
Oct 20th, 2000 

Meeting of "Le Club Belge" for Election of the first Executive

Algemeene Vergadering van 5 November, 1905
General Meeting of 5th of November 1905

De voorzitter opent de zitting on 4 ft uren. De secretaris leest her versiag der voorgaande zitting. Dit versiag is goedgekeurd van al de leded, en men gaat over tot de algemeene kiezing.

The [acting] Chairman opened the meeting at 4 o'clock. The [acting] Secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting. The minutes were accepted and hthe meeting continued with the election [of the Executive]

Elected were:

Voorzitter (Chairman)
Onder-voorzitter (
Vice Chairman)
Secretaris (
Hulp-secretaris (
Assistant Secretary)
Schatbewaarder (

Raadgevers (

Komissarissen (

Louis DeNobele (#1 in picture

Pier Bossuyt
Albert Doigny
#2 in picture)
Remisius De Voider
Remisius Claeys

Theophile Elewaut
(#3 in picture)
Bruno Verhaeghe
Edward Lammens

Emiel Maes
Julius De Craerre