"Christly" Heim

"Christly" Heim was born October 26, 1799, and died March 30, 1879. He was one of the most conspicuous characters in the history of Blooming Grove. He was of an intensely religious temperament, and had a great dread of innovations.
During his ministry he baptized many persons. About 1855 he became so concerned about the religious life of the young people that he visited from house to house and conducted cottage prayer meetings, pleading with the people to repent and be baptized. This effort resulted in the baptism of eighteen young men and twenty-two young women at one time, besides others at a later date.Doctor Adams was among the number. He was the oracle of the settlement and his opinions were generally respected, though sometimes very radical. He opposed store hats for women, and preached a sermon against them, preferring that they use caps and sunbonnets. On one occasion he met a young lady relative from Anthony, on the street in Williamsport; she was carrying a parasol; he accosted her thus: "Why do you carry that? Are you too proud to have the sun that God made shine on you?"
At one time he thought some of the young men were becoming too fond of hard cider, when he wrote them appealing letters for reform.
Such occasional incidents did not weaken his hold upon the people, and to this day his precepts are held sacred by those who knew him. Being ready of speech and familiar with Scriptures he took part in the services, and when other leaders became old, he was urged forward to leadership, without any furtherformality.
There have been no baptisms since his death. He married but one couple, when he shrank from the responsibility and often declined. After Doctor Haller died Rev. Gustav. Shultz usually performed the marriage ceremony, though some preferred 'Squire Johnathan Wilson.