxon.

Guy Hancock, the popular brakeman on the Sioux Falls branch, is laid up this week with a severe attack of tonsilitis.

C.A. Pederson returned home Wednesday from a business trip to Little Rock, Iowa.

Mrs. Francis Anderson left Wednesday afternoon for a short visit with Sioux Falls relatives.

Miss Mary Nielson left Wednesday for Hinckley after spending several months in Worthington and vicinity.

A license to wed was issued Wednesday to Joseph Bernardy, of Jackson county, and Sophia Hartman, of Nobles county.

Judge George W. Baker and Roy Smith, of Wilmont, were in the city Wednesday and Thursday on a business mission.

D. Maloney, of Grand Junction, Iowa, is in the city this week looking after his land interests. Mr. Maloney owns a half-section of land in Worthington township, and is desirous of securing a suitable tenant.

W.A. Barton, a former Nobles county boy, was renewing old acquaintances in the city Wednesday. He has just returned from a trip through the west in the interests of the lace mills at Zion City, Ill.

My sale Wednesday was a decided success in every way, everything bringing a good price, which was due to the excellent services of Col. J.N. Holbrook as an auctioneer. I would endorse him to anyone contemplating a sale, as he will secure better prices than anyone in southwestern Minnesota. M. Johnson.

Local Intelligence

A.M. Renner was a business visitor to Heron Lake Monday.

Nels Nelson was a business visitor from Jackson Friday.

Sheriff Fauskee was in Magnolia on official business Monday.

J.S. Benbow came up from Sheldon Saturday on a business mission.

Joe Kies and Tom Palmer were business visitors to Brewster Tuesday.

C.R. West, of Brewster, was a business visitor to the county seat Friday.

Mrs. Roy Newman spent Wednesday with her father, Vic Anderson at Org.

G.W. Wilson and F.L. Humiston were business visitors to Luverne Monday.

Theo Bahls, the Round Lake merchant was calling on friends in this city Saturday.

Miss Margaret Becker, of Brewster, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. M. Becker.

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Zimmerman, of Wells, Minn., spent Monday with D.M. Anthony and wife.

O.J. Looney, of Washington, Iowa, was looking after his business interests in this locality last week.

C.L. Beebe, of Mondamin, was in the city Sunday and Monday looking after business interests.

Arthur Hildyard, returned home Friday from Kansas, where he has been working for some months.

Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Aulwes, of Hartford, S.D., are visiting Mrs. Aulwes' mother, Mrs. Matt Becker.

Mrs. M.A. King, of Luverne, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. A.L. Canfield. She will remain for several weeks.

W.O. Tillman, of Wilmont, was a caller in Worthington Friday, on his way home from a business trip to Iowa points.

H.S. Meyers went to Rushmore Monday morning to look after the work upon the new drug store which he is soon to open in that village.

James R. Jones, of Adrian, spent Tuesday with his son, E.J. Jones.

Jesse Hamstreet, of Brewster, was in the city Tuesday afternoon on business.

John Salstrom, of Bigelow, was a business visitor to Worthington Wednesday.

Mrs. G.A. Lincoln went to St. James Wednesday morning for a visit with relatives.

Harry Peterson, of Spences, Iowa, is visiting Peter Anderson, of Indian Lake township.

S.S. Smith, James Mackay and C.M. Crandall were business visitors to Heron Lake Wednesday.

Miss Nell Crever went to Minneapolis Tuesday for a couple of weeks visit with relatives and friends.

The cloak room at the public library has been fitted up with shelving and is now used as a magazine room.

Dr. J.N. Gould and Dr. O.C. Selby are in attendance at the Veterinary convention at St. Paul this week.

Mrs. E.W. Langer returned home Tuesday night from a two weeks' visit with relatives at Madison and other points in Wisconsin.

Miss Julia DeVaney, who has been the guest of her brother, Will DeVaney, returned to her home in Dell Rapids, S.D. Tuesday.

George Bonde, the Reading auctioneer, was in the city Wednesday on his way to Iowa where he will cry two big stock sales curing the week.

FOR SALE - Registered Aberdeen Angus bull; two years old. Inquire of G.F. Hastings, R.F.D. 1, two miles north of Worthington.

Nic Casereto, of Sioux Falls, was the guest of his brother, J.C. Casereto, Tuesday. Nic will probably begin the cutting of ice from the lake at this place next week for shipment to Sibley where he is engaged in the ice business in the summer time.

A delightful "scrap book" party was given by Mrs. John Hansberger on Thursday afternoon last from 2 to 5 in honor of Mrs. Wilson, a daughter of Mrs. Hansberger. The event was thoroughly enjoyed by those present. A dainty luncheon was served to which all did ample justice.

J.H. Bryden, who recently purchased the stock of general merchandise of M.J. Barber, will probably come to Worthington to make his permanent home. He has a large hardware business at Rushmore which he is endeavoring to dispose of and if he succeeds will move his family to this city.

W.B. Stoutemyer has a large force of men at work harvesting ice this week. The ice is about fifteen inches thick and is of good quality, and with the large force of men at work it is expected that Mr. Stoutemyer will succeed in filling his houses with enough ice to guarantee a supply for the village next summer.

Clyde E. Williams, living four and one-half miles west of town, was the victim of a pleasant surprise party last Saturday evening, when his neighbors and friends came in to help celebrate his 29th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Williams are planning to leave soon for North Dakota where they have a homestead and the party was also in the nature of a farewell. The evening was spent with games and music and at a late hour refreshments were served. Mr. Williams was presented with a beautiful rocker as a memento of the occasion and an esteem of friendship.

Arthur Rose, of Worthington, was here Tuesday on his way to Jackson to make arrangements for getting out a county history similar to the one he has just gotten out for Nobles county. The work is highly creditable to Mr. Rose and is of great value to the county, as it gives a complete record of events from territorial days down to the present time. Mr. Rose put in two years hard work on the book and feels that he has been rewarded in the satisfaction of producing a valuable work, if not financially. He has about a month's more work in Nobles county delivering the books, after which he expects to move to Jackson and take up the work gathering data for the Jackson county history, and will try and complete the work in one year. Mr. Rose is not only a good writer but a thoroughly reliable and trustworthy gentleman. -Heron Lake News.

Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Morland were the guests of Bigelow friends Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Smith visited several days the past week at Rushmore with Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. Hattie Bassett.

L.W. Abbott, county superintendent, and J.S. Frink were in Bigelow Tuesday testing the heating plant of the Bigelow school.

Dr. A.B. Williams, Roy Smith and George Butler, of Wilmont, spent a few hours in the city Tuesday between trains, enroute to the I.O.O.F. convention at Adrian.

Bert Thurber has sold his restaurant to a Mr. Nelson, of Jackson, who will take possession about the first of February. Mr. Thurber has not as yet decided upon his future vocation, but will remain in Worthington for a time at least.

Fred Bunning, of Round Lake township, shot an eagle the latter part of last week which measured 7 feet from tip to tip of wings. His father-in-law, Carl Schumann, shipped the bird the forepart of this week to Davenport, Iowa, to have it mounted. -Round Lake Graphic.

Mrs. Floy Dent, of Spokane, Wash., and Mrs. May Albertson, of Sanborn, Iowa, who have been the guests of Deputy-sheriff Ira Mishler and family for the past week left Monday for Sanborn, where Mrs. Dent will visit with Mrs. Albertson for some time before returning to her home in the west.

J.A. Breffle was down from Worthington last Friday looking after interests of the Worthington Concrete and Tile Company. He established an agency with the Farmers' Elevator to handle their products in this place. the company has been organized but a short time and has made a marvelous growth. They employ about fifty people and expect to build a large addition the coming summer. They have furnished the material for several buildings in the surrounding territory and thus far their products have given the best of satisfaction. -Lake Park News.


Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 1 o'clock, p.m., on January 20th, 1909, Oliver Thompson, Route 2, Worthington, for the purchase of the old bridge over Lake Ocheda, in Indian Lake township. Bridge will be sold to the highest bidder, but the right is reserved to reject any and all bids.
Bids will be opened at the Round Lake town hall at the above date and hour. Town Board of Indian Lake.

Elk News

We are glad to state that Mr. Dahlheim is able to be up and around again.

Mr. Hilary, who has been on the sick list for some time, is slowly improving.

John Hagge spent last week visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dahlheim.

Mrs. H. Studebaker and children, of Brewster are visiting at the Eshelman home this week.

H.J. Baker returned to his home in Winona Monday after conducting a two weeks' singing class at the Brethren church in Elk.

Friday, January 22, 1909

List of Grand and Petit Jurors for the February Term of Court.
Following is a list of grand and petit jurors drawn to serve at the February term of court which convenes February 15th:
Grand Jurors.

Curtis Morgan....... Indian Lake Twp.
A. Torren Lorain Twp.
E.E. Ober Lorain Twp.
Wm. Busch Hersey Twp.
Hans Olson Brewster Vil.
D.M. Mead Graham Lakes Twp.
John J. Nimerfroh Kinbrae Vil.
C.J. Erickson Dundee Vil.
Erick Anderson Dewald Twp.
Charles Lass Dewald Twp.
J.B. Ludlow Rushmore Vil.
F.A. Matheson Elk Twp.
S.T. Fair Summit Lake Twp.
C.C. Booth Seward Twp.
Harvey Bemis Bloom Twp.
Fred H. Tiemens Bloom Twp.
Casper Burchard Wilmont Twp.
Frank Brown Lismore Twp.
W.R. Faragher Adrian Vil.
W.W. Loveless Worthington Vil.
Wm. Ronan Worthington Vil.
J.J. Bingham Worthington Vil.
Geo W. Dealand Worthington Twp.

Petit Jurors.

P. Bilsten

Indian Lake Twp.

J. Gregerson Round Lake Vil.
J.M. Hagerman Lorain Twp.
Emil Peterson Lorain Twp.
Walter Paine Hersey Twp.
E.H. Smith Graham Lakes Twp.
F.W. Stuff Dundee Vil.
S. Fagerness Rushmore Vil.
C.A. Lutner Summit Lake Twp.
John L. Calvin Bloom Twp.
August Schaefer Bloom Twp.
Fred Pank Wilmont Twp.
Fred Schmits Wilmont Twp.
R.K. Doe Olney Twp.
H. Barclay Westside Twp.
H. Voss Larkin Twp.
R. Grapes Adrian Vil.
H. Henneke Adrian Vil.
Fred Lane Adrian Vil.
John Olson Adrian Vil.
Wm. H. Morrison Little Rock Twp.
John N. Lenz Grand Prairie Twp.
Frank Dean Worthington Vil.
Ned Jones Worthington Vil.


Mrs. A.F. Collins is very ill at her home in Clary addition.

Miss Florence Lewis of Wilmont, visited friends in Worthington Tuesday.

Mrs. Emma Schanck left Wednesday night for a visit with friends at Beloit, Kansas.

A.G. Erickson, of St. Paul, is the guest of his brother, Ivan Erickson, this week.

Dr. Weidow went to Jackson Thursday as a witness in a trial that is in progress there.

H.M. Palm, formerly of Worthington, is seriously ill at his home in Canon City, Colorado.

George Slade, of Adrian, was in the city between trains Thursday on his way to St. Paul on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spohn and family will leave in a few days for their new home at Wadena, Minn.

Miss Laeta Ramage, of Washington D.C., has been the guest of her brother, John Ramage and family, the past week.

Mrs. Cole Guernsey met with an accident Saturday by falling through a trap door, which leads to the cellar. She was badly bruised, but is recovering nicely.

Dr. O.C. Selby returned home Thursday from Ortonville, where he went to look up a location. Dr. Selby expects to locate in Ortonville for the practice of veterinary medicine and surgery about teh first of next month.

A "Traveling Shower" was given in honor of Mrs. Emma Schanck, Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. William Hastings and a delightful time enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Schanck leaves soon for an extended visit with relatives at Beloit, Kansas.

Telephone Corrections and Additions.
The following changes, corrections and additions have occurred since January 1st. Subscribers will greatly aid the operators and promote the efficiency of the service by cutting this list out and pasting it in the directory or otherwise making the changes.
City: --
 138-J-1 -- Morton, J.B.
 108 -- Myers, Howard
 240 -- Anderson, John
 113-J-1 -- Jones, Ed
 36-J-1 -- Rouse, S
 118-J-1 -- Todd, Amos.
Rural:  Line 1: --
 1-L-2 -- Hornstein, Henry
Line 3: --
 L-L-1 -- Thusen, O.B.
Line 8: --
 1-L-1 -- Hoffmaster, Chris.

Local Intelligence

Dr. Dolan made a professional visit to Sibley Wednesday.

M.E. Lawton made a business trip to Sheldon Wednesday.

E.J. Jones paid a visit to his parents at Adrian Wednesday.

Mr. Ed Chetham is quite ill with an affection of the ear.

George Hurd was a business visitor to Brewster Wednesday.

J.S. Frink spent Sunday with friends and relatives in Luverne.

Orvie Anderson went to Jackson on a business mission Wednesday.

Dr. P.T. Geyerman was a Sunday guest of Brewster relatives.

B.E. Foster, of Reading, was in Worthington Tuesday on business.

Dr. M. Sullivan, of Adrian, was in the city between trains Wednesday.

Jacob Stoven, of Rushmore, was in Worthington on business Tuesday.

J.L. Sipes, of Luverne, was a business visitor to Worthington Monday.

B. Klatt, of Sibley, was in the city on business Tuesday and Wednesday.

Born -- to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tureen, on Tuesday, a bouncing baby boy.

C.J. Cunningham of Brewster, was calling on Worthington friends Saturday.

Burt and Elmer Suthers, of Fulda, were business visitors to this city Tuesday.

Ira DeBoor[t] left Wednesday for an extended trip to Kansas City on business.

Miss Hulda Wass went to LeMars, Iowa, Wednesday for a short visit with her brother.

Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Hale, of Luverne, were in Worthington Tuesday calling on friends.

The infant girl of Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Wilson is seriously ill with bronchial trouble.

Miss Marjorie Shell went down to Sibley Tuesday afternoon for a visit with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Smith are the proud parents of a baby girl, born Tuesday morning.

E.A. Tripp and C.D. Antritter, of Round Lake, were calling on Worthington friends Monday.

Mrs. Lee Shell went to Sibley Wednesday, where she will visit for a few days with relatives.

Charles Skewis, of Minneapolis, was in the city Saturday looking after his business interests.

Hollis Trainer and Walter Snooks spent Monday and Tuesday with friends in Sioux City.

J.B. Ludlow of the Rushmore State Bank, was a business visitor to Worthington Tuesday afternoon.

I sell wall paper cheap. If you expect to paper see me. I can save you money. J.C. Steiner.

Rudolph Geyerman, of Brewster, looked after business matters in Worthington Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. S.T. Wood, of Rushmore, passed through the city Saturday afternoon enroute to St. Paul.

F. Bennett, of Minneapolis, is the new chef at the Hotel Worthington, arriving here Monday to begin work.

W.W. Turnbull, the Sibley real estate dealer, was a business visitor to Worthington on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mrs. A.J. Ehrisman and Mrs. J.D. Gibb, of Rushmore, were calling on Worthington friends Tuesday afternoon.

Reigster of Deeds Tripp went up to St Paul Monday night to attend the state convention of county register of deeds.

Dr. C.P. Dolan went to Adrian Wednesday afternoon on business in connection with the county board of health.

Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Humiston left Tuesday for Los Angeles, Cal., where they will sojourn during the winter months.

Miss Ethel Parker, of Aurelia, Iowa, returned to her home Wednesday after a visit with Miss Edna Comer and other friends.

Misses Marie Thrope, of Luverne, and Clara Kilburn, of Sioux Falls, were guests of Worthington friends Saturday.

S.M. Stewart, J.F. Flynn and Geo. Voak left on Tuesday for Vale, Oregon, to look after their land interests near that place.

The 20th Century Club will meet with Mrs. Thos. Palmer Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 26th, for the study of Ibsen's "The Lady from the Sea."

Herman Schmid and wife are rejoicing over the arrival in their home of a brand new boy who made his appearance Saturday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Barber left on Tuesday for Los Angeles, Cal., to spend a couple of months basking in the sunshine of the Pacific coast.

F.L. Humiston went up to St. Paul Tuesday on some business matters and will probably look in on the legislature while in the city.

Geo. D. Dayton, of Minneapolis, came down Tuesday to look after some business matters and renew acquaintance with Worthington friends.

Miss Lizze Schmidt, who has been the guest of Vanda Duba and family for the past two weeks, returned to her home in Dundee Wednesday.

Charles Hildred, of Wilmont, was in the city Tuesday between trains on his way to Minneapolis, where he will visit with his parents for a few days.

Rev. G.A. Cahoon went to Ransom Wednesday where he will assist the local pastor in a series of revival meetings which are now being held there.

J.M. Addington went up to Pierre, S.D. Monday to visit a few days with his mother and will go from there to Tate, Oregon, to look after his land there.

The Ladies' Aid of the Catholic church will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs. Katie Kain on Tuesday, Jan 26. All are cordially invited to attend.

Mr. and Mrs. John Schrage, of Allison, Ia., visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephens. They went from here to Rushmore to visit relatives.

Miss LaReina Dow returned to her duties in Asbury Hospital, Minneapolis, Wednesday after a two weeks' vacation spent with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.W.W. Dow.

Marriage licenses were issued this week to Edward Von Der Ah and Anna Lutmer, Henry J. Turner and Margaret B. Mitchell, Fridolin Hartman and Catherine John.

Dr. A.B. Williams, of Wilmot, was in the city Saturday between trains on his way home from Brewster where he was called in connection with the Schraan suicide.

Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Pannell are spending this week in St. Paul, Mr. Pannell attending the state convention of county auditors, while Mrs. Pannell is visiting friends.

Lawrence, the six year old son of Prof. Wilson Abbott, was taken down with scarlet fever Wednesday, and the family, with the exception of Mr. Abbott, are now under quarantine.

Edward Williams, the negro who was taken to the "poor house" a couple of weeks ago suffering from pneumonia, due to exposure, is convalescing rapidly and will soon be up and around again.

E.J. Clark, who has been in the city for a couple of weeks testing the electric meters for the village, left Wednesday for Mason City, Iowa, where he will perform a similar service for the plant at that place.

Miss Mattie Hastings has been appointed deputy to the register of deeds for the ensuing term and has entered upon her duties. Miss Hastings is familiar with the routine of the register's office and is a painstaking assistant.

The Nobles County Ministerial Association met with Rev. G.G. Schmid Monday afternoon. The association had the pleasure of listening to an interesting paper by Rev. Ira Alvord on the topic: "Malichi - The Author and Teachings."

R.L. Morland, president of the state board of pharmacy, is in Minneapolis this week attending the annual meeting of the board. They have a large number of applicants for the examination and the board will be in session until Saturday night.

H. Poppen, of Reading, was a business caller at this office last Friday. He is one of the substantial residents of Summit Lake township, and likes to keep informed of the happenings of the county, so of course is a reader of the Advance-Herald.

The patrons along Route 5 are receiving better service than ever. At no time has there been any fault to find with the service on Route 5, but now R.E. Davis, the carrier on that route, is all smiles and the cause thereof is the arrival of a new boy at his home east of town last Sunday morning.

Florence, the two and one-half year old daughter of Walter Gilchrist, the popular tonsorial artist, was operated upon at the Worthington hospital Wednesday morning at which time a portion of the tonsil was removed and a growth removed from the nasal passage. She was removed to her home after the operation and is getting along nicely.

Misses Wick and Otto entertained the teachers of the Worthington school to a "kid" party last Saturday night, each of the guests appearing in the make-up of a little girl and each was accompanied by her doll or Teddy Bear. Refreshments were served and a general good time enjoyed, and there were no "mere men" present to mar the festivities.

Misses Daisy Binkley, Jessie Monroe, Agnes Fish and Anna Scheidt, composing the Madrigal Lady Entertainers, spent Sunday in Worthington. The ladies gave an entertainment on Saturday night at Bigelow and stopped off for Sunday in Worthington on their way to Brewster where they played Monday night as one of the number on the lecture course program at that place.

Alfred Earle, who is employed on the Oliver & Madison farm, was taken to the Worthington hospital last Thursday for an operation for appendicitis. After the incision was made a horrible condition was revealed. The appendix was not only gangrenous, but had become punctured, allowing the pus to escape into abdominal cavity. Such cases are generally fatal, but Mr. Earle is getting along nicely and will be able to leave the hospital in a week or ten days.


Miss Lizzie Klessig was a passenger for the county seat Monday.

Judge G.W. Baker, of Wilmont, was in the village on business Monday.

A. Rust shipped a car of fat lambs to the Sioux City market Tuesday.

F.W. Shaffenberg was a passenger for Estherville, Iowa, Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Bulick returned from St. Paul on Wednesday of last week.

Ollie Taylor, of Worthington, was visiting friends (?) (sic) in this locality Saturday and Sunday.

J.G. Hertel is now employed by Ronan Bros., of this place, taking the place of Chris. Miller.

Mrs. C.H. Dilly, of Glenham, S.D., arrived Thursday of last week for a visit at the home of H.B. Dilly, near town.

G.T. Bulick, F.G. Bulick and H.D. Barnard went to Adrian Tuesday evening to participate in the Odd Fellow festivities.

Rev. D'Argent filled the pulpit at the Young school house Sunday afternoon. He expects to hold a series of meetings at that point next week.

J.F. Cass loaded two cars of fat lambs of his own feeding Tuesday morning and shipped them to Chicago. He accompanied the consignment.

The local camp of Royal Neighbors held their annual election last Friday evening and at the close of the meeting had an oyster supper, served at the Kieth Cafe.

Jas. Baird, Jr., was at Worthington Monday, consulting a physician in regard to his little son, George, who has been quite sick. At this writing the little fellow is much improved.

The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs. G.T. Bulick last Thursday, and held their annual election. The next meeting of the society will be held at the home of Mrs. W.C. Hulser, on Thursday, January 21. Dinner will be served at the usual hour. The ladies have raised the price of their regular dinners to fifteen cents, which is a move in the right direction. They had formerly been serving a splendid meal for ten cents.

Elk News

The Schulz's spent Sunday with Mrs. Schulz's brother, A. Oberman and family.

Mr. and Mrs. A.I. Standafer, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wolff spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Free.

Peter Schechter left last week for Marshalltown, Iowa, after a short visit with his brother Joshua and other relatives here.

We are sorry to report that Mr. and Mrs. Otis Hankins and both children are sick in bed with tonsilitis. Their many friends wish them all a speedy recovery.

The Mission Bank met with Mrs. J. Schechter on Thursday of last week. A large crowd was present and all report a nice time. The Band will meet with Mrs. Marquardt next Thursday.

Org Observations

Chloe Anderson called on Mrs. Hugh Mitchell one day last week.

Will Anderson and George King were business callers at Bigelow, last Tuesday.

Miss Ida Erlandson, of Rushmore, was visiting in this neighborhood the first of the week.

Herbert Johnson, who is working on the Street Car in St. Paul, was home on a visit the first of the week.

Ralph Anderson came home last Tuesday after a week's visit with his sister, Mrs. Roy Newman, of Worthington.

A surprise party was given at E.L. Johnson's last Wednesday evening, for Herbert. A good sized crowd was present and all enjoyed the evening very much.

Friday, January 29, 1909

Local Intelligence

Mrs. Samuel Allen has been on the sick list this week.

Alfred Kalkbrener, of Sheldon, was calling on friends Monday.

WANTED -- Neat, capable housemaid. Mrs. F.R. Coughran.

L.W. Pearson, of Spencer, Iowa, was a visitor to this city Friday.

Mrs. George Voak, of Brewster, is the guest of Worthington friends.

Charles R. Hildred, of Wilmont, was a Sunday visitor to the county seat.

Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Cashel and infant son are visiting relatives in Winona.

Mrs. Lee Shell is spending a few days with her parents at Minneapolis.

W. Marshall, of Brewster, spent Sunday in this city, the guest of friends.

Mesdames W.M. Evans and E.K. Smith were Saturday visitors to Sioux City.

Charles King, the Org merchant, was a business visitor to this city Wednesday.

Miss Jeannette Clark went to Sioux Falls Monday for a short visit with friends.

Mrs. James Montgomery left Monday for a visit with relatives and friends at Adrian.

Miss Marguerite Becker, of Brewster, spent Sunday with her mother in this city.

Miss Nellie Perry, of Sheldon, Iowa, was the guest Sunday with T.H. Bloxham.

Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Stricker, of Windom, spent Sunday with Worthington friends.

O.B. Olson, of Preston, was looking after business interests in Nobles county Friday.

Mrs. W.I. Carpenter returned home Saturday afternoon from a visit with Sioux Falls relatives.

Mrs. C.H. Salpaugh, of Mankato, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Allen.

J.B. Scheier, of Adrian, was in the city Saturday on his way to Heron Lake on a business visit.

H.D. Wendt, buttermaker at the Welcome creamery, was a business visitor to Worthington Friday.

I.F. Kelly returned home Saturday from a three weeks business trip through the southern states.

Mrs. A. Tossini, of Sioux Falls, spent a few days with her brother, J. Casereto and family, this week.

Mrs. F.H. Newell, of Baraboo, Wis., visited this week at the home of her uncle, John Scott and family.

Mrs. Frank Miller, of Lakefield, accompanied by her two children, are guests at the A.J. Fauskee home.

Jud Duel is walking with a cane these days the result of a heavy box falling on him and injuring his knee.

M.F. Keller, of Sauk Center, Minn., was in the city Friday on business and calling upon his old friends, L.H. Gray.

Miss Bessie Anderson, of Org, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Roy Newman over Sunday, returning home Monday.

Mrs. J.E. Shore returned to her home in Ransom Saturday after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Cole Guernsey, of this city.

Stanley Moore went to Mankato Friday on business and incidentally to attend a banquet given by the Elks of that city.

Mrs. Frank Eastman went to Windom Wednesday, where she will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Cocks, for a few days.

J.B. Landhuis, of Hospers, Iowa, was in the city on a business mission Monday and registered at the Worthington hotel.

Mrs. M.A. King returned to her home in Luverne Friday after a month's visit with her daughter, Mrs. A.L. Canfield.

Mrs. C.J. Smallwood and son, Moulton, left Wednesday for a visit with relatives at Chatfield and St. Charles, Minn.

Louis Jones, of Mitchell, S.D., was shaking hands with Worthington friends Monday between trains, on his way to St. Paul on a business mission.

Mrs. John Watson and daughter, Emma, of St. Paul Park, Minn., are here for a several weeks' visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Morland.

Harry E. Allen, of Minneapolis, formerly engaged in the printing business in this city, but now with a wholesale house in that city, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Allen.

H.I. Dibble went to Fairmont Saturday to ship his household effects to this city, where he will reside in the future. Mr. Dibble has accepted the position of foreman of the Globe office.

Rev. G.G. Schmid left Tuesday afternoon for a week's visit at Luverne. Owing to his absence there will be no preaching in the German Evangelical Church next Sunday, January 31st.

The Rt. Rev. S.C. Edsall, D.D., bishop of the diocese of Minnesota, will visit Worthington Friday evening, March 5th, and officiate in the church of St. John the Evangelist in the evening at eight o'clock.

Rev. George W. Taylor, who has been in the city the past week as the guest of G.B. Hildyard and family, left Monday for Spirit Lake, Iowa. Rev. Taylor is working in the interests of the Mother Lee Home at Omaha.

Ralph Curtiss, of Loda, Ill., was in the city Tuesday calling on his fellow townsman, Fred Jonan, of the Worthington Concrete and Tile Co. If Mr. Curtiss can secure employment in or near the city he expects to make his home here.

Mr. E.R. Coghlan, who recently underwent a surgical operation at the Weidow & Mork hospital, returned to his home in Wood Lake, Minn., Monday. The operation was successful in every way and Mr. Coghlan is much improved in health as a result.

Mrs. James Gibson, who removed from Worthington to Sheldon a few months ago, underwent a very critical surgical operation at the Worthington Hospital last Thursday. She withstood the shock incident to the operation nicely and is making a speedy recovery.

Ralph Parlette, well known in Worthington as a lecturer, was in the city Friday, stopping off on his way from Jackson to a point in Iowa. Mr. Parlette was one of the attractions of the Jackson lecture course and delivered his lecture "Pockets and Paradise," in that city Thursday night.

Ove Larson, the lad who had his skull fractured at the coal chutes, a couple of weeks ago, was taken from the hospital to his home last Sunday. The paralysis incident to the accident has passed away and he now has complete use of his limb, and will soon be able to be up and around again.

I.F. Kelley, who has the agency for the Buick automobile for Nobles county, left for the twin cities Wednesday night. Mr. Kelley expects a carload of machines the first of the month, and if suitable quarters can be secured, he will put in a line of farm machinery in connection with his automobile business.

J.S. Frink has been busy the past couple of weeks remodeling the basement of the Citizen's bank and will move his plumbing shop to the new location in a few days. He will have more commodious quarters and expects to carry a full line of fixtures, which he cannot do in his present location owing to lack of room.

Mrs. Joseph Kor, mention of whose serious illness from trichinosis was made in last week's Advance-Herald, died of the dread malady on Friday of last week. The remains were taken to Ellsworth for interment, the funeral being held Tuesday. Her husband and two children who are ill with the same trouble are still in a critical condition, although hopes are entertained for their recovery.

Worthington people will remember Irving S. Curtiss, the genial salesman for the Baldwin Piano Co., who conducted the rebus contest held by that company last summer at Chaney & Mackay's store, and will no doubt be surprised to learn that he is soon to be married to Miss Lulu E. Spaulding, a daughter of Dr. A.E. Spaulding of Luverne. The ceremony will be performed on February 3d, and the young couple will be at home to their many friends after March 1st, at their home in Wadena, Minn.

R.L. Morland returned Sunday morning from Minneapolis, where he had been to attend the annual meeting of the Minnesota State Board of Pharmacy. The annual election of officers occurred at this meeting and Mr. Morland was re-elected to the office of president, a position he has held for the past five years, his election last week making sex consecutive times that he has been selected by the board for that responsible position. This is certainly a complement to Mr. Morland's ability as a druggist and shows the high esteem in which he is held my the members of the pharmacy board.

An interesting case came up for hearing in the probate court Tuesday, when a hearing was had in the petition of Lee Sahlbom, minor, through his guardian, John Salhbom, who made application for a share of the property left by his grandmother at her death. The case is somewhat complicated and has brought out a number of peculiar circumstance, and is the outgrowth of litigation in the Elof Nordquist estate. It appears that Mr. Nordquist left a will, which was contested in probate court and declared valid and the case was appealed to the district court, that tribunal affirming the decision of the probate court. The will it seems did not make provision for the widow to the extent that she would have been entitled by law had her husband failed to make a will. She, being mentally unsound, her guardian failed to take the necessary steps to secure her legal dower, and the widow's share of the property is the point of contest now, the petition being to invest the minor heir with his full rights in the premises.


Stanley Swanberg is acting as reporter on the Globe.

Fred Smith, the switchman, is laid up from being kicked by a horse.

C.M. Converse, of Windom, was a business visitor to Worthington Tuesday.

Misses Millie Edstrom and Bessie Loveless were guests of Sibley friends Tuesday.

George Hagerman, of Brewster, was a business caller to the county seat on Tuesday.

Peter Thompson and George Lawson were business visitors to Sibley Monday afternoon.

Olaf Nelson, of Marathon, Iowa, was visiting with Worthington friends the first of the week.

Mrs. G.W. Wilson returned home Tuesday from a two weeks' visit with Chicago relatives.

Mrs. C.W. Sipes was in the city Tuesday from Wilmont on business with the probate court.

Mrs. Biltgen and Wm. DeVaney and wife spent Sunday with John Salstrom and wife at Bigelow.

Mrs. N.C. Puckett, of Deer Creek, Wyo., is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knapp.

Dr. W.J. Dodge left Tuesday night for St. Paul, where he will spend a couple of weeks with friends.

Harry Gray, of Bigelow, was in the city Tuesday on business in connection with the Bigelow State bank.

Rev. C.M. Johnson will preach in the Wass school house on Sunday afternoon, January 30th, at 3 o'clock.

Harry Titenberg, of wilmont, was in the city calling on friends and attending to business matters Tuesday.

Mrs. George Voak returned to her home in Brewster Tuesday after a short visit with relatives in this city.

Phil Farragher, of Sibley, was in the city Wednesday between trains on his way to Rushmore on a business mission.

A. Oberman shipped a carload of cattle to the Sioux City market Tuesday and a car of hogs to the same market on Thursday.

Nels N. Nelson, of Jackson, who recently purchased the Thurber restaurant, is in the city and will assume possession of the place tomorrow.

Mrs. Ned Jones entertained with an afternoon tea Tuesday afternoon and also on Thursday afternoon to a small number of friends, and an enjoyable time is reported.

George Edwards was on a fishing expedition to Round Lake Tuesday and was rewarded by securing nineteen nice pickerel of an average weight of three pounds each.

J.H. Bryden, who is conducting a general store at Worthington, spent Sunday with the folks at this place. He is well pleased with the business in Worthington. -- Rushmore Enterprise.

Sandon Bros. orchestra, of Jackson were in the city a few hours Tuesday. The boys are playing their way through to Arizona, where they expect to locate.

Mrs. H.A. Bassett, of Rushmore, was in the city between trains Tuesday on her way to St. Paul for a visit with her son, L.D. Bassett, who is farm superintendent at the Minnesota Agricultural college.

Mrs. Bessie Laythe Scoville, state president of the W.C.T.U., has been secured to give an address in Worthington on Friday evening, February 26th. Further particulars and place of holding the meeting will be announced next week.

The Indian Lake Gun club held its first shoot of the new year last Friday and elected officers for the ensuing year as follows: President, Gust Larson; secretary and treasurer, Andre Johnson. quite a number of high scores were made at the shoot.

Jacob Miller was arrested about midnight Wednesday night for drunkenness. It appears he became intoxicated and upon reaching his home he began to abuse his family, with the result that he was placed under arrest and will be given a chance to explain his conduct to the court this morning.

Mrs. N.A. Ring and two children, Dorr and Glee, of Twin Falls, Idaho, were guests Wednesday at the G.B. Hildyard household. Mrs. Ring has been spending a few days at Lake Park, Iowa, and came up for the day with Mr. and Mrs. Hildyard, leaving for her home in the west Wednesday night.

Elect Officers

At the annual meeting of the Worthington District Fair Association the following directos were elected for the ensuing year: Dr. J.N. Gould, Henry Pfiel, A.R. Albertus, C.R. Saxon, J.D. Humiston, F.R. Durfee, P.C. Anderson. At a meeting  of the directors following the annual meeting Dr. J.N. Gould was elected president and A.R. Albertus treasurer. The office of secretary has not been filled, but will be a later date.

Diamond ring Stolen

Mrs. Howard Meyers is mourning the loss of one of her diamond rings, which was taken from her home one night last week. Mrs. Meyers had been away from home and on her return found that some one had secured the key to the house during her absence and had entered and taken the ring. The matter was reported to the authorities, but there is no clew to the culprit. Nothing else in the house was disturbed.

----End Transcription----

Microfilm, Worthington Advance; Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, MN; obtained November, 2007.

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