Welcome to the White, Beverly and Doxey Genealogy Pages


Thomasville, Ga.

This site has moved to Doxey at Albro genealogy.com. This site will remain, however, it will not be updated.

Thank you for visiting our Genealogy Pages. We have added a new page called Our Family Tree. Be sure and check it out. It seems like it will become a great tool for sharing data.
 Here you will find information on the White, Beverly, Doxey families of Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia.
We're also researching the following surnames; Willis and Love in the FL. GA. VA. and N.C. areas.
Please, browse these pages and if you come across a familiar name, someone in your tree, let us know. Maybe we can help each other.



Other Sites of Interest:

Albro Genealogy
MyCinnamonToast Surname Search
Trails To The Past