Ancestors of Lazurus Long & Lilieb555 - with connections to others peoples work
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Anna LOSSING5,128 was born about 1813.5,128 She is reference number 4515. Parents: John LOSSING and Daughter HALSTEAD.

Benson LOSSING5,128 was born about 1815.5,128 He is reference number 4516. Parents: John LOSSING and Daughter HALSTEAD.

John LOSSING5,128 was born about 1786.5,128 He is reference number 4514.

Spouse: Daughter HALSTEAD. John LOSSING and Daughter HALSTEAD were married about 1812.5,128 Reference Number:3206 Children were: Anna LOSSING, Benson LOSSING.

Dionysia De LOSTOCK7,97 was born about 1225. Parents: Henry De LOSTOCK.

Spouse: William Le BOTELER. William Le BOTELER and Dionysia De LOSTOCK were married. Children were: Henry BUTLER, Joan Le BOTELER.

Henry De LOSTOCK7,97 was born about 1270.

Children were: Dionysia De LOSTOCK.

LOT. Parents: UR.

LOTHAIR Roi De Lorraine7,370 was born in 827. He died on 8 Aug 869.462 Parents: .

Spouse: WALDRADA. LOTHAIR Roi De Lorraine and WALDRADA were married. Children were: Hugues De LORRAINE, Gisèle De LORRAINE, Ermengarde De LORRAINE, Princess Rome Bertha DE LORRAINE.

Spouse: Theutberga De VALOIS.

IV LOTHAIRE7,221 died in 985. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Name Suffix:<NSFX> IV Parents: King Of France Louis TRANSMARINUS IV and Queen Of France Gerberge Auceps Of FRANCE.

Prince Of Holy Roman Empi LOTHAIRE7,34,198 was born in Aug 778 in , Casseneuil, Lot-Et-Garonne, France. He died in Aug 778. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Prince Of HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9GC D-8F Parents: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL and Princess Of Alemannien Hildegarde DE VINZGAU.

King Of LOTHAIRE II7,221 was born about 823 in Alsace-Lorraine. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]299,465,466 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] He was christened in 843 in Germany - Emperor Carolingian Dynasty. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin]844 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]139,299,465,466 He died on 7 Aug 869 in Plaisance, Italy. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] He was buried about 8 Aug 869. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] He was also known as (King Of Lorraine. He was also known as Lothaire II Lorraine.38,72,139,198,221,299,465,466 He was also known as Lothaire II Lorraine.64,131 He was also known as Lothaire II King Of Lorraine.242 He was also known as Lothar II De Lorraine.34,198 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Burial] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] OCCU King of Lotharingia ...
SOUR HAWKINS.GED says 827; rtz/family says 830, Alsace,
Lorraine, France; COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1276 says ABT 826;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 193 says 827;
SOU R Marriage and the Family in the Middle Ages, Frances and Joseph Gies, p. 94;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 193;
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1 276; ;
SOUR Marriage and the Family in the Mid dle Ages, Frances and Joseph Gies
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p . 193
Because of the struggle with the divorce from his first wife, which was
continually reversed and then confirmed again he died without legal heirs -
M arriage and the Family in the Middle Ages, Frances and Joseph Gies, p. 94;
Kin g of Lorraine - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 193 &

OCCU King of Lotharingia ...
SOUR HAWKINS.GED says 827; www.public.asu.ed u/bgertz/family says 830, Alsace,
Lorraine, France; COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), # 1276 says ABT 826;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 193 says 827;
SOUR Marriage and the Family in the Middle Ages, Frances and Joseph Gies, p. 94;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 193;
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve ), #1276; ;
SOUR Marriage and the Family in th e Middle Ages, Frances and Joseph Gies
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stua rt, p. 193
Because of the struggle with the divorce from his first wife, which was
continually reversed and then confirmed again he died without legal heirs -
Marriage and the Family in the Middle Ages, Frances and Joseph Gies, p. 94;
King of Lorraine - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 193 &

OCCU King of Lotharingia ...
SOUR HAWKINS.GED says 827; www.public.a says 830, Alsace,
Lorraine, France; COMYNI.GED (Compuserv e), #1276 says ABT 826;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 193 says 827;
SOUR Marriage and the Family in the Middle Ages, Frances and Joseph Gies , p. 94;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 193;
COMYNI.GED (Compu serve), #1276; ;
SOUR Marriage and the Family in the Middle Ages, Frances and Joseph Gies
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 193
Because of the struggle with the divorce from his first wife, which was
continually reversed and then confirmed again he died without legal heirs -
Marriage and the Family in the Middle Ages, Frances and Joseph Gies, p . 94;
King of Lorraine - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 193 &

GIVN Lothaire II King of
DATE 15 Dec 2000
HIST: @N2373@

GIVN Lothair II of
SURN Lorraine
NSFX King*

GIVN Lothair II of
NSFX King*
Grt-grandson of Charlemagne. Father of Hugh of Als ace.

RELI Sources: Dee, Danielle Marie. AOL user Dani Dee. File uploadsInd ividual Record FamilySearchr Ancestral File v4.19
--------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------Lothaire II King Of LORRAI NE (AFN: 9GCW-HP) Sex: M
------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------Event(s): Born: Abt 0835 , , Alsace-Lorraine Di ed: 7 Aug 0869 , Plaisance, , Italy
----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------Parents: Father: Lothaire I Emperor Of The HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE ;[KING OFITALY] (AFN: 9HMN-S6) Mother: Ermengarde
Co untess Of TOURS (AFN: 9HMN-TC) ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Marriage(s): Spouse: Waldrade (Walrade), Que en Of LORRAINE (AFN: 9GCW-VL)Marriage:
15 Oct 0862 Spouse: Teutberge Countes s In TUSCANY (AFN: VB42-FH) Marriage: 0855 ------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
DATE 27 MAY 1999

TY PE Title (Facts Pg)
PLAC Roi de Lorraine - The Saxon

DATE 5 MAY 2000

DAT E 5 MAY 2000Name Suffix:<NSFX> King OfName Suffix:<NSFX> King of Lorraine
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9GCW-HP
TITL Smoky Mountain Ancestral Quest Database AUTH David L. Beckwith
MEDI El ectronic
TEXT b 830
TEXT d 07 Aug 869

ES I:2 PED OF A.H.AYERSName Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> King
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9 GCW-HP
Grt-grandson of Charlemagne. Father of Hugh of Alsace. Parents: Emperor \Holy Roman Empir Lothair I Of CAROLINGIA and Queen Of Italy Ermengarde D'ORLEANS.

Spouse: Theutberga De VALOIS.

Spouse: Empress Of Germany ENGELBERGA. King Of LOTHAIRE II and Empress Of Germany ENGELBERGA were married about 850 in Milan (Cousins). Children were: Miss ITALY, Ermengarde Of ITALY.

Spouse: Teutberga Of ST.MAURICE. King Of LOTHAIRE II and Teutberga Of ST.MAURICE were married about 855.

Spouse: Countess Of Tuscany Theutberga De VALOIS. King Of LOTHAIRE II and Countess Of Tuscany Theutberga De VALOIS were married in 855. _FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
_FREL Natural
_MRE L Natural
_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural Children were: Hugh De Lorraine DUC DE ALSACE, Princess Rome Bertha DE LORRAINE, Princess Matilda De LOTHARINGIA, Ermengarde De LORRAINE.

Spouse: Countess Teutberge TUSCANY.

Spouse: Waldrade Queen Of LORRAINE.

Children were: Princess Rome Bertha DE LORRAINE.

Spouse: Queen Of Valdrade LORRAINE. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] They were married before 863. UMAR


SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart
PA GE 193

SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart
PAGE 193

SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart
PAGE 193
QUAY 1 Children were: Hugh Of ALSACE, Duchess Of Gertrude LORRAINE, [Duke Alsace] HUGH, Princess Of Lorraine GISELA, Princess Matilda De LOTHARINGIA, Princess Ermengarde LORRAINE, Princess Rome Bertha DE LORRAINE, Matilda FRIESLAND.

LOTHAR Graf Von Walbeck7,370 died on 25 Jan 978/79. Parents: LOTHAR Graf Von Walbeck and Mathilde Von ARNEBURG.

LOTHAR Graf Von Walbeck7,370 died in 986. Parents: Emperor \Holy Roman Empir Lothair I Of CAROLINGIA and Queen Of Italy Ermengarde D'ORLEANS.

Spouse: Mathilde Von ARNEBURG. LOTHAR Graf Von Walbeck and Mathilde Von ARNEBURG were married. Children were: Eilika Von WALBECK, LOTHAR Graf Von Walbeck, I SIEGFRIED Graf Von Walbeck.

LOTHAR7,102 was born in Jan 777/78. Parents: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL and Princess Of Alemannien Hildegarde DE VINZGAU.

I LOTHAR Graf Von Stade7,368,370 died on 2 Feb 879/80.368 Parents: Graf Von Stade ABBO.

Spouse: Oda Von SACHSEN. I LOTHAR Graf Von Stade and Oda Von SACHSEN were married. Children were: Emperor \Holy Roman Empir Lothair I Of CAROLINGIA.

Princess Matilda De LOTHARINGIA7,34,38,198,221,299 was born in 865 in Of, Friesland, Germany.299 She died before 26 Oct 907 in Hiathabu, Sweden.299 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Ancestral File Number:<AFN> GS5S-KV

TITL Smoky Mountain Ancestral Quest Database AUTH David L. Beckwith MEDI Elec tronic Parents: King Of LOTHAIRE II and Countess Of Tuscany Theutberga De VALOIS. Parents: King Of LOTHAIRE II and Queen Of Valdrade LORRAINE.

Spouse: King Of Haithabu Godefroy La DANOIS. King Of Haithabu Godefroy La DANOIS and Princess Matilda De LOTHARINGIA were married in 882. _FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
TITL Smoky Mountain Ancestral Quest Database
AUT H David L. Beckwith
MEDI Electronic Children were: Countess Of Ringelheim Ragnhildis Ludmilla Of VON FRIESLAND, Sigefred De DANOIS.

Spouse: Gottfried HAROLDSSON. Gottfried HAROLDSSON and Princess Matilda De LOTHARINGIA were married in 882 in Of, Lorraine, France. Children were: Countess Of Ringelheim Ragnhildis Ludmilla Of VON FRIESLAND, Count Sigefred Le Danois GUISNES.

Otto LOTHARINGIA7,33,121,243,248 was born in 888 in Lorainne, France. He died in 944. DATE 15 OCT 1999 Parents: . Parents: Count Of Richwin De VERDUN and Cunigunde Of FRANCE. Parents: Richwin Of VERDUN and Cunigunde Of FRANCE.

Children were: Ermengarde DE LORRAINE.

King Of Lorraine II LOTHARIUS7,490,491 was born about 835. He died on 8 Aug 869. Name Suffix:<NSFX> King of Lorraine Parents: Emperor \Holy Roman Empir Lothair I Of CAROLINGIA and Queen Of Italy Ermengarde D'ORLEANS.

Spouse: Queen Of Valdrade LORRAINE. King Of Lorraine II LOTHARIUS and Queen Of Valdrade LORRAINE were married about 862. Children were: Princess Rome Bertha DE LORRAINE.

LOTHER7,25,26 died about 778.25 He was born in Jul 778.25 He was also known as Atwin. 2 SOUR S0001921
4 TEXT Date of Import: Mar 22, 1999

Created b y:
Pat Adams
2111 Albemarle Terrace
Brooklyn, NY 11226-3905
(718) 469-4032 Parents: Emperor Of The Holy Roman Charlemagne MARTEL and Princess Of Alemannien Hildegarde DE VINZGAU.

Sarah LOTHROP.5,94,126,127

Spouse: Rufus SMEAD.

Anna LOTS.4,5,1106

Spouse: Ludwig KREBS. Children were: Herman KREBS.

Alma Julia LOTT.188

Spouse: Van Evans MCCLELLAND.

Charles M. LOTT3,473 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 49527.

Spouse: Mary Ann LARKINS. Charles M. LOTT and Mary Ann LARKINS were married on 6 May 1852 in Seneca County, Ohio.3,473 Reference Number:870532

Peter LOTT5,128 was born about 1658.5,128 He is reference number 2942.

Spouse: Sarah C. HALSTEAD. Peter LOTT and Sarah C. HALSTEAD were married. Reference Number:13123

Peter LOTT5,128 was born about 1710.5,128 He is reference number 2928.

Spouse: Sarah HALSTEAD. Peter LOTT and Sarah HALSTEAD were married. Reference Number:4692

Sarah LOTT5,128 was born about 1828.5,128

Spouse: Sylvester BROWER. Sylvester BROWER and Sarah LOTT were married. Children were: Susan E. BROWER.

William LOTT5,128 was born about 1833.5,128 He is reference number 8557.

Spouse: Jane W. FORD. William LOTT and Jane W. FORD were married. Reference Number:32136


Spouse: Benjamin MOYE. Children were: MOYE, Alfred MOYE, Elisabeth MOYE, William MOYE, Mary Jane MOYE.

Charlie LOTTA.19

Spouse: Lisa Ann RIDER.

LOTTIE3,401 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 73731.

Spouse: William COINER. William COINER and LOTTIE were married. Reference Number:1206878


Spouse: Walter E. HILTY.

Joan De Seint LOU7,82 was born before 1351 in , Wiltshire, England.

Spouse: John CHIDIOCKE. John CHIDIOCKE and Joan De Seint LOU were married on 8 Nov 1375 in , Wiltshire, England. Children were: John CHIDIOCKE.

Living LOU.3

Spouse: Living RAKES.

Stella LOU.523

Spouse: John ZELL.

LOUANNA3,405 was born WFT Est 1832-1852.3,405 She died WFT Est 1853-1936.3,405 She is reference number 98316.

Spouse: Leehugh MONTGOMERY. Leehugh MONTGOMERY and LOUANNA were married WFT Est 1853-1886.3,405 Reference Number:1554419

Mary Elizabeth LOUCK3,387,392 died Unknown.3,387 She is reference number 61534.

Spouse: Wiliam Henry BOWEN. Wiliam Henry BOWEN and Mary Elizabeth LOUCK were married on 9 Apr 1886.3,387,392 Reference Number:1042394

Peter Stauffer LOUCKS3,281 was born on 3 May 1841.3,281 He died on 6 Nov 1897.3,281 He is reference number 52849.

Spouse: Mary BOYD. Peter Stauffer LOUCKS and Mary BOYD were married on 29 May 1878.3,281 Reference Number:119424

Edward LOUDER.3

Spouse: Lula DEAN.

Elizabeth LOUDER5,94,126,127 was born on 11 Feb 1802 in Newburyport, Mass.5,94,126,127 She is reference number 15643.

Spouse: The Third Richard TRUESDELL. The Third Richard TRUESDELL and Elizabeth LOUDER were married on 10 Sep 1823 in Newburyport, Mass.5,94,127 Reference Number:104728 Children were: John William TRUESDELL.

Nancy LOUDER7,188 was born about 1785 in VA. She died in Delaware Co., IN. She appeared in the census in Delaware Co., IN. 301A 25 Stump Anna 34 Ohio pg0293A.txt
301A 31 Stump Elizabeth 2 Ind pg0293A.txt
301A 27 Stump George W 9 Ind pg0293A.txt
301A 24 Stump Joseph 33 Ohio pg0293A.txt
301A 30 Stump Louisa 4 Ind pg0293A.txt
301A 32 Stump Lucinda 5/12 Ohio pg0293A.txt
301A 26 Stump Mary A 11 Ind pg0293A.txt
301A 23 Stump Nancy 65 Virginia < pg0293A.txt
301A 29 Stump Nancy J 6 Ind pg0293A.txt
301A 28 Stump William J 8 Ind pg0293A.txt

Spouse: Leonard STUMP. Leonard STUMP and Nancy LOUDER were married. Children were: Joseph STUMP, Mary STUMP.

Elizabeth LOUDERMILK3,483 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 58280. [boyd-trees.ged]



Spouse: Thomas SMITHERMAN. Thomas SMITHERMAN and Elizabeth LOUDERMILK were married. Reference Number:997293 Children were: John D. SMITHERMAN, Thomas SMITHERMAN.

James LOUDERMILK3,41 was born in .3,41 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 85810. Parents: William LOUDERMILK and Sarah HARRIS.

William LOUDERMILK3,41 was born in .3,41 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 85808.

Spouse: Sarah HARRIS. William LOUDERMILK and Sarah HARRIS were married in Mitchell Co., KS..3,41 Reference Number:1383113 Children were: James LOUDERMILK.

Sarah Lovedin Or LOUEDIN4,5 was born about 1723.4,5 She was buried on 5 Feb 1809 in Winwick, Hunts, England.4,5 She is reference number BU2501s. [master ged.FTW]


!Marriage: Winwick AND Hemington Parish Registers
Burial: Winwick Parish Register

Spouse: Edmund BRIGHT. Edmund BRIGHT and Sarah Lovedin Or LOUEDIN were married on 21 Nov 1743 in Winwick, Hunts, England.4,5 Children were: Edmund BRIGHT, Mary BRIGHT, Samuel BRIGHT, Thomas BRIGHT, Sarah BRIGHT, Elizabeth BRIGHT, William BRIGHT.

LOUELLA395 was born in MO Based On Lena's 1930 Census.395 She died in Before The 1920 Census.395 She was buried in New Hope Cem Dent Co MO.395

Spouse: Harden PRUITT. Harden PRUITT and LOUELLA were married. Children were: Lena Elizabeth PRUITT, Mildred PRUITT.

Dan LOUGH5,128 was born about 1866.5,128 He is reference number 3998.

Spouse: Nannie Jane ROSE. Dan LOUGH and Nannie Jane ROSE were married. Reference Number:3013

Hannah LOUGH3,41 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 86015.

Spouse: Abraham SITES. Abraham SITES and Hannah LOUGH were married. Reference Number:1385423 Children were: Elizabeth SITES.

Living LOUGH.395

Spouse: Living HALBROOK.

Lydia C. LOUGH.19

Spouse: John M. DOUTHIT.

Sarah E. LOUGH7,138 was born in 1850.

Spouse: Isaac Newton Smith\ WALTON. Isaac Newton Smith\ WALTON and Sarah E. LOUGH were married on 17 Oct 1867 in Ritchie Co, VA..

James LOUGHEED3,618 was born in 1779 in Co. Sligo, Ireland.3,618 He died on 23 Dec 1873 in Toronto, Ontario.3,618 He is reference number 2255. Parents: William Lougheed BOYD.

Spouse: ALLEN. James LOUGHEED and ALLEN were married in 1804 in New York, NY.3,618 Reference Number:48525 Children were: Sarah LOUGHEED.

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