Wigtownshire Pages, Kirkcolm Death entries
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Kirkcolm Old Parish Record
Registry of the Dead, 1796-1854

The following is a transcription of the death register found in Kirkcolm's old parish records for the period of 1796-1854. Every effort was made to remain true to the information, but it is possible that a few misinterpretations have crept into the work. We encourage researchers to use this only as a finding tool, and to verify the information for themselves by viewing a film of the opr.

Provided by the Wigtownshire Transcription team of: (in alphabetical order) Leigh-Ann Evans Elliott, Meg Greenwood, Carrie Gulline, Ruth Halliwell, Jim Heron, Joyce Lehmann, Margaret McMillan, Mary Lou Rosendale.

A Brief Explanation

O.P.R.s refer to Old Parish Records which prior to civil registration in 1855 were the ledgers in which the parish cleric entered vital information such as marriage, birth/christening, and in some cases deaths. Parish registers were kept only as well as the cleric had time and inclination to do so. In some parishes, within a particular time, the records are exact, precise and a joy to read, in other periods of time, the same parish records could have sporadic entries, or barely legible entries.

This transcription is from the Register of the Dead in Parish of Kirkcolm, beginning in 1796 and ending in 1854.


Bringing these old parish records to the web was a challenging process that required the combined efforts of several people, working together from concept, to final proofing. (in alphabetical order) Leigh-Ann Evans Elliott, Meg Greenwood, Carrie Gulline Ruth Halliwell, Jim Heron, Joyce Lehmann, Margaret McMillan, Mary Lou Rosendale

Disclaimer and Caution

Though this material was proofread several times, it is not guaranteed to be free of all errors. Some of the writing was difficult to decipher. Where we could not reach a consensus about the entry, we either included possibilities or stated it was unreadable.

A Typical Page

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Search the Records

1796 - 1797 1810 - 1811 1826 - 1827 1840 - 1841
1798 - 1799 1812 - 1815 1828 - 1829 1842 - 1843
1800 - 1801 1816 - 1817 1830 - 1831 1844 - 1845
1802 - 1803 1818 - 1819 1832 - 1833 1846 - 1847
1804 - 1805 1820 - 1821 1834 - 1835 1848 - 1849
1806 - 1807 1822 - 1823 1836 - 1837 1850 - 1851
1808 - 1809 1824 - 1825 1838 - 1839 1852 - 1853