Lavina Owens
F, (circa 1812 - )
Birth* | circa 1812 | Lavina was born at Georgia circa 1812. |
Marriage* | 8 January 1835 | She married Thomas Jefferson Nichols at Marion Co., Georgia, on 8 January 1835. |
Married Name | 8 January 1835 | As of 8 January 1835, her married name was Nichols. |
Family | Thomas Jefferson Nichols (circa 1814 - ) | |
Child |
Last Edited | 26 June 2004 |
Hardy Dean
M, (say 1740 - before February 1823)
Mother | Frances Dean1 (s 1720 - a 3 Nov 1760) |
Birth* | say 1740 | Hardy was born say 1740. |
Marriage* | He married Elizabeth (?). | |
1790 Census* | Hardy was listed as the head of a family on the 1790 Census at Wake Co., North Carolina.2 | |
1800 Census* | Hardy was listed as the head of a family on the 1800 Census at Wake Co., North Carolina.3 | |
Death* | before February 1823 | He died at Wake Co., North Carolina, before February 1823. |
Biography* | Wake Co. NC Deed Book G, p. 81: John Baker, Senr. of Anson Co., N. C. to Elisha Peebles of Wake Co., Feb 7, 1785, for 50 pds. specie a tract of 200 acres lying on the south bank of Buffalo Creek adjoining Asa Sairs. Wit: William Wall, HARY DEAN Wake Co. NC Deed Book G, p. 119: Abraham Laurence of Wake Co. to John Ezell of same, Sept. 6, 1785, for 500 pds. N. C. currency a tract of 601 acres on the north bank of Powels Creek at the mouth of the Hog Pen Branch adjoining HARDY DEANS, Aaron Rogers, James Lee, William Wall, and a millpond formerly belonging to Thomas Floid. Wit: William Barham, Miles Racheles. The Will of Hardy Dean, Wake County, NC (LDS Film 1602612): . In the name of God Amen I Hardy Dean Senr. of the County of Wake and State of North Carolina being not very well but of perfect mind and memory do make and ordain this to be my last will and Testament in the following form and manner. . First my land and plantation whereon I live containing by estimation four hundred acres its my will and desire that it be divided in the following manner, first beginning on Powell's Creek where the spring branch that my still stands upon empties into the said creek thence up the said branch to the head thereof thence a straight north line to the Halifax road thence with said Road to Allen Rogers line near the cross roads, thence with said Roger's line and Smith's lines to said Powell's Creek thence up said creek to the first station it being the lower and whereon my son Josiah Dean now lives, I give and bequeath unto my said son Josiah Dean to him and his heirs for ever. . The other part of my land being whereon I now live I lend to my wife Elizabeth Dean to have the use thereof during her life and at her death I give and bequeath the same to my son Theophilus Dean to him and his heirs forever and I feel the desire that my son Theophilus Dean continue to live with his mother and take care of her and family. . Item -- I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Dean one Negroe woman Surry and her increase to him and his heirs forever. . Item -- I give and bequeath to my daughter Rebekah Dean three Negroes, viz. one Negroe man named Tom, Harriott and Lettice and there increase to her and her heirs forever. . Item -- I give and bequeath to my son Hardy Dean one Negroe named Isaac to him and his heirs forever. . Item -- I give and bequeath to my son John Dean one Negroe woman name Anika which he has in possession and her increase forever. . Item -- I give and bequeath to my grandson John Westley Dean son of John Dean one Negroe boy named Peter to him and his heirs forever. . Item -- I give and bequeath unto my son Alsey Dean one Negroe woman named Darkess which he has in possession and her increase to him and his heirs forever. . Item -- I give and bequeath unto my son Theophilus Dean one Negroe man named Jacob and one woman named Silva with her increase to him and his heirs forever. . Item -- I give and bequeath unto my son Josiah Dean one Negroe man named Jack also to his son Richard Foster Dean one Negroe boy named Tom commonly called Little Tom to them and there heirs forever. . Item -- I give and bequeath to my grandaughter Rebekah Dean daughter of Alsey Dean one Negroe boy named Sam to her and her heirs forever. . Item -- I give and bequeath to my grandson Wiley Dean son of Thomas Dean one Negroe boy named Jeffrey to him and his heirs forever . . That my will and desire is that my still is to be left to the use of the plantation. . Item -- I give and bequeath to my daughter Rebekah Dean two Beds and furniture and one Blue? Chist one gray mare to her and her heirs forever. Also the said Rebekah Dean is to Reside on the plantation where she now lives during her lifetime. . I further give and bequeath to my grandaughter Mary Sevila Dean daughter of Theophilus Dean one Bed and furniture. . I give and bequeath to my grandaughter Frances Dean daughter of Josiah Dean one Bed and furniture to her forever. . After paying my debts all the residue of the money owing me either by Bond or Account is to be equally divided. Also all my stock of Cattle hogs and sheep Between my sons Hardy Dean, Theophilus Dean, Josiah Dean and my daughters Rebekah Dean to them and their heirs forever. Also my stock of horses to be for the use of the plantation. . And lastly I hereby nominate and appoint my sons Hardy Dean, Theophilus Dean, and Josiah Dean executors to this my last will and testament and no others ratifying and confirming this to be my last will and testament this 21st day of October 1821. In witness wereof I the said Hardy Dean Senr. hath hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and date above. Signed Hardy ["H" his mark] Dean. Witnesses: Frederick Ezell, Lewis Fell. Recorded February 1823 . Wake County North Carolina County Court Minutes 1771 thru 1776 Book A - I Weynette Parks Harin . Page 16 (45) Case: The King vs Wm T Thomison Juror listed: Hardy Dean . Wake County North Carolina County Court Minutes 1777 thru 1784 Book I Weynette Parks Harin . Page 53 (138) Deed from Henry Walker to John Lynn Juror listed: Hardey Dean . Page 55-56 (143) Grants for Richard Caswell Esq. Governor to Sundry Inhabitants of Wake County. Hardy Dean, 251 acres, grant # 164 Drury Deen? (or Dun?), 280 acres, grant # 217? . Page 78 (203) Grants have been Exhibited and were Ordered to be Registred, towit, Hardy Deans, 82 acres, grant # 540 . Wake County North Carolina County Court Minutes 1787 thru 1792 Weynette Parks Harin . Page 15-16 (44) Ordered that the Road leading to Smithfield on the East Side of Neuse River be turned below Michael Rogers's Mill place on Powells Creek, and that the following persons lay off the same, to wit, Samuel Harris Elisha Peebles Nathaniel Hill Junr Joseph Peebles John Peebles Junr Etheldred Rogers John Fort Hardy Dean John Ezell William Doram William Ambrose Samuell Thompson __ and report thereon to the next Court. . Page 29 (12) Ordered that Hardy Dean be appointed Overseer of the Road in the Room of Jonas Lassetor and that the same hands work on said Road as usual. . Page 34 (26) Hardy Deans summoned to Court as a Juror. . Page 63 (106) Hardy Dean called to the Grand Jury . Page 68 (?) Hardy Dean listed as a Juror. . Page 73 (141) Ordered that Robert Temples be overseer of the Road in the Room of Hardy Dean and that the same hands work on said Road as usual. . Page 93 (215) A bill of Sale from William Earp to Hardy Dean was duly proven in open Court by the Oath of Henry Moreing a witness thereto and ordered to be Registred. . Page 113 (284) A deed from William Jeffreys to Hardy Dean was duly proved in open Court by the Oath of Henry Moreing a witness thereto and ordered to be Registered. . Page 108 (269) Hardy Dean listed as a juror. . Wake County North Carolina County Court Minutes 1793 thru 1796 Weynette Parks Harin . Page 3 (305) A Bill of Sale from William Lee to Hardy Dean was duly proved in open Court by the Oath of Edwin Holding a Witness thereto and ordered to be Registered. . Page 13 (340) Fransis Jones vs Alexr. S. Head Hardy Dean listed as a juror. . Page 38 (434) Hardy Lassiter vs William Hobbs Hardy Dean listed as a juror. . Page 44 (448) The last Will and Testament of Samuel Harris was duly proved in open Court by the Oaths of John Peebles and Hardy Dean and ordered to be recorded and at the same time Fanny Harris Executrix therein named qualified as such according to Law. . Page 46 (453) State vs Negro Bob: The deft being charged pleads not guilty. The following Jury, towit, David Wallis Hardy Dean John Streator William Roland Samuel Ally Joseph Dilliard Thomas Busby Frederick Fort Joshua Sugg Zachariah Smith John Parker David Hinton Were impanneled and sworn find a verdict that the deft is guilty as Charged. . Page 47 (454) State vs Winny and Dicey two of Abm. Martins negroes: The defts being charged plead not guilty. Whereupon the following Jury, to___ Thomas Busbee Frederick Fort Joshua Sugg Zachariah Smith John Parker David Hinton David Walker Hardy Dean William Roland Saml. Ally Joseph Dilliard Thomas Cheaves Were impanneled and sworn say that the defts: are not guilty. . State vs Marvel Lowe Hardy Dean listed as a juror. . Page 49 (458) Robert Temple plts: vs Hardy Dean and Berry Rogers defts: The same jury as in the last mentioned suit were impanneled and sworn find a non suit. . Page 76 (50) Ordered that Hardy Dean be Overseer of the road from Roger's ferry to Buffelow and that the same hands work it as usual. . Page 105 (112) Ordered that Hardy Dean and Hands, James Ford and Hands build a Cosway at the East end of the Brig. . Page 128 (174) Issued. Ordered that Dread Rogers be Overseer of the Road in the Room of Hardy Dean same hands. . Page 26 (391) Thomas Dean summoned as a juror. . Page 28 (403) On Motion order that the Administration of the Estate of Jacob Rogers dead, be granted to Dread Rogers, being the next of kin, who entered into Bond in the sum of 1000 pounds, and gave John Fort and Thomas Dean for this Securities and Qualified agreeable to Law. . Page 45 (451) A deed from James Lee to Thomas Dean was proved by the Oath of Thomas Harrison as witness thereto and ordered to be registered. . Page 50 (461) Thomas Dean summoned as a juror. Page 51 (1) September 1794 On motion and oath of John Ezell respecting the indisposition of the wife of Thomas Dean who is appointed to attend at this Court as a Juror Ordered that the said Thomas Dean be excused from attending as such. . Page 80 (58) Thomas Dean ordered as a juror. Page 81 (62) Thomas Dean appointed to the grand jury. Page 113 (133) Ordered that Thomas Dean, Samuel Thompson Jr., William Martin Junr and Jesse Kemp be patrolers in Capt. Dread Roger's district. Page 128 (175) Thomas Dean listed as a juror. Page 143 (207) Thomas Dean summoned for jury. Wake County North Carolina County Court Minutes 1797 thru 1800 Weynette Parks Harin Page 137 (70) June 1800 Alcey Dean listed as a Constable. Page 8 (223) March 1797 A deed from Henry Meacham to Hardy Dean was in open Court duly acknd. And ordered to be Registered. Page 24 (254) Archabald Wills vs Roger Fitch Hardy Dean listed as a juror. Page 24 (255) Ransom Sutherland vs Isaac Hicks Hardy Dean listed as a juror. Page 105 (3) March 1800 Michael Tedrick vs Burwell Vick Hardy Dean listed as a juror. Page 106 (4) John Fish Assignee vs Thomas Price Hardy Dean listed as a juror. Wake County North Carolina County Court Minutes 1801 thru 1803 Weynette Parks Harin Page 107 (40) November Term 1802 Ordered that Mary Hall be authorized to take out an Execution against Alsey Dean for such sums as appears to be due her in consequence of his begeting her with Child and in conformity to a Notice given to that effect. . North Carolina Bastardy Bonds By: Betty J Camin Edwin A Camin . "The Bastardy Bonds of North Carolina are just as the title states - bonds posted because of the birth or impending birth of a bastard child. These bonds were intended to protect the county or parish from the expense of raising the child. It is asked that in reading this material, the reader do so with love and understanding of the problems of these men and women. . When the pregnancy of a woman or birth of a child was brought to the attention of the court, a warrant was issued and the woman brought into court. She was examined (questioned) under oath and asked to declare the name of the child's father. The reputed father was then served a warrant and required to post bond. If the woman refused to name the father, she, her father or some other interested party would post the bond. In some cases it was found that the mother and reputed father together posted the bond. If the woman refused to post bond or declare the father, she was often sent to jail." . Wake County 1772-1878 . Date: 23 Mar 1799 Mother: Polley Winter Bondsman: Alsy Dean Ben Williams Hardy Dean . Date: 6 Jun 1793 Mother: Rebecca Dean Bondsman: Jacob Rogers Giles Thomas Charles Thomas . Date: 7 May 1788 Mother: Anne Dean Bondsman: Abram Abbott Murry Sims Benjamin Pullum . Date: 5 Nov 1783 Mother: Mary Dean Bondsman: Charles Blalock Francis Perry James Moore . Date 11 Apr 1818 Mother: Charlottey Dean Bondsman: Charlothy Dean Theophilus Dean. | |
(Witness) Research note | 12 January 2011 | See: for further details on this William Dean, and his descendants.4 |
Family | Elizabeth (?) (say 1742 - ) | |
Children |
Last Edited | 27 March 2012 |
- E-mail written Jul 2004 to Mary Jo Powell from Freddie Dean, e-mail address.
- 1790 Federal Census, United States.
Wake, North Carolina; Series: M637; Roll: 7; Page: 250; Image: 150; Family History Library Film: 0568147.
1790 Fed census, Wake Co, NC:
M +16 M -16 F
14 | Hardy Dean | 2 4 | 3 | 0 | 3 Slaves | D500 | 13(total pers.)
Dean, Hardy M 2 +16 4 -16 3 F 3 slaves
Dean, Male Hardy (40) +16
Dean, Female Elizabeth (40) -
Dean, Male +16 ??????? THOMAS DEAN b.1759-1767 m. Lucy Ezell >moved to GA
Dean, Male Josiah (15) -16
Dean, Male Hardy (15) -16
Dean, Male John (14) -16
Dean, Male Alsey (12) -16
Dean, Female Rebecca (15) -
Dean, Female ?? - "POSSIBLY" NANCY who married Richard Locke in ky? - P. 727.
- E-mail written 2000-2012 to Lew Griffin from Donna Carpenter Cuzze, Mesa, Nevada, e-mail address.
Elizabeth (?)
F, (say 1742 - )
Married Name | Her married name was Dean. | |
Marriage* | She married Hardy Dean. | |
Birth* | say 1742 | Elizabeth was born say 1742. |
Family | Hardy Dean (say 1740 - before February 1823) | |
Children |
Last Edited | 20 December 2000 |
Josiah Dean
M, (say 1775 - )
Father | Hardy Dean (s 1740 - b Feb 1823) |
Mother | Elizabeth (?) (s 1742 - ) |
Birth* | say 1775 | Josiah was born say 1775. |
Biography* | From Mary Jo Powell, 1 Feb 2004: "I wonder if sibling, Josiah, moved to Randolph Co., N.C. after the will was settled as I have found a Josiah Dean on the 1830, 1840, 1850, and 1860 census. In the 1850 census, there is a Richard F. Dean near Josiah. Josiah is recorded as 60, wife Anna*, born NC. Richard F. is 45, wife Mary, children Rebecca 18 & Anna 16. Another theory that I have about Josiah is that he was married to Ann Boykin April 4, 1806. The marriage records say that Joseph Dean married Ann Boykin, but I believe that was just misread by a clerk or someone and it was really Josiah. Later, there is a recorded marriage of John Edwards to Rebecca Boykin on August 18, 1819 with Josiah Dean (maybe brother-in-law) as a bondsman. (Thos. Boyakin is listed very near Hardy Dean in the 1790 census)."1 |
Family | ||
Children |
Last Edited | 2 April 2004 |
- E-mail written 2000-2004 to Lew Griffin from Corpus Christi, TX Mary Jo Powell, e-mail address.
Theophilus Dean
M, (circa 1780 - )
Father | Hardy Dean (s 1740 - b Feb 1823) |
Mother | Elizabeth (?) (s 1742 - ) |
Birth* | circa 1780 | Theophilus was born at North Carolina circa 1780. |
Marriage* | 28 October 1807 | He married Sarah Peebles at Wake Co., North Carolina, on 28 October 1807. |
1820 Census* | 1 June 1820 | Theophilus was listed as the head of a family on the 1820 Census at Wake Co., North Carolina.1 |
Research note* | 23 December 2004 | From Mary Jo Powell, 27 Aug 2004: A few weeks ago, I received a note from Freddie Dean which said that he had read my comments on your web site and he wanted to tell me I could find Theophilus Dean on the 1850 Talbot Co. census. So I went there and sure enough, on page 297, 24th district, I found Theophilus (age 69) with wife Sarah (Sally)age 65, both born in N.C. With them are: Theophilus 27; Thomas 24; Sabrina 24; James M. 23; Mary 19; Gibson 18; Elizabeth 15; and William 17. All except the last two were born in N.C. which would indicate that Theophilus and Sally came to Georgia about 1833. Looking on page 269, 22nd district, I found John Dean(age 75) with wife Aley (age 73) both born in N.C.and alone in their household. Next, I went to the 1860 census and things began to get very confusing. Did not find Theophilus, Sr. but did find John(83) and Aley(82) again. Lliving with them were Elizabeth Stewart (60) b. GA, and Ezekiel Dean (24) b GA. If this is the John Dean, son of Hardy, I am wondering- who is Aley and what happened to Nancy King? Also in the 1860 census, I found several of Theophilus's children scattered about. Since John Dean was married a second time to a Mary Ann Gunn, I looked for the Gunn family in 1860 and found Thomas Gunn living in household #104 with his family. (John Dean was in household #107). In the family of Thomas Gunn is a daughter Mary A. (27) and another daughter GeorgeA.(25) as well as others. It did seem strange that an 84 year old John Dean would marry a 28 year old Mary Ann Gunn in 1861 but stranger things have happened. Going to the 1870 census, I found Mary Ann Dean(45) and a widow. Living with her was Georgianna Martin(38) and two Martin sons.. Georgianna would have been her sister and the widow of a neighbor named Martin. This morning, I went back to the library to look at the 1840 census to see if that would tell me more. On page 234, I found Theophilus Dean (age 50-60) surrounded by two that I would suspect were his sons: John W* Dean (age 30-40) and Gibson M. Dean(age 20-30). Also very close by were Greene Martin, Smith Haynes, and Thomas Gunn. Is it possible that there has been some confusion about the children and wives of John Dean? Were there two John Deans in Talbot County-one in district 22 and one in district 24? Could it be that John. W* Dean, son of Theophilus, was the one that married Mary Ann Gunn? Also could Gibson M. Dean be a son of Theophilus instead of John? Reply from Lew Griffin: As for the 1840 census, the John W. Dean who was adjacent to Theophilus that year was without a doubt, John Wesley Dean, son of John Dean, and not a son of Theophilus. The ages and sexes of his children in 1840 Talbot match up exactly with known records. And the Gibson M. Dean, on the other side of Theophilus in 1840, must also have been a son of John Dean, at least he was mentioned in John's inventory. And per later census records, Theophilus had a much younger son named Gibson, born in the 1830's. Since both John and Theophilus named sons "Gibson" this would suggest there was some earlier connection to the Gibson family in NC or VA. Perhaps the early Hardy Dean's wife was a Gibson? Who knows? On "Aley" as the elderly wife of John Dean of Talbot in both 1850 and 1860, I have no current ideas on that, unless she was somehow "one and the same" as Nancy King. Just wild speculation, but maybe she was "Nancy Alice King" and called "Aley?" From family tradition this John Dean was only married twice, once to Nancy King, and once to Mary Ann Dunn.2,3 |
Family | Sarah Peebles (circa 1785 - ) | |
Children |
Last Edited | 24 January 2005 |
- Cross Roads District.
- E-mail written 2000-2004 to Lew Griffin from Corpus Christi, TX Mary Jo Powell, e-mail address.
- Lewis W. Griffin Jr. (#47), e-mail address.
Thomas Dean
M, (1760 - 1830)
Father | Hardy Dean (s 1740 - b Feb 1823) |
Mother | Elizabeth (?) (s 1742 - ) |
Birth* | 1760 | Thomas was born at North Carolina in 1760.1 |
Marriage* | He married Lucy Ezell. | |
Residence* | 1823 | Thomas resided at Jasper Co., Georgia, in 1823. |
Death* | 1830 | He died at Jasper Co., Georgia, in 1830. |
Burial* | His body was interred at Warren Ambers Cemetery, Jasper Co., Georgia. | |
Biography* | Memoirs of Ga. state that Thomas followed his brother John to Georgia and that John went to Talbot Co. It also says that he fought in the Rev. War by speech and by sword. . The following power of attorney from the estate of Hardy Dean, Sr., Wake County, NC (LDS film 1631981) proves that Thomas Dean of Jasper County, GA, was the son of Hardy Dean, Sr.: . "Georgia Jasper County -- Know all men by these presents that I Thomas Dean of the County and State aforesaid for divers good causes and considerations me hereunto moving have made ordered and appointed and by these presents do make ordain and appoint Hardy Dean [Jr.] of the County of Wake in the State of North Carolina my true and Lawful Attorney for me and in my name and for my own proper use and benefit to ask demand sue for recover and receive of and from Theophilus Dean of the County and State last mentioned all my interest right and title demand to sertain Negraws four in number which was left out of the will of my farther Hardy Dean Senr. of the County and State affore said and from all persons indebted to me in the said State of North Carolina All Sums of money debt and demand whatsoever which are not doe me and owning to me by and from the said Theophilus Dean and from all one Every other person whatsoever and to have use and take all lawful means in my name or otherwise and to compound and Agree for the same and acquitances or other sufficient receipts and discharges for me and in my name to make seal and deliver and to do all other lawfull acts and things what soever conserning the premises as fulley and in every respect as I myself might or could do were I peronally presant at the doing thereof and one or more attornys under him for the purposes aforesaid to make and again at his pleasure to revoke ratifying and confirming and by these presents allowing whatsoever my said attorney shall in my name lawfully do or cause to be done in and about the premises by virture of these presents. In witness wehreof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal this sixth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eighteen hundred and twenty-four. Signed Thomas Dean, before John Baldwin and Jacob McClendon, J. P." |
Family | Lucy Ezell (say 1766 - ) | |
Children |
Last Edited | 8 February 2011 |
- Find a Grave (online database)
Rebekah Dean
F, (say 1775 - )
Father | Hardy Dean (s 1740 - b Feb 1823) |
Mother | Elizabeth (?) (s 1742 - ) |
Birth* | say 1775 | Rebekah was born say 1775. |
Last Edited | 20 December 2000 |
Hardy Dean Jr.
M, (say 1775 - after 1 June 1840)
Father | Hardy Dean (s 1740 - b Feb 1823) |
Mother | Elizabeth (?) (s 1742 - ) |
Birth* | say 1775 | Hardy was born say 1775. |
Deed* | 21 January 1801 | He was granted a deed on 21 January 1801 at Wake Co., North Carolina, Wake Co. NC Deed Book Q, p. 516: Bud Lee of Wake Co. to HARDY DEAN, JUNR. of same, for $50.00 a tract of 39 acres on the Marsh Branch. Wit: Henry Moring, Thomas Spain. |
Residence* | 1827 | Hardy resided at Wake Co., North Carolina, in 1827. |
1830 Census* | 1 June 1830 | He was enumerated in the US Census of 1830 on 1 June 1830 at Wake Co., North Carolina.1 |
1840 Census* | 1 June 1840 | Hardy was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census on 1 June 1840 at Wake Co., North Carolina.2 |
Death* | after 1 June 1840 | He died after 1 June 1840. |
Last Edited | 9 May 2011 |
- 1830 Federal Census, United States.
Cross Roads District, Wake, North Carolina, Page: 415; NARA Roll: M19-125; Family History Film: 0018091
Name: Hardy Dean
[Hardy Dunn]
Home in 1830: Cross Roads District, Wake, North Carolina
View Map
Free White Persons - Males - 50 thru 59: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 50 thru 59: 1
Slaves - Males - Under 10: 2
Slaves - Males - 24 thru 35: 1
Slaves - Females - Under 10: 2
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: 4
Slaves - Females - 36 thru 54: 1
Total Free White Persons: 2
Total Slaves: 10
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored):. - 1840 Federal Census, United States.
Wake, North Carolina; Roll: 374; Page: 145; Image: 779; Family History Library Film: 0018098.
Name: Hardy Dean
[Hardy Dunn]
County: Wake
State: North Carolina
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 60 thru 69: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 70 thru 79: 1
Slaves - Males - Under 10: 3
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: 2
Slaves - Males - 36 thru 54: 1
Slaves - Females - Under 10: 4
Slaves - Females - 24 thru 35: 2
Total - All Persons (Free White, Free Colored, Slaves): 15
Persons Employed in Agriculture: 6
No. White Persons over 20 Who Cannot Read and Write: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 1
Total Free White Persons: 3
Total Slaves: 12
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 15.
Alsey Dean1
M, (20 June 1778 - 31 March 1866)
Father | Hardy Dean (s 1740 - b Feb 1823) |
Mother | Elizabeth (?) (s 1742 - ) |
Name Variation | He was also known as Alsa Dean.2 | |
Name Variation | He was also known as Aulsey Dean.1 | |
Birth* | 20 June 1778 | Alsey was born at Wake Co., North Carolina, on 20 June 1778. |
Deed | 11 January 1799 | He was party to a deed on 11 January 1799 at Wake Co., North Carolina, Wake Co. NC Deed Book Q, p. 50: Archibald Harris of Wake Co. to ALSEY DEAN of same, for $183.50 a tract of 73.25 acres near the line of HARDY DEAN, JUNR. Wit: Henry Mooring, John Wall, HARDY DEAN. |
Marriage* | 4 February 1799 | He married Hannah Harris at Wake Co., North Carolina, on 4 February 1799 at age 20.3 |
1810 Census* | 6 August 1810 | Alsey was listed as the head of a family on the 1810 Census at Barren Co., Kentucky.4 |
Marriage* | say 1820 | He married Rebecca (?) say 1820.1 |
Residence* | 1827 | Alsey resided at Hardeman Co., Tennessee, in 1827. |
Death* | 31 March 1866 | He died at Hardeman Co., Tennessee, on 31 March 1866 at age 87. |
Biography* | From Mary Jo Powell, 1 Feb 2004: "I should probably use the first choice spelling " Alsey" as that seems to be the most used spelling. It didn't become Aulsey until later. After leaving Wake Co. about 1805, Alsey went to Barren Co. Ky. and received two land grants. Next he settled in Hardeman Co., TN about 1828 where he died and is buried." From the estate of his father Hardy Dean Sr., of Wake County, NC (LDS Film 1631981), a letter from Alsey Dean of Hardiman Co., TN, to his brother Hardy Dean Jr. of Wake Co. NC: . 18 Feb 1827 To Mr. Hardy Dean living in the State of NC Wake County Post Office at Booles Store From State of Tennessee Hardiman County 29 Jan 1827 Dear Brother, I have once more taken my pen in hand in order to write to you informing you that through mercy that myself and my family are well Still hoping these few lines will find you and your injoying the like blessings and also all enquiring friends. I feel glad that you have been so good as to write to me as often as you have I have received 3 letters from you all dated not far apart I hope you will still continue to write as often as you can directing your letters to the post office in Bolivar in the County of Hardeman You wrote to me previously concerning the Negro boy left to my daughter by our farther for which I feel thankful to you for doing so My daughter made Benjamin S. King her power of attorney to get the Negro for her and also to get the hire of said Negro as he was expected to move to the western district and could bring the boy for her He also agreed as soon as he got home and seed what he could do for her he would write back but I have searched the office time after and no account from him I want you if please to see King and know what he has done about that businss and send me a letter as soon as you can and also I want you if you can get some sure hand man that you can depend upon and from farthers estate as the distance is so great that I feel loath to attempt to try to come after it but feel very desirous to see you all once more in this life -- I want you to write whether you think it would be best for me to come and see you all or whether you will come and see us as I should be very glad to see you in this part of the world I think you would be shure to move for you never would be satisfyd to live any longer in Wake County Give my compliments to sister Rebeccah and allso brother Josiah and his family and Theophilus and family, Clayton Lett? and family and also Berry King and his family and all enquiring firends Times is dull at the present Money is very scarce Produce is very low I sent word to sister Rebeccah by Mr. King that I thought it would be best for her to move to this country and if she has any thought of coming send me wourd I feel myself duty bound to assist her So no more at the present Still Remain Loving Brother, from Aulsey Dean.1 | |
Research note* | July 2011 | From: Donna Cuzze Here is info I have collected over the years on Alsey Dean b.1778. This is not my direct line so I'm afraid I have not been good about checking out the info. I would like to make it correct so if you descendants out there will send me corrections, would appreciate it. 1 ALSEY DEAN b: June 20, 1778 in Wake Co, NC > KTY 1806> Hardeman Co, TN in 1827 d: March 31, 1866 in TN, Hardeman Co. (now Chester Co.) CENSUS-1 1800 NC, WAKE, HILLSBOROUGH, Alsey 1775-1786 Another Male 1775-1786, Female 1756-1774, 2-Females 1790-1800. On same pg with father and brothers Thos & Hardy Jr. CENSUS-2: 1820 KY, ALLEN CO, Alsey Deen (Dun) 1776 - 1794, Female "bef" 1775, 3 girls 1810-1820, 3 girls 1805-1809, 3 girls 1795-1804. CENSUS-3: 1830 TN, HARDEMAN, Alsey Dean 1770-1780 , wife 1780-1790, male 1820-1825, male 1820-1825, 2F's 1800-1810, 2F's 1810-1815, F 1815-1820, F1825-1830. CENSUS-4: 1840 TN, HARDEMAN, Ansley Dian (aulsey dean) age 60-70 [1770-1780], wife 1780-1790, 2 boys 1820-1825, female 1825-1830, 3-females 1810-1820. CENSUS-5: 1850 TN, HARDEMAN, Aulsey 1778 NC, Rebecca 66 NC, Jane 30 KY, Catherine 21 TN, John RAINEY 8 TN. CENSUS-6: 1860 TN, HARDEMAN, Alsey 1778 NC, Rebecca 1801 NC, Rebecca Savage 1801 NC, Jane Dean 1815 KY. Next door to son Hardy. LAND-1: January 11, 1799 NC, WAKE, Deed Book Q, p. 50: Archibald Harris of Wake Co. to ALSEY DEAN of same, for $183.50 a tract of 73.25 acres near the line of HARDY DEAN, JUNR. Wit: Henry Mooring, John Wall, HARDY DEAN. LAND-2 : Bet. 1805 - 1809 KY, BARREN, "Alsey went to Barren Co. Ky. and received two land grants" according to researcher Mary Jo Powell. LAND-3: 1821 KY, ALLEN CO, Aulsey Dean listed on tax list. RECORD-1: 1821 NC, WAKE, Named in father Hardy's will to receive 1 slave (Darkness) already in his posession. RECORD-3: 1827 TN, HARDEMAN, Letter in Hardy estate records dated 1827 from Alsey to his brother Hardy Dean, Jr. in Wake, NC. SOURCES-: 1827 Ref: LDS Film 1631981 researched by Lew GRIFFIN in 2000. BURIAL: Dean Cemetery Hardeman Co. TN (being mowed down for hi-rise). MARRIED: +Polly Winter b: Abt. 1781 in >NC, Wake m: Abt. 1799 d: Aft. 1799 RECORD-: March 07, 1799 NC, WAKE CO, Bastard bonds show Polly Winter with bondsmen: Alsey Deen, Ben Williams & Hardy Dean. ........ 2 Illigitimate Child of Alsey Dean & Polly b: Abt. March 23, 1799 MARRIED #2nd Wife of ALSEY Dean: .. +Hannah Harris b: Abt. 1774 in NC>KTY, Allen Co. m: February 04, 1799 in NC, Wake Co d: Abt. 1820 in KY probably ........ 2 Rebecca Dean b: Abt. 1800 in NC, Wake Co. >TN, Hardeman d: Aft. 1821 CENSUS-1: 1860 TN, HARDEMAN, Alsey 1778 NC, Rebecca 1801 NC, Rebecca Savage 1801 NC, Jane Dean 1815 KY. Next door to son Hardy. RECORD-1: 1821 Named in grandpa Hardy Dean's will to receive 1 slave (Sam). ............ +Mr. Savage b: Abt. 1800 ........ 2 Dau 2 Dean b: Bet. 1801 - 1804 ........ 2 Dau 3 Dean b: Bet. 1802 - 1804 ........ 2 Dau 4 Dean b: Bet. 1805 - 1809 ........ 2 Dau 5 Dean b: Bet. 1806 - 1809 ........ 2 Dau 6 Dean b: Bet. 1807 - 1809 ........ 2 Dau 7 Dean b: Bet. 1810 - 1812 ........ 2 Dau 8 Dean b: Bet. 1812 - 1814 ........ 2 Jane Dean b: Abt. 1815 in KY >TN, Hardeman CENSUS-1: 1860 TN, HARDEMAN, Alsey 1778 NC, Rebecca 1801 NC, Rebecca Savage 1801 NC, Jane Dean 1815 KY. MARRIED #3rd Wife of ALSEY Dean: .. +Mary Hall b: Abt. 1778 in >NC, Wake Co. m: Abt. 1802 in NC Bastard Bonds d: Aft. 1802 RECORD-1: 1802 Mary Hall sued Aulsy Dean for expenses for her illigitimate child. ........ 2 Illegitimate Child of Alsey DEAN b: Abt. 1802 MARRIED #4th Wife of ALSEY Dean: .. +Rebecca Brown? b: April 20, 1783 in NC >KY >TN m: Abt. 1820 in TN probably d: July 05, 1854 in TN, Hardeman Co (now Chester Co) Burial: Dean Cemetery Hardeman Co. (Chester) TN. ........ 2 Hardy J. Dean b: January 16, 1821 in NC, Wake Co >KTY > TN, Hardeman, Henderson d: Bet. 1881 - 1900 in TN prob. CENSUS-1: 1850 TN, HARDEMAN, Hardy Deane 1821 TN, Mary 1825 KY, Francis (f)1844 TN, Benjamin 1847 TN, CENSUS-2: 1860 TN, HARDEMAN, H.J. Dean, Mary J 1826, Francis A 1845, Franklin 1848, Alsey 1850 (m), Masten (m) 1853, Luella 1855, Nancy 1858. Next door is Alsey DEAN b.1778 and his wife Rebecca. CENSUS-3: 1870 TN, HARDEMAN, H.J. 1821, M.J. 1826 , Alcy 1851, Luellah 1855, Rebecca 1858, Frances A 1846 , JD WALKER 1843, Lelah WALKER 1869, Mary Dean 1864, Salley 1868, James MILLS 1851. CENSUS-4: 1880 TN, HENDERSON, Hardy J. 1821 KY:NC:NC, Mary J 1835 TN, Mollie 1865 TN, Sallie 1868. MILITARY: Bet. 1861 - 1865 U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, Hardy J Dean, Rank at enlistment: Private, TN: Enlisted in Company B, 33rd Infantry Regiment. ............ +Mary J. b: Abt. 1826 in KY m: Abt. 1843 d: Bet. 1881 - 1900 in TN prob. ................... 3 Frances A. Dean b: 1844 in TN ................... 3 Henry Franklin (Benjamin) Dean b: June 05, 1848 in TN d: March 15, 1863 in TN, Hardeman Burial: Dean Cemetery Hardeman Co. TN. ................... 3 Alsey Dean b: 1850 ................... 3 Mastin Corner Dean b: April 06, 1853 in TN d: June 05, 1863 in TN, Hardeman Burial: Dean Cemetery Hardeman Co. TN. ................... 3 Luella Dean b: 1855 ................... 3 Nancy Rebecca Dean b: 1858 ................... 3 Martha E. Dean b: July 15, 1861 in TN d: May 30, 1863 in TN, Hardeman Burial: Dean Cemetery Hardeman Co. TN. ................... 3 Mollie Dean b: 1865 in TN ................... 3 Sallie Dean b: 1868 in TN ........ 2 John A. (Alsey?) Dean b: 1824 in TN, Hardeman ........ 2 Catherine Dean b: Abt. 1829 in TN, Hardeman Donna Cuzze Dean-Hardy Admin.5 |
Family 1 | Hannah Harris (say 1784 - ) | |
Child |
Family 2 | Rebecca (?) (20 April 1783 - 5 July 1854) | |
Child |
Last Edited | 4 July 2011 |
- E-mail written 2000-2004 to Lew Griffin from Corpus Christi, TX Mary Jo Powell, e-mail address.
- 1810 Federal Census, United States.
Barren, Kentucky; Roll 5; Page: 66; Family History Number: 0181350; Image: 00046. - Dudley Williams, bondsman.
- 1810 Federal Census, United States.
Barren, Kentucky; Roll 5; Page: 66; Family History Number: 0181350; Image: 00046.
1 male 26 - 44
4 females under 10
1 female 16 - 25. - E-mail written 2000-2012 to Lew Griffin from Donna Carpenter Cuzze, Mesa, Nevada, e-mail address.
Richard Foster Dean
M, (say 1800 - )
Father | Josiah Dean (s 1775 - ) |
Birth* | say 1800 | Richard was born say 1800. |
Last Edited | 20 December 2000 |
Rebekah Dean
F, (say 1800 - )
Father | Alsey Dean (20 Jun 1778 - 31 Mar 1866) |
Mother | Hannah Harris (s 1784 - ) |
Birth* | say 1800 | Rebekah was born say 1800. |
Last Edited | 12 September 2001 |
Wiley Dean
M, (say 1800 - )
Father | Thomas Dean (1760 - 1830) |
Mother | Lucy Ezell (s 1766 - ) |
Birth* | say 1800 | Wiley was born at Wake Co., North Carolina, say 1800. |
Last Edited | 20 December 2000 |
Mary Sevila Dean
F, (circa 1830 - )
Father | Theophilus Dean (c 1780 - ) |
Mother | Sarah Peebles (c 1785 - ) |
Birth* | circa 1830 | Mary was born at Wake Co., North Carolina, circa 1830. |
Last Edited | 20 February 2012 |
Frances Dean
F, (say 1800 - )
Father | Josiah Dean (s 1775 - ) |
Birth* | say 1800 | Frances was born say 1800. |
Last Edited | 20 December 2000 |
Lucy Ezell
F, (say 1766 - )
Father | John Ezell (s 1740 - ) |
Birth* | say 1766 | Lucy was born say 1766. |
Marriage* | She married Thomas Dean. | |
Married Name | Her married name was Dean. |
Family | Thomas Dean (1760 - 1830) | |
Children |
Last Edited | 25 October 2001 |
Henry Dean
M, (say 1800 - )
Father | Thomas Dean (1760 - 1830) |
Mother | Lucy Ezell (s 1766 - ) |
Birth* | say 1800 | Henry was born at Wake Co., North Carolina, say 1800. |
Marriage* | He married Melinda Richardson. | |
Death* | He died at Harris Co., Georgia. |
Family | Melinda Richardson (say 1800 - ) |
Last Edited | 20 October 2001 |
John Dean
M, (say 1800 - )
Father | Thomas Dean (1760 - 1830) |
Mother | Lucy Ezell (s 1766 - ) |
Birth* | say 1800 | John was born at Wake Co., North Carolina, say 1800. |
Last Edited | 20 December 2000 |
William Dean
M, (say 1807 - )
Father | Thomas Dean (1760 - 1830) |
Mother | Lucy Ezell (s 1766 - ) |
Birth* | say 1807 | William was born at Wake Co., North Carolina, say 1807. |
Marriage* | 8 April 1830 | He married Frances Slaughter at Jasper Co., Georgia, on 8 April 1830. |
Family | Frances Slaughter (say 1809 - ) |
Last Edited | 20 December 2000 |
Jane Dean
F, (say 1800 - )
Father | Thomas Dean (1760 - 1830) |
Mother | Lucy Ezell (s 1766 - ) |
Married Name | Her married name was Ambers. | |
Birth* | say 1800 | Jane was born at Wake Co., North Carolina, say 1800. |
Marriage* | She married Warren Ambers. |
Family | Warren Ambers (say 1800 - ) |
Last Edited | 20 December 2000 |
Warren Ambers
M, (say 1800 - )
Birth* | say 1800 | Warren was born say 1800. |
Marriage* | He married Jane Dean. |
Family | Jane Dean (say 1800 - ) |
Last Edited | 20 December 2000 |
Anne Dean
F, (say 1804 - )
Father | Thomas Dean (1760 - 1830) |
Mother | Lucy Ezell (s 1766 - ) |
Name Variation | She was also known as Nancy. | |
Birth* | say 1804 | Anne was born at Wake Co., North Carolina, say 1804. |
Marriage* | 16 March 1826 | She married William Alexander at Jasper Co., Georgia, on 16 March 1826. |
Married Name | 16 March 1826 | As of 16 March 1826, her married name was Alexander. |
Family | William Alexander (say 1803 - ) |
Last Edited | 10 September 2003 |
William Alexander
M, (say 1803 - )
Birth* | say 1803 | William was born say 1803. |
Marriage* | 16 March 1826 | He married Anne Dean at Jasper Co., Georgia, on 16 March 1826. |
Family | Anne Dean (say 1804 - ) |
Last Edited | 20 December 2000 |
Candace Dean
F, (say 1806 - )
Father | Thomas Dean (1760 - 1830) |
Mother | Lucy Ezell (s 1766 - ) |
Birth* | say 1806 | Candace was born at Wake Co., North Carolina, say 1806. |
Marriage* | 19 December 1826 | She married James B. Alexander at Jasper Co., Georgia, on 19 December 1826. |
Married Name | 19 December 1826 | As of 19 December 1826, her married name was Alexander. |
Family | James B. Alexander (say 1803 - ) |
Last Edited | 20 December 2000 |
James B. Alexander
M, (say 1803 - )
Birth* | say 1803 | James was born say 1803. |
Marriage* | 19 December 1826 | He married Candace Dean at Jasper Co., Georgia, on 19 December 1826. |
Family | Candace Dean (say 1806 - ) |
Last Edited | 20 December 2000 |
Sarah Dean
F, (say 1800 - )
Father | Thomas Dean (1760 - 1830) |
Mother | Lucy Ezell (s 1766 - ) |
Married Name | Her married name was Williamson. | |
Birth* | say 1800 | Sarah was born at Wake Co., North Carolina, say 1800. |
Marriage* | She married (?) Williamson. |
Family | (?) Williamson (say 1800 - ) |
Last Edited | 20 December 2000 |
Frances Slaughter
F, (say 1809 - )
Birth* | say 1809 | Frances was born say 1809. |
Marriage* | 8 April 1830 | She married William Dean at Jasper Co., Georgia, on 8 April 1830. |
Married Name | 8 April 1830 | As of 8 April 1830, her married name was Dean. |
Family | William Dean (say 1807 - ) |
Last Edited | 20 December 2000 |
(?) Williamson
M, (say 1800 - )
Birth* | say 1800 | (?) was born say 1800. |
Marriage* | He married Sarah Dean. |
Family | Sarah Dean (say 1800 - ) |
Last Edited | 20 December 2000 |
Elizabeth Dean
F, (say 1810 - )
Father | Thomas Dean (1760 - 1830) |
Mother | Lucy Ezell (s 1766 - ) |
Name Variation | She was also known as Betsy. | |
Birth* | say 1810 | Elizabeth was born at Wake Co., North Carolina, say 1810. |
Marriage* | 1 December 1830 | She married James Kendrick at Jasper Co., Georgia, on 1 December 1830. |
Married Name | 1 December 1830 | As of 1 December 1830, her married name was Kendrick. |
Family | James Kendrick (say 1808 - ) |
Last Edited | 10 September 2003 |
James Kendrick
M, (say 1808 - )
Birth* | say 1808 | James was born say 1808. |
Marriage* | 1 December 1830 | He married Elizabeth Dean at Jasper Co., Georgia, on 1 December 1830. |
Family | Elizabeth Dean (say 1810 - ) |
Last Edited | 20 December 2000 |
Melinda Richardson
F, (say 1800 - )
Married Name | Her married name was Dean. | |
Birth* | say 1800 | Melinda was born say 1800. |
Marriage* | She married Henry Dean. | |
Death* | She died at Harris Co., Georgia. |
Family | Henry Dean (say 1800 - ) |
Last Edited | 20 December 2000 |