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Isaac Cantrell, Jr. 4 (Isaac 3, Joseph 2, Richard 1)
was probably born in New Castle county, PA. That Isaac Cantrell
and his family went to the Carolinas is certain, but we do not
know to what section they first moved. It is claimed that Isaac
and James Cantrell were the first of th name to settle in Spartan-
burg county, S.C., but whether this was Isaac Cantrell, Sr., or
Isaac Cantrell, Jr., isnot known. This branch of the family were
later joined in South Carolina by their uncle John Cantrell, who
came from North Carolina.
Isaac Cantrell settled on Pacolet river, where he owned large
tracts of land, near where Buck creek church now is. He married
twice, the name of his first wife is not known; (2) Mary Leonard.
The first two chilcren were by his first wife. He died in 1805 and
his will was probated in Spartanburg county.
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Will of Isaac Cantrell
"I give and bequeat unto my loving wife, Mary Cantrell, all
my real and personal estate, during the time of her natural life, or
widowhood, except the money that is now in my hands.
" I will that it be equally divided amongst all my children, ex-
cept my son Elijah Cantrell's heirs; to the two children he left at
his decease, I will that they have of my estate ten shillings between
"I also except George Pirtle, and my grandson, Isaac Pirtle,
George Pirtle's son. I give and bequeath to George Pirtle five
shillings and to my grandson, Isaac Pirtle, five shillings.
" I aslo give and bequeath to my son Enoch Cantrell and his
heirs, after the decease of my wife, one negro boy named Watt.
" I also give to my son Lanceford one negro named Sam.
"I also give to my son Abraham one negro woman, Poll, except
her increase.
"I also give to my son Caleb, the child the wench now has named
Will, if he dies before he is ten years old, then to have the next
living child, and the other increase left to the disposal of my wife:
if no living children, the wench to be equally divided between
Abraham and Caleb, at the decrease of my wife.
"I also will that my wife give the children that are now under
her care, when they leave her what she thinks necessary, and also
will that she give Nimrod such necessaries as the rest had, when
she thinks good.
(Signed) "Isaac Cantrell.
"Mary Cantrell.
"George Pirtle."
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In 1830 Mary, widow of Isaac Cantrell, by a deed of gift gave
a number of negroes and a large tract of land to her children: Nim-
rod, Caleb, Abraham, Lanceford aand Enoch and grandchildren:
Mark Cantrell, Peter Cantrell (sons of Elijah), and Isaac Pirtle.