Aries Lun[t]sford

Loses Ear to Foe  


Richmond County, North Carolina

Historical Facts









State of North Carolina, Richmond County


Deposition relative to the loss of aris luntsfords ear



October Term, 1819



The Subscribers came before me B. H. Covington a justice of the peace for the county aforesaid, this 7th day of August 1819 and made oath, that on Friday last being the 3rd of this instant part of the right ear of Aries Luntsford was bit off in the Town of Rockingham by Laurence Everett, Jun., whilst engaged in committing an assault and battery on the body of said Luntsford, as there deponents do verily believe — they were present at the engagement, and saw the wound immediately after it was inflicted, and they have given this affidavit to shwe strangers and others whom it may concern that the loss of the said ear, was not occasioned by the execution of any judgment or sentence of the law and therefore amounts to no disqualification.


Sworn to 7 August 1819 before me, B. H. Covington, JP.


James Jackson (x his mark)

William Duffie


State of North Carolina     }

Richmond County             }                       October Term 1819


The within instrument of writing was exhibited in open

court by Aries Luntsford and ordered to be registered.


M. D. Crawford, Clerk



Source:  Richmond County Courthouse

Rockingham, Richmond County, North Carolina

Registry, Book "L", Page 227




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