Chandler and Lomas Family Names


Home page

Chandler and Lomas Family Names

Surnames beginning with "I"

If you find a link that doesn't work email immediately so it can be fixed

All alive people born in the last 20 years should now show "Living" plus a number instead of their first name
Please contact me immediately if anyone showing as "Living" is no longer alive - supply their full name and date of birth and death so I can be sure I amend the correct person
If anyone born during this period shows their first name please email me with their date of birth, as many dates of birth have been estimated
Also if you wish your own name to show as "Living" then please email me and I will change it

A/ B/ C/ D/ E/ F/ G/ H/ J/ K/ L/ M/ N/ O/ P/ Q/ R/ S/ T/ U/ V/ W/ X/ Y/ Z/ Unknown Surname

ILES, Sharon Maree
INNES, Simon
INSKEEP, Claire Virginia
INSKEEP, Helen Mary
INSKEEP, James Darlington

Website design by
Lesley Lomas
New Zealand
