Waco Daily Examiner, Feb 1874
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Newspaper Articles
from The Waco Daily Examiner,
McLennan County, Texas
February, 1874

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February 3, 1874

Buchanan & Hamilton,
Of Comanche, are whipping goods from this market to that interesting little village.

Collection Day,
(The first of the month) is never a pleasant one let it be never so shiny.

Advertisement of a horse strayed or stolen, from J.W. Brooks.

The difference.
Charon sets you ever free, and Tom Selman charges a nickle. He ought to have the "sticks" worn out on his back, dad burn him.

Our Friend Peterson,
Of the firm of Peterson & Blaffer, left yesterday on a business trip to Austin. They are one of the live grocery houses of the city, and have a well deserved reputation with the entire frontier.

Our Telegraph
Office is one of the most correctly administered in the State. Mr. Finks has won the regard of the people generally, as well as the company whom he has so faithfully served. It affords us a genuine pleasure to thus bear testimony for a worthy gentleman, and skillful operator.

Ed Lyntham,
The handsome assistant at Johnson & Wheeler's market establishment knows just how large to cut your slices of dried beef, which, by the way, they keep in large quantities, of excellent quality and prices perfectly in reach of all.

It is with feelings of sincere pleasure that we note the matrimonial alliance of our talented young friend and fellow citizen, Professor J.G. Cundiff, with the accomplished, amiable, lovely and pure Miss Georgie, daughter of our esteemed fellow citizen, Col. J.C. McCrary, which happy event transpired last Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, at the residence of the bride's father, on Austin Avenue, Rev. B.H. Carroll officiating. We congratulate Prof. Cundiff on his good fortune in winning the heart and hand of such a priceless gem - one of earth's fairest flowers and greatest blessing. We wish for them gentle winds and smooth waters as they glide down the current of the river of life. May all their bright dreams and fond hopes of connubial felicity be fully realized, and beautiful flowers bud and blossom along their pathway.
"How blest the sacred tie that binds
In union sweet, accordant minds!
How swift the heavenly course they run,
Whose hearts, whose faith, whose hopes are one."

Field day,
In the Criminal District Court on Monday, the following cases were tried.
Peter Toliver, (negro) charged with permitting his horse to run in Jno. H. Harrison's field, fined $10 and costs.
Jim Casey, (negro) same offence, $40 and costs.
Andrew Smith, (negro) same offence, acquitted.
Mark Hyder, (negro) same offence, acquitted.
Brown Cooper, assault and battery, fined $100 and costs.

We saw
Two smiling young faces in a storeroom on Bridge street, next door to Mr. Ed. Sturgis, that belonged to Messrs. Moore & Sturgis, grocers, who have lately opened there. We can cordially commend these gentlemen to our "up country" friends as prompt, honest and clever merchants, and we also advise our "up country" friends to keep a bright look out for their "big" ad. in an early number of the Examiner. They mean business, and no mistake.

February 4, 1874

An unpleasant rumor from Gatesville, to the effect that J.H. Armstrong Esq., a lawyer of that place, was fouly assassinated on evening last week. We trust the rumor may prove unfounded.

The following gentlemen are registered at the MCClelland House, kept by J. Skinner & Co.
W.J. Webb, Memphis; A.H. Clayton, Georgia; A.J. Carpenter, N.Y.; M.J. Smith, Ala.; Herman Ayers, Illinois.

Very Sad.
Yesterday Mr. W.C. Tomlinson, who has been very ill, and whose mind seems to be nearly entirely gone, started under the care of kind friends for the Insane Asylum, at Austin. Mr. T. has been long connected with the press of Texas, and of this city for nearly three years. He was a modest, unassuming gentleman and an exceedingly hard worker and a fine printer. By his upright and honorable course here he won the respect of all good people who came in contact with him. His self-denial and devotion to duty cannot be too highly extolled. We trust that in God's own good time this fearful trouble may pass away, and our friend be restored to us and his worthy family, who have the warm sympathy of the entire community.

General Gideon J. Pillow is losing the sight of his left eye.

February 5, 1874

Three Hundred
Bales of cotton were shipped yesterday.

Mr. H.J. Gran,
Of the Norwegian settlement, was in town yesterday, and reports the wheat prospects in the Settlement as very fine.

Mr. Henry Cox
Is the conductor of the mixed train on the Tap, and is a faithful and efficient officer. The Central is peculiarly fortunate in its employees.

The brick
Used in the construction of the public cistern has an exceedingly chicken-pieish appearance. when it caves again, no one will be surprised.

We hear
Rumors of Indian depredations in the "up-country," but they are yet of so indifinate [indefinite] a character that we think it unwise to publish them. As soon as we are in possession of the facts, we will give them to our readers.

R.J. Dean
Was brought up from Bremond, Wednesday night, charged with forging checks in the name of Bagett, which were cashed by Flint & Chamberlin Bankers, of this city. He is now in jail, awaiting examination.

Mayor's Court.
In this court yesterday, Bob Wright was tried on a charge of gaming and acquitted.
J.E. Sims on a charge of profanity, fined $1.00 and costs.
Two drunks were find [fined] 3 and costs, each.

Tom Selman
Saw a man "hauling long lumber," yesterday, and innocently asked him how far back his wagon was coupled. The reply was "As far back as I can remember." Tom didn't pursue the inquiry further. He was satisfied.

A Beautiful
Young widow, has set the hearts of our city beaus to aching, poor fellows. The elder Weller gave some orthodox advice to Weller Jr., once, which we think applicable to the case in point, and might serve to ease the pangs under the vests of the young gentlemen in question. See Dickens.

The following happy people procured marriage ties from our handsome clerk yesterday:
John Beaty and Miss Margaret Padigett.
George Brown and Miss Louisa Rowe.
W.B. Chandler and Miss Martha Rigfield.

TOMLINSON - SMITH. In this city on the morning of the 4th, by Rev. Dr. Standford, of the M.E. Church, Mr. T.A. Tomlinson to Miss Sallie Smith, all of this city.
We wish the young and happy pair, who have thus launched themselves on the tide of life together, a safe, prosperous and joyous voyage to the other side. May all good influences surround them, and the roses bloom thickly on their pathway through life.

February 6, 1874

Mr. Matt Ross was in the city a day or two since.

Dr. Marks
Musical class request him to announce through the Examiner, that they will be glad to meet their friends to-night at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. A fine musical entertainment is promised, and all are cordially invited.

The following
Are among the names registered yesterday at the McClelland House:
P.c. Dixen, Cotton Gin; N.B. Jones, Ala.; N.D. Smith, Publisher Gatesville Sun; Chas. J. Langherz, Galveston; ___ard snipmckenna.jpg McKenna, Mr. Goldsmith and family, Charley Williams, St. Louis; S.O. Berry, Dallas; Sam. P. Ventner, North Caroline.

Business dull
Over in East Waco. Capt. Alexander on top of a wet bale of cotton, with his arms thrust into his pockets to the elbow was about the liveliest thing we saw, except the following gentlemen from the country, buying goods:
W.H. Jones and B.F. Crow, Jones' Mill, Coryelle county; Isaac Malone, Hyco, Hamilton county.

The Party
Night before last, at Mr. R.B. Smith's is said to have been one of the most enjoyable social occasions of the season. Some of the young gentlemen of this city were badly smitten, if we are to judge by their raphsodies on their return. Several ladies from the surrounding county were present, among them the beautiful Miss D. of Bosqueville. These occasions of select and social intercourse cannot be too often repeated, and the well known elegant hospitality dispensed by Mr. Smith and his amiable wife, makes a party there, all that the young, the innocent and the gay could desire.

The officers and members of Waco Encampment, No. 24, are requested to meet at their Hall this (Friday) evening at 7 o'clock. Business of importance to be transacted. By order of H.L. Guffey, C.P.

Fatal Affray.
About 8 o'clock on Wednesday night our unusually quiet town was aroused by several shots fired in quick succession, at the saloon known as the "Ranch." We found the difficulty was between a man named Gus Clayton and another named Geo. E. Sims, and originated in a quarrel about a woman. Clayton received four shots in and about the neck and breast, from which he died; at 4 a.m. yesterday. Sims was shot in the right side, under the arm; his wound is very slight. Yesterday he was examined before Justice Massey, who committed him to jail without bail, to await the action of the Criminal Court.
It is proper to say that both are comparative strangers, and were not residents of this city.

Furniture Sale.
On Saturday, February 7th, '74, I will sell, at my auction room, the entire lot of household and kitchen furniture, belonging to Dr. D.R. Wallace; sewing machines, horses, mules and dry goods sold every day. Don't forget to be on hand at 12 m. for the furniture sale. A.J. Pierce, Auctioneer.

February 7, 1874

Two hundred and Fifty
Bales of cotton were shipped, and three cars of freight and six of lumber were received.

Mr. M.E. Battle,
Of the Texas Express Company, and Dr. L.N. Bruce, are guests of the McClelland House in this city.

Zack Griffin,
(Colored,) charged with assault with intent to kill and murder at Gatesville, was arrested by Deputy Sheriff A.B. Steel, yesterday and is now in jail.

The Following
Convicts left this morning under the charge of the Deputy Sheriff, and two assistants for Huntsville: bob Day, (colored) John Burns, (colored) Jesse Humphreys, (colored) Wm. E. Garrett (white,) Poke Gilmore, (colored.)

Prof. Taylor, the Wizard.
On Monday night, this remarkable man will commence an engagement in this city. We have seen him, and know that many of his feats are only seen in a first-class establishment. He is indeed a wonderful magician, and the "trick" of aerial suspension is first-class. We are glad that he proposes to remain a week, which will afford our citizens generally a chance to see the wonders. He is not inferior to Blitz or Andersen.

The young man,
R.J. Dean, who is accused of forging checks on Mr. Baggett, and passing them on several parties in this place, was before Justice Massey yesterday.
The evidence of the State was heard and the case continued until next Thursday to afford the accused an opportunity to send to Bell county for testimony. We refrain from comment until all the facts are in our possession.

The Grange.
Mr. J.H. Earl, overseer of White Hall Grange, is appointed Deputy to organize Granges in and for the 19th Senatorial District vice D.R. Gurley, resigned. P.O. Waco. Wm.W Lang, Master State Grange.

The Remains
Of the late Frank E. Stephens, were disinterred yesterday and forwarded to his mother this morning, by express.

February 10, 1874

Masonic Building Committee. Waco, Feb. 9, 1874.
The members of the committees from the various Masonic Bodies, met at the office of J.E. Elgin, for the purpose of organizing.
Present -- D.R. Gurley, B.E. Richey, S.B. Trice, Fred H. Page and John E. Elgin. There being a majority present, the committee organized by electing D.R. Gurley, Chairman, and John E. Elgin, Secretary.
On motive, five members were declared a working quorum.
On motion S.B. Trice, Fred H. Page and J.r. Elgin, were appointed a committee to select a suitable location, and estimate the cost of building.
On motion, Waco Commandery was requested to add to committee Dr. Owens, Waco Lodge, Dr. Jo. Willis; Gurley Lodge, A. Alexander.
The Committee then adjourned to meet Wednesday evening at 4 o'clock, and at the same place. A full meeting is desired.
Jno. E. Elgin, Sec'y.

February 11, 1874

The Little Church round the Corner.
A singular and most touching incident occurred the other day, in connection with the death of poor Gus Clayton. Rev. E.J. Gillespie, of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, was called upon to preach the funeral sermon. Upon following his guide to where the remains were, judge of his surprise to find himself in a gambling saloon, surrounded by men of the world, gamblers and others, whose ears were all unused to hear the voice of God's ministers in such a place. The reverend gentleman was equal to the occasion, and preached a discourse that will be long remembered by all who had the good fortune to hear it. Many a cheek, all unused to tears, was wet; and many a heart throbbed with a new emotion. Let us venture the hope that seed so unpromisingly sows, may spring up and bear abundant fruit. God bless the brave Christian minister who could face such a crowd, to lay away decently, one of their own number.


Messrs. Brown & Parrott, Agents of the Mobile Life Insurance Company, who have been so eminently successful of late in our city, are off for Bryan to-day. We wish them the success which has always attended them.

We acknowledge the courtesy of a call from the Rev. R.T. Brown, an Episcopal missionary, who is delighted with the promise of the future greatness of our glorious country.

A Negro on
Bridge street yesterday bought a mattress, and loaded it upon a wagon. Just as he was ready to start home, he lighted his pipe, and at the same time lit his mattress which was soon in a blaze, much to the amusement of the by-standers. His bed was not exactly in h-ll, but it was made in a very hot place nevertheless.

The Following
Is the registered list of guests at the McClelland Hotel yesterday: Prof. E.C. Taylor, Mme. Taylor, Miss Drusilla Taylor, John Burks, R. McKenna, C.R. Hubbard, Wm. Stone, W.A. Hessett, E. Moskowitz and wife.

DISMUKES - GUNNELL On the 8th inst., in Waco, by the Rev. R.T. Brown, Mr. M.L. Dismukes and Ada B., second daughter of Dr. W.P. Gunnell, of this place.
We tender the happy couple our warmest congratulations on the suspicious event, and trust the future has great good in store for them. They enter upon the journey of life together with infinite promise. May the way be richly strewn with life's choicest flowers, and blessings rich and rare be theirs.

February 12, 1874

Papers from this court were granted yesterday to the following persons, permitting a consummation of moonstruck folly: Monroe Gill to Mrs. E. Boatright, Nelson Day to Dilsey Boyd.

Maj. Pearre
Evolved some singular facts before his Honor, Justice Massey, in a trial for stealing yesterday. We regret they are of such nature as to be inadmissable.

February 13, 1874

Several heavy
Shipments of goods from New York, Galveston and New Orleans, were received here for up country merchants.

Mr. J.W. Hewlett
The new livery man, is building up a good business. He is a clever fellow and deserves success.

We Regret
To learn of the illness of Rev. Mr. Hackett, Rector of St. David's church in this city, and rejoice that he is slowly but surely recovering.

Mr. Egan,
The freight clerk at the Depot, has built himself an office on the platform, and has it sumptuously furnished with inverted nail kegs.


B.C. Jackson, a clever merchant from Gatesville, was in the city yesterday.

Mr. Haggart, of Galveston, who has been visiting here for a week or so, left for home this morning.

W.S. Holman, Esq., of Belton, was in the city yesterday, and called to pay his respects.

Mr. R.C. Allgood, of Hamilton county, paid us a visit yesterday.

J.M. West, of Bold Springs, was in the city yesterday.

Mrs. Judge Chamberlin
Won the elegant set of silver, raffled for, at the Catholic supper Wednesday night.

CHAMBERLIN - MARLIN - Thursday, February 12th, 1874, at the residence of the bride, by Hon. E.P. Massey, Mr. James T. Chamberlin to Miss Annie Marlin, both of McLennan county. California papers please copy.

February 14, 1874

We regret
To learn that our venerable and gallant friend, General James E. Harrison, is still quite ill from the effects of his last paralytic stroke.

Miss Katie Williams,
A fair young Virginian, is sojourning at the Herring House. She has come to stay. Look out boys.

The Accounts
Of Golledge & Tomlinson were by order of the arbitrators, placed in the hands of James Torbett for collection and settlement. A prompt settlement is desireable.

We were delighted to meet in our office yesterday, Mr. Johnny Nichols, of Rainey's Creek. We are delighted that there is a remote chance of his resuming his citizenship among us, at no distant day.

February 15, 1874

Mrs. Cruger,
An insane woman who, we understand, was some time since discharged from the asylum as cured, was yesterday kindly cared for by the police. The case is one that enlists the sympathies of every kindly disposed heart. There are some things worse than death.

A Chapter of Accidents
On Friday Wiley Jonus' team ran away with him, and broke a fine buggy all to smithereens.
Mr. Lesterjatt's team ran away with him the same day, and we regret to say broke his leg.

February 17, 1874

Sold on a basis of 10½ c. to 11c. gold, for good ordinary.

Mr. Oldham,
A prominent merchant of Erath, was in the city yesterday.

Boynton & Boggess
Are live men and clever fellows. They are doing a fine retail grocery business.

Has another large shipment of choice cigars; some new brands. Call and try 'em.

Wm. Pogue
Was arrested yesterday on a charge of cow stealing, and gave bond. Wm. "hadn't oughter," etc.

Capt. Jack Elgin
Leaves this morning for Jacksboro. Jack will leave his scalp up in them diggings if he don't look out.

The man
Named Harvey, who was up the other day for stealing hides, is not our friend Capt. Harvey, of the enterprising and reliable house on N.H. Conger & Co., of this city.

Mr. John W. Hewlett
Has fine buggy and carriage horses, skillful drivers, and will be pleased to serve the public with anything in his line, at reasonable rates. Try him.

We Spent Sunday
With our old and sadly afflicted friend, Gen. James E. Harrison. We are sorry to say he is still very much prostrated from his last attack, but is very hopeful, and at the same time resigned to his fate. We fondly trust that his life may be spared.

A Shooting Affray
Occurred yesterday about ten miles from this city, on the Dallas road, in which two brothers named respectively Bud and Crawford Weaver and a man named A.M. Davis were concerned. Davis received a painful, though not a dangerous wound in the leg. It seems that Crawford reached a gun to his brother Bud, who did the shooting. Crawford is in jail in this city. Bud made his escape.

Conductor Murphy
Took out a large train load of Mardi Gras people Monday morning, as "green as grass." We saw the good natured phizes of Waldron and Bob Ross, thrust through the windows, and concluded that mischief was in the wind.

February 18, 1874

Conductor Cox
Brought up a large number of passengers yesterday, all strangers, who come here to settle.

In Granbury, on Sunday morning, Feb. 8, 1874, Mrs. Maggie Snider, wife of Wm. W. Snider, in the 23d year of her age.

John S. Moore,
Our efficient and polite City Marshal, complains that business in his department is exceedingly dull. We dislike to rejoice at the woes of another, but in this instance we do most heartily.

Attention, Knights!
The officers and members of Waco Lodge No. 4, Knights of Pythias, are hereby notified to meet at their Castle Hall, this evening at 7:30 sharp.
By order, J.S. Moore, C.C.
Will Lambert, K. of R. & S.

A Petition
Will be presented to the City Council Thursday night, numerously signed, to retain in his present position, as City Sexton, Mr. Wm. Kinney, the present incumbent. We have glanced over the names signed, and do not hesitate to say, that it is the will of the people of Waco that he be retained.


We acknowledge the courtesy of a call from a brace of young Georgia farmers, Mr. Harrison and Mr. Hooper, who come to Texas to work. They will rent this year, and probably buy next, if they like the promise.

We had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Middlebrook, of White Rock, yesterday.

The Races on Thursday
Will be run over the East Waco course. The following are the entries:
John A. Grant enters "Bull Dog."
John Kelsoe, enters "White Prince," to be run four hundred yards for $200 a side.
William Kasse enters, "Wild John."
A.J. Buchanan enters "Bettie Martin" to be run four hundred yards for $200 a side.
There will be good sport and the boys will be there.

February 19, 1874

We are
Rejoiced to hear that Mr. Frank Trusty who has been quite ill with pneumonia, is rapidly convalescing.

The Buffalo
Hunters who left Gatesville over a month ago for the Conelio, returned the other day. They bagged over a hundred and fifty buffalo.

The wife of
Mr. Davis, who was shot a few days since by "Bud" Weaver on the Dallas road, took chloroform yesterday morning, with fatal results. The difficulty, which we understand is a family matter, is said to be the cause of the death of the unhappy lady.

We Sauntered
Into the elegant dry goods and clothing store of Mr. S. Sanger yesterday. We were astonished to see the immense piles of new and elegant spring suits, and were more astonished at the prices asked. This house is one of the leading houses in their line in this city, and is equally noted for the styles of their goods, their prices and general excellence. We found the polite chief and his ready corps of associates busy arranging the immense stock, and preparing generally, for the large trade expected with the opening of spring. We can warmly commend this splendid house to our friends.

Mr. Bynum,
Of Indians, has rented part of the Stone place, three miles from the city.

List of
Grand Jurors for the April term of the District Court, commencing April 6, 1874.
Clarence Hubby
Tom Hardin
E. Sam Cox
John Jones
Joe Taylor
J.T. Rogers
Warwick H. Jenkins
J.S. Walker
Shed Willis (col)
W.H. Cobbs
Armstead Ross (col)
P.A. Jenkins
G.W. Gamble
W. Christian
John Hobey
L.P. Standifer
James Mata (col)
H.J. Caufield
B. Haber
Ward McDonald

The Examination
Of Mr. Simms, charged with killing Gus Clayton, on the night of the 4th instant, was commenced yesterday, before Robert A. Dyer, Esq., Justice of the Peace, Precinct No. 2. The State represented by Thomas Moore, Esq., and Messrs. Wm. L. Prather and Leizh Burleson, Esqrs., appeared for the defendant. The examination will probably be continued to-day.

February 20, 1874

The Examination
Of Sims, for the murder of Gus Clayton, was continued yesterday and last night, but up to the hour of going to press, the result was not known.

----End Transcription----

For additional info on McLennan County:
McLennan County Cemetery Interest Group website (and database).
McLennan County, Texas website

If you would like more information,
please contact Randy Lane

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