Business Methods

Business Methods

Preface Geology Pre-Historic White Men Settlements Medicine Man Indian Troubles Mulberry Scrap Raid of 1869 County Organization Roll of Honor Cities School History Women's and Other Organizations Newspapers Resources Stock Business Business Methods Too Late Errata Name Index

The business methods of pre-historic days consisted mostly in trading and stealing. The Pawnee Indiana employed the latter to a considerable extent, and did it in a businesslike way. J. R. Mead tells of a party of them being out on a raid and on running into a party of white men began to swap knives, thereby getting into a quarrel. Their chief rode up and restored order, saying: "You are out to steal ponies and not to raise quarrels."

Another primitive business method was trickery. An Indian came to "Uncle Mart" Hendrickson and asked to buy some meal. As Uncle Mart measured it out the Indian took off his shirt and had the meal poured onto it. Then he said he didn't have any money. He knew that nobody would want the meal after it being in the dirty, sweaty shirt, so picked it up and walked off chuckling.

But these primitive business methods have passed away and so have the people that used them, before the tides of civilization and system. In their place have come new methods which are learned by a thorough scientific training. No one expects to get through the world on native ability alone, or to live on his wits. He knows that in the present highly organized commercial world, he must have a special education to prepare him for filling his place. So he selectes an institution which makes a specialty of training men for business life, and one which has years of success behind it to recommend it and justify its methods - the Topeka Business College for instance, whose graduates, thousands in number, go out daily from the school to responsible, well-paying positions all over the United States, many occupying some of the most important positions in large business establishments and receiving salaries which would make a king look like thirty cents. Still others have large business establishments of their own. The graduates of the Topeka Business College who are at work in the Santa Fe offices in Topeka alone number 182. Scores of others have gone to the Santa Fe offices in other cities from Chicago to San Francisco. This is the largest list of students from any school in any one office in the United States and is the highest endorsement for the methods of this school.

Not only are all graduates placed in positions but many of the undergraduates have been found capable of performing the most difficult kinds of office work and one hundred and twenty such persons have been placed in good positions during the past year.

There are plenty of opportunities for competent young business people in Topeka. There are the general offices of the great Santa Fe system, the headquarters of the Rock Island's Western system, offices of the Union and Missouri Pacific, the various United States, State, county, and other offices, besides the commercial establishments of all kinds. There is nothing haphazard about these modern business methods. There are no ifs or ands to your success if you get the right kind of training. It paves the road to wealth. You will be sure to get it at THE TOPEKA BUSINESS COLLEGE.

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