Too Late

Too Late

Preface Geology Pre-Historic White Men Settlements Medicine Man Indian Troubles Mulberry Scrap Raid of 1869 County Organization Roll of Honor Cities School History Women's and Other Organizations Newspapers Resources Stock Business Business Methods Too Late Errata Name Index

I saw a man the other day who had three ears of corn each as long as his forearm. That's pretty good corn. Back in the '80s a Lincoln County woman living over on Spring Creek used to eat ten that size every day for dinner.

When the body of John Lyden was taken from the well after being there three weeks it was taken to the court house. That was the winter after grasshopper year and there was grain and meal piled up which was being doled out to the destitute. The body was placed among these supplies. A man, Davis by name, said he thought it ought not to have been put there. Mr. Priest spoke up:

"Well, all that ails you is that you're not hungry enough. I've seen the day when I would have rolled that fellow over to get meal under him."

In the church history, which failed to be included in this book, there is an account of how "Uncle Dan" Day went to church and instead of going in stood on the outside and knocked an the door.

Uncle Martin Hendrickson, one of our oldest settlers, has lived through a great deal. Some years ago his wife gave him some carbolic acid by mistake and he drank a large amount of it. Everybody thought he would die, but Uncle Mart, having lived through all the terrors incident to pioneer days was not to be killed by such a small thing as a dose of carbolic acid. He rallied and was much better the next day, and to the surprised remarks of the neighbors the doctor answered: "You would have to cut Uncle Mart's head off and hide it before he would die."

Pioneers of Lincoln County used to practice economy. It was the cardinal virtue in those days. The following story is told of a prominent man who lived on the east side of the county. Mr. H. used to make molasses and had a pair of pants which he always wore when into such a job. The pants got so stiff with molasses and dirt that they would stand alone. After the season was over he had vinegar to sell and the neighbors bought liberally. One day a family, Hughes by name, had a harvest hand to dinner. Mr. Hughes passed the vinegar but his man did not take any, whereupon Mr. Hughes remarked, "Have some vinegar, I guess it is pretty good."

"It ought to be," replied the other. "it was made of the soakin's of Mr. H.'s molasses pants."

There was a scare sent out over the State that the sunflowers were about to be exterminated. Not in Lincoln County. A woman living on the east side of the county planted some climbing beans beside sunflower stalks. After the beans had begun climbing up the stalks there came a good rain. The next morning she found that the sunflowers had grown so fast that they had jerked the beans out of the ground and the fresh, moist earth was still clinging to their roots.

Many funny things have happened in the Lincoln County courts, some of which are not dignified enough for print even in this book, but here is one which happened in the year 1872 which will past muster.

Lawyer,. "Did Smith strike Brown with malicious intent?"

Witness: "Su-r-r?"

Lawyer: "Did Smith strike Browvn with malicious intent?"

Witness: "No, su-r-r, he hit him with a cottonwood limb."

A few people in Lincoln County have committed suicide, some by drowning, some by hanging, and some by shooting but a certain very original man stuck his nose in his ear and blew his head off.

We heard a man say the other day that he would believe any kind of a cyclone story. Here is one for him: A cyclone once lifted and carried half a mile a man who was so fat that on coming down his shadow killed a full-grown buffalo.

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