White Co., TN | 1869, 1872, 1874, 1875 |
White County Tennessee Deed Book Y, Pages 241-245 R. F. Cooke et. al. | To | Deed R. C. Pirtle | One 50 � Revenue Stamp Canceled State of Tennessee, Putnam County. Know all men by these presents, that we Richard F. Cooke and Elizabeth Byers for and in consideration of the Sum of Forty Dollars to us in hand paid do hereby relinquish all the right, title claim and interest that we have to an undivided tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of White and State aforesaid, and on the waters of Townsand's Mill Creek and in Civil Districts No. 5th & 6th, and containing by estimation about Two Hundred Acres be the Same more or less, unto Robert C. Pirtle his heirs and assigns forever, it being a tract of land that Jesse A. Cooke died Seized and possessed of and part of a tract known as the Robert Cooke old place. In witness whereof we have hereunto Set our hands and Seals this October 20th, 1869. Test R. L. Lindsey Richard F. Cooke Seal M. L. Byers Elizabeth Byers Seal State of Tennessee | Putnam County | Personally appeared before me E. A. Stone Clerk of the County Court of Said County R. L. Lindsey and M. L. Byers the Subscribing witnesses to the within Deed, who being first duly Sworn deposed and Said that they were acquainted with Elisabeth Byers & Richard F. Cooke the within bargainers and that they acknowledged in their presence the due execution of the within and foregoing Deed to be their act and deed for the uses & purposes therein expressed. Witness my hand at office on this 23rd day of Oct. 1869. E. A. Stone Clk Thomas Jones et al | To | Deed R. C. Pirtle | State of Tennessee, White County, Know all men by these presents that we Thomas Jones and Susannah Jones for and in consideration of the sum of Five Dollars to us in hand paid do hereby relinquish all the right and title claim and interest that we have to an undivided tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of White and State aforesaid and on the waters of Townsand's Mill Creek and in Civil Districts No. 5th & 6th and containing by estimation about Two Hundred Acres be the same more or less, unto Robert C. Pirtle his heirs and assigns forever, it being a tract of land that Jesse A. Cooke died seized and possessed of and part of a tract known as the Robert Cooke old place. In witness whereof we have hereunto Set our hands and Seals this March the 25th 1872. In the presence of his S. W. Johnson Thomas X Jones Seal his mark J. E. X King, proved her mark Susana X Jones Seal mark State of Tennessee | White County | Personally appeared before me F. M. Sims Clerk of the County Court of Said County, S. W. Johnson and John King the Subscribing witnesses to the within Deed and after being duly Sworn according to law deposed and Say they are acquainted with Thomas Jones and Susannah Jones the within bargainers and that they Signed and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Deed of conveyance in their presence for the purposes and things therein named. Witness my hand at office the 26th day of October 1874. F. M. Sims Clerk Field and noted in Reception Book, No. 2, page 9, Jany 20, 1875 at 10 O'Clock A.M. William Holton, Register R. C. Pirtle, et al | To | Deed C. & W. T. Anderson | We Robert C. Pirtle and Ursley C. Pirtle for and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred and Ninety Five Dollars to us in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged have this day bargained and Sold and do hereby transfer and convey unto Charles Anderson and William T. Anderson and their heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land containing by estimation Two Hundred Acres, Situate lying and being in White County, Tennessee, in the 5th and 6th Civil Districts of Said County, in two tracts, and bounded as follows, viz: 1st Tract, Beginning on a black walnut on the North Side of Said Creek and running 30 East, 132 poles from the house occupied by the Said R. C. Pirtle, thence South crossing the Creek to a white oak standing in a hollow nearly North of the Grave Yard near Jacob Pirtle's old house being marked as a conditional corner between Jacob Pirtle and S. D. Arnold and R. C. Pirtle, thence with Said Conditional line down Said hollow on a westerly direction on a plain marker line to the West boundary line of Said tract to a stake in Said line on the South Side of Said Creek, thence North crossing Said Creek and up a branch to a double white oak at a rock near the ore bank, thence East 154 poles to the beginning. Supposed to contain 131 Acres. 2nd Tract, Containing by estimation 60 Acres and bounded as follows viz: Beginning on a black walnut and a rock the Northeast and beginning corner of the above described tract and near the Spring branch of Sarah Montgomery running from Said black walnut and rock a Northwest corner and conditional line 146 poles to a spanish oak, thence West 29 poles to a Spanish oak corner, thence South 103 poles to a stake and pointers on the North boundary line of the above described 131 Acre tract, thence East 136 poles to the beginning: to have and to ;hold unto the Said Charles and W. T. Andersons their heirs and assigns forever, two & three eights of the above described tracts of land, We covenant with thee Said Charles & W. T. Anderson that we are lawfully seized and possessed of the Said 2 3/8 of Said tracts of land and the Same is unincumbered and we have good right to convey the same, we further covenant with the Said Charles Anderson and Wm T. Anderson their heirs and assigns to forever warrant & defend the title to Said 2 3/8 interest of Said land against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 19th day of January A.D. 1875. Interlined before Signed Test F. M. Sims R. C. Pirtle Seal John M. Anderson her Ursley X Pirtle Seal mark State of Tennessee | White County | Personally appeared before me F. M. Sims Clerk of the County Court of Said County, Robert C. Pirtle the within bargainer with whom I am personally acquainted and acknowledged that he executed the within Deed of conveyance for the purposed and things therein expressed and Ursley C. Pirtle wife of the Said Robert C. Pirtle appeared before me Separate and apart from her Said husband and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Deed to have been done by her freely voluntarily and understandingly, and for the purposes and things therein named, without restraint or compulsion of her said husband. Witness my hand at office the 19th day of January 1875. F. M. Sims Clerk Filed and noted in Reception Book, No. 2, page 9, January 20, 1875, at 3 O'Clock P.M. William Holton, Register Transcribed By: James R. Blanks 114 Somerset Lane Tullahoma, TN 37388 August 15, 2001 Note: The previous deeds refer to land owned by Jesse A. Cooke, son of Robert Cooks from his 2nd marriage. Jesse A. Cooke is buried in the Cooke Family Cemetery near Shady Grove in White County TN. He was born March 12, 1826 and died January 8, 1848 . He was not married.