Serepta A. Clark

Serepta A. Clark

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Born: 16 Sep 1854
Sangamon Co., Illinois

Died: 29 Jun 1937
Blockton, Iowa
Buried: 1937
Rose Hill Cemetery, Blockton, Iowa



Samuel Warden
f: Daniel Warden
   gf: Samuel H. Warden
   gm: Margaret Fuller
m: Mary Jane Langdon

Married: 19 Feb 1873


Anna Warden
Alice Warden
Carrie Warden
Vesta Warden
Frank R. Warden
  +Annette Hulderson
        Clark Warden
        Susan Warden

Photo Archive

Samuel  Warden
Serepta A. Clark
Mary Jane Warden
Samuel and Serepta Warden's Home
Honey Grove, Worth Co., MO, Cemetery
Samuel  Warden
Serepta A. Clark
Sella A. Warden Tombstone

General Sources

  1. [mcgee4.GED]

    Obituary stated she was one of seven children. To her marriage eightchildren were born, two died in infancy. Surviving children were: Mrs.J. T. Maloy of Bedford; Mrs. W. C. Smith of Maryville, Missouri; Mrs.H.A. Smith of Shenandoah; Miss Angie Warden and Frank R. Warden of DesMoines; Miss Vesta Warden of Fort Dodge. Also surviving were threegrandchildren and three great grandchildren; Lillian Beard, Dr. W H.Maloy, Warden Smith, Guinivere Beaard, Gordon Berd, and John ThompsonMaloy.
  2. 1880 Census
    1880 Census - Ringgold County, Iowa Jul 13, 1880
    |d# |f# |name            |r|s|Ag|rel     |s|m|occu         |m|birth   |Fath|mother  |twp
    |109|110|Warden, Samuel  |w|m|27|        | |x|Farmer       |x|Iowa    |Ohio|        |District 198
    |   |   |Warden, Serrepta|w|f|26|wife    | |x|Keeping House| |Illinois|Ohio|        |
    |   |   |Warden, Anna    |w|f|5 |daughter|x| |             | |Missouri|Iowa|Illinois|
    |   |   |Warden, Alice   |w|f|3 |daughter|x| |             | |Iowa    |Iowa|Illinois|
    |   |   |Warden, Carrie  |w|f|1 |daughter|x| |             | |Iowa    |Iowa|Illinois|
  3. 1900 Census
    1880 Census - Ringgold County, Iowa Jul 13, 1880
    |d# |f# |name            |r|s|Ag|rel     |s|m|occu         |m|birth   |Fath|mother  |twp
    |109|110|Warden, Samuel  |w|m|27|        | |x|Farmer       |x|Iowa    |Ohio|        |District 198
    |   |   |Warden, Serrepta|w|f|26|wife    | |x|Keeping House| |Illinois|Ohio|        |
    |   |   |Warden, Anna    |w|f|5 |daughter|x| |             | |Missouri|Iowa|Illinois|
    |   |   |Warden, Alice   |w|f|3 |daughter|x| |             | |Iowa    |Iowa|Illinois|
    |   |   |Warden, Carrie  |w|f|1 |daughter|x| |             | |Iowa    |Iowa|Illinois|
  4. 1900 Census
    1900 Census - Taylor County, Iowa - June 13, 1900
    |s|hn |fn |Name             |rel     |r|s|birth    |ag|m|ym|n|l|birth   |fath|mother  |occu           |m|a|rd |wri|eng|o|f
    |K|234|237|Warden, Samuel   |Head    |w|m|June 1854|46|m|26| | |Iowa    |Ohio|Kansas  |Insurance Agent|0| |yes|yes|yes|0|m
    | |   |   |Warden, Serepta  |wife    |w|f|Sep 1855 |44|m|26|8|6|Illinois|Ohio|Illinois|               | | |yes|yes|yes| |
    | |   |   |Warden, Carrie E |daughter|w|f|Feb 1879 |21|s|  | | |Iowa    |Iowa|Illinois|at school      | |5|yes|yes|yes| |
    | |   |   |Warden, Angie B. |daughter|w|f|Jan 1888 |12|s|  | | |Iowa    |Iowa|Illinois|at school      | |9|yes|yes|yes| |
    | |   |   |Warden, Arestis I|daughter|w|f|June 1890|9 |s|  | | |Iowa    |Iowa|Illinois|at school      | |9|yes|yes|yes| |
    | |   |   |Warden, Frank R. |son     |w|m|May 1895 |5 |s|  | | |Iowa    |Iowa|Illinois|               | |0|   |   |   | |
  5. 1920 Census
    1920 Census - Taylor County, Iowa - -January 21, 1920
    |sa |h# |Name           |r|h|f|s|r|ag|m|rd |wri|birth   |fath|mother  |trade|type     |em|twp
    |121|122|Warden, Sam L. |H|O|F|m|w|65|m|yes|yes|Iowa    |Ohio|Kansas  |agent|insurance|OA|Jefferson-Dist. 146
    |   |   |Warden,SarapteJ|w| | |f|w|65|M|yes|yes|Illinois|Ohio|Illinois|     |         |  |
    |   |   |Warden, Annie B|D| | |f|w|28|S|yes|yes|Iowa    |Iowa|Illinois|     |         |  |
  6. 1910 Census
    1910 Census - Taylor Co., Iowa - April 20, 1910
    |hn|fn|Name              |rel     |r|s|ag|m|ym|n|l|birth   |fath|mother  |    |occu    |rd |wri|twp
    |82|82|Warden, Samuel L. |Head    |m|w|56|m|36| | |Iowa    |Ohio|Kansas  |Eng.|        |Yes|Yes|Jefferson - Dist. 136
    |  |  |Warden, Serepta A.|Wife    |f|w|56|m|26|8|6|Illinois|Ohio|Illinois|Eng.|        |Yes|Yes|
    |  |  |Warden, Annie B.  |daughter|f|w|21|s|  | | |Iowa    |Iowa|Illinois|Eng.|        |Yes|Yes|
    |  |  |Warden, Vesta     |daughter|f|w|19|s|  | | |Iowa    |Iowa|Illinois|Eng.|        |Yes|Yes|
    |  |  |Warden, Frank R.  |son     |m|w|17|s|  | | |Iowa    |Iowa|Illinois|Eng.|news boy|Yes|Yes|


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