L A R T E R 




place-name in Lincolnshire.

From the Old English 'leahtric - dun' : 'dun' (A hill) where 'leahtric' (lettuce) grew.

Variant spellings of this place-name are -

  • Leahtrictun - OE (date?)
  • Leugttricdun - 680 AD
  • Lactertun - 1227 AD
  • Lachterton - 1253 AD
  • Laghterton - 1316 AD


Larling:Place-name in Norfolk.

Source - Concise Oxford Dictionary of Place-Names.

Larling appears to relate to the OE lyrlingas, which probably means Lyrel's People.

It's also been suggested. Lyrel might be related to the middle English lorel meaning worthless person.

Reference found in another publication states :-

A settlement of the family or followers of a man called Lyrel. Old English personal name + ingas.




place-name in Yorkshire.

Source - The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-Names.


From the Tun of Lurti's people. Lyrti could be a derivitive of Lorta in Lortan hlaew, 934 AD.

May have originated from the Old English belyrtan - to cheat.

A further example extracted from another source explains that Lartington comes from - estate associated with a man called Lyrti..

This Old English personal name Lyrti +ing + tun, gives rise to the place-name.

See Larter: The Deceiver


Larter: a variant spelling

A variant spelling of the Middle English earlier surname - Laughter / Lawter

During the Larter extraction project by the Larter Family History Society, a large number of variant spellings related to the Larter surname has been uncovered, of which the two most common forms between 1438 to the mid 1700s are Laughter, Lawter.

On many ocassions during the 1600s, the spellings Laughter and Lawter were commonly used for the same person or family; and there was a third variant, Lauter, that was sometimes used in place of Laughter and Lawter. The earliest record found for Larter is from the 1500s, which at that time wasn't a commonly found form, but as time moved on during the 1700s, it appears to have become a more popular form; then, in the 1800s it became the dominat form above Laughter and Lawter.



Larter: the Deceiver

Source - The Penguin Book of Surnames

Linked with Lartington: Place-name of Yorkshire.

The Penguin Book of Surnames states -

Larter: ?N 'deceiver, trickster, cheat' OE verb stem lyrt-, through south-eastern ME lert- to lart- (as in Clark), and still a surname of Kent-Essex-Suffolk-Norfolk.

This discription seems to fit in nicely with details found about Lartington, a place-name that is believed to have come from the name, Lyrti.

The fact that three of the previously mentioned variants, Lurti / Lyrti / Lorta appears to be related to the OE belyrtan - to cheat, creates a temptation to accept that this is indeed the origin of Larter.

In many cases, Larter has been found to be a variant of Lawter, and this early Middle English surname in the form of Lawter may well turn out to be a derivative of the spelling Lorta, a variant mentioned in the Lartington theory. This theory seems very tasty, but evidence have not yet been found that shows a link between Lorter of 934 AD, and the Lawter of the 1400s.


Also see the page on Larter variants

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