Worthington Advance, 1909

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Newspaper Articles
from Worthington Advance
 March, 1909

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Friday, March 5, 1909

Able Addresses Upon Mission Work at M.E. Church Friday and Saturday

At the Methodist church last Friday and Saturday was held a missionary rally. The afternoon session on Saturday was not largely attended, but the evening sessions on both days was attended by a good sized crowd.

Dr. F.B. Cowgill, of Mankato, opened the evening session Friday with a brief address, in which he stated the aims and objects of the rallies here and elsewhere. In the absence of Dr. J.B. Trimble, Dr. Beck, a native of Nebraska, but for twenty years a missionary in Korea, and superintendent of the publishing houses of Korea, spoke on the progress of the Methodist missions in Korea, which were started in 1885, the first Protestant conference being held there in 1887.

Dr. E.F. Frease, an Ohio missionary in India, also delivered an interesting address, his topic being "The Present Missionary Situation."

The afternoon session on Saturday was given over to a series of papers, among which was one by Rev. G.A. Cahoon, and an open conference and question drawer, and the evening session consisted of a missionary song service, an address on the possibilities of the missionary movement if adequately reinforced, by Dr. Frease, and a word picture of Korean life by Dr. Beck.

Taken in its entirety, the missionary rally was a complete success, and no doubt the cause of foreign missions was greatly aided by the meeting, as the program brought out most forcibly the need of the work and the things most needed to facilitate the labors of the missionary workers.

Will Give Concert

The Worthington Concert Band will give a concert on Friday evening, March 26th. an unusually fine program is being prepared for the occasion, and the band will no doubt meet with deserved patronage. As is well known the Worthington Concert Band is the equal if not the superior of any similar organization in this section and is deserving of all the support the citizens may see fit to bestow. Don't forget the date, and begin now to make plans to attend the concert. Further particulars will be given in the columns as to place of holding the concert.

Dislocated Shoulder

Fred Tilland, residing south of town, slipped on the ice at his home Monday afternoon and sustained a dislocation of the left shoulder. He came to Worthington where he received the necessary surgical attention, and although it will probably be several days before he will be able to use the injured member, he is doing as well as possible under the circumstances.

Attend Inauguration

Worthington was represented yesterday in the ceremonies incident to the inauguration of William H. Taft as president of the United States, the Nobles county residents being Capt. S.S. Smith, Quartermaster Sergeant Chas. Loveless and Musician Arba Bedford, of Company F, who accompanied Company B, First regiment, M.N.G., to the national capital, the latter company acting as escort and bodyguard for Gov. John A. Johnson.

The party left Worthington Saturday night for Minneapolis, the home of Company B, and left Sunday night for Washington. Not only will they have the pleasure of witnessing one of the sights that is not accorded to the major portion of people, but they will have the honor of participating in the ceremonies.

Elk News

The mission band meets with Mrs. P. Schulz this week.

Rev. Charles Hilary, who has been on the sick list for some time, is improving.

Mrs. G. Smith, of Reading, has visited the past week with her daughter, Mrs. A.G. Finchk.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Dalheim, of Elk, are moving to Worthington this week, where they expect to make their home in the future.

Married, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Kimmel, Sadie Mae to Mr. William Dalheim, Thursday evening, February 25, 1909.

Taken to Stillwater

Deputy-sheriff Ira Mishler last Thursday night took Edward Eberhardt to Stillwater where the latter was placed in the state penitentiary under sentence of one year for forgery. Eberhardt, it will be remembered, raised a check which had been given him by a farmer in payment of labor and cashed the instrument at Org. He skipped out, but was apprehended and brought back. At the last term of district court he entered a plea of guilty as charged it the indictment and was given the sentence above mentioned. That the penalty was not heavier can be credited to his aged mother, who came here and did everything possible to save him.


Dr. Simpson here, Mar. 10th and 11th.

Mrs. A.F. Collins is visiting friends at Hardwick.

C.M. Crandall left Monday night for Vale, Oregon.

M.L. Holbrook made a business trip to Brewster Wednesday.

Mrs. Robt. Smith is visiting this week with friends in Minneapolis.

Clyde Williams left this week for North Dakota where he will locate.

Garret Ellerbrock, of Sibley, was a business visitor to Worthington Tuesday.

Mrs. G.W. Roth entertained several of her lady friends at tea Friday afternoon.

J.J. Kies was down to Estherville, Iowa, Wednesday on real estate business.

C.E. Hale, of Windom, was transacting business in Worthington Tuesday.

Ed Finnegan, of Lismore, was in the county seat Wednesday on a business mission.

Miss Alma Dingwall is quite ill at the home of her parents, suffering with bowel trouble.

Mrs. Fred Van Holt, of Round Lake, is at the Weidow & Mork hospital for medical treatment.

Mesdames Williams and Hagerman, of Brewster, spent Wednesday in this city, the guests of friends.

Mrs. E.L. Gillette returned home Friday from the twin cities where she purchased her spring millinery stock.

Roy Beede, of Madison, S.D., returned home Wednesday evening after a visit to his sister, Mrs. L.W. Abbott.

The missionary society of the Congregational church met at the home of Mrs. E.C. Pannell Wednesday afternoon.

Frank Duster spent Tuesday evening with Worthington friends on his way to Lakefield from an over Sunday visit at Wilmont.

Louis Hart, who has been assisting his brother at Hart's store for several months, returned to his home in St. Louis Monday.

F.R. Durfee, of Reading, was in the city Saturday on his way home from Sheldon, where he had been on a visit to relatives.

The bridge whist club was delightfully entertained last Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. L.M. Shell. Those present report an enjoyable evening.

Peter Cedargreen, of Boone, Iowa, has been here this week visiting friends in Bigelow township and looking after his farm interests in the same township.

Miss Nellie Johnson, teacher in the Moberg school, has been unable to attend to her duties this week owing to the presence of a felon on one of her fingers.

W.A. Lackey, a former resident of Nobles county, but now living at Sioux Falls, visited a few days the past week at the home of A.F. Dring in Indian Lake township.

Mrs. S.M. Stewart entertained a party of twelve lady friends at five o'clock tea on Tuesday afternoon, and a very delightful time is the report given by those present.

Preaching next Sunday morning at the Presbyterian church by William M. Jennings, D.D. On account of the union meeting at the M.E. church, there will be no evening service.

Mrs. W.I. Humiston, most enjoyably entertained the Bridge club last Thursday afternoon. During the course of the afternoon's play Mrs. Humiston served a dainty luncheon, and those present report an excellent social time.

I have purchased the J.W. Sliver milk route and will be prepared from this date to deliver milk and cream to all who may wish. Milk, 5c per quart; cream, 25c. W.N. Shanks, 'phone 219-J1.

Mrs. Walter Dunbar was hostess for the Whist club last Tuesday evening. Luncheon was served and the evening passed all too quick to suit those present, and Mrs. Dunbar was conceded to be an ideal hostess.

Miss Marion Perry, Conference Deaconness, of St. Paul, was in the city Tuesday and Wednesday of this week in the interest of the Deaconness Home. While in the city she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Williamson.

Miss Alice Jones, who was employed as trimmer last season in Mrs. Gillette's millinery store has been employed for this season and will arrive here March 15th. Mrs. Gillette will announce the date of her spring opening in these columns at a later date.

R. Prideaux returned Wednesday afternoon from a two weeks' visit with relatives in Dodgeville, Wis., to which point he was called by the death of his brother, Francis Prideaux, death being caused from pleura-pneumonia, at the age of 77.

Ward Matteson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Matteson, of Minneapolis, formerly of this city, died at Faribault on February 25th, after an illness of several weeks from typhoid fever. Worthington friends extend sympathy to the bereaved family.

Joe Frye, a farmer living in Dewald township, was found wandering about the streets in a dazed condition Tuesday night due to overindulgence in the cup that cheers, as well as inebriates. He was arrested and on Wednesday was brought before Justice Kies, where he was assessed a fine of $30 and costs or thirty days in the county jail. The sentence however was suspended for six months upon his promise to "be good" for that length of time.

"Billy" White, who came here from Jackson about a week ago to take the position of chef at Hotel Worthington, got tangled up with old "John Barley Corn" Tuesday night, and the latter came out victorious with the result that "Billy" and his accumulated jag were taken into custody. Wednesday morning he was given a hearing before Justice J.J. Kies, and pleaded guilty to being intoxicated and was assessed a fine of $10 and costs or ten days in jail. Not having the necessary cash with which to liquidate, he is now a boarder at Hotel Fauskee.

Daniel Crane, a brakeman on the Omaha, was killed at Windom last Saturday evening. Crane was a member of T. Desmond's crew operating a time freight between St. James and Sioux City, but at the time of meeting his death was working on an extra, the change being made necessary by the disarrangement of traffic owing to the snow blockades. The crew were switching in the yards and Crane attempted to step from the top of a box car to the tender and slipped, falling between the rails in such a manner that the wheels of the car passed over his left leg, severing it at the hip, and cutting off his left arm between the elbow and shoulder. His right shoulder was also broken by the fall. His cries attracted the attention of a passerby who went to his aid. Crane asked the stranger to call a physician as he had been injured, which was done. Meanwhile the train crew arrived on the scene and the unfortunate man was placed on a grain door and carried to the depot and afterward removed to the hospital where he died about three hours later. He was conscious to the last and gave no outward expression to the suffering he must have endured. He gave instructions as to whom to notify regarding the accident and told the manner in which it occurred. Crane had many friends in Worthington where he was well known, especially in railroad circles. He was twenty-four years of age and had been engaged in railroading less than two years. Relatives at Madelia were notified, and they had the body prepared for burial and shipped to the home of his mother in Iowa.


(Received too late for last week.)

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Beckering last Saturday.

Mr. Byers, from Alto, Wis., came to visit relatives February 17.

Miss Kleinhesell left for her home at Hospers, Iowa, last Thursday.

The Ladies Aid Society will meet at the home of Mrs. Dangremond Friday, February 26.

Mrs. D. Redeker was surprised by the ladies aid society Monday. Just think of the next surprise.

Miss Jennie Vauderbush arrived last Thursday. She is a Pipestone girl who will be her brother's visitor, but will also visit Redeker's before she is bound for home.

Prin. Anderson visited with relatives and friends at Brewster Saturday, Sunday and Monday. He arrived in Leota Monday afternoon. He also visited Prin. Ed. Anderson of Magnolia before he departed for home.

It has been reported that Garret Kooiman and Lily Swart were united in marriage Tuesday, February 23. I presume the storm which visited Leota that day may have induced the parties concerned to postpone the marriage.

Mr. Roteman and family were taken by the train from Adrian to Hospers, Iowa last Saturday. He rented his farm to some well to do Leota parties who have taken charge of the farm. Mr. Roteman will, no doubt, make Iowa his home state for the coming year.

(This week's items.)

Arthur Muilenburg had a farewell party Monday evening.

A. Obele's father died Monday and was buried February 25th.

J.A. Byer has returned home to Waupun, Wis., after a pleasant visit with relatives.

Jake Vander Pol was united in marriage to Gerdy Brockhouse on the 25th day of February.

Mr. and Mrs. Muilenburg returned Monday after an extensive visit with relatives at Hospers, Iowa.

Miss Vander Bush departed for Holland, Minn., after having visited relatives. The (sic) was breeted very cordially by her kins.

Rev. Gulker was in Edgerton Monday attending the official meeting of the C.R. Church which called a pastor by the name of Rev. J. Schultz.

Mr. Smidt from Woodstock visited his brother-in-law, Mr. Koning, Monday. Mr. Koning is reported to be ill. Dr. DeBoer was called to attend.

Miss Annie Kruen left for Hospers, Iowa, with the intention of visiting friends. We hope she will enjoy her self very much while she is there.

George Gulker, who was united in marriage to S. Kooiman, moved to Roetman's farm last week. Mr. Dykhouse will farm in co-operation with Mr. Gulker. We hope that success will hover over them while they are engaged in their new undertaking.

Org Observations

Mable and Millie Edstrom, of Worthington were Org callers last Tuesday.

Victor Gustafson and wife are the proud parents of a daughter, which arrived last Sunday morning.

A surprise party was given at the home of K. Deuth on Tuesday evening in honor of their daughter Flora.

Mr. Fengell, of Kingsley, Ia., arrived here Tuesday night to take up his residence on a farm west of here.

Flora and Ferd Deuth returned home last Tuesday evening from Ashton, Ia., where they visited their brother Joe.

Chloe Anderson and brother, Jodie, returned from Rushmore on Tuesday after a few days visit at the Erlandson home.

Indian Lake

Alwin Ahlstrom, of Langing, Iowa, is visiting relatives here at present.

Rev. Gravanda preached at the Baptist church last Sunday morning and evening.

Our town officers met last Tuesday and balanced the books on last year's business.

Miss Nellie Johnson is suffering from a felon on one of her fingers and did not have school this week.

The Ladies' Aid Society of the Baptist church, met with their president, Mrs. John A. Saxon, last Friday.

George Anderson, of Org, began working for Saxon Brothers last Monday and will spend the summer there.

Tom Jenkins, who has been farming near Bigelow, moved last Monday to the Ole Erskine place, near Round Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Larson gave a party last Wednesday evening in honor of Alwin Ahlstrom. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed by those present.

The Gun Club held another shoot last Tuesday, over twenty shooters participating. Andrew Bilsten again proved his title of champion for the day by a score of twenty out of a possibly twenty-five.

The household goods of Rev. Edstam arrived from Duluth last Monday and a number of teams were at Worthington and hauled them out. Rev. Edstam and family arrived Thursday, and he will preach his first sermon next Sunday.


At seven o'clock February 25, at the home of the bride's parents by Rev. Joshua Schechter jr. occurred the marriage of Miss May Kimmel to William J. Dalheim, both of Elk. About fifty relatives and friends were present to witness the ceremony. After congratulations the company sat down to a bountiful supper to which all did justice. The couple are well known in Elk and highly respected by all. They will go to housekeeping at once on the groom's farm. A number of valuable as well as useful presents were received.

Local Intelligence

Dr. Simpson here. Mar. 10th and 11th.

I.F. Kelley was a business visitor to Mankato Monday.

Fred Jobin was transacting business in Adrian Monday.

George Voak was a business visitor to Brewster Saturday.

Mrs. M.E. Barnes spent Monday with Windom friends.

R.H. Dieckhoff spent Sunday with his family in this city.

M. Ronan, of Reading, was a business caller in this city Monday.

Aug. Olson came over from Rushmore Friday on a business mission.

Albert Guthing, of Jackson, was the guest this week of Nels N. Nelson.

H.A. Stricker, of Windom, paid a visit to Worthington friends Friday.

U.G. Cummings of Wilmont, drove to Worthington Friday upon business.

E.G. Edwards, of Rushmore, was calling on Worthington friends Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Dahlberg were Worthington visitors from Rushmore Friday.

Ben Nelson, of Jackson, is in the city the guest of his brother, Nels N. Nelson.

Mr. and Mrs. John Salstrom, of Bigelow, spent Monday with relatives in Worthington.

Humiston & Wolven are adding to the appearance of their store by painting the interior.

C.H. Kalkbrum, of Lake City, Minn., was transacting business in Worthington last Friday.

H. Jacobs, of DeWitt, Ia., was looking after business interests in Nobles county last week.

Mr. and Mrs. B.O. Webb, of Spirit Lake, Ia., spent Saturday calling on Worthington friends.

Miss Minnie Luehrs left Monday for an extended visit with relatives and friends in Minneapolis.

Erastus Church returned home Saturday from an extended visit with relatives at Maywood, Mo.

Mesdames A.N. Peterson and Millie Mansholt of Rushmore, visited with Worthington friends Friday.

Miss Mabel Kunzman, who is teaching near Org, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents in this city.

D. Beherns and family departed Monday afternoon for LeMars, Ia., where they will make their home in the future.

John Reilly, of Wilmont, was in the city Monday on his way home from Chicago where he went to look after a shipment of stock.

V.C. Anderson, of Brewster, was in the city Saturday negotiating for the ice supply for Brewster for the coming hot weather.

Mrs. J.C. Durfee and little son, John, of Fergus Falls, Minn., who have been guests of Mrs. A.R. Alburtus and other relatives the past two weeks, returned home Monday morning.

Gus Engelbretson returned from the road Monday, in answer to a summons announcing the illness of his wife. Mrs. Engelbretson was removed to the hospital Sunday, and is reported as improving.

Rev. Babcock, of Rushmore, spent Monday with Rev. G.A. Cahoon and accompanied the latter gentleman to Bigelow, where they assisted in a series of special meetings the first part of the week.

The Smith Implement Co. had an auto out nearly every day during the past week regardless of the snow and other inconvenience, but the machine under the guidance of Andrew Nystrom gave a good account of itself.

The Nobles County Ministerial association met Monday afternoon at the residence of William Fletcher, pastor of the Congregational church. Rev. Fletcher read an interesting paper on "General Survey of Modern Missions."

J.H. Bryden spent Sunday with relatives in Rushmore.

A. Oberman made a business trip to Sioux City, Monday.

Misses Millie and Mabel Edstrom were passengers for Org Tuesday.

Mrs. Roy Newman spent Tuesday with her father, Vic Anderson, at Org.

Dr. F.S. Hough, of Sibley, was in the city Tuesday on professional business.

Earl Bostic and wife, of Harris, Ia., were visiting with Worthington friends Monday.

Theo Bahls and C.D. Antritter were business callers from Round Lake Monday.

Miss Nellie Plotts left Tuesday for Minneapolis, where she will visit with relatives.

R. Prideaux is in Dodgville [Dodgeville], Wis., this week calling on old friends and visiting relatives.

Miss Kitty Chaney, of Dundee, was calling on Worthington friends and relatives on Friday.

Mrs. M.A. Mattison, of Rushmore, visited Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Charles Hamstreet.

J.M. Plotts, of Warwick, N.D., arrived in the city last week for a visit to his father, R.B. Plotts.

John Masgai went over to Adrian the first of the week to visit friends and look after business interests.

P.R. Farmer, wife and baby, of Spirit Lake, Iowa, left Tuesday for Mankato after a week spent with Worthington friends.

C.E. Sims, of the Worthington Concrete & Tile Co., has been in Minneapolis this week attending the national meeting of the cement products manufacturers.

W.E. Moses, of Northfield, formerly proprietor of the hardware business now conducted by Messrs. Gray and Nelson, was in the city Monday looking after business interests.

Misses Bohlke and Johnson, who recently purchased the Kindlund millinery store, returned to Worthington Monday from St. Paul, where they have been purchasing goods for their spring opening.

M.F. Miller, agent for the International Harvester Co., was in the city Monday. Mr. Miller's home is in Hull, Iowa, but he "makes" Worthington often and has many friends who are always glad to welcome him.

A. Harmon, residing west of town, is quite ill with bowel trouble. An operation was at first deemed imperative, but at this writing he is much better and it is believed he will recover without resorting to heroic measures.

Mrs. Murriel Schutte, of Chicago, arrived in the city Tuesday for a visit with her mother, Mrs. J.M. Addington. Messrs. Addington and Schutte are now in Oregon and expect to move their families to that state in the near future.

W.H. Lawrence, of Kermit, N.D., has been visiting his brother in Summit Lake township, returning home Monday. Before leaving he paid a year in advance for the Advance-Herald and will keep posted on the affairs "at home" for the ensuing year.

Mrs. James Suddaby returned home Saturday night from St. Paul and Minneapolis, where she has been attending the millinery openings of the wholesale houses. Mrs. Hawley remained in the city a few days longer for a visit with friends and to secure any later styles that may be shown.

Chaney & Mackay have on exhibition in their salesroom a new Howard automatic piano, and daily concerts are now the rule, with James Mackay as operator. The writer had the pleasure of listening to several pieces played by the instrument, and they were thoroughly enjoyed.

R.O. Williams, of Kinbrae, was in the city Tuesday. Mr. Williams announces that he will hold a sale of registered short-horn cattle at his farm on Tuesday, March 16th, and will meet the morning train at Brewster and convey any Worthington buyers who may attend, to the sale free.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoeffle went to Kinbrae, Monday where they visited with relatives of Mrs. Hoeffle until Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Hoeffle left Wednesday for Glendive, Mont., where he will make his home in the future. Mrs. Hoeffle and family will join him at the latter place in a short time.

A.J. Flint is the possessor of a dozen little chickens hatched February 12th, and all in a thriving condition. Mr. Flint believes in being up with the times in every respect and because of this fact the chicken industry pays him better dividends than to the average individual. --Lake Park News.

R. Dirks, of Round Lake, is a patient at the Weidow & Mork hospital.

Hon. Daniel Shell went to St. Paul Tuesday for a short visit with relatives.

A.E. Hart returned Friday from a business trip to St. Louis and other points.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hanson, of Adrian, visited over Sunday with J.H. James and wife.

George Bonde, the Reading auctioneer, was a business visitor to the county metropolis Monday and Tuesday.

Miss Sopha [Sophia?] Schwartz, of Wheaton, arrived in the city Tuesday for a visit with her uncle, E.L. Schwartz.

Ed Baxter returned on Monday from Rockford, Ill., where he has been for some months visiting his parents.

F.L. Humiston was up to the twin cities a couple of days the last of the week looking after business matters.

Miss Chloe Anderson, of Org, was in the city Tuesday on her way home from a visit with friends in Rushmore.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sauter, of LeMars, Iowa, visited a few days this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.W. Abbott.

Orville and Frank Congdon came up from Humboldt, Iowa, last Saturday, being called here on account of the serious illness of their father.

John F. Flynn left Tuesday for Vale, Ore. John is interested in a land project at that place and it keeps him busy dividing his time between there and Worthington.

P.H. Brown returned to his home in St. Paul Tuesday afternoon after a week spent in Worthington, renewing old acquaintances and looking after business matters.

Conductor Harvey Hinton resumed his work on the Sioux Falls line Wednesday morning after a two weeks' enforced vacation as a result of an attack of pneumonia.

Ez Evans, of Monroe township, Lyon county, brought in eight full grown wolves Saturday to the county capitol at Marshall, for which he received $10 bounty and $40 for the hides. He has two stag hounds and one grey hound with which he runs them down near Cottonwood river. --Marshall Reporter.

Street Commissioner smith had a force of men at work Monday clearing the snow from the gutters so that the water could reach the sewers when the thaw comes. A considerable portion of the snow melted on Sunday and Monday, making the cleaning of the gutters imperative to avoid allowing puddles to form.

Rev. J.E. Shipp, of Minneapolis, occupied the pulpit at the Swedish Lutheran church last Sunday morning and evening. The congregation was well pleased with Rev. Shipp, and a meeting of the congregation will be held on Wednesday evening, March 10th, at which time it is probable that a call will be extended to him to become their pastor.

Dr. A.J. Simpson, Eye Specialist, will make his next regular visit at Brace's, Worthington, March 10th and 11th. Glasses fitted for all defects of the eye which cause Headaches, Pain in the eyes, Itching, Smarting, Sore or Inflamed eyes, Granulated Lids, cataracts, Failing Vision, Cross Eyes, Etc. All work Guaranteed. Examination Free.

M.H. Austin, of Jefferson, Ia., spent Saturday and Sunday with his son, Lester. Mr. Austin has been on a business trip to Mankato and the Twin Cities and stopped off here on his return trip. It is possible that Mr. Austin may engage in business in Windom, as he has disposed of his interests at Carroll, Ia., and is casting about for a location.

A family of emigrants passed through this place the first of last week in their way to Lismore, Minn. J. Roetman, manager of the Superior Lumber company, gave them much assistance as interpreter, while they transacted business with the local railroad officials. The family are from Holland, near the place where Mr. Roetman was born and raised. They were cigarmakers in the old country, but will take up farming near Lismore the coming season. --Lake Park News.

C.O. Hendricks, of Butterfield, was in this city Friday on a business mission.

In last week's issue of the Advance-Herald space was given to a clipping from an exchange relating to the existence of an odd piece of money -- one-third of a dollar. This week the reporter learned that there is a lady residing west of town who has quite a number of bills issued by the same firm and most of them bear the face value of peculiar fractions of the dollar, being for amounts of 40c, 60c, etc. The lady possessing these rare relics of war-time currency is Mrs. N.H. Elliott. At one time Mrs. Elliott possessed in the neighborhood of five hundred dollars worth of this strange money, but has presented pieces of it to collectors and friends until she only has a few pieces left.

H.M. Meyer was a visitor to Worthington from Lake Park Wednesday.

Miss Mary Gerdes, whose home is at Fulda, but who has been employed at the Steffens restaurant as cook, was operated upon Tuesday morning at the Weidow & Mork hospital for acute appendicitis. She withstood the operation nicely and is now on the road to recovery. Dr. Hough, of Sibley, assisted with the surgical work.

Wm. Burchard made a trip to Brewster Wednesday in the interest of the Worthington creamery.

Lyle Thurber, who recently went to Oregon to take up a timber claim, met with a rather harrowing experience recently. According to advices received here, Lyle lost his way in the dense woods and wandered around for several hours, finally meeting up with a stranger who guided him safely out of his predicament.

The District Convention and School of Instruction of the O.E.S. was in session in this city Wednesday afternoon and evening. About thirty delegates were in attendance from various points in the district. Mrs. Molyneaux, of Winnebago, Worthy Grand Matron, presided, and at the close of the evening session an elaborate banquet, suited to the occasion, was served.

Dr. A.H. Clark is lying at his home very sick with complication of kidney troubles and his attending physicians have but little hope that he will ever recover.

L.C. Putnam, representing the Union Savings Assn. of Sioux Falls, is at the Western negotiating loans to parties desiring same. If interested he will be pleased to explain the plan to you.

Friday, March 12, 1909

[The first part of this article did not microfilm well, therefore illegible.]

Mrs. S.S. Smith and mother, Mrs. Petrie, assisted by Mesdames Tupper and Gould and Misses Ludlow and Tupper, entertained Tuesday afternoon at one o'clock luncheon and five o'clock tea. About eighty guests were present at the two functions and all report a delightful time.

The sad news was received here this week of the death of Miss Hattie Myers, which occurred on March 6th, at the Arkansas City, Kan., hospital, the cause of death being cancer of the bowels. The funeral was held on the 7th inst., and the remains interred in the cemetery at Newkirk, Oklahoma. Worthington friends will extend sympathy to the bereaved mother.

J.F. Cass, of Summit Lake township, closed a deal this week whereby he sold his half section farm to Rock Rapids, Iowa, parties, the consideration being $55 per acre. Possession is to be given next fall. This sale means that Nobles county will lose another good family, as Mr. Cass has property interests at Ladysmith, Wis., and the family will move to that place the coming fall.

C.B. Ward, the first of the present month purchased the building adjoining the Western hotel and occupied by A. Oberman as a livery and feed barn. The building was the property of Mrs. Oakes and the sale was effected through her daughter, Mrs. Dr. J.N. Gould. The property transferred includes only the lot and building thereon, but does not include any of the stock of the stable.

A.F. Collins is laid up at his home in this city as the result of injuries received accidentally at Rock Rapids, Iowa. While assisting in unloading a handcar from another car it slipped, the entire weight of the heavy car coming down on his knee. Fortunately no bones were broken, but the injury is none the less a painful one and he will be laid up for a few days on account of it.

W.E. Larimore and family left Tuesday afternoon for Parsons, Kan., where he will reside [rest of article got cut off.]

Teachers Re-elected

The school board at their regular meeting last Friday evening tendered a re-appointment to the entire efficient corps of teachers now employed, as follows:

Superintendent, E.C. Meredith; principal, Anna Bernard; Latin, Julia B. Hensel; English, Beth Ames; German and history, Carrie A. Bachtle; science, Blanch Donahue; librarian, Jennie E. Beckley; grades, Julia Hyland, Mildred Powers, Elizabeth Thompson, Eva Parish, Mary E. Ashe, Ada Ainsworth, Almino B. Willock, Edith B. Clark, Martha Wick, Freda Otto, Lizzie Swanson, Minnie Nelson, Ida Nelson, Margaret Brooks.


A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas Kruen last week.

A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Westenberg last week.

Mrs. Jake Versteeg went to Sioux Center, Ia., to visit her sister, who has been very ill.

Doeke Dykehouse, who left for George, Iowa, some time ago, is expected home this week.

Ed Heemstra is suffering from an attack of appendicitis. It is feared that he will have to undergo an operation.

M. Radeker and family left Friday for Maurice, Iowa. They will depart for Colorado after visiting their Iowa friends.

John Kallemeyn (sic) moved to Mr. Schoolmaster's last week. He has left the shop because farm life suits him better than town life.

Misses Lena Wassen and Annie Ten Cate were visitors in the Leota schools Monday. They are cordially invited to come again.

Miss Minnie Van Roekel was visiting with relatives last week. She left for her home in Sioux Center this week after spending a pleasant visit with Leota kin.

The state high school examination will be given in the principal's room of the Leota schools. Pupils wishing to take same must bear in mind that it will be given Monday and Tuesday. Bring your pen and ink. The paper will be given gratis. --Henry Anderson, Deputy.

Indian Lake

Rev. Frank Peterson will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday evening.

Mrs. Lou Christensen and two daughters, visited with relatives at Worthington the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Saxon gave a birthday party last Tuesday evening in honor of their daughter, Miss Jennie.

Rev. Edstam preached his first sermon as pastor of the Baptist church last Sunday to a large and attentive congregation.

R.T. Clark, who has been overseeing the Block ranch, at Ocheyedan, Iowa, this winter, visited the first of the week with friends in this neighborhood.

Eric Peterson, who has been janitor of the Baptist church for the past six months, moved his family to Jackson county last Saturday, where he has rented a farm and will test his ability as a tiller of the soil.

Election passed off very quietly last Tuesday, owing to the weather being somewhat disagreeable. A light vote was cast and the same officers elected as last year, with the exception of assessor. C.R. Saxon will serve in the capacity of assessor this year.

----------End Indian Lake article-----------------

WANTED -- Two apprentice girls at Mrs. Gillette's millinery store.

R.L. Morland was up to St. Paul on business several days last week, returning home Saturday.

John Grass, of Fairdale, N.D., and Otto Schmidt, of Mankato, who were called here to attend the funeral of Berthold Schmidt, returned to their respective homes the first of the week.

A. Oberman left Tuesday for a business trip to Mankato and Elk River, where he will look after lumber and wood interests. Mr. Oberman, before leaving, shipped a carload of fine hogs to the Chicago markets.

B.F. Congdon

In the death of B.F. Congdon, one of the pioneers of Nobles county passed away. His death occurred at his home in Clary addition, last Friday morning after an extended illness form Kidney trouble.

Benjamin Franklin Congdon was a native of Michigan, having been born in that state in 1839, and came to Nobles county in 1872 and has resided here continuously since that time.  He was a soldier in the war of the rebellion, having served four years during that struggle as a member of the union army.

Deceased leaves to mourn his loss a wife, three sons and two daughters.

The funeral services were held in the Methodist church Monday morning, attended by a large concourse of sorrowing friends, Rev. G.A. Cahoon conducting the service.

Local Intelligence

M.P. Mullen made a business visit to Luverne Saturday.

C.W. Baker went to Sibley Monday on a business mission.

Herman Peterson was a business visitor to Brewster Saturday.

R.J. Robertson was a business visitor from Harris, Iowa, Monday.

Mrs. A. Bjornstad, of Org, spent Friday with Worthington friends.

M.L. Patterson, of Edgerton, spent Sunday with Worthington friends.

S.M. Granger, of Adrian was transacting business in this city Monday.

Mrs. Anna Davis returned home Friday from a visit with Adrian friends.

Henry Shore, of Ransom, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Cole Guernsey.

Mrs. John Meyers was the guest of Brewster friends a few days this week.

Miss Alida Bedford was visiting with Worthington friends Saturday evening.

Mrs. H. Lestico left Friday for an extended visit with relatives at Dundee.

H.W. Conant, of Sheldon, was transacting business in Worthington Saturday.

Mrs. M.E. Duggin, of Madelia, spent several days this week with Mrs. E.G. Allen.

W.B. Stoutemeyer was a business visitor to Sioux City last Thursday and Friday.

Mrs. A.J. Fauskee returned home Saturday from a visit with Lakefield relatives.

Miss Nina Canfield, of Luverne, visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Canfield.

Pete Peters, the Bigelow auctioneer, was a business visitor to the county seat Monday.

Rev. Frank Peterson will occupy the pulpit at the Baptist church next Sunday morning.

Mrs. Wm. Schroeder, who has been visiting friends in Jackson, returned home Saturday.

Mrs. William Christensen is entertaining her sister and husband, of Chicago, this week.

C.A. Pederson left Monday for a business trip to Heron Lake and other points in the state.

Mrs. Walter Barron, of Rushmore, was in the city for a short time Friday the guest of friends.

W.W. Turnbull, the Sibley real estate dealer, was in the city on a business mission Tuesday.

M.J. Barber and wife returned home Sunday night from an extended trip to California and the west.

Mrs. P.D. Moore returned to her home in Jackson Friday after a week's visit with Worthington friends.

Miss Edith Glasgow went to Minneapolis Friday morning for a visit with relatives, returning home Monday.

Master Gerald Dickens went to Heron Lake Saturday for a short visit with his grandmother, Mrs. Humiston.

EARLY SEED OATS FOR SALE -- Enquire of the Skewis Grain Co., at Worthington, Bigelow or Org.

Al Dougherty, of Rushmore, was in Worthington over Sunday, calling on friends and attending to business matters.

Nick Casereto and Mrs. A. Tossini, of Sioux Falls, spent the day with their brother, J. Casereto and family, Tuesday.

James Mackay was called to Wilmont Monday on business connected with the undertaking department of his store.

Frank Sauter and wife, of LeMars, Iowa, returned home Saturday afternoon after a visit with L.W. Abbott and family.

Ed Norris was in Sioux City several [days?] last week superintending the packing of ice in the Omaha ice house for W.B. Stoutemyer.

Jos. Williams and L.D. Wyman, of Northwood, N.D., were in the city Friday and Saturday looking after business matters.

M.J. Lorge, formerly in the furniture business at Wilmont, died at his home in that village Monday morning from tuberculosis.

George Esterday, of Fonda, Iowa, moved to Nobles county last week and will tenant the W.I. Humiston farm for the coming season.

Clark Pannell, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Pannell, for some time, returned to Drinkwater, Canada, Saturday.

Charles Rowe, of Kankakee, Ill., arrived in the city Monday with his family and will work the C. Kinzman farm during the coming season.

A.R. Alburtus was on the sick list the first of the week.

Carl Bramel is suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism.

Mrs. M.I. Christenson is convalescent after a week's severe illness.

Daniel Shell was confined to his home the first of the week by illness.

Mrs. H.S. Hobson is at the Worthington hospital suffering with an affection of the knee.

Frank Eggleston was called to Brandon, S.D., the first of the week by the serious illness of his sister.

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Dryden are the proud parents of a twelve pound boy who arrived at their home last Sunday morning.

February 28th will always be remembered by Mr. and Mrs. Vic Gustafson, near Org, as on that date a baby girl came to grace their household.

Harry Ferguson, the genial representative of the Luverna [Luverne?] Pressed Brick and Tile Co., was calling on Worthington friends between trains Monday.

C.T. Tupper, formerly in the banking business in this city, is now connected with a similar institution at Spokane, Wash., in the capacity of second vice president.

John Henry Wilson, the nine months old child of Gould Wilson and wife died last Thursday and was buried on Saturday, Rev. G.A. Cahoon conducting the funeral.

N.H. Elliott will probably get settled this week on the farm just vacated by Z. Albert. His family arrived on yesterday's afternoon train from Worthington. --Round Lake Graphic.

Oscar Nebel left Monday morning for a visit with his brother at Centuria, Wis. He will also pay a visit to his old home at Prairie du Chien and other Wisconsin towns before returning home and expects to be gone a week or ten days.

Duff Thomte is still shipping a basket to the Sheldon Laundry each Monday afternoon, and the same is returned Friday. The Sheldon laundry is one of the best in this section and all work is guaranteed first-class in every particular.

Henry Schinkel and family, who have been living near Wilmont, were in the city between trains Saturday. Mr. Schinkel held a public sale on March 1st, at which time he disposed of his effects and has gone to North Dakota, where he will take up a claim.

John McManus, formerly a clerk at the hotel Worthington, was in the city Sunday. John had been attending to some business matters at Mankato and stopped off at Worthington for a visit with relatives and old friends before returning to his home in Sibley.

The small child of Jos. Ulrich stuffed a bean up its nostril and the obstruction failed to dislodge through home treatment, so the child was brought to Worthington Tuesday and the services of a physician enlisted. The bean was removed without difficulty and the youngster will not suffer any ill effects.

Dr. and Mrs. W.J. Dodge returned home the latter part of last week. Mrs. Dodge has been spending several months with relatives at Pecatonnica, Ill., and on the return trip stopped off at Minneapolis, where she was joined by the doctor and together they enjoyed a pleasant visit with Henry Fronck and family.

C. Ehrler, of Marinette, Wis., was in the city Saturday, the guest of Geo. M. DePetit between trains. Mr. Ehrler and Mr. DePetit are old theatrical friends, and Mr. Ehrler is now engaged in renovating and repainting the scenery for the opera house at Rushmore, as well as supplying several new sets, and upon learning of the presence of his friend he decided to run over for a few hours. He is a scenic artist above the average and it is safe to predict that when he finished the Rushmore opera house it will present an appearance that many of the larger towns (Worthington for example) might well envy.

Berthold Schmidt, employed by John James, died on Friday of last week from tuberculosis, after an illness extending over a period of about six years. Deceased was thirty-one years of age and unmarried and was a brother of Albert Schmidt, the shoe dealer. Funeral services were held Monday from the Swedish Lutheran church, conducted by Rev. Schmid, of the German Lutheran church, of Rushmore. Relatives from Mankato and Dundee were in attendance at the funeral, but a brother residing in Texas was unable to get here. The deceased was a hard-working industrious young man, and fought valiantly against the malady, but without avail.

Rev. Wm. Fletcher preached in the Congregational church at Fairmont Sunday, exchanging pulpits with Rev. G.B. Wilder. Rev. Wilder was called here to preach the funeral service for Dr. A.H. Clark and could not get back to Fairmont in time to preach for his service there so exchanged pulpits with Rev. Fletcher.

Three young Finns, one of whom was a good looking young woman, arrived in Windom from the old country last Thursday. They were here by mistake as their destination was Winton, up near Duluth. Every once in a while a mistake of this kind is made and foreigners intended for the mining district get sent to Windom. --Windom Citizen.

Mrs. James Thompson, of Minneapolis, superintendent of the James Martin Brown children's home, which is located at St. Anthony Park, was in the city Saturday in the interests of the home, and while in the city was the guest of Mrs. Dan Snell. The James Martin Brown differs from most orphan asylums inasmuch as the children are not retained in the home any longer than is necessary, but are placed in private homes, where they have the advantage of home surroundings, instead of being gathered together with a homogeneous collection of children.

Matt Fish, the barber, had a peculiar experience Saturday and one which he is not anxious to repeat. He had just finished stropping a razor and had laid it aside, and while attending to the tonsorial needs of a customer, he reached for the comb without looking where his hand was directed and by mistake got hold of the blade of the razor in such a way as to severely cut the third and fourth fingers of his right hand. While the wounds inflicted are neither especially painful nor dangerous they are nevertheless inconvenient and it is a safe bet that Matt will hereafter be sure of the utensil he is after before taking hold of it.

The Sunshine Club met Thursday of last week with Mrs. C.W. Sprouse, and the oyster dinner that the club planned to have for the past two or three months was fully enjoyed by the twenty-nine persons present. The bad condition of the roads did not deter any of the members from being present and in spite of the many narrow escapes from upsetting all arrived right side up, and the experiences encountered only served to sharpen their appetites and better fitted them to enjoy the excellent repast served by the club. There was considerable difficulty experienced in getting the oysters to the place of meeting, but they finally arrived, a trifle late, but in excellent condition. The club will meet on April 1st with Mrs. Veeder.

Mrs. Richard Darling was returned to the insane hospital at St. Peter last Friday. Mrs. Darling's mind became affected some time ago and she was committed to the St. Peter institution, but later was brought home by her husband, but it was again found necessary to place her in the hospital. At the station she refused to board the train and it required all the strength of her husband to place her upon the car. As the train was in motion at the time, the struggle caused considerable excitement as it looked for a time as if the struggles of the unfortunate woman would precipitate both she and her husband beneath the wheels. The trainmen, realizing the situation stopped the train until she was safely ensconced in a seat in the coach.

Friday, March 19, 1909

Died of Typhoid

Mrs. William Wahl, of Reading, passed away last Friday after an illness of a few weeks from typhoid fever. The funeral was held from her late residence Saturday. Mr. Wahl and four children are all bedridden, suffering from the same dread disease, but hopes are entertained of their ultimate recovery.

Painful Accident

Mrs. James Montgomery met with a strange as well as painful accident at her home one day this week. She slipped upon the ice and fell against the iron fence in such a manner as to impale her right hand upon one of the pickets, producing an ugly, jagged wound and nearly perforating the member. A physician was called and the wound given proper medical attention and aside from the inconvenience she will suffer no ill effects.

Card of Thanks

We desire through the medium of the Advance-Herald to extend our heartfelt thanks to the neighbors and friends for their many acts of kindness during our bereavement in the death of our baby. Gould Wilson and wife.

Local Intelligence

Mrs. John Myers spent Sunday in Brewster.

Mrs. Roy Newman paid a visit to Org relatives Tuesday.

C.L. Maxwell is suffering from an attack of the grip.

John Webster was a business visitor to Sibley, Tuesday.

D.F. Bohan was a business caller from Windom Friday.

H. Kettlewell, of Windom, was in the city on business Tuesday.

J.F. Glover, of Sibley, was in the city Monday on pension business.

Dr. J.N. Gould made a business trip to Rushmore Monday afternoon.

Mrs. A.E. Hart is confined to her home with an attack of the grip.

T.J. Hendrick, of Wilmont, spent Sunday with friends in Worthington.

Mrs. Eva Swartwood, of Currie, was calling on Worthington friends Monday.

Mrs. Dr. Ray Humiston entertained the embroidery club last Tuesday afternoon.

A girl baby came Sunday to brighten the household of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Graff.

The four-months-old daughter of James Chermack is quite ill with pneumonia.

Kelley & Co. sold one of their large Buick touring cars this week to Eilert Miller.

J.H. Irwin, of Bigelow, was transacting business in the county seat Monday.

FOR SALE -- Six thoroughbred Fox-Terrier pups, seven weeks old. E.W. Langer.

Gus Rudquist left Tuesday afternoon for Slayton, where he has secured employment.

An eleven-pound girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Piscator Monday night.

Mesdames Al and Robert Dougherty, of Rushmore, were callers in Worthington Friday.

Robert Ryan left Tuesday afternoon for Haswell, Colo., where he will look after his claim.

W.E. Roberts, the Rushmore real estate dealer, was a business visitor to this city Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. burr Ludlow, of Rushmore spent the day with Worthington relatives Tuesday.

Mrs. T.H. Prideaux and children, of Rushmore, spent Tuesday with R. Prideaux and family.

CE. Tribbett, of Ardmore, S.D., was looking after business interests in this vicinity Thursday.

Dr. W.A. Saxon has been appointed health officer to fill the unexpired term left vacant by the death of Dr. A.H. Clark.

Cheapest accident insurance -- Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. Stops the pain and heals the wound. All druggists sell it.

Mr. and Mrs. Lars Sorem and Mrs. S.L. Sorem left Tuesday afternoon for a week's visit with relatives in Minneapolis.

Dr. Cady, of Harris, Iowa, was in city Friday on professional business. He brought a patient to Worthington for an X-ray examination.

Preaching next Sunday morning and evening at the Presbyterian church, by the pastor, William M. Jennings, D.D. Every one is cordially invited.

Rev. A.H. Utzinger, of Mankato, was the guest Thursday and Friday of Rev. G.G. Schmid. He left Friday afternoon for a visit with Luverne friends.

Rev. C.O. Swan, of St. Paul, formerly pastor of the Swedish Lutheran church of this city, was in the city Wednesday and Thursday attending a meeting of the church.

A car of land seekers headed for Texas passed through this city on the Omaha Tuesday afternoon. The American-Canadian Land Co., of Tipton, Iowa, had the party in charge.

Will Loveless is laid up this week, a sufferer from appendicitis. Every effort is being made to avoid an operation, but the outcome of the illness is still in doubt at this writing.

Misses Beth Detrick, of Auburn, Wash., Lena Reynolds, of Kenneth, Minn., and Gertrude Reynolds, of Ocheyedan, Iowa, were guests last week of W.A. Cloud and family.

Duff Thomte has added another chair to the equipment of his tonsorial parlor, making it a four chair shop.

George March, of Sheldon, was in the city Monday on his way to Reading for a short visit with his mother.

Miss Blanche Runyan, of St. Paul, arrived Friday and is the guest of Mrs. Jay Wolven, nee Flora Buchan.

Miss Lena Beilke, of Reading, was in the city Monday on her way to Rushmore, where she is attending school.

Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson and daughter returned home Monday from a week's visit with Omaha relatives.

Misses Elizabeth Gutzler and Helen Patterson returned Saturday from a pleasant visit with Minneapolis friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Nic Reese, of Ransom township, are rejoicing over the arrival of a brand new girl at their home last Friday.

Rev. G.A. Cahoon went to Westbrook, Minn., Friday where he delivered a lecture Friday night, returning home Saturday.

Mrs. Forbes returned home Monday from a visit with her daughter, Miss Amy, who is teaching in the schools at Woodstock, Minn.

Mrs. F.H. Millard was in the city Monday between trains on her return journey to Minneapolis after a visit with Rushmore friends.

Mrs. E.L. Canfield left Friday for a visit with relatives in Luverne. She was accompanied by her three children and remained until Tuesday afternoon.

Rev. Babcock and Rev. Gibbs, of Rushmore, were in Worthington Monday in attendance at the meeting of the Nobles County Ministerial Association.

Miss Effie Parker, of Sioux Falls, who has been the guest of Loren Clark and other relatives for some time, left Friday for a visit with friends in Brewster.

Miss Susan Weston, of Minneapolis, formerly a trimmer in the employ of Mrs. Frank Glasgow, was in the city a short time Monday, the guest of Mrs. Glasgow.

Louis Horwitz, of Sibley, was calling on the dry goods trade in Worthington Friday. "Louie" is one of the most popular traveling men in this section and has many friends outside of his business acquaintances.

Dr. Smallwood, of Worthington, assisted Dr. DeCoster in a difficult operation on Mrs. E.M. Gates last Sunday, for the removal of gall stones, from which she has been a sufferer for some years. --Windom Reporter.

Ralph Anderson, of Org, has been spending the week with his sister, Mrs. Roy Newman, and seeking medical attention for an ailment which was at first thought to be appendicitis. He returned to his home Tuesday afternoon.

The Nobles County Ministerial Association met Monday afternoon with Rev. M.J. Aschim. An interesting address by Rev. G.A. Cahoon on "Early Evangelism Compared to Modern Evangelism," was the feature of the meeting.

We, the undersigned, desire to extend our heartfelt thanks to our many friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness and sympathy during the late sickness and death of our beloved husband and father. Mrs. B.F. Congdon and family.

Judge C.W.W. Dow has been afflicted for the past month with eczema which has affected his face. The humor caused the justice considerable inconvenience, among which is the inability to shave and he has now a fine crop of whiskers.

Messrs. Ed and Will Ulrich, who have been on claims at Haswell, Colo., returned to Worthington Sunday. The boys have both proven up on their claims and will spend some time with relatives in this vicinity before returning to take up active farming thereon.

Q. Barnes has moved from near Worthington onto the place recently vacated by Chas. Weaver and will be employed by J.G. Chrysler the coming season. Mr. Barnes and family formerly resided here and have many friends who are pleased to have them return.

George Crews, of Kimball, S.D., and Miss Laura M. Dubler, of Douglas county, Nebraska, were married at ten o'clock Friday morning at the Methodist parsonage, Rev. G.A. Cahoon performing the ceremony. The young couple left on the afternoon train for a honeymoon trip to the twin cities and other points before taking up their residence at Kimball.

O.H. Nystrom was a visitor to Org Saturday.

Rev. C.M. Johnson preached at Mankato Sunday.

Mrs. C.L. Maxwell was a visitor to Sibley friends Saturday.

G.B. Yates, of Madelia, was in the city Friday on business.

C.C. Cady, of Harris, Iowa, was i the city Friday on a business mission.

Miss Lulu Saxon, of Butterfield, was the guest over Sunday of Miss Mary Ashe.

Chris Broich, of Wilmont, was transacting business in Worthington on Friday.

Miss Laura Cain, of Bigelow, was the guest over Sunday of Mrs. Dr. J.N. Gould.

Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Wolven returned home Sunday from an extended trip to California.

Mrs. Frank Hand returned to Hatfield, Minn., Saturday after a visit with Rushmore friends.

Miss Blanche Donahue spent Sunday in Brewster, the guest of Rudolph Geyerman and family.

Miss Hannah Nelson, who is employed at Windom, spent Sunday with her brother Ross Nelson.

F.J. Netter went to Omaha Monday where he took the examination for fireman on the Omaha railroad.

Mrs. J.A. Rathlenberger, of Iona, returned home Monday morning after a pleasant visit with Mrs. Rose Anton.

Reuben Oakes, of the Rushmore public schools, spent Saturday and Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Dr. J.N. Gould.

Misses Bridget McCall and May Heathcote, who are attending school here spent Sunday with their parents in Brewster.

Miss Alice Jones, of St. Paul, arrived in the city Monday and will again trim for Mrs. Gillette during the spring millinery season.

Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Peterson returned to their home in Windom after a visit with Mrs. Peterson's sister, Mrs. Dr. W.A. Saxon.

Miss Hilda Hesselroth, of Brewster, was the guest a few days last week with Mrs. Alex Montgomery, returning home Saturday morning.

Rev. George Johnson, of Winthrop, Minn., will occupy the pulpit at the Swedish Mission church next Sunday, March 21, morning and evening.

Mrs. Edith Palmer Putnam left Thursday night for Corunna, Mich., to which place she was called by the sudden serious illness of her mother.

Mrs. Alex Montgomery spent Sunday with relatives at Brewster. Her sister, Miss Hagerman, who is attending school here, also spent the day with her parents in that village.

Theodore S. West, of Brewster, was calling on Worthington friends Friday. Theo was formerly a student in the high school here, but gave up at the time of his father's death.

P.D. Moore, who is assisting A.P. Rose, on the Jackson county history, spent Sunday with Worthington friends. He and Frank Duster are now engaged in securing data at Heron Lake.

On March 27th, Hayes & Reilly will hold their third annual sale at their barn in Wilmont. On that date they will sell twenty head of horses and mares, a number of young bulls and brood sows.

Mrs. Fred Parker, of Sioux Falls, spent Sunday with her parents in this city, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Thompson. Mrs. Parker left Monday morning for Turtle Lake, where she is taking treatment with Till the celebrated healer.

Miss Edna Beebe, of Emmetsburg, Iowa, spent Friday evening and Saturday with Miss Mildred Powers. Miss Powers and Miss Elizabeth Thompson went down to Sheldon Friday evening to meet her, and accompany her to this city.

The five-year-old son of W.E. Davis amputated the end of the little finger of the left hand Friday afternoon. While playing about the house he accidentally got the finger caught in the cogs of a washing machine. Surgical attendance was immediately secured and the little fellow is getting along all right.

Dr. Samuel F. Kerfoot President of Dakota Wesleyan University at Mitchell, South Dakota, will preach at the Methodist church next Sunday, both morning and evening. Dr. Kerfoot is a most pleasing and helpful speaker and should be heard by a large audience. In the evening he will deliver an educational sermon in which young people will be particularly interested.

Carl Lundstrom spent part of last week at his farm near Storden. He says that he found a three-acre apple orchard destroyed by rabbits. The snow had enabled them to bark the trees high up. Mr. Lundstrom had been watching the growth of the orchard with considerable interest, and the destructive work of the rabbits causes him considerable disappointment. --Cottonwood County Citizen.


Walter Gilchrist is now employed at the Anthony barber shop.

I.F. Kelley is attending the auto show at Minneapolis this week.

Roscoe Smith, of Brewster, was in the city Tuesday calling on friends.

C.M. Crandall returned home Tuesday from a business trip to the west.

Mrs. A.J. Olund was a passenger for her new home at Bigelow Wednesday.

F.L. Humiston left Tuesday for Texas to look over the land prospects.

Dave Anthony, the barber is still soliciting a liberal share of your patronage.

A five 11-room house, in good location for rent or wale. Inquire of E.B. Paul.

Watch the papers for the dates of our regular spring opening. --Hawley & Suddaby.

Harold Oakes has been confined to the house this week, a sufferer from the grip.

Arthur Warrington was down from Brewster Tuesday for a visit with Worthington friends.

Mrs. M.L. Holbrook left Saturday for a visit with friends in Sioux Falls, returning home Monday.

A. Oberman shipped a car of hogs to Chicago Thursday and a car of cattle to Sioux City Monday.

Merle Hurlbert has closed his cigar factory and will return to his old position on the Omaha railroad.

J.H. Johnson, of Dundee, was in the city Friday on business connected with the creamery of that place.

J.D. Humiston returned home Sunday night from an extended trip through California and Oregon.

Dr. Ray Humiston went to Sheldon Tuesday where he was called in consultation with Sheldon physicians.

A. Oberman will occupy the Humiston building next to the Western Implement Co., as an office after April 1st.

C.W. Davis, the Advance-Herald representative at Kinbrae, was a business visitor to the county seat Monday.

Mrs. Ira Alvord left last week for Pipestone, where she will visit for a couple of weeks with her parents Rev. and Mrs. Day.

Mrs. Gould Wilson and little daughter left Tuesday morning for Pipestone, where they will join Mr. Wilson, who will farm in that region this season.

Four geese came to my place about March 1st. Owner can secure same by identifying and paying charges. N.M. Nelson, Route 2, Box 47, Worthington.

Tom Palmer measured an extra foot in height Tuesday morning, all owing to the fact that a visit from the stork added a new boy to the Palmer household.

George A. Bass, son-in-law of A.A. Abbott, of Indian Lake township, moved here the first of the month from New Hartford, Iowa, and will farm in Lorain township.

T.J. Lilly, insurance adjuster for the Continental Insurance Company, was in the city Monday adjusting the fire loss on Nels N. Nelson's restaurant. He returned to St. Paul Tuesday morning.

Dave Beers, of Luverne, spent Friday and Saturday with J.S. Frink and wife. Mr. Beers, who is deputy sheriff of Rock county, was returning home from Owatonna, where he had been to place a girl in the state public school, and stopped off for a short visit.

Mrs. Henry James left Monday afternoon for St. John's Park, Florida, where she will look after some land interests. Mrs. James recently made an investment in the Florida property and her visit at this time is for the purpose of investigating the merits of the property.

Nels N. Nelson, whose restaurant was destroyed by fire, announces that he will open for business in his new quarters next Wednesday. Mr. Nelson did not expect to get started before the first of April, but by extra hard work succeeded in getting started a week earlier.

Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Dr. J.N. Gould entertained at one o'clock to a St. Patrick's luncheon, and at five to an "at home." The decorations were green, principally of jonquil and smilax. About sixty ladies were present and a most pleasant afternoon was enjoyed.

A beginning class in the primary department of the Public Schools will be organized at the opening of the spring term, March 29th. Children six years of age will be admitted. All those planning to attend the spring term should enter on the above date. E.C. Meredith, Supt.

The regular quarterly inspection of Company F was held last Tuesday night at the armory, fifty three members being in attendance. A school for non-commissioned officers was also held, after which all present enjoyed a lunch. The boys passed inspection creditably we are informed.

Mrs. Charles Loveland went to Cherokee, Iowa, Wednesday, having been summoned to that place by a telegram from her husband. The message did not give particulars, simply bid her come at once. Mr. Loveland is employed there at his trade of baker, and the fear is that he has suddenly taken ill.

In the account of the high school reception last week, we inadvertently omitted one of the features of the pantomime portrayal of future careers, failing to note the fact that according to Freda Lees' horoscope of Theresa Sibley, the latter would devote her future life to emulating the example of Carrie Nation.

C.A. Pederson, of this city, has been engaged by the Dundee creamery as butter maker, and left this week to accept the position. He will move his family to that village in the near future. Mr. Pederson is an expert butter maker, having been engaged in that line of business at Sioux Falls, St. Paul and other cities previous to coming to Worthington.

Dr. Humiston has removed his office to his old location over Albert Schmidt's shoe store. His old offices over Loveless' grocery has been remodeled and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wolven will occupy the same as living apartments. As soon as the weather will permit work upon the new hospital, it will be rushed to a rapid completion and the doctor will then have permanent quarters.

Mesdames C.P. Dolan, Harvey Rew, F.R. Coughran and Miss Josephine Coughran very pleasantly entertained about fifty lady friends at the home of Mrs. Dolan last Friday afternoon at the hours of four and five-thirty. The decorations were in violet and white and the color scheme was carried out in the refreshments served. All present report a pleasant time.

The American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association is in convention at the Coliseum in Chicago this week, and Walter Dunbar, of this city, roadmaster for the Omaha road, is in attendance, departing Tuesday morning. C.E. Geelan, of Sioux Falls, joined Mr. Dunbar here and made the trip with him.

Down in Albert Lea, Minn., the wife of a college professor was one of the speakers and made a splendid address at a recent dairy meeting. Mrs. Vye deserves the thanks of the creamery folks for "breaking the ice," so to speak. Get the women interested in creameries and dairying and all the rate fixing, combinations and schemes ever worked out in the fertile brains of those who wish to destroy the home plants will not lure the farmer to ship away his cream. --Dairy Record.

Restaurant Change

A deal was consummated Monday by which Vanda Duba disposed of his restaurant on Second avenue to C.O. Ford, of Estherville, Iowa, Mr. Ford taking possession immediately. The new proprietor is an experienced restaurant man and a pleasant man to meet and we predict for him a continuance of the excellent patronage enjoyed by Mr. Duba. In talking with the reporter Mr. Duba stated that he had not as yet formed any plans for the future, but it is more than likely that he will remain in Worthington for a time at least.

A Disciple of Roosevelt

C.M. Cory, judge of probate, is pretty nearly the proudest man in town these days. The Judge always has been an exponent of anti-race suicide, and has succeeded in living up to his views on the subject, the stork having visited his home last Friday and presented Mr. and Mrs. Cory with twin boys. All concerned, even the judge, are doing well.

Investigated Water Plant

S.T. Palmer, mayor, and C.T. Beh, W.H. Hejeboek, Otto Schmusser and P.J. Ziehr, aldermen, of Lake Park, Iowa, were in the city Friday inspecting the workings of Worthington's water system, especially the filter arrangement. Superintendent Mercer acted as guide and showed the gentlemen all the points possible in regard to the workings of the plant.


I will open for business Wednesday, March 24th in the Bigelow building, recently vacated by the Worthington Plumbing Co. I wish to thank my patrons for their patronage before the fire and hope to welcome them in my new location. Nels N. Nelson.

Friday, March 26, 1909


Porter Wanted. Hotel Worthington.

Mrs. E.K. Smith spent Sunday with friends in Adrian.

Chas. Hayes, of Wilmont, was in the city Wednesday on business.

C.E. Abbott made a business trip to the twin cities Monday afternoon.

Loren Clark was a Sunday visitor with Mankato relatives and friends.

Fred Munchow is quite ill at his home suffering from an attack of lumbago.

Master Harry Ferguson spent a few days this week with Brewster relatives.

Mrs. A.F. Dring returned home Monday from a visit with relatives at Lakefield.

Mrs. Julia Hensel and daughter, Virginia, went to Fairmont Wednesday for a visit with friends.

Mrs. J. Suddaby went to Sioux City Monday afternoon on business connected with her millinery store.

Mrs. Chas. Hamstreet and the children visited with Rushmore friends from Saturday until Tuesday.

Mrs. J.H. Goff returned to her home in Slayton Monday after a few days spent with relatives in this city.

Mrs. Henry Franck, of Minneapolis, is the guest of Mrs. Dr. P.T. Geyerman and other friends this week.

A. Light, formerly of this city, but now engaged in business at Sioux Falls, was calling on Worthington friends Monday.

Miss Mary Gerdes, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis, has recovered sufficiently to be released from the hospital.

Lydia, the nine-year-old daughter of A. Hardow underwent an operation last Saturday at which time the tonsils and several adenoids were removed.

Mr. and Mrs. Russel Moberly left Monday for a short visit with friends in Adrian, after which they will leave for their new home at Chickasha, Okla.

Oscar Kunzman, accompanied by his little nephew, Clifford Jones, left Monday for Sandwich, Ill., to visit with Clifford's parents and other relatives.

Col. B.S. Uden, who recently moved here from Illinois, has purchased the house and lot on the corner of 14th St. and 3rd Ave. recently vacated by Chas. Hamstreet and will move into the same as soon as some needed repairs can be made.

Guy Hancock, the popular brakeman, who has been running between this city and Mitchell, S.D. has been transferred to another run and is removing his household effects to Minneapolis, where he will reside in the future.

Dr. W.J. Dodge, having completed a special course in gold inlay and brigge (sic) work at Minneapolis, is again attending to his dental practice in this city. This latest course makes the popular dentist strictly up-to-date in all methods in use in modern dentistry.

M. Pine, of Chamberlain, S.D., has been in the city the past week looking after property interests. Mr. Pine recently made a deal by which he comes into possession of considerable real estate in Worthington and some Nobles County farm property.

Leland Blackert, of Spirit Lake, Ia., spent a few hours Wednesday with Dr. L.R. Gholz. Mr. Blackert is a son of the editor of the Spirit Lake Beacon and has been at Mankato for medical treatment for rheumatism. He is in pretty bad shape from the dread affliction.

M.J. ("Maj.") O'Connor, formerly manager of O'Connor's orchestra, but who has for several months been engaged in the hardware business in Lismore, was in the city Monday renewing old acquaintances. He left Monday afternoon for Minneapolis, where he will engage in business of some kind, and perfect his plans for putting out as model harp orchestra next season.

Were Married Tuesday

Miss Etta Hutzell and Mr. Harvey Sanders were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sanders, in Lorain township, last Tuesday evening, March 23, at eight o'clock, in the presence of a company of immediate relatives of the contracting parties, Rev. G.A. Cahoon officiating and the beautiful ring service being used.

After a sumptuous wedding feast, the bride and groom left for a visit of several days with Iowa friends. A number of choice gifts were received by the happy couple, who will shortly begin housekeeping on the farm of E.V. Voak, in Elk township.

The groom is a brother of Mr. Stephen Sanders, while the bride is a sister of the latter's wife. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanders, of Jackson, were among the guests present.

Local Intelligence

Miss Martha Wick is visiting Jackson friends this week.

W.T. Steiner was a business visitor from Sibley Saturday.

H.D. Davis came over from Windom Friday on a business mission.

Henry Harberts, of Sibley, was in the city Saturday on business.

Barney Smith was a Worthington visitor from Round Lake, Saturday.

Maguerite [Marguerite?] Becker, of Brewster, spent Sunday with her mother in this city.

W.C. Wyatt, of Bigelow, was a business caller to the county seat Friday.

Mrs. George W. Wilson went to Heron Lake Saturday for a visit with friends.

Mrs. J.M. Locke, of Ellsworth, spent Friday in Worthington the guest of friends.

Miss Jennie Beckley is spending her school vacation with Minneapolis friends.

E.J. Sjholm, of Great Falls, Montana, arrived Friday and is visiting his parents.

Mrs. Peter Anderson, of Org, has been quite ill the past week with kidney troubles.

H.D. Barnard, accompanied by a lady friend, were visitors from Reading Saturday.

Mrs. A.R. Albertus and daughter, Jean, are spending the week with Jackson relatives.

H.A. Brown, of Ft. Dodge, Iowa, was transacting business in Worthington Saturday.

Theo. Bahls, the Round Lake merchant, spent Saturday morning in Worthington.

Mrs. J.D. Humiston and children went to Mankato Saturday for a visit with relatives.

The three year old son of Mrs. John Ba_s [illegible] has been quite low with measles but is now recovering.

Miss Alice Phillips, of Harris, Iowa, was calling on Worthington friends between trains Saturday.

Miss Ada Ainsworth is spending her school vacation with Rev. and Mrs. G.B. Wilder, at Fairmont.

J.H. West returned to his work at Hartley Monday after a visit with friends and relatives in this city.

Messrs. Dan and Albert Gilchrist, of Ryan, Minn., spent Friday and Saturday with Worthington relatives.

Miss Effie Parker, of Sioux Falls, who has been visiting her uncle, Loren Clark, left Friday for a visit with Mankato friends.

Miss Lizzie Swanson left Friday for a day with friends in St. James, after which she went to Mankato, where she will spend her vacation.

Mrs. George DeLate returned to her home in Luverne Monday afternoon after a short visit with her brother, A.L. Canfield, and family.

Mrs. H.A. VanEpps, of Sioux City, returned home Saturday afternoon after a pleasant visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Allen.

Oscar Nebel returned home Saturday from a two weeks' visit with relatives and friends at Prairie du Chein, Cadot and other Wisconsin towns.

Oscar F. Blood left Saturday for Sioux City, where the Worthington Plumbing Co., has a large contract, and Mr. Blood will superintend the work.

Miss Alice Raridon, of Madison Lake, Minn., who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ager the past week, returned to her home Monday morning.

William Burchard, of the Worthington Creamery, last week purchased the cans, testing apparatus and a large amount of the property of the defunct Sibley creamery.

W.E. Moses, erstwhile proprietor of the hardware store now operated by Messrs. Gray and Nelson, came down from Northfield Friday on a business mission and remained over until Saturday night.

Francis Morgan, the genial representative of the Singer Sewing Machine Co., returned to Worthington Friday after an absence of several weeks spent at Pipestone and other points in the interest of his firm.

Miss Margaret Brooks, one of the popular corps of teachers, is spending her vacation in Windom, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Peterson. She was accompanied by Miss Orpha Saxon, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W.A. Saxon, who will also be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Peterson.

Miss Ella Guernsey was a passenger for Bigelow Friday.

Miss L. Davis of Sioux City is the guest of Mrs. M.C. Carr.

Mrs. C. Barnard, of Org, spent Friday with Worthington friends.

Rev. R.L. Finney, of Luverne, was in the city between trains Friday.

Mrs. A.J. Fauskee went to Lakefield Friday for a visit with relatives.

A. and Arch Gilman, of Sioux Falls, were guests Friday of Walter Gilchrist.

Rev. Fletcher left Tuesday for Minneapolis on business. He will return today.

August Seils, who has been visiting Albert Schmidt, left Tuesday for St. Paul.

Prof. E.C. Meredith returned Tuesday from a visit with Minneapolis friends.

Charles Morton of Rushmore, spent Friday evening with Worthington friends.

Master Gerald Dickens is spending his school vacation in St. James, the guest of his aunt.

Reuben Dryden and wife left Tuesday for a visit with Mr. Dryden's parents at Windom.

Miss Mabel Kunzman, who is teaching at Org, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents in this city.

FOR SALE -- Lot of lumber including a lot of new oak posts. Will discount any price. See me at once. A. Oberman.

Miss Mary Ashe went to Mankato Saturday and is spending the spring vacation with her parents and other relatives.

Mrs. Wm. Jennings, wife of the Presbyterian minister, is visiting her parents in Janesville, Minnesota, this week.

Ross Meader, of Sibley, was in the city Tuesday on his way to Wilmont where he went to look after real estate interests.

May Holland and Anna Graves, who have been attending school in this city are spending the week of vacation at their homes in Bigelow.

Miss Lora Myers, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Myers, returned to Fulda Saturday to resume her school duties.

Misses Freda Lees and Gertrude Geyerman went to Brewster Friday and will spend the school vacation with their parents in that place.

Miss Emma Nelson, of Jackson, returned to Worthington Monday and is assisting her brother Nels N. Nelson in getting things in shape at the restaurant.

Clarence and Edwin Pannell left Tuesday night for Drinkwater, Can., where they go to visit their brothers and will probably locate there if the conditions warrant.

The firm of Hildyard & Robson, who have been operating a second hand store for some months, has been dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Robson retiring.

George Bonde, of Reading spent Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning in Worthington on his way home from Des Moines, Iowa, where he has been on a business mission.

Hildyard and Robson will sell their second hand goods on Peter Thompson's corner on Saturday, March 27th, commencing at 2 p.m. Col. J.N. Holbrook, auctioneer; S. Kindlund, clerk.

D. Maloney, of Grand Junction, Iowa, arrived in Worthington Saturday and is looking after his land interests in this vicinity. Mr. Maloney owns a half section of land close to the city of Worthington for which he is anxious to secure a suitable tenant.

Marie Valentine Forsythe died at the home of her parents in Anoka early Thursday morning, of acute bronchitis, aged 13 years. The remains were brought to Worthington Friday afternoon and interment made immediately upon arrival of the body, with commitment service at the grave, conducted by Rev. G.A. Cahoon. Deceased was a niece of B.I. Tripp, formerly register of deeds in this county, and that gentleman was in the city Thursday arranging for the burial.

A number of friends surprised Grover Fitzgerald last Wednesday evening. The guests brought oysters and all that goes to make a good supper and it was not until the small hours of the morning when the party broke up, much to the regret of those assembled.

Word was received in this city Sunday of the death at LaCrosse Wis., on Saturday of Mrs. A.C. Anderson, mother of Mrs. C.B. Ward, after an extended illness. Mrs. Ward has been at the bedside of her mother for the past two weeks, having been summoned to LaCrosse by a telegram announcing her mother's serious illness. The funeral was held Tuesday and Mrs. Ward will return either today or tomorrow. Mrs. Ward's many friends will unite with this paper in extending condolence in her hour of bereavement.

Major M.C. Dillenback and wife arrived in the city Friday and are recuperating this week after a strenuous season in the home talent theatrical line. The major will not make an attempt to present a play in Worthington at the present time owing to the fact that his time is pretty well taken up from now until the school season ends in coaching class plays. The fact that there is no suitable place to present a first-class play no doubt entered into the matter. The major has many warm friends in this city who would gladly welcome him and assist him in any way possible should he decide to return to Worthington at a later date and present a home talent.

Local Intelligence

John Jobin, of Lodi, Ill., called on his nephew, Fred Jobin, Wednesday.

Prof. C.S. Jones and wife, of Dundee, were Worthington visitors Wednesday.

Rev. C.M. Johnson will preach next Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. at the home of Mr. Christofferson, near Round Lake.

Mrs. E.C. Meredith and son, Harris left Thursday morning for Emmetsburg, Iowa, where they will be the guests of relatives for a few days.

Virgil Fellows is now employed on the passenger run between this city and Mitchel, filling the vacancy caused by the transfer of Guy Hancock.

Mrs. Martha Wetmore, of St. James, returned to her home in that city Wednesday after a visit to her brother, A.A. Goodrich, and family.

Dr. J.S. Young, a member of the faculty of the Mankato Normal school will deliver an address at the Methodist church next Sunday evening.

Wednesday was the twentieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. H.R. Veeder, who reside about six miles east of the city, and a number of relatives tendered them a surprise party to commemorate the event, about twenty were present and took them entirely unawares. An elaborate dinner was served and a general good time enjoyed by all who were fortunate enough to be in attendance. Many useful and pretty presents in chinaware were received.

Nels N. Nelson came over from Worthington last week for a few days' visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lars Nelson, who live just north of this city. Nels has been running a restaurant at Worthington and was unfortunate enough to be located in a building in which a destructive fire raged a week ago. Mr. Nelson's place of business was badly damaged by smoke and water but luckily he carried insurance and his loss will not be great. He has rented a new building and will be ready to serve his customers again about April first. --Jackson Pilot.

Mesdames F.R. Durfee and M.L. Crane entertained about forty guests Wednesday to a tea and musicale. Decorations were daffodills and tea was served at 6:30. An enjoyable feature of the gathering was a musical program, at which time, Mrs. Murial Schutte favored the company with a couple of piano selections, Miss Jeanette Carlton and one of the hostesses, Mrs. Durfee rendered vocal selections. The event was probably one of the most enjoyably that has been held in the city for some days. The same ladies entertained again yesterday to a similar function.

Annual Inspection

The fourth annual inspection of Co. F., 2d Reg. M.N.G., will be made by Col. Wm. Gerlach, U.S.A., retired, for the war department, at the Chautauqua pavilion, Monday afternoon, March 29, at 3 o'clock. Capt. Smith expects to have a full company of 76 men present and the inspection will be in heavy marching order, and will be an interesting ceremony and should be well attended if the weather permits.

Postponed Sale

The third annual sale of Hayes & Reilly, which was to have been held on March 27th, at their barn in Wilmont, which has been postponed until Saturday, April 3d. On that date they will sell, twenty head of horses and mares, a number of young bulls and brood sows.

----End Transcription----

Microfilm, Worthington Advance; Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, MN; obtained November, 2007.

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