Lincoln County Kansas Families online

Lincoln County Kansas

Here are links to families with Lincoln County, Kansas, connections. Some of these links go to other sites on the Internet. Some are located on the Lincoln County website. If you have a genealogy page with Lincoln County family members send us the URL with a short description and listing of Lincoln County surnames on the page. If you have family information you'd like to donate to this page contact us and we'll see about getting it up online, with the following guidelines:

--No queries. This is a page where you provide information for others.... a great chance to share your treasures.
--Only include those generations that have a connection to Lincoln County, Kansas (people who were born, died or lived here)
--Don't include just a chart or listing of names, dates and places. Family history is a story and your family's story is a part of the history of Lincoln County.
--Keep things simple. No gedcoms, fancy computer stuff.
--Although we do want a story try to keep it short enough to easily fit on one Internet page.
--Take a look at the Wilbeck, Montgomery, and Rees families below to get an idea of what we have received for online family information.
--The information you donate is yours. We will put a copyright statement at the bottom of your family page with your names on it. You can ask us to alter your information or even remove the page if you wish. It's yours.

ANDERSON / RANSOM Family Tree Genealogy Page
Family of Muriel Caillau with information on the following families with Lincoln County connections: ANDERSON, COPPOCK, BERHORST, URBAN.

Gene BIRD's Census Information
1870, 1900, 1910 and 1920 census information on the following Lincoln County families: BIRD, COUSE, HENDERSON, HENDRICKSON,LOY, MULLEN, RENFRO, SAMIS, SLOUIR, STILLWELL, STRANGE, THOMAS, WATSON.

Descendants of John McREYNOLDS for Eight Generations
A part of Bob & Joyce Trotter's Trotter Family Home Page.

The MARTY Family Newsletter
Information on the Marty family and other Lincoln County families as well. More than 2,500 individuals.

The MONTGOMERY Family of Lincoln County Kansas
Information supplied by Arlene and Gayle Garrett

The SKINNER Family of Lincoln County Kansas
Information on one of the early families of Lincoln County

The Wilbeck Family of Lincoln County Kansas
Descendents of Andrew Jensen WILBECK and Ane Marie JOHANSEN who came to Lincoln County in about 1878.

Woody Families with Info to share on the Web
The Woody's were part of Lincoln County history from the early days. Information on Josiah Woody and family can be found by going to the link for Gerald D. Woody


Bill and Diana Sowers, Lincoln County Coordinators
Tracee Hamilton, Lincoln County Coordinator