Will of Griffith Williams 1574

Will of Griffith Williams 1571

In the Name of God Amen the twelvithe daie of Julye Anno Domini mill[es]imo quingentesimo septuagesimo Primo [1571] and in the thirtenthe yere of the raigne of o[u]r soveraigne Ladye Elizabethe by the grace of god quene of Englande Franuce and Irelande defendoure of the faith I Griffith Williams Clerke Canon Residensarye of the Cathedrall Churche of Heref[ord] beinge in good and perfecte memorye (thanks be unto almighties god) Considering the- - - of mans life and the uncertentie of the houre of deathe, which is moste certayne to all menne lyvinge in this miserable and transitorye worlde, do ordaine constitute and make this my last wyll and present testamente in manner and forme folowing. First I do give and bequeathe my soule unto almighty god the father the sonne and the holy ghost three persons and one god beleeving and trustinge thereby to have free remission and forgevenes of my synnes in this transitorye life by the deathe passion and bloodd sheddinge of oure lorde and savioure Jesus Christ And the same beinge ended to be partaker of Everlasting Lyffe in the kingdome of heaven. Item I will that my bodye be decentlie and comely buried in C[hrist]ian buriall at the discretion or disposition of mine Executrix. Item I do give and bequeathe to my brother John Williams Citizine and m[e]rchannt taylor of London twentie poundes of lawfull money of England. Item I do give to Katherine Warren the wife of Richard Bourchier my wifes daughter twentie poundes. Item I do give to Alice Williams my brothers daughter towarde her marriage or when she shall accompplish the age of twentie one yeres the somme of tenne poundes of lawfull money of England. Item I do remitt and forgeve to Richard Warren all suche som[m]e or sommes of moneye as he doth owe unto me. Item I do remitt and forgeve also to my Cosen - - - William Jenkyne - - - all suche somme and sommes of money as he doth owe me. Item I do give and bequeathe to my Nephewe John Ap Howell the Advowson of the parsonage of llanvetheryne in the countie of Monmouth. Item I do give and bequeathe to James Williams my brothers sonne the som[m]e of thirtene poundes fyve shillings and eight pence of good and lawfull money of England. Item I do give and bequeathe to each of my Cosen Howell Fletchers daughters Maude and Margarett Fyve poundes a pece of lawfull money of England to be paide them at the daies of theire sev[er]all marriage. Item I do give and bequeathe to John Watkyn my Cosyn sonne to Watkyn ap John my housse in Frogmor streate in Abergeveneye, or - - - the Fyve poundes of money that I paide for the same withe all the rent that is due for the sayde housse since I purchased the same to finde the saide John at Schoole or to be bestowed in other his necessaries at the oversyght of myne executrix. Item I will and bequeathe to my Nephew John Crouche the Advowson of the parsonage of Rosse yf so be that the saide John be contented and disposed to be a minister in Christs church to preache gods word, And to minister the blessed Sacramente in the same And I do give and bequeath also to the saide John Crouche all my bookes also. Item I do give and bequeath to Emanuell Crouche the Advowson of the vicaridge of ---field and Fyve poundes of moneye. Item as toucheinge the disposition of my lande. First I do geve and bequeathe to Agnes Williams my wieffe late the wief of one Thomas Warren Citizen & goldsmithe of London one tenemente and mansion housse with all Edifices and landes th[er]eunto belonginge or appertaininge sett lying and beinge in the p[ar]ishe of llanvetheryne in the countie of Monmouthe, the which I bought of one W[illiam] James of the saide parrishe husbandman, Also I do give and
bequeathe to the saide Agnes also one other tenemente with the mansion housse and buildinges with the Edifices and all landes th[er]eunto belonginge or apperteyninge sett, lyinge and beinge in the p[a]risshe of llangattoge llyngoed al[ia]s Gelenninge in the Countie aforesaide, whiche landes I bought of one Richarde Thomas Lewes of the saide parrisshe yeoman, To have and to holde bothe the saide Tenementes housses Edifice building and all and sing[u]lar the landes with the appurtanance to them belonginge or apperteyninge to the saide Agnes and her assignes for the terme of the naturall liffe of the sayde Agnes onely. And after the deceasse of the saide Agnes I do give and bequeathe the saide - - - Tenementes with the lands, Edifice, buildings with the appurtenances to them belonging or apper-teyninge to John Williams of - - - gent[leman] Student and my Nephew, and to Johan his wife and to the Survivor of them, and to the issue of theire two bodyes lawfully begotten, And if happen the saide John Williams my Nephew and Johanne his wiffe to deceasse without issue of theire two bodyes lawfullye begotten, Then I do give and bequeathe the saide landes with the appurtenances that I bought of the foresaide W[illiam] James sett lying and being in the parrishe of llanvetheryne aforesaid unto my Brother sonne James Williams and to his heires. Also I do give and bequeathe my other lands withe the Appurtenances the which I bought of Richard Thomas Lewes aforesaid sett lying and being in Langattog Lyngoed al[ia]s Gelennyg aforesaid to John ap howell my sister sonne, and to his heires.
And if it happen the saide James Williams my brothers sonne aforesaid, and John Ap Howell my sister sonne to deceasse without issue of theire bodies lawfully begotten I will that bothe the said teneme[n]ts landes withe the Edifices and buildings withe the appurtenances thereto belonging or appertayninge to remaine to Alis Williams my brother daughter, and to the heires of her bodye lawfully begotten forever. Item I do give and bequeathe to everie one of my household servants that shalbe in my housse at the tyme of my departure twentie shillings a pece. Item I do give and bequeathe to everie one of my godchildren Two shillings a pece. Item I do give and bequeathe to Agnes my wief my housse with the garden therto adioyninge sett lyinge and beinge in Butcher streate in the Towne of Abergeveney in the Countie of Monmouthe. But my will is that if anye of the Children of myne - - - Howell Fletcher do paie or cause to be paide Twentie Fower poundes Tenne shillings of lawfull money of Englande to the saide Agnes for the same That then he or she that shall so paye the saide fower and twentie pounds tenne shillinges shall have the saide housse and garden to him or her and theire heires forever, The residue of all my goodds debts household stuff plate and readye moneye (my debtes being first paide) my funeralls bestowed and my Legacies performed I do give and bequeathe to my foresaide wiffe Agnes Williams late the wiff of Thomas Warren Citizine and goldsmith of London to her owne proper use, whome I do ordaine and make sole Executrixe of this my last will and present testamente, I do also ordaine and make Overseers of this my last will and testamente the right worshipfull M[onsigno]r Docto[r] Lewes, M[onsigno]r Docto[r] Loghour, And my Nephewes John ap Howell and John Williams,
In witness Hereass I have written this my will and Testamente withe myne owne Hande, and putte my seale, theise persones, whose names are here subscribed, bearing witnes By me Griffithe Williams Clarke Canon Residensarye of Hereff[ord]. Item I adde unto that my testamente that liethe at Hereford which I acknowledge do appointe to be my last will and testamente theise legacies here mentioned namelye I give and bequeathe to my Nephew James Williams the somme of twentie Poundes lawfull money of England Item to everie of my Godsonnes and goddaughters I give and bequeathe twenty shillings sterling. Item I g[ive] & be[queath] the somme of tenne pounds good money equally to be devided betwene Richarde Bourchiar and Richarde Warren, And I do acquite and discharge the saide Richarde Warren of all suche Somes of monney and debts as he oweth unto me Item I g[ive] & be[queath] Alyce Williams my Neice Fyve pounds at the daie of her marriage. Item I will that the leasse of the Housse in Foster lane in London nowe in the occupancy of John Williams shalbe bestowed uppon the saide Alyce Williams, So that neither John Williams nor James Williams her bretherne shall clayme any parte of the housse, or Implemente and household stuffe in the same, Item I give I give to Howell Fletcher of Aberga-veney and his two daughters the somme of tenne pounds good money / Witnes to the - - -
John Angell, Thomas Pyrrye, John Browne.

This will was proved at London on the 17th January 1573/4 by Agnes, widow and executrix.


Last updated June 2007